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Fire Safety Policy (Term Time Only) Scope · Pupils, Teachers – including peripatetic Music...

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1 of 19 Fire Safety Policy (Term Time Only) v1.3/Susan Allan/June 2017/Review Date: June 2018 Fire Safety Policy (Term Time Only) Scope 1. This is the lead document in the School’s fire safety suite which comprises: a) School Fire Safety Policy b) Fire Risk Assessments (Separate documents available and retained in the Bursar’s Secretary’s office) c) Evacuation Procedures It is relevant to all aspects of the School, including pupils in the EYFS Setting. Aim 2. The aim of this policy is to specify the actions to be taken and those responsible for taking them, in order to minimise the risk of fire and subsequent injuries and damage occurring from it. The policy will include the reduction or elimination of risk from dangerous substances. The Bursar is our designated competent person. Application 3. This policy applies to all persons on the school premises and in particular to staff who have a duty placed upon them to monitor actively the implementation of this policy. Policy Statement 4. The School will comply with the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 and all other current fire safety legislation and standards as far as is practicable. Responsibilities 5. Overall responsibility for implementing this policy rests with the Head, assisted by the Bursar who has day to day responsibility for managing all aspects of health and safety for the School. Subordinate tasks may be delegated to other staff as appropriate. Such delegation will be in writing signed by the Bursar. In the absence of the Bursar, the Clerk of Works or Deputy, will adopt day-to-day responsibility.
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Fire Safety Policy

(Term Time Only) Scope 1. This is the lead document in the School’s fire safety suite which comprises:

a) School Fire Safety Policy b) Fire Risk Assessments (Separate documents available and retained in the

Bursar’s Secretary’s office) c) Evacuation Procedures

It is relevant to all aspects of the School, including pupils in the EYFS Setting.

Aim 2. The aim of this policy is to specify the actions to be taken and those responsible

for taking them, in order to minimise the risk of fire and subsequent injuries and damage occurring from it. The policy will include the reduction or elimination of risk from dangerous substances. The Bursar is our designated competent person.

Application 3. This policy applies to all persons on the school premises and in particular to staff

who have a duty placed upon them to monitor actively the implementation of this policy.

Policy Statement 4. The School will comply with the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 and

all other current fire safety legislation and standards as far as is practicable. Responsibilities 5. Overall responsibility for implementing this policy rests with the Head, assisted

by the Bursar who has day to day responsibility for managing all aspects of health and safety for the School. Subordinate tasks may be delegated to other staff as appropriate. Such delegation will be in writing signed by the Bursar. In the absence of the Bursar, the Clerk of Works or Deputy, will adopt day-to-day responsibility.

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The Bursar will ensure: 6.1 That the safety of all persons on the school campus is assured as far as is

practicable through the development of a fire risk assessment. Such assessment must be carried out by a competent person at appropriate intervals and remain current through annual reviews by the Bursar. For the purpose of this Policy appropriate intervals are deemed to be triggered when alterations are made to the structure of the buildings which have a material effect on movement through them. Additionally, any new building or extensions to existing buildings will trigger a review. Whilst the Bursar is deemed to be competent through his/her current level of training, external support may be required.

6.2 That procedures and training are in place and practised by staff, pupils, residents

in School property and visitors, so that they are cognisant of the actions they must carry out in the event of fire.

6.3 That procedures are practised by staff and pupils at the start of each term; once

by day and once at night and appropriate records kept. 6.4 That procedures are practiced at the start of each academic year by residents of

School accommodation and appropriate records kept. 6.5 That adequate means of escape in case of fire exist for all persons on the school

premises. 6.5 That all means of escape are correctly maintained, kept free from obstruction and

available for safe and effective use at all times. 6.6 That the means of escape have adequate emergency lighting (in case of fire),

which will be maintained in efficient working order and checked on an annual basis.

6.7 That adequate means of giving warning of fire exist and are maintained in

efficient working order and checked on a weekly basis on a rolling programme. 6.8 That adequate means for fighting fire are present and are maintained in efficient

working order and checked on a monthly basis. 6.9 That appropriate instruction will be given to all persons on the school premises

on evacuation procedures, e.g. to visitors on first arrival at Reception. 6.10 That effective management procedures are in place to respond to and deal with

the aftermath of a fire.

