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  • 7/28/2019 FL Digest S14 W2



    Fun League Digest

    Season 14

    Issue 2

  • 7/28/2019 FL Digest S14 W2


    Fun League Digest Season 14 Issue 2

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    To issue 2 of the Fun League Digest. Its 24 hours late and there is no colour cover, primarily due to my PC

    exploding, but the meat of the information is here. Hopefully by issue 3 I will have photoshop back up and

    running and be able to check the game client for results again.

    Thanks to all the coaches who have written the good stuff you are about to read.



    Spotlight On (The Thricedarned, Wilgut Spleens, furq, telfordirving) 1

    Match Previews 3

    Match Reports (BubbaDave, Polidori, telfordirving, Sybaris, Wilgut Spleens, Peaker, Falx) 3

    Results 10


    The Heralds of Change (FL North)

    By The Thricedarned

    The Heralds are, apparently, back in the North despite an absolutely horrid season in the East. How? Fuck

    knows, but it's the Heralds. The normal laws of time, space and Bloodbowl regulations tend to bend and go

    all wibbly-wobbly around them.

    It's a somewhat different Heralds of Change from what was last seen in the North, however. Gone are

    names like Malagant the Merciful and Muddah the Changebull. The team once mor have to build up a

    thrower/catcher combo from their beastman herd which saw a nasty culling last season, but there is hope

    as Gristle Palegoat, younger brother of former Heralds Star Thrower from the early seasons, GrinderPalegoat, is showing even greater natural agility than his late brother and has been designated as thrower

    and inevitable lightningbolt attractor. And in Muddah's place is the young find from Mount Murderhorn

    near the Arena of Change from last season, the minotaur known only as Murderhorn. Young, strong and

    unhampered by the injuries which plagued Muddah in his later seasons coach Thricedarned holds great

    hopes for this big slab of murderous muscle.

    And, of course, holding the centre of the line as he has since Malagant the Merciful shuffled off the

    immortal coil is team captain and freakishly tall and strong chaos warrior, Dominor the Inevitable. With his

    latest mutation of horns he has regularly been practicing charging headbutts against Murderhorn, and

    coming out the winner of these contests more often than not. And any caging, stalling bastards best watchout, for Dominor does not fear your wall of flesh as he will merely scornfully leap over it and murder your

    ball carrier with great glee and prejudice.

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    The Heralds are back in the North. They battered, bruised and ready to tell Nuffle to go fuck himself as they

    get set to murder their way through the opposing teams, and fuck the ball, common tactical wisdom or any

    such bollocks. Block hard, block often and throw longbombs while beating the opponents to death with

    their own limbs! It's the Herald way!

    Dead Aard (FL North)

    By Wilgut Spleens

    Dead Aard did well last season in East, an unusual event for any team from this coaches stable, mostly due

    to the main star, Boris, the ST6 mummy or as he became affectionately known in East, "that fucking cunt!"

    This fearsome warrior is said to have a gentle more sensitive side and is rumoured to enjoy the hobby of

    flower pressing. When asked coach Spleens said "Really? Well Boris enjoys pressing a lot of things"

    Gory Bludfest, is one of the teams top scorers, although this nimble ghoul with pass block, has also several

    interceptions to his name. He has taken to signing autographs for his fans and wear a dark blue fedora.

    Prince Buster, the ska loving, moon-stomping wight , has also left his mark- on the other teams!

    The heart of this team however has always been its skeletons and zombies, with the likes of Foggy

    Dewhurst, Capstan Fullstrength and Anorexia Slim providing a shambling, chaotic, bastion of support and

    foul smells to disrupt and confusticate their opponents. Foggy and Capstan have both sworn to "give up

    the rollies" for this season. A sure sign they are taking this promotion seriously, although neither are

    prepared to start training or attend except for matches. Foggy in an interview for "Eroded" magazine said

    "Well, it all goes to show, doesn't it?"

    Speed Freaks (Redux) (FL North)

    By Furq

    At the start of the season the Speed Freaks (Remix) shall be lining up without a single loner line elf for only

    the second time in their career. They've under gone a slow but steady rebuilding process after having 5 or

    6 line elves killed (or had their collar bones smashed) in their first 3 matches. Such a hardening experience

    has however allowed these elves to take steps to toughen up, and they have attempted to add a hard

    hitting dimension to their game. They however know their limits and won't try anything stupid, liking going

    toe-to-toe with opponents, but it gives them added options to their fast and agile bread and butter style.

