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Flood Forecasting Model User Manual

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2010 30 Flood Forecasting Model User Manual Ethiopian Ministry of Energy and Water Resources Prepared by Addis Ababa University Civil Engineering Department
Page 1: Flood Forecasting Model User Manual



Flood Forecasting Model

User Manual

Ethiopian Ministry of Energy and Water Resources

Prepared by

Addis Ababa University

Civil Engineering Department

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Table of Contents

Introduction ................................................................................................................................... 30

1. Installation............................................................................................................................. 32

1.1. Requirements .................................................................................................................. 32

1.2. Installation Procedure ..................................................................................................... 32

Data Structure ........................................................................................................................... 32

The user interface setup ........................................................................................................ 35

Computer Programs...................................................................................................................... 35

The User Interface ..................................................................................................................... 37

Table of Contents .......................................................................................................................... 31

Table of Figures ............................................................................................................................ 31

Table of Figures

Figure 2 Setting the Hec-Hms hydrologic model program ........................................................... 34 Figure 3 Hec-Hms open file dialog box ........................................................................................ 34 Figure 4 General workflow for forecasting .................................................................................. 36 Figure 5 The main dialog .............................................................................................................. 37 Figure 6 sample comma-delimited text file showing the rainfall input ........................................ 38 Figure 7 Input Dialog box ............................................................................................................. 38 Figure 8 file selection dialog ......................................................................................................... 39 Figure 9 Running the Hec-Hms Rainfall Runoff model ............................................................... 39 Figure 10 The rainfall input shown in the Hec-Hms program ...................................................... 40 Figure 11 The Runoff output from the hec hms model ................................................................ 40 Figure 12 Hec-Ras Unsteady flow analysis dialog box ................................................................ 41 Figure 13 The Unsteady flow dialog box ..................................................................................... 42 Figure 14 The Unsteady flow dialog box ..................................................................................... 43 Figure 15 select the maximum water surface profile and optionally water surface profiles for other time ...................................................................................................................................... 43 Figure 16 Hec-Ras output showing a longitudinal section of a river and the water elevations at selected instantaneous time frames ............................................................................................... 44 Figure 17 Export an SDF file for processing in GIS .................................................................... 45 Figure 18 Importing the SDF file into GIS using Hec-GeoRas extension ................................... 45 Figure 19 Layer setup dialog box in Hec-GeoRas ........................................................................ 46 Figure 20 Sample map showing inundation depth categories ...................................................... 49

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This manual describes the flood interpreter computer program and its user interface. The purpose

of the user interface is to help the user prepare the forecasted rainfall for input in the rainfall

runoff models (HEC-HMS) and of hydraulic models ( Hec-Ras) of the concerned catchments i.e.

Rib, Gumara, Dirma and Megech smoothly by automatically feeding the necessary input data

from weather models and other observed data and also to ease the transfer of enormous data

between the different models which otherwise would be too cumbersome to do manually and

difficult to perform error free in a short time.

1. Installation

1.1. Requirements

This computer program has been tested on an XP operating system. With Pentium-4 processor

Ram - 256MB

Hard Disk - 20GB

The computer program is developed using visual basic.net programming language and is capable

of performing on almost all computers on which the Dot-Net framework of version 3.5 and

above is installed.

1.2. Installation Procedure

Data Structure

The rainfall runoff models and the hydraulic models need to be copied on the host computer for

the proper functioning of the user interface. Other files are needed for the interoperation of these

models and for temporary storage of data. The following figure shows the general File Directory

Structures that need to be copied in the C:\ drive of the user’s computer.

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Once these files are copied in the C:\ Directory, the next step is to set the Hec-Hms rainfall

runoff modeling program for easier operation. For this go to the Tools-> Program Settings menu

and set Project directory to be “C:\filesforFloodInterpretor\HmsBasinModels\Tana\ “ and also

make sure the “Automatically close progress window when successful” check box is checked as

shown on the following figure.











Figure 1 File Directory Structures

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Figure 2 Setting the Hec-Hms hydrologic model program

Once the settings are set, opening a rainfall-runoff model for a particular basin is easier

Figure 3 Hec-Hms open file dialog box

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The user interface setup

The setup file for the Flood Interpreter software is named Gorfu. The setup file first checks if the

Dot-Net Framework is already installed and if it is not, it will automatically start to install.

Once the Dot-Net framework and the computer program is installed, it can be accessed through

Start Menu -> Hela -> Gorfu

Computer Programs

Rainfall estimation, rainfall-runoff modeling, hydraulic modeling and visualization computer

programs are used sequentially in this flood forecasting scheme. Large amount of data has to be

communicated among these computer programs and also control settings of each computer

program have to be done correctly to achieve accuracy.

The purpose of the user interface computer program is for the forecasting to be done and

communicated in an acceptable time frame to provide the end users (the population that will be

affected) with enough lead time before disaster (flood) strikes. Moreover, the routine and

relatively cumbersome settings of the different computer programs have to be automated to

guard against possible human errors. Therefore, the user interface and the accompanying

computer program development are essential components in this project.

The user interface is coupled with programming for easier, error free data interoperability, for

correct settings of the intricate computer programs that would otherwise need long hours to do

manually and for a proper sequence of simulation and processing runs.

The computer program developed along with the user interface can help an average hydraulic

engineer or hydrologist to undertake the forecasting responsibility easily.

The general workflow, computer program models and the necessary data are described in the

following figure.

