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First News Feb 4th-10th Issue 244

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  • 8/7/2019 First News Feb 4th-10th Issue 244


    Working w

    1.20 4 10 FEB 2011 Issu

    First News schildrens ch

    The weekly newspaper for kids



    D y ukn wh w tbe safe?

    Rememberingthe H aust

    In Ja an andInd nesia

    Imamazingat hess!


    The photos have just been released by Survival Internationalas part o its campaign to protect the territory o tribes like this. They say that an increase in logging in Peru is starting to orcetribes rom the area over the border into Brazil. Experts earthat this could lead to con ict between the tribes.

    The illegal loggers will destroy this tribe, says Survival

    Internationals Stephen Corry. Its vital that the Peruviangovernment stop them be ore time runs out. What they need

    rom us is their territory protected, so that they can make

    their own choices about their uture.

    For more pictures and an explanation o this main image,go to www.frstnews.co.uk .

    To read more about this and similar tribes, you can head toSurvival Internationals new site: www.uncontactedtribes.org . The tribe in the pictures is also eatured in the Jungles

    episode o BBC1s Human Planet .

    by Ian Eddy

    THESE incredible pictures show one o the worlds last uncontacted Indian tribes living in the jungle but they are in danger.

    cHEcK IT oUTwww.frstnews.co.uk

    to read more

    Polar bear swimsnonstop for nine daysA polar bear swam nonstop or more than nine days over426 miles because it couldnt fnd any ice to rest on.

    Scientists say huge trips like this are happening because o climatechange. Polar bears swim rom land to sea ice oes to hunt seals butmelting ice means they have to swim urther.

    Geof York rom animal charity WWF says: As the Arctic ice continues tomelt, it is likely that polar bears are going to have to swim longer distances.

  • 8/7/2019 First News Feb 4th-10th Issue 244



    Painting sells for s

    A 450-y a - d pa nt ng Mad nna and Ch d y T t anhas s d 10.7m n ($16.9)

    n N w Y k.Auct n H us , S th ys,

    sa d th n canvas a tw k had chang d hands n y s xt m s s nc t was pa nt da und 1560.

    Whos listening?CelebriTieS say n wspap

    p t s hav n st n ng tth m ph n m ssag s tt y t g t a g d st y.

    N w th y a tak ng thNews of the World n wspapt c u t. inv st gat ns ganwh n a p t was caughtt y ng t st n n n ph n ca s

    y m m s th ya am y.

    NHS protestsProTeSTerS d m nst at duts d pa am nt th s w k.

    Th y a n t happy w thG v nm nt p ans t makchang s t th Nat naH a th S v c .

    A und 120 p t c ans hav m d a g up na d t mak su ch d n a a t mak th

    ght d c s ns a ut th m n y as th y g w up. Th g up wants sch ch d n t hav ss ns

    a ut sp nd ng and d ts at a ag s and a n ng. Th y want t h p ch d

    g t nt d t, wh ch m ans w ng m n yth gan sat ns t p p .

    Th nd ngs cam m a su v y 6,000 p p y th C mmun cat n T ust th aunch th H

    campa gn th nat na y a c mmun cat n.

    on n th pa nts sa d th ydn c nc n d a ut th way

    th ch d c mmun cat d and manyth ught t was caus ch d nsp nt t much t m n nt sc ns.

    Th T ust say that a und tw th ch d n n ach c ass havd cu ty w th c mmun cat ng andthat th p ms a n ma ys m th ng th y hav n n w th.

    A s pa at o st d study undy ung ch d n w sta t ngnu s y sch una t sp ak and

    st n p p y.it sa d t v s ns that w n a th

    t m , n sy th s and s st s and

    a s d v c s w g tt ng n th way ch d ns anguag sk s.

    FIRST NEWS HEADLINES For more headline news, pictures and videos go to www.frstnews.co.uk/news

    Sh ck d t av s g t caught up n p t stsn egypts cap ta c ty, Ca , and sa d th y had

    n v y ght n d.Dav d l w s, m Manch st , sa d: it d d

    n t tak us ng t a s t was n t sa t ut n th st ts. W w y ng n dat n ght h a ng sh ts, k ng ut thw nd w s ng g ups m n w th st cks nth hands t y ng t p t ct th h m s.

    P p n egypts maj c t s t k t

    th st ts th s w k t p t st aga nst th

    c unt ys g v nm nt. Many p p n egypta v y p . Th y ad y t at d y thg v nm nt and th nk m sh u d d nt mak th v s tt .

    Hund ds p p a th ught t havd d and th usands hav n a st d s nc

    th t u gan ast w k. Th g v nm nt cut f th nt n t

    m ph n s a t u days pmak c mmun cat n d cu t

    egypts P s d nt Mu a ak w nt n ta n th w k t say h w u d smak chang s n th h p that t w u dth t s. As h sp k , h had n c unt y 30 y a s ut p t st s sat m h m t st p d wn.

    Egypt in crisisby editor Nicky Cox


    Too much TV to talk

    BRITISH holidaymakers arriving back rom Egypt say they are relieved to be home.

    A SURVEY has suggested that spending too much time in ront o televisions and computers is afecting childrens speech.

    First News IssuE 244 4 10 eb 2011

    Thousands of Eggather in CairoSquare to markof protests call

    President Hosni to resi

    Teach pupils about moSTUDENTS should be given lessons about managing money, says a group o MPs

    rom all parties.

  • 8/7/2019 First News Feb 4th-10th Issue 244


    Th Gr nb ttl was nv nt dy Mart n Mys rc ugh r m

    Su lk a t r h was sh ck d yth num r plast cm lk ttl s h saw at h s l calland ll s t .

    Th ttl s ar l k pap r-mach w th a sh ll r cycl dpap r c v r ng a th n plast cl n r t st r th m lk.

    Th gr n ttl s can r cycl d aga n r thr wnaway. Th y w uld d c mp s

    n a w w ks, c mpar d tn rmal plast c ttl s wh chtak ar und 500 y ars td c mp s .

    Mart n g t th d a r m h ss ns pap r-mach all n.ASDA xp r m nt d w th thgr n ttl s n n ar a andhav d c d d t us th m allacr ss th c untry n w. Th rst

    n s w ll s n n C rnwallth s w k.

    FIRST NEWS HEADLINES For more headline news, pictures and videos go to www.frstnews.co.uk/news

    Climber survives300m mountain fall

    Milk is going green!Editor Nicky Cox M

    IT seems like there is trouble inmany parts of the world right now

    S m th tr u l s man-mad , l

    th v nts n egypt. S m s natural, lv lcan s n Japan and ind n s a. And,wr t ng th s, th r s n ws that a hug

    s h ad ng r Austral a.And th n th r s ur r nt pag st

    a ut th tr i nd ans ph t gran d ta l r th rst t m n th br

    jungl . i was struck y th l k n thas th y l k d up at th h l c pt r wh r th ph t s w r tak n. on m n s sh wn p nt ng at t.

    What w uld th y hav mad th sfy ng mach n ?

    Th s tr has n v r n c ntactuts d w rld r . i w nd r th

    what s ut h r . C rta nly th h l cw uld hav g v n th m a clu . Th y wn th ng th tr u l n egypt, r chang . but th sad th ng s that th lll gg rs may sudd nly mak th m v ryawar ssu s n th g, w d w


    on 5 ruary 1953 th rat n nc n ct n ry nd d a t r t n y

    sch lch ldr n rst n th qu umany sw ts and ch c lat as th yd



    Henry Cavill Th br t shact r hasland d thl ad r l

    n th n xtSuperman

    lm. H nryw ll th rstn n-Am r can

    v r t playSup rman.


    Micro oftM croso t has d scov r d a faw thatcould a ct th s cur ty o around 90m ll on p opl us ng int rn t explo

    First News IssuE 244 4 10 eb 2011

    RESCUERS feared the worst after a man fell 300mdown a mountain.

    but th y und Adam P tt rstand ng up and r ad ng a map! Th 36-y ar- ld r m Glasg wwas tak n t h sp tal w th justcuts and ru s s.

    Wh l h was all ng, Adam

    says h th ught h was g ngt d . but th rd al hasntput h m h s h y. H planst cl m M unt ev r st, thw rlds h gh st m unta n, n ac upl m nths.

    A NEW eco-friendly milk bottle is set to go on sale insupermarkets nationwide.

    Japansbiggest volcanoeruption in 50 yearsSCHOOLS have been closed and houses evacuated aftera volcano erupted in Japan.

    Sh nm dak v lcan gan t sp w ash a t r t aw k r m a52-y ar sl p.

    P pl hav n ann d r m g ng w th n a m l th v lcann th K r sh ma m unta n rang and 1,000 r s d nts hav n t ld

    t nd s m wh r sa r t g .exp rts sa d a d m lava was gr w ng larg r ns d th v lcan s

    crat r, ut t was n t c r ta n wh th r th d m w uld gr w n ught sp ll v r th r m and cr at larg f ws d wn th v lcan s s d s.

    Th Japan s slands ar v lcan c n r g n and d z ns act vv lcan s rupt r gularly acr ss th c untry.

    its n t th nly v lcan rupt ng n th ar a. M unt br m nind n s a start d t sp w ash t . W rsh pp rs cl m d t th crat rt g v r ngs t th g d th m unta n, pray ng r th sa ty l cal p pl .

  • 8/7/2019 First News Feb 4th-10th Issue 244



    Rememberingthe HolocaustWhat was the Holocaust?Six m ll on Jews and m ll ons o other people were k lled dur ng World War ii

    n what s called the Holocaust. The r sufer ng was remembered on HolocaustMemor al Day on 27 January.

    First News Issue 244 4 10 eb 2011

    Th Nazis s t up conc ntrationcamps, lik Auschwitz, wh rp opl w r s nt to kill d. In1942 alon , around 2.7 million J wsw r murd r d. Victims w r tak n

    rom th ir hom s and s nt to campsin trains. H r th y w r starv d,tortur d, shot, hang d or gass d tod ath in sp cially- uilt cham rs.

    british troops ound 60,000

    starving prison rs and 27,000un uri d odi s wh n th y w r

    a l to nt r th conc ntrationcamp at b ls n to r th prison

    In britain, Holocaust M morialDay tak s plac on 27 January tor m m r th victims. Th daymarks th anniv rsary o th nd oth Auschwitz conc ntration campa t r Hitl r was d at d. It is thday wh n v ryon r m m rsth t rri l v nts o th Holocau

    in th hop that it will h lp stopanything lik it happ ning again.

    Britains Prime Minister David Cameron speaks toAuschwitz survivor Trude Levi, 86, inside 10 DowningStreet in London, last week. Trude visited the Prime

    Minister to mark Holocaust Memorial Day.

