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Flipped classroom Marianne Lok

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Windesheim makes knowledge work The Flipped Classroom: fostering effective study behavior Marianne Lok Anneke Smits Zwolle, the Netherlands Windesheim University of applied sciences Primary Teacher Education department Education innovation and ICT research group


The Flipped Classroom: fostering effective study behaviorMarianne LokAnneke Smits

Zwolle, the Netherlands

Windesheim University of applied sciencesPrimary Teacher Education department Education innovation and ICT research group

Windesheim makes knowledge work

Welcome to this presentation, I love to have an audience at the end of this conference so thank you.My name is Marianne Lok and together with my colleague Anneke Smits I will tell you about the study we conducted.


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Practical incentiveInitial teacher training for elementary educationCourse on learning theory (2nd year)Theoretical and abstract contentThe Flipped Classroom

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It all started with my course on learning theory. My students, who want to be teachers in elementary education, follow this course at the end of the second year. The students experience the content of this subject matter as theoretical and abstract. During my lessons I had only time to explain (discourse) the theory of behaviorism, cognitivism and so on. There was little time to discuss the transfer of this content to the elementary school practice. It felt a little ungratified.And then I saw some examples of the flipped classrooms, studied some literature and it all came together. I wanted to flip my classroom.


the Flipped Classroom: thinking skillsLMS: transfer of knowledge IndividualPreparation for classroomF2F: active knowledge constructionTogether During class time

(Bloom, 1956)CreateEvaluateAnalyzeApplyUnderstandRemember

higher-order thinking skillslower order thinking skills

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To support the learning process of students I introduced online lectures in the Learning Management System (LMS). The idea was to have students acquire knowledge through the content in the LMS and the book according before they come to class. During class time I would have sufficient time to integrate theory and practice. It was THE solution. What could go wrong? 4

Preparation Results


Several studies describe student preparation

(Brost & Bradley, 2006; Burchfield & Sappinton, 2000).

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My flipped class turnout to flop.The students did not prepare and the results were low.They didnt study the matter timely and sufficiently and it resulted in disappointing lessons. There was no basis to discuss theoretical models and there was certainly no room to transfer relevant theory into primary school practice. My response as a teacher was to rescue the situation and be the sage on the stage. Tell the students the information they needed to know.I wasnt satisfied at all.

Talking to other colleagues I found out it was a common phenomenon, they recognized this kind of student behavior.And also in literature I found that several researchers confirm with their studies that students have difficulty completing assignments before coming to class (Hoeft, 2012).SO I felt a little strengthen.



Research question:What characteristics of an electronic and physical learning environment contribute to achieving effective study behavior of students?

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This problematic situation created a strong need for improvement and I got the opportunity to research my own practice in a design research. And I went looking for characteristics that contribute study behavior.


MethodologyAnalysis & Exploration: context analysis, literature, expert

Design & Construction: design characteristics, developing online & physical environment

Interventions & Evaluation:Teaching one group of students by teacher-researcherTeaching three groups of students by different teacher

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After the analysis and exploration I designed my characteristics for my LMS and the Face to Face moments.During the first intervention I implemented this design with one group of students and after evaluation a colleague of mine implemented it in the second semester.


Design characteristicsAssignmentsDifferentiationTeacher behavior

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Now Id like to tell you more about the design characteristics I divided them in tree aspects. And I want to show you how ik hier handen en voeten aan gegeven heb.The assignments, differentiation and teacher behavior.


Design characteristics (1)


Transfer of knowledge in LMS online lectures, written explanations Construction of knowledge F2Fassignments stimulating creating, evaluating & analyzing

Stimulate interaction & feedback between student(s) - teacher - content online quizzes, online questioning, active cooperative learning, peer instruction

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At first I will talk to you about the assignments.I went over all my lessons and analyzed which parts had a focus on Blooms understanding or reminding so I could transfer them to the LMS. I recorded online lectures while using explain everything and placed written recaps in the LMS. With this I created IN class time to work on assignments that fit to stimulating creation, evaluation and analyzing.

I tried to design the assignments in a way that they would stimulate interaction and feedback in class time but also online.

So for example students could evaluate a lesson on film, analyses which aspects they recognize, debate about their vision on a learning theory and think about how they would translate this to their own practice.They were all set in a cooperative learning setting. So they had to work together.In the LMS we added online quizzes and a fora were students could leave questions.


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Explain everything

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Design characteristics (1)


Transfer of knowledge in LMS online lectures, written explanations Construction of knowledge F2Fassignments stimulating creating, evaluating & analyzing

Stimulate interaction & feedback between student(s) - teacher - content online quizzes, online questioning, active cooperative learning, peer instruction

Windesheim makes knowledge work

At first I will talk to you about the assignments.I went over all my lessons and analyzed which parts had a focus on Blooms understanding or reminding so I could transfer them to the LMS. I recorded online lectures while using explain everything and placed written recaps in the LMS. With this I created IN class time to work on assignments that fit to stimulating creation, evaluation and analyzing.

I tried to design the assignments in a way that they would stimulate interaction and feedback in class time but also online.

So for example students could evaluate a lesson on film, analyses which aspects they recognize, debate about their vision on a learning theory and think about how they would translate this to their own practice.They were all set in a cooperative learning setting. So they had to work together.In the LMS we added online quizzes and a fora were students could leave questions.


