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Flow Boiling Heat Trader In The Quenching Of A Hot Surface Under Reduced Gravity Conditions Jason Jianxin Xu A thesis submitted in conformity with the requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy Graduate Department of Chernieal Engineering and Appiied Chernistry in the University of Toronto @ Copyright by Jason Jianxin Xu 1998
Page 1: Flow Heat Trader In Quenching Of - University of Toronto T ...€¦ · The quenching of R113 image at maximum heat flux. The quenching of R113 image at nucleate boiling regime. The

Flow Boiling Heat Trader In The Quenching Of

A Hot Surface Under Reduced Gravity Conditions

Jason Jianxin Xu

A thesis submitted in conformity with the requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy

Graduate Department of Chernieal Engineering and Appiied Chernistry in the University of Toronto

@ Copyright by Jason Jianxin Xu 1998

Page 2: Flow Heat Trader In Quenching Of - University of Toronto T ...€¦ · The quenching of R113 image at maximum heat flux. The quenching of R113 image at nucleate boiling regime. The

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Page 3: Flow Heat Trader In Quenching Of - University of Toronto T ...€¦ · The quenching of R113 image at maximum heat flux. The quenching of R113 image at nucleate boiling regime. The

For My Parents and My Wife

Page 4: Flow Heat Trader In Quenching Of - University of Toronto T ...€¦ · The quenching of R113 image at maximum heat flux. The quenching of R113 image at nucleate boiling regime. The


Flow Boihg Heat Tramfer In The Quenching Of

A Hot Surface Under Reduced Gravity Conditions

By: Jason Jianxin Xu

A thesis submitted in conformity with the requirements

for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy

Graduate Department of Chemical Engineering and Applied Chexnistry

in the University of Toronto

An experimental set-up, which combined a new state of the art micro-sensor for

instantaneous measurements of heat flux and surface temperature, was designed, constmcted

and used to study the effects of gravity, as well as inlet liquid flow rate and subcooling on

rewetting of a hot horizontal surface. The experiments were conducted by injecting liquid

RI13 and PF5060 into an initially dry, heated channel, which was 40 mm wide, 5 mm high

and 200 mm long, on the ground and in reduced gravity aboard the parabolic aircraft, KC- 135

and DC-9 of the NASA. The measurements showed large instantaneous fluctuations in heat

flux and surface temperature following the onset of rewetting, even after the maximum heat

flux was passed, where the heat transfer mode changed from transition boiling to nucleate

boiling. Heat flux and surface temperature data showed synchronized responses indicating

sufficiently fast response of the sensors and the reliability of the measurements. The boiling

curves covering film, transition and nucleate boiling regimes were obtained during quenching

and analyzed. The heat transfer characteristics in each boiling mode, as well as rewetting

temperature, quench velocity, liquid-solid contact frequency in transition boiling and

maximum heat flux were examined in detail for different gravity Ievels, inlet liquid flow rate

Page 5: Flow Heat Trader In Quenching Of - University of Toronto T ...€¦ · The quenching of R113 image at maximum heat flux. The quenching of R113 image at nucleate boiling regime. The

and subcooling. The quench velocity and rewetting temperature were found to decrease for

RI13 but only showed very slight decreases for PF5060 in reduced gravity. A peak in the

liquid-solid contact frequency curve was found at wall superheats of 107 - 1 18 OC for R113

and 65 - 83 O C for PF5060 in both gravity conditions. The maximum heat flux for both fluids

decreased in reduced gravity except for R 1 13 at high flow rate.

Page 6: Flow Heat Trader In Quenching Of - University of Toronto T ...€¦ · The quenching of R113 image at maximum heat flux. The quenching of R113 image at nucleate boiling regime. The


1 would like to present my sincerely thankful feelings to dl the people Who had given

me help andor assistance dunng the progress of the study:

Dr. M. Kawaji, far his invaluable support, guidance and encouragement, and for many

valuable suggestions, especially those in improving the design of the experiments and

analysis of data during the course of this snidy;

Dr. D.C.S. Kuhn and Dr. S. Chandra, for their valuable suggestions during the reading

cornmittee meetings, which benefit my study very much.

The University of Toronto, Mitsubishi Electric Co. and Canadian Space Agency for the

financial support. The latter also provided the flight opportunities aboard the KC-135 and


Dr. K. Adham-Khodaparast, for his cooperation in the design and construction of the

experimental apparatus, and for his help in carrying out the experiments;

Mr. R. Lui, for design advice and constructive criticism, and for his help during the KC-135

campaign in Houston;

Canadian astronauts, Mr. M. Garneau and C. Hadfield, for their assistance during reduced

gravity experiments aboard the KC- 1 35 aircraft in Houston;

Mr. L. Vezina and S. Desjardins of Canadian Space Agency, for their organizing the flights

aboard the KC- 135 and the DC-9, respectively.

Mr. L. Rogers and the rest of the machine shop staff, for design advice and cnticism,

exceptionai professional workmanship and their extraordinary assistance during the shipment

of the experirnentai apparatus;

Mr. D. Tomchyshyn of Electrical Services, for his invaluable suggestions and assistance;

Mr. F. Shue, for his advice on superior construction and design of the test section;

The students in the lab, for their patience, understanding and assistance in various aspects

of the project;

My wife, Qingping Liu, has been the strongest supporter of my study. Therefore, it is a

pleasure to dedicate the thesis to her and Our beloved parents.

Page 7: Flow Heat Trader In Quenching Of - University of Toronto T ...€¦ · The quenching of R113 image at maximum heat flux. The quenching of R113 image at nucleate boiling regime. The

Table of Contents



Table of Contents

List of Tables

List of Figures


1.0. Introduction and Literature Review

1.1. Background

1.2. Literature Review

1.2.1. Rewetting under Normal Gravity

1.2.2. Rewetting and Related Studies under Reduced Gravity

1.3. Research Objectives

2.0. Experimentai Apparatus

2.1. Test b o p and Components

2.2. Heat Flux Micro Sensor

2.3. Test Section

2.4. Condenser

2.5. Data Acquisition System

2.6. Visualization of Quenching Experiments

2.6.1. Quenching of a hot surface with subcooled R 1 13

2.6.2. Quenching of a hot rectangular quartz tube with subcooled water

3.0. Reduced Gravity Experiments and Procedure

3.1. KC- 135 and DC-9 Aircraft

33. Operational Procedure

3.3. Condenser Performance and Flow Rates

3.4. Quenching Experiments


vii . *.

V l l l
















3.5. Heat Flux and RTS Sensors Performance

Page 8: Flow Heat Trader In Quenching Of - University of Toronto T ...€¦ · The quenching of R113 image at maximum heat flux. The quenching of R113 image at nucleate boiling regime. The

4.0. Quenching Experimental Resuits

4.1. Transient Heat Fiux and Surface Temperature Characteristics

4.2. Boiling Curves during Quenching

4.3. Fiow Boiling Visualization

4.3.1. Quenching experiments with heat flux indicator

4.3.2. Experiments on quenching of a quartz tube with water

5.0. Film Boiling, Rewetüng Temperature and Quench Velocity

5.1. Film Boiling

5.2. Rewetting Temperature

5.3. Quench Velocity

6.0. Transition Boiling Heat Transfer

6.1. The Mechanism of Transition Boiling

6.1.1. Background

6.13. Past modeling efforts under pool boiling conditions

6.13. Past experimental work on liquid-solid contact

6.1.4. Liquid-solid contact frequency results for R 1 13

6.1.5. Liquid-solid contact frequency results for PF5060

6.2. Transition Boiling Heat Transfer of R 1 13

7.0. Maximum Heat Flux and Nucleate Boiling Heat Transfer

7.1. Maximum Heat Flux

7.2. Nucleate Boiling heat transfer of RI 13

8.0. Cornparison of R113 and PF5060 Results

9.0. Conclusions and Recomrnendations


Appendix I(1) The Effect of the RFMS Disk Material

Appendix 1(2) The Effect of g-jitter on Quenching and Boiling Heat Transfer Characteristics

Appendix I(3) The Effect of Surface Tension

Appendix II Uncertainty Analysis

Page 9: Flow Heat Trader In Quenching Of - University of Toronto T ...€¦ · The quenching of R113 image at maximum heat flux. The quenching of R113 image at nucleate boiling regime. The

List of Tables

Table No. Description Page

The List of p-g and 1-g Runs (KC- 135 carnpaign).

The List of y g and 1-g Runs (DC-9 carnpaign).

Film boiling heat transfer coefficients in p-g and 1 -g experiments (R 1 13).

Quench velocity for RI 13 in p-g and 1-g experirnents. 85

The factors in correlation (6.5) for the mns in p-g and 1 -g experiments (R 1 13).

The constants in equation (7.12) for p-g and 1 -g experiments (R 1 13).

The data of b obtained by other researchers. 121

Fluid and thermophysical properties of R 1 13 and PF5060 122

The experimental conditions for R 1 13 on stainiess steel disk. 1

Cornparison of rewetting temperature between two HFMS disks 1

Cornparison of quench velocity on two HFMS disks n Cornparison of the maximum heat flux on two HFMS disks III


Page 10: Flow Heat Trader In Quenching Of - University of Toronto T ...€¦ · The quenching of R113 image at maximum heat flux. The quenching of R113 image at nucleate boiling regime. The

List of Figures

Figure No.

Typical quenching curve during rewening of a hot surface.

Schematic of the test loop.

Schematic of the heat flux micro sensor.

The working principle of the heat flux micro sensor.

Schematic of the test section.

Schematic of the alurninum case cover.

A whole view of the test section.

Schematic of the condenser.

The 80w chart of the data acquisition system.

The heat flux indication system consisted of heat flux micro-sensor, amplifier, LCD and fiber glass.

The schematic of the test loop in quenching of a quartz tube with water.

Typical accelerations during the KC- 1 35 flights.

The reservoir full of liquid in normal gravity and hyper-gavity.

The blocked bubble columns at low flow rates in pg.

The blocked bubble columns at low flow rates in p-g.

The blocked bubble columns at intermediate flow rates in p-g.

The blocked bubble columns at high flow rates in p-g.

The collapsed bubbles entering the flow loop in p-g.

Typical flow rate profile for one run in p.-g (KC- 135).

Typical flow rate profile for one run in p.-g (DC-9).

The calibration curve for H F M S provided by the manufacture.

The calibration curve for the RTS with copper disk.

The calibration curve for the RTS with stainless steel disk.

A typical transient heat flux history during rewetting of RI 13.

Page 11: Flow Heat Trader In Quenching Of - University of Toronto T ...€¦ · The quenching of R113 image at maximum heat flux. The quenching of R113 image at nucleate boiling regime. The

Figure No.










4.1 1.










5.2 (a).

5.2 (b).


A typical transient surface superheat history during rewetting of R113.

Typicai power spectrum density of heat flux before R 1 13 injection.

Typicai power spectrum density of wail superheat before R113 injection.

Synchronized response showed by heat flux and surface temperature.

A typical transient heat flux history during rewetting of PF5060.

A typical transient surface superheat history during rewetting of PF5060.

Synchronized response showed by heat flux and surface temperature.

The effect of time average on boiling curve for R 1 13.

Boiling curves measured in 1-g for R 1 13.

Comparison of boiling curves measured in p-g and 1 -g for R 1 13.

Boiling curves in 1-g with low and high inlet subcooling for PF5060.

Boiling curves in p-g and 1 -g with high inlet subcooling for PF5060.

The discussion of boiling mechanism.

The quenching of RI13 image at film boiling regime.

The quenching of RI13 image at transition boiling regime.

The quenching of R113 image at maximum heat flux.

The quenching of R113 image at nucleate boiling regime.

The vapor film broke behind the quench front.

Typical film boiling heat transfer coefficient profile.

Comparison of film boiling heat transfer data for RI13 with the results predicted by equations (5.1) to (5.4), Uin = 0.38 &S.

Cornparison of film boiling heat transfer data for R 1 13 with the results predicted by equations (5.1) to (5.4), U, = 0.88 mis.












Page 12: Flow Heat Trader In Quenching Of - University of Toronto T ...€¦ · The quenching of R113 image at maximum heat flux. The quenching of R113 image at nucleate boiling regime. The

Figure No.



The effect of initiai wdl superheat on rewetting temperature for R 1 1 3.

The rewening superheat for RI13 in p-g and 1-g.

The rewetting superheat for PF5060 in p-g and 1-g.

Cornparison of rewetting temperature for RI13 and PF5060.

The parameter, ATm/ATw VS. G for R 1 1 3 and PF5060.

Determination of quench velocity.

The quench velocity for R 1 13 in p-g and 1 -g.

Quench velocity for PF5060 in p-g and 1 -g.

Comparison of the quench velocity of R 1 13 and PF5060.

The ratio of quench velocity to inlet velocity for R 1 13 and PFS060.

Typical magnitude of heat flux fluctuations for R 1 13.

Typical magnitude of temperature fluctuations for R 1 13.

Typical power spectra of q and Tw fluctuations for R 1 13.

The effects of wall superheat and mass flux on liquid-solid contact frequency for R 1 13.

Heat flux fluctuations for PF5060 in transition boiling regime in p-g.

Heat flux fluctuations for PF5060 in transition boiling regirne in 1 -g.

Typical magnitude of heat flux fluctuations for PF5060.

Typical power spectra of heat flux fluctuations for PF5060.

Liquid-solid contact frequency for PF5060 in p-g.

Liquid-solid contact frequency for PF5060 in 1-g with high subcooling inlet.

Liquid-solid contact frequency for PF5060 in 1-g with low subcooling inlet.

Comparison of liquid-solid contact frequency for PF5060 in p-g and 1 -g with low inlet flow rate.

Comparison of liquid-solid contact frequency for PF5060 in p-g and 1-g with high inlet flow rate.

Page 13: Flow Heat Trader In Quenching Of - University of Toronto T ...€¦ · The quenching of R113 image at maximum heat flux. The quenching of R113 image at nucleate boiling regime. The

Definitions of boiling heat transfer regions.

Transition boiling heat transfer for R 1 13 measured in 1-g.

Comparison of transition boiling heat tmnsfer for RI13 in p-g and 1-g.

The maximum heat flux data for R 1 13 in both gravity conditions.

The maximum heat flux data for PF5060 in p-g and 1-g.

The qJGhlw for R 1 13 varies with We in both gravity conditions.

The q d G h l w for PF5060 varies with We in both gravity conditions.

The effect of flow on nucleate boiling in 1-g with subcooled inlet.

7.5 (a).

The effect of flow on nucleate boiling in 1-g with saturated inlet.

7.5 (b).

The effect of flow on nucleate boiling in p-g with subcooled inlet.

7.5 (c).

The effect of subcooling on nucleate boiling in 1-g. 7.6 (a).

7.6 (b). The effect of subcooling on nucleate boiling in p-g.

The effect of gravity on nucleate boiling heat transfer.

Comparison of nucleate boiling in the absence of subcooling and gravity.

Comparison of the boiling curves of R 1 13 and PF5060.

Comparison of maximum heat fluxes with subcooled inlet in 1-g.

Comparison of maximum heat fluxes with subcooled inlet in p-g.

Cornparison of subcooled q&Ghtv vs. We with the prediction in 1 -g.

Comparison of subcooled qJGhiv vs. We with the prediction in p.-g.

The quench velocity for a copper disk HFMS.

Page 14: Flow Heat Trader In Quenching Of - University of Toronto T ...€¦ · The quenching of R113 image at maximum heat flux. The quenching of R113 image at nucleate boiling regime. The

Figure No. Description

A.2. The typical power spectrum of gravity level Fiuctuations aboard the KC- 135.

A.3. The typicd power spectrurn of gravity level FIuctuations aboard the DC-9.





Page 15: Flow Heat Trader In Quenching Of - University of Toronto T ...€¦ · The quenching of R113 image at maximum heat flux. The quenching of R113 image at nucleate boiling regime. The






normal gravity conditions

reduced gravity conditions

acceleration, m/s2, or constant

constant, or area m'




heat capacity, kJkgK

diameter, m

liquid-solid contact frequency, Hz

fraction of wetted area

local liquid contact-time fraction

gravitational acceleration, 9.8 mis'

mass flux, kg/m2s

boiling heat transfer coefficient, kw/rn2 K

latent heat of vaponzation, k l k g

superficiai velocity, d s

Jakob number, dT.,&pJhfV

thermal conductivity, WlmK

charactenstic length or the length of plate, m



pressure, MPa

power spectral density

heat flux, kw/rn2

temperature, OC

velocity, mm/s

heat flux input voltage, Volt

... Xll l

Page 16: Flow Heat Trader In Quenching Of - University of Toronto T ...€¦ · The quenching of R113 image at maximum heat flux. The quenching of R113 image at nucleate boiling regime. The

Weber number, L G ~ / ~ O


elevation, m

Greek Letters

A change in quantity

6 wall thickness

Âo criticai wave length, m

P dynamic viscosity, kg/ms

P density, kg/m3

O surface tension, N/m


















apparent rewetting

Bereson's correlation

Bereson's correlation

Bromly's correlation

critical conditions

critical heat flux

film boiling

h ydraul ic

inlet conditions

liquid properties

minimum film boiling conditions

maximum heat flux conditions

minimum film boiling conditions

nucleate boiling

initial wall conditions


resistance temperature sensor rneasurement


Page 17: Flow Heat Trader In Quenching Of - University of Toronto T ...€¦ · The quenching of R113 image at maximum heat flux. The quenching of R113 image at nucleate boiling regime. The





thermocouple measurement

transition boiling

saturation conditions

subcooled conditions

vapor properties

wall properties, wall conditions

x dimension

y dimension

z dimension

dimensionless fraction

Page 18: Flow Heat Trader In Quenching Of - University of Toronto T ...€¦ · The quenching of R113 image at maximum heat flux. The quenching of R113 image at nucleate boiling regime. The


Introduction and Literature Review

1.1. Background

Surface quenching or rewetting refers to the establishment of a continuous liquid

contact with a dry and hot solid surface and rapid cooling of the surface due to boiling heat

transfer. There are many important manufacturing processes that can occur under reduced and

normal gravity conditions involving quenching or rewetting of hot surfaces by a liquid. The

quenching process, such as in material processing, is cornrnonly encountered due to high

initial temperatures of surfaces compared to the boiling point of the fluid. In recent years, the

interest in quenching process has increased rnainly in connection with the safety analysis of

nuclear power reactors during hypotheticd loss of coolant accidents. More efficient heat

transmission in thermal management systems aboard the International Space Station, safe

refueling of space transfer vehicles (STV) with liquid hydrogen or oxygen propellants, and

transfer and storage of cryogenic fluids on the ground and in space, al1 require a knowledge

of quenching heat aansfer characteristics which could be significantly different under

reduced and normal gravity conditions.

There are many publications on quenching of hot surfaces under normal gravity, most

of which have focused on rewetting and reflooding of hot and dry vertical tubes. The

quenching data for horizontal channels are scarce even under normal gravity, and there have

been few quenching experiments perfonned for either horizontal or vertical tubes under

reduced gravity conditions. In the present study, a test loop and a test section incorporating a

new state-of-the art micro heat flux and surface temperature sensors were constructed and

transient quenching experiments were conducted at different gravity levels in order to

investigate the effects of gravity, liquid flow rate and subcooling on the rewetting

phenornena. In the next sections, the relevant literature is reviewed and the objectives of the

present work are described.

Page 19: Flow Heat Trader In Quenching Of - University of Toronto T ...€¦ · The quenching of R113 image at maximum heat flux. The quenching of R113 image at nucleate boiling regime. The

1.2. Literature Review

12.1. Rewetting under Normal Gravity

With the increasing requirements for removal of higher heat fluxes from heated or hot

surfaces, the snidy of boiling heat transfer has attracted more attention in the field of heat

transfer in recent years. In particular, rewetting of a hot surface is important in various

cooling processes involved in loss-of-coolant accidents of nuclear reacton. steel making and

other industrial processes.

On rewetting of hot surfaces, the previous studies have been Iargely concemed with

the collapse of a vapor film during pool film boiling in order to undentand the rewetting

mechanisms. Much experimental and theoretical work has been performed on the rewening

of heated vertical tubes in connection with the postulated loss-of-coolant accidents in

Pressurized Water Reactors ( P m ) .

Dunng rewetting, a hot surface experiences three boiling regimes: film boiling,

transition boiling and nucleate boiling, as illustrated in the boiling curve (Figure 1.1), which

is a plot of surface heat flux, q, against wall superheat (Le., difference between the wall

temperature and saturation temperature of liquid or Tw-Tm). Two transition points on the

boiling curve are the Minimum Heat Flux or quenching point and the Maximum Heat Flux or

Critical Heat Rux ( C m , the values of which are important in the studies of boiling heat

transfer and rewetting of hot surfaces. When a liquid droplet is placed on a hot surface, vapor

generated at the vapor-liquid interface forms a thin vapor film preventing the liquid from

contacting the hot surface. This boiling mode is termed film boiling and heat transfer is

dominated by conduction, or convection of heat from the hot wal1 to vapor and radiation of

heat through the vapor film. As the surface is cooled to the quenching point where heat flux

drops to a local minimum value, the vapor film becomes unstable and collapses. Then

quenching starts with large heat flux fluctuations due to intermittent liquid-surface contacts

and the process enters the transition boiling regime, in which the surface is locally dried out

and rewetted repeatedly until stable nucleate boiling is established.

Pool film boiling and flow film boiling heat transfer processes under steady state

conditions have been extensively studied in the past several decades and many theoretical

Page 20: Flow Heat Trader In Quenching Of - University of Toronto T ...€¦ · The quenching of R113 image at maximum heat flux. The quenching of R113 image at nucleate boiling regime. The

models showing good agreement with experimental data have been proposed. A

comprehensive review of film boiling heat transfer was presented by Carey (1 992).

O 5 10 15 20

Time (second)

160 -.

120 -

80 -

40 -

Figure 1.1. Typical quenching curve during rewetting of a hot surface.

I : : I I

:- Rewetting Run MG-D23

As the quench front progresses dong a flow channel, different two-phase flow

patterns appear depending on the flow rate, initial wall temperature and Iiquid subcooling.

For example, an annular flow pattern was observed for Iow injection rates of saturated liquids

and inverted annular flow pattem for higher injection rates of subcooled liquids in a vertical

tube by Kawaji et al. (1983) and others.

Numerous theoretical and experimental studies on the rewetting of vertical and

horizontal hot surfaces have been reviewed by Abdul-Razzak (1990) and Westbye (1992).

Three different controlling mechanisms have been suggested for forced convection rewetting:

(1) coilapse of a vapor film, (2) axial conductioncontrolled rewetting, (3) dispersed droplet

Page 21: Flow Heat Trader In Quenching Of - University of Toronto T ...€¦ · The quenching of R113 image at maximum heat flux. The quenching of R113 image at nucleate boiling regime. The

flow rewetting. The effects of many parameters such as inlet liquid subcooling, flow rate and

initial wall temperature, have been reported in many studies as being similar in both vertical

and horizontal systems. These studies indicate that the rewetting velocity increases with

decreasing initial wall temperature and channel wall thickness, and increasing liquid

subcooling, flow rate, systern pressure and surface roughness. Heat transfer increases in al1

boiling modes with increasing subcooling and flow rate.

Chan and Banerjee (1981) conducted experiments on refilling and rewetting of a hot

horizontal Zircaloy-2 tube with 19.6mm O.D. and 0.898 mm wall thickness using water at

atmospheric pressure. They found that gravitational effects were important and could lead to

flow stratification. The rewetting front was preceded by a liquid layer that was supported by

film boiling and termed a "liquid tongue". Significant precunory cooling was observed at the

tube's bottom surface due to the presence of this tongue. The effects of initial wall

temperature and inlet flow rate on quench velocity were consistent with the results obtained

by others in vertical rewetting experiments.

Recently, Huang et al. ( 1994) reported three different types of quenching for a vertical

hollow copper tube of 50 mm length, 10 mm LD. and 32 mm O.D. The experiments were

conducted at different pressures (P) ranging from 0.1 to 1.0 MPa, mass flux (G) from 25 to

500 kg/m2s and inlet subcooling (ATrub) from 5 to 50 K to study the transient effects in a

quenching process. Thirty-two sheathed NiCr-Ni micro-thermocouples, monitored at a

sarnpling frequency of 10 Hz, were press-fitted inside the tube to determine the transient

temperature field. They found that the transient effects were not obvious for inlet conditions

of G < 300 kg/m2s, P < 0.7 MPa and ATsub < 15 K. Beyond this range, however, the

quenching curves lay below the steady-state boiling curves in transition boiling regime, with

the minimum film boiling temperature king correspondingly lower. Also they found that

there existed a significant difference between two types of quenching, quenching of a dry, hot

tube and quenching a tube with the power cut off after establishing a stable inverted annular


Barnea and Elias (1994) experimentally and theoretically studied flow and heat

transfer regimes during quenching of a heated, vertical circula. channel with 44.8 mm I.D. at

pressures ranging from 0.1 to 0.5 bar, and for the initial wall temperature between 350 and

Page 22: Flow Heat Trader In Quenching Of - University of Toronto T ...€¦ · The quenching of R113 image at maximum heat flux. The quenching of R113 image at nucleate boiling regime. The

600 O C , and two liquid inlet temperatures: 30 and 60 OC. Water was used as a coolant, and

tube wall temperature, liquid and vapor temperatures in the flow channel were measured by

ungrounded type K thermocouples. The results indicated that the ratio between the quench

velocity and the inlet liquid velocity varied between 0.2 and 0.8. At the quench front a small

fraction of liquid formed a thin layer in contact with the wall and the average thickness of the

liquid layer could be detemiined from the rate of heat transfer from the wall. They found that

there existed four heat transfer zones dong the wall, defined as the high surface temperature

zone, forced convective subcooled boiling zone, "wet" and "dry" transition zones and

subcooled inverted annular flow zone. In the inverted annular Row zone the vapor film

thickness was almost constant in the fint 30 to 50 mm downstream of the quench front. From

the measurement of void fraction, the vapor film extending downstream of the quench front

was observed and it revealed no cornplete collapse of the vapor film at the quench front.

