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“Modeling Heterogeneous Catalytic Reactions: From the Molecular Process to the Technical System” O. Deutschmann (Ed.), Wiley-VCH, Weinberg (2011). First-Principles Kinetic Monte Carlo Simulations for Heterogeneous Catalysis: Concepts, Status and Frontiers Karsten Reuter Fritz-Haber-Institut der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, Faradayweg 4-6, D-14195 Berlin, Germany I. INTRODUCTION Forming the basis for the production of virtually all every-day products, catalysis has always been the driv- ing force for chemical industries. In the 21st century, the concomitant importance of catalysis research is even fur- ther increased by the worldwide rapidly growing demand for more efficient exploitation of energy and materials resources. As in many other areas of materials science, modern computational science is becoming a key con- tributor in the quest to quantitatively understand the molecular-level mechanisms underlying the macroscopic phenomena in chemical processing, envisioned to ulti- mately enable a rational design of novel catalysts and im- proved production strategies. Of particular relevance are hierarchical approaches that link the insights that model- ing and simulation can provide across all relevant length and time scales. 1 At the molecular level, first-principles electronic-structure calculations unravel the making and breaking of chemical bonds. At the mesoscopic scale, sta- tistical simulations account for the interplay between all elementary processes involved in the catalytic cycle, and at the macroscopic scale continuum theories yield the ef- fect of heat and mass transfer, ultimately scaling up to a plant-wide simulation. A comprehensive control of catalytic processes requires to address all of these facets and will thus ultimately necessitate novel methodological approaches that inte- grate the various levels of theory into one multi-scale simulation. With the focus on the surface chemistry, first-principles kinetic Monte Carlo (kMC) simulations for heterogeneous catalysis represent precisely one step in this direction. A proper evaluation of the surface kinetics also dictates to unite two distinctly different aspects and in turn two distinct methodologies 2 : The first important part is an accurate description of the involved elemen- tary steps, typically comprising adsorption and desorp- tion processes of reactants and reaction intermediates, as well as surface diffusion and surface reactions. When aiming at a material-specific modeling that is at best of predictive quality, the computation of the corresponding kinetic parameters is the realm of electronic structure theories 3–5 that explicitly treat the electronic degrees of freedom and thus the quantum-mechanical nature of the chemical bond. Even though such a set of first-principles kinetic pa- rameters constitutes already an (even for the most sim- ple model systems hitherto barely achieved) important intermediate goal and highly valuable result, it does not suffice for a description of the surface catalytic function. For this, a second key ingredient is the occurrence (and thus relevance) of the individual elementary processes, in particular of the different reaction mechanisms. An evaluation of this statistical interplay within the mani- fold of elementary processes obviously needs to go be- yond a separate study of each microscopic process. Tak- ing the interplay into account naturally necessitates the treatment of larger surface areas. Much more challeng- ing than this size, however, is the fact that the surface catalytic system is of course “open” in the sense that reactants, reaction intermediates and products continu- ously impinge from and desorb into the surrounding gas phase. Due to the highly activated nature of many of the involved elementary steps, the correspondingly required evaluation of the chemical kinetics faces the problem of a so-called “rare-event dynamics”, which means that the time between consecutive events can be orders of magni- tude longer than the actual process time itself. Instead of the typical picosecond time scale on which say a surface diffusion event takes place, it may therefore be necessary to follow the time evolution of the system up to seconds and longer in order to arrive at meaningful conclusions concerning the statistical interplay. Tackling such demanding simulation times is the ob- jective of modern non-equilibrium statistical mechanics techniques, many of which rely on a master equation type description that coarse-grains the time evolution to the relevant rare-event dynamics. 6,7 Kinetic Monte Carlo simulations 8,9 fall within this category, and dis- tinguish themselves from alternative approaches in that they explicitly consider the correlations, fluctuations and spatial distributions of the chemicals at the catalyst sur- face. For given gas-phase conditions, the typical output of such simulations are then the detailed surface composi- tion and occurrence of each individual elementary process at any time. Since the latter comprises the surface reac- tion events, this also gives the catalytic activity in form of products per surface area, either time-resolved, e.g. during induction, or time-averaged during steady-state operation. Summarized in one sentence the central idea of first- principles kMC simulations for heterogeneous catalysis is
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“Modeling Heterogeneous Catalytic Reactions:

From the Molecular Process to the Technical System”

O. Deutschmann (Ed.), Wiley-VCH, Weinberg (2011).

First-Principles Kinetic Monte Carlo Simulations for Heterogeneous Catalysis:

Concepts, Status and Frontiers

Karsten ReuterFritz-Haber-Institut der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, Faradayweg 4-6, D-14195 Berlin, Germany


Forming the basis for the production of virtually allevery-day products, catalysis has always been the driv-ing force for chemical industries. In the 21st century, theconcomitant importance of catalysis research is even fur-ther increased by the worldwide rapidly growing demandfor more efficient exploitation of energy and materialsresources. As in many other areas of materials science,modern computational science is becoming a key con-tributor in the quest to quantitatively understand themolecular-level mechanisms underlying the macroscopicphenomena in chemical processing, envisioned to ulti-mately enable a rational design of novel catalysts and im-proved production strategies. Of particular relevance arehierarchical approaches that link the insights that model-ing and simulation can provide across all relevant lengthand time scales.1 At the molecular level, first-principleselectronic-structure calculations unravel the making andbreaking of chemical bonds. At the mesoscopic scale, sta-tistical simulations account for the interplay between allelementary processes involved in the catalytic cycle, andat the macroscopic scale continuum theories yield the ef-fect of heat and mass transfer, ultimately scaling up to aplant-wide simulation.A comprehensive control of catalytic processes requires

to address all of these facets and will thus ultimatelynecessitate novel methodological approaches that inte-grate the various levels of theory into one multi-scalesimulation. With the focus on the surface chemistry,first-principles kinetic Monte Carlo (kMC) simulationsfor heterogeneous catalysis represent precisely one step inthis direction. A proper evaluation of the surface kineticsalso dictates to unite two distinctly different aspects andin turn two distinct methodologies2: The first importantpart is an accurate description of the involved elemen-tary steps, typically comprising adsorption and desorp-tion processes of reactants and reaction intermediates,as well as surface diffusion and surface reactions. Whenaiming at a material-specific modeling that is at best ofpredictive quality, the computation of the correspondingkinetic parameters is the realm of electronic structuretheories3–5 that explicitly treat the electronic degrees offreedom and thus the quantum-mechanical nature of thechemical bond.Even though such a set of first-principles kinetic pa-

rameters constitutes already an (even for the most sim-ple model systems hitherto barely achieved) importantintermediate goal and highly valuable result, it does notsuffice for a description of the surface catalytic function.For this, a second key ingredient is the occurrence (andthus relevance) of the individual elementary processes,in particular of the different reaction mechanisms. Anevaluation of this statistical interplay within the mani-fold of elementary processes obviously needs to go be-yond a separate study of each microscopic process. Tak-ing the interplay into account naturally necessitates thetreatment of larger surface areas. Much more challeng-ing than this size, however, is the fact that the surfacecatalytic system is of course “open” in the sense thatreactants, reaction intermediates and products continu-ously impinge from and desorb into the surrounding gasphase. Due to the highly activated nature of many of theinvolved elementary steps, the correspondingly requiredevaluation of the chemical kinetics faces the problem ofa so-called “rare-event dynamics”, which means that thetime between consecutive events can be orders of magni-tude longer than the actual process time itself. Instead ofthe typical picosecond time scale on which say a surfacediffusion event takes place, it may therefore be necessaryto follow the time evolution of the system up to secondsand longer in order to arrive at meaningful conclusionsconcerning the statistical interplay.

Tackling such demanding simulation times is the ob-jective of modern non-equilibrium statistical mechanicstechniques, many of which rely on a master equationtype description that coarse-grains the time evolutionto the relevant rare-event dynamics.6,7 Kinetic MonteCarlo simulations8,9 fall within this category, and dis-tinguish themselves from alternative approaches in thatthey explicitly consider the correlations, fluctuations andspatial distributions of the chemicals at the catalyst sur-face. For given gas-phase conditions, the typical outputof such simulations are then the detailed surface composi-tion and occurrence of each individual elementary processat any time. Since the latter comprises the surface reac-tion events, this also gives the catalytic activity in formof products per surface area, either time-resolved, e.g.during induction, or time-averaged during steady-stateoperation.

Summarized in one sentence the central idea of first-principles kMC simulations for heterogeneous catalysis is

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thus to combine an accurate description of the elemen-tary processes with an account for their statistical inter-play in order to properly evaluate the surface chemicalkinetics. As such, the approach is the result of a twofoldchoice: The choice to employ first-principles electronicstructure calculations, presently predominantly density-functional theory (DFT), to obtain the kinetic parame-ters of the individual processes, and the choice to employa master equation based kMC algorithm to tackle therequired long simulation times. Aiming to give an in-troduction to this technique, the main purpose of thepresent Chapter is therefore to motivate in detail whysuch a combination of distinct theories is necessary atall, what can be expected from it, and to critically dis-cuss its advantages and limitations in comparison to al-ternative approaches. I will try to achieve this goal byfirst going step by step through the underlying concepts,mostly illustrating the ideas with a simple toy system.Instead of aiming at the hopeless undertaking to give acomprehensive overview of existing applications in thefield, a subsequent Section will then illustrate the useof first-principles kMC for catalysis-related problems fo-cusing on one showcase. Emphasis is hereby placed onhighlighting the capabilities of, but also the challengesto such modeling. This then provides a natural startingpoint for the last Section, in which I will sketch whereI see the current frontiers of this technique – and it willbecome quite obvious that as always in cutting-edge re-search there is still “lots of room at the bottom”.


A. The problem of a rare-event dynamics

Instead of a more formal derivation, let me develop themore detailed conceptual discussion on the basis of a sim-ple toy system. Consider the diffusive surface motion ofan isolated atomic reaction intermediate that chemisorbsmore or less strongly to specific sites offered by a solidsurface. At finite temperature T the adsorbate will vi-brate around its adsorption site with a frequency onthe picosecond time scale, and diffuse (depending on itsbond strength) say about every microsecond between twoneighboring sites of different stability. The actual diffu-sion process itself takes thereby also only a picosecond orso, and in the long time in between the adsorbate doesreally nothing else than performing its random thermalvibrations. Obviously, if we want to get a proper un-derstanding of what is going on in this system this re-quires us to follow its time evolution at least over a timespan that includes several of the rare hops to neighbor-ing sites, i.e. here of the order of several microseconds ormore. Despite its simplicity, this toy model carries thusall the characteristics of a rare-event system, in which therelevant dynamics of interest (here the hops over the sur-face) proceeds by occasional transitions with long periodsof time in between. This separation of time scales be-









Monte Carlo





FIG. 1: Schematic representation of the relevant degree offreedom of the PES underlying the surface diffusion prob-lem discussed in the text: Two stable adsorption sites A

and B of different stability are separated by a sizable bar-rier. A MD simulation of this problem would explicitly followthe dynamics of the vibrations around either minimum andwould therefore most likely never escape to the other basinwithin affordable simulation times. KMC simulations coarse-grain this short-time dynamics into the rate constants, kAB

and kBA, and consider the discrete state-to-state dynamicsas prescribed by a Markovian master equation. Transition-state theory (TST) is employed to derive the rate constantsfrom the underlying PES, where in harmonic TST the barrierheights, ∆EAB and ∆EBA, as well as the vibrational modesat the minima and the transition state (TS) are required.

tween thermal vibrations and the actual diffusion eventsresults from the necessity to break (or “activate”) chem-ical bonds in the latter. Highly activated processes arequite typical for surface chemistry and catalysis10–12, andcorrespondingly such a rare-event dynamics is more thenorm than an exception.

