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Finding Passion and Purpose

Date post: 18-Oct-2014
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Everyone deserves to have a sense of passion and purpose in their work. How can you get a job that will give you passion and purpose?
Finding Passion and Purpose: Unleashing the Entrepreneur Within Jenni Proctor Redesign Retirement [email protected]
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Finding Passion and Purpose:Unleashing the Entrepreneur Within

Jenni ProctorRedesign Retirement

[email protected]

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Attempt at business world – Direct mailTeachingAttempt at business world – Health productTeaching Career development Current business

TeachingAttempt at business world - RecruitmentTeachingAttempt at business world – MLM Educational ProductsTeaching

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Passion 1. Any powerful or compelling emotion or feeling, as love or hate.2. Strong amorous feeling or desire; love; ardor.3. Strong sexual desire; lust.4. An instance or experience of strong love or sexual desire.5. A person toward whom one feels strong love or sexual desire.6. A strong or extravagant fondness, enthusiasm, or desire for anything: a passion for music.7. The object of such a fondness or desire: Accuracy became a passion with him.

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Passion Why is passion important?

When you're passionate about something, you don't mind working hard at it. You work hard, you gain knowledge. When you gain knowledge, you gain confidence. When you have confidence you lose fear. And that's what it takes.


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Purpose 1. The reason for which something exists or is done,

made,used, etc.2. An intended or desired result; end; aim; goal.3. Determination; resoluteness.4. The subject in hand; the point at issue.5. Practical result, effect, or advantage: to act to goodpu


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Optimism about aging

Financial resources

Clarity of Identity/Purpose

Health and Fitness


Leisure / Travel


Home / Location

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"Man's mind, once stretched by a new idea, never regains its original dimensions."

Oliver Wendell Holmes, US author & physician (1809 - 1894)

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Fast Cash Formula: 12 / 4 / 512 – How much money do you want to make

each month of the year?4 – Divide that monthly number by 4 weeks 5 – Divide that weekly amount by 5 daysEg $1000 | $250 | $50 a day

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Market Research• Local paper• Online• Yellow pagesLook carefully at their• Marketing • Fees/Costs and payment

options• Systems

Best Practices• What are they doing that

you’d like to replicate in some way?

Be similar but different• Service• Value• Quality• Convenience

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How can your venture stand out in the market?

YOU – What is your identity in this venture?

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• What service or product will you provide?• Who is your market?• Why do they need your service or product?• What would you call the business?• What is your distinct advantage?• HOW WILL YOU STAND OUT?

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Thinking BigWhat if you created something that you could build into

a bigger business?

What if it combined your skills, your strengths, your passions, your purpose?

What if it could replace your income?

What if you automated it?

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Two lessons I’ve learnt:1. Don’t try and do everything yourself. You

can’t! There aren’t enough hours in the day or even the year.

2. Follow someone who has done it before you. Speed up the process and avoid the mistakes.

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16 week fast track to Retirement Freedom

1. Clarity – Choices and Financial Realities2. Knowledge – Learn from the Experts3. Decisions – Support and structure

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At the end of 16 weeks you will have…..

• Clarity – Know what you REALLY want• Knowledge – Able to make informed

wise decisions about models / strategies• Decisions made - Action plan created,

ready and confident.


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Fabulous Fifties Sensational SixtiesPassion

StrengthsSkills and Experience

Not afraid of a bit of work if it gets resultsPurpose – Revitalise your life, career, finances
