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first-CISiwl ant! Honc:i IK TELL. -...

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•-^J-'&kS^ tofess ^&4$iii^ 1 ,**»W w-l v »~TSJP^ £**ta? >.,,^ .; fgt^ J^ffe f.-J^_ ^Iffi ? -<• ^gm^umflJPAHiT j^lTiy ""i*i '"W'2 ^#4$**; XZT A" > Of^ m% I 1 —.* K?v |^fc^|HiCAGO'-yiQUNG ' WOMAN WHO i§C WAKES DESIGNS FOR TABLE LINENS. -j£obe-_Cnlte»& -R , oj_toJ»njn«£J.Glpl» i Hi*. 3t&>" rsvJS *»» "5* "* '«**• ** I? p np.f M; £<• ^-* £*"*- t-s* » lis afar * . Abnse of tlie Feminine 'JTliroM—Col- or of the Bridal Gown-Doalnjr {lie ! faby—Then a Man Laughed. - i - -.. •- If is said in some quarters that the heiise- "wife, like the dodo, and the ichthyosaurus ' and other unspeHahle birds and beasts, i s fjist beconiing extinct; that she will ere long vanish .e6nJi%t.ely XtSIH the xmrth anil the place thereof "knojy her no-more' forever. 1 However this m a y be, certain it is that so lqng as" one of the species Re- mains above ground, so long as a single housewifely instinct survives in the fem- inine breast, .just so long will the linen ,'ehest be among "woman's most cherished <.possessions and her napery a matter of affectionate pride. It satisfies one's sense ~of-the-eternal fitness -of things :that a.. ~ir~ V I if MISS-GI.BNnOSK BELT. woman should have the designing of'that uapery.'and one of the foremost of our stores has a woninii. Jliss Gieiiiosi! Boll, a real Chicago girl, who doesn't say, a s s o mauy do, "Oh, but you know, I don't renljy belong in Chicago; I come from " (north, east, south or west, any old place), designs tttost ef Marshall fMd'a "explasiva" In-, ' Tile l i n e n , and it is exclusive, designed lor the flrin by Miss Bell, woven tor it ou .llif "other KII)I«" from her designs-anti on the understanding thnt'for a given num- ber of years those particular designs shall .be sold to no one else. . Miss-.Rett'JR a refresh in(j sort ..of girl. She doesn't tnkn herself too seriously. She's just a fair haired, hluu eyed girl, vybo d o e s n ' t dTenin of the necessity of hnrlng nn olllee with n latchkey and a roll top desk to it, man-fashion, or*!! stu- dio with a north light and all sorts of : qucer properties to it. nrtist fashion; Shu (loeji her. vsrurk quietly at home, ' "How did I come t o d o it? Why, 1 ^ust driftwl Into it, «a& sve do into most things, by accident, I guess—the accident of'my father being in the employ of Field's. They always had their own exr elusive designs woven for them, and of -PoVsu-iiiey had ppnple making - their de- signs. I've always liked designing from the time LJEOS a tittleJJU of a girl -and when ,t w a s over at the West Side High eehooL . Then, 1 studied at the Art Insti- tute—not designing in particular, just their regular course, casts nnd things, yoti ikno-w. Then came n_ tiina whin my father wna very much dissatisfied with the designs that were being -furnished Field's. 'Tlyy couldn't seem to get what they wanted. One night he suggested that 1 try my bandT and I'm still doing JU that's all." ^ Quite a simple matter, y o u s e e , b u t y o u ironldu't thiuk-Bo-tf-yott snwrftno- ofMiss. Bell'a drawings ai *d realized—that_ she must depend for effect, not on .color, not even oh blnih and white, not on modeling even in the' lowest relief, but simply on -the"dipped".threJuL of the weaver, though perhaps, after all. the weaver does got one at sssoman's UKTSF "P'STminr~P"bss|i* Biohs^:...... ' • • -..''.'•" The tailor made girl, to be absolutely correct j n her everyday attire, has little by little "monopolized the; belongings-of -her-bfethwvtbe stif&st cohnr^ingjher particular pride nnd joy. The style thus obtained, dues not atone, for the evil re- sult which so quickly shows itself on the rotfnded •tjirnnt. making it flabby and al- ways marking it with a line that it takes the lii>.'h]»'Kt dug collar of pearls to con eeal when the girl pu.ts on evening dress. The men, .while wearing high collars, with me begin a crusade the first time there is an interval of si- :^^^|Bs^®^|'^or ra t*hf--desm»«twri«of= ^^AmMi-mS^mm^l^m^^-y^,^, ^•7TsT'l!hWfflrng"-p"osse«>"H»^lf;^P^^ Jn^Sne. foJleFy" given vent toa lohd guffaw, whie,h soon became so contagions that the worn-, en blushed to find that they were laugh- -iug-at-theinselves!—Washington Post. "AWomftnVWork. - - --•- Probably few people are aware of the fact that' the 'first libraries introduced Into prisons were placed 57 there through the instrumentality-of a woman—Iinda Gilbert. A triftiug incident that occurred .when she was a mere child altered the whole tenor of her life. She was born n e v e r . b i n d t h e i r t J f e a ^ u a t f t - l h g y ^ her home- was near a quire r-eVl 'in the face, as-their imitators so frequently do, many a young woman failing to consider herself'absolutely, cor- rect unless she is uncomfortable in the matter of neckwear, says the Philadel- phia Times. If women, old and young, from the girl in her shirt waist to the one in her thousandth, would" take a stand against -this—bnrbarous—Baode,- -substituting soft ~f^livQJ.jihhnn that can he made to look every' vvhlt aV ( smart if~OTrrietrhigb am*" tied night, the neck by .day,', and by night a^ well, wou-b.1 p r e s e n t a more pleasing appearance and its lovely curves and soft flesh preserved nor marretkuntil old lady-. hood. This is really a serious question, 1 * %nd~for-thrisc-w4i6-have : -suf£ered fjrgm the severities of the high bands of linen let me suggest" the- quick change to softer neck arrangements and the use of lano- -lin every nighu well nibbed into t h e CU: tide that has been tortured so long. tBtt BLOOD -CetOTof-the Hrldnl 6S*E»I. Modern brides- select one tiny little flower from the wreath or bouquet, in- case it-in a locket or talisnrtn of-some sort and wear it continually. Such a gift is quite a pretty bestowal from the hus- band, with her new monogram engraved^ on the outside. A bride considers it a joyful omen to receive cards to sunie one else's wedding ou her own wedding d,uy a n d likewise '& sinister foreshadowing to learn of the dcatli o f a friend or relative. Of cvurse no one would wish t o b e m a r ried on Friday, the 13th day of any month, and HI nek Friday throughout the whole civilbuul world records scarcely a single wedding. It is j_'e,>il to give nlmsjiist before the wedfling day. In certain nations brides carry a few coins, or have their attend- ants do it for them, to church, thnt'lhey may tuss fhrin t<> sonic^ needy person and thereby m> puuuIUtu. tu tiicTiuinflad^Hft^:tg_groh^r >-oa aewr : saw» His- wiiforni yon could not see for mmh and Fhe other government officials behaved lu an un feeling way. They roared with laughter. —St. James Budget. also to cost off all portents of evil in the riKbte«»HKiH'>i« o f ' g i v i u u t" the poor. There N mi nin-ieiit thyme which given goud ndviie in n-gnrd t" the color chosen for the biidul gown. It runs: Mnnli'd tn whHc, You time chosen all right; , _ ' Marrird in gray, Von will RO fur nwiiy; ^ Mirrlwl in l.laik, . \uu mil wisli vuiMsclf back) Jtnrrtmr-rrr-TT-a,•- - - , You'd better be dead; Married In pri-ert, _Asharrn'«l tu 1>P Been; flarrii'd WWuc, - . Y'ou'l! olwu>s'hc true; "XTafrTeiT iW p«rl, You'll live in a whirl; Married in yellow, Asjum.d nf the follow; Married in brow-ri,' You'll liv« out o( totrn; Married ta plnivc, Your Spirits will sink. , small, gloomy prison which stood on the spot now occupied by the massive city hall and county buildings. Often the prisoners would watch her through the gratings, and one day an elderly man begged her to lend him the book which she was carrying. ~TJe"book was gener- ously handed to the warden for him, and others soon followed." Naturally the sym- flathy. oi_;tj^.child_exteuded itself ere |."„ng_to^other^mates^jfig' every "book owned by -her" wa'sTtouiifcd to liis p«tswn>- ers. The work commenced by. the child. Has beefi carried on by the woman. She has.succeeded in having libraries intro- duced and maintained in thousands of prisons. The libraries contain only such works as are healthy, entertaining and thoroughly whahjsome; - Her Interest, in the prisoners soon. broadened beyond a mere desire for their recreation, and she jvaa .shortly directing her energies to the redemptiou from crime. . . . Where tad I ejL, Coal Ships. Mary Kiugsley tetts an amnsing- -story about West African women. There»was a beautiful black government official, in uniform complete? and*fate«orda'tnpd one" day that he should be told off to superin- tend the coating of a, little gunboat. .The coaling was being done by ladies. He, full of zeal and desirous of demonstrating it, shouted, tallied nnd gave directions to those ladies as he stood, uniform and all, under the government Hag on the govern- ment quay. They went on with their work merrily" and paid lio attention to him. Presently, other government offi- cials being nbuut, he, still desirous of demonstrating zeul, cuffed one of the ladies nrid said something disagreeable. They turned upon him, threw him info the thin Wnck batter that goes for watej in; that part of her majesty's dominions find went on with their work. A sicker chicken than that man when he returned "his effect by modeling with* his thread in infinitely low relief. ftilss Bell has accompanied her father abroad t o all the great centers of t h e lin- en industry on thfe o t h e r side and has scefrJust'Tiow ftjwas drtne. J3he will talk quite learnedly of the processes tintil she sees s|ie* is beginning to make ati im- presslon. Then she will laugb traniily and own that she honestly doesn't in t h e least understand it herself-—Chicago Times- Bferaid. - Kobe College For JopnnMe Glrli. In 1873 both the woman's beard of Boston and of the interior inaugurated work for the WotneB <st t h e J a p a n e s e Jem- pfre, MissTalcott and Miss Dudley to- gether selected Kobe as the field of t)ieir labors for their Japanese sisters, In No- vember of that year & small day school was opened., which lidoS" had TT pupils. 5 o f w h o m were married, with ages rang ilea "were of; the teimplest chafacterT In 1874 tbefocbool was removed to bet- ter quarters, and before the close of that year the woman's" board of mltssiouy -of- ~The Itftetlor underluuk the erectioa-of-ia- buildlng whic.b^ should be thg jgenuine DOBTIIC "the H h b y . Do not dose baby with paregoric or gin evexy time he has colic. Your own phy- sician does not give you Inudnnum every time your liver'is out nf order. Tie-up a lump of sugar, with two or three drops of peppermint on it, and UVhe hns not been t«o much overfed he will soon drop asleep. Mothers frequently lament the fact that their babies have what is called ,l tho Jilac-months' colic." All snperstl- tiojiijiyjdcars. If you would treat ynrif baby property, ^he woiilrl not Irnve fven a dine minutes' colic. It is related of a celebrated physician thnt a patient once said to him. "Doctor, something is wrong with-my. stomach." "Oh. no," replied the doctorT""yoTir stomach is ail right. The- Lord made_ynnr Bt^imach, and he never t makes a mistake. It is the way you treat it that is wrong—the way you stuff It and tramp it down." Half the moth- erfs I know wbo are obliged to tnk,e en re of their ownjmbjes" give' 1 ' them the bottle or s o m e Bort of food every- time they cry or show sign of uneasiness. If bnbies did •not- nnmrtime^ hnvrnense enough to re- fuse this perpetual refreshment or if their stomachs were not so xionstitnted that they can throw off a n oversupply, infant mortality would tre Ifar greater than it is. Especially In hot. weather baby la often restless for the want of a drink. Try him with a teaspoonfal of cold water several times a day. Sometimes bathing tire hot little face and hands with a soft cloth will act as a nervine nnd quiet him. Do not give baby more than one entire batita day,.a& too much hathing is weak< •eniflg.—F.ven in the hottest weather let him wear flannel next to his skrri7~bnt i>urdpn_hiin "with as few other clothes as possible.—T!xcBhhg6, A Practical Rich Woman. A practical New York woman is Mrs. Hamilton McKay ' Twombley. Mrs. Twombley is one of the three Vanderbilt sisters and is a womnn of very fine per- ceptions. She Is sftid to be second lu ed- -ueafiorfal—mntter-B- o n l y to—Mt«r-4oU»—IV Rqckefeller, who was once a practical teacher. "Mrs. Twombley lifts a model schoolroom iu her h'ifth avehiie boihe, fitted, with maps,~icharts, patent deska and the accessories and conveniences of a schoolroom. She engages the best tutors and teachers and personally su- perintends the schoolroom. She is pres- ent at the ehildten's dinner, served at noon, at which -there is a tempting sur-. pfise each day. Sweets are scarce up 1 on the children's table, bnt at the con- clusion'each child Is given a bit of choco- late. Each child is allowed to select her own clothiug, and, strange as it may Beam, they number among the best dress- ed children In New York. Ali of the children—they number three—have their own ponies, traps and dogs. and a~ of th.e-.str end., of trpubJe>;|;Nervousnfe88tJQBs of fleshr-^ea^-tteiffe^dizainessr-pEessura- Xegal notices. oy-gtaea .that the following^proposed .am/ ™u,= v,«t n --<,«C>* f •„ « „ { « i « T,OO,., meat to article tlira^ttheh^nstltuUottpltbe on tha lMaUi^MBita^oa,.r^aiJk3SiEL a^f« nf w«S• v « f k k*<> ."* submitted to fhe •••••'-•-•-•- -- people tor approval atfte n e x t genere)"Bte«^o>n and failing appetite all indicate thin blood, f he "gfeOTest blood and Ijeafp "eighteen hundred and ninety-nine. AMENDkENT.NUM38E£t Ol^E; COKCtmBBlfT BESOIiDTION OP THE SENATE- AXp AS3EMDLY' tonic as well i ^ t h e best and 'safest is Dr.' Miles' Neiy 'Heart Cure. It rer stores the lost appetite, increases-"'the red corpuscles in the blood, gives new Tda-cn^tlr-to-^Jiefiiea rt - and—f eed^-the, Utarved nerve cells and. mnseul?ir tis- sues. . . "Five years ago I suffered from heart trouble which was followed by paralysis of the'left side. The pain in my ,hearP whs terrible. a n d „ m y Tssaybf^ttyifVTcohntieiMrtioliy inoltidedm a teain wonld first be hot and then cold. 1 couMjRQtiiB_ojLmy left .side a n d m; -fteAh_Wasted away. The dolors did not want ih^^7tTiclr~handf"""anar.I be'fjan , tqkiog JJi 1 . Miles New, Heart Cure and jKestorative, Bldod Tonic. I soon began to improve a n d n o w IJMD enjoying excellent health." -.- vMua-B, B.JJA^IiH"Lancaster^ Jft.;.. All druggists are authorized to sell Dr. Mines' New Heart Cure on a guar- antee that first, topttle will benefit,or ; money wilJTbe, refunded. Be sure and get Dr. M|le"s'Nefer Heart ijnre; ,Wri't«i tor free bpo^e^^'htaftandfnerves. Dr. Miles Mediqai Co., BlUhlxt.' Ind, Headache for Forty Years? For forty yonrs 1 snlTerod. rrom sick head- ache. Ayynr nHQ Thecal! ua!rigCelery King. The resniTwaKBriiuiyABIUHKl Bmiiilalug, H»y- hearbiches leaving nX onee. The hcadnauca nserl to rotn'rn ovor.y "8e\ i nth day, bnt..Buinlw to Holcry Id ng, f have hati Imt one tieadaobo In IhQ lust oloveii mohtle*. L know that whnt cured me will lielpbthon*.