    Coached by a former champion of the North , expectation will be high for the Speed Freaks (Remix),

    though only time will tell how much their limited experience will be a hindrance against some rather

    experience opponents. Another rebuilding process may be required in the not too distant future, which

    would seriously alter the seasons expectation for the Freaks.

    Hell Pit Darkbrood (FL North)

    By telfordirving

    A team described in local rag, The Skavenblight Scum, as the team to watch in Season 14..... Predictable

    only in their unpredictableness (defintely a word). Stunning one week, losing to the god awful Cillit Bang

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    the next. Some would blame this on the head coach. The head coach doesn't blame the head coach. The

    head coach blames everyone else. The team is currently being carried by it's cadre of super star gutter

    runners, but, it's doubtful if they will be able to carry a thrower who can neither pick up the ball or throw

    and a rat ogre who can neither block or punch. Mid table obscurity and another clutch of dead linerats



    Balatros Dead End v Wiccan Athletic

    The fans queued around Springfield Park in the freezing snow yesterday for tickets for the hotly anticipated

    Lancashire Derby between Balatros Dead End and Wiccan Athletic.

    It has been a number of Seasons since coaches Balatro and VALIS locked horns and fans of their respective

    franchises have not encountered each other since Lancashire LoveBombs gave Balatros Sledgehammers a

    good hard kicking around season 5.

    Fans of the Balatro franchise are normally unconcerned with winning and take a great pride in supporting

    one of the worst performing clubs in blood bowl history, but this fixture is something of an exception and

    the red rose blood will be burning brightly in the veins of both sets of supporters until the last head is

    stamped into the astrogranite.

    VALIS Lancashire Blood Bowl Club franchise has recently retired the LoveRats but has kept with Skaven for

    the restructuring. Balatros rookie team on the other hand is Underworld; a notoriously difficult team to

    coach, plagued as they are with the frailties of Goblins and the animosity of Skaven. Refusal to refer to the

    playbook however may stand Balatro in good stead expect to see his team pull off some wild TTM razzle-

    dazzle moves that will light up this fixture and possibly lead to a glorious victory.


    Horns a-Plenty (BubbaDave) 1-0 Topi di Campagna (angior) (NFC S14 Week 2)

    By BubbaDave

    Did star gutter runner Swish take a dive? That's the story of the match in the wake of the Horns' stunning

    shutout of these speedy Skaven. We go now to our analysts in the studio. First up is Bull, star minotaur

    from the Horns who retired last season. Bull, what's your take?

    "Well, Jim, I think this was a legitimate injury. After being levelled by Flugel and then 'accidentally' kicked in

    the head by Matter, Swish is clearly running with his head on a swivel. He's looking at the loose ball on the

    pitch, he's trying to track where Flugel is, and he just puts a foot wrong trying to get the extra speed. The

    landing doesn't LOOK that rough, but you know how squishy Skaven are."

    Now let's check with Blitzer, from the now-disbanded Genericus, first A.S.O.L champions. Blitzer?

    "You never want to say another team is on the take, Jim, but let's look at the odds, hmm? First, a sure

    footed sprinter 'injures' himself trying to squeeze out some speed. (Riketi's injury I'm not including on this

    list-- French pounded him hard enough I'm surprised to hear he'll be back next match. He might have been

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    the only player NOT in on the scheme.)Then with a chance to tie before the half, thanks to a well-executed

    chain push, Nurgable Nibbler drops a perfect pass from Ratathrow, despite all his team training. Yeah, he's

    a lineman-- but a SKAVEN lineman, not some kind of dwarf blocker. Then with Kaboom in position to score,

    he gets brought down by Rhino, who isn't even a skilled tackler? Sure, his strength and his horns help, but

    come ON. What are the odds?"

    And that's what the sports world is buzzing about this evening folks. I'm Jim Knee-Rippa, signing off thisweek's edition of "Blood on the Pitch."

