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Fire Regime of an Ozark Wilderness Area, Arkansas MICHAEL C. STAMBAUGH 1 AND RICHARD P. GUYETTE 2 Department of Forestry, 203 ABNR Bldg., University of Missouri-Columbia 65211 ABSTRACT .—Many of the present day issues associated with fire management in wilderness areas are addressed by studying past interactions among fire, humans, vegetation and climate. In this paper we describe three centuries of the fire regime in the Lower Buffalo River Wilderness Area, Arkansas, USA. We reconstructed fire events from 159 tree-ring dated fire scars on 26 shortleaf pine (Pinus echinata Mill.) remnants and live trees. During the late-17 th Century and early 18 th Century the mean fire return interval (MFI) was 7.7 y. Fire frequency increased abruptly circa 1820 with fires burning every 2 y on average until 1920. The number of fires decreased during the 1900s as cultural values changed to favor fire suppression over multiple-use burning. Analyses of the influence of human ignitions and drought on the fire regime resulted in two important findings: (1) that fire frequency was positively correlated to human population density up to 1920 and (2) the influence of drought seemed to be masked by frequent anthropogenic fires and fire suppression. Fire events were associated with droughts only prior to Euro-American settlement. Studies of climate-fire relationships should consider the potential for anthropogenic influence and future studies should attempt to quantify the historic role of humans in the fire regime. INTRODUCTION Fire management in federally designated wilderness areas has been the subject of much attention (Brown et al., 1995; Agee, 2000; Hourdequin, 2001) partially because managers have a mandate to maintain wildland fire as a natural ecological process. Departures from pre- Euro-American fire frequencies have occurred in many wilderness areas because of fire suppression. Wilderness managers are challenged to restore fire to its natural role while protecting wilderness character and managing the risks associated with prescribed burning (Parsons et al., 2003). Fire history information that describes the long-term dynamics of fire helps wilderness area managers determine reference conditions and derive fire manage- ment policies (Allen et al., 1995; Kipfmueller and Swetnam, 2000; Rollins et al., 2002). The Ozark Highlands fire regime.—The Ozark Highlands ecoregion (Bailey, 1998) comprises approximately 139,000 km 2 of Arkansas and Missouri and to a lesser extent Illinois, Kansas and Oklahoma. The Ozarks form a large portion of the ecotone between the Prairie Parkland and Eastern Broadleaf Forest Provinces. Today the region consists largely of closed- canopy forests, though relatively frequent fires prior to Euro-American settlement created and maintained a continuum of fire-mediated community structures (e.g., forest, woodland, savanna and glade) (Batek et al., 1999; Nelson, 2005). Wildfires in the region are almost exclusively surface fires and rarely stand replacing events (Oliver and Larson, 1996; Guyette and Kabrick, 2002). Severity of fires is largely dependent on climate, weather and conditions of the litter and 1-h fuels (Kolaks, 2004). During the fall, winter and spring of most years, dry warm weather of only a few days is sufficient to dry ground fuels (e.g., litter and 1-h) and permit the spread of surface fires. Severe fires during the growing season are uncommon but can occur during droughts and in dry and windy conditions during the fire season 1 Telephone: (573)882-8841; FAX: (573)882-1977; e-mail: [email protected] 2 Telephone: (573)882-7741; FAX: (573)882-1977; e-mail: [email protected] 237 Am. Midl. Nat. 156:237–251
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Fire Regime of an Ozark Wilderness Area, Arkansas


Department of Forestry, 203 ABNR Bldg., University of Missouri-Columbia 65211

ABSTRACT.—Many of the present day issues associated with fire management in wildernessareas are addressed by studying past interactions among fire, humans, vegetation and climate.In this paper we describe three centuries of the fire regime in the Lower Buffalo RiverWilderness Area, Arkansas, USA. We reconstructed fire events from 159 tree-ring dated firescars on 26 shortleaf pine (Pinus echinata Mill.) remnants and live trees. During the late-17th