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6.11 That appropriate fire training is given to designated staff that have an active role

in the implementation of fire precautions and procedures. 6.12 That measures are taken to protect buildings, installations and equipment from

fire that are commensurate with the risks and are appropriate to the perceived value of those assets.

6.13 That adequate records are kept of the maintenance of fire related equipment, fire

drills and practices, fire related training, fire related incidents. Staff Responsibilities: 7.1 Staff with line management responsibility will ensure that all local precautions

and procedures are followed within their area of responsibility and that persons under their control are trained and given adequate instruction in the case of fire if required e.g. science teachers and technicians.

7.2 All staff must comply with all instructions given to them in regarding fire safety

and any other fire procedures as required by supplementary codes of practice and instructions.

7.3 Staff must also report any observed shortcomings in fire precautions to their local

management or directly to the Bursar. 7.4 Students/Pupils and visitors must comply with all instructions given to them

regarding fire safety and any other fire procedures as required by supplementary codes of practice and instructions.

7.5 Contractors working on school property must comply with the School’s Fire

Safety Policy and obey all instructions given to them regarding fire safety by authorised personnel. They must also ensure that all personnel for whom they are responsible are adequately trained and instructed in fire safety procedures and arrangements.

Senior Management Team (SMT) Responsibilities 8.1 A member of the School’s SMT will be identified by the Head and will be on duty at all times whilst pupils are present on School premises. The duty SMT member has specific responsibilities during any emergency evacuation. These duties are detailed in the School’s evacuation procedures and include ensuring that the relevant emergency services are called as required.

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Checking Regime 9.1 In support of the requirements in paragraph 6 the following checks of equipment will be carried out and records kept. Central alarm system – annually Fire extinguishers - annually

Fire extinguishers - Full discharge test – 5 yearly

Emergency lighting - annually Visitors 10.1 Visitors to the site are to be registered at Reception and handed over to their hosts. During an evacuation procedure hosts are to maintain close contact with their visitors. Once evacuated visitors are to be directed to the Vestibule where they will come under the control of the duty member of SMT. Enclosures: Emergency Evacuation Procedures: 1 Main Site 2 Coram House 3 Nursery

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Enclosure 1


MAIN SITE INTRODUCTION 1. Aim. The aim of this document is to specify the actions to be carried out in the event of an emergency resulting in the evacuation of the school during term time. It is relevant to the whole of the upper school and those Coram House pupils and staff who use the main school buildings. Separate instructions exist covering actions to be carried out by Coram House and Nursery in its main buildings. 2. Incidents. Whilst the most likely cause of an evacuation is a fire, this instruction covers all eventualities requiring the rapid evacuation of the buildings. 3. Personal Conduct. Even though the majority of evacuations will be drills or false alarms it is imperative that all concerned treat every event as if it were a real emergency. OUTLINE PROCEDURE 4. Incident Control Centre (ICC). All incidents will be controlled by the senior member of SMT on duty at the time from the ICC. The ICC will be located in the Vestibule unless otherwise prevented. The back-up location is Garden Villa. 5. Alarm. The signal to evacuate will be the sounding of the School’s Fire Alarm. The alarm will sound continuously for a period in excess of 15 seconds. In the event that the alarm is defective, the signal will be passed by shouting:


People hearing this alarm should take up the cry whilst evacuating the buildings. 6. Leaving the Building. Personnel should leave the building by the shortest, safe route and must not re-enter until given clearance to do so. Personnel should make their way to their Assembly Point by going around buildings rather than through them. Personnel should also be aware that ground floor windows can also be used as escape routes where appropriate. 7. Forming-up. Unless specific and personal instructions have been issued, all personnel are to form-up at the appropriate Assembly Point:


Assembly Point

Pupils, Teachers – including peripatetic Music Teachers, Teaching Assistants, and Pastoral Staff.

Alpha - The Green

Catering, Domestic, Estate, and Maintenance staff.

