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FOKDHAM IN PI A jjj ITCJBNISHED - Chronicling America · 2017. 12. 12. · ITCJBNISHED ROOMS,...

Date post: 24-Jan-2021
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ITCJBNISHED ROOMS, without loeala, for Oentlemen only. at No. 47 White-at, a few doort weat of Broadway. Two fine room* oo tbe 2a aaaa, Oorr.moi.icatii.g. lf desirpd ; alao, an attto bedroom. Aaeli- fible trmortunlty for gentletneU deeiring a qiuet perrnaoent feotna Beferenc. axcbanged. _ _T»URNISHED ROOMS for aingle <r>n- Jr Cetaeo, witb or witbout breaktart aod taa, at No 74 .rVerreuat._ FURNISHED ROOMS to LET-In a anall private family, No. )9LBdlow-piece,e_.uling voftwo bai.daem* parlor* and extenaon room oo ibe t.rat tloor. Tbe ho«*e ba* tbe tuodern impnuemenUand tha teiBt -lll be modeiate. FURNISHED ROOMS to LET..For Kisgle Oentlamen, at No. I Monroe-et, eoroer ifCatha rtne-et.. witb or wii__ut Board Rooao* very ple.aot . Priea* moderata_ GENTLiCMEN wishiog Board in Brook- lyn caa be pleaaanily l«_.- oo tbe Highta, al No. 6 Wlllow-at, tbree minui. a' walk Irom tha Porry._ tHeSSONS on the pXaNO-FORTE.- I_ A young ger.tleroan wi.beg to giv* Letaoo« on _M Fiaoo iaafa_.ilv, iu t).p city or vuinity. tatvahaafe f.r lu* Board- Alao a few tchola a mme wantel; tprma m -l-rAie. aeferi-ric-t gnen. Addreaa PKOfESBOR OP PIANO, No. 4-4) Broome at._ f>LEASANT ROOMS to LET-Fur- J. niabed or B*__n_-Bea, with fall or partial Board, at _4o. lbeEast Broadway; houae oontains bath, with hotsnd -old wa or._m 13 tOOMS Rnd ROARD..Pleaaant fur- ___* niabed Bop.ia, with r-r without brpakfaat and tea, at «o Oreeno-tt., oeai.xth-at. All tbe modern unprovementa ta tbe btr_ta. ^___ ROOMS^W^ANTED..A Room and Bedroom, fnn,i*hed. on aecoad or third story, tvithotit cahs or wtth breakl*»t and tae, aod with privil-ge of batli, ajMB Broadaray, between BMttYM. and L'nion Park 'rericli fomily pieferred. Addre*, staling terma aad location, li. B., Trtbana Q-toa._ TO RENT.With Board, an unfur- nialied Room to a gentleman and hu wife, and a r__ asubed Kooai for two gei.tlemen at No. 74 W arren tt., w.th ahe conveniet.ce of Ba'.h._^__ TO LET. Furni-hrd Rooms, with M.'l, ¦art al or wltheot Board Thp houae i* aoppli. with Uath.g-a.Ac. Apply at No (i-Bn-w.y._ THE GRAMERCT HOUSE, eorner of iSBb-et. and Brtaxdway. New-York, will be onened to tha poblk on Monday. May 24,!._ lt con»aiaa 1*. r.anaa, .roi.hed in the moat alega/it atyle. with every poa*ible con- areniiice It will ha kept on the American aod Etiropeaa plana comMBed, and the prr,priptora are determtued Uiat lt ahall raik amon| tba beat family hoteU in^the world^ __ Fp6 LET.Two line Rooion, f_rni»ha_4 [ ln i amall pnvate family, plpaaan'.Iy ait.iated in ftlepckpr»t. weat ol Broadway. N II. The beda are fur- /.i.hed with the healtbv tj.ringmattreaaea Alao other roa at a_Xm___. No 2»'i Btaaebar at._ T~WOor fHREE~_4__oT_.EM_N can bo arooBimodatPd wtth full or partial Board at No. 17 Yarick-at. Reference required. _ THOSE (jf-ntlcmonparticularly dp»irou«i of aiiit** of Roenia, nr -inele one*. apai-ioua, bflfldBBBM auid well funiulied, or otl.'-rwiae. wuh all Uie BBB_BM proveriient* wbpiplhprpi'i.no bo*riter», can be acc-ommo- _Btrd.ni _MBB-BBd nnd thir.l ftoor* of Ihe largr niantion No. 5 Bta*_*r_, tbe lat- re.idi-nco of W. C. Mintlend, Esa, .here are few bontea in the ritv ao vi-ry pleaaant and retired ._ thia: arid in tl.- ii Ba.abla I*H of Blepckri-at., neai and wi ai ot Hrnadway. and when- the tenna are nnr" niode- aato; and where partial I'.oard, il detlred, osay be obtained, B ainal realili-nt family._ rpO LETwTthi BOARD.A front Parlor, J. anitable for a Oentleman and Wife, ora ooupleofain- ale OentlPinea, unfurniahed, in a tmall genteel family, where Ahe co-nforU of home uny be enjnyed Referencee ex- whauged. Apply at No 7 Hubert-at, opposite Bt. John a f.irk. _ ___.____._. WANTED.A (Jrouiid-floiir on the weat »i,le of Bmailwav. BtaBfBBB Amttjoalttk 9\. Tbe beat relereuoa ollere.l. Addr. aa BOX No. 2,-WI. I'oat- <)n.ii- 'WJ ANTED. Uoard in Brooklvfl for a T V Lady from Philndelplita, -.k-BJ 88 make a stay of lor4wreka. Loratnn i- t t*ir trom thu lerrics. A-idrest Baat No 14S Y<.*t OBtaa, New-Yotk._ WTLL1A M 8BUR0H. .Two, (Jentle- aien and tlirir Wivea, ai.d one or two «vif!e Oentle- flnen, can be Bb.BBMM daBad witli board and aiiy room*, ln a anilet aod pleaaant loi-atinu, a few miuutet' wall from Peck- auip Kerry. Apply at No. II Itli-at. a^ori-CB tDanteb. OUSE WANTED. on a Icase of thr-n ______ or fivo yeaia, witb all tbo modern improvementa, loca- Vicn Let4vern r.tli ai.d-ilat *t«. ai.d . and 6Ui ava. Ri-nttnun II Miiuli Mlill VCO.ri U li «,,,. .1 ,,.,,.. ..-.. .M _.. »*_¦ .m. ¦. ... fXK) to tf'tsi. PoaarMion required about tbe tirat of July. be heat of refennie* glvi n, and the premue* trlll be k.-pt ¦rataud in BBOd nrdi-r AdJum H. W., Tut'unc Olhce. 0U8E WANTED. ln a pkaavntlo- calion between ?d and lifh av* r.nd 12th and3<»tli-*ta. \ouId arefcr a aew bouao with all the rnodeia improve- ntenta Ture bIk.uI |«,isie. To be rrady to occupy about the fint of Ji.ly. Addrett W. W., Tribune Ollice. 17ARM WANTED..A emull Farm, or Ci iu.tr) Stat near thia city, in evi-bango for gond nn- i loved jiropnty in Biia.klyu. Addreaa, pw«ipaiil. I. LM, Kix 2.901 lNat-ofl'ice. wi'li ...11 paitn ulara aa to price, lo:a- ttaa, biiildu-ga, _r-, ir Out alieady atocked and uear B Mii'tin o( wa:er [nr tn.nl. t-OUTiB 10 fc'rl. A COUNTRY RESIDENCEto LCT. (li thr ei -t l-Bi I. ,t l] HadBOB Itnir, marlv opoaito "WoM Pi IiiI Oa lh* rrjrtainlni aUmt iacreBof Land, nb twoaioiv Dwaltini witli n\ looiita, cellar and kn,. B,v a. 4- i Ao. Tbe aituation u i Itaaai t ar.d beallhy. an.'. w.tlitu live luiiiut.' walk of tlie lailioal iiuiua Abb_ I..IVANHKJt-OM, atA T. Staw- att k Co.'t. Bioacway ARARt UPP0RTUN1TV..For aale, au rlrrant t ity or CaaMn Hiiatilencp ln Newark, N.J. . itiialad inNrwaik lllgl *. it tl'" bcsil of A'arren-at ,_avtaj a i "um x' tln g 4 ir4* ol Ne\4 aii, Newa'k Bay, Staten Itlaud, aod Ne»-> oik t'it4. Tba prnneity obbbbM of ab»ut an acre _l iaiidt alao. at. int4i.it iu au e'eraut priMi'e Park in ln nt. __0_ || i. witn BBStBM r.'iiia all timahed ioele- aanl modem alylp, witl. pvpiy di alrable convemence fur a r'Bteel realrl, ri- tlotliir n, il .1, fnnt and abade treea, r. Koi jiarliriilara n ij iro at No t~ Boari-iy, New- \oik, oiof th* uudoiaui.'d ou ihe pipmtaea I'oaaeraion «i.pniiiiui._iatrl>. il rt-|U.it-d. l.KAI.L I'IKlUSOM. OriLDlNi. to LET for MANUFAC- Xj TIRINO I'I RI'OM-.S M'natrd ln Broome-at. near ritt, thrta fk.ra and cellar. about Al )<y 1.4V Can beadapti-d Oo almoat any klnd of huainnas. A Ipass will he given for a Oaiaioi yeara, lf dealred Applv lo S IKilX.K, IJ 1'itt at. COUNTRY RES1DENCE to LET. A pail of a OB.BM Htaaaa at Staoleton, Slat.-n laland, CAmmanding a view of lha Ray of New-Y'oik, and wiiliin Ove B_BB_M-_- ot lha Keny. Boat* leave for New-loik avsry hour.fat* 6j ceot*. Apply at No. 141 Water at., up ataira_ fTIOCNTBY 8EAT To LET-h ¦ X_' very elevated, beallhy aud beatiliful aituation, a country filaca, with hve acrt* oi i. oir, ot gioond, twenty milea from town by railn4_l, te*- M.BtttW walk tioui thedi aotj carapai* Bve tiiuea aday. Abundaice of abade, fiuit, bi-rriea, mra, aa Apply toE-MARTINDALE, No. I Nasaau ai, t.i.id- 4X4-7-_ ^URNISinDlOlTAtiEon STATEN JL IS! ANO -To Rent for the auturm-r, a neat Furnialn STottagt- on YYitght-at., S--pl«-ton, Staten lalai.d, nf>ar tlie Okrry. wuh a vi*w of tb* bay. Coataio* two parlor*. $.* -_*di._>a dUiu.g-itwm and kilclien. Can be aeen at auy _*_?. loquir* ot tba collectora of , ither of the boata TT OWER PART of a HOUSE, SE<T- _l_l OND ITORa to LKT -la OM veni*nt, Ctolou WaMr. Ra-, and it ooecf the n>(«i bbb_bbbj taBBttaaa iu tbecity, .oraei of Ith a\. and l.lb-t ta tuD >ipw ol Uataa-aa Cara aad Broadwa) Sta__ pa>a eveiy 3 ailuulra. lt would be a _r*t rete place loraT*a_hei of Muaic Aa h.r bealth and j. ire air. it cai-iit lieevcellvl Apply a* ahorp, to V KNAPP. T\[0. i::i;RKKN\V1CH ST.,toLEASE __1 ot for 8ALE.Thia.peiUw Oouble d*n lling 11 o ae waa built without regv,) lo r\p»i.-<-, aad ia muturpasea- ni «?«rabiltty aud atyle ol tmtmS it u iu gi«>d ardar, and oOara a food 4>ppoituaity foi pet*on«i*4(uiitag (uucrior ac_.lotada- tlc.i down lo»a. It ui*y eaaily be oonverte- l_M laaj _otea. aa it UdivlaW la tlie OMaOa hy a brnk wall Po*_.a- afio tl.e lal Julj B*_t. Api!) to AkloS K K\U. No 9i Liberty^t, OFF1CE to LET..A haulsomc oaita of Room* 10 lel lu l hambera Hall. N- uA f____aa_M . a ceatrel ard de.irablo I.r*t__ fur a lawyrr. Rent ui_lera:e. In.juir* of A MORANO. on t_e prooMra. S2 TORETO LET.. Firal H.hh aodcaUar -_Pof *to.No. £11 Ykaalunfton at, bttwoea b.vlay aad Robii.»on *fa loiiatre at No. r7 Barolayat._ TO RENT. D-ckfoUy low.A few 3-«ery aew bo.es .-ontaiatng all the modern im- aueveaaeata, kKatedt*t4.ren Kn_ way andtlth-e* , uear tbe tern.iBAin i of lb*tjtbav Katlroa_ and ths Cnatat Palac*. Also. tevend nrst-ab-t bcu.t near -Vb av. and Bioadwav. oa JOtb, BM, -Hb. aad >Ub - a Apply to R- U. PI -RCB, Na 1,1W Broadway, oear .0 at. _ TO RENT, VERY CHEAP.A uam- her ot aew tou -ateiy hoawa north tid* of .<h-*t. be- tweea ithandk.-*va Lovation good and coavenien- V 4Vw rVort tr d lalf bowe* will b* let only to amall napecta- _b>r.uiliea. Apply imamiately to RO. I'lERCE. Na 1,104 Broadway, aeai .d__ TO RENT.A STORE on BROAD¬ WAY, aoar 40th at.. at tbe low atiee of $l> per month, Attto up aid well locaeti for O ocery, Bu'clier'a Stall, C.u- -KtKi.»iy aj_t iSbat buaiuraa. Alao, a Blote oa Broadway. aoear -_ al, aad oua on "uiir, aear 2.h M., at b*r<_u_ Apply ta R O. PIERCE, No 1.104 Broadway. f|H) LCT. Well lii-htt- ROOMS, with _L or a lh.'*; Steam Power, of aav_ra Inonira of C. M. -IMON.ON, No. lll LewM-tC 1*0 LET.-A Taro sfory DWELUNi. BOl'SK.No 2'.l Iltah*t,Newark. N J.. »od:r.-nt- mt tl.e Wtttt)*- lak-itatt Tl.e wtooata Ot u. perfoct Cider. ar.d wrfi arUpt.d fa a >'.i.gie f*ir.il, wauting t OMt- foitaUr honar ... * pod wigbbc*_ood *..c »t a -oderat- itnt. Apply lo M- ARMSTRliNU. No 9 rVrry-aU TO LET.A eniall Cottage in the coun¬ try tBBwo.Oag th I roorrt. end a yarden » rktaj j uatior.; f Irrty ot purr wver. ani hrti-.hv. i:*nt **-. h.r the wiwa. Three ¦PottB't w_. trota tb* vVhtta f.ial mtCK *r d one h-'i.r'* nde trrrr ' fertb.f peticilary mrii.irr of rli.MoM. .1. I'oi'.TKR, No. ', tity Hall-pit'e, or II f.RA I. on Uie prim'st., TO I ET or LEASE.Tne o-tes-ifB and \aIueHI« prrn.iww on th* a.n'h-wrtt taraerof Brosdway ki.d ...«-*. tOO or roore yrart Innuire of (pta.taiiia t.BBtw a en I) D NASII, No .>,(» Bi>.d way. O LET.For the Seaaoa or Y»-ar. A r.rat Houae, located ob hlutf grouni. at Bergen Point, three quarteitol an koot'i anil from New-.o.*. S.iit-bls for ala.gc fin.i.'y. Exter.tive troundt haud»o r. vated. wuh 'be advantagf of wa baU.inz laqmraof (»_<J. \V. AI.BIAM'K. No. U A.tur Heota, bo"k-tt...e. Broadway. O LET at KEY PORT, N. J..Thr T T ot _B-Z on Ihe Bav, >»' yard* ea.t ol thr tteamboat wlar'. Apply t" 1. W'ARNKR. Keyport. or ti J. I'l RUY. No. 3H Eaat I'th Ol , hefjre !<', or afier Itrd *.._ TO LET.A small stoie No. 35? H I Un tt. opp"*ite OBOBBtw «t, with dwelling tpart- ni.rt"; rri.t |I2 ."»'. prr BMOB. In'|nire Bj No 221 Oraed- *t., ioord.*-..* we*lof Bowrry. IIO LEASE or lor SALE.The moit'Je- airable property in the world _t manufoctur.og pur- pcara. The ai-btcnher baa built np the uioat aubataotial Buiicings, and filled up wilb firat-ratfi wattrr-wheel* and grariiis, atveB Mill Sitea it, th< City of Troy, near the ri.or, with anv amouirit of wat*r-powrr, wbicb l.e i* BBB.BBB to have weli cn>ployed.ei.d will rei.drr rverv fkcility lo aceom- trodate any tuanch ut buainrtt re.iriirirg power at . \ery rravmahle i*te. Apply at No. 17 P.road tr New York. or at No. 4 Park-i'lace. Troy. BKNJAMIN MAR-SHAM. TO LET or LEASE.Thir*,, fourth and fifth -orieeover ALFRKD ML'NROE A CO.'S. No. 441 Broadvty, ail hard finiahe- Qas and Crotoa watar ia all. Kront m twO) by W deep. T B I^O LET.A UfaunluJ nc.tvHOL8l.ia I'pper iMorrttaiiia. 8 roorr a and pantrire. cellar. ke. Rent | 2i prr moinh. Half or the whole will be let In¬ quire ofC W. jJHKltWO'il), ' rt...-Mor.uaniaorTHUMP- SON, No Bt K rajth-at. N. l. rpo LET.A desiTable Office, at No. 10 JL Courtlandt-et., *uit*ble for a Watr-h Irr.portrr or Jew- .ler. Alao, . Room oo third floor. Poaarwi on given irarna- aieh-ly. Apply w BHAINAKD k OtkKBOY, No. 10 Cou.tlandt-it.. up eteir*. rTHO KLNT. At No. G Ea»t eSUih-tt ,fjur 1 pl.a-aut riK.iiit, one in thr hBteinr.,t. thr o'li.-rton tlie th.rr', floor. Ii.qout on tbe preniia.., orat No. 113 Na*tau-*t, third llcKir._ TO LET..A (ieMl.m.in and Wife, re- tiding in Brooklyn, nrar the South Perry, detiroiw of gfving up houae krepliig. would l(t thrit houae to * amall fkiiu.y, and tnake lil*ral arrurg monta loi hotrd witli the tarty. The katto/tat.iraaeetlvaa and le'i'.irrd. Inqulr* at the Bew-Voik Boaidirg BlckaBQB, No :~ Uuaor-aL. 2d d»oi t**t fiom No. y<4 Broadway, or at the hc.iuteNo.7l \\ iiiirn tt., Brooklyn. O LET.A few Hmiill (Jotragea, «"a.h *. baving four *mall Rooma a Cellar and ijardon Lot ta front of the Hou*e '1 hey are aituated Iil milea fiom the feny ia Brooklyn, half a m.le beyond Bedford, near the railroad and a*ta«* route. Th-v ttand in an unpoang neigb- horhfK., and ar* anrioundcd by l.oi.et. Rent $0" per aunuin, >r will be aold for Bt**1, on very accommodating term* Ap- ptj to J- PKCARK. No lo3 Hettrr at. .1^6 LET.A Store, alxo a Wnrkshnp. JL on f'n«t floor, aml ihree or four Loft», weli liyhted oo ¦firOB.Oat, ala.iil i4 by fifi frt-t. with or withoutttrainpower. Inquire on the prrniito*, No. 47 Ann «' nrnr Nattao. ttcal (Eetate for Galc AT ri.iVATE SALE.A verv vmIub- lle Kerri- 11 '." arirs, B 14 a_kI rt OOfl._BtL BB.> alccl ur thi- i'*it*'c Rivtr, aml wr.hin two mlle* of Pater- <i"n, N.w-Jenrv. u'.d tc n tninut.'n' walk of tlie rallio.1 d'- I, | upon wh.i li s » ItTO Mtrry Dwal.B| Houte and all ne- cr nary oul-l oihiinti., in-iu'h Bear; >oun:» Oi h»rd of choice lio.t. i'. r. r*uid .na l. under n hi.ili BtBt* of cuitivaiic>n and t.nely V4stri.il. and will adaptrd to gro/.ng or fttOwO.kj paraeae* Poi tunhrr n.rtimlar.-. apply to ANTtiCN V J. lll.KK.t htlK, Am l.oiieer. No. 7 Broadat. EliMO.NT V1LLA0E LoTS, AT FOBDHAM -Only a f*w more qoarter arre lot*, (rijoal to lotircity lola.) may ba UBfainedal hrat prico*, ifap pl.td for toon. Pat.ta iem§ kot..BB in the city. hiitdt-air- ii ronntry reajdence. tonld not po-a.hly ar-li .ct a more >. li. a'thy aid ronveii'iit IncrtMB-.I'.tt one liojr"* noe fniii tht t'ity ll^ll by llarhm Railroad, ana 27 dxily train. Kor maji* Hiul rircul.ir., jivins a deacriptn.n of the Btoyatly, apply to ihr BB.*t.*m*j! at No Irii 1*B.1-at They B.|B.0 be oMained on applicatlm to II. M. linnvn and .It-tee Ly.ii, ou tlie prcBiitea; A. BV*. Spw... No. II Maiilen- lane; Nath. < I'l.tt, No. _>M.don-.nu; and Uen. Williaia Hall, No. 219 Broadwny. JUIIN C. BATB-B, No lUI'earl »t. UILDINd' LOTS FOR Sso-in the lieaiitiful Villaieof Votikera, and two chancr. to ob- lein Pwb._f Hoii.if*, worth t'""* eacli, wiiiiout addirir.nat roat.thier cpjartera of an 1.r'« l.kI BJ tho Hudac.n-Ri\cr nd. Onh $.(" Ch>!i r. .