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First Indico Workshop

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First Indico Workshop. Hands-on: install Mobile. 27 -29 May 2013 CERN. Alberto Resco Pérez. 4 ThINGS. The Indico Hacker Toolkit. A shell Python (>=2.6) Virtualenv MongoDB. Installing mongodb. $ sudo apt-get install mongodb. $ sudo brew install mongodb. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation
First Indico Workshop Hands-on: install Mobile Alberto Resco Pérez 27-29 May 2013 CERN
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First Indico Workshop

Hands-on: install MobileAlberto Resco Pérez

27-29 May 2013 CERN

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4 ThINGSThe Indico Hacker Toolkit

A shellPython (>=2.6)VirtualenvMongoDB

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Installing mongodb

$ sudo apt-get install mongodb

$ sudo brew install mongodb

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Creating the Virtualenv

$ virtualenv indicomobileInstalling distribute.............done.Installing pip...............done.

$ sudo apt-get install python-virtualenv

$ sudo brew install python$ sudo pip install virtualenv

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Activate virtualenv$ cd indicomobile$ source ./bin/activate(indico-mobile)$

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Install – 1st step(indico-mobile)$ git clone http://github.com/indico/indico-mobile srcCloning into 'src'......

Resolving deltas: 100% (962/962), done.(indico-mobile)$ cd src(indico-mobile)$ pip install -r requirements.txt

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Install – 2nd step – configure(indico-mobile)$ vim settings.confSERVER = 'localhost'SERVER_PORT = 8080DEBUG = FalseTIMEZONE = 'Europe/Zurich’CACHE_TTL = 3600CACHE_TYPE = 'filesystem'CACHE_DIR = '/tmp/mobilecache’MONGODB_DATABASE = 'indicomobile’SECRET_KEY = 'aaaaa’INDICO_URL = 'http://indico.cern.ch/’API_KEY = ’xxxxx’REQUEST_TOKEN_URL='http://indico.cern.ch/oauth.py/request_token'ACCESS_TOKEN_URL='http://indico.cern.ch/oauth.py/access_token'AUTHORIZE_URL='http://indico.cern.ch/oauth.py/authorize'CONSUMER_KEY='0rYfaVdoXAptxhyX4FzeqZasHvbE9R2zC5O71mbw'CONSUMER_SECRET='0Ke4vyfnhAyARYzUb8HYE4jQyZI9MWpEcdbXPbCQ'


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Install – 3rd step – run DB

$ sudo service mongod start

$ mongod &

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Starting the Web ServerNote: This is a development server. Don’t use it in production!

Try it! http://localhost/

(indico-mobile)$ sudo python run.py* Running on http://localhost:8080/

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Login to indico mobile

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Choose a good Web ServerApache? Nginx? We use uwsgi + supervisor + nginx

$ sudo easy_install supervisor uwsgi

$ sudo apt-get install nginx

$ sudo brew install nginx

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configurationMain configuration files you must check!

nginx.conf general configuration of nginxsupervisord.conf general configuration of supervisor

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Edit configuration files

$ vim /etc/supervisord.conf

$ vim /etc/nginx/nginx.conf

$ vim /usr/local/etc/nginx/nginx.conf

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Start the servers$ sudo service supervisor start$ sudo service nginx start

$ sudo supervisord$ sudo nginx

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Alberto resco


http://github.com/arescope @[email protected]
