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fixandroid tutorial1

Date post: 30-May-2018
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  • 8/9/2019 fixandroid tutorial1


    Basic c ircui t com po nent s

    1. Breadbo ard

    I t is used for im plem enting sim ple logic circuit.

    2. No t gate

    IC used is 74 04

  • 8/9/2019 fixandroid tutorial1


    3.OR gate

    For im plem ent ing OR gate w e us IC 7432.I t is Quad 2- Inpu t OR Gate.

    Here qu ad m eans t hat IC has 4 indep ende nt OR gate.

  • 8/9/2019 fixandroid tutorial1


    Channel 1 Channel 2 Channel 3 Channel 4

    Inpu t 1 A1 A2 A3 A4

    Inpu t 2 B1 B2 B3 B4

    O/ P Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4

    VCC =+5 V

  • 8/9/2019 fixandroid tutorial1


    4.Ir sen sors

    These are in frared sensors and are used for d i f f rent ia t ing betw een w hite l ines and b lack


    Blackened LED is t ransmit t er and i t t ransm its in fra-red rays w hich h i t s the surface and after

    ref lect ion f rom th e surface i t is received by rec iver( transperent LED),since d i f fernt co lors

    have d i f ferent em m isiv i ty i t can easi ly d ist inguish bet w een b lack and w hite surface.

    These sensors can be cal l ibrated by adjust ing the po tent iom eter on th e top o f t he sensor

    modu le .

    W hen sensors is on (led on sensor glow s) O/ P of sensor is HIGH i.e. +5V .

    Precaut ion:Do no t u se 2 sensors c lose to each , they m ight in ter fere w ith each ot her.

    5.DC m otor :

  • 8/9/2019 fixandroid tutorial1


    I t is an electro m echanical device.M agnet ic coi ls are exci ted by supp lying

    vol tage.

    They are 2 w ires (RED and BLACK) ,th e w or king of m ot or is cont ro l led by giv ing

    r ight comb inat ion o f vo la tge to t hese 2 w i res.

    R B O/ P

    H L M ot or ro ta tes in one d i rect ion

    L H M ot or ro ta tes in opp osite d i rect ion

    H H M o to r sto p s


  • 8/9/2019 fixandroid tutorial1



    R=Red w ire

    B=Black w ire

    For t u rn ing r igh t stop your r i gh t m o to r and m ove fo rward your le f t m o to r.

    Fo r t u rn ing le f t stop your lef t m o to r and mo ve fo rw ard your r i gh t m o to r.

    The above m echanism is cal led differential dr ive.

    W hen w e use m ult ip le m otors w e use a m otor d r iv ing IC:

    M otor Dr iver

    L29 3D is Qu adrup le H alf H-Driver

    H Br idge is used as sw itch fo r dr iv ing m ult ip le m ot ors. I t is used for cont ro l l ingcur rent and vo l tage supp ly for DC m ot or.

  • 8/9/2019 fixandroid tutorial1


    I t h as 4 driving chan ne ls.

    Channe l1 Channe l2 Channe l3 Channe l4

    Input 1 A 2 A 3 A 4A

    O ut put 1 Y 2 Y 3 Y 4Y

    4 D C m otor o r 2 steppe r m otor can be used w i th th is dr iver.

    Drivers are enabled in pairs with drivers 1 and 2enabled by 1,2EN and drivers 3 and

    4 enabled by3,4EN.

    When an enable input is high, theassociated drivers are enabled, and their outputs

    are active and in phase with their inputs. .

    When the enable input is low, those drivers are disabled, and their outputs are off

    and in a high-impedancestate.

    Pin number 4, 5, 13, 12 are GND

    The voltage at which you want to run the motor is given to pin number 8

    i.e.VCC2,this voltage can either be your battery potential (9V) or 5V depending uponthe motor specification and speed requirement.

    VCC1-Logical supply voltage (+5V)

    For using DC motor with L293D connect red wire of motor to O/P of channel

    For t urn ing on m ot or supp ly +5V to input o f par t icu lar channel .

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    For using 2 DC m ot or w e can use any 2 channels.

    Volt age regulat or

    They are used for gett ing constant DC volt age .78XX is series for p osit ivevol tage regulato rs,here XX is t he O\ P vol tage .Since we are wo rking on +5V

    logic level w e w il l be using 7805.For n egative volta ge use 79XX series.

    IC used :7 805

    This IC sup plies constant +5V

    Lef t p in is I / p p in and is connected to bat tery .

    M idd le p in is GND

    Right p in is O/ P

  • 8/9/2019 fixandroid tutorial1


    Above f igure is the t est c ircu i t .

    I / P vol t age>=Vout +2

    So i f w e requ ire +5V , the inp ut sho uld be greater t han 7V.

    Precaution : To avo id overheat ing input vo l tage shou ld no t be greater t han 12Vor use a heat s ink .