Peer instruction

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Another example of interaction and feedback is peer instruction. Every class we started with one or two questions about the content. And I used socrative for this. I posed a question and students had to respond on their own. After that the students are discussing a question which challenges them to think about the content and justify their reasoning to their classmates. Nothing clarifies ideas better than explaining them to others. After a few minutes they could adjust their answer I they wanted.


Design characteristics (2)


Arrange for flexibility in time and spaceonline lectures, written explanationsF2F materials, tools, assignments are available in the LMS

Arrange for flexibility in level and interestonline quizzes, online preparation assignments F2F mastery assignments (beginner, advanced, master)

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I wanted to arrange flexibility in level and interest but also in time and space.So we added online quizzes which students had to take before they came to class. In this way I could estimate their level and their complianceBased on that quiz we made groups of students that took assignments on different levels. When you did not prepare and didnt had any knowledge you start as a beginner. Students in this group had assignments on the level of understanding. They used the inclass time to watch the online lecture and make notes.The advanced group wanted to talk about the content on an applying level. And the masters were in to analyze, evaluate and create.

Al the materials were available in de LMS that students could approach. And we tried to give them a choice in assignments so that it matches their interest.


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Beginners level

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Master level

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Design characteristics (3)

Teacher behavior: be a guide on the side

Ask questions that stimulate higher order thinkingquestions regarding self-regulationquestions regarding reasoning content, strategy and modus. moderate interaction of the online questions

Give learning-enhancing feedback feedback is positivefeedback is specific (focus on strategy, content, modus, quality)tackle the expert role (give little instruction)

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And last but not least there is teacher behavior. We wanted to be a guide on the side, instead of explaining the content. We wanted to be a coach that stimulates higher order thinking through questioning. Cause when you ask the right questions there arises room for giving learning enhancing feedback. It is feedback that is effective for learning.18

Research instrumentsInterviews (students, teacher)Survey (study behavior & learning effect)Data analysis (access LMS & test scores)Teacher log

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We followed the interventions with interviews, a survey, data analysis and a teacher log. And we found the following results.19

ResultsWhat characteristics of an electronic and physical learning environment contribute to achieving effective study behavior of students?

Study behavior Design characteristicsAssignmentDifferentiationTeacher behavior

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To the question:So at first we look at the study behavior20

Results (1): study behavior

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The LMS generates data with which we can identify the number of times students access the LMS.Light blue is the old situation in 2014 and dark blue is the situation after the intervention. and as you can see there is an increased access to the LMS.21

Results (2a) design characteristicsAssignments

Students value Online lectures and online quizzesAssignments that stimulate active learning and constructing of knowledge

Students are less interested in peer feedback

You can learn from each other through interaction. But it only works when everybody is prepared, otherwise it is annoying.

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When we look at the design characteristics, students tell us that they value the online lectures and online quizzes. And the students valued active and constructive learning assignments.

Students are less interested in peer feedback. They still see the teacher as an expert and havent assigned that role to one another.Here you find a remark of one of the students.22

Results (2b) design characteristicsDifferentiation

value flexibility in assignments on advanced or mastery level.

state that theyre not stimulated by taking assignments on advanced or mastery level.

Because students work on assignments at their level, space is created to coach the different levels.

Students who prepare reach a deeper level of knowledge.prepared

Less prepared

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When students are prepared they value flexibility in assignments on advanced or mastery level in contrast to the students who are less prepared. They dont see this as a stimulation.The teacher is satisfied with the different levels of interaction. She states that it creates time to coach and she can reach a deeper level of knowledge


Results (2c) design characteristicsTeacher behavior

Students value a teacher who explains why she thinks something is wrong or right.

asks questions that incite reflection on the contentexplainsgives feedback on your learning process


I m tempted to explain now and then.

Some students were really frustrated. The literally asked me to just tell..

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And when it comes to teacher behavior we see that all the students value a teacher who explains why she thinks something is wrong or wright. Students find this confirmation still importantYou can see that the prepared students also value a teacher that asks questions and gives feedback. But there were also students who literally asked the teacher to just tell.. And to the teacher that was a field of tension. Cause she wanted to fill the needs of their students.We went through some films the teacher recorded of herself. And we saw that the teacher was well aware of the role she wanted to take, but that it was also difficult for here to practice it



More student involvement through better preparation

Better understanding of the student learning process.

The lessons were interesting,but challenging

This way of teaching is not for me, I'd rather just be taught bare exam material

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From teacher perspective there is effort in student involvement and she states that she had a better understanding of the learning process of her students. The reactions from students differ. There are students who love it and others who think that this is not a way of learning for them.25

ConclusionsWhat characteristics of an electronic and physical learning environment contribute to achieving effective study behavior of students?

We found indications for the usefulness of the design characteristics.

Except teacher behaviorBe a guide who gives learning-enhancing feedback (feedback on your learning process)

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We found indications for the usefulness of the design characteristics. Except when it comes to teacher behavior. Students didnt value the feedback of maybe they didnt recognized it. Maybe it confirms that teacher behavior is hard to influence, even if youre well aware and motivated. it takes time to change your behavior.26

How do you involve students?How do you make sure they prepare?

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Thank you for listeningAre there any questions.27

How do you involve students?

Assessing the quizExclude them from you lessonsScaffolding the content

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Thank you for listeningAre there any questions.28

Bespreken hoe je de basisgroep kan motiverenQuiz voor puntenNiet in je les?


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