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Edited by ross a. bradstock New South Wales National Parks and Wildlife Service jann e. williams Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology University malcolm a. gill CSIRO Plant Industry Flammable Australia The Fire Regimes and Biodiversity of a Continent
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Edited by

ross a. bradstockNew South Wales National Parks and Wildlife Service

jann e. williamsRoyal Melbourne Institute of Technology University

malcolm a. gillCSIRO Plant Industry

Flammable AustraliaThe Fire Regimes and Biodiversity of a Continent

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published by the press syndicate of the universit y of cambridgeThe Pitt Building, Trumpington Street, Cambridge, United Kingdom

cambridge universit y pressThe Edinburgh Building, Cambridge CB2 2RU, UK40 West 20th Street, New York, NY 10011-4211, USA477 Williamstown Road, Port Melbourne, VIC 3207, AustraliaRuiz de Alarcón 13, 28014 Madrid, SpainDock House, The Waterfront, Cape Town 8001, South Africa


© Cambridge University Press 2002

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A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library

Library of Congress Cataloguing in Publication data

Flammable Australia : the fire regimes and biodiversity of a continent / edited by RossBradstock, Jann Williams, Malcolm Gill.

p. cm.Includes bibliographical references.ISBN 0 521 80591 0 (hardback)1. Fire ecology–Australia. 2. Biological diversity–Australia. I. Bradstock, R. A. (Ross

Andrew) II. Williams, Jann E. (Jann Elizabeth), 1961– III. Gill, Malcolm, 1940–QH197 .F563 2001577.2–dc21 2001025479

ISBN 0 521 80591 0 hardback

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List of contributors vi

Preface ix

Part I Past and future

1 A history of fire in Australia 3a. peter kershaw, james s. clark, a. malcolm gilland donna m. d’costa

2 Importance of a changing climate for fire regimes in Australia 26geoffrey j. cary

Part II Fire regimes and life histories

3 Fire properties and burn patterns in heterogeneous landscapes 49wendy catchpole

4 Fire regimes in landscapes: models and realities 77michael a. mccarthy and geoffrey j. cary

5 Critical life cycles of plants and animals: developing a process- 94based understanding of population changes in fire-pronelandscapesrobert j. whelan, louise rodgerson, chris r. dickmanand elizabeth f. sutherland

6 Spatial variability in fire regimes: its effects on recent and past 125vegetationjames s. clark, a. malcolm gill and a. peter kershaw

Part III Ecosystems: grasslands

7 Fire regimes in the spinifex landscapes of Australia 145grant e. allan and richard i. southgate

8 The role of fire regimes in temperate lowland grasslands of 177south-eastern Australiaian d. lunt and john w. morgan

Part IV Ecosystems: shrublands

9 Fire regimes in Australian heathlands and their effects on plants 199and animalsdavid a. keith, w. lachie mccaw and robert j. whelan

10 Fire regimes and biodiversity in semi-arid mallee ecosystems 238ross a. bradstock and janet s. cohn

11 Fire regimes in Acacia wooded landscapes: effects on functional 259processes and biological diversityken c. hodgkinson

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Part V Ecosystems: woodlands

12 Fire regimes and biodiversity in the savannas of northern 281Australiarichard j. williams, anthony d. griffiths and grant e. allan

13 Fire regimes and their effects in Australian temperate woodlands 305richard hobbs

Part VI Ecosystems: forests

14 Fire regimes and fire management of rainforest communities 329across northern Australiajeremy russell-smith and peter stanton

15 Fire regimes and biodiversity of forested landscapes of southern 351Australiaa. malcolm gill and peter c. catling

Part VII Applications

16 Fire regimes in semi-arid and tropical pastoral lands: managing 373biological diversity and ecosystem functionjames c. noble and anthony c. grice

17 Fire management and biodiversity conservation: key approaches 401and principlesdavid a. keith, jann e. williams and john c. z. woinarski

Part VIII Final

18 Fire regimes and biodiversity: legacy and vision 429a. malcolm gill, ross a. bradstock and jann e. williams

Taxonomic index 447

General index 454

Colour plates between pages 126 and 127

vi contents

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AbstractOver the last 20 years, the counting of charcoal inassociation with pollen in the construction ofpalaeoenvironmental records from swamp, lakeand marine sediments has become routine. This hasprovided a substantial, although methodologicallyvariable and geographically biased, data set withwhich to examine the history of burning on theAustralian continent. Two generalised records fromsoutheastern Australia demonstrate a generalincrease in burning within the later part of theTertiary period in line with reduced precipitation,increased climatic variability and development orexpansion of sclerophyll forest and heathvegetation. The one continuous record ofvegetation and burning from the early part of theQuaternary suggests that this period may haveexperienced relatively stable environmentalconditions. Increased fire activity is evident in themajority of records extending through at least thelast glacial/interglacial cycle, particularly duringdrier glacials and during times of major climatechange. A focus on southeastern Australia for thelast 11000 years (11 ka), a place and periodcontaining the bulk of charcoal records, indicateshigh fire activity over the last few thousand years,with a major peak coinciding with the early phaseof European settlement followed by reductionwithin recent decades to Early Holocene levels. It isdemonstrated that climate has exerted the majorcontrol over both fire activity and vegetationchange. There is a notable increase in fire activitycentred on 40 ka before present (bp) which, in theabsence of a major climate change around thistime, is considered tomost likely indicate earlyAboriginal burning. The impact on the vegetationwas largely to accelerate existing trends rather thancause a wholescale landscape change. It is difficult

to separate the effects of climate and human-induced burning subsequent to this time until thearrival of Europeans.


The first systematic examination of evidence for therole of fire in the historical development and main-tenance of Australian vegetation was presented inFire and the Australian Biota (Gill et al. 1981). The evi-dence was minimal. Kemp (1981) in her review ofpre-Quaternary fire speculated on the vexed ques-tion of the extent to which the geological material‘fusain’ was a product of biomass burning and onlikely changes in fire activity through the Tertiaryperiod based on vegetation/climate patterns. Mostdirect evidence for fire within the Cainozoic periodderived from the brown coals of Victoria with thegeneral acceptance that fusinite was largely char-coal derived from the burning of swamp vegetation,with lightning and spontaneous combustion beingthe major ignition agents. No data were available todetermine whether or not these fires had any long-term effect on the character of the vegetation. Inlieu of any direct fire–vegetation relationships,Kemp surmised that burning activity would haveincreased during the Tertiary and Quaternaryperiods in response to increasingly dry and variableclimatic conditions.

