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First deep underground observation of rotational … deep underground observation of rotational...

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First deep underground observation of rotational signals from an earthquake at teleseismic distance using a large ring laser gyroscope Andreino Simonelli 1,2,3,* , Jacopo Belfi 1 , Nicolò Beverini 1,2 , Giorgio Carelli 1,2 , Angela Di Virgilio 1 Enrico Maccioni 1,2 , Gaetano De Luca 5 , Gilberto Saccorotti 4 * [email protected] 1 INFN section of Pisa, Largo B. Pontecorvo 3 56127, Pisa, Italy 2 University of Pisa. Dept. of Physics “E.Fermi”, Largo B. Pontecorvo 3 56127, Pisa, Italy 3 Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich, Theresienstraße 41, D-80333 Munich, Germany 4 INGV section of Pisa, Via della Faggiola, 32 - 56126 Pisa, Italy 5 INGV-CNT Roma, Italy Abstract Recent advances in large ring laser gyroscopes (RLG) technologies opened the possibility to observe rotations of the ground with sensitivities up to 10 -11 rad/sec over the frequency band of seismological interest (0.01-1Hz), thus opening the way to a new geophysical discipline, i.e. rotational seismology. A measure of rotations in seismology is of fundamental interest for (a) the determination of all the six degrees of freedom that characterize a rigid body’s motion, and (b) the quantitative estimate of the rotational motions contaminating ground translation measurements obtained from standard seismometers. Within this framework, this paper presents and describes GINGERino, a new large observatory-class RLG located in Gran Sasso underground laboratory (LNGS), one national laboratories of the INFN (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare). We also report unprecedented observations and analyses of the roto-translational signals from a tele-seismic event observed in such a deep underground environment. I. Introduction R ing Laser Gyroscopes (RLG) are the best sensors for capturing the rotational mo- tions associated with the transit of seis- mic waves, thanks to the optical measurement principle, these instruments are in fact insensi- tive to translations. The claim for a rotational sensor in geophysics is outlined in a funda- mental text about seismology Aki and Richards (2009), where the authors state that ”... note the utility of measuring rotation near a rupturing fault plane (...), but as of this writing, seismol- ogy still awaits a suitable instrument for mak- ing such measurements ”. The search for such a sensor is of actual interest, as shown by many recent studies Kaláb et al. (2013); Brokešová and Málek (2010); Schreiber et al. (2006a). Nowadays RLGs allowed to achieve important results, spanning from geodesy Schreiber et al. (2004) to the analysis of earthquakes recorded over a wide range of distances Igel et al. (2005); Pancha et al. (2000); Simonelli (2014); Schreiber et al. (2006a). The size or RLG changes, de- pending on the scope, from some centimeters to more than four meters. RLGs for navigation are very small and lightweight; they are pro- duced commercially and are widely adopted for either underwater or airborne platforms. Their sensitivity, however, is not sufficient for geophysical applications. Sensitivity and ac- curacy of RLGs increase with size, thus max- imizing dimensions causes a minimization of physical effects that cause the gyro to work out of an ideal linear regime. Scientific re- sults like the solid tides monitoring or a mea- sure of the length of the day (LOD) are only 1 arXiv:1601.05960v1 [physics.geo-ph] 22 Jan 2016

First deep underground observation ofrotational signals from an earthquakeat teleseismic distance using a large

ring laser gyroscopeAndreino Simonelli1,2,3,∗, Jacopo Belfi1, Nicolò Beverini1,2, Giorgio Carelli1,2, Angela Di Virgilio1

Enrico Maccioni1,2, Gaetano De Luca5, Gilberto Saccorotti4

[email protected]

1INFN section of Pisa, Largo B. Pontecorvo 3 56127, Pisa, Italy2University of Pisa. Dept. of Physics “E.Fermi”, Largo B. Pontecorvo 3 56127, Pisa, Italy

3Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich, Theresienstraße 41, D-80333 Munich, Germany4INGV section of Pisa, Via della Faggiola, 32 - 56126 Pisa, Italy

5INGV-CNT Roma, Italy


Recent advances in large ring laser gyroscopes (RLG) technologies opened the possibility to observerotations of the ground with sensitivities up to 10−11 rad/sec over the frequency band of seismologicalinterest (0.01-1Hz), thus opening the way to a new geophysical discipline, i.e. rotational seismology. Ameasure of rotations in seismology is of fundamental interest for (a) the determination of all the six degreesof freedom that characterize a rigid body’s motion, and (b) the quantitative estimate of the rotationalmotions contaminating ground translation measurements obtained from standard seismometers. Withinthis framework, this paper presents and describes GINGERino, a new large observatory-class RLG locatedin Gran Sasso underground laboratory (LNGS), one national laboratories of the INFN (Istituto Nazionaledi Fisica Nucleare). We also report unprecedented observations and analyses of the roto-translationalsignals from a tele-seismic event observed in such a deep underground environment.

