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Fiscal Administrators - University of Virginia

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Fiscal Administrators November 18, 2020
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Fiscal AdministratorsNovember 18, 2020

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Fiscal Administrators | What We Heard & Today’s AgendaTopic Comments Heard Today’s Agenda Item / Objective Target

TimeRecords & Information Management • NA • Current update from Caroline Walters 10 min

FST Project Overview • NA • Project Timeline – Where Are We? 5 min

Upcoming Customer Confirmation Sessions • When can I see the system? • The current plan for upcoming sessions 5 min

RAPID Decisions • What decisions have been made? When will I be able to provide input?

• Status of Decisions• PaymentWorks 20 min

Spend Team Updates • What is the status of spend issues?

• Catalog & Non-Catalog Requisitioning• Evolving Strategies with Address/Site Management, Invoicing, &

Receiving• VPL third-party shipping and eVA fees

15 min

System Remediation Network • Overview of System Remediation approach• Update on System Remediation Network 10 min

Other Business and Wrap Up N/A • Questions 5 min

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Project Overview

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Project Overview | What Should I Expect When?

Imagine Deliver RunTestConfig & Prototype ArchitectPlan

Architect: Building the Model• Expect: The team starts establishing

implementation; requirement gathering sessions begin, known as Architect sessions.

• Involvement: The team displays Workday functionality during the Architect sessions and gathers requirements. Architect sessions cover a variety of topics and include 20-30 team members from Functional, Technical and Change Management areas from across Grounds for each sessions. Focus groups that take place after the Architect sessions help refine.

Configure & Prototype: Walking through the Tenant• Expect: The requirements we gathered are now validated and UVA’s initial tenant is built. The

team creates training plans based upon what we know from Architect sessions.• Involvement: Participate in interactive walkthrough of processes; the team gathers feedback on

issues and opportunities from staff to enhance the system.

Test: How Does Workday function at UVA?• Expect: The team starts end-to-end testing in the Workday Tenant. Initial training materials may

also be distributed during this time.• Involvement: You may be asked to help test UVA’s Workday Financials or to evaluate how

ready you think you and your unit are to go live with Workday Financials.

Deploy: Workday Goes Live!• Expect: Training as we prepare to transition to Workday Finance.• Involvement: Once Workday goes “live”, we will ask for everyone’s active involvement in

training as UVA staff and faculty acclimate to new workflows and processes. We’ll depend on our Advisory Group members to help us know what is working – and what needs to be tweaked.

Support & Stabilization: The New Normal• Expect: With the system

live, we are making the small process changes necessary for Workday to be effective for all users.

• Involvement: Keep us apprised of challenges you encounter, as well as continuous improvement opportunities.

Plan: Preparing for Phase 3• Expect: Behind-the-scenes work: hiring,

planning to implementing. • Involvement: The team is putting the

foundation in place!

We’re Here

2020 2021 2022Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec


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DRAFTNew Implementation Stage | Configuration and Prototype

What to expect in Configuration and Prototype:• Over the past few months, we have been meeting in teams with various

groups and cataloging their requirements• We have built a design (Configuration #1) around current requirements.

This will serve as a starting point to guide the build.• In C&P, we will update and change on the initial design, setting a

foundation for future iterations

What is needed of the UVa team:• Validate Configuration #1• Ensure build from the cycle meets requirements of daily work• Start to become knowledgeable on relevant functional areas of


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Upcoming Customer Confirmation Sessions

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In the coming weeks, the FST team will be hosting a series of Customer Confirmation Sessions in which several features will be previewed for a relevant audience.

Upcoming Customer Confirmation Sessions | A Summary

1,368 Unique invitations

91%Percent of campus areas represented

by attendees

14Features covered throughout the

sessions that, together, will provide the opportunity for input

across the system.