-Mrs. John D, Von Kcureri.Haiigertles, N.Y. . » Colerv King for the-NervoR, Stomach, Liver and laimeyViHiioWttn fiov. ana 25c packages by druggista and doalors. ** * -, BOLD BY nnonoHTON & QBAVES. DROPPED DBXD. The man with heart trouble never knows when his time may come. When ire leaves home for work h e m a y never _ Teturu alive. -H^nta^-d^p^ad-onJthe^ _ Then a Man Lauffhed. —It wasji.La_Cflnvention of women that it happened. Prominent delegates were -gathered from -ali parts-^of the Cnited States, and in the audience rotom were to be aeep many of the women whose names 'have become well known throughout the cotrntry by reason of their prominence in women's organizations and work. In spite of this, however, the-gntbering; w a s i n - tensely feminine. The efforts of the pre- siding. ofBcer to /have the business trans- si' parliamentary, deliberative acted in way had been weu\mgh fruitless, and, in addition to the proceedings on the floor, •there was a subdued conversation going on all over the room among different del- egates.- The presiding officer was trying 'to Srxafiga-fjsr the reading of a paper which had been crowded out of one of the "previous sessions. She couldn't fix any definite trine for it, but she hated to table it" etttiretyV " " . .' -^"Ladies," she said ihi t h a t c a l m , J u d ^ -eial—way^-which-had given her promi- nence, "I do not kuow just when we "can find time to hear .this most valuable, pa- per, but We will try and have it read 'home^C the teiichers a n d $ 0 pHplIfTlTtar Mpanefee themselves contributed $S00 for this -home, building^ and the -woman's board of the P a c i f i c g a v ^ - f BOf) t o w a r d it, ^rjh«ej8|te_SQlected ' w a s about a quarter of . *Tj-mtle -from the town^-on^smg-^Sraiiml. niid overlooking .the picWrestpie city be- low It and thejieaut'ifur bay-beyond. In 1S78 another new building." foflt-TifflB. teachers,and pupils was.,de4i6ated.- In 18S4 other accommodations were -provid- ed. Again,! to 1«§7. the Japanese camjB torward ana turaisBed the entire amount leefiea'for a new dOjrinitofy^v.Last of'tfll. in 1897, with funds «pntribuWi entirely by the aiu^mRrr HnnHD^ahese^trfends^of the school, still, ahothier hpildin^was add- ed, which is used' for' intetfefion. in do- mestic duties and pract)oal.ftccoxnp|ish- lnbnts. '' ' %• ••-- '"" '" : "*.'f< ••• ' , The coarse of study hftsbeeti developed ' by &liss"*SearTe amTMiss Jblt "M^ SrowB 5 and their able and devoted colleagues un- til now the 'college offers two distinct courses—the academic and collegiate, -The latter is divided Into scientific -,aha literary. The academic course is five years and the "collegiate three years. The Bible is taught daily in all courses. j^"TlKsrB. nr £ e.,fD)fr^Lpierican and nine Jap- anese teachers"." ,'JDhe ftudents have come mostly from non-Christian .families., and the records nil tbe*grao«a*es^reveal the marvelous •fact tbftt none M s completed the course ?^Jio^ajr«oi ; g^n-evidence st a change. of heartl. Tliere is hardly a living grad- tiate Who' halndt entered upon Christian prvlc»^&$r%s^BHKM^er-^^ *JChr«tiih wSifeer or in some other &""-^4sphe*«^i« 4es»^|l5eeftire.^Mi8sionary Her- njd, Al»nge of the Feminine Tl^iroat Hate yotj tioflceii-*»t the eteningA *uj(iB «urivate rfancgs 6i dinners—In iact. at Any -function where •woiaen «pii low g iii^ii-i*. *# «i.. W n r l ^ « f>««» I -KH»r-^ttofe*eF '©ufc^seepiaiE'ii^^ ^my In 4 pound pmckif- Wife only by' . nge of the otrtier and the cphtonr of the * THE N. K. FA1RBANK COMPANY, irXrNer portions of her anatomy? If your ^,__. ^ . ^ , M«TVwfc,>tff*il.liHrttlrtH ^«air*beeacloMtotW»hifote 1 opB D W»*»««^ii*flPi.»iW|Pi street, in his pulpit, in his office, over his work bench. Heart disease is no respecter of persons. The Christian min- ister is liable the same as anyone else. Rev^C. L. Mundell writes; "-I sufferrd from that dreadfiil tiriM fueling and-weatness. nnd-in rSaH lest nn--li<?nHlv Alto- gether, iwent toaoe of the best dnrtnrs in thr state and he saHrfiacnieart. sTomach. TTvcf aria kiduey Uuuble. Hia treatment ditl me IM good, I tried different fcinds of •• patent-nvedieioe!! bm> got worse all-the time. If I walked up hill or a little fet it seemed as though my heart would jump fiuf. I had almost giveu.up all hope, and mymSneywasall gone; wasscareely able tomake a living. Fina" ing Hts advice store a- bottle of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medica Discovery and a-ljottle^jf his ( Pleasant" Pellets.' This was- a yew agoand -how4 am hsopytosny that I am in the enjoyment or perfect hegiTfti. T am so glad of my health that I cannot say too tmich. I first return my sincere thanks to 44- inighty Gasl a'nd then to "Dr. Pierce. '• T would not do without y"oiiT ' Pellets' for one hundred dollars (ftoo.oo) per montfi. " Do not think I am exaggerating. w£y state- ment is true and if anvdOunt it they can writ« to Pinegrove, Ohio, w'here I live, rend if. any should think this an assumed name and that guch a man as C. t. Mundell does not exist, they may look in the minutes of Providence Associa- tion, or in the Baptist Year BoOkfiti the list of Blders, and they will find my name." Finally I wrote P,r,,Pjietce and follow^ : I purchased at my iiertresl drirj TO COMPLETE '"-"•' Your "Stmier Ontfil You should add a supply of our Mi(li(M Shirts, - -JUshihlt iMMItfc-i Uathir Bills, --Hpoielp Htsi r Mircir Silk Undtrwiir, Balbrlpin Undirwtir Chas. H. Build MEH'S FUBMISHER, or.tne otaw 01 »ew lorn, auui BOCUUHHO»«7I« V- ChapteFnliie* hundred-and nine of the Laws of eighteen hundred and ninety-six, notice Is here-. to the aforesaid. ^ 9g8 tate K numerS| :M . B - 0 - " SecretaryoOf State. people tor approval at tne n e x t general eiecraon Jo-bo held, on the seventh d a y pf November, Proposing an aweadmenljto article mree. sop- tlon twenty-six of the constitution, relating to boards of supervisors aW deyoWng the duties ^ihereolunan the municipal-, asgemoly or other legisTStrveooay'<jf a olty in t»TnrtiBTwn° H y-ta^ eluded in a city or where t w o or more entire counties are included tn a city. Whereas, the legislature «S ii(M*g.u)ar session in eighteen hundred and ninety-seven duly adopted * resQlution, prMding for an amend- ihenrtothe constHmlon'relating to boards of supervisors and'devolviog.the duties thereof upon the municipal assembly or other legislative city or.where \iht> or more entire counties are IncTiftied in aelty;,and vBicirirpsplution wasje- fejrredto the legislature to be chosen at the nextwne»>el«Aldn_of-sfinatfflrj.'aBfl.dlrec^ to be published in accordance with geotion oae ~! articlefourte>en uJltlig ta»Mjlttttlonj«na "Whereas, such,resQ; utlon has"heen dijrypn^ llBheditfaccordancewltll law and the constitu- tion and Referred to .this leglislature for action; therefore, '..-.' *• . .. < Section 1., Resolved (If the assembly, concur), that section twehty-elx, article third, of the constitution be amendedsq»« towadasfoHows! S 80, There- shad be In each county, except In ^coilnty wholly !nel\jd?d In a ctty, ft board of supervisors! t o b e .composed .ofkjSTOli^embers and elected in such manner send for suoh"perloa as Is or rtiay be provided by law. In a, olty which Includes an entire county, or two or more entfre counties, the powers ana duties of a board Of supervisors maylw devolved upon the tounlcl- pal*8gembly,common cooncli, board or alder- m e n o r other IejdaTatTve"b6a3ror the olty. -' $ & Beaobredt (If thB assembly concur), that the foregoing amenumenD be aul*llluterl to tea- people for approval at the next.general election In accordancewtth the provisions of the election hvw. ' , " " ' ' r."' ," - .««/. •State of New York, In Senate, March 8,1899.' The foregoing resolution was duly passed, a majority of all the senators elected voting In favor thereof. By order of the sen*te,- TIMOTHY E. ELL8W0RTH, ' Temporary President. State of New York, In « saembly, April 88,1890 The foregoing resolution w a s ..duly passed, a majority of a l l the members ejected to the assembly voUng in favor thereof- By order of the assembly. 8 F NIXON, Speaker. State of New York, Offl e of the Secretary of State, S8: I have compared the preceding cipy of concurrent resolution, proffosing an amend- ment to article three, Beotfon tweu(y-9lx of the Constitution, with the-orlginal concurrent reso- lution on file. In this ofllc*\ a n d I do hereby cer- tify that the, same is acorr^ct transcript there-, from, and of t h e whple thereof. Given under my hand and the seal of of- fice of theSecretftry ofSwte.at the city of Albany. AUs yven6y-«eventhdayof Jaly, STATK OF NBW YOHK,•-OFWOB- or -flEeBETAaXJJEjTAMv ALBAMY,. July ,87, IH»». Pursuant to ,ft hundred andnineot the Laws of eighteen ha* dFedan&araety-sIx, not.lce is hereby ^Iven that the followtal^nroposecr amendment to article sU lot ^th^nsWuWof the Stateaf-New^Yo|k is to be submitted to the people for approyal at neTnext geneAl election io beijielp^• o n . t h j seventh day of November, eighteen hundred and ninety-nine. AjmSNDHENT NOrTHREE. . CONqUBBBNT Proposing an amendment to, section two of artible tix of ,P the constitution, relating to ' temporary £ de»lB">aMo D > b * tne governor of i ustlces to the appellate, division. WHERBAS, thelPidslature at ts regular ses- sion in eighteen hundred .and ninety-eight dub? adopted rasolutlons^pHiyWiSg for an amend meat to the constRtltlon. relating to temporary designaHons by the governor, pf justices to the aonfillate division; ah*-*hlel^rasolntloai»att, referred t9 thelerfsiatureto.be chosen at the MxSneraXeT^fWo^«*»tqr»v and^lreeted wb^bllshe^lfr<Wcordanc<wlrjj.^actlpn one of arttcle^ourteeroftt "~" (us.] in the year of our Lord, one. thousand eluht hundred an' --JOHN eight hundred and nlnnty-nlne. T . MoDONOTJO-H Thu furBguluK -eonsu.! llshed once a weew for tl Secretary of State. mnon-Js-puE ._. .^ree mohflis n e x t i n . ceding tlio next general election In conforn^Jly to tboatoresatd- provisions. In two puhlla BBF8T papers In each county In this 8t*te representing respectively the two political parties polling the highest number of votes at the last general eaeh' county for every one hunarea thou- sand people in such county as shown by the last preceding State Enumeration. JOll!» T. MoDONOUOH^ ' Secretary of State, ^Sr*Tjr-ot^-N«w-¥onKi-0»KO*oii-raa- Scenic-. TABY OP STATE, ALDANY, 4uly87,l»89—PursUaioT Cu- the pi ovlslona of Boction one of .article f our- t»K)not tho.Constltutloh of the-State of New York, and section seven of Chapter tnino hun- dred and nlno of the h^ys of eighteen hundred »nd nlnotyslx. notlqo la n.ereby KlVeh""th«t thr following proposed amendment to arti le eight or the Co'nsti' utlon of the State of New York fs to b« submitted (o the people for approval at the next general election t o b e held un tfai sev- enth day of November, eighteen hundred and nlnoty-nlne. AMENDMENT NOMBER TWO.. A83K1IRI.Y. »an amondmont-to article eight, section ) constitution, in relation to couDtioi', - .... ATJi EI||p8 OF..,. KOAL and WOOD ten of . . . . . cltle^towna,.andjiriaRBHt-gfeIng T9r tpsntng. money or credit and limitation of their Indebt edneea NVhereas, the.lORlslaturo at Its regular seanou - -lnMghteJn_.hjindred and nlnotysavon, duly adopted a re8oTuTJon"nroTtdlng for~an amena> rnent to tho constitution, tn relation to counties, cities, to*ns and vlllapes giving or loaning money or credit and limitation of tholr indebted- ness; and which resoliftion wna referred to tho legislature to be chosen at the next general election of senators onddlrected to be published In accordance with «eotfori one of article four- tHim of tho constitution; and —Wtierrnn, minli reaoiuaoanhavobeen duly pub- •llsheiiaaccordancoBlth law and til* constftu- tlon and referred to this 1 glslatnre for action; thorotore, • - Soctlon U Eesolverl (If the assembly concur), that section ten, article eight, of the constitu- tion be runendod so as to read AS follows:' $ 10. Counties, cities and towns not to.glvo or lourt mnn»y r>rprrrllt- Hrnifjttl,inr,f | n rt«ht/«i»«M No county, city, town or village shall hereafter (live any money or properly, or loan It* money or credit t o o r In aid of any Individual, assocln- Gratc $435 per ton. ^gg .....-r$4USO^er-4oru Stove $4.85 per ton. .$$.83 per ton. Gfeestwit Pea , poor as maybe authorised bylaw, "ifo county ggSSS' n ^ D ?n oU «H?iiri„nain„wi*, K ~r r KI nVxltr^mafi^llowe^toWomB ladebtad-for- ^ " Y^JS? *r^ ^^«^°*?»*23SSfJL!S any purpdteor in any manner i o a n amou"ntl^?c.*?? n, ?. for ^T*** *?* hundred thousand which, including existing indebtedness rtufll •icf-ed tea percentnm of the assessed valnatton Of the r*a3-*mtxtn n f m r i » c o u n t y nr Cf fySTlfifrfft - Jo fatg^tfan, MX It. tppMtjWI Yiy the «aM«mBIIt rolls of said co nty or city on the last, asseim AT \5ARD. For Ctty Deliveipr&dd 40c a Ton the Airiw«r-~Pr4ce$^ Yards: 224 S. 6Mr|« Sirnt. 