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FlowNet: Learning Optical Flow with Convolutional Networks Alexey Dosovitskiy * , Philipp Fischer †* , Eddy Ilg * , Philip H¨ ausser, Caner Hazırbas ¸, Vladimir Golkov University of Freiburg Technical University of Munich {fischer,dosovits,ilg}@cs.uni-freiburg.de, {haeusser,hazirbas,golkov}@cs.tum.edu Patrick van der Smagt Technical University of Munich [email protected] Daniel Cremers Technical University of Munich [email protected] Thomas Brox University of Freiburg [email protected] Abstract Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have recently been very successful in a variety of computer vision tasks, especially on those linked to recognition. Optical flow esti- mation has not been among the tasks CNNs succeeded at. In this paper we construct CNNs which are capable of solving the optical flow estimation problem as a supervised learning task. We propose and compare two architectures: a generic architecture and another one including a layer that cor- relates feature vectors at different image locations. Since existing ground truth data sets are not sufficiently large to train a CNN, we generate a large synthetic Flying Chairs dataset. We show that networks trained on this unrealistic data still generalize very well to existing datasets such as Sintel and KITTI, achieving competitive accuracy at frame rates of 5 to 10 fps. 1. Introduction Convolutional neural networks have become the method of choice in many fields of computer vision. They are clas- sically applied to classification [25, 24], but recently pre- sented architectures also allow for per-pixel predictions like semantic segmentation [28] or depth estimation from single images [10]. In this paper, we propose training CNNs end- to-end to learn predicting the optical flow field from a pair of images. While optical flow estimation needs precise per-pixel lo- calization, it also requires finding correspondences between two input images. This involves not only learning image feature representations, but also learning to match them at different locations in the two images. In this respect, optical flow estimation fundamentally differs from previous appli- cations of CNNs. * These authors contributed equally Supported by the Deutsche Telekom Stiftung Figure 1. We present neural networks which learn to estimate op- tical flow, being trained end-to-end. The information is first spa- tially compressed in a contractive part of the network and then refined in an expanding part. Since it was not clear whether this task could be solved with a standard CNN architecture, we additionally devel- oped an architecture with a correlation layer that explicitly provides matching capabilities. This architecture is trained end-to-end. The idea is to exploit the ability of convolu- tional networks to learn strong features at multiple levels of scale and abstraction and to help it with finding the actual correspondences based on these features. The layers on top of the correlation layer learn how to predict flow from these matches. Surprisingly, helping the network this way is not necessary and even the raw network can learn to predict op- tical flow with competitive accuracy. Training a network to predict generic optical flow re- quires a sufficiently large training set. Although data aug- mentation does help, the existing optical flow datasets are still too small to train a network on par with state of the art. Getting optical flow ground truth for realistic video material is known to be extremely difficult [7]. Trading in realism 2758
  • FlowNet: Learning Optical Flow with Convolutional Networks

    Alexey Dosovitskiy∗, Philipp Fischer†∗, Eddy Ilg∗, Philip Häusser, Caner Hazırbaş, Vladimir Golkov†

    University of Freiburg Technical University of Munich

    {fischer,dosovits,ilg}@cs.uni-freiburg.de, {haeusser,hazirbas,golkov}@cs.tum.edu

    Patrick van der Smagt

    Technical University of Munich

    [email protected]

    Daniel Cremers

    Technical University of Munich

    [email protected]

    Thomas Brox

    University of Freiburg

    [email protected]


    Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have recently

    been very successful in a variety of computer vision tasks,

    especially on those linked to recognition. Optical flow esti-

    mation has not been among the tasks CNNs succeeded at. In

    this paper we construct CNNs which are capable of solving

    the optical flow estimation problem as a supervised learning

    task. We propose and compare two architectures: a generic

    architecture and another one including a layer that cor-

    relates feature vectors at different image locations. Since

    existing ground truth data sets are not sufficiently large to

    train a CNN, we generate a large synthetic Flying Chairs

    dataset. We show that networks trained on this unrealistic

    data still generalize very well to existing datasets such as

    Sintel and KITTI, achieving competitive accuracy at frame

    rates of 5 to 10 fps.

