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Fir Insurance

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  • 8/11/2019 Fir Insurance


    Serial No. Topics Page No.

    1. Certificate by the Organization 3

    2. Certificate by the Faculty guide 4

    3. Preface 5

    4. Acknowledgeent !

    5. Ob"ecti#e of $raining %

    !. &'ecuti#e (uary )

    %. (co*e of the (tudy +

    ). ,eliance A-A rou* 1/

    +. Profile Of the Co*any 11012

    1/. uine O#er#iew 13014

    11. oard of -irector 1501!12. Partner of the Co*any 1%01)

    13. Product of the Co*any 1+

    14. ,eliance ife nurance 2/02!

    14.1 nurance Plan 2%03!

    15. ,eliance -eat Account 3%043

    1!. ,eliance utual Fund 44054

    1%. ,eliance eneral nurance 5505+

    1). arket Analyi !/0!4

    1+. ,ecoendation !5

    2/. ibliogra*hy !!

    21. Concluion !%


  • 8/11/2019 Fir Insurance


    Frankly *eaking6 any "ob or the tak6 ha#e the *ecific ob"ecti#e i.e. what i need and

    what i the re7uireent of the *articular work. n the ae way y ob"ecti#e i alo to

    learn oething fro the uer internhi* *rogra . t ean that the training *rogra

    in any re*uted co*any gi#e the arket knowledge of it ub"ect atter of tudy.

    $he right choice of the co*any in which a tudent ha to do the training i alo the *art

    of the learning and what he8he want to learn in the uer training.

    n the hort *an ince the inurance ector wa o*ened u*6 any co*anie ha#eliterally dictated the arket9 e#olution. Catering to all age and incoe egent6 the

    co*any tated out with the traditional inurance *olicie that were eay to undertand6

    the idea wa to entice cutoer ued to C9 tyle of functioning.

    ,eliance oney began e'*loring new area: it introduced odern *roduct6 like ;nit0

    linked Product where return are linked to the arket *erforance of the underlying


    ,eliance oney lead and #irtually all *araeter: ize of agent force6 nuber of *olicie

    old6 total u6 total u aured6 *reiu incoe and *roducti#ity of agent it ha et

    e'acting tandard for it range of *roduct6 rider offered6 7uality of inforation in

    *rootional aterial and e#en in the inurance awarene e#ent organized.

  • 8/11/2019 Fir Insurance


    $hi *ro"ect ha been a great learning e'*erience for e6 at the ae tie it ga#e e

    enough co*e to i*leent y analytical ability.

    $he firt *art gi#e an inight about the -eat Account6 ife nurance6 eneral

    nurance and utual fund and their #ariou a*ect. t i *urely baed on whate#er

    learned at ,eliance oney. One can ha#e a brief knowledge about utual fund and all

    it baic through the *ro"ect. Other than that the real er#ing coe when one o#e

    ahead. (oe of the ot intereting 7uetion regarding thee *roduct ha#e been

    co#ered. (oe of the are>

  • 8/11/2019 Fir Insurance


    $he co*e of the tudy refer to the "ob that to know about the acti#itie of the

    organization. $he tudy ean that the analyi of the *roduct of the co*any on which

    he8he ha to focu.

    -uring the uer training the #olunteer need to find out the cor*orate trategie of the

    running co*any and the ile tone which the co*any ha co#ered during it "ourney.

    n the uer training6 it i neceary for the tudent that he 8he in#ol#e with the

    e'*erience guy to get the knowledge about the co*any. $hat i how the co*any ha

    got the ucce6 Or if it i going in the lo6 why.

    n y training *eriod ha#e found that the reliance grou* i the bigget grou* in ndian

    co*anie. felt that can learn the ore in the ,eliance ife nurance iited.

    ,eliance ife nurance iited i the *art of the ,eliance Ca*ital iited which i a

    growing co*any in the financial *roduct.

    ,eliance Anil -hirubhai Abani grou* i alo deal in counication6 energy6 naturalreource6 edia6 and entertainent6 healthcare and infratructure.


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  • 8/11/2019 Fir Insurance


    Reliance moneyi a *art of the reliance Anil -hirubai Abani rou* and i *rooted

    by ,eliance ca*ital6 the fatet growing *ri#ate ector financial er#ice co*any in

    ndia6 ranked aongt the to* 3 *ri#ate ector financial co*anie in ter of net worth.

    ,eliance oney i a co*reheni#e financial olution *ro#ider that enable you to carry

    out trading and in#etent acti#itie in a ecure6 cot0effecti#e and con#enient anner.

    $hrough reliance oney6 you can in#et in a wide range of aet clae fro &7uity6

    &7uity and coodity -eri#ati#e6 utual Fund6 inurance *roduct6 PO9 to a#ailing

    er#ice of oney $ranfer = oney changing.

    ,eliance oney offer the con#enience of on0line and offline tranaction through a

    #ariety of ean6 including it Portal6 Call = $ranact6 $ranaction iok and at it9

    network of affiliate.

    (oe key te* of the co*any that are aB..

    Success is a journey, not a destination. f we look

    for e'a*le to *ro#e thi 7uote then we can find any but there i none like that of

    ,eliance oney. $he co*any which i today known a the larget financial er#ice

    *ro#ider of ndia.

    Reliance Capital


    Life Insurance


    General Insurance





    RelianceMutual fundMutual Fund


  • 8/11/2019 Fir Insurance


    Success sutras of Reliance Money:$he ucce tory of the co*any i dri#en by ) ucce utra ado*ted by it naely

    trust, integrity, dedication, commitment,

    enterprise, hard work and team play, learning

    and innovation, empathy and humility.$hee are the

    #alue that bind ucce with ,eliance oney.

    Vision of Reliance Money$o achie#e = utain arket leaderhi*6 ,eliance oney hall ai for co*lete cutoer

    atifaction6 by cobining it huan and technological reource6 to *ro#ide world cla

    7uality er#ice. n the *roce ,eliance oney hall tri#e to eet and e'ceed

    cutoer atifaction and et indutry tandard.

    Mission statement:

    Our mission is to be a leading and preferred

    service provider to our customers, and we aim

    to achieve this leadership position by building

    an innovative, enterprising , and technology

    driven organization which will set the highest

    standards of service and business ethics.


  • 8/11/2019 Fir Insurance


    ,eliance Ca*ital ha interet in aet anageent and utual fund6 life and general

    inurance6 *ri#ate e7uity and *ro*rietary in#etent6 tock broking6 de*oitory er#ice6

    ditribution of financial *roduct6 conuer finance and other acti#itie in financial


    ,eliance utual Fund i ndia no.1 utual Fund. ,eliance ife nurance i ndia

    fatet growing life inurance co*any and aong the to* 4 *ri#ate ector inurer.

