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Flexistential Cookbook 11 - Use OODAR

Date post: 07-Mar-2016
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position paper, addressed to institute for social choreography, frankfurt.

of 16

  • observe, orientate, decide (to disrupt), act (as/if), repeat (review)

    [email protected] > institute for social choreography (svalk, dwhite, apickering, sfitzpatrick, ashapiro

    11: Use OODAR!

  • in a privileged state there is no single equilibrium configuration but rather a variety of microstates consistent with a given macrostate. the systems potential for disorder refers to the number of alternative states it might potentially access, and thus increase its complexity ie the measure of a systems information capacity ecosystems contain this diversity within themselves in simultaneous mosaic patches lemke

    OODAR observe, orientate, decide (to disrupt), act (as/if), repeat

  • I speak a radicalisation of democratic ideals collective empowerment of local traditions redistribution of economic, technological and political rights away from the


    deconstructing the myth of power taking culture in all its variety seriously

    whatever contributes to small-scale social forms and personal empowerment nourishes the ecological ego roszak


    observe, orientate, decide (to disrupt), act (as/if), repeat (review)

  • evolutionary change is lawful, but not predictable in detail lemke culture is constructed out of nature by mediating rituals of play. emergence of human cultural codes is a relational or reorganizational process within the patterning of the ecosystem. the template is not a stabilized internal DNA, rather the persistence of patterns of coupled processes. ecosocial system is in a process of communication with its environment, and the locus of control, or template, is inhering in the dynamic interplay of the ecological conversation: a state of continual dynamic disequilibrium continually seeking a steady state it can never achieve, a cycle in which differences create (or enable the creation of) further differences.

    OODAR observe, orientate, decide (to disrupt), act (as/if), repeat (review)

  • relationship: the polymorphous language of sociality the relationship between organism and environment may be described as a conversation (mutually constructive - information flows both ways); information becomes not a unit of difference but a process of differentiation. the formation of information [maintenance, transmission and elaboration of differences] in other words, communication becomes the principal activity of culture, and cultural processes interface with evolutionary ones. the difference which makes a difference is the impetus for the play of social practice, of culture and discourse formation. creative process: the immanence of mind in the energetic processes of nature. relationship lives by guiding the adaptation of the relata: we becomes an evolving relationship between homo sapiens and environment. with no knowledge of the total outline of any of their social structure. Only a continuing, adaptable, long-term effort on the same time-scale as the control sought could succeed lemke

    OODAR observe, orientate, decide (to disrupt), act (as/if), repeat (review)

  • with no knowledge of the total outline of any of their social structure.

    [for bees in a hive, the territory is the map] For the integral picture does not exist in his mind;

    he is in it, and cannot see the whole from the outside.


    OODAR observe, orientate, decide (to disrupt), act (as/if), repeat (review)

  • we are basically liquid design fuller we are (ready for) evolution. we are a life-practice where intellect is merged with activity; we are a collective enterprise: mind spatially and temporally distributed through an evolving human-ecological network. we are a mental ecology: the interaction and survival of ideas and programs in circuits; we are patterns formed by the practice of symbolic exchange. we are ongoing adaptive systems symbolic, imaginary and real. we are goalseeking behaviour of (organic and social) open systems in relation to their various environments we are systemic understanding of wo/mankind as a collective being-in-process we are the active maker of a future that is chaotically open we are a new authorial identity: expanded ecological persona - immanent, metastable; human-information-ecological internet. we become communicants in an intertextual dialogue we allow for both continuity and difference we are poetics : living imagination: logic out of metaphor, philosophy from literature, idea from image: rebellion through the inscription of life into death

    OODAR observe, orientate, decide (to disrupt), act (as/if), repeat (review)

  • the key idea is play play as cultural practice on multiple levels of abstraction in uncontrollable diversity might prompt new social formations. I play to rewrite software (the principal distinctions that have comprised our civilisation) play as resilient information space of evolution; multilevel game of adaptation; double coding. I play: structures recur but are altered by noise play as unpredictable dynamic mixture of logic and metaphor operating on multiple levels of abstraction. we play : sacramental co-evolution; processes of human communication merge with those of evolutionary ecology, and those of culture with those of nature

    OODAR observe, orientate, decide (to disrupt), act (as/if), repeat (review)

  • OODAR observe, orientate, decide (to disrupt), act (as/if), repeat (review)

  • play as welcome noise (a spiral nebula of fragments : a person thinking beside himself) that allows regenerative reorganisation of a living system at a more complex and resilient level. we play : the masks are socially and ecologically constructed personae, and those playing the roles are responsible to the society and ecology that produce them play as desire: the secret circulation of seductive analogies supplemented by primary process. fragments circulate desire, interlocking circuits of contingency (the loops of a larger social and ecological fabric) like spirals of difference at a new interface; we play threshold: the boundaries are not given in advance but are constructed in social, evolutionary-ecological interaction. play as complex interaction you touch each other really to redefine the physical space between us. we play the ecological persona: the self that pours out through play play as learning how to use metaphors to relate what the full purpose of the interaction is. I play to create who you are: selves are generated out of relationship

    I speak to define the proscenium: the frame of communicative empowerment therefore I speak a recursive, self-empowering dialogue on the postmodern stage; technological poetics as a form of evolutionary self-making.