Singh et al. (1981) focussed their paper ‘Quaternaryvegetation and fire history in Australia’ on threerecently produced pollen records incorporatingmeasures of charcoal particles as direct evidence ofpast fires. All three records demonstrated some rela-tionship between fire activity and climatic conditionsbut major features of the records related to the pre-sumed impact of Aboriginal people on fire regimesand sustained vegetation change. The long record of


A history of fire in Australiaa. peter kershaw, james s. clark, a. malcolm gill and donna m. d’costa

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Lake George, near Canberra, subsequently extendedand refined by Singh and Geissler (1985), providedwhat was considered to be a continuous recordthrough the last four glacial/interglacial cycles, aboutthe last 400000 years (400 ka). The earlier part of thisrecord showed a pattern of significant fire activityonly during wetter and warmer interglacials whichwere dominated by Casuarinaceae with minor rain-forest elements. It was considered that the cooler,drier glacials, dominated by herbaceous vegetation,were too open to support regular fires. This patternchanged at the beginning of stage 5 (the last intergla-cial, c. 125–130 ka bp – before present) with higher andmore continuous burning. This was considered to bea result of an additional ignition source, the activitiesof Aboriginal people. There was a substantial replace-ment of Casuarinaceae by eucalypts and a reductionin rainforest elements during the last and present(Holocene) interglacials, and a general sustainedincrease in myrtaceous shrubs. The maintenance ofhigh burning levels during the last glacial period wasconsidered to be the result of an increase in sclero-phyllous vegetation combined with persistentAboriginal burning. Highest burning levels for thewhole diagram were achieved near the top of therecord, considered to be the result of activities ofearly European colonists, before a sharp decrease inrecent years representing the implementation of afire-exclusion policy.

A record from Lynch’s Crater, from the AthertonTableland, in the humid tropics region of northeastQueensland, covered the last glacial cycle, withcomplex rainforest dominant during the last inter-glacial under high precipitation levels and araucar-ian rainforest together with some sclerophyll forestor woodland prevalent during the first part of thelast glacial period (Singh et al. 1981). Relatively lowcharcoal levels suggested infrequent burning,although fire activity was most evident duringphases with higher sclerophyll representation, andalso at times of major climate and vegetation change,presumably as a result of general environmentalinstability. A substantial increase in burning oc-curred around 38 ka bp, considered to be responsiblefor a gradual replacement, between 38 and 26 ka bp,

of ‘fire sensitive’ araucarian forest by sclerophyllcommunities, co-dominated by Casuarinaceae andEucalyptus, and also for the extinction of a previouslyconspicuous member of swamp and riverine commu-nities, the conifer Dacrydium.Aboriginal burning washypothesised to be the major cause of change largelybecause it did not correspond with any time ofknown major climate change. Araucarian forest isnow restricted, in northeastern Australia, to small,isolated and relatively fire-protected patches. High,although variable, burning levels have been main-tained subsequently except for the mid Holocenewhen high precipitation allowed a re-expansion ofcomplex rainforest within the area.

The much shorter sequence from Lashmar’sLagoon, on Kangaroo Island, South Australia, cover-ing much of the Holocene period, showed consis-tently low charcoal values, suggesting low fireactivity within surrounding Casuarina stricta wood-lands, until there was some increase in burningaround 5 ka bp, considered to be the result of aregional decrease in precipitation (Singh et al. 1981).Shortly afterwards, about 4.8 ka bp, there was a rapidreplacement of the Casuarina woodland by eucalyptwoodland, caused by the drier climate but probablyfacilitated by a short phase of higher burning activ-ity indicated by a charcoal peak. Around 2.5 ka bpthere was a major increase in charcoal particles, sus-tained until after the arrival of European people, butwithout any concomitant response in the vegeta-tion. It was considered that this charcoal increasewas the result of a shift from a regular low- intensityburning pattern maintained by Aborigines, to apattern of infrequent but high-intensity fires withthe disappearance of people from the island.

These three Quaternary records have been prom-inent in debate about the role of fire, and particu-larly the impact of people, in the evolution anddynamics of Australian vegetation for almost thelast 20 years. Virtually all interpretations have beencriticised. Most criticisms have been made on theLake George record, largely because of the inferredpresence of people at least 60 ka earlier than thatrevealed in the archaeological record (Flood 1995). Ithas also been proposed that the inferred time-scale

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is incorrect (Wright 1986) and that the greater ‘firesensitivity’ of Casuarinaceae relative to Eucalyptuscan be questioned (Ladd 1988). The most extremeopposing view to that of Singh et al. (1981) was pre-sented by Horton (1982) who considered thatAboriginal people had little effect on existing fireregimes and that the pre-European settlement vege-tation cover, as well as the composition and distri-bution of dependent fauna, would have been thesame as it was regardless of whether people hadbeen here or not. Bowman (1998) in the latest reviewof Aboriginal burning in relation to the Australianbiota presents yet another examination of theserecords and, although he incorporates some morerecent studies, is equivocal about the value of pastvegetation and fire records for determination of therole of Aboriginal people in the development andmaintenance of Australian landscapes.

Perhaps the largest overall problem with theSingh et al. (1981) paper was that it provided threestories which, although internally consistent,together appeared to contain major differenceswith respect to the timing of initial human impactand vegetation responses to fire generated by bothnatural and human causes. The time gap betweenthe first evidence for inferred human burning atLake George and Lynch’s Crater (i.e. 90 ka) is substan-tial and, although originally explained by the likeli-hood that more open vegetation would be mostreadily settled and transformed by people, thisinterpretation was unconvincing. Similarly, argu-ments made for increased charcoal abundance onthe grounds of both human presence and absenceat different sites reduced the validity of the human-caused burning hypothesis in the minds of anumber of critics. The consistency in the threerecords is that they show a general increase in char-coal through time and change from a less to morefire ‘tolerant’ vegetation, suggesting that fire hasbecome an increasingly important component ofthe dynamics of the vegetation within the lateQuaternary.

We are now in a position to make a moreinformed assessment of the nature of the fire recordand its relationship to vegetation. There is now a

more substantial database of over 100 pollenrecords with associated charcoal curves and addi-tional information provided by elemental carbonanalysis, fire scars on trees and identified soil char-coal. Greater understanding of charcoal–fire andcharcoal–pollen relationships has been provided byexperimental and fine resolution studies inAustralia (R. L. Clark 1982, 1983) and particularlyNorth America (e.g. J. S. Clark 1988; J. S. Clark andHussey 1996). However, the data, in the main, arestill crude both in terms of time resolution andaccuracy and are biased towards certain parts of thecontinent. Following the example set by Singh et al.(1981), there is also a lack of consistency in methodsof counting and portrayal of charcoal data.Counting methods range from point countingwhich provides a measure of the area of a micro-scope slide prepared from a pollen sample coveredby charcoal, simple counting of charcoal particlesabove a certain size (usually 5, 10, 15 or 20 �m), tovisual assessment of relative abundance. Quanti-tative measures of charcoal abundance are dis-played variously in the form of concentration (e.g.cm2 cm�3, mm2 cm�3, particles cm�3, particles g�1),influx (e.g. cm2 yr�1, cm2 cm�2 yr�1) or as char-coal/pollen concentration or percentage ratios,with the pollen component being total pollen, totaldryland pollen or an individual taxon such asEucalyptus. This lack of consistency essentially pro-hibits the establishment of a quantitative, compara-tive measure of charcoal abundance and hence fireactivity.

