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  • 8/9/2019 FLAX ADV 14


    Flax your Way toBetter Health

    Purified Flax Seed Oil(Cold Pressed Extraction Method)

    Fat Blight or Delight ?!Fat have been the cause of different chronic diseases ~

    1gm of fat = 9 kcal

    A womans body is composed of 25% - 35% of fatty tissue, While a man has 10% less.

    Heart Ache People who suffer from Heart Diseases have grown multi fold

    High Cholesterol , High Blood Pressure , Diabetes De-generative Diseases.

    Extensive Research being conducted to save mankind from these

    Why do Eskimos and the Japanese have a lower incidence of heart attacks?

    Low blood cholesterol Low heart disease

    Studies showed that Japanese and Eskimos have high levels of DHA and EPA in their blood.

    Fish, fish oils and the fat of marine mammals contain high levels of EPA and DHA

    Is it possible for us to change our eating habit?

    More than 30% of us have high cholesterol.

    In 1989, more than 19,163 people have high cholesterol. The mortality rate increased by 124%

    WHY?Our eating habit:High in fat : meat, chicken skin and etcHigh in Cholesterol : organ meat, egg yolk and etc

    Calories are the basic unit of energy within food. Whenyou eat, your body converts calories into energy anduses what it can and stores the rest in the form of fat.

    A calorie is a calorie, whether it comes from a brownie ora serving of raw broccoli. The difference between them isthe number of calories, nutrients, fat, and other

    ingredients in a typical serving.

    Food Servingsize

    Calories Fat(grams)

    Broccoli 1/2 cup 12 0.2

    Brownie 1 square 160 3

    What is Cholesterol?Cholesterol is a soft, waxy, fat-like material (waxy substance) that isfound in various parts of the body. This includes the nervoussystem, skin, muscle, liver, intestines, and heart. It comes from twosources a) the liver produces it, and b) we consume it in

    Poultry, Fish, Meat, Eggs products, particularly meat and dairyproducts.

    Cholesterol is manufactured in the liver and is needed fornormal body functions including the production of hormones, bileacid, and Vitamin D.

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    Cholesterol is a waxy, fat-like compound that belongs to a class of molecules called STEROIDS. Formation and maintenance of cell membranes (helps the cell to resist changes in temperature

    and protects and insulates nerve fibers).

    Formation of sex hormones (progesterone, testosterone, estradiol, cortisol). Production of bile salts, which help to digest food. Conversion into vitamin D in the skin when exposed to sunlight. 85 % of them are endogenous. Rest thru food.

    Poultry, Fish, Meat, Eggs and Milk products.

    Saturated Fat thru oils.

    Excess cholesterol settles in the coronary arteries of the heart. Excessive cholesterol in the blood contributes to atherosclerosis and subsequent heart disease.

    The risk of developing heart disease or atherosclerosis increases as the level of bloodcholesterol increases.

    FunctionCholesterol is manufactured in the liver for normal body functions, including the production ofhormones, bile acid, andvitamin D. It is transported in the blood to be used by all parts of the body.

    Food SourcesIn foods, cholesterol is found in eggs, dairy products, meat, and poultry. Egg yolks and organ meats(liver, kidney, sweetbread, and brain) are high in cholesterol. Fish generally contains lesscholesterol than other meats, but some shellfish are high in cholesterol.

    Foods of plant origin (vegetables, fruits, grains, cereals, nuts, and seeds) contain no cholesterol.

    Fatcontent is not a good measure of cholesterol content. For example, liver and other organ meatsare low in fat, but very high in cholesterol.

    How is Cholesterol measured?Blood Lipids Chart (mg/100 ml plasma)

    Desirable Borderline Undesirable

    Total Cholesterol Below 200 200-240 Above 240

    HDL Cholesterol Above 45 35-45 Below 35

    LDL Cholesterol Below 130 130-160 Above 160

    Fats has a various function in the body

    Energy reserve.

    Conserve body temperature.

    For storing and transporting fat soluble vitamin A, D, E and K.

    Hormone production.


    Four Noble Prize winning scientists were involved in providing us with the foundation to understand thenature of fats and their vital interactions with oxygen and protein. But it was the genius of a persistentgerman BioChemist Dr. Johanna Budwig that finally solved the puzzle. She is one of the worlds foremostauthorities on fats.