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    Doppelkhorne Behemoths (Tasmanian Devil) 1-1 Loughtan Razorhorns (Polidori) (FL East S14 W2)

    By Polidori

    The Sheepmen finally got their season started when they took on the relative rookies of the Doppelkhorne

    Behemoths in front of a packed crowd of three vultures and half a do. The Razorhorn's normally reliable

    fan had got lost somewhere in the Chaos Wastes, and would finally arrive at the stadium both a week lastThursday, and three days from now.

    It was a shame really, all the entertainment, and the half dog, was wasted on the vultures. The Sheepmen

    received the first kick-off, and all the luck Nuffle could offer along with it. Despite any number of fumbles,

    poor throws and tackles suffered by the Razorhorns, the Behemoths would go one better in failing to take

    advantage, with Daemons falling over various legs and inconvenient blades of grass scattered about the


    The Razorhorns, despite having lost their "expert" thrower to a blast of lightning, finally succeeded in

    powering through the centre of the Daemonic defence for Charne'Gor'Ca to open the scoring. The

    Sheepmen then settled into a defensive mode to see out the half, and go into the break 1 - 0 up.

    The second half, as so often happens, proved to be a completely different story. All the luck that had

    deserted the Behemoths in the first half slewed through them in the second. The Sheepmen were forced

    to kick off with 10 players as the apothecary desperately attempted to revive three linegoats on the side-


    The Razorhorns threw everything into an aggressive defence, somehow outmuscling the Khornate

    Daemons and inflicting five casualties, and despatching Gnashrack Blackhoof to the injury box with a swift

    stamp in the plums. It was all to no avail, however, as the Behemoths pressed on and got behind the

    Sheepmen defence. The Razorhorns were unable to scramble back in time, and the equaliser was soon


    1 - 1 in the end was a fair result after an (almost) even match.

    Well played Tas, looking forward to locking horns with you again soon.

    Pilates Pirates (Geryon) 1-1 The Darkest Hour (Sybaris) (NFC S14, W2)

    By Sybaris

    An absolutely wild game, with wild coaches to boot. The vampire coach failed his blood lust roll early in the

    game, throwing insults and seeing red at his team's incompetence to play the game. The Pirates were

    suffering from a violent previous match, with deaths and missing players...but they were determined to

    give those undead lords a kick in the ball.

    The vampires started on the offense, preferring a typical two-prong snake tongue play, but mishaps started

    to occur for both teams. Trying their bests to stave off the players bloodlust, the vampires got within 2

    squares of the TD line, but an unlikely failed dodge (agi 5, dodge) by rising star vampire William Von

    Drakenborg cut the advance short.

    Not wasting time to catch their breath, the humans managed a brilliant recovery of the ball and started to

    rush downward for the end zone. They had much ground to cover, and many players were left gazing in the

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    void as the vampires worked their magics to try and catch the bloody fast pirates. An unfortunate

    occurance took the life of the human's throwers, whose name is already forgotten sadly...especially since

    the human coach ended his life himself! Another failed dodge, one would say.

    Still, with an even score and their chance to go on offense, the humans didn't waste time to punch through

    the vampire thralls, literally. Without a thrower, moving the ball was a riskier affair though, and the

    vampires were highly aggressive, pressing the carrier to rush forward and hurry the score. Moving throughthe center, dodging a little and stepping over agonizing thralls, a pass was attempted and met with another

    failure...off the pitch! However, a pirate's fan got the ball and threw it back right under the player's feet.

    Cursing his fate (he's doomed for eternity, after all), the vampire coach attempted a recovery play...which

    failed with utter pathetism. 1-0 for the pirates.

    To add insult to injury, the human's kick ended up in the right corner of the pitch...the best kick ever a non-

    kicker player could hope for. Feeling urgency, the vamps went all-out, scattering deep within the pirates

    half. The pink panthers, as Ill now refer to them, played rather well, putting tackle zones where useful and

    with the speed of their catchers (one of them dauntless), put heavy pressure on the vampire holding the

    ball (on a corner of the pitch, no less). It was the darkest hour, and an insane play had to be attempted. A

    rush, a few gazes and an odd-ball attempt at a pass ended up with a turnover, the ball sitting beside a

    vampire but dangerously exposed to human recovery.

