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Financial Distress & Bankruptcy

Date post: 20-Feb-2018
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  • 7/24/2019 Financial Distress & Bankruptcy


    Financial Distress &

    BankruptcyDr. Kumar Bijoy

    Financial Consultant

    [email protected]!""##

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]
  • 7/24/2019 Financial Distress & Bankruptcy


    $ick %nustrial Company

    ' (rm is sai to )e )ankrupt if it is una)leto meet its current o)li*ations to thecreitors.

    +he $ick %nustrial Companies ,$pecial-roisions/ 'ct 198! or $%C' e(nes asick inustry as an inustrial company,)ein* a company re*istere for not lessthan (e years/ 2hich has at the en ofany (nancial year accumulate lossese3ual to or e4ceein* its net 2orth5.

  • 7/24/2019 Financial Distress & Bankruptcy


    6eak 7niton $$%

    ' non:$$% unit is Weak if itsaccumulation of losses as at the enof any accountin* year resulte inthe erosion of (fty percent or moreofits peak net 2orthin the immeiately

    precein* four accountin* years.

  • 7/24/2019 Financial Distress & Bankruptcy


    $ick$$% unit

    $ick $$% unit ,as per ;B%/< 2hen anyof its )orro2e account has )ecomea ou)tful aance i.e. principal or

    interest in respect of any of its)orro2e account has remaineoerue for perios e4ceein* t2o

    an half years an there is erosion innet 2orth ue to accumulate cashlosses to the e4tent of !0= or more

    of its peak net 2orth urin* the

  • 7/24/2019 Financial Distress & Bankruptcy


    %n case of any tiny>ecentrali?esector units if re3uisite (nancialata is not aaila)le a unit may )econsiere as sick if theloan>aance in 2hich any amount to

    )e receie has remaine past uefor one year or more.

  • 7/24/2019 Financial Distress & Bankruptcy


    Business Failure

    Causes of Business Failure< conomic factor ,A.1=/

    %nustry 2eakness poor location etc

    Financial factor ,.A=/

    er leera*in* insucient capital e*lect isorer an frau ,1.0=/

    ther factors ,1.#=/

    $ource< Dun & Brastreet %nc. Business failurerecor

  • 7/24/2019 Financial Distress & Bankruptcy



    4ternal factors

    Earket recession

    Chan*e in ot policies

    %ncrease competition -rolon*e -o2er supply or fuel supply cuts

    -rolon*e scarcity of ;E an Ga)or

    Chan*es in consumer )uyin* pattern

    $hrinkin* eman

    %nae3uate funs

    atural calamities

  • 7/24/2019 Financial Distress & Bankruptcy


    %nternal factors -oor plannin*


    Frauulent practices anmisappropriation of funs )y themana*ement

    Ga)or unrest

    +echnolo*ical o)solescence

    Disputes amon* promoters

  • 7/24/2019 Financial Distress & Bankruptcy


    Causes of )ankruptcy;B%stuy

    Cause percentage

    Eismana*ement !"

    Faulty initial plannin* 1Ga)or pro)lem "

    Earket recession "A

    thers 9


  • 7/24/2019 Financial Distress & Bankruptcy


    $ymptoms of Bankruptcy

    -rouction< Go2 capacity utili?ation

    Hi*h operatin* cost

    Failure of prouction lines

    'ccumulation of (nishe *oos

    $ales an marketin*< Decline in sales

    Goss of istri)ution to competitors

  • 7/24/2019 Financial Distress & Bankruptcy


    Finance< %ncrease )orro2in* at e4or)itant rates

    %ncrease )orro2in* a*ainst assets

    Delay in paya)les like salaries interestetc

    Default at term loans

    persistent cash losses

  • 7/24/2019 Financial Distress & Bankruptcy


    thers< ' eclinin* tren in market price per


    ;api turnoer of key personal

    Fre3uent chan*es in accountin* policies

    Fre3uent chan*es in accountin* years

    for uneclare reasons

  • 7/24/2019 Financial Distress & Bankruptcy


    -reiction of )ankruptcy

    ' stuy of (nancial ratios for ! years,)efore sickness/ are useful in preictin*the failure of a (rm

    Eoels use for preictions are< Beaer Eoel

    6ilco4 Eoel

    Blum EarcIs Failin* Company Eoel

    'ltmanIs J score Eoel

    'r*enti $core Boar

    G C upta Eoel

  • 7/24/2019 Financial Distress & Bankruptcy


    Beaer Eoel First to make a conscious eort to use

    (nancial ratios as preictors of failure.

    De(ne failure as ina)ility to pay its(nancial o)li*ation as they mature5

    7se A0 ratios classi(e uner # cate*ories +he ratio of cash Lo2 to total e)t 2as

    foun to )e the )est sin*le preictor offailure.