In line with the limitations of charcoal data forthe determination of fire activity, information pro-vided by pollen for the reconstruction of vegetationis similarly restricted. Of particular concern isour inability to identify pollen taxa to taxonomiclevels which allow the recognition of differen-tial responses to individual fires or to fire regimes.Consequently, we generalise the terminology ap-plied to responses of individual species or speciesgroups to higher taxonomic groupings and vegeta-tion types. If communities or taxa are closelyassociated with high charcoal levels they are consid-ered to be ‘fire tolerant’ relative to those which

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experience low charcoal levels which are termed‘fire sensitive’.

Pre-Quaternary fire activity

The two major areas in Australia where the composi-tion of vegetation in the Tertiary period has beenreconstructed, the Murray River catchment and theLatrobe Valley (Fig. 1.1), have associated charcoalrecords. These records cover substantial portions ofthe major period of climate change experienced in

Australia, related to the continent’s separationfrom Antarctica in the Eocene, about 40 millionyears ago (40 Ma bp), followed by its movement intolower latitudes. Although both study areas are inthe southeastern part of the continent, they reflectsome geographical variation along the present cli-matic gradient from moist coastal environments tothe drier interior.

The generalised record from the Murray catch-ment (Martin 1990, 1991; Kershaw et al. 1994) (Fig.1.2) shows the predominance of Nothofagus pollen,

6 a. peter kershaw et al.

Fig. 1.1. Location of Tertiary and Quaternary sites with long pollen and charcoalrecords examined in this paper and relative abundance of charcoal for time slicesfor the Quaternary records. See Table 1.1 for sources and details of the differentmeasures of charcoal.

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characteristic of Tertiary rainforest through most ofAustralia, from the Late Eocene and Oligoceneperiods. Charcoal levels indicate that fire waspresent, but probably very infrequent during theEocene, and that fire activity was somewhat higherduring the Oligocene. The steady increase inMyrtaceae from the Late Oligocene to the EarlyMiocene may indicate some opening of the rainfor-est canopy or, more likely in the absence of the her-baceous taxa Poaceae and Asteraceae, a change towarmer or more seasonal rainforest types. There isno evidence of an increase in burning during thisperiod. The sharp decline in Nothofagus around 15Ma bp in the Mid Miocene together with the pres-ence of herbaceous taxa certainly indicates a reduc-tion in rainforest and presence of more opencanopied vegetation. It is inferred that the vegeta-tion was wet sclerophyll (or tall open) forest domi-nated by Myrtaceae with a mix of rainforest taxa inthe understorey. In the present Australian environ-ment, the canopy of wet sclerophyll forests is domi-nated everywhere by the non-rainforest genusEucalyptus (Gill and Catling, this volume), but in

these fossil assemblages other Myrtaceae, perhapsincluding genera of present-day rainforest marginssuch as Tristania, Tristaniopsis and Syncarpia, wereconspicuous. Charcoal levels are very high in theLate Miocene samples and, although charcoalrecords are not available for Mid Miocenesequences, it may be assumed that high levels wereachieved with the development of wet sclerophyllforest as intense fires are associated with this kindof vegetation today. Similar conditions continuedthrough the Pliocene apart from a temporary re-expansion of rainforest during the Early Pliocenewhen burning was reduced to pre-wet-sclerophylllevels. The very Late Pliocene/Early Pleistocene wit-nessed a likely further opening of the canopy. Thehigh levels of herbaceous taxa, combined with highvalues of Myrtaceae and lack of rainforest taxa,suggest the development of open-forest or wood-land. Such vegetation types dominate the land-scapes of these areas today.

The Murray catchment record provides data thatsupport the proposition of Kemp (1981) thatburning would have increased through the later

a history of fire in australia 7

Fig. 1.2. Summary Cainozoic record of pollen and charcoaltogether with inferred vegetation and precipitation changesfrom the eastern part of the Murray Basin, N.S.W. Adaptedfrom Martin (1990, 1991).

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part of the Cainozoic period in response to drier andmore variable climatic conditions. There is cer-tainly a good relationship between vegetation,inferred rainfall and charcoal although the recordis too generalised to determine the degree to whichfire was actively driving vegetation change ratherthan simply responding to climatically inducedchange. The suggested presence of wet sclerophyllforest is interesting because, in contemporary con-ditions, fire is considered essential for the mainten-ance of a mix of shade-intolerant eucalypts andshade-tolerant rainforest taxa. There is a great dealof speculation on the long-term stability of suchcommunities and whether they can exist in theabsence of fire generated in surrounding more openvegetation. The evidence from the Murray catch-ment is that wet sclerophyll, although different flor-istically from any vegetation type present today, canbe maintained over long periods of time.

The Latrobe Valley provides a similar span of veg-etation history to that of the Murray catchment butcharcoal data are restricted to sequences derivedfrom Eocene to Miocene coal seams which accumu-

lated as peat on the onshore section of the subsidingGippsland Basin (Kershaw et al. 1991; Sluiter et al.1995). The summary diagram (Fig. 1.3) indicatesaverage pollen and charcoal values for samples fromeach major coal lithotype group within each coalseam. Although it has been traditionally thoughtthat peat accumulation was largely continuousthrough the whole period, recent sequence strati-graphic analysis has suggested that phases of coalseam accumulation relate to major global sea-levelhighs and may only have occupied about 7.5 of the26 Ma period represented by the coal measures(Holdgate et al. 1995). Furthermore, peat accumula-tion within each seam may have been restricted tosea-level highs of several thousand years durationwithin fourth-order eustatic cycles (Haq et al. 1987).Consequently the record may be very biasedtowards wetter periods which are most likely toaccompany sea-level highs. Lithotype groups havebeen separated on the diagram because they repre-sent different depositional environments withinthe coal-forming basin, although the actual natureof these environments is the source of debate.

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Fig. 1.3. Summary of Cainozoic pollen and charcoal recordsfrom the Latrobe Valley coal measures, western Victoria.Adapted from Kershaw et al. (1991).

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Original palynological and plant macrofossil inter-pretation was that there was a lithotype colour gra-dient from light to dark representing hydroseralsuccession, initiated by periodic basin subsidence,from open water to swamp forest (Luly et al. 1980;Blackburn 1985; Kershaw et al. 1991). However, thepredominantly lightening-upwards pattern iden-tified from Markov chain analyses (Mackay et al.1995) suggested the opposite. The presence of openwater has also been questioned (Anderson andMackay 1990). Sequence analysis suggests that thelithotypes may be more a reflection of climatic vari-ation during sea-level highs than successionalchange in response to phases of subsidence (Sluiteret al. 1995).