    That being said, a misclick from the veteran coach Geryon caused an early turn over for the humans...using

    pro rather than a re-roll on a critical go-for-it. This allowed the vampires to secure the ball again and work

    their way for a scoring rush.

    The humans had a last 2 turn chance for the match, and without their throwers attempted a one-turn

    manoeuvre. Curses were again heard from the vampires dugout as their "safely placed" kick ended up

    totally off the pitch! This gave good odds to the humans, although their one-turn rush play was a bit

    rusty...and ended up short. This allowed Count Erik Von Drakenborg to blitz the catcher, stopping him in its

    tracks, but failing to recover the ball which ended in a crowd throw-in...rather suspiciously within reach of

    the catcher! This could well have been the play of the week as the catcher actually managed to get up,

    dodge through many tackle zones and reach the ball...only to fail the pick up roll.

    1-1 end score...thanks Geryon for your patience and good temper ...thankfully, only the vampire team

    cause me to suffer from bloodlust. Cheers!

    Dead Aard (Wilgut Spleens) 0a2 Dust N Bones (Scaurus2000) (FL North S14, W2)

    Match abandoned on turn 3 in a fit of pique.

    By Wilgut Spleens

    Oh I am soo pissed off with this game. I accept we all have runs of bad luck and it usually evens out but at

    the moment every game is the same. Where I roll 1's and 2's my opponent rolls 5's and 6's. I roll either a

    constant stream of push backs and skulls.

    First week of this season. I have a TV 450 higher, many of my players have BT MB and I'm playing skaven

    with undead. I fail to pick up the ball on 5 consecutive turns. My opponent, rolls at least 50 dodges and

    never misses one! He picks the ball up twice in three TZ and never fails a single roll. His GR takes out my

    mummy and I don't even knock a player over in the first half. All I rolled the first half was arrows. Myopponent played well and I don't grudge him the win but with those dice, it really wouldn't have made any

    difference what he did.

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    This week, my B T G skeleton is killed on the first block of the game and by the end of the first turn , both

    mummies and a wight are off the pitch. I start my first turn with 7 players, my first block- skulls - RR -skulls-

    BH wight! 6 players and we are just starting turn 2!! So I quit, not something I ever do normally, I usually

    see it through to the bitter end.

    And its been every fucking game I've played in the last two weeks . Its no fun. It makes no difference whatI do or even what my opponent does; the luck factor makes a mockery of the whole thing. Its become

    predictable. I feel like every game is a waste of my time.

    So fuck it, stupid fucking game, no fucking more!

    Derp Derpity Doo (Michaels) 0-2 Green Griffons (Peaker) (NFC S14, W2)

    By Peaker

    Thorn Falconan Makes Return, Orcs Suffer Tough Injury Luck Early

    This was the first match of the season for the Griffs, and they came out firing on all cylinders. The humans

    received the opening kickoff and promptly sent 2 Black Orc Blockers to the infirmary with serious injuries,

    before scoring a quick TD on a beautiful long pass from Star Quarterback Absalom Shade. The Griffons

    played defence for the rest of the first half, effectively shutting down the Triple D passing and running

    attack, although they did allow a tremendous long bomb just before the half that the Orcs failed to convert

    into a score.

    DDD took the ball to start the second half, but once again found no room through the Griffons. Leading the

    staunch defence for the humans was Team Captain Thorn Falconan, returning for his first match after

    suffering a broken collarbone late last season. It was widely speculated that Falconan would retire

    following the injury, but instead the agile and elusive former Blitzing sensation has been converted into a

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    deep-threat wide receiver and defensive back/safety. It was in this second roll that Thorn shone on the

    pitch today, repeatedly tackling receivers and defending a late long bomb, which he then scooped up and

    returned the length of the field for a game-sealing TD.

    Thanks for the fun match, Michaels. You had some shitty dice early, but I had some laughs with the


    Hells Pit Darkbrood (telfordirving) 3-0 Bubonic Mischief(booncabal76) (FL North S14, W2)

    By telfordirving

    Hells Bells! One team turned up ready for a game of Blood Bowl the other for a game of BLOOD bowl. The

    less well off (read poor) skaven and goblins from the under burrows were here to take some hierarchical

    frustrations out on their lordly betters.....