|iiirrd Ki.r Mapa and full par- ti ulaia, apply to C'OMBS fc NICOLAY, \ ac_OTawan. No. ^14 liiBiin^i,"near Bowery. Otlice houit fruin 9 A.M. U. lt P. M._ C'SUlll^RY-RESIDENCE. The un- J dertign-cl withetto diapocm if hi* pUce. near Cooprr*- U>wn, ou thr l.aiil.t of the UtaVfft Lake. 1 l.e aii'iat.on ll romai.tic anil h.althy, tlo Houae vmy good, aml n.iiinra'.ly ealculaird aa a rc-ti. nt for n aaaa «' kta..ta Tlie i.irm ttO> ti.ta oHO etif*. in bigli culiixati'.n. Pnce $2 .S..I. Adrtirt*, K I, UANIK.LL, Coopertuiwn, UttegoCo. tf^OUNTBY RESIDENCE foi SALE. \j -Oo the M-BT, Kcut Ha.lilu-n R..ad, Brooklyn, ju»t B the rit? lu.e -25 tora* of I.and. and lar^e fra-ne llcuae, 4.ttn. tilled in with hriik. 1 hia property arlordt a ni.at oelitbtful and hcallhful i> miI.-ih e. ,u.,i *i tlie eeine tine ol'i ia \ery iimutal inducrmri.t* lor a iprcilation. A nrw aveniie to be opened l.v pr.,p.'itv .... r.t.r*, arenret a fronlate of half a mih'. wuh a BBB.un d»pth of atM.ut 4<X> tn t, tlilit ei.al.ling a pu.iliui.ri to v-ll it fli ln tri'all j>*rr-lt, for wl.tr4k tlirre it a great and _*_Baa_kJ deiria'i.1 m tiut ni.-at drh.nfui lOtaBty. which it i. lelii-.rd wnl tn'paa* tuy othrr iu the vicinlty of N*Bk.Tet_ for ihe rapidl'y of Ita iii.iiic.veinrBt, in the at.I tew y.4ar* Apply to S \V. BKNKH1CT. No 5 Wall-at, or to OVINOTON BROTU- 1.RS, No .'1;. Kultoi.tt. BrtKiklyo. CMlUNTRV RESIDENCE for SALE. J Known at Rote 11.11, in the n.wn of Ryo, W'rotcheater l'.,rn.iv, iu full \irw oi l.i..ig Itland Sou.nl. and near th* Nrw-flavei. Hallr. td Statnm, al _____M_>1l containing xK i.i etven acre* of t'nal quality la ,,1. heautifully divided io nira.cw and orrhaid; alao tat ut I.l t .1 ai.K-knd gardena lu thr Ci.iit.ty. O.k . \ity vtn.:, of h'.ry fn.it and flowrr* eultivalrd ui th-rt-gion of the cointry. Tlie lioute 1* l| .tory, rotttge-huilt, di by 3'., wiih two l«ifjB W_yj*) thrre are two parlora, five U-droama d.uiny and oaihroom. aud a vrry coiivemrnt ki.chen. wuh Brehr't ria.king .nyr, ka Thehouse hat bern hmlt tx t a tlnnt tirtir. and ha* latrly brrn puii.trd ir..ide and out and pnt in tliorontb rrpair, aud l* titutttrd bigh on a tloping lawu, a'.Kiut two huudird Itwt back f.om a tine road; in tl.e rear of lle hiuse ia a large barn, carnnee, ponliry. wa.h and icr houtea, and a good t|in.g ol walet at Ihe door 'Itiere 1* aiMiit M gialtrd taalt t.rrt in tl.e orrhanl. of thr brv't kind. Iu the villagr aie 5 ttorta 2 butcberB. 2 <-hiir.hr*. I »chno'a eoal *rid iiinila-r yaid. DB.BBat B.¦ New-Voik, _I inile* fioni the MpM tl C_i*J-at. Time, I hour and IA tntiiBtea C.nt»t. ii. $11 ai.d B'tf P<r kiiiiinn Se\.-n traiiitalor at the d.-pot every day rach way. Tb* uei.h xnhood ia one ot the ni4tt drtiiable in the coiniti. Pnce,BA300. tM.'tlD ean te-rnain ob ¦irrTaafi^tTTrt.Waira.aal* illj wupmi lcouue ol W M. L I'KOt'H. N. t. I.M suid l-JK_tou-t_._- ct l.A.MU. P. SMI1H, HallllfllliiattB COC NTRY RESIDENCE foi SALE- A Firm of ITacre* of Mt*llt.I land. pleaaanlly altu- .ted on the weat baok ol tli* Hudson Blver, _ijoiniug th* nllage of Milton, llaier Co.. atew milr* aouth of Pougb- krrpair, aod ln full view ot it, hawng au extrotire view of thr Rivrr tor *ou.e diatance up and down. On the place are a good awelling houae, bam and oulbulldinga, Apple Orchaid and other truit. It hr* directly on the rivrr. ii.laat from New Yoik al<iut 70 mileo, aod coi.ii.i.icalloa aeveral timea a day tiy iaiIroad and tteauila.., ihe depot of the Hudeoa River Vailroed directly oppot.te. Kor pailiculara apply to A JACKSON KUK, ln*-a-ce Buildluga, Noa mVSut Wall-at., 3d tloor. EAST MORRISANIA VlLLAi.E.. Abont 3t»0 I.ota, varying la aiM from an eighth of aa _ re to tix acrea, are now ottertd for tale on tl.e incwt favora- bletetw* Trn per cent. d.wn, aod balance oa or before Utiili, liv^4. Xliwe lota occupv a very beal'.hy aod beautil.1 locali. ii, oear aud m full \iew of th« Ea*t Ri'vrr, and ia th* tnimrd.:. vicinlty of tbe gmui.dt and reeidrncet of aeveral of the Bucet wealiln and r.eprctahle citi_.ni of Weotcileaer Canity. ThuMllage u connecled with tne llarlrm Rail- road by a hrai ch Ka.ir.wad Kor man* and othrr loformariotv tapgy i0 p. u wiNfDN, No. 5 Tivoo-rvw, near Hatiem Railroad < 'flice. opp4Wite the City Ha.1. FARaM Bt YONKERS for SALE. V> ¦: iu ?J Biileaof lludwn River Railroad Depot, and 14iui.e*4'i H'.i.vMilr Depot, llailem RalIroad. ContaiiJ 4t WBktBi M a.i.a ar* iu a-oaia Sod eupenor; bo>ldii ga nrw ti d pkntv; water gtx and fruit ahuadant. hui uol iu tight ol the Hudavn K.\et. The B-co lt i,..drr *-, cn^ *- d iar; rovoiuc ot. S..cn* roeka BitualHuvviy ..^U; pnce »v.y ,ow. Apply at No. 19PUU. V? LAM M ERSBtJ RtUL.ITiis new vil- X le**'. racceeable fvertj tiroe* a day by aagee and tteam. !».>«:*. nt'tnated wi'Lineightmile* of the City HalL oppo- aite Harlnn. tnCollrge Point and I'luabing Bav, _._. the beauulul t.nu of Muthing, and afjommg Ihe viilaga tt Stratti cp.rt, which auld *o raathly Iaa *pnng. aad m la'.d out oo tl.e tuaut *c. e. the atrreta of both place* _>ter- aeetiBg rach other.and will fcrn. ita on_ma.ntvg tiraat.a, and ai oo di.tarit penotj, ke oaa of.w pn_.ip_ eeaaurta ta tft* tkicity of New YorA Ttie lu* vary ia aae fro. l, t ta 4 city lot*. ib pnce frooi tl» to $IV>. ^Tbeteria* ar* $_> oowa, and th* rr*t in niotitlily L-tallioent. of ilO, wb f.ahle* evrry pertvn, however ctrnimOBBOB. te Bbbobbi Btt own kokdlwd Bting exece.infty bealtBy, aad .rrnaiitai by .reeerr wbicb caono-t b* taiptmti i-htaciag vwrw* af afn___]ta, Nrwtown. Kuer't lelaod, Morrkaiiia, ka Aay per..i« wathing to pure.tae at ibe above, are jOBBBtBtt to eall at the otrice, wber* aup* aod evwry intii.erkat w_| cheerful.'j heguea JOHN A. rLAMMFR, No. 157 Weat lBth-at.. brtweea 7th and t_lava OtBce hour* from 4 to I tfmmt P kt.. and mapaeao be weo at JOHN. O. PLAM- klK.R'S.No 31 Mott-*t T.louly *alhon__f*JH_BBy-_.I .alraare. Jackaro Nitloltaad Jo_t Ofiivy, ea t.I frou__. _Ir. Vlanimer wi_ kt ta board taa k.tt trtry otora'ag. FOKDHAM VILLAOE LOT8L. Now n Rev : B . I . .. . :1 1*4 t- t 'cr a cct-f- oerii oan (reoarat a_1 cbaao ctty c s.a at .1 w | do well mb_ Lotx Pnce* are low a,.d trrma raay Iw*n»n tte_. p-t a: Kordiem Apnly to <._>. ... -tea. IU At. ^_ "L'OR SALE or to LET.Ii, the town of r New ItfCPplle, \4 S-BbbmOM ( -.iin'y. BflaMlfltB tM~ Boaas, Baaiaiati ""r- btaaaBeBt, a aa raifwMeb *r< ....,,.- » ta-OP> n«. v-.-i * -a r.f larrl weiifrpced; a weil ard #pfr water . Tl 8 P'BCP ti well rnckrl wt'h trtfed Ir-nt Toa ¦ OBBM waa inm New-iorkaiaN-w-Ha-.ee Ba raad 4 -- - the ta Apr .- .. - -.."." Irr Uie- *' fl BB. Intllre . ihe I..,- r ra *ir\* 1! ad elle, 00 we prer.iaea 0: of JOHN BOI.TON._ fZiR-SALE. or would be eRehaageai. in wi.o> 0rpe.1t. f.rcit4 property. an -le_nt Count. Seat. uillitn li 11 ile« ..f N-w ', ..rk. o.i.npr_i;ii*;to«rther aSmt acrea of land. Tl.ia a_aal *s i* I i«n and bealthy, aad tho pi<»perl la untuir.--d. Tbe houae la-g* and co*tly. and ei-n uayaoiiBbie for tba oc-BBBtina ot a gentla.tti of forti.Ve. Tl.e aroaaaa ara Ma_aaaaf. ia.d aaa, and are co4pr>d wiili*4ery rerirt. of ine fruil ar.d foieat tree*. and are inteia-.ted by gia4r;i*d c*ni_te-»«4e. paved walk* Led*p-io*ra aud a;bora co4rred abunnaull* w.th cbolee and a-fgrafavine*. Ttne 1- ai*. a fine yrr-. . 1. i..p. ,-nw-loi.**. bam. andail oth-r h ai.!i »n r-t*H._ir_riit. Ni l-ina or r»re-i . haa b*~nao<.d nn..n _OBtaaa Uiaar.r-.iWeby rallr.iad arid atpaoiboat ala.ut twenty tiaie* t dav frBBB New-York. Apply io 0 BBZPHERO, No UWali-at. FOR SALE OR TO LET..A beaati- fa1 Cott_*t near Hudaon. Coln_.b:a Ciur.ty. The bot.se u aoartaaik._) eoi_Jruct*d. ln eomplete order, and _.ott pleaaantly locatrd. Tlie .ounda are t_.teful'.y laid out acd contain an abi.dancr ar.d varlety of f.fl.M fruil treea. ber.de fine ahn.hU rj ar.d r ,_i u Tl.rre ia alao a la/re. kit.vn gar.en and aa aliundant aupply of water at tb* dour. It ia will.m ftve minutea walk of a chnrob. au academy, two acboola. poet offiiA, and the atat.on of tbe raiiroad. by which lt lf leaa than Baa h»ur» d-t.,t fn.m New-York. Tnere *ra at Ipaat lour daily con.muniratlo. by raiiroad aadataamboal wilh Ntw-Yoik. The U-c-iion. wfci'.e p._w.ing thes* «d- vaiit.tea. lt peculiarly btalihy. retired e.id plr.ant. and tl 1* believ.d th're are fewplacaof the kiiid .ure de_r*.ile The property will be aold ori eccoramod' ting teinie. aad for a verv low liiice. Por trmu, Ao-. apply to a ver> iow pi-a. *j_M__, _ SM fTER, No I Wall-at r*OB SALE or TO LET.A Coustry JT Ri-ridence at Haetir?.. *! mile* frcm the Ctty Hall and three ooarter* of a nnle tmm the tteamb.t and Hndaon River Raiiroad P.-p. t. > by 4" teet, of aubat uitial and mod ern eoaMrncOoa, and c n'atcing iixtn 0 BMMB W.ll be ren'rd wnh the lawn and gardpn for the aummer, or iold iu eeB-4«4-r. with an irr.pro-.ed tarm ot a re* Applv to R. H CODDJNOTON,ob tba praMtaMtarML H IiONO- LKI Kn :^».-prnw:.-h rt, c.rr.erof Dty tt. FOR SALE or To LET.BeRata__lraa- idrFif.a at K*4 i-nawo.-V _, I -Two two Man sttie *nd awfl '..t HOI Sr>. jnat ata.Md la Btadr-rw Myta '4. h ">n- laiu.i * liitrrn r.K.rna. len of 1 loantba ,n laxaifliriiTa firat h-# aaoaad -'..ne*; ]-\r,tn--. clne- eta ard 1*11* on all Ihp tli»r*: bnrk oi-n* and Mott's patent lanjieainlbp kili l.rna: injioaerl .B-h-r.i»//M tn th- reer. Tne I.a,, ., full view of th- Kaar K'»-r. ai d within th-ee ni.nnlia wbDi 0f_M BB4., ti"m wiil. h tl.e«teambnat Attoria, ( aal I'.iitrlwir. I-Hiea fr.nr f'riiri adny for New-4. ork. A .«- BSMiet Hsieof BBBBBO IBM.af BBtaaaM .Aatortt tnd rult.1 r., Kr.~ ki4ii. jaaaea tbe rii^.t ev-rj ho'ir, froni 7 \ M. t,;i 1" P M. Frafanh. ptrttcilsra inquire ,.t OILBKRT HOPK1N8 at Ravppawc-.Kf. 01 st No. ±1 Peck-sltp, N Y , I,,.. II A M mi P M_ FOR SALE.A bearuif-l Cour.try Rcsi- aaaaa, a.k baa Bataaaftaad wpII att«kpd witb a (iral v.iiiet> of i-hnice Knnl. al.Bile irepBBiidalinihhery, Mta- atid in the vilUaeof 8W>i Noiwalk, Cflflfl- wtthia et«hl u.inoti*' walk of Uie N Y and New-H»vrn Railr.«d Depot ri.ni.l.r* aad mIhmiIb alao ir. the vicinity. Thia la a ra-e ..i.Kiue to any one d-airmr a (timrner retreal Pnce, b_OIR K ,r partiiulara. Innuim of A ARCHK.R. B«ok of the tOate of New-York. Wa'iat. or.f D K N ASH, on th* prem*B.. f^OR 8ALE1 on veiy easy tenns, 60 JL Building LoU near Pultoi;i-av. and tbe Jjunt Utaal Ratlrtad. Broeklya. The l_u.t hea in BB lmpnuiiigm-i-h- borhocd and iaiurronnded hy b_.ldingt Auply to J. PE- CARE. No. l->lie»ter-st. _ J^OR SALE or to LET.A Hoaaae an.l and Lot srtnated on the south rde cf 'Mi rt., a little wett of blh-av. Ihe Hocse is new, thiee atonea. bntk. well hrirhi-d. with BBM_MM and counter cellar; with all the m' da»B tttifrovenienta; e-lrpt n_ tlally built and a_D .d-bad _|4.igbtrnt Kor further particulas apply at the New-York Land (Itlire No. B_ bth-e* IM>R SALE or EXCHANOE for CITV PROPERTY.A faimi'f 16". acrrs of land. with gond ln j,io\riiiei,ia, atna'-d in W__ri__*_k CO.Btf State of Wt r fnrtlirr partniilara _*fB_ra ot SAMl'KL _K> Ni >LI>8, Bttb at Ibardoe.eaat) f mh av., between the bourtol 7bii<i 11'A M, and 5aud h IV M 1X)R SALE.Hrrooe and Lot No. 3fi3 8th-tt. Lot Bl l.y blaint H feet Houae -7 by 41, f.mr itoilri ai.d l.i,ilrr irllar ; Cioto.i watiir Ibroiubnit; drain ln tn *aid loaawei la tha ttaaac. Tka linuae i* new, aud rri.Ual atHP. and will le- -Id for fn.Vm. Pof fnrtbe' par- tiuilart. apply to E IL BL0WN, No. 71 Wall-al, from 1 to_r.-_ l^OR SALE.A tt-w a___I Coitagea, oa J_ Lot*-i by l'r7 fi-rt, near the raiiroad and alage routea, Brooklyn. alx-ut 3J n.iha from the ferry. Tke houae* are new, have frur ruomt and cellar. aud irtr.lrn in fn.nt Pr:ra ft.w«. Temn \eryea*y. Apply U. JACuB PECARE. N* 1. Baater tt, FOR SALE- Onr of tba -.atand baad- B'tiirat l B-Bbl Si ata ever yet oHeipd, and :a but a a'lort d_t__raftr_a iba Cftj HalL Hall-.t tbesnm can remainon bond tnri BwWI_a_a, tt n-j::rr d. Addreaa O. H'., thia otlics. FC>R SALE. n RARl.AIN.-A Farm BoalB.ib ^ Bl ».ir« ..t ehoiea .ad, tool h-niing*, exiel- Iti.tuateB, a laiielyol fiuit. atlnated on eaat at.i- .,| i- ') ii- ir- to in New-Y.iik. tnd i'i mintfi. 44n'k ln in tli lindai n River llailn HerHil Bt New-Hau. 1,'iigh. A d-Mrnhlr- bn «t on aud can be bought Inw. Kor ... ...:-..ii-.p ,ir ntiiil Mil.l.s,'. »ltp, N.Y. 1^*1 iR SALE on rr*tisonal)Ir; terms, a few I I. -, t Hill, Yorkville. In.iuir*of n Hl M, No -Tiy.i. lL.w. 1/oi: sale in ASTORIA, LONG ISLAND- A tatek Hooae. witl-1 -.!.'»., atir.es :,b. v»;ib cellar under thr whole. T.0baflBBOBBP tul t II' toonia I" cloacta and paiitiiea. parloir a .load. tfld ili g; dooia, pia/.'a fr-mt arnl rp»r. with I iourd. tl.'SO may remain m l».nd and mortgage for a tiitu (.1 Jiar*. oi w'.ll Le Ul until tbe Utof M»f next, foi il. ai iii ol B-TO. Por fuith, pAiticuiar. apply to T NKTT, No 4 Noitl. Met, WUIaa.tanjh, or to I'.rNMTI A DJUJC, Aal.iria. near HuilOale Kerry. I^OR SALE, at Newtown, L.m^-Island, a llotiae. Barn and t'aniaae llo.ein g.-- rp|iair. with tn m fi4e ti t.-r. a- MM ol Lai d. lf _M_rt ti. all ln g-a^l frncp. foar., I't-ar. ai.d 4 bt rry tr<<*, (l.-apr*. C'lir.aiit*, -c SM the preini*PA all ln graid br-anug ord.-r; atnl a a_I m water na_ tba door. A giaid plank road Ii_* bt'-n con.tnicted frurn \\ illiaojl'irrji to Ncwtown, mIRbM. rNrrvln.unn the riay. Kor particulara lnotiire of JA.MKS li.VILEY ea 88 N illLI.KK. No. j Ti)ou-Row._ FOR SALE in FLATBUSH, four Rnd a half mtle* fiom Puiton Kerry, TWO _ ,, tnti | LOTO of LANOon Clarkaon av., each 1S0 tl. front aod re_r.»nd _S0 ft dppp. containing together about two acrea Ona of Lota ha* been laid out, preparatory to bulldmg. with " ir maradamised walka and ptautea witb l.*s* to _*X> ah__e __* rruit Tre**, cc.inpnalug pracht-a, appica, peara, cberriaa, Aa, and al*ob**a !_-ge a-.raw berry hed. raspbeme*. c_rr*nta,_aj a new well and purup, new croaa-fenCMOO each aid* Tho pther i* ap-Sed d- w n with Clover. Tha brauty of Plaibaah, iu ease of aceeaa, (rraget rraaatng to tt from jltor Kerry ten or t_ore time* daily,) render this de- tlrBblp propprty to any onp do'.ng buaineaa ln tbe eiiy and . iahing to rr; > t.'ie _M.hl of the country. Trlce $_-i*. OBe-half caah, and one-half hocd and mortgage if de-tred. Apply ta E.M.l.KBERT LOIT. Aucti. r.eer, rultoo-et, Oreoklyr, or to ANTHONY L-ANE, No 33 Wa_-at.,N. Y. FK>R SAI.E..A lot on tho nnrth .. l.etw*rn U and Sd-ava, 25 feet wide by 1»- feet !> taeka8 ta eVpt! lt ia Iccated in a good neigbboru.'vd aud will be a Id for much leaa than any lot in th* a-mr ApplytoU T. MACKAR1.AN, Ageat No.57 3d av, trom « t):*9 A.M ,and5le7 P.M. FDRNISHED HOUSE to LET.-A fint-claaa llouae fuliy ti.i..»hed wilh roa.li li..n*e, ata- ble. bath l.ouao on thr al.ora. and other cocveniPt antly aituated at Cliftoi. wilh.n fiie _____*/aalboi tba Per.', with a aph the Bav, city of N'pw-Y'ork atd l'.iuokiyn. will be reoled tn acaref'ul family il applird fcrao.. ALYASPEAK _ >ON. No tsi Wall-st. OUSE aa- LOT for SALE, Na MS II Utn-st., betweea Avennea A and B. four atonea 25 by 4* tpet. Lot !. feet 3 ti.ehea deep Bt.noo caa remaia oa bond and n:. rtgage. Alao, Hoaue and Lot, No :_») /Tth-e.t_ %.. -o ean remain on bond and nurtgige. Iaqulreot* N. MILLER, between l"th ar.d llth-av*. 4 Stonea, 19. by 43 feet ean remain on bond and nortgage. Ii No 3 Tryoa-row. from ln lo U A. M. HOUSE ar.d LOT for SALE.No. 50 8oatb-T_ird-et. Williamabcrgh. The boos* 1* aew aud weil built, marbie mantlra. I_q_ire of N MILLER, No S Tryoa-row, from 10 to 12 o'clock A. M. MOUNT PA1NE FARM, Westchestcr ly. New-Yoik, fur aale in half aere l»'a fretn $75 to $100 the lot, Lot-oa-m-r* wiil v_.t Uie Karm t.