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Find us on Social Media: Wonderful wall of work › wp-content › ...as spreading a spooky story...

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Weekly update - Monday 15th June 2020 W: www.churchhill.worcs.sch.uk T: 01527 585580 E: [email protected] Find us on Social Media: facebook.com/churchhillms twier.com/churchhillms We seek to develop confident and creave learners who can thrive in a changing world. Wonderful wall of work Dont forget to email your work in to your teacher to get a spot on the wonderful wall of work. Lily Cartwrights poster on endan- gered animals—The dolphin. Mathemacal esmaons by Ollie Baxter-Clark The year 5’s have researched how animals adapt to different environ- ments, and Amelia Cook chose the giraffe. Thank you to Daniel Moore for sharing his tour guide to Paris - well done. Chloe Hennessy has made a wonderful start to the RSA photography compe- on. Have a look at this weeks chal- lenge and prize and send in your entry. Use this QR code to watch Owen Teagues news re- port about the Space X mission.
Page 1: Find us on Social Media: Wonderful wall of work › wp-content › ...as spreading a spooky story about a scary character called Silas Scratch. I recommend this book to people who

Weekly update - Monday 15th June 2020

W: www.churchhill.worcs.sch.uk T: 01527 585580 E: [email protected]

Find us on Social Media:



We seek to develop confident and creative learners who can thrive in a changing world.

Wonderful wall of work

Don’t forget to email your work in to your teacher to get

a spot on the wonderful wall of work.

Lily Cartwright’s

poster on endan-

gered animals—The


Mathematical estimations

by Ollie Baxter-Clark

The year 5’s have researched how animals adapt to different environ-

ments, and Amelia Cook chose the giraffe.

Thank you to Daniel Moore for

sharing his tour guide to Paris -

well done.

Chloe Hennessy has made a wonderful

start to the RSA photography competi-

tion. Have a look at this weeks chal-

lenge and prize and send in your entry.

Use this QR code to

watch Owen

Teague’s news re-

port about the

Space X mission.

Page 2: Find us on Social Media: Wonderful wall of work › wp-content › ...as spreading a spooky story about a scary character called Silas Scratch. I recommend this book to people who

Emotion and line

In this exercise, we experiment with how line can express different emotions.

Separate your page into 8 different boxes. Under each box, write these emotions:

anger, depression, love, excitement, peace, worry, joy, guilty.

Concentrate on one box at a time. Read the emotion and remember a time you

felt that emotion. See the scene in your mind’s eye. See It as a silent movie. Allow yourself to feel

that emotion. Once you feel it, allow it to come out of your pencil and be an expression of the


Rules – Do not draw pictures, objects or symbols – hearts/stars/shapes.

There is no right or wrong answer as the feelings and the line are personal to

you. Draw in all eight boxes the lines that express each feeling. After you have

finished the drawings, go back and write down any words that come to mind

when you look at each box. Write these words under the box.

Good luck!


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Year 8 transition journey to High School

This week you will be receiving a booklet in the post to help to guide you through your

journey to high school. The booklet will have tasks to help you identify various pieces of infor-

mation for your new school and help you with your thoughts and preparation. Each week

there will be tasks for you to complete - make sure you email you tutor if you have any

questions or need support.

This week’s task—orientation; When

your booklet arrives, please can you


KS3 Mindfulness 15/6/20

When we are focussing on the world around us it is very easy to worry about things outside

of ourselves and let self-care slide down our priorities list. Research what self-care is. Come

up with a definition and write it in your books.

Write a routine for a day, plan and carry it out for a week (e.g. set wake up and bed times).

The week after, look at the activities on the right; choose one each to do for

the next week.

Write a paragraph explaining how the activities you have chosen have helped

you focus on yourself.

Extend: Why do you think you should take the time for self-care? (Answer in your book)

Page 4: Find us on Social Media: Wonderful wall of work › wp-content › ...as spreading a spooky story about a scary character called Silas Scratch. I recommend this book to people who

Blues revisited For Spotify or YouTube design an album cover and blurb for a Blues song of your choice! Choose the Blues song that

you will advertise – if it’s not the song you wrote and performed, listen to the selection below and choose one of these to advertise


1. Include song title – if it doesn’t have one make one up that fits the style of the music and lyrics

2. Include performers and/or band name – this may be you and your friends or…

3. Decide. If it’s your song then you can choose a famous band (alive or dead!) to perform it or a famous blues artist? (Choose

from the list below)

4. Listen to Louis Armstrong; BB King , Billie Holiday , Amy Winehouse , Eric Clapton

5. Write some blurb for Spotify/YouTube, giving additional information about the album. If I can only download

one song why should I listen to yours?


