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Fishing in drilling operations

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  • 8/17/2019 Fishing in drilling operations


    hing Techniques for Drilling Operations


  • 8/17/2019 Fishing in drilling operations


    Defnition o Fishing Types o Fish

    Causes o Fish To fsh or not to fsh

    Dierent methods torecover fsh Fisher Man

     Conclusions 2

  • 8/17/2019 Fishing in drilling operations


    Fish:- fsh is any undesira!le o!"ect #such as $ pipe $tools$ %ire line $%hich can not

    !e removed rom a !orehole %ith ordinarypractices&

    Fishing:- Fishing is any action ta'en

    %hich attempts to remove a fsh rom a!orehole& For e(ample $ lo%ering a magnetinto the !ore hole or the purpose oremoving a cone lost rom a drill !it is

    fshing& )emoving a !ro'en %ire line and a *

  • 8/17/2019 Fishing in drilling operations


    Types of sh:-

     Tu!ular :-drill pipe$ drill collars$ casing$logging tools$ test tools$ and tu!ing&

    Miscellaneous :- %ire line$ hand tools$

    tong parts$ slip segments$ !it cones$chains$ and "un'


  • 8/17/2019 Fishing in drilling operations


    CAUSES OF FISH:,erhaps the most important aspect ofshing is to ascertain the events %hichcaused the fsh to occur& ithout'no%ing the causation correct tool

    selection and procedures %ill !eimpossi!le&

    .perator error

     /0uipment decline

  • 8/17/2019 Fishing in drilling operations



    Usually occurs after the drill string is

    idle.mud cake thickness is a factor as well

    as excessive overbalance. not effective.

    CAVING ZONE: Caused by low

    density mud. big problem in horizontal

    wells and high angle wells . Reactivefiltrate may be a factor in shales. Cantcirculate but may be able to move drill

    string a little .


  • 8/17/2019 Fishing in drilling operations


    S!E""I#$ %O#ES: Could !e salt

    or dia!etic shale&

    FI"TE& CA'E: Thic' flter ca'e can

    reduce the hole diameter & 4suallyoccur in consort %ith dierentialreduce flter ca'e thic'ness &&


  • 8/17/2019 Fishing in drilling operations


    E(UI)*E#T FAI"U&E: May

    need to polish %ith mill & )etrieve%ith overshot&

    &EDUCED )I)E DIA*ETE&:Try rolling !ac' diameter& Maysidetrac' i a mill is used& ,ro!a!ly

    a!andon %ell&


  • 8/17/2019 Fishing in drilling operations


    +U#': Try magnet or "un'!as'et& Try mill &Try "ets& Tryacid&

    CE*E#T E&&O&: Try%ash pipe i outside & Try

    mill& 7 inside use drill !it&

    )AC'ET OFF: 7 can

    circulate raise circulationrate& )aise viscosity i innear vertical hole& May !ea!le to %ash over &,ro!a!lysidetrac' !orehole&


  • 8/17/2019 Fishing in drilling operations


    To sh or not to sh:

    There are at least three popular methods or deciding

    %hether to fsh or not to fsh & They are

    7& Fish or no more than t%o days %ithout progress

    77& 9rea' even Charts as a Decision Tool

    777& /stimate o cost


  • 8/17/2019 Fishing in drilling operations


     #O *O&E THA# T!O DA,S !ITHOUT )&O$&ESS *E

    ion method !ased on drilling e(perience&

    hose fshing operations in %hich the fsh not e(tracted %ithin t%o dayssuccessul fsh e(traction and sidetrac's %ere re0uired %ith the e(ceptishing operation=*& days>


  • 8/17/2019 Fishing in drilling operations


    Dierent methods to recover fsh:-

    Free point determination

    ?electing a location to !ac'- o a stuc' string o

    pipe is assisted %ith a ree point tool& 7n mostcases the desira!le location to !ac' o %ill !e at acollar "ust a!ove the stuc' point &

     The ree point tool identifes the depth at %hich a

    stuc' string can moved and not moved&


  • 8/17/2019 Fishing in drilling operations


    -ac. /o0)roce1ure

     The term !ac'-o reers to separating the ree piperom the stuc' pipe at a threaded connection at or

