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First Years Booklet

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serruria DAMESKOSHUIS women of virtue Eerstejaar 2013 First Year 2013
Page 1: First Years Booklet


women of virtue

Eerstejaar 2013

First Year 2013

Page 2: First Years Booklet

“women of virtue”

Dear First Year/ Liewe Eerstejaar

Congratulations on receiving placement in Serruria Ladies Residence! This booklet was

compiled with the hope that it will provide information that will ease your transition from

school (or a gap year) to university. Short letters from the Residential Head, HK-members and

Head Mentor are included. They provide a brief introduction to each of these individuals.

Further information includes lists of items to bring with you, a brief explanation of certain

terms, concepts and structures in use at Serruria and Stellenbosch University. Also what to

expect during MAD²/ the welcoming period.

Baie geluk met jou plasing in Serruria Dameskoshuis! Die boekie is saamgestel met die hoop

dat dit die nodige inligting sal verskaf wat jou oorskakeling vanaf skool (of “gap” jaar) tot

universiteit sal vergemaklik. Dit bevat ook kort briewe van die Huismoeder, Huiskomitee (HK)

en Hoofmentor. Die briewe gee ‘n kort inleiding tot elke individu. Verder bevat dit ‘n

verduideliking tot sekere terme, konsepte en strukture in gebruik by Serruria en die

Universiteit van Stellenbosch. Sowel as wat om te verwag tydens MAD² / die


We are looking forward to meeting you, so bring loads of spirit and enthusiasm and we

guarantee you will have an unforgettable experience! Please note that you must move in on

the 23th January 2013. The residence will be open from 08:00. All first years are kindly

requested to have moved in by 13:00 and to be in residence at 14:00. If you have any

problems or queries don’t hesitate to contact us.

Ons sien uit daarna om vir jou te ontmoet, so bring genoeg gees en entoesiasme en ons

verseker jou dat jy ‘n onvergeetlike ervaring sal hê! Let asseblief daarop dat jy moet die 23ste

Januarie in trek. Die koshuis sal van 08:00 oop wees. Alle eerstejaars word vriendelik versoek

om teen 13:00 ingetrek te wees en teen 14:00 in die koshuis te wees. Indien jy enige probleme

of navrae het, kontak ons gerus.

Greetings/ Groete

Anél Botha en Leonore Conradie

HK of First Years/ HK van Eerstejaars 2013

[email protected]



Serruria Eerstejaars | First Years 2013

Besoek/ Visit: Serruria Dameskoshuis 2012

Page 3: First Years Booklet

“women of virtue”




Lojaliteit/ Loyalty


Trots en Tradisie/ Pride and Tradition

Verantwoordelikheid/ Responsibility


Dames van Deug/ Women of Virtue

Page 4: First Years Booklet

“women of virtue”

November 2013

Beste Amper-Serrurianer

Baie geluk met jou plasing as eerstejaar in Serruria Dameskoshuis! Ons hoop dat jy die jare waartydens jy

hier gaan bly baie sal geniet en dat jou verbintenis met SERRURIA spesifiek en Stellenbosch in die

algemeen, baie gelukkig en suksesvol sal wees.

Coming to a university, especially to a large one such as this one, can be a very daunting experience. On

the one hand you as a new student, and to an extent your parents, feel a sense of excitement, but on the

other hand there is also an uncertainty and anxiety about what the future may hold. Let me, from the

start, assure you that here at Serruria we attach a very special meaning to the term “welcome”. Serruria

is dedicated towards the development of an inclusive, enabling and value-driven culture. One of the ways

in which we can measure our progress and success in this regard, is the degree in which everyone feels

truly welcome in our residence: welcome in the academic sense, in a physical sense, in a cultural sense,

in a religious sense and also in a social sense. Welcoming new students to a community is a great practice

of openness. It demonstrates a vibrant community that wants to bring new members into the fold and

help them become active contributors, not only to our residence, the university and the surrounding

community, but also to the world.

Studente bly die lewensbloed van Serruria en ons is daartoe verbind om graduandi te lewer wat nie

alleen ‘n uitnemende akademiese opleiding ontvang het nie, maar wat ook as afgeronde mense ontwikkel


Our residence is named after a little fynbos flower, commonly known as the Blushing Bride and you will

have to look far and wide for a more suitable name for a residence full of young and vibrant ladies!

Serruria vorm ook deel van die amaMaties-Kluster. Die Kluster het ten doel om akademiese sukses te

verseker en streef die integrasie tussen die akademiese- en sosiale omgewing ten nouste na.

To assure your success, you will be given a mentor to help you throughout your entire first year to adapt

to the new excitement that awaits you at Stellenbosch University.