Century and early 18th Century the mean fire return interval (MFI) was 7.7 y. Fire frequencyincreased abruptly circa 1820 with fires burning every 2 y on average until 1920. The numberof fires decreased during the 1900s as cultural values changed to favor fire suppression overmultiple-use burning. Analyses of the influence of human ignitions and drought on the fireregime resulted in two important findings: (1) that fire frequency was positively correlated tohuman population density up to 1920 and (2) the influence of drought seemed to be maskedby frequent anthropogenic fires and fire suppression. Fire events were associated withdroughts only prior to Euro-American settlement. Studies of climate-fire relationships shouldconsider the potential for anthropogenic influence and future studies should attempt toquantify the historic role of humans in the fire regime.


Fire management in federally designated wilderness areas has been the subject of muchattention (Brown et al., 1995; Agee, 2000; Hourdequin, 2001) partially because managershave a mandate to maintain wildland fire as a natural ecological process. Departures frompre- Euro-American fire frequencies have occurred in many wilderness areas because of firesuppression. Wilderness managers are challenged to restore fire to its natural role whileprotecting wilderness character and managing the risks associated with prescribed burning(Parsons et al., 2003). Fire history information that describes the long-term dynamics of firehelps wilderness area managers determine reference conditions and derive fire manage-ment policies (Allen et al., 1995; Kipfmueller and Swetnam, 2000; Rollins et al., 2002).

The Ozark Highlands fire regime.—The Ozark Highlands ecoregion (Bailey, 1998) comprisesapproximately 139,000 km2 of Arkansas and Missouri and to a lesser extent Illinois, Kansasand Oklahoma. The Ozarks form a large portion of the ecotone between the PrairieParkland and Eastern Broadleaf Forest Provinces. Today the region consists largely of closed-canopy forests, though relatively frequent fires prior to Euro-American settlement createdand maintained a continuum of fire-mediated community structures (e.g., forest, woodland,savanna and glade) (Batek et al., 1999; Nelson, 2005). Wildfires in the region are almostexclusively surface fires and rarely stand replacing events (Oliver and Larson, 1996; Guyetteand Kabrick, 2002). Severity of fires is largely dependent on climate, weather and conditionsof the litter and 1-h fuels (Kolaks, 2004). During the fall, winter and spring of most years, drywarm weather of only a few days is sufficient to dry ground fuels (e.g., litter and 1-h) andpermit the spread of surface fires. Severe fires during the growing season are uncommonbut can occur during droughts and in dry and windy conditions during the fire season

1 Telephone: (573)882-8841; FAX: (573)882-1977; e-mail: [email protected] Telephone: (573)882-7741; FAX: (573)882-1977; e-mail: [email protected]


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(October to April). Topographic roughness of the Ozark landscape is an important controlon the spatial variability of historic fire (Guyette and Dey, 2000; Jenness, 2004).

Humans have historically been an important source of wildfire ignitions in eastern U.S.forests (Braun, 1950; Pyne, 1982; Whitney, 1994; Clark and Royall, 1996; Delcourt andDelcourt, 2004). In the Ozarks, fire-scar studies have shown the association between humanpopulation density and fire frequency both pre- and post-Euro-American settlement(Guyette et al., 2002; Guyette and Spetich, 2003; Guyette et al., in press). Native Americaninhabitants of the Ozarks at the time of European contact included the Osage, Ouachitaand Quapaw, and later eastern tribes including the Cherokee, Delaware and Shawneetemporarily resided there. All of these groups purportedly used fire (Nuttall, 1821; Mooney,1900; DeVivo, 1991; Williams, 1994). Between 1763 and 1804 French and Spanish explorersencountered Osage Indians who had numerous seasonal hunting settlements between theWhite and Buffalo Rivers. Explorers made notes of Native Americans igniting fires, and theytoo burned to clear vegetation, mark terrain and illuminate mining prospects (Schoolcraft,1821). Several decades later Euro-American settlers used fire to convert the forested hilltopsand valley bottoms into pastures and croplands (Rossiter, 1992; Jenkins, 1997)—a practicethat continued into the 1900s.