    1. Introduction

    Convolutional neural networks have become the method

    of choice in many fields of computer vision. They are clas-

    sically applied to classification [25, 24], but recently pre-

    sented architectures also allow for per-pixel predictions like

    semantic segmentation [28] or depth estimation from single

    images [10]. In this paper, we propose training CNNs end-

    to-end to learn predicting the optical flow field from a pair

    of images.

    While optical flow estimation needs precise per-pixel lo-

    calization, it also requires finding correspondences between

    two input images. This involves not only learning image

    feature representations, but also learning to match them at

    different locations in the two images. In this respect, optical

    flow estimation fundamentally differs from previous appli-

    cations of CNNs.

    ∗These authors contributed equally†Supported by the Deutsche Telekom Stiftung

    Figure 1. We present neural networks which learn to estimate op-

    tical flow, being trained end-to-end. The information is first spa-

    tially compressed in a contractive part of the network and then

    refined in an expanding part.

    Since it was not clear whether this task could be solved

    with a standard CNN architecture, we additionally devel-

    oped an architecture with a correlation layer that explicitly

    provides matching capabilities. This architecture is trained

    end-to-end. The idea is to exploit the ability of convolu-

    tional networks to learn strong features at multiple levels of

    scale and abstraction and to help it with finding the actual

    correspondences based on these features. The layers on top

    of the correlation layer learn how to predict flow from these

    matches. Surprisingly, helping the network this way is not

    necessary and even the raw network can learn to predict op-

    tical flow with competitive accuracy.

    Training a network to predict generic optical flow re-

    quires a sufficiently large training set. Although data aug-

    mentation does help, the existing optical flow datasets are

    still too small to train a network on par with state of the art.

    Getting optical flow ground truth for realistic video material

    is known to be extremely difficult [7]. Trading in realism


  • for quantity, we generate a synthetic Flying Chairs dataset

    which consists of random background images from Flickr

    on which we overlay segmented images of chairs from [1].

    These data have little in common with the real world, but

    we can generate arbitrary amounts of samples with custom

    properties. CNNs trained on just these data generalize sur-

    prisingly well to realistic datasets, even without fine-tuning.

    Leveraging an efficient GPU implementation of CNNs,

    our method is faster than most competitors. Our networks

    predict optical flow at up to 10 image pairs per second onthe full resolution of the Sintel dataset, achieving state-of-

    the-art accuracy among real-time methods.

    2. Related Work

    Optical Flow. Variational approaches have dominated

    optical flow estimation since the work of Horn and

    Schunck [19]. Many improvements have been introduced

    [29, 5, 34]. The recent focus was on large displacements,

    and combinatorial matching has been integrated into the

    variational approach [6, 35]. The work of [35] termed Deep-

    Matching and DeepFlow is related to our work in that fea-

    ture information is aggregated from fine to coarse using

    sparse convolutions and max-pooling. However, it does

    not perform any learning and all parameters are set man-

    ually. The successive work of [30] termed EpicFlow has

    put even more emphasis on the quality of sparse matching

    as the matches from [35] are merely interpolated to dense

    flow fields while respecting image boundaries. We only use

    a variational approach for optional refinement of the flow

    field predicted by the convolutional net and do not require

    any handcrafted methods for aggregation, matching and in-


    Several authors have applied machine learning tech-

    niques to optical flow before. Sun et al. [32] study statis-

    tics of optical flow and learn regularizers using Gaussian

    scale mixtures; Rosenbaum et al. [31] model local statis-

    tics of optical flow with Gaussian mixture models. Black et

    al. [4] compute principal components of a training set of

    flow fields. To predict optical flow they then estimate coef-

    ficients of a linear combination of these ’basis flows’. Other

    methods train classifiers to select among different inertial

    estimates [21] or to obtain occlusion probabilities [27].

    There has been work on unsupervised learning of dis-

    parity or motion between frames of videos using neural

    network models. These methods typically use multiplica-

    tive interactions to model relations between a pair of im-

    ages. Disparities and optical flow can then be inferred from

    the latent variables. Taylor et al. [33] approach the task

    with factored gated restricted Boltzmann machines. Konda

    and Memisevic [23] use a special autoencoder called ‘syn-

    chrony autoencoder’. While these approaches work well

    in a controlled setup and learn features useful for activity

    recognition in videos, they are not competitive with classi-

    cal methods on realistic videos.

