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Flat Belly Forever

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Flat Belly

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  • Table of ContentsHow It All Started ............................................................................................................................ 3Skipping to the End Research Findings and What You Can Do ..................................................... 6Introduction to Digestive Bacteria .................................................................................................. 8When Bacteria Go Bad .................................................................................................................. 12It might not be the fault of your current diet ............................................................................. 16The Antibiotic Weight Gain Connection ........................................................................................ 19

    Antibiotics Everywhere ............................................................................................................ 21Mending a broken gut ................................................................................................................... 23Introduction to the Microbolic Rebalancing Program .................................................................. 25

    Phase 1 .................................................................................................................................... 25Phase 2 .................................................................................................................................... 26Phase 3 .................................................................................................................................... 26The Flat Belly Forever Nutrition Calculator .............................................................................. 27

    The 12-week Microbolic Rebalancing Protocol ............................................................................ 29Phase 1 Weeks 1 and 2 ......................................................................................................... 30Phase 2 - Weeks 3 6 ............................................................................................................. 36Phase 3 - Weeks 7 12 ............................................................................................................ 42

    Probiotic Supplements ................................................................................................................. 51Calculating BMI ........................................................................................................................ 54

    Recommended Foods List The Prebiotic and Probiotic All Star Food list .................................... 55Yogurt ...................................................................................................................................... 55Kefir ......................................................................................................................................... 56Coconut Kefir ........................................................................................................................... 56Dark chocolate ......................................................................................................................... 56Cheese ..................................................................................................................................... 57Miso ......................................................................................................................................... 57Sourdough Bread ..................................................................................................................... 58Kombucha ................................................................................................................................ 58Beer & Wine ............................................................................................................................ 59Tempeh .................................................................................................................................... 59Bananas ................................................................................................................................... 59Coffee and Tea ......................................................................................................................... 60

    Flat Belly Forever Conclusions ...................................................................................................... 61FBF Frequently Asked Questions ................................................................................................... 62


  • How It All StartedHow It All Started

    It would be easy for me to say that this story starts in your belly, and this would be

    mostly true. However this story really begins in a small pub just outside of Cambridge

    University in Cambridge England. It was September of 2009 and I had just flown in from

    Canada to meet with a gentleman by the name of Aubrey De Gray.

    I had spent 8 hours in a plane flying to England to see Aubrey because he was a leader in

    the field of longevity as his book Ending Aging implies, his goal was, and still is, to

    help people live forever. Aubrey is a visionary. He doesnt want to help people live to 150

    or 200, no, hes aiming for somewhere in the 1,000s.

    Aubrey was an intimidating figure long hair and an even longer beard on a thin and

    wiry body that made him appear to be very withdrawn and intense. It was an

    appearance that I imaged to be of an early philosopher, very stoic and always appearing

    to be thinking and judging. However, luckily for me he was actually very personable and

    eager to talk about his work.

    On the day before the beginning of his conference I was able to steal some time with

    him at a local pub. Over a couple of pints of beer he told me that the way he thought we

    could help people live forever was (among other things) through the manipulation of

    bacteria from the soil.

    Bacteria? I thought. Yuck.

    Up to that point, I had always thought of bacteria as being bad. Bacteria made me think

    of germs and bugs and the reason we carried around hand sanitizer. The very word


  • made me think of runny nosed little children and sneezing and coughing. Bacteria, I

    always thought, makes us sick - plain and simple. Besides, my background was in

    nutrition and I was convinced if we were going to help people live longer lives, it would

    be by changing their diet, not by harnessing the power of some microscopic bugs.

    But after listening to Aubrey talk so passionately about using the power of bacteria and

    their possible role in extending human life, I began to think he was right that the

    microcosm trillions upon trillions of microorganisms that inhabit this earth, are a lot

    more important to optimizing human health than I realized. After all, the beer I was

    drinking would not exist without bacteria, neither would the bread or butter on the

    table in front of me. The thought stuck with me, and when I arrived back home I began

    my research on the possible connection between our gut bacteria and our health.

    Specifically I was exploring the idea that our gut bacteria are somehow connected to our

    ability to gain weight.

    My goal was to answer two seemingly simple questions:

    1) Could bacteria be helping to make us fat?

    2) Could bacteria help make us thin?

    Over four years of research later it is now apparent to me that the germs or bacteria or

    whatever you want to call the microorganisms in and around our bodies are not only the

    building blocks of all life on earth, but also occupy an indispensable role in human


    In fact, Im now convinced that it is NOT necessarily a change in our diet, but improving

    the interaction between what we eat and the microorganisms in our body that will one

    day cure obesity, and that the major flaw in almost every single diet in existence is that

    they ignore this single fact We do not feed the machine as people like to say; we feed


  • the machines that then feed us. These machines are actually a highly complex network

    of trillions of microorganisms that live in our guts.

    If you keep these microorganisms happy and healthy then you will be happy and healthy,

    but if they become even a little unhealthy, it paves the way for obesity and a whole host

    of life ruining diseases.

    In the following pages you will discover what I now consider to be the next frontier in

    human health - how to use the power of the bacteria living in your gut to lose weight,

    improve your health, build muscle and maybe even save your life.


  • Skipping to the End Skipping to the End Research Findings andResearch Findings and

    What You Can DoWhat You Can Do

    Im a science author by trade who specializes in writing about weight loss, so writing a

    hundred pages on the science of weight loss is second nature to me. However, I

    understand that most people who buy a book about weight loss want to lose weight first

    and read the science second. Therefore, I will first briefly explain the outcome of my

    findings. If you do not wish to read further after this chapter, you may skip to the

    chapters detailing the exact protocol I prescribe for improving your gut bacteria, losing

    weight and changing your life and health for the better.

    Research Findings

    After 4 years of research I can tell you that I believe I have answered both of my

    questions. YES, your gut bacteria can influence your tendency to gain weight, and YES

    your gut bacteria also holds the ability to help you lose weight quicker and easier than

    you may have otherwise thought possible.

    Your gut microbiota has a profound influence on your health, immune system,

    hormones, and even your brain chemistry. And, possibly most importantly, your gut

    bacteria can be altered by what you eat.

    Gut Bacteria Richness

    A gut that is unhealthy has a low richness of gut bacteria. This is called dysbiosis.

    Having an unhealthy gut can lead to inflammation, insulin resistance, obesity and a


  • whole host of diseases. Whereas a gut that is healthy or has high richness is associated

    with health and protection against weight gain.

    Many different things, including overeating and the typical western diet high in

    processed foods, fats and sugars, can cause a dysbiotic gut or a gut with low richness.

    This lack of richness can also be caused by many environmental factors as well.

    In fact, in my opinion the evidence suggests that your gut bacteria are under attack on a

    daily basis, and that the accumulating damage from these attacks can led to a low gut

    richness which leaves you prone to weight gain.

    Luckily, I have found that this problem can be corrected through diet and this correction

    is directly associated with weight loss.

    What To Do

    The bottom line is that eating in a way that can improve the richness of your gut bacteria

    can help you lose weight. This exact system of eating can be found in the What to Do

    Part 1 - Microbolic Rebalancing 12 Week Diet Program chapter of this book. There you

    will find the entire protocol described in great detail.

    Now, on to the science behind how your gut bacteria can help you lose weight...


  • Introduction to DigestiveIntroduction to DigestiveBacteriaBacteria

    At least 70 million people in the U.S. suffer from some sort of digestive illness, and

    stomach and digestive problems are said to account for nearly 10% of all health care

    spendingi. As an author of a weight loss book I can tell you that the questions I get asked

    most often almost always include the words stomach or belly. Truly when we think

    about health our gut is always front and center in our minds, so it goes without saying

    that within the medical community, your gut is big business.

    In medicine and nutrition, the word gut usually refers to our stomachs and intestines.

    Up until recently, digestion was simply the combination of chewing your food, then

    having the acids and enzymes in your stomach break down your food. This overly

    simplistic view of how we handled our food was accepted because initially

    microbiologists thought that the stomach did not contain nor need bacteria at all, and

    that any bacteria detected were simply transient introduced to your gut when you ate

    improperly washed foods.

    In fact, bacteria were viewed as the enemy, an enemy that needed to be eliminated in

    order to prevent illnesses and restore health. Increasingly powerful weapons in the form

    of disinfectants, antibiotics and food preservatives were created to fight the imagined

    health-robbing bacteria that plagued our foods and our kitchens. We washed

    countertops, hands, utensils and even our foods with disinfectant, and added

    preservatives to prevent bacterial growth and to keep the food from going bad. We did

    everything in our power to make sure we were bacteria free.