In order to compare boiling heat transfer results from quenching experiments with

those from steady state boiling experiments, Bergles and Thompson (1970) quenched metal

spheres in quiescent water and other Buids. Their results indicated that the transient boiling

curve for water was considerably shifted to the higher wall temperatures, particularly in the

nucleate boiling regime. Similar results were obtained by Jacob and Dougall (1978) in flow

quenching of a thin-walled heater tube. Peyayopanakul and Westwater (1978) performed a

preliminary study on the limitations of the transient quenching method for pool boiling on a

copper cylinder, and Westwater et al. (1986) did a similar study on pool boiling around a

sphere and over a horizontal flat plate facing upward. They found that the dimensions of the

test section mainly affected the boiling curve, in other words, the establishment of the quasi-

steady-state depended upon the thermal capacity of the test section. Also the properties of the

metal were found to affect the boiling curve.

Moreover, houe and Tanaka (1991) performed some experiments on rewetting of a

vertical, 10 mm I.D. tube by injecting R-113. They rneasured steady-state boiling curves and

transient quenching curves using a copper block for mass flux ranging frorn 412 to 1466

kglm's, inlet flow quality from 0.6 to -0.29 and pressure from 0.26 to 0.30 MPa The steady-

state boiling curves obtained showed good agreement with quenching curves due to a high

heat capacity of the test section and both were greatly affected by the inlet flow qudity (mas

Page 23: Flow Heat Trader In Quenching Of - University of Toronto T ...€¦ · The quenching of R113 image at maximum heat flux. The quenching of R113 image at nucleate boiling regime. The

flow rate of vapor divided by the total mass flow rate). The rewetting mechanism, which was

only slightly affected by m a s flux, changed with the flow quality; rewetting due to dispersed

80w was observed for quality higher than 0.2, and rewetting due to inverted annular flow for

quality less than 0.1. Rewetting temperatures were also measured in dispersed flow and

inverted annular flow film boiling, and were constant in the saturated flow region but

increased with liquid subcooling.

1.2.2. Rewetting and Related Studies under Reduced Gravity

Although the studies on two-phase tlow and boiling heat transfer under reduced

gravity have received considerable attention in the past two decades with the increasing

applications in space, the literahue is still scarce. The behavior of two-phase flow systems

under reduced gravity have been reviewed a decade ago by Rezkallah (1988). It was

concluded that in general, segregated and intermittent flow regimes are restricted to a more

narrow range of flow qualities and liquid velocities, while a dispened flow regime covers

wider ranges of quality and velocity. Also under reduced gravity, different flow regimes such

as "frothy annular" can occur, and the two-phase pressure &op generally increases. Recently,

Karnp et al. (1995) studied the radial distributions of void fraction, velocity and turbulence

intensity in upward (lg), downward (-lg) and reduced gravity aboard the Caravelle aircraft in

bubbly flow in a pipe. They found that void coring also existed in reduced gravity but the

void fraction profile was flatter than that for downward flow in normal gravity. Jayawardena

et al. (1997) proposed a general flow pattern map based on dimensionless parameters for

rnicrogravity two-phase flows, which is different from the previous flow maps using gas and

liquid superficial velocities.

Rite and Rezkallah (1994, 1997) studied convective heat transfer in a vertically,

upward co-current flow of water and air through a circular tube aboard the NASA's KC- 135

parabolic aircraft. They found that the heat transfer coefficients in reduced gravity were lower

than in normal gravity at low liquid and gas velocities and this trend was reversed at higher

liquid or gas velocities. Also, reduced gravity had a tendency to lower the heat transfer

coefficient by as much as 50% at the lowest flow qualities in the bubbly and slug flow

regimes. As the flow quality increased and the flow regime changed to annular flow, the

Page 24: Flow Heat Trader In Quenching Of - University of Toronto T ...€¦ · The quenching of R113 image at maximum heat flux. The quenching of R113 image at nucleate boiling regime. The

differences in heat transfer coefficient between the normal gravity and reduced gravity were

much less significant.

Recently, Issacci et al. (1995) conducted a literature survey on two-phase flow and

heat transfer involving nucleate pool boiling or forced convective boiling under reduced

gravity conditions. They concluded that the flow regime maps developed for two-phase flow

under low gravity conditions were still not fully established at present. Surprisingly, they

found that most low gravity maximum heat flux data are still those summarized by Siegel

(1967). Also, the siudies on 80w boiling under low gravity are very few and none of them

have investigated the critical heat flux.

The boiling experiments under microgravity conditions started with small drop tower

tests. Merte and Clark (1964) performed pool boiling experiments by immersing a 2.5 cm

diameter copper sphere in liquid nitrogen as a transient calonmeter using a 10 meter high

&op tower with a drop time of 1.4 seconds. Fractional gravity down to 0.0 1 g was obtained

using appropriate counter-weights and the expenrnental results showed that the film boiling

heat transfer coefficient was proportional to gl", the critical and minimum heat flux followed

a g1f4 dependence, and that the nucleate and transition boiling regimes were unafTected by

changes in gravitational acceleration.

However, Siegel and Keshock (1965) studied the effect of gravity on pool boiling

using a 3.8 rn drop tower and a platinum wire of 0.5 mm diameter in horizontal and vertical

orientations. They found that the heat transfer coefficient increased for two of their three test

fluids for the horizontal wire and decreased for the vertical orientation of the wire in

rnicrogravity. Siegel (1967) also reviewed the early studies on microgravity pool boiling.

Straub et al. (1990) summarized their 15 years of rnicrogravity pool boiling

experiments as showing a small effect of gravity on nucleate pool boiling, which was

contradictory to many pool boiling models which strongly rely on the effect of buoyancy on

nucleation and vapor bubble release. They also found that cntical heat fluxes were higher

than the values calculated by the correlations of Zuber (1959) and Lienhard and Dhir (1973),

and film boiling heat transfer decreased with gravity, but remained nearly constant for lower

g levels.

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Recently, Ervin et al. (1992) and Ervin and Merte (1993) conducted transient pool

boiling experiments using RI13 in a drop tower to study nucleation and pool boiling

mechanisms in microgravity. They used a transparent gold film sputtered on a quartz

substrate, which worked both as a heating element and resistance temperature sensor at the

sarne time and also pennitted viewing of the boiling process from beneath the heated surface.

A new energetic type of boiling spread was observed in microgravity due to an interfacial

instability driven by a large mass flux across the wnnkled liquid-vapor interface.

Shortly later, Merte ( 1994) reported the results of pool boiling experiments conducted

aboard the Space Shuttle with the sarne surface as was used in the drop tower tests described

above. Subcooled boiling during long periods of microgravity was found to be unstable. The

heating surface was found to dry out and rewet, and the average heat transfer coefficients

during the dryout and rewetting periods were found to be about the sarne. Very recently,

Merte and Lee ( 1997) summarized their pool boiling experimental results conducted in three

Space Shuttle missions, STS 47, 57 and 60, using the same experimental apparatus. They

found that the absence of buoyancy resulted in the onset of boiling at low levels of heat flux

not othenvise possible in earth gravity. With the highest heat flux imposed on the heater

surface during the missions, heterogeneous nucleation was observed through the transparent

heater surface. However, a special form of homogeneous nucleation, which was termed as

quasi-homogeneous nucleation, occurred at various random locations followed by violent

vapor bubble growth rates when lower heat €luxes were imposed.

In addition to the study of pool boiling in reduced gravity in the United States and

Europe, two groups from Japan have studied the mechanisms of pool boiling using single and

binary mixture fluids in reduced gravity. Abe et al. (1994) conducted pool boiling

experiments with non-azeotropic water-ethanol mixtures in a 10-second drop tower.

Nucleation of bubbles on a transparent Pyrex plate with a thinly coated transparent heater

film was observed from side and below at a certain angle. The observations showed that the

hlly grown bubbles imrnediately detached but stayed at a small distance away from the

heater surface. The liquid supply to the base of each as-yet undetached bubble was found to

be intensive, possibly because of a Marangoni fiow effect. Also, large coalesced bubbles

formed above an array of small primary bubbles attached to the heater surface and continually

Page 26: Flow Heat Trader In Quenching Of - University of Toronto T ...€¦ · The quenching of R113 image at maximum heat flux. The quenching of R113 image at nucleate boiling regime. The

absorbed the small bubbles at higher heat inputs. The heat transfer measurements showed

enhancement in nucleate boiling but reduction in CHF in reduced gravity. Using sirnilar

experimental setup, they performed a series of pool boiling experiments using subcooled n-

pentane, CFC-113 and water aboard the Caravelle 234 aircraft (Oka et al., 1995). They found

significant reduction of in CHF but very slight changes in nucleate boiling heat transfer at

low heat fluxes for n-pentane and CFC-113. Opposite results were obtained for water and this

difference was believed to be attributed to a considerable difference in surface tension and

wettability between the organic fluids and water.

Ohta et al. (1997, 1998) reported pool boiting results obtained from the NASDA TR-

1A sounding rocket experiment. The boiling process with the systern pressure varying from

0.0 1 to 0.48 MPa on a sapphire glass disk using ethanol was viewed from the side and below

the heater surface. Different from many sirnilar heating and measuring techniques used

previously, they coated the back surface of the sapphire disk with a transparent heating film

so that the platinum temperature sensors, which were directly deposited on the boiling

surface, were electrically insulated from the heater. Steady state nucleate boiling was

achieved except in the case of low liquid subcooling during a six minutes period of high

quality reduced gravity. They observed that the behavior of small primary bubbles, existing at

the base of the large coalesced bubble, dorninated nucleate boiling for high heat inputs or at

low liquid subcooling. They also found that there existed two opposite trends of heat transfer

enhancement and deterioration depending on the behavior of the evaporating microlayer and

that of the dry patch at the base of the large bubble. Using the measured liquid film thickness

data, they developed a new mode1 to predict the surface heat flux.

Most of the microgravity experiments on boiling to date have been concemed with

pool boiling situations in order to clariw the basic mechanisms of nucleate boiling, bubble

generation and boiling incipience. On the other hand, flow boiling studies under rnicrogravity

are much more useful for practical applications, however, there are few studies reported in

the past.

One of the earliest studies on flow boiling under reduced gravity conditions is that of

Cochran (1970). The experiments were conducted in drop towers with water flowing over a

thin Chrome1 flat plate heater to study boiling process near inception. In cornparison to

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normal gravity tests, it was found that bubbles tended to stay on the heating surface so that

they could become large enough to coalesce with the neighboring bubbles and acquire

irregular shapes in microgravity .

Recently, with the help of parabolic flight aircraft which can produce reduced gravity

periods longer than those in drop towers, Lui, Kawaji and Ogushi (1994) conducted a series

of experiments on flow boiling of RI 13 in a thin-walled stainless steel tube in horizontal

orientation aboard the KC-135 of NASA. Their results showed that the entire heat transfer

coefficient increased for subcooled, low quality, flow (nucleate) boiling during reduced

gravity by a factor of 5 to 20% over the normal gravity conditions. They attributed the

enhancement to the changes in phase distribution, and the greater movement of the vapor

bubbles generated on the heated tube surface, which could induce more localized turbulence

near the heater surface.

Saito et al. (1994) also studied flow boiling of water on a heater rod placed in a square

channel. The experiments were perforrned in the Japanese low gravity aircraft (MU-300).

They dso found that the nucleate boiling heat transfer coefficients slightly increased in the

flow direction but the magnitudes of the heat transfer coefficient were about the sarne as

those in normal gravity.

Recently, Wang et al. (1996) compared subcooled pool and forced-convection

nucleate boiling of R113 on a semitransparent gold-film heater in normal gravity and reduced

gravity, which was created by drop tower. Their measurements and observations showed that

higher heat transfer coefficients were achieved under reduced gravity conditions for both

types of boiling modes except for the case with the highest heat flux input (7.58 ~ lcm' ) , in

which the heat transfer coefficients declined sharply due to the formation of vapor slugs

above the heater surface and drying-out of some portions of the heater surface. The effect of

flow on boiling heat transfer enhancernent was only limited to the lowest heat flux input

(2.88 w/cm2), where the liquid flow and the sliding of individual bubbles prevented the

vapor fmm agglomerating above the heater surface.

For flow rewetting experiments under reduced gravity conditions, only a few have

been perfonned. Kawaji et al. (199 1) performed experiments on rewetting of a transparent,

horizontally oriented, 14 mm LD. quartz tube by injecting subcooled R113 under reduced

Page 28: Flow Heat Trader In Quenching Of - University of Toronto T ...€¦ · The quenching of R113 image at maximum heat flux. The quenching of R113 image at nucleate boiling regime. The

gravity conditions aboard the NASA's KC-135. Inverted annular Rows with thick vapor films

and dispersed flows with liquid filaments and droplets were observed during the rewetting

tests. Westbye et al. (1995) performed sirnilar rewetting experiments using R-113 and a thin-

wailed stainless steel tube, with 1 1.3 mm LD. and 9 14 mm length aboard the KC-135. The

rewetting temperature and heat transfer coefficient in the film boiling regirne were

significantly reduced due to thicker vapor films under reduced gravity. Quenching curves

obtained under reduced gravity were very sirnilar to those obtained in 1-g, but were shifted to

Iower wall superheats which led to the conclusion that transition and nucleate boiling regimes

are relatively unaffected by the gravity level. Also the critical heat flux was observed to

increase with increasing flow rate in both normal and reduced gravity.

Very recently, Antar and Collins (1997) claimed that a new vaporlliquid flow pattern,

called the filamentary flow pattern, exists under the low gravity conditions after they

conducted quenching experiments involving a quartz tube and iiquid nitrogen aboard the KC-

135. This new flow pattern, which also resembled those observed by Westbye et al. (1991),

comprised of long and connected liquid columns surrounded by a thick vapor layer and

flowing in the center of the test section. The vapor layer was found to be much thicker than

that occurring in the inverted annular flow pattern observed on the ground. Similar to

Westbye et al.'s (1995) results, they dso obtained lower quench speeds in vertical quenching

of a stainless steel tube using liquid nitrogen under low gravity conditions.

In a different type of experiment from pool boiling, flow boiling or quenching

experiments under reduced gravity conditions, Qiao and Chandra (1995) photographicdly

observed boiling of single droplets of water and n-heptane impacting a hot stainless steel

surface during 55 ms free fall. Their study mainly focused on the measurement of Leidenfrost

temperature. They found that the Leidenfrost temperature could not be defined on the basis of

an evaporation curve because droplets did not stay at the surface during film boiling in low

gravity. Due to the effects of surface thermal properties, surface tension and wettability, and

the extent of droplet break up and recoalescence, the behavior of water was different from n-


In a theoretical work related to the rewetting mechanism, Adharn-Khodaparast et ai.

(1 994% 1994b) and Adham-Khodaparast ( 1995) studied the Rayleigh-Taylor and Kelvin-

Page 29: Flow Heat Trader In Quenching Of - University of Toronto T ...€¦ · The quenching of R113 image at maximum heat flux. The quenching of R113 image at nucleate boiling regime. The

Helmholtz instability of a liquid-vapor interface under the influence of adverse gravity field

and with appreciable interfacial heat and mass transfer. They developed a new mode1

incorporating the effect of vapor recoil that correctly predicts parametric dependence of

critical heat flux reached during rewetting of a hot surface. Their snidy showed that

horizontal velocity difference between the vapor and liquid smams increased the heat flux

requirement for interfacial stability and the effect of gravity became smail if there was

horizontal relative motion between the vapor and liquid in film boiling.

1.3. Research Objectives

It can be summarized from the literature review presented in the previous section that

some pool and flow boiling heat transfer studies in reduced gravity have been made.

However, they are still too few to fully clarify certain issues, such as the effect of gravity

level on nucleate and transition boiling heat transfer, maximum heat flux, rewetting

temperature and quench velocity under different flow and liquid subcooling conditions. With

the exponential growth of space-related activities, such as the use of satellites in

communication, launching of the International Space Station, as well as Mars and Lunar

exploration, the boiling heat transfer data are urgently needed for power and thermal

management systems as well as liquid propellant and cryogenic fluid handling in space.

Therefore, the objectives of this study were to design and build a test loop and test section,

and conduct experiments both on the ground and under reduced gravity to study the effect of

gravity level, liquid flow rate and inlet subcooling on flow boiling heat transfer during

quenching of a hot surface. The main feature of the new expenmental apparatus was the use

of a recently developed micro-sensor for surface heat flux and temperature measurements.

In addition to extensive tests on the ground, a senes of expenments have been

performed aboard the KC-135 and DC-9 parabolic aircraft operated by the U.S. National

Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) in order to obtain data under reduced gravity

conditions. In the rest of this thesis, a detailed description of the experimentai apparatus will

be presented in Chapter 2 and the characteristics of reduced gravity condition aboard the

aircraft as well as the experimental procedures will be descrîbed in Chapter 3. Then the

Page 30: Flow Heat Trader In Quenching Of - University of Toronto T ...€¦ · The quenching of R113 image at maximum heat flux. The quenching of R113 image at nucleate boiling regime. The

experimental results, and data andysis will be presented in Chapters 4 to 8. Finally, Chapter 9

presents the concIusions and recornmendations for future studies.

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Experimental Apparatus

Based on the previous KC-135 campaign experiences gained by two other

researchers, Westbye (1992) and Lui (1993), a new experimental apparatus was designed and

constnicted to collect rewetting data aboard the NASA's KC-135 and DC-9 parabolic

aircraft. Several criteria were considered in the new design. The whole system was designed

to be as light and compact as possible to make operation, shipping by air freight and loading

ont0 the KC-135 and DC-9 more reliable and simpler. Two compact and portable modules

were used to contain a test section, flow loop and heat transfer system in one and a data

acquisition system in the other. The 80w loop was designed to provide fluid flow, boiiing

heat transfer, cooling and phase separation even under microgravity conditions with R113,

PF5060 (Per-Fluorocarbon, C6FL47, a new refrigerant from 3M) and other coolants for the

present and future flow boiling experiments. The fluid properties will be given in Chapter 8.

At the beginning of flow boiling experiments in this study, R113 was used as a

coolant because of its non-toxic and non-flarnmable nature and especially its low boiling

point. However, this fluid has been recently banned due to its harmful effect on ozone layer

of the atmosphere. Thus, a new substitute, PF5060, a coolant with sirnilar therrnophysical

properties as R113's, was found to continue this study. The test section was constructed to

enable surface heat flux and temperature measurements for the present rewetting

experiments. The data acquisition system was set up to monitor and collect fiow and heat

transfer data automatically. The operation procedure was organized to be as simple as

possible, so that one operator could perform the entire experiment aboard the KC-135 and

DC-9 aircrafts. A general description of the apparatus is given in the following sections.

2.1. Test Loop and Components

The rewetting experiments had to be conducted aboard KC-135 and DC-9 parabolic

aircraft of NASA. Therefore, the expenmental apparatus was designed for operation under

Page 32: Flow Heat Trader In Quenching Of - University of Toronto T ...€¦ · The quenching of R113 image at maximum heat flux. The quenching of R113 image at nucleate boiling regime. The

reduced gravity conditions and to withstand harsh crash conditions (9-g fonvard 2-g upward

and 7-g downward) aboard the aircraft in cornpliance with the requirements from NASA.

The test loop schematic is shown in Figure 2.1. The working liquid (R113 or PF5060)

was circulated through the closed flow loop by a speed-controlled Micropump (Model 10 1-

415), with a maximum flow rate of 26 Ipm and a head of 200 kPa. This pump was driven by a

motor with a magnetic coupling that did not require any sealing mechanism or lubrication.

The flow rate was measured by an infrared flow sensor (IR-OP Flow Meter Model 502-104)

and KEPtrol LED-display unit with an output signal of 0-5 V. The accuracy of flow

measurements determined by calibration was M.01 (literhinute). Two T-type thermo-

couples and two Omega PX176-025A5V strain gauge pressure transducen were used to

measure the inlet and outlet temperatures and pressures of the test section, respectively.

While passing through the test section, the working liquid was partially vaporized and the

resulting two-phase mixture entered the condenser, where the vapor was condensed into

liquid and the liquid was further subcooled.

Cornputer \ e Relief

Test Valve section T

amcorder l - œ - - Condenser 1 - - Oi O ooler 1 EXP-16 Camcorder - Micro


I I I s e x t u 3 2 a - & L - Discharge Pump

Line e

iT: E S \


Figure 2.1. Schematic of the test loop.

Page 33: Flow Heat Trader In Quenching Of - University of Toronto T ...€¦ · The quenching of R113 image at maximum heat flux. The quenching of R113 image at nucleate boiling regime. The

Both fluids, R 1 13 and PF5060, were cleanly handled in the flow loop using the

chernically compatible Teflon tubing andor brass fittings to connect various flow loop


The experiments under reduced gravity were performed aboard the NASA's KC-135

and DC-9 aircraft in Houston and Cleveland, respectively. The experimental apparatus was

built inside two aluminum frame assemblies measuring 0.508m x 0.508m x 0.787m and

0.7 1 lm x 0.508m x 0.9 14m. The components of the test loop and the data acquisition system

were mounted inside the multi-level frarne assemblies that could easily be loaded ont0 the

aircraft and fastened to the cabin floor.

2.2. Heat Flux Micro Sensor

The main god of the study was to obtain instantaneous surface heat flux and

temperature data dunng rewetting of a hot surface so that the mechanism of boiling at high

surface temperature could be better understood. Previous experiments dealing with boiling

and rewetting studies often used thermocouples for temperature measurement. Usually, the

temperatures were measured below the heated surface of the test section and not on the

surface itself. Even if surface thermocouples or resistance temperature devices were used,

there were no direct means of heat flux measurement. In the previous studies, heat flux was

always indirectly calculated from the thennocouple measurements using an inverse

conduction computational technique. In most of those studies, even the surface temperature

was to be calculated from the inverse conduction calculations. This was a major source of

error and uncertainty in those experiments, because many transient and dynamic features of

the heat transfer problem could have gone undetected in those experiments.

In the present study, the Heat Flux Micro Sensor (HFMS) of VATEIL Co. was, for

the first time, used to simultaneously and directly rneasure the surface temperature and heat

flux variations during rewetting. The HFMS consisted of two heat flux gages having a square

shape and 2rnm by 2mn: in size, and placed 7 mm apart (center to center) with a platinum

Resistance Temperature Sensor (RTS) in between, as shown in Figure 2.2. The sensors were

deposited on a copper or stainless steel circular disk with a plasma-sprayed, 100-micron thick

aiuminum oxide base insulating layer. Also, the sensor had an over-coat of sputtered 1

Page 34: Flow Heat Trader In Quenching Of - University of Toronto T ...€¦ · The quenching of R113 image at maximum heat flux. The quenching of R113 image at nucleate boiling regime. The

micron thick aluminum oxide that provided moderate abrasion resistance and electncal

isolation. The sensor was developed by the Vatel1 Corp. using the direct rnetal deposition

technique from the electronics industry, in the form of micron thick thermopiles of

platinum/platinum- 1 0%-rhodium (Hager et al. 1989).

The thermopiles were layers of very small and thin themocouples which were

altemately deposited above and below a very thin thermal insulation layer (as illustrated in

Figure 2.3). For any finite heat flux through the thermopile, there would be a temperature

difference between the upper and lower faces of the insulation layer. Therefore, the

thermocouples above the plate would sense a temperature difference and produce a certain

electrical motive force (emf). However, the subsequent upper and lower face thermocouples

were connected in a reverse senes, so that the positive junction of one upper thermocouple

was connected to the positive junction of one lower thermocouple and the same for the

negative junctions. This arrangement gives a zero emf for the case of no heat flux. On the

other hand, for any non-zero surface heat flux, this combination of lower and upper

themocouples gives a small electrical potential output equal to the difference between the

emf's of each thermocouple. Severai sets of the upper and lower themocouples were

connected in a reverse series to give a measurable output signal for the thermopile.

The output of the HFMS was linearly dependent on heat flux, because the thermal

resistance of the insulation layer was constant and temperature difference across the plate was

linearly dependent on heat flux. The output of each KFMS had been calibrated by the

manufacturer and was 2.2 micro-voit for a heat flux of 1.0 w/cm2. Although the sensors are

resistant to temperatures as high as 1,200 O C , they are very delicate and thin, therefore, care

was needed to avoid mechanical damages during assembling or disassembling the test


The sensor connections were made of platinum pins with spot-welded platinum leads.

