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Fitness Report2

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  • 7/28/2019 Fitness Report2


    5 Real ReasonsYou Are Weaker

    Than You Believe

    You Should Be


    David Berman, MS, PT, COMT, CSCSwww.Fitness-40.com


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    About the Author

    David Berman received his Masters in Science and has been a licensed

    and practicing Physical Therapist since 1997 (MS, PT). He obtained

    certification as an Orthopedic Manual Therapist (COMT) in 1999 from the

    OGI, an accredited and internationally respected manual therapy

    residency. He is also a Certified Sports & Conditioning Specialist (CSCS)

    through the NSCA. He is a nationally renowned speaker and educator, a

    published author and a patented inventor.

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    This report is about the REAL reasons you are weaker than you believe

    you should be.

    Each reason is like a quick jab to the head - enough to stun you a bit, but

    (hopefully) not enough to keep you from reading on.

    These reasons are the root causes of why you arent making the progress

    you want in the gym. And they are the answer to why you feel like your age

    is creeping up on you - making you look and feel old before your time.

    By understanding all 5 of these reasons, you can start to take steps to get

    stronger starting today. In some cases you may be able to literally double

    your strength in as little as 90 days. And as a natural part of the process,

    youll have more energy to do the things you love to do.

    Oh, and youll lose a good amount of belly fat and build muscle. So youll

    not only feel youngerbut youll look younger.

    If you choose to ignore these 5 reasons youll continue to struggle in the

    gym, continue to suffer the natural effects of aging and you might actually

    get weaker.

    In addition, youll put yourself at greater risk of injury (or re-injury) - and if

    you do get injured, you wont be able to exercise at all so youll get even


    I uncovered these five reasons over the course of 25 years of working out

    (including martial arts and bodybuilding) and coaching thousands of clients.

    And I have a formal education in anatomy, physiology, biomechanics,

    exercise science, neurophysiology and physical medicine and


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    I mention this because in my experience there are a lot of experts out

    there sharing advice that have neither experience NOR expertise.

    As an added bonus to you, I read a copious amount of books and scientificjournals and articles. This means you get the benefit of my reading habits

    and lessons learned without having to pour through science-jargon filled

    journals and textbooks.

    Okay... On to the report.

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    Your Body is a Machine

    Your body is an amazing machine that literally becomes what you ask it to

    become by virtue of the actions you take (or dont take).

    If you sit around and watch television and eat crap, you get one kind of


    And if you move (i.e. exercise, participate in sports or active recreational

    activities) and eat well, you get a completely different kind of body.

    It would be like having a car that could mutate based on how well you tookcare of it.

    If you treated it well, gave it high performance fluids, and drove it like a

    master driver, it would become an Aston Martin.

    If you treated it like crap, let it sit for years outside in a harsh environment,

    and never did basic maintenance on it, it would become a beater (you

    name the brand).

    Im sure you get the point.

    Right about now, though, I hope you are considering three key points:

    (1) What kind of body you currently have and

    (2) How your past actions have created that body

    And lastly,

    (3) What kind of body you want, and what youre willing to do to get it.

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    The great news is that you get to CHOOSE. Your body can literally become

    what you ask of it. It all depends upon what you are willing to do.

    I hope you see the power in this. You dont have to:

    Be weak

    Be overweight

    Be out of shape

    Look and feel old

    Many cultures represent humans as helpless victims of the aging process.

    What youve been lead to believe is that its both inevitable and not your


    What they say is that as you age:

    You have naturally decreasing levels of testosterone

    You lose muscle mass

    Your metabolism slows down

    You are intrinsically at greater risk of systemic diseases (i.e. obesity,

    cardiovascular disease, etc.).

    The truth is - none of that is natural at all.

    In other words, you dont have to suffer from those things.

    You choose to by not addressing the 5 real reasons that this report


    Want some proof?

    Heres a quote that comes directly from aNew York Times article:

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    Causes of the loss of muscle mass or strength might include hormonal

    changes, sedentary lifestyles, oxidative damage, infiltration of fat into

    muscles, inflammation and resistance to insulin.

    The implication is that there are complex biochemical processes going oninside your body that are beyond your control and they are conspiring to

    make you lose muscle and get weak.

    When you learn whats really going on you will see that you are doing this

    all to yourself!