Few written records of fire events exist for the period prior to fire suppression; however,modern fire records and studies provide detailed information about the current fire regime,particularly rates of human and lightning ignitions. Since 1979 humans have caused anaverage of 105 fires per year per 400,000 ha in the Missouri Ozarks (Westin, 1992). Incontrast, rates of natural ignitions are among the lowest in the continental U.S. [,1lightning fire per year per 400,000 ha (Schroeder and Buck, 1970)]. Combined Missouriand Arkansas state agency records indicate that lightning-caused fires accounted for 1–2%of all fires during approximately the last 30 y (Garner, 1989; Jurney et al., 2004). Lightning isnot an important source of ignitions partly because: (1) asynchrony exists between thetiming of the primary lightning season (summer) and the curing of deciduous fuels (falland winter) and (2) lightning-producing storms are generally accompanied by rain.

Fire histories can provide much information about fire regimes prior to writtendocuments and records. The objectives of this study were to: (1) reconstruct the fire historyof the Lower Buffalo Wilderness Area from tree-ring dated fire scars and (2) test forrelationships between both fire frequency and human population density and betweenhistoric fire events and droughts.


Study site.—The study site is located in the northeast portion of the federally designatedLower Buffalo Wilderness Area (LBWA), Marion County, Arkansas (36899N, 928279W). The9300 ha wilderness is situated between the confluence of the Buffalo and White Rivers. Thestudy site included the majority of Granite Mountain, a steep and highly dissected east-westridgeline with more than 350 m of relief from drainage to crest. Forest composition isdominated by oak (Quercus spp.), hickory (Carya spp.) and shortleaf pine (Pinus echinataMill.). Woodland-savanna-glade complexes cover portions of the study area and surroundingvicinity, though encroaching woody vegetation has resulted in reduced herbaceous diversity(Jenkins et al., 1997). Beginning in 1995 the National Park Service began using prescribedfire at the LBWA in an attempt to restore open-canopy forest structures.

Rivers and river confluences like that of the Buffalo and White Rivers were commonlocations of historic Native American and Euro-American activities in the region (Stevens,1991). These rivers were preferred east-west travel corridors through the otherwise highlydissected topography. Prior to Euro-American settlement this area was only seasonally


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inhabited by the Osage tribe. Permanent Euro-American settlements existed near theBuffalo and White Rivers confluence as early as the 1820s (Schoolcraft, 1821). Theconfluence of the Buffalo and White Rivers was a particularly active area during the mid- tolate-19th Century when Buffalo City, a town now located on the north side of the White River,was located on a peninsula between the two rivers (Rossiter, 1992). The town was a shippinghub, receiving steamboats carrying merchandise up the White River and barges carryingzinc ore down the Buffalo River. The river confluence was also conducive to allowing thepropagation of fire into the Granite Mountain site because the distance is relatively short(2 km), there are no physical barriers, and the fire path (i.e., via southeast and northeastdrainages) (Fig. 1) is continuously upslope. In even closer proximity existed roads thatwould have allowed for much easier, and perhaps more frequent, access to the study site.