KS3 Mindfulness 15/6/20

When we are focussing on the world around us it is very easy to worry about things outside

of ourselves and let self-care slide down our priorities list. Research what self-care is. Come

up with a definition and write it in your books.

Write a routine for a day plan and carry it out for a week (e.g. set wake up and bed times).

The week after look at the activities on the right; choose one each to do for the

next week.

Write a paragraph explaining how the activities you have chosen have helped

you focus on yourself.

Extend: Why do you think you should take the time for self-care? (Answer in your book)

Page 5: Find us on Social Media: Wonderful wall of work › wp-content › ...as spreading a spooky story about a scary character called Silas Scratch. I recommend this book to people who

Journal Jazz

We hope that you

enjoyed receiving your

journals at home over the

past couple of weeks.

Each week we will give

you some ideas of what

you can do in them—just

for fun!

Please send in anything

you may wish to share

with us.

Safeguarding Hub-News.

School were made aware by the local PCSO, that children

in this area have been approached by an unknown

person / group, through Snap chat and Instagram, with

the aim of grooming them. The person / group aim to

befriend children and engage them in conversation. From

this point, they then ask them to do inappropriate acts

and threaten them if they don't comply. Therefore, it is

essential that we are all monitoring children’s access to

social media and encouraging open conversation about

their usage. If you would like any support with this, please

contact a member of the safeguarding team 01527


Notice to parent and carers regarding payments to


In the current situation and moving forward we are moving towards becoming a completely cash free school. Thank you to those who already use the ParentPay system. If you have not used the system before, please call the school to discuss the activation process.

Marvellous Maths! Please send your answers to Miss Dyer—[email protected]

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Minecraft Charity Game

James Claridge has come up with a wonderful idea to combine his favourite game and raising money for the NHS. James has designed a Minecraftathon and designed this page to advertise it.

Book Review—Please send your book reviews either your teacher

or directly to Mr.Daly

Diary of a wimpy kid – Old School by Jeff Kinney

This book is all about a boy named Gregory (or Greg) who is trying to figure out if the olden days were better than present times. I laughed out loud as I read this because the author puts Greg in lots of hilarious situations. There are two main events; the big switch off and Greg’s school trip to Hardscrabble Farms. During the big switch off, the whole town could not use electricity for 48 hours to see what it was like in the old days and this resulted in some very amusing circumstances. At Hardscrabble Farm, Greg and his classmates get up to all sorts of mischief such as spreading a spooky story about a scary character called Silas Scratch. I recommend this book to people who like comedy and adventure and I would give it 4.5 stars out of 5!

Reviewed by Rosie Poole

Epraise points for this week

1. James Claridge

2. Owen Anderson

3. Ellie Mae-Lloyd

4. Daniel Moore

5. Amelia Cooke

6. Zara Claridge

7. Charlotte Evans

8. Jack Moorman

9. Megan Beaman

10. Patryk Budzik

Winning tutor Group for this week:


Creative Cards Melody Holder (6KS) has created her own card game.

I have created a card game that is called lucky 7's. There are 56 cards numbered 1 to 9 but there are no 7's.

Each player gets 5 cards and the rest are in a pile. The idea of the game is to put down cards that make a multiple of 7, such as a 3 and a 5 = 35. If you cant put a card down you have to pick one up. The object of the game is to get rid of all your cards to win.

6KS Pirate Game—Have a go and play for yourself. For more help email [email protected] The Pirate Game - RULES!! The Pirate Game is an activity where each person in the game, on their Pirate game worksheet, places a set of symbols and values in a 7 by 7 blank grid. The grid is labelled A-G across the columns and 1-7 down the rows. Therefore you could place a 'shield' in A6, a '1000' in C4 etc etc. The class are given the first part of the lesson to place the 49 symbols and values that appear on their sheet in the grid. The activity then starts with the teacher selecting a grid reference, lets say F1. The class then cross off that grid reference and get whatever symbol/value is in that grid ref. If they get a value they add this to their 'score' and this is kept as a running total throughout the game. If they get a symbol there is a particular purpose to each of these and the class are to either: put their hand up if their symbol has a 'tick' next to it or to use that symbol in the way stated below.