    Convolutional Networks. Convolutional neural net-

    works trained with backpropagation [25] have recently been

    shown to perform well on large-scale image classification

    by Krizhevsky et al. [24]. This gave the beginning to a

    surge of works on applying CNNs to various computer vi-

    sion tasks.

    While there has been no work on estimating optical flow

    with CNNs, there has been research on matching with neu-

    ral networks. Fischer et al. [12] extract feature represen-

    tations from CNNs trained in supervised or unsupervised

    manner and match these features based on Euclidean dis-

    tance. Zbontar and LeCun [36] train a CNN with a Siamese

    architecture to predict similarity of image patches. A dras-

    tic difference of these methods to our approach is that they

    are patch based and leave the spatial aggregation to postpro-

    cessing, whereas the networks in this paper directly predict

    complete flow fields.

    Recent applications of CNNs include semantic segmen-

    tation [11, 15, 17, 28], depth prediction [10], keypoint pre-

    diction [17] and edge detection [13]. These tasks are simi-

    lar to optical flow estimation in that they involve per-pixel

    predictions. Since our architectures are largely inspired by

    the recent progress in these per-pixel prediction tasks, we

    briefly review different approaches.

    The simplest solution is to apply a conventional CNN in

    a ‘sliding window’ fashion, hence computing a single pre-

    diction (e.g. class label) for each input image patch [8, 11].

    This works well in many situations, but has drawbacks:

    high computational costs (even with optimized implementa-

    tions involving re-usage of intermediate feature maps) and

    per-patch nature, disallowing to account for global output

    properties, for example sharp edges. Another simple ap-

    proach [17] is to upsample all feature maps to the desired

    full resolution and stack them together, resulting in a con-

    catenated per-pixel feature vector that can be used to predict

    the value of interest.

    Eigen et al. [10] refine a coarse depth map by training an

    additional network which gets as inputs the coarse predic-

    tion and the input image. Long et al. [28] and Dosovitskiy et

    al. [9] iteratively refine the coarse feature maps with the

    use of ‘upconvolutional’ layers 1 . Our approach integrates

    ideas from both works. Unlike Long et al., we ‘upconvolve’

    not just the coarse prediction, but the whole coarse feature

    maps, allowing to transfer more high-level information to

    the fine prediction. Unlike Dosovitskiy et al., we concate-

    nate the ‘upconvolution’ results with the features from the

    ‘contractive’ part of the network.

    1These layers are often named ’deconvolutional’, although the opera-

    tion they perform is technically convolution, not deconvolution


  • Figure 2. The two network architectures: FlowNetSimple (top) and FlowNetCorr (bottom). The green funnel is a placeholder for the

    expanding refinement part shown in Fig 3. The networks including the refinement part are trained end-to-end.

    Figure 3. Refinement of the coarse feature maps to the high reso-

    lution prediction.

    3. Network Architectures

    Convolutional neural networks are known to be very

    good at learning input–output relations given enough la-

    beled data. We therefore take an end-to-end learning ap-

    proach to predicting optical flow: given a dataset consisting

    of image pairs and ground truth flows, we train a network

    to predict the x–y flow fields directly from the images. But

    what is a good architecture for this purpose?

    Pooling in CNNs is necessary to make network training

    computationally feasible and, more fundamentally, to allow

    aggregation of information over large areas of the input im-

    ages. But pooling results in reduced resolution, so in order

    to provide dense per-pixel predictions we need to refine the

    coarse pooled representation. To this end our networks con-

    tain an expanding part which intelligently refines the flow to

    high resolution. Networks consisting of contracting and ex-

    panding parts are trained as a whole using backpropagation.

    Architectures we use are depicted in Figures 2 and 3. We

    now describe the two parts of networks in more detail.

    Contracting part. A simple choice is to stack both input

    images together and feed them through a rather generic net-

    work, allowing the network to decide itself how to process

    the image pair to extract the motion information. This is il-

    lustrated in Fig. 2 (top). We call this architecture consisting

    only of convolutional layers ‘FlowNetSimple’.

