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FNBE0814 Social Psychology P.01 Individual Journal

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Name : Lee Zi Ying Student ID no. : 0320435 Group/ Session : Monday 9am – 11am Subject and Course : Social Psychology [PSYC0103] : Assignment 1: Individual Journal Submission Date : 27 April 2015 1
  1. 1. 1 Name : Lee Zi Ying Student ID no. : 0320435 Group/ Session : Monday 9am 11am Subject and Course : Social Psychology [PSYC0103] : Assignment 1: Individual Journal Submission Date : 27 April 2015
  2. 2. 2 Journal 01 : Social Psychology Entry 01 : Social Loafing Social Loafing in Psychology refer to a concept where individual will make less effort in groups comparing to when they are working alone. Theory says that when a group of people working together, the jobs given will be complete efficiently and faster but in reality its the way round. Individuals in group tends to put less effort in groups assuming that their group mates will took up the responsibility for them. Especially there are one or few group mates in the group that are more motivated and reliable than that individual, they will choose to wonders and wait for instruction other than planning what to do beforehand. Individuals also think that if they put more effort than others but everyone in the group get the same mark as they are, it is unfair, so they will choose not do more even they are capable to do so. Next, some individuals even wonders around doing nothing in the group assuming that no one will identify their effort anyway. Remember the time when I was a form 3 secondary students in 2011 during my March school holidays, me and my family wanted to go on a trip to Port Dickson for a family trip. We discuss about it and decided to go on a 3days 2 night trip about 2 weeks before the holiday starts. During that 2 week time, no one plan anything, research on anything or even make a hotel reservation, too. Until the day before our trip, my dad ask about the information for the hotel, no one replied my dad and everyone just look at each other with a blur face. In the end, we didnt went on the trip because the hotel reservation is full due to school holidays and delayed our trip to mid-year school holidays. The other examples of my own experiencing social loafing is during 2011 when the uniform society that I joined, Red Crescent Society was organizing an event. It was a big annual
  3. 3. 3 event that our society would organize for our schools society member and other Red Crescents Society members from others school among the town. We were all distributed into different groups doing different task to make the event a success. For me I was distributed into the groups where we are responsible for the decoration on the stage. We need to prepare a few meters large background painting and 4 more banners beside it. There were about 8 people in the group, and one of them is me. We will be working on these thing for about 3 weeks all day long even weekends. For the whole 3 weeks 3 out of 8 people only showed up the on the first day we start working. 2 out of 5 only came occasionally giving excuse like they need to attend for tuitions, exams are near and stuffs even the idea they given are not applicable. In the end, we only left 3 people that attends regularly from Monday to Sunday that is the leader of this group, me and one of my friends. Even worse is, that one friend of mine does attend, does give relevant ideas, but she will always be playing around with the others whenever we started working even it is not our resting time and my leader would be busy calling her to stop and work first before playing. In the end, we call up for help from our graduated seniors for some help for the last 3 days before the event and work overnight for it. Its a relieved that we are able to finish it by time and accomplish what we aimed.
  4. 4. 4 Journal 02 : The Self Entry 01 : CORFing Cutting Off Reflective Failure are also known as CORFing is a concept where individual distance themselves from the others who have failed or even behaved badly. It is an idea where an individual distance themselves from others that are lower status than they are to not get their reputation affected by the people that represents any failure. People tends to categorized people into groups unintentionally. So when the particular individuals stick with the groups of people that failed or behaved badly they are likely to be group as a failure themselves, too even they didnt done wrong anything. People will start to use the word them rather than we anymore. I myself have been practicing CORFing from time to time without any conscious. The only incident that I remember the most is when the time I was form 1, a secondary school girl in 2009. I was new in that school and met a few friends that time, we started to get along very fast and we went out for shopping every week wasting money, skipped school and classes, play a fool during exams, mingle around with some bas ass boys from others school and basically just wasting my time. At that time I didnt realized that I am moving toward failure step by step until the day we got our year-end results. The group of friends that I am hanging out with at that time, all failed some subjects. As for me, I failed a subject that is history. It is my first time failing a subject and I cried, I felt insulted and I teared my reputation apart by my own bare hand. After that day, it was our year-end holiday, I didnt contacted them nor even hanging out with them ever again. When the school reopens, I just went to another group of my friends and hang out with them until now. I were just cutting off the relationship with them and distance myself with them which had failed and behaved badly that I didnt want to get in to that position no more.