You and your parents are cordially invited for snacks on Wednesday, 23

January 2013, at 17:00 at Serruria. We shall introduce the House

Committee (HK) and the Mentors to you and your parents at the meeting.

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is

that we are powerful beyond measure.”

Ons sien daarna uit om jou op 23 Januarie 2013 te verwelkom!

Vriendelike groete

Benita van Zyl (mev) INWONDENDE HOOF: SERRURIA amaMaties-Kluster: Koördineerder

Page 5: First Years Booklet

“women of virtue”

Serruria HK 2012/2013

Agter van links: Nelia Jacobs, Gabi Tidbury, Fralise Verwey, Sasha-Leigh Williams,

Robyn van de Rhede, Tess Hart, Leonore Conradie

Voor van links: Lana Keulder, Anél Botha, Madalé Bezuidenhout, Barbara Melck

Page 6: First Years Booklet

“women of virtue”

Liewe Eerstejaar

Eerstens, baie geluk met jou plasing in dié BESTE

dameskoshuis op kampus. Serruria is werklik die tuiste

waar jy lewenslange vriendskappe gaan maak, die beste

tyd van jou lewe gaan hê, en dit alles terwyl jy graad

vang! Jy is waarskynlik baie nuuskierig, dalk bang, en

grotendeels onseker oor alles wat op jou wag, maar wees

gerus, want een van die dae vorm jy deel van die Dames

van Deug wat jou leiding sal gee!

My name is Robyn van de Rhede and I come from Kuils

River, just around the corner. I am currently doing my

Masters in Drama and Theatre Studies, specializing in

Acting. I am honoured and privileged to be the Primaria

of Serruria in 2013. Under the guidance of our Residential

Head, my House Committee (HK) and I, along with a

number of Serrurianers, we are responsible for running all

the residence events and making sure that our Serruria

name is kept high on campus. We are 11 Women of Virtue that are passionate about Serruria

and our values of Respect, Loyalty, Participation, Pride, Tradition and Responsibility are very

important to us.

Serruria as eenheid, en as Huis, bied werklik die geleentheid om jouself uit te leef. Ons bied

vir jou ‘n “home away from home”! Daar is soveel aktiwiteite om na uit te sien, onder andere

MAD²; Sêrruria; skakelings; ‘n KAMERMAAT; Huisvergaderings; nuwe gesigte; nuwe

geleenthede en geheel en al nuwe ervaringe! Dit hang egter van jou af wat jy daarvan gaan

maak…maar ek stel voor benut en gryp alle geleenthede aan met albei hande en ‘n voet! Jou

studentelewe is werklik die beste tyd van jou lewe!

I am very excited to meet each and every one of you lovely ladies, and also very jealous that

you will be meeting hundreds of new people and experiencing MAD² as a first year! This will

be a special moment in your life that you will only get to experience once, and it will form

part of the most fantastic memories that you will carry with you forever and a day!

I wish you all the best for the coming year! Make the most of every second! Have a wonderful

holiday and please be safe! If you have any queries, do not hesitate to call or email me, I will

gladly assist!

Liefde, Robyn


(Section: Cambridge)

Robyn van de Rhede



[email protected]

Page 7: First Years Booklet

“women of virtue”

Dear First Year :)

Congratulations on your placement in

Serruria! It is a great privilege to stay in a

residence in Stellenbosch, and even more

to become part of the Women of Virtue.

A new and exciting chapter lies ahead of

you. I hope you will embrace every

opportunity and enjoy all the fun activities

during MAD2 (Making A Decision 2 Make A

Difference). Our MAD2 partner is

Hippokrates and during this period you will

take part in activities such as Vensters and

Bondelsport. You will also get to know the

Stellenbosch Campus.

Ek is die onder-primaria van Serruria Dameskoshuis en my portefeulje

behels die Veiligheid en Sekuriteit van die inwoners. Ek sien daarna

uit om jou te verwelkom as inwoner van Serruria, jou nuwe tuiste vir


Remember to pack enough energy and enthusiasm, because the

time of your life is about to start...

Serruria liefde

Madalé Bezuidenhout

(Section: Dartmouth)

Madalé Bezuidenhout


072 506 9313

[email protected]

Page 8: First Years Booklet

“women of virtue”

Dearest Serruria Lady

Baie geluk met jou toelating tot die Universiteit van Stellenbosch sowel as die plasing in Serruria!

Jy sal nie een oomblik spyt wees nie.

My name is Anél Botha, a third year BSc Human Life Science with Psychology student. I come

from Durbanville which is close to Cape Town. The portfolio I share is HK of First Years and

Events. Being HK of First Years, I definitely cannot wait

for the personal journey we will have together, especially

during MAD2

The most thrilling and exiting years are undeniably in

front of you! Res will transform you into a lady and the

memories you make you will forever carry in your heart.