    However this was an error in judgment and the war on bacteria led to an attack not only

    on truly bad bacteria (such as salmonella and other bacteria that cause food


  • poisoning), but also on the good bacteria the bacteria that are absolutely essential to

    human health. The bacteria you literally cannot live without.

    We now know that your gut includes trillions of living microorganisms working in

    harmony with your immune system, nervous system and hormonal system to regulate

    your metabolism, physiology and health. They are an ever-changing community that are

    every bit as much a part of you as your eyes or your heart. In fact gut bacteria cells

    outnumber us 10 to 1. In other words there are ten bacteria cells for every 1 human cell.

    Or put more visually, you are 90% bacteria, 10% human at the cellular level! This doesnt

    seem to make sense until you realize that bacterial cells are much smaller than human

    cells, so trillions of them can easily fit inside us.

    Most microorganisms that live in your gut (collectively called your microbiota) play a

    beneficial role in maintaining your health. The gut microbiota protect us against

    dangerous pathogensii,iii, they also help extract nutrients and energy from the food we

    eativ,v, and they are essential for a healthy immune systemvi. The gut microbiota are also

    responsible for managing inflammation levels within your body, and chronic low-grade

    inflammation has been identified as a link between many diseases associated with


    A healthy gut is a gut that is full of good microorganisms acting like a fermentation tank

    inside of your body, constantly orchestrating complicated chemical reactions with the

    foods you eat that your body simply cannot do on its own. They survive on food that

    passes through our bodies, creating energy from the parts that we cannot digest

    ourselves. They occupy space along our intestinal walls where disease-causing

    pathogens might otherwise attach themselves; they also produce substances that

    protect against invading pathogens and behave as low-level antigens, inducing intestinal

    lymphatic tissues to churn out natural antibodies that prevent bad bacteria from



  • In other words they do everything in their power to keep you healthy and free of

    disease. In this sense our relationship with our gut bacteria could be considered highly

    cooperative the gut bacteria keep our bodies and metabolisms healthy as long as we

    keep feeding them the foods they like to eat.

    Our gut bacteria vary depending on our age, gender, diet, exercise choices, geography,

    hygiene, stress (both physical and mental) medication use, birthing method (whether

    you were born via a c-section or vaginal delivery) and the foods choices you were first

    given as an infant (breast milk vs formula). You inherited most of the initial microbes in

    your gut community from your mother, but other bacteria are picked up from your


    The bacteria in your gut are continually reading the environment and responding they

    can communicate with one another and change very quickly. In fact, bacteria can trade

    DNA almost in the same way we trade text messages, picking the pieces of information

    they need and sharing it with their friends to improve the outcome of their community,

    doing their absolute best to not only change and adapt to the new environment at a

    speed far greater than we could ever accomplish on our own, but to also directly cause

    changes in the rest of your body too.

    These microorganisms arent only responsible for helping you absorb the nutrients in

    your food, they can also influence many of your brain neurotransmitters affecting your

    learning abilities, memory, sense of hunger, and stress responsesvii. They can also affect

    hormone levels and how your body reacts to hormones, including many of the

    hormones that are responsible for bodyweight regulation, such as Insulinviii, Ghrelinix and

    Leptinx. And recently its been discovered that your gut microbiota may even hold a

    strong influence over your metabolic ratexi.

    In fact the human/microorganism interaction is so important to the future of health and

    nutrition that there are massive large scale studies going on right now to try and decode

    our microbial blueprint. The Human Microbiome Project and the European


  • Metagenomics of the Human Intestinal tract are multi-million dollar research initiatives

    that have made substantial progress in helping us understand the symbiotic

    relationships between our gut microbes and our healthxii,xiii.

    It is the recent advancements in these studies and others like them that have finally

    shed light on the other important role that your gut bacteria play in your health The

    prevention of weight gain, and how having sick or dysfunctional gut bacteria (often

    called dysbiosis) could very well be the leading causes of obesity that until now nobody

    knew about.


  • When Bacteria Go BadWhen Bacteria Go Bad

    I mentioned earlier that Aubrey De Gray was the first person I ever heard suggest that

    optimal human health could be derived from bacteria, but he certainly wasnt the first to

    say it. Nobel Prize winner Ilya Mechnikov was the first to propose the use of live

    microorganisms to maintain bowel health and prolong life, and he did so before the end

    of the 19th century. Yet, even though the idea has been around for over a century its

    only been in the last 18-24 months that research has really begun to unravel the startling

    connection between the microorganisms in your gut and your health, and now your

    ability to gain and lose weight.

    Culture-based studies suggest that all healthy adults share most of the same gut

    bacterial species a core set of microbiota essential to proper human digestion and

    overall healthxiv. But despite the consistency of this core group of bacteria, their relative

    proportions and the different types of species present vary between individuals. So

    while at first glance we all have very similar gut microbiota, on closer inspection there

    can be remarkable differences from person to personxv.

    In fact, entire populations can be separated by the differences in their gut microbiota.

    For example, Italian children have a different microbiota from children from rural Africa,

    and both children and adults from the United States have a very different microbiota

    from populations in Malawi and the Amazonas state of Venezuelaxvi,xvii. So gut bacteria

    can vary from person to person, depending on where a person lives and most likely the

    foods they typically eat.

    Your gut bacteria can also vary as a consequence of changing what you eat,

    environmental factors or even travel. Sometimes these variations protect you against


  • gaining weight and from falling victim to several different diseases, but other times the

    variations hurt you. When your gut microbiota becomes a source of disease and weight

    gain we call this dysbiosis.

    Dysbiosis usually begins when your gut microbiota begins to favor one type of

    microorganism over another. Instead of being a healthy blend of organisms, one group

    starts to take over. We call this having a low richness of gut bacteria.

    Low richness of gut microbiota has been reported in patients with inflammatory bowel

    disorder (IBD)xviii ,xix,xx, people suffering from chronic fatigue syndromexxi, and has also

    been reported in the elderly with inflammationxxii and people who are overweightxxiii and

    has even been linked to diseases like Multiple Sclerosisxxiv and Autismxxv.

    Its often said that before obesity comes inflammation and before inflammation comes

    gut dysfunction and in this case I couldnt agree more. It seems that the mircobiota of

    your gut are central in helping to regulate inflammation in your body, and when

    inflammation goes unchecked because of dysbiosis, your entire immune system begins

    to crack under the immense pressure of trying to maintain your health.

    The main job of your gut is to allow the essential building blocks for your body to enter

    into your body by passing through the lining of your gut and entering into your

    circulation, while at the same time making sure that nothing dangerous gets into your

    body. Basically it is constantly picking out the good pieces from a sea of bad pieces. But

    when inflammation begins to set in then Hyperpermeability follows Hyperpermeability

    (Often called leaky gut) - is the beginning of many illnesses.

    The idea of a leaky gut used to be very controversial, once thought to be an actual

    phenomenon by alternative health practitioners. These days it is a widely accepted

    physiological condition. A leaky gut is exactly what it sounds like the walls of your gut

    are compromised and things that would otherwise never make it into your circulation


  • now begin to leak in. This leaking has been implicated as the starting point for many

    diseases including those linked to obesity like Diabetes. This is characterized by altered

    microbiota and disruptions in the immune system converging to promote something

    called autoimmune islet cell destruction which is the beginning of irreversible


    A leaky gut has also long been linked to ulcers, inflammatory bowel diseasexxviii, and

    chronic liver disease and the promotion of certain types of cancerxxix. And while a leaky

    gut is definitely not something you would ever want, its not the only way gut dysbiosis

    can negatively affect your health.

    Lipopolysaccharide (LPS), is what scientists call an endotoxin - a toxin that in certain

    cases is released by bacteria into your gut. When these endotoxins are able to enter

    your body through your leaky gut they can cause chronic low-grade inflammation, and

    ultimately insulin resistance.xxx Other toxins secreted or created by dysbiosis include

    certain toxins that have been linked to the development of atherogenesisxxxi and

    rheumatoid arthritisxxxii.

    When endotoxins from your gut are able to enter your blood stream it creates a

    condition called endotoxemia. At its worst, endotoxemia can lead to septic shock if the

    immune response is severely pronouncedxxxiii However even at low levels endotoxemia is

    associated with insulin resistance and obesity.xxxiv Basically, when your gut bacteria are

    unhealthy and dysbiosis occurs they can actually produce toxins that enter your body

    and push you towards insulin resistance and weight gain.