Ordinary copper wires could be used for connection to those platinum pins as long as there is

no temperature difference between them. In order to reduce the noise as much as possible, a

shielded, twisted pair of wiring was used, and its total length was kept to a minimum.

Page 35: Flow Heat Trader In Quenching Of - University of Toronto T ...€¦ · The quenching of R113 image at maximum heat flux. The quenching of R113 image at nucleate boiling regime. The

Micro Heat Flux Sensors

Resistance Temperature Sensor

Figure 2.2. Schematic of the heat flux micro sensor.

Page 36: Flow Heat Trader In Quenching Of - University of Toronto T ...€¦ · The quenching of R113 image at maximum heat flux. The quenching of R113 image at nucleate boiling regime. The

Lower U P W Thermocouple Therm ocouple

,ead inection

u I I

: n units of thermopiles

Figure 2.3. It shows the working principle of the heat flux micro sensor (Hager et ai. 1989).

Page 37: Flow Heat Trader In Quenching Of - University of Toronto T ...€¦ · The quenching of R113 image at maximum heat flux. The quenching of R113 image at nucleate boiling regime. The

Two dfierential amplifien from ECTRON Co. were used for amplmng the output

signals from the heat flux gages. They were ECTRON mode1 687 rnounted in a bin that used

115 VAC or 12 VDC power (12 VDC power was used in this study to avoid any electrical

noise). The differential amplifier ensures the best low noise performance of the heat flux

sensor since it has transformer isolation between the signal inputs, power supply and output.

The amplifier gain could be adjusted in steps of 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500 and 1,000 with a

0.5% accuracy. A twenty-turn front panel potentiometer provided variable gain from

approximately 0.95 to 2.7 times the switch selected value. In this work, a gain setting of 1 0

was used in al1 experiments. The uncertainty in the heat flux measurement was analyzed and

estimated to be fi1 of the reading, which is presented in Appendix II.

The instantaneous surface ternperature was measured by the resistance temperature

sensor (RTS). The electncal resistance of the RTS changes linearly with temperature as

indicated by the calibration data supplied by the manufacturer. It operates on the principle

that the electrical resistance of a metal changes when subjected to a change in ternperature.

The RTS was excited by a precision DC voltage supply and formed one of the amis of a

Wheatstone bridge configuration. The excitation current was adjusted with regard to the

range of resistance of RTS, so that it would not produce appreciable self-heating in RTS. The

typical output of the sensor was about 300 micro-volts per 10 O C at 24 OC. The uncertainty in

the surface temperature measurement was estimated to be rr2 OC as presented in Appendix II.

2.3. Test Section

The test section consisted of a 19.1 mm thick stainless steel base plate and 6.4 mm

thick alurninum casing which formed a rectangular flow channe140 mm wide by 5 mm high

and 200 mm in Iength. In the present experiments, the boiling heat transfer characteristics at

high wall superheats were studied using a quenching method. Therefore, only one of the

horizontal surfaces of the test section was electrically heated.

The schematics of the heated stainless steel plate housing one HFMS, two cartridge

heaters and four T-type thermocouples are shown in Figure 2.4. The plate was 200 mm long

and 50 mm wide with a 5 mm groove around the plate penmeter to house a Teflon seal,

Page 38: Flow Heat Trader In Quenching Of - University of Toronto T ...€¦ · The quenching of R113 image at maximum heat flux. The quenching of R113 image at nucleate boiling regime. The

which couId effectively prevent the leakage of R113/PF5060 without melting at the wdl

temperature of up to 280 OC.

r--> A I

3 , , 1 L--> I B \

Cartridge stainléss Aluminum Flow HFMS Window HFMÇ Heater Steel Base Casing Channel Housing Glass Wire Hole \ \ / / / /

Section AB

Figure 2.4. Schematic of the test section.

Page 39: Flow Heat Trader In Quenching Of - University of Toronto T ...€¦ · The quenching of R113 image at maximum heat flux. The quenching of R113 image at nucleate boiling regime. The

The HFMS was imbedded in the plate at a distance of 50 mm from the inlet and was

flush with the heated surface. A brass tube was used to fasten the HFMS to the plate. The tip

of the tube was rnachined to provide a 3 mm screw that fitted into the rear hole of the HFMS.

The outside perimeter was threaded and a bolt was used to pull the tube and HFMS towards

the bottom of the plate. A Teflon gasket was used to seal the bottom of the HFMS against the

edge of its housing.

Four shielded thermocouples with bare tips were mechanicdly fixed in holes dnlled

to 1 mm beneath the rewetting surface. They were used to monitor the temperature

distribution dong the flow direction and check its uniformity before each experiment. The

thermocouples had an accuracy of fl. 1 O C .

The stainless steel plate was heated by two 600W Watlow Firerod LA Cartridge

heaten which were connected to an AC transformer for variable power input. Two cartridge

heaters were screwed into two 8 mm holes parallel to the plate length. The extemai surface

of the plate was fully insulated by fiber glass.

The aluminum casing of the test section. which provided the other three sides of the

flow channel besides the heated wall is shown in Figure 2.5. There were three glass windows

aaached to enable direct viewing of the flow and boiling conditions above the HFMS. The

casing was machined out of a 19 mm alurninum plate with two grooves, one matching with

the heated wail groove and the Teflon seal, and the other with the flow channel. On the upper

face, a circular window was provided by machining a 25 mm hole with a 1.5 mm inside

shoulder to provide support for mounting and Epoxy gluing of a circular 28 mm diarneter

Boro-Silicate g las piece. This circular window was situated directly over the HFMS. Two

other windows were each situated on the side wall of the casing at a distance of 50 mm from

the inlet. On each wall, two rectangular openings were machined with dimensions of 23 mm

x 5 mm and 30 mm x 10 mm. On the outer and Iarger opening a glass piece of size 30mm x

10 mm was fixed by high temperature Epoxy glue and on the inner opening was mounted a

glass piece of size 23 mm x 5 mm. The outer glass provided the mechanical strength of the

window and the inner glas was installed flush with the inner wall so that no disturbance

would be introduced into the flow inside the channel.

Page 40: Flow Heat Trader In Quenching Of - University of Toronto T ...€¦ · The quenching of R113 image at maximum heat flux. The quenching of R113 image at nucleate boiling regime. The

Flow Casting

Circular Window

w /

Flow Passage d

ined tube



Cylindrical O pening Conical Opening

\ /

Figure 2.5. Schematic of the aluminum case cover.

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Page 42: Flow Heat Trader In Quenching Of - University of Toronto T ...€¦ · The quenching of R113 image at maximum heat flux. The quenching of R113 image at nucleate boiling regime. The

Figure 2.6 shows the whole view of the test section after assembly. The aluminum

casing and the heated wall were connected and fastened by four aluminum clamps. The idet

and outlet sections were screw fastened to the flow channel and provided a smooth passage

between the channel and round tubes. The inlet and outlet sections were designed with the

same geometry so that flow could be directed in both directions through the test section. They

were machined out of 19 mm thick aluminum slabs. A 15 mm inner diameter hose connector

was machined out of aluminum and connected to a rectangular collection box with

dimensions of 65 mm x 22 mm. The rectangular box was machined inside to provide a

conical gathering section leading to a cylindrical outlet, concentric with the hose connector.

This design with its smooth contraction and expansion provided least resistance to the two-

phase flow entenng or leaving the test section.

Teflon gaskets were used for sealing al1 the components of the test section with the

exception of the glass windows where high temperature Epoxy was used.

2.4. Condenser

It is very important in flow boiling experiments that liquid can be continuously

supplied to the test section, free of any vapor. This is a trivial problem for the experiments on

the ground under 1-g conditions, since the large density difference between vapor and liquid

causes the two fluids to separate naturally. However, because the surface tension is the only

dominant force under reduced gravity, liquid-vapor separation in condenser becomes a major

technical problem in order to continuously supply liquid to the test section. Therefore, Iiquid-

vapor separation must be considered carefully in design of any flow boiling experiments

under reduced gravity.

Two major methods can be used in the design of a liquid-vapor separator for reduced

gravity flow boiling experiments. One is to introduce an acceleration field so that liquid and

vapor can be separated based on a density difference. This cm be achieved by rotating the

separator to form a centrifuga1 force field. However, this kind of separator would be

complicated in design and expensive to make, and it would only be needed to provide high

flow rates of liquid during long reduced gravity periods. The other option was the utilization

of liquid-surface wettability. The excellent wettability of Lucite, especially in the case of

Page 43: Flow Heat Trader In Quenching Of - University of Toronto T ...€¦ · The quenching of R113 image at maximum heat flux. The quenching of R113 image at nucleate boiling regime. The

highly wetting liquids like R-113 and PF5060, can be used for liquid-vapor separation. The

present design of condenser in this study utilized the application of this method. It could

provide a relatively simple means of liquid-vapor separation for short duration of reduced

gravity experiments.

A compact condenser, which was especially designed for KC-135/DC-9 reduced

gravity experiments, consisted of a transparent cylindrical vessel, 203 mm in inner diameter

and 406 mm in height, made from 6.4 mm thick Lucite. Donut-shaped Lucite plates were

glued to the cylindrical shell to act as flanges for the top and bottom covers. The vessel was

closed by two circula Lucite plates which were fianged to the top and the bonom of the

cylindrical shell with steel bolts and nuts. Rubber ring-shaped gaskets wrapped by Teflon

tape were used to seal the joints. A pressure gauge was installed on the top of the condenser

to monitor the inside pressure. The interna1 components included an inlet spray head, copper

cooling coil, a cap, a bubble ejection (or liquid collection) device, wire mesh and a cooling

system as shown in Figure 2.7. The transparent vessel perrnitted a video carncorder to view

and record the fluid motion in the condenser during reduced gravity experiments.

Two types of inlet noules attached at the top center or near the side wall, were

designed to force the incoming vapor-liquid R-113 mixture to flow downward as a spray

cone or in a spiral dong the vesse1 wall. This design was expected to not only enhance

condensation heat transfer, but to continuously supply liquid R-113 to the top of the liquid

collection device even under reduced gravity so that the condenser outlet would rernain

irnrnersed in liquid during both reduced gravity and hyper-gravity periods. In practice, the

spiral inlet gave a better result in reduced gravity experiments. A combination of a bed of

wire mesh, a perforated copper cap and bubble ejection fins was used to prevent the vapor

from rnoving towards the condenser outlet Iocated at the bonom of the condenser through the

effect of surface tension. The design was based on the tendency of liquid to obstmct the

passage of vapor through narrow channels and contracting conduits. The bubble ejection fins

(or altemately called liquid collection device) consisted of 24 pieces of 7.5 cm long, 12.5 cm

wide and 1.6 mm thick Lucite plates joined by two Lucite connectors and providing 15'

radially contracting passages for the liquid to flow towards the pump suction. The two-phase

mixture was introduced at the top of the separator and any fluid traveling towards the pump

Page 44: Flow Heat Trader In Quenching Of - University of Toronto T ...€¦ · The quenching of R113 image at maximum heat flux. The quenching of R113 image at nucleate boiling regime. The

Cooling Coil .

W ire, Mesh

Figure 2.7. Schematic of the condenser.

Page 45: Flow Heat Trader In Quenching Of - University of Toronto T ...€¦ · The quenching of R113 image at maximum heat flux. The quenching of R113 image at nucleate boiling regime. The

suction had to go through the condenser section contining copper cooling coils where most

of the vapor was condensed, then the wire mesh bed, the perforated copper cap and through

the bubble ejection fins.

The cooling system included a March MDX-3 centrifugai pump, a 10" Electra-fan, a

B&M Supercooler heat exchanger, cooling coils and water as the coolant. Two cooling coils

made of 6.4 mm O.D. copper tubes were placed inside the condenser to condense the vapor

and cool the liquid. The center coi1 was finned to enhance heat transfer. To avoid king

classified as a pressure vessel, a pressure gauge, a relief valve and a filling valve were

installed at the top of the condenser.

2.5. Data Acquisition System

A Perfect 486DX-33Pentium- 100 persona1 cornputer was used to gather and store ail

the expenmental data including the heat flux and surface temperature, heated plate

temperatures, inlet and outlet fluid temperatures, R-113lPF5060 flow rate and gravitational

acceleration level. Data were collected via Keithley Metrabyte EXP- 16 16-channel expansion

mutiplexer, signal conditioning board and DAS-1402 data acquisition board capable of up to

100,000 samples/sec sampling rate. Figure 2.8 shows the data acquisition flow chart. Labtech

Notebook software was used for data acquisition management allowing real-time

visualization of heat flux and surface temperature histories, which was very helpful to the

operator for producing smooth initial temperature profiles and obtaining better quenching

data aboard the KC-135fDC-9 aircraft. The data were analyzed using Iandel SigmaPlot


Page 46: Flow Heat Trader In Quenching Of - University of Toronto T ...€¦ · The quenching of R113 image at maximum heat flux. The quenching of R113 image at nucleate boiling regime. The

3 Gravity Levels >i

2 Pressure

Figure 2.8. The flow chart of the data acquisition system.

, > Personal



Flow Meter

2.6. Visualization of Quenching Experiments

2.6.1. Quenching of a hot surface with subcooled RI13

A boiling process is commonly encountered wherever a heating surface is at a certain

temperature above the boiling point of a Iiquid. However, the mechanism of boiling is not yet

fully understood. Visurlization is an important tool in two-phase 80w and boiling heat

transfer studies, since it can efficiendy help researchers investigate the flow and boiling

mechanisms. In order to further analyze the flow boiling phenomena investigated with the

advanced heat flux micro sensor in the present study, the test loop and the test section

descnbed in the previous sections were used for the visualization of quenching expenments

(RI13 was used as coolant) by using a video carnera and recording system. Two sets of

expenments were conducted.

Since the total size of the experimental apparatus aboard the KC-135 aircraft was

limited, an ELMO micro video carnera (mode1 EM-102BW) and a Mitsubishi carncorder

Amplifier #2 X I 0

HIF Sensor #2

6 T-Type Themocounles -

> + +

- EXP-16 X200 RTS


+ I >

Bridge >

DAS 1402 A/D 1 Ml KHz

XI 1 r



Page 47: Flow Heat Trader In Quenching Of - University of Toronto T ...€¦ · The quenching of R113 image at maximum heat flux. The quenching of R113 image at nucleate boiling regime. The

were used to record the boiling phenornena occumng on the micro heat flux sensor surface

through the top glass window of the test section. The frame rate of the video recording

system was 30 Hz.

In the ground tests, a high speed video camera was used to record the quenching

process via a 45' inclined mirror placed above the top glass window of the test section and

located above the heat flux sensor. At the sarne time, it aiso recorded the heat flux level by a

heat flux indicator placed beside the mirror. The heat flux indicator consisted of a ten-level

indication LCD and ten glas fibers (1 mm in diameter), as shown in Figure 2.9. The outlet

signal from the heat flux micro sensor was amplified and sent to the heat flux indicator while

it was recorded by the data acquisition system at the same time. One side of glas fibers was

inserted into the LCDs and fixed by Silicon rubber. The other side was aligned on a piece of

plate. When the input signai was above a certain threshold value of an L m circuit, a certain

number of LCDs proportional to the input signal would light on. The glass fibers transferred

the light from LCD's to the plate, which faced the high speed video camera The heat flux

indicator was set to show the heat flux from LOO kw/m2 to 1000 kw/m2. The accuracy of the

indicator was determined by the threshold value of the LCD circuit and was about 3 0


2.6.2. Quenching of a hot rectangular quartz tube with subcooled water

The test loop consisted of a pump with a fixed flow rate, a rectangular quartz tube as a

test section, a bypass flow loop, a tank made of Lucite plates, three valves, transparent plastic

tubing and brass fittings, as shown in Figure 2.10. The quartz tube was 10 mm by 6 mm in

cross section and 250 mm in length and was placed vertically. The wall temperature was

measured by a T-type thermocouple fixed on the tube by a piece of copper tape. At the

beginning of the experiment, the test section valve was switched off so that the distilled water

was circulated in the bypass flow loop. After one side of the quartz tube wall was heated by a

propane torch to 500 - 600 OC, the test section valve was opened to a designed position

corresponding to a small, intermediate or high flow rate. Then the distilled water was

circulated to the test section and was partially evaporated while quenching the hot wall of the

quartz test section. The quenching process was recorded by a high-speed video camera at a

frame rate of 744 Hz and a shutter speed of 1110000 second.

Page 48: Flow Heat Trader In Quenching Of - University of Toronto T ...€¦ · The quenching of R113 image at maximum heat flux. The quenching of R113 image at nucleate boiling regime. The
Page 49: Flow Heat Trader In Quenching Of - University of Toronto T ...€¦ · The quenching of R113 image at maximum heat flux. The quenching of R113 image at nucleate boiling regime. The

Test Section

HVC - I 1 Tank



Memory Bypass Valve 1

Test Section I 1 Valve


Discharge Line

Figure 2.10. The schematic of the test loop in quenching of a quartz tube with water.

Page 50: Flow Heat Trader In Quenching Of - University of Toronto T ...€¦ · The quenching of R113 image at maximum heat flux. The quenching of R113 image at nucleate boiling regime. The


Reduced Gravity Experiments and Procedure

The descriptions of KC- 135/DC-9 aireraft and rewetting experiments are presented in

this chapter. Reduced gravity experirnents were performed aboard the KC-135 and DC-9

aireraft dunng the penods February 1-4, 1994 and March 4-7,1997 at NASA's Johnson Space

Center and Lewis Researeh Center, respectively. A large arnount of data has k e n collected

and processed using the methods of data analysis to be described in Chapter 4.

3.1. KC-135 and DC-9 Aircraft

There are four ways of conducting reduced gravity expenments. Drop towers which

can provide reduced gravity levels in the order of lodg (g denotes the terrestrial gravity, 9.8

m/s2) conditions at intermediate cos& are cornmonly used for the experiments which do not

require long duration (not more than 5 - 10 seconds) of reduced gravity. Sounding rockets

can provide a few minutes of high quality zero gravity (in the order of 1 0 3 ) at a

considerably higher cost. Satisfactory rnicrogravity environment cm be established on the

Space Shuttle and space stations, but the availability of fiight opportunities is very limited

and the costs are also very high. Parabolic flying aircraft such as the NASA's KC- 135 and

DC-9 can provide a series of about 15 to 20-second long reduced gravity periods dunng the

flight (in the order of t 1 0 * ' ~ ) and are ideal for the expenments which do not require precisely

zero-gravit- conditions.

In this work. a platfom for performing the rewetting expenments provided aboard the

KC-135 and DC-9 was utilized, because each rewetting expenment for the present test

section could be finished in about 15 - 20 seconds.

The KC-135 aircraft is a four engine swept wing aircraft similar to a Boeing 707, and

has been extensively modified to support reduced gravity experimental research. It is

operated by the NASA Johnson Space Center (JSC) Reduced Gravity Prograrn in Houston,

Texas. Penods of reduced gravity and hyper-gravity are provided by flying a parabolic arc

between the altitudes of 24.000 ft (7.3 km) and 32,000 ft (9.8 km). From a level fiight, the

Page 51: Flow Heat Trader In Quenching Of - University of Toronto T ...€¦ · The quenching of R113 image at maximum heat flux. The quenching of R113 image at nucleate boiling regime. The

aircraft is fmt orientated into a " 45' nose-up" attitude. The engines are then throttied b ~ k ,

until thmst equals drag, and the KC-135 coasts over the crest of a parabolic arc. Thus, the

period of reduced gravity is sustained for about 20 seconds, and sometimes up to 30 seconds

with a typical acceleration within fl% of normal gravity (g). The parabolic manoeuvre is

initiated and terminated with a pull-up and pull-out of about 1.8 g acceleration. Each cycle of

reduced gravity and hyper-gravity lasts for about 70 seconds.

Four sets of 10 parabolas are flown dunng each flight, and a five to ten minute period

of level flight is provided to allow modification of equiprnent, replacement of video tape.

checking of the data recorded by data acquisition system, and so on. Typical acceleration

levels in X-Y-Z directions during reduced gravity periods aboard KC-135 are shown in

Figure 3.1.

The performance of DC-9 is similar to KC-135's. The reduced gravity period

provided by DC-9 usually lasts for about 15 seconds. In the DC-9 campaign, there were about

50 parabolas flown in each Right. Because the flying region is limited to an area above Lake

Huron, the number of each set of parabolas could not be pre-specified. In the DC-9 campaign,

only z-acceleration (perpendicular to the cabin floor) was recorded.

3.2. Operational Procedure

The following procedure was used during the KC-135 campaign in February 1994.

Preparation before flight:

Degas the air and non-condensable gases out of the liquid in the test loop and

condenser by circulating and boiling R 1 13 after the loop is filled with R 1 13.

Circulate RI 13 and tum on the power to the test section's cmridge heaters and

pre-heat the liquid at full power to a specified subcooling. Before starting

parabolic flights, heat the test section to a desired temperature.

During hyper-gravity:

0 Tum on the heater at full power. Since it requires one to two minutes at full

power to heat the test section from about 50 OC to a suitable initial temperature

of about 200 OC, skip altemate parabolas to allow the test section to heat up.

Page 52: Flow Heat Trader In Quenching Of - University of Toronto T ...€¦ · The quenching of R113 image at maximum heat flux. The quenching of R113 image at nucleate boiling regime. The

Time (second)

O 5 10 15 20 25 30 35

Time (second)

Time (second)

Figure 3.1. Typical accelerations during the KC- 135 flights

Page 53: Flow Heat Trader In Quenching Of - University of Toronto T ...€¦ · The quenching of R113 image at maximum heat flux. The quenching of R113 image at nucleate boiling regime. The

During reduced gravity:

* Tum off the heater power. Start to record the data. hject the liquid into the

test section at a specified flow rate. Continue recording the data after


This procedure was repeated for each parabola. For DC-9 campaign and normal

gravity tests on the ground, a similar procedure was used. Data collected by the data

acquisition system during each run were saved to a file, and the system was reinitialized.

3.3. Condenser Performance and Flow Rates

The condenser which was especially designed for the KC-135 reduced gravity

carnpaign could successfully supply enough liquid to the test section at almost al1 flow rates.

The wire mesh effectively prevented the liquid contained in the reservoir section (lower part

of the condenser) from nsing upward during reduced gravity. In the KC-135 carnpaign, the

wire mesh was 10 cm thick and the initial liquid level was almost at the sarne level as the

upper part of the mesh.

Figure 3.2 shows the reservoir full of liquid under normal gravity or hyper-gravity

conditions. Under reduced gravity and at low flow rates, the liquid compietely filled the space

around the bonom outlet of the reservoir. The bubble columns entering the reservoir from the

side wall below the condenser section, were slowly moving downward but did not reach the

bottom of the reservoir. They were effectively blocked by the liquid collection device to stay

around the outer edge of the liquid collection device (see Figures 3.3 and 3.4). At

intermediate flow rates, the bubble columns reached the bottom of the reservoir but did not

collapse towards the center as shown in Figure 3.5 so that no bubbles entered into the pump

suction and the flow loop. Figures 3.6 and 3.7 show that at higher liquid flow rates, the liquid

collection device sometimes failed to completely prevent the bubbles from reaching the

bottom center. This was improved in the DC-9 campaign by closing the top of the liquid

collection device and leaving the side wall as the only way for the liquid to refill the


In the KC-135 campaign, the reservoir below the condenser in some runs could not be

continuously refilled with the liquid because the wire mesh could not efficiently capture the

Page 54: Flow Heat Trader In Quenching Of - University of Toronto T ...€¦ · The quenching of R113 image at maximum heat flux. The quenching of R113 image at nucleate boiling regime. The

liquid lying above the mesh and the inlet nozzles were located too high above the mesh. This

was improved by increasing the height of the mesh and placing the nozzles close to the mesh

in the DC-9 campaign.

Row rates were very hard to control smoothly and accurately at the begiming of each

rewetting experiment under reduced gravity due to the operator's action being affected by the

reduced gravity condition. The typical flow rate profile in KC-135 campaign is shown in

Figure 3.8 for one run, which also presents the corresponding z-acceleration level in reduced

gravity experiments. The acceleration level normal to the heated surface ranged between

rr0.02 g. At the beginning there was a short transition petiod fiom no flow to a desîred flow

rate. This duration was less than 1 second for some runs but about 2 to 4 seconds for other

runs. The effect of this delay could be detected in the heat flux and surface temperature

histones. During the quenching period the liquid flow rate experienced only small changes

which would have linle effect on the quenching process. These effects have been considered

in the anaiysis of the experimental data presented in the next chapter. Figure 3.9 shows the

data collected during the DC-9 campaign. The drop in flow rate between 14 and 15 seconds

was caused by a vapor bubble entering the test section. The z-acceleration level could be kept

between kû.02 g for about 15 seconds.