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Figure 4 General workflow for forecasting

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The User Interface

What the user interface computer program of this flood early warning system does is, change the

format of the forecasted rainfalls, which are retrieved in a tab delimited text format, and feed it in

the Hec Hms’s data storage database (Hec-Dss database) and set the Hec Hms’s simulation


Initially, a general direction is shown for the user in the main dialog box. Three buttons at the

bottom of the user interface are also used to guide the user through phases of the forecast


Figure 5 The main dialog

To start the process of forecasting, the user needs to provide data from the weather models that is

retrieved in a text file containing data in a tab delimited format and the name of the file being the

start of the simulation date.

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Figure 6 sample comma-delimited text file showing the rainfall input

The observed downstream water level is also typed in the “Lake Tana Level” text box so that the

computer program feeds it in the Hec-Ras computer Models Hec-Dss database to be used as the

downstream boundary condition for the hydraulic simulation. Please refer to the Hec Ras user manual for further explanation.

Figure 7 Input Dialog box

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Figure 8 file selection dialog

Once the rainfall and water level boundary conditions are entered, the run Hec-Hms button is

enabled.Open the rainfall runoff model file named “Tana” and run the model, as shown in the

following figure clicking the buttons as shown using numbers. Please refer to the Hec Hms user manual for further information

Figure 9 Running the Hec-Hms Rainfall Runoff model



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Figure 10 The rainfall input shown in the Hec-Hms program

Figure 11 The Runoff output from the hec hms model

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From the above hydrograph we can see what the peak times will be in this case, the maximum

flow will be at

On 08 Sep at 14:00;

On 09 Sep at 02:00;

On 10 Sep at 07:00

After this the run Hec-Ras button in the user interface is enabled and when it is clicked the Hec-

Ras hydraulic modeling program is initiated. To run the unsteady models:

First click unsteady run button to open the unsteady flow analysis dialog box. And set the

simulation start and end date.

Figure 12 Hec-Ras Unsteady flow analysis dialog box

1. Click the run unsteady button on Hec-Ras main interface

2. Set the simulation time. Using the current date as the start date and adding 3 day on

the start date for a forecast of 72 hours.

3. Click the compute button to allow Hec-Ras to calculate the water levels.

4. Save and exit.





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Figure 13 The Unsteady flow dialog box

Then open the unsteady flow dialog box and set the initial flow data. Note that the boundary

conditions' positions are set only once but the flow data for it is read from a Hec-Dss database




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Figure 14 The Unsteady flow dialog box

Click on the unsteady run button on the hec ras main dialog box to run the analysis.

Figure 15 select the maximum water surface profile and optionally water surface profiles for other time


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0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 350001780





DirmaUnsteady Plan: Plan 08 08/10/2010

Main Channel Distance (m)



n (m




WS 07SEP2010 0800

WS 08SEP2010 0800


Dirma River Dirma

Figure 16 Hec-Ras output showing a longitudinal section of a river and the water elevations at selected instantaneous time frames

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Export an SDF format file from File->Export to GIS for processing and visualization in GIS.

Figure 17 Export an SDF file for processing in GIS

To use the exported SDF file in ArcGis, it must be converted to an XML file using “convert SDF

TO XML” button Hec-GeoRas toolbar use.

Figure 18 Importing the SDF file into GIS using Hec-GeoRas extension

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Use the Ras Mapping button on Hec-GeoRas toolbar to setup layers

Figure 19 Layer setup dialog box in Hec-GeoRas

The layer setup is used to

Name the current analysis

Set The GIS import file (the converted xml file) from Hec Ras

The terrain data

The output directory (which should be connected-to in ArcCatalog)

The raster grid size (which should be set around 10 to 20 from analysis time, storage

space and accuracy considerations). use 10 for daily forecast operations. Please refer to the Hec-GeoRas user Manual for more information

Click the following buttons from the Ras Mapping menu in sequence.


Inundation Mapping -> Water Surface Profile

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Inundation Mapping -> Flood Plain Delineation Using Rasters

This will set the maximum flood depth that will be experienced in the flood plain in the coming 3

days. To interpret this information on how it may affect the population, we categorize it as

D < 0.5

0.5m < D < 1.0m

And D > 1.0 m

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1. Right click the “d Max WS” layer and choose the Properties menu

Choose “Symbology” Tab

2. Choose Classified as shown in number 2

3. Open the combo box and set it to 3

4. Set Break values of 0.5, 1.0 and leave the maximum value in the list as it is.

5. Click the “Ok” button

6. Double click the color swatches and set the top to green; the middle to yellow; and

the bottom swatch to red.

This will indicate how dangerous or tolerable the flood depth will be on different locations on the

map. To see the effect on local population,

Import the layers showing

The Kebele administrative boundary

Settlement areas


1 2 3




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Coupled with the information which shows the peak times of the flood, the population and

officials can prepare for it or make decision to evacuate.

Figure 20 Sample map showing inundation depth categories

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Although the map in figure above is a good indicator of what areas will be affected and by how

much, it may not be easy to transfer to the local population and local Kebele and Woreda

officials. Therefore the map needs to be synthesized in a form of a table as shown below.

Maximum flow will be at Dirma 08 Sep 14:00; 09 Sep 02:00; 10Sep 07:00

Dirma River

Kebele Percent Inundation Remark ( Affected Settlements)

< 25


25 50 75 100 Flooded Area


Dihana Wuha

√ - - - - May affect areas up to 500m from

the river

Serba Deblo - - Yes - - Settlements Seraba Maryam and

Dablo Michael may be affected



√ - - - - May affect areas up to 1km from

the river



√ - - - - May affect areas up to 1km from

the river

Janqua Mariam

na J/Abreham

√ - - - - May affect areas up to 1km from

the river

Gebeba Chilo √ - - - - May affect areas up to 500m from

the river including some settlements