     "ust a!ove the ree point& 7t is accomplished !yplacing an e(plosive charge=string shot2 across

    the connection3 The string shot consists ofthe e4plosi5e asse67ly an1 equip6ent necessary to reach the point o detonation do%nhole& The !ac'ing o operation is perormed !yrunning the e(plosive charge on %ire line to

    @et hand tor0ue is then applied andsomeoverpull is maintained until the e(plosivecharge is run to the !ac' o point&


  • 8/17/2019 Fishing in drilling operations


    D7FF/)/that the pressure %ithinthe %ell!ore e(ceeds the pore pressure & The s'etchsho%s the mechanics o dierential stic'ing&

    F&EEI#$ DIFFE&E#TIA"", STUC' )I)EThere are fve methods o reeing dierentially stuc' pipe&.ne re0uires that the mud ca'e !e destroyed& T%o are!ased on the sound principles that the pressure in the

    annulus must !e reduced& The circulation o oil into theannulus is the more popular o the t%o& The procedure isto circulate a 0uantity o oil into the annulus a!ove thestuc' point sucient to lo%er the dierential pressure

    !et%een the mud and the pore pressure& 1+

  • 8/17/2019 Fishing in drilling operations


    FI&ST *ETHOD The frst method involves circulating a volume o oilinto the stuc' pipe and displacing it into the annulus

    to a location %here the oil is a!ove the stuc' point& This reduces the eective pressure at the stuc' onein the drill hole &

    SECO#D *ETHOD: The second method o reeing dierentially stuc' pipeis to pump oil or %ater into the pipe and then !leed theoil or %ater rom the pipe& This procedure drops the

    mud level in the annulus %hich in turn reduce thepressure o the mud at the stuc' point&


  • 8/17/2019 Fishing in drilling operations


    THI&D *ETHOD The Esoa' method & chemical %ash %hich is

    designed to !rea' the flter ca'e is circulatedacross the stuc' one and is then allo%ed time toreact %ith the flter ca'e & thereater the chemical%ash %hich remained !e lo% the one isperiodically circulated across the one the one &During the soa'ing $ the drill string is stretched andrela(ed in tension & arring is through to !e o littlepractical value & signifcant variation is to slac'o and then pull on the drill string &

    volume o chemical %ash o 2 to; !arrels isusually sucient&


  • 8/17/2019 Fishing in drilling operations


    FOU&TH *ETHOD popular method o reeing stuc' pipe in %hichpressure control is critical is the drill stem test method

    & The essentials o the method is that the drill string is!ac'ed o "ust a!ove the stuc' one #a drill stem testtool is run$ set$ and opened a!ove the one & The testtool is pulled out o the hole and the once stuc' string

    is retrieved %ith a scre% in su! or overshot&FIFTH *ETHOD

     This is the 0uic'est o all & slac' o a portion o all&?lac' o a portion o or all o the %eight o the drill

    string onto the stuc' one & 7ncrease the pumppressure until the saety pin in the pop o valueshears & ,ull the once stuc' string up the hole & Themechanism is that the drill string up the hole & themechanism is that the drill string is !uc'led !y the

    slac' o and e(tended !y the pump pressure& The 15

  • 8/17/2019 Fishing in drilling operations


    ConclusionFishing is a comple( and ris'y operation& ll

    mem!ers o the drilling team must contri!ute to itssuccess& The engineer must approve the selectiono tools and procedures$ 'eeping in mind %ellcontrol and saety& The geologist should supplyoset logs or the purpose o determining %ashoutareas$ and he should prepare an evaluation o the%ells progress as a prospect& 7 sucient reserveshave !een drilled a!ove the fsh$ it may !e cheaperto plug !ac'& 7 it is evident that the %ell is running

    lo%$ it may !e advisa!le to a!andon it !eorethro%ing good money ater !ad& ccounting must'eep day to day costs and pro"ections %ith %hich toadvise the operations personnel %ho ultimately

    must choose %hatcourse to ollo%&16

  • 8/17/2019 Fishing in drilling operations