Bravo - Back Lane

Office Staff and visitors Charlie - The Vestibule

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If the incident prevents the use of the normal Assembly Points, the grassed area in front of the Swimming Pool is to be used. 8. Routine at the Assembly Points.

a. Assembly Point Alpha. Pupils and Staff are required to understand two different procedures:

(1) Daytime Procedure. Daytime procedure is to be carried out between 8.40 a.m. and 4.00 p.m. On arrival at the Assembly Point pupils are to line up by form groups. (2) Night time Procedure. Night time procedure is to carried out between 4.00 p.m. and 8.40 a.m. On arrival at the Assembly Point pupils are to line up by gender and year group with boarders being at the front of the lines.

In both cases registers are to be taken and findings reported to the Incident Control Centre (ICC) as quickly as possible. b. Assembly Point Bravo. At all times of the day, Support Staff, less the catering staff, are to group themselves by department. Department Heads are to account for their staff and inform the Clerk of Works or his/her deputy who, in turn, will report to the ICC. The Catering Manager is to supervise his/her own staff in the area of the Kitchen whilst despatching a runner to the ICC. On arrival at the ICC the runner will establish the nature of the incident - drill, false alarm or a real emergency – from the Member of the SMT on duty at the time or the Bursar if present. The runner will return to inform the Catering Manager accordingly. In all but the latter case the catering staff will return to their duties immediately. In the latter case they are to move to the assembly point, be accounted for with the Catering Manager reporting the fact to the ICC. c. Assembly Point Charlie. During normal working hours Office Staff and visitors will assemble in the vestibule under the control of the Bursar who will account for those in School and report to the ICC. Outside of normal working hours the member of SMT on duty will control staff and visitors in this area. It is recognised that it will not be possible to accurately account for this group of people outside of normal working hours.

9. Re-entering the Building. The decision to re-enter the building will be made by the member of the SMT who is on duty at that time. An exception exists for Saturday and Sunday afternoons when House Staff may make that decision in conjunction with the Wardens ( see sub paragraph 13.e. below). 10. Accounting for Staff and Pupils. Staff should be aware that three overlapping systems for accounting for staff and pupils exist:

a. That managed by Form Tutors during the working day. b. That managed by Duty Staff and House Staff during the twilight period. c. That managed by House Staff during other times.

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DETAILED TASKS 11. Pupils. Pupils are required to be aware of the alarm system and the actions they are to carry out on its activation. Training and instruction on their roles and actions is to be delivered in accordance with the Action Plan which is at Annex A to this instruction. A diagram illustrating how pupils should arrange themselves at Assembly Point Alpha is at Annex B to this instruction. This is an example only. The diagram relevant to the current year is issued by the Deputy Head (Curriculum) once form groups have been established. 12. School Officers. School Officers have specific responsibilities during evacuations. During the day they have areas to check prior to reporting to the ICC, and at night they are available at the ICC to provide assistance as necessary. Their duties and instructions are at Annex C. 13. Staff. All staff who are on the school premises are required to respond to emergency alarms and assist as appropriate. Form Tutors have specific responsibilities between 8.40 a.m. and 4.00 p.m. during the working week. House Staff and others on duty have specific duties at other times whilst the School is in session. Additionally, the Head of Music and the Heads of Support Departments have reporting responsibilities for their Departments.

a. Form Tutors. During an evacuation between 8.40 a.m. and 4.00 p.m. during the working week, Form Tutors are responsible for accounting for their Form Group and any other member of staff attached to their Form Group for the purpose of this procedure at the Assembly Point and reporting their findings to the person supervising the Assembly Point (see paragraph 15 below). To facilitate this, registers are taken first thing in the morning and kept updated throughout the day. On evacuation Office Staff will distribute to Form Tutors pink attendance slips which should be used as the basis for accounting for pupils. b. Upper School Teaching Staff.

(1) Teaching Staff are responsible for the control of the class they are teaching from the start of the evacuation to their arrival in the Assembly Point where the class will reform in Tutor Groups. Teaching Staff who are not Form Tutors should report to the Tutor of the form to which they are attached for this purpose.