    To summarize, your gut can compromise your health in at least three ways. Firstly, a

    dysbiotic gut can affect your metabolism and your hormones, specifically the hormones

    involved in hunger and fat storage. Secondly, through a leaky gut, you can develop low-

    grade inflammation. Third and finally, through the production of endotoxins, all sorts of

    unwanted consequences can occur.


  • All of these scenarios lead to an altered metabolism, having deleterious effects that

    create the perfect storm for the development of unwanted weight gain and obesityxxxv,

    a perfect storm that many of us have fallen victim to, not by poor diet choices, genetics

    or lack of exercise, but by this unbelievably common, yet unseen villain.


  • It might not be the fault ofIt might not be the fault ofyour current dietyour current diet

    There is no doubt that obesity has become a worldwide health concern. Since the early

    1950s we have been attempting to solve obesity as a national priority. However our

    attempts have been met with limited success.

    When it comes to gaining unwanted weight, we know something about the modern

    western lifestyle is at the heart of the problem. And, we also know that there is some

    genetic control over how susceptible a person is to gaining weight over their lifetimexxxvi

    When you force groups of people to overeat in scientific studies, its no surprise that

    they all gain weight, but what is surprising is the large variability in how much weight is

    gained. Some may gain 3 or 4 pounds, while some gain over 10 pounds in the same time

    period.xxxvii In fact even in studies where identical twins are forced to overeat there is a

    difference in how much weight and fat is gained between each identical twin.xxxviii

    The basics of gaining and losing weight are well understood. We know that people are

    capable of gaining weight, and we know that there is a large degree of variability

    between people when it comes to how much weight they gain. We also know that

    everyone is capable of losing weight, but again there is a large degree of variability

    between people when it comes to how much weight they can lose in a given period of

    time and how easily they lose that weight.

    Surprisingly, much of what we thought to be true about weight gain is actually false. As

    an example, obesity researchers have discovered that people who are overweight are

    not lazy like many people believe. In studies comparing obese areas of North America

    with non-obese hunter-gatherer tribes they found that the amount of energy expended


  • between the two populations was very similar.xxxix And, in other studies comparing the

    energy expenditure of people of different body weights and body fatness from all

    around the world it was found that there wasnt much difference in the amount of

    energy an obese person expends in a day versus that of a lean person.xl The point is that

    people dont become overweight simply because they are lazy.

    Weve also discovered that while it is true that people who are overweight do typically

    also overeat, its not nearly to the extent that many people think they do. From our best

    guesses the amount of food people eat per day has increased by over 400 calories since

    the 1970s.xli This is a LOT of calories, but it doesnt support the idea that people who are

    gaining weight are simply eating a lot more than their non-obese friends.

    To be clear, 400 extra calories a day is enough to cause weight gain in anyone, but it does

    not explain the large variability in the amount of weight people gain over a similar

    period of time while eating similar amounts of food. And this is what we are truly

    concerned with the variability of weight gain. We are trying to figure out why some

    people seem to be protected against gaining weight while others are extremely

    susceptible to it. Everyone gains weight, and everyone loses it. But, why is there such a

    wide range in how much some people can gain or lose? The easy answer is that its a

    lack of self-control or that people are simply lying about how much they eat. Yet, this

    same variability happens in well controlled scientific studies Studies that not only

    control how much people eat, but also how much exercise they do.

    The truth is, if weight gain was simply a mathematical equation of calories in and

    calories out, we would be able to estimate weight gain with amazing accuracy but we

    cant. And this raises the question Calories in and calories outof what?

    After all, calories dont count just because theyve entered your mouth; they only count

    once theyve entered your systemic circulation. This is where the bacteria in your gut


  • bacteria can exert an influence over how much weight you will gain and how quickly you

    gain it or lose it.

    When you eat food it is your gut bacteria that you are feeding first. Once they have

    taken the energy they need to survive they then feed you. They do so by liberating

    energy from your foodxlii as well as by altering nutrientsxliii and making vitamins that you

    require but cannot make on your ownxliv. If weight gain is calories in and calories out of

    your system, the question becomes What happens when your gut bacteria are factored

    into the equation?

    We know that there is a difference between the bacteria in a lean persons gut and the

    bacteria in an overweight persons gut.xlv We also know that when an overweight person

    loses weight the diversity in the bacteria improvesxlvi and we know from animal studies

    that when you take the bacteria from an obese animals stomach and put it in a lean

    animals stomach the lean animal starts to become obese (and vice versa).xlvii

    This research clearly shows a link between your ability to maintain your weight and the

    type of bacteria that is in your gut. When you improve their health, weight loss occurs,

    and when you gain weight their health worsens. In fact, its more than just a link - there

    is a direct correlation between the health of your gut bacteria and your weight. Knowing

    this connection, our next step is to figure out what are the major factors that contribute

    to changing your gut bacteria, and they are as follows:

    1. Diet

    2. Exercise

    3. Antibiotics

    This program will show you how to use diet and exercise to change your gut bacteria and

    thus metabolism into fat burning mode vs. fat storage mode, however its worth noting

    and understand how antibiotic use has contributed to a truly global weight gain problem

    by dramatically changing your gut bacteria for the worse.


  • The Antibiotic WeightThe Antibiotic WeightGain ConnectionGain Connection

    Antibiotics are medicines used to treat infections or diseases caused by bad bacteria.

    Probably one of the most well known antibiotics is penicillin, but any product or

    compound that is able to kill bacteria is some kind of antibacterial agent.

    Now, it is important to keep in mind that antibiotics can be lifesavers. If you're sick with

    a bacterial infection, taking an antibiotic may be the appropriate course of action.

    However, the unfortunate side effect of antibiotics is that they may be playing a much

    bigger role in our obesity epidemic.

    The composition of the microbial communities in your gut are generally considered to

    be stable, but this stability can be altered by antibiotic therapy7,xlviii. For example, a one

    week treatment with antibiotics has been shown to alter gut bacteria for up to 4 yearsxlix.

    Other studies support this finding showing one week of antibiotic use changing gut

    bacteria for 2 years after treatmentl. Antibiotics could very well be the link that explains

    why obesity is known as a disease of the western industrialized world. You see,

    everyone in industrialized countries have one thing in common, and that is that at some

    point in their lives they have been on antibiotics, and what is less obvious, they are

    probably being exposed to antibiotics right now.

    Children in North America receive, on average, between 10 and 20 courses of antibiotics

    before they turn 18. And antibiotic use in early childhood may be able to affect the

    richness of your gut bacteria, leading to an increased risk of becoming overweight later

    in lifeli To put it simply, we now know that it is incorrect and foolish to assume that your

    gut can self-regulate and return to normal after you stop taking antibiotics.


  • Research has consistently shown that in men and women, adults and children,

    Antibiotics have the ability to cause long-term unwanted changes to our gut microbiota.

    These changes can increase your chances of gaining weight, and make it more difficult to

    take that weight off, even when you are constantly dieting to lose weight.

    Within the United States of America, the States that have the highest use of antibiotics

    also have the highest rates of obesity. It could be that obese people need more

    antibiotics than lean people, however it also could be that the antibiotic use is directly

    adding to the development of obesity.

    To start, we have research showing that when adults are given antibiotics it rapidly alters

    their gut microflora, and that their gut microflora STAYS altered for long periods of


    Then we have A 2013 New York University study that found that antibiotic use in the first

    six months of life was linked with obesity later on. In this study, scientists looked at

    statistical data collected from nearly 11,000 children in Avon, England. The researchers

    found that children who were given antibiotics in their first six months had a higher

    incidence of obesity later in life.liii

    Finally we have a research study that showed when 48 subjects were given antibiotics,

    there was a definite increase in their weight during their treatmentliv.

    The bottom line is that antibiotic use alters your gut microflora, and your gut microflora

    can either protect you from, or lead you towards obesity. By having control over

    hormones like Insulin, Leptin, and many of the hunger hormones like Ghrelin and

    Peptide YY, your gut and the trillions of microbiotic partners you have living in your

    gut - are your first line of defense against obesity.


  • Even if youve never taken any antibiotic treatments in your entire life, they could still be

    affecting your ability to lose weight.

    Antibiotics EverywhereIt is estimated that Americans take more than two times the amount of antibiotics than

    necessary. And while this fact alone is concerning, medical prescriptions are not the only

    way we are exposed to antibiotics.

    Scientists have found antibiotic residues in meat, milk, chicken, shrimplv, ready-to-eat

    saladslvi and even some herbal supplementslvii. Until recently, antibiotics were even used

    on some organic fruits and vegetableslviii. Many chemicals are added to food during the

    processing to kill any bacteria or funguses that would otherwise shorten a product's

    shelf life. The food industry calls them preservatives, but in essence they act as

    antibiotics, preventing bacteria and molds from making a food go bad.