    If you read a little deeper into each part of that quote, heres how you would

    translate each of those scientific items:

    Hormonal changes = I eat crap, dont exercise, indulge in recreational

    drugs (including alcohol, smoking, and you can fill in the blanks from

    there...), and subject myself to excessive bad physical and psychological

    stresses. This wreaks havoc on my body and throws my hormones

    completely out of whack.

    Sedentary lifestyles = I sit on my ass more than I move and I am

    completely out of shape.

    Oxidative damage = I am in a state of chronic systemic inflammation and

    my body is literally breaking down because of it.

    Infiltration of fat into muscles = I am so inactive that even my muscles are

    getting lazy and fat. Literally.

    Inflammation = I have a poor diet, bad habits, and I mis- or disuse mybody resulting in joint and systemic dysfunction.

    Resistance to insulin = I eat so poorly that I am slowly but surely killing the

    cells of my body that make insulin. (aka the Islet or beta cells of your


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    Oh, and by the way, heres another quote from that same article:

    Experts say the best approach to restoring or maintaining muscle mass

    and strength is exercise, particularly resistance training.


    Have we become so ignorant that we need experts to tell us that??

    The problem is that even though you may accept that you should be doing

    resistance training and eating better - almost no-one is telling you exactly

    how to go about doing it.

    When it comes to exercise - It seems like every program out there is

    created for a 20 year old or for someone taking steroids (or other physique

    enhancing drugs).

    And when it comes to nutrition, there are more fads out there than you can

    shake a stick at.

    Eat more protein and less carbohydrates. Eat more carbohydrates and lessfat. Eat more healthy fat and less bad fat. Eat more raw food and less

    processed food. Eat whole wheat for more fiber. Eat gluten free. Drink

    more milk. Eat dairy free. Drink more water. Dont drink too much water

    Holy crap!

    Its no wonder no one has any idea WHAT to do and just settles for a

    quick meal at the local fast food joint.

    And it doesnt help that any goofball with a computer and an internet

    connection can build a website or blog and start sharing information on

    what to do and how to do it.

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    If anyone could easily sort through this vast sea of information and make

    sense of it, there would be a hell of a lot more fit and healthy people.

    And you wouldnt be reading this report.

    And as long as the media and scientific world keep promoting the idea that

    its not your fault and you are just a helpless victim of your own body,

    less people will be inclined to take action in the first place.

    Bottom line:

    -As long as you hold on to the victim mentality (its not my fault and

    theres nothing I can do about it), youre screwed.

    -As long as you stay paralyzed by too much information provided by people

    that have no expertise or qualifications to provide it, youre screwed.

    When it comes to whether you can or cannot get bigger and stronger - The

    science is very clear:

    Neither loss of muscle size or function (strength) is inevitable with


    In fact These losses can be minimized or even reversed with training.1

    [1The Effects of Aging and Training on Skeletal Muscle, Donald T. Kirkendall, PhD and William

    E. Garrett, J r, MD, PhD, Am J Sports Med July 1998 vol. 26 no. 4 598-602.]

    And when it comes to HOW TO do it, the path is also very clear. Stick to

    the tried and true methods backed by performance psychology, anatomy,

    physiology, neurophysiology and biomechanics.

    Ready to get to it? Here comes the first jab... And get ready, because it

    may be the toughest one to accept and even tougher to fix.

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    REASON #1: Your Ego is Too Big

    Thats right - I said it. The main reason you are weaker than you KNOW

    you should be the main thing keeping you from getting strongeris your

    big dumb ego.

    Its not like you dont already know this. You do... But you most likely think

    (and behave) like it only applies to everyone else and not you.

    Lets face it - The number one mistake men make in the gym is...

    Using weights that are WAY

    too heavy.

    Doing this results in two major faults:

    Fault #1: Moving through an incomplete and very small range of motion.

    Assuming you dont have an injury and youre not in painIf you arent

    able to perform a full range of motion repetition, the weight is likely too

    heavy for you.

    Common examples of this are:

    Bench presses where the bar only travels halfway down (i.e. the bar

    never gets anywhere CLOSE to your chest) OR only travels halfway

    (or less) up

    Biceps curls where you never straighten your arms

    Squat or leg presses where the bend in your knee is not even close

    to 90 degrees

    If youre not sure about this, heres how you can test it:

    1. Choose an exercise.

    2. Use a weight equal to 50% of your normal work weight. For example,

    if you normally bench 200 lbs, set the bar up with 100 lbs.