(2) Upper School Teaching Staff delivering lessons to Coram House Pupils in the main school buildings are to escort their class back to Coram House, inform the Head of Coram House, the Coram House Secretary, or another member of Coram House Staff that they have done so and then join the remainder of the Upper School at the assembly point going via the ICC and informing the Duty SMT member of their actions. On resolution of the evacuation, where it transpires to be a drill or false alarm, they are then to rejoin their group in Coram House and continue the lesson.

c. Coram House Year Five and Six Teachers. Coram House Year Five and Six Teachers, when teaching in the main school buildings, are to evacuate their classes to Coram House main building and account for them. Information that this group has been evacuated is to be passed to the ICC by Coram House staff under the control of the Head of Coram House.

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d. Staff on After School Duty. Four members of staff undertake duties between 4.00 and 6.00 p.m. on a rota basis during normal school weeks. They are responsible for general supervision, control and accounting for day pupils in the Assembly Area in the event of an evacuation. To enable them to account for pupils accurately they will be provided with the day pupils check-out list in the event of an evacuation. The day pupils check-out list is produced by the School Secretary each day from information provided at registration. At 4.00 p.m. the list is collected by the Librarian. Pupils who wish to change their home time report to the Librarian in the Library who annotates the list accordingly. In the event of an evacuation the Librarian delivers the amended list to the member of staff on duty in the Assembly Area. At 5.30 p.m. and 5.55 p.m. duty members of staff take junior tea and senior tea respectively using the tea lists produced by the School Secretary. The tea lists are subsequently passed to senior staff on Prep Stroll, and form the basis for the prep lists. On completion of the Prep Stroll duty, the prep lists are deposited in the “Fire Registers” tray in the Tiger Cage/Staff Common Room. They are subsequently collected and filed by the School Secretary. e. Duty House Staff. During an evacuation between 4.00 p.m. and 8.40 a.m. and at weekends Duty House Staff are responsible for accounting for those in school and for reporting their findings to the ICC. To facilitate this:

(1) During week days between 4.00 and 6.00 p.m. they will receive from the Staff on After School Duty, detailed in sub paragraph 13.d. above, the updated signing in/out list. (2) During weekdays after 6.00 p.m. and at weekends they will be in possession of the signing in/out lists which will have been placed in the relevant Head of House’s pigeon holes by the Staff on After School Duty.

They should be aware that on Saturday and Sunday afternoons it is possible that the Duty SMT member is not present in school. On such occasions, once registers have been taken, Duty House Staff are to liaise with the Wardens who will advise them on the nature of the alarm and help them decide what action to take. Additional advice may be obtained from the Duty SMT Member by phone (SMT mobile 07767 882780). In cases where there is any doubt about fire, the emergency services should be called.

f. Support Department Heads. During an evacuation Support Department Heads are responsible for accounting for their staff and reporting their findings to the ICC. g. Head of Music. The Head of Music is responsible for accounting for Peripatetic Music Staff who are working that day and reporting his findings to the member of the SMT on duty at Assemble Point Alpha (see para 15 below).

14. Wardens. Wardens have also been appointed as Fire Wardens and have a detailed and specific role during evacuations, full details of which are at Annex D. In all instances, however, the Wardens will report to the ICC immediately that the nature of the alarm is known and advise the SMT member on duty at the time.

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15. Deputy Head Academic and Head of Sixth Form. The Deputy Head Academic is responsible for coordinating activities in Assembly Point Alpha during day time evacuations. He is to receive reports from those taking the registers and relay that information to the ICC. The Head of Sixth Form will carry out this duty when the Deputy Head Academic is not present at the Assembly Point. In the event that both persons are absent the Head of BSH or, if he is unavailable, the Head of GSH will carry out that duty. 16. Duty SMT Member. Either the Head, Deputy Head (Pastoral) or Deputy Head (Curriculum) will be in school at all times when pupils are present with the exception of Saturday and Sundays afternoons when they will be within 15 minutes of the School and available via the SMT mobile. The SMT member will staff the ICC, receive reports and take relevant decisions as required, including contacting the Emergency Services. OTHER POINTS 17. Missing Persons. If a pupil is unaccounted for during a drill the Duty SMT member is to be informed by the person taking the role and will take appropriate action under the school’s normal procedures. If a pupil or member of staff is unaccounted for during a real emergency the Duty SMT member will carry out a dynamic risk assessment and take appropriate action based upon the prevailing circumstances. 18. Tuck Shop. Coram House pupils who are using the Tuck Shop when an alarm is raised are to report directly to Coram House main building. Annexes:

A. Emergency Evacuation Training Action Plan. B. Assembly Point Layout. C. Roles and Duties of School Officers. D. Roles and Duties of Wardens.