I. Introduction

Ring Laser Gyroscopes (RLG) are the bestsensors for capturing the rotational mo-tions associated with the transit of seis-

mic waves, thanks to the optical measurementprinciple, these instruments are in fact insensi-tive to translations. The claim for a rotationalsensor in geophysics is outlined in a funda-mental text about seismology Aki and Richards(2009), where the authors state that ”... note theutility of measuring rotation near a rupturingfault plane (...), but as of this writing, seismol-ogy still awaits a suitable instrument for mak-ing such measurements ”. The search for sucha sensor is of actual interest, as shown by manyrecent studies Kaláb et al. (2013); Brokešováand Málek (2010); Schreiber et al. (2006a).Nowadays RLGs allowed to achieve important

results, spanning from geodesy Schreiber et al.(2004) to the analysis of earthquakes recordedover a wide range of distances Igel et al. (2005);Pancha et al. (2000); Simonelli (2014); Schreiberet al. (2006a). The size or RLG changes, de-pending on the scope, from some centimetersto more than four meters. RLGs for navigationare very small and lightweight; they are pro-duced commercially and are widely adoptedfor either underwater or airborne platforms.Their sensitivity, however, is not sufficient forgeophysical applications. Sensitivity and ac-curacy of RLGs increase with size, thus max-imizing dimensions causes a minimization ofphysical effects that cause the gyro to workout of an ideal linear regime. Scientific re-sults like the solid tides monitoring or a mea-sure of the length of the day (LOD) are only











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achievable by very large frame RLG. Actually,the G-ring apparatus in Wettzel Germany rep-resents the reference RLG for geodetic andseismological observations. Smaller in sizeand less expensive is the range of RLG of theclass Geosensor, Schreiber et al. (2006b); Belfiet al. (2012b,a). The GINGERino apparatusfunded by INFN in the context of a largerproject of fundamental physics is intended asa pathfinder instrument to reach the high sen-sitivity needed to observe general relativity ef-fects; more detail are found at the URL (https://web2.infn.it/GINGER/index.php/it/ andin Belfi et al. (2016).

II. Instrumental apparatus

Figure 1: Map of the LNGS underground laboratories

The GINGERino is located Inside the GranSasso National Laboratory (LNGS) of the INFN(Fig. 1). The equipment of geophysical andseismological interest is constituted by the fol-lowing instruments: The large He:Ne ring laservisible in Fig. 2; this is a 3.6 m side square cav-ity ring laser installed over a granite structureblock anchored to the rock of the B knot tunnelof the LNGS. This is our rotation sensor, it isable to detect rotations around the symmetryaxis (oriented vertically) with a sensitivity bet-ter than 10−10 rad/s in the band of interest forglobal seismology (5 Hz-300s). A NanometricsTrillium 240s seismometer which is installed atthe center of the RLG granite frame Fig. 3.


Figure 2: The GINGERino RLG

Figure 3: The NANOMETRICS Trillium 240 s (left)and Guralp CMG 3T360s (right) and the Lipp-mann 2-K tilt meter (on top), the red arrowshows the North direction

This instrument is part of the nationalearthquake monitoring program of the IstitutoNazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGVhereinafter), provides the ground translationdata to be compared to the RLG rotationaldata in order to infer the phase velocity mea-surements during the transit of shear andsurface waves from earthquakes at local, re-gional and tele seismic distances. Furtherdetails on this station are at the URL (http://iside.rm.ingv.it/iside/standard/info_stazione.jsp?page=sta&sta=2571). A Lipp-mann 2-K digital tilt-meter with a resolutionbetter then one nrad is placed beside the seis-mometer in order to monitor the possible slowground tilt related to either local or wide scale(solid earth tides) effects. A second broadbandseismometer, Guralp CMG 3T–360s (Fig. 3) isplaced in the central block for data redundancy.


III. Method

RLG are based on the Sagnac effect; this ef-fect is caused by a difference in the opticalpath as seen by two counter propagating laserbeams that leads to a difference in the opti-cal frequency between the clockwise and anti-clockwise propagating beams. The two beamsare mixed out of the optical cavity in order toreveal the beat of the two slightly different fre-quencies. The beat frequency f , also called theSagnac frequency can be related to the rotationrate around the normal vector to the surfaceoutlined by the square optical path (see Fig. 2)using the simple following equation:

Ω =λHe:NeL sin θ

f (1)

where λHe:Ne is the wavelength of the He:Nelaser (632 nm), L is the square side length andθ is the angle between the versor n and ~Ω.We know from theory Aki and Richards (2009)that rotations can be retrieved from grounddisplacement as the curl of the wave-field.

