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Find out more about the M+W Energy Center in Dresden

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Energy Center AMD Fab 36 Dresden Advanced Electrical Power, Hot and Chilled Water Supply System
Energy Center AMD Fab 36 Dresden Advanced Electrical Power, Hot and Chilled Water Supply System
Page 1: Find out more about the M+W Energy Center in Dresden

Energy CenterAMD Fab 36 Dresden

Advanced Electrical Power, Hot and Chilled Water Supply System

Page 2: Find out more about the M+W Energy Center in Dresden

AMD has established a second production

plant for microprocessor manufacturing in

Dresden. When Fab 30 was erected years

ago, it was decided by AMD management

to get 100% of energy supply by a cogen-

eration plant (EVC). Encouraged by this

favourable experience, AMD Management

decided to duplicate the model and to in-

stall a second independent Energy Center

for supplying 100% of the required energy

to the new facility AMD Fab 36.

A consortium consisting of the companies

Air Liquide GmbH, Düsseldorf and

DREWAG Stadtwerke Dresden GmbH

received the commission to supply electri-

cal power together with hot and chilled

water by the erection and ownership of a

Trigeneration plant on a site provided by

AMD Fab 36.

The consortium commissioned the con-

struction of the plant on the basis of spark

ignition engines.

Natural gas was selected as fuel to

guarantee low environmental impacts.

Best values for electrical and total effi cien-

cy are achieved by selecting highly effi cient

components for power generation, heat

recovery systems and chilled water genera-

tion. System design and module sizing are

targeted on lowest primary energy con-

sumption rates at 100% reliability without

any interruption. The plant is designed to

be operated in parallel to the grid as well

as in island mode in case of grid blackouts.

Economical • Ecological • 100% Reliable

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M+W Group were selected to design,

erect and commission the plant to meet

the specifi cations set by AMD Fab 36.

The construction phase lasted 13 months.

The consortium took over the Plant

on April 1st 2005 as planned to deliver

the various energies to AMD Fab 36.

The plant is designed as a high effi cient,

closely controlled unit able to provide all

necessary supplies to operate a semiconduc-

tor manufacturing facility and consists of

• supply systems to the plant for natural

gas, city water and auxiliary services

• gas engine units with associated exhaust

heat recovery boilers, heat exchangers

and engine cooling loops

• direct heated auxiliary boilers

(natural gas) for backup

• absorption and mechanical chillers

with cooling towers

• all necessary auxiliary equipment

to operate the plant at the designed

specifi cation

The design has been developed using the

experiences gained during the commis-

sioning and operation of the already exist-

ing Trigeneration Plant for AMD Fab 30.

AMD Fab 36 will ramp up the production

during a time period of several years.

Therefore the EVC 2 design encompasses

two phases for build out. All equipment

for phase two will be commissioned under

normal operation of the plant without

interruptions or excursions in quality of

the energies supplied to AMD Fab 36.

The systems have been prepared to

establish this build out accordingly.

Time Schedule

According to the requirements of the

semiconductor industry the design and

construction of the energy center has been

accomplished under a fast track approach

with the following major milestones:

• Start conceptual design

November 2003

• Contract award to M+W Group

March 08, 2004

• Start earthwork / groundbreaking

March 12, 2004

• Start building construction

April 19, 2004

• Start MEP installation

June 25, 2004

• Building temporarily watertight

July 27, 2004

• Start Installation fi rst gas engine unit

July 28, 2004

• First fi ring gas engine unit

November 03, 2004

• Mechanical completion

December 15, 2004

• Start up mechanical plant

January 10, 2005

• Start up of gas engine heat recovery unit

February 01, 2005

• Commercial operation of the plant

(Handover) March 30, 2005

Scope of Work

Page 4: Find out more about the M+W Energy Center in Dresden

Total design and construction period

17 months until commercial operation.

Fine tuning of the plant under operating

conditions to achieve the optimum perfor-

mance of the plant lasting 3 months after


Basic assumptions

The quality requirements of AMD Fab 36

for the electric power supply cannot be

guaranteed by the public 110-kV-grid. In

addition, the supply of heat and cold from

the heat recovery of electricity generation

offers a high effi ciency with a minimum of

primary energy input.

Therefore AMD decided again to be sup-

plied with energy and other media by a

dedicated TriGen plant. To ensure the

security of supplies and to enable the

export of any surplus electrical power, a

110/20-kV-transformer substation with

110-kV-grid supply connection was

erected and connected adjacent to the

TriGen plant.

Operating Capacities

Required data of the project

For the semiconductor manufacturing

process AMD requires uninterrupted

stable conditions for the following media:

Electrical power

• voltage 20 kV

• tolerance of voltage +/- 8%

• voltage drops max. 10 ms

• nominal frequency 50 Hz

• tolerance of frequency +/- 1%

• max. power 22 MW


• hot water

supply temperature 80°C

return temperature 50°C

max. power approx 19 MW

tolerances +3K / -1K

• warm water

supply temperature 32°C

return temperature 22°C

max. power approx 33 MW

tolerances +4K / -2K


• chilled water

supply temperature 5°C

return temperature 11°C

max. power approx 9 MW

tolerance +0.5K /-0.5K

• chilled water

supply temperature 11°C

return temperature 17°C

max. power approx 34 MW

tolerance +1K / -1K

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The plant is located on the west boundary

of the AMD Fab 36 site. It is necessary for

the main user [AMD Fab 36], the TriGen

plant and 110/20-kV-transformer substa-

tion to be in close proximity to each other.