Fire scars.—We exhaustively searched and sampled the entire Granite Mountain area forshortleaf pines exhibiting external evidence of fire scarring. Shortleaf pine is consid-ered a fire adapted species as it has moderately thick bark, is able to survive multiple fires(e.g., .30), and saplings can resprout following top-kill (Keeley and Zedler, 1998). Thespecies is ideal for use in fire history research due to its longevity and resistance to decayfollowing injury and death. Cross sections were collected from 26 trees, stumps and naturalremnants with a two-man crosscut saw. In the laboratory cross sections were surfaced with anelectric hand planer and the cellular detail of annual rings and fire scar injuries wererevealed by sanding with progressively finer sandpaper (80 to 600 grit). Fire scars wereidentified by the presence of callus tissue, traumatic resin canals, liquefaction of resin andcambial injury. All samples had charcoal present on the scarred exterior. Fire scar dates wereassigned to the first year of response to cambial injury. We used FHX2 software (Grissino-Mayer, 1995) to construct the fire chronology and generate summary statistics. Analysisbegan with the first year of tree-ring record (AD 1670). Mean fire return intervals and firefrequencies were derived from the composite fire scar chronology and represent theoccurrence of fire somewhere in the study area. We compared individual tree fire intervalsto composite fire intervals for understanding differences in fire frequency between pointlocations (individual trees) and the mountain scale.

The initial scarring of shortleaf pine boles requires considerable heat to penetrate thebark (Spalt and Reifsnyder, 1962; Hengst and Dawson, 1994). Lowery (1968), studyingcambial injury in shortleaf pine exposed to air temperatures of 532 C, showed that 15 to20 min was required to kill the cambium under 4 cm of bark. The high temperature vari-ability within a fire suggests that initial scarring of trees can also be highly variable. Themajority of the samples collected were taken from landscape positions that are highlysensitive with respect to fire scarring because of upper slope positions, xeric aspects andlarge fetch (valley bottom to ridge top) distances. Throughout the region, these landscapepositions are best for locating fire scar remnants and can overcome some assumptionsof the necessary effective sample size. For example, a single shortleaf pine tree can yieldover 40 fire scars, with over 10 scars per tree being common.

Dendrochronology.—A radius (pith-to-bark tree-ring series) of the cross-section with the leastamount of ring-width variability due to fire injuries was chosen for measurement andcrossdating. Ring-width series from each sample were measured and plotted, and theresulting plots were used for visual crossdating (Stokes and Smiley, 1968). Visual matchingof ring-width patterns allows for the weighting of important ‘‘signature years’’ over years withlow common variability among trees. Plots also aid in identifying errors in measurement andmissing and/or false rings that can be associated with injury or drought. Samples werecrossdated with other shortleaf pine chronologies from Arkansas and Missouri (Guyette,1996; Stambaugh and Guyette, 2004) and a master dating chronology was constructed from


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FIG. 1.—Location of the study area (top right) relative to other fire history research sites in the OzarkHighlands province of Arkansas and Missouri, USA. Granite Mountain (top left), part of the LowerBuffalo Wilderness Area, lies at the confluence of the Buffalo and White Rivers. Twenty-six shortleafpine samples were collected in a 0.8 km2 area on Granite Mountain. Map with sample locations(bottom) is black and white version of infrared aerial photograph taken in 2000


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the tree-ring measurements. The COFECHA program (Holmes, 1983; Grissino-Mayer, 2001)was used to aid in absolute tree-ring dating and measurement quality control.

Fire and drought.—Superposed epoch analysis (SEA) was used to analyze the associationbetween drought and fire occurrence for four separate periods of the fire reconstruction.SEA is commonly used in fire history analyses for determining the degree, strength, andinfluence of climate prior to and during a fire event (Stephens et al., 2003; Fule et al., 2005).SEA quantifies the average climate conditions around fire events and determines if theywere significantly different (e.g., wetter or drier) than that of all years. The data werebootstrapped for 1000 simulated events in order to derive confidence limits. Fire event datawere compared to proxy climate data reconstructed from tree rings to determine if climatewas significantly different from average during the 6 y preceding and 4 y succeeding fireevents (n ¼ 92). We conducted SEA separately for four periods of the fire history (1670–1820, 1821–1880, 1881–1920 and 1920–2001). These periods correspond to cultural periodssimilar to those used by Guyette et al. (2002), with adjustments made for local variation inhuman population density and fire frequency. The proxy climate data used in the analysiswere reconstructed Palmer Drought Severity Indices (PDSI), Grid 202 for north centralArkansas (Cook et al., 2004). In addition to the SEA, we described the association betweendrought and fire years and used correlation analysis to relate drought to percentage of treesscarred during fire event years.