Across the 18 sessions…

FSTNov. 30

Financial Accounting

Dec. 1

Grants - RAITDec. 1

Grants – OSP Staff

Dec. 9

Procurement 1Dec. 2

Procurement2Dec. 2

Customer Accounts

Dec. 3

Supplier Accounts 1

Dec. 3

Expenses 1Dec. 7

Expenses 2Dec. 7

Business Assets

Dec. 10

GiftsDec. 8

ISDDec. 10

Capital ProjectsDec. 15

Banking & Settlement

Dec. 14

BudgetsDec. 16

Supplier Accounts 2

Dec. 8

PayrollDec. 17

Attendees by Area


UVA Finance

Central Units

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RAPID Decisions

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RAPID Decisions | Role Descriptions

RAPID Roles Names of Individuals or Entities

Recommend FST Program Leadership

Agree (Veto)Tier 1: Co-Chairs / Functional Owner(s) (depending on the type of decision)Tier 2: Workstream Lead(s)

Perform FST Project Team

InputFST Steering CommitteeFST Advisory GroupUVA Fiscal Administrators

Decide Tier 1: Exec Committee/Leadership CouncilTier 2: Functional Owner(s)

RAPID Logo to be used in communications

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RAPID Decisions | Tier 1 Open Decisions

1 Note: Architect runs through 10/30

This is a list of priority decisions and does not represent all decisions identified by the project. Additional decisions may be identified and prioritized as work progresses.

# Decision Name Description (w/ Recommendation if applicable) Estimated Review Date


Will MC & UPG continue to utilize Accounting String for future-state costing allocations?

Need to determine how MC & UPG will utilize Costing Allocations in order to cost against Academic fund sources. January 2021

WDFIN615 Requisition User Access

Decision to be made on whether user access to create a requisition stays restricted or is extended to all users. Will require additional discussion with schools and departments.CP1 will be based on open access to create requisition.

January 2021

WDFIN821 OCR Vendor Selection Spend team needs to decide whether and which OCR vendor to utilize for invoice

capture. December 2020


Data Warehouse - Trend reporting pre/post WD go live

Data Warehouse remediation scope for FST implementation and conversion process is not defined. Consistent messaging is not sent out on plan for conversion of historical data outside of Workday.

January 2021

WDFIN623 Per Diem Policy Will UVA require all Workday Expenses users to leverage Per Diem for travel? Has

implications for integrating per diem rates. January 2021


Workflow Control and Approval Requirements

As UVA considers transformation away from Recon@, it will need to start shifting towards front-end controls that are sufficient for OSP’s audit purposes. To that end, a baseline of workflow review and approval requirements is needed for design teams to refer to.

January 2021

As of 11/16/2020

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RAPID Decisions | Tier 1 Open Decisions

1 Note: Architect runs through 10/30

This is a list of priority decisions and does not represent all decisions identified by the project. Additional decisions may be identified and prioritized as work progresses.

# Decision Name Description (w/ Recommendation if applicable) Estimated Review Date


System Admin Responsibility Approach

Currently, system admin privileges are controlled primarily by ITS EA, however Workday allows for functional area owners to hold these security privileges in the future state. February 2021


Expenditure Credit Process/Policy

UVA has expenditure credit policy that affect multiple processes in scope for WD FIN. Need to determine how WD can accommodate these and whether this will mean that the policy must change. Includes: Vendor Refunds, Travel Reimbursement, Sundry Reimbursements, and Joint Funding

March 2021


ETF usage threshold policy change $500 -> $5,000

A policy change is currently being routed for approval that would shift the ETF usage threshold from 500 to 5000 (Operational decision and not Project.) February 2021

As of 11/16/2020

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RAPID Decisions | Tier 2 Open Decisions

1 Note: Architect runs through 10/30

This is a list of priority decisions and does not represent all decisions identified by the project. Additional decisions may be identified and prioritized as work progresses.

# Decision Name Description (w/ Recommendation if applicable) Estimated Review Date

WDFIN629 Invoice Matching Redesign Will UVA revise and redesign their matching policy for invoices before payment? Flags a

discussion point on whether things will change. January 2021

WDFIN636 Recon@ in Future State?

Decisions on whether Workday’s Account Certification functionality can replace the Recon@ system. Functionality needs to be tested to ensure we can meet compliance requirements.