    The Darkbrood kicked of and Mischief collected the ball ran forward three paces and..... threw it away! As

    the ball bobbled around and The attention of The Darkbrood was diverted the BOOT came down. The

    skaven blitzers of The Mischief worked as a pair, taking down select targets (mostly my rat ogre and one

    blitzer with tackle...). As they brought their prey down a swarm of dirty gobbos descended, like a swarm of

    smelly fouling bees (or hornets). kicky kick boot boot! As Fayreek ran in the opening TD, barely noticed,

    three Darkbrood players were being carried off the pitch.... much to the uncontained glee of The giggling

    Mischief gobbos!

    The tone had been set and for the remainder of the game The Darkbrood, while still keen to score, were

    also a lot more wary of the aim of The Mischief.

    Dirty dirty Boony!!

    And he fouls a lot....

    Xeno Xantho Xanadu (Falx) 2-0 Lucky Scales (Og the Beautiful) (NFC S14, W2)

    By Falx

    When this season started, I was seriously considering giving Balatro a run for the title. Then Nufflewhispers sweet nothings into my ear in the first game and we somehow against all odds, tie the game. The

    next game Nuffle starts stroking in the right way in all the right places and we somehow manage to win.

    The chef didn't play as big a part in this match as the last, but it stole 1 re-roll in the first half and 2 in the

    second. With no re-rolls coming from kick off events this hurt Og slightly in the first half and shoved

    something nasty (you know, were talking about heavily knobbed phallic symbols that you just can't clean

    properly) up Og's exit only orifice in the second half.

    The first half started with Vahamut Deathfrenzy, the crazy cavalier casualty conveyor living up to his name,

    first he takes out a ST5 Saurus for the game then promptly the very next hit, kills the level 6 Kroxigor (savedby the apothecary... with a niggling injury). This promptly set up the rest of the game... The first half ends

    with Boon running in for the touchdown, after fielding the kickoff.

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    The second half sees the (Un)Lucky Scales reduced to 1 re-roll and on the receiving end of a Blitz kick-off

    event. With XXX unable to properly secure the ball for their own, the lizards scoop it up and form up in a 5-

    man cage, you know the one, the one that begs for a fireball. Unable to resist, the fireball was released...

    knocking down 4 of the 5, with a poor level 6 skink being roasted to death... Nobby does what Nobby does

    best, get KO'd. The git. With the ball free, it becomes a ballet of placing tackle zones on it with silly

    attempts of trying to pick it up. Unfortunately, in between the dance of destiny, skulls a plenty roll about,

    eventually, Boon once again streaks in for a pick up and last turn touchdown.

    Thanks for the game Og, hope there weren't any prolapse issues...

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    Week 2: Orcs Hall Conference

    Hell, Horns & Hoof(kpjuul) 1-3 Apothecary Now! (nearly)

    Crimson Eclipse (Overseer Lee) 4-1 Green Watch (Chazer)Scale Males (Haugster) 4-1 Knights of Hell (Jakala)

    Hapless Losers (Beefburger) 2-1 Khorne Foor Fighters (Weljamir)

    North Belfast Hard Men (Dr Strangeglove) 2-0 Dragonback (ShinyJ)

    Coachs Comments....

    Crimson Eclipse (Overseer Lee) 4-1 Green Watch (Chazer)

    I will not recap the match as it is too painful - But I will say that even before the first turn I had 0 RR left,had been Blitzed and got a Miss next Game on my star +ST Blitzer. Lee had a semi cage and a gutter under

    the ball - enter turn 1 and it only got worse with triple 1's and other fun stuff. only consolation was that my

    Beat down kind of worked at the end and I got at goal!!!! so only a 1-4 loss - BTW I hate Juan Turners.


    Although many rats died to bring us this victory and to be fair with nuffle smiling down I scored two

    without the majestic Cool waters on the pitch

    It cant all be bashy grind the rats wont stand for it ... they didnt in the north and they wont in the

    OHC! Thats why they are the favoured sons of the grand dong. (Overseer Lee)

    Hell, Horns & Hoof(kpjuul) 1-3 Apothecary Now! (nearly)

    A slight return to form for the famously brittle wood elves this week. Three touchdowns scored and three

    deaths/stat altering injuries. So slightly below expectations on both measures.