    ,eliance eneral nurance i ndia fatet growing general inurance co*any and the

    to* 3 *ri#ate ector inurer. Reliance Moneyi the larget brokerage and ditributor of

    financial *roduct in ndia with ore than 2.5 illion cutoer and the larget

    ditribution network. ,eliance Conuer finance ha a loan book of o#er ,. )6///

    crore at the end of Dune 2//).

    ,eliance Ca*ital ha a net worth of ,.!6 )!2 crore E;( 1.! billionG and total aet of

    ,. 1+6+4/ crore E;( 4.! billionG a of Dune 3/6 2//) and o#er 2!6/// e*loyee.

    oney ha increaed it arket hare aong *ri#ate financial co*anie to nearly

    Con#enient = effecti#e H Anytie = anywhere financial tranaction ca*ability. aunched

    in A*ril 2//%. t *ro#ide the Flat fee yte. t ha 2.2 illion cutoer in 1 year of

    official launch. t ha o#er 56/// outlet acro %// town8citie. A#erage daily turno#er H

    in e'ce of , 26/// crore.

    Conidering the entire life arket6 including the ,. 126)+/ crore booked by life

    inurance Cor*oration6 ,eliance life inurance arket hare work out to around !.25I.

    $he life inurance arket continuou to be doinated by C which ha about !%I hare

    thi only a arginal di* fro it %3I hare in end0Duly. $hee co*arion are only for

    firt year or new buine *reiu.

    $he ga* between ,eliance life inurance and the econd0in0line *ri#ate inurer i #at. n

    fact6 thi cenario ha led oe analyt to wonder if the co*any i not a trifle too


  • 8/11/2019 Fir Insurance


    aggrei#e. ut other ay thi ha ore to do with the co*anie9 cutoer0centric

    focu6 it *an0ndia *reence and u*erior rik anageent and in#etent trategie.

    ,eliance oney i not6 howe#er6 reting on it laurel.

    Co*any9 cutoer centric a**roach will be tudied during the training *eriod and the

    finding of the reearch work will definitely focu on the *reent condition = future

    re7uireent Eif anyG relating to *roduct of co*any.


  • 8/11/2019 Fir Insurance


    Anil Dhirubhai Ambani - Chairman

    ,egarded a one of the foreot cor*orate leader of conte*orary ndia6 (hri Anil -

    Abani6 5/6 i the chairan of all lited co*anie of the ,eliance A-A rou*6 naely6

    ,eliance Counication6 ,eliance Ca*ital6 ,eliance &nergy6 ,eliance Jatural

    ,eource and ,eliance Power. @e i alo Chairan of the oard of o#ernor of

    -hirubhai Abani ntitute of nforation and Counication $echnology6 andhi

    Jagar6 u"arat. $ill recently6 he alo held the *ot of Kice Chairan and anaging

    -irector in ,eliance ndutrie iited E,G6 ndia larget *ri#ate ector enter*rie .

    Anil - Abani "oined ,eliance in 1+)3 a Co0Chief &'ecuti#e Officer6 and wa centrally

    in#ol#ed in e#ery a*ect of the co*any anageent o#er the ne't 22 year. @e i

    credited with ha#ing *ioneered a nuber of *ath0breaking financial inno#ation in the

    ndian ca*ital arket. @e *earheaded the country firt foray into the o#erea ca*ital

    arket with international *ublic offering of global de*oitary recei*t6 con#ertible and

    bond. (tarting in 1++16 he directed ,eliance ndutrie in it effort to raie o#er ;( 2

    billion. @e alo teered the 1//0year Lankee bond iue for the co*any in Danuary 1++%.

    Amitabh Jhunjhunwala - Vice-Chairman

    (hri Aitabhabh Dhun"hunwala6 516 i a Fellow Chartered Accountant. @e ha #at

    e'*erience in the area of financial er#ice and ca*ital arket. (hri Dhun"hunwala wa

    a**ointed to the oard on arch %6 2//3 and wa a**ointed Kice Chairan on arch

    2/6 2//!. @e i a -irector on the oard of @arony Art Foundation and ,eliance Anil

    -hirubhai Abani rou* P#t. td.

    Rajendra Chitale - Independent Director

    (hri ,a"endra P. Chitale6 4!6 an einent Chartered Accountant6 i the anaging Partner

    of 8 . P. Chitale = Aociate. @e i a -irector on board of the Jational (ecuritie


  • 8/11/2019 Fir Insurance


    Clearing Cor*oration iited6 Aet ,econtruction Co*any EndiaG td6 @indu"a $$

    iited6 @$$ lobal (olution td6 Abu"a Ceent iited6 (& ,ating Agency of

    ndia iited6 han ,eal &tate PC and ,eliance eneral nurance Co*any td. @e

    i alo a eber of the ad#iory board of the nurance and ,egulatory Authority of

    ndia E,-AG. @e ha alo er#ed on the board of ife nurance Cor*oration of ndia6

    ;nit $rut of ndia6 ( Ca*ital arket td.6 Jational (tock &'change of ndia td. and

    (all ndutrie -e#elo*ent ank of ndia.

    Shri C. P. Jain

    (hri C.P. Dain6 !16 i the forer Chairan and anaging -irector of J$PC td.

    EJational $heral Power Cor*orationG. (hri Dain ha an illutriou career *anning o#er

    four decade of contribution in the field of financial anageent6 general anageent6

    trategic anageent and buine leaderhi*. @e i a fellow eber of the ntitute of

    Chartered Accountant of ndia with an ad#anced di*loa in anageent and i a law

    graduate. (hri C. P. Dain "oined the oard of J$PC in 1++3 a -irector EFinanceG6 wa

    ele#ated a Chairan = anaging -irector in (e*teber 2/// and u*erannuated in

    arch 2//!. @e i Chairan of the lobal (tudie Coittee of

  • 8/11/2019 Fir Insurance



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  • 8/11/2019 Fir Insurance


    Reliance Life Insurance

    Demat Account Services

    Reliance Mutual un!s

    Reliance "eneral Insurance


  • 8/11/2019 Fir Insurance


  • 8/11/2019 Fir Insurance


    %ype! o# "i#e In!urance Policie!

    ot nurance *olicie are a cobination of (a#ing = Protection.

    Product are forulated by either increaing or decreaing either one of thee


    $hee cobination can be broadly di#ided into 4 grou*

    0 ;P

    0 $er nurance

    0 &ndowent Policie >

  • 8/11/2019 Fir Insurance


  • 8/11/2019 Fir Insurance


    Nee! Analysis in life Stages

    A"# STAT$S INS$RAN%#




    1)yr 0 25yr ;narried

    ,.o on a holiday2.uy a new Car3.(et u* a new houe4.(et u* nterior5.uy "ewellery

    (hort $er&ndowentProduct

    25yr 03/yr arried

    ,.@igh -ebt6 highe'*enditure Phae2.Faily de*endencyon your incoe3.ow accuulatedwealth4.Jeed for Planning,e7uireent

    $e*orary ter orwhole life Product

    3/yr 0 45yr aturedcou*le


  • 8/11/2019 Fir Insurance


    Life Stage Example

    Hello, I am Philip, sailor.Hello, I am Philip, sailor.Have seen the world.Have seen the world.