An important concept to further analyse the dynamicsof our toy system is the so-called potential energy surface(PES).13 While chemical bonds are the consequence ofelectronic interactions, a frequently justified approxima-tion is to assume that the electron dynamics takes placeon much faster time scales than the motion of the atomicnuclei. In this Born-Oppenheimer picture the electronstherefore adapt adiabatically to every configuration ofatomic positions {RI}, and, reciprocally, the atoms canbe viewed as traveling on the PES landscape E{RI} es-tablished by the electronic interactions. The forces actingon a given atomic configuration are then the local gradi-ent of the PES, and a (meta)stable atomic configurationcorresponds to a (local) minimum of this landscape. Inthe language of a PES, the relevant degree of freedom ofour surface diffusion problem can therefore schematicallybe described as shown in Fig. 1: Two neighboring ad-sorption sites of different stability are represented by twominima of different depths, separated by a sizable barrieras characteristic for the activated diffusion process.

A widely employed approach to follow the time evo-

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lution at the atomic level are molecular dynamics (MD)simulations, which correspond to a numerical integrationof Newton’s equations of motion.14 Starting in any oneof the two minima and using the forces provided by thePES gradient, a MD trajectory would therefore explicitlytrack the entire thermal motion of the adsorbate. In or-der to accurately resolve the picosecond-scale vibrationsaround the PES minimum this requires time steps in thefemtosecond range. Surmounting the high barrier to getfrom one basin to the other is only possible, if enoughof the random thermal energy stored in all other degreesof freedom gets coincidentally united in just the right di-rection. If this happens as in our example only everymicrosecond or so, a MD simulation would have to firstcalculate of the order of 109 time steps until one of thereally relevant diffusion events can be observed. Evenif the computational cost to obtain the forces would benegligible (which as we will see below is certainly notthe case for PESs coming from first-principles calcula-tions), this is clearly not an efficient tool to study thelong-term time evolution of such a rare-event system. Infact, such long MD simulations are presently computa-tionally not feasible for any but the most simple modelsystems, and spending CPU time into any shorter MDtrajectory would only yield insight into the vibrationalproperties of the system.

B. State-to-state dynamics and kMC trajectories

The limitations to a direct MD simulation of rare-eventsystems are therefore the long time spans, in which thesystem dwells in one of the PES basins before it escapesto another one. Precisely this feature can, however, alsobe seen as a virtue that enables a very efficient accessto the system dynamics. Just because of the long timespent in one basin, it should not be a bad assumptionthat the system has forgotten how it actually got in therebefore it undergoes the next rare transition. In this case,each possible escape to another PES basin is then com-pletely independent of the preceding basins visited, i.e.of the entire history of the system. With respect to therare jumps between the basins, the system thus performsnothing but a simple Markov walk.6

Focusing on this Markovian state-to-state dynamics,i.e. coarse-graining the time evolution to the discreterare events, is the central idea behind a kMC simulation.Methodologically, this is realized by moving to a stochas-tic description that focuses on the evolution with time t ofthe probability density function Pi(t) to find the systemin state i representing the corresponding PES basin i.This evolution is governed by a master equation, whichin view of the just discussed system properties is of asimple Markovian form6,


dt= −

j 6=i

kijPi(t) +∑

j 6=i

kjiPj(t) , (1)

where the sums run over all system states j. The equa-

Molecular Dynamics:

the whole trajectory

Kinetic Monte Carlo:

coarse-grained hops

FIG. 2: Schematic top view explaining the differences be-tween a MD (left panel) and a kMC (right panel) trajectory.Sketched is the path covered by an adsorbate that diffuses overthe surface by rare hops to nearest-neighbor sites. Whereasthe MD trajectory resolves the short-time vibrational dynam-ics around the stable adsorption sites explicitly, this is coarse-grained into the rate constants in the kMC simulations so thatthe corresponding trajectory consists of a sequence of discretehops from site to site.

tion thus merely states that the probability to find thesystem in a given state i at any moment in time t isreduced by the probabilities to jump out of the presentstate i into any other basin j, and is increased by theprobabilities to jump from any other basin j into thepresent state i. These various probabilities are expressedin the form of rate constants kij , which give the averageescape rate from basin i to basin j in units of inversetime. Because of the Markovian nature of the state-to-state dynamics, also these quantities are independent ofthe system history and thus an exclusive function of theproperties of the two states involved. Assuming for nowthat all rate constants for each system state are known,the task of simulating the time evolution of the rare-eventsystem is in this description then shifted to the task ofsolving the master equation, Eq. (1).

As we will see in the application example below, thetypical number of states in models for a reactive surfacechemistry is so huge that an analytic solution of the corre-sponding high-dimensional master equation is unfeasible.Following the usual stochastic approach of Monte Carlomethods14,15, the idea of a kMC algorithm is instead toachieve a numerical solution to this master equation bygenerating an ensemble of trajectories, where each trajec-tory propagates the system correctly from state to statein the sense that the average over the entire ensemble oftrajectories yields probability density functions Pi(t) forall states i that fulfill Eq. (1).

Since this ensemble aspect of kMC trajectories is quitecrucial, let me return to our example of the diffusing ad-sorbate to further illustrate this point. Figure 2 showsa schematic top view of our model surface sketching thepath covered by the adsorbate in a time span coveringa few of the rare diffusion events. The left panel showsthe trajectory as it would have been obtained in a MD

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simulation. The rare-event limitations to this simulationtechnique are obvious by the many wiggles around eachone of the stable adsorption sites visited, representing thelarge time span of vibrational motion before the adsor-bate achieves the rare transition to a neighboring site.The efficiency of a corresponding kMC trajectory, shownin the right panel of Fig. 2, results precisely from thefact that this vibrational short-term dynamics is elimi-nated from the simulation and (as we will see below) isinstead appropriately accounted for in the rate constantskij . The trajectory consists therefore of a mere series ofdiscrete hops from one stable adsorption site to anotherone, or in the language of the master equation from statei to another state j. Through which sequence of sites andat which transition times the kMC trajectory proceeds israndomly chosen by the kMC algorithm under appropri-ate consideration of the probabilities as contained in therate constants kij . Contrary to the (for defined initial po-sitions and momenta) deterministic MD trajectory, kMCtrajectories are therefore only meaningful in the sensethat averaging over a sufficiently large number of themyields the correct probability with which the system is inany of the states i at any moment in time t.While this must always be kept in mind, it is also worth

noticing that the computation of most quantities of in-terest would equally require some averaging over MD tra-jectories. If we take the diffusion coefficient as a typicaltarget quantity within the area of our surface diffusionmodel, one possible approach to the involved computa-tion of the average displacement per time would for ex-ample be to average over many hops observed duringone sufficiently long MD trajectory or average over manyshorter MD trajectories covering just one hop and start-ing with different initial momenta. As long as the Markovapproximation is exactly fulfilled and the rate constantsare accurate, the result obtained from an averaging overdifferent kMC trajectories and the result obtained fromthe MD procedure would then be indistinguishable, onlythat the kMC approach is vastly more efficient and thuspresumably the only one of the two that is computation-ally tractable.

C. kMC algorithms: From basics to efficiency

A kMC trajectory consists of a sequence of discretehops from one system state to another, where the randomselection of which state is next visited and after whichamount of time the corresponding hop occurs follows theprobabilities prescribed by the master equation, Eq. (1).Starting in any given state of the system, an algorithmgenerating such a trajectory must therefore appropriatelydetermine in which state to jump next and what the cor-responding escape time ∆tescape is. The system clock isthen advanced by the escape time, t → t+∆tescape, andthe procedure starts anew. As illustrated in Fig. 1 forthe case of our two-well toy system, the resulting timeline has a staircase-like structure where the system al-

ways remains in one state for the time t to t + ∆tescapebefore it hops to the next state.Obviously, ∆tescape is determined by the rate constants

and in order to derive the exact relationship required forthe kMC algorithm let us stay with the two-well example.In this system there is always only one possibility whereto go next. If in state A there is the possibility to jumpinto state B with a probability expressed by the rateconstant kAB , and if in state B there is the possibilityto jump into state A with a probability prescribed bythe rate constant kBA. Now, one of the fundamentalideas behind the entire kMC approach is that during itsthermal vibrational motion in one of the PES basins thesystem loses the memory of its past history. Carrying thispicture one step further one may assume that this lossof memory occurs continuously, so that the system hasthe same probability of finding the escape path duringeach short increment of time it spends in the PES basin.This leads to an exponential decay statistics, i.e. theprobability that the system has e.g. escaped from stateA into state B after a time ∆t is 1− exp(−kAB∆t). Theconnected probability distribution function for the timeof first escape pAB(∆t) is just the time derivative of thisand is a Poisson distribution,

pAB(∆t) = kAB exp (−kAB∆t) , (2)

centered around the average time for escape given by∆tescape = k−1

AB . When only considering this averagetime for escape, an executed jump from state A to stateB would therefore simply advance the system clock byt → t + ∆tescape. Formally more correct is, however,to advance the system clock by an escape time that isproperly weighted by the probability distribution func-tion pAB(∆t).16,17 Generating such an exponentially dis-tributed escape time is numerically achieved through theexpression

∆tescape = − ln(ρ)


, (3)

where ρ ∈ ]0, 1] is a random number. Equally, a jumpfrom state B to A would advance the system clock byan exponentially distributed time −ln(ρ)/kBA. If, as inthe example in Fig. 1, basin B has a lower stability,then the probability to jump out of this shallower wellwill obviously be larger than jumping out of the deeperwell A, i.e. kBA > kAB . After Eq. (3), this means thatthe typical escape time out of A will be larger than outof B as illustrated by the schematic timeline also shownin Fig. 1. Averaged over a sufficiently long time, wetherefore arrive at the expected result that the systemspends more time in the more stable state.Generalizing the escape time procedure to realis-

tic systems with a manifold of different states i isstraightforward.17 Because of its loss of memory, the sys-tem has at any moment in time a fixed probability tofind any one of the now many possible pathways out ofthe present minimum, with the fixed probabilities for the

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Determine all possible

processes p for given

system configuration

and build a list.

Get all rate constants


Get two random numbers 1 , 2 ]0,1]

Calculate ktot = p kp

and find process “q”:

q q-1

kp 1 ktot kp

p=1 p =1

Execute process number “q”,

i.e. update configuration

update clock

t t – ln( 2)/ktot





1 ktotq

FIG. 3: Flow chart illustrating the basic steps in the rejection-free BKL algorithm. The loop starts with the determinationof all processes (and their rate constants) that are possiblefor the current system configuration. After the generationof two random numbers, the system is advanced accordingto the process selected by the first random number and thesystem clock increments according to the computed total rateconstant and the second random number, as prescribed byan ensemble of Poisson processes. Thereafter the loop startsanew, or the simulation is terminated, if a sufficiently longtime span has been covered.

different pathways given by the different rate constants.Each pathway has thus its own probability distributionfunction for the time of first escape. Say, if we are cur-rently in state i, we have for each possible pathway toanother state j a Poisson distribution

pij(∆t) = kij exp (−kij∆t) . (4)

Since only one event can be the first to happen, an in-tuitive generalization to propagate the kMC trajectory,also known as the first-reaction method18, would be todraw a random number for each possible pathway andtherewith determine for each one of them an exponen-tially distributed escape time through an expression ofthe form of Eq. (3). We then pick the pathway withthe shortest escape time, move the system to the statereached by that pathway, advance the system clock bythe corresponding shortest escape time, and begin againfrom the new state. Even though this is a perfectly validkMC algorithm, it is clearly not particularly efficient, aswe have to draw a lot of random numbers to generate allthe different escape times and then discard all but one ofthem.Among a variety of numerically efficient kMC algo-

rithms suggested in the literature19,20, the one most com-monly used in practice is often attributed to Bortz, Kalosand Lebowitz21 even though one can clearly trace its ideaback further8. As such, it is sometimes referred to as theBKL algorithm, with the “N -fold way”, residence-timealgorithm or Gillespie algorithm being other frequently

employed names. Figure 3 compiles a flowchart of this al-gorithm. As necessarily required in any kMC procedure,it starts with the determination of all N possible pro-cesses, aka escape pathways, out of the present systemconfiguration, aka state. The corresponding N differentrate constants are then summed to yield the total rateconstant

ktot =



kp . (5)