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Annex A To Emergency Evacuation Procedure

Emergency Evacuation Training Action Plan

Ser (a)

Training Need (b)

Recipient (c)

Method of Delivery (d)

Frequency (e)

1. To be aware of the procedures and duties detailed in this document and the actions they should carry out in the event of an emergency evacuation.

All Staff, Pupils,Visi-tors, and Families living on site.

New starts to be given practical and verbal instruction and visit the Assembly Points prior to any drill.

Distribution of this document via notice boards.

Regular instruction and surprise practice drills.

Reference to be made to this document in Staff Handbooks.

Termly -

Boarders to be instructed during the first day of attendance by Heads of House.

Day Pupils to be instructed as soon as practicable by Form Tutors.

The document should be available at all times.

One day and one night drill to be carried out each term.

2 Booking in/out System Boarding Pupils

Briefing At start of each half term By Heads of Houses

3 Operation of fire detection equipment Wardens Practical training provided by equipment supplier.

Ongoing as equipment is updated.

4 As Fire Wardens Wardens External Course On appointment with refresher training every 5 years.

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Annex B to Emergency Evacuation Procedure

Emergency Evacuation Assembly Point Layout

1. Daytime Evacuation: 8.40 a.m. – 4.00 p.m.

Position A B C D E F G H I J K L M

Form 1B 1P 1S 2G 2H 2M 3A 3G 3H 4B 4F 4H 4S

Position N O P Q R S T U V

Form 5b 5K 5W 6P 6T 6W 7F 7S 7W

Autism Unit pupils and staff should assemble between the Library and the CDT block. 2. Night time Evacuation: 4.00 p.m. – 8.40 a.m.

Position A B C D E F G

BSH Year 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Position N O P Q R S T

GSH Year 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Any Coram House Boarders should assemble with year 1 groups.




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Annex C to Emergency Evacuation Procedure

Roles and Responsibilities of the School Officers

1. During a day time evacuation School Officers have the following roles:

Ser (a)

Duty (b)

Person (c)

1 Report directly to the ICC Head Girl, Head Boy

2 Check Sports Hall Two x Officers as nominated by the Bursar at the start of Term practice

3 Check Swimming Pool Two x Officers as nominated by the Bursar at the start of Term practice

4 Check Outside Studies Two x Officers as nominated by the Bursar at the start of Term practice

2. During a night time evacuation all officers are to assist with evacuating the younger boarders and then to report to the ICC to assist as necessary. There will normally be six School Officers. Depending on the time of day, two Officers (one male, one female) may be nominated by name by the Senior Management Team member on duty to ensure that the swimming pool is cleared. To carry out this duty, they will be given the Senior Management Team member’s master key. The two should carry out this duty together and not enter the main pool room alone. Others from the contingent may be chosen by the member of the Senior Management Team present at the time to check the Sports Hall and Studies this too being time dependent.

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Annex D to Emergency Evacuation Procedure