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    3. Do one set of 5 repetitions moving through a FULL range of motion.

    Go all the way up and all the way down.

    4. Rest 1-2 minutes. Add weight to the bar (i.e. 20 lbs).

    5. Do another set of 5 reps.

    6. Repeat until you notice that the range of motion is no longer FULL.

    What you are doing is starting with an easy weight and slowly working your

    way up to your typical work weight.

    The key pieces of this test are to show you that:

    (1) You are capable of doing a full rep if the weight is light enough and

    (2) Your range of motion decreases / deteriorates once you pass a certain


    If your range of motion DID in fact decrease you are guilty of Fault #1 and

    need to decrease your weight.

    Fault #2: Poor form and cheating the weight up (aka excessive use of


    When your target muscle group(s) arent capable (i.e. strong enough), you

    may cheat the weight up by rocking, swinging, swaying, shrugging, orperforming some other compensatory motion(s).

    Common examples of this are:

    Biceps curls where you (1) sway front to back to help move the bar

    and (2) use shoulder flexion and (3) come up on your toes to get the

    weight up

    Bench presses where your ass comes so far off of the bench that a

    compact car could drive under you

    You can test this the same way you tested Fault #1.

    Lighten the weight and try to do a set with excellent form.

    Increase the weight until your form falls apart

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    Bottom line...

    You arent fooling anyone by using weights that are too heavy for you.

    Partials and cheating are viable advanced techniques and they have

    their place in any good routine. But they should be used infrequently and

    only after the fundamentals have stopped working.

    If you want to get stronger, start with a strong foundation. And know that

    you arent ever going to make progress as long as you are cheating this


    If you want to get strong, leave your ego out of the gym.

    If you want to lift heavier weights, earn them.

    A good place to start is (unless otherwise indicated):

    Move through a full range of motion

    Use good form

    The rest of this report outlines the rest of the reasons you are currentlyweaker than you should be. But if you dont get your head right, nothing

    else will matter.

    So be prepared to drop your weights down for a while.

    Dont worry too much about it. As you fix the other problems (listed in the

    remaining reasons) youll systematically eliminate the physical causes that

    are blocking you from getting stronger.

    The weights WILL come back upAnd your strength WILL increase.

    And youll be able to make a huge increase in strength when you finally


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    REASON #2: Youre Too Jacked Up

    Dont confuse this with my saying you are too jacked (i.e. huge).

    When I say jacked up I mean you are too:




    Out of whack

    This category includes several things - like postural imbalances, muscular

    imbalances, flexibility or joint range of motion issues... And all of them (ifyou have them) need to be addressed if you want to make progress and

    get stronger.

    However, the main item for most guys over 40 is dealing with chronic

    nagging injuries.

    The usual suspects are things like:

    A bad shoulder A bad knee

    A bad hip

    A bad back

    When I say bad I mean that those areas/joints may have been an area

    where you had a past injury, or where you have joint (i.e. cartilage)


    Understand this - Im not blaming you here... Injuries are usually nobodys


    And in case you're wondering, Ive dealt with several of these problems

    myself over the years. They suck, but they are generally fixable.

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    My point is that until and unless your issue is dealt with, you have almost

    no chance of getting stronger.

    The fact is that an injured (even slightly injured) body part wont be able to

    function optimally. So to get stronger, youre going to have to deal with thatinjury.

    Your best bet is to go see a healthcare specialist, get properly diagnosed,

    and get on a program to fix the problem.

    For most people, a conservative approach (i.e. physical therapy,

    chiropractic, etc) with sound nutrition and maybe some supplementation or

    over-the-counter (OTC) medicine will work just fine.

    For others, more drastic measures (i.e. surgery plus rehabilitation) will be


    Im not here to give medical advice - thats between you and your doctor

    (and if you feel you need medical advice go and get some!).

    But I can tell you that until you deal with this issue, youre never going to

    get as strong as you know you can be.

    In my experience, if you fall into the conservative approach category,

    heres what to expect:

    Youll need to get on a good program including exercise and nutrition.

    A good starting place regarding exercise is:

    Pick exercises that involve that joint or the movements /

    muscles you have problems with. Use light weights weights that allow you to do 25 to 30


    Only move through a pain free range of motion. Unlike

    cheating when it comes to pain, you get a pass.

    Do 3-4 sets of 25 reps of each movement.