    Dr. Budwig began her research into the importance of Essential fatty acids in the mid 1950s. Theessential fatty acids include Linoleic [Lynn O lay ic] acid and Linolenic [Lyn O Lynn ic] acid,which must be supplied by the diet. EFAs (Essential Fatty Acids) are the fatty acids that the body need tosurvive, but cannot be synthesized by the body from other fats or trans fats.

    Johanna Budwig has lots to say about the dangers of pseudo fats.

    What are Pseudo Fats?

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    Pseudo fats are fats that have been chemically altered to extend their shelf life. The chemical alterationsdo indeed prevent or delay normal oxidation of the fat molecules, which cause them to turn rancid.However in the process of chemically altering the fats, their vital nature has been irreversibly changed.These changes render them harmful - - very harmful to the body.For the most part fats that have undergone chemical alterations are referred to as hydrogenated, orpartially hydrogenated. This process simply bubbles hydrogen gas through warm oils, which werechemically and physically extracted from vegetable sources such as soybeans. The hydrogen bonds tothe fat molecules so that oxygen can no longer interact with it. During hydrogenation, the oil changesfrom a clear Liquid to a solid at room temperature.

    Pseudo fats are also referred to as Polyunsaturated. Is the word sounds familiar? It is the same wordrepeated million times in TV commercials designed to dupe you into believing that hydrogenated fats arereally healthy.

    Nothing could be farther from the truth. Partially hydrogenated fats are deceptively alluring. They areclean looking, white as snow and only melt in the frying pan. Partially hydrogenated is just another termfor pseudo fat. Pseudo fats represent the quickest and surest ways to health failure and shortened lifespan known to man.

    When fats are hydrogenated something drastic happens to their vital and life sustaining characteristics.Hydrogenation destroys the nutritive value of the fat and creates a slow developing toxicity demonstrated

    to be involved in (If not totally responsible for) diverse diseases including heart diseases and cancer, thetwo leading causes of death.

    Exactly what happens to fats when they are hydrogenated?In Healthy fats there exists a vital electron cloud, which enables the fat to bind with oxygen. Healthy,oxygenated fats are capable of binding with protein and in the process become water soluble. Thiswater solubility is vital to all growth processes, cell damage restoration, cell renewal, brain and nervefunctions, sensory nerve functions, environmental responsivity, and energy development. In fact, theentire basis of our energy production is based on Lipid Metabolism.

    Hydrogenation destroys the vital electron cloud and as a result, hydrogenated fats can no longer bindwith oxygen. Furthermore, the necessary binding of the fat with protein is also not possible. In the heart,for example, these altered fats are rejected because they cannot carry oxygen nor properly bind with

    protein for energy production. It is important to understand that the heart relies heavily on fats for energyproduction. These chemically altered, rejected fats now become inorganic fatty deposits on the heartmuscle.

    Hydrogenated fats are NOT true polyunsaturated fats. Instead, once the electrons (from the electroncloud) have been removed by the process of hydrogenation, these fats no longer combine with oxygenand end up blocking circulation, damaging the heart, inhibiting cell renewal, and impeding the free flow ofblood and lymph. Unless cells are supplied with healthy, live, electron rich lipids, they fail to thrive.Failure to thrive is strongly associated with health failure.

    True Polyunsaturated fats are unique in that they are very protein and oxygen greedy. TruePolyunsaturated fats are absolutely essential for life as we know it for they are critically involved in allaspects of cellular and organ life. This life giving ability is only possible when these precious lipids

    become water soluble. They become water soluble and free flowing when they bind to protein.

    How to get the healthy fats for the body well being? The answer is FLAX SEED OIL.


    Triglycerides three fatty acid moleculesand one glycerol

    LDL Low Density Lipoproteins HDL High Density Lipoproteins VLDL Very Low Density Lipoproteins

    EFA Essential Fatty Acids MUFA Mono UnsaturatedFatty Acids

    PUFA Poly Unsaturated FattyAcids

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    Fat is essential for the proper functioning of the body.However, adults should be aware of the fat content of food,and limit intake of saturated fats.

    Some meats have a high level of fat.

    It is considered healthier to have a low fat diet.

    Definitions Fat 3 Fatty Acids and a Glycerol Triglycerides Very similar to carbohydrates but with less oxygen

    Members of Lipids Insoluble in water Saturated and unsaturated

    SATURATED FATSThese are the biggest dietary cause of high LDL levels ("bad cholesterol"). When looking at a food label,pay very close attention to the percentage of saturated fat and avoid or limit any foods that are high.Saturated fat should be limited to 10% of calories.