Executed is the process q, which fulfills the condition



kp ≥ ρ1ktot ≥q−1∑


kp , (6)

where ρ1 ∈ ]0, 1] is a random number. In order to un-derstand the idea behind this condition imagine for eachprocess p a block of height kp. If we then stack all ofthese blocks on top of each other as illustrated in Fig. 3,we arrive at a stack of total height ktot. Choosing a ran-dom height along this stack, i.e. 0 < ρ1ktot ≤ ktot, willpoint to one of the blocks and this is the process that isselected. Obviously, a process with a large rate constant,i.e. a large block height, has a higher chance of beingchosen in this way, and this probability weighted selec-tion is precisely what the partial sums in Eq. (6) achieve.By executing the selected process the system is moved tothe new configuration, the system clock is advanced by

t → t− ln(ρ2)

ktot, (7)

where ρ2 ∈]0, 1] is another random number, and the en-tire cycle starts anew from the new system state. Insteadof drawing N different random numbers for the N pos-sible pathways as in the intuitive first-reaction method,this algorithm thus needs only two in each cycle, whichin case of realistic systems of the type discussed belowmakes a huge computational difference. Each cycle fur-thermore definitely propagates the system to a new state,which is also often viewed as an advantage of the corre-sponding class of “rejection-free” kMC algorithms.An important aspect of the BKL algorithm is that the

time by which the clock is advanced, cf. Eq. (7), isindependent of which process was actually chosen. Tounderstand this it is important to realize that the overallscale of ∆tescape is governed by the fastest process thatcan occur in a given configuration. This process withthe highest rate constant has the shortest average escapetime, cf. Eq. (4), and even in the maybe more intuitivefirst-reaction method a slower process has only a chanceof getting selected if its randomly drawn escape time is ofthis order of magnitude. Since the Poisson distribution ofthis slower process is centered around a longer average es-cape time, this happens only rarely and correspondinglythe slow process occurs less often than the fast ones inthe generated kMC trajectory as should be the case. In

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the BKL algorithm this differentiation between slow andfast processes is instead achieved through the probabil-ity weighted selection of Eq. (6). Nevertheless, since theoverall magnitude of ktot is predominantly determinedby the high rate constant processes, the amount of timeby which the clock is advanced after the execution of aprocess, cf. Eq. (7), is equally reduced as soon as a fastprocess is possible. The same argument holds of coursefor increasing system sizes. Larger system size typicallymeans more processes that can occur. With more termsin the sum in Eq. (5) ktot gets larger, similarly reducingthe time increment achieved by the individual kMC stepsand thereby limiting the total simulation times that canbe reached.In this respect, we see that the often made statement

that kMC enables simulation time up to seconds or longeris a bit sloppy. The total simulation time that can bereached depends instead on the system size and predom-inantly on the fastest process in the system, both of whichdictate the increment in time typically achieved by onekMC step. If the system features a process that happenson a nanosecond time scale, it is this process and not thepossibly more relevant less frequent ones that will virtu-ally always be executed. Each kMC step then advancesthe time also only on the order of a nanosecond, whichmay therewith well become a bottleneck for the simula-tion. When people hence refer to the macroscopic timesthat can be reached with kMC simulations, this simplymeans that the fastest processes in the particular prob-lems and system sizes they studied allowed them to doso – or that they resorted to some of the known tricksto address this problem (vide infra). In fact, it dependson the physics of the problem what simulation times arerequired, and even when “only” achieving say microsec-onds, a kMC simulation may still be an enormous asset.This said, the limitations set by the presence of very fastprocesses are one of the current frontiers of this methodto which I will return at the end of this Chapter.

D. Transition-state theory

From the preceding discussion it is clear that the ef-ficiency of a kMC simulation in tackling the long-timeevolution of rare-event systems arises from the fact thatthe short-time vibrational motion around the individ-ual PES basins is appropriately coarse-grained into therate constants kij . Up to now we have, however, simplyassumed that these probabilities for the hops betweenthe different system states are known. Obviously, if oneonly aspires a conceptual discussion, one could use heread hoc values that either fall purely from heaven or are(with more or less justification) believed to be somehow“characteristic” for the problem. In fact, the original de-velopment of kMC theory was done within this kind ofapproach9,16–18,21,22 and by now there is an entire bulkof literature where kMC simulations have been used inthis sense. As stated in the introduction, the idea (and

value) of modern first-principles kMC simulations is in-stead to be material-specific, and in the philosophy ofhierarchical models, to carry the predictive power of first-principles electronic structure theories to the mesoscopicscale.2 For this type of modeling based on a proper micro-scopic meaning, an important aspect is then to derive astringent relationship between the rate constants kij andthe PES information provided from the first-principlestheories.As a first step in this derivation let us consider the

constraints coming from the master equation for a systemthat has reached steady state. With a vanishing timederivative in Eq. (1), we arrive at one condition

j 6=i


kijP∗i − kjiP



= 0 (8)

for every state i, where P ∗i and P ∗

j are the time-independent probabilities that the steady-state systemis in state i and j, respectively. This condition statesthat at steady state the sum of all transitions into anyparticular state i equals the sum of all transitions out ofthis state i. Since such a condition holds for every singlestate i in the system, the manifold of such conditions isin general only fulfilled, if every term in the sum in Eq.(8) separately equals to zero,


=P ∗j

P ∗i

. (9)

This is the detailed balance (or microscopic reversibil-ity) criterion6, which holds independently for the transi-tions between every pair of states i and j in the system.If the system has furthermore reached thermodynamicequilibrium with respect to the population of these twostates, then the fractional population of states i and j onthe right hand side of Eq. (9) is simply proportional tothe Boltzmann weighted difference in the free energies ofthese two states. For say the case of our surface diffusionmodel and the two bound states of different stability, Aand B, we would have the condition



= exp


−FB(T )− FA(T )



, (10)

where kB is the Boltzmann constant, and FA(T ) andFB(T ) are the free energies of states A and B, respec-tively, comprising each the total energy of the state andits vibrational free energy at the temperature T .The detailed balance relation places some constraints

on the rate constants, and the PES information enteringare the relative energies of the different states and theirvibrational properties, i.e. data about the (meta)stableminima. For just the evaluation of equilibrium proper-ties, no further specification of the rate constants is infact needed. Based on knowledge of the PES minimaequilibrium Monte Carlo (MC) algorithms like the onedue to Metropolis23 or due to Kawasaki24 thus construct

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their transition probabilities according to detailed bal-ance. In this respect, it is worth noting that in a dy-namical interpretation, the resulting MC trajectories cantherefore also be seen as numerical solutions to the mas-ter equation, Eq. (1). This holds only for the equilibratedsystem though. While it is admittedly tempting to alsoassign some temporal meaning e.g. to the initial part ofa MC trajectory when the system has not yet reachedequilibrium, it is important to realize that a MC stepdoes in general not correspond to a fixed amount of realtime.15 Only kMC algorithms propagate the system prop-erly in time, and for this they need the absolute valuesof the rate constants, not just the relative specificationas achieved by detailed balance.17 The latter criterionis nevertheless an important constraint, in particular inlight of the frequently quite approximate determinationof the rate constants to be discussed below. If (inad-vertently) different and inconsistent approximations aremade for the forward and backward rate constants be-tween any two states, detailed balance is violated andthe corresponding kMC simulations will never attain thecorrect thermodynamic limits.

At present, the most commonly employed approach toobtain the absolute values of the rate constants in first-principles kMC simulations in the area of surface chem-istry and catalysis is transition-state theory (TST)25–27.In TST, the rate constant for the transition from stateA to state B in our two-well toy system is approximatedby the equilibrium flux through a dividing surface sep-arating the two states: Imagine creating an equilibriumensemble by allowing a large number of replicas of thistwo-state system to evolve for a sufficiently long timethat many transitions between the two states have oc-curred in each replica. If we then count the number offorward crossings through a dividing surface separatingstate A and B that occur per unit time in this ensemble,and divide this by the number of trajectories that areon average in state A at any time, this yields the TSTapproximation to the rate constant, kTST

AB . Apart fromthe assumed equilibrium, another important implicit as-sumption is here that successive crossings through thedividing surface are uncorrelated in the sense that eachforward crossing takes the system indeed from state Ato state B. In reality, there is, of course, the possibilitythat a trajectory actually recrosses the dividing surfaceseveral times before falling either into state A or stateB. Since this leads to kTST

AB overestimating the real rateconstant, the best choice of dividing surface is typicallynear the ridge top of the PES, where recrossings and infact the entire equilibrium flux is minimized.27

In this respect, it comes as no surprise that in harmonicTST (hTST)28, the dividing surface is actually taken tobe the hyperplane perpendicular to the reaction coordi-nate at the maximum barrier along the minimum-energypath connecting the two states, with the understandingthat the equilibrium flux occurs predominantly throughthis one transition state. With the additional approx-imation that out to the displacements sampled by the

thermal motion the PES around the minimum and atthe saddle point (in the dimensions perpendicular to thereaction coordinate) is well described by a second-orderexpansion, i.e. that the corresponding vibrational modesare harmonic, this then leads to very simple expressionsfor the rate constants.27 For the transition between thetwo bound states in Fig. 1 one can e.g. derive the form29

kTSTAB (T ) = fTST

AB (T )











(11)where h is Planck’s constant and

fTSTAB (T ) =



. (12)

Here, ∆EAB denotes the energy barrier between the twosites, qvibTS(AB) the partition function at the transition

state, and qvibA the partition function at the bound stateA.With a corresponding expression for the backward rate

constant kTSTBA , the form of Eq. (11) naturally fulfills the

detailed balance condition, cf. Eq. (10). Equally im-portant is to realize that because kTST

AB is an equilibriumproperty, there is no need to ever perform any actualdynamical simulations. Instead, only static PES infor-mation is required in form of the energies at the initialstate minimum and at the transition state, as well asthe curvature around these two points for the harmonicmodes. It is this efficiency of hTST that largely explainsits popularity in first-principles kMC simulations, whereas we will further discuss below every single energy andforce evaluation “hurts”. The other reason is that hTSTtends to be a quite good approximation to the exact rateconstant for the typical processes in surface chemical ap-plications, like diffusion or surface reaction events witha tight transition state. Loosely speaking, the makingand breaking of strong covalent bonds involved in theseprocesses seems to give rise to rather smooth PES land-scapes, with deep troughs and simply structured ridgesin between. These (anticipated) characteristics do notnecessarily call for more elaborate reaction rate theorieslike transition-path sampling30 or even just more refinedTST versions like variational TST31, in particular as allthese approaches require significantly more PES evalua-tions and thus come at a significantly higher computa-tional cost in first-principles kMC.In fact, with the vibrational properties of atomic

or small molecular adsorbates at minimum and transi-tion state often found to be rather similar, and hencefTSTAB (T ) ∼ 1, practical work has on the contrary fre-quently even dodged the vibrational calculations andresorted instead to the yet more crude approximationof setting the prefactor simply constant to kBT/h ≈1013 s−1 for temperatures around room temperature. Es-pecially with applications in surface chemistry and catal-ysis (involving larger molecules) in mind, one needs tostress in this respect that this procedure is not generallyvalid and does e.g. certainly not apply to unactivated

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adsorption processes, where the prefactor needs to ac-count for the strong entropy reduction in going from thegas-phase to the bound state at the surface. Assumingat a local partial pressure pn of species n of mass mn

an impingement as prescribed by kinetic gas theory, thestarting point for the calculation of the rate constant e.g.into site B is then the expression29,

kadsn,B(T, pn) = Sn,B(T )pnAuc√2πmnkBT

, (13)

where the local sticking coefficient Sn,B(T ) governs whichfraction of these impinging particles actually sticks to afree site B, and Auc is the area of the surface unit-cellcontaining site B. The determination of the local stickingcoefficient dictates in principle explicit dynamical simu-lations, which in practice may again be avoided by resort-ing to some approximate treatments. Defering the readerto ref. [29] for a detailed discussion of this point, suffice ithere to repeat that in this case or when in general resort-ing to approximations in the rate constant determinationparticular care has to be exerted that this does not infera violation of detailed balance.