>- 4, Suuday) l\ ihe Hai.nu car», at I A. M tr*m tba Park. tn the aeare. ata'.i. a, Bro_4 , ,._ne_ hy O \_l-E.Ag4rut I'fh.a. ornrr it Boerery aid REAL E-.TATE..The anderaigncd, BVcretary of BBvenJ But _lag A-_ciat___ or.awtiag uf aeveral ibouaand meuilera, u daily applied to tlnaa wbo ara aVdroua ofpnrcb.ung Real K itata. II i haa iBatatae uaBBad B Reguter, ta which he w_l enter a full draenpctoa oftmck f t~rn J M ¦*.» ao odared lo* aale. aad peraon* __*.as of M-flB]BMcaabarotbarwi. w_i h_d it totieir adraa.aeby ie*4.t i a deecrlplivn of tlp_r property with hira. Pe..na drairva* cf pnrekitatng a.y aart taaerta*!*. by «_«-_ .a R*4t^*r. J I'rtAXK -r s ,. _. TO BUILDING SOC1ETIES and AS- ATUiVS.Pei.aa propoaing to build teveral b-asea Ugctt.r. toaavea part «t the t-4.t aad tn*^ure lmprove- nie: t ln taaBMahharbsr., w..l l',r_i a f,v_r___ ____._>. ia tbe L-ta la Jer-y t ,ty. only taar biocha ar-_T_i __tv. wbrrb preaent the ladarn «nu of siDck aad chtaa ___¦ lo ihe Urt part it Cecity low a.eara. e-. t_r_w. ___». B*_a.e Ihle. raaa- apprr. i_t_a la valwe. Otea* are ia pro- .e*» te iatrods. pa* atad water. Tor* ia I._ daakg tbat tKaEiia la.imed. tbe C.ktr.tri Atlartic .'«*.era wUI ka4 c tbeu *. ka and -rwot* ia ta* '.--*-*_*» tk iait». Call a-d«el* mapaadoake f-rtaerisqalnaaot C J SMITH No & M_d-ai*_a a: of 11 M.-OMR, StaaSea-*-. __i Baaaxtrtf IN OTK'E..Any pafaoa rnVtimg a Trart . of Ltv.d, attuaird tra m'.trt or tea Nor. cr ».e»: Ri'- r uim ir. Rali .l. ..'-'" * '. >. late. rarr 01*40** . tl.e **m« ht applying, *_r.rr pataaaary orby lefer, to JOHN A FLatSM. a_, betw een 7th aad rth ava_ \TALUABLE COUNTRY R-iSI- Jf pEI-t th* r>'k'< .1 tl Ikt* K:- wt.ci»'rrb.dei-.*wd.in t'.t t.-wn of t Co, N V 'wohru- rr ta 1 he f»m: e. . wtll w*'*:rct. Ar BB_ l'J«atg hard* of('. 1! t:. kuet together < itb * _rge hnc. f / yrirt" irowtlu two ftnei,t koiuee, bann. ou.io_*_ ke . wii'j aaw ui.. a-.i Billa for gj feet 1 ' t d id.d by po*t rowia. a: Baakt Bttatatl I 1 .'-'.'T, Bt tk. tt >e **.". T.llt* i' ditrntab. Ir. Fl'f. H. E*q. or of Met i Nr* |7 land 176 P-arlat.orM.aaT. II All H B YAlK. No. TS t fd.r-*t, VALUALLE FARM PORSALE..Fot B Balr. tn rtrrlleU Parrn ;n Nrw-ler-e*. <.-,- UBwOr.>, BI Ori tthuh trr ui two Imort of N'rw-^otk, 1 of . rrilefrim tie Kryoort .d Prrrh. Id P)ank R"td. ard I] mle frtm tbe s t *ill»geof Jklicd,. wa P ial Tbtre its eommnd.asdwel- Baa "i d the caitl uiWirn arr rtt.nttvr ard of the ta-.r rnpme. A it g* BBBb.BI o- choic* fruit '- piantrd d.r.ny th* l**t two yeara T. toll it a BBtJ Bjelta l.rt'y - ofW fir*: *r4 Ottt. Kvery pArt of ile i [ e-ty la wr.l »tterrJ ; »nd for * ttock farm can be aaaa.ra by frw in th* eeantry F..r furtrrr partin.rs in¬ quire of LKONARI. APPLEB-E, Ea" 9t V a irisp of thr prr porty n:*y he re*. It :t i i rafkaltat. a* wrll aa F*r_»r, aa tiie rent wi_ y-r".d gr- - .".' v FARM AGENl V. N ..:¦¦'» Wa- -'. .100 F.nrittrd .outtrv wtteforoelr. Pt rwrt* of t_t,*a*.*t ext_.ii.gtd. No e_uie Bnleata ».r l.et'e.trd._K K M'.Ll-i'. Bctioolt. AS. V1LLEPLA1T. Prufess.r of tha eFrench Langiiag» -Inaruetiou st bi* pup*'** r"4*]- deiioeorat hiaowa, No. 22 i*t_-**~ two door* weat of Broad¬ way _ A1K >ME in the COl'NTRV for P.« >Y_ Witi.m lh o.ilet of Hmtbtt, with *n late lligent, |a* diciooa, f-rx>. ai.d r.ifab;* fxthei of a fanrtly andaklndand cairtul moilier. wh.ie r. natant attenu n will be paid to the moral blS i«h\u.altiain.rig.,t only foar boyt utder tea yrare of age. The adtautagea of g<«. go\rrnmrnt. a propor diet, rrtoi.rc. a for exirute and an.ueement, tlie c_ii.aiii.ii.hip aml i\n.|athy of taperiora hotne yBiaeOoo aod tsaaii.ta l-BBkjtrlt rf grnetal inUrretaid i.ift.rmtuori. aadoll.cr. ir:uni»:»nc«t wliuli c.nnot b* dewnbed m nn **> rat_e_*Bt. _r ott.redto the p*.-rttorgn*rditn. Ihr boy* ail i.c.1 Le >lf in the rare or company nt ¦ hireli | nt anv ti.e. A iiatuial f< i dt,.-** ka children. and iriea* ai lat ad- BBBBBOtBSf aaaaa eduia'im. h*\e h.'lirr'u imtv eVuca'r n.y own l«jyt: tad not l*-inf ei.firelj d \eitini % I tn art.ird to takeo'! tr«4»',[h B> prr Wrrk. wilh ri<> exira chargc*, rxc-pt for phy.iciaii'* |- ., .,¦,.... .-rn. ltlt.'.l>-c:,-d tl.At a lad will rni niu «. \ tni'i.tha.l.i.t I i- tl -ly agree ti, u akI t make a maii of a l*>y even ka daaUa .*tI ttraa Pirliniiiarv ia.ii.irr* m*y be addreaaed W. L., Box J40 P4>at Harlfoid. t'.iin. [a>8S__. SEMINARY.L. L.YON, X_4 AM, K. LYON, M.D. aud Mra M.C. LYO«, Prtncl. ptit. Complcteneatof b<.-ding irrangemrnta, kind andef. _r>cnt tu-.tion ar.d a healthy loratioo corubine to reoder thi* Inatitution * deairable rew>rt for thrwe *eeking a thorough and *ccr,rr.pli*hrd educaticm. Pupilt rrcrived at any time. Ita locaJion i* on the beautiful marrin of the Connecti. ut River, aear the wat'Oard. and it .aty of uccrm by th* New-York and Hartford daily ttramooata Ki.r h-'alth and ri^r.-ation, the teacher* ai.d pupila are fuinithed with elr«_it cairriaga* atd *a.lk-bont., wrll tnuned t'.,r y.nini ladi.f uar. Cueo- la.-* can behadofWM. H I.YDNk f<>. No I IVy at_ ot by kddr__Bg tbe Principa.s, at K»aex.-K**ex, Coru., Aprll L 18.-._ EXCELSIOR..Parenta wishins; to fiiul i. lt.»tltunon in whirh gtod order It maintained hy rrsl kirdne*. ar.d rapld linprovement. tecired hy thorongh Icttrtirtion. will he p'raaed ai.d aerved at tlio CVmiuer..;- and Cl***icaJ Schocl, No T3 H-nry-a SULOMON JF.NNKR.Pin.ipal. T\|ATHEMATiCAL academy, n... J.T I P.i.iadwtiy, Room No 47. near the Irving Houae Prof. RYAN co.itu uf.to five _*_n etioat in every bcaot. of Mallienial.rt, w ith th.-ir spphcation to Mechainc*, Aatron- emy, N .vigatloe, Pnginfrinf. .tad k.rreyiat, xn.i the va- noni Mechai.ical A.t*. Hour* from 8 to 11 o'clock A. M., and 2 to A and to '.» o'clock P. M. RAYMOND (X)U-bOIAT£ INSTI- Tt'TK. W'einvite the attention nf ntri-n'tand guard- iaiiB to thia floiiriahing arhoo! for vmina Lad.e*. It ia aituated cear the vi ry B**0_ttl Mll»ge of Caimrl, Putnacn Co'inty, Nrw-Yoik. within a f.w ro_I c-f a bntiniful lake, and eom- n.ai.ding a a.at deMgbtfui pnapect of the viliage »..J ¦<ir- rouiidii g acenerv. Tlifltiiiilding l* new, plannrd »nd tini.hed io * prtfrct B li arJU tt.OB.BB.wkl |f* pupilt. The lilttary depai'i.irut it under the clmrge of Rev ROP.FKT (i. vVILLIAMB, »>.nt"d hy three iBBBait tearlii ra. Thr boaiclert will he ui.cler tht kiud care of Mr*. WANWARINO, and thr health. mora'itmi BOlBtramtMttaf tlu pt/pilt will reenve the Bltlll.Bo attention o. all th* ., ¦ BBftl.I *dvar'».rt are otfered in the iiniaical tud iirn.iiii ntal lirpurttiirnt. Kr. rc !i aud Spai.i.h will be taugbt at k.n.Lniin, ..rr. k nrd llehrrw aa, laacica. ( l.rolart will br aei.t on appllcal.on, oi may be obtaiued kt M. W. DOD'S Book Store. The BB_a.at Baaafc. eo_.btomM on the l»t Th'irtday of Mav, bat B.kolart W DI he rr. iived tubarqueBtly. 1'rrn.a $H.iper tet*ion of twi'iity-oue week*. mcl'iding tai- tion. I«r*rd. luhtt andev. rything hut ahe utnal extrt. Mnaic- P'ai.o.B.'11 i-' Drawii'gand Painung.f!» 00 ..- I Ir.'it.n-ent.I Bt Any oi the _iaiguagea, MutT-Ouitar. 10 (X. eaih. I1"-! l'*e of Inttrrmrnt. 2 60 Oii Painting. lott) Voral Muaie to all the tchoo1, free ol harye._ SCHOOL f'-.r ORPHAN P.OYS. K.nt, C"iin..N'.i.i.I-t Ii.i I"! t." |l ' None r-c-ived ov*r ten \caia of age. Kor further ptrti-ular*. referente* and t'l.i.*, -ii!.... tl.e l'liii.ipal, A_HBKL KL'LLKR, Kent, i_ I^ARRVTOWN [NSTITUTE, T_iry- town. tt. Y In thu Inttltution young Oentleman ara Ibcrjughly inti.uct, .1 in *ll U* bra.icnea r nultite foreoni- mercijl pt::r.::tt tt e.itcnng Coilege. t'i.TjlAr»c-ir.i_r lag r*Arreaeee, tern.a, ke.. tan I* ibttioed At C. Kheptrd A Co.'* B... k_ara, Ka 1.1 Paktea-**. ot K. H. Wil^a, No. ZO B.-c^dway, New-York, or by . '...»,..,, A. N_iV MAN, Prlnelpel. Piono-*fortfS. FIRST PPiEMlLM in 1841, '4i and '44._Th* (plrrilid H octave Ii -tnitnent* of the *ub- ar.'.er, are dow ri.cuing tiie a.iinlraiioii jl the tir»f profeuor* _ d niuaicai feuili *t ln tJM city. Tuey pottem ail t.ie power and exquiaite harmony of the grni d Piann, and trr ad balf tiie price, togeiher with other P_oo* of 1 and' t oeuve*, at thr lowrtt B.BBB.tai.kf pncea. CHAiil U .1 Hi.iLDKR, No. IM Spr^r* tt G~6cH. BARMOREoflpratthciTMaa- fu u'actoivand W ar. roorh, No Ml B*BBt.arat eorner of Cr-r-e-tt.. in MO-t-ttaiaf tteftV-t PIANO-I wuh the Dietallic f ame and reveite bri.l^e and all oiiier Bi4.en. lmprovi io.-ntt. H1RED P1ANO-FORTES.NO BtOBB RaBIHO -Taa c.n hnv a P.ano.K.ite, of ai.y make you plratr. and pay amall mootbly inot Oo and gi t * Pic-'pectu* ol tht .--.¦ o:..I 1'ian .-K'-rte Awo eiation. to br had grati. at tlie t..tk . Ixiokatore. of A«i.1.4-r, St,. rp,a,ii i. Cu No .' A*tOt llollar. A. H. Jtli'Kl.i N. TrrB.ru*r. MESSRS. LItiHTE ,V NENYTON, in eon*r.iuerice of thr Im n-dwil tea_B., ai.d ourivalett BoaaktrBy ol tl.. r PLANO-POBT-B, h. - .. ,i,d i.t.iimI * Waiernom in Briy.iway. I'lvkrrpa ch"i4'e teirctlon of 0'ir Pia io-Fi :\ telavo. ln R.iaewiaid caaea, with t..«lateat tat] « W'e ahai1 *1*l> contmue to krrpatull BawBtta rnenf. at our Manufactory and \k ai> r..-nn. No 22 l'ti.al-*t. All 1'iai.o-Foriee ol our mana- .rture arr warranttd tn rv. -y re.pert. Profeteor*. ama- tetir* and m, M wk Bt.ii [air paxentting. are r> f IriMtrd to c*H ai.d rxaiT n.r. Ail ordcrt truru ihe ciiy .' Bouitry punctually cxreutrd. ILBERTfl PATENT BOUI OIR PI- G ] ANO FORTKS .CnequaJled for eompeclaieaa, power, br..Hal BB, and beeuty, bave for the poat ka yrara beea _.roughly trtt.-d iu e^ery parl of thit broad Rrpublic, froo* Maine to Califbmia A eplrudid (tock now on hand, 6| a_1 7 octave*, van iog iu pnce from |Osi u. $4**). K- -ry inatra* ment i* w_-rauted to r.ve perfect t.tiafactioo. Piaoo* tolet, tuced and rrpaired. WttataaOBB No sa Broadway, corner of Antbtuy-at tad oppcante Rroadway Tneater. _HURACE WATHBUt-e \s*nt TALIAN VIOL1N 8TRINGS..Ju*. ircrivrd ¦ frr*h wjpply f .pe.'.or I'aiian \ ioiln Stnnga, _f aaie m i>iei.titie« to t'Ut purrhajeert, on llie tne*'. rraaoaa- t.le trin,., by OEIB A JA-B-Okt, No. 4JS Broadway, ot* ioor abrve the Art C__o OROA N S, CHURCH ORC.ANS.. Tbe anbaenber offrra for aal* tb* fcllow-ing O.-yw.i at tw4_.d pnce* and oa bberal term* Un* eigbt-etope Oo_dt g_a, c-e _x-*_oa do.; ooe five do. Alao oae teooad haal ('.-»a. ¦: -.- ¦..--. ...._'... h._,d, B.at-4 ar aearly so, from tuer to twelve (toee, with pedajg C.C C. W M. H. DAVIB, Na67 t_-Ooa«__k P1ANOFORTE8 A large aaaortment ct I'anoa from tbe cr-hrated ho_a of Haliet, Davt* A Co.. Bottut., toth wuh aod withcutCoiemaa'a.HiHiaa Attacb- mrr.t. trav f-e iuurd ut tbe wareiocnie of LINCuLN a THO.F>ON, No 441 Bruauway. Al*o, piaoo* from c_.r eel*btatrd trairia A latte aaeortn.-t of eeeood-hand Pi- anoa b-r aaie caeap.r caah New aud u cond-hand i_.ra- __DtatoUt. LINCULN A THO-P_ON, No. 441 Broadway. J" _C CT K1S( HER, (lare Nunna 6t e Pi*c_tr,) bm-uftrtory aad wareroc.t, No. 17" (Jreea* ¦yica-et. eoraer of Dey-eL P__>Portea, warraatt-d, with leiaras brdf* tnd katent tooe, w*U eaka-leai Ar keeplai ror* P.eo-Poi.etarrd, irpalTBd aa4 aaH_a|.L N B -A_o_-_»B rnar_-Port** bx *al* EW and SECOND-HAND PIANO* PURTKS. .W'e have now oa hand a lara* mbiiIiiibal ef r. w ai. uttomi Land I*__a _* aaie and to hire. Pia*<a fratB to B-O. Por hire fro*BBdtj|!1 per moeth. Nc Mt Brr*daay, NowYorA BAPPOBD a BRUTiIKB. P1ANO FORTES..The fineat Bisort- a>eiit ef P.oo-Pert**ia thaotty may be _aad at tha aroru-* w_*rootj_of N. P. B Cl'RTIS A CO, 447 Broad. wa*, coa.tting of te*o Hewt'a c.labtafed Araericaa Patrat Aruoa Planoa, T. Gubtrt A Ca.'t top-tr _loc__ tmao (i\\. brrt't ai d et-rr*- Bo-totr Aao. a aartety of aew aad *ec- e_i nxai Paao* U *a>* aad to let. Na 447 Broadway PI A NO- FORTES. - H\Z ELTON ic BROl'HEB-* -A baa msmbIbbOBbj _. v-p^bbbm* od Maalral D*pirtn.pn_ bit p-epir-1 the .".¦>*¦ warrant _H_f P'ano* tt ev-ry -sfort HA_E',T' W .* PBi tP< ratreat, ee»r Oraid_ PLANOfi fM sBie *-» to Hire, at No. I Ferrlay-.. 0'it dwor to th* AjAji Hoae*. rrn- il to 1 .tavne. la r .rw,- ,' ar.d Bl \ « aaa* *._.-.. **" jAS THOMfSON. tato Talimaa a__a_Aaa p. ]_tA] RISON li»* removed hia e Mao-.'a. rtrr er_ Wir'rooois from No. ¦ Caaa -neramay befoanl a Kortes l- PIANO-FORTES ro LET or FoR | *) MI--.E«M_ rna ItataBBB .' ' a Plano- r -. md pob M 0! MPPAY. No , ... , .. f_ v. arvd *4 per aaootr-- Piano-lpr'p* hoext-i. *r,M. rnn«d anl to '-t flt_d)inrr_, *C?c. I^oR SALE.Two Proiwller Oni.lvn- .. -v-. ea. of fl tnrli rv!:i:dpr, tech ttroke; will a p. at P y A.- k M l R P H l >. No. 27 Corlears tt, i herry tt- Kultnn rottr.dry Ottice. PR( >TE< Ti >R GA_ M E PERS- LAl I >- r_ei t 1'-, -e.--.-r <;,« M.- nady tor rvamtiaiion - 8 tea Pateut -. .4:h-*t ,.p-' STEAM ENG1NE and" BOLLER for SALE-Enartn* |0_>r** tvwnr, o_»* by Wtn. B_.-* Botler. loeim»tlv_ 15-bone ar-wat. all n B-.rteet orderj aaa MeeeneiNo _S .iton-*t Alarx *3 Kotina. _-_>,**eowwr TOPLl' NIiERS. H A V1>EN £ 8 VN- DEM Mar.ii.rturers. offer ftwBala at No i'.i Pearl- a fulla__rtmcnt of Bra*a Kaicta, Hoae Hpe*. II._i dbtk*. Ac, a-i'abl* for Plun.hem' o*e, ar.d MtaJBOM to atand Iroton pree.re, AUo, a lari e vv-ety ol Sti-Arn Cocka Ol) Cup*. ktV tor Locomotive* ai.d Stationary Eagi-** TT'ILIMOTS PATENT CEREOMR- f ? 1_B, or ORAIN W HOHKR.-Tiita .- tha ~o*t , roosa-d aaefil 1'w.l wetih grein. discharge iMalf, a-id regutr-r it* own 4,, ik M'llcr*. gratn deatera and botneaam-n are invtted to Mrativ.loraRwdaya (attB.iaa,)Mtaa BfaaR. Ijnl'itjM P' ¦¦¦y. lir.a-kNn. RuliU t t aale. aTntlcrri, -Jurbrourc, $rt. CUT NAILS..An d-ssortment ot Boon- toa Cat Nai't eooatantly on hand tnd fbr bbJi hy DI'DLKY B Kl'LLER A CO, No. iJnOreanwich-irt, oor _edar4*. FAIR BA NKS SCALES-REDCCED ln PIlIl'K.- T! rap BBBBB..d B.BM are nnw inanntaa tured aith such incrraaed facilu.ea, hy improvementa ln ma- ebtnery, Aa, thal they are now olfered at gr-aily reduied ortce* and tn.proved ut iiuality. ^ KAIRBANKS A Co Nn 89 W.te: at G'UNS, RIFLES, PISTOLS, CUT- ri.KRY, PLATED WARR, JEWELRV aad 7AB- CY 4*00-8. PRANCI8 nlMES k dON«, Ifo. 4 Malden-lane tnvite the attertlon of Boyen to tha_ aztenave aaanrtment of ihe aho-re t;.L\)t, whlah t.ay jSc: fr.: aale aheap, for caah or aparoved er«dlt A aonaiant sopply of i < 'LT'"* PIHTOLS, of all iivti GRATES ar.il KENDERS..H. KEL- _XT_I Orata and Kendet Manufactory, No. it* BriKime *t, three rii»>n we«t of Ihe Bowery, arij, inlng 1)1 OoaafBCbflgcR Buoiiersaiidotliei* who are abo.u . tnr. w.i.ldrlio well to csll. aah-siao:atidei'ttltal 1.BB| Ar BBftatJ aud cheaf nesa, are aruurpnw d. HARDWARE, CL'l'LERV, EDGE tOOLa, le.-CHAKLEB 8. LITTLE. Nwi.33 ANn34Pi,-Tii!4-STIorroi.iTe thk I'siriu Brarti Hotel. Nbw-YoP . IMPORTERANDaENERALriKAl.KRin E ia--*, j*. s__l and Aflaartaaa Hardware, Cutlery, Vimt Taual. A*.. r* tpectfully tnvitet the attention of Gafl-tn Mereh'.n'i Mechanic* and othera, maklog tlipir Sprini and Scmroer pir thaaea, to hia very extenxive a.oitment, eompilsir* ever; thlug tn thn line, and to which new acd r»ntt_ut B-, | beirg added ; all of whicb are off.iied at Ihe lowe*i prfyee. fr Basb ur approved M.itt Cut aud Wrougbt Nails, Loeks, Lat«he*. Knlve* and Koika Pen and Pneket Knivaa. R-tors, Bciasorsand aheara. In great vnriety. Bhovels, Spadea, IIwm. fo'ta, ¦tytbea and Hualh*, Bl*** Cooper't Toola In great varlety, of the moat aelebtalM Mannfacturera, Albertaon, Corger, If-.