In general terms, the taxa with well-dispersedpollen provide a regional picture of the vegetation,although many taxa will also have had a swampforest representation. Coal formation began in theMid Eocene after the Early Eocene global tempera-ture peak. Temperatures continued to fall throughthe Eocene and this is reflected in the pollen by theincrease in Nothofagus pollen. The decline inPodocarpaceae may be related to the general evolu-tionary replacement of gymnosperms by angio-sperms. All taxa have strong rainforest affinitiesalthough there is some macrofossil evidence of thepresence in Australia, and in the Latrobe Valleycoals, of Casuarina, the sclerophyllous member ofthe Casuarinaceae, in the Miocene (Hill 1994), whilecomponents of the Myrtaceae, although not con-taining Eucalyptus, may also have been sclerophyl-lous. Within those taxa with poorly dispersedpollen, which must have derived from taxa growingwithin the swamp system, there is a generalincrease, particularly in the Morwell 1 and Yallournseams. All are sclerophyll elements.

Throughout the whole recorded period the land-scape was dominated by rainforest. However, theincrease in light-demanding sclerophyll elementsthrough time suggests that the vegetation waseither becoming more open or was subject toincreasing levels of disturbance or stress. The char-coal record is consistent with increased distur-bance, being absent until the Early MioceneMorwell 1 seam and then increasing through to the

Mid Miocene. These changes relate to increased lith-otype differentiation in the coals which is likely tohave been primarily due to increased climatic vari-ability at Milankovitch or sub-Milankovitch scales(i.e. 100 ka or less). The data are too coarse to indi-cate any role of fire in the initiation of vegetationchange but, from a fine-resolution study of a sectionof the Morwell 1 seam, Blackburn and Sluiter (1994)concluded that burning occurred after a change todrier conditions and development of a more sclero-phyllous vegetation and was clearly a response to,rather than a cause of, vegetation change.

Although there are major differences betweenthe vegetation and depositional environments ofthe Murray Basin and Latrobe Valley sequences,there are sufficient similarities between themwithin their period of overlap to suggest synchro-nous broad regional changes in fire activity.Charcoal values were low until probably the LateOligocene, suggesting infrequent or low intensityburning under a climate with low-variability andlimited sclerophyll development. Higher charcoallevels from the Late Oligocene to Early Miocene indi-cate more intense and widespread fire activityunder more variable climates. There is increasedrepresentation of sclerophyll vegetation in bothswamp and dry land environments. The majorchange to high charcoal levels, perhaps indicatingfire activity almost as great as that in thePleistocene, occurred within the Mid Miocene, byabout 16 Ma bp, accompanied by a highly variableclimate and, although precipitation is estimated tohave been about twice that of today, the representa-tion of sclerophyll vegetation was substantial.

Pleistocene fire activity

The focus of Quaternary palynological study hascontinued to be on the construction of recordsextending from the present as far back into the pastas possible and, as a result of the high cost of drill-ing economically unimportant Quaternary sedi-ments and the discontinuous nature of Quaternarysedimentary sequences, there is very little informa-tion on the vegetation or fire history of the EarlyPleistocene. The record of Martin (1990) suggests

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that there was a substantial reduction in precipita-tion at the beginning of the Pleistocene with amajor expansion of open woodland and forest vege-tation. This pattern is supported by evidence fromthe more refined and better dated early record ofLake George to the east (Kershaw et al. 1994) whichshows the virtual disappearance of rainforest taxaand expansion of more open vegetation around 2.5million years ago. Unfortunately there are no char-coal data for either record but the nature of thevegetation and the fact that fire had become a sig-nificant feature of the environment suggests thatburning would have continued through thePleistocene period. The only pollen and charcoalrecord that extends into the Early Pleistocene isfrom a marine core (ODP Site 820) off the coast ofnorth-east Queensland adjacent to the AthertonTableland (Kershaw et al. 1993) (Fig. 1.1). This recordindicates that burning was regionally importantfrom around 1.4 Ma, despite the pollen suggestingthat the landscape was dominated by wet rainforestand drier araucarian rainforest, with restricted rep-resentation of sclerophyll vegetation through mostof the recorded period. The extended record fromLake George (Singh and Geissler 1985) which, fromthe location of the Brunhes/Matuyama palaeomag-netic reversal, can be firmly dated to the base of theMid Pleistocene (c. 800 ka bp) continues to show thatburning was a feature of the environment. However,charcoal–vegetation relationships above this boun-dary appear to be different from those in the laterpart of the Pleistocene. Their elucidation is madedifficult by discontinuous representation of pollen.

There are now 10 records, including those fromLynch’s Crater and Lake George, which cover at leastthe last glacial/interglacial cycle. Their locations,along with summary charcoal records, are shown inFig. 1.1 for all except Old Lake Coomboo Depressionon Fraser Island (Longmore and Heijnis 1999) whosechronology is most uncertain. Some information onthe nine selected records is included in the longerlist of site records in Table 1.1. The charcoal sum-maries are averaged values for time slices selected torepresent major identified past climatic phasesapart from the most recent two slices which repre-sent early and late phases of European occupation.

Time slices become shorter towards the present dueto improved dating control and greater environ-mental understanding. However, it is only the moregeneralised Pleistocene record that will be consid-ered in this section. Additional information onburning patterns is provided by the identification ofmajor charcoal peaks in those records which are suf-ficiently refined to allow peak isolation (Fig. 1.4).Peaks during the Pleistocene are shown in relationto the SPECMAP marine oxygen isotope curve ofMartinson et al. (1987) which provides a standardchronology for the late Quaternary. Positive �18Ovalues relate to glacial periods when sea levels werelow while negative �18O values indicate high sea-level, interglacial periods.

Almost all records show a general increase in char-coal abundance through time if climatic cycling atthe Milankovitch scale is taken into account. In theLynch’s Crater, Banda Sea, Lake Wangoom and EggLagoon records, this increase is abrupt and takesplace in the later part of isotope stage 3, centred on30–40 ka bp. As has been noted, the charcoal increaseat Lynch’s Crater around 38 ka bpwas accompanied bythe beginning of the replacement of araucarianforest by eucalypt woodland and it has been hypothe-sised that increased burning was the cause of this sus-tained vegetation change. In the marine record of theBanda Sea, whose pollen is derived from bothIndonesia and northern Australia, there is a markedreduction in eucalypts relative to grasses suggestingthe development of a more open landscape. Theimpact of the increase in burning appears to haveextended to Indonesia which experienced a markedand sustained reduction in Dipterocarpaceae, acanopy dominant of many Indonesian rainforestcommunities. Vegetation responses at the two othersites appear to have been minimal with some increasein grasses relative to daisies (Asteraceae) around LakeWangoom within an open woodland landscape, andperhaps a sustained reduction in the extent of therainforest and wet sclerophyll forest taxa Phyllocladusand Pomaderris aspera respectively with some epacridheath development around Egg Lagoon.