January 2021


Future State Non-Catalog Requisition Process Flow

Investigating whether UVA can utilize WD Questionnaire functionality to route non-catalog requisitions for buyer review December 2020

WDFIN 603 Discontinue use of WebWire

UVA currently uses WebWire to drive wire payment request and workflow processing -Workday has the capability to mask bank accounts of suppliers and facilitate this workflow process. This question is impacted by the introduction of PaymentWorks.

January 2021

As of 11/16/2020

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RAPID Decisions | Upcoming Tier 2 Open Decisions

1 Note: Architect runs through 10/30

This is a list of priority decisions and does not represent all decisions identified by the project. Additional decisions may be identified and prioritized as work progresses.

# Decision Name Description (w/ Recommendation if applicable) Estimated Review Date


Workday/AI Division of Responsibility for Execution, Reporting, and Detail

Need to decide where budget execution activities will occur - Adaptive or WD. This includes Budget vs. Actuals reporting, Budget Revisions/Amendments, and level of detail. Post Architect


Customer Portal and accepting payments

Provide functionality for customer to pay online. This functionality requires Workday customers to create and host a web application to reroute the customer portal user from the Workday tenant to a 3rd party payment service.

Post Architect

WDFIN631 F&A on Cost Share Review and analysis on whether the University should track lost F&A on Cost Share. March 2021

WDFIN634 Waived F&A Review and analysis on whether the University should track waived F&A March 2021

As of 11/16/2020

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These decisions have been made and are pending a signed RAPID form.

RAPID Decisions | Decisions Closed Over the Past Month DenotesRAPID decision

# Decision Name Description (w/ Recommendation if applicable) Status Tier


Supplier Onboarding through PaymentWorks

Supplier onboarding, currently occurring via Jaggaer, should be routed through PaymentWorks going forward.

Decision has already gone to FOM. Team is drafting RAPID for final signoff. 1


Adoption of Workday Internal Service Delivery (ISD) Functionality

Confirming adoption of ISD functionality (or applicable workaround if not being adopted) for all eligible business units identified in current state landscape.

Decision has already gone to FOM and was socialized with stakeholder groups. RAPID form awaiting final signoff. 2


Naming Convention for Gifts and Endowments

Determine if UVA should use sight logic on gifts and endowments, and if so, in the ID or the name.

Decision has already gone to FOM - circulating w/ FDM Governance. Proposal has been socialized with stakeholder groups. Team is drafting RAPID for final signoff.



Position budgeting - position plan structures in WD

Will Position Budget plan structures be implemented in Workday, separately from the Financial Budget plan structures?

Implement position budget plan structures in WD separate from financial plan structure. 2


One Card Vs Two Card for Procurement & Travel

The decision around keeping a one-card system for both Procurement and Expenses in the future state or switching to a two-card system has been reopened.

Decision has already gone to FOM and was socialized with stakeholder groups. Tier moved from 1 to 3 because recommendation is to continue current one card practice.


This is a list of priority decisions and does not represent all decisions identified by the project. Additional decisions may be identified and prioritized as work progresses.As of 11/16/2020

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With the implementation underway for Workday Financials, which system should UVA use for supplier onboarding and management in the future state?

RAPID Decisions | PaymentWorks


UVA currently leverages Jaggaer Total Supplier Management (TSM) as an

onboarding solution for vendors that also provides functionality for records

management and portal access. With the transition to Workday Financials

from Oracle, UVA will have access to similar delivered functionality within the

Workday Supplier module at no additional cost, however neither of these

systems offer services to address issues around fraud prevention

and improvements to key usability features and manual data entry limitations

UVA experiences today.


Current state solution for supplier onboarding, management


Leverage delivered functionality for supplier onboarding and portal access


Engage new system for enhanced supplier management functionality



Recommendation: UVA should transition from TSM to PaymentWorks for the future state and implement early with Oracle in advance of Workday FIN go-live to realize additional revenue opportunity.

