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First steps towards the r evis ed Territorial Agenda

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First steps towards the r evis ed Territorial Agenda. Géza SALAMIN head of department Judit RICZ, Ádám RADVÁNSZKI senior planers TA-TSP Drafting Team Váti Nonprofit Ltd. ESPON Seminar Alcala, 9-10. June 2010. Territorial Agenda - Revision 2011. Bacground: - PowerPoint PPT Presentation
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Salamin – Radvánszki – Ricz: TA Revision First steps towards the revised Territorial Agenda Géza SALAMIN head of department Judit RICZ, Ádám RADVÁNSZKI senior planers TA-TSP Drafting Team Váti Nonprofit Ltd. ESPON Seminar Alcala, 9-10. June 2010
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Salamin – Radvánszki – Ricz: TA Revision

First steps towards the revised Territorial Agenda

Géza SALAMIN head of department

Judit RICZ, Ádám RADVÁNSZKIsenior planers

TA-TSP Drafting Team Váti Nonprofit Ltd.

ESPON Seminar Alcala, 9-10. June 2010

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Territorial Agenda - Revision 2011Bacground:• Agreed at the Informal ministerial meeting in Leipzig, May 2007• Territorial State and Perspectives of the EU (TSP) – evidence base for policy

making, relied dominantly on the available ESPON results• Revision was explicitly stated in TA, • Responsible: Hungarian Presidency• Hungary has underataken the coordination of update of the TSP too

The approach:Evidence-based (update of the TSP)

• Evaluation of experiences and changing context• Wide professional partnership

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TA-TSP Working GroupMembers delegated from:

Lead by Hungarian Ministry for National Development

BelgiumCyprusCzech RepublicFranceGermanyGreeceItalyLatviaLuxemburg

NorwayPolandPortugalSlovenia SpainSwedenSwitzerlandESPON CUEC DG REGIO

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The Drafting TeamCo-ordinated by Váti -HungaryGéza Salamin (HUHU)

Jacek Zaucha (PLPL)Ole Damsgaard (SESE, FI, NO, FI, NO) Iván Illés (HUHU)Marek Jetmar (CZCZ)Tomasz Komornicki (PLPL)Isidro Lopez (ESES)Ádám Radvánszki (HUHU)Peter Schön (DEDE)Volker Schmidt-Seiwert (DEDE)

Silvia Jost (CHCH)Zsuzsanna Drahos (HUHU)Liesl Vanautgaerden (BEBE)Philippe Doucet (BEBE)

VÁTI support team (HUHU):Márton Péti, Judit Ricz, Attila Sütő, Ágnes Somfai, Kyra Tomay, Réka Prokai,

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Components of TA revision beyond the TSP update

Evaluation of the challenges and priorities:• Relevance of the content of TA2007 to the current situations

(based on TSP results)• External coherence of the document with the changing policy

context• TA assessment exercise by DT and WG experts

Experiences with the implementation of TA:• review of existing reports, documents• member state questionnaire survey• review of implementation actions explicitly named in Ch. IV. of the


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Mid 2009


3rd quarter 4th quarter 1st quarter 2nd quarter 3rd quarter 4th quarter 1st quarter






















Draftint team meetings

Working group meetings


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MilestonesScoping document for the update of TSP and revision of TA (Director General meeting of MS-s) May 2009

1st Progress report to the NTCCP Meeting March 22.2010

Scoping document for the review of the TA for the Director General meeting May 2010

Draft TSP2011 and the first draft of the revised TA presented to the NTCCP October 2010

Drafts of the revised TA and the TSP2011 presented to DGs End of November 2010

Draft final updated TSP and draft final revised TA (NTCCP) February 2011

Final updated TSP and final revised TA (DG meeting) March 2011

Final TSP2011 and final TA2011 (Informal Ministerial meeting) May 2011

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Motivations of revision: Motivations of revision: NNew challengesew challenges