You can feel so privilege to have this opportunity and I

urge you to take and be fully part of this experience!

Indien jy onseker is of enige vrae het, moet asseblief nie

huiwer om een van ons te kontak nie.

Ek hoop jy is só opgewonde soos wat ons is vir die nuwe jaar! Wees asseblief veilig en geniet die

laaste paar weke van die vakansie: rus behoorlik uit!

Sien binnekort! Liefde,

Anél Botha (Section: Oxford)

Anél Botha


083 646 6808

[email protected]

Page 9: First Years Booklet

“women of virtue”

Hey there..

It is with great pride and honour that I welcome you to your future home,

Serruria. This residence is the best residence on campus and I cannot wait

until you come and join our family here in Stellenbosch.

My naam is Leonore Conradie, en ek is een van die twee HK-lede wat die

voorreg het om julle HK van eerstejaars te wees. Ek kom van Ceres af, en

studeer tans BComm Logistiek.

Om in `n paar woorde te kan beskryf watter lekker huis Serruria vir my die

afgelope twee jaar was, is onmoontlik, maar ek

kan wel sê dat ek al die beste tye van my lewe

hier gehad het en die ongelooflikste vriende

waarvoor enige iemand kan vra, hier gemaak het.

Om saam met `n nuwe groep meisies `n nuwe

jaar, nuwe omgewing en nuwe uitdagings aan te

pak, is `n belewenis wat jy vir altyd sal onthou. So

die belangrikste van als is, om elke oomblik te

geniet (veral MAD2).

I am so excited to meet you, I believe you will love

your experience in Serruria and grow to love it as

I already do.

Serruria liefde

Leonore Conradie

(Section: Harvard)

Leonore Conradie


072 019 9355

[email protected]

Page 10: First Years Booklet

“women of virtue”

Hello new Serrurianer

Congratulations on being selected for THE ladies residence on campus! The

people and memories that you make within your time in res are ones you will

treasure for the rest of your life. I hope that you soon learn that Serruria is not

merely your residence but truly becomes your home away from home and that

your fellow Serrurianers are so much more than your neighbours but are there for

you through thick and thin.

My naam is Tess Hart en ek studeer BRek. Ek bly in Somerset Wes, maar kom

oorspronlik van Pietermaritzburg af. My portefeulje is tesourier en dit beteken dat

ek in beheer is van die koshuis se finansies.

I hope that you are excited for the year ahead as it promises to be one that you

will remember for the rest of your life. I am looking forward to welcoming every

new Serrurian and helping to ensure that you feel as welcome and happy in

Serruria as I did as a first year and still feel every day.

Until January!


(Section: Columbia)

Tess Hart


082 440 8890

[email protected]

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“women of virtue”

Hello future Serruria girl. My name is Nelia Jacobs, your Social HK for

2012/2013. Firstly, congratulations on being placed in Serruria. I’m sure you

are very excited for what lies ahead, and you should be!

As HK of Social, my responsibilities at Serruria include organizing social

events and skakels for the girls, where you will be able to meet and make new

friends. The big events at res that I am in charge of is Innaweek, which is a

whole weekend filled with fun events to be

enjoyed by you with all your Serruria sisters,

and the big one, Vensters.

For those of you who don’t know, Vensters is

one of the main events of MAD², where you will

have the opportunity to dance and have fun on

stage along with all your fellow first years along

with the first years of our MAD² partners,

Hippokrates, in front of your parents and the

whole of Stellenbosch. This event is SO much

fun and it is the event of the year that

everybody looks forward to. So make sure you

bring loads of energy, excitement and GEES,

because you are going to need it!

I trust you are enjoying your last few weeks at home and resting well, like I

said, you are going to need loads of energy for your first year at Stellenbosch!

Enjoy the packing and all the preparations for your trip to Stellenbosch and

prepare yourself for the best experience I’ve ever had, you learn so much

about yourself as person and you will also have the most fun that you will

ever have!

I look forward to meeting and getting to know every single one of you when

you arrive at Serruria, and I will ensure you always feel welcome.

Travel safe.

Lots of love, Nelia

(Section: Cornell)

Nelia Jacobs


072 601 2253

[email protected]

Page 12: First Years Booklet

“women of virtue”

Dearest Serruria Sister to be,

The time has come. It’s finally time for you to spread your wings and fly away… But not too far! Remember to stop at Serruria to have the best years of your life! Everybody says at university you have the best time of your life, but what they forgot to add is: to be in Serruria makes that time even better!

Ek is Lana Keulder en is HK van bemarking. My hoofdoel is dus (you guessed it) om die koshuis en ons verskeie events te bemark! Maar ek kan plakkate en banners op kampus opplak tot ek groen is! Dit kom nog steeds nie by die sogenaamde, good old fashioned “word of mouth” nie. Daarom wil ons hê dat julle die beste belewenis ooit hier sal hê. Dan sal julle nie huiwer om vir die mense daar buite te vertel hoe awesome Serruria is nie! Julle is dus Serruria se bemarkers.