    Saturated fats are found predominantly in animal products, such as butter,cheese, whole milk, ice cream and fatty meat and dairy products, and arestrongly associated with higher cholesterol levels.

    Tropical oils, such as palm, coconut, coconut butter, and palm kernel oil

    are also high in saturated fats. (Note: Most other vegetable oils containunsaturated fat and are healthy.)

    Definitions Saturated Fat

    Only single bonded All bonds are complete occupied

    All animal fats are predominantly saturated e.gButter, Cheese etc.

    Except FISH Solid state in room temperature

    Benefits of Saturated Fats

    Provides good smell and taste Provides fat soluble Vitamins like

    Vitamin E which can be aantioxidant

    Provides cholesterolHarmful Effects Saturated Fat

    They themselves contain cholesterol Stimulates Liver to produce more cholesterol Inhibits uptake of LDL by cells i.e. cells cant takein cholesterol easily from the blood Increased triglyceride leads to high fat deposit inadipose tissue.

    Eating too much saturated fat is one of the major risk factors for heart disease. A diet high in saturated fatcauses a soft, waxy substance calledcholesterol to build up in the arteries. Too much fat also increasesthe risk of heart disease because of its high calorie content, which increases the chance of becomingobese (another risk factor for heart disease and some types ofcancer).

    UNSATURATED FATSFats that help to lower blood cholesterol if used in place of saturated fats. However, unsaturated fats

    have a lot of calories, so you still need to limit them. Most (but not all!) liquid vegetable oils areunsaturated. (The exceptions include coconut, palm, and palm kernel oils.) There are two types ofunsaturated fats:

    Monounsaturated fats: Examples include olive and canola oils.

    Polyunsaturated fats: Examples include fish, safflower, sunflower, corn, and soybean oils.

    Definitions Unsaturated Fats

    Fats containing unsaturated fatty acids One or more double bonds One mono unsaturated (MUFA) More than one Polyunsaturated (PUFA) Liquid in room temperature Shortage of hydrogen atoms Vegetable oils

    Benefits of unsaturated Fats

    Reduces Cholesterol PUFA can reduce bloodtriglycerides

    Prevents clot formation bydecreasing fibrinogen

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    Side EffectsA large intake of polyunsaturated fat may increase the risk for some types of cancer. Reducingdaily fat intake is not a guarantee against developing cancer or heart disease, but it does helpreduce the risk factors.


    Trans-fatty acids are manufactured fats from vegetable oils created

    during a process called hydrogenation.

    Hydrogenation aims to stabilize polyunsaturated oils to prevent themfrom becoming rancid and to keep them solid at room temperature.

    It can raise LDL levels. They can also lower HDL levels ("good cholesterol").

    Trans-fatty acids may be particularly dangerous for the heart and may pose a risk for certain cancers.Hydrogenated fats are used in stick margarine, fast foods, commercial baked goods (donuts, cookies,and crackers), processed foods, and fried foods.

    HYDROGENATED AND PARTIALLY HYDROGENATED FATSThis refers to oils that have become hardened (such as hard butter and margarine). Partially

    hydrogenated means the oils are only partly hardened. Foods made with hydrogenated oilsshould be avoided because they contain high levels of Trans fatty acids, which are linked to heartdisease. (Look at the ingredients in the food label.)

    Definitions Hydrogenated Fat

    Vanaspati (Dalda) , Margarine Hydrogenation is a way of making vegetable oil harden at room temperature Small particles of nickel or copper are added and the mix is heated to very high temperatures

    under pressure for up to eight hours while hydrogen gas is injected.

    This process destroys the essential fatty acids in the oil and replaces them with deformed Transfatty acids.

    These trans fats formed by hydrogenation are unnatural They also compete with essential fatty acids for absorption in the body. This blocks or delays the

    work of the essential fatty acids, creating deficiencies and imbalance throughout the metabolism,including fatty deposits in the arteries

    Improves appearance, shelf life and palatability Used to make commercially processed foods like biscuits, cakes, wafers etc.

    What are Fatty Acids?

    Fatty acids are the building blocks of fats.

    Any fat is a triglyceride.

    That means three fatty acids attached to an alcohol head called Glycerol.

    What are these Essential Fats? Among the 20+ Fatty acids that our body use in the day to day management.

