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First Baptist Church NOVEMBER 2010 P.O. Box 324 - 71 Grace ...storage.cloversites.com... · First...

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First Baptist Church NOVEMBER 2010 P.O. Box 324 - 71 Grace Ave. Waldoboro, ME 04572 Phone: (207) 832-7659 Fax: (207) 832-7081 www.fbcwaldoboro.org Votes that are informed by Truth Mark 1:1 "The beginning of the gospel about Jesus Christ, the Son of God." Dear Church Family, As we consider an election year, we are reminded that the world is looking for leaders. Leaders are often elected because they represent the values and vision of their constituents. God has sent us, as Audio Adrenaline wrote in one of their songs "A Mighty Good Leader." Jesus is the ideal leader, because Jesus is God and does not have any character flaws or misguided policies as we often see in human government. Mark, writing under Divine guidance, pens these words: "The beginning of the gospel about Jesus Christ, the Son of God." Mark obviously could not write all the incredible things that were true of the Son of God, as John said if he had, the world could not hold all the vol- umes, for they would be to great and numerous. Human leadership can disappoint us, because it often pursues policies that destroy or ex- ploit what God has made, rather than uphold and support it. Abortion, homosexual marriage, fetal tissue research, global warming hype, poor economic policy, over-taxation, radical czars accountable to no one, etc, etc, are all a reflection of ungodly leadership. Non believers vote for poor candidates because it is a reflection of their own life without God. True followers of Jesus Christ however will vote for candidates that best reflect Christian principles. These candidates will promote values that will be reflective of the Kingdom of God. It is not always easy to vote for a candidate, but when in doubt the Bible should always be our final guide. Some of the most important words in the Declaration of Independence are “Life liberty and the pursuit of happiness.” As historian David Barton points out, our founders were pro-life, they were supportive of human life and opposed abortion. Our first freedom is the right to live, this should be guaranteed for all Americans and all people everywhere. Because we have a right to life, freedom and the pursuit of happiness can follow. If you discover where a can- didate stands on abortion, you will be able to discern where they stand on “Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” Abortion leaning candidates typically desire bigger government, higher taxes, the redefinition of marriage, euthanasia for the ill and infirmed, gun control, fewer personal rights and freedoms and are less inclined to follow the U.S. Constitution. Pro life candidates typically desire smaller government, lower taxes, less government intrusion, oppose euthanasia, support the right to bear arms as our Bill of Rights affirms, and they up- hold marriage as God intended between a man and a woman. Pro life candidates are more in- clined to follow the U.S. Constitution, because they know that our God fearing founders were

First Baptist Church N O V E M B E R

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P.O. Box 324 - 71 Grace Ave. Waldoboro, ME 04572 Phone: (207) 832-7659 Fax: (207) 832-7081


Votes that are informed by Truth

Mark 1:1 "The beginning of the gospel about Jesus Christ, the Son of God."

Dear Church Family,

As we consider an election year, we are reminded that the world is looking for leaders.

Leaders are often elected because they represent the values and vision of their constituents.

God has sent us, as Audio Adrenaline wrote in one of their songs "A Mighty Good

Leader." Jesus is the ideal leader, because Jesus is God and does not have any character flaws

or misguided policies as we often see in human government.

Mark, writing under Divine guidance, pens these words: "The beginning of the gospel

about Jesus Christ, the Son of God." Mark obviously could not write all the incredible things

that were true of the Son of God, as John said if he had, the world could not hold all the vol-

umes, for they would be to great and numerous.

Human leadership can disappoint us, because it often pursues policies that destroy or ex-

ploit what God has made, rather than uphold and support it. Abortion, homosexual marriage,

fetal tissue research, global warming hype, poor economic policy, over-taxation, radical czars

accountable to no one, etc, etc, are all a reflection of ungodly leadership. Non believers vote

for poor candidates because it is a reflection of their own life without God. True followers of

Jesus Christ however will vote for candidates that best reflect Christian principles. These

candidates will promote values that will be reflective of the Kingdom of God. It is not always

easy to vote for a candidate, but when in doubt the Bible should always be our final guide.