    While it may not surprise you that there are antibiotic residues in many of the food we

    eat, it may surprise you to know that there are also antibacterial components in many

    household products your are exposed to on a daily basis (sometimes multiple times per

    day) like the antibiotic Triclosan that is found in toothpaste and soaps.

    In fact Triclosan is an antibiotic added not just to toothpaste and soaps but also to your

    clothing, kitchenware, furniture, highchairs for children and even toys. It also may be

    added to some cosmeticsproducts regulated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration

    (FDA) lix.

    A recent survey reported that 76% of liquid soaps from 10 states in the US contained

    Triclosan and approximately 30% of bar soaps contained triclocarbanlx. Many cleaning

    compounds contain hidden antibiotics these compounds have very long chemical


  • names and they are often not easily recognized as antibacterial agents on packaging


    Even if somehow you have managed to never take antiobiotics AND you have avoided all

    of these products, the truth is recent study results suggest that Triclosan is a previously

    unrecognized contaminant of U.S. water nationwide, likely ranking in the top 10 in

    occurrence rate and in the top 20 in maximum concentration among 96 organic

    pollutants that were examinedlxi.

    The bottom line is that we are surrounded by antibiotics and are exposed to their

    residues on a daily basis. Even if youve never taken an antibiotic medicine in your life,

    you (and your gut bacteria) are being exposed to subclinical doses of antibiotics on a

    daily basis. Most importantly this research shows that exposure may be affecting your

    ability to lose weight.

    The bottom line is, in a perfect world our gut microbiota would work exactly the way its

    supposed to, in perfect cooperation with the rest of our body. But unfortunately for

    some of us, our microbiota has been compromised due to the reasons explained above.

    And until now youve likely never heard about this issue and certainly never been shown

    how to fix it. Weve just been expected to carry on with life and never address the

    problem, even if this meant living with a body that was much more prone to gaining


    The good news is we now know how to get our gut bacteria back to a healthy balance

    that promotes fat burning instead of fat storage. This is outlined in the what to do



  • Mending a broken gutMending a broken gut

    It is now obvious that an unhealthy gut contributes to obesity, and my theory is that it

    also contributes to the large variability in how much weight people are capable of

    gaining, as people with more variability in their microbiota have a better resilience

    against weight gain.

    We also know that our gut bacteria can be altered by many environmental factors, and

    thankfully one of those factors is the food you choose to eatlxii. Quite simply, we have

    the ability to mend a broken gut with the foods we eat.

    In a recent scientific study published in Nature, researchers looked at the gut bacteria of

    123 non-obese and 169 obese individuals. Many of the obese people had lower

    bacterial richness, insulin resistance and elevated markers of inflammation compared to

    the non-obese people, and were also prone to more weight gain.

    When the obese individuals with low gut bacteria richness reduced their calorie intake

    for 6 weeks, the researchers observed a dramatic improvement in their gut bacteria

    richness, and this improvement remained even after these people went back to eating a

    normal maintenance amount of calories. They also saw improvements in insulin

    sensitivity and markers of inflammation.lxiii

    The diet these subjects followed was not extreme by any means. It was slightly higher in

    protein than average (roughly 120 grams per day), with slightly lower than average fat

    intake (about 25% of total calories) and an average carbohydrate intake. Truly a diet that

    could be endorsed by most weight loss experts and easily maintained by most people.

    However, while a higher-protein, calorie-restricted diet can improve gut bacteria

    richness, it is only a partial improvement. Since we now know that food choices can have


  • a dramatic affect on your gut microbiota, this opens the door to the suggestion that

    calorie restriction plus altered diet choices could result in further improvements.

    The evidence has shown us that the health of your gut bacteria can be improved by

    limiting exposure to foods that contain high amounts of antibiotic residues and

    antibiotic resistant bacteria, and by lowering calorie intake as well as by choosing foods

    that support the growth of your healthy bacteria, including both prebiotic and probiotic


    In the next chapter I will outline a method of healing your gut and getting you back to a

    fat burning metabolism with what I call Microbolic Rebalancing.

    Micro to remind you that we are dealing with microorganisms that are beneficial to

    our health.

    Bolic - to remind you that the health of these microorganisms can have a profound

    affect on your metabolism and hormones.

    Rebalancing - to remind you that we are not trying to wipe out, replace or remove gut

    bacteria but instead to try and undo some of the damage that may have been caused by

    man-made interventions like exposure to antibiotics, antibiotic residues, processed

    foods and an overabundance of sugar in the diet.

    Microbolic Rebalancing is meant to introduce you to a way of eating that has the ability

    to improve your gut microbiota richness, help you lose weight, and introduce you to a

    wide variety of foods that will nourish your gut microbiota and hopefully make weight

    loss easier than it ever was before.


  • Introduction to theIntroduction to theMicrobolic RebalancingMicrobolic Rebalancing

    Program Program

    The Worst Food For Weight Gain

    Sugar is the worst food item you can consume for weight gain because it preferentially

    feeds your unhealthy bacteria and leading to food cravings for sugar and fat, increased

    toxin output and systemic inflammation. Its really a triple whammy. For these reasons

    youre going to attempt to avoid sugar as much as possible for duration of this programs.

    Avoiding Vegetablesfor now

    For the first two weeks of this program youre even going to avoid most of the high fiber

    vegetables. These are things like leafy greens, broccoli, cauliflower and many of the

    other items you would assume to be healthy and expect to see in a diet program. For

    the first two weeks of this program its essential to reduce total fiber until we can reset

    your gut bacteria to a healthy balance. Then after this initial phase we will start

    reintroducing all of these healthy higher fiber foods.

    Phase 1The core of the 12-week Microbolic Rebalancing is an initial 6-week phase of corrective

    eating that has been shown in research studies to improve the bacterial richness in

    people who are suffering from low richness. [Remember that high bacterial richness is

    the state you want to be in for efficient fat burning and weight loss.]


  • This period will also include the temporary removal of many of the trouble foods that

    may also influence your gut richness, including the removal of any foods known to have

    a high load of antibiotic resistant bacteria, such as chicken and ready-to-eat salads. We

    will also temporarily remove almost all fiber, as fiber is considered to be bacteria food

    feeding the bacteria itself. At this first critical stage our goal is to remove the bad

    bacteria so that means even removing fiber from your diet for a short while (dont

    worry, fiber will be gradually added back into your diet after these 6 weeks).

    During this 6 week period you are also going to avoid heavily processed foods, and do

    your best to lower saturated fat intake and simple sugar intake.

    There will also be a list of common household items and cosmetics to limit your

    exposure to that include Triclosan. While you do not need to avoid ALL of these items, Id

    like you to do your best to limit your use of these items wherever possible during the

    first 6 weeks of this program.

    Phase 2In the next phase of Microbolic Rebalancing you will introduce many different types of

    support foods into your diet. We like to commonly call these Prebiotics and Probiotics

    Prebiotics are bacteria food - non-digestible food ingredients that stimulate the growth

    and/or activity of bacteria in the digestive systemlxiv.

    Probiotics are foods that contain microorganisms such as fermented foods with specially

    added active live cultures, such as in yogurt, kefir, bread, cheese, beer, wine, cultured

    butter and some dietary supplementslxv.

    Phase 3Finally in the last phase we will re-introduce all of your favorite foods that you like to eat

    on a daily basis. This last step is critical. The goal of this 3rd phase is to get back to eating

    the foods you love to eat, and the foods that you eat on a regular basis. To be frank, a


  • healthy gut can handle the foods you like to eat. It can handle a low-carb diet, a high

    carb diet, all sorts of fats and proteins. You can eat the foods you enjoy eating and not

    only maintain your weight loss, but also lose even more weight. However, this promise

    comes with two caveats:

    1. Included with the foods you love to eat, I also want you to continue to eat many

    of the foods that support good bacteria health.

    2. This is not permission to gorge or binge on foods. Once you have completed your

    rebalancing you can enjoy a wide variety of foods, pretty much any foods you

    want; you just cant eat AS MUCH as you want. Any promise from me to the

    otherwise would be dishonest and misleading. Remember calories still count,

    but so does your gut bacteria. Your goal is to keep both in a happy, healthy place.

    Not only do I think this will help you lose weight, but I also think it will help you

    keep the weight off.

    Once you have rebalanced your bacteria to a healthy fat burning state you will notice

    that you lose many of your cravings for high sugar, fat or salt foods and you will naturally

    gravitate to eat a much more balanced diet. In other words, you wont have to worry as

    much about eating too much of the wrong things because youll likely lose your desire

    for them.