    Only two are considered as essential. They are the Omega 3 Fatty acids and Omega 6 fatty Acids.

    What do we mean by essential fatty acids?

    In nutritional terms, essential means must be ingested with the food alone, because the

    body needs them to survive.

    But cannot synthesize from other fats or trans fats.

    Essential Fatty Acids are the building bricks of our health

    Omega 3 - Alpha Linolenic Acid; available in deep water and cold water fishes & Flaxseed.

    Omega 6 - Linoleic Acid; available in abundance in most of the food we eat.

    Ratio 2:1

    Best of Omega 3 comes from FLAX SEED

    Where the body does incorporate these essential fatty acids?

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    Brain Eyes Spermatozoa Cell Membrane

    Primarily in the brain, eyes, spermatozoa and then in each and every cell membrane.

    Why we say Omega 3 is the most essential?

    Because all the 60 trillion cells in your body require these fatty acids for their proper functioning,growth, repair management etc.

    60% of your brain is fat.

    50% of this 60% is omega 3.

    More than 50% of the fat in the Rhodes and cons of the retina of the eye is Omega3.

    % of Omega 3 in the Spermatozoa is still higher.

    But, then as said earlier, we cannot make these fats! We must supplement, no way.

    Deficiency in Omega 6

    Eczema-like skin eruptions.

    Loss of hair.

    Liver degeneration.

    Behavioral disturbances.

    Kidney degenerations.

    Excessive water loss through the skinaccompanied by thirst;

    Drying up of glands;

    Susceptibility to infections.

    Failure of wound healing.

    Sterility in males.

    Miscarriage in females.

    Arthritis-like conditions.

    Heart and circulatory problems.

    Growth retardation;


    Impairment of vision and learning


    Motor in-coordination.

    Tingling sensations in arms and


    Behavioral changes.

    Dry skin.

    High triglycerides.

    High blood pressure.

    Sticky platelets. Tissue inflammation.


    Mental deterioration.

    Low metabolic rate.

    Some kinds of immune


    Deficiency in Omega 3

    Growth retardation. Weakness. Impairment of vision and learning ability. Motor in-coordination. Tingling sensations in arms and legs. Behavioral changes. Dry skin. High triglycerides.

    High blood pressure. Sticky platelets. Tissue inflammation. Edema.Mental deterioration. Low metabolic rate. Some kinds of immune dysfunction.

    What is Omega?

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    Omega means the end, here themethyl end and the number shows

    where the first double bond is located.

    What is Flax? This plant has been used by Mankind from 8000 BC Its stem fiber has been used by us to make cloth Linen

    (also referred to as linseed plant).

    The scientific name for flaxseeds is Linum Usitatissimummeaning most useful.

    Plant Family : Linaceae. Flaxseeds have been widely used since the Stone Age. Ancient Greeks have used it in their kitchens and all


    Wherever a flax seed becomes regular food itemAmong the people, there will be better health.

    - Mahatma Gandhi

    "F" is for Fiber."L" is for Lignans."A" is for Alpha-linolenic Acid."X" is for Excellent move.

    Benefits of Flax Omega 3 : Omega 6 ratio is 4 : 1 Rich in fibre

    Vegetarian Organic

    By Order of the King of FranceIn the 8th Century, the French King Charlemagne

    passed a law requiring citizens to consume Flaxseedso that they would be healthy subjects!

    Super-unsaturated Fatty Acids

    How Flax works? In nutritional terms, essential means must be ingested with the food alone, because the body

    needs them to survive. It cannot synthesize from other fats or trans fats.

    Once ingested, K-Flax gets typically hydrolysed by Lipase enzymes in the digestive tract in to

    mono glycerides and free fatty acids in the upper segment of small intestine.

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    These are then synthesized back in to triglycerides in the mucosal epithelial layer and enter theblood stream as Chylomicrons through the Lymphatic System.

    The Chylomicrons are metabolized in the Liver and are incorporated with lipo - proteins

    (Cholesterol) and transported via blood stream to peripheral tissues and organs to performdiverse biological functions.

    According to Dr. James Duke of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, flaxseed contains 27

    identifiable cancer preventive compounds.

    Benefits ofK FLAX: Studies show that Omega-3 fatty acids help lower cholesterol and blood triglycerides, and

    prevent clots in arteries, which may result in strokes, heart attacks and thromboses.