-toe, Bt-tta a*f othera. House and Shlo Carrx-ntot's Toois, Bl__mlth t T-a-R Houae and 8liip-Buiuier'a Hardware. Iron, Bnua, Cocper, Steel and Load Wtra Amei'a Pump Aiigera and Rlmmera. HB. RICHARDS, No, 37 John-at., e eecond do«r beiow Naaaattat., (rereatly of Na XI Matdenlane.) keepa on hand a genrral aaaortraent of Hard¬ ware and Cutlery of aJmoat every deacriptton, Mechanioo' Toola, Builder*'Oooda, llousekeeptng articlea, Ao. Peraoat wishing to purchaae gooda in this line, at t. . loweat pricea are deaiird to call on Irm, at No H7.1 alin at, where they will flnd Bii articlea on thentoa reaaonahle terma, eitber by the .uanttty or by retail. H. B. RICHARDd, J7 Jobn-tt.N.T. PIO IRON..1U5 tuna Boonron No. 1 Pcundry Pig Iron ; .>' tuna Boonton No. 2, do. do.; I.W do. No. 1 MctVa ar.d Wlt-.e do SO tum Dover No. I (Jlier Boel da Por rale by DI'DLKY B. Kl'LLER V CO., No. 159 Oreeowtch-jt., eorner Cedar. PON-VS-!MPROVEir__0____ ELE- VATl DOVRN COOKIHO RANOE.Theelir i'ii n ot tlie o4tn Bbovi the tire render* tln* the mo*t perfect n tn le found iti this tnarkrt. We bave live a_taller at.t'1 lur Board.1 basats and private familles. 8HANNON MMBAI.L, No. 245 Water-t- ST E W A R T' S 1>LANTAUENET t.i \nn RA/.ORS -The tnhtcribera contintie to re- . celphratod lt.aar. Kor aale al t only by PRANCISTOMES A SON9. No. b' Maid- en-'arp, Bok ajenta fur C Stewart A Co., Charint-crnaa, L a_ u. Alao, Ibe telebrated Army Ra/or, au eolirely new _.8 '. SUMMER STOVES and HOUSE- KP.EPINO H \RHV\ AHE.WILLIAM CLARKK, No. 9 ('aiinine-*t. (four door* aliove Bienrkar.) No .14': thav- (three door* above tatb-flt) No 1^1 t:rh av t'our door* aboVB 14th at ) Dealer fu wariant«d Looking and ataaflaaM t.MBhf Pur- I'uware. Alao, general Hardware, Cu'lnry, and - N. B.. All Stoves are wairantedu repreaeBitd, or the money relurned TABLE CUTLERY.Th« SOUTH RI\KR CITLERY CO have establlslied a Dopol at No. II Jobn-ai, "p itnirt, where a complitte aevirtmant of Bnperior Table t'ut.ery, llutcher, Cook and Sboe Ka may be l-.ui d, to which they would invite the atteutlon of the Uade and large buy era. P. W. OALLAI.'DET, Agent PUMP rHAlN..The suliscnbr-rM are manofii' tnring Pump Chain of sunerior quality, whi. they onYr lo _r- irA<le in lota, on f_voral-le terma HOLDAlfl i CO, No.91 Washlngton-at. /nrnitnre, Ut. BKliS, Coal aad Luxnriunt.Pataam*o Sp: n degiee ot elaiticitv.ciraalattag the atr m r BB and Ma-Bf. PLTNVMk ¦IRIPBOR, Na 8. Bio-uli- CHARLES FFLLER, Dealrr in Jen- elnia' ni:w Patent Premiam Hafpty Oaa Lampa. Alao, Camphpue. Spi.-n Oaa, Otl and I.rd I.mpa, Hall and uthar Lantein*, fiirar.ii. la*. Cliaudeltera. Ra, uf the moat appm.ed Kt'.i mi, C'vtli ry and Kanry Oruament*. Al*o. Campbene. .int Oua, Phoigene Oa*. Oil, Wicka, Olaaaes, ke. No. .8 47>reeLwlcii-at., between YVarren and O.am.re-tta., N. Y. C^AB H XTl RT_S, Chandeliera, Pen.l- JT anta. r!,acki-t», Ac nf the leiebrat-d I'omeri.ia inaae, t'andelabiaa. l.u u.dolr*. Baia* LbbbBb, Slierlield MiU-er Pi»- a. Baski-ta Tra- - 1'iai. .1 ob Aibara. Table Korka. *si d' ren ftpooaa, 03 M RV ^ ul bear en.B4i..g A. MOR- AN. No. 1- %4 ill.a_.ai. betweea Kultou aud Ann-aH, oppo*ite tb* l hiurcb. GIRANDOLESi; SOLAR LA>ir.S, Laa_r.a, Car.delabraa Bracki-ta, B*ang_et Hold- e/a, Kluid I.ampa. tbe lergeat aud beat taturtr.d stoek M thia City. for aale at leaa ti.to maruts. t'lrera* pricrs. i I KKILLY, No liiCanaiat, cor. Latghtat LOOKING QLASSE8, PORTRA1T and PICTl RK KRAMES, of everv deecrlprioa. on haod a-d ma_e to order. al lew pnee*. W N. JOflQfBOM, No. .4 Broadway, (Co.-uore Hooae, and -M Bowery. RK il PAPER HANGINOfl of tho lateat itylea and moat deairable Bat'erna, In Velvet aad Oold. Sattn aud Oold. aad plain Saun, of oor own trnportap tloaa, at the very loweat pric-a, for caah alao, a full aaaortr aent of American Papeia aad Borden. Pire-B-_rd PrinML _*_ at whotaaale aaa retail. CHILD8 A SMITH, No. 449 Pearl ., eor. of Wiliiaau N. B. None but competaal workmea aeat frota ttilt tettk UshmenL 4^PRlN(r MATTRESSE8, from $5 to b_7 |J. Iroo Bedateada, Iron Pumiture for Cottagea and eo«ir.try teata, botela, Ac Paucy and Ootluc Receptiofl Chaira. kc, lor worked covera, Looagea aud Coucbea, at No. 5A3 lSrca.1 way. above Spnug-at, weat aide, the ch.peet p_M1 tn the city. Aii kiuda ot t_r_;;_ra aealiy repaired, varn- __e_, Ac SHOW CASr_3-^HOW~CAS___.--_i large aaaortr.at e___ntly oa har.d; alao, Casa* of ...¦.".. . u.adi .. adarta ba BaaBaM a-4.- \r,s %t atajbortett noaco ijB.L PEEBUCB, Ma UM 4_T4__-, BL T_ three door* eaat of Broadway. SOFA BK-)STEADS.-T_ooe who ara ta waat of a 8ofa B*<.rad, aad deetra to have the beat _._..'_-tured ic the eoontry. wiil call M tb* atorea of tha ¦-DBfa-o-r, W. 8. Hl MPHRKYS. Noa 1- and lii C_aU__-44., aad *xan.ine Nt»Sh«m'» Patent, which u aa> kaowledgedbyall wbo _iveaaaneraaed t_nn, tobethab.I avar ln4enurd. It caa ba opeaed ta Sve tacooda, and wbaa aioaed eaaaot be detected a- being a Sota B.*_¦«_. Alao. aa aatoaMva bbbbs.aat of *_r__-ra, Boda, MMtraaaaa, Aa, ka Wanlaaala aad raaaR. fTlisceilantoM. LUM. SODA ASH and UltrRmRrina Bla* oa band, aad f-.r aaU by JAB T DERR1CR8UN b CO. Ha l«f_.aa- A SPINWAIX a:.i I'ANVMA jjj CO-TPAM , *.B* ttByfk*J«a*__*jjr* aB.IBOOtlOt..I U* HiM-r*. A. *a. ',. r*' aad wl'.l kerpC4.iaatw.tly oo har.d . g »*i taaaiy ''f t..a_>?*' Ic* aad frrek * na p . ..¦...»¦ g_J?J Ut any pw.nl oa ino l*th__. ar. u.e Ckty of P*-lrn, ^** *.B*k- raioa '- . * jilIN ti I'vkOt.ANBACHl. 4^ B'l. f.ARI.IlTS t.'. ..B'e,; .v,.p . POWUKB. orenftt* _ti ,|-. ._..,._./ Lahor u. \>- *-. t I) uble Re.inrd S A L K K \ T4'3. * _-3 . aefaayBit. CUAkflC\(.T_S Pi'Wl BB, t r tsjid rvri o' *. a.1 a 4 Ctt*. »1_ CRFAM fARlAR, SODA BAL-BATlo, CAaTlS B'.'AP. 1.- ic H-ittf lc.e* tr* pu. ;p ta tbevaajt,!? tatOM. ON BtMk_t tr.iiurr. a. tftfetat t.w er t.wt-- rw k_B.ax a: a w-Kk tloM * rx_prwItijT: t_;-:*. for tale tu t,ua;.t.n». to ae'; part! w.i u w ,. -.4. _rrt«.Nrw V >rk BE.\ l MONI > PaTevF'-Tai; ¦ pni |..H_.in!IN N. «TOW.A Ch«m__ b-ZT 8.«p_l,'r NSON 9 i'" . I - " «-->tp-Kr t. y, v^# Frer-4-o Lttratd *! rirg..All of which a-r wv TtBtaJ ,, ern-r rt :«.".'".". .-" u miaaihr aasd H .¦»« *r4"^kx tatatMai w u 'Awirf BL A C K I N «..XVOTTEN & AN. M-.ARSc'.lrbt-ed P_l_ielphi* B.«.*]*_ wa.cn % Beived thr lateat pieiriun. et the tVr. wanaoir4 taaww, lo aay odiet io tua, fur *.. b> ll. gru** or leet **i__> aa eery U Bt.*..f Cutit. CtMattj u.. BwB.Bc*ata*W4_2 tt.I .ta c jrdara _ippiird u* «b.-vr. *r>d de'ner.-d o<, h. »Vi f e..fau. y_w r_ _-i KLoV.'DR". II A CO_ N_ 104 y .«, 1_TY TRADE..N..u i* tiietirnctoAd. vertir* IB the newxpare of Brubb..rtng _2aa ttg towm tor the trade of 'l.e ec__ryjBM kj t_,_. Bh*4a, are tn do ic with dia-r-.ininarton aod ctr.-BJitap*,-':^ * gaaj .v u .tfr.-rd hy \. 11 PAL.l_A. j_, Tertir.rg Ag»:icy. Trib-.n* Build-r-ga. kie. _ turri* and other* w_t._« advert.rir.eut* m*.-ted a i_, bett ar.d n:e*t widely circnlated .toornaii of r.ther or ita fiiliw-'.r.g B_Oat ithe ...hahiranta el which do ru_t of _,-.. fc-l.ugli: S- w Vo;k. v r bsrlBtd tu 4i!; ai V. H PA.B__* Advntuit A A_ r.cy. Tli.BBB Bulldli^a. w.i.-re lh* Ba.«, may be acvrt, pncea a*cenaierd, ar.d e.ery lal ' «_ _i.'.r* for _o adoption ol a judlctC.l gygtaai of ui > ¦ . .< h --.*. K>w*t.a, flaa H 4- ara, Ne« H«4.«, N.a Bn.*.*, N*w LtBwWw, I l.fW.w, - I IVe-B II |_r All comimiBtce'lor.* *ttendrd to prwr Tnhune Bu.l.liii*., Nrw.\ork OP" A S:*t of ..cher clli** k'td town* ln ra^n .-> aie. lawh'tA papen are pukiiahed, can be had hy thc.e wiahing tu tdvee B_ South or Weat, Faat or North, at tue Agnuy. C^HEloSKA MILLS.No. %U We* J «7th-«-DSpot No 1"J Berkman ti..Th* (utwtirllwa aro mw pr, pared b> ftirnMi frrth grouml Fh ur, Orar_r, Plour, wh.te and yellww C.-n k'-al. H"..nnt, Whrwag Ori., *nd Parlu* (l.aioaud Kerd ut all kuul* grra»«a arrier. Order* tem-d io *riy part of 'li" ct v !>.-*> «>f c»>nak Por aaie clieap. a ItVoiMOt ritoam Baaia* an. B.>i'-r, bt (.t> ple.erucningordrr isttrfBml k WII.U4. c Al TION.PATENT RESIN OlL- _/ Tapreve.it Impoaltlon and eeriout *cci4ln,t. w* wtai gv. < BO.CO that the ouly place whjre tho rral P .kBt Kbo* Ull can be bougt.t la New-York i* allhe Rr*ln Oii 0.._p_| ttore. No. 4U Broadway W'eaell itto oode.eit io th* city To pr*veol niiauke* w* keep n 4.thrr tJwMo I* frr* f>*a m.i'll, tinoke or exploaton, and coou but a half ."nt per ktay _t * ttrxdv, beautlfllL bt__tal llgl.t Bo.'t *H parltof tk* Dlty tire of .-xpente. Tub"« filted to nil, ard fiinn Itmnatw exL.ice tokan tLttotl. ItCBlM 01^. C.>MPASi; 11 PaRM£NI1CR, rttOaOt. Ageut. N.' H.' r iiadwat, t«A8H PAID f.r RAOS. CANVAl /B.MH.1NO, BAL.K ROI'K ( IrTTINGUrL O-antal Tarrrd It.i) e, Old Papere, and all other Paper Makart'at..L byCihl B W. rll.LU A CJ-. No.'.tl Beokinaa-a. CHEAP PATENT ROttEINt..Dnai oa rough plank for 4| cent* per foit,.tn-cr t!a or __¦ glee, 3* er nt*, »ud warranted by OOOD BV 1N, No i8S Spritg. t' eear Hudaoo. LDE8 and LEATHER.-Vio Rio (l-iii.-Ox Hidra, ala> P.1.I.H Kip«, *ole Leather to! hajnrr* aud hridle L> alher, bark Shrvp .Htina. A .. for *aI* bt MKI.MN A KNAPi', No 7ri.lol.fa MPORTANT tn LADIE.S..MR-Tm. FOI/KY reipectrully nll* tli* atU-iili.io of thoo ladie. having rich old Thi. ...1 _BBtj llnown a.i.l- at B.40 leaa, that ahr la prepared to Tran.f.r. Rrpn.r, or Alt-r lo tht nn at rrmlrrn ttyle and abape., and w.irrantod to i-.t. w_t and wrar e.pial to nrw. N > 519 Pearl *t. J 11. Pai.mkb. II -' Xo.Pai.hb_' Jll, PALMER iV SOlf, Urain, Storaso e aud C.BBB..BO MerchanU, dealn* la W h.-at, <'t, Oa'*. Klour, Pi.k. L.ird, Btt, at the Tu lawai.da Elerattr, II J whi. h iaa arr. en aid blower, fliat will out inn m [wiM tt grai ecreri.ecl, at tl.e lowcat tatea Toi.awai.da, N V. ordrr for fi.Kign ahipment. Al! klnda nf tvata .' " I LADIE.S TAUUHTwoCUT DRES..-8 by meaaurement in a few houra, *o aa to dt thmn.Ivtt or otliert perlectly Thoee who do aot wfth to Bkarta hal tetlre a rerf.-ct rit, can ohtaln It hv ralllngoo Mr* Mf I t.KB, No. IM Dtaol a. Ur.aneaand Mai.tillaa male tu the rtvet ___t_tw. aty le. All kind* of patte n* -r*ala HiETALLIC MARBLE MANTI.K.S.- lfl JOHN H KKV.SKR A Co, Hct Air fumaee aai BA.igo ManutS'.-tiirert have added to Uir.r buiin.'. .t Bitnuf.;.'.n- of Knamelled Iron Maut'-., tn ___._¦ tf dirh-rrnt ttv!.* of e.pentive m»rhlre, nf gr- nf b. suty _| slcgunc.i of ...L They ean be a.lii at a grcitly rta__| .rir-e, of s crrrapondiug atjla ot maibl*. *nJ nrrd only t* oe aeen to be apprriiated. CtlaBMOtt. Bthaf BfaV.___ Br.. I r ir.t-riort of dwellr .i can b>i unaihled la the _.at bes'tiful m. nrr, and at a modrrate cott. Ar.hB.Bt*. Imii'A er* and otlie.t intrre*red, are Invited tn call at tl.e Slo.-tcf tbe tuhscriher* and view th'" aitiile for theiate.lv.-* JOIIM 11. Kr.VSKRfcCO.Ni. .% CU.fJt NEW H.i-I 8PLENDLD ICE-CRKAM PAf.OON. No I.I Pulton-at, r.onnim' Sindt. Brrwk' IjTB..Tl . ' 'I *P hv Man C'.P- LANIJ A BRO, of Bcwtoii, lle wrll kr .wu ar.d rrlehimt*! nianiifaetur. r»of Ire Cieain and . onfretii.nery. They kttt the k..BB in a mmt luxuriou* a ylr. tptrrng ma troaWe to niake the p'tee ttotBOttItl plrari.at li.all who will facor thrin wuh a call. W* thtll eodeavor h) ' I! <w .. (h.i ta.ne plan iu tb* mar.if*ct'ir*of onr arti'lrt, niakiug 'hrm of tlie very hrat iiiafrr;_a, ao tbO t'l wl o i tircluM of ut will he aure of tlie very b'-tt, aad *. dr. ej.ll'in. N. B..Hotrla, partlr* and private familie* raa he terv.4 with the following art.clr* o.i tho tli'.rtrat noti-r k.ml OM punct'.ai.'y PtBIBO Sherlwrt Jrhyt, Bl.inc Mtut". I. CtOBBB, Plata lakr, Pan.y do., b.af do Purtry tndCMkd' tionriy lfl all ita ^anrtle*. Ai»c. Tahle Om*meeta of etery drac'-iptioii. All good* bouglit at thia Hot.* a_l b*»:at free of expenae tu any part of th. city, eleoto Naw-Yurk **. W'lllian.ai.urdh. _^^ JOTICE .The crotlitors of C(K>>KR, 1\ TII.TON A MACLKAN, lateof the City of lalfcOj lu Ihr K.r.sd.irnof li.eat Bri'a.n mercheBBt. and the CRr.- UlTORd ol KDW'AHH BKVAN COOPEB, laU of aud L.wtta, BMBoww.t, ar* rripiurd to preeant their riwprc'tie* nl .in.a ai.d f'e I IIBl tlBIB *nd proot* thrrool to rn* *l th* ortii" o. < urt.t, Be*!. V Ke»r.iig, No 4" Wall rt , in tl.e C.ty of Nrw i nik. on oi kt.ta thr hra day of iuly, 18 -i.NtW- Vork. May 17. 18.-. HAMI BL J Bk'Af.S, A_unr« of Cooper, Tiitun A Marlaan. and ot Kdward Hevan CocaO PAPER MANCEACrnJKERiS' MA* TKRIAL8.Taa aacat *atenOve aatortmeet I* 1.tt tuaaty, lor aaie by .'..«¦* W. yiK.'.U ACO. No. UCIisfat SKI N ES, Nln'S^ VYKmm, "&i:.-The aabaenher wotild call the artentlon of thc.. dralngia or uaing 8eim«, Kyki-a or Nrta of any drwnptio... r.» ha a_*nrini.-iit of artlclea of llie above drtnnption Tlir* ar* made of . *uper1or qoallty tf Ct.a Tcvlor. prepared at. tanned to pr'vnt Btt.BO t.a'i ure adaptrd to ail kliidaof yiahtng, w.ill.rr for U.e Cirek. Pond. Lake, R.vor or Cc.tt, Alto. Ceating Neta for the South and HBttI Anwii'-aa trad*. Dip NeU of all (iae* *t. drccilp.ion on barnl, or mvlaM erifer Ordera frotn tli* eoontry pewt-peid, with ia__ttotB pror.iptly attrndrd to and lorwai.l.d wi.lmiit dr-lay Per- aon. ordrnng NrU or Relnee will plea*e gl/o tbe loafsO tine BBOBw.I prior to time they are wa/ifod. tW A large t*_O0_OOl of Rc.*, R. r.i* _.d PuLing Tatt- llug ou bai. at thr lowrrt ea*h pr.. . ¦ _ JOHNJ BROWN, No. lOUPultoii-rt N Y SADDLERSi 11A R N ESS M A KI RS. and all thal wXW LKATHKB-SINOKR o PATr'.MT 8P.WINO MACIIIN- will aew Iratbrr wuh tte aant* aafcV lty aa cloth. Thia l* oo a**ertion only W'e caa eoovu.t, *f den.i;n*tra-lon, tl* arwiug oo leattier to keol im.mer.a* pr*tt. An extenav.e taddlerv houa; In thi* city oa* in proutcal ofa" rafioo r,lr.e of tor.. Macbioe., and the aet *_(reaa'e prolt B B'l" a day. 'Ihe nan.ee of tlie partlr* will Ul f.'ui.hed ta appllc*tu,n to l. kf. SINOEA ACl»..Nj.iS1 Brr>*dw*yv STUTZNER & PETZOLD, No. 1* Bo*e-et3 B.oofactnreranf Papler HmU War** viokO of Art* and Scirno-a, Ltenai.a for Har-irrrwityp'-U bj. Bl> roeco Caar*. moet elegant Pire-Board*. Ve, Ae. THE CORPORATE LIMITS oi thia < ITT embrare bat a few milee. aod all rn«*tart rrla tin« thetrto ,.rrd la* advrrtitrd 1.1 thr pepertof C* ntt ""rJ . iiieaa B_B_ en.hrt. * othrr CkMOa.t .nd Slatta, »*. b4n.1r.raa malter*. l_tto4h*BL r^ay wilh propn»ty he BoVarOBBB in i.rw.|.j|rt publitbed ln otlM;r dl*t:;ifa Tiie l*aOBt . *tran.h.,afB, railrcad* aod ot.»r nvyfe* of tra\el r portation to tl.it city, poii.t out to intrlligent m.vA*Uw «*> tn. tj of rocnuy in wbicb it wool.l be *rn*i'>le to tte venirr. not only for tiie near trade, bat the trade ol t_* **.** and Weat \ i: I'AI.MFR:* thaageatof the hrat BBBOBI of everf wrtir.e of thr co.'j.try. for whlcli he lt * .thonrrd 10 r*c*t». auhacnpti. caand advrrtlarmenu andgire rfceipta Ail*. qoutte iiiloimatioti to enable peraon* to adver_1e o_BttwBBwV lualy and judicloiwly can be I.d ol tua. Kc'W ia the ttu.e to _Ivertlae. rj y* L baSES.BUTLER'- HERNI.4L JL PAD3 htve beea found in ar*ct.e a Bvwt thorougkj_ aod l"oerally to u.dure acur*. Caattof long ttaadoag | "A** other inrtroinecf* have failrd, I ean be edectaaHy latBi.oar' Hl'LI/a TRl'BS OPKiCF. No. 4 \eae,*t, opptatt. .». Paul'a Chorch. KHtUFRK K kf Bt TLKR. Piopr.oU*. N R -Lod-.ra aitrnded by a tatnale. becwoea tt* ava!* * . A. k4u.46P.M- ___. rjpO PRINTERST---.A «r>ud article al M. trtr.ch Lettr. Paaer. io k>U ot l>> t*ta_ ot .-*.. ** $. I*. cer itam. Por aaie by WM. L & HABBI.40N. Na. it Au4fc
Page 1: FOKDHAM IN PI A jjj ITCJBNISHED - Chronicling America · 2017. 12. 12. · ITCJBNISHED ROOMS, without loeala, for Oentlemenonly. at No. 47 White-at, afew doortweat of Broadway. Two