516 Rohtrts Slrnt. Gonstipation and biliousness are radi- cailly cured by Dr. Pierce's Pellets. PABRY, Contractor and Builder, General Repairing, Stair Building and Office Furniture A SPEGfcUiT% 100 Kast Libertj r 'kreet. nfflRA" *«" ,n * !on St. Optra Ml " •" Mm Block. tion or corporation, or b come directly or indi roctlv the owner of stock In, or bonds of, an association or qorporation; nor shall a n y sue c mnty city, town or village be allowed to Incur any indebtedness except, for county, city, town or village pnrpOBea. i his section spall not pro- vntauoheonnty,olty,town or village from malt- ing such provision for t h e aid or support of Its meat for state or county taxes prior to the In- curring of such Indebtedness; and all indebted- ness in excess of such limitations except such as may now exist. abaU be absolutely Void, "ex- cept as herein -otJiww&s provided. So county or city whose present indebtedness exceeds ten per centum of the assessed valuation of its real the whole thereof Glven-under. njyl hand nnd thesoiu Qe !LaWeyjfewB^^^^M^^Mlatei.ali-tljW" State THF i-^e-*reWiBjfa»#jwtaH^MteHs=i io _ llshed once? a, W^Mtor Ihreempnths.next Pr%. :teenof the constitution^of w e W M - "H-jjgfr- '-* c - ^ -*•-*•• WnEnEAS, 'such resolutions have been duly pubUshed In accordance with law and the con- stitution and reftrred to this legislature for ac- tion; therefore ', ' „ Section 1.. Resolved (If the assembly concur), that secHon'two of artiele six of the consul u^ tion be ameadea soastd read as follows: l S. The legMatiire shall dlvidethe state into four' jutfelat-ftewpf^ meat shall consist of the county of New York; the others shall be bounded by county lines and be compact and equal In population 4s nearly as maybeT Onee every ten years' the legislature mar alter the judicial .departments, but without Increasing-the number thereof.. There shall be atuappellate division of the supreme court, con- sisting ojf seveTJiisttcesin the first department, and of Ave justices in eaeh^efjiha^othar-aapar£. meats. In each department four shall consti- tute a quorum, and the concurrence of-three shall be necessary taa decision, No more than Ave justices shall sit In ariVcase, From all the justices elected to the supreme court the gov- ernor shall designate those who ahall constitute thS'sppellate "division in each department; and he shall-designate the prestdlng justice thereof, who 'shall act as such-during hia term of office, and shall be a resident of the department. The Other justices shall be designated for terms of Ave years' or the unexpired port! ns of their respective terms of office, if less than five years From time to' time as the terms of such deslg nations expire, tu* vacancies occur, he shall make new designations. A majority of the justices so designated to. sit" In the appellate division in each departnteet shall be residents of the department. He may also make tempo- rary designations in case of the absence or in- ability to act of any justice In ths Bppellate dl vision, or hi case tne presiding justice of any appellate division i-hall certify to him that one or more additional justices are needen-Jtor the edy disposition of the business before It. lenever the appellate division In-arty depart- ment shall be unable to dispose of ,dta "business* within a reasonable time, a majority of the -prg*rdT'*C J»m!rM* of tho peforal departments at -arnreatn-ircoH-A^jy^M^resloTngJusUceit the department In arrears may transfer any pending appoals from such department to any other department for hearing nnd determina- tion.' No justice of the appellate division -shall exerclso any of the powers of,*, justlco of --,---;•• j-, _v .ijj„ ., „„„„„ii,i_ i„ the supreme court, other tlinn those o f a justice election, and. i n one aadllic^l.aew^iJajoer. '°r JSttnt^nnrt. and ttinfie pertamlng.to the appel- ao^N^njic^oiJwt 33ft •Wft» i «t»ry of i ,i 'Tipn!i;?ejl!--rT •"-"-"-' __ __ 'Wrjlirjeij to the«fote(!*ia: t B*oWom«rtw^,puWlc news pa'pWTffi^hcOTn^ res^a,i*lj--i!ft%Wo:.iKMl!^l^e», polling the highest number of vptes.Mjtlie last general election, alnd In tne,-fia^i))|pn|^ nawapvper in each county- -for eyery ^nei-flttBdred thou»and people l-reaclr cotlhity as„jSho\Rn^thSr!asi-pre- cedmg Sta*e EnumeratiQnrf- •>>.-»- b ° . WOHN ^MopONOUGH, •ni .." ..%?^. a Ty'ofState. America^^ MODELS. OntKachBox.^ KALAMAZOO CORSET Co. BOLE MANUFACTURERS SOLD BY S^MITH & HAMMANN. -FOR- the supreme court, other than those of a justice out of court, and those peftamlngjo theappel- late division or to .the hearing, anoTnejaiKft or motions submitted by-cpnsentAf counsel Trom' and after the last day of December, eighteen Irundred and ninety five, the appellate division shall havi) the jurisdiction now exercised by the stapreme conrC-at Its genoral terms nnd by th* giaaaral lermn of the conrt-of-common-pleaaiox.. the city ana county of New York, the superior coort of the city of New York, the superior court of ubiralo andthe city of Brooklyn, and such additional-jurisdiction as may be conferred .by the leglshturfi lt,Rhallbave power to ap- p int and remove a reporter. The justices of thaappellato dlxhiiqn in each department shall have power tofixthe thxujs and place*) for hold' ing special and trial teroj» the.rem,aiid to assign the Justices In tho, departments to hold such terms; or to make rules therefor. S 3. Resolved, (It the arammbly concur), that tho fort-Kotng amendment bo submitted to the rieopla for approval at the next general election "tttacMrdancewnSrtlns prutlsluus of—the-elee- tion law. first-CISiwl State of Kow York, in senate, April 11, 1899.— The foregohig regttlutlon was duly passed, a ma- jority of all theraeBStora e1fj««tjtfian^ln.fir«>r- thereof. . By order of tho senate, ' • '"* TIMOTHY E. ELLSWORTH. ; Temporary Presidents, State of New York, in JusemBTyTlCBrll 18,1895. -i-The foregoing resolution .was' duly passod, a majority of all the members elected-to the as sembly voting In favor thereof, f the assembly, aj 1 . NIXON, Speaker, By order of the assembly State of Now York, Office of the Secretary of State, ss: I have compared the preceding copy of con- -rutrr«nt_rnmlurJnn1 proponing »n ^T^flntlhl^n^ »•" ritttelastx, section two of tho Constitution. wlL U10 original concurrent roenlntlon on file In this office, and* I do hereby certify that the samo Is a correct transcript therefrom, and of the whole thereof. Oivon under my hand and the seal of of- fice of the Secretary Of State, at tho ctty -{fc^4of-Albanyv--thla twanty-aasenlh day of July, In the year of pur bord, onethou- sand eight hundred and ninety nine*. JOHN T. McDONOUQB, Secretary of State The fo-cgoing Goncurront Resolution is pub- lished onco a week for three months next pre- ceding the next general election In 1 onformity to the aforesaid provision', In two public news- paper* tn each county In this State representing respectively the twp political parties polling th« highest numbor of votes at the last genera) . jle In such county to shown by the hut pre- ceding State Enumeration. JOHWT. HcDONOtJGH, Seeretary^fStatev STAtr* b r N i w Y o a s , Orrtcit o^snaBRm* uttV of Bum ALDAWY, July k?.—Pursuant tc the provisions of section one of article fourteen estate, subject to taxation shall be allowed to JhecomeJndebted In a n y furth»r amount unii t such In^pdneWslHr/fee^reaTreea"*! 4 ?!^ 1lml6r-T4itss^cijDn>-BnxIlpnot be «on«trned_ii. pravmt.thelumtinij'nf certlBcaanof Innabtsa- This sohooi of bnsin«pii better prepared thaa «»er before to teacjj piala and o*r*uhental writ ng, bookkeeping, businMS arithmetlo, stenotra phy, typewriting and the Engluih^branohes. Oatalogne and.spochnei of a a e penmn neat -W, 8HWId»*HKNbBlCrK, TW nr «'»'g«wim hfllldff Immff? In anticipation 01 the collection of taxes lor amounts actually Contained or to be contained In the taxes fdr the year when-gucli certiacates or r e v e n u e bonrTs- are issued and payable o u t of such-taxes. Nor. shall this section be construed to prevent the irsuer-of *op«s- to- ppofelde far t h * sUpply of watert but *he tennof th« bonds Issued to pro^ vide the supply of water ahall not exceed twenty years and a .sinking fnnd shall Hhe created an Ihe- issuing!-of- -the -said: bonds for xli.eIr.redeniBtiQn4 by raising annually a sum which, will produce anaiiWuntequal to the sum of the principal and Interest t)f said bonds at their maturH3 s r All Certificates of-4n^ debtedness or revenue bonds ltsiied in anticipa- tion of t h e collection of taxes, which are not re- tired within Bve years after: their date otlssne, aria-honrTs issued to pTjyvfde fqr tlie-.-strpply of water, and any debt hereafter incurred by any portion or part of. a cjityi If there'shall be any such debt-, shall Win ludedin ascertaining the ...J HWLDS * HKNbBlCTK., ^j^,«imi<MiMi (It. Title* ANEWTIEA- -" 7F0R4i|i Or Any Ki»| 9? Repairs, tatr -%^ aapsBros/BipWepattSliolJ 144 K. W # i n g t t t n Sfc ; ALL WORK ^bA*WVNTEETJ, "* *K-r . A -mem- .MA-RtfeTf^S.' He has the best ;ttf§0iu& itt t»wn, and And two-sea^ attin|r* power of the city to be beobme dthlfrtrWe Ih- debted. Whenever-the boundaries of any'eity are the satneasthose o f a county, of .when any ctty. shall include withhi its boundsirles more than one county, the -power of «iy**co'Baty wholly included within such olty to becomb m- dobted shall cerise, but the debt of the county, heratdfpre_exlatlng ahajl ;n6t, tbi the purbSse* **ttV of BtATS, AwiAwr, July k?.—Pursuant to the provisions of section one of article fourteen of the Constitution of the State of New York. ant! Honc:i GO TCF- 1 - I K TELL . and sectioa seven of Chapter nine hundred and nine«f tho La*s of eighteen hw^redTabiTnTna ty-six, hdlicfe Is hereby given that the following proposed amendment to article six,section seven QrihB-GotisUiutidh of UmBtate of New York Is ""{"tejSfflaStedJothej^ ext general election, t5~be held on"The seventh ten5oei^ignte8tt^undred andBtfle^ IF YOU WANT SOME- THING WCE In Artistic PhotograpKlc Work, call upon or ifrrJtfiio_ BLENIS PORTRAIT HOUSE, t26 Coiuiribla St., tJtieA, N. Y. Tiiey hiyiiaiaq^sSck of Pic- tures, Frames, ArrGotlds, clc, and sell cheap. -FOTJK coscoaaeiRp HSottmoit or THB ss»*ys *j»n t 7-"- r - ' " - isssinnir, - — 7- Proposlng an amendment to article six,'section . sayon of the constiWWen, relating to the court . ofAppealS. . : ; ^ siL ^\Yh>reas, the leglsUture at tte regular session in eighteen hundred and ninety-eight duly adopt' e^L£e«o!utlonsjrovldlDg for ah amendment to the,constitution reTatin/ t31Be7court ot^ppestst anurwhjoh resolntlona were referred to the leg- islature to be chosen at the next general election of senatoriLAnd directed to^benubllshea In ac;- c P ro ft nc6 ..7 l t h 8 «ction one of article fourteen of th*constitution; and -»• Whereas, said resolutions have been duly pub- Ushed inaccord»ne»*ith -law-andthaconsUtw. Uoni and referred to this legislature for action; therefore, , iJ^? 0 !. 1, Resolved (if Ihe assembly cotasttrT, gialSSectlon seven of article six of the cdnstltu- aonSbe amended to read ai follows't of this section, bo'reckonedas a part of TOe^IRf- debt, Thea^pUtttJ&^eaftortebfe|atsedbyt>x' ttdn to providing for the principal Tand Interest' 6f existing de1jtt:ShaHndj la ateiafegF*tfate;;!exf„ •Aee41n-any oneyas*^».p^cJn4nnj^tliea&^ sesged valuation of t n e real and perspnw.estate' Of such county or city,to oe iscertSihed aspBy scrlbedJnLthw 8BotiOn-1ntrespeCt Mdohnlyior City d e b t . , ,,.'». - •. u.-. •. %3, Resolved, (If t h e assembly con"curV1lfs£ the foregoing amendment be submitted to tins people for approvalat the liexfc general election In,acCor,danqe with j^-p'r^yi^o^qd^^e^Kiifirn: Vfftafe of New York.^frsenate, Slafch'si KfovJ.'. The foregoltif' "•-"•'~'i"»'«^ '^»~ Ji.«.-. .^^u.^1 .*-• majority * roin* rtsolutlon was , d n i y .passddi,;*; of all the» senators e*ected vbtlng f fiiyorrtKelreofr" .. . . ByOrderbftheaenaw '1,, •• ,• • - ^.TIMPTHY B, BLLSWQTtTH,..'* T*mporai^Pr^i!aehK ifatfdh' of uieiFre^eoWe' terms; T^ILKINSON & a>KK8, . , -Mo..iaiJfortbJ|r»«hl»««fljaStrMt, Ar»^Be*d<lUJU , |jeTS for Fresh, Sweet, ^ ^~^~ l^reafilB^f Butter, - CREATE AND SWBCi'' MiL"K. _ w If you order of them yon; are mretrf getting relSQn? tJtheicourtVtap^itgrHtoabesfc - -z—x-^- -—-- r.-?-- ..• .__. , . K^. - PROPRIETORS OF ttOC CBrSTjJuSPMifG QKEAMERY. _ .sanibbrjB# By order di „t)wli untKtheexpl iffMjPPjt snecBasnrs. %o«haU toTchosea bV'tiie. "USSSS^ 0 * ^y***®- .Thenfflclal terms or t h e Ojilet^udsreatnj associate judges^^ ahall be four- 1 5 5 ^ ? ^ *l t e £ 4 ^ J'AilPfc Eijfiniem-- bewof the court shall fornl^f|u6ru>hi ahdthe incurrence of four shall be- necessary-te a de- Clsion.1. The court shall have power tolnpboint SS^'TSS'S*-*' 1 * 8 r 'P° rt «j. cierk and 2,,,.. •ntSjWBeneyer and as often as a-aTtjorlty of f^lSSSSi^ffi «TO|t ot sppBTrts Bhatt c e r t i f y g#f8wernQr r tKftt said court ft unable^"bf »asohofthe.acchniiilation pf causes pending !^&&. l !£f r . , * 5 3 dUbose V df thesato^ti, iSSSs^l^l**^-iWTWBiOr shall deslghate s JS.* erve Jr 8 Msocf^te judges ot tooWbt appeals.' 'ofe3SS8S* > a ? sighatea shall be rs&Veffnym i£«-i'tL u i> 1 !*'"? -tyy®* of the supreme cdurt to*sB4Uservi»MBSsoc1ate'jdaResofthecdh^ ^RW* u 3 th <££ <»uses undSposed ol'in saiS fK U . r ll^ tere ? UC xt d * , ? tv0 hhndfVd, wh>h they !#*^** tn i* ^h^-snp^me^codrt^nme'-Kow. S?aS a ? desf l»^JhsfeofJflte sUpren?e¥duS I^^MSJ^S;. rfo ^ s t i c ^ h a l l s e r v a a s asaoC Sffi!ftffl d K?-**!&$ C°\»£f«PPe« s except while ISli? e v.iF?* s « toticefif thesupreiha 6&ulf *- R ||' tt *c^'.th«ii.Wi«to-1d«ie*'SaMTi*- W teellM It. SvMk.?^ lved * («theassetobly concnr>, that S f ^ ^ % S p ^ e r r 3 | » | t e , t e **ccordanee with the provisions of the eler/tioh , State ot. New YorJ^Ofnce.of the Secretary ot; State, SS".!- ,'4'-v »*-> ,.Jt; "8 -',-,» '/_••-•' san J8QL Ml W^BQfflU^K SfiBBR^ •Beali&fcM'teri^^ . ... c „,..„ -„ J mif* the a«t general election iiT^Sforipli - M 'Br*irijt*f; t Resoli -, - of the 8e\aate 1 tt^J^P^J" yoovmm. President., imfc%$ % w Y ^ ln 4j|*minly, April*. ^S^rm^ 8 0 '?-? J*«8m»»n was duly «S* OOMtltUMon, AreijnRfctew. «wt€ cohcelrn every housekeeper. >'. J^i'J^j^J^^P^ei anu ; anaT^fe^^'i|Ul^ : ii^» d ' flkJ^iele^^e^oe.'Otoese and ' ' gOin^g^^^plr^ €!akc8 , y^^otta^^t*7#l;o£f6B f te ^ 6. m fa ^t.Homlnlck^Street,'E ijLj r-'i"''"' 1 1 iiiiii 111' 1 111 IM in Smm i-*r.f < • . \*mmmffir$m "• r •;. :. ,f s : :y' : \±' : , - _ i . ^ , ., '^,4^s^%:s?# ^WS THE LAWYEF H»8 WAY it "U ,WW*. 1 A».a«in-.E»cji« Hriia^yif«|7;«j Maitra^Soia, 1 ' mDrDin^«ii§ip IjalHHfMi|fc_&e road,!*fty*« coiuft, *b^tot.,ft situatea^tttth* L.yew,-tt»e! «00 road beilde tl r«a^haa>jPQi»! whentiwojnen lsJng ta'"vTajW! " narrow J*ne single shot fro be murderers ^ behind their r Ijabori' Ife Vja$ uttered *n»gt bis face. W$ throngi 4h*.< emerged andt At7:80o'«q[i the ballet had - there waraort the phyiieiam die .from 'tntf' M.Labftrl,. clent pretteno dark morocco liirpapeHrrra until hte w t raisett himae heflaF" •'" A-sajnbei loading a bai fieata: the si him^' rai»63 them placed assailant, wl ^volvef, »Uuu aholTlfeyfa ®haok that he nsflasalntO-p After aim derer ran-, 1 ieacheaj.Jtb,e embankmen " until he Axrl train waajt he dashed train and .tc - -tfon-Tjf—tibe he wBs.lo8t , Coli"PIo^ , his way tc t-*~_for.80«ra4 - liea-T3Ma,e» the pursuit thewonnde number of clare they 1 crossing t reached ts away, Iwl ° MadarnB lawyer, TU orlme and Rho found walk and 1 threw hen head In he colored pa ly snatche M. Lab< groan cat restedjin f way, i s 1 hiffi- W i t h him w i t h his nptru backtJte wife's eryi * ings herx to esse tu Itia rej said, as h "I may saved. ,v T h e sffi from' ttu crowd ha the arris connect* spjasta&oj spot wh followed The sh< . Qeorge'i ^rtwasai "beenatS In the n called t< to have hour eli Hved, An in fact, it by saw ently, n por to i Still -m indlvid Labori is said, theauf certain conten ih»: . holdlh Anger/ eralm ' . M& waa'at td"M'"l riedly Col. thai* alTpwi Bl«;^a 'GeinS declai BUChi Wlfchic - mm had§ andj that^ W-% moyii matl mm lielh —TSI^BB *.
Page 1: first-CISiwl ant! Honc:i IK TELL. - nyshistoricnewspapers.orgnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031997/1899-08-12/ed-1/seq-8.pdf · np.f M; £