    Helps protect the body against high blood pressure, inflammation, water retention, sticky plateletsand lowered immune function.

    Shortens recovery time for fatigued muscles after exertion.

    Increases the body's production of energy and also increases stamina.

    Accelerates the healing of sprains and bruises.

    Eases weight loss in people afflicted with obesity.

    Stimulates brown fat cells and increases the metabolic rate making it easier to burn off fat.

    Improves the absorption of Calcium.

    Strengthens finger and toenails.

    Can improve eyesight and perception of colors. Can often improve the function of the liver.

    Can relieve the side effects and stop development of many forms of cancer.

    Can relieve some cases of Asthma.

    Helpful in the treatment of Eczema, Psoriasis, and Dandruff.

    Can relieve the symptoms of Rheumatoid Arthritis. It can relieve the symptoms of DiabetesMellitus.

    Can alleviate some allergies.

    Helps prevent Atherosclerosis (the accumulation of fatty deposits inside the blood vessels,especially the large and medium-sized arteries that many people experience during the agingprocess).

    Lowers high blood pressure in Hypertension sufferers.

    Has been scientifically proven to treat some cases of depression. Can improve the mental function of many old age pensioners.

    Can help in the treatment of Multiple Sclerosis.

    Has been proven to improve the behavior of Schizophrenics.

    Can relieve some cases of Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) in females.

    K FLAX for Cardio Vascular System:

    ALA helps to prevent abnormal blood clotting.

    ALA helps to generate the electrical currents that make the Heart beat in an orderlyfashion.

    Hypertension can occur as a result of ALA deficiency.

    ALA (2000mg) helps to prevent Ischemic Heart Disease and reduce the mortality rate inwho are already affected.

    ALA helps to reduce the risk of Second Heart attack and reduces the mortality rate by 8-


    ALA helps to prevent Stroke.

    Ala helps to prevent thrombosis by lowering thromboxane.

    Just like the plumbing of the nervous system, flaxseed also helps the cardiovascularsystem. It acts to thin the blood to prevent clotting and helps cholesterol.

    Research shows that due to its low- saturated fat content and its high poly-unsaturated fat flax is helpful at lowing LDL (bad) cholesterol while having minimalaffect on the HDL (good) cholesterol.

    K FLAX for Cellular Nutrition : Essential component of all cell membranes and helps to preserve the fluidity of the cell


    ALA is capable of directly communicating with Genes.

    Retarded growth can occur as result of ALA deficiency.

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    ALA transports oxygen in to cell membranes.

    ALA helps to hold proteins in cell membranes by the electrostatic attractive forces of its doublebonds.

    K FLAX for Digestive System:

    Helps to counteract the inflammation associated with Crohns disease by acting as a precursor ofEPA that inhibits LTB4.

    Reduces the inflammation associated with ulcerative colitis.

    A study carried out at the University of Toronto showed a 30% increase in bowel movements perweek in individuals that took regular doses of flaxseed. Regular movements decrease bloating,constipation, and even lower changes of colon cancer

    K FLAX for Excretory System : ALA deficiency could cause Kidney Dysfunction.

    ALA helps to carry the fat soluble toxins to the surface of the Skin, Intestines, Kidneys and Lungs

    where they can be eliminated.

    K FLAX forEyes / Vision : Improve the health of eyes.

    Sight disturbances can occur due to ALA deficiency.

    50% of the fat in the Rhodes and cones of the Retina is Omega 3.

    ALA improves colour perception.

    K FLAX for Immune System :

    Suppresses autoimmune responses to prevent auto immune disorders.

    ALA retains Oxygen in the cells to abate detrimental Bacteria.

    ALA suppresses S. aureus Bacteria.

    Helps in preventing Cancer by inhibiting the growth of Tumor.

    Reduces the risk of Breast Cancer.

    ALA enhances various aspects of immune system.

    ALA reduces inflammation.

    K FLAX for Metabolism :

    May improve athletic performance.

    Increases bodys Basal Metabolic Rate (hypothyroidism).

    Involved in Cholesterol transport and the formation of HDL.

    ALA increases the production of energy in the body.

    ALA substantially shortens the recovery time frame from Muscle injuries.

    ALA may alleviate fatigue and helps to recover fast from post exercise fatigue.

    ALA deficiency can cause degeneration of the Liver.

    ALA helps in weight loss in obese patients.

    ALA transfer Oxygen to hemoglobin for circulation.