It is apparent from the z-acceleration levels shown in Figures 3.8 and 3.9 that the

frequency of g-jitter aboard the DC-9 was much lower than that on the KC-135. The vibration

produced by this low fiequency g-jitter caused the wire mesh to easily fail to prevent the

liquid in the reservoir frorn floating upward and the vapor column from entering the reservoir

even when there was no flow in the test loop. This made it more difficult to conduct the

experiments at lower flow rates. The performance of the condenser was not recorded by a

video camcorder in the DC-9 campaign.

The frequency spectra of g-jitter in the KC-135 and the DC-9 were very different.

However. the effect of such g-jitter on quenching characteristics and boiling heat transfer was

found to be smail in the present work. The detailed analysis is presented in Appendix I(2).

Page 55: Flow Heat Trader In Quenching Of - University of Toronto T ...€¦ · The quenching of R113 image at maximum heat flux. The quenching of R113 image at nucleate boiling regime. The

Figure 3.2. The reservoir full of Iiquid in normal gravity and hyper-gravity.

Figure 3.3. The blocked bubble columns at low fiow rates in p.-g.

Page 56: Flow Heat Trader In Quenching Of - University of Toronto T ...€¦ · The quenching of R113 image at maximum heat flux. The quenching of R113 image at nucleate boiling regime. The

Figure 3.4. The blocked bubble columns at low flow rates in p-g.

Figure 3.5. The blocked bubble columns at intermediate flow rates in p-g.


Page 57: Flow Heat Trader In Quenching Of - University of Toronto T ...€¦ · The quenching of R113 image at maximum heat flux. The quenching of R113 image at nucleate boiling regime. The

Figure 3.6. The blocked bubble columns at high flow rates in p-g.

Figure 3.7. The collapsed bubbles entering the flow loop in p-g.


Page 58: Flow Heat Trader In Quenching Of - University of Toronto T ...€¦ · The quenching of R113 image at maximum heat flux. The quenching of R113 image at nucleate boiling regime. The

6 0.08 RUN MG423 -

Flow Rate 5 - - 0.06

Time (sec)

Figure 3.8. Typical flow rate profile for one run in p-g (KC- 135).

Figure 3.9. Typical flow rate profile for one run in p-g (DC-9).


Page 59: Flow Heat Trader In Quenching Of - University of Toronto T ...€¦ · The quenching of R113 image at maximum heat flux. The quenching of R113 image at nucleate boiling regime. The

3.4. Quenching Experiments

Two flights of forty parabolas each were avaiiable to perform quenching experiments

during the KC-135 campaign. The quenching tests were performed by preheating the plate to

about 220 OC and injecting liquid RI 13 to quench the hot surface. Considering the safety

problems and the time required for full quenching and the penod of reduced gravity available,

the plate temperature in reduced gravity experiments was set to a value ranging from 130 OC

to 222 OC. Lower initial plate temperature could be reached between two parabolas, but a

higher temperature needed longer heating periods due to the limited electricd power

available aboard the KC-135. Therefore, a few parabolas had to be skipped and this lirnited

the number of runs that could be performed in a given flight.

The inlet liquid temperature increased gradually from 7 OC to 22 OC dunng the first

flight and from 22 OC to 41 OC in the second flight, because the cooling system could not

remove al1 the heat generated by the test section in a very short time between two or three

parabolas. Since each quenching experiment lasted for about 20 seconds, the inlet liquid

temperature did not increase significantly dunng each run.

The liquid flow rate ranged from 1.5 literlmin (ji = 0.125 d s ) to 1 1 literlmin (jI = 0.92

mis), but it was dificult to repeat the same flow rate. In addition to the reasons mentioned

above, the pump head and flow rate changed with the back pressure in the test loop, which

increased during quenching due to the generation of a large arnount of vapor in the test

section. This contributed to the difficulties in controlling the flow rate.

Since there were several problems beyond the operator controI under reduced gravity

conditions such as unstable flow rate caused by bubbles entenng the test section and larger

than expected amplitudes of fluctuations in acceleration levels, a total of 12 reduced gravity

mns, 8 negative reduced gravity runs and 16 ground runs were used for analysis as listed

below in Table 3.1.

Unlike in the KC-135 carnpaign, PF-5060 was used as a coolant in the DC-9

campaign. Its rewetting temperature and quenching speed are lower than R- 1 1 3 ' S. In addition,

the penod of microgravity lasted for about 15 seconds, which is shorter than KC-135's.

Therefore, the suitable setting of initial temperature was crucial to ensure the full quenching

Page 60: Flow Heat Trader In Quenching Of - University of Toronto T ...€¦ · The quenching of R113 image at maximum heat flux. The quenching of R113 image at nucleate boiling regime. The

Table 3.1. The List of p-G and 1-G Runs (KC- 135 campaign).

Reduced Gravity Normal Gravity

MG-D2- 133- 1.4- 1 1 MG-DO- 1464.0-7

Subcooling - 25 O C

NG-G3-235- 1.5-23 - -

MG-D 1-1 30-4.8-8 MG-D23-207-4.4-22 MG-D8- 180-4.9- 13 MG-D12-177-5.9-16 MG-D25-222-6.8-2 1 MG-D22-205-5 -5-2 i

NG-G4-247- 1.7-2 1 NG-G2-237-2.5-2 1 NG-GO-220-3 -3-20 NG-G 1-222-3.5-22 NG-G5-248-4.8-24 NG-G9-253- 1 1.4-2 1


MG-D 1 9-205-9.2-2 1 MG-DSO-2 13- 10.0-2 1 MG-D 15- 192- 10.4-2 1 MG-D2 1 - 194- 10.6-22

1 NRG-E 15-203- 1.6-24 1 Subcooling < 4 O C 1

NG-G 10-288- 1 1-1-26

Subcooling - 16 OC A

NG-G8-257- 1.6-32 Negative Reduced Gravity NRG-E30- 160- 1.1 -4 1 NRG-E9- 165- 1.1 -24

I NRG-E 18- 168-5.3-29 I NG-GS2-200-4.0-44 I

NG-G6-248-6-2-30 NG-G7-249- 1 1.3-32

Note: In the table above, the nui number is designated to indicate the experimental

conditions as follows.

For example,

MG - 023 - 207 4.4 - 22

Reduced gravity - nui number - initial wall temp.("C) - f iw rate(hin) - inlet temp.("C)


NRG - negarive reduced gravity (-0.1 g f0.02 g )

NG - n o m 1 gravis

D, E, G, GS - represent particular date of expehents

Page 61: Flow Heat Trader In Quenching Of - University of Toronto T ...€¦ · The quenching of R113 image at maximum heat flux. The quenching of R113 image at nucleate boiling regime. The

of the HFMS surface in 15 seconds. After one flight trial, the suitable initial temperature was

found to be about 150 to 160 OC. The inlet liquid temperature changed from 20 to 34 OC in

all the DC-9 flight tests. Because of the effect of low Frequency g-jitter, the flow rate ranged

from 5 litedmin (il = 0.42 m/s) to 12 litedmin (ji = 1 mls) in this campaign. In summary, a

total of 17 reduced gravity runs and 16 ground runs were analyzed, as listed in Table 3.2.

3.5. Heat Flux and RTS Sensor Performance

It is difficult to calibrate the heat flux micro sensor ( H F M S ) over a large measurement

range due to the unavailability of the required instruments or facilities. The manufacturer

performed calibration of the heat flux micro sensor over a short range of heat flux (450

kw/m2 maximum) by using free jet convection. The sensitivity of the sensor to temperature

was estimated to be about fi% of the reading (shown in Figure 3.10). As described in

Chapter 2, the output signal from each heat flux sensor was amplified by a pre-amplifier with

a gain of 100 and a main amplifier with a total amplification factor of 20,000. Considenng

the offset, the following equations were used to convert the input voltage, V in volts, to heat

flux, q in kw/m2, in the data acquisition system.

Temperature (OC)

Figure 3.10. The calibration curve for HFMS provided by the manufacture.

Page 62: Flow Heat Trader In Quenching Of - University of Toronto T ...€¦ · The quenching of R113 image at maximum heat flux. The quenching of R113 image at nucleate boiling regime. The

Table 3 m 2 m The List of p-G and 1-G Runs OC-9 carnpaign). -- - - -

Reduced Gravity

MG-T720- 1 54-6.7-22 1 NG-P 1 1 - 193-5.2-22 1

Normal Gravity

MG-T72 1 - 166-5.3-22 MG-T69- 153-6-0-23

Subcooling - 33 OC NG-P 14- 192-5.2 1-23

Note: In the table nbove. the run number is designated to indicare the experimenral

conditions as folio ws.

For example,

MG - 1 - 7 2 1 - 166 5.3 - 22

reduced gruviiy - run nwnber - initial wall temp.(T) - flow rate(hin) - Nllet temp. (OC)


NG - normal gravity

T. P - represent particular date of experiments

MG-T55- 148-7.0-24 MG-T6 17- 1 54-7 -5-24 MG-T732- 153-7.5-3 1 MG-T6 10- 148-7.7-23 MG-T6 13- 150-8 .O-23 MG-T7 12-15 1-8.5-19 MG-T73 1 - 168-9.0-3 1

NG-P 12- 197-7.2-23 NG-P09- 195-8.2-23 NG-P15- 199-8.3-25 NG-P16- 195-8.8-24 NG-P 13- 195- 10.8-24 NG-P23-209- 12.2-25 NG-P 10-20 1 - 12.7-25

Page 63: Flow Heat Trader In Quenching Of - University of Toronto T ...€¦ · The quenching of R113 image at maximum heat flux. The quenching of R113 image at nucleate boiling regime. The

For copper disk HFMS:

q 1 (kw/m2) = 4.37 x 1 04(v - 1.7 x 104)

qz (kw/m2) = 4.88 x 104(v + 1 x 10'~)

For stainless steel disk HFMS:

q 1 (kw/m2) = 3.1 1 x 1 04(v - 1 -84 x 1 o'~) q2 (kw/m2) = 3.56 x lo4(v - 2.26 x L O - ~ )

The resistance temperature sensor (RTS) had been calibrated by the manufacturer

using a unifom temperature oven with a standard thennocouple in contact with the sensor.

Before each set of experiments, the RTS output and the bridge circuit were checked against

the thermocouples used to measure the intemal plate temperatures dong the test section. The

calibration curves for the copper and stainless steel disk sensors are shown in Figures 3.1 1

and 3.12, which show good linearity within t 2 OC frorn 24 to 204 O C and from 21 to 207 OC,

respectively. The following equations were used to convert the sensor output voltage, V, in

volts to wall temperature.

For copper disk HFMS:

Tw (OC) = 2.76 x 104 (V - 4.98 x 10-~)

For stainless steel disk HFMS:

Tw (OC) = 3.78 x 104 (V - 6.70 x 10-~)

In order to capture the frequency of liquid-solid contact, the sampling rate of the

experiments conducted in the DC-9 campaign was set to 500 Hz. This setting enabled

detecting the liquid-solid fiequency up to 100 Hz with up to 5 data points in one cycle. From

previous publications, this sampling frequency was considered to be high enough to

determine the liquid-solid frequency in transition boiling regime as well as in nucleate boiling

regime in the hi& wall superheat region. The pre-amplifier and EXP-16 expansion board

were tested for high frequency cut off by input of a sine wave. The test results showed that

Page 64: Flow Heat Trader In Quenching Of - University of Toronto T ...€¦ · The quenching of R113 image at maximum heat flux. The quenching of R113 image at nucleate boiling regime. The

the two pre-amplifiers had a high frequency cut-off at 4 kHz. The high frequency cut-off for

the EXP- 16 board was at 100 W.

250 copper disk

Figure 3.1 1 . The calibration curve for the RTS with copper disk.

Figure 3.12. The calibration curve for the RTS with staidess steel disk.


Page 65: Flow Heat Trader In Quenching Of - University of Toronto T ...€¦ · The quenching of R113 image at maximum heat flux. The quenching of R113 image at nucleate boiling regime. The

4.1. Transient Heat Flux and Surface Temperature Characteristics The heat flux and surface temperature data were recorded at a sampling rate of LOO

Hz in KC-135 campaign. Figures 4.1 and 4.2 show the histories of transient heat flux and

wall superheat (Tw - TwJ for one of the rewetting experiments conducted in reduced gravity,

respectively. These heat flux and wall superheat transient data are typicai of rewetting

experiments performed under both normal and reduced gravity. Before pumping the liquid

into the test section (from O to 6 second). the heat flux and surface temperature were almost

constant, but there were some high frequency, small amplitude f l ~ c ~ a t i o n s in the recorded

measurements before the liquid was injected due possibly to extemal electromagnetic noise

picked up by the data acquisition boards. These fluctuations were found in al1 nins perfomied

both on the ground and aboard the KC-135. It was found using Fast Fourier Transform (FFî)

method that the dominant frequency of these fluctuations was 40 Hz. The power spectra of

the fluctuations in heat flux and wall superheat data under no flow conditions aboard the KC-

135 are shown in Figures 4.3 and 4.4, respectively. In order to smooth the raw data, a three-

point moving average filter was applied in the andysis of the transient heat flux and surface

temperature characteristics. After the liquid was injected into the test section, the surface heat

flux and temperature fluctuations in amplitude increased under different boiling conditions

(from A to E).

As soon as the liquid was injected into the test section, a high surface temperature

caused dispersed fiow film boiling of liquid over the sensor surface (A - B) in Figures 4.1

and 4.2. This could be seen clearly from the top window and observed by a micro-video

camera system aboard the KC-135 and a high-speed video carnera on the ground. In that

penod, surface temperature first had a smdl sudden drop and then decreased gradually with

time. The instantaneous heat flux data showed some relatively large amplitude fluctuations in

between small-scale fluctuations. Large heat flux peaks occumng in a dispersed flow

indicate that some liquid droplets approach the hot surface but quickly bounce away or

slide over the heat flux sensor surface. Because the arnount of time for vaporizing enough

Page 66: Flow Heat Trader In Quenching Of - University of Toronto T ...€¦ · The quenching of R113 image at maximum heat flux. The quenching of R113 image at nucleate boiling regime. The

1 Run #MG-D23

Figure 4.1. A typical transient heat flux history during rewetting of R113.

O 5 IO 15 20 25 30 35

Time (second)

Figure 4.2. A typical transient surface superheat history during rewetting of R 1 13.

Page 67: Flow Heat Trader In Quenching Of - University of Toronto T ...€¦ · The quenching of R113 image at maximum heat flux. The quenching of R113 image at nucleate boiling regime. The

Run #MG-D23 (RI 13)

Figure 4.3. Typical power spectmm density of heat flux before R 1 13 injection.

14000 Run #MG-023

Figure 4.4. Typical power spectrum density of wall superheat before R113 injection.

Page 68: Flow Heat Trader In Quenching Of - University of Toronto T ...€¦ · The quenching of R113 image at maximum heat flux. The quenching of R113 image at nucleate boiling regime. The

liquid to form a vapor film at such high surface temperatures is sufficiently small, the liquid

or droplets would remain separated from the hot surface by the vapor film. Chandra and

Avedisian (1991) photographically showed that no evidence of liquid-solid contact was

found in their experiments of n-heptane droplets colliding with a hot staidess steel surface

when the surface temperature is higher than the Leidenfrost temperature. The magninide of

heat flux fluctuations in the film boiling period (A - B) is quantitatively very small compared

to those in transition boiling (B - C) and nucleate boiling regimes (C - D) in Figures 4.1 and


When the quench front was far from the sensor location, the surface temperature

decreased gradually until the quench front came close to the sensor (A - B in Figure 4.2).

The heat flux data were characteristic of the motion of the interfacial waves which resulted in

periodical thinning and thickening of the vapor film. Adham-Khodaparast (1996)

experimentally and theoretically analyzed the liquid-vapor interfacial wave charactenstics.

He concluded that the frequency of interfacial waves increased with flow rate, but was

almost the same for different gravity levels and liquid subcooling at the inlet. The average

wave energy stored in the interface increased with gravity which together with the heat flux

data, showed the existence of a thicker and calmer vapor film in reduced gravity conditions.

Cross correlation of heat flux fluctuations showed a decrease in wavelength with flow rate, in

agreement with the theoretical effect of combined Rayleigh-Taylor and Kelvin-Helmholtz


There was an apparent decrease in heat flux before the quench front reached the

sensor (before point B in Figure 4.1). This decrease in heat flux could be caused by an

inverted annular flow pattern that may have existed downstrearn of the quench front. Kawaji

et al. (1985) summarized the previous visualization experiments on vertical reflooding of

tubes with water and indicated that the inverted annular 80w would occur if the liquid is

injected rapidly and remains subcooled at the quench Front. Kawaji et al. (1991) also

observed the inverted annular flow in quenching of a tube under reduced gravity. For this

fiow pattern, much more vapor with smdl axial momentum is produced at the quench front,

which can continuously thrust the liquid-vapor interface away from the hot surface,

Page 69: Flow Heat Trader In Quenching Of - University of Toronto T ...€¦ · The quenching of R113 image at maximum heat flux. The quenching of R113 image at nucleate boiling regime. The

increasing the vapor film thickness and decreasing the füm boiling heat transfer just

downstream of the quench front.

This temporary decrease in heat flux resulted in the surface temperature becoming

slightly higher than the temperature in the film boiling region ( before point B in Figure 4.2).

Adham-Khodaparast (1996) used a two-dimensional conduction mode1 to simulate the flow

of heat in the present heat flux sensor. He found that the increase in surface temperature

would be caused by the composite structure of the sensor consisting of an alurninum oxide

layer on a metal surface with significantly different thermal conductivities. This composite

structure can give rise to a different thermal response compared to that of a single component

solid, when a quench front with a steep axial temperature gradient approaches the sensor

location. Aithough the absolute values of the surface temperature measurements near the

quench front obtained with the present sensor may be slightly different from those of a

single-component solid wall, they are still valid for the study of liquid-solid contact

mechanisms and the cornparison between quenching experiments under different conditions.

With the surface temperature just upstream of the quench front decreasing below the

rewetting temperature, the rate of vapor produced and the vapor film thickness at the quench

front would be reduced. The Rayleigh-Taylor and Kelvin-Helmholtz instabilities of the

interface between the liquid and vapor streams would then readily cause a collapse of the

vapor film between the liquid and hot surface, which is considered to be the onset of

rewetting. With the collapse of the vapor film, the surface temperature profile exhibited a

knee in the slope. For some runs it was sharp, but for some other runs smoother. The

sharpness of the knee was dependent on the speed of the vapor film collapse and the

establishment of liquid-solid contacts at the quench front. If the duration of vapor covering

the heat flux sensor lasted longer than that of liquid rewetting, the knee would be smoother.

Othenvise it would be sharper.

After the onset of rewetting, the surface temperature decreased much more rapidly

through the transition boiling and nucleate boiling regimes. In heat flux signals. largescale

fluctuations appeared from the onset of rewetting through the maximum heat flux, to the

stage involving low wall superheat, conventionally regarded as nucleate boiling. When the

wdl superheat reached a sufficiently low value, the surface temperature decreased very

Page 70: Flow Heat Trader In Quenching Of - University of Toronto T ...€¦ · The quenching of R113 image at maximum heat flux. The quenching of R113 image at nucleate boiling regime. The

slowly and heat flux became almost constant, which indicates that boiling has ceased and

heat transfer from the sensor is by convection to a single-phase flow of liquid.

The heat flux fluctuations dunng rewetting at high wall superheat were an order of

magnitude larger in amplitude than those of film boiling and can only be attx-ibuted to

unstable liquid-solid contacts. As shown in Figure 4.5. the contacts were long lasting and

clearly indicated by distinct heat flux peaks, which lasted for measurable durations of time

and followed by distinct temperature dips. ïhese contacts cool the sensor surface more

rapidly so that more liquid can corne into contact with larger solid areas. The heat flux,

therefore. increases significantly while the surface temperature decreases, and vice versa,

which is a unique characteristic of heat transfer during rewetting. It is noted that the surface

temperature and heat flux fluctuated synchronously despite a difference of 3 mm in the

positions of the surface temperature and heat flux sensors. This reveals that the wetldry area

could be occupying at least an area 6mm diameter. The detailed discussion of the liquid-solid

contacts will be presented in Chapter 6.

Time (second)

Figure 4.5. Synchronized response showed by heat flux and surface temperature.

Page 71: Flow Heat Trader In Quenching Of - University of Toronto T ...€¦ · The quenching of R113 image at maximum heat flux. The quenching of R113 image at nucleate boiling regime. The

For the quenching experiments using PF5060 as a codant aboard the DC-9 aircraft

and on the ground, typicd quenching heat flux and surface superheat data sampled at 500 Hz

in one of the reduced gravity runs are shown in Figures 4.6 and 4.7. Although higher data

sampling rate was used, the heat flux fluctuations before liquid injection were much smaller

in amplitude than those in three boiling regimes. A ten-point moving average filter was again

applied to the raw data in the anaiysis of the transient heat flux and surface temperature

charactenstics. It is clear from Figures 4.6 and 4.7 that the quenching characteristics for

PF5060 are similar to those for RI 13 shown in Figures 4.1 and 4.2. The heat flux and surface

temperature fluctuations also showed synchronous variations as shown in Figure 4.8.

However, there are many differences in the behavior between these two fluids in the

quenching process, which will be discussed in the following chapters.

. . . . i l i Run #MG613

O 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16

Time (second)

Figure 4.6. A typical transient heat flux history during rewetting of PF5060.

Page 72: Flow Heat Trader In Quenching Of - University of Toronto T ...€¦ · The quenching of R113 image at maximum heat flux. The quenching of R113 image at nucleate boiling regime. The

O 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16

Time (second)

Figure 4.7. A typical transient surface superheat history during rewetting of PF5060.

Time (second)

Figure 4.8. Synchronized response showed by heat flux and surface temperature.

Page 73: Flow Heat Trader In Quenching Of - University of Toronto T ...€¦ · The quenching of R113 image at maximum heat flux. The quenching of R113 image at nucleate boiling regime. The

Direct measurements of both the local surface heat flux and temperame

simultaneously during rewetting are, to the author's knowledge, the fint ever in several

decades of boiling heat transfer research. Previous measurement methods using

thermocouples embedded in the plate to obtain heat flux data by inverse conduction

calculation could not detect such rapid and large fluctuations in heat flux as the present heat

flux microsensor. The data clearly show the advantage of using heat flux microsensors in

boiling heat transfer studies to elucidate the physical phenornena

4.2. B o h g Cuwes during Quenching

In the present study, the boiling curves during quenching were obtained by time

averaging heat flux and surface temperanire data over an appropriate time interval since the

experimental data and empirical correlations in the literature generally are based on time

average measurements. The effects of different averaging time on the boiling curves becarne

less as the averaging time interval was increased. Figure 4.9 shows that the heat flux for

RI 13 becarne insensitive to the number of points used in moving average if the number is

greater than 50 (0.5-second interval). A 100-point (one second interval) moving average for

R113 tests and 500-point (one second interval) moving average for PF5060 tests were

applied to heat flux and surface temperature data, which made quenching curves smoother

and the analysis easier.

It has been rnentioned in Chapter 2 that two heat flux gauges on the microsensor were

7 mm apart in the flow direction and the resistance temperature sensor was located in the

middle. If the quenching speed is high but the data sampling rate is low, as in the

experiments involving R113, this spatial difference would have little effect on the

conespondence between heat flux and temperature data in time sequence. However, this

effect was very significant in the experiments involving PF5060 because of slow quenching

speed and high data sampling rate. For instance, the heat flux and surface temperature data

shown in Figures 4.6 and 4.7 were measured with a heat flux sensor located 4rnm upstream

of the temperature sensor. Since the quench speed for PF5060 was much slower than that for

R113, as will be discussed in the next chapter, the rewetting time detected by the surface

temperature was delayed by about 3 seconds compared to that detected by the heat flux

sensor. This delay has been accounted for in constnicting the boiling curve by shifting the

Page 74: Flow Heat Trader In Quenching Of - University of Toronto T ...€¦ · The quenching of R113 image at maximum heat flux. The quenching of R113 image at nucleate boiling regime. The

temperattue data backward in time. The delay time was determined by the distance between

the heat flux and surface temperature sensors divided by the quench velocity. The

determination of the quench velocity will be presented in the next chapter.

O 5 10 15 20 25 30 35

Time (second)

Figure 4.9. The effect of time average on boiling curve for R 1 13.

The parametric effects of liquid flow rate, inlet subcooling and gravity level on the

boiling curves are shown in Figures 4.10 and 4.1 1 for RI13 and in Figures 4.12 and 4.13 for

PF5060. For both fluids, the boiling curves show similarity in the general shape between the

normal and reduced gravity conditions. Except for the lower wall superheat region, heat flux

generally increases with increasing flow rate, inlet subcooling and gravity for RI13 under

reduced gravity and some cases for PF5060 in normal gravity conditions, resulting in shifting

of the boiling curve to higher heat flux and higher wdl superheats. The reason for this shift is

Wrely that for low flow rates, low subcooling and low gravity level, the vapor layer thickness

increases in film boiling and the dnving force for the liquid to rewet the dried surface is

reduced in transition boiling and nucleate boiling at high wall superheats. Since boiling heat

Page 75: Flow Heat Trader In Quenching Of - University of Toronto T ...€¦ · The quenching of R113 image at maximum heat flux. The quenching of R113 image at nucleate boiling regime. The

Figure 4.10. Boiling curves measured in 1-g for RI 13.

