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FIT NEWS Newsletter-Dec09.pdfFICTION: If you don’t lose weight, there’s no point in exercising....

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Many top athletes in various sports have asthma. Exercise isn’t a cure for asthma, but it can help you cope with your condi- tion. That’s why regular exercise should be a part of your management plan. Some peo- ple who exercise regularly find they have fewer asthma attacks. Despite this, exercise can sometimes trigger or start your asthma. Exercise induced asthma is brought on by the physical exertion of exercising or play- ing sport. Your increased need for oxygen makes you breathe faster and though your mouth. The air is colder and drier because it hasn’t been warmed and humidified by your nose. Cold, dry air can make your airways tighten. Some of the symptoms of exercise- induced asthma include: Wheezing Coughing A feeling of tightness in the chest Breathlessness. You can reduce the chances of experiencing exercise-induced asthma with a few precau- tions, including: Make sure your asthma is managed properly on a daily basis Use your asthma medication around five to ten minutes before you warm up. Your doctor will advise you on the most suitable medication to use Always warm up by lightly moving and stretching for 10 to 15 minutes before you play sport or exercise. Always cool down. If you feel the symptoms of exercise- induced asthma: Stop what you’re doing Follow your asthma action plan . ie. Use your medication as advised. Your action plan can be devised with the help of your doctor. Wait until you are symptom- free before you restart exercis- ing If the symptoms don’t go away or if they return while you’re exercising, continue with your action plan, stop exercising and visit your doctor. You should avoid exercise if: Your day to day asthma isn’t under control You have a cold or the flu Your peak flow meter reading is less than 80% of your usual best. Asthma shouldn’t be used as an ex use for not participating in exercise. With a few precautions in place, those who suffer from the condition, are able to enjoy exercise and life to their fullest. (Source: better health, Vic. Gov.) December 2009 Volume 1, Issue 11 Inside this issue: Exercise of the month 2 Supplement of the month 2 Pre-season training 2 Gym etiquette 3 A little humour 3 Centre bits ‘n pieces 4 Lifeforce Fitness Centre FIT FACTS Quality exercise is al- ways preferable to quantity Diet improves the health benefits of exer- cise by a hundred fold. We are what we eat, so the quality of the build- ing materials creates a better quality human. Health gain is not only physically empowering but mentally as well. FIT NEWS By Phil & Vonnie Health and Fitness…...Asthma & Exercise FICTION: If you don’t lose weight, there’s no point in exercising. FACT: It’s not uncommon for people who don’t see immediate weight loss to consider giving up on their exercise routine. What we need to re- member is that exercise gives us benefits that we mightn’t be able to see so obviously. By exercis- ing we reduce out triglycerides levels and raise our HDL (good) cholesterol, and the psychologi- cal benefits have been proven to include both depression and anxiety relief. So even if weight loss is not occurring, remember that improve- ments occur internally. Create PDF files without this message by purchasing novaPDF printer (http://www.novapdf.com)
Page 1: FIT NEWS Newsletter-Dec09.pdfFICTION: If you don’t lose weight, there’s no point in exercising. FACT: It’s not uncommon for people who don’t see immediate weight loss to consider

Many top athletes in various sports have asthma. Exercise isn’t a cure for asthma, but it can help you cope with your condi-tion. That’s why regular exercise should be a part of your management plan. Some peo-ple who exercise regularly find they have fewer asthma attacks. Despite this, exercise can sometimes trigger or start your asthma. Exercise induced asthma is brought on by the physical exertion of exercising or play-ing sport. Your increased need for oxygen makes you breathe faster and though your mouth. The air is colder and drier because it hasn’t been warmed and humidified by your nose. Cold, dry air can make your airways tighten. Some of the symptoms of exercise-induced asthma include: Wheezing Coughing A feeling of tightness in the chest Breathlessness. You can reduce the chances of experiencing exercise-induced asthma with a few precau-tions, including: Make sure your asthma is managed

properly on a daily basis Use your asthma medication around

five to ten minutes before you warm up. Your doctor will advise you on the most suitable medication to use

Always warm up by lightly moving and stretching for 10 to 15 minutes before you play sport or exercise.

Always cool down. If you feel the symptoms of exercise-induced asthma: Stop what you’re doing

Follow your asthma action plan. ie. Use your medication as advised. Your action plan can be devised with the help of your doctor.

Wait until you are symptom-free before you restart exercis-ing

If the symptoms don’t go away or if they return while you’re exercising, continue with your action plan, stop exercising and visit your doctor.