E. First-principles rate constants and the lattice


Within the hTST framework, the most important PESinformation entering the determination of a rate constantis apart from the (meta)stable minimum the location ofthe transition state. In the surface catalytic applicationson which we focus here, the latter region of the PES cor-responds typically to the situation where chemical bondsare made or broken. This fact imposes an important con-straint, when now considering which methodology to usethat would provide the required PES data. Electronic-structure theories3,4, comprising ab initio quantum chem-istry as well as density-functional methods, explicitlytreat the electronic degrees of freedom and are thereforethe natural base for such a modeling. However, in view ofthe high computational cost incurred by these techniques,and considering that for the rate constant determinationonly the ground-state energy and not the additionallyprovided detailed electronic structure data is necessary,an appealing approach would be to condense the informa-tion into a suitably parameterized interatomic potential.Such potentials (or force fields) then yield the energy andforces solely as a function of the nuclear positions and doso at a significantly reduced computational cost. Whilethis approach appears to be highly successful e.g. inthe area of biophysical applications and finds widespreaduse in applied materials research, it is crucial to realizethat few, if any of the existing atomistic potentials candeal with the complex charge transfer or changes in hy-bridization that are critical when bond breaking or bondmaking plays a role. When really aspiring a material-specific and predictive-quality modeling of surface chem-istry, the quantum mechanical nature of the chemical

bonds needs therefore to be explicitly treated, dictatingthe use of electronic-structure theories to generate whatis then commonly called first-principles rate constants.

For the extended metal or compound surfaces encoun-tered in catalytic problems, DFT is currently the mainworkhorse among the electronic-structure theories. De-ferring to excellent textbooks for details32–34, the deci-sive gist of this technique is that all complicated many-body effects of the interacting electron gas are condensedinto the so-called exchange and correlation functional.The exact form of this functional remains elusive, neces-sitating the use of approximate functionals35, with lo-cal (local-density approximation, LDA) and semi-local(generalized gradient approximation, GGA) functionalsstill forming the most widely employed class in currentapplications5. While exact in principle, DFT in prac-tice is thus not, and, moreover, does mostly not evenmeet the frequent demand for “chemical accuracy” (1kcal/mol≈ 0.04 eV) in the energetics.36 As studies of thekind illustrated in the next Section only become com-putationally feasible at all by the unbeaten efficiency ofDFT, this uncertainty is something that must be keptin mind at all times and we will return to a more de-tailed analysis of its consequences towards the end of thisChapter. With expected typical errors in DFT-LDA orDFT-GGA barriers of the order of say ∼ 0.2 eV, this alsofurther justifies the use of a crude reaction rate theory likehTST in most existing first-principles kMC work: Withsuch an error entering the exponential in the rate con-stant expression, Eq. (11), worrying about a more elab-orate determination e.g. of the prefactor may not be themost urgent issue. Just to set these critical remarks intoperspective though, let me stress that DFT is at presentthe method of choice. With not many (semi-)empiricalpotentials on the market that are parameterized to dealwith molecules at metal or oxide surfaces anyway, quali-tatively wrong barriers with errors exceeding ∼ 1 eV (andtherewith often completely wrong hierarchies in the pro-cess rate constants) would not be uncommon for any ofthem. If one thinks kMC based on DFT rate constantshas problems, then simulations based on barriers fromsemi-empirical potentials are completely pointless.

Getting DFT energies and forces for reactions at ex-tended metal or compound surfaces is typically achievedusing so-called supercell geometries.37,38 With the tech-nicalities of such calculations e.g. reviewed by Payne et

al.39, suffice it here to say that this automatically implieshaving to deal with rather large systems. In view of thehuge computational cost connected to such calculationsone will consequently want to make sure that obtainingthe required PES information and, in particular, locat-ing the transition state, can be done with as little energyand force evaluations as possible. In mathematical terms,locating the transition state means identifying a saddlepoint along a reaction path on a high-dimensional sur-face. Completely independent of the computational con-straints, this is not at all a trivial problem, and the devel-opment of efficient and reliable transition-state search al-

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gorithms is still a very active field of current research.40,41

Among a variety of existing approaches, string algorithmslike climbing-image nudged elastic band42,43 enjoy quitesome popularity in surface reaction studies, and are bynow included in most of the modern DFT software pack-ages. Despite this ready availability, caution is always ad-vised with these algorithms as none of them is fool-proof.In particular if existing symmetries can be efficiently ex-ploited to reduce the dimensionality of the problem, map-ping the PES along a couple of suitable reaction coordi-nates might therefore always be a worthwhile alternative,that in addition provides also more insight into the over-all topology of the PES than just knowing where thesaddle point is.

In either approach, identification of the transition stateand the ensuing calculation of the rate constant for anindividual pathway using DFT energies and forces isnowadays typically computationally involved, but feasi-ble. However, the more different processes there are, themore calculations are necessary. The feasibility state-ment holds therefore only if the total number of indepen-dent rate constant calculations, i.e. primarily the expen-sive transition-state searches, remains finite, if not small.In order to ensure this, first-principles kMC simulationsresort up to now almost exclusively to a lattice mappingin conjunction with the thereby enabled exploitation oflocality. Let me explain this concept again on the basisof the surface diffusion problem. Quite characteristic formany problems in surface catalysis the adsorbate con-sidered in this example shows a site-specific adsorption.In the case of a simple single-crystal surface it is thenstraightforward to map the total diffusion problem ontothe periodic lattice formed by these sites, say a cubic lat-tice in the case of adsorption into the hollow sites of afcc(100) surface. On this lattice a single diffusion eventtranslates simply into a hop from one discrete site to an-other one, and the advantage is that one has a uniquespecification of a given system state i just on the basisof the population on the different lattice sites. If onenow constructs a catalog of possible processes and theircorresponding rate constants for every possible state onthe lattice before the kMC simulation, one can check atevery kMC step the configuration on the lattice, identifythe state and then perform the random selection whichprocess is executed at essentially zero computational costby looking up the processes and their rate constants inthe catalog.44

The lattice mapping together with the rate constantcatalog achieves already that the total number of rateconstants that needs to be computed is finite. A sig-nificant reduction of this number that ultimately makesthe simulations feasible is thereafter achieved by consid-ering the locality of most surface chemical processes. As-sume in the simplest case that the diffusion process ofthe adsorbate would not be affected at all by the pres-ence of other nearby adsorbates, apart from the fact thatno diffusion could occur into any already occupied sites.Despite an astronomically large number of different sys-

FIG. 4: Schematic top view illustrating the effect of lateralinteractions with the nearest-neighbors in the surface diffu-sion problem with one atomic surface species and site-specificadsorption into the hollow sites of a fcc(100) lattice. Consid-eration of such lateral interactions requires the computationof five different rate constants, corresponding to the motionssketched with differently colored arrows, see text (small redspheres = adsorbate, large gray sphere = substrate atoms).

tem states corresponding each to a different spatial dis-tribution of a given number of adsorbates on the lattice,only one single rate constant would need to be computed,namely the rate constant for the pathway of a hop fromone site to the next. Admittedly, such a situation witha complete absence of lateral interactions between theadsorbates is rarely realized. Nevertheless, nothing pre-vents us from extending the dependence on the local en-vironment. Staying with the diffusion problem, imaginethat the diffusion process is now only affected by the pres-ence of other adsorbates in nearest neighbor sites. Forthe illustrative example of just one adsorbate species ona cubic lattice this means that – regardless of the occupa-tion of more distant lattice sites – now five different rateconstants need to be computed as illustrated in Fig. 4:One for the diffusion process of an “isolated” adsorbatewithout any nearest neighbors, two with one nearest-neighbor site occupied, as well as one with two and onewith three such sites occupied (if all four nearest-neighborsites are occupied, the adsorbate obviously cannot movevia a nearest-neighbor hop, so no rate constant calcula-tion is required here). If the diffusion process dependsfurthermore on how the neighbors are arranged aroundthe diffusing adsorbate, further rate constants could berequired, e.g. to distinguish the situation with two neigh-bors either located on diagonal neighboring sites of theadsorbate as in Fig. 4 or not. Consideration of an in-creasing local environment thus increases the number of

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inequivalent rate constants that need to be computed,and this number increases steeply when accounting forthe constellation in the second, third and so on nearest-neighbor shells. On the other hand, depending on thenature of the surface chemical bond such lateral interac-tions also decay away more or less quickly with distance,so that either a truncation or a suitable interpolation45

is possible, in either case with only a quite finite amountof different DFT rate constant calculations remaining.This leaves the problem of how to determine in the

first place which lateral interactions are actually opera-tive in a given system, keeping additionally in mind thatlateral interactions especially at metal surfaces are by nomeans necessarily restricted to just the pairwise inter-actions discussed in the example. For site-specific ad-sorption the rigorous approach to this problem is to ex-pand DFT energetics computed for a number of differentordered superstructures into a lattice-gas Hamiltonian.2.This cluster expansion technique46–48 is to date primarilydeveloped with the focus on lateral interactions betweensurface species in their (meta)stable minima2,45,49–53, butgeneralizing the methodology to an expansion of the lo-cal environment dependence of the transition states isstraightforward. Due to the computational constraintsimposed by the expensive transition-state searches, ex-isting expansions in first-principles kMC work in the fieldare often rather crude, truncating the dependence on thelocal environment often already at the most immediateneighbor shells. In this situation, it has been suggested54

that a less rigorous alternative could be to resort to semi-empirical schemes like the unity bond index-quadraticexponential potential (UBI-QEP) method55 to accountfor the effects of the local environment. In either case,great care has again to be taken that applying any suchapproximations does not lead to sets of rate constantsthat violate the detailed balance criterion. Particularlyin models with different site types and different surfacespecies, this is anything but a trivial task.


Complementing the preceding general introduction tothe underlying concepts, let me continue in this Sectionwith a demonstration of how first-principles kMC simu-lations are put into practice. Rather than emphasizingthe breadth of the approach with a multitude of differ-ent applications, this discussion will be carried out us-ing one particular example, namely the CO oxidation atRuO2(110). With a lot of theoretical work done on thesystem, this focus enables a coherent discussion of thevarious facets, which I feel is better suited to provide animpression of the quality and type of insights that first-principles kMC simulations can contribute to the fieldof heterogeneous catalysis (with refs. 56,57 e.g. pro-viding similar compilations for epitaxial growth relatedproblems). Since the purpose of the example is primar-ily to highlight the achievements and limitations of the

cus site bridge sitebridgesites







6.43 Å

FIG. 5: Top view of the RuO2(110) surface showing thetwo prominent active sites (bridge and cus). Ru = light,large spheres, O = dark small spheres. When focusing onthese two site types, the surface can be coarse-grained to thelattice model on the right, composed of alternating rows ofbridge and cus sites. Atoms lying in deeper layers have beenwhitened in the top view for clarity.

methodological approach, suffice it to say that the moti-vation for studying this particular system comes largelyfrom the extensively discussed pressure gap phenomenonexhibited by “Ru”-catalysts, with the RuO2(110) surfacepossibly representing a model for the active state of thecatalyst under technologically relevant O-rich feeds (seee.g. ref. [58] for more details and references to the origi-nal literature).