    ALA transport oxygen across the cell membranes.

    ALA may improve Stamina.

    Elevate tG level could be a sign of ALA deficiency.

    K FLAX for Musculoskeletal system : Muscle weakness can occur as a result of ALA deficiency.

    ALA helps to reduce the pain and inflammation in Arthritis.

    Flax provides Calcium for healthy bones.

    K FLAX for Nerve and brain health: The fatty acids help to keep the brain and its plumbing healthy.

    ALA helps to reduce the severity, frequency and duration of Migraine.

    ALA helps to in crease the number of synaptic vescicles on neurons.

    % of Omega 3 as in ALA is very high in the myeline sheath that covers the neurons.

    K FLAX for Nervous System :

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    Nerves stay covered with a nice layer of fat which makes for a happy nervous system.

    Numbness of the arms and legs can occur due to ALA deficiency.

    ALA deficiency during pregnancy and early childhood can lead to ADD, ADHA, LD and Dyslexia.

    K FLAX FOR STUDENTS & TEACHERS : Despite the best efforts of the Parents and Teachers, 20 25% of the school children remain

    underachievers, scholastically backward.

    60% of your brain is fat.

    25% of brain is omega 3. When the child is good at everything else, why is he backward only with his studies!

    Causes of Poor marks :

    Physical Vision, Hearing, Silent Epilepsy etc.

    Low Intelligence Delayed milestones of development slow to start standing,

    speaking etc.

    ADHD Poor concentration, over active restless child.

    Dyslexia Learning Disorders, Smart and intelligent but difficulty in reading, writing etc.

    Environmental factors Problems at School / Home etc.

    Behavioral Disorders Anxiety, Disobedience etc.

    K FLAX for Sexual System:

    ALA alleviates some cases of male fertility.

    % of omega 3 DHA the metabolic derivative of ALA is very high in spermatozoa.

    Helps to regulate the Hormonal disorders.

    ALA can totally alleviate some cases of PMS.

    K FLAX for Skin / Hair / Nails :

    ALA can alleviate Acne.

    Dandruff can occur as a result of ALA deficiency.

    Dry skin can occur as result of Ala Deficiency.

    ALA can alleviate Eczema.

    Brittle Nails could be ALA deficiency.

    Psoriasis can occur due to ALA deficiency.

    ALA improves the Skin Health and appearance.

    ALA helps in the excretion of Fat soluble toxins to the Skin and expel via the Skins pores.

    Omega-6 is linked to increased hair growth and maintenance. As well as skin and bone health.

    K FLAX for Weight loss: Flaxseeds have great oxidative abilities to help increase metabolism.

    With a proper, well-balanced nutrition and workout program weight will come off easier.

    Helps to people who want to maintain ideal weight after weight loss program.

    K FLAX for Diabetes: Diabetes. Late-onset adult diabetes is suspected to originate partially from a deficiency of ALAs

    and an excess of saturated and Trans fats in the diet.

    Magnesium is an essential (must get it in your food) nutrient that helps regulate blood sugarlevels.

    When blood sugar levels are under control and not spiking up and down, it is easier to loseweight and decrease fat storage.

    Although this syndrome can take as long as 30 years to emerge as a full blown disease, reversalof symptoms can occur with positive changes in the diet and proper supplementation of LNA fromflaxseed oil. A concurrent lack of vitamins and minerals makes the disease worse. ALAs alsomay lower the insulin requirements of diabetics.

    K FLAX for Respiratory System: Helps in the transportation of oxygen from air in the lungs to the alveoli

    K FLAX for Natural cancer fighter:

    Flaxseeds are a rich source of a chemical called: secoisolariciresinol diglycoside (SD). Flaxseedsdecrease risks of developing certain types of cancers.

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    K FLAX for Inflammations: Inflammatory Tissue Conditions.

    LNA fatty acids decrease inflammatory conditions of all types. Inflammatory conditions are the

    diseases that end in "itis", including bursitis, tendonitis, tonsillitis, gastritis, ileitis, colitis,meningitis, arthritis, phlebitis, prostatitis, nephritis, splenitis, hepatitis, pancreaitis, otitis, etc

    K FLAX for Water retention:

    Water Retention. The LNA and LA fatty acids in flax oil helps the kidneys excrete sodium andwater. Water retention (edema) accompanies swollen ankles, some forms of obesity, PMS, andall stages of cancer and cardiovascular disease.