You should avoid exercise if: Your day to day asthma isn’t

under control You have a cold or the flu Your peak flow meter reading

is less than 80% of your usual best.

Asthma shouldn’t be used as an ex use for not participating in exercise. With a few precautions in place, those who suffer from the condition, are able to enjoy exercise and life to their fullest. (Source: better health, Vic. Gov.)

December 2009

Volume 1, Issue 11

Inside this issue:

Exercise of the month


Supplement of the month


Pre-season training 2

Gym etiquette 3

A little humour 3

Centre bits ‘n pieces 4

Lifeforce Fitness Centre


Quality exercise is al-ways preferable to quantity

Diet improves the health benefits of exer-cise by a hundred fold.

We are what we eat, so the quality of the build-ing materials creates a better quality human.

Health gain is not only physically empowering but mentally as well.


NEWSBy Phil & Vonnie

Health and Fitness…...Asthma & Exercise

FICTION: If you don’t lose weight, there’s no point in exercising. FACT: It’s not uncommon for people who don’t see immediate weight loss to consider giving up on their exercise routine. What we need to re-member is that exercise gives us benefits that we mightn’t be able to see so obviously. By exercis-ing we reduce out triglycerides levels and raise our HDL (good) cholesterol, and the psychologi-cal benefits have been proven to include both depression and anxiety relief. So even if weight loss is not occurring, remember that improve-ments occur internally.

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Page 2: FIT NEWS Newsletter-Dec09.pdfFICTION: If you don’t lose weight, there’s no point in exercising. FACT: It’s not uncommon for people who don’t see immediate weight loss to consider

December is upon us and with it comes warm weather and a busy social calendar, which means scheduling in time for physical activity can become less of a priority. Here are some ways you can make Christmas activities physical activities: Go for a walk around your neighbourhood with your family or friends after dinner to admire the Christmas

lights and decorations. See Christmas shopping as an opportunity to get in some incidental physical activity and use all those bags

you’re carrying as a weight bearing exercise. After Christmas lunch head outside for a walk instead of snooz-

ing on the couch. Give gifts that inspire physical activity such as running shoes,

badminton set, pedometer, pass for a local gym or pool, bike (don’t forget the helmet), sports gear, and a beach ball and towel.

Catching up with the neighbours for a Christmas drink? Why not turn it into a street cricket match or get the kids to play some active games.

(Source: Go for your life website)

With the weather heating up for summer, it’s important to keep your body cool and remember to hydrate. Don’/t wait until you’re thirsty to drink fluids, top your body’s water stores up and avoid dehydration.

Water is our most vital nutrient and plays a major role in many of our bodies main functions; blood fluidity, body tempera-ture regulation, lubrication of joints and moisturiser for our skin. As the body can’t store water, we need fresh supplies every day to make up for losses from lungs, skin and urine, The amount we need depends on many different things includ-ing, our metabolism, the weather, the food we eat and our activity levels.

Adults should aim for approximately six to eight glasses (at least 150ml each) of fluids each day. More than eight glasses may be needed for physically active people, children, people in hot or humid environments, and breastfeeding women (who need an extra 750-1,000ml per day). Just like your keys, wallet and phone, try not to leave the house without your water bottle. Aim to get through two to four 500-750ml water bottle everyday.

Water is the best drink to drink everyday but there are many healthy drink options to help keep cool this summer, try some iced tea, or freeze fruit juice into cubes and add these to your water. Also remember that with the lose of water from the body, it is very important for you to keep up your electrolyte levels, particularly if working out doors or exercising. This can be done by using a good electrolyte replacement drink such as the available Musashi one. For more information on these supplements, or any other we stock (most can be ordered in), see Phil or Vonnie.

Page 2

Supplement of the Month:…Summer Sippers


Exercise of the Month:…How to make Christmas activities physical activities

Pre-season Training Now (or very soon) is the time to start your “off-season training” & “pre-season” training for next years comp. Take the opportunity in the off season to build up strength, power & speed for your specific sport. If you keep fit aerobically and train with weights in the off season, it stands to reason your game will improve. This principle applies to netball, football, soccer, hockey as well as most other sports. So if you want the jump on the other teams, start now, before the fitness you struggled to find departs again.