    Always on cruise and keepAlways on cruise and keepworrying about family andworrying about family andthe loans. I need nancialthe loans. I need nancialProtection if I do not returnProtection if I do not return

    from one voyagefrom one voyage

    !avera has "ust!avera has "ustcome to our lives. Ascome to our lives. As

    proud parents, #eproud parents, #eneed to protect herneed to protect heras well as create heras well as create herown nancialown nancialstandingstanding

    #orked for almost#orked for almost$% years, now want$% years, now wantto liveto live&&. I want. I want

    something that willsomething that willmake my life 'hinta(make my life 'hinta(free afterfree afterretirementretirement&&..






  • 8/11/2019 Fir Insurance


    Pro!ucts of Life Insurance

    ife nurance *roduct are uually referred to a M*lan9 of inurance. $hee *lan ha#e

    two baic eleent: one i the N-eath Co#er *ro#iding for the benefit being *aid on the

    death of the inured *eron within a *ecified *eriod. $he other i the N(ur#i#al enefit

    *ro#iding for the benefit being *aid on ur#i#al of a *ecified *eriod.

    Plan of inurance that *ro#ide only death co#er are called N$er Aurance


    Plan of inurance that *ro#ide only ur#i#al benefit are called NPure

    &ndowent Plan.

    %erm "i#e In!urance

    $er ife nurance *ro#ide *rotection for a *ecified *eriod of tie. A death benefit i

    *aid to the beneficiary if the inured die within a *ecified *eriod of tie while the

    *olicy i till in force.

    hole "i#e In!urance

  • 8/11/2019 Fir Insurance


    Solution! #or Indiidual! - RI

    $aking tie out fro your daily chedule to *lan your future i a neceary tak. Lou

    could do with oe hel*6 but who can hel* you? ,eliance ife nurance i here with

    (olution for ndi#idual6 a erie of *lan that will hel* you ake wie in#etent6

    *rotect your faily6 ecure your child9 future and e#en chalk out a *lan for your



  • 8/11/2019 Fir Insurance


    Protection Plan!

    Protect your faily e#en when you9re not around by in#eting in ,eliance Protection

    Plan. Chooe a liited *eriod *lan or a lifetie *rotection *lan de*ending on your

    need. $he latet Protection Plan are a belowB

    1. ,eliance $er *lan

    2. ,eliance (i*le $er *lan

    3. ,eliance (*ecial $er *lan

    4. ,eliance Credit uardian *lan

    5. ,eliance (*ecial Credit uardian *lan

    !. ,eliance &ndowent *lan

    %. ,eliance (*ecial &ndowent *lan

    ). ,el iance Connect 2 ife *lan

    +. ,eliance

  • 8/11/2019 Fir Insurance


    . ,eliance &ndowent *lan

    /. ,eliance (*ecial &ndowent *lan

    0. ,eliance

  • 8/11/2019 Fir Insurance


    Mar1et Return Plan

    ;nder $hi *lan the in#etent rik in the in#etent *ortfolio i borne by the


    1ey #eature!

    $win benefit of arket linked return and inurance *rotection

    A unit linked *lan6 different fro traditional life inurance *roduct with

    a'iu aturity age of )/ year.

    O*tion to create your own *ortfolio de*ending on your rik a**etite.

    Chooe fro four different in#etent fund

    Fle'ibility to witch between fund

    O*tion to *ay regular a well a ingle *reiu = to*0 u*

    O*tion to *ackage your *olicy with accidental rider

    Fle'ibility to increae the u aured

    i7uidity through *artial withdrawal

    2ow doe! thi! plan wor1

    $he *reiu *aid by the client net of *reiu allocation charge i in#eted infund8fund of your choice and unit are allocated de*ending on the *rice of unit for

    the fund8fund. $he fund #alue i the total #alue of unit that you hold in the

    fund8fund. $he ortality charge and *olicy adinitration charge are ducted

    through cancellation of unit wherea the fund anageent charge i *riced in the

    unit #alue.


    ife co#er Aured> in cae of unfortunate lo of life6 the beneficiary will get u

    aured or fund #alue6 whiche#er i higher. $he client can chooe the baic u

    aured within the iniu and a'iu le#el entioned below.

    Minimum !um A!!ured>


  • 8/11/2019 Fir Insurance


    ,egular *reiu> annualized *reiu for 5 year or annualized *reiu for

    half the *olicy ter6 whiche#er i higher.

    (ingle *reiu> 125I of the ingle *reiu.

    Ma4imum !um A!!ured Jo liit E5//// for age u* to 12 yearG

    Maturity 3ene#it!

    On ur#i#al to aturity the fund #alue on aturity will be *aid out.

    Rider 3ene#it!

    $he Client can add the Accidental -eath = $otal and Peranent -iableent enefit

    ,ider Ea#ailable only with the regular *reiu o*tionG.

    $hi benefit double the life co#erage in cae of accidental death or accidental total and*eranent diableent at a #ery noinal additional cot. $he a'iu co#er i ,. 5/6

    //6/// *er life.

    n cae of accidental death of the life aured during the *olicy ter6 the accident benefit

    u aured will be *aid iediately in a lu* u.

    n cae of accidental total and *eranent diableent6 181/ thof the accident benefit u

    aured will be *aid at the end of each year for ten year. f the total and *eranent

    diableent ha coenced6 the accidental death benefit co#er ceae.

    n cae of aturity or on death of the life aured before *ayent of all intallent of

    accidental total and *eranent diableent benefit6 the reaining un*aid intallent of

    any will be *aid in one lu* u along with death or aturity benefit.

    Accidental total and *eranent diableent ean diability caued by bodily in"ury6

    which caue *eranent inability to *erfor any occu*ation or to engage in any acti#itie

    for reuneration or *rofit. $hi diability hould lat for at leat ! onth before being

    eligible for accidental total and *eranent diableent benefit.

    Accidental total and *eranent diableent include lo of both ar and both leg or

    one ar and one leg or of both eye. o of ar or leg ean dieberent by

    a*utation of the entire hand or foot. o of eye ean entire and irreco#erable lo of



  • 8/11/2019 Fir Insurance


    hat are the di##erent #und option!.