    Another approach is to create two separate, yet identical

    processing streams for the two images and to combine them

    at a later stage as shown in Fig. 2 (bottom). With this ar-

    chitecture the network is constrained to first produce mean-

    ingful representations of the two images separately and then

    combine them on a higher level. This roughly resembles the

    standard matching approach when one first extracts features

    from patches of both images and then compares those fea-

    ture vectors. However, given feature representations of two

    images, how would the network find correspondences?

    To aid the network in this matching process, we intro-

    duce a ‘correlation layer’ that performs multiplicative patch

    comparisons between two feature maps. An illustration

    of the network architecture ‘FlowNetCorr’ containing this

    layer is shown in Fig. 2 (bottom). Given two multi-channel

    feature maps f1, f2 : R2 → Rc, with w, h, and c being their

    width, height and number of channels, our correlation layer


  • lets the network compare each patch from f1 with each path

    from f2.

    For now we consider only a single comparison of two

    patches. The ’correlation’ of two patches centered at x1 in

    the first map and x2 in the second map is then defined as

    c(x1,x2) =∑


    〈f1(x1 + o), f2(x2 + o)〉 (1)

    for a square patch of size K := 2k + 1. Note that Eq. 1is identical to one step of a convolution in neural networks,

    but instead of convolving data with a filter, it convolves data

    with other data. For this reason, it has no trainable weights.

    Computing c(x1,x2) involves c · K2 multiplications.

    Comparing all patch combinations involves w2 · h2 suchcomputations, yields a large result and makes efficient for-

    ward and backward passes intractable. Thus, for computa-

    tional reasons we limit the maximum displacement for com-

    parisons and also introduce striding in both feature maps.

    Given a maximum displacement d, for each location x1we compute correlations c(x1,x2) only in a neighborhoodof size D := 2d + 1, by limiting the range of x2. We usestrides s1 and s2, to quantize x1 globally and to quantize x2within the neighborhood centered around x1.

    In theory, the result produced by the correlation is four-

    dimensional: for every combination of two 2D positions we

    obtain a correlation value, i.e. the scalar product of the two

    vectors which contain the values of the cropped patches re-

    spectively. In practice we organize the relative displace-

    ments in channels. This means we obtain an output of size

    (w × h×D2). For the backward pass we implemented thederivatives with respect to each bottom blob accordingly.

    Expanding part. The main ingredient of the expand-

    ing part are ‘upconvolutional’ layers, consisting of unpool-

    ing (extending the feature maps, as opposed to pooling)

    and a convolution. Such layers have been used previ-

    ously [38, 37, 16, 28, 9]. To perform the refinement, we

    apply the ‘upconvolution’ to feature maps, and concatenate

    it with corresponding feature maps from the ’contractive’

    part of the network and an upsampled coarser flow predic-

    tion (if available). This way we preserve both the high-level

    information passed from coarser feature maps and fine lo-

    cal information provided in lower layer feature maps. Each

    step increases the resolution twice. We repeat this 4 times,resulting in a predicted flow for which the resolution is still

    4 times smaller than the input. Overall architecture is shownin Figure 3. We found that further refinement from this res-

    olution does not significantly improve the results, compared

    to a computationally less expensive bilinear upsampling to

    full image resolution.

    Variational refinement. In an alternative scheme, at this

    very last stage instead of bilinear upsampling we use the

    Ground truth FlowNetS FlowNetS+v

    Figure 4. The effect of variational refinement. In case of small

    motions (first row) the predicted flow is changed dramatically. For

    larger motions (second row), big errors are not corrected, but the

    flow field is smoothed, resulting in lower EPE.

    variational approach from [6] without the matching term:

    we start at the 4 times downsampled resolution and thenuse the coarse to fine scheme with 20 iterations to bringthe flow field to the full resolution. Finally, we run 5 moreiterations at the full image resolution. We additionally com-

    pute image boundaries with the approach from [26] and re-

    spect the detected boundaries by replacing the smoothness

    coefficient by α = exp(−λb(x, y)κ), where b(x, y) denotesthe thin boundary strength resampled at the respective scale

    and between pixels. This upscaling method is more com-

    putationally expensive than simple bilinear upsampling, but

    adds the benefits of variational methods to obtain smooth

    and subpixel-accurate flow fields. In the following, we de-

    note the results obtained by this variational refinement with

    a ‘+v’ suffix. An example of variational refinement can be

    seen in Fig. 4.