Some of the most important words in the Declaration of Independence are “Life liberty and

the pursuit of happiness.” As historian David Barton points out, our founders were pro-life,

they were supportive of human life and opposed abortion. Our first freedom is the right to

live, this should be guaranteed for all Americans and all people everywhere. Because we have

a right to life, freedom and the pursuit of happiness can follow. If you discover where a can-

didate stands on abortion, you will be able to discern where they stand on “Life, liberty and

the pursuit of happiness” Abortion leaning candidates typically desire bigger government,

higher taxes, the redefinition of marriage, euthanasia for the ill and infirmed, gun control,

fewer personal rights and freedoms and are less inclined to follow the U.S. Constitution. Pro

life candidates typically desire smaller government, lower taxes, less government intrusion,

oppose euthanasia, support the right to bear arms as our Bill of Rights affirms, and they up-

hold marriage as God intended between a man and a woman. Pro life candidates are more in-

clined to follow the U.S. Constitution, because they know that our God fearing founders were

blessed with a great governing document designed for a people who looked to God above

for instruction in human government and in all things. Study the candidates and make an

informed decision before you go to the polls, so that you can have a clear conscience be-

fore God knowing that you voted for the best candidates.

As we reflect back on the Gospel of Mark, the author states that there was a beginning

to Jesus leadership and ministry. There was also a middle -the crucifixion, death, burial

and resurrection. There will also be an end, only the end is just the beginning. Jesus will

come again, as He came the first time. And when He comes again, He will set up His per-

fect Kingdom that will know no end. In God’s kingdom, all life will be valued from the

womb to the tomb-actually there will be no tomb in God’s Kingdom, no end in sight. Life

will be eternal and it will be perfect. Hear the Words of God through the prophet Isaiah

6 For unto us a Child is born,

Unto us a Son is given;

And the government will be upon His shoulder.

And His name will be called

Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God,

Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.

7 Of the increase of His government and peace

There will be no end,

Upon the throne of David and over His kingdom,

To order it and establish it with judgment and justice

From that time forward, even forever.

The zeal of the Lord of hosts will perform this.

This November, we have a chance as Americans to vote. We don’t have Jesus on the

ticket, so the candidates are like you and me-imperfect human beings. That said, let your

faith and the TRUTH of God’s Word inform how you vote and who you vote for. Con-

sider voting for those candidates that best reflect Scripture. Our allegiance is to God first

and our votes should reflect candidates who will uphold His Word in the choices and poli-

cies they establish.

May we be faithful, looking for that day when Jesus sets up His Kingdom that will

know no end.

In Him, PJV

A few days ago I was attaching my field mower to my farm tractor. My two and a half year

old grandson was watching. As a final step, I was going to attach a chain to an attachment

on the rear of the mower. When I tried to do it the chain was not long enough. I could not

put a bolt through the chain at the attachment point.

I knew that if I could lift up the back of the mower, the chain would fit. When I lifted it, it

become obvious to me that I could not lift and attach the chain at the same time.

At that point my grandson understood the problem. He said “I do it grandpa”. Without

any instruction, he climbed up and attached the chain perfectly. When I could not see the

nut to hold it in place, he picked that up for me, where I had dropped it.

He is not an exceptional child, but a normal, observant, curious little mind. I could have

become angry and used interesting words and he would have learned them also. The next

time he had a problem, he would have done the same.

We must model behavior, for our children, that glorifies Christ.

- Francis Cross

Someone is always watching….


Jeff Greiner & Krista Diaz were joined in marriage on October 9th!!!

Adam Newell & Leah Harris were

joined in marriage on October 23rd!!!!

Do you enjoy working

with flowers?

The Gardening Committee is look-

ing for new members in the spring.