    This is Auschwitz. It was the biggestNazi concentration camp duringWorld War II and is known for itsgas chambers where hundreds of

    thousands of Jews and other victimswere murdered.

    Beds, on which four orfve people had to sleep, in

    Auschwitz concentration camp

    Child prisoners behind the barbed wirefence at the Auschwitz concentration camp

    FIRST NEWS HEADLINES For more headline news, pictures and videos go to www.frstnews.co.uk/news

    Th killings took plac in europ tw n 1933and 1945 and w r organis d y th G rman Naziparty, l d y Adol Hitl r. It happ n d in th run-upto, and during, World War II.

    N arly s v n out o t n J ws living in europ w rmurd r d. Th Nazis want d to wip out p oplwho long d to particular r ligious or racialgroups. Mass killing lik this is call d g nocid .

    Th Nazis also murd r d Polish Catholics,disa l d p opl , homos xuals and oth rgroups. Anyon who spok out against Hitl rwas kill d too, including journalists andpoliticians.

    Adol Hitl r cam l ad r o th Nazi party in1921. Th Nazis w r racist Aryans and li v dthat th y w r tt r than any ody ls . To th m,an Aryan was anyon who was europ an and notJ wish, Romany or Slavic.

    Th y also thought G rmany was th mostimportant country in europ .

    In 1934 Hitl r cam G rmanys h ad o stat .H thought J ws w r a pro l m and want dto g t rid o th m all. So th mass killings o thHolocaust gan.

    Hitl r also want d to mak G rmany igg r, soh invad d oth r countri s and took th m ov r.

    World War II concentration camp survivorsand other guests attend a memorial

    ceremony at the Auschwitz-Birkenaumemorial and former concentration camp

    on the 66th anniversary of the liberation ofAuschwitz on Holocaust Memorial Day 2011.


    Students rom Camborne took part n an event toremember the v ct ms o the Holocaust.

    Th youngst rs rom Cam orn Sci nc and Community Coll ggav a talk on Holocaust M morial Day a out a trip th yd just mad toAuschwitz and show d a flm a out th ir xp ri nc s.

    N il burd n, th councils ca in t m m r or childr ns s rvic s, litsix candl s in honour o th six million p opl who di d in th atrocity.

    H said: W all hav a duty to mak sur that this dark p riod o human history, which took th liv s o 1.5 million childr n, is n v rallow d to r p at d.

    How did so many people die?

    Holocaust Memorial Day 27 January 2011

  • 8/7/2019 First News Feb 4th-10th Issue 244


    Happy endingfor stranded d

    First News Issue 244 4 10 eb 2011

    Now you see him...or do you?

    Can ou spot th a t st n th s two p ctu s?Liu bolin has com so skill d at camoufag art that h s ms to disapp ar in ront o anything.Som tim s Mr Liu has his assistants paint his ody whil h r mains compl t ly still a ov h stands in ront o

    a sup rmark t sh l whil , low, h stands in a or st.

    A yeAr a t th s pluck pooch was scu d om ansh t out at s a, First News can t ll ou h s sto hahapp nd ng.

    Th dog, nam d baltic, was pull d rom th icy wat rs o th baack in January 2010. Th cr w o a passing ship thought h was a

    at rst and couldnt li v it wh n th y r alis d th y w r lookinstrand d dog.

    Now th lucky dog has s ttl d in as th ships p t, mascot andguard dog.

    baltic is spoil d y th ships ch who s rv s him r gularly withhis avourit sausag s. And h v n sl ps in a cosy ca in with himast r, Adam.

    Starter gun freor Olympic h

    Michael Johnson, a four-time Olympic gold medallist, runs along a trackinside the Olympic Stadium in Stratford. He helped launch the appeal last

    year for up to 70,000 volunteers to assist in the running of the Games.

    iNTerVieWS to fnd 70,000 volunt s to h lp un thOl mp c Gam s b gan th s w k.

    Mor than hal th 100,000 p opl ing int rvi w d or rol sc ntr s around th UK, will succ ss ul.

    Ov r th n xt 14 months, mor than 300 p opl a day will go tos l ction v nts to s an xhi ition a out th Olympic Gam s an30-minut int rvi w.

    FIRST NEWS HEADLINES For more headline news, pictures and videos go to www.frstnews.co.uk/news

    b a r c r o

    f t

    b a r c r o

    f t

  • 8/7/2019 First News Feb 4th-10th Issue 244



    25 January LOndOn, uK : Team Green Britain ambassador and 2012Paralympian hope ul, Tom Aggar, joined children rom Southwold Primary

    school, Hackney, and members o EDF Energys school programme The Pod tocelebrate the launch o EDF Energys partnership with the London Eye. Visit

    www.jointhepod.org or more in ormation on The Pod.

    First News Issue 244 4 10 FEB 2011

    THE NEWS IN PICTURES For more pictures and videos go to www.frstnews.co.uk/news-in-pictures

    26 January BeiJing, CHina: Chinese actorsper orm during a olk art show to celebrate the Lunar NewYear, the Year o the Rabbit. Lord Rabbit is a mythical bunny

    sent down rom the moon to bring good health.

    25 January FOLKeSTOne, uK : Prince Charles, the Princeo Wales, presents A ghanistan Service Medals to soldiers rom the1st Battalion The Royal Gurkha Rifes at Sir John Moore Barracks.

    23 January OSCHerSLeBen, gerMany: Emergency staf work atthe scene o an accident where a passenger train collided head-on with a goods

    train. Ten people died and 23 were injured in the accident when the trains collided,causing the passenger train to derail and land on its side.

    30 January BriSBane, auSTraLia: MVriesekolk and dog Jess at the RNA Showgrounds. The Pet InAssociation o Australia ofered ree dog washing, vet check

    and equipment or animals afected by the Queensland oo

  • 8/7/2019 First News Feb 4th-10th Issue 244


    9 swans have been found dead inUpperby Park, Carlisle. Park rangersare puzzled by their deaths and arelooking into possible reasons.

    49 c rs th t were m de be ore1974 h ve set of rom Gl sgow

    or the 2011 Monte C rlo Cl ssicR lly. Gl sgow is one o this ye rsEurope n st rting points.

    250 childrens centres roundthe UK could ce closure i budgetcuts continue.

    750,000 pounds ishow much local residents in Penrith,Cumbria, have to raise in threemonths if they want to save theirlocal cinema by buying it.

    300 metres (1,000 tdist nce 36-ye r-old m n Gl sgow ell, while climbinsummit o Sgurr Choinnich Scotl nd. He survived see

    24 degrees celsius is thcl ssroom temper ture or gstudy in, cl im rese rchers. Ble rn better t 21C, they s y

    Home News

    Pier for salePieces o Brighto s mousWest Pier re bei g sold to thepublic. The historic structure w sbuilt i 1866 but closed to thepublic i 1975, with hopes o itbei g restored o e d y. a tr gicfre destroyed most o the pieri 2003, but lots o items weres lv ged rom the wreck ge. Theitems h ve bee i stor ge eversi ce, but re v il ble ow orpeople to buy. Prices r ge rom10 to 250 or the v rious bits

    d pieces.

    Watch out for ticksF milies re bei g w r ed tobe w re o ticks s spri g dsummer ppro ch. Ticks re ti y

    p r sites, the size o ull stop,th t live i bushes, gr ss dwoodl d. a tick bite wo t hurtbut c c use sty r sh dother symptoms, eve le di gto Lyme dise se. The i cre seo Lyme dise se i the UK h sc used experts to w r milies tobe c re ul whe explori g ture

    d to we r i sect repelle t dlight clothi g s prec utio .

    Meditation lessonsa st te school i Ormskirk is setto be the frst to te ch stude tshow to medit te. The M h rishiSchool, which is ru by ollowerso spiritu list M h rishi M heshYogi, m k ow or te chi g The Be tles how to medit te, willst rt llowi g stude ts to spe dtwo te -mi ute sessio s d y withtheir eyes closed t their desks.

    Museum opensPeople i Bristol will be ble tole r more bout their herit ge

    rom ju e, whe the City Cou cilope s br d ew museum, TheM Shed, i Pri ces Wh r . Thebuildi g will displ y everythi g

    rom ste mbo ts d tr i s tocr es d will h ve its ow c e .

    Volcano showScotl ds exti ct volc o, arthursSe t, will be the b ckdrop orcommu ity celebr tio s bei gorg ised or the 2012 Lo doOlympics. athletes d w lkers willlight up the volc o we ri gcolour-ch gi g clothes. Thethree-week prese t tio is c lledSpeed o Light d will ru rom9.30pm u til 1.30 m or threeweeks i august.

    Alien parasitesP r sites ot tive to the UK m ybe the c use o m ss shellfshde ths i W les e ch ye r. Scie tistsh ve bee tryi g to work out wh tis killi g millio cockles ye r

    lo g the Gower i W les. Testsh ve ou d evide ce o two liep r sites th t re ot ou d usu llyi our w ters. The pests re ctu lly

    rom americ where they h ve lsokilled lots o shellfsh.

    OUR STORIES For more home news, pictures and videos go to www.frstnews.co.uk/news





    Week In general Wet d wi dy.Floodi g. Mild.

    FrIday 4 FeBruary

    Scotl d/n Irel d R i showers. D y 6c/43night 2c/36 . Brisk southwesterly.

    E gl d/W les R ishowers. D y 8c/46 night Brisk southwesterly.

    saturday 5 FeBruary

    Scotl d/n Irel d

    R i showers. D y9c/45 night 5c/41 .Stro g southwesterly.

    E gl d/W les R ishowers. D y 11c/52 night 7c/45 . Stro gsouthwesterly.

    sunday6 FeBruary

    Scotl d/n Irel d R i showers. D y8c/46 night 4c/39 .Stro g southwesterly.

    E gl d/W les R ishowers. D y 11c/52 nighStro g southwesterly.

    rest oF the Week

    Wet d wi dy.

    with Jonathan Pow

    From Frid y 4 Febru ry to Thursd y 10 Febru ry 201

    a FEBRUaRY olklore sWhen c t lies in the suFebru ry, she will creep bthe stove in M rch.

    First News Issue 244 4 10 FEB 2011


    Bri to



    edinb rghlanca hir

  • 8/7/2019 First News Feb 4th-10th Issue 244





    AN increase in the number

    of people keepin theirown chickens has promptedLeicestershire council to issuea warnin about noise!

    In 2010, the num er o complaintsa out noisy cockerels was triple theamount rom 2009.

    Cockerels can e very noisy,especially early in the mornings.People who have animals thatrepeatedly make noise could ace a5,000 ne.