    The Flat Belly Forever NutritionCalculator

    If you have access to the internet you can go online at the link provided below to access

    our Flat Belly Forever nutrition calculator. Simply enter all of your information and the

    calculator will give you weekly food charts, daily calorie recommendations, and

    supplement dosing recommendations to rebalance your gut bacteria. Following these

    recommendations will create consistent sustainable weight loss. Use the nutrition


  • calculator once per week to check if any of your recommendations have changed. You

    will find that some weeks it stays the same and other weeks your food choices,

    supplement dose, and daily calories will change.

    Click Here to AccessClick Here to Access

    The Flat Belly Forever Nutrition CalculatorThe Flat Belly Forever Nutrition Calculator

    If you dont have access to the internet dont worry, the entire protocol is laid out word-

    for-word on the following pages chapter titled The 12-Week Microbolic Rebalancing


    A Note about Counting Calories:

    While this protocol is designed to help you rebalance your intestinal bacteria which will

    help you to speed fat loss and maintain your new healthy weight, it is still necessary to

    partake in a caloric intervention to be successful with the fat loss portion of the protocol.

    Therefore, it is important that you make every effort not to exceed the prescribed daily

    calorie totals for each phase of the program.

    Because you will be targeting a specific number of calories to consume each day, you will

    need to establish a method of accurately counting the calories in your food. Be sure to

    use measuring cups and a digital scale to accurately determine the food portions you will

    consume. There are many free resources available online that you can use to find out

    the calorie content of the foods you will be eating and to track your calories each day.

    Some examples include myfitnesspal.com, sparkpeople.com and

    livestrong.com/myplate. If you do not have access to the internet on a regular basis

    there are also many books available with lists of foods and their nutritional data.


  • The 12-week MicrobolicThe 12-week MicrobolicRebalancing ProtocolRebalancing Protocol

    The 12-week Microbolic Rebalancing Protocol is broken down into 3 phases.

    Phase 1 Weeks 1 & 2

    Phase 2 Weeks 3 - 6

    Phase 3 Weeks 7 - 12

    Within each phase you will have specific recommendations for calories, protein, fiber,

    preferred food choices, daily meal timing/patterns, and recommended cooking

    instructions. In the section immediately following called What to do part 2 Probiotic

    Supplements you will also find information on how to calculate your recommended

    probiotic dose.


  • Phase 1 Weeks 1 and 2

    Women MenDaily Calories: Height 58 or less 1200 cals/day

    Height 59 or more 1500 cals/dayHeight 56 or less 1200 cals/dayHeight 57 or more 1500 cals/day

    Protein: (grams/day)

    If daily calories are 1200 then protein = 100 grams/dayIf daily calories are 1500 then protein = 130 grams/day


    If daily calories are 1200 then carbs = 120 grams/dayIf daily calories are 1500 then carbs = 150 grams/day


    If daily calories are 1200 then fat = 33 grams/dayIf daily calories are 1500 then fat = 41 grams/day

    Daily Fiber Intake:

    During this phase of Microbolic Rebalancing your fiber intake will be extremely LOW. You should target 5 grams per day. Reducing fiber content is critical in the first two weeks of this program. Fiber itself feeds the growth of your both your good and bad intestinal bacteria. During these first two weeks the goal is to remove fiber in an effort to starve off and reduce the level of pathogenic unwanted bacteria.

    In phase 2 and 3 we will be taking steps to re-introduce fiber, probiotic foods and pre-biotic foods to re-populate and support your healthy bacteria. In this initial stage we also recommend taking a probiotic supplement to start the process of increasing the healthy bacteria content while your fiber intake is low.

    This reduction in fiber also helps your gut restore its proper functioning.After this initial two week low fiber phase we will then re-introduce a variety of fiber containing foods which will greatly increase your overall food variety and choices.



  • Meal Timing:

    I suggest either 2 or 3 meals per day in phase 1. The total food volume is lower on this

    phase and because of this the more times you choose to eat the smaller each meal will


    I suggest eating more of you calories later in the day and keeping your first one or two

    meals of the day smaller. If you choose to eat 3 meals per day I suggest making breakfast

    the smallest lightest meal, and lunch or dinner being the largest. In most cases eating

    less in the morning and more towards the middle or end of the day will feel the most

    satisfying given the food volume and food choices in this phase.

    A breakfast meal can be as simple as a coffee and yogurt if youre keeping it small, or

    bacon and eggs and toast if you want to eat more in the morning. If you dont feel

    hungry at all in the mornings then its perfectly fine to only have coffee, tea or juice as

    your breakfast meal and start eating solid food at lunch. This liquid only breakfast is a

    common technique of extending the overnight fast in order to give the gut more time to

    rest before starting the eating and digestion process again. Many clients I have worked

    with find great success with this pattern of a liquid breakfast, followed by a moderate

    lunch and larger dinner. In my experience it is the most effective and easiest meal

    pattern to adopt for the initial 2-6 weeks of this diet.

    The time of day you start eating is your choice as is the amount of time between each

    meal. In general a minimum of 4 hours between meals is a good benchmark. Extending

    the time between meals is fine and if you choose a 2 or 3 meal per day.

    For example I typically have a gap of approximately 6-7 hours between lunch and dinner.

    If Im feeling a bit too depleted or low on energy I will have a small snack to break up

    that long gap. Most days its fine.



  • The key here is to adjust into a pattern that keeps you feeling satisfied throughout the

    day and that fits into your weekday and weekend schedule.

    Cooking Instructions:

    In phase 1 we recommend the majority of both fruits and vegetables to be well cooked.

    Cooking helps break down the fiber making both vegetables and fruits easier to digest

    and greatly reducing their effect on the bacteria in your gut. A simple way to think of it is

    that if you choose to eat a vegetable or a fruit in this phase, it must be cooked well

    enough that is very soft to touch when you eat it, nothing raw, nothing crunchy. For

    example if you want to have an apple in this phase it must be baked to the point of being

    soft like the apples inside apple pie filing. A small amount of raw fruit or vegetable is ok,

    however try to avoid it as much as possible.

    All meat, poultry and fish should be well cooked in this phase as well. For example raw

    fish and meat dishes such as sushi and steak tartare are off limits in this initial phase.

    Cooking serves two purposes. First, to eliminate and reduce as much potential

    pathogenic bacteria from the diet as possible and secondly to make food items easy to


    The method of cooking is your choice including baking, frying, boiling and grilling.

    Steaming is not recommended at this stage as it does not cook vegetables enough to

    break them down to an easily digestible form.

    Preferred Food Choices Phase 1:

    The following chart is a list of our preferred food choices for this initial 2 week phase.

    You may notice there are very limited choices from fruits vegetables and dairy. This lack

    of variety serves to reduce the total fiber and prebiotic content of the diet in order to re-

    set your gut bacteria population and specifically starve off the bad bacteria, as well as



  • help restore healthy gut function. If you choose to eat some foods that are not on this

    list please attempt to adhere to the cooking instructions (nothing raw, everything well

    cooked) and also the fiber instructions (as low fiber as possible). You can add some foods

    of your choosing here, just be aware to keep the fiber content as low or near to zero as


    Best ChoicesGRAINSCorn grits (not polenta), well cookedCouscousCrackersMacaroniPlain white PastaPotato no skinRice breadSoy flourWhite bread, no bran, no sugarWhite rice, well cooked

    DAIRY & EGGSAlmond MilkCultured ButterEggsYogurt with no added sugar

    MEATS, FISH & POULTRYBacon, well cookedBass fillet, well cookedBeef, all cuts or groundChicken, well cookedCrab, well cookedFish fillet, any white fish, well cookedHam, well cookedLambLobster, well cookedMussels, well cookedOctopus or squid, well cookedOrange roughy fillet, well cookedOysters, well cookedPork, all cuts, well cookedRed snapper fillet, well cookedSalmon, well cookedSausageShrimp, well cookedSmoked SalmonSnapper fillet, well cookedSwordfish fillet, well cookedTurkey, well cooked

    FRUITS & VEGETABLESApple, bakedAvocadoCantaloupe, rawCarrots, cooked onlyCucumberMelon, rawOnions, cooked onlyPeach, bakedPear, bakedTomato sauce, no sugar addedTomato soupTomato, cookedWatermelon, rawZucchini, well cooked

    Limit Expose Do Not eatWhole GrainsSeedsOatsLentilsLegumesLeafy GreensDried FruitsCheeseBranBeansRaw FruitsRaw Vegetables

    Artificial sweetenersHormone or antibiotic treated eggsHormone or antibiotic treated poultryHormone or antibiotic treated meatsProcessed CheesesProcessed foods (including canned or boxed foods)Processed MeatsSaturated FatSugar



  • Here are two samples meal plan days for a suggestion. These samples will give you an

    idea of how to use the foods in the preferred foods list to structure meals and a day of

    eating in this phase.