Human population.—Historic human population data were derived using multiple sourcesincluding Marion and Sercey County census records, Arkansas population records, Arkansasstate census data (1810–2000) and state population estimates (1686–1999) (Coulson andJoyce, 2003). Decadal Native American population estimates, trends and densities (1520–1820) were derived from multiple sources (Bailey, 1973; Marriott, 1974; Pitcaithley, 1978;Baird, 1980; Stevens, 1991; Hudson, 1995; Rollings, 1995). An average number of humansper square kilometer was estimated by incorporating known Native American settlementlocations within the region and their distance from the study site. We divided populationestimates by the area of a circle having a radius equal to the distance between the populationcenter and the study site. This method assumes equal distribution of humans throughoutthe circle area. The area of the circle was considered separately for each cultural group andadjusted each decade to account for temporal changes in territories, and populationmovements and sizes. Changes in populations and territories documented in the historicalliterature were used to adjust population density estimates accordingly. We used linearinterpolation to derive annual population density from decadal Native American populationestimates and Arkansas state census data. One limitation to this method is that linearinterpolation causes population changes to occur steadily and may not account for periodsof abrupt population change. Population density estimates for the Buffalo River werecompared to other estimates for eastern North America (Dobyns, 1983; Ramenofsky, 1987;Thornton, 1987) and occurred within their range of population density estimates (0.07 to 6humans per km2). Population density estimates were correlated with the number of fires perdecade. The number of fires per decade was calculated for each year using a sliding windowapproach. This approach involved summing the number of fires in the composite firechronology for the 10 y preceding each calendar year. For example, the number of fires perdecade for 1780 equals the sum of the fire events from 1771 to 1780. This analysis wasconducted for the same four periods delineated in the drought analysis using SEA.


Fire scar record.—Nine of the 26 samples were collected from live trees. Remnantand preserved wood was collected primarily from stumps of trees cut around the


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beginning of the 20th Century. The total number of years (tree rings) analyzed was 3072and the mean and maximum number of rings on samples was 118 and 207, respectively.Crossdating of samples showed that no rings were missing from any of the sample ring-width time series. Tree ring-width patterns closely followed shortleaf pine masterchronologies despite having considerable variability due to fire injuries and forest standdynamics.

A total of 165 fire scars and 92 fire years were identified and fire scar dates were compiledinto a composite fire scar chronology (Fig. 2) (Guyette and Stambaugh, 2003). The periodof record ranged from AD 1670 to 2001 (332 y), but is poorly replicated (n¼2) before 1725.The scar dates ranged in calendar year from 1735 to 1972. The percentage of trees that werescarred during fire years ranged from 7 to over 50 (e.g., 1763, 1806 and 1971). The meannumber of scars per sample cross section was 6.1 and one sample (GMT013) had 22 firescars. The majority of fire scars (.90%) were formed at the beginning of a growth ringindicating that these fire events occurred between growing seasons (approximatelySeptember to March). More than 90% of the fire scars were located on the uphill side ofthe bole suggesting upslope fire propagation (Gutsell and Johnson, 1996).

Composite fire intervals.—The frequency of fire intervals decreased exponentially withincreasing interval length. Fire return intervals based on the site composite fire chronologywere highly variable throughout the period of record and ranged in length from 1 to 28 y(Fig. 3). The mean fire return interval (MFI) for the period 1670–1820, representingpredominantly Native American inhabitation, was 7.7 y. Much shorter fire intervals,including periods of annual burning, occurred during Euro-American settlement (1821–1880). Composite MFIs ranged from 1.6 to 7.7 y for the four periods analyzed. Inprogression, MFIs transitioned from being relatively long (MFI¼ 7.7 y) during the earliest

FIG. 2.—Fire chronology of Granite Mountain. Horizontal lines represent a fire scar on a crossdatedshortleaf pine tree or remnant. The composite fire scar chronology (all samples combined) is shownat the bottom of the figure. Sample numbers are given on right margin and correspond to locationsin Figure 1


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portion of the record (1670–1820), to significantly shorter (MFI¼ 1.6 y) during the mid- tolate-1800s, to relatively long again during the mid- to late-20th Century. One exception is anabrupt increase in burning for a short time during the mid-20th Century (1955–1972, 12fires, MFI¼ 1.55 y). No fires have occurred since 1972.