Contact Francis Cross if you are

interested. 832-4245

The Heartreach Prayer Shawl

Ministry is looking for people

willing to knit, crochet, or sew a


These shawls will be

given to women in

need of God’s loving

embrace and covering

of prayer.

Please contact Teri

Stred if you are willing

to help.

Phone: 273-3585

Email: [email protected]

Thanksgiving Eve Service Wednesday, November 24th

6:30 p.m. No meal, meetings, or groups this night.



Monday, Nov. 15—

Monday, Nov. 22


Our church is a collection station for this area..

After they leave here, they go to Boone and Charlotte,

NC for processing.

Operation Christmas Child delivered over 8.1

million shoe boxes to children in 108 countries

including Ghana, Madagascar, Romania, and Papua

New Guinea.

This year they are including Haiti, because of the

earthquake. Please consider in doing an extra box for


Brochures (includes label and packing

instructions) are available at the receptionist desk

2009 Collection Numbers: Our Region: 6118 boxes!

In the US: 5,198,657

Internationally: 8,166,491

Our region’s goal for 2010—7,120 In 2009, our boxes went to:

Ecuador Georgia Lebanon

Botswana Zambia Gabon

Cameroon Nepal Namibia

Guyana Sudan Panama

Jamaica Iraq Jordan

Zimbabwe Saint Kitts Central Africa Rep.

and sensitive countries in the Middle East.

Samaritan’s Purse adopted Operation Christmas Child

in 1993 and has collected and distributed over 77

million shoe box gifts for needy children in 149

countries and territories. A British layman named Dave

Cooke started the project in 1990 in Wales.

Creative Christian Preschool is looking for substitute teachers who would be willing to fill in on occa-

sion. The time commitment would be 8:00 AM – 11:45 AM. We are looking for individuals who don’t mind an early call

and enjoy working with 3 & 4 year olds. The pay is $35/day. If interested call Bonnie Moody at 832-0621 or

e-mail her at [email protected].

FALL BACK! Don’t forget to set your clocks back an hour! Daylight Savings Time ENDS on: Sunday, November 7th.


During the month of October, the elders…

…met with Don Harrington to discuss and pray about both

the jail and tract ministries.

…met with Jim Vasile to discuss and pray for the usher ministry.

…met with Dave Cole (chairman of the deacons) and a number of men who

were being considered for the office of deacon to discuss any questions they

might have about the role and/or qualifications for serving in that capacity.

…were called upon to pray and lay hands on an individual within the church

who has been sick.

…met and prayed with an individual being considered to replace John Nice on

the elder board once his term ends in January.







Church Information

Phone: (207) 832-7659

Fax: (207) 832-7081

Website: www.fbcwaldoboro.org

Church Services

8:00 am: Worship


9:30 am: Child & Adult

Sunday School

11:00 am: Worship


6:00 pm: Open Forum

Staff E-mails

Pastor: [email protected]

Pastor of Administration: [email protected]

Youth Pastor: [email protected]

Bookkeeper: [email protected]

Secretary: [email protected]

Teen Community Group: We are starting a new study on Sunday, Novem-ber 21ST at 7 PM titled “Why We Believe The Bi-ble” by John Piper. An excerpt from the liner notes… “In the media deluge of this communication age, with books, newspapers, blogs, journals, maga-zines, social media all listing their view of the world is most compelling, which should you trust? This study will explore why the Bible alone is worthy of our confidence as the book of books, pointing infallibly to the King of Kings.” Join us for this challenging, life-changing study with eternal implications…

CareNet Reaf Laking: Yes, we will be raking leaves at CareNet this year – the date TBA. Be watching for the sign-up sheet outside Pastor Phil’s office. Nursery Help: Amber Beck needs your help… She is looking for some "teen helpers" to fill in some gaps in the November schedule. If anyone is interested in the following dates... 11/14: 1 in 11am Infant 11/21: 1 in 11am Infant & 1 in 11am Toddler 11/28: 2 in 11am Infant …please contact Amber [[email protected]]. Coram Deo Church: Coram Deo Church is a Christ-centered, gospel-focused worship service for students and young adults [High School, College, Post College] that gathers on Saturdays @ 7 PM. In addition to the contemporary music and Biblical teaching, there are age specific community groups that meet dur-ing the week. The Young Adult community group meets on Sundays at 5pm at Buzz & Jen Oliver’s home. For more information contact Pastor Phil.