    Ofcers elieve more people thanever are keeping chickens so thatthey can have resh eggs and aresuggesting that only hens arekept, unless the owners are trying to

    reed chickens as well.

    RESULTS released by the

    animal charity RSPCA showthat, in 2010, the numberof cats attacked in the UK showed a massive increase.

    In just one year there were 205reports o cats eing shot, and it is

    elieved that many similar attacksgo unreported. There was also anincrease in the num er o cats einga andoned and adly treated.

    The UK is requently seen as ananimal-loving country, ut actsand gures like this say that noteveryone here thinks the same.

    Now, the RSPCA wants to knowwhy crimes against cats are onthe increase.

    Protecttiger lanMORE than 10,000 wildti ers could live comforin reserves in Asia, if modone to protect their land

    This is three times the currnum er o wild tigers living

    A new study y some o thworlds leading conservationscientists shows that i moreto protect the landscape, it whelp the pockets o tigers aroAsia link up, and increase theneeded or reeding populat

    Small pockets o tigers livorests in Asia, as shown in t

    historic tiger summit last yeaExperts elieve i more is doprotect the entire area, the uthe tigers will e righter.

    THIS or eous baby elephant is thenewest arrival at Chester Zoo.

    First News Issue 244 4 10 Eb 2011

    ANIMAL NEWS For more animal news, pictures and videos go to www.frstnews.co.uk/news



    A gORILLA at an animal park in Kenthas become a YouTube sensation after

    learnin to walk like a human on histwo hind le s.

    by Nicky Cox

    Am am, who is 21 years old, has attracted morethan a million views on the we site a ter takinga stroll around his home at Port Lympne Animal

    Park. He is part o a achelor group o criticallyendangered Western Lowland Gorillas.

    The a y girl was orn last week and is the secondcal to e orn at the zoo in the last year. Her irth

    rings the num er o elephants at the zoo to nine.A spokesperson or the zoo said: The new arrival

    and mum are doing very well, and I am sure ourvisitors will share in our good news.

    The a y is already 1m high and weighsapproximately 140kg!

    CHECK IT OUTwww.fr tn w .co. k

    to see the video

  • 8/7/2019 First News Feb 4th-10th Issue 244


    Unlucky again Th s l - m d u lucki st mi th world w s r c tly struck by light i g whil usi g his hompho i Florid . I th p st, thu lucki st m i th world h sb lock d i boot, robb d tgu poi t, st bb d d bitt bytwo s k s.

    Games battle Th Mi istry o Cultur

    ou c d th l u ch o itp r t l w tch pro ct thiw k. Th pro ct is d sig

    ght o li g m s ddictiod llow p r ts to mo ito

    th ir childr s o li h bitspro ct r quir s o li g mcomp i s to s t up hotli s

    d w b p g s to h lp p rsup rvis th ir childr .

    Bailed out o trouble Th La suburb o Compto ,

    crim -h vy r otoriousor its g gs, is lso th hom

    o succ ss ul crick t club. Th Homi s d Popz club is

    v pl i g to tour austr li ,m ki g th m th rst am rict m to do so. Th club h sr port dly h lp d m y o itsm mb rs st r cl r rom troubl .

    Pil ering pensioneaccordi g to polic , th

    umb r o j p s p sioshopli ti g h s r ch d high, with rly 30,000 rrm d i 2010. Th m oritythos rr st d w r st liit ms, such s ood d clotM y o thos rr st d clth t th y stol b c us th ysoci lly isol t d.

    Christi aid h s u d d Mu dri R li d D v lopm t associ tioto build two cl ssrooms with gr t rom B d aid d h s provid dcl ssroom ur itur d t xt books or th school. With ight y rgroups t ught t th school, R ch l is looki g orw rd to l sso s i cl ssroom so th t h r l r i g is o lo g r disrupt d wh it r i s.

    across south r Sud , rolm t r t s i school r low d drop-out r t s r high. Th st d rd o t chi g is poor d th l ck o cl ssrooms m s l sso s r o t c c ll d duri g th r i y s so .MRDa is r spo di g to this by buildi g cl ssrooms, providi g school

    m t ri ls d tr i i g t ch rs. Th xisti g t ch rs t Mb r Schoolh v tt d d short cours s to improv th ir skil ls i th cl ssroom.

    Wh R ch l Rubi st rt d school th r w r mor th 40 childri h r cl ss. now o ly our o th oth r pupils who roll d with h rr m i d ot o o th m is girl. Drop-out r t s r sp ci lly high

    or girls. MRDa is cour gi g mor wom to tr i s t ch rs tKotobi I stitut . Its good or us to h v m l t ch r, s ysR ch l. Sh u d rst ds th probl ms ci g girls d sh giv s uswords o cour g m t.

    GLOBAL STORIES For more world news, pictures and videos go to www.frstnews.co.uk/news



    a Dutch priso r s ys h shoulds rv his two-y r s t c thom b c us h is too big orhis c ll. Th m is 206cm (6 t9i ) t ll d 229kg (36 sto ).

    a r port by S v th ChildrSw d s ys th t 220,000childr w r livi g i povi 2008, d th t th umbi cr si g ll th tim .

    Tig r tr atm nta ight-y r-old tig r rom zooi H ll is th rst i th worldto h v h r hip r pl c d with

    rti ci l o . Girl d d h r hipr pl ci g t r suf ri g s riousp i du to rthritis. It is hop dth t h r w hip will h lp h r movrou d mor sily.

    Fag fussa Buddhist mo k h s b il d

    or v y rs or smoki g iBhut . Th Him l y ki gdomb li v s smoki g to b xtr m lyb d or o s k rm d, s r sult,it b d th co sumptio ds l o tob cco i 2005.

    T ig ts of lova c r s l sm rom G rli gd cid d to propos to his girl ri dby li i g up c rs to sp ll out Willyou m rry m ? Th m took hisgirl ri d up i cr to s thm ss g sp ll d out b low, dsh s id y s.

    On b om s twoalmost ll o the popul tion o Southern Sud n h s voted tosep r te rom the north. a terthe results h ve been con rmed,it is expected th t the south will

    orm lly decl re itsel to be sep r te country sometime in july.

    Mummys boya wom h s l d or divorc

    t r o mo th o m rri g , t rsh ou d out th t h r husb dw s bri gi g his moth r o th irho ymoo . H h d s cr tlybook d his moth r i to th s m

    v -st r hot l i P ris. Th wom sl wy r d scrib d th m sr l tio ship with his moth r s xc ssiv motio l t t chm t.

    B ggar bonus The m yor o Chitt gong s ys th tthe city will keep begg rs of thestreets during the Cricket WorldCup. They will be p id 1.20 per d yto st y out o sight o tourists. Doyou think this is wrong? T ke p rt inour poll t www.frstnews.co.uk .

    World News

    A KIDS WORLD Find out mor about Chri tian Aid www.chri tianaid.org. k

    G e t t y

    G e t t y

    usAG rmany G rmany Italy




    Bh tan s dan Banglad h

    First News Issue 244 4 10 FeB 2011

    Nam : Ra l Rubin Ag : 15 Liv s: Sudan

    RAcheL is t only girl in t lass in Primary 7 of Mbara primary s ool in Mundri ounty.

    Rachel anfriends at s

  • 8/7/2019 First News Feb 4th-10th Issue 244



    CHECK IT OUT For more information visit www.thi k k w.c . k

    First News Issue 244 4 10 FEB 2011

    SaferInternetDay8 February

    You can share your thoughts and opinions, chat withriends, arrange parties and share photos so everyone can

    see what youve been up to.But what happens when you accidentally put too much

    in ormation online, like the name o your school or theaddress o the party youre going to on Saturday night? Andwould you know what to do i you posted a photo o you oryour riend online that you wish you hadnt?

    B oggi gLots o young people share in ormation online and its

    sometimes hard to know what should and shouldnt beposted. It can be un to let everyone know stu about you,but its important to know when you should keep certainthings to yoursel . Yes, tell people you are going to a partyon Saturday night but dont post where it is and whattime it starts. I people want to know, they can contact you!

    I you want to blog, there are some things you should

    think about rst. I you give yoursel a username, theresno guarantee it cant be discovered by people you dontknow. Some blogs can be locked down, so, be ore youstart writing, check out the privacy settings and changethem i necessary.

    Think be ore you blog! You might write somethingthat you regret later! Remember, once something isposted online its there orever even i you delete it, it

    could have been copied andshared already. Dont writeanything that might cause someembarrassment at a later date

    i you wouldnt say it to yourteacher or your mum, dont say itonline!

    Socia etworki gSome people dont realise that

    once in ormation or photos havebeen posted online, they areonline orever and can be seenby anyone, anywhere in theworld. Even i you delete or takedown a photo or in ormationstraight away, it still could havebeen copied and shared withoutyou knowing.

    You should only be riends withpeople online you know in thereal world. I you are sent a riendrequest by someone you dont

    know, ignore or delete their request i you dont knowthem in the real world, theres no need to be riends withthem online.

    Its important to make sure that online pro les are setto private, meaning that only your riends will be able tosee your pro le. People you dont know wont be able toaccess your in ormation. Some people use the internetto meet young people so, by ensuring you keep personalin ormation to yoursel and making your pro le private, youare doing what you can to stay sa er when online.

    BloggIng a d cia tw rki ar fa t b c mi th q ick t a d m tc mm way f chatti t y r fri d i .

    GETTInG HElpI you have any concerns about something thatsupset you or something thats happened to you online,tell a trusted adult or report your worries to specialistpolice ofcers using the ClickCEOP button youcan access this by visiting www.ceop.police.uk or www.thinkuknow.co.uk . They will be able to give youadvice and help you and you will also be able to speak to other organisations like ChildLine or Beatbullying.

    For more special reports, pictures and videos go to www.frstnews.co.uk/discoverby Ha ah Bickers for CEOpSpECIAl REpORT

  • 8/7/2019 First News Feb 4th-10th Issue 244


    Duri g our ssembly with Buddyd the people rom MOTIV,

    (which is org is tio th tworks with prim ry d seco d ryschools to improve tte d ce

    d r ise childre s spir tio s),d LEGOLanD Discovery Ce tre

    M chester we cted out somerole-pl y situ tio s bout theimport ce o good tte d ce,both i school d whe we growup d get ob.

    The situ tio s were withpupils d workers givi g lots o di ere t excuses or either bei gl te or work or school or, i somec ses, ot comi g i t ll!

    We le r ed th t very goodtte d ce is re lly import t

    i our school d work lives,d th t poor tte d ce t

    school c me missi g out oimport t le r i g.

    also, ot comi g to work cme letti g other people dow ,m ki g b d impressio d

    ecti g your c reer s you getolder.