So be sure to add lots of enthusiasm and “gees” to your baggage list so long, my fellow

marketers. You won’t look back for one second (firstly because there won’t be time and secondly because you wouldn’t want to!).

Kan nie wag om julle te ontmoet nie! :D

Mooi bly,

Lana Keulder

(Section: Yale)

Lana Keulder


076 520 4584

[email protected]

Page 13: First Years Booklet

“women of virtue”

Good day to you! Hello, my name is Barbara Melck and I’m HK of Cluster and spiritual.

Firstly I would like to congratulate you on getting into Serruria. I really

hope that you would learn to love this residence as much as I do.

Remember the experience that you will have here is only going to be as

great as you make it for yourself. OK so now you are probably

wondering what is this Cluster thing? The University is grouped in

different clusters, which are groups of residences and PSO wards. We

are lucky enough to form part of the Amamaties Cluster, which consists

of Erica, Nemesia, Equité, Libertas, Helderberg and of course Serruria

☺. During the year there are really cool Cluster events that I hope you

are going to attend. There are events like

Mr and Miss amaMaties, Rolbaldag (we go

to the local bowls club and try our hand at

the sport – definitely a highlight), cluster

culture evening etc. See the Cluster page

elsewhere in the booklet!

As I’ve previously mentioned one of my

portfolio’s is also spiritual, so if during the

welcoming program or anytime during the

year, you feel a bit lost spiritually or you

just feel like chatting about something that

is bothering you feel free to come and

knock on my door.

I look forward to seeing you at your new home!

Barbara Melck

(Section: Brown)

Barbara Melck


074 181 8302

[email protected]

Page 14: First Years Booklet

“women of virtue”

This middle section of this booklet consists of two questionnaires

which should be removed. All pages which are part of the section

to be removed, contain the scissor and mailbox sign, as indicated:

It would be to your advantage to fill out these forms accurately.

Send each filled out questionnaire to the correct postal address.



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Serruria Dameskoshuis / Serruria Ladies Residence

Die Primaria / The Primaria

Posbus 3225 / PO Box 3225


Page 17: First Years Booklet


1. Die Universiteit van Stellenbosch is verbind tot die transformasie proses en diverse

plasings wat mag plaasvind

2. Aanvanklike kamermaatplasings word volgens die diskresie van die Inwonende Hoof en die Primaria gedoen.

Voltooi asseblief die vraelys, heg ‘n foto van jouself aan en stuur so spoedig moontlik, verkieslik voor 20 Desember 2012 aan die

onderstaande adres. Please complete the questionnaire, attach a picture of yourself and send as soon as possible, preferably before 20

December 2012, to the following address:

Serruria Dameskoshuis / Serruria Ladies Residence

Die Primaria / The Primaria

Posbus 3225 / PO Box 3225




1. Noemnaam en van / Name and surname


2. Studentenommer / Studentnumber


3. Kursus / Course


4. Indien jy onseker is oor jou kursus of vakke, vertel ons meer daarvan, sodat ons gereed kan wees om jou daarmee te help / If you

have any uncertainties about your course or subjects, tell us more about it so that we can be prepared to help you.


5. Skool waar jy matrikuleer het / School where you matriculated


6. Vertel ons van jou prestasies, leiersposisies en belangstellings op skool. (Op akademiese- sowel as op kulturele gebied) Alles waarop jy trots voel! / Tell us about your achievements, leadership positions and interests at school. Everything that you are proud of!


7. Vertel ons in watter sportsoorte jy belangstel, het jy deelgeneem en sal jy graag aan die

Universiteit sport wil deelneem. Jy mag maar spog! / What sports are you interested in, did participate in at school and would like to participate in at University?


8. Enige ander aktiwiteite waarin jy belangstel en sal wil deelneem. / Any other activities which you are interested in and would like to take

part in?


9. Kerkverband / Church (opsioneel/ optional)


10. Mediese geskiedenis / Medical history

Dui asseblief jou bloedgroep aan. / Please state your blood group.

Gee besonderhede van enige mediese toestand waarvan ons bewus moet wees. Die

inligting sal baie vertroulik hanteer word. / Any information about a medical condition

which we should be aware of. The information will be handled confidentially.