Water supply and drainage

To maintain the levels of process water

due to losses of water in the distribution

networks, condensation in the evaporative

cooling towers and the necessary soften-

ing process, water will be used from the

public potable water system. Re-using

reject water from AMD‘s reverse osmosis

treatment plant, hot water supply system,

steam generating system, and cooling wa-

ter system considerably reduces the waste

water discharge to public drains.

For fi re protection, the Energy Center is

connected to the fi re hydrant main supply

from the AMD Fab 36 site.

Sanitary waste water and rain water are

discharged to public drains. Contaminated

waste water is removed through the AMD

Fab 36 system and processed prior to

disposal into the public system.

Building dimensions

Main building:

• 102 m x 36 m x 14 m

• 20 kV building

60 m x 11 m x 11.3 m

• including the PCD building

17 m x 11 m x 6.5 m

Exhaust stacks with a total height of 48 m

are erected on both sides of the main


To ensure the required atmospheric dilution

of exhausted fl ue gas the total amount of

gas engines is split between in 3 groups

covering 3 engines each.

One of these groups will be erected during

phase 2 when a total of 9 engines will be

required. In addition to the engines 1 stack

is covered by the exhaust of 2 steam back

up boilers.

To enhance the effi ciency of the cooling

system, the wet cooling towers are located

on the roof of the main plant building.

General Information

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Fuel supply system

Natural gas is selected as fuel for engines

and auxiliary boilers. In the south east of

the main building the gas is fed in via a

pressure regulator and metering system at

a pressure of 4 bar.

Engine and waste heat boiler

The “hearts” of the Energy Center are

the ‘lean burn’ Gas Engine Units (GEUs).

During normal operation a total of 8 GEUs

operating at approx 85% of the nominal

capacity is suffi cient to supply the energy

needed in maximum by AMD. To guarantee

high quality energy supply at 100% availa-

bility even when one unit is in failure and a

second one is simultaneously in mainte-

nance, the plant is designed for a total of 9

GEUs. In case of a unit failure the remain-

ing GEUs automatically take over the load.

A power conditioning device (PCD) ensures

consistency in voltage and frequencies

spec even during such sensitive take over


In addition to electricity and hot water,

steam is also supplied by the engines

using the jacket water waste heat and

the exhaust heat recovery boilers.

Warm water is used at 2 temperature levels

directly by AMD. Furthermore the energy

of hot water and steam is transferred to

chilled water at 5°C and 11°C levels by

using single and double effect absorption


The total energy effi ciency may be extend-

ed to a maximum by this “Trigeneration”

effect independent of seasonal outside

conditions (summer or winter).

In case of unbalanced heat capacity and

demand a series of back up cooling de-

vices designed as table cooler are located

on the roof of the main building.

The nominal performance data

of each of 9 GEUs are:

• nominal electrical power

3,916 kW

• natural gas consumption

9,336 kW

• heat extraction hot water

95/80°C 2,200 kW

• heat extraction steam

9 bars 2,050 kW

• nominal electrical effi ciency

approx 40%

• total fuel effi ciency

above 85%

According to the load engine conditions

the exhaust temperature may vary from

400°C to 460°C. Before emission to the

environment the exhaust is cooled down

to approx 100°C by heat recovery systems

for steam and hot water generation.

The heat recovery steam generators are

operated at 180°C/9 to 12 bar levels, the

water boilers at 95°C.

The electrical energy generated on a 6.3 kV

level by the gensets is transformed to 20 kV

as requested by AMD. The engines are

started by a dedicated compressed air

system. The compressed air for the gas

engines is maintained by separate com-

pressors and receivers.

Auxiliary boiler system

For redundancy reasons and to balance

between each required media two auxiliary

boilers 11.5 MW capacity each are installed

for producing steam (180°C, 9 bars (abs).

The steam energy may be used either for

operating the double effect absorption

chillers or for producing hot water by

utilising a number of heat exchangers.

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Chilled water system

The chilled water system in fi nal build out

consists of

• 3 double effect absorption chillers for

the supply of 5/11°C or 11/17°C

(5.8 MW each)

• 2 single effect absorption chillers for the

supply of 11/17°C (3.2 MW each)

• 6 Turbo chillers for the supply of 5/11°C

or 11/17°C (5.8 MW each)

The steam (180°C, 9 bar) and hot water is

used to run absorption chillers.

Additional turbo chillers are used for cover-

ing summer time peak loads, for redun-

dancy purposes, and for balancing the

different energy supply systems (hot and

chilled water). The chilled water is supplied

by 2 independent systems:

• supply / return temperature 5/11°C


• supply / return temperature 11/17°C

The chiller waste heat removed by the

cooling water system may be reused for

supplying heat on a low temperature level

at 32°C for preheating purposes during

winter time. Waste heat which cannot be

used is fi nally removed to the environment

by evaporative cooling towers.

Electrical system

Transformers, switchgears and the feeder

from the external grid are located in a

separate 20 kV building.

A further building contains the power con-

ditioning devices (PCD) based on fl ywheels

which are needed to guarantee the ex-

ceeding requirements for frequency and

voltage control.

Instrumentation and control system

An automatic system is used for the plant

control and monitoring.

The central control room is located in the

main building.

Environmental protection

During operation the environmental

conditions required by the local

authorities have to be guaranteed.

NO2 < 200 ppm

CO < 300 ppm

Dust 5 mg/m³

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M+W Group

Lotterbergstr. 30 70499 Stuttgart, GermanyPhone +49 711 8804-1100Fax +49 711 [email protected]

© M+W Germany GmbHPhotos: Klaus Schuster