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Page 3: FIT NEWS Newsletter-Dec09.pdfFICTION: If you don’t lose weight, there’s no point in exercising. FACT: It’s not uncommon for people who don’t see immediate weight loss to consider

Volume 1, Issue 11

As the crowded airliner is about to take off, the peace is shattered by a five year old boy who picks that mo-ment to throw a wild temper tantrum. No matter what his frustrated, embarrassed mother does to try to calm him down the boy continues to scream furiously and kick the seats around him. Suddenly, from the rear of the plane, a man in a U.S. Marine Corps uniform is seen slowly walking forward up the aisle. Stopping the flustered mother with an up-raised hand, the courtly, soft-spoken Marine leans down and, motioning toward his chest, whispers something into the boy’s ear. Instantly, the boy calms down, gently takes his mother’s hanky and quietly fastens his seat belt. All the other passengers burst into spontaneous applause. As the Marine slowly makes his way back to his seat, one of the cabin attendants touches his sleeve. “Excuse me, sir,” she asks quietly, “but could I ask you what magic words you used on that little boy?” The Marine smiles serenely and gently confides, “I showed him my pilot’s wings, service stars, and battle ribbons, and explained that they entitle me to throw one

passenger out the plane door, on any flight I choose, and that I was just about to make my selection for this flight.”

Save a thought for all those who have to work over the festive season.

Remember, they have to tolerate some pretty testy behav-iour at this time of the year….. It’s not just the little kids

that play up and make nuisances of themselves!

A little bit of humour……………. “Quiet that kid”…...anyone flying anywhere these holidays?

Gym Etiquette As with all places where people gather there are certain rules that make personal interactions more pleasant and Fitness centres are no exception. Towels should be used when using benches/equipment to wipe up perspiration. All weights, handles and apparatus used must be returned to their proper place. If you are resting between sets please let someone that is waiting do their set while you are resting Don’t do super sets on different pieces of equipment when the Centre is busy, be considerate of others who may

need to use the area/equipment. Have full control at all times. When lowering dumbells be careful not to drop them on their edge. This is the

quickest way to destroy a set of dumbells. This is also a safer way to train to prevent a possible injury. Consider that others (both men & women) may be offended by the use of unnecessary bad language or aggres-

sive behaviour. Enjoy your training experience!

WIN a $100 dinner voucher or a 1 hour massage treatment!

Members, recommend a friend/family member to receive a FREE week pass & to join our fitness centre and you go in

the draw to WIN a $100 meal voucher at The Steak Pit Restaurant, or a 1 hour massage treatment by Barry John-

son of “Corrective Massage”.

Tickets are available from reception. (restricted to 1 ticket per member)

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Page 4: FIT NEWS Newsletter-Dec09.pdfFICTION: If you don’t lose weight, there’s no point in exercising. FACT: It’s not uncommon for people who don’t see immediate weight loss to consider

3, 38 High Street, Wodonga, Vic., 3690

Lifeforce Fitness Centre

& how you play (party through the night, you’ll give your body setbacks). In other words, enjoy life but keep in mind your goals!

Please don’t forget to use your towel on all equip-ment. Thank you.

Please see the list of Centre Christmas Hours on notice boards. A smaller print out of these are also available from reception for you to put on your fridge.

Phil, Vonnie, & staff would like to wish all of the members and casual visitors and their families to our centre a very Merry Christ-mas, and a safe and Happy New Year for 2010. If you are traveling anywhere, please do so carefully.

Happy Birthday to all those “turning of age” during December.

Congratulations to Linda & Marcus on the birth of their new baby son.

The survey we ran recently regarding a possible changing of weekend hours resulted with a very close tie for preferences. As a result we have de-cided to try to cater for everyone by changing Saturday hours to 8am—12 noon. Sunday will remain t 10am until 2pm. This will commence Saturday 8/1/2010. Thank you to all those who participated in the survey.

If you notice anything that needs maintenance on any equipment please let us know so we can attend to it ASAP. We keep a close eye on the equipment, but sometimes things happen between checks. Please note: we will be replacing the rower ASAP.

Remember that results you get in the gym will only be reflected upon by what you do out of the gym. For results, you need to be mindful of what you eat (get it balanced), how you sleep (try to get plenty)

Phone: 02 60243338 Fax: 02 60243338 Email: [email protected] www.lifeforcefitness.com.au

Back with more

news soon!

Our goal is to have a fully equipped, user friendly gymnasium in Wodonga on par with any other

centre in Australia.

With the support of the community, we will be continually improving the facilities to suit the

communities needs.

Centre bits n pieces………...

Can’t think of that GIFT for someone special for

Christmas this year? How about a GIFT CERTIFICATE! These can be for centre memberships,

supplements, or both.

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