    Sample DaySample DayBreakfast

    Breakfast Soup Calories:278Ingredients:1/2 Pieces bacon2 oz. turkey sausage1 oz. ground beef1/4c. Vegetarian vegetable protein (TVP), rehydrated and drained1/8c. white onion, diced1/8c. celery, diced1/8c. carrots, diced1c. chicken broth1/16 tsp. black pepper

    Preparation:In a lg. nonstick skillet, over medium heat, cook the bacon until it begins to brown. Add the sausage and beef to brown, breaking up the meat into small bits with a spatula or spoon (about 7 minutes).Stir in the TVP and vegetables. Cook 5 minutes until vegetables beginto soften.Add the remaining ingredients and simmer for 20 minutes, skimmingoff excess fat from the surface of the liquid.Season with salt and pepper to taste.

    LunchButterflied Leg of Lamb Calories:336

    Ingredients: slice white bread1/2 lbs. leg of lamb, butterflied1/8 tsp. salt1/16 tsp. pepper1/8 tsp. fresh rosemary, sliced1/16c. Dijon mustard1/4 garlic cloves1/16c. sliced fresh parsley

    Preparation:Heat oven to 200F. Place bread in oven for 15 minutes, or until driedbut not browned. Raise oven temperature to 375F.Place bread in a food processor and process into fine crumbs. Rub lamb with salt, pepper and rosemary. Place lamb in a roasting pan and spread mustard over lamb.In a small bowl, add bread crumbs, garlic and parsley. Gently pat crumb mixture over lamb. Cook 45 minutes, or until internal temperature reaches 135F on an instant-read thermometer for medium-rare. Let rest 15 minutes before carving.

    DinnerGrilled Top Sirloin Steak with Mushroom Gravy Calories:276

    Ingredients:6 oz. Top sirloin beef steak1 Serving Mushroom Gravy (1/4 c.)

    Preparation:Heat grill.Season the steak to taste with salt and freshly ground black pepper.Grill to desired degree of doneness.Top with heated mushroom gravy.

    SnackTropical Smoothie Calories:309

    Ingredients:1/2c. unsweetened coconut milk4 oz. silken tofu2 tsp. granular sugar substitute (Stevia)1/8 tsp. coconut extract, to taste

    Preparation:Add coconut milk, tofu, sugar substitute (if desired) and coconut extract in a blender; blend until smooth. (If you want to remove the seeds you can strain the mixture through a sieve then return it to the blender.)With the machine running, add 3 ice cubes, one at a time, and blend until smooth.Pour into a tall glass, and garnish with whipped cream if desired. Serve immediately.



  • Sample DaySample DayBreakfast

    Tofu-Kefir Smoothie with Almonds Calories:390Ingredients:1 C. Kefir4 oz. firm tofu3 oz. frozen raspberries (1/3 c.)25 whole almonds

    Preparation:Add kefir, tofu, raspberries and almonds in a blender with about 1 c. of ice (optional).Blend until smooth and creamy.


    Grilled Red Snapper Calories:136Ingredients:1/16 C. extra-virgin olive oil1/8 tsp. hot paprika1/16 tsp. ground black pepper1/8 tsp. salt1/16 C. fresh lemon juice1/16 C. dry white wine1/16 C. sliced fresh parsley1/16 C. sliced fresh basil2 red snapper fillets, 4oz. each1/8 medium lemon, cut into 8 slices1/8 cooking spray

    Preparation:Make the marinade: In a medium bowl, add the oil, paprika, pepper and salt. Add the lemon juice, wine, parsley and basil; whisk until combined.Prepare the fish: Place snappers in a lg., shallow glass baking dish. Coat fish, inside and out, with the marinade. Insert 2 lemon slices into the cavity of each fish, cover, and marinate in the refrigerator for1 hour.Heat grill to medium-high, following manufacturers instructions for indirect cooking. Coat the grill rack with cooking spray. Arrange fish on rack. Cover, and cook for 15 minutes (do not turn fish). The fish is cooked through when it can be flaked with a fork. Carefully loosen the fish with a lg. spatula, and transfer to a serving platter. Serve immediately with lemon wedges, and garnish with chives, if desired.


    Italian Seafood Salad Calories:343Ingredients:1/4 lbs. mussels, scrubbed and beard removed1/8 lbs. octopus or squid, cut into rings or pieces1/8 lbs. medium shrimp, shelled and deveined1/8 lbs. cooked crab meat1/2 tbs. extra-virgin olive oil1/4 tbs. white wine vinegar1/4 garlic cloves, pushed through a press1/8 tsp. salt1/16 tsp. ground pepper1 1/3 lettuce leaves1/3 tbs. sliced fresh parsley1/8 lemon, thinly sliced

    Preparation:Bring 1 c. of water to a boil over high heat in a lg. saucepot with a cover. Add mussels; cook 10 minutes. Remove mussels from their shells and transfer to a lg. bowl. Discard any unopened mussels.Bring a quart of lightly salted water to a boil. Add octopus; cook 45 seconds, just until opaque. Remove with a slotted spoon and add to bowl with shelled mussels.Cook shrimp 2 to 3 minutes just until cooked through. Remove with aslotted spoon and add to bowl. Mix in crab.Add oil, vinegar, garlic, salt and pepper to seafood. Stir until thoroughly combined. Refrigerate 2 hours for flavors to develop.To serve, place 2 lettuce leaves on each of the 4 plates. Mound seafood salad over lettuce; sprinkle with parsley and garnish with lemon slices.This recipe makes 4 servings. Calories indicated are for 1 serving.


    Fresh Frozen Margaritas Calories:130Ingredients:3/4 tsp. lime zest3/4 tbs. granular sugar substitute (Stevia)4 1/2 oz. white tequila1/4 C. fresh lime juice1 1/2 tbs. fresh orange juice1/2 medium lime, in 4 wedges

    Preparation:Place lime zest and sugar substitute in blender. Add 3 cups ice, tequila, lime juice and orange juice, and blend until smooth.Pour into glasses, and garnish with lime wedges.This recipe makes 4 servings. Calories indicated are for 1 serving. Today you may have 2 servings.



  • Phase 2 - Weeks 3 6

    Women Men

    Daily Calories: Height 58 or less 1200 cal/dayHeight 59 or more 1500 cal/day

    Height 56 or less 1200 cal/dayHeight 57 or more 1500 cal/day

    Protein: (grams/day)

    If daily calories are 1500 then protein = 95 grams/dayIf daily calories are 1800 then protein = 115 grams/day


    If daily calories are 1500 then carbs = 185 grams/dayIf daily calories are 1800 then carbs = 225 grams/day


    If daily calories are 1500 then fat = 41 grams/dayIf daily calories are 1800 then fat = 50 grams/day

    Daily Fiber Intake:

    During this phase of MicroBolic Rebalancing your fiber intake will be MEDIUM (between 10 and 20 grams per day).

    In this second phase of the program we are re-introducing a wider variety of foods and specifically fruits and vegetables. We still prefer most of it is cooked vs. the raw form. I suggest 70-80% of all your vegetable and fruit intake still be cooked in this phase with only 20-30% in raw form. This also means staying light on salads at this point. We are still attempting to heal the gut as well as keeping digestion easy. The increase in fiber is going to help feed the good bacterial populations and further bring your gut bacteria up to a healthier balance.



  • Prebiotic and Probiotic Foods: - cup per day

    We are now introducing prebiotic and probiotic foods into your diet plan. Prebiotic foods

    feed your healthy bacteria helping them to grow and restore gut functioning moving you

    towards a more efficient fat burning metabolism. Probiotic foods have live active healthy

    bacteria in them, such as yogurt and cheese, which help further rebalance your gut

    bacteria ratio. Youll see these in the Dairy and Prebiotic food list.

    The amount of these pre and probiotic foods you need to eat will vary from person to

    person however you dont need much. In many cases a quarter to half a cup of any mix

    of these foods is enough for the day. You may want to eat more, however be aware that

    having too much of these foods may cause some gastrointestinal discomfort. If you eat

    too many simply reduce the amount youre eating until the discomfort goes away.

    Meal Timing:

    In phase 2 the total calories remains low however the addition of fruits and vegetables

    allows for larger food volume. Essentially you can eat bigger meals without necessarily

    increasing the calorie content. This will feel great!