11. As jou ouers aan ‘n mediese fonds behoort, VUL ASSEBLIEF DIE INLIGTING VOLLEDIG HIERONDER IN.

If your parents are members of a medical aid, PLEASE COMPLETE, IN FULL, THE DETAILS ASKED:

Naam van fonds / Name of fund: ___________________________________________

Lidnommer / Member number: ____________________________________________

Hooflid / Main member: _________________________________________________

(Titel en volledige voorletters is baie belangrik /

Title and full initials are very important)

Page 18: First Years Booklet

12. Gedurende die jaar gaan jou ouers briewe van die Mentors ontvang. Gee hieronder hulle VOLLEDIGE POSADRES. Begin by Mnr en Mev / Me / ens, dan VOLLE VOORLETTERS en VAN, dan die POSADRES met korrekte POSKODE. As jou ouers nie dieselfde adres het nie, maar jy wil hê albei moet die brief ontvang, moet jy albei se titels, voorletters en posadresse neerskryf./ Your parents are going to receive letters from the mentors. Give their full Postal Address. If they don’t have the same address, and both need to receive the letter, give both addresses.


13. Kontak besonderhede / Contact details:

Jou selfoonnommer / Your cellphone number: ___________________________________

Ouers se landlynnommer met areakode: _______________________________________

Home telephone number of parents with area code: _______________________________

Selfoonnommer van ouers: Vader: ________________________________________


Cellphone numbers of parents: Father: ________________________________________


14. Hoe voel jy oor ander se rookgewoontes? / How do you feel about other people’s smoking habits?


15. Om ons in staat te stel om jou by ‘n kamermaat te plaas, wil ons graag meer van jou weet. Vertel ons meer van jouself en kyk na die volgende aspekte:

is jy ‘n dag – of nagmens

hoe is jou studiegewoontes

hoe is jou slaapgewoontes

het jy gewoontes wat ander kan irriteer

is jy netjies en georden of onnet en deurmekaar

watter gewoontes van ander irriteer / ontstel jou

For us to be able to suitably place you with a roommate, we would like to know you better. Tell us more about yourself and look at the following aspects:

are you a day or a night person

what are your study habits

what are your sleeping habits

do you have habits that could irritate other people

are you neat and tidy or untidy

what kind of habits of other people irritate / upset you easily


. 16 Wat is jou verwagtinge van die koshuislewe? / What are your expectancies of life in residence?



VERVERSINGS MET OUERS: 23 Januarie 2013 om 17h00

Ons gaan dit definitief bywoon: JA / NEE

Aantal persone (eerstejaar uitgesluit) ___________

Naam en van van eerstejaar: ______________________________________

REFRESHMENTS WITH PARENTS: 23 Januarie 2013 at 17h00

We will be attending the event: YES / NO

Amount of people (first year excluded): ___________

Name and surname of firstyear: _____________________________________

Page 19: First Years Booklet

“women of virtue”

Dear Women of virtue

Congratulations on your outstanding achievements and selection to the most

prestige ladies residence… Serruria! We definitely have some of the most talented

ladies on campus; not only on the sport field but also in cultural events and


I am a 3rd

year BSc Sport Science student and very passionate about my sport. My

main HK portfolio is Sport. Some of the sports we offer are; netball, hockey,

soccer, tennis, table tennis and squash but we are always excited to participate in

new sports and we don’t go down without a fight.

I am proud to say that we are still the unbeatable “DamesTouch” team (touch

rugby) for the 6th

consecutive year.

Stellenbosch University definitely has the most

beautiful campus in South Africa with surrounding

views of the nearby mountain ranges. Stellenbosch

University also has some of the best sport facilities

where world class athletes train e.g. SA 7’s rugby

team, Paralympic and International athletes.

I am looking forward to an unforgettable year

filled with fun, spontaneous laughter and lots of

spirit. Feel free to ask me anything or just stop by

for a chat or cup of coffee.

“Serruria” love

Gabriela Tidbury

(Section: Penn)

Gabi Tidbury


079 809 1099

[email protected]

Page 20: First Years Booklet

“women of virtue”

Hello daar mede-dame!!

Ek is Fralise Verwey en ek is HK-lid van Serruria se gemeenskapsinteraksie- en


Serruria se gemeemskapsinteraksie-komitee maak ‘n verskil in die lewens van LS

Pieter Langeveldt, (geleë in Cloetesville) se graad 2 en 3 leerders deur elke week

kunsprojekte vir hulle aan te bied. Dis groot morsige pret en ‘n goeie geleentheid

vir jou om jou uitkyk te verbreed terwyl jy iets beteken vir mense wat dit werklik


Living green and sustainable is a global movement

and Serruria is moving with this trend. The green

committee is all about wasting less, recycling

more, and enjoying beautiful Stellenbosch. If you

have a passion for planting trees, recycling, hiking

and enjoying all that nature has to offer this is the

committee for you.

Welcome to your new home where I am sure you

will make lifelong friends, have memorable

experiences and develop into the lady you were

born to be.