Individual tree fire intervals.—The distribution of individual tree fire intervals is negativelyskewed with intervals that are longer than those of the composite fire interval. It is for thisreason that the composite fire chronology (i.e., multiple trees) provides a more accurateestimate of the mean fire return interval at the mountain or landscape scale (Fig. 3). Fireintervals before 1820 were fewer and generally longer than those occurring during the laterpart of the 19th Century, when 2 and 3-y intervals were most common. Conversely, thelongest fire interval began in 1972 and is open-ended until a future fire closes the interval.

FIG. 3.—Frequency distribution of fire intervals from (A) individual trees and (B) the compositefire chronology. Data are for closed intervals only (i.e., fire events define the beginning and end ofeach interval)


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Fire frequency and human population.—Fire frequency was positively related to humanpopulation density up to 1920 when the relationship reversed becoming negatively relatedat even higher densities (Table 1). The timing of changes in the frequency of burningseemed to coincide with cultural transitions suggesting changes in fire use or values. Themost frequent period of burning (1820 to 1880) was a period characterized by a rapidlyincreasing population that intentionally burned to improve grazing conditions, clear foragriculture and illuminate mining prospects.

Fire occurrence and drought.—Superposed epoch analysis was conducted to determine theassociation between fire events and drought conditions. Fires occurred in years of droughtduring the early portion of the record (1670–1820) (Fig. 4). From 1890–1920, however, anopposite relationship existed, with fires occurring when the year prior to the fire event waswet. Fires commonly occurred during the driest years prior to 1820 (e.g., 1735, 1767, 1794,1806), but were absent during the driest years following 1820 (e.g., 1828, 1861, 1882, 1901)(Fig. 5). The percentage of trees scarred was negatively correlated with Palmer DroughtSeverity Index (�0.29, P ¼ 0.01) for the period 1750 to 1820; however, no significantcorrelations existed during more recent periods of the record (Table 1).


Fire, humans and drought.—Anthropogenic ignitions have an integral role in fire history(Laurance, 1998; Pyne, 1998; Veblen et al., 1999; Vale, 2002). Human life and culture havelong been dependent on the frequent use of fire (Sauer, 1950; Pyne, 1982; Hicks, 2000;Delcourt and Delcourt, 2004) making humans a logical predictor of fire frequencyparticularly in regions with low natural ignition potential such as the Ozark Highlands. Thevariability in fire frequency at the LBWA over the last three centuries was likely stronglycontrolled by human ignitions. This is supported by correlations between population

TABLE 1.—Stages and characteristics of the fire regime for four distinct cultural periods at GraniteMountain, Lower Buffalo Wilderness Area, Arkansas


Native Americanperiod







1670–1820 1821–1880 1881–1920 1921–2001

Economic activities subsistenceand trade

grazing/mining regionaltrade/forestresources


Mean populationdensity 0.8 humans/km2 2.4 humans/km2 9.6 humans/km2 12.6 humans/km2

Mean fire returninterval (MFI) 7.7 y 1.6 y 2.6 y 4.0 y

% trees scarred(fire events) 17.3% 11.8% 15.7% 21.9%

% trees scarred(all years) 2.3% 7.5% 5.9% 5.5%

r (% scarred 3 PDSI)(fire events) �0.29 (P ¼ 0.01)* �0.22 (P ¼ 0.09) �0.18 (P ¼ 0.27) �0.04 (P ¼ 0.73)

r (population density 3

n fires per decade) 0.66 (P , 0.01) 0.25 (P ¼ 0.05) 0.25 (P ¼ 0.10) �0.65 (P , 0.01)