  • 8/11/2019 Fir Insurance


    ecuritie while a all *ercentage i in#eted in the e7uity arket6 which e'*oed to

    arket o#eent. $he rik *rofile of thi fund i ediu to high.

    n#etent would be at leat !/I in fi'ed interet ecuritie and a'iu 4/I in


    9. ':uity 6und5

    $he in#etent ob"ecti#e of thi fund i to *ro#ide *olicyholder with high e'*oure to

    e7uitie and the *oibility of in#etent return6 which generate a high real rate of return

    in the long ter while recognizing that there i a ignificant *robability of negati#e

    in#etent return in the hort ter. $hi fund offer a totally e7uity baed in#etent

    o*tion. Lour return de*end entirely u*on the *erforance of the e7uity arket. $he rik

    *rofile of thi fund i high. $he higher rik of thi *ortfolio ean that e'*ected return

    would alo be higher.

    n#etent would not e'ceed 3/I in bank de*oit and ay be u* to 1//I in e7uitie.

    Value o# )nit!5

    $he arket #alue of aet *lu8le e'*ene incurred

    n the *urchae8ale of aet *lu current aet *lu

    Any accrued incoe net of fund anageent charge

    e current liabilitie le *ro#iion

    $nit Value ;

    $otal nuber of unit on iue Ebefore any new unit

    are allocated8redeeed.G


  • 8/11/2019 Fir Insurance


    ho can 3uy the product

    hat i! the policy term

    iniu *olicy ter 5 year

    a'iu *olicy ter 4/ year

    6le4ible premium payment mode!5

    Choose from five premium payment modes.

    aG Annual H iniu *reiu i ,. 1/6///.

    bG @alf H yearly H iniu *reiu i ,. 56///.

    cG Quarterly H iniu *reiu i ,. 265//.

    dG onthly H iniu *reiu i ,. 16///.

    eG (ingle *reiu H iniu *reiu i ,. 256///.

    Char/e! under the plan5

    ,. Premium allocation char/e

    For regular *reiu *olicie>

    $er of the *olicy a below

    Lear 50+ 1/ 0 14 15Firt year 1/I 15I 2/I

    $hereafter 5I 5I 5I

    E$he *reiu allocation charge for ingle *reiu = to* H u* i 2I.G

    iniu age at entry 3/ day

    a'iu age at entry !5 year

    a'iu age at aturity )/ year


  • 8/11/2019 Fir Insurance


    7. Policy Admini!tration char/e!5

    ,. 4/ will be deducted fro your unit account each onth.

    8. 6und Mana/ement Char/e!5

    E$he fund anageent charge will be deducted on a daily bai.G


  • 8/11/2019 Fir Insurance


  • 8/11/2019 Fir Insurance


    1 5/I

    2 2/I

    3 and ore J

    ?. Serice %a4 Char/e$hi charge will be le#ied on ortality6 accident = diability benefit charge. $he le#el of

    thi charge will be a *er the rate of er#ice ta' on rik *reiu le#ied by the

    go#ernent fro tie to tie the correct rate of er#ice ta' i 12.3!I thi charge hall

    be collected along with charge.

    2ow !a#e i! your ine!tment

    $he in#etent ade in the unit fund are ub"ect to in#etent rik aociated

    with ca*ital arket and the JAK of the unit ay go u* or down baed on the

    *erforance of the fund and the factor influencing the ca*ital arket6 and the

    inured i re*onible for hi8her deciion.

    $he unit *rice i a reflection of the financial and e7uity8debt arket condition

    and can increae or decreae at any tie due to thi.

    enefit *ayable under the *olicy will be ade according o the ta' law and other

    regulation in force at that tie.

    $here are no guarantee for any fund of any kind under thi *olicy. $he benefit

    *ayable on aturity will be e7ual to the #alue of your unit.

    $he nae in the fund in n way indicate the return deri#ed fro the.

    Pleae note that ,eliance life nurance co*any liited i only the nae of the

    inurance co*any and ,eliance arket return *lan i only the nae of the unit

    linked life inurance *olicy and doe not in anyway indicate the 7uality of the

    *olicy or it future *ro*ect or return

    6ree "oo1 Period.


  • 8/11/2019 Fir Insurance


    n cae the *olicyholder diagree with any of the ter and condition of the *olicy6 he

    ay return the *olicy to the co*any within 15 day of it recei*t for cancellation6

    tating hi8her ob"ection in which cae the co*any will refund an aount e7ual to the

    non allocated *reiu *lu the charge le#ied by cancellation of unit *lu fund #alue a

    on the date of recei*t of the re7uet in writing for cancellation6 le the *ro*ortionate

    *reiu for the *eriod the co*any ha been on rik and the e'*ene incurred by the

    co*any edical e'aination and ta* duty charge. f the rik acce*tance date fall

    within cooling off *eriod6 then on cancellation ,C hall *ay fund #alue le of charge.

    &vervie4 of Demat Account.

    n ndia6 a Demat account6 the abbre#iation for demateriali@ed account6 i a ty*e of

    banking account which deaterialize *a*er0baed *hyical tock hare. $he

    deaterialized account i ued to a#oid holding *hyical hare> the hare are bought

    and old through a tock broker.


  • 8/11/2019 Fir Insurance


    $hi account i *o*ular in ndia. $he (ecuritie and &'change oard of ndia E(&G

    andate a deat account for hare trading abo#e 5// hare. A of A*ril 2//!6 it

    becae andatory that any *eron holding a deat account hould *oe a Peranent

    Account Juber EPAJG6 and the deadline for ubiion of PAJ detail to the

    de*oitory la*ed on Danuary 2//%.


    ,.Fill deat re7uet for E-,FG Eobtained fro a de*oitory *artici*ant or -P with

    who your de*oitory account i o*enedG.

    7.-eface the hare certificateEG you want to deaterialize by writing acro (urrendered

    for deaterialization.8.(ubit the -,F = hare certificateEG to -P. -P would forward the to the iuer 8

    their ,=$ Agent.

    9.After deaterialization6 your de*oitory account with your -P would be credited with

    the deaterialized ecuritie.

    Reliance Money Demat Account Services

    Reliance Money 5 Transacting an! investing simplifie!.

    et ready to change the way you tranact and in#et in financial *roduct and er#ice.

  • 8/11/2019 Fir Insurance


    It7s cost effective

    Lou *ay co*arati#ely lower tranaction fee. A an introductory offer6 we in#ite you to

    *ay a flat fee of "ut ,. 5//80 and %5/80 and tranact through reliance oney. $hi fee i

    #alid for two onth or a *ecified tranaction #alue

    (ee the table below for detail.

    Its offers single 5 4in!o4 access

    $hrough reliance oney9 aociate6 you can tranact in e7uity6 e7uity and cooditie

    deri#ati#e6 offhore in#etent utual fund6 PO9 life inurance6 general inurance6

    oney tranfer6 oney changing and credit card6 aongt other.

    Its convenient

    Lou can acce reliance oney9 er#ice through

    $he internet

    $ranaction kiok

    $he *hone Ecall = tranactG

    Our all H ndia network of aociate

    On an aited trade Ethrough the call centre or our network of aociateG a charge of ,

    12 *er e'ecuted trade will be a**licable.