A. Setting up the model: Lattice, energetics and

rate constant catalog

To some extent the system lends itself to a modelingwith first-principles kMC simulations, as extensive sur-face science experimental59 and DFT-based theoreticalstudies29 have firmly established that the surface kinet-ics is predominantly taking place at two prominent activesites offered by the rutile-structured RuO2(110) surface,namely the so-called coordinately unsaturated (cus) andthe bridge (br) site. As illustrated in Fig. 5 this leadsnaturally to a lattice model where these two sites are ar-ranged in alternating rows, and to consider as elementaryprocesses the adsorption and desorption of O and COat the bridge and cus sites, as well as diffusion and sur-face chemical reactions of both reaction intermediates ad-sorbed at these sites. With a very small DFT-computedCO2 binding energy to the surface29, the surface reac-tions can furthermore be modeled as associative desorp-tions, i.e. there is no need to consider processes involvingadsorbed CO2.Another benign feature of this system is its extreme

locality in the sense that DFT-computed lateral interac-tions at the surface are so small that they can be ne-glected to a first approximation.29 Considering the ex-haustive list of non-correlated, element-specific processesthat can occur on the two-site-type lattice then leads to26 different elementary steps, comprising the dissociative

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0.89 eV

< 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.90 1.00 1.10 1.20 1.30 1.40> 1.50

eV 0.00 0.62 1.25 1.87 3.12




C position along [001] (Å)cus




n al



] (






[001]0.00Å 3.12Å

FIG. 6: Calculated DFT-PES of one of the possible CO ox-idation reaction mechanisms at the RuO2(110) model cata-lyst surface. The high-dimensional PES is projected onto tworeaction coordinates, representing two lateral coordinates ofthe adsorbed Ocus and COcus (cf. Figure 5). The energy zerocorresponds to the initial state at (0.00 A, 3.12 A), and thetransition state is at the saddle point of the PES, yieldinga barrier of 0.89 eV. Details of the corresponding transitionstate geometry are shown in the inset. Ru = light, largespheres, O = dark, medium spheres, and C = small, whitespheres (only the atoms lying in the reaction plane itself aredrawn as threedimensional spheres). (From ref. [60]).

adsorption of O2 resulting in three possible postadsorp-tion states (two O atoms in neighboring cus sites, two Oatoms in neighboring br sites, or two O atoms, one in abr site and one in a neighboring cus site); the associativedesorption of O2 from each of the three configurationsof the O atoms; the adsorption of CO in cus or br sites;the desorption of CO from cus or br sites; the reactionof CO with O from four different initial states with theintermediates in neighboring sites (O in cus reacting withCO in cus, O in cus with CO in br, O in br with CO inbr, and O in br with CO in cus); the corresponding fourbackreactions dissociating gas-phase CO2 into adsorbedCO and O; and the hops of O and CO from a site to thenearest site (for all possible site combinations).The rate constants for all these processes were calcu-

lated using DFT-GGA to determine the energy barriersand TST expressions like those of Eqs. (11) and (13), en-suring that all forward and backward processes obey de-tailed balance.29 Fig. 6 shows one of the correspondinglycomputed PES mappings along high-symmetry reactioncoordinates and Table I lists all the resulting energy bar-riers as used in the kMC simulations. Just to set theperspective, it is worth mentioning that it took of theorder of half a million CPU-hours at the time on Com-paq ES45 servers to assemble this totality of energeticinformation required for the rate constant catalog.The relevant physics that emerges at the level of

this energetics is that there is a strong asymmetry in

TABLE I: Binding energies, Eb, for CO and O (with respectto (1/2)O2) at bridge and cus sites, cf. Fig. 5, and diffusionenergy barriers, ∆Ediff , to neighboring bridge and cus sites,as used in the kMC simulations. The desorption barriers aregiven for unimolecular and for associative desorption with ei-ther Ocus or Obr. This includes therefore surface reactionsforming CO2, which are considered as associative desorptionof an adsorbed O and CO pair. All values are in eV. (Fromref. [29]).

Eb ∆Edes ∆Ediff

unimol. with Obr with Ocus to br to cus

CObr -1.6 1.6 1.5 0.8 0.6 1.6COcus -1.3 1.3 1.2 0.9 1.3 1.7Obr -2.3 − 4.6 3.3 0.7 2.3Ocus -1.0 − 3.3 2.0 1.0 1.6

the O binding to the two active sites, quite strong tothe bridge sites (∼ 2.3 eV/atom) and only moderateat the cus sites (∼ 1.0 eV/atom). CO adsorption, onthe other hand, has a rather similar strength of the or-der of ∼ 1.5 eV/atom at both sites. From the estab-lished importance of the oxygen-metal bond breakingstep in catalytic cycles and the Sabatier principle10–12

one would thus expect the Ocus species to be mostly re-sponsible for the high catalytic activity of this modelcatalyst at high pressures. In fact, this notion, as ex-pressed by the well-known Brønsted-Evans-Polanyi typerelationships61, is fully confirmed by the computed re-action barriers, with the two reactions involving thestrongly bound Obr species exhibiting rather high bar-riers (Obr +CObr :∼ 1.5 eV, Obr +COcus :∼ 1.2 eV) andthe two reactions involving the moderately bound Ocus

species exhibiting lower barriers (Ocus +CObr :∼ 0.8 eV,Ocus+COcus :∼ 0.9 eV). From a mere inspection of these

energetics, particularly the lowest-barrier Ocus+CObr →CO2 reaction appears thus most relevant for the catal-ysis, and one would imagine it to dominate the overallactivity.

B. Steady-state surface structure and composition

With the rate constant catalog established, a first im-portant application area for kMC simulations is to de-termine the detailed composition of the catalyst surfaceunder steady-state operation, i.e. the spatial distributionand concentration of the reaction intermediates at the ac-tive sites. In the absence of mass transfer limitations inthe reactor setup, the reactant partial pressures enter-ing the surface impingement, Eq. (13), can be taken asequal to those at the inlet, without build-up of a signif-icant product concentration in the gas-phase above theworking surface. If one furthermore assumes that anyheat of reaction is quickly dissipated away, an approxi-mation to steady-state operation can simply be achievedby performing the kMC simulations at constant reactant

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0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1


e occ













FIG. 7: Time evolution of the site occupation by O and CO ofthe two prominent adsorption sites, bridge and cus, cf. Fig. 5.The temperature and pressure conditions chosen (T = 600K,pCO = 7atm, pO2

= 1atm) correspond to optimum catalyticperformance (vide infra). Under these conditions kineticsbuilds up a steady-state surface population in which O andCO compete for either site type at the surface, as reflectedby the strong fluctuations in the site occupations within theemployed (20 × 20) simulation cell. Note the extended timescale, also for the “induction period” until the steady-statepopulations are reached when starting from a purely oxygencovered surface. (From ref. [29]).

partial pressures pO2and pCO, at constant global tem-

perature T , and instantly removing any formed CO2.

Figure 7 shows the time evolution of the actual andtime-averaged surface coverages for a corresponding con-stant (T, pO2

, pCO)-run starting from an arbitrary ini-tial lattice population (in this case a fully O-coveredsurface).29 Despite notable fluctuations in the actual pop-ulations (characteristically determined by the size of theemployed simulation cell, here a (20×20) lattice with 200br and 200 cus sites), steady-state conditions correspond-ing to constant average values for all surface species arereached after some initial induction period. Although thedynamics of the individual elementary processes takesplace on a picosecond time scale, this induction periodcan – depending on the partial pressures – take of theorder of a tenth of a second even at this rather elevatedtemperature. At lower temperatures around room tem-perature, this becomes even more pronounced, and dueto the decelerated rate constants the corresponding times(covered by an equivalent number of kMC steps) are or-ders of magnitude longer. These time scales are an im-pressive manifestation of the rare-event nature of sur-face catalytic systems, considering that in the presentexample the evolution to the active state of the surfaceinvolves only the kinetics at two prominent adsorptionsites without any complex morphological changes of theunderlying substrate. It is clearly only the efficient timecoarse-graining underlying kMC algorithms that makes itpossible to reach such time scales, while still accounting

for the full atomic-scale correlations, fluctuations, andspatial distributions at the catalyst surface.

Performing kMC runs starting from different initiallattice configurations and with different random numberseeds allows to verify if the true dynamic steady-state fora given (T, pO2

, pCO) environment is reached, and in thepresent system no indication for multiple steady-stateswas found29. In this case, the surface populations undergiven gas-phase conditions as obtained from averagingover sufficiently long time spans are then already welldefined in the sense that no further averaging over dif-ferent kMC trajectories is required. Corresponding in-formation about the concentration of the reaction inter-mediates at the active sites is therefore readily evalu-ated for a wide range of reactive environments rangingfrom ultra-high vacuum to technologically relevant con-ditions with pressures of the order of atmospheres andelevated temperatures. One way of summarizing the ob-tained results is displayed in the middle panel of Fig. 8,which compiles the dominant surface species, also calledmost abundant reaction intermediates (MARI), at con-stant temperature and as a function of the reactant par-tial pressures.29 Note that the total computational timeto obtain such a “kinetic phase diagram”63 is typicallyinsignificant compared to the afore mentioned cost of as-sembling the first-principles rate constant catalog. Inthe present system this is particularly pronounced, asthe short correlation lengths resulting from the absenceof lateral interactions enable the use of rather small sim-ulation cells and as there is no kMC bottleneck in form ofthe discussed problem of a low-barrier process operatingon a much faster time scale than all others.

At first glance, the overall structure of Fig. 8 is notparticularly surprising. In O-rich environments the sur-face is predominantly covered with oxygen, in CO-richenvironments the surface is predominantly covered withCO, and in between there is a transition from one stateto the other which coincides with O and CO both be-ing present at the surface in appreciable amounts. Sucha transition from O-poisoned to CO-poisoned state de-pending on the partial pressure ratio is intuitive and con-ceptually already grasped e.g. by the early ZGB-model64.The real advance brought by the first-principles kMCsimulations is that this information is not only providedfor a generic model, but specifically for the RuO2(110)system and without empirical input. Unlike in macro-scopic engineering-type models as e.g. through the MARIapproximation the dominant surface species are thus notassumed, but come out as the result of the proper eval-uation of the statistical interplay of microscopically cor-rectly described elementary processes.

This rigorous solution of the master equation, cf. Eq.(1), is also what distinguishes kMC simulations frommore approximate theories that are otherwise equallybuilt on a microscopic reaction mechanism as concerns aset of elementary processes and their rate constants. Inprevalent microkinetic modeling the master equation issimplified through a mean-field approximation, leading

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pO (atm)2

pO (atm)2




110-5 10+510-15 10-10

OObrbr// --





OObrbr// -- OObrbr/O/Ocuscus




10-10 110-5 10+510-15

pO (atm)2








10-10 10-5 1 10+5

FIG. 8: Steady-state surface composition of RuO2(110) in an O2/CO environment at T = 600K. In all non-white areas, theaverage site occupation is dominated (> 90%) by one species, i.e. either O, CO or empty sites (−). The labels correspondinglycharacterize the surface populations by indicating this majority species at the bridge and cus sites. In the white regions there isa more complex coexistence of reaction intermediates and vacancies at the active sites. Compared are the results obtained bythe first-principles kMC simulations (middle panel) to more approximate theories: Constrained atomistic thermodynamics (leftpanel) and microkinetic rate equations (right panel). Above the dashed line in the left panel, bulk RuO2 is thermodynamicallyunstable against CO-induced decomposition, see text. (From refs. [29,60,62]).

to a set of coupled rate equations for the average con-centrations of the different surface species.11,12,65 Con-

strained atomistic thermodynamics, on the other hand,neglects the effect of the on-going catalytic reactions andevaluates the surface populations in equilibrium withthe reactive environment.60,66 Essentially it thus corre-sponds to a kMC simulation where the reaction eventsare switched off, but because of its equilibrium assump-tion gets away with significantly less first-principles cal-culations. To better assess how these approximationscan harm the theory, it is instructive to compare theresults obtained with the three techniques when usingalways exactly the same input in form of the describedset of elementary processes and DFT rate constants forthe CO oxidation at RuO2(110). The corresponding “ki-netic phase diagrams” are shown in Fig. 8, from whereone can directly see that in terms of the overall topol-ogy the rate equation approach comes rather close to thecorrect kMC solution.62 Quantitatively, there are, how-ever, notable differences and we will return to this pointin more detail below. In the case of constrained atomisticthermodynamics the deviations under some environmen-tal conditions are much more substantial, yet to be ex-pected and easily rationalized.60,66 They concern promi-nently the presence of the strongly-bound Obr species.For the thermodynamic approach only the ratio of ad-sorption to desorption matters, and due to its very lowdesorption rate, Obr is correspondingly stabilized at thesurface even in highly CO-rich feeds. The surface re-actions, on the other hand, are a very efficient meansof removing this Obr species, and under most CO-richconditions they consume the surface oxygen faster thanit can be replenished from the gas-phase. Theories likekMC and the rate equation approach that explicitly ac-

count for the surface reactions then yield a much loweraverage surface concentration of Obr than the thermody-namic treatment, and as a consequence show an extendedstability range of surface structures with CObr at the sur-face (i.e. the CObr/− and CObr/COcus regions in Fig.8).