    4. Training Data

    Unlike traditional approaches, neural networks require

    data with ground truth not only for optimizing several pa-

    rameters, but to learn to perform the task from scratch. In

    general, obtaining such ground truth is hard, because true

    pixel correspondences for real world scenes cannot easily be

    determined. An overview of the available datasets is given

    in Table 1.

    4.1. Existing Datasets

    The Middlebury dataset [2] contains only 8 image pairs

    for training, with ground truth flows generated using four

    different techniques. Displacements are very small, typi-

    Frame Frames with Ground truth

    pairs ground truth density per frame

    Middlebury 72 8 100%

    KITTI 194 194 ∽50%

    Sintel 1,041 1,041 100%

    Flying Chairs 22,872 22,872 100%

    Table 1. Size of already available datasets and the proposed Flying

    Chair dataset.


  • cally below 10 pixels.The KITTI dataset [14] is larger (194 training image

    pairs) and includes large displacements, but contains only a

    very special motion type. The ground truth is obtained from

    real world scenes by simultaneously recording the scenes

    with a camera and a 3D laser scanner. This assumes that the

    scene is rigid and that the motion stems from a moving ob-

    server. Moreover, motion of distant objects, such as the sky,

    cannot be captured, resulting in sparse optical flow ground


    The MPI Sintel [7] dataset obtains ground truth from ren-

    dered artificial scenes with special attention to realistic im-

    age properties. Two versions are provided: the Final ver-

    sion contains motion blur and atmospheric effects, such as

    fog, while the Clean version does not include these effects.

    Sintel is the largest dataset available (1,041 training image

    pairs for each version) and provides dense ground truth for

    small and large displacement magnitudes.

    4.2. Flying Chairs

    The Sintel dataset is still too small to train large CNNs.

    To provide enough training data, we create a simple syn-

    thetic dataset, which we name Flying Chairs, by applying

    affine transformations to images collected from Flickr and a

    publicly available set of renderings of 3D chair models [1].

    We retrieve 964 images from Flickr2 with a resolution of1, 024 × 768 from the categories ‘city’ (321), ‘landscape’(129) and ‘mountain’ (514). We cut the images into 4 quad-rants and use the resulting 512× 384 image crops as back-ground. As foreground objects we add images of multi-

    ple chairs from [1] to the background. From the original

    dataset we remove very similar chairs, resulting in 809 chairtypes and 62 views per chair available. Examples are shownin Figure 5.

    To generate motion, we randomly sample 2D affine

    transformation parameters for the background and the

    chairs. The chairs’ transformations are relative to the back-

    ground transformation, which can be interpreted as both the

    camera and the objects moving. Using the transformation

    parameters we generate the second image, the ground truth

    optical flow and occlusion regions.

    All parameters for each image pair (number, types, sizes

    and initial positions of the chairs; transformation parame-

    ters) are randomly sampled. We adjust the random distri-

    butions of these parameters in such a way that the result-

    ing displacement histogram is similar to the one from Sintel

    (details can be found in the supplementary material). Us-

    ing this procedure, we generate a dataset with 22,872 im-

    age pairs and flow fields (we re-use each background image

    multiple times). Note that this size is chosen arbitrarily and

    could be larger in principle.

    2Non-commercial public license. We use the code framework by Hays

    and Efros [18]

    4.3. Data Augmentation

    A widely used strategy to improve generalization of neu-

    ral networks is data augmentation [24, 10]. Even though

    the Flying Chairs dataset is fairly large, we find that us-

    ing augmentations is crucial to avoid overfitting. We per-

    form augmentation online during network training. The

    augmentations we use include geometric transformations:

    translation, rotation and scaling, as well as additive Gaus-

    sian noise and changes in brightness, contrast, gamma, and

    color. To be reasonably quick, all these operations are pro-

    cessed on the GPU. Some examples of augmentation are

    given in Fig. 5.

