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Finite Element Analysis Purpose

Date post: 03-Jun-2018
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  - a s ee e o un This ch a ter incl udes mat eria l fro m the b ook “Pr act ica l F in  n a high level summary, the “working” steps involved in a finite e -  sua za on o so u on resu s pos -pr ocess ng  . . o e n re- rocess n  a a Most commonly, an FEM simulation process starts with the impo  - , , , . . . , . ro en sur aces surface s whi ch are not stitc hed to ether 1  n e emen na ys s -  ite Element Anal si s”. It also has b een r evi ew ed an d ha s . lement analysis may be categorized as: . t of the component’s (or part’s) CAD geom etry (e.g. CA TIA, S TEP ,
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  - a s ee e o un

This cha ter includes material from the book “Pract ica l Fin


n a high level summary, the “working” steps involved in a finite e

• -

 • sua za on o so u on resu s pos -process ng


. o e n re- rocess n

  a a

Most commonly, an FEM simulation process starts with the impo

  -, , , . . .

, .

• ro en sur aces

• surfaces which are not stitched to ether


 n e emen na ys s -


ite Element Anal sis”. It also has been reviewed and has


lement analysis may be categorized as:


t of the component’s (or part’s) CAD geometry (e.g. CATIA, STEP,

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Another issue related to geometry is depicted in the following ima

In the image on the left, the imported geometry is shown. Note t

reen do not meet at a sin le oint i.e. there is a ver small la


very poor qua y e emen s. e mage n e m e ep c s e

The u dated cleaned and meshed eometr is shown on the ri

 ere, e sur ace e es n reen o no mee n a s n e po n , .meshing is carried out with respect to the surfaces, this small off

 , .

 Once t ese “ ur es are mastere , one nee s to as w et er a

and rounds tin holes or even com an lo os which can often be



mes or a so mes w e crea e . s mes ng s epdirectl reflects on the ualit of the results enerated. At the sa


me a s a approx ma on o e s ruc ure uses muc ess e em

are waiting for your results).

See the icture above for structures that are t icall meshed



 n e emen na ys s -


he lateral offset of the green edges. Here, the surface edges (in

eral offset of the surface ed es. As meshin is carried out with

, ,

es e n a geome ry. o e ow e mes s oca y s or e .


 e. ere s a very sma a era o se o e sur ace e es. sset will be automatically taken into account during meshing,

 t e CAD n ormat on s rea y nee e . W at a out tt e ets

found in CAD data? Do the reall contribute to the overall

. ,

s cruc a o e n e e emen ana ys s as e qua y o e mesme time, the number of elements number of nodes affects the

. ,

en s an us re uces e me w c s e me w e you

ith 1D, 2D and 3D elements. Which element t e would ou

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Despite the fact that meshing is (at least optionally) a highly aut

. ,


Material And Pro ert Information

’, . .



Various loads and constraints are added to the model to repr


To determine our relevant loads our en ineerin skills are ne

even , a u o y mu a on m g e e p u .

, ,

. ,

t e FEM so ver c osen or t e ana ys s e.g. RADIOSS or Opt Str

fi ure below.

As you will see, the bulk of information stored in the analysis file

defined b its nodal number ID and its x- - and z coordinates.

. -


 n e emen na ys s -

mated process, mesh quality, its connectivity (i.e. compatibility),

“ ”

. .

esent the loading conditions that the part(s) are subjected to.


, .

ded. Think of all kinds of load situations that can occur on our




ct . A sect on out o an Opt Struct so ver ec s ep cte n t e

is related to the definition of nodes (or grids). Each single node is

Each element is then defined b its element number ID and its


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Dur ng t e so ut on p ase o a s mp e near stat c ana ys s or an

settin s of the Finite Element ro ram do handle these classes

“ ”,


•  -  . .

• nsu c en y cons ra ne mo e e mo e s ows a r

a ta run vers ty.com e- earn ng y-a ta r-_2 ypermes -re ate

. sua za on os - rocess n

, -

e s mu a on resu s s one nex . resses, s ra ns, an e or

to the various loading conditions. Based on the results, modifica




• Practice will show that in man ro ects the above de icte


  s qu e o v ous a go ng ac o o app y c anges

, . . ,


 n e emen na ys s -

gen requency stu y, t ere s not muc or you to o. T e e au t

f roblems rett well. Practice will show ou that if the solution


 g o y mo on ue o ex erna oa s


ee- yperwor s-starter- t-v eo-ser es

a ons are p o e an exam ne o see ow e par respon e

tions may be made to the part and a new analysis may be run to

rocess must be re-entered a ain because simulation results

n wor ng roug e en re process ecomes e ous.


, , .

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FEM model can be exported instantaneously (without any rem



A nice introduction in mor hin is iven in the video below htt : 

e n v ua wor ng s eps o e process are no on y su

loads. A lot of attention must also be aid to the chosen modeli

, . .

”resu s ave ypasse errors s .


 n e emen na ys s -

shing) allowing the CAE engineer to re-run the analysis of the

   - . .

altair-2.wistia.com medias x c 10c4 2 .

ec e o many user errors e.g. ypo w e e n ng ma er a or

n assum tions for instance, sim lification of eometr , chosen