Particularly the stability of these structures underrather CO-rich conditions has to be considered with carethough. In such reducing environments one would ex-pect a CO-induced decomposition of the entire RuO2

substrate to Ru metal, and the dashed line in the leftpanel of Fig. 8 represents a thermodynamic estimatewhere this instability of the oxide bulk sets in.67 Consid-ering only the kinetics involving br and cus sites of anotherwise fixed lattice, neither kMC nor rate equationsaccount for this instability, but yield at maximum a com-pletely CO-covered surface. With its ability to quicklycompare the stability of structures with completely dif-ferent morphology, the constrained atomistic thermody-namics approach can in this respect be seen as a nicecomplement to the otherwise more accurate kinetic the-ories. Relevant for the ensuing discussion is also thatthe transition from O-poisoned to CO-poisoned surface,which as we will see below corresponds to catalyticallymost relevant environments, is quite far away from theoxide instability limit. Under any such conditions thekinetics determining the catalytic function concentrateson the br and cus sites, and the lattice model underlyingthe first-principles kMC simulations is fully justified.

With its explicit account of the reaction kinetics, it isneedless to stress that kMC simulations do, of course,also yield the correct temperature dependence. This isexemplified in Fig. 9, which displays the “kinetic phasediagram” obtained at T = 350K.29 Shown is a region of

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110-20 10-10


pO (atm)2




110-20 10-10





-- // -- OObrbr/O/Ocuscus



FIG. 9: Left panel: Equivalent plot of the first-principleskMC-determined surface composition as in the middle panelof Fig. 8, yet at T = 350K (see Fig. 8 for an explana-tion of the labeling). Right panel: Map of the correspondingturn-over frequencies (TOFs) in 1015 cm−2s−1: White areashave a TOF< 103 cm−2s−1, and each increasing gray levelrepresents one order of magnitude higher activity. Thus, theblack region corresponds to TOFs above 1011 cm−2s−1, whilein a narrow (pCO, pO2

) region the TOFs actually peak over1012 cm−2s−1. (From ref. [29]).

much lower reactant partial pressures, which, however,corresponds exactly to the same range of O2 and COchemical potentials as in the corresponding kMC diagramat T = 600K in the middle panel of Fig. 8. This is doneto briefly address the general notion of thermodynamicscaling, which expects equivalent surface conditions inthermodynamically similar gas phases and which is thusoften employed to relate results from surface science stud-ies performed under ultra-high vacuum conditions andlow temperatures to catalytically relevant environmentsat ambient pressures and elevated temperatures. If sucha scaling applies, the topology of the two diagrams atthe two temperatures would be exactly the same, withonly the width of the white coexistence regions varyingaccording to the changing configurational entropy. Com-paring the two kMC diagrams in Figs. 8 and 9 it is clearthat scaling is indeed largely present in the sense that thetransition from O-poisoned to CO-poisoned state occursroughly at similar chemical potentials. Nevertheless, indetail notable differences due to the surface kinetics canbe discerned, cautioning against a too uncritical use ofthermodynamic scaling arguments and emphasizing thevalue of explicit kinetic theories like kMC to obtain thecorrect surface structure and composition at finite tem-peratures.

C. Parameter-free turnover frequencies

Besides the surface populations another importantgroup of quantities that is straightforward to evaluatefrom kMC simulations of steady-state operation are theaverage frequencies with which the various elementaryprocesses occur. Apart from providing a wealth of in-


x xx x x xxxx











xx x






xx x


pco = 10-10 atm pO2= 10-10 atm

pCO (10-9 atm)

0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0

pO2(10-9 atm)

0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0



















FIG. 10: Comparison of the steady-state TOFs at T = 350Kfrom first-principles kMC (solid line) and the experimentaldata from Wang et al.68 (dotted line). Shown is the depen-dence with pO2

at pCO = 10−10 atm (left), and the depen-dence with pCO at pO2

= 10−10 atm (right), cf. the overallTOF-plot in Fig. 9. (From ref. [29]).

formation illuminating the on-going chemistry, this alsoyields the catalytic activity as the sum of the averagedfrequencies of all surface reaction events. Properly nor-malized to the surface area, a constant (T, pO2

, pCO) first-principles kMC-run thus provides a parameter-free accessto the net rate of product formation or turn-over fre-quency, TOF (measured in molecules per area and time).

A corresponding TOF-plot for the same range of gas-phase conditions as discussed for the “kinetic phase di-agram” at T = 350K is also included in Fig. 9.29 Thecatalytic activity is narrowly peaked around gas-phaseconditions corresponding to the transition region whereboth O and CO are present at the surface in appreciableamounts, with little CO2 formed in either O-poisoned orCO-poisoned state. On a conceptual level, this is notparticularly surprising and simply confirms the view ofheterogeneous catalysis as a “kinetic phase transition”phenomenon60,63,64, stressing the general importance ofthe enhanced dynamics and fluctuations when the sys-tem is close to an instability (here the transition from O-covered to CO-covered surface). Much more intriguing isthe quantitative agreement that is achieved with existingexperimental data68 as illustrated in Fig. 10. Recallingthat the calculations do not rely on any empirical inputthis is quite remarkable. In fact, considering the multi-tude of uncertainties underlying the simulations, in par-ticular the approximate DFT-GGA energetics enteringthe rate constants, such an agreement deserves furthercomment and I will return to this point in more detail inthe final frontiers Section of this Chapter.

In the catalytically most active coexistence region be-tween O-poisoned and CO-poisoned state, the kinetics ofthe on-going surface chemical reactions builds up a sur-face population in which O and CO compete for eithersite type at the surface. This competition is reflected bythe strong fluctuations in the site occupations visible inFig. 7, but leads also to a complex spatial distribution ofthe reaction intermediates at the surface. In the absence

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FIG. 11: Snapshot of the steady-state surface population un-der optimum catalytic conditions at T = 600K (pO2

= 1atm,pCO = 7atm). Shown is a schematic top view, where thesubstrate bridge sites are marked by gray stripes and the cussites by white stripes, cf. Fig. 5. Oxygen adatoms are drawnas light gray (red) circles and adsorbed CO molecules as darkgray (blue) circles. (From ref. [29]).

of lateral interactions in the first-principles kMC modelthere is no thermodynamic driving force favoring a segre-gation of adsorbed O and CO. Nevertheless, as visualizedby the snapshot shown in Fig. 11, a statistical analysisof the surface population reveals that they are not dis-tributed in a random arrangement.29 Instead they tendto cluster into small domains, which extend particularlyin the direction along the bridge rows and cus trenches.This tendency arises out of the statistical interplay of allelementary processes, but emerges at the considered am-bient pressures primarily from diffusion limitations andthe fact that the dissociative adsorption of oxygen re-quires two free neighboring sites and the unimolecularadsorption of CO requires only one free site.

The resulting complex, and fluctuating spatial arrange-ment has important consequences for the catalytic func-tion. As demonstrated by Fig. 12, under these condi-tions of highest catalytic performance it is not the reac-tion mechanism with the highest rate constant, i.e. thelowest-barrier reaction Ocus + CObr → CO2, that dom-inates the overall activity.29 Although the process itselfexhibits very suitable properties for the catalysis, it oc-curs too rarely in the full concert of all possible processesto decisively affect the overall functionality. Even undermost active conditions, at T = 600K e.g. for pO2

= 1atmand pCO = 7atm, it only contributes around 10% to thetotal TOF, while essentially all of the remaining activityis due to the Ocus+COcus → CO2 reaction mechanism.29

This finding could not have been obtained on the ba-sis of the first-principles energetics and rate constantsalone, and emphasizes the importance of the statisticalinterplay and the novel level of understanding that isprovided by first-principles kMC simulations. How criti-cal it is that this evaluation of the interplay is done rig-


FIG. 12: Variation of the catalytic activity with CO partialpressure at T = 600K and pO2

= 1atm. The displayed gas-phase conditions comprise the most active state and the tran-sition from O-poisoned to CO-poisoned surface (sketched aswhite region in Fig. 8). Shown is the total TOF, as well as thecontribution of the four different reaction mechanisms. Upperpanel: First-principles kMC. Lower panel: Microkinetic rateequations. (From ref. [62]).

orously, is again nicely illustrated by comparing to mi-crokinetic modeling using mean-field rate equations. Asshown in Fig. 12, although using exactly the same set ofelementary processes and first-principles rate constants,this theory incorrectly predicts an almost equal contri-bution of the two competing low-barrier reaction mech-anisms to the total TOF at peak performance.62 Thispeak performance (at the corresponding transition fromO-poisoned to CO-poisoned surface) is furthermore ob-tained at slightly shifted pressure conditions as was alsoapparent from the “kinetic phase diagrams” in Fig. 8.The neglect of the spatial inhomogeneity in the mean-field approach thus leads to severe shortcomings, under-scoring the virtue of first-principles kMC simulations toexplicitly resolve the locations of all reaction intermedi-ates at the surface.In this respect, it is intriguing to notice that the mi-

crokinetic modeling yields a TOF that is about threeorders of magnitude in error particularly under condi-tions where one would intuitively expect the mean-fieldapproximation to be well fulfilled: The O-poisoned state

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at the lowest pressures shown in Fig. 12 on the left. Thereason for this deficiency even at an almost perfectly ho-mogeneous surface coverage is that mean-field assumesthe random existence of independent vacant sites withthe probability of neighboring divacancies (created by as-sociative desorption of O2 molecules or required for disso-ciative adsorption of gas-phase O2) correspondingly be-ing proportional to the vacancy concentration squared,θ2vac. However, due to severe diffusion limitations par-ticularly along the cus site trenches, divacancies createdthrough oxygen desorption persist for such a long timethat they completely dominate the total vacancy con-centration at the surface. Rather than going as θ2vac, theprobability for a divacancy is thus close to half the prob-ability of a single vacancy, ≈ θvac/2. If one patches theoxygen adsorption expression in the rate equations ac-cordingly, a TOF virtually identical to the kMC result isobtained.69

This trick works, of course, only for gas-phase condi-tions corresponding to the O-poisoned surface, and in-correct TOFs are then obtained e.g. in the CO-poisonedstate. This nothing but exemplifies the well-known diffi-culties of effectively correcting a rate equation formula-tion to at least partly account for site correlations. KMCon the other hand, does not suffer from this deficiency,and fully includes all correlations and stochastic fluctu-ations at the active surface sites into the modeling. Inthis context it is important to realize that another wayof patching up deficiencies in the statistical modeling isto resort to effective kinetic parameters. If one considersall rate constants in the mean-field rate equation modelnot to be fixed by the underlying first-principles calcu-lations, but instead to be free parameters, it is possibleto achieve a perfect fit to the kMC TOF-profile shownin Fig. 12.62,69 However, the result is just an effectivedescription, with the optimized rate constants no longerhaving any kind of microscopic meaning and deviatingin their values from the true first-principles rate con-stants underlying the kMC TOF-profile by several ordersof magnitude. Not surprisingly, this effective descriptionworks only inside the parameterized range, and is nottransferable to gas-phase conditions outside those shownin Fig. 12, where it predicts grossly wrong catalytic ac-tivities.