* Correlation is for the well replicated period 1750 to 1820


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FIG. 4.—Results of superposed epoch analysis for four periods that represent distinct stages in the fireregime. Bars represent deviation from normal drought conditions based on 1000 simulations.Confidence limits are: 90% (solid line), 95% (long dash) and 99% (short dash)


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density and fire frequency, high frequency burning, and temporal changes in fire frequencycoinciding with changes in culture and land use (Table 1, Fig. 5). The positive to negativechange in correlation between population density and fire frequency further supports theimportance of human ignitions. The positive correlation, particularly during the NativeAmerican and Euro-American settlement periods, reflects a transition from seasonal topermanent human occupation in the region. Later, the negative correlation reflects theincreased importance of physical (e.g., fuel discontinuity, land fragmentation, economicrisk) and cultural (e.g., fire suppression attitudes) fire-limiting factors that may only becomeimportant at higher population densities.

The influence of drought in fire regimes is likely modified by regionally specificconditions such as vegetation and fuels, topography, fire season and ignition sources. In fireregimes with predominantly natural ignitions (e.g., lightning), drought plays an importantrole in fire frequency. However, in fire regimes with infrequent natural ignitions andabundant human ignitions, such as the LBWA, detecting the effects of drought on firefrequency can be problematic because many drought years occur without fire events and fireevents may occur in a range of drought conditions. In this example, frequent humanignitions complicate and potentially mask the influence of drought, or other climateforcing, on fire frequency. From about 1820 to 1880 frequent fire events at the LBWAoccurred during a wide range of drought conditions (PDSI�4.7 to 4.5, Fig. 5). The period ofhigh fire frequency beginning circa 1820 suggested strong anthropogenic control on thefire regime and made it difficult to discern a statistical relationship between drought andfire occurrence. No significant relationship between fire events and drought occurred after1820 (Fig. 4), and no significant correlations existed between the percentage of treesscarred and drought following Euro-American settlement (Table 1). It is interesting thatduring the period of regional development at LBWA (1881–1920), the years prior to fireevents were wet, with the year immediately preceding fire events being significantly wetterthan normal (Fig. 4). Increased wetness could have increased fuel accumulation andfacilitated the incidence of fire in the following year despite previous frequent burning.In Ozark forests, approximately 50% of the maximum fuel accumulation can occur within2 y following a fire event (Stambaugh et al., in press a).

FIG. 5.—A) Estimated annual population density (solid line) from historical documents and censusdata and the number of fires per decade (dotted line). Four distinct stages of the fire regime weredelineated based on changes in regional fire frequency, land use and culture (see Guyette et al., 2002).B) Percent trees scarred (bars) and reconstructed Palmer Drought Severity Indices (grey line) (PDSIGrid AR202, Cook et al., 2004) by year


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The advent of active fire suppression is represented in this and other Ozark fire histories(n . 40) by an absence of fire events in the fire chronology beginning around 1940. Beforeand during the period of fire suppression, the association and correlation between droughtand fire occurrence was not significant (Table 1, Figs. 4, 5). During drought in the Ozarks anincreased potential exists for ignition of surface fuels (Stambaugh et al., in press b). However,we suggest that without human ignitions these drought effects have a small effect on firefrequency. Analyses of climate-fire relationships should consider the potential foranthropogenic influence and attempt to quantify the historic role of humans in the fireregime. Results of this study show variable drought-fire relationships throughout the periodof record (1670–2001) (Fig. 4). When populations were relatively low at the LBWA (prior to1820), a significant relationship between fire occurrence and drought existed. Is thisrelationship indicative of a climate-fire relationship without or with little human influence?The relative importance of anthropogenic and natural ignitions is debatable and likelyregionally variable; nevertheless, drought obviously has important effects regardless ofignition source. Independent evidence, both within and outside of the Ozark region,suggests that drought was important in the presettlement fire regimes across large regions ofthe Eastern U.S. Guyette et al. (in press) found that a significant correlation between annualdrought indices and fire existed for a large region of Eastern North America and many ofthe most notable fire events occurred during drought conditions. At the LBWA, two of themost severe fire years occurred in drought years prior to Euro-American settlement (e.g.,1763 and 1806).