Figure 4.1 1. Cornparison of boiling c w e s measured in p-g and 1-g for R113.

Page 76: Flow Heat Trader In Quenching Of - University of Toronto T ...€¦ · The quenching of R113 image at maximum heat flux. The quenching of R113 image at nucleate boiling regime. The

Figure 4.12. Boiling curves in 1-g with low and hi& inlet subcooling for PF5060.

Figure 4.13. Boiling curves in p.-g and 1 -g with high inlet subcooling for PF5060.

Page 77: Flow Heat Trader In Quenching Of - University of Toronto T ...€¦ · The quenching of R113 image at maximum heat flux. The quenching of R113 image at nucleate boiling regime. The

transfer is more hydrodynamically controlled at sufficiently high wall superhea~, the effects

of reduced liquid momentum and gravity, and an increase in vapor generation rate are

amplified at high wall superheats. Kawaji et al. (1991) and Westbye et al. (1995) also showed

the sarne trend in rewetting of a hot q u m tube and a metal tube with R113, respectively.

High inlet subcooling (ATrob = 33 OC) combined with a high flow rate (A400 k&s)

has a strong effect on boiling curves in depressing heat flux in nucleate boiling as shown in

Figures 4.12 and 4.13. The boiling curves for PF5060 with inlet subcooling of 18 OC for ail

flow rates at 1-g are similar to those for R113 with inlet subcooling of 25 O C in nucleate

boiling at lower wall superheats. The heat flux decreased gradually rather than sharply with

decreasing wall superheat. However, the heat flux in nucleate boiling regime for PF5060

with high inlet flow rates (>1400 k&s) and hi@ inlet subcooling (ATrub = 33 OC) in 1-g

and p.-g conditions decreased sharply with decreasing wall superheat. The heat flux in

nucleate boiling was strongly depressed under those flow conditions.

Comparing the boiling curves for R113 and PF5060, it is found that the boiling

curves for R113 shifted to higher wall superheats compared to those of PF5060. This shift is

believed to be caused by the therrnophysical properties of R113, mainly the density ratio of

liquid to vapor and latent heat. The lower density ratio and higher latent heat of R113

compared to PF5060 made it easier for the liquid to rewet the hot surface even at higher wall

superheats, which will be discussed in the following chapter(s).

Some researchers such as Yilmaz and Westwater (1980), and Peng et ai. (1992) have

found that high liquid subcooling and flow velocity can dramatically alter the traditional pool

boiling curve. Transition boiling regirne tends to disappear with increasing flow rate and

subcooling, and furthemore, the minimum heat flux will reach the critical heat flux. This is

consistent with the effects of Aow rate, inlet subcooling and gravity observed in the present


It was found from present and previous experiments that there is a slight effect of

liquid subcooling, fiow rate and gravity on low wall superheat nucleate boiling. However,

heat flux at higher wall superheats in transition boiling significantly increases with increasing

liquid subcooling, flow rate and gravity. The reason for decreasing wall heat flux with

increasing wall superheat is the accumulation of coalescing bubbles which hover over the

boiling surface. This vapor cluster above the boiling surface can interfere with the further

Page 78: Flow Heat Trader In Quenching Of - University of Toronto T ...€¦ · The quenching of R113 image at maximum heat flux. The quenching of R113 image at nucleate boiling regime. The

release of bubbles from the boiling surface, which increases the thermal resistance for boiling

heat transfer. Increasing flow rate, subcooling and gravity c m decrease this effect. If the

liquid could quickly refill the space from where the bubbles have departed, heat flux would

increase with increasing wall temperature. If this happens, the boiling curves could behave

like those shown in Figure 4.14.

Figure 4.14. The discussion of boiling mechanism.

At low wall superheats (O - A), the active nucleation sites increase in nurnber density

with increasing wall superheat. There is no interaction between the bubble releasing colurnns.

When the wall superheat rises to a certain value (point A), active nucleate sites increase so

that neighboring bubble columns can coalesce or merge at certain places, where larger bubble

columns can be seen. As bubbles depart from the nucleation sites, new bubbles grow at the

sarne time, and the waiting time approaches zero. With a further increase in wall superheat

(A - B), bubbles will accumulate above the boiling surface and form a vapor cluster due to

the effect of the wake of a leading bubble on the trailing bubble. The formation of a vapor

layer leads to local dryout and reduction in the boiling heat transfer rate on the surface so that

the slope of the heat flux curve decreases with a M e r increase in the wall superheat until

Page 79: Flow Heat Trader In Quenching Of - University of Toronto T ...€¦ · The quenching of R113 image at maximum heat flux. The quenching of R113 image at nucleate boiling regime. The

the maximum heat flux (B) is reached. In this region, a vapor cluster departs and another

forms immediatel y, resulting in intermittent local dry out and rewe tting.

This indicates that boiling heat transfer has changed from therrnodynamically

controlled boiling on the surface to hydrodynamically controlled heat transfer above the

surface. It may be useful to consider that the ability to generate vapor bubbles (AGV) is

competing with the ability to remove the vapor (ARV) from the surface at higher wall

superheats. Both increase with increasing wail superheat. From O to A, ARV is much greater

than AGV. But AGV is approaching ARV from A to B and equals ARV at point B. In the

region fiom A to B, intermittent rewetting of local dryout areas cm be maintained. However,

when the wall superheat is higher than at point B, AGV is greater than ARV so that the

dryout area spreads to a larger size than in the A - B region, which causes the heat flux to

cirop on the average (instantaneous maximum heat flux can be larger than in the region, A - BI.

For heat flux controlled heating systems, the dryout area could spread to the whole

heating area and a vapor layer forrns above the heating surface. For temperature controlled

systems, it is found from previous pool boiling experiments (Kalinin et al. 1987) that the

frequency of vapor cluster release or liquid rewetting-dryout area increases with increasing

wall temperature until point C and then decreases until point D. The reason could be that the

liquid-solid contact frequency is wall temperature controlled from point B to point C and

Iiquid rewetting ability controlled from point C to point D. The lower wall temperature in the

range from point B to point C causes longer waiting period to produce a dry area than that in

the range from point C to point D. So, the wail temperature is a dominant factor for boiling in

this range because liquid has a strong ability to rewet the dried area. With increasing wall

temperature from B to C, the waiting period decreases so that liquid-solid contact frequency

increases. However, the situation is reversed in the range from C to D. The ability of liquid to

rewet the dried area becomes a dominant factor for boiling because a large arnount of vapor

is generated and dried area can be produced easily in such a high wail temperature range.

With the increasing wdl temperature from C to D, the dried area becomes larger and the

ability of the liquid to rewet the dried area is reduced so that the liquid-solid contact

frequency decreases.

Page 80: Flow Heat Trader In Quenching Of - University of Toronto T ...€¦ · The quenching of R113 image at maximum heat flux. The quenching of R113 image at nucleate boiling regime. The

More detailed discussions on particular topics such as rewetting temperature, quench

velocity, maximum heat flux and three boiling modes will be presented in the following

c hap tea.

4.3. Flow Boiling Visualization

43.1. Quenching experiments with heat flux indicator

After the heating surface was heated to about 200 O C , the power was shut off.

Subcooled liquid R113 was circulated and injected into the test section to quench the hot

surface. The high speed video camera with a 186 Hz frame rate and 11500 shutter speed was

used to record the boiling process and heat flux level at the same time. Because of the limited

memory of the high speed video camera system, the boiling process was recorded for only 3


Figure 4.15 shows an image in the film boiling regime. Since a very thin vapor film

was formed between the liquid and solid surface, the heat flux sensor could be seen from the

top and heat flux was between 100 and 200 kw1mz as indicated by the heat flux indicator.

While the liquid began rewetting the hot surface, the heat flux sensor still could be viewed in

transition boiling and the heat flux increased as shown in Figure 4.16, reaching between 300

and 400 k ~ l m ' . When the heat flux level exceeded 1ûûû k ~ l m ' , the heat flux sensor was

hlly covered by the vapor (Figure 4.17). After the wall temperature dropped below the

temperature corresponding to the maximum heat flux, bubbles could be observed on the

sensor and the heat flux was reduced to about 700 kw1m2 (shown in Figure 4.18). Since there

was too much vapor generated during the quenching process, it was difficult to view the

entire boiling process in detail.

43.2. Experiments on quenching of a quartz tube with water

For quenching of a quartz tube with distilled water at a high flow rate, Figure 4.19

shows a whole view of the quench process in 13.44 ms intervals at a frarne rate of 744 Hz

and shutter speed of 1110,000 sec". Because of high flow rate and wall temperature, the

liquid downstream of the quench front formed dispersed film boiling. The quench front

Page 81: Flow Heat Trader In Quenching Of - University of Toronto T ...€¦ · The quenching of R113 image at maximum heat flux. The quenching of R113 image at nucleate boiling regime. The

Figure 4.15. The quenching of R- 1 13 image at film boiling regime ( 1 -g).

Figure 4.16. The quenching of R- 1 13 image at transition boiling regime ( 1 -g).

Page 82: Flow Heat Trader In Quenching Of - University of Toronto T ...€¦ · The quenching of R113 image at maximum heat flux. The quenching of R113 image at nucleate boiling regime. The

Figure 4.17. The quenching of R- 1 13 image at maximum heat flux ( 1 -g).

Figure 4.18. The quenching of R- 1 13 image at nucleate boiling regirne ( 1 -g).

Page 83: Flow Heat Trader In Quenching Of - University of Toronto T ...€¦ · The quenching of R113 image at maximum heat flux. The quenching of R113 image at nucleate boiling regime. The

in the middle moved slightly faster than that at the side. Near the quench front, the vapor

film locally broke d o m over a smaii area (spot 1 in Figure 4.19 (a)) and was rewetted

(Figure 4.19 (b)) by the liquid. As the quench front further advanced, the rewetted area grew

in size in the rniddle area of the wdI (spot 1 in Figure 4.19 (c) and (d)). Then the liquid

rewetting the dry area was evaporated and vapor hovered over the area again as show in

Figure 4.19 (e). With further propagation of the quench front, the boiling mode at spot 1

changed from transition boiling to nucleate boiling (Figure 4.19 (f) to 0)). Because of low

themal mass of the thin-wailed quartz tube, only one cycle (5.4 ms) of liquid-solid contact

was required to quench the surface. If the thermal rnass of the hot surface were much greater,

then the number of rewet-dryout cycles required to quench the surface would be much

greater than one.

Page 84: Flow Heat Trader In Quenching Of - University of Toronto T ...€¦ · The quenching of R113 image at maximum heat flux. The quenching of R113 image at nucleate boiling regime. The


Page 85: Flow Heat Trader In Quenching Of - University of Toronto T ...€¦ · The quenching of R113 image at maximum heat flux. The quenching of R113 image at nucleate boiling regime. The


Figure 4.19. The vapor film broke behind the quench front (1-g).

Page 86: Flow Heat Trader In Quenching Of - University of Toronto T ...€¦ · The quenching of R113 image at maximum heat flux. The quenching of R113 image at nucleate boiling regime. The

Film Boiling, Rewetting Temperature and Quench Velocity

5.1. Film Boiling

Film boiling is usually distinguished by low heat transfer coefficients and high

surface temperatures compared to nucleate boiling. The heat transfer coefficient, hlb, in the

film boiling regime is particularly important in determinhg the total quench time of a hot

surface. Due to the presence of liquid-vapor interfacial waves, the value of hla for R113

fluctuated with the surface temperature slightly decreasing until the quench front reached the

heat flux sensor as shown in Figure 5.1. The effects of flow rate, liquid subcooling and

gravity on film boiling heat transfer for R113 c m be seen from the time-averaged values

shown in Table 5.1. The value of hfi increases with increasing flow rate, liquid subcooling

and gravity, which is expected and has been observed during quenching of a tube by Westbye

et al. (1995) and other researchen. However, Run MG-D25 shows no change in heat transfer

coefficient. This can not be explained at the present time due to a lack of sufficient reduced

gravity data. For the experiments using PF5060 as a coolant, a reliable set of film boiling

heat transfer data could not be obtained because the heat flux microsensor fabricated on a

stainless steel disk showed large offset in film boiling regime due to an unknown reason.

Table 5.1. Film boiling heat transfer coefficients in p-g and 1-g experiments. (R113)

MG-D23 MG-D25 MG-D20 NG-G2 NG-GS NG-G 10 NG-G6 NG-G7

0.8 (GS) O. 194 0.243

0.7 (G IO) 0.294 O. 1 19 0.194 0.289 0.222 0.298

In Westbye et al.'s (1995) work, the values of hfi in p.-g were found to be much Iess

than those obtained in 1-g and the ratio of hP in p.-g to 1-g ranged from 0.15 to 0.60. On the

Page 87: Flow Heat Trader In Quenching Of - University of Toronto T ...€¦ · The quenching of R113 image at maximum heat flux. The quenching of R113 image at nucleate boiling regime. The

ground, because gravity causes flow stratification in the horizontal test section, and reduces

the vapor film thickness above the hot surface, higher heat transfer coefficients are obtained

in the film boiling regime. In reduced gravity, however, this effect is absent and the vapor

film becomes thicker. In the present results, the ratios of hfi in p.-g to 1-g for two pairs of

runs with similar inlet flow rate and liquid subcooling are 0.7 and 0.8, which are higher than

Westbye et al.'s (1995) results. Probably this is caused by higher flow rates in the present

experiments and a different heat flux measurement method, i.e., inverse conduction method

applied to tube temperature measurements, used in their experiments.

Run MG-023

6 8 10 12 14 16

Time (second)

Figure 5.1. Typical film boiling heat transfer coefficient profile.

Many theoretical and experimental approaches have been used to study film boiling

heat transfer in the pst several decades, and most of the studies focused on pool boiling, as

reviewed by Carey (1992). Adham-Khodaparast (1996) surnmarized the previous work on

film boiling heat transfer mechanisms and pointed out that the analysis of film boiling heat

transfer cm be grouped into two major groups, the laminar and turbulent vapor film flow

approaches. The 1amina.r film mode1 is valid for film boiling on short heaùng surfaces or over

the short distance from the Ieading edge. For longer surfaces, the prediction would result in

underestimation because the vapor flow changes from laminar to turbulent. In the present

study, the heat flux microsensor was placed 50 mm downstrearn of the nlet and the flow of

Page 88: Flow Heat Trader In Quenching Of - University of Toronto T ...€¦ · The quenching of R113 image at maximum heat flux. The quenching of R113 image at nucleate boiling regime. The

vapor is believed to remain in the laminar flow regime. Therefore, the previous correlations

based on a lamuiar film model could be applied in the present study.

Many correlations have been developed for flow film boiling heat transfer from

experimental data obtained with different fluids. The Martinelli parameter and superposition

principle are commonly used in correlating the experimental data In the present study,

Bromley's (1953) correlation developed from a laminar film model was compared with the

present data in 1 -g conditions.

Although Brode y's ( 1953) correlation was developed for upward forced convection

film boiling across a horizontal tube, it is assumed to be valid for the present case because of

very thin vapor film thickness. Bromley's correlation for flow film boiling is as follows:


and for

w here h '1" = hiv 114.4 cp.. ( T w - Tm )/ hhl2

Since film boiling in the present study occurred close to the minimum film boiling

point and hydrodynamic instability c m be considered to be the main factor causing vapor

film collapse, the critical or most dangerous wavelength of a disturbance in the liquid-vapor

interface c m be chosen as the characteristic length L, (Carey, 1992)

where o is surface tension (N/m).

The average heat transfer coefficients in 1-g caiculated by equation (5.1) using the

value of inlet flow velocity for the run NG-G2 and equation (5.2) for other runs are Iisted in

Page 89: Flow Heat Trader In Quenching Of - University of Toronto T ...€¦ · The quenching of R113 image at maximum heat flux. The quenching of R113 image at nucleate boiling regime. The

Table 5.1. The predictions are very close to the present experimental results in 1-g conditions

with differences ranging €rom 3% to 1 1 %.

The heat fluxes calculated by equations (5.1) to (5.4) are shown in Figure 5.2 and

compared with the results from two pairs of nuis under both gravity levels. Due to smaller

wall superheat and large fluctuations in heat flux, it is hard to say how well the predictions fit

the experimentd data in 1-g conditions. However, the predictions are very close to the mean

values of the experimental data.

It is found from Figure 5.2 that the heat fluxes for p-g experirnents are at lower wall

superheat ranges than those for 1-g experiments. The question would be whether the lower

film boiling heat transfer coefficients in p-g discussed above are caused by lower wall

superheat. The cornparison of hk in p-g with that in 1-g predicted by Bromley's correlations

presented in Table 5.1 clearly shows lower hk is obtained in p-g. However, a definitive

conclusion can not be derived from the RI13 results due to a lirnited amount of reduced

gravity data available.

5.2. Rewetting Temperature

The local wail temperature at the onset of rewetting is very important for theoretical

modeling and engineering applications. Many definitions have been used in the literature,

such as rewetting temperature Tm, apparent quenching or rewetting temperature Ta,

minimum film boiling temperature T-, Leidenfrost temperature, etc. This can be confusing

and do not always represent the sarne physical phenornenon. Many researchers used one of

the above definitions according to their expenmental configurations.

Barnea and EIias ( 1994) have presented the following argument about the first two

terms: the apparent rewetting temperature, Tw, is defined as the intersection between the

tangent line to the temperature-time curve at the point where its slope is the largest, with

the tangent to the curve before quenching. T, marks the onset of rapid surface cooling

caused by an enhanced rate of heat transfer that does not necessitate liquid-solid contact. The

rewetting temperature ,Tm, on the other hand , is the temperature at which a triple interface of

vapor-liquid-solid is formed. This temperature is difficult to define from the measured

temperature - time curve, and in their study, they considered it as the highest temperature at

Page 90: Flow Heat Trader In Quenching Of - University of Toronto T ...€¦ · The quenching of R113 image at maximum heat flux. The quenching of R113 image at nucleate boiling regime. The

Figure 5.2 (a). Comparison of film boiling heat transfer data for RI13 with the results ~redicted bv eauations (5.1) to (5.41. U;, = 0.38 m/s.

1 20 1 40 160 180 200 220 240 260

T, - T,, (OC,

Figure 5.2 (b). Comparison of film boiling heat transfer data for R113 with the results predicted by equations (5.1) to (5.4), Uin = 0.88 &S.

100 -

80 - f 3 60 - Y Y

NG-G 1 0 (0.93 mis)

MG-020 (0.84 mis)

m 40

20 -

Page 91: Flow Heat Trader In Quenching Of - University of Toronto T ...€¦ · The quenching of R113 image at maximum heat flux. The quenching of R113 image at nucleate boiling regime. The

which the slope of the surface temperature vs. time curve first exceeds an arbitrary value of

500 OCls. This is the traditional way to detennine the rewetting temperature from measured

temperature-time curves. Hung et al. (1994) identified the minimum boiling temperature,

T,, with the Leidenfront temperature which is defined as the maximum possible liquid-solid

contact temperature, because the inverted annular flow generdly occurred at the minimum

heat flux conditions in their experirnents. houe and Tanaka (1991) defined the apparent

rewetting temperature, T,, according to different cases of boiling curve configurations. In the

case of dispersed flow film boiling, Ta,, is the temperature at which the boiling curve begins

to depart from the trend of film boiling; and in the inverted annular flow, it is the temperature

at which the heat flux increases sharply; and in other cases, it is the temperature at the

minimum heat flux point. They distinguished the apparent rewetting temperature, Ta, from

the rewetting temperature, Tm, in the inverted annular flow region, and defined it as the

temperahue at which the heat flux begins to increase away from the trend in the hi@ wall

superheat region.

In general al1 of them used thermocouples embedded inside the heated wall to

estimate the surface temperature and to calculate the heat flux by inverse conduction

routines. Actually, they could not obtain the actual surface temperature at the onset of

rewetting and detect the abrupt change in heat flux as liquid-wall contact was initiated. In the

present study, the initiation of film boiling collapse and the onset of rewetting have been

detected by direct rneasurements of heat flux and surface temperature using the micro heat

flux sensor and RTS, as can be seen in Figure 4.1 where large fluctuations started to occur in

heat flux and surface temperature.

It can also be seen in Figure 4.1 that heat conduction in the direction paralle1 to the

surface can apparently cause instantaneous revend in heat flux at the onset of rewetting as

the quench front arrives at the heat flux sensor. Two dimensional heat conduction in the heat

flux microsensor has been studied by Adharn-Khodaparast (1996), as mentioned in Chapter

2. Also many researchers, such as Chen, Lee et al. (1979), Cheng et al. (1978)- Huang et al.

( 1993, 1994), and others have noted and studied two dimensional heat conduction in the solid

during quenching.

In the present study, the temperature at the onset of rewetting is referred to as the

rewetting temperature, T,, which is determined just when the large heat flux fluctuations

Page 92: Flow Heat Trader In Quenching Of - University of Toronto T ...€¦ · The quenching of R113 image at maximum heat flux. The quenching of R113 image at nucleate boiling regime. The

first appear. Since the heat flux sensor and surface temperature sensor are not located exactly

at the same location, rewetting would occur on the senson at different times. This time lag

has k e n accounted for by considering the quenching velocity, and calculated by dividing the

distance between two sensors by the quench velocity. in determining the rewetting

temperature, Tw. It is noted here that the quench velocity will be discussed fully in the next


Since there are many parametnc effects on rewetting temperature, such as initial wall

superheat, inlet liquid subcooling, flow rate, gravity level, and pressure, we will study only

some of them. In the present work, the experiments were conducted at near atmospheric

pressures, so the effect of pressure cm not be addressed. However. many researchers have

previously reported a positive effect of pressure on rewetting (Huang et al. (1 994)).

Figure 5.3 shows the effect of the initial wall superheat (Tw - T,J on the rewetting

temperature for RI13 with subcooled inlet and in normal gravity conditions. Most of the data

are scattered in a curved band, except for two data points. lmmediate rewetting occurred for

the first case where Tw is well above the band. For another case, showing T, well below the

band, film boiling lasted much longer prior to rewetting. which indicates greater stability of

the vapor film. It should be noticed that these two special cases occurred at medium fiow

rates in the present experiments. Chen, et al. (1979) in a study of rewetting of a hot circular

pipe with water at atrnospheric pressure, observed that once the initial wall temperature

exceeds 650 OC (wail superheat of 550 OC), the rewetting temperature rernains almost

constant. This phenomenon did not occur under the present experimental conditions, since

the wall superheat ranged from 166 to 240 OC. However, there is a slight trend to

asymptotically approach constant Tm, as the initial wall temperature increases, as can be seen

in Figure 5.3.

Figure 5.4 shows the rewetting wall superheat, AT,, or (Tw - T,J for R113 in

normal gravity conditions with subcooled and saturated liquid at the inlet. The rewetting wdl

superheat, AT,, for subcooled liquid is higher than that for saturated liquid at the inlet. With

increasing flow rate, AT, increases for the subcooled liquid but only slightly for saturated

liquid. Ueda et al. (1983) performed rewetting expenments with an upward flow of

subcooled R113 through a cylindrical tube equipped with a heated copper block at a system

pressure of 0.32 MPa They showed that signifiant changes occur in the rewetting

Page 93: Flow Heat Trader In Quenching Of - University of Toronto T ...€¦ · The quenching of R113 image at maximum heat flux. The quenching of R113 image at nucleate boiling regime. The

temperature with the inlet quality or subcooling. From their data, it could also be seen that

the rewetting temperature increaîed slightly with increasing flow rate for the d e t quality

between -0.1 and 0.15, which is in accordance with the present results for saturated inlet


I . A ~ T ~ = 1 6 8 " ~ :-- A a..' ~T,,,=178"~

A A T ~ = I ~ O ~ C

..S. ATw=201 OC

ATw over 206 OC

Figure 5.3. The effect of initial wall superheat on rewetting temperature for RI 13.

Page 94: Flow Heat Trader In Quenching Of - University of Toronto T ...€¦ · The quenching of R113 image at maximum heat flux. The quenching of R113 image at nucleate boiling regime. The

1 -g, AT, = 25 O C A


O 0

Figure 5.4. The rewetting superheat for R113 in p-g and 1-g.

On the other hand, houe and Tanaka (1991) conducted experiments similar to Ueda

et aL's (1983) using a stainless steel test section and hot patches at the inlet and outlet of the

test section, and they found that quality and flow rate only slightly affected the rewetting

temperature over al1 the test ranges.

Contrary results were also obtained for water in rewetting studies made by Iloeje et.

al. (1975), Groeneveld and Stewart (1982) and Cheng et al. (1985). Hoeje et al. (1975)

reported significant effects of inlet quality and water flow rate on the rewening temperature

in a circular tube at a pressure of 6.89 MPa. Groeneveld and Stewart (1982) found that both

the inlet water flow rate and quality did not have any significant effect on the minimum film

boiling temperature in the saturated region, but a large increase in the minimum film boiling

temperature was observed for increasing liquid subcooling in the subcooled region. However,

Cheng et al. (1985) performed experiments sirnilar to Groeneveld and Stewart's and showed

that the minimum film boiling temperature increases with increasing mass velocity and

decreasing quality. So far, it has been very hard to draw definitive conclusions on the effects

Page 95: Flow Heat Trader In Quenching Of - University of Toronto T ...€¦ · The quenching of R113 image at maximum heat flux. The quenching of R113 image at nucleate boiling regime. The

of flow rate and subcooling andor quality on rewetting temperature or minimum film boiling

temperature due to a limited arnount of expenrnentai results available.