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    You may choose to use supplements (i.e. natural or OTC) to mitigate

    and manage inflammation

    In my experience, some effective supplements when it comes todealing with inflammation are:



    Its going to take weeks to months - maybe even up to a year - to


    You cant rush healing. Go slow and steady, and progress by

    increasing range of motion and intensity (i.e. increasing weight and

    adding new movements) as you are able to so long as they are pain


    Thats the bad news.

    The good news is that you can address that issue at the same time as you

    are dealing with...

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    REASON #3: Youre Too Out of Shape

    Question: If you get winded running up a flight of stairs, how do you

    suppose youre going to be able to work out with enough intensity to make

    any sort of progress?

    The truth is, if your heart is out of shape, theres really no way the rest of

    you stands a chance of getting in shape.

    Think of it this way...

    Exercise is hard work.

    After all, you have to give your body a reason to adapt / change. That

    means you have to present it with a healthy stress that results in it

    changing so that its prepared to deal with that stress again in the future.

    And if you arent in a very basic way physically prepared to do the hard

    work, you literally get stopped.

    Getting out of breath so much so that you cant go on is your bodys way of

    saying that the work you just did was so challenging that the demand for

    oxygen (and the circulatory demand of getting rid of metabolic waste) is

    literally more than you can keep up with.

    If your heart and entire cardiovascular system is so deconditioned that just

    lifting your body weight up a flight of stairs (14 steps) is too challenging,

    then what chance do you have of squatting your body weight PLUS abarbell for 10-15 repetitions for SEVERAL sets???

    Answer: NONE

    It may sound like a paradox, but you have to get in shape to get in shape.

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    But its really not a true paradox.

    The first get in shape refers to a basic level of cardiovascular fitness.

    Then you can develop the second get in shape - losing fat, buildingmuscle, and getting stronger.

    Like I said earlier - you can address this reason at the same time as you

    are addressing Reason #2.

    So you can be doing your rehabilitation or healing exercise routine at the

    same time you are building up your cardiovascular fitness.

    If you are doing that, I recommend doing the resistance or rehab exercises

    first, then doing your cardio.

    To get started:

    Do some form of cardio exercise 3-4 days per week.

    Warm up for 4-5 minutes.

    Work up to exercising between 70-80% of your target heart range for 15-

    20 minutes (see Figure 1).

    Cool down for 2-5 minutes.

    Figure 1 - Age Based Heart Rate Zones

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    Once your cardiovascular system is up to par and you have attained a

    basic level of fitness / conditioning, youll really start to make progress in

    dealing with....

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    REASON #4: Youre Too Fat

    Lets be clear on this one... Im not saying you LOOK fat (though maybeyou do).

    What Im saying is you are carrying around too much body fat.

    How can I say this? Because its statistically shown to be true.

    Lets look at this graph (Figure 2) that shows the percentage of body fat for

    U. S. adult men and women. This data comes from an analysis of 13,000North Americans between the ages of 20 and 80.

    Figure 2 - U.S. Adult Body Fat %

    What this graph (Figure 2) shows is that the average body fat percentage

    for the American man (black bars) is 26% (its the tallest black bar).

    And well over 50% of those men tested were at 26% OR HIGHER!!

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    J ust to give you an idea of what that looks like, Im going to show you a

    picture of 3 guys at 26% body fat.

    Here, for your viewing pleasure (Figure 3), is the torso of the average adult

    American man...

    Figure 3 - Average U.S. Male at 26% body fat

    So what does this have to do with getting stronger? Glad you asked...

    First, what kind of eating habits do you think these guys practice?

    -Are they likely eating too much?

    -Are they likely eating good foods? [And by that, I dont mean good-tasty,

    I mean good-healthy.]

    Does it look like they have developed the habit of regular physical activity?

    How often do you think they exercise?

    And what do you think their body craves?

    -Lots of movement or lots of sedentary behavior?

    -Healthy foods like leafy greens and lean meats or beer and chips?

    The reality is that your behavior not only creates what you are - but what

    you are can also very strongly influence your behavior.

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    That excess amount of fat you might be carrying around is greatly

    influencing your appetite and the hormonal environment of your body. And

    its affecting your desire to stay still versus exercise.

    If you are interested in getting an estimate of your current % body fat, youcan do on online search for online body fat calculator.