Wardens’ Duties

Actions: 1. During an evacuation wardens come under the direct control of the member of the SMT who is staffing the ICC. 2. On hearing the alarm. they are to attend one of the fire panels and identify the point from which the alarm has been raised. 3. They should then go to the alarm point and establish the nature of the alarm. 4. If, on establishing the nature of the alarm, the warden(s) discover a small fire they are to conduct a dynamic risk assessment and decide whether or not to make a quick attempt to extinguish it. If they decide to attempt to extinguish it they are to spend no more than 90 seconds, or the length of time it takes to discharge one fire extinguisher, in doing so. If they are unable to extinguish the fire they are to call the emergency services immediately. If they have successfully extinguished the fire they should report the situation to the SMT member at the ICC who will decide on further action including whether or not to call the emergency services. If a false alarm is suspected they are to report the fact to the ICC immediately. 5. If the emergency services are called one warden is to go directly to the Fothergill car park and direct the emergency services to the incident site. The other warden, if available, is to shut off the mains gas and electricity supplies and then act as directed by the duty SMT member. 6. If the emergency services are not called i.e. the fire has been extinguished or it is a false alarm, the wardens will silence and reset the alarm on the instructions of the Duty SMT member. Knowledge: 7. Both wardens are to be familiar with:

a. The operation of the fire detection and alarm system. b. The location and operation of the mains electric and mains gas isolation equipment.

c. The location of fire hydrants.

Training: 8. Wardens have attended the “Fire Warden’s” course organised by the West Yorkshire Fire Service.

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Enclosure 2


CORAM HOUSE INTRODUCTION 1. Aim. The aim of this document is to specify the actions to be carried out in the event of an emergency resulting in the evacuation of Coram House. It is relevant to the Head of Coram House and the staff and children working in the main building of the Junior School. 2. Incidents. Whilst the most likely cause of an evacuation is a fire, this instruction covers all eventualities requiring the rapid evacuation of the building. 3. Personal Conduct. Even though the majority of evacuations will be a drill, it is imperative that all concerned treat every event as if it were a real emergency. OUTLINE PROCEDURE 4. Alarm. The signal to evacuate will be the sounding of the Fire Alarm. The alarm will sound continuously for a period in excess of 15 seconds. In the event that the alarm is defective, the signal will be passed by shouting:


People hearing this alarm should take up the cry whilst evacuating the buildings. 5. Leaving the Building. The primary role of the staff is to evacuate the children from the building by the shortest, safe route. They must not re-enter until given clearance to do so by a member of the SMT. On leaving the building, children should be taken to the Assembly Point which is situated behind the 6th Form Centre. If it is not safe to evacuate to this, primary, assembly point, the alternative assembly point by the Sports Hall should be used. The senior member of staff on duty at the time must decide which assembly point to use based on the prevailing circumstances. 6. Routine at the Assembly Points. Once in the assembly point, staff should ensure the continuing safety of the children. Class teachers will ascertain the presence or otherwise of their class and report the facts to the Senior person present. The senior person present will despatch a member of staff to alert the senior school if this has not already been achieved. The senior person present will assess the ongoing safety of the assembly area and arrange to relocate the children if necessary. 7. Re-entering the Building. The decision to re-enter the building will be made by the member of the whole school SMT who is on duty at that time.

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DETAILED TASKS 8. Head of Coram House.

The Head of Coram House: a. Is to ensure that all staff and children engaged in the Junior School are aware of this instruction and their roles should an evacuation become necessary. b. Is to instigate routine practices which satisfy his/her that the procedures can be carried out effectively. c. Keep records showing that practice drills have been carried out at least once per term. These records should detail who was involved in the practice, the time taken to evacuate the building and account for all staff and pupils, and any anomalies which became apparent.

9. Staff. Staff are to be fully conversant with the procedures laid down in this instruction and familiarise themselves with the possible evacuation routes from the building and the assembly points. 10. Duty SMT Member. Either the Head of Coram House or a member of the Management Team will be in School and on duty at all times when pupils are present and will have responsibility for managing any incident and calling the Emergency Services, where needed. 11. Wardens. On being made aware of the incident the wardens ascertain if the incident is a false alarm or not and advise the SMT member on duty accordingly. Wardens will conduct themselves under the guidance given in the main school evacuation procedure. 12. Training. Training requirements in support of this procedure are at Annex E. Annexes:

E. Emergency Evacuation Training Action Plan

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Annex E To

Emergency Evacuation Procedure

Emergency Evacuation Training Action Plan

Ser (a)

Training Need (b)

Recipient (c)

Method of Delivery (d)

Frequency (e)

1 To be aware of the procedures and duties detailed in this document and the actions they should carry out in the event of an emergency evacuation.