    As we want to increase not only the variety of images

    but also the variety of flow fields, we apply the same strong

    geometric transformation to both images of a pair, but ad-

    ditionally a smaller relative transformation between the two


    Specifically we sample translation from a the range

    [−20%, 20%] of the image width for x and y; rotation from[−17◦, 17◦]; scaling from [0.9, 2.0]. The Gaussian noisehas a sigma uniformly sampled from [0, 0.04]; contrast issampled within [−0.8, 0.4]; multiplicative color changes tothe RGB channels per image from [0.5, 2]; gamma valuesfrom [0.7, 1.5] and additive brightness changes using Gaus-sian with a sigma of 0.2.

    5. Experiments

    We report the results of our networks on the Sintel,

    KITTI and Middlebury datasets, as well as on our synthetic

    Flying Chairs dataset. We also experiment with fine-tuning

    of the networks on Sintel data and variational refinement of

    the predicted flow fields. Additionally, we report runtimes

    of our networks, in comparison to other methods.

    5.1. Network and Training Details

    The exact architectures of the networks we train are

    shown in Fig. 2. Overall, we try to keep the architectures of

    different networks consistent: they have nine convolutional

    layers with stride of 2 (the simplest form of pooling) in sixof them and a ReLU nonlinearity after each layer. We do not

    have any fully connected layers, which allows the networks

    to take images of arbitrary size as input. Convolutional fil-

    ter sizes decrease towards deeper layers of networks: 7× 7for the first layer, 5 × 5 for the following two layers and3× 3 starting from the fourth layer. The number of featuremaps increases in the deeper layers, roughly doubling after

    each layer with a stride of 2. For the correlation layer inFlowNetC we chose the parameters k = 0, d = 20, s1 = 1,s2 = 2. As training loss we use the endpoint error (EPE),which is the standard error measure for optical flow estima-

    tion. It is the Euclidean distance between the predicted flow

    vector and the ground truth, averaged over all pixels.


  • Figure 5. Flying Chairs. Generated image pair and color coded flow field (first three columns), augmented image pair and corresponding

    color coded flow field respectively (last three columns).

    For training CNNs we use a modified version of the

    caffe [20] framework. We choose Adam [22] as optimiza-

    tion method because for our task it shows faster conver-

    gence than standard stochastic gradient descent with mo-

    mentum. We fix the parameters of Adam as recommended

    in [22]: β1 = 0.9 and β2 = 0.999. Since, in a sense, everypixel is a training sample, we use fairly small mini-batches

    of 8 image pairs. We start with learning rate λ = 1e−4and then divide it by 2 every 100k iterations after the first300k. With FlowNetCorr we observe exploding gradientswith λ = 1e−4. To tackle this problem, we start by trainingwith a very low learning rate λ = 1e−6, slowly increase itto reach λ = 1e−4 after 10k iterations and then follow theschedule just described.

    To monitor overfitting during training and fine-tuning,

    we split the Flying Chairs dataset into 22, 232 training and640 test samples and split the Sintel training set into 908training and 133 validation pairs.

    We found that upscaling the input images during testing

    may improve the performance. Although the optimal scale

    depends on the specific dataset, we fixed the scale once for

    each network for all tasks. For FlowNetS we do not upscale,

    for FlowNetC we chose a factor of 1.25.

    Fine-tuning. The used datasets are very different in terms

    of object types and motions they include. A standard so-

    lution is to fine-tune the networks on the target datasets.

    The KITTI dataset is small and only has sparse flow ground

    truth. Therefore, we choose to fine-tune on the Sintel train-

    ing set. We use images from the Clean and Final versions

    of Sintel together and fine-tune using a low learning rate

    λ = 1e−6 for several thousand iterations. For best perfor-mance, after defining the optimal number of iterations using

    a validation set, we then fine-tune on the whole training set

    for the same number of iterations. In tables we denote fine-

    tuned networks with a ‘+ft’ suffix.

    5.2. Results

    Table 2 shows the endpoint error (EPE) of our networks

    and several well-performing methods on public datasets

    (Sintel, KITTI, Middlebury), as well as on our Flying

    Chairs dataset. Additionally we show runtimes of different

    methods on Sintel.