  • 8/11/2019 Fir Insurance


    Its SafeLour account i afeguarded with a uni7ue ecurity nuber that change e#ery 32

    econd. $hi nuber work a a dynaic *aword to kee* your account e'tra afe.

    Its provi!es you a !emat accountLou get your own deat account with reliance ca*ital at an annual fee of "ut ,. 5/80.

    Its provi!es you a )8in8' facility.Lou can acce your banking6 trading and deat account through a ingle window and

    tranfer fund acro account ealely.

    It provi!e you value8 a!!e! servicesAt www.relianceoney.co6 you get

    ,eliable reearch6 including #iew of e'ternal e'*ert with an en#iable track


    i#e new u*date fro ,euter and -ow Done

    C&O9 8 e'*ert #iew on the econoy and financial arket

    $ool that hel* you *lan your in#etent6 ta'6 retireent6 etc. in the *eronal

    finance ection

    ,ik Analyzer for analyi of your rik *rofile

    Aet allocator to build an a**ro*riate in#etent *ortfolio


  • 8/11/2019 Fir Insurance


    nno#ati#e ue of technology for facilitating con#enient trading8in#etent H

    1io!1! !imilar to A%M*!B

    ,eliance oney Pro#ide the kiok Eiilar to A$9G Facilitie6 to their cutoer

    through which the cutoer can trade on a#ailable kiok at the *articular ranch of

    ,eliance oney. $he co*any i going to o*en thee kiok in the arket a the A$9

    of the ank.

    ,eliance oney *ro#ide 3 different trading *latfor for e7uity trading>

    Insta Tra!e

    ast Tra!e

    #asy tra!e

    T3e 2enefits


  • 8/11/2019 Fir Insurance


    A afe and con#enient way to hold ecuritie:

    ediate tranfer of ecuritie:

    Jo ta* duty on tranfer of ecuritie:

    &liination of rik aociated with *hyical certificate uch a bad deli#ery6

    fake ecuritie6 delay6 theft etc.:

    ,eduction in *a*erwork in#ol#ed in tranfer of ecuritie:

    ,eduction in tranaction cot:

    Jo odd lot *roble6 e#en one hare can be old:

    Joination facility:

    Change in addre recorded with -P get regitered with all co*anie in which

    in#etor hold ecuritie electronically eliinating the need to corre*ond with

    each of the e*arately:

    $raniion of ecuritie i done by -P eliinating corre*ondence with


    Autoatic credit into deat account of hare6 ariing out of

    bonu8*lit8conolidation8erger etc.

    @olding in#etent in e7uity and debt intruent in a ingle account.


  • 8/11/2019 Fir Insurance


    Re9uire! Documents

    $he e'tent of docuentation re7uired to o*en a deat account ay #ary according to

    your relationhi* with the intitution. f you *lan to o*en a deat account with a bank6 a

    a#ing6 current and6 or other account for which the holder ha#e been iued a check

    book6 uch holder ha an edge o#er the non0account holder. n fact6 bank uually offer

    additional incenti#e to cutoer who o*en a deat account with the. Along with the

    a**lication for6 your *hotogra*h Ewith co0a**licantG and *roof of

    identity8reidence8date of birth ha#e to be ubitted. $he -P alo ak for a -P0client

    agreeent to be e'ecuted on non0"udicial ta* *a*er. @ere i a broad lit>

    A canceled check6 *referably C,

    Proof of dentification

    Proof of Addre

    Proof of Pan card EandatoryG

    ,ecent *hotogra*h6 one and6 or ore

    For *roof of identification and6 or addre elf0atteted faciile co*ie of PAJ card6

    Koter9 -6 Pa*ort6 ,ation card6 -ri#er9 licene6 Photo credit card6 &*loyee - card6

    ank attetation6 latet $ return and6 or latet &lectricity8andline *hone bill are


  • 8/11/2019 Fir Insurance


    3. -eaterialization i norally co*leted within 15 day after the hare

    certificate ha#e reached the iuer8 their ,=$ Agent. $hu it ay take you a

    onth fro the date you hand o#er hare6 to recei#e deat credit.

    4. -eaterialization would be done only when the iuer 8 their ,=$ Agent i

    atified of genuinene of ecuritie = ownerhi* tatu.

    5. All the "oint holder hould ign the -,F.

    !. $he *attern of holding in the -,F hould atch the *attern of holding on the

    hare certificate = the *attern in which account i o*ened.

    %. -eat re7uet with naeEG not atching e'actly with the naeEG a**earing on

    the certificate erely on account of initial not being *elt out fully or *ut after

    or *rior to the urnae6 would be *roceed6 *ro#ided the ignatureEG of the

    clientEG on the -,F tallie with the *ecien ignatureEG a#ailable with the

    iuer8 their , = $ agent.

    ). f the ignature in the -,F doe not atch with the ignature a#ailable with the

    iuer8 their , = $ agent6 the iuer8 their , = $ agent ay at the tie of deat

    confiration6 ak for additional docuentation Elike bank attetation8 notariation6

    etc.G to *ro#e that the certificate belong to the *eron who forwarded the -,F.

    +. n cae there i any *roble in *roceing the -,F6 contact your -P and if he

    cannot reol#e the *roble you ay contact J(-.


  • 8/11/2019 Fir Insurance


    T3e %oncept of Mutual un!

    A utual fund i a coon *ool of oney into which in#etor *lace their contribution

    that are to be in#eted in accordance with a tated ob"ecti#e. $he ownerhi* of the fund i

    thu M"oint9 and Mutual9: the fund belong to all in#etor

    Reliance Mutual un!

    ,eliance utual Fund E,FG6 a *art of the ,eliance 0 Anil -hirubhai Abani rou*6 i

    ndia leading utual Fund6 with a#erage Aet under anageent of ,. +/6)13

    crore for the onth of Dune 2//)6 and an in#etor bae of o#er !.% illion. ,eliance

    utual Fund offer in#etor a well rounded *ortfolio of *roduct to eet #arying

    in#etor re7uireent. ,eliance utual Fund ha a *reence in 3// citie acro the

    country and contantly endea#or to launch inno#ati#e *roduct and cutoer er#ice

    initiati#e to increae #alue to in#etor. ,eliance utual Fund chee are anaged by

    ,eliance Ca*ital Aet anageent td.6 a wholly owned ubidiary of ,eliance Ca*ital



  • 8/11/2019 Fir Insurance


    Types of Mutual un!s on t3e 6asis of Ris- Vs Returns

    re9uently use! term in Mutual un!s

    "ector Funds



    Money Mar#et Funds


    Income Funds

    Gilt Funds


    %alanced Funds

    &i!ersified '(uity


  • 8/11/2019 Fir Insurance


    et A!!et Value AVB

    Jet Aet Kalue i the arket #alue of the aet of the chee inu it liabilitie. $he

    *er unit JAK i the net aet #alue of the chee di#ided by the nuber of unit

    outtanding on the Kaluation -ate.