    OODAR observe, orientate, decide (to disrupt), act (as/if), repeat (review)

  • these activities we now engage do not mean what they would mean

    if they were serious bateson

    OODAR observe, orientate, decide (to disrupt), act (as/if), repeat (review)

  • Cosmic Madonna, 2014

  • The pure trace is diffrance the formation of form wilden, derrida

    note: to expand our states potential for disorder requires negative capability, individual flexibility & population variability, in a choreonautic state of dance.

    for me, the key idea of play suggests the appropriate tone for interactions with the various apparatus (political, media, social) that we wish to begin to destabilise in the name of radical experiments in social choreography. in play, as in a state of dance, the map and the territory become one: just as for bees the hive itself is the map of the hive. with regard to institution-building, i find the metaphor of skin to be most inviting: a metaphor of the body and embodiment; a surface that grows, expands, mutates, adapts; a membrane that signifies threshold / boundary (fertile zone for play); our (and all organisms) most extensive sense organ; medium for communication as interface:

    interfaces are absent metaphors: anything across which agency changes form. they stand in for absent structures

    thanks to Daniel White for postmodern ecology, which I have compressed to create this technology for scanning. when we think of the ecological figure of the mother (mother earth) we would do well to remember that weaning and fledging are mothering activities equal to those of gestating, birthing and nursing finally, if governance can be understood as the administration of problem-solving capacities, and art and culture can be understood as the exercise of capacities for world-disclosure, can we think a praxis of play that rhymes these actions? where the disclosure and reception of multiple, unique and different life-worlds is the fundamental solution to the present socio-political situation

    OODAR observe, orientate, decide (to disrupt), act (as/if), repeat (review)

  • What Are We Talking About? We are talking about creating new institutions. An institution establishes something. Creates both a practical and theoretical field. These would be examples of "new (or expanded) functioning". Where people gather and engage (as creative facilitators) who are able to suspend contemporary normative modes of thinking... able to "dis-entangle" from the matrix of the contemporary situation "the current field of constricting norms and patterns of behavior" and manifest new fields (or ecologies) of possibility. people to develop their own "home-grown" generative structures. They deviate. They are vertigenous

    (whirling... creating loss of balance) They are re-combinatorial.... They signify a unity of knowledge beyond disciplines... They establish a new relational field... One that is in motion... "Amalgam emollient... softening or soothing the skin attempting to avoid confrontation or anger; calming or conciliatory making soft highly tolerant zones Where beliefs systems are suspended & new ordering principles are at work ... in soft focus. THE PASSIONLESS PRINCIPLE entails a dissolution, dismantling & disabling of contemporary structures & fields of expertise... So few people have the courage to follow trajectories (inspirations) of thought and practice that call their own theories and institutionally-sanctioned authority and identity into question... despite an historical situation "screaming" for new ways forward. THINK THE TIME IS NOW The Dictatorship are "we"...!!! The idea is to outline a perspective on the present socio-political situation (in Europe and the U.S.) and to speak generally to Roberto Unger`s "The Dictatorship of No Alternatives" from a performing arts and design perspective. "empowered democracy": a more open and more plastic set of social institutions through which individuals and groups can interact, propose change, and effectively empower themselves to transform social, economic, and political structures. The key strategy is to combine freedom of commerce and governance at the local level with the ability of political parties at the central level to promote radical social experiments that would bring about decisive change in social and political institutions.

    difference & inflection: their traces, somehow, form institutions

    or perhaps a moving fulcrum is possible; vortexes enable a rich distribution of information between bodies of water



    OODAR observe, orientate, decide (to disrupt), act (as/if), repeat (review)

  • What We Are We Talking About? whirlplural: vortex of reception

    freedom practice:

    a vortex of reception: receiving capability

    on an altar of perception

    paradox practice: art becomes action doing not-knowing restructures relation

    faith: a form of co-ordination:

    decentralised genius; soft skin, soft ware,

    (hard fought) soft motion...

  • Easy to use!

    O O D A R Choreonautic Navigation System

    Its an app, for your Kinesphere! Locate yourself in the new cultural paradigm! Successfully assess threats and opportunities!

    Find your place in an immanent ecological persona! Discover new institutions, NO BUILDING REQUIRED!

    A Flexistential twist on your next new favourite! Adapted from top of the range US Military methodology, Including critical proprietary technology first published in

    Postmodern Ecology by Daniel White

    BONUS EXTRA!! Soundtrack available at