Sterkte met al die pakwerk. Ek sien soveel daarna uit om saam met jou ‘n verskil

te maak in die jaar wat voorlê.

Beste wense!!

Fralise Verwey

(Section: Princeton)

Fralise Verwey


082 344 0697

[email protected]

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“women of virtue”

Dear Ladies of Serruria

My name is Sasha-Leigh Williams and I am your HK of Culture and

Diversity. Just in case you didn’t know (want ek het geen benul gehad

voor ek na Stellenbosch toe gekom het nie) a HK is a member of the

Huiskomitee (house committee). I am on the HK for three reasons: firstly,

Serruria is my home away from home; secondly, Serruria’s values

(Respect, Loyalty, Pride and Tradition, Participation and Responsibility)

are congruent with my own; and thirdly, because I have a passion for

people and their cultural expression!

In 2013 the Culture and Diversity portfolio will definitely incorporate all

of our values. For example, culturally, the three main events for the year

are: Massasêr, Toneelfees and Kleinsêr where our values (including

outright FUN) come into play! These activities enable personal growth

through learning about people from other walks of life, as well as

learning from them. Observing diverse

groups of people is a passion of mine because

it is fascinating to see how different

perspectives come together and just make


As a first year, you’ll be bombarded with

various perspectives and I ask that if you’re

not as excited about this as I am and this is a

daunting task for you (as julle bekommerd is

daaroor) please don’t be hesitant to call me!

This has been an information overload, I

know! But I want you to be as clued up as

possible so that you’ll have an easy transition

into res-life.Have a wonderful holiday and see you soon!

Sasha (Section: Cambridge)

Sasha-Leigh Williams


082 356 6173

[email protected]

Page 22: First Years Booklet

“women of virtue”

Serruria Mentors 2013

Should you choose not to e-Register for your course, your mentor will assist you when registering on campus. It is vital that you have the following relevant documents with you, when you are moving into residence:

Indien jy besluit om nie te e-Registreer nie, sal jou mentor jou lei in die registrasieproses op kampus. Dit is belangrik dat jy die volgende dokumente saambring wanneer jy by die koshuis intrek:

ID-dokument/ ID-document

Toelatingsbrief (soos ontvang deur die pos van die Universiteit/ Certifying letter (as

received via post from the University)

Bewys van betaling/ beurs/ lening. / Proof of payment/ bursary/loan

Kopie van matriekuitsale/ Copy of matric results.

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“women of virtue”

Dear Future-Serruria-Girl,

My name is Charné Jansen van Vuuren and I am the Head Mentor at Serruria Ladies

Residence for 2013. I am completing my undergraduate studies (BA Humanities) in

December 2012 and will be commencing with my postgraduate honours studies in

Psychology starting January 2013. As Head Mentor at Serruria Ladies Residence, it is

my mission to ensure the well-being of all Serruria first years and to make sure that

you enjoy and get the most out of your University experience.

“Let me empower you, through respect, without judgement, to help you be the best

individual you can be. I will walk this path with you with authenticity and equality. Let

us together strive to reach your full potential!” – Serruria Mentor “mission

statement” for 2013.

The most important thing I want you to know at this moment, however, is that: I AM

SO EXCITED TO MEET YOU! I am absolutely thrilled that you have chosen to attend

Stellenbosch University and, especially, that you have chosen Serruria as your “home

away from home”. I am certain that you will be very happy at Serruria Ladies

Residence, where each young woman is respected and cherished for her

individuality. I believe that you will make wonderful, lifelong friends at Serruria

Ladies Residence and that, together with your Stellenbosch education, Serruria will

thoroughly prepare you for whatever career you wish to pursue after you graduate.

PLEASE feel free to contact me at any time during this holiday if you should have any

questions regarding Serruria Ladies Residence (the size of your room, what to pack,

what to expect when you get here – I am sure you have hundreds of questions!). If

you would like to add me on Facebook – that is also 100% fine with me

E-MAIL ADDRESS: [email protected]

MOBILE NUMBER: 0824604591


Looking forward to hearing from you soon!

Charné Jansen van Vuuren

Head mentor 2013

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“women of virtue”

A brief explanation on University life and what MAD² entails,

especially if you are a first generation student at the University of



Serruria is a medium sized residence with 193 girls. The Residential Head is Mrs Benita van Zyl. The residence is run by a group of 11 girls called the House Committee (HK), led by the Primaria and Vice-Primaria. The HK and house members organize all the events which take place within the residence. We have a group of 15 mentors. All first years are divided into groups and assigned to a specific mentor. The mentors will provide you with academic and emotional support throughout your first year. Serruria offer many opportunities to play sports, participate in cultural events and be part of various committees.