The suggestion from Lake George that there wasan earlier marked and sustained increase inburning with an associated alternation of the

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Table 1.1. Information about Quaternary pollen and charcoal sites shown in Figures 1.1 and 1.5

Site Number Site Charcoal measure Reference

1 Lombok Ridge particles/cm3 Wang et al. (1999)

2 Banda Sea particles/cm2 per yr �mg/cm2 per yr van der Kaars et al. (2000)

3 ODP Site 820 particles/cm3 Moss (1999), Moss and Kershaw (2000)

4 Lynch’s Crater particles/cm3 Kershaw (1986)

5 Lake George surface area%/unit volume of sediment Singh et al. (1981), Singh and Geissler (1985)

6 Lake Wangoom particles/cm3 Edney et al. (1990), Harle (1998)

7 Egg Lagoon mm2/cm3 D’Costa (1997)

8 Lake Selina not given Colhoun et al. (1999)

9 Darwin Crater not given Colhoun and van de Geer (1988)

10 Burraga cm.cm2 Dodson et al. (1994c)

11 Boggy Swamp particles/cm2 per yr Dodson et al. (1986)

12 Butcher’s Swamp particles/cm2 per yr Dodson et al. (1986)

13 Black Swamp particles/cm2 per yr Dodson et al. (1986)

14 Sapphire Swamp particles/cm2 per yr Dodson et al. (1986)

15 Penrith Lakes particle size abundance scale Chalson (1989)

16 Warrimoo particle size abundance scale Chalson (1989)

17 King’s Tableland particle size abundance scale Chalson (1989)

18 Ingar Swamp particle size abundance scale Chalson (1989)

19 Notts Swamp particle size abundance scale Chalson (1989)

20 Katoomba Swamp particle size abundance scale Chalson (1989)

21 Burralow Creek Swamp particle size abundance scale Chalson (1989)

22 Killalea Lagoon charcoal/pollen ratio Dodson et al. (1993)

23 Bondi Lake charcoal/pollen ratio Dodson et al. (1993)

24 Bega Swamp mm2/ml Green et al. (1988), G. Hope unpublished data

25 Rotten Swamp cm2/cm2 per yr R. L. Clark (1986)

26 Club Lake cm2/cm2 per yr Dodson et al. (1994a)

27 Tea Tree Swamp charcoal/pollen ratio Gell et al. (1993)

28 Lake Curlip cm2/cm2 per yr Boon and Dodson (1992)

29 Hidden Swamp particles/cm3 Hooley et al. (1980)

30 Loch Sport Swamp particles/cm3 Hooley et al. (1980)

31 Lake Wellington mm2/cm3 Reid (1989)

32 McKenzie Road Bog charcoal/pollen ratio Robertson (1986)

33 Greens Bush mm2/cm3 Jenkins and Kershaw (1997)

34 Cranbourne Botanic Gardens particles/cm3 Aitken and Kershaw (1993)

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Table 1.1. (cont.)

Site Number Site Charcoal measure Reference

35 Lake Mountain charcoal/pollen ratio McKenzie (1997)

36 Storm Creek charcoal/pollen ratio McKenzie (1997)

37 Tom Burns charcoal/pollen ratio McKenzie (1997)

38 Oaks Creek charcoal/pollen ratio McKenzie (1989)

39 Buxton charcoal/pollen ratio McKenzie (1989)

40 Powelltown charcoal/pollen ratio McKenzie (1989)

41 Lake Horden particles/cm3 Head and Stuart (1980)

42 Chapple Vale charcoal/pollen ratio McKenzie and Kershaw (1997)

43 Wyelangta mm2/cm3 McKenzie and Kershaw (2000)

44 Aire Crossing mm2/cm3 G. M. McKenzie unpublished data

45 West Basin particles/cm3 Gell et al. (1994)

46 Cobrico Swamp mm2/cm3 Dodson et al. (1994b)

47 Lake Keilambete cm2/cm3 Mooney (1997)

48 Northwest Crater, Tower Hill particles/cm3 D’Costa et al. (1989)

49 Main Lake, Tower Hill particles/cm3 D’Costa et al. (1989)

50 Lake Turangmoroke charcoal/pollen ratio Crowley and Kershaw (1994)

51 Jacka Lake particles/cm3 C. Greenwood unpublished data

52 Lake Tyrrell mm2/cm3 Luly (1993)

53 Bridgewater Lake Core A charcoal/pollen ratio Head (1988)

54 Boomer Swamp charcoal/pollen ratio Head (1988)

55 Long Swamp charcoal/pollen ratio Head (1988)

56 Lashmar’s Lagoon particles/cm3 Singh et al. (1981)

57 Lake Flannigan, King mm2/g D’Costa (1997)

58 Killiecrankie, Flinders charcoal/pollen ratio Ladd et al. (1992)

59 Stockyard Swamp, Hunter charcoal/pollen ratio G. Hope unpublished data

60 Sundown Point, Hunter charcoal/pollen ratio G. Hope unpublished data

61 Lake Johnson g Anker (1991)

62 Poets Hill charcoal/pollen ratio Colhoun (1992)

63 Melaleuca Inlet charcoal/pollen ratio Thomas (1995)

64 Dublin Bog charcoal/pollen ratio Colhoun et al. (1991)

65 Den Plain 2 particles/cm3 Moss (1994)

66 Ringarooma River cm2/cm3 Dodson et al. (1998)

67 Big Heathy Swamp charcoal/pollen ratio Ellis and Thomas (1998)

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vegetation receives some support from the ODP Site820 where higher charcoal levels around 135 ka bpare closely associated with a sharp decline inAraucaria and some increase in the representationof Eucalyptus. Despite the proximity of Lynch’sCrater to this site, there are no similar changesrecorded at that time. However, the 38 ka bp event atLynch’s Crater appears to be recorded in the ODPsite 820 record with a further decline in Araucaria

and further increase in Eucalyptus in associationwith increased charcoal levels. There are also sus-tained changes in vegetation around 175 ka bp, witha change in dominance from Eucalyptus to Poaceaein the northwestern Australian pollen componentof the Lombok Ridge marine core and increasedvalues for Poaceae and declines in ferns and palmswithin the ODP site 820 record, but neither has anassociated charcoal event.

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Fig. 1.4. Charcoal peaks in long continuous records from theAustralian region in relation to the marine oxygen isotope(SPECMAP) record of Martinson et al. (1987).

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Darwin Crater (Tasmania) is the only recordwhere there is a general decrease in averaged char-coal values through the last three glacial cycles,although there appears to be a major and sustainedincrease in herbs relative to rainforest and open-forest trees within what is estimated to be isotopestage 6. Jackson (1999) suggests that these changeswere the result of an increase in burning whichresulted in an ecological drift to a more open land-scape and that the reduction in charcoal abundancewas due to lesser quantities being produced fromherbaceous vegetation than rainforest or eucalyptforest. However, through the full estimated 500 kaof the record, there are few overall trends in eitherthe vegetation or charcoal abundance.

The effects of climatic cyclicity on charcoal repre-sentation are evident in most records where cyclesare not totally obscured by trends of increasingvalues. Charcoal levels are higher in glacials thaninterglacials at all northern Australian sites,although values are extremely low and sporadic atLynch’s Crater, and have been interpreted as indicat-ing more frequent burning under drier conditions.In southern Australia this pattern appears to beevident at Lake Wangoom and, surprisingly, atDarwin Crater, where less charcoal might have beenexpected under the more open landscapes of theglacial periods in light of the Jackson hypothesis. AtLake George, which exists under drier conditionsthan any of the other sites, lower charcoal valueswithin glacial phases have been explained as due tothe inability of the sparse cover of vegetation tosupport regular fires.