    We met alex rom LEGOLanDDiscovery Ce tre, whos got thebest ob ever he m kes LEGOmodels ll d y!

    alex led LEGO workshop withYe r 6 ter the ssembly, wherewe ll got to m ke, d keep, LEGO turtle!

    We will ll be doi g our bestthis term to m ke sure we meetthe MOTIV 100% Ch lle ge or

    tte d ce!

    O e d y, whe I w s goi g to choir, everyo e w s bei goisy u til our music te cher c me i . She s id th t she

    would choose some o the well-beh ved childre to go o speci l trip. at frst I thought it w s ust to m ke us quiet

    but the I re lised th t she w s bei g serious. I tried myvery best or the whole sessio .

    L ter o , our te cher told some o us th t we h d beechose to do somethi g speci l. Luckily, I w s o e o them!

    Our he d te cher told us th t we were goi g to 10Dow i g Street, the home o the Prime Mi ister, to si gsome speci l so gs or jewish estiv l c lledCh uk h!

    We h d lo ds o rehe rs ls d we pr ctisedor so lo g th t the d y c me re lly soo !Whe we got there, we e ch h d photo

    outside 10 Dow i g Street d the we movedto 11 Dow i g Street.

    George Osbor e, the Ch cellor o theExchequer, c me to greet us. He g ve us some

    e cour geme t d wished us well.Key jewish people were there, like EstherR tze d the Chie R bbi d wholeselectio o MPs. The Prime Mi ister w s t therebut we did t mi d s we still s w his wi e db by. We s g some tr ditio l Ch uk h so gs

    d, ter th t, George Osbor e g ve us some

    chocol te mo ey d he s id: I usu lly do t givemo ey, but this is exceptio , d we ll l ughe

    We h d some m dough uts, which re tr ditioor Ch uk h. a ter th t we h d to le ve, eve th

    we did t w t to.O Ch uk h we get prese ts or eight ights

    this h ppe ed o ight umber o e. It w s the mom zi g experie ce d I will ever orget it.

    Are you doing som thing sponso d o cha ity? Sta ting you own school n wspap ? O putting on a show?Send your report (including pictures) to the address on page 14 or email n wsd sk@f stn ws.co.uk . I we print your story well send you a copy o the paper and an exclusive First n

    certifcate to be presented to you in assembly! Dont orget to include your name, age, and your schools name and address. (Please note: by writing to First news you give consent toFirst news printing details and photographs o those involved in the report.)

    SCHOOL NEWS For more news crew, pictures and videos go to www.frstnews.co.uk/news


    YOUR SCHOOL IN FIRST NEWS We want to hear what your school is up to


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    First News Issue 244 4 10 FEB 2011

    The Chancellor gave me mI lOve singing and I am in th schoo choi , so I was d ight d to b chos n to go som wh

    y sp cia .

    Josh a Co ins, H tsm J wish P ima ySchoo , r d tt

    Special assemblyOur schoo was t at d to a isit f om leGOlANDsB ddy to a nch o 100% Cha ng fo Att ndanc .

    B n, Jo , Sha na andM gan, Y a 6, A Saints

    Cofe P ima y Schoo

    Alex with Ben

  • 8/7/2019 First News Feb 4th-10th Issue 244




    For more entertainment news, pictures and videos go to www.frstnews.co.uk/news

    First News Issue 244 4 10 eb 2011

    Medieval maBRITISH actor Gregg Su ki has p ayed Se e a Go ezs ove i terest Wizards of Waverly Place , but ow hes up agai st so e edieva agici the Dis ey Cha e s atest ovie, Avalo High . We caught up witto ta k about chai ai , sword fghti g a d A erica ootba !

    ENTERTAINMENT NEWSwith Serena Lacey

    First look AnImAlS a d f s are two o our avourite thi gs here at First news ,

    so were very excited about this su ers ive-actio co edy f mr Poppers Pe gui s starri g Ji Carrey. Check out these exc usive pictures.

    Mr Popp rs P nguins is th storyo Tom Popp r (play d y Jim Carr y),a w althy usin ssman who inh rits sixp nguins. Th mischi vous animalscom to liv with him in his plush N w York

    apartm nt, which is wh n his litak s a drastic turn in a v ry di r ntdir ction.

    Th flm is as d on a ook o th samtitl that was originally r l as d in 1938!

    Te us a about your ew f , AvaloHigh . Its ot your usua Dis ey Cha ef is it?No, d fnit ly not. Its d fnit ly mor matur .It ollows a girl call d Alli P nnington whogo s to a n w school call d Avalon Highand sh , asically, fnds out that h r and h rclassmat s ar r incarnations o th KingArthur story; you know King Arthur and hiscourt? I play a guy call d Will Wagn r, thall-Am rican quart r ack. H s th h ro o thpi c , th guy that v ryon kind o looks upto. H m ts Alli and a ri ndship gins tod v lop and th r s a nic ig lov triangl

    going on in th movi and a hug twist atth nd. So th movi has a lot or, not justt nag rs, ut adults and amili s.It has sport, it has ducation, it hasa l nd o v rything anyon couldwant in a movi , so Im v ry proud to

    a part o it.

    Did you have to hit the historybooks to do a bit o researchbe ore the f ?I had to hit th gym to g t in shapto a quart r ack! I had to hit th

    ooks a tiny it r garding th history.I m an, I kn w o th King Arthurstory, so it was nic . I kind o l arn da lot a out th story rom doing th movi ,which was gr at.

    You p ay the quarterback, but youre usedto p ayi g E g ish ootba . How was that?I had to l arn a whol n w sport. It was w ird! Th all is di r nt, and its call d oot allov r th r ut I dont g t why th y dont justplay it with th ir t! I dont know why th ycall it oot all. I d fnit ly still pr r english

    oot all. It was gr at, though, with th padsand th h lm ts th y kind o mak you lr ally masculin and stu ut, you know, it

    was cool. It was a gr at xp ri nl arn a rand n w sport and shooN w Z aland, so I lov d it.

    Obvious y theres a edievaf . What was it ike weari g chIt was quit h avy! W flm d alfghting sc n s on th ach. It wsand ach, which was auti uZ aland you g t our s asons pw would fghting in th sun oand fghting in th rain th n xt. int ns . W w r r h arsing in

    ottoms and our T-shirts and th n

    or r al on s t and w had all thwas much hard r than w though

    mail was h avy and th armour wsti ut, ov rall, w had un andAt th cant n w had to d Youd hav som on low youthrough your h lm t whil you hchain mail and armour on. It was

    Did you have to ear ots othe ro e?I had to l arn hors riding, swordand Am rican oot all. Also, mything was d v loping my Am ri

    stay afeonline!TO ark Sa er I ter et Day 2011,the BBC are ru i g so e speciao i e episodes o Tracy Beaker to show a s the i porta ce o stayi g sa e o i e.

    On 8 ruary, thr sp cial, t n-minutpisod s o th hit show will go liv onth CbbC w sit . Vi w rs will a lto pick how th show nds y picking

    rom a s l ction o possi l story optionsthroughout th pisod .

    each o th mini- pisod s will ocus on adi r nt asp ct o staying sa onlin . On

    ocus s on staying sa wh n chatting tori nds, on tackl s cy r ullying and on

    discuss s ill gal downloading.You can s th m onlin at

    bbc.co.uk/cbbc/tracybeaker .

    They come to live with him inhis smart New York apartment.

    And soon take over his life, in a good way!

    Mr Jim Popper lives a very structuredlife, until he inherits six penguins.

    Keep checking www. rstnews.co.ukfor more news on the lm!

  • 8/7/2019 First News Feb 4th-10th Issue 244


    First News Issue 244 4 10 eb 2011


    Th oy and hav d cid dto put th ir acting skills to th

    t st in th vid o or th ir lat stsingl Thats The Truth, andth yr doing it y showing o th ir motional sid . Th track is all a out r lationship r ak-ups and its Dougi who g tsparticuarly t ary. bl ss him.

    TV on film!

    Th r s good n ws orDisn y Chann l ans this y ar,with two major lms plann das spin-o s rom som o th companys most popularshows. irst up, Phineas and

    er will atur in th ir rstmovi , ollow d y a s cond

    Wizards o Waverly Place lm.

    Alesha Dixon

    Th sing r and Strictly Come Dancing judg hasshown what an animal lov rsh is y mod lling T-shirts oranimal charity th PDSA. Thtwo d signs atur th slogansI Lov Dogs or I Lov Cats andwill sold to rais mon y

    or th charitys p t hospitalapp al. 5 rom ach T-shirtsold will go to th charity.You can uy th m onlin atmoreT icar.com .

    TOP TELLY!Burp iS Backrry Hill is ack or anoth r s ri s o his

    arious TV highlights show. Harry Hills TV rp, ITV1, Saturday @ 7.00pm.GoinG wiLdlliant n w s ri s looking at th island o adagascar and th amazing cr atur s thatly liv th r , with David Att n orough.adagascar , bbC2, W dn sday 9 ruary @0pm.FirST nEwS and SkY nEwS

    V BuLLETinck out our rand n w t l vision n ws

    ll tin, mad with Sky N ws, sp cially orst News r ad rs www.frstnews.co.uk/tv

    nt. It was th rst jo Id had wh r I had to hav ondidnt know I had to hav on until two days oring, so that was quit a chall ng . Iv always had aLondon acc nt. but, as an actor, its r ally importantv rsatil and I kn w going ov r to Am rica that th r

    d a tim wh n Id hav to do an Am rican acc nt,m happy I did it. I also did a movi call d Camillanson at th nd o 2010 and I did an Am rican acc ntas w ll. Its nic to a l to play an english p rsonn Am rican.

    our character is the most popular boy in school.were you like at school?

    nt th most popular ut I wasnt unpopular. I m an,my s l ct group o ri nds and I still hav that sam o ri nds now. W r all v ry clos and supportiv o noth r. Its actually th sam in LA as w ll. Th r ar

    or six o us that will always look out or ach oth r andr ally nic .

    hat else is happening or you this year?ourth s ason o Wizards o Waverly Place com s to th

    his spring, so w r shooting that s ason. Th r s a lotwists and turns or Al x and Masons r lationship. This

    ns mor unny. Its igg r and, you know, Im happyactually play a charact r who rings drama to thTh show is hilarious ut its cool to play a w r wol ring som ght sc n s to th show. Also Camillanson s coming out at th nd o th y ar and th n

    got th s cond Wizards o Waverly Place movi . I n v rct d to this usy, so Im v ry ortunat .

    h Gregg in Avalon High and Wizards of Waverly Placeon the Disney Channel!