    The networks trained just on the non-realistic Flying

    Chairs perform very well on real optical flow datasets, beat-

    ing for example the well-known LDOF [6] method. Af-

    ter fine-tuning on Sintel our networks can outperform the

    competing real-time method EPPM [3] on Sintel Final and

    KITTI while being twice as fast.

    Sintel. From Table 2 one can see that FlowNetC is better

    than FlowNetS on Sintel Clean, while on Sintel Final the

    situation changes. On this difficult dataset, FlowNetS+ft+v

    is even on par with DeepFlow. Since the average end-

    point error often favors over-smoothed solutions, it is in-

    teresting to see qualitative results of our method. Figure 6

    shows examples of the raw optical flow predicted by the two

    FlowNets (without fine-tuning), compared to ground truth

    and EpicFlow. The figure shows how the nets often pro-

    duce visually appealing results, but are still worse in terms

    of endpoint error. Taking a closer look reveals that one rea-

    son for this may be the noisy non-smooth output of the nets

    especially in large smooth background regions. This we can

    partially compensate with variational refinement.

    KITTI. The KITTI dataset contains strong projective

    transformations which are very different from what the net-

    works encountered during training on Flying Chairs. Still,

    the raw network output is already fairly good, and additional

    fine-tuning and variational refinement give a further boost.

    Interestingly, fine-tuning on Sintel improves the results on

    KITTI, probably because the images and motions in Sin-

    tel are more natural than in Flying Chairs. The FlowNetS

    outperforms FlowNetC on this dataset.

    Flying Chairs. Our networks are trained on the Flying

    Chairs, and hence are expected to perform best on those.

    When training, we leave aside a test set consisting of 640images. Table 2 shows the results of various methods on this


  • Method Sintel Clean Sintel Final KITTI Middlebury train Middlebury test Chairs Time (sec)

    train test train test train test AEE AAE AEE AAE test CPU GPU

    EpicFlow [30] 2.27 4.12 3.57 6.29 3.47 3.8 0.31 3.24 0.39 3.55 2.94 16 -DeepFlow [35] 3.19 5.38 4.40 7.21 4.58 5.8 0.21 3.04 0.42 4.22 3.53 17 -EPPM [3] - 6.49 - 8.38 - 9.2 - - 0.33 3.36 - - 0.2LDOF [6] 4.19 7.56 6.28 9.12 13.73 12.4 0.45 4.97 0.56 4.55 3.47 65 2.5FlowNetS 4.50 7.42 5.45 8.43 8.26 - 1.09 13.28 - - 2.71 - 0.08FlowNetS+v 3.66 6.45 4.76 7.67 6.50 - 0.33 3.87 - - 2.86 - 1.05FlowNetS+ft (3.66) 6.96 (4.44) 7.76 7.52 9.1 0.98 15.20 - - 3.04 - 0.08FlowNetS+ft+v (2.97) 6.16 (4.07) 7.22 6.07 7.6 0.32 3.84 0.47 4.58 3.03 - 1.05FlowNetC 4.31 7.28 5.87 8.81 9.35 - 1.15 15.64 - - 2.19 - 0.15FlowNetC+v 3.57 6.27 5.25 8.01 7.45 - 0.34 3.92 - - 2.61 - 1.12FlowNetC+ft (3.78) 6.85 (5.28) 8.51 8.79 - 0.93 12.33 - - 2.27 - 0.15FlowNetC+ft+v (3.20) 6.08 (4.83) 7.88 7.31 - 0.33 3.81 0.50 4.52 2.67 - 1.12

    Table 2. Average endpoint errors (in pixels) of our networks compared to several well-performing methods on different datasets. The

    numbers in parentheses are the results of the networks on data they were trained on, and hence are not directly comparable to other results.