    Sale Price

    the *rice you *ay when you in#et in a chee. Alo called Offer Price. t ay include

    a ale load.

    Repurcha!e Price

    the *rice at which a cloe0ended chee re*urchae it unit and it ay include a

    back0end load. $hi i alo called id Price

    Redemption Price

    the *rice at which o*en0ended chee re*urchae their unit and cloe0ended chee

    redee their unit on aturity? (uch *rice are JAK related.

    Sale! "oad

    a charge collected by a chee when it ell the unit. Alo called6 MFront0end9 load.

    (chee that do not charge a load are called MJo oad9 chee

    Repurcha!e or 3ac1-end* "oad

    a charge collected by a chee when it buy back the unit fro the unit holder.

    Types of Reliance Mutual un!s

    1. ,eliance rowth Fund


  • 8/11/2019 Fir Insurance


    2. ,eliance Kiion Fund

    3. ,eliance anking Fund

    *. Reliance Diversifie! Po4er Sector un!

    5. ,eliance Phara Fund

    !. ,eliance edia = &ntertainent Fund

    %. ,eliance J, &7uity Fund

    ). ,eliance &7uity o**ortunitie Fund

    +. ,eliance nde' Fund

    1/. ,eliance $a' (a#er E&((G Fund

    11. ,eliance &7uity Fund

    12. ,eliance ong $er &7uity Fund

    13. ,eliance ,egular (a#ing Fund

    T3e -ey term in mutual fun!s

    Divi!en! Policy:-i#idend will be ditributed fro the a#ailable ditributable ur*lu

    after the deduction of the di#ided ditribution ur*lu after the deduction of the di#idend

    ditribution ta' and the a**licable urcharge6 if any. $he utual fund i not guaranteeing

    or auring any di#idend. Peae read the offer docuent for detail. Further *ayent of

    all the di#idend hall be in co*liance with (& circular Jo. (&8-8C, Jo.

    18!4/5%8/! dated 4848/!.

    Applica2le NAV 5 (ale of unit by reliance utual fund> in re*ect of #alid

    a**lication recei#ed u* to 3 *.. by the utual fund alongwith a local che7ue or a

    deand draft *ayable at *ar at the *lace where the a**lication i

    recei#ed6 the cloing JAK of the day on which a**lication i recei#ed hall be a**licable.

    Repurc3ase inclu!ing S4itc38out:in re*ect of #alid a**lication recei#ed u*to 3

    * by the utual fund6 ae day9 cloing JAK hall be a**licable. n re*ect of #alid

    a**lication recei#ed after 3 *.. by the utual fund6 the cloing JAK of the ne't

    buine day hall be a**licable.


  • 8/11/2019 Fir Insurance


    Daily net Asset ValueNAV; pu2lication: the JAK will be declared on all

    working day and will be *ublihed in 2 new*a*er. JAK can alo be #iewed on


    Ta< 6enefits to t3e mutual fun!: ,eliance utual Fund i a utual fundregitered with the ecuritie = e'change board of ndia and hence the entire incoe of

    the utual fund will be e'e*t fro incoe ta' in accordance with the *ro#iion of

    ection 1/E23-G of the incoe ta' act6 1+!1. $he utual fund will recei#e all incoe

    without any deduction of ta' at ource under the *ro#iion of ection 1+!Ei#G of the act.

    An e'e*tion ha been granted under the finance EJo.2G act6 2//4 to o*en ended e7uity

    oriented utual fund fro *aying ditribution ta' on incoe ditributed without any

    tie liit6 effecti#e fro 1 A*ril 2//4.

    Securitie! tran!action %a4:

    Jae of $ranaction Payable by ,ate of $a'Purchae and ale of e7uityhare or unit of e7uityoriented utual fund on arecognized tock e'changeon deli#ery bai

    oth *urchaer a well aeller


    (ale on tock e'change ofe7uity hare or unit ofe7uity oriented utualfund on non0 deli#ery bai

    (eller /./25I

    ale of deri#ati#ereorganized tock e'change

    (eller /./1%I

    (ale of unit of e7uityoriented utual fund to theutual fund

    (eller /.25I

    $here are two ty*e of in#etent in utual Fund.

    u* (u

    (yteatic n#etent PlanE(PG


    Lump sum>n u* u the in#etent i only one tie that

    i of ,. 56///. and if the in#etent i onthly then the in#etent will be !6///80.


  • 8/11/2019 Fir Insurance


    Systematic Investment PlanSIP;>

    Scheme4mount +4:



    !;AS investment

    opportunities fund ))) ($.(()$#))!


    BOB growth fund ))) ?#.?()$#))!


    n the abo#e chart6 we can ee how if we tart in#eting ,.1/// *er onth then what

    return we9ll get for the total in#etent of ,. 12///. $here i reliance di#erified *ower

    ector retail gi#ing the a'iu return of ,. 2524./% *er year which coe to 21I

    roughly. Je't we can ee if anybody would ha#e undertaken the (P in Princi*al would

    ha#e got return of a**. 1)I.

  • 8/11/2019 Fir Insurance


    to a#e and get the into the habit of a#ing. Alo *aying a all aount of ,. 1/// i

    eay and con#enient for the6 thu *utting no *reure on their *ocket.

    Jow we will analyze oe of the e7uity fund (P of irla (unlife with (& 2// and

    bank fi'ed de*oit n a tabular forat a well a gra*hical.


  • 8/11/2019 Fir Insurance


    @(C utual Fund

    J Kyya utual Fund

    Prudential CC utual Fund

    (ahara utual Fund

    (tate ank of ndia utual Fund

    $ata utual Fund E$FG

    otak ahindra Aet anageent Co*any EACG

    ;$ Aet anageent Co*any Pri#ate iited

    Reliance Mutual un! RM;

    (tandard Chartered utual Fund

    &cort utual Fund

    Alliance Ca*ital utual Fund

    enchark utual Fund

    Canbank utual Fund

    Chola utual Fund

    C utual Fund

    C utual Fund


  • 8/11/2019 Fir Insurance


    =or-ing of a Mutual un!

    Terms an! con!itions

    $hi facility offered only to the in#etor ha#ing bank account in elected citie

    which are *ecific in the for of the (P.

    (ubit the following docuent at leat 21 working day before the firt (P date

    for &C( E&lectronic clearing (er#iceG.

    $he firt (P che7ue hould be iued fro the ae bank account which i to be

    debited under &C( for ube7uent intallent.