  5. 5. 5 Journal 03 : Attitudes Entry 01 : Post-decision Dissonance Post-decision Dissonance is basically stated that an individual start questioning themselves whether they made the right choice or not after decision is made between 2 equal standing choices. And most probably the individual will look on the positive side of the one they chosen and devalue the other option that are not selected. They would start to pin point out all the positive aspect of the chosen option until the point they agreed and fully accept their decisions. No matter how, human will make up a decision and make themselves to accept what they decide. Human makes decisions every day and everyday post decision dissonance occur for almost every decisions that you make. There was the time when I was in my last year of primary school life, my parents given me the green light to choose my own desired secondary school including independent Chinese school, government school and even international school. At that time, I was graduated from a Chinese school so I never think about attending international school. I attended many intake test for the independent Chinese school and most of them I pass and given an invite to attend. In the end I have minimize my option to 2 schools that one of them is government and the other is independent. They are both Kwang Hua but just divided in to semi-government based school and independent based school. In the end I chose the government one, SMJK Kwang hua. I started to doubt my decision when school reopen and then post-decision dissonance occurs, I started to find good things about
  6. 6. 6 this school compare to the other one. For example, there are more friends here, there are more free and easy time in here, people here are friendlier than they are, we have more variety of food compare to them and of course the food here have much more variety than they are. Positives thinking came into my mind continuously until the point I accept and felt proud of my decisions make.
  7. 7. 7 Journal 04 : Stereotypes, Prejudice, and Discrimination Entry 01 : Sexism Sexism is an act where people are treated differently or unfairly because of their gender. Sexism is a discriminatory and prejudicial practices as well as belief that are directed against one of the gender. Sometimes it could happen when both gender done the same wrong mistakes but people tends to be sexism and blamed for them due to their gender. Sexism could be a physical discrimination. For example, Career Stereotypes, Nurseries field often hire female while engineers field often are male. Other than that, there would be a dress code for male and female during formal ceremony, female wear dinner dress and high-heels, male wear coats and oxfords. Next, Sexism could be a mentally discrimination where there would be an imprint on both group of genders. For examples, female are more likely to be seen as a caring, sentimental, emotional, weak, meticulous and is a neat freak person, while male are more often to be seen as a strong, pervert, out-going, thoughtless person and a provider. Sexism could be seen more obviously in the olden days but it doesnt mean it doesnt exist now, sexism is still in the air. In my family, there was only 2 children that was me and my elder brother. From young I have been told by my mother about what female should be like and how male should be like, giving me an imprint from young that how I should act to be a girl or woman, but sometimes I wasnt a
  8. 8. 8 fan of that and sometimes I even fought back. There was a time in primary where I was home laying down looking at my television show and my brother was gaming, while my mom was at the kitchen preparing for dining. My mom ask for help, I was lazy at that time and ask my brother to go and help out. He then went back to me after a while saying moms wanted me to help. I went to the kitchen at once, and my mom said I should have come often to help out and learn in the kitchen where woman should know how to cook and prepare dinner for their husband in the future. Other than that, there were a few incidents that shows how sexism was my mom in that time. There were a few times I was doing the house chores swiping floor, hanging the clothes, washing the dishes and more where I saw my brother hanging around in the house gaming, sleeping, studying. I felt that I was unequally treated and asked my mother: mom, why brother wasnt helping out? She answered me that girls should do more chores and know better than boys, and for my mom, it is alright for my brother not to help out. This was happen when I was in primary, but after that my mom changed her mindset, but not all. Before I went in and took up architecture course there was a slight argue between me and my mother, where she was worried about me taking this course because it is too harsh for female and she wanted me to take other courses related to medical, business or accounting that seems more female to her in a sense. She even tried hard to find lots of her friends children that took up this course to give me a warning. In the end, even after I still decided to give it a try, she still supported for me, mom will always be mom.
  9. 9. 9 Journal 05 : Prosocial Behavior Entry 01 : By Stander Effect By Stander Effect is basically a social phenomenon in which an individual are less likely to provide help to other even if it is an emergency when there are more people around that witness the incidents. In short, the more the witnesses, the less likely the victim will be offered help. The main 3 factors that affecting the decisions to help and lead to by stander effect to occur is pluralistic ignorance, evaluation apprehension and diffusion of responsibility. First, individuals will not respond to that emergency that occurs because they are not understanding and blur about the situation. In addition, no other victim that is around respond leaving them a doubt to respond, too. Next, they would start to concern about what others think. Will others think that I am a fool helping out or I am just a busybody. Lastly, individual will assume that the responsibility does not lies on them but others that are on the scene watching it. In the end, no one seems to help out and that is by stander effect. I remember an incident that happen in my neighborhoods where there was a serious fight happened among families member in their house. It was a fight among brothers opposite my house. I cant seems to remember the time, but I remember it was happen during the night time. It started catching neighbors attention when a loud argue between them was heard. Most of the neighbor from few houses away started peak out to know what is happening. When the fight started to get more aggressive, more people gather around to witness the incidents. Few minutes later, of the brother took out a weapon and it can be clearly seen from their windows from my bare eyes. That time I was quickly move in to my rooms by my parents. I couldnt see much more after that, I
  10. 10. 10 could only peak though my window not noticing by my mother standing outside. I could saw people discussing about the incident but no one went to help out, not even one people that called the polis for help even though the fight was getting more and more aggressive. It didnt have any sign that one of them will back off, even the time they start to hit each other, no one came to help, everyone was just standing there watching waiting for others to do it. The next day, 2 of them that are engage in the fight have minor injuries and the younger brother decided to move out leaving the elder brother living alone till now. At that time, if someone could have help out, maybe this wont be the outcome and maybe they wouldnt have been injured, too.