Another perspective on burning patterns is pro-vided by the plots of charcoal peaks on Fig. 1.4which may indicate times of high fire activity. Thereare concentrations of dates within the maxima ofthe last glaciation (stages 4 and 2) and the penulti-mate glacial (late stage 6), which could be inter-preted as providing general support for the proposalthat these drier periods were times of generallyhigher fire activity. However, it could be argued thatthe majority of these events are close to isotopestage boundaries and relate more to times of rapidclimate change than extreme climatic conditions.This interpretation receives support from a high

proportion of the peaks which fall within intergla-cials. The major exception to this pattern is the pres-ence of at least one charcoal peak within all recordsduring the period 30–40 ka BP which, according tothe marine isotope record, may have been one of themost climatically stable periods within the last 280ka. Other charcoal peaks may relate to times of sub-stantial climate change within isotope stages.

A somewhat different picture to that provided bySingh et al. (1981) on the pattern of burning and itsimpact on Australian vegetation is provided by thismore substantial, though still geographically biased,data set. Limited data for the early part of theQuaternary indicate that fire has been a major com-ponent of the environment throughout this periodand that, although there has been an increase in fireactivity through at least the last glacial cycle withperhaps stepwise changes around the proposed datesof 130 and 40 ka bp, late Quaternary vegetationchanges have been less dramatic than originally sug-gested. These data require a re-evaluation of the rela-tive roles of climate and Aboriginal people in theproduction of fire and vegetation changes.

It is always difficult to separate totally the effectsof climate and people on the fossil record as climatewill have some influence on human activity. Thisinfluence is considered to be nowhere more appar-ent than in Australia where initial colonisation andpossible impact is likely to have been related toclimate-induced changes in sea-level and oppor-tunities for short sea-crossings through theIndonesian Archipelago. In addition, any substan-tial human impact on the vegetation cover couldlead to climate change as is evident with currentgreenhouse forcing. However, it seems unlikely thathuman impact could have been a significant factorin those trends and abrupt changes witnessed in theLombok Ridge and ODP site 820 records that areevident as far back as 170 ka bp, well beyond thelimit of the archaeological record. Furthermore,there is either no great correspondence betweenvegetation alterations and charcoal peaks or theinitiation of vegetation change appears to have pre-ceded charcoal peaks in earlier events, suggestingthat fire may have been more a result than a cause ofvegetation change. At Lake George, it was argued

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that the presence of people could not be detecteduntil the beginning of the penultimate interglacial,some 130 ka bp, when the vegetation cover becamesufficiently complete to carry fire. This argumentcannot be extended to records from other sites situ-ated within wetter environments. The generalpattern of charcoal representation and/or inferredburning levels is that there has been strong climaticcontrol over fire patterns with greater activityduring drier glacials than interglacials (althoughthe opposite may have been the case in environ-ments similar to and drier than those around LakeGeorge), with maximum burning during periods ofsubstantial climate change.

The major exception to this pattern, at least in thePleistocene, was during stage 3 when there weremajor sustained changes in the vegetation, particu-larly in northeastern and northern Australia andcharcoal peaks in almost all other records at a time ofrelative climatic stability. The degree of synchroneityof these events is uncertain due to problems ofdating so close to the limit of radiocarbon but theyfall, almost certainly, within the period 45 to 30 kabp. As people are known to have occupied most of thecontinent by this time, and as there is a close associa-tion between evidence for increased burning andvegetation change within the records, it might befairly concluded that Aboriginal burning was themajor causal factor and could well have impacted thewhole of the Australian landscape, as well as someparts of Indonesia, within a short period of time.

The timing of presumed human impact is inter-esting in light of the archaeological debate over theactual timing of the arrival of people. Assumingthat the colonisation process was rapid and impactwas immediate, the data add support to the schoolof thought that accepts the validity of radiocarbondates and that people arrived around 40 ka bp (Allenand Holdaway 1995) rather than the increasingnumber of sites dated by other methods includingthermoluminescence (Roberts et al. 1990), opticallystimulated luminescence (Roberts et al. 1993) andelectron-spin resonance and uranium/thorium(Thorne et al. 1999) for a 50 to at least 60 ka bp arrivaldate. In fact there is a marked absence of charcoalpeaks between 50 and 60 ka bp.

The data suggest that there has been a close rela-tionship between climate and fire through the lateQuaternary period although global climate, asreflected in the SPECMAP isotope curve, does notindicate any clear climatic trend through the last 280ka. From about 40 ka BP, the directional changetowards increased burning and more open vegeta-tion can be attributed to an additional anthropo-genic source of ignition but this appears to haveresulted in an acceleration of an existing trendrather than the initiation of it. One climatic explana-tion for the trend is that the effectiveness of fireincreased with a change to higher-amplitude glacialoscillations, which produced a great deal of vegeta-tion instability within the 1Ma to 700 ka (Shackletonet al. 1995). The effects of individual fires may havebeen cumulative through the process of ecologicaldrift proposed by Jackson (1968). In his model,burning results in the repeated expansion of onecommunity at the expense of another, in sequence,according to a shift in mean fire interval. If fires aresufficiently frequent or intense, then the vegetationchange can be permanent. The process can be facili-tated by the negative long-term effects of burning onthe physical and chemical properties of soil, withalterations to soil moisture-holding capacity and fer-tility helping to maintain more open, sclerophyllousand hence more flammable vegetation. However,such a trend might be expected to have been global,which does not seem to have been the case. It is pos-sible, however, that Australia has experienced a dif-ferent late Quaternary climate history to much of therest of the world. Isern et al. (1996) and Peerdeman etal. (1993) detected a change in oxygen isotope valuesof marine cores in the Coral Sea region some 500 to250 ka bp which were interpreted as an averageincrease of about 4°C in sea surface temperatures.Such an increase may be expected to have increasedprecipitation in northeastern Australia, due toincreased evaporative power of the ocean, andperhaps cause a decrease rather than an increase infire activity. However, if, as Isern et al. (1996) suggest,this temperature increase was related to the develop-ment of the West Pacific WarmPool, then the produc-tion of a steep temperature gradient across thePacific Ocean may have satisfied the prerequisites for

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the establishment of El Niño–Southern Oscillation(ENSO) variability, a major feature of Australia’sclimate. Even with higher precipitation, increasedoccurrence of droughts would have most likelyallowed increased fire activity within the Australianlandscape.

Holocene fire activity

A substantial number of palynological records withassociated charcoal curves cover part or the wholeof the Holocene period (i.e. the last 10 ka). The vari-ability of charcoal representation within theserecords has led to the postulation of a whole rangeof suggestions about the relationship between fire,climate, various components of the vegetation andpeople. In order to determine and attempt toexplain any consistent patterns of fire activity, aregional approach to data analysis has beenadopted. Attention is focussed on southeasternAustralia as this is where the majority of studieshave been undertaken (Fig. 1.5).