    $he bank account *ro#ided for &C( E-ebitG hould *artici*ate in local C,


    (P auto debit facility i a#ailable only on *ecific date of the onth i.e. 2ndor

    1/thor 1)thor 2)th.

    $he in#etor agree to abide by the ter and condition of &C( facility of

    ,eer#e bank of ndia. An in#etor can o*t for onthly or 7uarterly fre7uency.

    Only one (P *er onth or *er 7uarter i *eritted *er folio8account.


  • 8/11/2019 Fir Insurance


  • 8/11/2019 Fir Insurance


    Choice of chee

    $a' benefit

    No "uarantees:Jo in#etent i rik free. f the entire tock arket decline in

    #alue6 the #alue of utual fund hare will go down a well6 no atter how

    balanced the *ortfolio. n#etor encounter fewer rik when they in#et in utual

    fund than when they buy and ell tock on their own. @owe#er6 anyone who

    in#et through a utual fund run the rik of loing oney.

    ees an! commissions:All fund charge adinitrati#e fee to co#er their day0

    to0day e'*ene. (oe fund alo charge ale coiion or RloadR to

    co*enate broker6 financial conultant6 or financial *lanner. en if you dont

    ue a broker or other financial ad#ier6 you will *ay a ale coiion if you buy

    hare in a oad Fund.


  • 8/11/2019 Fir Insurance


    ,eliance eneral nurance6 a *art of the ,eliance 0 Anil -hirubhai Abani rou* and a

    (ubidiary of ,eliance Ca*ital6 i one of the firt non0life co*anie to get the licene

    fro the ,-A. ,eliance eneral nurance i ndia fatet growing general inurance

    co*any and the to* 3 *ri#ate ector inurer.

    ,eliance eneral nurance ha 2// branche acro 1%1 citie and o#er 2/6///


  • 8/11/2019 Fir Insurance


    interediarie. ,eliance eneral nurance offer an e'hauti#e range of inurance

    *roduct that co#er ot rik including Auto6 @ealth6 Pro*erty6 arine6 Caualty and

    iability. nurance ndenifie Aet = ncoe. ery Aet ha a #alue and generate

    ncoe to it Owner. $here i a norally e'*ected ife0tie for the Aet during which

    tie it i e'*ected to *erfor. f the Aet get lot earlier6 being detroyed or ade

    Jon0functional through an Accident or other unfortunate e#ent the Owner i Pre"udiced.

    nurance hel* to reduce COJ(&Q;&JC&( of uch Ad#ere Circutance which are

    called ,ik

    nurance i the (C&JC& OF (P,&A-J OF $@& ,(. t i the yte of

    *reading the loe of an ndi#idual o#er a grou* of ndi#idual

    nurance i a ethod of haring of financial loe of a F&< fro a COOJ

    F;J- fored out of Contribution of the AJL who are e7ually e'*oed to the

    ae lo

  • 8/11/2019 Fir Insurance



    (tandard Fire and (*ecial Peril Policy

    ndutrial All ,ik nurance Policy

    Cone7uential o EFireG nurance Policy


    &rection All ,ik8(torage0cu0&rection nurance Policy

    Contractor9 All ,ik nurance Policy

    Contractor9 Plant and achinery Policy

    achinery reakdown nurance Policy

    achinery o of Profit nurance Policy

    oiler = Preure Plant nurance Policy

    &lectronic &7ui*ent nurance Policy


    arine Cargo nurance Policy

    J&< 0 arine $urno#er baed Policy

    J&< 0 ulti $ranit Policy


    Pri#ate Car Co*reheni#e nurance Policy


    -irector and Officer iability nurance Policy


  • 8/11/2019 Fir Insurance


    Public iability EActG nurance Policy

    Public iability nurance Policy

    Product iability nurance Policy

    Profeional ndenity nurance Policy

  • 8/11/2019 Fir Insurance


    Scope of t3e cover

    Co#erage under thi *olicy i *read acro 11 o*tional ection6 enabling you to chooe

    fro the and cutoize the *olicy

    Section ,A.H Fire and allied *eril for building

    Section 73. H Fire and allied *eril for content

    $he *hyical tructure of your ho* Eunder ection 1AG and the content therein Eunder

    ection 1G can be co#ered againt fire and allied *eril. $hee co*rie0



    &'*loion 8 i*loion

    Aircraft -aage

    ,iot6 (trike and aliciou -aage

    (tor6 Cyclone6 $y*hoon6 $e*et6 @urricane6 $ornado6 Flood6 and nundation

    *act -aage

    (ubidence and landlide including ,ocklide deolition6 contruction6 tructural

    alteration or re*air of any *ro*erty or ground work or e'ca#ation

    urting and 8 or o#erflowing of water tank6 a**aratu and *i*e.

    iile teting o*eration

    eakage fro autoatic *rinkler intallation

    uh fire

    $errori co#er Eo*tionalG

    Policy e

  • 8/11/2019 Fir Insurance


  • 8/11/2019 Fir Insurance



    n tune with the global tock arket that began to reco#er fro the econd half of 2//3:

    ndian tock arket too witneed ra*id growth. ndia9 two leading indice6 the ot

    *o*ular (& (ene'6 and the one ot ued by the arket the Jational (tock

    &'change9 (=P CJS Jifty roe to record le#el. oth *riary and econdary arket

    acti#ity e'*erienced har* urge. uch *rogre wa ade in further trengthening and

    trealining rik anageent6 arket regulation and u*er#iion. A few a*ect of the

    a"or de#elo*ent in the ndia9 tock arket are decribed below. And the inurance

    ector i alo *lay an i*ortant role in the growth of the financial arket.

    Market Structure

    ndian ecuritie arket i fairly large a co*ared to e#eral other eerging arket.

    $here are 22 tock e'change in the country6 though the entire li7uidity i hared

    between the countrie9 two national le#el e'change naely6 the Jational (tock

    &'change of ndia and the obay (tock &'change td. $he regional tock e'change

    are in *uruit of buine odel that ake the #iable and #ibrant. eanwhile6 thee

    e'change ha#e becoe eber of the national le#el e'change through foration of

    ubidiarie whoe buine i howing continuou growth and *rogre.

    $he nuber of broker in #ariou tock e'change roe fro !6%11 in 1++40+5 to +6335

    in FL/!. $he nuber of broker in all the e'change together *eaked to 1/6213 in the

    year FL/1 but gradually declined thereafter when the regional tock e'change began to

    loe buine in the light of wide ranging arket tructure refor introduced ince then.n FL/16 when the arket were in u*wing6 e#eral regional tock e'change were

    generating buine owing to the a#ailability of deferral *roduct6 uch adla and

    different ettleent calendar *re#ailing at that tie in thee e'change. For intance in

    FL/16 the -elhi (tock &'change regitered cah arket turno#er of , )3).%1 bn: ;ttar

    Pradeh (tock &'change6 , 24%.4% bn6 udhiana (tock &'change , +%.32 bn6 Pune


  • 8/11/2019 Fir Insurance


    (tock &'change , !1.%1 bn a againt , 1363+5.11 bn of the turno#er at the Jational

    (tock &'change and , 1/6///.32 bn turno#er at the obay (tock &'change.