The Pirate Game Put one of each of these on your grid...

Now put these in...


Shield: Mirror: Hitlist:


x 2


Rob someone’s points

Kill Someone

Present – give someone 1000 points

Skull and Crossbones: wipe out a rows scores

Swap scores

Choose next square

Shield – Block the Bad

Mirror – Reflect the Bad

Bomb – YOU go to zero

Double Your Score

Bank Your Score





x 25

x 10

x 2

x 1

Mr. P. Collins

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Lola’s Duck Adventures—Lola Ellis 8SF

Muscovy ducklings are a very large and heavy breed of duck - almost like a goose. Our

duck Mae, gave birth to 14 ducklings. They hatched on Wednesday 3rd June, throughout

the day. There was one egg left but the mother instinctively knew that if it didn’t hatch

within 24hrs of the last one that hatched, it just

wouldn’t. That egg was thrown away when it was

stone cold, either it wasn’t fertile or the duckling

didn’t make it. They’ve grown rapidly, already.

‘Mum’ is really protective, although usually she is

extremely quiet, she has since turned into a de-


The ducklings and ‘Mum’ are eating chick crumb

at the moment, since their bills aren’t big enough

to eat proper ‘adult duck food’ and we don’t want

them choking on that, so ‘Mum’ has to eat baby

food for now. Their water has to be in a special container that is very shallow so they

don’t fall in before they get their oily, waterproof coating over their ‘fluff’. If they got

wet, they would get very cold as they can’t regulate their body temperature before

they get their feathers. It will soon be very obvious which are boys and which are

girls, as the boys grow much faster and get thicker legs. Muscovy ducks are originally

‘tree-dwellers’ and have large claws on their webbed feet to help grip onto the

branches. They often trip over their massive feet

and fall on their face, it’s really cute and funny.

They have red caruncles on their faces (the

knobbly bits) and these are more pronounced on the males.

The bigger one is ‘Dad’ (Sooty) and the brown one is ‘Mum’ (Mae). Their mum wasn’t a

very good mum and didn’t want them. So, I raised both of them from the start of Year 7. I

got home and mum said there was a surprise for me in my room and they were in a ham-

ster cage! They were very smelly, too. Duck poo is really liquidly and really ‘fowl-smelling’

(get it? Because their ‘fowl foul’)

Generally during the gestation period of the

eggs, the mum duck lays one egg a day until

they have 15-20 eggs, (depending on the size of

the bird). The eggs are laid into their pre-

prepared nest, lined with their soft downy

feathers (they pull out the soft, fluffy feathers

from their chest so that their skin touches the eggs, therefore having higher body

temperature against the eggs and they keep warmer). When they have many eggs,

they begin to sit for 35 days, (from the first day they sit, for Muscovy’s). The female

will usually only leave the nest once a day for food and a quick drink. Then she will

do a big, stinky poo (a whole day’s worth) and a quick bath which will wet the belly

that can help the temperature and humidity needed to hatch the eggs.

So... now we have to come up with fourteen names! Has anybody got any sugges-


By Lola Ellis, 8SF

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Central RSA Academies Trust – Photography Competitions

We know how much you all love to take photos on phones, so we are running a weekly photography competition

for the next few weeks.

There are prizes by age group for winning entries, and the winning entries will also be published in our Central RSA

Academies Trust magazine, DesignEd, in a special ‘lockdown’ edition. We will also create an ‘exhibition’ of these,

and other competitions we will run before the end of term (poetry, art, journal/diary entries).

Each school will submit a winning photograph by key stage, who will receive a £10 gift voucher.

There will be an overall Trust ‘gold award’ – prize £50 gift voucher, ‘silver award’ £25, ‘bronze award’ £10.

Week two – Illusion

Deadline Monday 22nd June - 3pm

An illusion is something that tricks us into seeing something differently than it actually exists. Photography is

often used to make illusions. The challenge for this weeks competition is to create your own illusion. You can use

objects, buildings, toys, mirrors or even the weather. Play with scale, angles, and close ups! There are no limits!

Use your imagination and have lots of fun!

If you include a person, they will need to give permission for this, and if we want to publish it will require a form

filling for their permission (or your parents if it is you)

All you have to do is submit your photograph to your teacher via email via e.g. ***@churchhill.worcs.sch.uk by

Monday 22nd June for your chance to win!

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