This highlights a crucial conceptual point: A hierar-chical technique like first-principles kinetic Monte Carlothat builds on microscopically well-defined parameters isnot only substantially more involved than existing empir-ical approaches because of the intense first-principles cal-culations, but also because it typically requires a signifi-cantly improved description at all ensuing levels, here thesolution of the statistical-mechanics problem. Effectiveparameters, as e.g. rate constants fitted to experimen-tal data, provide the possibility to (at least partly) coverup deficiencies in the modeling. In the present contextthis either means that one can get away with mean-fieldrate equations despite existing site correlations or thatone can get away with a significantly reduced number

of kMC processes that then represent some unspecifiedlump sum of not further resolved elementary processes.The price paid by such a seemingly simpler modeling isthat it is typically neither transferable nor predictive,and most importantly lacks the reverse-mapping featuremuch aspired in multi-scale modeling, i.e. to be ableto unambiguously trace the correct microscopic origin ofproperties identified at the meso- or macroscopic level.All of this is possible in a theory like first-principles kMC,but one has to go the extra mile in form of an unprece-dented level of detail and accuracy in the modeling. Thislevel is at present mostly not matched in engineering-style approaches to heterogeneous catalysis, and is alsothe reason why existing first-principles kMC applicationsare hitherto still confined to well-defined model catalystsand simple reaction schemes.

D. Temperature programmed reaction


Properly tracking the system time kMC simulationscan of course not only address catalytic systems dur-ing steady-state operation. A prominent example for atime-dependent application in the field would be temper-ature programmed desorption (TPD) or reaction (TPR)spectroscopies, which provide insight into the bindingenergetics of reaction intermediates by recording theamount of desorbing species while ramping the substratetemperature.70 With typical experimental heating ratesof a few Kelvin per second, modeling an entire TPD/TPRspectrum covering say a temperature range of a few hun-dred Kelvin leads again to time scales that are naturallytackled by kMC simulations. Always starting from a de-fined initial lattice configuration, the desorption or reac-tion rate as a function of temperature is there obtainedfrom averages over an ensemble of kMC trajectories inwhich with progressing simulation time the temperature-dependent first-principles rate constants are adapted ac-cording to the applied heating ramp. As the kMC timedoes not evolve continuously, but in finite steps accord-ing to Eq. (7), there can be some technicalities withcontinous temperature programmes71, which in practicecan be addressed by larger simulation cells (leading to alarger ktot and thus smaller time steps), finite tempera-ture bins or other system-specific solutions.Another type of TPD/TPR quantity that is typically

much less sensitive to this and some other problemslike slight inaccuracies in the first-principles rate con-stants are integral yields, i.e. the total amount of aspecies that has come off the surface during some ex-tended temperature window. Such yields were e.g. mea-sured for the RuO2(110) system from surfaces in whichinitially all bridge sites were always fully occupied byObr, while the coverage of Ocus varied in the range0 < θ < 0.8monolayer (ML), where 1 ML corresponds toan occupation of all cus sites.72 The remaining free cussites were then each time saturated with CO, so that the

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FIG. 13: Total TPR CO2 yield from RuO2(110) surfaces ini-tially prepared with varying Ocus coverage θ. In all surfacesall bridge sites are initially covered with Obr species, and theremaining (1− θ) cus sites not covered by Ocus are occupiedby COcus. The CO2 yield is given relative to the one ob-tained for the surface with zero Ocus coverage. Shown are thetotal simulated CO2 yield, as well as the contributions fromthe two dominant reaction mechanisms under these condi-tions: Ocus+COcus and Obr+COcus. The experimental datais taken from ref. [72]. (From ref. [73]).

initially prepared surfaces contained an amount of 1 MLObr, θML Ocus and (1 − θ)ML COcus. The idea of thisset of experiments was to evaluate which of the surfaceoxygen species, Ocus or Obr, is more reactive. With a con-stant population of Obr and a linearly decreasing amountof COcus, the expectation within a mean-field picture wasthat in case of a dominant Obr+COcus reaction the to-tal CO2 yield should show a linear (1 − θ) dependence,whereas with an also linearly varying amount of Ocus adominant Ocus+COcus reaction would be reflected by aparabolic θ(1− θ) variation. The measured linear depen-dence shown in Fig. 13 was therefore taken as evidencefor a much more reactive Obr species, which was diffi-cult to reconcile both with the much lower DFT-GGAOcus binding energy and the lower Ocus+COcus reactionbarrier, cf. Table I.Only subsequent first-principles kMC simulations

based exactly on this DFT-GGA energetics were able toresolve this puzzle as yet another consequence of the in-homogeneities in the adlayer caused by the specific ar-rangement of the active sites in conjunction with diffu-sion limitations of the reaction intermediates.73 As ap-parent from Fig. 13 the simulations perfectly reproducethe experimental data, and even reveal that the contri-butions from the two competing reaction channels followindeed the functional form expected from mean-field (lin-ear vs. parabolic). Despite the much higher Ocus+COcus

rate constant, the share of this reaction mechanism is,however, largely suppressed as at the conditions of theTPR experiments rows of strongly bound Obr speciesconfine the reactive Ocus species to one-dimensional cus

FIG. 14: Snapshots of the surface population in the first-principles TPR kMC simulation for the surface covered ini-tially with 1ML Obr, 0.5ML Ocus and 0.5ML COcus. Shownis a schematic top view as in Fig. 11, where the substratebridge sites are marked by gray stripes and the cus sites bywhite stripes. Oxygen adatoms are drawn as lighter gray (red)circles and adsorbed CO molecules as darker gray (blue) cir-cles. Left panel: Initial population at T = 170K, Right panel:Population at T = 400K. At this temperature, according tomean-field > 98% of all initially present COcus species shouldalready have been reacted off by the low-barrier Ocus+COcus

reaction. Instead 40% of them are still present, namely essen-tially all those that were not initially adsorbed immediatelyadjacent to a Ocus species. (From ref. [73]).

site trenches. With strong diffusion limitations insidethese trenches, cf. Table I, the COcus molecules can onlyaccess a fraction of the Ocus species and instead react offwith their immediate Obr neighbors as illustrated in Fig.14.

As also evident from Fig. 14 decreasing surface cov-erages toward the high-temperature end of the heatingramp are an inherent feature of TPD/TPR spectroscopy.With the concomitant increasing role of surface diffusionand a manifold of systems exhibiting rather low diffusionbarriers, it is finally worth pointing out that TPD/TPRkMC simulations are particularly prone to the mentionedfastest-process bottleneck. As the gap between low andhigher barrier rate constants opens up more and morewith temperature, cf. Eq. (11), it is especially at thehigh-temperature end that the kMC algorithm increas-ingly ends up just executing diffusion events at minusculetime increments. Approximate workarounds to this prob-lem include either an artificial raising of the lowest bar-riers or a mixing of kMC with MC schemes.22 Both ap-proaches work on the assumption that on the time scaleof the slower processes the system essentially equilibratesover the entire subset of states that can be reached viathe fast processes, i.e. that there is a separation of timescales. Raising the lowest barriers will slow down thefastest processes, which at an increased kMC efficiencywill still yield an accurate dynamics if the fast processesare still able to reach equilibration even when they areslowed down. Alternatively, reducing the kMC algorithmto just the slow processes an equilibration over the subsetof states reached by the fast processes can be achieved byperforming some appropriate MC simulations after every

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kMC step. While quite some system-specific progress hasbeen achieved along these lines, it is in general hard toknow for sure that such approximations are not corrupt-ing the dynamics – and the low-barrier problem prevailsas one of the long-standing challenges to kMC simula-tions.


By now it has become clear that the crucial ingredientsto a first-principles kMC simulation are the electronic-structure (DFT) calculations to get the PES, the map-ping of this PES information onto a finite set of ele-mentary processes and rate constants, and the masterequation based kMC algorithm to evaluate the long-timeevolution of the rare event system. Quite natural for ahierarchical approach spanning electronic to mesoscopiclength and time scales, this reflects three complementaryregimes of methodological frontiers: At the level of theelectronic interactions, at the statistical-mechanics level,as well as in the interfacing in between.Necessarily representing the finest scale in any multi-

scale materials modeling, it is natural to start a short sur-vey of open issues in the three regimes at the electronic-structure level. Obviously, if the needed accuracy is lack-ing at this base, there is little hope that accurate predic-tions can be made at any level of modeling that follows.In this respect, the accuracy level at which first-principlesrate constants can presently be computed for catalyticsurface systems of a complexity as the RuO2(110) ex-ample is of course a major concern. As discussed inSection II.E the limitation is thereby predominantly inthe PES uncertainty, and only to a lesser extent in theprevailing use of hTST as reaction rate theory. The prob-lem here is that approaches with an accuracy superior tothe present-day workhorse DFT-GGA, but still tractablecomputational demand, are not readily available. Thisis particularly pronounced for catalytically most relevanttransition metal surfaces, where post Hartree-Fock quan-tum chemistry methods are ill-positioned and there is in-creasing evidence that concomitantly also the much ac-claimed hybrid DFT functionals are hardly a major stepforward.5,74 On top of this, the current focus of first-principles kMC work on the Born-Oppenheimer ground-state PES must not necessarily always convey the correctphysics. Especially for core steps in the catalytic cyclelike adsorption processes involving electron transfer orspin changes electronically non-adiabatic effects and theconsideration of excited states may be essential.75

With all of these issues under active research it is cru-cial to realize that while a most accurate descriptionof every elementary process is of course desirable, whatmatters at first in the context of first-principles kMCsimulations is how the error contained in the rate con-stants propagates to the statistical-mechanics level andaffects the resulting ensemble properties. A very promis-ing approach is therefore to employ sensitivity analyses

FIG. 15: Degree of rate control xi of different elementaryprocesses in the first-principles kMC model of CO oxidationat RuO2(110). Shown is the dependence for the gas-phaseconditions of Fig. 12, where at constant T = 600K andpO2

= 1atm the variation of pCO causes the transition fromthe CO-poisoned surface state (left end of shown pressurerange) to the O-poisoned surface state (right end of shownpressure range) with the catalytically most active coexistenceregion around pCO = 7atm. The DRC values for all processesnot shown are zero on the scale of this figure and modest er-rors contained in the corresponding first-principles rate con-stants will practically not affect the computed TOF. (Fromref. [80]).

to identify which processes critically control the targetedquantities. In the catalysis context, one possibility toidentify such “rate-limiting steps” are degree of rate con-trol (DRC) approaches, which essentially correspond tostudying the linear response of the TOF to a change inone of the rate constants of the reaction network.76–79

Such an analysis has recently been performed for theRuO2(110) system and the corresponding results for theset of gas-phase conditions also discussed in Fig. 12 aresummarized in Fig. 15.80 The most important conclu-sion from this work for the present discussion is that,while particularly in the catalytically most active statethere is no single but an entire group of rate-limitingsteps, this number of processes controlling the overallCO2 production is small. This indicates that if the rateconstants of these processes are known accurately, thekMC procedure will produce correct results even if theother rate constants are inaccurate. Strikingly, some ofthe unimportant rate constants could in fact be variedover several orders of magnitude with no effect on thecomputed TOF.80 Apart from providing a tool for ana-lyzing the mechanism of a complex set of catalytic re-actions, such a DRC sensitivity analysis thus tells forwhich aspects of the reaction mechanism say a potentialDFT-GGA error in the rate constants is not much of a

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problem. On the other hand, it also tells which aspectsmust be treated accurately with corresponding errors inthe rate constants directly carrying through to the meso-scopic simulation result. In this respect, the RuO2(110)DRC work revealed that under the gas-phase conditionsof the experiments shown in Fig. 10 the ruling processesare the dissociative adsorption of O2 into a cus site pairand the desorption of COcus. The almost quantitativeagreement with the experimental data reached by thefirst-principles kMC simulations suggests therefore thatespecially the microscopic quantities entering the corre-sponding rate constants, namely the sticking coefficientof oxygen at a cus site pair and the COcus binding energy,are rather well described.80

At the level of the interfacing between the electronic-structure and the stochastic system description the mostpressing issue is without doubt the identification of andensuing coarse-graining to the relevant elementary pro-cesses. As most transition-state search algorithms re-quire knowledge of the final state after the process hastaken place41,42, already quite some insight into thephysics of an elementary process is needed just to deter-mine its rate constant and include it in the list of possiblekMC processes. Which processes are to be included inthis list at all, and when it can be deemed complete, re-quires even more system-specific information. If the lat-ter is not fully available, as is presently mostly the case,the modeler is forced to resort to chemical intuition. Un-fortunately, it is by now well established that the realdynamical evolution of surface systems is full with non-obvious, unexpected and complex pathways, with surfacediffusion occurring via hopping or exchange mechanismsforming a frequently cited classic example2,81. In thisrespect, the transition from MD to kMC is a paradigmfor the no-free-lunch theorem: In a MD simulation thesystem would tell us by itself where it wants to go, yet wewould be unable to follow its time evolution for a suffi-ciently long time. In kMC, on the other hand, the lattercan be achieved, but we have to explicitly provide thepossibilities where the system can go and can’t be surethat we know them all.