Jr. Jr. Church

(4 & 5 yr. olds) 11/7 Hale & Jen Morris

11/14 Dan Allan & Becky Moore

11/21 Robin, Mason, & Addison Vermilion

11/28 Sharon Richardson & Mandie Luce

Chair Team 11/6 Ostrander

11/13 Hafemann

11/20 Richardson

11/27 Ludwig Official



Schedules for November 2010 Wednesday

Night Meals

11/3…..Sloppy Joes


11/10…Veg. Beef Stew


11/17… Lasagna


11/24… NO MEAL!!!

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

It is SO nice to

meet you!! Greeters

11/7 Hunt/Meservey

11/14 Hilton/ Merrill

11/21 Olsen/Olsen

11/28 Wade/ Wade

Junior Church

(1st and 2nd Grade)

11/7……...Pam Morrison &

Chandy Bewell

11/14 …….Mason & Suzanne

Moore & Family

11/21 …….Rebecca Norton &

Jessica Ruppert

11/28 …….Sorterup Family

November Birthday’s!

Earl Oiler 11/1

Jamie Pursley 11/1

Bridgett Miller 11/4

Sawyer Hewson 11/5

Georgetta Moody 11/6

Oakley Oliver 11/6

Ellen Beckman 11/8

Connor Light 11/8

Maxwell Moody 11/8

Russ Sirianni 11/8

Kara Weiske 11/8

Lydia Brown 11/9

Anna Cheesman 11/10

Andrea Rickards 11/10

Desiree Rogers 11/10

John Otterbein 11/11

Nancy Weymouth 11/11

Devon Pease 11/13

Parker White 11/13

Russell Wood 11/13

Dave Cole 11/14

Drew Hunt 11/14

EJ Hunt 11/14

David Rickards 11/14

Randy Duke 11/15

Lynn Rawley 11/15

Dustin Burnham 11/16

Aubree Cookson 11/16

Dallas Fields 11/17

Matt Bailey 11/18

Micah Barbour 11/18

Libby Miner 11/18

Donald Moody 11/19

Woody Moore 11/19

Bob Pearson 11/19

Jim Ready 11/20

Racheal Spofford 11/20

Jordan Durkee 11/21

Kim Harrington 11/21

Acadia Lane 11/21

Jennifer Hafemann 11/22

Bryanna Tierney 11/22

Ian Goode 11/23

Jacob Oliver 11/23

Zachary Ryan 11/23

Kyle Spear 11/23

Annie Barbour 11/24

Jill Montgomery 11/24

Alex Tomasello 11/24

Chloe Headley 11/25

Allen Bowmen 11/26

Kelli Myrick 11/26

Madelyn Oliver 11/26

Emma Sorterup 11/26

Brandon Lessard 11/27

Skyler Brown 11/28

Mark Reed 11/28

Mandie Luce 11/29

Caleb McLaughlin 11/29

Ryan McNelly 11/29

Trisha Ruppert 11/29

Charlene Ward 11/30

November Anniversaries!

Francis & Pat Cross 11/05/60

Tom & Karla Vannah 11/07/87

Eric & Judith Bittel 11/10/79

Robert & Donna McNally 11/11/95

Dana & Micki Burnham 11/14/87

Jack & Ann Holland 11/25/72

Greg & Mary Olson 11/26/83

Jeff & Rebecca Norton 11/27/76

Ron &Charlene Ward 11/27/76