  • 8/11/2019 Fir Insurance


    Argon ,eligare ife nurance Co. iited

    Ma?or 6ro-ing 3ouse

    -uring the analyi of the arket it ha been found that there are a lot of the brokeing

    houe in the arket which are *ro#iding the online trading facility to the indi#idual or

    the grou* of the indi#idual.


    Lou can now buy and ell hare on 5*aia.co with *eed co*arable and at tie

    better than J(& J&A$ $erinal. $hi *eed and reliability coe only with

    *ere#erance of *ioneer backed by huge in#etent in technologyT Lou can now buy and

    ell hare on 5*aia.co with *eed co*arable and at tie better than J(& J&A$

    $erinal. $hi *eed and reliability coe only with *ere#erance of *ioneer backed byhuge in#etent in technology.

    A!vani S3are 6ro-ers

    Ad#ani (hare roker6 a re*uted obay baed on in#etent houe6 o*erate fro

    ndia financial hub6 -alal (treet6 ince i'ty year. t deal in e7uitie6 debt and

    deri#ati#e on the obay (tock &'change and the Jational (tock &'change of ndia.

    A"R&@ "roup of %ompanies

    Agroy grou* of co*anie i a well etablihed nae in the field of ca*ital arket andfinancial er#ice. A,OL Finance = n#etent td. EAFG i the grou* flaghi*

    co*any engaged in ca*ital arket a a *reier financial and tock broking houe. $he

    co*any wa fored in Duly 1++2. (ince then it ha en"oyed *atronage of a large nuber

    of #alued cutoer and buine *artner.

    Anan! Rat3i Securities Limite!

    Anand ,athi (ecuritie iited *ro#ide financial and ad#iory er#ice including wealth

    anageent6 in#etent banking6 cor*orate ad#iory6 brokerage = ditribution of

    e7uitie6 cooditie6 utual fund and inurance 0 all of which are u**orted by

    *owerful reearch tea.

    In!ia 2ulls

    ndia bull i ndia leading retail financial er#ice co*any with %/ location *read

    acro !2 citie.

  • 8/11/2019 Fir Insurance


    #aried *roduct and er#ice at #ery attracti#e *rice6 our o#er 45/ Client ,elationhi*

    anager are dedicated to er#ing your uni7ue need.

    Religare Securities Lt!.

    ,eligare &nter*rie iited EA ,anba'y Prooter rou* Co*anyG through ,eligare

    (ecuritie iited6 ,eligare Fin#et iited6 ,eligare Cooditie iited and

    ,eligare nurance Ad#iory (er#ice iited *ro#ide integrated financial olution to

    it cor*orate6 retail and wealth anageent client. Pro#ide #ariou financial er#ice

    which include n#etent anking6 Cor*orate Finance6 Portfolio anageent (er#ice6

    &7uity = Coodity roking6 nurance and utual Fund.

    aypee %apital Services Lt!.

    Day*ee Ca*ital (er#ice td. i a regitered elf0clearing eber with Jational (tock

    &'change and (&. t ha the e'*ertie and the e'*erience to ca*italize on daily tock

    o#eent and e*loy o#er 2/ *ecialit trader certified by the J(&.

    I%I%I Direct

    Online hare and utual fund trading facility by the CC grou*.

    Arca!e S3are B Stoc- 6ro-ers

    Arcadia grou* began it odet "ourney in 1++5 and now Arcadia *roudly boat about

    eberhi* to J(&6(&6 -e*oitory Partici*ant EC-(G6CS6JC-&S .$he

    *hiloo*hy of client er#icing backed by all *rinci*al ndian (tock and Coodity

    e'change gi#e Arcadia edge o#er other *layer in the indutry egent to offer #alue

    baed er#ice to it cutoer.


    ndiantockarket.net i an effort to educate ndian in#etor by *ro#iding ueful tock

    new6 tock arket webite6 inforati#e article6 reource to #ariou in#etent guide.

    Ma?or Developments in e9uity 2ro-erage in!ustry in In!ia

    Cor*orate eberhi*

  • 8/11/2019 Fir Insurance


    reater reliance on reearch

    Acceing e7uity ca*ital arket

    Foreign collaboration and "oint #enture

    (*ecialized er#ice8niche broking

    Online broking

    &erging challenge and outlook for the brokerage indutry


    lobal O**ortunitie

    Co*etition fro foreign fir

    n#etor Protection


  • 8/11/2019 Fir Insurance


    $he ot #ital *roble *otted i of ignorance. n#etor hould be ade aware of the

    benefit. Jobody will in#et until and unle he i fully con#inced. n#etor hould be

    ade to realize that ignorance i no longer bli and what they are loing by not


    utual fund offer a lot of benefit which no other ingle o*tion could offer. ut ot of

    the *eo*le are not e#en aware of what actually a utual fund i? $hey only ee it a "ut

    another in#etent o*tion. (o the ad#ior hould try to change their indet. $he

    ad#ior hould target for ore and ore young in#etor. Loung in#etor a well a*eron at the height of their career would like to go for ad#ior due to lack of e'*ertie

    and tie.

    $he ad#ior ay try to highlight oe of the #alue added benefit of utual fund uch

    a ta' benefit6 ru*ee cot a#eraging6 and yteatic tranfer *lan6 rebalancing etc. thee

    benefit are not offered by other o*tion ingle0handedly. (o thee are enough to dri#e the

    in#etor toward utual fund. n#etor could alo try to increae the *ectru of

    er#ice offered.

    Jow the ot i*ortant reaon for not a#ailing the er#ice of ad#ior wa *otted wa

    being e'*eni#e. $he ad#ior hould try to charge a noinal fee at the beginning. ut if

    not *oible then they could go for offering ore er#ice and benefit at the e'iting

    rate. $hey hould alo aintain their decency and follow the code of ethic o that the

    in#etor could trut u*on the. $hu the ad#ior hould try to attract ore and ore

    *eron and turn the into in#etor and finally their client.


  • 8/11/2019 Fir Insurance


    6y t3e 3elp of 6oo-s

    uine &n#ironent written y

    N rancis %3erunilamN

    arketing anageent written L

    NP3illip >otlar

    6y t3e Celp of Manuals

    ,eliance oney ,e*ort of 2//% = nternet.

    6y t3e 3elp of &t3er Sources

    y the head9 and the conultant of the ,eliance oney.

    6y t3e 3elp of =e2sites

    1. www. ,-Andia.org.

    2. www.,elianceoney.co

    3. www.inure2becure.co

    4. www.google.co

    5. www.

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