    See a ideo o this inter iew online atwww.frstnews.co.uk

    wh t m l y g ve these g mes? Let s t .f st e s. . / lls

    Our final word on LittleBigPlanet 2 plus some new Disney fun

    Make yourown world

    Locksof fun

    Sack oys s cond outing is again voic d

    y St ph n ry, and h walks you throughall 50 tutorials in th much improv dcr at mod .

    Now, thanks to th addition o circuitoards, its much asi r to program traps,

    ro ots, v hicl s and anything ls that youcom up with.

    Th r ar millions o l v ls onlin thatw r cr at d with th rst gam , ut thisn w cr ator should m an that th r willsoon v n mor , and that th yll

    v n tt r.Aaron says: LittlebigPlanet was an

    amazing gam , and th s qu l is v ntt r. Th controls ar asy to g t

    th hang o , and th graphics ar v ry

    impr ssiv . but th n w pow r-ups andadditions ar th st things to putin th gam . Th Controlinator l ts youcontrol anything w mad a fying cak Th story is lots o un, ut its what pwill mak that is r ally xciting!

    H r , you play as Rapunz l and h raccomplic , lynn. As Rapunz l, you canus h r magical hair to swing and clim ,wh r as lynn g ts to du l with swords. H

    also has an a ility to nd hidd n tr asur ,which is known as lynntuition.You can play with a ri nd,

    and th scr n splits i youmov apart rom ach oth r. Th r s also an option to g t

    th two charact rs to hold hands,in cas you n d to guid a mat

    past a tricky it. Voic actingcom s rom th movi s stars,Mandy Moor and Zachary L vi.

    Laur n says: You can play solo, ut itmor un with two play rs, as you n dto do th puzzl s that tak you to th nlocation and r v al th xtras. A r ally

    gam thats d nit ly worth playing.

    WEvE been talking about this or ages, so now we e got our hands onthe fnished ersion, heres our fnal erdict.

    THE latest Disney mo ie to hit cinemas is a new ersion o the BrothersGrimm airy tale, Rapunzel .

    Tangled (WII)

    LittleBigPlanet 2 (PS3)




    10 /1

    With Aaron and Lauren Game testersGAME ZONE

  • 8/7/2019 First News Feb 4th-10th Issue 244


    Hi Chip! Youre back with a new single.Tell us a bit about it.Champion is the rst single o my newalbum, Transition , and its probably mymost heart elt tune. It kind o explains mycareer rom the beginning until now. All theemotions and things Ive elt, good and bad,and it just refects on that.

    What was it like working on the newsingle and video?Great! I loved the experience, and makingthe video too. Looking back to when I mademy rst video with one camera in someblack room, to this one where I am on anisland in Miami and on boats in the middleo the ocean, it was such an experience.Priceless.

    The video is very glamorous it lookslike a mini movie! Thank you. Im really pleased with it. It wasde nitely so much un to make. The key to agood video is connecting with the director,and I did. I would like our director to domore videos with me in the uture.

    The video is ull o boys toys, likehelicopters and ast cars. Did you get tohave a go behind the wheel?I didnt get to drive the Lamborghini, but Igot taken or a spin in it and it was pretty

    ast. I love things like that. Im probablygonna get a Lambo. Its every boys dream,isnt it?

    The song is called Champion whatwere you a champ at when you wereat school?Chess! Ha ha, that surprised you! Imamazing at it. I like chess. In act, I love chess.I was good at most things really ootball,

    basketball. I wasnt the best at swimming,but I am now. Im one o those people thatwill work and work at something until I getgood. Thats me. I wasnt very good at musicbe ore, either! But I just wanted to work at itand show people that I could be.

    I you could be a champion o anythingnow, what would it be?Still music, man. I still eel theres so muchto do and so much to learn. I cant wait tosee what position Im going to be in whenIm 30, ten years rom now. I cant wait. I justwant to push it and push it!

    Youre releasing a new album. What canwe expect rom it?Expect to understand me even more. Itstaking you on a journey in the directiono what I want to be and to become as anartist. Its going to be a really exciting album,one that really represents me and pushes

    those boundaries. Lyrically, its the one.

    You sound very excited about it!Yes, man, Im gonna be vibing with this CDeverywhere I go. The time o was the bestthing that could have happened to me. Itwas the per ect time or me to grow. Im notthe person in the school uni orm anymore.I became a young adult. Ive taken onresponsibilities, you know, and justmoved on with li e as a person.

    Youve become a massive star howdoes that eel?

    Its crazy, man, it really is. Its not daunting.Its just exciting thinking how ar I can takeit. Its always remembering the reason whyI came into music was just to write music,thats all. Everything else is second to that. The red carpets, paparazzi, whatever. Im justabout writing music.

    Do you still do normal things? Doesyour mum still make you do chores?I live by mysel now but o course I dochores. Me and my riend just kick it at m

    house, sit on the so a, hang out just likewe always did.

    Is it important or you to be a goodrole model?Im just living my li e. I you like the waliving it, eel ree to copy me, man. I wapush the boundaries musically and makepeople see that not all grime or hip-hoptracks are negative. It takes one o us to gon break ast TV and ar ticulate ourselvesproperly, get good grades and then makesongs like Champion . It shows that hip-hand grime can be pop tracks too.

    Whats the Chipmunk plan or 2011?I will be touring, de nitely. I cant tell youwhen, but there will be a tour. I just want

    everyone to hear my album and my story.Champion by Chipmunk Featuring ChrisBrown is released on 6 February. The albuTransition will be released in April.

    For Chipmunk news and videos, seewww. rstnews.co.uk

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    For more information on these exceptional charities, log on to our website www.fr tne

    YOUNG rapper Chipmunk has notched up a string o hit singles, and a string o top grades in his A levels.A ter a ew months of, hes back with a new album, new single and new ambitions. He tells us all about them

    Im amazing at chess I love it

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    The Piers Morgan interview...THE BIG INTERVIEW

    First News issue 244 4 10 FEB 2011

    C H I P M u N k

  • 8/7/2019 First News Feb 4th-10th Issue 244


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    We started with no money backing us, no investment nothing! We now produce 1,000 copies of our 36-page glossymagazine every three months.

    Now our magazine can be found on iSubscribe, the UKsbiggest subscription website.

    Since then weve expanded the Corby brand with such sitesas Photo Corby, Corbys answer to Flickr, and currently aredeveloping a unique, locally targeted search engine, which is

    believed to be the first of its kind in the world.Running a business in your youth is both exciting and

    educational. People often ask us how we juggle the business

    demands with our school work. Actually, its easier than youmight think.In school, Louis and I study media, business, photography

    and hospitality, all subjects which tie in neatly with the work we do for Corby Magazine which means that, by the timeit comes to doing the work at school, weve already had valuable reallife experience in many of theareas we are studying to guideus. So, in many ways itsactually helping.

    If you have a great idea,run with it. The worst thatcould happen is that it might failbut, at such a young age, youve verylittle to lose. In fact, Louis and I wish wed started earlier!

    This was part of our prize as winners of The Times Spelling Bee 2010. At the endof the day, we were given the opportunity to interview Michael Gove, the Secretary of State for Education.

    After setting off early that morning, wearrived at Euston station, where we were taken to The Times offices.

    We had a grand tour of the building andmet the editors of the education section, theYoung Times, and the whole newspaper, following a delicious lunch.

    Then we had a meeting with DaisyGreenwell, the editor of the Young Times, todiscuss our guest edit.

    Next we whizzed off for a photoshoot anda radio interview. After lots of rushingaround, we were finally ready to set off for theDepartment of Education.

    The buildingitself wasamazing it was full of glasslifts and tropical plants. After meeting Mr Goves personalsecretary,and a tour of

    the building, we entered his offiinterview had begun.

    After our allotted time and sev pressing questions and very inteanswers, our day in London was

    We had an amazing time, and isomething that we will all rememrest of our lives.

    The Times Spelling Bee 2011 heats start on 14 March. For morand to practise your spelling go www.timesspellingbee.co.uk .

    On a cold and gloomy Januarymorning I went with my family down to Slimbridge in Gloucestershire. We weremet by the staff, who then took us on abird-watching tour.

    We were lucky enough to see Bewicksswans, teal, the rare lesser scaup and thegreater scaup, geese and other water birds.

    Then we climbed to the top of a largebird hide and saw a merlin, a peregrine falcon hunting other birds, buzzards andhundreds of widgeon all out on the Severn Estuary. After the bird-watching, we went to a building called the duck house. Here,one of the rangers showed us how ducks were measured, weighed and ringed. I waslucky enough to release a teal, that had

    been ringed, back into the wild. I had to throw it into the air like a rugby ball andit flew off. John Crooks, the mammal keeper, gave

    us a behind-the-scenes tour and I got tohold and learn about the newts, toads, frogs and salamanders in the collection.My favourite one was the wide mouth frog. John asked me to choose what animals touse in the public talk.

    After lunch we met back up with John for a behind-the-scenes tour called Back From the Brink. This is where all the endangeredmammals are kept.

    After meeting the otters Mo, Minnie andHa Ha, we were shown a water vole, beaver and harvest mice. I held a little harvestmouse who had part of his tail nibbled by

    another mouse. He was so small he weighedless than a 2p coin!

    When John did his public talk, he askedif I wanted to help feed the otters. This was the highlight of the day!

    I went back into the enclosure to feed them trout and frozen fish, although Idid manage to drop the bowl on an otter!Finally, before we went home, we visited the tropical house. It was very hot andsteamy and had lots of tropical birds and plants to look at. This rounded off thegreat day out.

    I would like to thank Jackie and all of the staff at Slimbridge, especially John, for making my VIP visit so unforgettable!

    I cant wait to go back.

    VIP vi it... sp lling B

    winn r ....I WAS really lucky to win a VIP day out to the Wildfowl and WetlandsTrust at Slimbridge in a competition in First News.Part of the prize was to adopt one of the birds for my class, 5H at Pitmaston Primary School.

    by Adam Innes

    by Charlotte Oakes, Mrinalini ChakrabRowan Verity-Pallett and Jessica L lew

    ON 11 January 2011, the four of us were invited to travel to Longuest edit the Young Times.

    THE NEWS CREW For more news crew, pictures and videos go to www.frstnews.co.uk/newsR e p o r t e r

    First News Issue 244 4 10 FEB 2011

    Young publishers...HOW young is too young to start a business? Im Sean Spooner and, together with my business partner, Louis Porter, weve recently been named the worlds youngest publishers.

    by Sean Spooner

    Sean and Louis recently won the Children and Young PeoplesPartnership Young Entrepreneur Award and have featured

    since on BBC1s Breakfast News as part of their Pioneers serie

    Adam and John feeding the otters

    Our Corby Magazine

  • 8/7/2019 First News Feb 4th-10th Issue 244



    Sony plan to get their new gadget in theshops be ore Christmas and, although it lookslike the PSP, there are lots o di erences.