ITCJBNISHED ROOMS, withoutloeala, for Oentlemen only. at No. 47 White-at, a few

doort weat of Broadway. Two fine room* oo tbe 2a aaaa,Oorr.moi.icatii.g. lf desirpd ; alao, an attto bedroom. Aaeli-fible trmortunlty for gentletneU deeiring a qiuet perrnaoentfeotna Beferenc. axcbanged.


_T»URNISHED ROOMS for aingle <r>n-Jr Cetaeo, witb or witbout breaktart aod taa, at No 74

.rVerreuat._FURNISHED ROOMS to LET-In a

anall private family, No. )9LBdlow-piece,e_.ulingvoftwo bai.daem* parlor* and extenaon room oo ibe t.rattloor. Tbe ho«*e ba* tbe tuodern impnuemenUand thateiBt -lll be modeiate.

FURNISHED ROOMS to LET..ForKisgle Oentlamen, at No. I Monroe-et, eoroer ifCatha

rtne-et.. witb or wii__ut Board Rooao* very ple.aot .Priea* moderata_

GENTLiCMEN wishiog Board in Brook-lyn caa be pleaaanily l«_.- oo tbe Highta, al No. 6

Wlllow-at, tbree minui. a' walk Irom tha Porry._tHeSSONS on the pXaNO-FORTE.-I_ A young ger.tleroan wi.beg to giv* Letaoo« on _M

Fiaoo iaafa_.ilv, iu t).p city or vuinity. tatvahaafe f.r lu*Board- Alao a few tchola a mme wantel; tprma m -l-rAie.aeferi-ric-t gnen. Addreaa PKOfESBOR OP PIANO,No. 4-4) Broome at._f>LEASANT ROOMS to LET-Fur-J. niabed or B*__n_-Bea, with fall or partial Board, at_4o. lbeEast Broadway; houae oontains bath, with hotsnd-old wa or._m13 tOOMS Rnd ROARD..Pleaaant fur-___* niabed Bop.ia, with r-r without brpakfaat and tea, at

«o 2» Oreeno-tt., oeai.xth-at. All tbe modern unprovementata tbe btr_ta.


ROOMS^W^ANTED..A Room andBedroom, fnn,i*hed. on aecoad or third story, tvithotit

cahs or wtth breakl*»t and tae, aod with privil-ge of batli,ajMB Broadaray, between BMttYM. and L'nion Park 'rericli

fomily pieferred. Addre*, staling terma aad location, li. B.,Trtbana Q-toa._

TO RENT.With Board, an unfur-nialied Room to a gentleman and hu wife, and a r__

asubed Kooai for two gei.tlemen at No. 74 W arren tt., w.thahe conveniet.ce of Ba'.h._^__TO LET. Furni-hrd Rooms, with M.'l,

¦art al or wltheot Board Thp houae i* aoppli. with

Uath.g-a.Ac. Apply at No (i-Bn-w.y._

THE GRAMERCT HOUSE, eorner ofiSBb-et. and Brtaxdway. New-York, will be onened to

tha poblk on Monday. May 24,!._ lt con»aiaa 1*. r.anaa,.roi.hed in the moat alega/it atyle. with every poa*ible con-

areniiice It will ha kept on the American aod Etiropeaaplana comMBed, and the prr,priptora are determtued Uiat ltahall raik amon| tba beat family hoteU in^the world^ __

Fp6 LET.Two line Rooion, f_rni»ha_4[ ln i amall pnvate family, plpaaan'.Iy ait.iated in

ftlepckpr»t. weat ol Broadway. N II. The beda are fur-/.i.hed with the healtbv tj.ringmattreaaea Alao other roa at

a_Xm___. No 2»'i Btaaebar at._

T~WOor fHREE~_4__oT_.EM_N canbo arooBimodatPd wtth full or partial Board at No.

17 Yarick-at. Reference required._

THOSE (jf-ntlcmonparticularly dp»irou«iof aiiit** of Roenia, nr -inele one*. apai-ioua, bflfldBBBM

auid well funiulied, or otl.'-rwiae. wuh all Uie BBB_BM _»proveriient* wbpiplhprpi'i.no bo*riter», can be acc-ommo-

_Btrd.ni _MBB-BBd nnd thir.l ftoor* of Ihe largr niantion No.5 Bta*_*r_, tbe lat- re.idi-nco of W. C. Mintlend, Esa,

.here are few bontea in the ritv ao vi-ry pleaaant and retired._ thia: arid in tl.- ii Ba.abla I*H of Blepckri-at., neai

and wi ai ot Hrnadway. and when- the tenna are nnr" niode-aato; and where partial I'.oard, il detlred, osay be obtained,

B ainal realili-nt family._rpO LETwTthi BOARD.A front Parlor,J. anitable for a Oentleman and Wife, ora ooupleofain-

ale OentlPinea, unfurniahed, in a tmall genteel family, whereAhe co-nforU of home uny be enjnyed Referencee ex-

whauged. Apply at No 7 Hubert-at, opposite Bt. John af.irk.

_ ___.____._.

WANTED.A (Jrouiid-floiir on theweat »i,le of Bmailwav. BtaBfBBB Amttjoalttk 9\.

Tbe beat relereuoa ollere.l. Addr. aa BOX No. 2,-WI. I'oat-<)n.ii-

'WJ ANTED. Uoard in Brooklvfl for a

TV Lady from Philndelplita, -.k-BJ 88 make a stay oflor4wreka. Loratnn i- t t*ir trom thu lerrics. A-idrestBaat No 14S Y<.*t OBtaa, New-Yotk._WTLL1AM8BUR0H. .Two, (Jentle-

aien and tlirir Wivea, ai.d one or two «vif!e Oentle-flnen, can be Bb.BBMM daBad witli board and aiiy room*, ln aanilet aod pleaaant loi-atinu, a few miuutet' wall from Peck-auip Kerry. Apply at No. II Itli-at.

a^ori-CB tDanteb.OUSE WANTED. on a Icase of thr-n

______ or fivo yeaia, witb all tbo modern improvementa, loca-Vicn Let4vern r.tli ai.d-ilat *t«. ai.d . and 6Ui ava. Ri-nttnunII


Mlill VCO.ri U li «,,,. .1 ,,.,,.. ..-.. .M _.. »*_¦ .m. ¦. ...

fXK) to tf'tsi. PoaarMion required about tbe tirat of July.be heat of refennie* glvi n, and the premue* trlll be k.-pt

¦rataud in BBOd nrdi-r AdJum H. W., Tut'unc Olhce.

0U8E WANTED. ln a pkaavntlo-calion between ?d and lifh av* r.nd 12th and3<»tli-*ta.

\ouId arefcr a aew bouao with all the rnodeia improve-ntenta Ture bIk.uI |«,isie. To be rrady to occupy aboutthe fint of Ji.ly. Addrett W. W., Tribune Ollice.

17ARM WANTED..A emull Farm, orCi iu.tr) Stat near thia city, in evi-bango for gond nn-

i loved jiropnty in Biia.klyu. Addreaa, pw«ipaiil. I. LM,Kix 2.901 lNat-ofl'ice. wi'li ...11 paitn ulara aa to price, lo:a-ttaa, biiildu-ga, _r-, ir Out alieady atocked and uear BMii'tin o( wa:er [nr tn.nl.

t-OUTiB 10 fc'rl.

A COUNTRY RESIDENCEto LCT.(li thr ei -t l-Bi I. ,t l] HadBOB Itnir, marlv opoaito

"WoM Pi IiiI Oa lh* rrjrtainlni aUmt iacreBofLand, nb twoaioiv Dwaltini witli n\ looiita, cellar andkn,. B,v a. 4- i Ao. Tbe aituationu i Itaaai t ar.d beallhy. an.'. w.tlitu live luiiiut.' walk of tlielailioal iiuiua Abb_ I..IVANHKJt-OM, atA T. Staw-att k Co.'t. Bioacway

ARARt UPP0RTUN1TV..For aale,au rlrrant t ity or CaaMn Hiiatilencp ln Newark, N.J.

. itiialad inNrwaik lllgl *. it tl'" bcsil of A'arren-at ,_avtaja i "um x' tln g 4 ir4* ol Ne\4 aii, Newa'k Bay, Staten Itlaud,aod Ne»-> oik t'it4. Tba prnneity obbbbM of ab»ut an acre_l iaiidt alao. at. int4i.it iu au e'eraut priMi'e Park in ln nt.__0_ || i. witn BBStBM r.'iiia all timahed ioele-aanl modem alylp, witl. pvpiy di alrable convemence fur a

r'Bteel realrl, ri- tlotliir h« n, il .1, fnnt and abade treea,r. Koi jiarliriilara n ij iro at No t~ Boari-iy, New-

\oik, oiof th* uudoiaui.'d ou ihe pipmtaea I'oaaeraion«i.pniiiiui._iatrl>. il rt-|U.it-d. l.KAI.L I'IKlUSOM.

OriLDlNi. to LET for MANUFAC-Xj TIRINO I'I RI'OM-.S M'natrd ln Broome-at. near

ritt, thrta fk.ra and cellar. about Al )<y 1.4V Can beadapti-dOo almoat any klnd of huainnas. A Ipass will he given for aOaiaioi yeara, lf dealred Applv lo S IKilX.K, IJ 1'itt at.

COUNTRY RES1DENCE to LET.A pail of a OB.BM Htaaaa at Staoleton, Slat.-n laland,

CAmmanding a view of lha Ray of New-Y'oik, and wiiliinOve B_BB_M-_- ot lha Keny. Boat* leave for New-loikavsry hour.fat* 6j ceot*. Apply at No. 141 Water at., upataira_fTIOCNTBY 8EAT To LET-h ¦X_' very elevated, beallhy aud beatiliful aituation, a countryfilaca, with hve acrt* oi i. oir, ot gioond, twenty milea fromtown by railn4_l, te*- M.BtttW walk tioui thedi aotj carapai*Bve tiiuea aday. Abundaice of abade, fiuit, bi-rriea, mra,aa Apply toE-MARTINDALE, No. I Nasaau ai, t.i.id-4X4-7-_^URNISinDlOlTAtiEon STATENJL IS! ANO -To Rent for the auturm-r, a neat FurnialnSTottagt- on YYitght-at., S--pl«-ton, Staten lalai.d, nf>ar tlieOkrry. wuh a vi*w of tb* bay. Coataio* two parlor*. $.*-_*di._>a dUiu.g-itwm and kilclien. Can be aeen at auy_*_?. loquir* ot tba collectora of , ither of the boata

TT OWER PART of a HOUSE, SE<T-_l_l OND ITORa to LKT -la OM veni*nt, Ctolou WaMr.Ra-, and it ooecf the n>(«i bbb_bbbj taBBttaaa iu tbecity,.oraei of Ith a\. and l.lb-t ta tuD >ipw ol Uataa-aa Caraaad Broadwa) Sta__ pa>a eveiy 3 ailuulra. lt would be a_r*t rete place loraT*a_hei of Muaic Aa h.r bealth andj. ireair. it cai-iit lieevcellvl Apply a* ahorp, to V KNAPP.

T\[0. i::i;RKKN\V1CH ST.,toLEASE__1 ot for 8ALE.Thia.peiUw Oouble d*n lling 11 o aewaa built without regv,) lo r\p»i.-<-, aad ia muturpasea- ni«?«rabiltty aud atyle ol tmtmS it u iu gi«>d ardar, and oOara a

food 4>ppoituaity foi pet*on«i*4(uiitag (uucrior ac_.lotada-tlc.i down lo»a. It ui*y eaaily be oonverte- l_M laaj_otea. aa it UdivlaW la tlie OMaOa hy a brnk wall Po*_.a-afio tl.e lal Julj B*_t. Api!) to AkloS K K\U.

No 9i Liberty^t,

OFF1CE to LET..A haulsomc oaita ofRoom* 10 lel lu l hambera Hall. N- uA f____aa_M . a

ceatrel ard de.irablo I.r*t__ fur a lawyrr. Rent ui_lera:e.In.juir* of A MORANO. on t_e prooMra.

S2TORETO LET.. Firal H.hh aodcaUar-_Pof *to.No. £11 Ykaalunfton at, bttwoea b.vlay aadRobii.»on *fa loiiatre at No. r7 Barolayat._TO RENT. D-ckfoUy low.A few

3-«ery aew bo.es .-ontaiatng all the modern im-aueveaaeata, kKatedt*t4.ren Kn_ way andtlth-e* , uear tbetern.iBAin i of lb*tjtbav Katlroa_ and ths Cnatat Palac*.Also. tevend nrst-ab-t bcu.t near -Vb av. and Bioadwav.oa JOtb, BM, -Hb. aad >Ub - a Apply to R- U. PI -RCB,Na 1,1W Broadway, oear .0 at.


TO RENT, VERY CHEAP.A uam-her ot aew tou -ateiy hoawa north tid* of .<h-*t. be-

tweea ithandk.-*va Lovation good and coavenien- V4Vw rVort tr d lalf bowe* will b* let only to amall napecta-_b>r.uiliea. Apply imamiately to RO. I'lERCE. Na 1,104Broadway, aeai .d__

TO RENT.A STORE on BROAD¬WAY, aoar 40th at.. at tbe low atiee of $l> per month,

Attto up aid well locaeti for O ocery, Bu'clier'a Stall, C.u--KtKi.»iy aj_t iSbat buaiuraa. Alao, a Blote oa Broadway.aoear -_ al, aad oua on "uiir, aear 2.h M., at b*r<_u_Apply ta R O. PIERCE, No 1.104 Broadway.

f|H) LCT.Well lii-htt- ROOMS, with_L or a lh.'*; Steam Power, of aav_ra Inonira of

C. M. -IMON.ON, No. lll LewM-tC

1*0 LET.-A Taro sfory DWELUNi.BOl'SK.No 2'.l Iltah*t,Newark. N J.. »od:r.-nt-

mt tl.e Wtttt)*- lak-itatt Tl.e wtooata Ot u. perfoctCider. ar.d wrfi arUpt.d fa a >'.i.gie f*ir.il, wauting t OMt-foitaUr honar ... * pod wigbbc*_ood *..c »t a -oderat-itnt. Apply lo M- ARMSTRliNU. No 9 rVrry-aU

TO LET.A eniall Cottage in the coun¬

try tBBwo.Oag th I roorrt. end a yarden » rktaj juatior.; f Irrty ot purr wver. ani hrti-.hv. i:*nt **-. h.r thewiwa. Three ¦PottB't w_. trota tb* vVhtta f.ial mtCK*r d one h-'i.r'* nde trrrr ' fertb.f peticilarymrii.irr of rli.MoM. .1. I'oi'.TKR, No. ', tity Hall-pit'e,or II f.RA I. on Uie prim'st.,

TO I ET or LEASE.Tne o-tes-ifBand \aIueHI« prrn.iww on th* a.n'h-wrtt taraerof

Brosdway ki.d ...«-*. tOO or roore yrart Innuire of(pta.taiiia t.BBtw a en I) D NASII, No .>,(» Bi>.d way.