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! f a b y — T h e n a Man L a u g h e d . -i • - - . . • • -

If is said i n s o m e quarters t h a t the he i i se -"wife, like t h e dodo, and t h e i c h t h y o s a u r u s

' and other unspeHahle b i r d s and b e a s t s , i s fjist b e c o n i i n g e x t i n c t ; t h a t she w i l l e r e long v a n i s h .e6nJi%t.ely XtSIH t h e xmrth anil the p l a c e thereof "knojy her n o - m o r e ' forever.1 H o w e v e r this m a y be, cer ta in i t is that so lqng as" one o f t h e species Re­mains a b o v e ground, s o l o n g a s a s i n g l e housewi fe ly ins t inct s u r v i v e s in the f e m ­inine b r e a s t , . jus t so l o n g w i l l the l inen

,'ehest be a m o n g "woman's m o s t cher ished <.possessions and her n a p e r y a matter o f

affectionate pr ide . It s a t i s f i e s one's s e n s e ~ o f - t h e - e t e r n a l fitness -of t h i n g s : that a . .

~ir~ — V



MISS-GI.BNnOSK BELT. woman s h o u l d have t h e d e s i g n i n g o f ' t h a t u a p e r y . ' a n d one of t h e foremost of o u r stores h a s a woninii.

J l i s s G i e i i i o s i ! Boll, a r e a l Chicago g i r l , who d o e s n ' t say , as s o m a u y do, " O h , but you k n o w , I don' t renljy belong in Chicago; I c o m e from " (north, e a s t , south or w e s t , any o ld place) , d e s i g n s tttost e f M a r s h a l l f M d ' a "explas iva" I n - ,

' Tile l inen , a n d it is e x c l u s i v e , designed l o r the flrin b y Miss Be l l , w o v e n tor i t ou

.l l i f " o t h e r KII)I«" from h e r des igns -ant i o n the u n d e r s t a n d i n g t h n t ' f o r a given n u m ­ber of y e a r s those p a r t i c u l a r designs s h a l l

.be sold t o n o o n e else. . Miss-.Rett'JR a refresh in(j sort ..of g ir l . She d o e s n ' t tnkn h e r s e l f too ser ious ly . She's j u s t a fair haired, hluu eyed g i r l , vybo d o e s n ' t dTenin o f t h e necess i ty of hnrlng n n olllee wi th n latchkey a n d a roll top d e s k to it, m a n - f a s h i o n , or*!! s t u ­dio wi th a north l i ght a n d all s o r t s of

:qucer p r o p e r t i e s to i t . n r t i s t fashion; S h u (loeji her. vsrurk quiet ly a t h o m e , '

" H o w d i d I come to d o it? W h y , 1 ^ust d r i f t w l I n t o it, «a& sve do into m o s t things, b y accident, I g u e s s — t h e a c c i d e n t o f ' m y f a t h e r being in t h e employ of Field's. T h e y a l w a y s h a d their o w n exr elusive d e s i g n s woven f o r them, a n d of -PoVsu- i i i ey h a d ppnple m a k i n g - t h e i r de­signs. I ' v e a l w a y s l i k e d des igning f r o m the t i m e L J E O S a t i t t l e J J U of a girl -and when ,t w a s over at t h e W e s t S ide H i g h eehooL . T h e n , 1 s t u d i e d a t the A r t Ins t i ­tute—not designing in part icular, j u s t their r e g u l a r course , c a s t s nnd t h i n g s , yoti ikno-w. T h e n c a m e n_ t i ina w h i n my father w n a very m u c h dissat isf ied w i t h the d e s i g n s that w e r e be ing - f u r n i s h e d Fie ld ' s . ' T l y y couldn't s e e m to get w h a t they w a n t e d . One n i g h t he s u g g e s t e d that 1 t r y my bandT a n d I'm still d o i n g

JU t h a t ' s a l l ." ^ Qui te a s imple m a t t e r , y o u see, b u t y o u

iron ldu' t thiuk-Bo-tf-yott snwrftno- o f M i s s . Bell 'a d r a w i n g s ai*d r ea l i zed—that_ she m u s t d e p e n d for ef fect , n o t on .color, not even oh b l n i h and w h i t e , not on m o d e l i n g even in t h e ' lowest re l ie f , but s i m p l y on

-the"dipped".threJuL o f t h e weaver , t h o u g h p e r h a p s , a f ter all. t h e w e a v e r d o e s got

one a t sssoman's UKTSF "P'STminr~P"bss|i* Biohs^:...... ' • • - . . ' ' . ' • "

T h e t a i l o r made gir l , to be a b s o l u t e l y correct j n her e v e r y d a y att ire, h a s l i t t l e by l i tt le "monopolized t h e ; b e l o n g i n g s - o f - h e r - b f e t h w v t b e s t i f & s t c o h n r ^ i n g j h e r part icular pride nnd j o y . T h e s t y l e t h u s obta ined , dues not a t o n e , for t h e e v i l re­sult w h i c h so quickly s h o w s i t s e l f on t h e rotfnded •tjirnnt. m a k i n g it flabby a n d al­w a y s m a r k i n g it w i t h a line t h a t i t t a k e s the lii>.'h]»'Kt dug co l lar of pear l s t o con eeal when the girl pu.ts on e v e n i n g dress . T h e m e n , .whi l e w e a r i n g h i g h collars,

wi th m e begin a c r u s a d e the first t i m e there i s a n interval o f si-

: ^ ^ ^ | B s ^ ® ^ | ' ^ o r r a t * h f - - d e s m » « t w r i « o f = ^^AmMi-mS^mm^l^m^^-y^,^, ^•7TsT'l!hWfflrng"-p"osse«>"H»^lf;^P^^ Jn^Sne.

foJleFy" g i v e n v e n t t o a lohd guffaw, whie,h soon b e c a m e so contag ions that the worn-, en b lushed to find t h a t t h e y w e r e l a u g h -

- i u g - a t - t h e i n s e l v e s ! — W a s h i n g t o n P o s t .