Next, Westbye et al. (1995) reported a significant effect of gravity on the rewetting

temperature and a slight effect of flow rate at both gravity levels in rewetting of a hot,

horizontal thin-walled stainless steel tube at amospheric pressure using R- 1 13. However, the

effect of 80w rate on rewetting superheat in 1-g with subcooled inlet in his study was

different from the present results, as presented above. The reason is that the inlet velocity

range (from O. 1 to 0.5 m l s ) in his study was only half of the present range (from O. 1 to 1 .O

d s ) . Therefore, their data could not show the significant effect of flow rate on the rewetting

superheat as shown in Figure 5.4. The rewetîing superheat for R113 in p-g with 25 OC

subcooling is about 10 OC higher than that in I-g with saturated inlet and about 10 to 45 OC

lower than that in 1-g with the same inlet subcooling.

In inverted annular film boiiing flow, the interface between the liquid and vapor is in

constant motion and a Kelvin-Helmholtz type instability will set in if the two phases have a

large enough relative velocity. The amplitude of interfacial waves will grow until the liquid

contacts the solid surface. If the initial surface temperature is higher, more vapor will be

generated which will enhance heat transfer at the interface and increase the vapor velocity.

Therefore, it wiil cause greater interfacial instability and breakdown of the vapor film at a

higher wall superheat. At higher liquid flow rates, the vapor film thickness would decrease

which leads to rewetting at a higher wall temperature. The vapor film thickness increases

with decreasing inlet subcooling and gravity level, which leads to more stable film boiling

and a reduction in the rewetting temperature.

The rewetting superheats for PF5060 at both gravity levels with subcooled inlet

conditions are shown in Figure 5.5. In reduced gravity, the rewetting superheats for the

higher initial wall superheat were significantly higher than those for the lower initial wdl

superheat, and close to those obtained in normal gravity conditions. The rewetting superheat

data in 1-g showed a srnall effect of inlet liquid subcooling. In contrast with the results for

R113, the rewetting superheat for PF5060 showed no effect of flow rate over the flow

velocity ranging from 0.4 to 1. I mls in the present study. The reason could be due to the

different thermophysical properties. It is noticed that the latent heat of PF5060 (hi, = 84.6

Page 96: Flow Heat Trader In Quenching Of - University of Toronto T ...€¦ · The quenching of R113 image at maximum heat flux. The quenching of R113 image at nucleate boiling regime. The

I d k g ) is smaller than that of R i 13 (hl" = 144.1 Id/kg), which would cause more vapor to be

generated and therefore a thicker vapor film to be formed at the quench front for PF5060.

Figure 5.5. The rewetting superheat for PF5060 in p-g and 1-g.

A comparison of the rewetting superheat between the two fluids is shown in Figure

5.6. The rewetting superheat of RI 13, ranging from 140 O C to 200 OC, is about twice that of

PF5060, ranging from 60 OC to 100 O C . Although PF5060 has smaller latent heat, its vapor

density (1 1.2 kg/m3) is much greater than that of RI13 (7.3 kg/m3). Physically, a liquid

having a smailer latent heat will be evaporated more per unit heat input, so that a larger

amount of vapor will be generated near the hot surface. Also, the larger the vapor density is,

the larger the vapor momentum would be to push the liquid away from the hot surface. Both

of these factors contribute to delaying of the vapor film collapse for PF5060 until Iower wall

superheats are reached compared to PF5060.

Page 97: Flow Heat Trader In Quenching Of - University of Toronto T ...€¦ · The quenching of R113 image at maximum heat flux. The quenching of R113 image at nucleate boiling regime. The

Figure 5.6. Cornparison of rewetting temperatures for R113 and PF5060.

Although it is quite complicated and difficult to Fully analyze the rewetting

phenomena, many researchers have tried to predict the minimum film boiling temperature

and rewetting temperature for flow boiling and quenching by theoretical models and

experimenial correlations. Berenson (196 1) extended Zuber's vapor escape mode1 to analyze

the minimum heat flux condition in steady film boiling over a flat horizontal surface. He

described the heat transfer through the vapor film as a pure heat conduction problem. The

vapor film thickness was also calculated according to the hydrodynamic stability condition

and by incorporating some empirical interpolation. Berenson (1961) obtained the following

correlation to predict the minimum film boiling temperature for pool boiling:

Page 98: Flow Heat Trader In Quenching Of - University of Toronto T ...€¦ · The quenching of R113 image at maximum heat flux. The quenching of R113 image at nucleate boiling regime. The

The minimum waii superheat calculated from equation (5.5) for R 1 13 at atmospheric

pressure is 67.8 O C , which is much lower than the present data and is noted here as the

Berenson's minimum wall superheat, ATmBep Lienhard (1976) applied the Maxwell-Van der

Waals theory to correlate the available data and recommended a simple correlation for the

maximum liquid-solid contact temperature in pool boiling as follows:

AT, = 0.905 - Tm + 0.095 T> (5.6)

where, Tm = T, / Tc, T, is saturation temperature and Tc is the critical temperature. The

lirniting liquid superheat calculated by (5.6) for RI13 at atmospheric pressure is 123 OC,

which is still lower compared to the present data.

noeje et al. (1975) conducted vertical flow boiling expenments with water in an

inconel tube and observed minimum film boiling superheats asymptotically approaching

certain values. They intuitively expected that this asymptote would be close or equal to a

pool boiling value. From this expectation, they correlated their data in the following

empirical fom:

where X is quality, G is mass flux, A, B, m and n are constants.

As mentioned above and also seen from Figure 5.4, the flow rate effect on the

rewetting superheat for R 1 13 varies with different subcooling and gravity levels. When the

vapor film thickness increases for a saturated inlet condition under normal gravity and

subcooled inlet condition under reduced gravity, the vapor velocity and the shear at the

interface both decrease. Therefore, the disturbances caused by the increased liquid flow rate

have relatively little effect on Kelvin-Helmholtz instability and this leads to a smaller effect

on rewetting temperature for the two conditions. This indicates that the effect of mass

velocity is strong when the vapor film is relatively thin, which occurs only under subcooled

flow conditions in normal gravity.

In the present study, the rewetting superheats of RI 13 for subcooled inlet flow in 1-g

conditions also showed a similar trend of decreasing to certain values with decreasing idet

Page 99: Flow Heat Trader In Quenching Of - University of Toronto T ...€¦ · The quenching of R113 image at maximum heat flux. The quenching of R113 image at nucleate boiling regime. The

flow velocity. Thus, a correlation similar in form to equation (5.7) was used to best fit the

present data for RI 13 injection with 25 O C inlet liquid subcooling and the following

correlation was obtained,

AT, =AT,,,,, (liU.668~"~~)

where ATmBe, = 67.8 OC and G = mass flux (kg/m2s).

The predicted result is shown in Figure 5.4 by a solid line and good agreement with

experimental data could be achieved (R' = 52%). The exponent, 0.134, is smaller than 0.49

obtained by Iioeje et al. (1975), but is close to the value of 0.135 used in the correlation

given by Kim and Lee (1 979).

Here, cp, k, p are the specific heat, conductivity and density of the wall, respectively,

8 is the wall thickness,

z is the elevation and

G is the mass flux.

Kim and Lee's (1979) correlation is an empirical correlation derived from

dimensional analysis with the constants obtained from bottom flooding water tests at

atrnosphenc pressure. However, equation (5.9) involved wall superheat, AT* = Tw - Tm. For

a particular inlet subcooling (TsarTh) and elevation 2, the following form of the correlation

can be obtained from equation (5.9),

where C is a constant.

Page 100: Flow Heat Trader In Quenching Of - University of Toronto T ...€¦ · The quenching of R113 image at maximum heat flux. The quenching of R113 image at nucleate boiling regime. The

Figure 5.7 shows the present data in terms of the parameters, (Tm - T,JI(T, - T,J~.~~~ and mass flux, G. It is found that the ratios of rewetting superheat to wall superheat

for RI 13 and PF5060 remain constant with increasing mass flux. The value of the ratio is

about 2.7 for R113, which is higher than an average value of about 1.9, for PF5060. This

inconsistency shows the differences in behavior of R113 and PF5060 from water over the

present flow rate ranges.

Figure 5.7. The parameter, A T ~ / A T ~ VS. G for RI13 and PF5060.

5.3. Quench Velocity

As descnbed in the last chapter, a vapor film collapses when the surface temperature

decreases to a certain value so that the vapor-liquid interface loses stability. Quench velocity

is defined as the velocity at which the quench front propagates dong the hot surface. Quench

velocity can be detennined by measuring the time difference between the minimum heat

fluxes measured by the two heat flux senson, which are 7 mm apart in the flow direction.

The time difference in RUN MG-D23-207-4.5-22, for exarnple, is 0.65 second as shown in

Figure 5.8. The quench velocity is then the distance between the two heat flux sensors, 7 mm,

Page 101: Flow Heat Trader In Quenching Of - University of Toronto T ...€¦ · The quenching of R113 image at maximum heat flux. The quenching of R113 image at nucleate boiling regime. The

divided by 0.65 second, or 10.8 mm/s. Table 5.2 lists the quench velocities obtained in

microgravity and normal gravity experiments for R 1 13 for different initial wall temperature,

inlet flow rate and subcooling.

800 Run MG-D23 1

Time (second)

Figure 5.8. Determination of quench velocity.

Figure 5.9 shows that the quench velocity for R113 apparendy increases with

increasing inlet flow rate under both rnicrogravity and normal gravity. This result is

consistent with the normal gravity results reported previously by many researchers: Chan and

Bane rjee (1981), Lee and Shen (1987), Lee and Kim (1987). Westbye et al. (1995), and

Bamea and Elias (1994). The increase in inlet flow rate induces the liquid fraction

downstrearn of the quench front to increase and enhances the convective heat transfer to the

vapor. This results in faster cooling of the hot surface ahead of the quench front, that leads to

a higher quench velocity.

Page 102: Flow Heat Trader In Quenching Of - University of Toronto T ...€¦ · The quenching of R113 image at maximum heat flux. The quenching of R113 image at nucleate boiling regime. The

Table 5.2. Quench velocity for R 1 13 in p.-g and 1-g experiments.

MG-D23 207 22 364 10.8 0.0296 MG-D25 222 22 569 12.7 0.0224 MG-D2O 2 13 2 1 835 17.5 0.02 10 NG-GO 220 20 275 35.0 O. 127 NG-G 1 222 22 333 35.0 0.105 NG-G2 237 2 1 208 5.8 0.0280 NG-G3 235 23 125 5.8 0.0466 NG-G4 247 2 1 125 4.7 0.0374 NG-GS 248 22 397 10.0 0.0 122 NG-G9 253 2 1 9 17 17.5 0.0 189 NG-G 10 288 25 9 17 5.8 0.0064 NG-G8 257 31 134 5.7 0.0425 NG-G6 248 3 3 52 1 11.7 0.0224 NG-G7 249 32 938 23.3 0.0249 NG-GS2 200 44 332 17.5 0.0527 NG-GS6 200 45 468 17.5 0.0374 NG-GS7 202 46 679 23.3 0.0344 NG-GS8 200 47 945 1 16.7 0.123

Figure 5.9. The quench velocity for R113 in p-g and 1 -g.


: 2o :

15 -

RI13 A p-9, ATw= 25 O C

1-g, AT,,, 25 O C

1-g.ATw=150C A

10 -

5 -

A A rn

? =

O -- v I

Page 103: Flow Heat Trader In Quenching Of - University of Toronto T ...€¦ · The quenching of R113 image at maximum heat flux. The quenching of R113 image at nucleate boiling regime. The

Many investigators have found that the quench velocity, IIq, decreases with

increasing initial wail temperature, T., and decreasing liquid inlet subcooling. These

conclusions are consistent with Our experimental data.

For PF5060, it is shown in Figure 5.10 that flow rate, subcooling and gravity had little

effect on quench velocity when the inlet velocity was less than 0.7 d s . However, the quench

velocity increased with increasing inIet velocity and subcooling when the inlet velocity was

greater than 0.7 m/s.

In comparing the quench velocity data between R113 and PF5060, the quench

velocity for R113, ranging from 5 to 23 rnm/s, was found to be higher than that for PF5060,

ranging from 1 to 4 mm/s (shown in Figure 5.1 1). The reason is sirnilar to that given for the

rewetting superheat in the last section, however, the matends of HFMS disk, copper and

stainless steel with different thermal conductivities, could also af'fect the quench velocity as

described in Appendix I(1). Nevertheless, the above conclusion is still valid in the present

work. A detailed discussion on the efiect of the KFMS disk material on other quenching

characteristics are presented in Appendix I( 1 ).

Barnea and Elias (1994) found that the ratio of quench velocity, CIq, to inlet velocity,

LI, varied between 0.2 and 0.8 depending on the initial surface temperature and the inlet

liquid temperature, for water quenching of a vertical tube on the ground. As shown in Figure

5.12 for the present work, the ratio, U&-,,, for RI13 and PF5060 also did not Vary much for

most of the runs under both gravity levels. The ratio of quench velocity to inlet velocity for

RI13 and PF5060 is about 0.025 and 0.002, respectively for the inlet velocity between 0.2

and 1 mis. This is consistent with Barnea and Elias' results.

A cornparison between the runs for R113 perfomed in p-g and 1-g is difficult to

perfonn due to a very lirnited amount of microgravity data available and the use of a much

higher initial wall temperature in normal gravity experiments. However, comparisons of the

data in the runs GO and G l in Table 5.2 with those in reduced gravity and in normal gravity

with saturated inlet showed lower quench velocities in the absence of gravity level and liquid

subcooling. AIso, the results fiom the experiments for PF5060 show that the quench velocity

under microgravity is lower than that under normal gravity (Figure 5.10). Since the

temperature required to initiate rewetting is substantially lower in microgravity than in 1-g,

the time taken to quench the entire hot surface would be much longer in rnicrogravity.

Page 104: Flow Heat Trader In Quenching Of - University of Toronto T ...€¦ · The quenching of R113 image at maximum heat flux. The quenching of R113 image at nucleate boiling regime. The

Figure 5.10. Quench velocity for PF5060 in p-g and 1 -g.

Figure 5.1 1 . Cornparison of the quench velocity of RI 13 and PF5060.

Page 105: Flow Heat Trader In Quenching Of - University of Toronto T ...€¦ · The quenching of R113 image at maximum heat flux. The quenching of R113 image at nucleate boiling regime. The

Figure 5.12. The ratio of quench velocity to inlet velocity for RI 13 and PF5060.

Page 106: Flow Heat Trader In Quenching Of - University of Toronto T ...€¦ · The quenching of R113 image at maximum heat flux. The quenching of R113 image at nucleate boiling regime. The

Transition Boiling Heat Transfer

6.1. The Mechanism of Transition Boiling

6.1.1. Background

As mentioned in Chapter 4, transition boiling starts at the onset of rewetting and ends

as the surface is completely rewetted. Because it is between film boiling and nucleate boiling

regimes, its characteristics include the features of film and nucleate boiling heat transfer.

Transition boiling is the least understood regime in ail of the boiling repimes. The reason

is that transition boiling is regarded as technologically less important than nucleate or f h

boiling. In addition the lack of understanding is certaidy due to the complex mechanism

involved and the difficulties encounteied in experimental studies. In recent years, the interest in

this boiling regime has increased mainly in connection with the safety analysis of nuclear

reacton. In hypothetical loss of coolant accidents the transition region is traversed in a transient

process. Other quenching processes, e.g. in material processing, also go through the same

boiling curve.

Reliable prediction methods for transition boiling heat transfer are also required to

design high-performance evaporators heated by a liquid or a condensing fluid. Such heat

exchangers cm be operated in the transition boiling mode without the danger of instabilities

because the heat transfer process is temperature controlled.

6.1.2. Past modeling efforts under pool boiling conditions

The transition boiling mechanism in pool boiling is the bais for understanding the

phenornenon and its dependence on various parameten, and for developing theoretical models

and corre1ations.

The experimental results on the transition boiling mechanism and the estirnates of heat

transfer rates show that at any time, some parts of the heating surface are wetted by the liquid

and the remainder is covered by a vapor film. In this case, each point of the heating surface is

alternately in contact with the liquid and vapor. Since the rate of heat transfer to the Liquid is

higher than that to the vapor, the processes at the points of wall-liquid contact are dominant in

transition boiling.

Page 107: Flow Heat Trader In Quenching Of - University of Toronto T ...€¦ · The quenching of R113 image at maximum heat flux. The quenching of R113 image at nucleate boiling regime. The

Bankoff and Mehra (1962) proposed that transient conduction is the principal heat

transfer mechanism during liquid-solid contact. On the other hand, Kano and Yokoya (1968)

proposed that boiling heat tramfer at high heai fluxes is the dominant heat transfer mechanism

d h n g contact. At high heat flues, boiling heat transfer is characterized by the existence of a

Liquid film between the heating surface and large mushroom-like bubbles. The bubble is

nourished with vapor from many vapor stems which bridge the surface with the bubble through

the liquid film. In the nucleate boiling regime, the surface does not dry out. When critical heat

flux is reached, the liquid film evaporates away just as the bubble leaves the surface. In the

transition boiling regime, the liquid Hm evaporates away and the surface is dried out for a

p e n d of time. They assumed that the bubble period remains at that of the critical heat flux and

that the nucleate boiling c w e can be extrapolated into the transition boiling regime.

Consequently, they were able to predict the liquid füm thickness and effective heat flux at a

given surface temperature.

Kostyuk et al. ( 1986) proposed a semiempirical model for transition boiling. The model

involves transient conduction, boiling incipience and heat transfer during liquid-solid contact.

The termination of contact is caused by the coalescence of bubbles as they reach a critical


Fanner et al. ( 1987) developed a model for liquid-solid contact in the transition and film

boiling regimes. The mode1 is sirnilar to that of Kostyuk et al. (L986), and the contact is

modeled by incorporating transient conduction, boiling incipience and heat transfer, and

microlayer evaporation. The microlayer is the liquid film left beneath a fast growing bubble.

When the number of bubbles formed per unit area is large enough, the bubbles will coalesce,

and subsequently force the bulk liquid to retreat and leave the liquid film below the bubble.

Recently, Pan (1989) developed a model based on previous models and experimental

observations of temperature fluctuations. The liquid-solid contact process is divided into five

penods, 1) bubble departure and vapor conduction; 2) iiquid-solid contact and transient liquid

conduction; 3) boiling incipience and heat transfer; 4) macrolayer evaporation, which is the

sarne as that of Katto and Yokoya's model (1968); and 5) vapor covering and vapor conduction.

In addition to the models mentioned above, Hsu and Kim (1988) proposed a statistical

approach to treat transition boiling, in which the transition boiling cuve is simulated by a

Poisson distribution.

Page 108: Flow Heat Trader In Quenching Of - University of Toronto T ...€¦ · The quenching of R113 image at maximum heat flux. The quenching of R113 image at nucleate boiling regime. The

6.13. Past experimental work on üquid-sdid contact

It is assumed that in the transition boiling regime the heat flux cari be considered as a

combination of MO componentç due to nucleate boiling and Nm boiling proportional to the

fraction of wetted area, FA:

qlb=q1Fa + q v U - Fn) (6- 1)

where qi is the heat flux during the liquid contact and qv the heaî flux during the vapor contact.

An altemate approach assumes that the process king represented is ergodic, so that

instead of working in terms of an instantaneous, liquid contact-area fraction, the transition

boiling heat flux cm be written as

qlb=qrFe+ q v u -Fe) (6-2)

in ternis of a local iiquid contact-the fraction, Fe

Quantitative studies of liquid-solid contact in transition boiling regime have mostly used

either conductive probes or analysis of surface temperature fluctuations. Ragheb et al.

(1978,1979) used an insulated wire with a diarneter of 1 .O2 mm inserted through the wall to

measure the fraction of the wetted area. It was assumed that the wetted area fraction FA was zero

at the minimum film boiling point, FA =1 at the cntical heat flux point, and that the probe signal

varied linearly with FA in between.

By using an electncal conductance probe over a horizontal. flat, gold-plated copper

surface and studying contact phenornena in stable füm boiling of ethanol and water, Yao and

Henry (1 978) have confmed occurrence of Iiquid-solid contacts in pool boiling.

Lee et al. (1985) studied the wall temperature fluctuations by using a micro-

thennocouple flush-mounted on the boiling surface. Their results showed that the time-averaged

local liquid-contact fraction increased with decreasing surface superheat. The frequency of

liquid contact reached a maximum of -50 contactds at a surface superheat of -100 "K and

decreased gradually to 30 contactds near the critical heat flux.

Dhuga and Winterton (1985) developed a new method to detect liquid-solid contact by

measuring the impedance between a thin, electricaily insulating layer coated on the heating

surface and the boiling liquid in transition boiling. Using this technique, Rajabi and Winterton

(1988) found that the heat flwc during the liquid contact periods is not constant but f d s with

hcreasing surface temperature.

Page 109: Flow Heat Trader In Quenching Of - University of Toronto T ...€¦ · The quenching of R113 image at maximum heat flux. The quenching of R113 image at nucleate boiling regime. The

6.1.4. Liquid-solid contact frequency results for RI13

To obtain the liquid-solid contact frequency data for R113, quenching experirnents were

conducted on the ground using a data sampling rate of 900 Hz and the heat flux microsensor on

a copper disk as described in Chapter 2.

The magnitudes of heat flux and wall superheat fluctuations were obtained by

subtracting theü respective mean values from their instantaneous values, thus leaving ody the

flucniating components. The heat flux fluctuations and surface temperahue fluctuations are

show in Figures 6.1 and 6.2. The amplitude of heat flux fluctuations was of the order of several

hundred kw/rn2 while that of surface temperature fluctuations was less than SOC.

It is noted that the amplitudes of fluctuations in heat flux and surface temperature are

still quite large when the wall superheat has decreased even below the maximum heat flux point.

This is probably the fmt measurement to yield such heat flux and surface temperature

fluctuation data in quenching experiments. In steady boiling expenments, the local maximum in

heat flux is the Critical Heat Flux and the lower wail superheat region corresponds to nucleate

boiling regime in which the surface is presumably wetted and fluctuations in heat flux should be

quite small. However, Gaerfner (1965) photographically studied the high heat flux region in

nucleate boiling just below the Critical Heat Flux in pool boiling and observed that dry patches

appear in this region of the boiling curve. He called it as second transition region of nucleate

boiling regime. Whether the large heat flux fluctuations appearing in the present heat flux data

correspond to this second transition remains to be determined more clearly in the future.

Next, the frequency of direct liquid-soiid contact during transition boiling was obtained

from the power spectra of the surface temperature and heat flux data using the FFI' analysis

provided in Labtech Notebook software. For each spectrum, at least 512 data points were

processed over a given interval of time during which the surface temperature dropped by less

than about 10 OC. Typical power spectra for the surface temperature and heat flux data during

transition boiling are shown in Figure 6.3. For the temperature data, a dominant frequency was

found at about 10 Hz for many mns under different conditions. However, many dominant peak

frequencies were observed in the heat flux data, one at a low frequency of about 10 EIz and

others at higher frequencies that changed with wail superheat and fiow rate. The lack of high

frequency peaks in the temperature sensor data may be amibuted to the larger area of the

temperature sensor compared to the heat tlw; sensor and smaller sensitivity to temperature

Page 110: Flow Heat Trader In Quenching Of - University of Toronto T ...€¦ · The quenching of R113 image at maximum heat flux. The quenching of R113 image at nucleate boiling regime. The

R I 13

film boiling

1 transition boiling

I I I I 1 nucleate boiling

Time (second)

Figure 6.1. Typical magnitude of heat flux fluctuations for R113.

film boilingl . , 1 1 lnucleate boiling

O 2 4 6 8 10

Time (second)

Figure 6.2. Typicd magnitude of temperature fluctuations for R113.

Page 111: Flow Heat Trader In Quenching Of - University of Toronto T ...€¦ · The quenching of R113 image at maximum heat flux. The quenching of R113 image at nucleate boiling regime. The

f (Hz)

(a) Heat Flux

1.2e+5 ,

O 50 100 150 200

f (Hz)

(b) Surface Temperature

Figure 6.3. Typicai power spectra of q and Tw fluctuations for RI 13.

Page 112: Flow Heat Trader In Quenching Of - University of Toronto T ...€¦ · The quenching of R113 image at maximum heat flux. The quenching of R113 image at nucleate boiling regime. The

fluctuations. If the high frequency peaks are associated with smallxale rewet and dryout

events, the temperature sensor would not be able to capture these events, so it would show only

the low frequency peak.

