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Flight MH370 'No Terror Link' to Stolen Passports

Date post: 13-Apr-2018
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Flight MH370: 'No terror link' to stolen passports Object1 T UESDAY  11 MARCH 2014 The two men holding fake papo!t who "oa!ded the Mala#ian ai!line! that $anihed lat week we!e %!anian national and had no appa!ent link to te!!o!it g!o&p' offi(ial a#) Military radar suggests plane turned back and flew some distance off course to the west Interpol believe disappearance of Malaysia Airlines plane was not a terrorist incident Police chief and Interpol say two men holding false passports were Iranian nationals, named as Nour Mohammad Mehrdad and Delvar Suyed Mohammad e!a  "he pair had swapped their pass ports in # uala $umpu r and used stolen Italian and Austrian passports Malaysia%s military said it believed that a &etliner missing for almost four days had turned and flown hundreds of kilometres to the west after it last made contact with civilian air traffic control off the country%s east coast' A massive search operation for the Malaysia Airlines (oeing )))*+- has so far found no trace of the aircraft or the +./ passengers and crew'
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Flight MH370: 'No terror link' to stolen



TUESDAY 11 MARCH 2014The two men holding fake papo!t who "oa!ded the Mala#ian ai!line! that$anihed lat week we!e %!anian national and had no appa!ent link to te!!o!itg!o&p' offi(ial a#)

• Military radar suggests plane turned back and flew some distance off

course to the west

• Interpol believe disappearance of Malaysia Airlines plane was not a terrorist


• Police chief and Interpol say two men holding false passports were Iranian

nationals, named as Nour Mohammad Mehrdad and Delvar Suyed

Mohammad e!a

•  "he pair had swapped their passports in #uala $umpur and used stolen

Italian and Austrian passports

• Malaysia%s military said it believed that a &etliner missing for almost four

days had turned and flown hundreds of kilometres to the west after it last

made contact

with civilian air traffic control off the country%s east coast'

A massive search operation for the Malaysia Airlines (oeing )))*+- has

so far found no trace of the aircraft or the +./ passengers and crew'

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A senior military officer told euters0 1It changed course after #ota (haru

and took a lower altitude' It made it into the Malacca Strait'1

 "he Strait of Malacca, one of the world%s busiest shipping channels, runs

along Malaysia%s west coast' 2hen it lost contact with civilian air traffic

control, the plane was roughly midway between Malaysia%s east coast town

of #ota (haru and the southern tip of 3ietnam, flying at .4, ft 56,7)


-arlier on "uesday, officials ruled out the theory that the two men travelling

on false passports were linked to terrorism'

Police chief #halid Abu (akar named one of the men travelling on a false

passport as Pouria Nour Mohammad Mehrdad, 69, and said he was probably

migrating to :ermany'

Interpol named the second man as Delavar Seyed Mohammadre!a, +/'

*+o te!!o! link*

Mr (akar said0 1"o date we have uncovered two passengers which was

travelling on a stolen passport'

12e have identified one of them''' and this one that we have identified is an

Iranian by the name of Pouria Nour Mohammad Mehrdad'

1;e is 6/ years old and he is an Iranian * we believe that he is an Iranian'

2e have been checking his background' 2e have also checked him with

other police organisation on his profile, and we believe that he is not likely

to be a member of any terrorist group'

1And we believe that he is trying to migrate to :ermany'1

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• John Sparks @c4sparksFollow19 year old Iranian holder of stolen passport named as Pouria Nour MohammadMehrdad - his picture from CCTV at airpt

4:03 AM - 11 Mar 2014 from Labu, Sepang, Malas!a

• Anna-Lisa Fuglesang @"4annal!sa


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Picture of Iranian national travelling on fake passport !mh"#$ 

3:4# AM - 11 Mar 2014

• *,#(hologi(al p!o"lem*

Police have also said they were investigating whether any passengers or

crew on the plane had personal or psychological problems that might

e<plain its disappearance, along with the possibility of a hi&ack, sabotage or

mechanical failure

Mr (akar also said they were looking at whether 1psychological problems1

of passengers or crew played a role in M;.)%s disappearance'

;e said0 12e are looking into four areas' =ne is hi&acking, two sabotage,

three psychological problem of the passengers and crew, and four0 personal

problems among the passengers and crew'1

 "he head of international police agency Interpol later said he did not

believe the disappearance of a Malaysia Airlines plane was a terrorist


1"he more information we get, the more we are inclined to conclude it is not

a terrorist incident,1 said Interpol Secretary :eneral onald Noble'

• John Sparks @c4sparksFollow

Malaysian police also looking at %hether &psychological pro'lems& of passengers or

cre% played a role in M("#$&s disappearance

3:34 AM - 11 Mar 2014 from Labu, Sepang, Malas!a

• Anna-Lisa Fuglesang @"4annal!sa


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Interpol say that 'oth Iranians started their )ourneys on Iranian passports 'ut

changed to stolen ones later !M("#$

$:23 AM - 11 Mar 2014

• Meanwhile, the search was widened on "uesday to a larger swathe of the

:ulf of "hailand and the South >hina Sea, around where the plane lost radio

contact and vanished from radar screens'

(ut searches were also being conducted on the western coast of Malaysia

and up north*west towards the Andaman Sea * based on a theory that the

plane may have flown on for some time after deviating from its flight path'

-ven that information has not been clearly confirmed, and investigators and

intelligence sources say the fate of Malaysia Airlines flight M;.) is still

shrouded in mystery'