" A W o m f t n V W o r k . - - --•-

P r o b a b l y f e w people a r e a w a r e of t h e fact t h a t ' t h e 'first l ibraries in troduced Into pr isons were placed57 there t h r o u g h the i n s t r u m e n t a l i t y - o f a w o m a n — I i n d a Gilbert . A triftiug inc ident that occurred

. w h e n s h e w a s a mere chi ld a l tered t h e whole t enor of her life. S h e w a s born

n e v e r . b i n d the ir t J f e a ^ u a t f t - l h g y ^ her home- w a s n e a r a quire r-eVl 'in the f a c e , a s - t h e i r i m i t a t o r s so frequent ly do, m a n y a y o u n g w o m a n failing t o consider h e r s e l f ' a b s o l u t e l y , cor­rect u n l e s s s h e i s u n c o m f o r t a b l e in t h e matter o f n e c k w e a r , s a y s t h e Phi lade l ­phia T i m e s .

I f w o m e n , old a n d y o u n g , f r o m t h e girl in her shirt w a i s t t o the o n e in her t h o u s a n d t h , would" t a k e a s t a n d a g a i n s t

-this—bnrbarous—Baode,- - s u b s t i t u t i n g s o f t ~ f^ l ivQJ . j ihhnn t h a t c a n he m a d e to look every' vvhlt a V ( s m a r t if~OTrrietrhigb am*" t ied n ight , the neck b y .day,', a n d b y n i g h t a^ we l l , wou-b.1 p r e s e n t a m o r e p l e a s i n g a p p e a r a n c e and i t s love ly curves a n d s o f t flesh preserved nor marretkunt i l o ld lady-. hood. T h i s is rea l ly a serious question,1*

%nd~for-thrisc-w4i6-have :-suf£ered fjrgm t h e s e v e r i t i e s of the h i g h bands o f l inen l e t m e s u g g e s t " the- q u i c k change to sof ter neck a r r a n g e m e n t s and the u s e o f lano-

-l in e v e r y n i g h u w e l l nibbed in to the CU: t i d e t h a t has been tortured so long.


- C e t O T o f - t h e H r l d n l 6 S * E » I .

Modern brides- s e l ec t one t i n y l i t t l e flower from t h e w r e a t h or bouquet , in­case i t - i n a l ocke t o r ta l i snrtn o f - s o m e sor t and w e a r it cont inua l ly . S u c h a gift i s qui te a pretty b e s t o w a l f rom t h e h u s ­band, w i t h her n e w monogram engraved^ on the outs ide .

A b r i d e cons iders i t a j o y f u l omen t o receive cards to s u n i e one e l se ' s w e d d i n g ou her o w n w e d d i n g d,uy and l i k e w i s e '& s in i s ter f o r e s h a d o w i n g to l e a r n of t h e dcatli o f a friend or relative.

Of cvurse no o n e would w i s h t o be m a r ried o n Friday, t h e 13th d a y of a n y month , and HI nek Fr iday t h r o u g h o u t t h e whole civilbuul w o r l d records s c a r c e l y a s ingle w e d d i n g .

It is j_'e,>il to g i v e n l m s j i i s t before t h e wedf l ing day. In • certain n a t i o n s br ides carry a few c o i n s , or have t h e i r a t tend­ants d o it for t h e m , to church, t h n t ' l h e y may t u s s fhrin t<> sonic^ needy person a n d thereby m> puuuIUtu. tu t i i c T i u i n f l a d ^ H f t ^ : t g _ g r o h ^ r >-oa a e w r : saw» His- w i i f o r n i

yon could not see for m m h and Fhe o ther g o v e r n m e n t officials b e h a v e d lu a n u n feel ing w a y . They roared with laughter . —St . J a m e s Budget .

a lso t o cost off a l l portents of evil in t h e riKbte«»HKiH'>i« o f ' g i v i u u t" t h e poor.

T h e r e N mi nin-ieiit t h y m e w h i c h given goud n d v i i e in n-gnrd t" the color chosen for t h e biidul g o w n . It runs :

Mnnli'd tn whHc, You time chosen all right;

, _ ' Marrird in gray, Von will RO fur nwiiy; ^ Mirrlwl i n l.laik,

. \uu mil wisli vuiMsclf back) Jtnrrtmr-rrr-TT-a, • - - -

, You'd better be dead; Married In pri-ert,

_Asharrn'«l tu 1>P Been; flarrii'd WWuc, - — . Y'ou'l! olwu>s'hc true; "XTafrTeiT iW p«rl, You'll live in a whirl; Married in yellow, Asjum.d nf the follow; Married in brow-ri,' You'll liv« out o( totrn; Married t a plnivc, Your Spirits will sink. ,

small , g loomy prison w h i c h stood on t h e spot now occupied by t h e m a s s i v e c i t y hall and county bui ld ings . O f t e n t h e prisoners w o u l d w a t c h her through t h e grat ings , and one day a n elderly m a n begged her to lend h im the book w h i c h s h e w a s carry ing . ~ T J e " b o o k w a s g e n e r ­ously handed to the w a r d e n for h im, a n d others soon fol lowed." N a t u r a l l y the s y m -flathy. o i _ ; t j ^ . c h i l d _ e x t e u d e d i tse l f e r e | . " „ n g _ t o ^ o t h e r ^ m a t e s ^ j f i g ' every "book o w n e d b y -her" wa'sTtouiifcd to l i is p«tswn>-ers . T h e w o r k c o m m e n c e d by. the child. Has beefi carried on by t h e w o m a n . S h e h a s . s u c c e e d e d in h a v i n g l ibraries intro­duced and mainta ined in t h o u s a n d s of prisons. T h e l ibraries c o n t a i n only s u c h works a s are healthy, en ter ta in ing and thoroughly whahjsome; - H e r I n t e r e s t , i n the prisoners soon . broadened beyond a mere des ire for their recreat ion, and s h e

j v a a .shortly direct ing her energies t o t h e redempt iou from crime. . . .

W h e r e t a d I ejL, C o a l S h i p s . Mary K i u g s l e y tetts a n amnsing- -story

about W e s t African w o m e n . T h e r e » w a s a beaut i fu l black g o v e r n m e n t official, in uniform complete? and*fate«orda'tnpd one" day t h a t h e should be told off to super in ­tend the coat ing of a, l i t t l e gunboat . . T h e coal ing w a s being d o n e by ladies . H e , full of zeal and des irous of d e m o n s t r a t i n g it, s h o u t e d , tallied nnd g a v e direct ions to those l ad i e s a s he s tood , uniform and all , under t h e government Hag on the govern­ment q u a y . They w e n t on with the ir work merri ly" and paid lio a t tent ion to him. Presen t ly , o ther government offi­c ials be ing nbuut, he, still des irous of d e m o n s t r a t i n g zeul, cuffed one of the ladies nrid said s o m e t h i n g d i sagreeab le .

T h e y turned upon h i m , threw him info the thin Wnck batter t h a t goes for w a t e j in; that part of h e r m a j e s t y ' s domin ions find w e n t on with the ir work. A sicker chicken t h a n that m a n w h e n he re turned

"his e f f ec t by mode l ing wi th* his t h r e a d i n infinitely low relief.

ftilss B e l l h a s a c c o m p a n i e d her f a t h e r abroad t o all the g r e a t centers of t h e lin­en i n d u s t r y on thfe o t h e r side a n d has scefrJust 'Tiow ftjwas drtne. J3he w i l l talk quite l e a r n e d l y o f t h e processes tintil she s e e s s|ie* i s b e g i n n i n g to make a t i im-p r e s s l o n . T h e n she w i l l l a u g b t ran i i l y and o w n t h a t she honest ly d o e s n ' t in t h e leas t u n d e r s t a n d i t herse l f -—Chicago T i m e s -Bferaid. -

K o b e C o l l e g e F o r J o p n n M e G l r l i . In 1 8 7 3 both t h e w o m a n ' s b e a r d of

B o s t o n and of t h e in ter ior i n a u g u r a t e d w o r k f o r the WotneB <st t h e J a p a n e s e Jem-pfre, M i s s T a l c o t t a n d M i s s D u d l e y to­g e t h e r s e l e c t e d K o b e a s the field o f t)ieir

l a b o r s f o r their J a p a n e s e s is ters , I n N o -v e m b e r o f that y e a r & small day schoo l w a s o p e n e d . , which lidoS" h a d TT p u p i l s . 5 of w h o m w e r e m a r r i e d , wi th a g e s r a n g

ilea "were of; t h e teimplest c h a f a c t e r T

In 1 8 7 4 tbefocbool w a s removed t o bet­ter q u a r t e r s , and b e f o r e the close o f that year the woman's" board of mltssiouy -of-

~The Itftetlor underluuk the erectioa-of-ia-buildlng whic.b should be thg jgenuine

D O B T I I C "the H h b y .

D o no t dose b a b y with paregor i c or gin evexy t ime he h a s colic. Y o u r o w n phy­

s i c i a n does not g i v e you Inudnnum e v e r y t ime y o u r l i ver ' i s ou t nf order . T i e - u p a lump o f sugar, w i t h two or three drops of peppermint on it, and UVhe hns not been t«o much o v e r f e d he wi l l soon drop a s l e e p . M o t h e r s frequent ly lament the fact t h a t their b a b i e s have w h a t is called , l t h o J i l a c - m o n t h s ' colic." A l l snperst l -t i o j i i j i y j d c a r s . I f you w o u l d treat ynrif baby property, ^he woiilrl not Irnve f v e n a dine minutes ' c o l i c . It is related o f a ce lebrated p h y s i c i a n thnt a pat ient once said t o him. " D o c t o r , s o m e t h i n g is w r o n g w i t h - m y . s t o m a c h . " "Oh. n o , " replied the doctorT""yoTir s t o m a c h i s a i l r ight . T h e -L o r d m a d e _ y n n r Bt^imach, and he never t

m a k e s a m i s t a k e . It is t h e w a y you t r e a t i t t h a t i s w r o n g — t h e w a y you stuff It a n d tramp it d o w n . " H a l f the moth-erfs I k n o w w b o a r e obliged to tnk,e en re of t h e i r o w n j m b j e s " give'1' t h e m the bott le or s o m e Bort o f food every- t i m e t h e y cry or s h o w s ign o f u n e a s i n e s s . I f b n b i e s did •not- nnmrt ime^ h n v r n e n s e e n o u g h t o re-fuse this p e r p e t u a l r e f re shment or if t h e i r s t o m a c h s w e r e not s o xionstitnted that they can t h r o w off a n oversupply , i n f a n t m o r t a l i t y would tre Ifar g r e a t e r t h a n it is.

E s p e c i a l l y In hot. w e a t h e r baby la of ten r e s t l e s s for t h e w a n t of a drink. Try him with a t e a s p o o n f a l o f cold w a t e r s e v e r a l t imes a d a y . S o m e t i m e s b a t h i n g tire h o t l i t t le f a c e and h a n d s wi th a soft c l o t h will ac t a s a nervine nnd quie t him. D o not g ive b a b y more t h a n one entire b a t i t a day, .a& t o o much h a t h i n g i s weak< •eniflg.—F.ven in the h o t t e s t w e a t h e r let h i m wear flannel next t o h i s skrri7~bnt i>urdpn_hiin "with a s f ew o t h e r c l o t h e s a s poss ible .—T!xcBhhg6,

A P r a c t i c a l R i c h W o m a n . A pract i ca l N e w York w o m a n i s Mrs.

H a m i l t o n M c K a y ' T w o m b l e y . Mrs. T w o m b l e y is one of the three Vanderbi l t s i s t e r s and is a w o m n n of very fine per­cept ions . S h e Is sftid to be second lu ed--ueafiorfal—mntter-B- o n l y to—Mt«r-4oU»—IV Rqcke fe l l er , who w a s once a pract ical teacher . "Mrs. T w o m b l e y lifts a model s c h o o l r o o m iu her h'ifth avehi ie boihe, f itted, w i t h maps,~icharts , patent deska and t h e accessor ies and c o n v e n i e n c e s of a schoolroom. S h e e n g a g e s the best tu tors and teachers and personal ly su­p e r i n t e n d s the schoolroom. She is pres­e n t a t t h e ehi ldten's dinner, s erved at noon, a t which -there is a tempt ing sur-. pf i se e a c h day. S w e e t s are s c a r c e up1

o n t h e chi ldren's tab le , bnt a t t h e con­c l u s i o n ' e a c h child Is g iven a bit of choco­la te . E a c h child is a l lowed to s e l e c t her o w n c lo th iug , and , s t r a n g e a s it may Beam, t h e y number a m o n g the b e s t dress­e d chi ldren In N e w York. A l i o f the chi ldren—they n u m b e r three—have their o w n ponies , traps and dogs .

and a~ of th.e-.str end., of trpubJe>;|;Nervousnfe88tJQBs of fleshr-^ea^-tteiffe^dizainessr-pEessura-

Xegal notices.

oy-gtaea .that t h e following proposed . a m / ™ u , = v , « t n - - < , « C > * f •„ « „ { « i « T,OO, . , m e a t to article t l i r a ^ t t h e h ^ n s t l t u U o t t p l t b e o n t h a l M a U i ^ M B i t a ^ o a , . r ^ a i J k 3 S i E L a ^ f « nf w«S• v « f k k*<> . "* submitted t o f h e

• • • • • ' - • - • - • - - - people tor approva l a t f te n e x t genere)"Bte«^o>n a n d f a i l i n g a p p e t i t e a l l i n d i c a t e t h i n

b lood , f h e "gfeOTest b l o o d a n d I j e a f p "eighteen hundred and ninety-nine. AMENDkENT.NUM38E£t Ol^E;



ton ic a s w e l l i ^ t h e b e s t a n d ' s a f e s t i s

Dr.' M i l e s ' N e i y ' H e a r t C u r e . I t rer

s t o r e s t h e l o s t a p p e t i t e , increases -" ' the

r e d c o r p u s c l e s i n t h e b l o o d , g i v e s n e w

T d a - c n ^ t l r - t o - ^ J i e f i i e a rt - and—f e e d ^ - t h e ,

Utarved n e r v e c e l l s and. m n s e u l ? i r t i s ­

s u e s . . .