O LET.For the Seaaoa or Y»-ar.Ar.rat Houae, located ob hlutf grouni. at Bergen Point,

three quarteitol an koot'i anil from New-.o.*. S.iit-blsfor ala.gc fin.i.'y. Exter.tive troundt haud»o r.

vated. wuh 'be advantagf of wa baU.inz laqmraof (»_<J.\V. AI.BIAM'K. No. U A.tur Heota, bo"k-tt...e. Broadway.



Tot _B-Z on Ihe Bav, >»' yard* ea.t ol thr tteamboatwlar'. Apply t" 1. W'ARNKR. Keyport. or ti J. I'l RUY.No. 3H Eaat I'th Ol , hefjre !<', or afier Itrd *.._

TO LET.A small stoie No. 35? H IUn tt. opp"*ite OBOBBtw «t, with dwelling tpart-

ni.rt"; rri.t |I2 ."»'. prr BMOB. In'|nire Bj No 221 Oraed-*t., ioord.*-..* we*lof Bowrry.

IIO LEASE or lor SALE.The moit'Je-airable property in the world _t manufoctur.og pur-

pcara. The ai-btcnher baa built np the uioat aubataotialBuiicings, and filled up wilb firat-ratfi wattrr-wheel* andgrariiis, atveB Mill Sitea it, th< City of Troy, near the ri.or,with anv amouirit of wat*r-powrr, wbicb l.e i* BBB.BBB tohave weli cn>ployed.ei.d will rei.drr rverv fkcility lo aceom-trodate any tuanch ut buainrtt re.iriirirg power at . \eryrravmahle i*te. Apply at No. 17 P.road tr New York. or

at No. 4 Park-i'lace. Troy. BKNJAMIN MAR-SHAM.

TO LET or LEASE.Thir*,, fourth andfifth -orieeover ALFRKD ML'NROE A CO.'S. No.

441 Broadvty, ail hard finiahe- Qas and Crotoa watar iaall. Kront m twO) by W deep.



I^O LET.A UfaunluJ nc.tvHOL8l.iaI'pper iMorrttaiiia. 8 roorr a and pantrire. cellar. ke.

Rent | 2i prr moinh. Half or the whole will be let In¬quire ofC W. jJHKltWO'il), ' rt...-Mor.uaniaorTHUMP-SON, No Bt K rajth-at. N. l.

rpo LET.A desiTable Office, at No. 10JL Courtlandt-et., *uit*ble for a Watr-h Irr.portrr or Jew-

.ler. Alao, . Room oo third floor. Poaarwi on given irarna-

aieh-ly. Apply w BHAINAKD k OtkKBOY, No. 10Cou.tlandt-it.. up eteir*.

rTHO KLNT.At No. G Ea»t eSUih-tt ,fjur1 pl.a-aut riK.iiit, one in thr hBteinr.,t. thr o'li.-rton tlie

th.rr', floor. Ii.qout on tbe preniia.., orat No. 113 Na*tau-*t,third llcKir._

TO LET..A (ieMl.m.in and Wife, re-tiding in Brooklyn, nrar the South Perry, detiroiw of

gfving up houae krepliig. would l(t thrit houae to * amallfkiiu.y, and tnake lil*ral arrurg monta loi hotrd witli thetarty. The katto/tat.iraaeetlvaa and le'i'.irrd. Inqulr*at the Bew-Voik Boaidirg BlckaBQB, No :~ Uuaor-aL. 2dd»oi t**t fiom No. y<4 Broadway, or at the hc.iuteNo.7l\\ iiiirn tt., Brooklyn.

O LET.A few Hmiill (Jotragea, «"a.h*. baving four *mall Rooma a Cellar and ijardon Lot ta

front of the Hou*e '1 hey are aituated Iil milea fiom thefeny ia Brooklyn, half a m.le beyond Bedford, near therailroad and a*ta«* route. Th-v ttand in an unpoang neigb-horhfK., and ar* anrioundcd by l.oi.et. Rent $0" per aunuin,>r will be aold for Bt**1, on very accommodating term* Ap-

ptj toJ- PKCARK. No lo3 Hettrr at.

.1^6 LET.A Store, alxo a Wnrkshnp.JL on f'n«t floor, aml ihree or four Loft», weli liyhted oo

¦firOB.Oat, ala.iil i4 by fifi frt-t. with or withoutttrainpower.Inquire on the prrniito*, No. 47 Ann «' nrnr Nattao.

ttcal (Eetate for Galc

AT ri.iVATE SALE.A verv vmIub-lle Kerri- 11 '." arirs, B 14 a_kI rt OOfl._BtL BB.>

alccl ur thi- i'*it*'c Rivtr, aml wr.hin two mlle* of Pater-<i"n, N.w-Jenrv. u'.d tc n tninut.'n' walk of tlie rallio.1 d'-I, | upon wh.i li s » ItTO Mtrry Dwal.B| Houte and all ne-

cr nary oul-l oihiinti., in-iu'h Bear; >oun:» Oi h»rd of choicelio.t. i'. r. r*uid .na l. under n hi.ili BtBt* of cuitivaiic>n andt.nely V4stri.il. and will adaptrd to gro/.ng or fttOwO.kjparaeae* Poi tunhrr n.rtimlar.-. apply toANTtiCN V J. lll.KK.t htlK, Am l.oiieer. No. 7 Broadat.

EliMO.NT V1LLA0E LoTS, ATFOBDHAM -Only a f*w more qoarter arre lot*,

(rijoal to lotircity lola.) may ba UBfainedal hrat prico*, ifappl.td for toon. Pat.ta iem§ kot..BB in the city. hiitdt-air-

ii ronntry reajdence. tonld not po-a.hly ar-li .ct a more>. li. a'thy aid ronveii'iit IncrtMB-.I'.tt one liojr"*

noe fniii tht t'ity ll^ll by llarhm Railroad, ana 27 dxilytrain. Kor maji* Hiul rircul.ir., jivins a deacriptn.n of theBtoyatly, apply to ihr BB.*t.*m*j! at No Irii 1*B.1-at TheyB.|B.0 be oMained on applicatlm to II. M. linnvn and.It-tee Ly.ii, ou tlie prcBiitea; A. BV*. Spw... No. II Maiilen-lane; Nath. < I'l.tt, No. _>M.don-.nu; and Uen. WilliaiaHall, No. 219 Broadwny.

JUIIN C. BATB-B, No lUI'earl »t.

UILDINd' LOTS FOR Sso-in thelieaiitiful Villaieof Votikera, and two chancr. to ob-

lein Pwb._f Hoii.if*, worth t'""* eacli, wiiiiout addirir.natroat.thier cpjartera of an 1.r'« l.kI BJ tho Hudac.n-Ri\cr

nd. Onh $.(" Ch>!i r. .|iiirrd Ki.r Mapa and full par-ti ulaia, apply to C'OMBS fc NICOLAY, \ ac_OTawan. No.^14 liiBiin^i,"near Bowery. Otlice houit fruin 9 A.M. U.lt P. M._C'SUlll^RY-RESIDENCE.The un-J dertign-cl withetto diapocm if hi* pUce. near Cooprr*-

U>wn, ou thr l.aiil.t of the UtaVfft Lake. 1 l.e aii'iat.on llromai.tic anil h.althy, tlo Houae vmy good, aml n.iiinra'.lyealculaird aa a rc-ti. nt for n aaaa «' kta..ta Tlie i.irm ttO>ti.ta oHO etif*. in bigli culiixati'.n. Pnce $2 .S..I. Adrtirt*,

K I, UANIK.LL, Coopertuiwn, UttegoCo.tf^OUNTBY RESIDENCE foi SALE.\j -Oo the M-BT, Kcut Ha.lilu-n R..ad, Brooklyn, ju»t

B the rit? lu.e -25 tora* of I.and. and lar^e fra-nellcuae, 4.ttn. tilled in with hriik. 1 hia property arlordt ani.at oelitbtful and hcallhful i> miI.-ih e. ,u.,i *i tlie eeinetine ol'i ia \ery iimutal inducrmri.t* lor a iprcilation. Anrw aveniie to be opened l.v pr.,p.'itv .... r.t.r*, arenret afronlate of half a mih'. wuh a BBB.un d»pth of atM.ut 4<X>tn t, tlilit ei.al.ling a pu.iliui.ri to v-ll it fli ln tri'all j>*rr-lt,for wl.tr4k tlirre it a great and _*_Baa_kJ deiria'i.1 m tiutni.-at drh.nfui lOtaBty. which it i. lelii-.rd wnl tn'paa*tuy othrr iu the vicinlty of N*Bk.Tet_ for ihe rapidl'y ofIta iii.iiic.veinrBt, in the at.I tew y.4ar* Apply to S \V.BKNKH1CT. No 5 Wall-at, or to OVINOTON BROTU-1.RS, No .'1;. Kultoi.tt. BrtKiklyo.

CMlUNTRV RESIDENCE for SALE.J Known at Rote 11.11, in the n.wn of Ryo, W'rotcheater

l'.,rn.iv, iu full \irw oi l.i..ig Itland Sou.nl. and near th*Nrw-flavei. Hallr. td Statnm, al _____M_>1l containingxK i.i etven acre* of t'nal quality la ,,1. heautifully divided ionira.cw and orrhaid; alao tat ut I.l t .1 ai.K-knd gardenalu thr Ci.iit.ty. O.k . \ity vtn.:, of h'.ry fn.it and flowrr*eultivalrd ui th-rt-gion of the cointry. Tlie lioute 1* l|.tory, rotttge-huilt, di by 3'., wiih two l«ifjB W_yj*) thrreare two parlora, five U-droama d.uiny and oaihroom. aud avrry coiivemrnt ki.chen. wuh Brehr't ria.king .nyr, kaThehouse hat bern hmlt tx t a tlnnt tirtir. and ha* latrlybrrn puii.trd ir..ide and out and pnt in tliorontb rrpair,aud l* titutttrd bigh on a tloping lawu, a'.Kiut twohuudird Itwt back f.om a tine road; in tl.e rear oflle hiuse ia a large barn, carnnee, ponliry. wa.h andicr houtea, and a good t|in.g ol walet at Ihe door 'Itiere 1*aiMiit M gialtrd taalt t.rrt in tl.e orrhanl. of thr brv't kind.Iu the villagr aie 5 ttorta 2 butcberB. 2 <-hiir.hr*. I »chno'aeoal *rid iiinila-r yaid. DB.BBat B.¦ New-Voik, _I inile*fioni the MpM tl C_i*J-at. Time, I hour and IA tntiiBteaC.nt»t. ii. $11 ai.d B'tf P<r kiiiiinn Se\.-n traiiitalor atthe d.-pot every day rach way. Tb* uei.h xnhood ia one otthe ni4tt drtiiable in the coiniti. Pnce,BA300. tM.'tlDean te-rnain ob ¦irrTaafi^tTTrt.Waira.aal* illj wupmilcouue ol W M. L I'KOt'H. N. t. I.M suid l-JK_tou-t_._-ct l.A.MU. P. SMI1H, HallllfllliiattB

COC NTRY RESIDENCE foi SALE-A Firm of ITacre* of Mt*llt.I land. pleaaanlly altu-

.ted on the weat baok ol tli* Hudson Blver, _ijoiniug th*nllage of Milton, llaier Co.. atew milr* aouth of Pougb-krrpair, aod ln full view ot it, hawng au extrotire view ofthr Rivrr tor *ou.e diatance up and down. On the place area good awelling houae, bam and oulbulldinga, Apple Orchaidand other truit. It hr* directly on the rivrr. ii.laat fromNew Yoik al<iut 70 mileo, aod coi.ii.i.icalloa aeveral timeaa day tiy iaiIroad and tteauila.., ihe depot of the HudeoaRiver Vailroed directly oppot.te. Kor pailiculara apply toA JACKSON KUK, ln*-a-ce Buildluga, Noa mVSutWall-at., 3d tloor.

EAST MORRISANIA VlLLAi.E..Abont 3t»0 I.ota, varying la aiM from an eighth of aa

_ re to tix acrea, are now ottertd for tale on tl.e incwt favora-bletetw* Trn per cent. d.wn, aod balance oa or beforeUtiili, liv^4. Xliwe lota occupv a very beal'.hy aod beautil.1locali. ii, oear aud m full \iew of th« Ea*t Ri'vrr, and ia th*tnimrd.:. vicinlty of tbe gmui.dt and reeidrncet of aeveralof the Bucet wealiln and r.eprctahle citi_.ni of WeotcileaerCanity. ThuMllage u connecled with tne llarlrm Rail-road by a hrai ch Ka.ir.wad Kor man* and othrr loformariotvtapgy i0 p. u wiNfDN, No. 5 Tivoo-rvw, near HatiemRailroad < 'flice. opp4Wite the City Ha.1.

FARaM Bt YONKERS for SALE.V> ¦: iu ?J Biileaof lludwn River Railroad Depot, and14iui.e*4'i H'.i.vMilr Depot, llailem RalIroad. ContaiiJ

4t WBktBi M a.i.a ar* iu a-oaia Sod eupenor;bo>ldii ga nrw ti d pkntv; water gtx and fruit ahuadant.hui uol iu tight ol the Hudavn K.\et. The

B-co lt i,..drr *-, cn^ *- d iar; rovoiuc ot. S..cn* roekaBitualHuvviy ..^U; pnce »v.y ,ow. Apply at No. 19PUU.

V?LAMM ERSBtJ RtUL.ITiis new vil-X le**'. racceeable fvertj tiroe* a day by aagee and tteam.!».>«:*. nt'tnated wi'Lineightmile* of the City HalL oppo-aite Harlnn. tnCollrge Point and I'luabing Bav, _._. thebeauulul t.nu of Muthing, and afjommg Ihe viilagatt Stratti cp.rt, which auld *o raathly Iaa *pnng. aad mla'.d out oo tl.e tuaut *c.e. the atrreta of both place* _>ter-aeetiBg rach other.and will fcrn. ita on_ma.ntvg tiraat.a,and ai oo di.tarit penotj, ke oaa of.w pn_.ip_ eeaaurta tatft* tkicity of New YorA Ttie lu* vary ia aae fro. l, t ta4 city lot*. ib pnce frooi tl» to $IV>. ^Tbeteria* ar* $_>oowa, and th* rr*t in niotitlily L-tallioent. of ilO, wbf.ahle* evrry pertvn, however ctrnimOBBOB. te Bbbobbi Bttown kokdlwd Bting exece.infty bealtBy, aad .rrnaiitaiby .reeerr wbicb caono-t b* taiptmti i-htaciag vwrw* afafn___]ta, Nrwtown. Kuer't lelaod, Morrkaiiia, ka Aayper..i« wathing to pure.tae at ibe above, are jOBBBtBtt toeall at the otrice, wber* aup* aod evwry intii.erkat w_|cheerful.'j heguea JOHN A. rLAMMFR, No. 157 WeatlBth-at.. brtweea 7th and t_lava OtBce hour* from 4 to Itfmmt P kt.. and mapaeao be weo at JOHN. O. PLAM-klK.R'S.No 31 Mott-*t T.louly *alhon__f*JH_BBy-_.I.alraare. Jackaro Nitloltaad Jo_t Ofiivy, ea t.I frou__._Ir. Vlanimer wi_ kt ta board taa k.tt trtry otora'ag.


B . I . .. . :1 1*4

t- t 'cr a cct-f- oeriioan(reoarat a_1 cbaao ctty c s.a at .1 w | do well mb_

Lotx Pnce* are low a,.d trrma raay Iw*n»ntte_. p-t a: Kordiem Apnly to <._>.

... -tea.IU At.


"L'OR SALE or to LET.Ii, the town ofr New ItfCPplle, \4 S-BbbmOM ( -.iin'y. BflaMlfltB tM~Boaas, Baaiaiati ""r- btaaaBeBt,

a aa raifwMeb *r<

....,,.-» ta-OP> n«. v-.-i * -a

r.f larrl weiifrpced; a weil ard #pfr water .

Tl 8 P'BCP ti well rnckrl wt'h trtfed Ir-nt Toa ¦ OBBMwaa inm New-iorkaiaN-w-Ha-.ee Ba raad 4 --

- the ta Apr .-..

- -.."." Irr Uie- *' fl BB. Intllre. ihe I..,- r ra *ir\* 1! ad elle, 00 we prer.iaea 0: ofJOHN BOI.TON._

fZiR-SALE. or would be eRehaageai. inwi.o> 0rpe.1t. f.rcit4 property. an -le_nt Count. Seat.

uillitn li 11 ile« ..f N-w ', ..rk. o.i.npr_i;ii*;to«rther aSmtacrea of land. Tl.ia a_aal *s i* I i«n and bealthy, aad thopi<»perl la untuir.--d. Tbe houae la-g* and co*tly. andei-n uayaoiiBbie for tba oc-BBBtina ot a gentla.tti offorti.Ve. Tl.e aroaaaa ara Ma_aaaaf. ia.d aaa, and are

co4pr>d wiili*4ery rerirt. of ine fruil ar.d foieat tree*. andare inteia-.ted by gia4r;i*d c*ni_te-»«4e. paved walk*Led*p-io*ra aud a;bora co4rred abunnaull* w.th cbolee and

a-fgrafavine*. Ttne 1- ai*. a fine yrr-.. 1. i..p. ,-nw-loi.**. bam. andail oth-r h

ai.!i »n r-t*H._ir_riit. Ni l-ina or r»re-i . haa b*~nao<.dnn..n _OBtaaa Uiaar.r-.iWeby rallr.iad arid atpaoiboatala.ut twenty tiaie* t dav frBBB New-York. Apply io

0 BBZPHERO, No UWali-at.

FOR SALE OR TO LET..A beaati-fa1 Cott_*t near Hudaon. Coln_.b:a Ciur.ty. The

bot.se u aoartaaik._) eoi_Jruct*d. ln eomplete order, and_.ott pleaaantly locatrd. Tlie .ounda are t_.teful'.y laid outacd contain an abi.dancr ar.d varlety of f.fl.M fruil treea.ber.de fine ahn.hU rj ar.d r ,_i u Tl.rre ia alao a la/re. kit.vngar.en and aa aliundant aupply of water at tb* dour. It iawill.m ftve minutea walk of a chnrob. au academy, two

acboola. poet offiiA, and the atat.on of tbe raiiroad. by whichlt lf leaa than Baa h»ur» d-t.,t fn.m New-York. Tnere *ra

at Ipaat lour daily con.muniratlo. by raiiroad aadataamboalwilh Ntw-Yoik. The U-c-iion. wfci'.e p._w.ing thes* «d-vaiit.tea. lt peculiarly btalihy. retired e.id plr.ant. and tl 1*

believ.d th're are fewplacaof the kiiid .ure de_r*.ileThe property will be aold ori eccoramod' ting teinie. aad fora verv low liiice. Por trmu, Ao-. apply toa ver> iow pi-a. *j_M__, _ SM fTER, No I Wall-at

r*OB SALE or TO LET.A CoustryJT Ri-ridence at Haetir?.. *! mile* frcm the Ctty Hall andthree ooarter* of a nnle tmm the tteamb.t and HndaonRiver Raiiroad P.-p. t. > by 4" teet, of aubat uitial and modern eoaMrncOoa, and c n'atcing iixtn 0 BMMB W.ll beren'rd wnh the lawn and gardpn for the aummer, or iold iu

eeB-4«4-r. with an irr.pro-.ed tarm ot a re* Applv to R.H CODDJNOTON,ob tba praMtaMtarML H IiONO-LKI Kn :^».-prnw:.-h rt, c.rr.erof Dty tt.