    Your susceptibility to an array of serious disease conditions can be confirmed from the Omega 3to Omega 6 Ratio in your body!


    Provides essential nutrients for the body. Eliminate unwanted cholesterol from body and keeps in good

    shape of body.

    Helps to keep the softness of skin and improves natural skincomplexion.

    Helps to remove wrinkles. Prevent Acne, pimples and skin diseases. Improve vision & colour perception. Promotes healthy nail and hair. Promotes natural immunity and keep you fresh always. Promote Healthy hormone function and helps natural growth. Improves Brain power and concentration & keeps you brisk. Eradicate free radicals and defy ageing.




    K FLAX

    The True Nutraceutical For:o Cleansin


    o Bala


    o Activ


    o Defend


    What is Phyto Estrogen?Phyto Estrogens are a group of plant derived substances that are structurally and functionally similar toEstradiol, therefore mimicking the effects of Estrogen. They are Dietary Estrogens.

    Phyto Estrogens have health benefits including potential reduction in breast cancer, prostate cancer,risk of cardio vascular disease, possible protection against osteoporosis (Bone loss) and menopausalsymptoms. Besides, lignan phytoestrogrens have antioxidant activity.

    Flaxseed is the richest source of Lignans, much richer than Soya bean. It is thought that lignanmetabolites bind to estrogen receptors, inhibiting the onset of estrogen stimulated breast cancer.

    Nutrients included are :

    Folic acid - Is a form of water soluble vitamin B9 which is essential for the growth of new cells, it's alsogiven to pregnant women during pregnancy to prevent anemia.

    Niacin - Is another water soluble form of supplement and it's also known as vitamin B3. It's main rolesare energy metabolism and DNA repair, but it also helps in assisting in the production of steroidhormones made by the adrenal gland, such as sex hormones and stress-related hormones.

    Vitamin B1 - Is also known a thiamin, it plays an important role in helping the body metabolizecarbohydrates and fat to produce energy.

    Vitamin B2 - (Also known as Riboflavin) Essential for converting carbohydrate into energy; Essential fornormal tissue respiration; Necessary for healthy mucous membranesVitamin B12 - Vitamin B12 is necessary for the synthesis of red blood cells, the maintenance of thenervous system, and growth and development in children. Deficiency can cause anemia. Vitamin B12neuropathy, involving the degeneration of nerve fibers and irreversible neurological damage, can alsooccur.

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    Vitamin A - helps maintain the health of skin and mucus linings (in the nose for example); helpsstrengthen immunity from infections; helps vision in dim light.

    Vitamin D - acts like a hormone, regulating the formation of bone and the absorption of calcium andphosphorus from the intestine. It helps to control the movement of calcium between bone and blood, andvice versa.

    Vitamin E - protects your cells against the effects of free radicals, which are potentially damaging by-products of energy metabolism.

    Nutrient Profile of Flaxseed 100 grams

    Food Energy 450 Kilocalories (Calories)Fat * 41.5 Grams

    Total Dietary Fiber 28.0 GramsProtein 20.0 grams

    Dosage : 3 Softgels a day, after food. Children 1-2 soft gels per day


    The influence of flaxseed and lignans on colon carcinogenesis and

    -glucuronidase activity. MazdaJenab and Lilian U. Thompson 1 Department of Nutritional Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, Universityof Toronto Toronto, Ontario, Canada

    Nutritional attributes of traditional flaxseed in healthy young adults. SC Cunnane, MJ Hamadeh, ACLiede, LU Thompson, TM Wolever and DJ Jenkins Department of Nutritional Sciences, Faculty ofMedicine, University of Toronto, Canada.

    Health-promoting properties of common herbs1,2. Winston J Craig. From the Department of Nutrition,Andrews University, Berrien Springs, MI.

    Cell Membrane EYES BRAIN HEART




    1: Related Articles, Links Bozan B, Temelli F.Chemical composition and oxidative stability of flax, safflower and poppy seed and seed oils.Bioresour Technol. 2008 Jan 14; [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 18198133 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

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    2: Related Articles, Links Luna P, Bach A, Jurez M, de la Fuente MA.Effect of a diet enriched in whole linseed and sunflower oil on goat milk fatty acid composition and conjugatedlinoleic acid isomer profile.J Dairy Sci. 2008 Jan;91(1):20-8. PMID: 18096921 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

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