~Ω =12(∇× ~u) (2)

Referring to our setup (Fig. 2) for example,the displacement caused by a Love wave trav-eling as a plane wave along the x-direction isexpressed through the equation:

uy = Aeiω(x/CL−t) (3)

By applying eq. 3 to eq.2 we obtain the rela-tionship:

Ωz =uy


which provides a direct estimation of the phasevelocity CL by using only a single-site measure-ment. From this latter formulation it is alsoevident that the sensing of ground rotationsover the seismic frequency band requires highsensitivity: the phase-velocity scaling impliesin fact that ground rotations are two to three or-ders of magnitude smaller than the associatedtranslational movements. For this purpose avery sensitive and completely decoupled fromtranslations device is required and at presentlarge RLGs are the best candidates.

IV. First results

An earthquake with magnitude 7 occurred on17-06-2015 12:51:32 (UTC) with epicenter inthe Southern Mid Atlantic Ridge [Sea] hasbeen recorded by our instruments during thelongest run of continuous data acquisition from11/6/15 to 19/6/15. Though the recordingsexhibit a poor signal-to-noise-ratio (SNR) theirquality is sufficient to perform some analysisof seismological interest. The processing stepshave been:

• The N-S and E-W seismometer traces arerotated by a step of 1 over the 0, 2πrange and for each rotation step, the zero-lag-cross-correlation (ZLCC) between therotational signal and transverse acceler-ations is calculated. The maximum isfound at a rotation angle of 198 N, thetheoretical azimuth derived from epicen-ter and station coordinates is 202 N.The discrepancy between the observedand theoretical azimuthal values is small,once considering possible seismometermisorientation and deviation of surfacewave trajectories from the great circlepath as a consequence of lateral velocityheterogeneities.

• The ZLCC between translational and ro-tational traces is calculated using a 200-seconds-long window, sliding with 50%overlap. The Love-wave arrival is markedby a clear correlation peak (see Fig.4)

• Ground rotations and Transverse acceler-ations (respectively blue and black linesin Fig. 6) are narrow band filtered witha FIR filter with a 1 s large passband re-gion form 1 s to 50 s of Period. In thefrequency bands where ZLCC is above athreshold of 0.7, the amplitude ratio be-tween the maxima of the envelopes eval-uated via Hilbert transform gives a directmeasure of phase velocity for that partic-ular period (see Fig. 6).


Figure 4: (top) Ground rotation and transverse acceleration time histories (black and blue lines, respectively), time zerois at 12:40:00 UTC. (bottom) ZLCC between the above traces.

Figure 5: Map of correlation versus rotation of transverse acceleration


Figure 6: Superposition of trace-by trace normalized narrow band filtered signals, for every dominant period we reportthe estimated phase velocity

V. Conclusions

GINGERino is a test apparatus, and improve-ments in sensitivity and stability of the ap-paratus are foreseen in the near future. Atpresent the RLG is running in a preliminarytest mode in order to optimize the experimen-tal parameters that will allow us to let it runcontinuously together with tilt-meters and seis-mometers and to increase sensitivity in orderto be able to detect the secondary microseismpeak that is only a factor five below our noisefloor at the 10 seconds period. In a previousstudy we used a smaller RLG oriented alongan horizontal axis and we obtained consistentestimates of ground rotations associated withthe transit of Rayleigh waves from the 2011,Mw=9.0 Japan earthquake Belfi et al. (2012c).The present availability of a larger and muchmore sensitive RLG as GINGERino now per-mits extending the analysis to earthquake sig-nals over a wider magnitude range. The simul-taneous measurement of ground translation

and rotation of these sources will allow the def-inition of the dispersion curve of Love wavesover a broad frequency range, from which a lo-cal shear-wave velocity profile can be inferredwith resolutions on the order of 100 m and pen-etration depths up to several tens of kilometers.To conclude we remark that a seismic stationco-located with a RLG has been installed inthe underground laboratories of INFN underthe Gran Sasso. The Gingerino station is nowa good companion of the Wettzel observatorystation. For the first time a tele seismic rota-tional signal has been recorded in an under-ground environment. The source backazimuthinferred from the directional analysis is in ex-cellent agreement with the theoretical one, sug-gesting that with a RLG and a seismometer thedirection of the incoming wave-field may beestimated accurately. Corresponding to highZLCC time intervals, we obtained estimatesof phase velocities which, though being lim-ited by the low SNR, are consistent with whatexpected for Love waves propagating in the


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