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RAPID Decisions | PaymentWorks

• Increased Manual Entry from current state• Lack of real-time validation for Visual Compliance and IRS• No Fraud Protection

• Poor user experience for Individual Payees• No Payment Status Visibility for Payees• No Fraud Protection

• Tailored User Experience for Individual Payees • Improved invite experience for departments • A method to securely use ACH payments • Fraud Protection

User Experience

Manual Data Entry

Payment Status Visibility for Suppliers & Payees


Fraud Protection


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RAPID Decisions | PaymentWorks

Technical & Functional Impact

Financial Impact

• Complex Integrations - 1st time Workday integration

−No showstoppers identified in initial reviews

−Early start technical analysis to support development and testing during C&P-2

• Data Security – Low Risk assessment from ITS

• Resource allocation

− Early start implementation compresses Functional, Technical, and Change Management resources

− Resourcing adjustments deemed doable by each team

• Contractual overlap between TSM and PaymentWorks

• Early-start implementation creates additional resource costs to support transition to Oracle in 2021

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RAPID Decisions | PaymentWorks

Change Management Impact

• New registration portal to enter information & sign up for preferred payment method

• PaymentWorks is used by many of UVA's higher ed peers

• Supplier Community has one central PaymentWorks profile across all clients

• We plan for the Individual/Payee registration experience will be greatly simplified from current process

What impact or issues might you anticipate as a result of moving

from TSM to PaymentWorks?


Suppliers and Payees UVA Employees who request new suppliers or updates to suppliers

• Request process for inviting a new supplier or updating supplier information will change

• We expect to simplify the current process

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RAPID Decisions | PaymentWorks

• Target Go-Live – July/Aug 2021• Primary Benefits:

• Migrating the supplier community to the platform well in advance of Workday Financials Go-Live

• One less process and interface for UVA employees to learn at Workday Financials Go-Live

• Collapsing payment methods into a single, simplified ACH-Direct Method

• Improving Payment Terms in 2021 (Migrating more suppliers away from Net 45)

Early Start Implementation

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Spend Team Updates

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Spend Team Updates | Summary of Updates

Topic Status Goal for Today

Non-Catalog Requisitioning Decision Made Share process to reaching a decision and share images from solution

Address / Site Management Input Requested Come to a common understanding of current state, brainstorm future state

OCR Provider Decision in Process Provide update on decision making process and considerations

VPL Update Decision Made Share impacts of VPL Update

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Spend Team Updates | Non-Catalog Requisitioning

Decision Made

Use Jaggaer dynamic forms and cart return message to bring all non-catalog information into Workday


1. The standard punchout connector must be used for custom data transmission.

2. Proof of concept and testing must be completed to make final determination.

3. Solutions creates the most simple and seamless end user experience while maintaining accurate records for processing and audit

4. Solution creates the most efficient buyer experience by collecting necessary information on the front end, and storing it for audit purposes


BUYER’S ASSISTUse Workday native non-catalog form for all non-catalog purchases, creating different requisition templates for selection at the point of initiation


• The conditional question functionality of the Jaggaer dynamic form allows for a single requisition template with no unneeded data entry

• Applicable questions can be answered prior to the creation of the requisition, allowing the user to be directed to provide relevant information automatically and ensuring complete information prior to submission.

• No custom integration is needed; the standard punchout connector can be modified to accommodate custom data

• Jaggaer will be the initiation point for punchout requisitions and non-catalog requisitions – creating a streamlined UX

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Spend Team Updates | Non-Catalog Requisitioning

Decision Made

Jaggaer Solution Step 1: Connect to Supplier Website

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Spend Team Updates | Non-Catalog Requisitioning

Decision Made

Jaggaer Solution Step 2: Access Jaggaer Dynamic Form

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Spend Team Updates | Non-Catalog Requisitioning

Decision Made

Jaggaer Solution Step 3: Complete Form

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Spend Team Updates | Non-Catalog Requisitioning

Decision Made

Requisitioner View

Buyer View

• Additional data fields will be listed in the “Cart Details” section of the requisition

• Extrinsic field names (IntegrationID) will be overridden when transmitted to Workday to show the full question text

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Spend Team Updates | Address / Site Management

Input Requested


• Suppliers can have unlimited addresses in their Marketplace profile.

• eVA designations are not listed in Marketplace even if the company has eVA registered locations.

• Users are required to select which address is appropriate.