The risk of overlooking a potentially relevant molecularprocess is especially consequential in first-principles kMCsimulations. As discussed above, there is no possibility tocover up for a missing process as in traditional kMC simu-lations, where an unknown number of real molecular-levelprocesses is in any case lumped together into a hand-ful of effective processes with optimized rate constants.Instead, in a theory based on parameters with correctmicroscopic meaning such as first-principles kMC simu-lations omission of an important process means just onething: A wrong result. Even if in the position of know-ing all relevant processes, the problem frequently arisesthat with increasing system complexity this number ofprocesses just about explodes, making a direct compu-tation of all required rate constants from first-principlesat present intractable. Examples for this are multi-sitelattices or multi-species problems, or simply as already

indicated in Section II.E the existence of far-reaching sig-nificant lateral interactions. And this is not to mentionthe degree of complications that come in if the systemcan not easily be mapped onto a lattice as e.g. in thecase of morphological transformations of the active sur-face during induction or steady-state operation82. Thetechnical obstacles emerging in such cases can quickly beoverwhelming, and are in existing practical applicationsunfortunately still too often “solved” by resorting to un-systematic and unjustified approximations.

Obviously, one way out of all of these problems wouldbe that the kMC simulation determines by itself whichprocesses need to be considered. Imagine there is suchan automatized procedure that tells which processes leadout of any given system state. Apart from solving theproblem of overlooking a possibly relevant process, thisalso addresses the limitations imposed by an exceedingtotal number of processes, as one would be able to con-centrate on only those processes out of states that areactually visited by the system. In principle this also su-persedes the lattice approximation, unless one wants tokeep it for state recognition when constructing dynami-cally evolving look-up tables where the information of allpathways of already visited states is kept.83 In view ofthese merits, it is not surprising that such a procedureis hunted for like the holy grail. In fact, it gets rein-vented over the years and features under names such asadaptive kMC84, on-the-fly kMC85, self-learning kMC86

or kinetic activation-relaxation technique87. While thetechnical realizations vary, a core feature of all of theseapproaches is to resort to a transition-state search al-gorithm that only requires information about the initialstate. Minimummode following techniques like the dimermethod88,89 would be a typical example. With such analgorithm at hand, the idea is to initiate a sufficientlylarge number of such transition-state searches to iden-tify all low-lying saddle points around the current stateof the system (potentially accelerated MD techniques90

could be used for this, too). The rate constant for eachof these pathways is then supplied to the kMC algorithmwhich propagates the system in a dynamically correctway to the next state, and the procedure starts again.In principle, this is a beautiful concept that gives accessto the exact time evolution, if indeed all bounding sad-dle points are found. Even if “only” the lowest-barrierescape pathways are determined, the dynamics may stillbe approximately ok as the omission of high-barrier path-ways and their corresponding small rate constants in Eq.(5) does not introduce an exceeding error. In practice,however, it is essentially impossible to demonstrate thatall (or at least all low-barrier) pathways have been foundthrough a finite number of transition-state searches, es-pecially for the high-dimensional PESs of systems thatare of interest in catalysis research. In this situation, itis mostly a matter of taste whether one thinks that theholy grail has already been found or not. Due to the pro-hibitive number of first-principles energy and force eval-uations required even when only employing the smallest

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justifiable number of searches from each state such adap-tive or on-the-fly approaches are at present in any casepractically not really feasible for anything but the mosttrivial model systems – and on a philosophical note itis precisely those crooked PES alleys that are likely not

to be found by a few transition-state searches that oftencorrespond just to those nonobvious pathways that areoverlooked by chemical intuition.

In examples of the type of the RuO2(110) system thecomputational constraints do not extend to the level ofthe actual kMC simulations. Compared to the costs ofsetting up the catalog of first-principles rate constants,running these simulations up to the required extendedtime spans and even for a manifold of environmentalconditions represents normally an insignificant add-on,in particular as these calculations can be performed oncheaper capacity compute-infrastructures. However, thismust not necessarily always be the case, and the men-tioned low-barrier problem, i.e. a process operatingon a much faster time scale, provides already a proto-typical example where the statistical kMC simulationsthemselves can quickly become a bottleneck, too. Thisholds equally for problems with a substantially increasednumber of processes as often automatically implied bylarger simulation cells. On a bookkeeping level signifi-cant speed-ups to overcome corresponding limitations arestill realized by ever more efficient algorithms both withrespect to the searches involved in the process selectionstep and with respect to updating the list of possible pro-cesses for a new system configuration.20,83,91–93 Beyondthis, developing concepts resort to either spatial or tem-poral coarse-graining, e.g. through grouping of latticesites into coarse cells or by executing several processesat a time with approximate post-corrections of ensuingcorrelation errors.20

While the focus of such work is to improve the ef-ficiency within the kMC framework, a more problem-atic issue at the general statistical-mechanics level is theMarkov assumption underlying the master equation, Eq.(1). In parts, this concerns already the possibility oflocally adiabatic correlated events as e.g. a sliding mo-tion over several PES minima that are only separatedby low barriers. However, if only the existence of suchevents is known, this kind of problem is quickly patchedup by an appropriate augmentation of the list of possiblekMC processes. Particularly in view of the often largelyexothermic surface catalytic processes, a much more se-vere challenge arises instead from non-Markovian behav-ior resulting from a finite heat dissipation. A classic ex-ample for this would be the often controversially debatedhot-adatom motion, in which after a largely exothermicdissociative adsorption process the reaction intermediatetravels larger distances before it has equilibrated with theunderlying substrate.94–96 Rather than assuming a con-stant global temperature T as in prevailing kMC work,a consideration of such effects requires a model for thelocal heat transfer including e.g. an assignment of a lo-cal time-dependent temperature to each surface species

accounting for its past process history.Apart from dissipation through electronic friction and

substrate phonons, a heat transfer model for steady-statecatalysis at ambient pressures would furthermore need toinclude a heat release channel into the fluid environment.This then connects to a last frontier that actually leadsoutside the methodological first-principles kMC frame-work as sketched in this Chapter. In work of the lattertype the focus is at present almost exclusively on the sur-face reaction chemistry, with only a rudimentary treat-ment of the reactive flow field over the catalyst surface.Apart from the constant global temperature mimickingan infinitely efficient heat dissipation, this concerns fore-most the complete neglect of mass transfer limitations inthe fluid environment as e.g. expressed by equating thereactant partial pressures entering the surface impinge-ment, cf. Eq. (13), with those at the inlet and disregard-ing the built-up of a finite product concentration overthe active surface as done in the described RuO2(110)work. In order to improve on this, the kMC simulationsneed to be adequately interfaced with a computationalfluid dynamics modeling of the macro-scale flow struc-tures in a given reactor setup.97 While the latter arenaturally described at the continuum level, the crucialdifficulty is that their effects intertwine with all lowerscales, with local concentration changes (or fluctuations)in the gas-phase directly and non-linearly connecting toinhomogeneities in the spatial distribution of the chem-icals at the surface (e.g. reaction fronts), or the localheat dissipation at the catalyst surface intimately cou-pling to the kinetics and statistics of the elementary pro-cesses. The correspondingly required robust and self-consistent link of surface reaction chemistry modeling asprovided by first-principles kMC with an account of theeffects of heat and mass transfer as provided e.g. by time-dependent Navier-Stokes equations has to date not beenachieved. In order to overcome the empirical parametersand (unscrutinized) simplifying approximations enteringseminal engineering-style work tackling this coupling98,99

will necessitate quite some further methodological de-velopments at all involved length and time scales, buthas already been identified as a core critical need in areport100 on chemical industrial technology vision for theyear 2020.


The purpose of the present Chapter was to introducethe first-principles kinetic Monte Carlo approach in itsspecific flavor geared toward heterogeneous catalytic ap-plications, as well as to provide an impression of itspresent capabilities and open frontiers. As a hierarchi-cal approach, first-principles kMC jointly addresses twocomplementary and crucial aspects of reactive surfacechemistry, namely an accurate description of the ele-mentary processes together with a proper evaluation oftheir statistical interplay. For the prior it resorts to first-

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principles electronic structure theories, for the latter to amaster equation based description tackling the rare eventevolution of surface catalytic systems. The result is apowerful technique that gives access to the surface chem-ical kinetics at an unprecedented accuracy, in particu-lar by including a sound quantum-mechanical descrip-tion of the ubiquitous bond making and breaking andby including a full account of the atomic-scale correla-tions, fluctuations, and spatial distributions of the chem-icals at the active surface sites. As a technique based onelementary processes with a clear-cut microscopic mean-ing, first-principles kMC is naturally transferable and canprovide comprehensive insight into the on-going surfacechemistry over a wide range of temperature and pressureconditions.In its philosophy, it is clearly a bottom-up approach

that aims to propagate the predictive power of first-principles techniques up to increasing length and timescales. For this it is important to realize that at boththe electronic structure and the statistical-mechanicslevel the various applied approximations introduce un-certainty, and the bridging from one scale to the othergives rise to additional uncertainty. With such multiplesources of uncertainty affecting the final result, only astringent error control will ever allow to assign the de-sired predictive quality to the simulation. Most pressingissues for such a robust link at the transition between themolecular and mesoscopic scale are presently the identi-fication of and ensuing coarse-graining to the relevantelementary processes, as well as the propagation of er-ror in the first-principles rate constants to the ensembleproperties resulting from the statistical interplay.With the stated claim of predictive quality first-

principles kMC simulations inherently require a level ofdetail and effort that is uncommon, if not far beyondstandard effective modeling based on empirical param-eters. Critical issues here are the necessity of a well-established microscopic characterization of the active sur-face sites, as well as the computational cost to determineaccurate first-principles rate constants for a number of el-ementary processes that virtually explodes with increas-ing system complexity. As a result, existing practical ap-plications are still restricted to single-crystal model cata-lysts and reaction schemes of modest complexity, but thiswill undoubtedly change with further algorithmic devel-

opments and ever increasing computational power. Thedemanding characteristics of the approach must also beborn in mind when attempting the now due interfacingof first-principles kMC with their focus on the surfacechemistry with macroscopic theories that model the heatand mass transport in the system, i.e. the flow of chemi-cals over the catalyst surface and the propagation of theheat released during the on-going chemical reactions.

Corresponding developments will necessitate incisivemethodological advances at all involved length and timescales, and have to overcome the present standard of un-controlled semi-empiricism and effective treatments. Yet,they are fired by the imagination of an ensuing error-controlled multi-scale modeling approach which startingfrom the molecular-level properties will yield a quantita-tive account of the catalytic activity over the entire rele-vant range of reactive environments. Most importantly,this also encompasses a full ”reverse mapping” capabilityto the mechanistic aspects, i.e. the power to analyze indetail how the electronic-structure (bond breaking andbond making) actuates the resulting macroscopic cat-alytic properties, function and performance. I am con-vinced that it is ultimately only the concomitant newlevel of understanding that will pave the way for a ratio-nal design of tailored material-, energy- and cost-efficientcatalysts, and it is this vision that makes working onthese problems so exciting and worthwhile.


I began using kinetic Monte Carlo simulations to modelsurface catalytic problems some 5-6 years ago. Duringthis entire time I have been working at the Fritz-Haber-Institut, and much of the progress and understanding re-viewed in this Chapter would have been impossible with-out the enlightening and stimulating environment offeredby this unique institution. In this respect it is a pleasureto gratefully acknowledge the countless discussions withall members of the Theory Department that ultimatelyled to the specific vision of the first-principles kMC ap-proach described here. This holds prominently and fore-most for Matthias Scheffler, with whom most of the workon the RuO2(110) system was carried out.

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