Furthermore, you will be placed on a floor with 12 girls, with whom you will share a bathroom and a “Nessie” which is a small living area. During your first year you will be expected to share with a roommate, however should you obtain enough “kamerpunte” you will be eligible for a single room in your second year.


The floor that you live on will determine the ‘section’ you fall under. A ‘section’ consists of 17-24 girls, all living in close proximity to one another, usually spread out across two floors. Typically a section consists of one HK member, at least one mentor, and a number of first years and seniors.

The 10 sections are named after some of the top universities in the world, including the eight American ‘Ivy League’ universities, namely, Yale, Harvard, Cornell, Columbia, Brown, Dartmouth, Princeton, Pennsylvania, as well as the top two tertiary institutions in the UK- Oxford and Cambridge. Each section is unique and the ladies are proud of belonging to a specific section.

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In order to re-qualify for residence place in your second year, you have to obtain a certain

amount of HEMIS credits in your June/July exams of your first year. This will be explained to

you in more detail by your mentor, but please take note of this now already.


MAD² stands for “Making A Decision 2 Make A difference” and is one of the highlights on the Stellenbosch calendar. During this 10 day period you will voluntary take part in various activities such as Bondelsport, Vensters, March for MADness and ‘skakelings’.

Some of these terms might be unfamiliar to you thus the following to help you make more sense of the adventure awaiting you:

Bondelsport is a gees-build activity, but also the first activity of MAD². This is where women’s residences/PSO’s compete against each other.

Vensters: Each residence MAD² pair presents an open air performance on stage for an entire night. You will perform your show for large audiences up to 15 times that evening.

March for MADness is the last event of MAD² where houses either decorate a float or trolley and walk through the streets of Stellenbosch to make the community aware of the importance of being “green”.

Skakeling: This is the term used for when we have a social with another residence.

The aim of MAD² is to raise money for Maties Community Service. MAD² is organized on a competition basis in which a male and female residence is paired together and participates in all the activities together. Our MAD² Partner for 2013 is Hippokrates men’s residence.

Keep in mind that everything you do during MAD² goes towards a greater purpose!

MAD² together with the welcoming program is a jam-packed program which the HK run according to a very tight schedule. All meals, activities and events are planned for you. Although we guarantee you your beauty sleep, there will not be much free time.


Stellenbosch is generally a safe town; therefore almost all students in residence walk to class

throughout the day. We do however recommend that should you go out at night, you walk

back in groups of three or more. The University does have a designated GREEN ROUTE which

the University Security officers patrol frequently, but you need to take responsibility!

The University offers many opportunities for you to participate in various Maties Sport Clubs

and Maties Societies such as the Maties Dance Society. The SRC also has various sub-

committees such as Green and Culture which you can sign up for.

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The amaMaties cluster consists of a number of residences (Helderberg, Erica, Nemesia

and Serruria) and Private Student Organizations (Libertas and Equite). Our cluster plays a

significant role in the integration and support of students on campus, particularly by

means of cluster-based mentor groups for first year students.

The amaMaties cluster HUB initiative, is the physical base of our cluster and provides a

gathering space and commons for the students of our cluster, ensuring a world class

living and learning environment. This multifunctional space provides students with an

area to meet, study, relax, and engage with each other between classes and other

commitments. The HUB facilities include:

- Study and relaxation areas - Tinie Louw dining room

- Plug points for laptops and cell phones - Early / Late dining

- Emergency overnight rooms - Maties Wifi access

- Lockers

In our cluster we embrace the values of ‘Empowerment Through Friendship’ by hosting

various activities throughout the year to ensure the integration and networking of

students within amaMaties.

The events for 2013 include:

- Textbook sales: 6 February and 25 July 2013

- Flashmob: 1 March 2013

- Rolbaldag: 3 March 2013

- Boomplant: 6/7 March 2013

- Animal Outreach: 19 April 2013

- Mr and Ms amaMaties: 25 April 2013

- AE exam tip session and praise and worship: 9 May 2013

- Cluster Culture evening: 4 August 2013

Looking forward to seeing you there!

Kirsten Hill – 0826528161 Benita van Zyl – 021 8082460

Cluster Convenor Cluster Co-ordinator

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Documents for registration/ Dokumente vir registrasie (NB!)

ID Document

2 locks for your room/ 2 slotte vir jou kamer (NOT COMBINATION LOCKS)

Water bottle/ water bottel

Sun block and after sun/ sonskerm

Bedding/ Two Towels/ Washing Powder/ Toiletries

Beddegoed/ Twee handdoeke/ Waspoeier/ Toiletware

A smart-casual outfit for the Opening function/ Netjiese klere vir die

Verwelkomingsfunksie(black/ white pants or skirt or dress)

Money for first years clothing (±R450)/ Geld vir eerstejaarsklere (±R450)

There will be a deli/tuck-shop available during MAD2 should you wish to bring extra

money/ Daar is ‘n deli/snoepie beskikbaar tydens MAD2 indien jy ekstra geld wil


Comfortable shoes in which you can walk quite a distant/ gemaklike skoene!