From all available records, 58 were considered tohave the resolution and dating control required foranalysis of patterns in relation to the younger timeslices identified in the longer records in the previ-ous section. The location of these records, which infact exclude the longer records from this region, areshown on Fig. 1.5 while some information aboutthem is contained in Table 1.1. The 11–9 ka bp timeslice represents the transition between thePleistocene and the Holocene and covers a period ofvegetation change in relation to increasing precipi-tation. The period 7–5 ka bp is identified as theHolocene precipitation peak, the time slice 4–2 kabp incorporates a drier and perhaps cooler phasebefore a return to wetter conditions in the last 2 ka.The European time slices are identified on evidencefor disturbance to the native vegetation and onweed pollen indicators. Chronological control isgenerally poor within the European period andalthough 1940, when fire-exclusion policies wereintroduced, was adopted as the nominal date forseparation of older and younger European phases,only estimates of this date could be made for mostrecords.

Because of differences in charcoal counting andpresentation methods, and the variation in char-coal abundance related to the nature and size of thedepositional basins from which the records werederived, it was considered that charcoal abundancemeasures could not be used to determine temporaland spatial patterns of fire activity. Instead, a simpleranking was undertaken initially of relative char-coal values in each time slice for each record. Forexample if a record covered all time slices the rank-ings would range from 6 for the time slice with thehighest charcoal value to 1 with the lowest charcoalvalue, and if only the last three time slices wererecorded (the minimum number in the data set) therankings would range from 3 to 1. The average of theranking values for time slices from all sites, and forsubsets of sites surrounded by present-day wetforest (rainforest and tall open-forest), dry (open)forest, heath and woodland, were calculated and areshown on Fig. 1.6. Some sites were not included inthe subsets either because the original vegetationcover was uncertain or the vegetation did notclearly fit into these groups. Conversely, a few siteswhich were surrounded by amix of two communitytypes were included in both relevant subsets. Inaddition to these summaries, times of identifiedcharcoal peaks within any of the records from thedata set, which may represent major fires or discretetimes of intensive fire activity, are shown on Fig. 1.7.

The overall impression is that fire activity hasbeen relatively constant over the Holocene periodwith greatest variation during the period ofEuropean occupation. The data suggest that burningincreased during the early part of European settle-ment to levels higher than at any other time duringthe Holocene in all major vegetation types, a conclu-sion that was also reached by Singh et al. (1981). Theincrease was least within wet forest which may bedue to contained areas being remote from majorareas of land clearance and utilisation. This periodwas followed by a reduction in burning to present-day levels which are, on average, lower than at anytime during the Holocene. However, levels in dryforest and heath environments appear still to behigher than those in the Early to Mid Holocene. Thetimings of the onset of high fire activity and the sub-

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sequent transition from high to low levels ofburning in the European occupation period are diffi-cult to pin down due to a lack of absolute dating formost sites. Radiocarbon dates tend to be inaccurateor lack appropriate precision for these recentperiods leaving 210Pb dating as the only radiometricmethod which can be used, in addition to less

certain markers associated with historical events.Even with 210Pb, accurate dating can only be achievedfor the last 100 years and for certain records. Itappears that the time of onset as well as the durationof high burning levels varied from place to place.Such variation is illustrated by fine resolutionstudies from McKenzie Road Bog, South Gippsland

a history of fire in australia 17

Fig. 1.5. Location of late Quaternary pollen and charcoal sitesfrom south-eastern Australia examined in this chapter.

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and Delegate River, East Gippsland. At McKenzieRoad Bog, dated by detailed comparison with the his-toric record, the high burning phase occurred fromabout 1850 to 1890 (Robertson 1986) while atDelegate River, 210Pb dating indicates that high fireactivity did not cease until suppression measureswere implemented after the socially disastrous 1939fires (Gell et al. 1993). In some fine-resolution records(e.g. Dodson et al. 1998 from rainforest in Tasmania;C. Greenwood personal communication in theVictorian Wimmera) there is no evidence of anincrease in burning since European arrival. Thecoarser-sampled records of the Barrington Topsregion also show no increase in fire activity with thearrival of Europeans although, without absolutedating control, fire peaks considered to haveoccurred about 400 years ago might possibly repre-sent early European burning.

The influence on the vegetation of alterations to

fire activity resulting from European activities is dif-ficult to gauge as the bulk of changes within pollenrecords can be attributed to local or regional clear-ing which may or may not have involved fire. Incoastal and western Victoria there was a generaldecrease in Casuarinaceae relative to Eucalyptuswhich has been interpreted as a result of Europeanburning but no firm relationship can be detectedwithin fine-resolution records. It is most likely thatthe casuarinas were selectively removed forfirewood and other purposes. It has been suggestedthat disruption to the Aboriginal fire regimeresulted in an increase in understorey shrubs rela-tive to grasses within open-forest. However, the EastGippsland study of Gell et al. (1993) suggests exactlythe opposite with an increase in grasses during theearly European high burning phase and a decreaseto present with the implementation of fire-controlmeasures.

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Fig. 1.6. Relative importance of burning in time slices from the Holocene deducedfrom individual site rankings of charcoal abundance for all site records, andseparately for wet forest, dry forest, heath and woodland site records, in south-eastern Australia.

Fig. 1.7. Charcoal peaks recorded in the site records fromsouth-eastern Australia shown in Fig. 1.5.

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Within the pre-European part of the Holocene,there is a general increase in burning through timealthough there may have been a slight reductionin the Mid Holocene, between 7 and 5 ka bp, inresponse to an increase in rainfall and reduction inseasonality (Kershaw 1998). There was a significantincrease in burning after 5 ka bp in all vegetationtypes, except the wet forests, and high fire activitywas generally maintained or further increased after2 ka bp. Increased burning is also suggested by thepresence of charcoal peaks which centre on 5–4.5 kaand on 2 ka bp. The increase in burning may wellhave been a result of decreased precipitation afterabout 5 ka bp and high burning levels sustained byan onset or increase in activity of ENSO postulatedfor the region from this time (McGlone et al. 1992). Arelationship with people may also be inferred fromevidence of ‘intensification’ of occupation between5 and 4 ka BP (Lourandos 1985). Although thisconcept has been hotly debated (see Head 1989;Dodson et al. 1992), a recent systematic study of theevidence for human occupation provides fullsupport for both intensification and a high degreeof synchroneity throughout Australia (Lourandosand David 2001). The relative importance of climateand human influence is difficult to assess but evi-dence of increased burning around this time fromsites in New Zealand, where there is no suggestionof the presence of people, but where ENSO has a sig-nificant influence (McGlone et al. 1992; Ogden et al.1998), suggests that climate was the major drivingforce.