    You can stay with a 2 or 3 meal per day pattern in this phase or even move to 3 meals

    and a snack with the extra food volume and variety. Timing between meals remains with

    a 4 hour minimum. Likewise if there is a long stretch between meals that feels difficult to

    get through you can add in a small snack.



  • Cooking Instructions:

    In this second phase of the program we are re-introducing a wider variety of foods and

    specifically fruits and vegetables. We still prefer most of it is cooked vs. the raw form. I

    suggest 70-80% of all your vegetable and fruit intake still be cooked in this phase with only

    20-30% in raw form. This also means staying light on salads at this point. We are still

    attempting to heal the gut as well as keeping digestion easy. The increase in fiber is going to

    help feed the good bacterial populations and further bring your gut bacteria up to a

    healthier balance.

    All meat, poultry and fish should be well cooked in this phase as well (no sushi or steak

    tartar). Cooking serves to eliminate and reduce as much potential pathogenic bacteria from

    the diet as possible and make all food items easy to digest.

    Steaming is now a good option for preparing vegetables along with all the standard options

    from phase one including baking, frying, boiling and grilling.

    Preferred Food Choices Phase 2:

    The following chart is a list of our preferred food choices for this second phase of the

    protocol. In this phase food choices are greatly expanded with the addition of many fruits

    and vegetables that were absent from phase 1. By now your gut bacteria balance should be

    much healthier with a significant reduction in unhealthy bacteria. We are now re-

    introducing higher fiber foods as well as prebiotic and probiotic foods. At this stage we still

    would prefer more of your vegetables to be cooked. A simple rule of thumb would be to

    have 70%-80% of the vegetables you eat in the cooked form. Fruits can now be eaten raw.

    Meats and fish should still be mostly cooked with raw options such as sushi kept to a

    minimum if at all.



  • Best ChoicesGRAINSCorn grits (not polenta), cookedCouscousFlax seed mealLow carb all-purpose baking mixLow carb vanilla protein powderOat bran, cookedQuinoaRice breadRolled oats, cookedSoy flour, well cookedTextured vegetable proteinVital wheat glutenWhite no bran, no sugar, breadWhite rice, cookedWhole wheat breadWhole wheat pastry flour

    DAIRY, EGGS & PREBIOTIC FOODSAlmond milkCheddar cheeseCoconut KefirCoconut milkCottage cheeseCream cheeseCultured ButterEggs non antibiotic Feta cheeseGoat cheeseGreek yogurtKefirKimchiKombuchaMilkMisoMonterey Jack cheeseOrganic TempehParmesan cheeseRicotta cheeseRomano cheeseSauerkrautSour CreamSoy milkTofu, well cookedYogurt

    MEAT FISH & POULTRY Bacon, cookedBass fillet, cookedBeef, all cuts or ground, cookedChicken bratwurstChicken, cooked, non antibiotic Crab, cookedFish fillet, any white fish, cookedHam, cookedItalian sausageLambLobster, cookedMuscles, cookedOctopus or squid, cookedOrange roughy, cookedPork sausagePork, all cutsRed snapper fillet, cookedSalmon, well cookedShrimp, cookedSmoked SalmonSnapper fillet, cookedSwordfish fillet, cookedTurkey sausageTurkey, cooked, non antibiotic

    FRUITS & VEGETABLES AppleArtichoke hearts, cookedAsparagus, cookedAvocadoBananasBell pepperBlackberriesBlueberriesBroccoli, cookedCantaloupeCarrots, cookedCelery, cooked CherriesChipotle pepperCucumberFresh gingerGarlic, cookedGreen onionJalapeno peppersLeafy green vegetables, cookedLemonLettuce LimeMushrooms, cookedOkra, cookedOnion, cookedRaspberriesShallots, cookedSpinach, cooked Summer squash, cooked TomatoZucchini, cooked

    Moderate Expose Do Not eatBeansBeer - dark and cloudy preferredBranBread - sourdough and sprouted grain preferredDried FruitsFruit jam or preservesHoney - local preferredIce creamLegumes, LentilsNutsOatsOrganic dark chocolate Peanut butterRaw Fruits Raw VegetablesWine - red varieties preferred

    Artificial sweetenersHormone or antibiotic treated eggsHormone or antibiotic treated poultryHormone or antibiotic treated meatsProcessed CheesesProcessed foods (including canned or boxed foods)Processed meatsSaturated FatSugar



  • Here are two samples meal plan days for a suggestion. These samples will give you an

    idea of how to use the foods in the preferred foods list to structure meals and a day of

    eating in this phase.

    Sample DaySample DayBreakfast

    Eggs with Fruit and Sausage Calories:474Ingredients:2 eggs1/2 Hass avocado, sliced1 oz. salsa1 Piece lg. cantaloupe, cut into 8 pieces4 oz. turkey sausage

    Preparation:Fry eggs (scramble or poach if desired instead). Layer avocado then eggs then top with salsa. Heat sausage in a medium skillet over high heat for about 5 minutes, until cooked through and nicely browned on all sides.Cut cantaloupe and serve with turkey sausage and eggs.


    Mashed Turnips with Caraway Calories:337Ingredients: 5 oz. turnips, peeled and cubed 1 tsp. butter 1/2 tsp. caraway seeds salt and pepper to taste 2 tsp. heavy cream

    Preparation:Place the turnips in a pot and cover with water; bring to a boil over high heat and cook until turnips turn yellowish orange and are soft, 10 to 12 minutes. Drain water, leaving turnips in the pot.Stir the butter and caraway seeds into the turnips. Season to taste with salt and pepper. Use a potato masher to mash turnips to desired consistency. Stir in the cream and mash again, blending well.


    Pulled Pork with Veggies Calories:435Ingredients:1/2 tbs. canola oil, divided1/4 C. sliced white onion1/4 lbs. pork tenderloin1/8 tsp. dried oregano1/32 tsp. black pepper1 1/2 oz. Barbecue Sauce1 C. Brussels Sprouts2 C. mixed greens1/2 C. cucumber slices1/2 red bell pepper, chopped1 Tbs. Blue Cheese Dressing

    Preparation:Heat 1/4 tbs. canola oil in a lg. skillet over medium heat. Add onions and cook 5 minutes or until lightly browned; set aside. Sprinkle pork with oregano, salt and pepper. In a 2-quart saucepan, heat remaining 1/4 tbs. of oil over medium-high heat. Cook pork in batches until lightly browned. Add onions to saucepan and pour in barbecue sauce; combine well. Reduce heat to medium low and cook 20 to 25 minutes, or until porkis tender. While pork is cooking, steam the Brussels sprouts over a double boiler for 5-10 minutes until softened and bright green. Combine mixed greens, cucumber slices and red bell pepper with thedressing. Toss to coat and serve immediately with the pork and Brussels sprouts.


    Mozzarella Salad with Basil Pesto Calories:417Ingredients:1/4 Serving Basil Pesto (1/8 c.)1c. chopped arugula4oz. mozzarella, cut into 8 equal slices1/2 small tomatoes, cut into 8 slices

    Preparation:Toss arugula with 2 tbs. of the pesto. Mound onto serving plates.Top with alternating slices of mozzarella and tomato. Drizzle with remaining pesto and serve.



  • Sample DaySample DayBreakfast

    Scrambled eggs with Cheese and Fruit Calories:415Ingredients:1/2 tbs. extra virgin olive oil1/4 C. chopped white onion1/3 C. sliced mushrooms2/3 C. chopped spinach1/3 C. cherry tomatoes3 lg. eggs1/4 C. shredded Cheddar cheese1/8 tsp. dried thyme1 Serving Tomatillo Salsa1 Piece lg. cantaloupe, cut into 1/8ths2 oz. turkey bacon

    Preparation:In a lg. nonstick skillet, over medium-high heat, cook the onion and mushrooms in the oil until soft (about 3 minutes). Add the spinach and tomatoes and continue cooking until they are warmed through. Pour in the remaining ingredients and cook until egg is firm. Serve with salsa. Heat the bacon in a medium skillet over high heat. Saut, for about 5 minutes, until cooked through and nicely browned. Serve bacon with cantaloupe wedge and eggs.


    Arugula with Chicken Salad Calories:420Ingredients:6 oz. chicken breast2 Cups arugula5 cherry tomatoes1 oz. Monterey Jack cheese1 Tbs. Creamy Italian Dressing

    Preparation:Season chicken with salt and freshly ground pepper then grill, bake or pan fry until no longer pink in the center and juices run clear. Diceand set aside. Combine arugula, cherry tomatoes, cheese and chicken. Toss with dressing and serve immediately.