    New recruit Fiver made his debut this week and scored twice with the third coming from old cripple de

    Marais. In a radical change from the norm, we almost kept a clean sheet defensively. Only a series of

    fumbled throws that should have cleared the danger allowed HHH to score a consolation point (but thenNuffle had just pissed in KPJuul's face on a GFI into the endzone so it's only fair real ly!).(nearly)

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    Week 2: New Worlde Football Conference

    Horns a-Plenty (BubbaDave) 1-0 Topi di Campagna (angior)

    Canadians Returned! (doohickey) 1-3 Avari Ambush UnUnited (Avari)

    Pilates Pirates (Geryon) 1-1 The Darkest Hour (Sybaris)

    Derp Derpity Doo (Michaels) 0-2 Green Griffons (Peaker)Xeno Xantho Xanadu (Falx) 2-0 Lucky Scales (Og the Beautiful)

    Geralds Cavalcade (nobby) 1-0 Army of Moist Quife (MasterQuife)

    After Dark Party (CharzHeidi) 2-1 Bone Seers (DwayneJ)

    Razor Sharp Leaves (Raven_9999) 1-1 Tyrell Corporation (James303)

    Coachs Comments....

    Canadians Returned (doohickey) 1-3Avari Ambush UnUnited (Avari)

    The Ambush racked up a whopping 142 yards but the Canadians played to the final whistle, contesting

    everything and finally getting their break in the closing moments as Fenris broke free for a TOUCHDOWN

    to make the score respectable. Slim, Starblood & Khan scored for the Avari.


    Former cheerleader Tekno Danzer showed up late and missed the first drive. With UnUnited's expenses

    getting out of hand and a dangerous Pirates team on the horizon, her tenure with the team is in doubt.

    Blitz Coordinator Naggis Darkhelm dialed up two perfectly timed onside kicks. The first led to a touchdown.

    The 2nd was burned for the Canadians score.


    Thanks to Doohickey for a valiant effort. Hope to see you with a better team next year. (Avari)

    Week 2: FungusLiga North

    Under Control R12 (RS2000EDS) 1-2 Stake Suckers (Ted the BB-Champion)Frozen Waste Slayers (Fatboy) 2-0 Imperial Remnants (Weljamir)

    The Heralds of Change (The Thricedarned) 0-3 Moviemento 5 Squassaterre (Giorss)

    Hells Pit Darkbrood (telfordirving) 3-0 Bubonic Mischief(Booncabal76)

    Dead Aard (Wilgut Spleens) 0a2 Dust N Bones (Scaurus2000)

    Speed Freaks (remix) (Furq) 0-0 Da Bell Enz (Hearn)

    Coachs Comments....

    Under Control R12 (RS2000EDS) 1-2 Stake Suckers (Ted the BB-Champion)

    After a stroke of luck early in the game the fastest bestest skink around was badly hurt (Oh noes!). After

    that the vampires took a relaxed stance and continued to blitz skinks for fun and cheap spp. At the end it

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    was a bit of stalling as the sauruses was all tied up. It wont go to history as the most exciting of games, but

    hey at least it wasnt dwarf standard on the level of excitement.

    Stani will have a better shot at next match as the vamps didnt cause any serious injuries at his ordinary


    Well played with the team you had! (Ted the BB-Champion)

    Week 2: FungusLiga East

    Balatro's Dead End (Balatro) 0-5 Wiccan Athletic (VALIS)

    Doppelkhorne Behemoths (Tasmanian Devil) 1-1 Loughtan Razorhorns (Polidori)

    Halfland Fling (Cerumol) 2-1 Thrash Death Cult (James303)

    RZMNARmHA ZZARBGRa (Selfy_74) 0-2 Kaizers Kretins (Sneak)

    Lethal Vipers (Chiefjudge) 1-0 Nightmares on Wax (KillerPeach)

    Coachs Comments.