• Payments (checks) sent to incorrect addresses can be lost or returned and new checks must be issued. This can result in a delay in your supplier receiving payment.


• One order from/fulfillment address per supplier (except those with distributed models)

• Universities, Lowe’s/local pick-up etc.

• If a supplier is registered with eVA then only those registered addresses will be available to for purchasing. eVA information will be easily viewable in the Suppliers Workday profile.

• Supplier can receive payment regardless of the address in their profile by utilizing UVA’s forthcoming PaymentWorks/ACH payment option.

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Spend Team Updates | OCR Provider

Decision in Process







1. What is the ease of use of the software's user interface and dashboards2. What native reporting capabilities each provider has available3. How can the OCR software ingest UVA’s invoices4. Load balancing and automated routing rules for specific suppliers5. Ability to communicate within the user interface with suppliers regarding issue,

concerns and questions6. Invoice document retrieval and storage7. Ability to preform two- or three-way matching (if desired) in the OCR software

prior to workflow into Workday8. Duplicate invoice validation

• PDF copies of invoice documents will be transmitted and stored in Workday.• Single system for review, edit and processing of invoices prior to Workday

ingestion.• Simple, customizable dashboards and user interface.• Ability to create custom workflow routing and load balancing for individual

invoice processors.• Processors will have the ability to communicate via email through the OCR user

interface.• Robust matching rules can be applied to invoices. Jaggaer could create custom

rules at the supplier level.

W H Y K O F A X O R J A G G A E R ?

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Spend Team Updates | VPL Update

Decision Made

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System Remediation Network

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System remediation is the process of identifying and implementing changes that are required to non-Workday systems in order to successfully integrate with Workday Financials, or consume new financial data following the transition from Oracle EBS.

System Remediation Network | System Remediation Process

1. Identify the systems that may potentially be impacted by the Workday Financials implementation

2. Identify the foundational system impacts introduced by the transition from Oracle EBS to Workday Financials

3. Assess system-specific impacts and perform the necessary remediation to non-Workday central and departmental systems, and begin planning the work to remediate these system to ensure that they functional effectively following the change

Key Steps in the System Remediation Process

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System Remediation Network | Purpose & Goal

The primary purpose of the System Remediation Network is to provide a collaborative forum for impacted UVA system owners and their support staff. FST will use this network

to share information, documentation, tools and best practices that are needed for effective system remediation. FST will also use this network to help system owners

navigate through project processes (such as testing), and gain access to other information related to system remediation from other FST project teams as needed.


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System Remediation Network | Purpose & Goal

The goal of the System Remediation Network is to ensure that FST provides the information and support required by system owners to effectively remediate their systems in advance of the Workday Financials implementation on July 1, 2022, and to ensure the

continuity and stability of the services provided by these systems.


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The System Remediation Network is sponsored by the FST Leadership (Managing Director, James Gorman)

The network will be convened by the FST System Remediation Lead

The network membership will be comprised:

• Impacted system owners/sponsors, and the functional & technical support staff for their systems

• FST project support staff from the technical and functional teams

• FST Change Management team

System Remediation Network | Charter

Membership & Governance

Schools & Units

Central Offices

FST Project Team


System owners, sponsors & technical & functional

support staff

FST System Remediation Lead

System Remediation Network

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System Remediation Network | Community Hub https://communityhub.virginia.edu/community/uva-finance-transformation/system-remediation

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System Remediation Network | Closing Remarks & Questions


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Other Business and Wrap Up

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Appendix | Spend Team - OCR Vendor Selection

1) Kofax 2) Jaggaer 3) Hyland 4) Ascend 5) OneSource Virtual

Can invoice issues be corrected prior to transmission to Workday

Allows for invoices to be edited and corrected in software prior to migration to Workday. Invoices are routed to an exception queue if they fail to meet criteria created by UVA.

Allows for invoices to be edited and corrected in software prior to migration to Workday. Invoices are routed to an exception queue if they fail to meet criteria created by UVA.

Allows for invoices to be edited and corrected in software prior to migration to Workday. Invoices are routed to an exception queue if they fail to meet criteria created by UVA.