    +he stuy further reeale that (nancialratios are useful in preiction of failure of atleast (e years prior to eent.

  • 7/24/2019 Financial Distress & Bankruptcy


    6ilco4 Eoel

    et li3uiation alue ,GM/ of the(rm is the )est inicator of its(nancial health.

    GM is the ierence )et2eenli3uiation alue of (rmIs asset anlia)ilities.

    Gi3uiation alue is the market alueof the assets an lia)ilities ifli3uiate at that point of stuy

  • 7/24/2019 Financial Distress & Bankruptcy


    Blum EarcIs Failin* Company Eoel

    -reicts the (nancial health of a (rmusin* 1" ratios iie into A *roups< Gi3uiity ratios

    -ro(ta)ility ratios

    Maria)ility ratios

    %t trie to accurately preict failure anra2 a istinction )et2een )ankrupt annon:)ankrupt (rms

  • 7/24/2019 Financial Distress & Bankruptcy


    'ltmanIs J score Eoel

    Base on the fact that arious ratios2hen use in com)inations can hae)etter preictie a)ility than 2hen

    use iniiually. "" ratios consiere in arious


    7se multiple iscriminant analysis,ED'/ to istin*uish )et2een)ankrupt an non:)ankrupt (rms.

  • 7/24/2019 Financial Distress & Bankruptcy


    ut of these "" ratios a (nal set of !ratios 2ere selecte as they 2erefoun to )e )etter preictorIs of


    6ei*hts 2ere *ien to these ratioson the )asis of their si*ni(cance to

    preict health of the (rm. J:score eelope on the )asis of

    these ratios is< Z = 1.2X1+ 1.4X2+

    3.3X3+ 0.6X4+ 1.0X5

  • 7/24/2019 Financial Distress & Bankruptcy


    Z = 1.2X1+ 1.4X2+ 3.3X3+ 0.6X4

    + 1.0X5

    J N iscriminant score

    O1N 2orkin* capital>+otal 'ssets

    O"N ;etaine arnin*s>+otal 'ssets

    OAN B%+>+otal 'ssets ON EM of e3uity>BM of e)t

    O!N $ales >+otal 'ssets

    Z Score Class!caton

    P1.81 Bankrupt (rm

    1.81 Q ".99 'rea of i*norance

    R".99 Healthy (rm

  • 7/24/2019 Financial Distress & Bankruptcy


    'r*enti $core Boar

    S. 'r*enti in his article TCompany FailureQ Gon* ;an*e preiction is ot nou*hIeelope a score )oar for ealuatin*

    the health of the (rm. +he moel is )ase on the numerical

    assessment of the (rmIs 2eaknesses.

    +he 2eaknesses are classi(e as< Defects



  • 7/24/2019 Financial Distress & Bankruptcy


    Defects< in mana*ement score

    8 +he C is an autocrat He is also the chairman

    " -assie )oar Qan autocrat 2ill see to that

    " 7n)alance )oar Q too many en*ineers or too many(nance types

    " 6eak (nance irector 1 -oor mana*ement epth

    1! -oor response to chan*e ol fashione proucto)solete factory ol irectors out:of:ate marketin*

    A o )u*ets or )u*etary controls A o cash Lo2 plans

    A o costin* system

    43 total" pass s#oul$ %e less t#an 10

  • 7/24/2019 Financial Distress & Bankruptcy



    1!< Hi*h leera*e (rm coul *et intotrou)le

    1!< ertrain* Co. e4panin* faster

    than its funin* Capital )ase too small 1!< Bi* project *one 2ron*

    45 total" &ass s#oul$ %e less t#an15

  • 7/24/2019 Financial Distress & Bankruptcy



    < (nancial si*ns such as J:score appear nearfailure

    < Creatie accountin* C is the (rst to see si*nof failure an in an attempt to hie it from creitors

    an the )anks an accounts are *losse oer5 )yoeraluin* stocks lo2er epreciation etc.

    < on Q (nancial si*ns such as untiy ocesfro?en salaries lo2 morale hi*h sta turnoer

    rumors 12" total score

    100" 'ran$ total &ass s#oul$ %e less t#an 25

  • 7/24/2019 Financial Distress & Bankruptcy


    G C upta Eoel

    First %nian Eoel propose to preictfailure

    He use !# ratios cate*ori?e aspro(ta)ility ratios an )alance sheetratios.

    +he moel 2as foun to hae a hi*h

    e*ree of accuracy in preictin*sickness for ":A years )efore failure.

  • 7/24/2019 Financial Distress & Bankruptcy




    BD%+> et $ales


    BD%+> ,+otal 'ssets U 'ccumulateDepreciation/

    CF> +'

    BD%+> ,%nterest U 0."! De)t/

    Balance sheet 6>+otal De)t

    'll >$ Gia)ilities>+an*i)le 'ssets