    The main one is that instead o just oneanalogue slider, there are now two analoguesticks, just like on standard PlayStation andXbox controllers.

    The display is bigger than the PSPs and it is

    now a touch screen. The back o the NGP alsohas a touch pad, and Sony claim that the newoval shape makes it easier to hold.

    In addition to Wi-Fi, the NGP will also have3G, and youll be able to connect to riendseven i youre playing di erent games.

    Instead o discs, a new ash memory cardwill hold a game and any new downloadable

    content and your saved games. Sony saythat this will let them increase the memoryo cards in the uture to allow developers tmake bigger and better games.

    What do you think? Are you excited abouthe NGP? Or would you pre er a 3DS? Takepart in our poll at www.frs ws. o. k let us know.

    A galaxyfar, far awaythe h bb Sp t s op s s

    w s o g o b r sk ow g xy.

    Scientists looking at data rom the Hubble UltraDeep Field say that light rom the galaxy took 13.2billion years to reach us. As the universe itsel is only13.7 billion years old, such distant galaxies are veryimportant or scientists who want to fnd out moreabout the early universe.

    The galaxy, known as UDFj-39546284, is thoughtto be quite small and compact, and made up o bluestars. Scientists writing in Nature say that the galaxyis around 100 times smaller than our own Milky Way.

    Later this decade, Hubbles successor will belaunched. The James Webb Space Telescope will beat least ten times more sensitive than Hubble, andwill be able to see urther back in time.

    I cant get home,my nose is block

    The tools found at Jebel Faya

    ancient s o oo sd s ov r d by s s s

    v s ow m s o dv a r p o

    65,000 y rs r r pr v o s y o g .

    A toolkit ound at the Jebel Fayasite in the United Arab Emiratesincluded hand axes and varioustools or scraping and cutting.

    Although scientists argue aboutdates, it was generally accepted that

    the frst humans le t A rica around60,000 years ago. However, analysiso these tools showed that they arebetween 100,000-125,000 years old. The researchers say that the toolsare much more like the ones usedby early humans in A rica ratherthan those in the Middle East.

    Writing in Science , the researcherssay that sea levels at the time wouldhave allowed humans to cross romA rica to the Arabian Peninsulaacross the Bab al-Mandab Strait.

    early humantoolkit found

    italian r s r rs s y p g o b o k d r g os r s r gg

    w y om q k y. There are many theories about how birds can

    navigate over long distances, but some scientiststhink that pigeons use their sense o smell to mamental map o scents in their area.

    In tests, scientists blocked either the le t or rignostril o pigeons. Then they released the birds iCigoli, 40km away rom theirhome in Pisa.

    The pigeons that had theirright nostril blocked stoppedmore o ten, took ewer directroutes and took longer toget home. The researcherssay that this shows howimportant the birds sense o smell is to their navigation.

    The dig site at Jebel Faya inthe United Arab Emirates

    The main section is the Hubble Ultra DeepField, with two close-up views on the righ t

    K o m p e t e n z -

    Z e n t r u m

    M e d

    i e n


    U n

    i v e r s i t t

    T b i n g e n

    K o m p e t e n z -

    Z e n t r u m

    M e d i e n


    U n

    i v e r s i t t T

    b i n g e n

    NASA, ESA, G. Illingworth (University o Cali ornia, SantaCruz), R. Bouwens (University o Cali ornia, Santa Cruz,and Leiden University) and the HUDF09 Team

    juSt d ys r n do r v d mor d s o 3DS, So y v r s d p r s d mor ormbo r ow w d- d, n x G r o Por b (nGP).

    SCIENCE For more science news, pictures and videos go to www.frstnews.co.uk/discover

    Sony announcenew hand-held

    The NGP has two cameras (front and back) and hasgyroscopes and accelerometers to allow tilt control

    First News Issue 244 4 10 FEB 2011

    CHECK IT OUTwww.fr tn w .co. k

    o k p r o r p

    Pigeons are tto make a map

    heads of thenear their G e

    t t y

  • 8/7/2019 First News Feb 4th-10th Issue 244


    Give us your green viewsLots o you h ve been logging on to our website,

    www.f tn w .c .uk , to comment on greenrticles nd even write your own eco reports.Chocdr gon, 11, wrote this rticle ( nd drew n

    eco logo, right):D y u b t th nv nm nt!

    I try to be eco-friendly, and I would like toencourage other people to be as well! Every day Iam going to post a tip so you can do your bit for the environment! Lets start things off with 2 tips today! :)

    When you are walking through the park, doesit annoy you when you see litter on the floor? Doyour bit for the environment and pick it up!

    Brushing your teeth? Do your bit for theenvironment and turn the tap off when you arenot using it!

    (Sorry if anyone finds my article a bit pushy, I am not trying to force people into doinganything. I am just trying to spread the messageof being eco-friendly!!)

    Th nks,Chocdr gon!anotherre der, 12-ye r-old, Redhorse10,le t this comment: Its not pushy, its help ul ndin orm tive! I mysel m not th t green, but Iturn the t p o while I brush my teeth, do bit o recycling nd turn o lights I guess Im greenerth n I thought!

    Other re ders h ve lso given their opinion onhelping the pl net:

    Te towel, 9, s ys: I w nt there to be b n onpl stic b gs rom shops.

    K thc ke s ys: Everyone needs to recycle. I tme ns less w st ge nd less h rm to the world.

    To h ve your s y, sh re your eco- riendly tips ndtell us how green you re, log on to www.f tn w .c .uk/d c v .

    Here at First News w kn w that u ad a annt ll g nt l t, and an nv nm ntally-awa bunch t !

    WE WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU!Wh t do you do to help ght clim te ch nge? How do you get your riends, mily nd school to do

    their bit too? Tell us nd First news re ders. Log on to www.f tn w .c .uk/d c v , or write ton w d k@f tn w .c .uk , or the ddress on p ge 14.

    For more green news, pictures andvideos go to www.frstnews.co.uk/discover

    with Gabrielle UttonGREEN NEWS

    First News Issue 244 4 10 FEB 2011

    Do y u v g tabl d y u d nn ?Wh t do you see when you look t the pictures below? at rst gl nce

    you might just see bunch o green, white nd red ood. But look g inIn short sp ce o time, nd with couple o other ingredients, theseveget bles c n be turned into pot to nd leek soup, ro sted p rsnips

    nd pot toes with ste med c bb ge, broccoli, c ulifower smotheredin onion gr vy, or even stewed rhub rb nd cust rd! a per ect e st, llgrown in the UK nd re dy to e t now!

    Whats in season




    10. DONT MISS

    Fill in the survey, go to www.frstnews.co.uk/surveys

    What are you waiting or?Go to www.frstnews.co.uk today

    THis w b t adv t wa d gn d by f tn w .c .uk m mbr ckg l. T fnd ut h w t d gn y u wn adv t g twww.f tn w .c .uk

    10 reasons to check out www.frstnews.co.uk!

    NeW! Y u wnw kly First Newsbull t n m skyN w , n F t NTV n w


    1. Yo u c a n g e t a l l t he

    la te s t ne ws !

    9. I ts a b s o lu te l y FREE to b e a m e m b e r a n d yo u

    g e t to c h o o s e yo u r o w n a va ta r a n d us e r n a m e !

    2. Y o u c a n e n t e r f u n c o m p e t it io n s a n d w in s o m e g r e a t p r iz e s !

    3. Yo u c a n m a ke lo a d s o f n e w fr ie n d s !

    4. Y o u c o u ld b e c h o s e n t o w r it e a s p e c ia l r e p o r t , o r e ve n g o to Lo n d o n a n d in t e r vie w s o m e o n e f a m o u s !

    5. Yo u ca n w r i te yo u r o w n a r t ic le s

    a bo u t a n y t h i ng t ha t i n te re s ts Y

    O U! 6. Y o u c a n s h a r e y o u r o p in io n s b y c o m m e n t in g o n o t h e r p e o p le s a r t ic le s7. Yo u c a n fill in s o m e

    fa n ta s tic s u r ve ys !8. Y o u c a n v o t e o n g r e a t p o lls a n d le a v e a c o m m e n t t o t e ll u s w h a t Y OU t h in k !

  • 8/7/2019 First News Feb 4th-10th Issue 244



    Written and illustrated by Paul Palmer

    Rubbish hotel

    Ringing croc A CroCodile at a z n Uk a n has g t a ng ng nh b y a t swa w ng a m b ph n .

    A u i a h z i D ip p v k wa a i g v hu ap a pi u h di , G a, wh h

    ipp d a d d pp d h ph . I wa qui k y wa w d y hu i u .K p did i v h u i wh h aid h had

    a h ph , u i h y h a d a i gi g u d m ha u y. H w v , h ph ha mad h di i a d

    h ha a i . K p a w i d a d a p a i g

    aki g h a X- ay hi w k i h d a a i g.

    Toys gotravelling

    CRAZY BUT TRUE For more crazy news, pictures and videos go to www.frstnews.co.uk/new


    Most concrete blocKs broKen In tHree sInGle stAcKs o eIGHt WHI

    HolDInG A rAW eGG

    th m k ki g a k igh whi hgg i h ha d

    h a m u d ak h k

    i 24, a hi v dy J A xa d

    (G ma y) a M a.V. i Ham u g

    (G ma y) 17n v m 2010,i a i Gui W dr d Day 2010.

    For info on this record and hundreds mgo to www.guinnessworldrecords.c

    ema us y u j k s tn ws sk@f stn ws.c .uk


    tha au a av mpa y ha ga i i g u eu p y ! a a i h p i a h iday

    a p , h y w g pi u a d p h i yvi i i g mu um , m um , a h a d ga i .

    th u k h y u m m Japa a d chi a. Ap k p ba a t y t av ay : A p p m

    Japa a d a x chi a w u d v m

    eu p , u ju a af d i . s h y a p i g h x hi g a d di g h i uf d y i ad!

    Wha d y u hi k? Hav y u ak y u av u i y a adwi h y u? emai u y u pi u an ws sk@f stn ws.c .uk a d w pu h m i a ga y u w i !

    by S na lac y

    TeddY b a s m Japan an Ch na a g ng n t u s th w , nst a th wn s.