In observing the boiling processes on the heat flux sensor captured by a high speed

video camera at a rate of 648 frames per second and 111OOOO second-' shutter speed it was

found that a large area encompassing the entire heat flux sensor could be cleariy seen when the

surface was rewetted More often, however, srnalier parts of the heat flux sensor could be seen

clearly which indicaies small-scale or partial wening of the surface. A clear view of the full

sensor was obtained about 8 to 10 times per second which corresponds to the low peak

frequency in the power spectrum data. Partially clear views of the sensor were obtained more

ofien that may correspond to the higher peak frequencies in transition boiling heat flux

fluctuations. It seems that rewetting and dryout of the surface involve different length and time

scales, with the large-scale rewet/dryout occurring less frequently than the small-scale rewet-

dryout phenornena.

Figure 6.4 shows the effects of wall superheat and flow rate on the Liquid-solid contact

fkequency detected by the present heat flux sensor. With decreasing wall superheat, the peak

frequency fmt increases and then decreases, so there exists a local maximum in the contact

frequency. Also, the curve at higher wall superheats shifts to higher wall superheats with

increasing flow rate. The dominant frequencies of about 50 to 70 Hz obtained in this work at

wall superheats of about 110 to 120 O C are somewhat higher than those of about 40 Hz at waU

superheats of about 40 O C for pool boiling of R- 113 with sirnilar liquid subcooling (Kalinin et

al., 1987).

6.13. Liquid-solid contact frequency results for PF5060

For the second coolant, PF5060, the quenching experiments were performed using the

heat flux sensor on a stainless steel disk and a data sampling rate of 500 Hz in both gravity

levels. Figures 6.5 and 6.6 show the heat flux data obtained at the same sampling rate and

similar flow rate under reduced and normal gravity during transition boiling over a short

penod of time in the same time period. The fluctuations in heat flux correspond to liquid and

vapor intemiittently covering the hot surface. Again, when the heat flux value was

significantly above zero, liquid wetted the hot surface and was being vaporized. Otherwise,

vapor covered the surface. The heat flux fluctuations in Figures 6.5 under reduced gravity

Page 113: Flow Heat Trader In Quenching Of - University of Toronto T ...€¦ · The quenching of R113 image at maximum heat flux. The quenching of R113 image at nucleate boiling regime. The

show that the liquid on the heat flux micro sensor gradually evaporated before vapor

occupied the sensor surface. However, in nomal gravity condition as s h o w in Figure 6.6,

the liquid evaporated about Nice as fast as that under reduced gravity before the sensor

surface was covered by vapor. It is apparent that the duration that the sensor surface was

covered by vapor is shorter under normal gravity than under reduced gravity.

Figure 6.4. The effects of wall superheat and mass flux on liquid-solid contact frequency for R 1 13.

Page 114: Flow Heat Trader In Quenching Of - University of Toronto T ...€¦ · The quenching of R113 image at maximum heat flux. The quenching of R113 image at nucleate boiling regime. The


7.9 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5

Time (second)

Figure 6.5. Heat flux fluctuations for PF5060 in transition boiling regime in p-g.

2500 RUN NG12

2000 -


500 -

O -

14.7 14.8 14.9 15.0 15.1 15.2 15.3

Time (second)

Figure 6.6. Heat flux fluctuations for PF5060 in transition boiling regime in 1-g.

Page 115: Flow Heat Trader In Quenching Of - University of Toronto T ...€¦ · The quenching of R113 image at maximum heat flux. The quenching of R113 image at nucleate boiling regime. The

In order to analyze liquid-solid contact fiequency using an FFI' method provided in

SigmaPlot sofnvare, a treatment sirnilar to that applied to the raw data of R113 was also

perfomed for the data of PF5060. The heat flux fluchmtions are shown in Figure 6.7. Because

the magnitude of the surface temperature fluctuations was very small, the surface temperature

data could not be used in the Iiquid-solid contact frequency analysis.

The frequency of liquid-solid contact was again obtained from the power spectra of the

surface heat flux fluctuations and confiied by counting the number of heat flux peaks in a

given period of time. For each spectrum, 128 data points were processed over a given interval of

time during which the surface temperature dropped by 2 to 8 OC. A typical power spectrum of

the heat flux &ta during transition boiling is show in Figure 6.8.

Figures 6.9 to 6.11 show the effects of wall superheat and flow rate on the most probable

liquid-solid contact fiequency detected by the present heat flux sensor. Sirnilar to the RH3

results, the üquid-solid contact frequency curves for PF5060 also showed a local maximum in

the transition boiling regime, but the effect of flow rate on the contact frequency was small. The

curves at higher wall superheats shifted to higher wall superheats with increasing inlet

subcooling and gravity level (shown in Figures 6.12 and 6.13). In the nucleate boiling regime,

the iiquid-solid contact frequencies nearly remained constant ranging from 20 to 25 Hz under

both gravity conditions. The contact frequencies ranging from 20 to 40 Hz obtained under

normal gravity are higher than those ranging from 15 to 30 H i obtained under reduced gravity.

This is because gravity forces the Liquid to contact the surface whenever the vapor film collapses

due to insufficient heat transfer and vapor generation rates. The lack of gravity does not,

however, preclude liquid-solid contact possibly because of surîace tension effects, which can

spread the liquid film over the dry surface. Thus, there appear to be two modes of liquid-solid

contact, one due to vapor film collapse and the other due to the spreading of the liquid fdm.

Under normal gravity, both modes are equally significant and the liquid-solid contact fiequency

is considerably hi&. Under reduced gravity, the first mode becornes less important and the

contact frequency is reduced but remains sufficiently hi&, so that rewetting can proceed and the

boiling mode quickly changes to nucleate boiling.

Apparently, the liquid-solid contact frequency for R113 at higher wall superheats is

higher than that for PF5060. Sirnilar to the analysis of rewetting temperature and quench

velocity, lower vapor density and higher latent heat for RI 13 than those for PF5060 are believed

Page 116: Flow Heat Trader In Quenching Of - University of Toronto T ...€¦ · The quenching of R113 image at maximum heat flux. The quenching of R113 image at nucleate boiling regime. The

film boiling


transition boiling



nucleate boiling

Time (second)

Figure 6.7. Typical magnitude of heat flux fluctuations for PF5060.



i ~

Figure 6.8. Typical power spectra of heat fiux fluctuations for PF5060.

Page 117: Flow Heat Trader In Quenching Of - University of Toronto T ...€¦ · The quenching of R113 image at maximum heat flux. The quenching of R113 image at nucleate boiling regime. The


35 - 1414 kg/m2s p-g, A T , 35 OC 1247 kg/m2s

30 - 1 078 kg/m2s


N = 20 Y



nucleate boiling 1 transition boiling

Figure 6.9. Liquid-solid contact frequency for PF5060 in yg.

Figure 6.10. Liquid-solid contact frequency for PF5060 in 1-g with hiph inlet subcooling.

10 -


nucleate boiling ( transition boiling

I I l 1 1 I

Page 118: Flow Heat Trader In Quenching Of - University of Toronto T ...€¦ · The quenching of R113 image at maximum heat flux. The quenching of R113 image at nucleate boiling regime. The

nucleate boiling 1 transition boiling

Figure 6.1 1 . Liquid-solid contact frequency for PF5060 in 1-g for low inlet subcooling.

40 A p-g .1 O78 kglm2s, AT,,,= 35 OC

Figure 6.12. Cornparison of liquid-solid contact frequencies for PF5060 in p.-g and 1-g at low inlet flow rate.

Page 119: Flow Heat Trader In Quenching Of - University of Toronto T ...€¦ · The quenching of R113 image at maximum heat flux. The quenching of R113 image at nucleate boiling regime. The

45 A p-g , 1 4 1 4 kglm2s. AT,,,= 35 'C

Figure 6.13. Cornparison of liquid-solid contact frequencies for PF5060 in p-g and 1-g at high inlet flow rate.

to be responsible for the present results. Higher wall superheats for R113 in the transition

boiling regime could also contribute to higher liquid-solid contact frequencies.

6.2. Transition Boiling Heat Transfer of RI 13 As discussed in the last section, the liquid-solid contact frequency first increased

quickly to a maximum value and then gradually decreased with decreasing wall superheat in

the transition boiling regime. Also, Figures 4.1 and 4.6 showed that the instantaneous

maximum heat flux values generally increased with decreasing surface superheat in transition

boiling regime. If the heat flux for vapor covering penods during liquid-solid contacts is

neglected in equation (6.2), the heat flux in transition boiling calculated from equation (6.2)

would have a sharp increase and then a gradua1 increase with decreasing surface superheat as

shown in Figure 6.14. Therefore, two transition boiling regions, C and D, can be considered,

which correspond to the graduate and sharp increase in heat flux, respectively, in transition

Page 120: Flow Heat Trader In Quenching Of - University of Toronto T ...€¦ · The quenching of R113 image at maximum heat flux. The quenching of R113 image at nucleate boiling regime. The

boiling regirne (shown in Figure 6.14). A similar result has also k e n observed by Bamea and

Elias ( 1994).

Run NG-G5

Figure 6.14. Definitions of boiling heat transfer regions.

The effects of flow rate, inlet subcooling and gravity level are shown in Figures 6.15

and 6.16. With high subcooling and at normal gravity the flow rate affects transition boiling

more strongly than that in the absence of subcooling or gravity. It seems that the effect of

flow rate tends to diminish at higher flow rates in the absence of subcooling or gravity. These

coincide with Auracher's ( 1988, 1990) results for saturated and subcooled flow boiling of R-

114 and the results obtained by Cheng et al. (1978). In the near absence of subcooling and

gravity, the decreasing rewetting temperature induces a shift in the boiling curve to lower

wall superheats.

AIthough many researchers have experimentally and theoretically coriducted the

studies on transition boiling for several decades (Kalinin et al. (1987) and Auracher (1990)),

the mechanism of transition boiling is still unclear due to its very complicated processes.

This presents many difficulties for developing good models. However, many approaches

Page 121: Flow Heat Trader In Quenching Of - University of Toronto T ...€¦ · The quenching of R113 image at maximum heat flux. The quenching of R113 image at nucleate boiling regime. The

Figure 6.15. Transition boiling heat transfer for R 1 13 measured in I -g.



- -

1 O

- equation (6.6)

AT- = 25 O C O G=314kg/m%

G = 566 kg/rnZs A G = 1396 kg(m2s

saturated 0 G =377 kglrn2s a G = 705 kglrn2s O A a G = 1025 kg/m% v G = 1426 kg/m%

1 I

Figure 6.16. Cornparison of transition boiling heat transfer for R 1 13 in p-g and 1-g.

- - - - - - - equation (6.6)

p-g, ATs, = 25 O C

0 G = 549 kg/m2s 1 II G = 859 kg/m% - A G = 1308 kg/m*s

1 -g, ATçub = 25 O C

G=314kg/m2s A rn G = 566 kg/m% A G = 1396 kglmos

Page 122: Flow Heat Trader In Quenching Of - University of Toronto T ...€¦ · The quenching of R113 image at maximum heat flux. The quenching of R113 image at nucleate boiling regime. The

have been proposed for empirically correlating the experimental data The following form

is the simplest one and has been used by many researchers, such as Yilmaz and Westwater

( 1980),

where, a and b are constants.

Westwater ( 1989) denved a similar correlation for pool boiling of R- 1 13 on a copper

cy linder,

These two types of correlations work well for region C or D separately in Figure 6.14,

however, they do not fit the whole transition boiling curve. Thus, in order to correlate the

entire transition boiling data in the present work, Rohsenow's (1952) correlation,

was modified as follows,

where, a an b are constants.

The comparisons of the current data with equation (6.6) are shown in Figures 6.15

and 6.16, and good agreement has been achieved in most cases except near the quench front

region. The values of a and b are listed in Table 6.1. The value of b ranging from 2 to 5

increased with decreasing flow rate, while the value of a is very close to unity.

Page 123: Flow Heat Trader In Quenching Of - University of Toronto T ...€¦ · The quenching of R113 image at maximum heat flux. The quenching of R113 image at nucleate boiling regime. The

Table 6.1. The factors in correlation (6.6) for the mns in p-g and 1-g experiments.

NG-G2 237 21 3 14 1 .O70 4552 NGG5 248 22 566 1.098 3530

NG-GIO 288 25 1396 1.032 1.770

NG-GSS 200 44 377 1 .O29 3 .596 NG-GS6 200 45 705 1 -053 1.986 NG-GS7 202 46 1 025 0.988 1.820 NG-GS8 200 47 1426 0.980 1.81 1

Page 124: Flow Heat Trader In Quenching Of - University of Toronto T ...€¦ · The quenching of R113 image at maximum heat flux. The quenching of R113 image at nucleate boiling regime. The

Chapter 7

Maximum Heat Flux and Nucleate Boiling Heat Transfer

7.1. Maximum Heat FIux As discussed in the 1s t chapter, the vapor film collapse resulted in liquid-solid

contacts so that large fluctuations in heat flux and to a lesser extent in surface temperature

were seen at the onset of rewetting, which caused the surface temperature to decrease and

heat flux to increase sharply in a short time. The fluctuations in heat flux and surface

temperature revealed periods of rewetting and surface temperature recovery (dry-out)

occuning intermittently. At the beginning of the transition boiling period, the magnitude of

fluctuations in the surface temperature was the largest indicating that the dry-out period

lasted longer and rewetting was difficult to establish. With a further reduction in the surface

temperature, the liquid-solid contact frequency first increased to a maximum and then

decreased to a certain value. At the sarne time, heat flux first increased sharply and then

gradually reached a maximum, which is called the maximum heat flux.

The maximum heat flux usually marks the point of complete rewetting since partially

film boiling heat transfer can be neglected beyond this point. Therefore, the maximum heat

flux is normaily the boundary between the transition and nucleate boiling regimes which will

be discussed in the next section. In steady pool or flow boiling, the maximum heat flux is

usually called the Critical Heat Flux or CHF. In heat flux controlled boiling systems, if the

surface is heated beyond the temperature corresponding to the maximum heat flux, it could

result in a rapid surface temperature excursion and damage the boiling surface. Due to its

special importance in determining the operational Iimits of boilers, the CHF phenomena have

been studied for over six decades. however, the mechanisms responsible for the CHF

phenomena are still unclear at present. More CHF or maximum heat flux information is still

needed for the design of industrial devices, such as nuclear reactors, s t e m generators,

superconducting magnets and rocket engines.

Witte and Lienhard (1982) showed that the maximum heat flux in quenching

experiments might not be the sarne as those obtained during the steady boiling heat transfer

experiments. However, Ueda et al. (1983) showed that the critical heat flux coincided well

Page 125: Flow Heat Trader In Quenching Of - University of Toronto T ...€¦ · The quenching of R113 image at maximum heat flux. The quenching of R113 image at nucleate boiling regime. The

with the maximum heat flux obtained by their transient quenching tests with R113. Recently,

Huang et al. (1994) reported from their flow boiling experiments using water that the

transient effects at CHF point aimost disappeared except at very high m a s flux values, for

which the transient critical heat flux from quenching is somewhat Iower than the steady-state

value. In the present study, no steady-state flow boiling could be achieved because of

technical difficulties, so that a cornparison between steady and transient maximum heat flux

data could not be made. In the present study, q- will be used to represent the maximum heat

flux obtained from quenching experiments and qcw for the maximum heat flux From steady

state boiling expenments.

Figures 7.1 and 7.2 show the maximum heat flux data for R113 and PF5060 in

normal gravity and reduced gravity conditions, respectively. The maximum heat flux for

lower inlet flow rates increased with increasing flow rate, inlet subcooling, but decreased

with reduction in gravity. Some researchers, such as Katto (1980) and Westbye et ai. (1995)

have confirmed these trends. However, the effects of gravity and inlet subcooling for R113

diminished at higher mass fluxes. Sirnilarly, the maximum heat flux for PF5060 also

increased with increasing flow rate, inlet subcooling and gravity level. Unlike for R113, the

effect of liquid subcooling for PF5060 did not dirninish at higher m a s fluxes in the present

flow rate range. This difference could have been caused by higher vapor density and lower

latent heat of PF5060, because the liquid flow in the present range of flow rates may have

been unable to affect the vapor layer thickness much if a larger amount of vapor were

generated from the heating surface and the vapor film had large momentum. Mudawar and

Maddox (1989) and Willingharn and Mudawar (1992) studied flow boiling of dielectric

fluorocarbon (FC-72), which has similar themophysicai properties to that of PF5060, on one

or a linear array of discrete small heaters in a vertical rectangular channel. Their data showed

that CHF was less affected by increasing flow rate when the inlet velocity was less than 1.5

mis, which is consistent with the present data.

Some analyticd work in predicting C W has been performed for steady state pool

boiling and flow boiling. Katto (1985 and 1996) reviewed the advances in the study of CHI?

and tried to clarify the CHF mechanisrns developed to-date in different boiling systems, such

as pool boiling, steady state interna1 and external flow boiling. He pointed out that the

difficulties encountered in the study of CHF are in modeling the two-phase fluid behavior at

Page 126: Flow Heat Trader In Quenching Of - University of Toronto T ...€¦ · The quenching of R113 image at maximum heat flux. The quenching of R113 image at nucleate boiling regime. The

Figure 7.1. The maximum heat flux data for R113 in both gravity conditions.

Figure 7.2. The maximum heat flux data for PF5060 in p-g and 1 -g.


Page 127: Flow Heat Trader In Quenching Of - University of Toronto T ...€¦ · The quenching of R113 image at maximum heat flux. The quenching of R113 image at nucleate boiling regime. The

high heat fluxes near CHF, obtaining reliable measurements of the fluid state in the

immediate vicinity of the heater surface, and visudizing the key features associated with

boiling and CHF on the entire heater surface.

Two semi-theoretical models are very prominent in the literature, a hydrodynamic

instability model and a macrolayer dryout model. However, detailed examination of each

model is out of the scope of the present study. Thus, the present maximum heat flux data

were correlated by a dimensional analysis method, which is the most widely used in

correlating the experimental data.

The CHF phenornenon in saturated extemal flow or pool boiling is considered to be

associated with the hydrodynamic states, which can be represented in terms of the velocity,

force and length scdes, as follows, (i) the vapor velocity given by q,/pv hl" and liquid

velocity, u; (ii) the inertial forces (dependent on p, and pi), the viscous forces (dependent on

pv and pl), the surface tension CF, and the buoyancy force g(pr - p.); and (iii) the heater length,

L. Then, the dimensional analysis of those quantities yields a generd relationship as follows

(Kato, 1983):

For pool boiling, the terms relating to liquid velocity, U, are eliminated. For extemal flow

boiling, the term relating to buoyancy is eliminated. It is noticed that the second parameter is

the Weber number, We, and the last is the Reynolds number, Re. Because surface tension and

viscous forces are d l small compared to liquid momentum, it is difficult to decide which

dimensionless parameter cm be used or not. Cornmonly, the Weber number has been used in

correlating the experimentd data.

For intemal flow, Kato and Ohno (1984) developed the following relationship,

Page 128: Flow Heat Trader In Quenching Of - University of Toronto T ...€¦ · The quenching of R113 image at maximum heat flux. The quenching of R113 image at nucleate boiling regime. The

where d is tube diarneter and Ahi is the inlet subcooling enthalpy.

If saturated CHF data are correlated using the first two dimensionless parameters,

equation (7.2) can be written as follows,

where a, b and C are constants, and Weber number is given by We = G ~ L / cpl.

Katto and Kurata (1980) considered a submerged jet Bowing pardlel to a small

rectangular heater in normal gravity. The fluids tested were saturated water and RI 13 with

velocities ranging from 1.25 to 10 m/s. The CHF data were correlated in the form of equation

(7.3) and the values of a = 0.559, b = 0.264 and C = 0.186 were obtained. Using the Iiquid

and vapor densities of RI 13 in equation (7.3), the following equation can be obtained (note:

the parameter, 0 ' 1 / G ~ L , was used in their paper, which is the inverse Weber number, ~ e - ' ) ,

Yilmaz and Westwater (1980) obtained the following equation for flow boiling of

saturated RI13 over a horizontal copper tube at atmosphenc pressure in 1-g condition (note:

the vapor Weber number, Wev = ~~d /ap,, was used in their paper and, for convenience, their

equation has been converted to the fonn containing liquid Weber number),

From saturated RI 13 quenching data in the present study under normal gravity

conditions, the following equation was obtained.

Page 129: Flow Heat Trader In Quenching Of - University of Toronto T ...€¦ · The quenching of R113 image at maximum heat flux. The quenching of R113 image at nucleate boiling regime. The

It should be noted that the length of the plate, L, in the flow direction, not hydraulic

diameter, dh, was used in the Weber number in d l of the above correlations, because ordy the

bottom piate was heated in the present experiments.

The exponent of Weber number in equation (7.6) is close to those in equations (7.4)

and (7.5). However, the constant factor, 0.0339, is much higher than those in equations (7.4)

and (7.5). This is possibly caused by differences in flow boiling geometry (intemal flow vs.

external flow).

McGillis et al. (199 1) showed that their critical heat flux results determined from

subcooled R- 1 13 flow boiiing experiments (with subcooling ranging from 42 to 17 O C ) using

an array of simuiated rnicroelectronics devices on one wall of a vertical rectangular passage,

agreed well with a correlation developed by Mudawar and Maddox (1991), which is

functionally similar to equation (7.3). The exponent on Weber number in Mudawar and

Maddox's ( 199 1) correlation is -0.348.

The same equation forrn has been applied to the current maximum heat flux data for

subcooled inlet flow in both gravity conditions and the following correlations were obtained:

For R 1 13 in 1-g with subcooling of about 25 OC,

For R 1 13 in p-g with subcooling of about 25 OC.

For PF5060 in 1-g with subcooling of 18 OC,

For PF5060 in 1-g with subcooling of about 33 OC,

For PF5060 in p-g with subcooling of about 35 OC,

Page 130: Flow Heat Trader In Quenching Of - University of Toronto T ...€¦ · The quenching of R113 image at maximum heat flux. The quenching of R113 image at nucleate boiling regime. The

1 3 , saturated

q ~ ~ h k d . 0339 weOf.

Figure 7.3. The q,,,&Ghrv for RI 13 varies with We in both gravity conditions.

Figure 7.4. The q,,,&Ghrv for PF5060 varies with We in both gravity conditions.


Page 131: Flow Heat Trader In Quenching Of - University of Toronto T ...€¦ · The quenching of R113 image at maximum heat flux. The quenching of R113 image at nucleate boiling regime. The

The above correlations are plotted in Figures 7.3 and 7.4. It is noted that the

exponents on the Weber number in equations (7.7). (7.9) and (7.101, equal to -0.405, -0.355

and -0.395, respectively, are very close to -0.348 in Mudawar and Maddox's (1991)

correlation for subcooled inlet flow. Anotherinteresting result is that equation (7.6) is very

close to (7.8) for R113, which means that the effect of the absence of gravity on maximum

heat flux is very similar to the effect of the absence of subcooling in normal gravity. This

reveals that in the absence of gravity or subcooiing, liquid flow rate would strongly affect the

maximum heat flux.

More cornparisons of the maximum heat flux data for RI 13 and PF5060 wiil be

presented in the next chapter.

7.2. Nucleate Boiling Heat Trader of RI13

Of the three boiling heat transfer modes, nucleate boiling with its highly efficient heat

transfer and smaller wall superheat is the most important regime for industrial applications,

such as in boilers, cooling of rnicroelectronic chips, etc. Although a great amount of effort

ha been made so far to clarify the nucleate boiling rnechanism, the results have not been

fully satisfactory because of the complexity of the phenornena.

Conventionally or traditionally, the nucleate boiling regime on a quenching curve

starts at the maximum heat flux and extends down to the point of incipient boiling, as shown

in Figure 6.14. According to the dependence of heat flux on wall superheat obtained in this

work, there are also two regions in nucleate boiling, regions A and B. The time averaged heat

flux slowly decreased with decreasing wall temperature in region B and sharply decreased in

region A, which indicates that the bubble nucleation was likely suppressed readily due to the

smooth surface of the sensor.

It is noticed from Figures 4.1,4.6, 6.1 and 6.2 that the ampiinides of fluctuations in heat

flux and surface temperature were s a quite large when the wall superheat had decreased below

the maximum heat flux point. The analysis of heat flux fluctuations in the last chapter has

shown that the frequency of fluctuations in region B remained alrnost constant, at about 15 to 25

Hz, with decreasing wall superheat. This is probably the first measurement to yield such heat

flux and surface temperature data in quenching experiments.