Recent trends with significant influence on the EU territory in line with results of TSP update

• Economic and financial crisis• Growing complexity of demographic and social issues, including

cultural aspects• Increasing attention and changing approach to climate change• Higher volatility of food and energy prices and challenges of energy

security• Aspects of an enlarged EU territory• Major global and local-regional responses

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Motivations of revision: Motivations of revision: Changing policy contextChanging policy context

Most important milestones: • Lisbon Treaty: territorial cohesion as third objective of EU• Green Paper on Territorial Cohesion: ‘Turning territorial diversity into

strength’ and following discussion on TC (Kiruna conference)• Discussions on the future of Cohesion Policy (Barca Report, etc.)• EU 2020 and recovery packages of the EU• Revised EU Sustainable Development Strategy

Permanent strategic watch of policy developments is needed

+ ESPON Synthesis Report is coming in autumn 2010

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EU 2020 – A European strategy for smart, sustainable EU 2020 – A European strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growthand inclusive growth

• EU2020 Strategy does NOT include any section specifically dedicated to territorial issues

• BUT it has a few (rather randomly placed) territorial references, e.g.: – urban and rural development, – cross-border cooperation, – EU in the world, etc.

• AND it definitively will have considerable implications for European territorial development.

EU 2020 and the TA could (should) cross-fertilise.

The three priorities of EU 2020 are as follows:“– Smart growth: developing an economy based on knowledge and innovation. – Sustainable growth: promoting a more resource efficient, greener and more competitive economy. – Inclusive growth: fostering a high-employment economy delivering social and territorial cohesion.”

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• The Barca Report on future cohesion policy emphasizes the need for a place-based approach in a reformed cohesion policy.

• Its keywords are: multi-level governance, concentration of priorities and resources, accountability, orientating grants to results, etc.

• The following priorities are explicitly mentioned in the Barca report:


3. T

he re


1-2 core priorities must have a predominantly “social inclusion” objective:

the social and the territorial agendas must come together in a territorialized social agenda, an agenda aimed at persons and aware that policy effectiveness depends on contexts,

a unique opportunity for the EU to respond to the increasing constraints on Member States’ social policies while respecting the diversity of national social contracts,

a case for migration

1-2 core priorities must have a predominantly “economic” objective:

a case for innovation, by adopting new results-oriented methods

other possibilities: climate change, children, skills, aging

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Review of EU Sustainable Development Strategy• Renewed EU Sustainable Development Strategy (2006) is an important policy

framework document covering mutually supportive thematic objectives: environmental protection, economic prosperity, social cohesion and global

responsibility. • Mainstreaming of sustainable development, an overarching and long-term goal

of the EU into EU policies (COM, 2009): Review of the EU SDS responding to new challenges like financial and economic crisis

• The EU SDS does NOT include any section espec. dedicated to territorial issues• BUT some territorial indications are explicitly mentioned, e.g.:

urban transport, employment opportunities in rural areas, etc.

The EU SDS being as holistic as it is, has implications basicly to all TA challenges and priorities

7 cross-cutting challenges in EU SDS:1. Climate change and clean energy2. Sustainable transport3. Sustainable consumption and production4. Management of natural resources5. Public health6. Social inclusion, demography and migration7. Global poverty

The EU SDS includes three further horizontal policy issues:1. Education and training2. Research and development3. Financing and economic instruments

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Main findings of the report of the Swedish presidency on the Main findings of the report of the Swedish presidency on the realization of the First Action Programmerealization of the First Action Programme

• need for strengthening coordination

• greater emphasis on delivery mechanisms and governance aspects

• more visibility and awareness raising

• better communication towards the wider public including all stakeholders

• permanent strategic dialogue on EU, national and subnational level cross-cutting all sectors for a successful territorialisation of EU policy making.