" F i v e y e a r s a g o I s u f f e r e d f r o m

h e a r t t r o u b l e w h i c h w a s f o l l o w e d b y

p a r a l y s i s o f t h e ' l e f t s i d e . T h e p a i n

in m y , h e a r P w h s • t e r r i b l e . a n d „ m y Tssaybf^ttyifVTcohntie iMrtiol iy inoltidedm a

teain w o n l d first b e h o t a n d t h e n cold.

1 c o u M j R Q t i i B _ o j L m y l e f t . s i d e a n d m;

- f t e A h _ W a s t e d a w a y . T h e d o l o r s d i d

n o t w a n t i h ^ ^ 7 t T i c l r ~ h a n d f " " " a n a r . I

be'fjan , t q k i o g JJi1. M i l e s N e w , H e a r t

Cure a n d jKestorat ive , B l d o d T o n i c . I

s o o n b e g a n t o i m p r o v e a n d n o w I J M D

e n j o y i n g e x c e l l e n t h e a l t h . "

-.- v M u a - B , B . J J A ^ I i H " L a n c a s t e r ^ Jft.;..

• All d r u g g i s t s a r e a u t h o r i z e d t o s e l l

Dr. Mines ' N e w H e a r t Cure o n a g u a r ­

a n t e e t h a t first, topttle w i l l b e n e f i t , o r ;

m o n e y wilJTbe, r e f u n d e d . B e s u r e a n d

g e t D r . M|le"s'Nefer H e a r t i j n r e ; ,Wri't«i

t o r f r e e b p o ^ e ^ ^ ' h t a f t a n d f n e r v e s .

Dr . M i l e s M e d i q a i Co. , B l U h l x t . ' Ind,

Headache for Forty Years? For forty yonrs 1 snlTerod. rrom s i c k head-

ache. A y y n r nHQ Theca l ! ua!rigCelery King. The resniTwaKBriiuiyABIUHKl Bmii i la lug, H»y-hearbiches l eav ing nX onee. T h e hcadnauca nserl t o rotn'rn ovor.y "8e\ i nth d a y , bnt..Buinlw to Holcry I d ng, f h a v e hati Imt o n e t ieadaobo In IhQ lust oloveii mohtle*. L know t h a t whnt cured me wi l l l ie lpbthon*.-Mrs. J o h n D, V o n Kcureri.Haiigertles, N . Y . . »

Colerv K i n g for the-NervoR, S t o m a c h , Liver and laimeyViHiioWttn fiov. a n a 25c packages by druggista and doalors. ** * -,



T h e m a n w i t h h e a r t t r o u b l e n e v e r k n o w s w h e n h i s t i m e m a y c o m e . W h e n ire l e a v e s h o m e for w o r k h e m a y n e v e r _ Teturu a l i v e . - H ^ n t a ^ - d ^ p ^ a d - o n J t h e ^

_ T h e n a M a n L a u f f h e d .

— I t wasj i .La_Cflnvent ion o f w o m e n that i t h a p p e n e d . P r o m i n e n t d e l e g a t e s w e r e

- g a t h e r e d f r o m -ali parts-^of t h e C n i t e d S t a t e s , and in t h e audience rotom w e r e to b e a e e p m a n y o f the w o m e n w h o s e n a m e s ' h a v e b e c o m e w e l l k n o w n t h r o u g h o u t t h e cotrntry by r e a s o n of the ir prominence in w o m e n ' s o r g a n i z a t i o n s a n d work . I n spite o f th i s , h o w e v e r , the -gntber ing; w a s i n -t e n s e l y f e m i n i n e . T h e ef forts of t h e pre­s i d i n g . ofBcer t o /have t h e b u s i n e s s trans-

si' p a r l i a m e n t a r y , de l iberat ive a c t e d in w a y had been w e u \ m g h f ru i t l e s s , and , in add i t i on to t h e proceed ings on t h e floor, • there w a s a subdued c o n v e r s a t i o n go ing o n al l over t h e room a m o n g different del­egates . - T h e pres id ing officer w a s t ry ing ' t o Srxaf iga-f jsr the r e a d i n g of a paper w h i c h had b e e n crowded out of o n e of t h e "previous ses s ions . S h e couldn' t fix a n y definite t r ine for i t , b u t she h a t e d to t a b l e it" etttiretyV " " . „ .'

-^"Ladies," s h e said ih i t h a t c a l m , J u d ^ - e i a l — w a y ^ - w h i c h - h a d g i v e n h e r promi­n e n c e , "I do n o t kuow j u s t w h e n w e "can find t ime t o h e a r .this m o s t va luable , p a ­p e r , but We w i l l try a n d h a v e i t read

' h o m e ^ C the te i ichers a n d $ 0 p H p l I f T l T t a r M p a n e f e e t h e m s e l v e s c o n t r i b u t e d $ S 0 0 for

— t h i s - h o m e , building^ a n d the - w o m a n ' s board o f the P a c i f i c g a v ^ - f BOf) t o w a r d i t ,

^rjh«ej8|te_SQlected ' w a s a b o u t a q u a r t e r o f . — *Tj-mtle - from the t o w n ^ - o n ^ s m g - ^ S r a i i m l .

niid over look ing . t h e p icWrestpie c i t y b e ­l o w It a n d t h e j i e a u t ' i f u r b a y - b e y o n d . In 1 S 7 8 a n o t h e r n e w building." foflt-TifflB. t e a c h e r s , a n d pupi l s w a s . , d e 4 i 6 a t e d . - I n 18S4 o t h e r a c c o m m o d a t i o n s w e r e -prov id ­ed . A g a i n , ! to 1 « § 7 . t h e J a p a n e s e camjB torward ana turaisBed the entire amount leefiea'for a new dOjrinitofy^v.Last of'tfll. in 1897, with funds «pntribuWi entirely by the aiu^mRrr HnnHD^ahese^trfends^of the school, still, ahothier hpildin^was add­ed, which is used' for' intetfefion. in do­mestic duties and pract)oal.ftccoxnp|ish-l n b n t s . '' ' %• ••-- '"" '":"*.'f< ••• ' ,

The coarse of study hftsbeeti developed ' by &liss"*SearTe amTMiss Jblt "M SrowB

5 and their able and devoted colleagues un­til now the 'college offers two distinct courses—the academic and collegiate,

-The latter is divided Into scientific -,aha literary. The academic course is five years and the "collegiate three years. The Bible is taught daily in all courses.

j^"TlKsrB. nr£e.,fD)fr Lpierican and nine Jap­anese teachers"."

,'JDhe ftudents have come mostly from non-Christian .families., and the records nil tbe*grao«a*es^reveal the marvelous

•fact tbftt none Ms completed the course ?^Jio^ajr«oi ;g^n-evidence st a change.

of heartl. Tliere is hardly a living grad-tiate Who' halndt entered upon Christian

prvlc»^&$r%s^BHKM^er-^^ *JChr«tiih wSifeer or in some other

&""-^4sphe*« i« 4es» |l5eeftire.^Mi8sionary Her-njd,

Al»nge of the Feminine Tl^iroat Ha te yotj tioflceii-*»t the eteningA

*uj(iB «urivate rfancgs 6i dinners—In iact. at Any -function where •woiaen «pii low g iii^ii-i*. *# «i.. Wnrl^« f>««» I

-KH»r-^ttofe*eF '©ufc^seepiaiE'ii^^ ^my In 4 pound pmckif- Wife only b y ' .nge of the otrtier and the cphtonr of the * THE N. K. FA1RBANK COMPANY, irXrNer portions of her anatomy? If your ^ , _ _ . ^ . ^ , M«TVwfc,>tff*il.liHrttlrtH ^«air*beeacloMtotW»hifote1opBD W » * » « « ^ i i * f l P i . » i W | P i

s tree t , i n h i s p u l p i t , i n h i s office, over h i s w o r k bench . H e a r t d i sease i s no r e s p e c t e r o f p e r s o n s . T h e Chris t ian min­i s ter i s l iable t h e s a m e as a n y o n e e l se .

R e v ^ C . L. M u n d e l l w r i t e s ; "-I sufferrd from that dreadfiil tiriM fueling

and-weatness. nnd-in rSaH lest nn--li<?nHlv Alto­gether, i w e n t t o a o e of the best dnrtnrs in thr state and he saHrfiacnieart. sTomach. TTvcf aria kiduey Uuuble. Hia treatment ditl me IM good, I tried different fcinds of •• patent-nvedieioe!! bm> got worse all-the time. If I walked up hill or a little fet it seemed as though my heart would jump fiuf. I had almost giveu.up all hope, and mymSneywasall gone; wasscareely able tomake a living. Fina" ing Hts advice store a- bottle of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medica Discovery and a-ljottle^jf his (Pleasant" Pellets.' This was- a yew a g o a n d -how4 am hsopy to sny that I am in the enjoyment or perfect hegiTfti. T am so glad of my health that I cannot say too tmich. I first return my sincere thanks to 44-inighty Gasl a'nd then to "Dr. Pierce.

'• T would not do without y"oiiT ' Pellets' for one hundred dollars (ftoo.oo) per montfi.

" Do not think I a m exaggerating. w£y state­m e n t i s true and if anvdOunt it they can writ« to Pinegrove, Ohio, w'here I live, rend if. any should think this an assumed name and that guch a man as C. t. Mundell does not exist, they may look in the minutes of Providence Associa­tion, or in the Baptist Year BoOkfiti the list of Blders, and they will find my name."

Finally I wrote P,r,,Pjietce and follow^ : I purchased at my iiertresl drirj


Your "Stmier Ontfil You should add a supply of our

Mi(li(M Shirts,

- -JUshihlt iMMItfc-i Uathir Bills,

• --Hpoielp H t s i r

Mircir Silk Undtrwiir, Balbrlpin Undirwtir


or.tne otaw 01 » e w lorn, auui BOCUUHHO»«7I« V-ChapteFnliie* hundred-and n i n e of the L a w s of eighteen hundred and ninety-six, notice Is here-.

to the aforesa id .

^ 9 g 8 t a t e K n u m e r S | : M . B - 0 -

" SecretaryoOf State.

people tor approval at tne n e x t general eiecraon Jo-bo held, on t h e seventh d a y pf November,

Proposing an aweadmenljto article mree. sop-t lon twenty-six of the constitution, relating to boards of supervisors aW d e y o W n g the d u t i e s

^ i h e r e o l u n a n t h e municipal-, asgemoly or o ther legisTStrveooay'<jf a olty i n t»TnrtiBTwn°Hy-ta^ eluded in a c i t y or where t w o or more ent ire counties are included tn a c i t y . Whereas, the legislature «S ii(M*g.u)ar sess ion

in eighteen hundred and ninety-seven d u l y adopted * resQlution, p r M d i n g for an amend-i h e n r t o t h e constHmlon're lat ing to boards of supervisors a n d ' d e v o l v i o g . t h e duties thereof upon the municipal assembly o r other legislative c i ty or .where \iht> or more e n t i r e counties a r e IncTiftied in ae l ty ; , and vBicirirpsplution w a s j e -fejrredto the legislature t o b e chosen a t the nextwne»>el«Aldn_of-sfinatfflrj . 'aBfl .dlrec^ to b e published i n accordance with geotion oae ~! articlefourte>en uJltlig ta»Mjlttttlonj«na

"Whereas, such,resQ; utlon has"heen d i j r y p n ^ llBheditfaccordancewltll l a w and the const i tu­t ion and Referred t o .this leglislature for ac t i on ; therefore, • ' . . - . ' *• . .. <

Section 1., Resolved (If t h e assembly, concur ) , t h a t section twehty-elx, a r t i c l e third, of the constitution b e a m e n d e d s q » « towadasfoHows!

S 80, There- s h a d be In e a c h county, e x c e p t In ^co i lnty wholly !nel\jd?d In a ctty, ft board of supervisors! to b e .composed .ofkjSTOli^embers and elected in s u c h manner send for suoh"perloa as Is or rtiay be provided by l a w . In a, olty which Includes an ent ire county, o r t w o or more entfre counties, the p o w e r s ana d u t i e s of a board Of supervisors m a y l w devolved upon the tounlcl-pal*8gembly ,common cooncl i , board or alder-m e n o r other IejdaTatTve"b6a3ror the olty. -'

$ & • Beaobredt (If thB assembly concur), tha t the foregoing amenumenD b e aul*llluterl t o tea-people for approval at the next.general e lec t ion In accordancewtth the provisions of the election hvw. ' , " " ' ' r."' ," - .««/.