    Curried Cumin Potatoes with Chicken Calories:397Ingredients:4oz. potatoes, cut into 1/4 inch thick pieces 3/4 tsp. olive oil 3/4 tsp. cumin seed 1/4 tsp. ground turmeric 1/4 tsp. curry powder 1/4 tsp. coarse sea salt 1/8 tsp. ground black pepper 1 tsp. chopped fresh cilantro 6 oz. chicken

    Preparation:Put whole potatoes into a saucepan with water to cover. Bring to a boil, and cook until just tender. Drain, and cut potatoes into quarters.Set aside to keep warm.Heat oil in a lg. saut pan over medium-high heat. Saut the cumin, turmeric, and curry powder for 1 minute. Add potatoes, and saut until toasted. Toss potatoes with sea salt, pepper and fresh cilantro, and serve hot.


    Carrot-Nut Muffin Calories:281Ingredients:1/4 C. granular sugar substitute (Stevia)3/4 C. canola oil2 eggs1 tsp. baking soda1 Tbs. water1 tsp. vanilla1 1/2 c. flour1 C. finely chopped almonds1/4 tsp. cinnamon1/16 tsp. salt1 tsp. baking powder1 C. grated carrotsRaisins (optional)

    Preparation:Heat oven to 350F. Grease one 12-c. muffin tin; set aside. In a lg. bowl whisk together sugar substitute, oil and eggs. Add baking soda then mix in water and vanilla. To the above add flour, chopped almonds, cinnamon, salt, baking powder, carrots and raisins(if desired). Mix until just combined.Divide batter in muffin tins. Bake 20-25 minutes until golden brown, and a cake tester inserted in centers comes out clean. Cool on wire rack.Calories indicated are for 1 serving.



  • Phase 3 - Weeks 7 12

    Women Men

    Daily Calories for Weeks 7 and 8:

    Height 58 or less 1500 cal/dayHeight 59 or more 1800 cal/day

    Height 56 or less 1500 cal/dayHeight 57 or more 1800 cal/day

    Daily Calories for Weeks 9-12:

    Height 58 or less 1800 cal/dayHeight 59 or more 2100 cal/day

    Height 56 or less 1800 cal/dayHeight 57 or more 2100 cal/day


    If daily calories are 1500 then protein = 95 grams/dayIf daily calories are 1800 then protein = 90 grams/dayIf daily calories are 2100 then protein = 105 grams/day


    If daily calories are 1500 then carbs = 185 grams/dayIf daily calories are 1800 then carbs = 270 grams/dayIf daily calories are 2100 then carbs = 315 grams/day


    If daily calories are 1500 then fat = 41 grams/dayIf daily calories are 1800 then fat = 40 grams/dayIf daily calories are 2100 then fat = 46 grams/day

    Daily Fiber Intake:

    During this phase of the protocol your fiber intake will remain the same for the first four weeks and then it will increase for weeks 11 and 12. The first four weeks (7 through 10) your fiber intake will remain in the MEDIUM range of 10 to 20 grams per day. For the final two weeks (11 and 12) your fiber intake should be HIGH at over 25 grams per day.

    In this third phase of the program we are re-introducing a wider variety of raw foods and specifically fruits and vegetables. Feel free to start eating a large quantity of raw fruits and vegetables. We are now attempting to support your healthy gut with as much prebiotic bacteria food as possible. The increase in fiber is going to help feed the good bacterial populations and further bring your gut bacteria upto a healthier balance.



  • Daily Calories:

    For this third phase of the protocol your calorie level will increase twice. The first two

    weeks (weeks 7 and 8) your calories will increase by 300 calories from the initial 6 weeks

    of the program. During the final 4 weeks of the program your calories will increase again

    by an additional 300 calories for a total increase of 600 calories per day from where you


    Gradually increasing the calories helps you transition to the end of the program without

    having any rebound or crash at the end. It teaches you to eat more food without storing

    fat, while still allowing you to lose weight.

    Also, with a healthier gut bacteria balance your body should be able to handle the

    increasing calories while continuing to reduce body fat.

    Pre and Pro Biotic Foods: - cup per day

    We are now introducing prebiotic and probiotic foods. Pre-biotic foods feed your healthy

    bacteria helping them to grow and restore gut functioning moving you towards are more

    efficient fat burning metabolism. Probiotic foods have live active healthy bacteria in

    them, such as yogurt and cheese, which help further rebalance your gut bacteria ratio.

    Youll see these in the Dairy and Prebiotic food list.

    The amount of these pre and probiotic foods you need to eat will vary from person to

    person however you dont need much. In many cases a quarter to half a cup of any mix

    of these foods is enough for the day. You may want to eat more, however be aware that

    having too much of these foods may cause some gastrointestinal discomfort. If you eat

    too many simply reduce the amount youre eating until the discomfort goes away.



  • Cooking Instructions:

    In this phase you can eat all forms of fruits and vegetables and you can have them in

    both the raw and cooked form. There are no restrictions or guidelines on how much of

    your vegetables are in the cooked or raw form, however I still recommend that you cook

    at least half of the vegetables you eat.

    Eating too many vegetables in the raw form can cause serious gastrointestinal distress,

    and painful cramping and bloating. Your individual tolerance for raw vegetables will vary

    and its something you will have to test over time. You can now eat raw fish such as sushi

    and raw meats like steak tartare.

    In this stage all forms of food preparation are acceptable. You can bake, fry, boil, steam,

    or grill your food as well as eat many fruit and vegetable items raw.

    Meal Timing:

    In phase 3 your calorie content is increased from phase 2 and it increases again at week

    9 as does the total variety of preferred food choices. The higher food volume and food

    choices allow for more meals per day if youd like to eat more often. For example you

    can now increase to 3-4 meals per day with a snack. Your other option is to stay at 2 or 3

    meals per day and make each meal significantly larger.

    Also in this phase you can start adding an occasional alcoholic beverage such as red wine

    or beer to a meal. The expanded variety and increased calories allow for much more

    choice with your meal planning strategy. This is where you will be learning how to eat for

    weight loss as well as long term success for keeping the weight off.



  • I suggest two general strategies.

    1. Workday or weekday eating pattern

    2. Day off or weekend eating pattern

    As your daily structure changes from the constraints of work or school so will your

    freedom to eat in a looser or stricter meal timing pattern.

    As an example during the weekdays I follow a 3 meal per day pattern with breakfast

    being rather small such as a coffee with eggs and bacon. Lunch is a salad or vegetable

    based dish with some sort of chicken, pork of beef added. Then for dinner I have a mix

    of veggies, some grains such as rice, potato, or bread, with a lean cut of meat fish or

    poultry. Ill also add some sort of fruit yogurt mix as a dessert.

    In this pattern I have at least 50% of my daily calories at dinner with the rest split

    between a small breakfast and lunch. Ive advised may clients on this same pattern and

    it seems to work very well even with the higher calorie amounts during phase 3.

    The general meal timing is an even spread between breakfast lunch and dinner based on

    when you wake up and when you typically choose to eat dinner. There is no need to try

    and calculate exact timing between meals but rather fit them in throughout the day as

    they fit your schedule. In most cases you will find that they will space themselves out

    relatively evenly without having to really plan for it.

    During the week my meal timing is very regular with breakfast landing around 9am every

    day, lunch around 1pm, and dinner around 8pm. My workday is over at 5pm, followed

    by a workout at 5:30pm. Dinner just fits for me around 8pm.

    On the weekends my schedule is much looser and breakfast can happen at the same

    time, earlier or later than my weekdays, the same goes for lunch and dinner. Since the



  • weekend days are much less structured so are my meals. I simply go with the flow and

    adjust my meals to fit whatever Im doing. I suggest you do the same for your days off or

    your weekends.

    Preferred Food Choices Phase 3:

    The following chart is a list of our preferred food choices for the third phase of the

    program. Food variety and volume is highest in this phase with the inclusion of alcohols,

    and even processed foods, sugar and other manufactured food items. All foods are

    included in this phase as a method to teach you to eat in a realistic balanced way.

    Even though sugar and processed foods are now ok to eat I still suggest keeping your

    exposure limited to 10%-20% of your total food intake. This would translate into a few

    snacks each week and perhaps one or two meals per week with processed food items or

    eating what most people would call junk food. At this stage of the program you should

    have a healthy ratio of good bacteria and your system can now handle having all forms

    of food including high sugar and processed food without derailing your fat loss progress.



  • Best ChoicesGRAINS

    Corn grits (not polenta), cookedEgg PastaFlax seed mealLow carb all-purpo