Allows for invoices to be edited and corrected in software prior to migration to Workday. Invoices are routed to an exception queue if they fail to meet criteria created by UVA.

• Invoices are processed in house by members of OneSource Virtual’s customer service team. UVA would have no interaction with supplier to help facilitate the concerns. If OSV cannot correct errors, then invoice with incorrect data would be pushed to Workday and flag for remediation.

Invoice copies stored in Workday

Yes, PDF copies of invoices stored in Workday and can be viewed by anyone with appropriate security role.

Yes, PDF copies of invoices stored in Workday and can be viewed by anyone with appropriate security role.

• Invoice copies are stored in Hyland’s Onbase system. A link would be loaded into Workday. This would require additional licenses to be purchased for departmental users to view invoices.

Yes, PDF copies of invoices stored in Workday and can be viewed by anyone with appropriate security role.

Yes, PDF copies of invoices stored in Workday and can be viewed by anyone with appropriate security role.

Allows for match rules to be applied in OCR

Yes, will allow for match rules to be created by UVA and applied to all incoming invoices.

Yes, will allow for match rules to be created by UVA and applied to all incoming invoices.

Allows for additional match rules to be created for specific vendors.

Yes, will allow for match rules to be created by UVA and applied to all incoming invoices

Yes, will allow for match rules to be created by UVA and applied to all incoming invoices

Yes, will allow for match rules to be created by UVA and applied to all incoming invoices

Can communicate with vendor in OCR interface

Yes, data entry specialists will be able to send emails directly to suppliers from the invoice exception screens in interface. This communication will be a direct response to supplier's original email. Templates can be created for different scenarios.

Yes, data entry specialists will be able to send emails directly to suppliers from the invoice exception screens in interface. This communication will be a direct response to supplier's original email. Templates can be created for different scenarios

Yes, data entry specialists will be able to send emails directly to suppliers from the invoice exception screens in interface. This communication will be a direct response to supplier's original email. Templates can be created for different scenarios

• No, does not currently offer this functionality. On Roadmap but no estimated time for role out.

• No, does not currently offer this functionality

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Appendix | Decision Making FrameworkWhile RAPID roles should be defined for all decisions, documentation only required for Tier 1 and 2.

Does the decision impact one or more of the following:

SCOPE Impacts the scope outlined in SOW and is a candidate for a change order

BUDGETChanges the budget of the project, e.g., needs additional resourcing

IMPACT TO STAKEHOLDERSImpacts a large group of stakeholders or has high impact on current functionality

SCHEDULEChanges the schedule of the project go-live date or milestone

Does the decision maker, e.g., Functional Owner, want to get formal input from advisory entities in order to make a decision?



TIER 1 DECISIONSRequires RAPID documentation

Decide: Executive Committee/Leadership Council (decision dependent)

Agree: Co-Chairs or Functional Owner(s)Input: Advisory EntitiesRecommend: Workstream Leads

TIER 2 DECISIONSRequires RAPID documentation

Decide: Functional Owner Agree: Workstream Leads (decision dependent)Input: Advisory EntitiesRecommend: Workstream Leads

TIER 3 DECISIONSDoes not require RAPID documentation

Decide: Functional Owner or Workstream Lead(s)Input: Business Process OwnerRecommend: Team Leads

POLICYCreates a new UVA Finance policy or involves change to existing policy


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Appendix | Functional DecisionsDecisions will be made by the project team, when possible. However, should there be a functional decision that requires escalation, the following proposed governance structure will be utilized.

Makes the decisionRecommend, Input, or Agree1

Tier 1 Decisions

Tier 2 Decisions

Tier 3 Decisions

Executive Committee Leadership Council

Functional Owners2

Functional OwnersSteering Committee

Advisory Group

Fiscal Administrators

Workstream Leads

Steering Committee

Advisory Group

Fiscal Administrators

Workstream Leads

Functional Owners

1. Other advisory stakeholder groups may be leveraged to solicit feedback and advisory guidance based on the topic at hand2. An individual’s role at the University supersedes one’s project role in determining decision-making authority

Workstream LeadsBusiness Process Owners