The major burning response in the Mid Holocenewas in heath and also open-forests which frequentlycontain a heath understorey. In general terms, thisincrease and the evidence for fire peaks around 5and 2 ka bp provide regional support for the originalHolocene fire record of R. L. Clark (1983) from suchvegetation on Kangaroo Island in Singh et al. (1981).However, there is little support for the postulationof fire, as a result of Aboriginal burning, creating areplacement of Casuarinaceae woodlands by heathand eucalypt vegetation. Although Casuarina wood-lands regionally declined, they did so at differenttimes and generally without an obvious burningcause (Ladd 1988). In the Western Plains of Victoria,

their decline may have related to an increase in pre-cipitation around 7 ka bp, while on coastal areasleaching of dune soils is likely to have favouredreplacement by eucalypt and heath vegetation(Ladd et al. 1992). The development of eucalypt andheath vegetation would have favoured fire activitythough, and this may help explain the more sub-stantial increase in burning through the Holocenein these environments. The suggestion of R.L. Clark(1983) that a further increase in charcoal about2.5 ka BPwas the result of a change from regular low-intensity fires to less frequent high-intensity fireswith the abandonment of Kangaroo Island bypeople is not supported by evidence from similarly‘abandoned’ islands such as Flinders, King andHunter. Burning did continue but at similar levelsto those occurring previously.

General discussion and conclusions

The three scales of analysis of the pattern ofburning on the Australian landscape, althoughlimited in geographical spread and data type andconsistency, have provided some quantitative basisfor assessment of the history of fire in relation toenvironmental and vegetation change.

There is a general impression of an increase infire activity through the late Cainozoic in associa-tion with drier and more climatically variableconditions and an increasingly fire ‘tolerant’ vegeta-tion. The data, however, are insufficient to allow adetermination of the degree to which fire has pro-moted the development and expansion of moreopen vegetation. Through most of the recordedperiod climate appears to have been the drivingforce of vegetation change with fire largely respond-ing to vegetation changes. Although only crudelyquantified, the Murray catchment records suggestthat high levels of burning, in association with awet sclerophyll forest, were achieved several millionyears ago, before the onset of the dramatic fluctua-tions in climate which have characterised theQuaternary and particularly the late Quaternary.The continuing drying trend has inhibited the pres-ervation of a Quaternary palaeoecological record inthis area, but it might be inferred that fire activity

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has been reduced with the establishment of a moreopen vegetation.

There were marked vegetation changes in main-land southeastern Australia around the Tertiary–Quaternary boundary with a substantial reductionin the extent of rainforest (Kershaw et al. 1994) but,despite the Murray catchment evidence for vegeta-tion to attain and sustain high levels of fire activity,small patches of rainforest survived and managed toexpand during brief, high-rainfall interglacialperiods within the late Quaternary (D’Costa andKershaw 1995; Harle et al. 1999). Even in Tasmaniawhere it has been postulated that ecological drift,through vegetation feedbacks on fire and soil fertil-ity, would have led to a progressive replacement ofrainforest by more open vegetation (Jackson 1968),the net result on the vegetation around DarwinCrater over the last 500 ka has been a maintenanceof the status quo.

In the humid tropics region of northeasternAustralia there is little directional change in char-coal abundance or vegetation through much of theQuaternary period. There is a general increase incharcoal and a gradual replacement of the previ-ously important araucarian forest by open sclero-phyll forest and woodland during the later part ofthis period but the association between charcoaland vegetation change is not strong enough to dem-onstrate that fire was responsible for the initiationof this trend. It is likely that changes were climati-cally induced with droughts resulting from anincrease in ENSO activity, superimposed on higher-amplitude Late Quaternary climatic cyclicity, beingthe critical features (Moss and Kershaw 2000). Theevidence for some periodicity in ENSO activity fromthe Holocene records might help explain the step-wise decline of the araucarian forest.

The data suggest that the influence of human-induced burning on the development of the presentvegetation cover might be much less than proposedby Singh et al. (1981) despite the fact that suggestedtimes and patterns of charcoal increases have beenrecorded in additional records. The proposal of ahuman presence around Lake George by about125ka BP is not outlandish in light of sustained vege-tation changes in other records at or before this

time, but, as mentioned, the recent evidence foraltered climatic conditions in this part of the worldprovides, for the first time, an alternative explana-tory mechanism. In addition, the earliest archaeo-logical evidence for the arrival of people, althoughstill debated in detail, has firmed for most of thecontinent at between 40 and 60 ka BP. On the otherhand, evidence for some human impact, centred onabout 40 ka BP has been strengthened by botharchaeological and palaeoecological data. At thistime there was no major global climate change and,unless the suggestion of Moss and Kershaw (1999)that there may have been a major phase of ENSO var-iability can be confirmed, a climatic cause, or pre-dominantly climatic cause, can probably bediscounted. In both the Lynch’s Crater and ODP Site820 records, the evidence indicates a response ofvegetation to burning rather than a vegetationchange resulting in higher fire activity. However,the ODP site 820 record demonstrates that thechange represents an acceleration in an existingprocess rather than a singular event, while thedegree of vegetation change proposed in otherrecords for which there is a burning signal is muchless than that in the climatically sensitive humidtropics region.

By Holocene time, people had been present for atleast 30 ka and it might be expected that somebalance had been achieved with the landscape. Thedata suggest that this was the case, with major vege-tation changes and burning activity consistent withthe inferred pattern of climate change. The rela-tively fire ‘sensitive’ species Allocasuarina verticillata(syn. Casuarina stricta) had survived to dominate thevegetation of much of coastal and inland Victoriaduring the Early Holocene and was then replaced byeucalypts and heath in the later Holocene mostlikely due to increased moisture levels and leachedsoils (or even salinity: Crowley 1994a, b) rather thanfire as previously suggested by Singh et al. and others.There is also little support for alteration of fireregimes with the disappearance of people from con-tinental islands during the Holocene. Fire activityhas been higher in the later Holocene and, althoughit corresponds to an intensification of human occu-pation, is more parsimoniously explained by vegeta-

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tion changes associated with drier and particularlymore variable climatic conditions.

The presumed extinction of a species of Casuarin-aceae in the Holocene of the Lake George record thatdominated several interglacial periods prior to thepenultimate interglacial was considered central tothe argument for continued impact of humanburning on the landscape. However, Crowley (1994a)suggested that increasing salinity levels may haveresulted in the decline of Casuarinaceae and thethere is always danger in assuming a similar vegeta-tion response to different interglacial periods.Whitlock and Bartlein (1997) demonstrated themarked impact that different patterns of orbitalsolar forcing could have on vegetation from oneinterglacial to another and might explain the verydifferent representation of Casuarinaceae, probablyAllocasuarina verticillata, in the last three intergla-cials (Harle et al. 1999).


We thank Lesley Head and Helene Martin for veryvaluable comments on the manuscript and SueTomlins for drafting the text figures. Support forconstruction of long pollen and charcoal records inAustralia was provided by Australian ResearchCouncil grants to APK.


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