    Doppelkhorne Behemoths (Tasmanian Devil) 1-1 Loughtan Razorhorns (Polidori)

    First I thought I was unlucky but then I realized that I have never had a game with two

    big animals doing EVERYTHING I asked of them. And I asked a lot of them. But I would have

    been washed away without over a million coins to spend. And with Morg, the Hoof, Wizard and two Apos

    the game was a different story. (Tasmanian Devil)

    Week 2: ShElf

    Karak al Killers (Dark_Angel) 2-1 The Freaking FCC (nobby)

    Mordheim Mayhem (DaImp) 2-2 Black Market Traderz (Chiefjudge)

    Dorfs of Doom (Zippy) 0-1 Midnight Fighters (CharzHeidi)

    The Pottsburgh Peelers (DancingDuck) 0-3 Ale Munchers (pupkinus)

    Coachs Comments....

    Dorfs of Doom (Zippy) 0-1 Midnight Fighters (CharzHeidi)

    Nuffle induced victory to Charz

    thanks to 3 Consecutive double skulls in first half (all with Ironjaw) which let her get away with the cardinal

    sin of leaving her ball carrying wolf 2 squares from certain TD to make it 1-0 to do a 2D block with No Block

    Zombie V Dorf Blocker.

    (result of block was either Doub Skulls or Double BDs & resulted in Turnover with Dorf Blitzer & Runner in

    TZs on Wolfie)

    her Wolf was sacked following turn but then the 3 consecutive double skulls sealed the Dorfs fate & left

    them wide open for smashing...

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    Fun League Digest Season 14 Issue 2

    - 14 -

    Doomed, were ALL Doomed, I say! (zippy)

    Karak al Killers (Dark_Angel) 2-1 The Freaking FCC (nobby)

    A truly brutal game for the rats, their coach was late to the stadium and nuffle seemed to take offence. The

    first half saw some rats knocked out and a drive from deep in the killers half end with a TD. The rats thentried to respond however a calamity of errors saw their drive stall. The second half opened with a 1 turn TD

    from FCC, setting up another long drive by the killers who lived up to their name taking out a rat ogre.


    The rats set up looking to tie things up and end the game with their dignity intact however a blitz from the

    killers quickly put that to rest before they showed what they could do with another 3 casualties. (Dark


    The Pottsburgh Peelers (DancingDuck) 0-3 Ale Munchers (pupkinus)

    Pupkinus' Ale Munchers made a mockery out of The Pottsburgh Peelers this afternoon, in a match that

    ended 3-0, in favor of the norse.

    Appearently my flings were more interested in picking their bellybuttons, than picking up the ball. Also I

    think the nurse at the infirmary had been bribed into using sandwiches to lure my players there, cause the

    flings were even squishier than usual.

    My treemen thought it was funnier to just poke the norse most of the time, rather than smashing them to

    tiny, bearded bits.

    Was a fun game, with a lot of "wtf" moments from my side, and nuffle really twisting my nipples and

    pissing in my coffee

    Thanks to Pup, for being a good sport and a great opponent (DancingDuck)

    DancingDuck, thanks for the game and sorry for the dead guy.I always cheer for the TTM TD and it's a pity

    it didn't work in our game. Best of luck in the league and DON'T put people near the side-lines! (Pupkinus)

    Mordheim Mayhem (DaImp) 2-2 Black Market Traderz (Chiefjudge)

    Another crazy game, my Chaos Dorfs kicked the poor underworld around all 16 turns, with a lot of cas and

    ko but could not handle the crazy gobbos and skavens in his team. DaImp did work magic with what he had

    against me, and tbh he was a far more closer and fair winner in this game than me.

    But in the end I did a 16 turn 2-2 td pheewww

    But it was a fun and hilarious game, thx for it Impie and have fun rest of season. (Chiefjudge)

    Really fun and funny game ended in a 2-2 draw between the Mordheim Mayhem and the Black Market

    Traders. Some crazy dodging antics and a complete lack of animosity from the Skaven allowed the Mayhem

    to stay in the game despite players dropping like flies (the 2 induced Budweiser Babes were kept very

    busy!) and even managed to take a 2-1 lead midway through the second half. The Traders nearly fluffed

    their equaliser chance with a dropped pass in the endzone in turn 15 but the ball was scooped up by a

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    Fun League Digest Season 14 Issue 2

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    Hobgoblin in the last turn to earn the Chaos Dwarves a deserved draw. The Mayhem will now be going on

    a week-long binge in all the most disreputable of disreputable houses in Mordheim to celebrate their first

    Fun League point (DaImp)