No fire events occurred during the driest years of the 1900s (e.g., 1901, 1936, 1952 and1980) and few (3 of 18 y) occurred between 1900 and 2000 when instrumental PDSI valueswere less than �2.0. Two of these 3 y occurred during the period of increased fire eventscirca 1955–1970. Continuation of burning at the study area from 1955–1972 is a uniquefeature uncommon to other regional fire histories. The causes of these fires are unknown,but explanations include intentional burning by the landowner for management purposes(e.g., forest clearing, improve grazing), or the setting of grudge fires in protest againstfederal acquisition of the land that is now designated as the Buffalo National River(Pitcaithley, 1978; Rossiter, 1992). The last fire recorded at the site (1972) occurred in thesame year that the area was incorporated into the national park system.

Historic fire events.—Fire scars and fire event chronologies provide a host of informationabout historic fire events. Fire intervals recorded by individual trees are useful forunderstanding scarring dynamics and the return of fire to a point location, and less usefulfor describing fire frequency at the landscape scale. Individual tree fire scars can also beused to understand fire behavior, such as whether fires more commonly burned severelyover the whole area (high percentage of trees scarred) or if less severe fires (low percentageof trees scarred) that could have resulted from a mosaic burning pattern occurred. Thefrequency distribution of fire intervals recorded by individual trees conformed to a negativeexponential (Fig. 3), showing that trees most commonly had low mean fire return intervals(1–5 y), and individual tree fire intervals greater than approximately 20 y were relativelyuncommon. We assume that historic fire severity is synonymous to percentage of treesscarred and that the historic burn area can be determined by looking at the geographiclocation of trees scarred during any particular year (Shumway et al., 2001). Following thisapproach and comparing Figures 1 and 2, the fire scar locations also suggest that the sitecommonly burned in irregular severity or spatial extent, particularly during the periods ofEuro-American settlement and regional development (1820–1890) when fire events arecharacterized by low percentages of trees being scarred and different trees being scarredfrom one fire event to the next (Fig. 2). Years of likely severe burning, represented by many


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trees across the entire site being scarred, included 1763, 1806 and 1971. Interestingly, 1806was a year of widespread drought throughout the northeastern U.S. (Cook et al., 2004) withfires also recorded in the Lower Atoka Hills, Arkansas (Guyette and Spetich, 2003), Big Bay,Michigan (Torretti, 2003) and many sites in Missouri (Guyette and Cutter, 1991; Stambaughand Guyette, 2005).

Conclusion.—Although little obvious evidence of past burning existed at the site (e.g.,charcoal, dominance of fire adapted species), fire scars revealed a highly variable history ofburning. This study provides managers with new information about the fire regime such as:the range in historic burning frequency and severity, the effects of drought, the importanceof human ignitions, and periods of changes in fire use. One common misconception aboutmany wilderness areas is that they have been minimally altered by humans, but multiplelines of evidence (e.g., historical documents, old roads, tree stumps, and the fire historychronology) show that this is not the case at the LBWA.

Acknowledgments.—The authors thank the Buffalo National River National Park Service personnel andUSGS Biological Resources Division for their technical assistance and support of fire history research.Additional thanks to Tom Faust, Matt Struckhoff, Justin Wiles and Thomas Goff for assisting in samplecollection and Dan Dey, Erin McMurry and two anonymous reviewers for providing comments onprevious versions of the manuscript.


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