• more focused approach in revised TA

• main target groups have to be clearly addressed

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TATA assessment – expert exerciseassessment – expert exercise

IMPLEMENTATION– determination of main addressees– clear messages for sectoral policies– increased role for territorial coordination

most challenges and priorities defined in the TA2007 are still valid however their content needs slight modification, more focusing

New CHALLENGES (e.g.) effects of global economic and financial crisis; vulnerable local economies and communities; growing peripherality and discrepancies within EU; rural and depopulating areas

Ideas for new PRIORITIES (e.g.)shrinking regions and unbalanced demography; diversity and utilization of rural territorieslocal responses and local, regional systems

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Member state exampleMember state example Hungarian EffortsHungarian Efforts

Efforts towards horizontal aspects of territorial cohesion:

Policy: National concept in line with territorial cohesion

Knowledge creation: territorial monitoring, evaluation system

Programmes: horizontal objective in the NSRF 2013

Projects: criteria of selection of projects to be supported

Methodology, awareness raising:



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Evidences: Using ESPON projects to the revision of the TSP

TSP Chapters ESPON 2013 projects



Growth and Innovation – Recovery from the Economic Crisis


Transport, Accessibility TIPTAP

Climate Change ESPON CLIMATE

Energy ReRISK

Nature, Environment and Risk Management



Social Cohesion, Demography DEMIFER

Cross-Border and Broader Neighbourhood


Territorial Structures and Challenges


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TSP Chapters ESPON 2013 projects


EU Policies and their Impact

Regional (Structural and Cohesion) Policies

Common Agricultural Policy (especially the second pillar in the scope of development of the rural areas)


Energy and Transport Policy ReRISK

Environmental Policy ESPON CLIMATE

Economic Policy (Competition, R&D policy, EU 2020)

Integrated maritime policy

Strategy for Sustainable Development

Fishery policy

European Urban Development Policy FOCI, METROBORDER

Social Policy DEMIFER

Addressing the Territorial Impact of EU Policies


+ ESPON database, maps

+ Synthesis Report 2010 Autumn

Contacting lead partners of most relevant projects

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Scoping towards TA 2011• Compass function:

– Orienting cohesion policy 2014+– Orinentation and co-ordination for member states– Recommendations for EU policies– Clear understanding of territorial matters

• Actors, competences, resources:– Extended ownership (role of EC, European institutions, governments of

member states, etc.)– Partnership with „non-territorial” actors– Strengthening role of MS-s and regions in strengthening territorial

cohesion - legitimate actors– Encourage own activities of the member states

• Character:– Conceptual vs. more tangible ?– More on HOW to put into practice (principles, mechanisms, defining further

tasks to develop methodologies, etc.)– More systematic activities to propose– Follow up, monitoring

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Understanding the notion of territorial cohesion

• Included in the Lisbon treaty• New paradigm, replacing convergence oriented approach

of territorial policy in many countries• Hard to understand, (regional disparities vs. entire

territoriality as such)• Risk of loosing focus – no common understanding• Need for clear common territorial priorites

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Levels of understanding Levels of understanding and and iimplementationmplementation

• EU • Member states• Regions – local authorities

If it is about better territorial state:Who has more competence to support territorial cohesion?

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– Horizontal understanding: Territoriality should be taken into account in every situation

• Territorial capital• Territorial co-ordination• Mechanisms

– Understanding the space: Identifying and forming territorial structures

• Territorial structure of sectors/themes• Territorial structure of development, potentials of

development – sysnthetic types• Institutional territorial structures

Understanding of territorial cohesion Two sides of the coin

„Territorial cohesion/planning is not about money”

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• Quantitative term: Giving priority, more resoruces to certain territories Key question: – Who gets support (money), How much?

• Qualitative term: differences of spaces, specific solutions.– Every place is part of one or more type– There are no more and less important types of

territoriesKey question: How and what to do in a certain spaces!