•State of New York, In S e n a t e , March 8,1899.' T h e foregoing resolution w a s duly passed, a majority of all the senators elected vot ing In favor thereof. B y order o f t h e sen*te,-

TIMOTHY E . ELL8W0RTH, ' -» Temporary President. •

State of New York, In « saembly , April 88,1890 T h e foregoing resolution w a s ..duly passed, a majority of a l l the members ejected to the assembly voUng in favor thereof- By order of the assembly. 8 F NIXON, Speaker.

State of New York, Offl e of the Secretary of State , S8: I h a v e compared the preceding c i p y of concurrent resolution, proffosing an amend­m e n t to article three, Beotfon tweu(y-9lx of the Constitution, w i t h the-orlginal concurrent reso­lution on file. In this ofllc*\ a n d I do hereby cer­t i fy that the, s a m e is acorr^c t transcript there-, from, and of t h e whple thereof .

Given under my h a n d and the sea l of of­fice of theSecretftry ofSwte .at the c i t y of Albany. AUs yven6y-«eventhdayof Jaly ,

STATK OF NBW YOHK,• -OFWOB- o r -f lEeBETAaXJJEjTAMv ALBAMY,. J u l y ,87, IH»». Pursuant to ,ft

hundred a n d n i n e o t the Laws of eighteen ha* dFedan&araety-sIx, not.lce is hereby ^Iven that the followtal^nroposecr amendment t o article s U l o t ^ t h ^ n s W u W o f the Stateaf-New^Yo|k is to be submitted to the people for approyal at neTnext geneAl election io beijielp^• o n . t h j

seventh day of November, eighteen hundred and ninety-nine.


Proposing an amendment to, section two of artible tix o f ,Pthe constitution, relating to ' temporary£de»lB">aMoD> b* t n e governor of i ustlces to the appellate, division. WHERBAS, thelPidslature at ts regular ses­

sion in e ighteen hundred .and ninety-eight dub? adopted rasolutlons^pHiyWiSg for an amend meat to the constRtltlon. relating to temporary designaHons by the governor, pf just ices t o the aonfillate division; ah*-*hle l^rasolnt loai»att , referred t9 thelerfs iatureto.be chosen a t the M x S n e r a X e T ^ f W o ^ « * » t q r » v and^lreeted wb^bl lshe^lfr<Wcordanc<wlrj j .^act lpn one of arttc le^ourteeroftt "~"

( u s . ] in the year of our Lord, one. thousand • eluht hundred an '

- - J O H N eight hundred and nlnnty-nlne.


Thu furBguluK -eonsu.! l l shed once a weew for tl

Secretary of S t a t e . mnon-Js-puE

._. . ^ r e e mohflis n e x t i n . ceding tlio n e x t general e l e c t i o n In conforn^Jly t o tboatoresatd- provisions. I n two puhlla BBF8T papers In each county In t h i s 8t*te representing respectively t h e two political parties poll ing the highest number of votes a t the last general

e a e h ' county for every o n e hunarea thou­sand people in such county a s shown by t h e last preceding S t a t e Enumeration.

JOll!» T . MoDONOUOH^ ' Secretary of State ,

^Sr*Tjr-ot^-N«w-¥onKi-0»KO*oii-raa- Scenic-. TABY OP S T A T E , ALDANY, 4uly87,l»89—PursUaioT Cu- the pi ovlslona of Boction one of .article f our-t»K)not tho.Constltutloh o f the-State o f New York, and sect ion seven o f Chapter tnino hun­dred and nlno o f the h ^ y s o f eighteen hundred »nd n lnotys lx . notlqo la n.ereby KlVeh""th«t t h r following proposed amendment to arti l e eight or the Co'nsti' utlon of t h e State of New Y o r k fs t o b« submitted (o the p e o p l e for approval at the next general election t o be held un tfai sev­enth day of November, e ighteen hundred and nlnoty-nlne.



»an amondmont-to article eight, section ) constitution, i n relation to couDtioi',

-....ATJi E I | | p 8 O F . . , .


ten of . . . . . cltle^towna,.andjiriaRBHt-gfeIngT9r tpsntng. money or c r e d i t and l imitat ion of their Indebt edneea NVhereas, the.lORlslaturo a t Its regular seanou

- -lnMghteJn_.hjindred a n d nlnotysavon, duly adopted a re8oTuTJon"nroTtdlng for~an amena> rnent to tho constitution, tn relation to counties, cities, t o * n s and vlllapes giving or loaning money or cred i t and limitation of tholr indebted­ness; and w h i c h resoliftion wna referred to tho legislature t o be chosen a t the next general election of senators onddlrected to be published In accordance with «eotfori one of art ic le four-tHim of tho constitution; and —Wtierrnn, minli reaoiuaoanhavobeen d u l y pub-• l l she i iaaccordancoBl th law and til* constftu-tlon and referred to this 1 glslatnre for action; thorotore, • -

Soctlon U Eesolverl (If the assembly concur), that section t e n , article e i g h t , of the constitu­tion be runendod so as t o read AS follows:'

$ 10. Counties , cities a n d towns not to.glvo or lourt m n n » y r>rprrrllt- Hrnifjttl,inr,f | n r t « h t / « i » « M No county, c i t y , town o r village shall hereafter (live any m o n e y or properly , or loan I t * money or credit t o o r In aid of a n y Individual, assocln-

Gratc $435 per ton.

^ g g .....-r$4USO^er-4oru

Stove $4.85 per ton.

.$$.83 per ton.


Pea ,

poor as m a y b e authorised bylaw, "ifo county g g S S S ' n ^ D ? n o U «H?iiri„nain„wi*,K~rrKI n V x l t r ^ m a f i ^ l l o w e ^ t o W o m B ladebtad-for- ^ " Y ^ J S ? *r^ ^ ^ « ^ ° * ? » * 2 3 S S f J L ! S any p u r p d t e o r in any manner i o a n a m o u " n t l ^ ? c . * ? ? n , ? . f o r ^T*** *?* hundred thousand which, including ex i s t ing indebtedness rtufll •icf-ed t ea percentnm o f the assessed valnatton Of t h e r*a3-*mtxtn n f m r i » c o u n t y nr Cf fySTlfifrfft

- J o fatg^tfan, MX It. t p p M t j W I Yiy t h e « a M « m B I I t rolls of s a i d co nty or c i t y on the last, asseim


F o r Ctty Deliveipr&dd 40c a Ton

1« t h e Airiw«r-~Pr4ce$^

Yards: 224 S. 6Mr|« Sirnt. 516 Rohtrts Slrnt.

Gonst ipat ion a n d b i l i o u s n e s s a r e radi-cailly c u r e d b y Dr. P ierce ' s P e l l e t s .


Contractor and Builder, General Repairing,

Stair Building and Office Furniture


100 Kast Libertjr'kreet.

nfflRA" * « " , n * ! o n St. Optra M l " •" Mm Block.

tion or corporation, or b come directly or indi roctlv the owner of s t o c k In, or bonds of, an association o r qorporation; nor shall a n y sue c mnty c i t y , town or v i l l a g e be allowed t o Incur any indebtedness except, for county, c i ty , town or village pnrpOBea. i h i s section spal l n o t pro-vntauoheonnty ,o l ty , town or village f r o m malt­ing such provision for t h e aid or support of Its

meat for s t a t e or county taxes prior t o the In­curring of s u c h Indebtedness; and a l l indebted­ness in e x c e s s of such limitations e x c e p t such as may n o w exist. abaU b e absolutely Void, "ex­cept as here in -otJiww&s provided. S o county or city w h o s e present indebtedness e x c e e d s ten per centum o f the a s s e s s e d valuation o f its real

the whole thereof Glven-under. njyl hand n n d thesoiu Qe

! L a W e y j f e w B ^ ^ ^ ^ M ^ ^ M l a t e i . a l i - t l j W "

State T H F i - ^ e - * r e W i B j f a » # j w t a H ^ M t e H s = i io _ llshed once? a, W ^ M t o r Ihreempnths.next Pr%.

:teenof the constitution^of w e W M - "H-jjgfr- • '-*c- ^ -*•-*••

WnEnEAS, 'such resolutions have been duly pubUshed In accordance with law and the con­stitution and reftrred to this legislature for ac­tion; therefore ', ' „

Section 1.. Resolved (If t h e assembly concur), that secHon'two of artiele • six of the consul u^ tion be ameadea s o a s t d read as follows: •

l S. The legMatiire shall dlvidethe s t a t e into four' j u t f e l a t - f t e w p f ^ meat shall consist of the county of N e w York; the others shall be bounded by county l ines and be compact and equal In population 4 s nearly as maybeT Onee every ten years' the legislature mar alter t h e judicial .departments, but without Increasing-the number thereof.. There shall be atuappellate division o f t h e supreme court , con­sisting ojf seveTJiisttcesin the first department, and of Ave justices i n eaeh^efjiha^othar-aapar£. meats. In each department four shal l consti­tute a quorum, and the concurrence of-three shall b e necessary t a a decision, No more than Ave jus t i ce s shall s it In ariVcase, F r o m all the justices elected to the supreme court the gov­ernor shall designate those who ahall constitute thS'sppellate "division in each department; and he shall-designate the prestdlng just ice thereof, who 'shall act as such-during hia term of office, and shall be a resident of the department. The Other just ices shall be designated for terms of Ave years' or the unexpired port! n s of their respective terms of office, if less than five years From t ime to' time as the terms of such deslg nations expire, tu* vacancies occur, he shall make new designations. A majority of the justices s o designated to. sit" In the appellate division in each departnteet shall b e residents of the department. He may also m a k e tempo­rary designations in case o f the absence or in­ability to a c t of any just ice In ths Bppellate dl vision, or h i case tne presiding just ice of any appellate division i-hall certify to h i m that one or more additional justices are needen-Jtor the

edy disposition of the business before It. lenever the appellate division In-arty depart­

ment shall be unable to dispose of ,dta "business* within a reasonable time, a majority of the

-prg*rdT'*C J»m!rM* of tho peforal departments at -arnreatn-ircoH-A^jy^M^resloTngJusUceit the department In arrears may transfer any pending appoals from such department to any other department for hearing nnd determina­tion.' No justice of the appellate division -shall exerclso any of the powers of,*, justlco of

--,---;•• j - , _v . i j j „ . , „ „ „ „ „ i i , i _ i„ the supreme court, other tlinn those o f a just ice election, and. i n one aadll ic^l .aew^iJajoer. '°r JSt tnt^nnrt . and ttinfie pertamlng.to t h e appel-

ao^N^njic^oiJwt 3 3 f t •Wft»i«t»ry o f i ,i'Tipn!i;?ejl!--rT •"-"-"-'

__ __ 'Wrjlirjeij to the«fote(!*ia:t B * o W o m « r t w ^ , p u W l c news p a ' p W T f f i ^ h c O T n ^ r e s ^ a , i * l j - - i ! f t % W o : . i K M l ! ^ l ^ e » , polling the highest number o f vpte s .Mj t l i e last general election, alnd In tne,-fia^i))|pn|^ nawapvper in each county- -for eyery ^nei-flttBdred thou»and people l-reaclr cotlhity as„jSho\Rn^thSr!asi-pre-c e d m g Sta*e EnumeratiQnrf- •>>.-»- •

b ° . W O H N ^ M o p O N O U G H , • n i .." . .%?^. a Ty'ofState .

A m e r i c a ^ ^

MODELS. OntKachBox.^




the supreme court, other than those o f a just ice o u t o f court, and those peftamlngjo t h e a p p e l -late division or to .the hearing, anoTnejaiKft or motions submitted by-cpnsentAf counsel Trom' and after the last day of December, eighteen Irundred and ninety five, the appellate division shall havi) the jurisdiction now exercised by the stapreme conrC-at Its genoral terms nnd b y th* giaaaral lermn of the conrt-of-common-pleaaiox. . the c i ty ana county of New York, t h e superior coor t of the city of New York, t h e superior court of ubiralo a n d t h e city of Brooklyn, and such additional-jurisdiction as may b e conferred

.by t h e leglshturfi lt ,Rhallbave power to ap-p int and remove a reporter. T h e justices o f thaappel lato dlxhiiqn in each department shall have power to fix the thxujs and place*) for h o l d ' ing special and trial teroj» the.rem,aiid to assign the Justices In tho, departments to hold such terms; o r to make rules therefor.

S 3. Resolved, (It the arammbly concur) , that tho fort-Kotng amendment bo submitted to the rieopla for approval a t the next general election

"tttacMrdancewnSrtlns prutlsluus of—the-elee-tion law.


State of Kow York, in senate, April 11, 1899.— The foregohig regttlutlon was duly passed, a ma­jority of all theraeBStora e1fj««tjtfian^ln.fir«>r-thereof. .

B y order of tho senate , ' • '"* TIMOTHY E. ELLSWORTH.

; Temporary Pres idents , State o f New York, in JusemBTyTlCBrll 18,1895.

-i-The foregoing resolution .was' duly passod, a majority of all the members e lected-to the a s sembly voting In favor thereof,

f the assembly, a j 1 . NIXON, Speaker,

B y order of the assembly

S ta te of Now York, Office of the Secretary of State, s s :

I have compared the preceding copy of con--rutrr«nt_rnmlurJnn1 proponing »n ^T^flntlhl^n^ »•" ritttelastx, section t w o of tho Constitution. wlL U10 original concurrent roenlntlon on file In this office, and* I do hereby certify that the samo Is a correct transcript therefrom, and of the whole thereof.

Oivon under m y hand and t h e seal of of­fice of the Secretary Of State , at tho ctty

-{fc^4of-Albanyv--thla twanty-aasenlh d a y of July , In the y e a r of pur bord , onethou-sand eight hundred and ninety nine*.