    A FiVe- m h t ma nt y ubb sh hasp n n a b ach n Ma . th c a sav th b a h H ha mad m 12 u i h d m a h a u d eu p . I wa d ig d

    a d a d y a G ma a i a d HA shu ai awa h p m i a h a d a .ea h y a , h c a sav h b a h ampaig vi i a difa h. A p k p aid: W wa d h w wha u h idayu d m i w d a u a h .

    First News Issue 244 4 10 eb 2011


    C H E E S Y !

    H i s s - to r y

    G : im n v g ng t wSp ng B c nt st.

    Mum: Why?G : Th y k p chang ng th w

    Q: What y u ca ch s that yn t wn?

    A: Nach ch s

    Q: What s a snak s av u t A: H ss t y

  • 8/7/2019 First News Feb 4th-10th Issue 244


    Im Es her R n zen, Presiden o ChildLine, hich helps 2,500 childrenever eek. I heres so e hing orr ing ou, ple se ri e o e he

    ddress belo .

    Write to me: ask es h , 4 h Fl , Sh nd H us , 14-20 Sh nd S , L nd n, Se1 2eS.emaiL me: n wsd sk@ s n ws.c .uk nd pu ask es h n h su j c x.Im orry I cant r ply to v ry l tt r.I ou h ve proble ou n o lk bou ple se c ll ChildLine on 0800 1111. I ou re orried b n hing ou re d in First News , ple se visi .childline.org.uk/Help nd dvice. sp

    my p ren s sep r ed jus er Chris s. I hough he ould sor i ou , bu I h ve jusound ou h d d h d n f ir, nd he is no living i h her nd s s h he loves her.

    No hing is ever going o be he s e g in. Ple se help. Es e, 11

    I wENt ou i h his bo , bu i didn end nicel . the proble is, I hink I s ill h ve crush on hi bu I don h ve he cour ge o sk hi ou g in. wh do I do? Olivi

    i s unds l k y u h v h ugh l uh s d c s n nd y u l h s h gh

    c y u. i w nd ng y u c uldw d wn ll h p s v s nd n g v s

    h s ch c nd p s n h s y u p n s?m y y u h v sp k n h ully

    u h s ns y u d c s n h ygh s h w uch h s ns y u nd

    h w uchh ugh y u

    h v pu nh s. i y u

    w uld l k xpl p ns y u c n c ll Ch ldL n n0800

    1111 .childline.org.uk .

    i s unds l k h s s d cul y u. is n v sy wh n p n s s p nd c n

    d cul d p n w w y l . i w nd ng h s ny n y u us n ugh

    lk u h w y u l ng, l k nd

    ch ? i s s h lps lk u h wy u l ng nd w k h ugh y u w s.i y u w uld l k lk s n Ch ldL n ,c ll n0800 1111 y u l h s w uld h lp,

    y u c n g nl n .childline.org.uk .

    Y u s y h d dn nd n c ly? i w nd ng y u l h h ngs w uld

    d f n h n x ? i ls w nd ngh w y u w uld l u lk ng hu h w y u l ng. Y u c uld d h s

    c c , y w h lals , y sk ng h wh h h

    y h nly w y y u w ll vh w h ls.G d luck.

    Separating parents...

    I have a crush...ASK ESTHER W hh nks

    VAlEnTinES DAy

    VaLENtINEs D i ppro ching. you c n re ll mi i ! C rd hore full of V len ine D c rd , uperm rke re full of chocolnd ro e , nd ll our f vouri e ch r c er in tV o p re lkingbou wh he re going o do for V len ine D .F r s me y u, y u w ll be w ng

    e gerly h s ye rs 14 Febru ry espec lly y u w ll be send ng y ur frs V len nes

    c rd he exc emen buy ng he c rd,pl nn ng wh y u re g ng wr e,p s ng he c rd nd, h pe ully, rece v ng

    c rd b ck r m y ur V len ne. H wever,r s me y u, V len nes D y c n be

    n gh m re! i c n be s nerve-wr ck ng!Wh y u d n ge ny c rds? orw rse, wh y u send V len nes D yc rd nd y u d n ge ne b ck r m

    he pers n y u sen y ur c rd ! i s g d de n ell he wh le w rld

    h y ure send ng V len nes th w y n - ne else w ll fnd u d n ge ne b ck! i s ls g

    pr ec y ursel by n s gn ny ur n me. a er ll, he r g n l beh nd V len nes D y w s secs me ne h y u l ke hem. ag

    ne else w ll fnd u y u d n b ck. S me y u m y eel b bec use here s n - ne h y u l

    he m men . D n w rry. V lenD y s nly ne d y n he ye r nkn ws, here m y be s me ne y u lnex ye r.

    First News Issue 244 4 10 Feb 2011

    IN e e rs i e I n o join he r , bu p ren s re100% g ins i . this is no hi , i s he c reer I n ndIve spen ges looking in o i nd spe king o o hers. I n

    o join i h heir blessing. an ide s on ho I ge i ? m rk,15

    Joining the army








    Most stores. Subject to availability

    G E T B O O K O NE

    h e n d e r s o n s b o y s . c o m / f r e e b o


    For more news, pictures and videos go to www.frstnews.co.uk/news

  • 8/7/2019 First News Feb 4th-10th Issue 244



    Across1 He resigned as Shadow Chance orrecent y (4,7)4 S ithering repti e (5)7 Nationa ity o RogerFederer (5)8 Sma spot (3)10 Not pro essiona (7)13 A ow to happen (3)14 Item o c othing (5)16 Warm and cheer u (5)17 David Camerons

    ormer communicationsdirector (4,7)

    Down1 Response to a question (6)2 Opposite o o d (3)3 What you sme through (4)5 Book o maps (5)6 Man who rep aced 1Across (2,5)7 Roads (7)9 ___ Cowen: Irish PM whostepped down as a party

    eader (5)11 Wax writing instrument (6)

    12 Creative thought (4)15 Timid and acking in con dence (3)

    FUN STUFF For more competitions news, pictures and videos go to www.frstnews.co.uk/competitions

    WIN GUINNeSS World recordS2011 GamerS edITIoN!

    FIrST NeWS cHalleNGe

    WIN jUNIor braIN TraINer:maTHS edITIoN!

    Q1 What classroom temperature are boyssaid to learn more efectively at?

    Q2 When is Sa er Internet Day?

    Q3 Whose new album is called Transition ?

    Q4 How much did a 450-year-old paintingo Madonna and Child by the artist Titianrecently sell or?

    Q5 Why do researchers think that somepigeons struggle to nd their way homequickly?

    Q6 Who can be ound in ront o asupermarket shel ?

    Q7 Which British man has just lost a grandslam nal?

    Q8 A hotel made rom what has openedon a beach in Madrid?

    Q9 When was Brightons West Pier built?

    Q10 How ar did a polar bear swim insearch o sea ice?

    THIS week we have the usua 3x3 grid and you need to in thenumbers one to nine. Send in your answers and you cou d win acopy o Guinness World Records 2011 Gamers Edition , which is outnow! Its packed with the atest and greatest records rom the wor do videogames.

    For more in ormation visit: gui e ld e d . m/game .

    COMPlETE our prize crossword using the c ues be ow. Send inyour answers and one ucky winner cou d win a copy o Junior Brain Trainer: Maths Edition on DS. Its time to make maths training

    un!Junior Brain Trainer Maths Edition combines maths training with an adventure-packed story ine. Trapped in a mad scientists mysterious fying aboratory, chi drenmust comp ete a series o cha enging maths and ogic games to escape! Are youready or a maths trainer cha enge?

    First News Issue 244 4 10 FEB 2011

    2 5

    8 9

    9 6 2 3

    7 8 2 6 3 5 4

    7 8

    3 5 1 4 9 8 72 5 6 9

    6 8

    3 4

    .ava que t. m

    SEE how many words o three or more etters you can make, using the midd e etter ineach one. And, can you nd the word that uses a the etters?

    1 2 3

    4 5 6 7



    10 11

    12 13

    14 15 16


    - ,






    - I


    - ' ,





    - ,


    - ___ : I











    Word WHeel



  • 8/7/2019 First News Feb 4th-10th Issue 244


    FUN STUFF send your f i h puzzl to Puzzl 244, First news , sha Hou , 14 - 20 sha sLo o , se1 2es. Th clo i g at or puzzl tri i Fri ay 11 F bruary 2011.

    WIN merlIN SerIeSTHree oN dVd!

    LAsT WeeKs AnsWeRs: First news chAllenge 1) A cat 2) Co ourb ind 3) Roya Nationa li eboat Institution 4) Je Kinney 5) Peta 6)A ghanistan 7) 4 mi ion 8) Education 9) Blue Peter 10) Darren BentsPot the DiFFerence Extra ight has been added, T-shirt is a di erentco our, ogo on jacket is a di erent co our, extra pen in pocket, extrapendant on neck ace has been added whAt on eArth B ueberries,waterme on, grapes, grape ruit, banana, pineapp e

    HoW ToeNTer

    CAN you spot the ve changes to this picture rom Merlin ?Send in your answers and you cou d win one o three copieso the comp ete third series o Merlin on DVD. Sorcery,swords and swashbuck ing adventure have made Merlin one o the most success u dramas o recent years. Thethird series o ows the heroes as they ace their greatestcha enge yet. As secrets are exposed and o d riendschoose new sides, they soon discover that the great batt e or Came ot is on y just beginning.




    chocolAte roses

    www.Firebox.com 8.99

    lOOK at these beauti ufowers. Or are they? Thesede icious mi k choco ates arecunning y disguised as roses.Just unwrap the oi fowerand enjoy! Inc udes ourchoco ate fowers. The per ectgi t or Va entines Day.

    DiAmonD Keyring

    with A heArt



    HOW about a itt e bit o b ingthis Va entines?

    This un keyring eatures aarge diamond ring or you to

    dang e your keys rom, andwou d make any gir smi e.

    tAtty teDDy

    clinton cArDs


    MAKE someone ee rea yspecia this Va entines Daywith this adorab e Tatty Teddy. This cute teddyho ding a satin love Youlots cushion wi me tyour heart.

    First News Issue 244 4 10 FEB 2011

    WHaT oN earTH

    All o these are musica instruments. Can you guess what they are?