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Good progress in horizontal realization of territorial cohesion

• Creation of territorial knowledge:- ESPON, Cohesion reports, etc.• Mechanism: Territorial Impact Assesment• Coordination, dialogues:

– NTCCP, – TCUM and its WGs– Green Paper discussion– COM Interservice group

• Activities of the 1st Action Programme of the TA• Efforts of presidencies so far (DE, PO, SLO, FR, CZ, SE, ES)• Instruments: European Terrotorial Cooperation Notions:• Territorial capital (TA, Green Paper on TC)• Place based approach (Barca report)

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Theoretical models?

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Regions with special geographic Regions with special geographic characteristicscharacteristics

• sparsely populated territories – northernmost areas• cross-border areas• mountains,• coastal zones• islands• river basins, lakesides, • protected areas (ecologically, culturally, tourism or recreation areas)• Etc.

Unbalanced:•coastal regions – landlocked regions•mountain regions – plain regions•Other handicaps? – e.g. territorrially determined segregation

Lisbon treaty (Article 174):

.. particular attention shall be paid to rural areas, areas affected by industrial transition, and regions which suffer from severe and permanent natural or demographic handicaps such as:

- northernmost, very low population density- island- cross-border- and mountain regions.


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North: -cold climate and post-glacial landscape

- rich in natural resources (water energy, forests, ores, fishery, etc.), clear environment

-knowledge economy, solid human capital, competitive and innovative

- ahead in R&D intensity & information society

-Plenty of space: remote sparsely populated areas

- Climate change brings more precipitation


- climate change makes more vulnerable: growing water scarcity, agriculture, potential desertification,

- economy suffers from the large share of low added value activities

- net migration has changed to positive

- weaknesses in labour force qualifications

- low employment rates

East:-capital regions: driving forces but development is spreading slowly & unequally

-Smaller ecological footprint of the society

- unfavourable demographic changes

- remains handicapped regarding transport and ICT infrastructure

- delayed suburbanization, a boom of urban sprawl

- several vulnerable rural peripheries in crisis

-Socialist heritage

West:- Core: concentration of functions of global/European importance

- developed transport networks, multimodal accessibility

- high level of GDP/capita and household incomes

- highly urbanized area; high pop. density, related environmental problems (urban sprawl)

- positive population changes (immigrants)

Regional Regional synthesissynthesis: Main geographical : Main geographical regionsregions

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Northern Periphery

Baltic Sea North West Europe

North Sea Atlantic Coast Alpine Space

Central Europe South West Europe


South East Europe Caribbean Area



Indian Ocean Area

Transnational programmes under the European Territorial Cooperation


•+ European Danube Strategy

•+ Baltic Sea Strategy

- Political character

- Spaces of cooperation with specific profiles

Spaces of transnational Spaces of transnational cooperationcooperation

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• Drafting team: delegated from 10 member states

• Working group: 16 member states +ESPON, +EC

• Network of Territorial Cohesion related Contact Points (NTCCP)

• Director General meetings

• Dialogue with professionals

• Co-operation with ESPON CU and TPG-s

• Consultation from the autumn of 2010

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PartnershipUpcoming and recent events

Date Place Event Target group

22.03.2010 Madrid, ES NTCCP meeting NTCCPs

10.05.2010 Sevilla, ES DG meeting DGs

22.04.2010 Bonn, DE TA Workshop Regional stakeholders, professionals

26.05.2010 Pécs, HU RSA conference Researchers

9-10.06.2010 Alcala, ES ESPON Open Seminar Researchers, stakeholders

28-29.09.2010 Namur, BE TA Conference EU Sector policies

8.10.2010. Brussels Global challenges in polycentric regions – what role for strategic spatial planning?

Experts, planners, academics

13.10.2010 Namur, BE NTCCP meeting NTCCPs

16-17.11.2010 Liége, BE ESPON Internal Seminar Researchers, stakeholders

02.2011 Warszawa VASAB Annual conference Local, regional stakeholders

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Thank you for attention!

[email protected]