JOHN T. McDONOUQB, Secretary of State

T h e fo-cgoing Goncurront Resolution is pub­lished onco a week for three months next pre­ceding the next general election In 1 onformity to the aforesaid provision', In two public news­paper* tn each county In this S ta te representing respectively the twp political parties polling th« h i g h e s t numbor of votes at the last genera)

. j l e In such county to shown b y the hut pre­ced ing State Enumeration.

JOHWT. HcDONOtJGH, S e e r e t a r y ^ f S t a t e v

STAtr* b r N i w Y o a s , Orrtcit o ^ s n a B R m * uttV of Bum ALDAWY, July k?.—Pursuant tc

t h e provisions of section one of article fourteen

estate, s u b j e c t to t a x a t i o n shall be allowed t o JhecomeJndebted In a n y furth»r a m o u n t unii

t such In^pdneWslHr/fee^reaTreea"*! 4?!^ 1lml6r-T4itss^cijDn>-BnxIlpnot be «on«trned_ii. pravmt.thelumtinij'nf c e r t l B c a a n o f Innabtsa-

This sohooi of bns in«pi i better prepared thaa «»er before to teacjj piala and o*r*uhental wr i t ng, bookkeeping, businMS arithmetlo, s t enotra phy, typewriting and the Engluih^branohes.

Oatalogne and . spochne i of a a e p e n m n neat - W , 8 H W I d » * H K N b B l C r K ,

T W nr «'»'g«wim hfllldff Immff? In anticipation 01 the col lect ion of t a x e s lor amounts actually Contained o r to be conta ined In the t a x e s f dr the year when-gucli cer t iacates or r e v e n u e bonrTs-are issued and payable o u t of such-taxes. Nor. shall this section be construed to prevent the irsuer-of * o p « s - to- ppofelde far t h * sUpply of watert b u t *he t e n n o f t h « bonds I s sued to pro^ vide t h e supply of w a t e r ahall n o t exceed twenty y e a r s and a .sinking f n n d shall

H h e c r e a t e d a n Ihe- issuing!-of- - the -said: bonds for xli.eIr.redeniBtiQn4 by rais ing annually a sum w h i c h , will p r o d u c e anai iWuntequal to the sum o f the principal and Interest t)f said bonds a t the ir maturH3sr All Certificates of-4n^ debtedness or revenue bonds ltsiied i n anticipa­tion of t h e collection o f taxes, which a r e not re­tired wi th in Bve years after: their d a t e ot lssne, aria-honrTs issued to pTjyvfde fqr tlie-.-strpply o f water, a n d any debt hereafter incurred by any portion o r part of. a cjityi If there'shal l be any such debt-, shall W i n l u d e d i n ascertaining the


^j^,«imi<MiMi ( I t . T i t l e *

A N E W T I E A - - " 7F0R4i|i

Or Any K i » | 9? Repairs, tatr

- % ^ aapsBros/BipWepattSliolJ

144 K. W#ingt t tn Sfc ;


"* *K-r . A -mem-

.MA-RtfeTf^S.' He has the best ;ttf§0iu& i t t t»wn, and

And two-sea^ attin|r*

power of t h e city to b e beobme dthlfrtrWe Ih-debted. Whenever - the boundaries o f any'eity are the sa tneas those o f a county, o f .when any ctty. s h a l l include w i t h h i its boundsirles more than one county, t h e -power of «iy**co'Baty wholly included within such olty t o becomb m-dobted sha l l cerise, b u t the debt of t h e county, heratdfpre_exlatlng ahaj l ;n6t, tbi t h e purbSse*

**ttV of BtATS, AwiAwr, July k?.—Pursuant to t h e provisions of section one of article fourteen of the Constitution of the State of New York.

ant! Honc:i GO TCF-1-


and sect ioa seven of Chapter nine hundred and n i n e « f tho L a * s of eighteen hw^redTabiTnTna ty-s ix , hdlicfe Is hereby given t h a t the following proposed amendment to article six,section seven QrihB-GotisUiutidh of UmBtate o f New York Is ""{"tejSfflaStedJothej^

e x t general election, t5~be held on "The seventh ten5oei^ignte8tt^undred a n d B t f l e ^


In Artistic PhotograpKlc Work,

call upon or ifrrJtfiio_

BLENIS PORTRAIT HOUSE, t26 Coiuiribla St., tJ t ieA, N. Y.

Tiiey h i y i i a i a q ^ s S c k of Pic­tures, Frames, ArrGotlds, c lc , and sell cheap.

-FOTJK coscoaaeiRp H S o t t m o i t o r T H B s s » * y s *j»n t 7-"- r - ' " - i s s s i n n i r , - — — 7 -Proposlng an amendment to article six,'section . sayon of the constiWWen, relating t o the court . ofAppealS. . : ; ^ siL

^\Yh>reas, t h e leglsUture a t tte regular session in eighteen hundred and ninety-eight duly adopt' e^L£e«o!utlonsjrovldlDg for ah amendment t o the,constitution reTatin/ t31Be7court ot^ppests t anurwhjoh resolntlona were referred to the leg­islature to be chosen at the next general election o f senatoriLAnd directed to^benubllshea In ac;-c P r o f t n c 6 . . 7 l t h 8«ction one of article fourteen of th*constitution; and -»•

Whereas, sa id resolutions have been duly pub-Ushed inaccord»ne»*ith - law-andthaconsUtw. Uoni and referred t o this legislature for action; therefore, , i J ^ ? 0 ! . 1 , Resolved (if Ihe assembly cotasttrT, gialSSectlon seven of article s ix of the cdnstltu-aonSbe amended to read ai follows't

of this sect ion, bo'reckonedas a p a r t o f TOe^IRf-debt, Thea^pUtttJ&^eaftortebfe |atsedbyt>x'

ttdn to providing for t h e principal Tand Interest' 6f ex i s t ing de1jtt:ShaHndj la ateiafegF*tfate;;!exf„ •Aee41n-any o n e y a s * ^ » . p ^ c J n 4 n n j ^ t l i e a & ^ sesged valuation of t n e real and perspnw.estate' Of such county or c i t y , t o oe i scertSihed a s p B y scrlbedJnLthw 8BotiOn-1ntrespeCt M d o h n l y i o r City d e b t . , , , . ' » . - • . u.-. •. %3, Resolved, (If t h e assembly con"curV1lfs£ the foregoing amendment be submitted to tins people f o r approvalat the liexfc general election In,acCor,danqe with j^-p'r^yi^o^qd^^e^Kiif irn:

Vfftafe o f New York.^frsenate, Slafch's i KfovJ.'. The foregoltif' "•-"•'~'i"»'«^ '^»~ Ji.«.-. .^^u.^1 .*-• majority *

roin* rtsolutlon was , d n i y .passddi,;*; o f all the» senators e*ected vbtlngfi» •

fiiyorrtKelreofr" .. . . • B y O r d e r b f t h e a e n a w ' 1 , , •• ,• • -

^.TIMPTHY B, BLLSWQTtTH,..'* • T*mporai^Pr^i!aehK

ifatfdh' o f u i e i F r e ^ e o W e ' terms;


. , - M o . . i a i J f o r t b J | r » « h l » « « f l j a S t r M t ,

Ar»^Be*d<lUJU,|jeTS for

Fresh, Sweet, ^ ^~^~ l reafilB f Butter, - CREATE AND SWBCi'' MiL"K.

_ w If you order o f them y o n ; are mretrf getting relSQn? tJthe icourtVtap^itgrHtoabesfc - -z—x-^- - — - - r.-?--..• .__. , . K^. - PROPRIETORS OF ttOC


_ .sanibbrjB# By order di

„t)wli untKtheexpl iffMjPPjt snecBasnrs. %o«haU toTchosea bV'tiie. "USSSS^0* ^ y * * * ® - .Thenfflclal terms or t h e Ojilet^udsreatnj associate judges^^ ahal l be four-

1 5 5 ^ ? ^ * l t e £ 4 ^ J ' A i l P f c Eijfiniem--b e w o f the court shall fornl^f|u6ru>hi a h d t h e i n c u r r e n c e of four shall be- necessary-te a de-Clsion.1. The court shall have power tolnpboint S S ^ ' T S S ' S * - * ' 1 * 8 r ' P ° r t « j . cierk and 2 , , , . . • n t S j W B e n e y e r and as often a s a-aTtjorlty of f ^ l S S S S i ^ f f i «TO|t ot sppBTrts Bhatt c e r t i f y g # f 8 w e r n Q r r t K f t t said cour t ft unable^"bf »asohof the .acchni i i l a t ion p f causes pending ! ^ & & . l ! £ f r . , * 5 3 dUboseVdf t h e s a t o ^ t i ,

i S S S s ^ l ^ l * * ^ - i W T W B i O r shall deslghate

sJS.* e r v eJr8 Msocf^te judges o t t o o W b t appeals.' ' o f e 3 S S 8 S * > a ? sighatea shall b e rs&Veffnym i£«-i'tLui>1!*'"? -tyy®* of the supreme c d u r t to*sB4Uservi»MBSsoc1ate'jdaResofthecdh^ ^ R W * u 3 t h <££ <»uses undSposed ol'in s a i S fKU . r l l^ t e r e?U Cxtd* ,? t v 0 hhndfVd, wh>h they

! # * ^ * * t n i * ^ h ^ - s n p ^ m e ^ c o d r t ^ n m e ' - K o w . S ? a S a ? d e s f l » ^ J h s f e o f J f l t e sUpren?e¥duS

I ^ ^ M S J ^ S ; . rfo ^ s t i c ^ h a l l servaas asaoC Sffi!ftffldK?-**!&$ C ° \ » £ f « P P e « s e x c e p t whi le I S l i ? e v . i F ? * s « toticefif t h e s u p r e i h a 6 & u l f * - R | | ' t t * c ^ ' . t h « i i . W i « t o - 1 d « i e * ' S a M T i * -

W teellM It.

S v M k . ? ^ l v e d * ( « t h e a s s e t o b l y concnr>, t h a t

S f ^ ^ % S p ^ e r r 3 | » | t e , t e * * c c o r d a n e e with the provisions of the eler/tioh , State ot. New YorJ^Ofnce.of the Secretary ot;

State, SS".!- ,'4'-v »*-> ,.Jt; "8 -' ,- ,» ' / _ • • - • '

san J8QL Ml W^BQfflU^K SfiBBR^

•Beal i&fcM'ter i^^ . ...c „,..„ -„ Jmif* the a«t general election iiT^Sforipli

-M'Br*irijt*f; t Resoli

-, - of the 8e\aate 1 tt^J^P^J" yoovmm. President., imfc%$ % w Y ^ l n 4j |*minly, A p r i l * . ^ S ^ r m ^ 8 0 ' ? - ? J*«8m»»n was duly

«S* OOMtltUMon,

AreijnRfctew. «wt€ cohcelrn every

housekeeper. >'. J ^ i ' J ^ j ^ J ^ ^ P ^ e i anu

; a n a T ^ f e ^ ^ ' i | U l ^ : i i ^ » d

' f lkJ^iele^^e^oe. 'Otoese and ' ' g O i n ^ g ^ ^ ^ p l r ^ €!akc8

, y ^ ^ o t t a ^ ^ t * 7 # l ; o £ f 6 B f te^6.

m fa ^t .Homlnlck^Street , 'E ijLj r - ' i" ' '" ' 1 1 iiiiii 111' 1 111 IM in Smm

i - * r . f < • — .


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it "U ,WW*. 1 A » . a « i n - . E » c j i «

H r i i a ^ y i f « | 7 ; « j

M a i t r a ^ S o i a , 1 '

mDrDin^«ii§ip IjalHHfMi|fc_&e road,!*fty*«

coiuft, *b^tot.,ft situatea^tttth*

L.yew,-tt»e! «00 road beilde t l r«a^haa>jPQi»! whentiwojnen lsJng ta'"vTajW!

" narrow J*ne single shot fro be murderers ^ behind their r Ijabori' Ife Vja$ uttered *n»gt bis face. W$ throngi 4h*.< emerged and t

At7:80o'«q[i the ballet had

- there waraort the phyiieiam die .from 'tntf'

M.Labftrl,. clent pretteno dark morocco liirpapeHrrra until hte w t raisett himae hef laF" •'"

A-sajnbei loading a bai fieata: the si him^' rai»63 them placed assailant, wl

^volvef, »Uuu aholTlfeyfa

®haok that he nsflasalntO-p

After aim derer ran-, 1 ieacheaj.Jtb,e embankmen

" until he Axrl train waajt he dashed train and .tc

- -tfon-Tjf—tibe he wBs.lo8t,

Coli"PIo^ , his way tc t-*~_for.80«ra4

- liea-T3Ma,e» the pursuit thewonnde number of clare they 1 crossing t reached t s away, I w l ° MadarnB lawyer, TU orlme and Rho found walk and 1 threw hen head In he colored pa ly snatche

M. Lab< groan cat restedjin f way, i s 1 hiffi- W i t h him w i t h his nptru b a c k t J t e wife's eryi

* ings h e r x to e s s e t u

I t i a rej said, a s h "I m a y s a v e d . , v

T h e sffi from' ttu crowd h a the a r r i s c o n n e c t *

spjasta&oj spot wh followed The sh<

. Qeorge'i ^rtwasai

"beenatS In the n called t< to have hour eli Hved,

An in fact, i t by saw ently, n por to i Still-m indlvid Labori is said, theauf certain conten

i h » : . holdlh Anger/ eralm

' . M& waa'at td"M'"l riedly

Col. t ha i* alTpwi Bl«;^a

'GeinS declai BUChi

Wlfchic - mm

had§ and j that^ W-% moyii matl




* .