FOR SALE or To LET.BeRata__lraa-idrFif.a at K*4 i-nawo.-V _, I -Two two Man sttie *nd

awfl '..t HOI Sr>. jnat ata.Md la Btadr-rw Myta '4. h ">n-

laiu.i * liitrrn r.K.rna. len of 1loantba ,n laxaifliriiTa firat h-# aaoaad -'..ne*; ]-\r,tn--. clne-eta ard 1*11* on all Ihp tli»r*: bnrk oi-n* and Mott's patentlanjieainlbp kili l.rna: injioaerl .B-h-r.i»//M tn th- reer. TneI.a,, ., full view of th- Kaar K'»-r. ai d within th-eeni.nnlia wbDi 0f_M BB4., ti"m wiil. h tl.e«teambnat Attoria,( aal I'.iitrlwir. I-Hiea fr.nr f'riiri adny for New-4. ork. A .«-

BSMiet Hsieof BBBBBO IBM.af BBtaaaM .Aatortt tnd rult.1r., Kr.~ ki4ii. jaaaea tbe rii^.t ev-rj ho'ir, froni 7 \ M.t,;i 1" P M. Frafanh. ptrttcilsra inquire ,.t OILBKRTHOPK1N8 at Ravppawc-.Kf. 01 st No. ±1 Peck-sltp, N Y ,

I,,.. II A M mi P M_

FOR SALE.A bearuif-l Cour.try Rcsi-aaaaa, a.k baa Bataaaftaad wpII att«kpd witb a

(iral v.iiiet> of i-hnice Knnl. al.Bile irepBBiidalinihhery, Mta-atid in the vilUaeof 8W>i Noiwalk, Cflflfl- wtthia et«hlu.inoti*' walk of Uie N Y and New-H»vrn Railr.«d Depotri.ni.l.r* aad mIhmiIb alao ir. the vicinity. Thia la a ra-e..i.Kiue to any one d-airmr a (timrner retreal Pnce, b_OIRK ,r partiiulara. Innuim of A ARCHK.R. B«ok of the tOateof New-York. Wa'iat. or.f D K N ASH, on th* prem*B..

f^OR 8ALE1 on veiy easy tenns, 60JL Building LoU near Pultoi;i-av. and tbe Jjunt UtaalRatlrtad. Broeklya. The l_u.t hea in BB lmpnuiiigm-i-h-borhocd and iaiurronnded hy b_.ldingt Auply to J. PE-CARE. No. l->lie»ter-st.


J^OR SALE or to LET.A Hoaaae an.land Lot srtnated on the south rde cf 'Mi rt., a little

wett of blh-av. Ihe Hocse is new, thiee atonea. bntk. wellhrirhi-d. with BBM_MM and counter cellar; with all them' da»B tttifrovenienta; e-lrpt n_ tlally built and a_D .d-bad_|4.igbtrnt Kor further particulas apply at the New-YorkLand (Itlire No. B_ bth-e*

IM>R SALE or EXCHANOE for CITVPROPERTY.A faimi'f 16". acrrs of land. with gond

ln j,io\riiiei,ia, atna'-d in W__ri__*_k CO.Btf State ofWt r fnrtlirr partniilara _*fB_ra ot SAMl'KL

_K> Ni >LI>8, Bttb at Ibardoe.eaat) f mh av., between thebourtol 7bii<i 11'A M, and 5aud h IV M

1X)R SALE.Hrrooe and Lot No. 3fi38th-tt. Lot Bl l.y blaint H feet Houae -7 by 41, f.mr

itoilri ai.d l.i,ilrr irllar ; Cioto.i watiir Ibroiubnit; drainln tn *aid loaawei la tha ttaaac. Tka linuae i* new, audrri.Ual atHP. and will le- -Id for fn.Vm. Pof fnrtbe' par-tiuilart. apply to E IL BL0WN, No. 71 Wall-al, from 1to_r.-_

l^OR SALE.A tt-w a___I Coitagea, oaJ_ Lot*-i by l'r7 fi-rt, near the raiiroad and alage routea,Brooklyn. alx-ut 3J n.iha from the ferry. Tke houae* are

new, have frur ruomt and cellar. aud irtr.lrn in fn.nt Pr:raft.w«. Temn \eryea*y. Apply U. JACuB PECARE. N*1. Baater tt,

FOR SALE- Onr of tba -.atand baad-B'tiirat l B-Bbl Si ata ever yet oHeipd, and :a but a a'lort

d_t__raftr_a iba Cftj HalL Hall-.t tbesnm can remainonbond tnri BwWI_a_a, tt n-j::rr d. Addreaa O. H'., thia otlics.

FC>R SALE. n RARl.AIN.-A FarmBoalB.ib ^ Bl ».ir« ..t ehoiea .ad, tool h-niing*, exiel-

Iti.tuateB, a laiielyol fiuit. atlnated on eaat at.i- .,| i-') ii- ir- to in New-Y.iik. tnd i'i mintfi.

44n'k ln in tli lindai n River llailn HerHil Bt New-Hau.1,'iigh. A d-Mrnhlr- bn «t on aud can be bought Inw. Kor... ...:-..ii-.p ,ir ntiiil Mil.l.s,'. »ltp, N.Y.

1^*1 iR SALE on rr*tisonal)Ir; terms, a fewI I. -, t Hill, Yorkville. In.iuir*of

n Hl M, No -Tiy.i. lL.w.

1/oi: sale in ASTORIA, LONGISLAND- A tatek Hooae. witl-1 -.!.'».,

atir.es :,b. v»;ib cellar under thr whole. T.0baflBBOBBPtul t II' toonia I" cloacta and paiitiiea. parloir a .load. tfld

ili g; dooia, pia/.'a fr-mt arnl rp»r. with Iiourd. tl.'SO may remain m l».nd and mortgage

for a tiitu (.1 Jiar*. oi w'.ll Le Ul until tbe Utof M»f next,foi il. ai iii ol B-TO. Por fuith, pAiticuiar. apply to T

NKTT, No 4 Noitl. Met, WUIaa.tanjh, or toI'.rNMTI A DJUJC, Aal.iria. near HuilOale Kerry.

I^OR SALE, at Newtown, L.m^-Island,a llotiae. Barn and t'aniaae llo.ein g.-- rp|iair. with

tn m fi4e ti t.-r. a- MM ol Lai d. lf _M_rt ti. all ln g-a^l frncp.foar., I't-ar. ai.d 4 bt rry tr<<*, (l.-apr*. C'lir.aiit*, -c SM thepreini*PA all ln graid br-anug ord.-r; atnl a a_I m water na_tba door. A giaid plank road Ii_* bt'-n con.tnicted frurn\\ illiaojl'irrji to Ncwtown, mIRbM. rNrrvln.unnthe riay. Kor particulara lnotiire of JA.MKS li.VILEY ea

88 N illLI.KK. No. j Ti)ou-Row._FOR SALE in FLATBUSH, four Rnd

a half mtle* fiom Puiton Kerry, TWO _ ,, tnti | LOTOof LANOon Clarkaon av., each 1S0 tl. front aod re_r.»nd _S0ft dppp. containing together about two acrea Ona ofLota ha* been laid out, preparatory to bulldmg. with "

ir maradamised walka and ptautea witb l.*s* to _*X> ah__e __*rruit Tre**, cc.inpnalug pracht-a, appica, peara, cberriaa, Aa,and al*ob**a !_-ge a-.raw berry hed. raspbeme*. c_rr*nta,_aja new well and purup, new croaa-fenCMOO each aid* Thopther i* ap-Sed d- w n with Clover.Tha brauty of Plaibaah, iu ease of aceeaa, (rraget rraaatng to

tt from jltor Kerry ten or t_ore time* daily,) render this de-tlrBblp propprty to any onp do'.ng buaineaa ln tbe eiiy and. iahing to rr; > t.'ie _M.hl of the country. Trlce $_-i*.OBe-half caah, and one-half hocd and mortgage if de-tred.Apply ta E.M.l.KBERT LOIT. Aucti. r.eer, rultoo-et,

Oreoklyr, or to ANTHONY L-ANE, No 33 Wa_-at.,N. Y.

FK>R SAI.E..A lot on tho nnrth.. l.etw*rn U and Sd-ava, 25 feet wide by 1»- feet

!> taeka8 ta eVpt! lt ia Iccated in a good neigbboru.'vd audwill be a Id for much leaa than any lot in th* a-mrApplytoU T. MACKAR1.AN, Ageat No.57 3d av, trom «t):*9 A.M ,and5le7 P.M.

FDRNISHED HOUSE to LET.-Afint-claaa llouae fuliy ti.i..»hed wilh roa.li li..n*e, ata-

ble. bath l.ouao on thr al.ora. and other cocveniPtantly aituated at Cliftoi. wilh.n fiie _____*/aalboi tbaPer.', with a aph the Bav, city of N'pw-Y'orkatd l'.iuokiyn. will be reoled tn acaref'ul family il applirdfcrao.. ALYASPEAK _ >ON. No tsi Wall-st.

OUSE aa- LOT for SALE, Na MSII Utn-st., betweea Avennea A and B. four atonea 25 by4* tpet. Lot !. feet 3 ti.ehea deep Bt.noo caa remaia oabond and n:. rtgage. Alao, Hoaue and Lot, No :_») /Tth-e.t_

%.. -oean remain on bond and nurtgige. Iaqulreot* N. MILLER,between l"th ar.d llth-av*. 4 Stonea, 19. by 43 feetean remain on bond and nortgage. IiNo 3 Tryoa-row. from ln lo U A. M.

HOUSE ar.d LOT for SALE.No. 508oatb-T_ird-et. Williamabcrgh. The boos* 1* aew

aud weil built, marbie mantlra. I_q_ire of N MILLER,No S Tryoa-row, from 10 to 12 o'clock A. M.

MOUNT PA1NE FARM, Westchestcrly. New-Yoik, fur aale in half aere l»'a fretn

$75 to $100 the lot, Lot-oa-m-r* wiil v_.t Uie Karm t.>-4, Suuday) l\ ihe Hai.nu car», at I A. M tr*m tba

Park. tn the aeare. ata'.i. a, Bro_4 , ,._ne_ hyO \_l-E.Ag4rut I'fh.a. ornrr it Boerery aid

REAL E-.TATE..The anderaigncd,BVcretary of BBvenJ But _lag A-_ciat___ or.awtiag ufaeveral ibouaand meuilera, u daily applied to tlnaa wbo araaVdroua ofpnrcb.ung Real K itata. II i haa iBatatae uaBBadB Reguter, ta which he w_l enter a full draenpctoa oftmckf t~rn J M ¦*.» ao odared lo* aale. aad peraon* __*.as ofM-flB]BMcaabarotbarwi. w_i h_d it totieir adraa.aebyie*4.t i a deecrlplivn of tlp_r property with hira. Pe..nadrairva* cf pnrekitatng a.y aart taaerta*!*. by «_«-_ .a

R*4t^*r. J I'rtAXK -r s ,. _.

TO BUILDING SOC1ETIES and AS-ATUiVS.Pei.aa propoaing to build teveralb-asea Ugctt.r. toaavea part «t the t-4.t aad tn*^ure lmprove-

nie: t ln taaBMahharbsr., w..l l',r_i a f,v_r___ ____._>.ia tbe L-ta la Jer-y t ,ty. only taar biocha ar-_T_i __tv.wbrrb preaent the ladarn «nu of siDck aad chtaa ___¦lo ihe Urt part it Cecity low a.eara. e-. t_r_w. ___».B*_a.e Ihle. raaa- apprr. i_t_a la valwe. Otea* are ia pro-.e*» te iatrods. pa* atad water. Tor* ia I._ daakg tbattKaEiia la.imed. tbe C.ktr.tri Atlartic .'«*.era wUIka4 c tbeu *. ka and -rwot* ia ta* '.--*-*_*» tk iait». Calla-d«el* mapaadoake f-rtaerisqalnaaot C J SMITHNo & M_d-ai*_a a: of 11 M.-OMR, StaaSea-*-. __iBaaaxtrtf

IN OTK'E..Any pafaoa rnVtimg a Trart. of Ltv.d, attuaird tra m'.trt or tea

Nor. cr ».e»: Ri'- r uim ir. Rali .l. ..'-'" * '. >.

late. rarr 01*40** . tl.e **m« ht applying, *_r.rr pataaaaryorby lefer, to JOHN A FLatSM.a_, betw een 7th aad rth ava_\TALUABLE COUNTRY R-iSI-

Jf pEI-t th* r>'k'< .1 tl Ikt* K:-wt.ci»'rrb.dei-.*wd.in t'.t t.-wn of tCo, N V 'wohru-rr ta 1 he f»m: e. .

wtll w*'*:rct. Ar BB_ l'J«atg hard* of('.1! t:. kuet together < itb * _rge hnc.

f /

yrirt" irowtlu two ftnei,t koiuee, bann. ou.io_*_ ke . wii'jaaw ui.. a-.i Billa for gj feet 1 '

t d id.d by po*t rowia. a:

Baakt Bttatatl I 1 .'-'.'T, Bt tk. tt >e **.".

T.llt* i' ditrntab. Ir.Fl'f. H. E*q. or of Met i

Nr* |7 land 176 P-arlat.orM.aaT. II All H B YAlK. No.TS t fd.r-*t,

VALUALLE FARM PORSALE..FotB Balr. tn rtrrlleU Parrn ;n Nrw-ler-e*. <.-,-

UBwOr.>, BI Ori tthuh trr uitwo Imort of N'rw-^otk, 1 of . rrilefrim tie Kryoort.d Prrrh. Id P)ank R"td. ard I] mle frtm tbe s t

*ill»geof Jklicd,. wa P ial Tbtre its eommnd.asdwel-Baa "i d the caitl uiWirn arr rtt.nttvr ard of the ta-.r d»rnpme. A it g* BBBb.BI o- choic* fruit '-

piantrd d.r.ny th* l**t two yeara T. toll it a

BBtJ Bjelta l.rt'y - |» ofW fir*: *r4 Ottt. Kvery pArt ofile i [ e-ty la wr.l »tterrJ ; »nd for * ttock farm can beaaaa.ra by frw in th* eeantry F..r furtrrr partin.rs in¬

quire of LKONARI. APPLEB-E, Ea" 9t Va irisp of thr prr porty n:*y he re*. It :t i

i rafkaltat. a* wrll aa F*r_»r, aa tiie rent wi_y-r".d gr- - .".' v

FARM AGENl V. N ..:¦¦'» Wa- -'. .100F.nrittrd .outtrv wtteforoelr. Pt rwrt* of

t_t,*a*.*t ext_.ii.gtd. No e_uie Bnleata».r l.et'e.trd._K K M'.Ll-i'.


AS. V1LLEPLA1T. Prufess.r of thaeFrench Langiiag» -Inaruetiou st bi* pup*'** r"4*]-

deiioeorat hiaowa, No. 22 i*t_-**~ two door* weat of Broad¬way


A1K >ME in the COl'NTRV for P.« >Y_Witi.m lh o.ilet of Hmtbtt, with *n late lligent, |a*

diciooa, f-rx>. ai.d r.ifab;* fxthei of a fanrtly andaklndandcairtul moilier. wh.ie r. natant attenu n will be paid to themoral blS i«h\u.altiain.rig.,t only foar boyt utder tea yrareof age. The adtautagea of g<«. go\rrnmrnt. a propor diet,rrtoi.rc. a for exirute and an.ueement, tlie c_ii.aiii.ii.hipaml i\n.|athy of taperiora hotne yBiaeOooaod tsaaii.ta l-BBkjtrlt rf grnetal inUrretaid i.ift.rmtuori.aadoll.cr. ir:uni»:»nc«t wliuli c.nnot b* dewnbed m nn **>

rat_e_*Bt. _r ott.redto the p*.-rttorgn*rditn. Ihr boy*ail i.c.1 Le >lf in the rare or company nt ¦ hireli | nt anv

ti.e. A iiatuial f< i dt,.-** ka children. and iriea* ai lat ad-BBBBBOtBSf aaaaa eduia'im. h*\e h.'lirr'u imtv

eVuca'r n.y own l«jyt: tad not l*-inf ei.firelj d\eitini % I tn art.ird to takeo'! tr«4»',[h

B> prr Wrrk. wilh ri<> exira chargc*, rxc-pt for phy.iciaii'*|- ., .,¦,.... .-rn. ltlt.'.l>-c:,-d tl.At

a lad will rni niu «. \ tni'i.tha.l.i.t I i- tl -ly agreeti, u akI t make a maii of a l*>y even ka daaUa .*tI ttraaPirliniiiarv ia.ii.irr* m*y be addreaaed W. L., Box J40 P4>at

Harlfoid. t'.iin.

[a>8S__. SEMINARY.L. L.YON,X_4 AM, K. LYON, M.D. aud Mra M.C. LYO«, Prtncl.ptit. Complcteneatof b<.-ding irrangemrnta, kind andef._r>cnt tu-.tion ar.d a healthy loratioo corubine to reoder thi*Inatitution * deairable rew>rt for thrwe *eeking a thorough and*ccr,rr.pli*hrd educaticm. Pupilt rrcrived at any time. ItalocaJion i* on the beautiful marrin of the Connecti. ut River,aear the wat'Oard. and it .aty of uccrm by th* New-Yorkand Hartford daily ttramooata Ki.r h-'alth and ri^r.-ation,the teacher* ai.d pupila are fuinithed with elr«_it cairriaga*atd *a.lk-bont., wrll tnuned t'.,r y.nini ladi.f uar. Cueo-la.-* can behadofWM. H I.YDNk f<>. No I IVy at_ ot

by kddr__Bg tbe Principa.s, at K»aex.-K**ex, Coru., AprllL 18.-._EXCELSIOR..Parenta wishins; to fiiul

i. lt.»tltunon in whirh gtod order It maintained hyrrsl kirdne*. ar.d rapld linprovement. tecired hy thoronghIcttrtirtion. will he p'raaed ai.d aerved at tlio CVmiuer..;-and Cl***icaJ Schocl, No T3 H-nry-a


T\|ATHEMATiCAL academy, n...J.T I P.i.iadwtiy, Room No 47. near the Irving HouaeProf. RYAN co.itu uf.to five _*_n etioat in every bcaot.of Mallienial.rt, w ith th.-ir spphcation to Mechainc*, Aatron-emy, N .vigatloe, Pnginfrinf. .tad k.rreyiat, xn.i the va-noni Mechai.ical A.t*. Hour* from 8 to 11 o'clock A. M.,and 2 to A and to '.» o'clock P. M.

RAYMOND (X)U-bOIAT£ INSTI-Tt'TK. W'einvite the attention nf ntri-n'tand guard-

iaiiB to thia floiiriahing arhoo! for vmina Lad.e*. It ia aituatedcear the vi ry B**0_ttl Mll»ge of Caimrl, Putnacn Co'inty,Nrw-Yoik. within a f.w ro_I c-f a bntiniful lake, and eom-

n.ai.ding a a.at deMgbtfui pnapect of the viliage »..J ¦<ir-

rouiidii g acenerv. Tlifltiiiilding l* new, plannrd »nd tini.hedio * prtfrct B li arJU tt.OB.BB.wkl|f* pupilt. The lilttary depai'i.irut it under the clmrge ofRev ROP.FKT (i. vVILLIAMB, »>.nt"d hy three iBBBaittearlii ra. Thr boaiclert will he ui.cler tht kiud care of Mr*.WANWARINO, and thr health. mora'itmi BOlBtramtMttaftlu pt/pilt will reenve the Bltlll.Bo attention o. all th*

., ¦ BBftl.I *dvar'».rt are otfered in the iiniaical tudiirn.iiii ntal lirpurttiirnt. Kr. rc !i aud Spai.i.h will be taugbtat n» k.n.Lniin, ..rr. k nrd llehrrw aa, laacica.

( l.rolart will br aei.t on appllcal.on, oi may be obtaiuedkt M. W. DOD'S Book Store.The BB_a.at Baaafc. eo_.btomM on the l»t Th'irtday of

Mav, bat B.kolart W DI he rr. iived tubarqueBtly.1'rrn.a $H.iper tet*ion of twi'iity-oue week*. mcl'iding tai-

tion. I«r*rd. luhtt andev. rything hut ahe utnal extrt.Mnaic- P'ai.o.B.'11 i-' Drawii'gand Painung.f!» 00

..- I Ir.'it.n-ent.I Bt Any oi the _iaiguagea,MutT-Ouitar. 10 (X. eaih. I1"-!l'*e of Inttrrmrnt. 2 60 Oii Painting. lott)Voral Muaie to all the tchoo1, free ol harye._

SCHOOL f'-.r ORPHAN P.OYS. K.nt,C"iin..N'.i.i.I-t Ii.i I"! t." |l ' None r-c-ived ov*r

ten \caia of age. Kor further ptrti-ular*. referente* andt'l.i.*, -ii!.... tl.e l'liii.ipal, A_HBKL KL'LLKR, Kent,i_

I^ARRVTOWN [NSTITUTE, T_iry-town. tt. Y In thu Inttltution young Oentleman ara

Ibcrjughly inti.uct, .1 in *ll U* bra.icnea r nultite foreoni-mercijl pt::r.::tt tt e.itcnng Coilege. t'i.TjlAr»c-ir.i_r lagr*Arreaeee, tern.a, ke.. tan I* ibttioed At C. Kheptrd A Co.'*B... k_ara, Ka 1.1 Paktea-**. ot K. H. Wil^a, No. ZOB.-c^dway, New-York, or by . '...»,..,,A. N_iV MAN, Prlnelpel.