All Staff and Pupils

New starts to be given practical and verbal instruction and visit the Assembly Points prior to any drill.

Distribution of this document via notice boards.

Regular planned practice drills.

Reference to be made to this document in Staff Handbooks.

Termly -

All pupils to be instructed as soon as practicable.

This document should be available to all staff at all times.

All children are to experience at least one drill each term.

2 Operation of fire detection equipment Wardens Practical training provided by equipment supplier.

Ongoing as equipment is updated.

3 As Fire Wardens Wardens External Course. On appointment with refresher training every 5 years.

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Enclosure 3



INTRODUCTION 1. Aim. The aim of this document is to specify the actions to be carried out in the event of an emergency resulting in the evacuation of the Nursery. It is relevant to the Head of Coram House and the staff and children working in the Nursery. 2. Incidents. Whilst the most likely cause of an evacuation is a fire, this instruction covers all eventualities requiring the rapid evacuation of the building. 3. Personal Conduct. Even though the majority of evacuations will be a drill, it is imperative that all concerned treat every event as if it were a real emergency. OUTLINE PROCEDURE 4. Alarm. The signal to evacuate will be the sounding of the Fire Alarm. The alarm will sound continuously for a period in excess of 15 seconds. In the event that the alarm is defective, the signal will be passed by shouting:


People hearing this alarm should take up the cry whilst evacuating the buildings. 5. Leaving the Building. The primary role of the staff is to evacuate the children from the building by the shortest, safe route and must not re-enter until given clearance to do so by a member of the whole school SMT. On leaving the building, children should be taken to the Assembly Point which is situated along the track behind the garages. If it is not safe to evacuate to this, primary, assembly point, the alternative assembly point by Station Road should be used. The senior member of staff on duty at the time must decide which assembly point to use. 6. Routine at the Assembly Points. Once in the assembly point, staff should ensure the continuing safety of the children. If it is not apparent that the main school is aware of the incident and it is considered safe to do so, a member of staff should be sent to the school reception to advise SMT as soon as is practicable. 7. Re-entering the Building. The decision to re-enter the building will be made by the member of the SMT who is on duty at that time.

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DETAILED TASKS 8. Head of Coram House. The Head of Coram House:

a. Is to ensure that all staff and children engaged in the nursery are aware of this instruction and their roles should an evacuation become necessary. b. Is to instigate routine practices which satisfy her that the procedures can be carried out effectively. c. Keep records showing that practice drills have been carried out at least once per term. These records should detail who was involved in the practice, the time taken to evacuate the building and account for all staff and pupils, and any anomalies which became apparent

9. Staff. Staff are to be fully conversant with the procedures laid down in this instruction and be prepared to respond to any incident which requires the evacuation of the Nursery. 10. Nursery Manager. The Nursery Manager, or the delegated Deputy, will be in the Nursery and on duty at all times when pupils are present and will have responsibility for managing any incident, and for calling the Emergency Services as required. 11. Wardens. On being made aware of the incident the wardens ascertain if the incident is a false alarm or not and advise the SMT member on duty accordingly. Wardens will conduct themselves under the guidance given in the main school evacuation procedure. 12. Training. Training requirements in support of this procedure are at Annex F. Annexes:

F. Emergency Evacuation Training Action Plan

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Annex F to Emergency Evacuation Procedure

Emergency Evacuation Training Action Plan

Ser (a)

Training Need (b)

Recipient (c)

Method of Delivery (d)

Frequency (e)

1 To be aware of the procedures and duties detailed in this document and the actions they should carry out in the event of an emergency evacuation.

All Staff and Pupils

New starts to be given practical and verbal instruction and visit the Assembly Points prior to any drill.

Distribution of this document via notice boards.

Regular planned practice drills.

Reference to be made to this document in Staff Handbooks.

Termly -

All pupils to be instructed as soon as practicable by nursery staff.

This document should be available to all staff at all times.

All children are to experience at least one drill each term.

2 Operation of fire detection equipment Wardens Practical training provided by equipment supplier.

Ongoing as equipment is updated.

3 As Fire Wardens Wardens External Course. On appointment with refresher training every 5 years.