    Heres one I found:

    CLICK HEREOnline Body Fat Calculator

    You might be wondering Whats a good goal to shoot for? How low

    should I strive to get my body fat?

    Its really a personal decision, but there are some general standards you

    might want to work from.

    Figure 4 shows Body Fat % for Men and Women as determined by the

    American Council on Exercise (ACE).

    Figure 4

    In my experience, 15% is the highest you should set as a goal. Most guys

    wont have a visible 6-pack at that level, but theyll look great in clothes.

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    For a beach-ready body, youll probably have to set your target at 10% or

    less. (Everyone is different in that how lean you look has to do with how

    muscular you are plus how and where you hold fat.)

    Bottom line: If you want to create a stronger, healthier and younger you,shed the body fat.

    There are two powerful ways to get rid of body fat.

    (1) Nutrition - How and What you eat and

    (2) Exercise - How, How often, and How intensely you exercise.

    The more powerful of the two is nutrition.

    Most of your body fat shedding emphasis should be on cleaning up your


    Here are some tips to help you do this:

    Eat well at least 90% of the time.

    That means, if you eat 3 meals a day, you get 1 cheat meal every 4 days

    or so.

    So what does eating well mean?

    It means no crap. No chips, no cookies, no cake, no candy, no cola... You

    get the idea. This isnt rocket science here!

    It also means no alcoholic beverages. Yeah No beer.

    So you get to eat fruits, veggies, legumes, lean meats, fish, poultry, pork

    and some dairy.

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    Every meal should have both veggies and a protein (i.e. fish, meat,

    poultry, etc.). Throw in 5 servings (about cup per serving) of fruit per day

    either with meals or as part of a snack.

    Keep total calories per day to about 8-11 times your bodyweight incalories, and you should start to see the fat melting off of your body in

    about 3-6 weeks.

    Simple, right? Oh, and if you nail this part of things (the eating part), youll

    have no trouble dealing with...

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    REASON #5: Youre Too Puny

    This one should be pretty clear - You dont have enough muscle mass.

    Lets take a closer look at what this means using some examples of body

    weight combined with body fat.

    The average American male is about 510 tall and weighs about 190 lbs.

    And remember hes at 26% body fat.

    Suppose there are 2 guys that fit these stats. Guy Number 1 is average.Guy Number 2 is fit.

    If Guy Number 1 is at 26% body fat - that means he is carrying 190-

    49.4=140.6 lbs of fat free mass.

    If Guy Number 2 is at 10% body fat - that means he is carrying 190-19=171

    lbs of fat free mass

    That means Guy Number 2 has approximately 30 lbs more muscle than

    Guy Number 1!

    Heres another way to think about it...

    If you are average at 510 tall, 190 lbs and at 26% body fat, and you

    decide to trim down, you could expect to lose (if you were lucky) about 1 lb

    of muscle for every 3 lbs of fat. So by the time you lost 30 lbs, 7.5 lbs of

    that would be muscle.

    After all of that work, here where you would end up at 16.9 % body fat at

    160 lbs.

    Heres the math:

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    Starting: 190 x 26% body fat = 140.6 fat free mass

    After: 190 - 30 = 160 lbs total

    After: 140.6 - 7.5 = 133.1 lbs of fat free mass

    After: 160-133.1= 26.9 lbs of fat

    Heres what that looks like (Figure 5):

    Figure 5 This guy is 5'10" tall, 160 lbs, 16.9% body fat

    Not very muscular, by anyones standards.

    And, very likely, not very strong (at least not as strong as he COULD be).

    There is a very general scientific principle about muscle that states:

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    For a given individual, a muscle with a larger cross sectional area will

    be stronger than that same muscle with a smaller cross sectional


    That means that a bigger muscle is a stronger muscle.

    So if you want to be stronger, it makes sense that youre going to have to

    be bigger. And by bigger I mean more muscular.

    Here are some general tips to build muscle:

    1. Train with suffic ient intensity. This includes:

    Training Frequency - I recommend hitting all body parts you want togrow twice per week.

    Volume - I recommend programs that have 1 to 2 exercises per body

    part per workout with anywhere from 6 to 12 work sets total.

    Repetition Speed - be sure to incorporate explosive movements. This

    means the concentric motion (i.e. the press in a bench press) should be

    explosive, and you should always lower the weight under control. And

    stick to exercises that are safe to do explosively.

    2. Consume adequate protein. Id suggest no less than 0.8 grams of

    protein for every pound of lean body mass.