    Images Ground truth EpicFlow FlowNetS FlowNetC

    Figure 7. Examples of optical flow prediction on the Flying Chairs

    dataset. The images include fine details and small objects with

    large displacements which EpicFlow often fails to find. The net-

    works are much more successful.

    test set, some example predictions are shown in Fig. 7. One

    can see that FlowNetC outperforms FlowNetS and that the

    nets outperform all state-of-the-art methods. Another inter-

    esting finding is that this is the only dataset where the varia-

    tional refinement does not improve performance but makes

    things worse. Apparently the networks can do better than

    variational refinement already. This indicates that with a

    more realistic training set, the networks might also perform

    even better on other data.

    Timings. In Table 2 we show the per-frame runtimes of

    different methods in seconds. Unfortunately, many meth-

    ods only provide the runtime on a single CPU, whereas our

    FlowNet uses layers only implemented on GPU. While the

    error rates of the networks are below the state of the art,

    they are the best among real-time methods. For both train-

    ing and testing of the networks we use an NVIDIA GTX Ti-

    tan GPU. The CPU timings of DeepFlow and EpicFlow are

    taken from [30], while the timing of LDOF was computed

    on a single 2.66GHz core.

    5.3. Analysis

    Training data. To check if we benefit from using the

    Flying Chairs dataset instead of Sintel, we trained a net-

    work just on Sintel, leaving aside a validation set to control

    the performance. Thanks to aggressive data augmentation,

    even Sintel alone is enough to learn optical flow fairly well.

    When testing on Sintel, the network trained exclusively on

    Sintel has EPE roughly 1 pixel higher than the net trainedon Flying Chairs and fine-tuned on Sintel.

    The Flying Chairs dataset is fairly large, so is data aug-

    mentation still necessary? The answer is positive: training

    a network without data augmentation on the Flying Chairs

    results in an EPE increase of roughly 2 pixels when testingon Sintel.

    Comparing the architectures. The results in Table 2 al-

    low to draw conclusions about strengths and weaknesses of

    the two architectures we tested.

    First, FlowNetS generalizes to Sintel Final better than

    FlowNetC. On the other hand, FlowNetC outperforms

    FlowNetS on Flying chairs and Sintel Clean. Note that Fly-

    ing Chairs do not include motion blur or fog, as in Sintel

    Final. These results together suggest that even though the

    number of parameters of the two networks is virtually the

    same, the FlowNetC slightly more overfits to the training

    data. This does not mean the network remembers the train-

    ing samples by heart, but it adapts to the kind of data it is

    presented during training. Though in our current setup this

    can be seen as a weakness, if better training data were avail-

    able it could become an advantage.

    Second, FlowNetC seems to have more problems with

    large displacements. This can be seen from the results

    on KITTI discussed above, and also from detailed per-

    formance analysis on Sintel Final (not shown in the ta-

    bles). FlowNetS+ft achieves s40+ error (EPE on pixels

    with displacements of at least 40 pixels) of 43.3px, and forFlowNetC+ft this value is 48px. One explanation is that themaximum displacement of the correlation does not allow to

    predict very large motions. This range can be increased at

    the cost of computational efficiency.


  • Images Ground truth EpicFlow FlowNetS FlowNetC

    Figure 6. Examples of optical flow prediction on the Sintel dataset. In each row left to right: overlaid image pair, ground truth flow and 3

    predictions: EpicFlow, FlowNetS and FlowNetC. Endpoint error is shown for every frame. Note that even though the EPE of FlowNets is

    usually worse than that of EpicFlow, the networks often better preserve fine details.

    6. Conclusion

    Building on recent progress in design of convolutional

    network architectures, we have shown that it is possible to

    train a network to directly predict optical flow from two in-

    put images. Intriguingly, the training data need not be re-

    alistic. The artificial Flying Chairs dataset including just

    affine motions of synthetic rigid objects is sufficient to pre-

    dict optical flow in natural scenes with competitive accu-

    racy. This proves the generalization capabilities of the pre-

    sented networks. On the test set of the Flying Chairs the

    CNNs even outperform state-of-the-art methods like Deep-

    Flow and EpicFlow. It will be interesting to see how future

    networks perform as more realistic training data becomes



    The work was partially funded by the ERC Starting

    Grants VideoLearn and ConvexVision, by the DFG Grants

    BR-3815/7-1 and CR 250/13-1, and by the EC FP7 project

    610967 (TACMAN).


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