    B U R N S N I G H T

    K I I O

    G R I N D A N I E L

    A T A N

    W I S H E D Y E T I

    N U

    H E R B A T H E N S

    R S O I

    S P E E C H M I S S

    E A E I

    A N D Y M U R R A Y

    6 1 2 7

    5 8 4 6

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  • 8/7/2019 First News Feb 4th-10th Issue 244



    The ChroniCles of Vladimir Tod: e ighTh

    grade BiTes heaTher Brewer

    reviewed by Harry Grifths, 14

    Vladimir To snt qu te you ste eotyp c 13-ye -o . Yes, he kes v eo g es n yes, he kes g s (onec e me e th to be ex ct), but th ts just h s h -hu n s e. The otheh o h s v p e. He s the on y one o h s k n eve to w k e th,

    n hes w nte by E ys , the counc o v p es. l tt e oes V knowth t he s bout to e b k upon w e th ough e, se ch ng o the

    nswe s to h s quest ons n t y ng to keep h s v p e n tu e qu et. Th s s nt st c book w th cunn ng p ot th t th s you, t k ng unexpecte tu ns. a sc n t ng e th t shou t ke the

    v p e book ket by sto ! i h ve no oubt the seque s w be nt st c too!

    EvEryonE k ws a readi g Champi the e pe p e wh i spi ethe s t get eadi g. Each week e champi s te s a bit

    ab t thei a ite eads a d what the thi k makes eadi gs appea i g.

    name: Je em St g

    Je em is the a th Ca too Kid a d hasa ched Je em St gs Campaig F .

    Fa ite eads: i h ve ke w t ng sto es eves nce i w s bout s x, n i h ve w ys enjoye

    e ng unny sto es n p t cu . Now i w tethe o othe s to e ! So e peop e st ugg e to

    e n i be eve th t unny sto es e y he pke th ngs e s e . Eve yone kes to ugh.

    d you know th t ugh ng s ctu y goo oyou he th? it kes us ee h pp e n he psus o get ou p ob e s. it kes e o e un so, i c n w te sto es th t ke you

    ugh, then i th nk i o ng goo th ng.my test se es s c eCartoon K . it h s just co e nto the shops. i th nk ts one

    o the unn est i h ve w tten. When i w s w t ng t i w s so et es ugh ng y ownsocks o ! Cartoon K s st beco ng one o y vou te books ong w thThe 100 mPH dog n Krazy Kow .

    i hope th t Cartoon K w not on y get you ugh ng but get thous n s o ech en nto e ng books. re ng s one o the best n ost enjoy b e w ys o

    n ng out bout nyth ng. W thout you even e s ng, you b n s be ng e w thuse u know e ge n know e ge g ves you e powe , just ke supe he o n ct, just ke C toon K .

    F n out o e bout Je e y St ongs C p gn o Fun t www.je em st g.c . k

    CiTy of ThieVes

    ellen renner

    reviewed by Miriam Malein, 13

    alliSTair W n ss s bout to be hung o u e , the tn t e son. But hes e ent to the no c n : he

    u e e the k ng, wh e he w s P e m n ste . When Tob s Petch, theson o a st W n ss, fn s out h s the h s yet g n esc pe , he s

    ete ne to fn h n k h . H s best en Ch e, the 12-ye -oQueen o Qu e, s espe te o h to st y but, be o e Toby c n e ve the c st e w s, he sk n ppe by h s unc e. Th s exc t ng e keeps you h ng ng ght o the st t. it s st-p ce e wh ch i enjoye t e en ous y.

    FIrST nEWS has bee i g a campaig a ea ca ed My Way!ab t getti g pe p e t de sta d that e e b d ea s i thei wwa . F s me pe p e sch is eas b t, the s, it might be ha deThe imp ta t thi g we wa t e e b d t de sta d is that the wa

    ea has thi g t d with h w sma t a e. A d six chii each c ass ha e ea i g cha e ges b t that d es t mea that thew t be a tastica s ccess i whate e the ch se t d . As MWay! ambassad He Wi k e sa s: E e chi d has b i ia ce ithem. Thei j b is t dig it t a d gi e it t the w d.

    He e is Jacks st ...

    HEllo, m ame is Jack Madda e a. I am 13 ea s d a d i yea 9

    For more book reviews and clipsgo to www.frstnews.co.uk/bored



    Book reviews www. redhouse.co.uk

    D thi k w d make a g d readi g Champi ?Ask sch t sig p t da . www. eadi gchampi s. g. k

    my sto y beg ns when i st te tnothe schoo , n the recept on c ss. i

    cou nt he ve y we n y p ents

    took e to the octo .He to y p ents th t i w s h e

    n th t i wou nee n ope t on.S nce then i h ve h ve ope t ons on

    y e s. i c n he pe ect y w th y e te but y ght e s st b t o gy. my

    e ness e nt th t, when i w s younge ,i cou nt he wo s ve y we n , nYe 1, i w s beh n y c ss tes w th

    e ng n spe ng.my te che to y p ents th t i ght

    be ys ex c, s i w s con us ng y sn bs n k ng othe st kes th tys ex cs o ten ke.

    my p ents thought th t the fcu t eswe e c use by y he ng oss n so

    t w snt unt i w s n Ye 3 th t i w steste o ys ex .

    By then, i w s not ve y h ppy t schoo .i w s n ng t ve y fcu t n essons.my b n ctu y use to hu t when ih to concent te so h to e thes p est th ng.

    my en s, though, he p e to getong. in Ye s 5 8 i h n z ng

    te che c e m s B cchus. She he pee ot n p ove y sk s.

    in Ye 8 i w s e spo ts c pt n othe schoo , wh ch s g e t honou . myo schoo h g e t nce n

    ep t ent n i w s ucky enough tobe n the b ckg oun o two ov es,

    When d You last See Your Father incen ary, n n ep so e o EastEn

    i w s owe to o the ghts. Th

    s fcu t o so eone ke e w thys ex , bec use i h ve to e e be

    eve yth ng th t goes on, but i ove Schoo s st h , but now i ge

    the he p i nee o the le n ngSuppo t cent e.

    The e e o e peop e ke e heSt Be es, n i b e now to e

    o e th n i cou be o e. i st h vconcent te ot to e stu .

    i ove ugby, o e th n ny othe si so p y o Hove rugby C ubs un14s outs e schoo .

    my e s to be ous chmy ess ge to othe ys ex cs s t

    c y on ght ng n neve g ve upnot the wo s w y o t you w y

    Wa t t sha e st ? Fh w i e at www.f st ews

    a d c ick M Wa

    First News issue 244 4 10 FEB 2011

    WoulD ike t sta i this c m ? W ite a d 150 t 200w ds ab t ea i g cha e ge a d h w e s cceedidespite it a d se d s a ph t t . HoW ea is j st asimp ta t as WHAT ea a d we wa t t hea m .

    Sen you epo ts to ewsdesk@f st ews.c . k putt ng my Way! n the subjbox. an THaNK YOU!

    Be a My Way! Star

  • 8/7/2019 First News Feb 4th-10th Issue 244


    FAMILY and sport go hand-in-hand at David Lloyd Leisure. Team Family at David Lloyd Leisure has been launched to raise awareness o the vital rolesport can play in amily li e, and the importance o parental support in the uture sporting involvement o our younger generation. Pro essional judocompetitor and David Lloyd employee Josh Ramm explains why keeping t is important and how much his amily supports him.

    Joshs aim is to become anOlympic judo champion

    Why do you need to do exercise to begood at Judo, and what other actors helpyou to beat your opponents?I use the D vid Lloyd Leisure cilities tom i t i high level o t ess d powerbe ore, d ter, competitio . Its re llyimport t to h ve stro g legs, s the im o judo is to get your oppo e t to the grou d. The stro ger your legs re, the more st bleyou re d the more power you h ve tok ock their legs d get them o the foor.

    When did you rst realise you had atalent, and in which sport was it?I w s picked or the Gre t Brit i udo te m

    t the ge o te d the the Gre t Brit iwrestli g te m t 13. My ther w s Europe

    reestyle wrestli g ch mpio d Britishch mpio , so he i troduced me to both sports.

    What was your ultimate goal when youwere younger and has it changed now?My go l w s to become the Gre t Brit i

    ch mpio . I h ve chieved this sever ltimes d I the imed to get med l ithe Europe Ch mpio ships, which I didwhe I wo silver. My ext im is to becomeOlympic ch mpio !

    Who is the most infuential personin your career to date and why?My d d. I it w s t or him, I would everbe where I m tod y. He is my sporti g idol!I lso re lly dmire Cr ig F llo , s he is

    the most success ul udo pl yer th t GreBrit i h s ever produced. My p re ts h

    lso re lly i fue ced me d they h vepl yed m ssive p rt withi my sportic reer. Without their help, I do t thi k Idwhere I m ow.

    For expert tness advice and to readmore about the other athletes who arepart o the David Lloyd Team Family,visit www.davidlloyd.co.uk/team amily

    My dad is mysporting idol

    SPORT NEWS For more sport news, pictures and videos go to www.frstnews.co.uk/news

    D id yo u k n o w ?judo w s developed by the

    j p ese educ tio expertjigoro K o. a ter t ki gdegrees i liter ture dphilosophy, he st rted to te c udo i 1883.

    First News Issue 244 4 10 FEB 2011


    1 shot is ll th t stopped13-ye r-old new Ze l d st rLydi Ko (right) rom becomi gthe you gest ever wi er o pro essio l gol tour me t.She ished the Wome s newSouth W les Ope o te u derp r, ust o e stroke behi dSwede s C roli e Hedw ll.

    32 is how m y times i row R gers h ve pl yed

    Motherwell without losi g.R gers wo g i this week,booki g their pl ce i the Co-oper tive I sur ce Cup lwith Celtic.

    2 is the umber o timesth t justi e He i (right) h sretired. She h d o ly beeb ck i te is or ye r wheshe ou ced her seco dretireme t this week. S dly, elbow i ury me s th t she willquit or good this time.

    2 is the umber o ye rs i row th t Peter W ter eld h s

    be te Tom D ley i the 10mpl t orm eve t t the Britishn tio l Cup.

    1 is the umber o domestic UK rugby m tchesto be pl yed bro d.H rlequi s be t W sps 38-13 i m tch this week th tw s pl yed i abu Dh bi.

    51 ru s is how m yE gl d lost their l testo e-d y i ter tio l by. Th t put austr li 4-1 up

    d put the series out o E gl ds re ch.

    7 is the umber o F1world titles th t Mich el

    Schum cher h s wo .However, it w s reve ledthis week th t eve he getsc rsick i simul tor. aMercedes GP spokesms id th t this me sSchum cher h s to limitthe mou t o time hespe ds i their simul tor.

    206 go ls werescored with the right

    oot duri g the rst threerou ds o this ye rs FaCup. just 100 were scoredwith the le t oot.

    Tennis fans from Andy Murrays home town of Dunblane walk home afterwatching Murray lose the Australian Open fnal on TV in the local pub

    G e t t y

    G e t t y

  • 8/7/2019 First News Feb 4th-10th Issue 244