    To calculate that for yourself, youll need to know:

    Your current weight in pounds (CW) unclothed scale weight upon


    Your current % body fat (BF) you should have calculated this using an

    online calculator as shown in the last section.

    Use this formula:

    0.8 x [CW (CW x BF)] = Minimum Grams of Protein to Eat each Day

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    For a 190 lb guy at 20% body fat, that would equate to:

    0.8 g x [190 lbs (190 x 0.2 )] = 121.6 grams of protein per day (at


    3. Use progressive resistance training. Whatever program you are on,

    strive to gradually and regularly increase the resistance you use in your

    programs for each exercise.

    4. Aim for repetitions per set of between 6 and 16.

    5. Keep rest between sets to between 30 and 90 seconds.

    6. Always do resistance training before cardio.

    So That was Reason #5. Surely we must be done!

    Not just yet. You still have to have a way to use this new knowledge. You

    may even be asking yourself

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    Now What?

    Before I answer that, lets have a look at where you should be if youeliminate all of the reasons listed in this report...

    Before After Change inStrength


    Your Egois Too Big

    Your Ego is InCheck

    0% This is just the prep work... With the rightmindset you are well on your way!

    You AreTooJ acked Up

    Your Glitches AreFixed

    +25 to100+%

    Fixing these glitches and eliminatingimbalances pays HUGE dividends. I betyou had no idea how much your painwas holding you back!

    You areToo Out ofShape

    You areCardiovascularlyFit

    +10-25% Now that your heart can handle thework, you can actually DO the work!

    You areToo Fat

    You are Lean(15% body fat or


    -10-25% Yeah... Its a bummer, but its true.However, strength should be considered

    relative to your body weight - so thoughthe absolute numbers drop, theRELATIVE ones do not.

    You areToo Puny

    You are Muscular +10-25% Like I said - bigger muscles equalsstronger muscles.

    Net gain: 35 to over 100% increase in strength.

    (probably in the first year only after that you might expect a 5-25% increase

    in most movements per year)

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    Keys to Success

    The main key is to tackle the problems (i.e. Reasons) sequentially startingwith Number 1.

    Literally start with Reason Number 1, then move one at a time to Reason

    Number 5.

    The only exception is you get to take a shortcut by combining Numbers 2

    and 3.


    1st Address and deal with your EGO:

    Get it in check

    2nd + 3rd Deal with INJURIES + POOR CARDIO FITNESS:

    Let old injuries heal + get your heart in shape

    4th Deal with BODY FAT:

    Get down to 15% or less

    5th Deal with BUILDING MUSCLE:

    The sky is the limit well, depending on your genetics!

    How long should this all take?

    At the very least, you can expect going through one cycle of this (i.e. EgoCheck - Fix Glitches - Get Conditioned - Lose Fat - Build Muscle) to take 90


    Depending on how bad off you are when you begin, it can take upwards of

    a full year.

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    But so what...?

    Think about where you were 1 year ago compared to today. Were you able


    Heal an old injury

    ANDGet cardiovascularly fit

    ANDLose fat

    ANDBuild muscle

    The results of which made you 100% stronger in your major lif ts?

    If so, AWESOME! Perhaps, for the sake of variety youll give this system a


    BUT If not - Then what have you got to lose???

    Oh, other than:

    An ego that prevents you from getting stronger

    Old nagging injuries that prevent you from getting stronger

    Being too deconditioned to get any stronger

    Having too much body fat

    Having too little muscle mass

    Back to how long this will take Instead of just thinking of this as a one

    shot deal, you might better be served by thinking of this as a process.

    In other words your fitness goals arent a destination they are a journey.

  • 7/28/2019 Fitness Report2



    You might, every year or so, go through the list to make sure you arent

    getting stymied. And as you reach your goals, you might set new, more

    lofty and challenging goals.

    -Maybe you got down to 15% body fat, but really want to go for the rippedlook and shoot for 10%.

    -Maybe your upper arms grew to a respectable 16 measurement, but

    youd like to see how 16.5 stretches your shirtsleeves.

    If theres still any doubt, read on to find out

  • 7/28/2019 Fitness Report2


    How to Get Started

    Start at Number 1, and implement the tips at the end of that chapter.

    Then move to Number 2, and do the same.

    Its really that simple.

    Now what are you waiting for? Go get strong!