Page 132: Flow Heat Trader In Quenching Of - University of Toronto T ...€¦ · The quenching of R113 image at maximum heat flux. The quenching of R113 image at nucleate boiling regime. The

In steady boiling experirnents, the local maximum in heat flux is the critical heat flux

and the lower wall superheat region corresponds to nucleate boiling regime in which the surface

is plesumably always wetted and fluctuations in heat flux are considered to be quite small. As

mentioned previously, Gaertner (1965) photographically studied the high heat flux region in

nucleate boiling below the critical heat flux in pool boiling and observed that dry patches appear

in this region of the boiling curve. He called it the second transition region of nucleate boiling

regime. From his study, the concept of macrolayer was established. The macrolayer mode1 was

applied to criticai heat flux analysis, for example, by Kano and Yokaya (1968), Yu and Mesler

(1977), Bhat el ai. (1983% 1983b 1986), Chyu (1987), Unai et al. (199 l), and Pasamehmetoglu

(1993). Whether the large heat flux fluctuations appearing in the present heat flux data

correspond to this second transition remain to be determined more clearly in future, since a

detailed analysis of the physical mechanisms in this region is out of the scope of the current


Nucleate boiling heat transfer may be affected by many factors, such as wall

superheat, flow rate, liquid subcooling, gravity level, pressure, surface material and

roughness, and so on. The current experimental results for nucleate boiling in region B are

plotted in Figures 7.5 to 7.8. The heat flux in many cases increased with increasing flow rate

as shown in Figures 7.5 (a) to (c), which has been previously observed by many researchers,

such as Yilmaz and Westwater (1980). Also, as mentioned in Chapter 4, boiling curves shifi

to lower wall superheats under low subcooling or reduced gravity conditions as shown in

Figures 7.6 and 7.7. Merte and Clark (1964) and Zell et al. (1989) in pool boiling

experiments and Westbye et al. (1995) in quenching experiments al1 found that the effect of

gravity level on nucleate boiling is srnall. The current results coincide with their results in the

overlapped region as evident in Figure 7.7. However, it is found that the nucleate boiling

region B under low subcooling or low gravity conditions is wider than those in the high

subcooling and normal gravity case, with about 30 O C difference in the wall superheat. Figure

7.6 (b) shows the strong effect of subcooling on nucleate boiling. Again the behavior in the

absence of subcooling or gravity is very similar, as shown in Figure 7.8. This may be caused

by an increase in the thermal boundary layer thickness, which is caused by the accumulation

of vapor bubbles under these conditions. A thicker thermal boundq layer was observed by

Page 133: Flow Heat Trader In Quenching Of - University of Toronto T ...€¦ · The quenching of R113 image at maximum heat flux. The quenching of R113 image at nucleate boiling regime. The

Ervin et al. (1992) in pool boiling experiments under microgravity. This is not fully clear and

needs to be confirmed in further studies.

Figure 7.5 (a). The effect of 80w on nucleate boiling in 1 -g with subcooled inlet.

Figure 7.5 (b). The effect of flow on nucleate boiling in 1-g with saturated inlet.

1000 1-9, saturated

equatlon (7.1 2)


---O-- G = 377 kg/m% --O-- G = 502 kg/m2s ---a--- G = 705 kglmzs

. - --V--- G = 1025 kg/m% Q' --O-- G = 1426 kglmzs

1 I 1 1

Page 134: Flow Heat Trader In Quenching Of - University of Toronto T ...€¦ · The quenching of R113 image at maximum heat flux. The quenching of R113 image at nucleate boiling regime. The

Cr-9, AT*ub = 25 O C - (cl equation (7.12)


---O- G = 549 kg/m% ---o.- G = 773 kglm2s

a - ---A-+- G = 1303 k-s -

Figure 7.5 (c). The effect of flow on nucleate boiling in p-g with subcooled inlet.

Figure 7.6 (a). The effect of subcooling on nucleate boiling in 1-g.

Page 135: Flow Heat Trader In Quenching Of - University of Toronto T ...€¦ · The quenching of R113 image at maximum heat flux. The quenching of R113 image at nucleate boiling regime. The

Figure 7.6 (b). The effect of subcooling on nucleate boiling in p-g.

20 40 60 80 100 120 140

T, - T,, ec)

Figure 7.7. The effect of gravity on nucleate boiling heat transfer.

Page 136: Flow Heat Trader In Quenching Of - University of Toronto T ...€¦ · The quenching of R113 image at maximum heat flux. The quenching of R113 image at nucleate boiling regime. The

Figure 7.8. Cornparison of nucleate boiling in the absence of subcooling and gravity.

Many theoretical and experimental snidies on nucleate boiling either in pool boiling

or flow boiling heat transfer have been conducted and many models have been reported. A

simple form of correlation cornrnonly used to predict nucleate boiling heat transfer is given


4&= &, -Ta (7.12)

where a and b are empirical constants chosen to fit both pool and flow boiling data.

The correlations for the present data are shown in Figures 7.5 to 7.8 by solid lines and

good agreement has been obtained for most of the data The values of constants, a and b, are

listed in Table 7.1.

It is found that for most of the runs, as the flow rate increases, the constant, a,

decreases while the exponent, b, increases. This coincides with the increase in CHF as

discussed in Section 7.1. Table 7.2 lists the values of b obtained by previous researchers, and

it shows that the exponeat, b, has a value of about 3 for pool boiling, which is much higher

than the present values shown in Table 7.1. On the other hand the value of b obtained by

Page 137: Flow Heat Trader In Quenching Of - University of Toronto T ...€¦ · The quenching of R113 image at maximum heat flux. The quenching of R113 image at nucleate boiling regime. The

Yilmaz and Westwater (1980) for flow boiling in normal gravity ranged from 1.5 to 2 in

rough agreement with the present data, however, their flow velocities were much higher than

those in the present experiments. A further study is required to explain the differences among

the previous and present sets of 1 -g data.

Table 7.1. The constants in equation (7.12) for p-g and 1-g experiments.

MG-D23 207 22 549 0.55 1.43 MG-D22 205 22 773 O. 15 1.74 MG-D20 213 21 1258 0.70 1.48 MG-D 15 192 20 1303 O. 17 1.81 MG-D2 1 1 94 22 1330 0.0020 2.77

MG-D8 180 13 617 0.23 1.72 MG-D 12 177 16 746 0.13 1.86

NG-G2 237 21 333 9 .O3 0.8 1 NG-GO 220 20 474 0.023 2.12 NG-G 1 222 22 578 0.6 1 1.45 NG-G 10 288 25 1396 0.98 1.39

Page 138: Flow Heat Trader In Quenching Of - University of Toronto T ...€¦ · The quenching of R113 image at maximum heat flux. The quenching of R113 image at nucleate boiling regime. The

Table 7.2. The data of b obtained by other researchers.

Researchers Type of boiling b

Rohsenow ( 1952) pool boiling Borishansky (1969) pool boiling

S tephan ( 1980) pool boiling for refngerants Clarke ( 1963) pool boiling for cryogens

Gaertner ( 1965) pool boiling 0.6 3.72 (O m/s)

Yilmaz and Westwater flow boiling of low subcooled R- L 13 1.96 (2.4 m/s) (1980) outside a horizontal copper tube 1.57 (4.0 mis)

1 -49 (6.8 m/s)

Page 139: Flow Heat Trader In Quenching Of - University of Toronto T ...€¦ · The quenching of R113 image at maximum heat flux. The quenching of R113 image at nucleate boiling regime. The

Chapter 8

Cornparison of RI13 and PFS060 Resuits

The quench velocity, rewetting temperature and maximum heat flux are very

important parameters in a quenching process, which involves high surface temperatures and

may be therrnodynamically or hydrodynamicdly controlled. ln this section, the quenching

data obtained with R113. PF5060 and other fluids with different thermophysicai properties,

will be compared to evaluate effects of the fluid properties on quenching heat transfer both in

normal and reduced gravity. The thermophysical properties of RI 13 and PF5060 are listed in

Table 8.1.

Table 8.1. Fluid and thermophysical properties of R- 1 13 and PF5060.

Boiling Curve, Quench Velocity and Rewening Temperature

Figure 8.1 compares the boiling curves for RI13 and PF5060 obtained durhg

quenching at sirnilar mass flow rates and inlet subcooling in 1-g and p-g conditions. The

boiling curves shift to higher wall superheats with increasing inlet subcooling and gravity

level for both fluids. It is apparent that the boiling curve for RI 13 shifts to higher wall

superheats because the rewetting temperature is higher for RI13 than PFSO6O.

Cornparisons of rewetting temperature and quench velocity between the two fluids

have been discussed in Chapter 5. In summary, the rewetting superheat and quench velocity

for R113 were much higher than those of PF5060. This is mainly due to a lower vapor-to-

liquid density ratio of Ri 13 (about 40% smaller than that of PF5060), and higher latent heat

(about 40% greater than that of PF5060). Because a liquid having a larger latent heat will be

evaporated less per unit heat input, a smaller amount of vapor will be generated near the hot

surface. Also, the smaller the vapor density is, the smaller the vapor momentum would be to

push the liquid away from the hot surface. Both of these factors caused the vapor film of

Page 140: Flow Heat Trader In Quenching Of - University of Toronto T ...€¦ · The quenching of R113 image at maximum heat flux. The quenching of R113 image at nucleate boiling regime. The

R113 to collapse at higher wail superheats and the hot surface to quench faster compared to

PF5060. Although surface tension is also expected to affect the quenching and boiling heat

transfer characteristics, the effect is believed to be smaller than those of latent heat and vapor

density, as discussed in detail in Appendix I(3).

Figure 8.1. Cornparison of the boiling curves of R 1 13 and PFS060.

Maximum Heat Flux for Subcooled Inlet Flow

The maximum heat flux data for subcooled inlet flow of RI 13 and PF5060 in 1-g and

p.-g are shown in Figures 8.2 and 8.3. In 1-g condition, the maximum heat fluxes for R113

with inlet subcooling of 25 OC fa11 between those for PF5060 with inlet subcooling of 33 OC

and 18 O C . In reduced gravity, the maximum heat fluxes for RI 13 with inlet subcooling of 25

O C are only slightly greater than those for PF5060 with inlet subcooling of 35 OC. The

maximum heat flux data shown in Figures 8.2 and 8.3 can be best fit by the following

equations, which has the same fonn as equation (7.2) and are shown in Figures8.4 and 8.5.

Page 141: Flow Heat Trader In Quenching Of - University of Toronto T ...€¦ · The quenching of R113 image at maximum heat flux. The quenching of R113 image at nucleate boiling regime. The

A PF5060,l -g,~T-=33~C

P FSO6O.l -g,ATw=l 8OC - equation (8.1)

100 1 I

Figure 8.2. Comparison of maximum heat fluxes for subcooled inlet flow in 1-g.

joo t m R113.p-g,~~~,=25~C

A P ~ 5 0 6 0 , p - g ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ = 3 5 ~ ~ - equation (8.2)

Figure 8.3. Cornparison of maximum heat fluxes for subcooled inlet flow in p-g.

Page 142: Flow Heat Trader In Quenching Of - University of Toronto T ...€¦ · The quenching of R113 image at maximum heat flux. The quenching of R113 image at nucleate boiling regime. The

For 1-g and inlet subcooling ranging frorn 18 OC to 33 O C for both fluids,

For p-g and inlet subcooling of 25 OC for R113 and 35 OC for PF5060.

where the liquid Jakob number is defined as Ja, = AT,& CP, hl"

The exponent on the density ratio, pv/pi, in 1-g is 1.034, which is higher than the

values for saîurated extemal flow boiling discussed in Chapter 7. This exponent value could,

however, underestimate the effect of the density ratio, pJpi, on the maximum heat flux, so it

should be modified in future work.

Page 143: Flow Heat Trader In Quenching Of - University of Toronto T ...€¦ · The quenching of R113 image at maximum heat flux. The quenching of R113 image at nucleate boiling regime. The

Figure 8.4. Comparison of subcooled q&Ghiv vs. We with the prediction in 1-g.

Figure 8.5. Comparison of subcooled q 2 G h l v vs. We with the prediction in p.-g.

Page 144: Flow Heat Trader In Quenching Of - University of Toronto T ...€¦ · The quenching of R113 image at maximum heat flux. The quenching of R113 image at nucleate boiling regime. The

Conclusions and Recommendations

An experimental apparatus has been designed and built incorporating micro heat flux

and surface temperature sensors, and used to determine the effects of gravity as well as liquid

flow rate and subcooling on quenching of a hot horizontal surface. A condenser especidy

designed for reduced gravity experiments aboard the NASA's KC-135 and DC-9 parabolic

aircraft could supply single-phase liquid to the test section under rnicrogravity conditions.

The quenching heat transfer results have been analyzed and compared with the existing data

obtained by other researchen. The following conclusions c m be drawn from the results of the

present work.

1. Instantaneous fluctuations of large amplitude in heat flux and surface temperature

have been detected from the onset of rewetting to high wall-superheat nucleate boiling in

both gravity conditions. The data clearly showed the liquid-solid contacts occurred not only

in transition boiling regime but also in nucleate boiling at hi& wall superheats in both gravity


2. The boiling curves shifted to higher wall superheats with increasing liquid

subcooling and gravity level. The boiling curves for RI13 were obtained in a higher wall

superheat range compared to those for PF5060, because of higher rewetting temperature for

RI 13 than that for PF5060.

3. The quench velocity and rewetting temperature decreased for R113 but only

showed very slight decreases for PF5060 in reduced gravity. The quench velocity and

rewetting temperature for RI13 were higher than those for PF5060 mainly due to higher

latent heat, higher surface tension and smaller vapor density for R 1 13.

4. A peak frequency was found in the liquid-solid contact frequency curves for R113

in normal gravity and PF5060 in both gravity conditions. The contact frequency for PF5060 at

higher wall superheats increased with increasing liquid subcooling and gravity level.

5. The maximum heat flux increased with increasing flow rate, but decreased with

reduction in inlet liquid subcooling and gravity level except for R 1 13 at high flow rates.

Page 145: Flow Heat Trader In Quenching Of - University of Toronto T ...€¦ · The quenching of R113 image at maximum heat flux. The quenching of R113 image at nucleate boiling regime. The

6. The rewetting temperature, transition and nucleate boiling heat transfer and the

maximum heat flux for RI 13 showed good similarity between the mns with saturated liquid

injection in normal gravity and subcooled liquid injection with subcooling of 25 OC in

reduced gravi ty.

7. The nucleate boiling regime of RI13 covered a wider range of wdl superheat

below the maximum heat flux in the absence of gravity or subcooling than in the case of high

inlet subcooling and in normal gravity. The results showed a suong effect of subcooling on

nucleate boiling in reduced gravity.

Future experirnental work on quenching of a hot surface in both gravity conditions

should be conducted to obtain more data for film boiling heat transfer and quench velocity.

The liquid-solid contact phenornena need to be investigated more by using real-time data

acquisition combined with real-time high speed video photography, so that the boiling

mechanism at high wall superheats can be understood. The condenser should be rnodified to

overcome the effects of low frequency g-jitter in future parabolic flight experirnents.

Page 146: Flow Heat Trader In Quenching Of - University of Toronto T ...€¦ · The quenching of R113 image at maximum heat flux. The quenching of R113 image at nucleate boiling regime. The

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Appendix 1 (1)

The Effect of the HFMS Disk Material

In this study, a copper HFMS disk was used in the rewetting experiments using RI 13

and a stainless steel disk for PF5060. In order to determine the effect of HFMS disk materid

on quenching and boiling heat transfer characteristics, two quenching mns were performed

under normal gravity using RI13 and the stainless steel HFMS disk. The main difference in

the properties of copper and stainless steel is in thermal conductivity. At 100 OC - 200 OC, the

thermal conductivities are 377 W/m°C for copper and 18 W/m°C for stainless steel (Welty,

1984). The rewetting ternperanire, quench velocity and maximum heat flux obtained using

the copper and stainless steel HFMS disks are compared below.

For the stainless steel HFMS disk, the experimental conditions are listed in Table A. 1.

Table A. 1. The experimental conditions for R 1 13 on stainless steel disk.

S.S. disk T w (OC) Tb (Oc) Uin (m/s) G (kg/mzs) Run #1 23 1 22 0.642 969 Run #2 239 23 0.884 1335

For the copper EIFMS disk, the corresponding results had to be estimated from the

data presented in the main text.

Rewetting temperature

For the copper HFMS disk, the rewetting temperatures were obtained from equation

(5.8) which best fit the data with the inlet liquid subcooling of 25 O C and the initial wall

ternperature ranging from 2 15 OC to 288 O C .

Table A.2. Cornparison of rewetting ternperature between two HFMS disks.

G Copper disk S tainless steel disk (S.S. I Cu) 100% ocg/m2s, (OC) (OC>

969 182 169 93% 1335 187 176 94%

Page 156: Flow Heat Trader In Quenching Of - University of Toronto T ...€¦ · The quenching of R113 image at maximum heat flux. The quenching of R113 image at nucleate boiling regime. The

The difference in the rewetting temperatures is seen to be quite small, and the effect

of the HFMS material is not significant.

Quench velocity

It is hard to directly compare the quench velocity data because of a lack of data for

similar flow rate and initial wall temperature conditions. It is found from Figure A. 1 that the

quench velocities for the inlet velocity ranging from 0.125 mls to 0.917 m/s, the initial wall

temperature ranging from 235 OC to 253 OC and the inlet liquid subcooling of 25 OC showed a

linear variation. By performing a linear regression analysis, the following equation was found

to best fit those data.

In the following table, the quench velocity for the copper disk was calculated by

equation (A. 1 ).

Table A.3. Comparison of quench velocity on two HFMS disks

h Copper disk Stainless steel disk (S.S. / Cu) 100% W s (mm/s (mm+'s O. 642 13.3 7 -3 55% 0.884 17.1 L 0.0 58%

The quench velocities for the stainless steel disk are estimated to be about half of

those for the copper disk. This is reasonable because of lower thermal conductivity of

stainless steel, which makes heat removal from the disk more time consuming and thus,

slows down the quench velocity.

Maximum heat flux

For the copper disk, the maximum heat fluxes were calculated from equation (7.7)

which could best fit the data for inlet Iiquid subcooling of 25 OC.

Page 157: Flow Heat Trader In Quenching Of - University of Toronto T ...€¦ · The quenching of R113 image at maximum heat flux. The quenching of R113 image at nucleate boiling regime. The

Table A.4. Comparison of the maximum heat flux on two H F ' S disks.

G Copper disk Stainless steel disk (S.S. / Cu) 100% (kplm2s) (kwlm') (kw/m2) 969 676 654 97% 1335 7 19 804 112%

The differences are small and the effect of the sensor material (copper and stainless

steel) on the maximum heat flux is also srnail.

- R I 13, Copper disk - AT,, =25 O C

T,,, = 235 - 253 O C

data - U, = 15.76U, + 3.1 7

1 r

Figure A. 1 . The quench velocity for a copper disk HFMS.


Page 158: Flow Heat Trader In Quenching Of - University of Toronto T ...€¦ · The quenching of R113 image at maximum heat flux. The quenching of R113 image at nucleate boiling regime. The

The Effect of g-jitter on Quenching Characteristics and Boiling Heat Transfer

Using FFT, the typicai power spectra of gravity level fluctuations in KC-135 and DC-

9 aircraft were obtained as s h o w in Figures A.2 and A.3. A broad band spectrum ranging

from O to 50 Hz was found aboard the KC-135 but the dominant frequency of about 0.3 Hz

was found aboard DC-9 (Note: the peak at 60 Hz is believed to be caused by electrical field).

Comparing the liquid-solid contact frequency data of PF5060. ranging from 17 to 28 Hz,

with the dominant frequency of g-jitter (0.3 Hz) on DC-9, there does not appear to be any

effect of g-jitter. Aiso, qualitatively comparing the data on boiling curve, rewetting

temperature, quench velocity and the maximum heat flux in both gravity conditions, the

features are sirnilar. So, the same conclusion can be drawn.

Page 159: Flow Heat Trader In Quenching Of - University of Toronto T ...€¦ · The quenching of R113 image at maximum heat flux. The quenching of R113 image at nucleate boiling regime. The

Figure A.2. The typicai power spectrum of gravity level fluctuations in KC-135.

Figure A.3. The typical power spectrum of gravity level fluctuations in DC-9.


Page 160: Flow Heat Trader In Quenching Of - University of Toronto T ...€¦ · The quenching of R113 image at maximum heat flux. The quenching of R113 image at nucleate boiling regime. The

Appendix I (3)

The Effect of Surface Tension

The effect of surface tension on quenching and boiling heat transfer characteristics

can be qualitatively determined by examining the following aspects, Critical Velocity for

Kelvin-Helmholtz instability, bubble growth rate, Cntical Heat Flux and minimum film

boiling temperature in pool boiling.

Critical veIocity

From the analysis of Kelvin-Helmholtz instability, the critical velocity can be derived

as follows (Careys, 1992),

The critical velocity is proportional to the one fourth power of surface tension, Uc - 0'". This means that the stability of a liquid-vapor interface with higher surface tension can

be maintained at higher liquid and vapor relative velocities. If the Critical Heat Flux is

proportional to the critical velocity as in the hydrodynamic theory of CHF (Zuber, L959), the

Critical Heat Flux could be expressed as follows.

In this correlation, C is constant and

Therefore, the strongest effect of thermophysical properties on the Critical Heat Flux

cornes from the latent heat, hi,, and to a lesser extend, vapor density, pv. The effect of surface

tension, a, is believed to be srnaller than the first two.

Page 161: Flow Heat Trader In Quenching Of - University of Toronto T ...€¦ · The quenching of R113 image at maximum heat flux. The quenching of R113 image at nucleate boiling regime. The

Critical Heat Flux in pool boiling

Zuber (1959) developed an analytical model for Critical Heat Flux in pooi boiling.

The following equation was developed by Lienhard and Dhir based on Zuber's model.

In the correlation, 1/4 1/4

q c - hiv pvl" pi Q

The same conclusion as in the discussion of critical velocity can be drawn.

Bubble growth rate

At high wail superheats in the present study, the bubble growth is inertia controlled

and the Rayleigh equation describes the bubble growth rate.

The bubble growth rate decreases with increasing surface tension and liquid density.

If the surface tension is small and the bubble growth is at the beginning stage (& cc R), the

bubble growth has little dependence on surface tension.

Minimum film boiling temperature in pool boiling

Berenson (1961) obtained a correlation based on Rayleigh-Taylor instability in pool

film boiling, given by equation (5.5) as follows.

In the correlation,

A L - h v pv pl 9 6 #2

Page 162: Flow Heat Trader In Quenching Of - University of Toronto T ...€¦ · The quenching of R113 image at maximum heat flux. The quenching of R113 image at nucleate boiling regime. The

The minimum film boiling temperature is mainly affected by latent heat, vapor

density and liquid density. The effect of surface tension is srnalier. Higher surface tension

induces higher rewetting temperature because more vapor is needed to maintain the stability

of the Iiquid-vapor interface at higher waI1 temperatures.


In surnrnary, surface tension plays a role in stabilizing the liquid-vapor interface or

restonng the perturbed interface. That means. the higher the surface tension is, more vapor

Bow is needed to destabilize the interface. Also, for higher surface tension, the bubble

growth rate and inertia would be smaller. For RL 13 with about twice greater surface tension

than that for PF5060, the rewetting temperature and quench velocity would be higher than

those for PF5060.

However, the effect of surface tension can be considered to be smaller than that of

latent heat and vapor density. The main effects of thermodynamic properties of Buid on the

quenching heat transfer characteristics corne from the latent heat and the vapor density.

Page 163: Flow Heat Trader In Quenching Of - University of Toronto T ...€¦ · The quenching of R113 image at maximum heat flux. The quenching of R113 image at nucleate boiling regime. The

Appendix II

Uncertainty Analysis

In order to assess the reliability of the experimental results and the effects of inlet

flow rate, liquid subcooling and gravity level on quenching characteristics and boiling heat

transfer, the uncertainties on heat flux, surface temperature and quench velocity have k e n

anaiyzed and are presented as follows.

Heat Flux

The accuracy of HFMS was 35% of the reading and that of two amplifiers kO.546. So,

the accuracy of heat flux measurement was caiculated from equation (A. 10) to be *.O% of

the reading.

(A. 10)

The maximum tirne-averaged heat flux in the present study was less than 900 kwlm2.

Then, the maximum heat flux uncertainty was estimated to be k45 kw/m2.

2. Surface Temperature

The surface temperature was calibrated by the manufacture and re-checked before

conducting experiments. The maximum surface temperature uncertainty was estimated to be

A52 OC.

3. Quench Velocity

As descnbed in Chapter 5, the quench velocity was caiculated by dividing the

distance between two heat flux sensors (7 mm) by the time difference, (tz - ti), between the

minimum heat fiuxes at quench point measured by two heat flux sensors.

(A. 1 1)

Page 164: Flow Heat Trader In Quenching Of - University of Toronto T ...€¦ · The quenching of R113 image at maximum heat flux. The quenching of R113 image at nucleate boiling regime. The

The uncertainty in the distance between two heat flux sensors was esthated to be

MSmm or the accuracy was &7% of 7 mm. The uncertainty in the time at which liquid starts

to rewei the hot surface was estimated to be M . O 1 second for LOO Hz sampling rate and

M.002 second for 500 Hz. Then, the uncertainty in the time difference between two sensors

was M.02 second and M.004 second for 100 Hz and 500 Hz data sampling rate,

respectively. So. the accuracy was estirnated to be 10% for the minimum time difference of

0.2 second for R113 with 100 Hz sampling rate and 0.2% for the minimum time difference of

2.0 second for PF5060 with 500 Hz sampling rate. Therefore, the accuracy of quench

velocity was estimated to be 13% for R 1 13 data and 7% for PF5060 data as calculated from

equation (A. 1 2).

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