Leggings/ Tights: Black and bright colours/ Swart en helder kleure

Colourful T-shirt or Tank top/ Helder T-hemp of “Tank”hempie

Black T-shirt or Tank top/ Swart T-hemp of “Tank”hempie

Plain white T-shirt/ Plein wit hempie

Lumo bright colours (e.g head band)/ Lumo helder kleure (bv. Kopband)

Anything cartoony or superhero-like/ Enigeiets “cartoony” of superhero!

White or Black Tommy Tackies or PEPS/ Wit of Swart Tommy Tekkies of PEPS

Throughout the year something green to wear

Mischievous/ Allerlei:

Scissors (marked with your name)/ Skêr (gemerk met naam)

Sports gear/ Sporttoerusting: indien jy besluit om aan sport deel te neem

Canned food/ blikkies kos (donations)

Musical Instrument/ musiekinstrument: indien enige

Face paint and make-up/ gesigverf en grimering

Lastly if you have any loose change (bronze coins) which you would like to donate,

please bring it along, it will go towards MGD (Maties Gemeenskapsdiens/ Maties

Community Service)

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“women of virtue”

Most of you do not know how the rooms in Serruria look like, so here is a list of things that are in the rooms:

(All first years stay in double rooms, and roommates are assigned before you arrive)

Two windows with curtains/ twee vensters met gordyne

Two beds with mattresses/ twee beddens met matrasse

No bedding/ geen beddegoed

A three-door cupboard each with hanging and packing space/ ‘n drie-deur kas elk met

hang- en pakplek

Two wall plugs per individual (only SABS approved plugs are allowed)/ twee kragproppe

per individu (Slegs SABS goedgekeurde kragproppe word toegelaat)

Bookshelf each/ Boekrak elk

No mats/ geen matte

A desk and a chair each/ ‘n Lessenaar en stoel elk

Two dustbins/ twee vullisdrommetjies

Shower-and bath facilities on every floor/ Stort- en badgeriewe op elke vloer

Please note----Kettles are allowed in rooms, as is a maximum of one fridge per room. Any

bigger kitchen appliances (microwaves/ stoves/ovens etc.) may strictly be kept in the nessie

areas, NONE are allowed in the rooms.

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Please note:

1. Stellenbosch is a primary Afrikaans University but many

different languages are represented at Serruria therefore

translation will be provided wherever possible.

2. MAD² is a very busy period in which the First Years are

involved in academic orientation and many other activities.

3. Stellenbosch is extremely hot during MAD², therefore it is

recommended that you bring enough sun block, a water

bottle and a fan for you room (should you have one).

4. Three meals a day will be supplied to you during the MAD²

period by Fedics: the catering company which supplies food

to Serruria. Special eating requirements are catered for.

However, once MAD² is over, you will be shown how to book

meals in order to continue eating in the Tinie Louw dining


5. Lastly, access to ATM’s are very limited during MAD² so

please ensure that you have enough cash with you when you

arrive. NB: Please lock it away safely!

NB: We will be moving around constantly during the day. It is

recommended that you leave your valuable possessions at res (cell

phone, jewellery etc.) as the HK cannot take responsibility for

anything that goes missing.

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Ons glo in respek vir mekaar, mekaar se waardes en Serruria met haar

tradisies. Ons streef daarna om lojaal teenoor mede-Serrurianers te wees.

Ons glo dat elkeen goeie gees sal voorhou en so ook betrokke sal wees. Ons is

trots op almal in Serruria en streef daarna om hierdie trots te laat

voortbestaan. Ons glo in matigheid en verantwoordelikheid vir ons dade.

We believe in respect for each other, each other’s values and Serruria with

her traditions. We aim to be loyal towards our fellow Serrurianers. We

believe that everyone will participate with the right spirit. We are proud of

everyone in Serruria and try our best to uphold this pride. We believe in

taking responsibility for our own deeds.


Aan die punt van die kampus staan ons vas

Met Gods Woord en Blom ons vaste trots.

Jy’s ons huis, ons vriendin, ons liefde-rots.

Ons staan vir jou Serruria.

Vyf in een om op te steun

Blushing Brides sal hulp verleen.

‘Cause we believe in unity,life,love and loyalty.

Serruria this place won’t keep you longing.

For every day is worthwhile like today.

Serruria jy blom ons vaste trots.

Lewe, liefde en lojaliteit

Vir Altyd.

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Rus goed en sien jou in Januarie!

Rest well and see you in January!

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Serruria “Women of Virtue”


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of Virtu