Piono-*fortfS.FIRST PPiEMlLM in 1841, '4i and

'44._Th* (plrrilid H octave Ii -tnitnent* of the *ub-ar.'.er, are dow ri.cuing tiie a.iinlraiioii jl the tir»f profeuor*_ d niuaicai feuili *t ln tJM city. Tuey pottem ail t.ie powerand exquiaite harmony of the grni d Piann, and trr adbalf tiie price, togeiher with other P_oo* of 1 and' t oeuve*,at thr lowrtt B.BBB.tai.kf pncea.

CHAiil U .1 Hi.iLDKR, No. IM Spr^r* tt

G~6cH. BARMOREoflpratthciTMaa-fu u'actoivand W ar. roorh, No Ml B*BBt.arat eorner

of Cr-r-e-tt.. in MO-t-ttaiaf tteftV-t PIANO-Iwuh the Dietallic f ame and reveite bri.l^e and all oiiierBi4.en. lmprovi io.-ntt.

H1RED P1ANO-FORTES.NOBtOBB RaBIHO -Taa c.n hnv a P.ano.K.ite, of

ai.y make you plratr. and pay amall mootbly inotOo and gi t * Pic-'pectu* ol tht .--.¦ o:..I 1'ian .-K'-rte Awoeiation. to br had grati. at tlie t..tk . .¦ Ixiokatore. ofA«i.1.4-r, St,. rp,a,ii i. Cu No .' A*tOt llollar.

A. H. Jtli'Kl.i N. TrrB.ru*r.

MESSRS. LItiHTE ,V NENYTON, ineon*r.iuerice of thr Im n-dwil tea_B., ai.d ourivalett

BoaaktrBy ol tl.. r PLANO-POBT-B, h. -

.. ,i,d i.t.iimI * Waiernom in Briy.iway.I'lvkrrpa ch"i4'e teirctlon of 0'ir

Pia io-Fi :\ telavo. ln R.iaewiaid caaea, witht..«lateat tat] « W'e ahai1 *1*l> contmue tokrrpatull BawBtta rnenf. at our Manufactory and\k ai> r..-nn. No 22 l'ti.al-*t. All 1'iai.o-Foriee ol our mana-.rture arr warranttd tn rv. -y re.pert. Profeteor*. ama-tetir* and m, M wk Bt.ii [air paxentting. are r> fIriMtrd to c*H ai.d rxaiT n.r. Ail ordcrt truru ihe ciiy .'Bouitry punctually cxreutrd.



ANO FORTKS .CnequaJled for eompeclaieaa, power,br..Hal BB, and beeuty, bave for the poat ka yrara beea_.roughly trtt.-d iu e^ery parl of thit broad Rrpublic, froo*Maine to Califbmia A eplrudid (tock now on hand, 6| a_17 octave*, van iog iu pnce from |Osi u. $4**). K- -ry inatra*ment i* w_-rauted to r.ve perfect t.tiafactioo. Piaoo* tolet,tuced and rrpaired. WttataaOBB No sa Broadway, cornerof Antbtuy-at tad oppcante Rroadway Tneater.


TALIAN VIOL1N 8TRINGS..Ju*.ircrivrd ¦ frr*h wjpply f .pe.'.or I'aiian \ ioiln Stnnga,

_f aaie m i>iei.titie« to t'Ut purrhajeert, on llie tne*'. rraaoaa-t.le trin,., by OEIB A JA-B-Okt, No. 4JS Broadway,ot* ioor abrve the Art C__o

OROA N S, CHURCH ORC.ANS..Tbe anbaenber offrra for aal* tb* fcllow-ing O.-yw.i at

tw4_.d pnce* and oa bberal term* Un* eigbt-etope Oo_dtg_a, c-e _x-*_oa do.; ooe five do. Alao oae teooad haal

('.-»a.¦:-.- ¦..--. ...._'...h._,d,B.at-4 ar aearly so, from tuer to twelve (toee, with pedajgC.C C. W M. H. DAVIB, Na67 t_-Ooa«__k

P1ANOFORTE8 A large aaaortmentct I'anoa from tbe cr-hrated ho_a of Haliet, Davt* A

Co.. Bottut., toth wuh aod withcutCoiemaa'a.HiHiaa Attacb-mrr.t. trav f-e iuurd ut tbe wareiocnie of LINCuLN aTHO.F>ON, No 441 Bruauway. Al*o, piaoo* from c_.reel*btatrd trairia A latte aaeortn.-t of eeeood-hand Pi-anoa b-r aaie caeap.r caah New aud u cond-hand i_.ra-__DtatoUt. LINCULN A THO-P_ON,

No. 441 Broadway.

J" _C CT K1S( HER, (lare Nunna 6te Pi*c_tr,) bm-uftrtory aad wareroc.t, No. 17" (Jreea*

¦yica-et. eoraer of Dey-eL P__>Portea, warraatt-d, withleiaras brdf* tnd katent tooe, w*U eaka-leai Ar keeplai

ror* P.eo-Poi.etarrd, irpalTBd aa4 aaH_a|.LN B -A_o_-_»B rnar_-Port** bx *al*

EW and SECOND-HAND PIANO*PURTKS..W'e have now oa hand a lara* mbiiIiiibal

ef r. w ai. uttomi Land I*__a _* aaie and to hire. Pia*<afratB 9» to B-O. Por hire fro*BBdtj|!1 per moeth. NcMt Brr*daay, NowYorA BAPPOBD a BRUTiIKB.

P1ANO FORTES..The fineat Bisort-a>eiit ef P.oo-Pert**ia thaotty may be _aad at tha

aroru-* w_*rootj_of N. P. B Cl'RTIS A CO, 447 Broad.wa*, coa.tting of te*o Hewt'a c.labtafed Araericaa PatratAruoa Planoa, T. Gubtrt A Ca.'t top-tr _loc__ tmao (i\\.brrt't ai d et-rr*- Bo-totr Aao. a aartety of aew aad *ec-e_i nxai Paao* U *a>* aad to let. Na 447 Broadway

PI A NO- FORTES. - H\ZELTON icBROl'HEB-* -A baa msmbIbbOBbj _. v-p^bbbm*

od Maalral D*pirtn.pn_ bit p-epir-1 the .".¦>*¦

warrant _H_f P'ano* tt ev-ry -sfort HA_E',T'W .* PBitP< ratreat, ee»r Oraid_PLANOfi fM sBie *-» to Hire, at No. I

Ferrlay-.. 0'it dwor to th* AjAji Hoae*. rrn- il to 1.tavne. la r .rw,- ,' ar.d Bl \ « aaa* *._.-..**"

jAS THOMfSON. tato Talimaa a__a_Aaap. ]_tA] RISON li»* removed hia

e Mao-.'a. rtrr er_ Wir'rooois from No. ¦ Caaa-neramay befoanl a


l- PIANO-FORTES ro LET or FoR| *) MI--.E«M_ rna ItataBBB .' ' a Plano-

r -. md pob M 0! MPPAY. No, ... , .. f_ v. arvd *4 per aaootr--

Piano-lpr'p* hoext-i. *r,M. rnn«d anl to '-t

flt_d)inrr_, *C?c.

I^oR SALE.Two Proiwller Oni.lvn-.. -v-. ea. of fl tnrli rv!:i:dpr, f« tech ttroke; will

a p. at P y A.- k M l R P H l >. No. 27 Corlears tt,i herry tt- Kultnn rottr.dry Ottice.

PR( >TE< Ti >R GA_ M E PERS- LAl I >-r_ei t 1'-, -e.--.-r <;,« M.-

nady tor rvamtiaiion - 8 tea Pateut-. .4:h-*t ,.p-'

STEAM ENG1NE and" BOLLER forSALE-Enartn* |0_>r** tvwnr, o_»* by Wtn. B_.-*

Botler. loeim»tlv_ 15-bone ar-wat. all n B-.rteet orderj aaa

MeeeneiNo _S !» .iton-*t Alarx *3 Kotina. _-_>,**eowwr

TOPLl' NIiERS.H A V1>EN £ 8 VN-DEM Mar.ii.rturers. offer ftwBala at No i'.i Pearl-

a fulla__rtmcnt of Bra*a Kaicta, Hoae Hpe*. II._idbtk*. Ac, a-i'abl* for Plun.hem' o*e, ar.d MtaJBOM to

atand Iroton pree.re, AUo, a lari e vv-ety ol Sti-Arn CockaOl) Cup*. ktV tor Locomotive* ai.d Stationary Eagi-**

TT'ILIMOTS PATENT CEREOMR-f ? 1_B, or ORAIN W HOHKR.-Tiita .- tha ~o*t

, roosa-d aaefil1'w.l wetih grein. discharge iMalf, a-id regutr-r it* own

4,, ik M'llcr*. gratn deatera and botneaam-n are invtted toMrativ.loraRwdaya (attB.iaa,)Mtaa BfaaR.

Ijnl'itjM P' ¦¦¦y. lir.a-kNn. RuliU t t aale.

aTntlcrri, -Jurbrourc, $rt.

CUT NAILS..An d-ssortment ot Boon-toa Cat Nai't eooatantly on hand tnd fbr bbJi hy

DI'DLKY B Kl'LLER A CO,No. iJnOreanwich-irt, oor _edar4*.

FAIR BANKS SCALES-REDCCEDln PIlIl'K.- T! rap BBBBB..d B.BM are nnw inanntaa

tured aith such incrraaed facilu.ea, hy improvementa ln ma-

ebtnery, Aa, thal they are now olfered at gr-aily reduiedortce* and tn.proved ut iiuality.^KAIRBANKS A Co Nn 89 W.te: at


CY 4*00-8.PRANCI8 nlMES k dON«,

Ifo. 4 Malden-lane tnvite the attertlon of Boyen to tha_aztenave aaanrtment of ihe aho-re t;.L\)t, whlah t.ay jSc: fr.:aale aheap, for caah or aparoved er«dltA aonaiant sopply of i < 'LT'"* PIHTOLS, of all iivti

GRATES ar.il KENDERS..H. KEL-_XT_I Orata and Kendet Manufactory, No. it*

BriKime *t, three rii»>n we«t of Ihe Bowery, arij, inlng 1)1OoaafBCbflgcR Buoiiersaiidotliei* who are abo.u .

tnr. w.i.ldrlio well to csll. aah-siao:atidei'ttltal 1.BB|Ar BBftatJ aud cheaf nesa, are aruurpnw d.


Nwi.33 ANn34Pi,-Tii!4-STIorroi.iTe thk I'siriu BrartiHotel. Nbw-YoP .

IMPORTERANDaENERALriKAl.KRin E ia--*, j*.s__l and Aflaartaaa Hardware, Cutlery, Vimt Taual. A*.. r*

tpectfully tnvitet the attention of Gafl-tn Mereh'.n'iMechanic* and othera, maklog tlipir Sprini and Scmroer pirthaaea, to hia very extenxive a.oitment, eompilsir* ever;thlug tn thn line, and to which new acd r»ntt_ut B-, |beirg added ; all of whicb are off.iied at Ihe lowe*i prfyee. frBasb ur approved M.ittCut aud Wrougbt Nails, Loeks, Lat«he*.Knlve* and Koika Pen and Pneket Knivaa.R-tors, Bciasorsand aheara. In great vnriety.Bhovels, Spadea, IIwm. fo'ta, ¦tytbea and Hualh*, Bl***Cooper't Toola In great varlety, of the moat aelebtalM

Mannfacturera, Albertaon, Corger, If-.-toe, Bt-tta a*fothera.House and Shlo Carrx-ntot's Toois, Bl__mlth t T-a-RHouae and 8liip-Buiuier'a Hardware.Iron, Bnua, Cocper, Steel and Load WtraAmei'a Pump Aiigera and Rlmmera.

HB. RICHARDS, No, 37 John-at.,e eecond do«r beiow Naaaattat., (rereatly of Na XI

Matdenlane.) keepa on hand a genrral aaaortraent of Hard¬ware and Cutlery of aJmoat every deacriptton, Mechanioo'Toola, Builder*'Oooda, llousekeeptng articlea, Ao. Peraoatwishing to purchaae gooda in this line, at t. . loweat priceaare deaiird to call on Irm, at No H7.1 alin at, where they willflnd Bii articlea on thentoa reaaonahle terma, eitber by the.uanttty or by retail. H. B. RICHARDd, J7 Jobn-tt.N.T.

PIO IRON..1U5 tuna Boonron No. 1Pcundry Pig Iron ; .>' tuna Boonton No. 2, do. do.; I.W

do. No. 1 MctVa ar.d Wlt-.e do SO tum Dover No. I (JlierBoel da Por rale by DI'DLKY B. Kl'LLER V CO.,

No. 159 Oreeowtch-jt., eorner Cedar.


ot tlie o4tn Bbovi the tire render* tln* the mo*t perfectn tn le found iti this tnarkrt. We bave live a_taller

at.t'1 lur Board.1 basats and private familles.8HANNON MMBAI.L, No. 245 Water-t-

ST E W A R T' S 1>LANTAUENETt.i \nn RA/.ORS -The tnhtcribera contintie to re-

. celphratod lt.aar. Kor aale alt only by PRANCISTOMES A SON9. No. b' Maid-

en-'arp, Bok ajenta fur C Stewart A Co., Charint-crnaa,L a_ u. Alao, Ibe telebrated Army Ra/or, au eolirely new_.8 '.

SUMMER STOVES and HOUSE-KP.EPINO H \RHV\ AHE.WILLIAM CLARKK,No. 9 ('aiinine-*t. (four door* aliove Bienrkar.)No .14': thav- (three door* above tatb-flt)No 1^1 t:rh av t'our door* aboVB 14th at )

Dealer fu wariant«d Looking and ataaflaaM t.MBhf Pur-I'uware. Alao, general Hardware, Cu'lnry, and

- N. B..All Stoves are wairantedurepreaeBitd, or the money relurned

TABLE CUTLERY.Th« SOUTHRI\KR CITLERY CO have establlslied a Dopol

at No. II Jobn-ai, "p itnirt, where a complitte aevirtmant ofBnperior Table t'ut.ery, llutcher, Cook and Sboe Kamay be l-.ui d, to which they would invite the atteutlon ofthe Uade and large buy era. P. W. OALLAI.'DET, Agent

PUMP rHAlN..The suliscnbr-rM aremanofii' tnring Pump Chain of sunerior quality, whi.

they onYr lo _r- irA<le in lota, on f_voral-le termaHOLDAlfl i CO, No.91 Washlngton-at.

/nrnitnre, Ut.

BKliS, Coal aad Luxnriunt.Pataam*oSp: n degiee ot elaiticitv.ciraalattag

the atr m r BB and Ma-Bf. PLTNVMk¦IRIPBOR, Na 8. Bio-uli-

CHARLES FFLLER, Dealrr in Jen-elnia' ni:w Patent Premiam Hafpty Oaa Lampa. Alao,

Camphpue. Spi.-n Oaa, Otl and I.rd I.mpa, Hall and utharLantein*, fiirar.ii. la*. Cliaudeltera. Ra, uf the moat appm.edKt'.i mi, C'vtli ry and Kanry Oruament*. Al*o. Campbene.

.int Oua, Phoigene Oa*. Oil, Wicka, Olaaaes, ke. No. .847>reeLwlcii-at., between YVarren and O.am.re-tta., N. Y.

C^AB H XTl RT_S, Chandeliera, Pen.l-JT anta. r!,acki-t», Ac nf the leiebrat-d I'omeri.ia inaae,

t'andelabiaa. l.u u.dolr*. Baia* LbbbBb, Slierlield MiU-er Pi»-a. Baski-ta Tra- - 1'iai. .1 ob Aibara. Table Korka. *si

d' ren ftpooaa, 03 M RV ^ ul bear en.B4i..g A. MOR-AN. No. 1- %4 ill.a_.ai. betweea Kultou aud Ann-aH,

oppo*ite tb* l hiurcb.

GIRANDOLESi; SOLAR LA>ir.S,Laa_r.a, Car.delabraa Bracki-ta, B*ang_et Hold-

e/a, Kluid I.ampa.tbe lergeat aud beat taturtr.d stoek Mthia City. for aale at leaa ti.to maruts. t'lrera* pricrs.

i I KKILLY, No liiCanaiat, cor. Latghtat

LOOKING QLASSE8, PORTRA1T andPICTl RK KRAMES, of everv deecrlprioa. on haod

a-d ma_e to order. al lew pnee*. W N. JOflQfBOM,No. .4 Broadway, (Co.-uore Hooae, and -M Bowery.

RK il PAPER HANGINOfl of tholateat itylea and moat deairable Bat'erna, In Velvet aad

Oold. Sattn aud Oold. aad plain Saun, of oor own trnportaptloaa, at the very loweat pric-a, for caah alao, a full aaaortraent of American Papeia aad Borden. Pire-B-_rd PrinML_*_ at whotaaale aaa retail. CHILD8 A SMITH,

No. 449 Pearl ., eor. of WiliiaauN. B.None but competaal workmea aeat frota ttilt tettk


4^PRlN(r MATTRESSE8, from $5 tob_7 |J. Iroo Bedateada, Iron Pumiture for Cottagea andeo«ir.try teata, botela, Ac Paucy and Ootluc ReceptioflChaira. kc, lor worked covera, Looagea aud Coucbea, at No.5A3 lSrca.1 way. above Spnug-at, weat aide, the ch.peet p_M1tn the city. Aii kiuda ot t_r_;;_ra aealiy repaired, varn-__e_, Ac

SHOW CASr_3-^HOW~CAS___.--_ilarge aaaortr.at e___ntly oa har.d; alao, Casa* of

...¦.".. . u.adi .. adarta ba BaaBaM a-4.- \r,s %tatajbortett noaco ijB.L PEEBUCB, Ma UM 4_T4__-,BL T_ three door* eaat of Broadway.

SOFA BK-)STEADS.-T_ooe who arata waat of a 8ofa B*<.rad, aad deetra to have the beat

_._..'_-tured ic the eoontry. wiil call M tb* atorea of tha¦-DBfa-o-r, W. 8. Hl MPHRKYS. Noa 1- and liiC_aU__-44., aad *xan.ine Nt»Sh«m'» Patent, which u aa>kaowledgedbyall wbo _iveaaaneraaed t_nn, tobethab.Iavar ln4enurd. It caa ba opeaed ta Sve tacooda, and wbaaaioaed eaaaot be detected a- being a Sota B.*_¦«_. Alao. aaaatoaMva bbbbs.aat of *_r__-ra, Boda, MMtraaaaa, Aa, kaWanlaaala aad raaaR.

fTlisceilantoM.LUM. SODA ASH and UltrRmRrinaBla* oa band, aad f-.r aaU byJAB T DERR1CR8UN b CO. Ha l«f_.aa-

ASPINWAIX a:.i I'ANVMA jjjCO-TPAM , *.B* ttByfk*J«a*__*jjr*aB.IBOOtlOt..I U* HiM-r*. A. *a. ',. r*'aad wl'.l kerpC4.iaatw.tly oo har.d . g »*i taaaiy ''f t..a_>?*'Ic* aad frrek * na p . ..¦...»¦ g_J?JUt any pw.nl oa ino l*th__. ar. u.e Ckty of P*-lrn, ^***.B*k- raioa '- . *

jilIN ti I'vkOt.ANBACHl. 4^

B'l. f.ARI.IlTS t.'. ..B'e,; .v,.p. POWUKB. orenftt* V« _ti ,|-. ._..,._./

Lahor u. \>- *-. t I) uble Re.inrd S A L K K \ T4'3. * _-3. aefaayBit. CUAkflC\(.T_S

Pi'Wl BB, t r tsjid rvri o' *. a.1 a 4 Ctt*. »1_CRFAM fARlAR, SODA BAL-BATlo, CAaTlSB'.'AP. 1.- ic H-ittf lc.e* tr* pu. ;p ta tbevaajt,!?tatOM. ON BtMk_t tr.iiurr. a. tftfetat t.w er t.wt-- rw

k_B.ax a: a w-Kk tloM * rx_prwItijT:t_;-:*. for tale tu t,ua;.t.n». to ae'; part! w.i u X» w,. -.4. _rrt«.Nrw V >rk

BE.\ l MONI > PaTevF'-Tai; ¦pni |..H_.in!IN N. «TOW.A Ch«m__ b-ZT

8.«p_l,'r NSON 9 i'" . I - " «-->tp-Kr t. y, v^#Frer-4-o Lttratd *! rirg..All of which a-r wv TtBtaJ ,,ern-r rt :«.".'".". .-" u miaaihr aasd H .¦»« *r4"^kx

tatatMai w u 'Awirf

BL A C K I N «..XVOTTEN & AN.M-.ARSc'.lrbt-ed P_l_ielphi* B.«.*]*_ wa.cn %

Beived thr lateat pieiriun. et the tVr. wanaoir4 taaww,lo aay odiet io tua, fur *.. b> ll. gru** or leet **i__> aa

eeryU Bt.*..f Cutit. CtMattj u.. BwB.Bc*ata*W4_2tt.I.ta

cjrdara _ippiird u* «b.-vr. *r>d de'ner.-d o<, h. »Vi f e..fau.y_w r_ _-i h» KLoV.'DR". II A CO_ N_ 104 y .«,

1_TY TRADE..N..u i* tiietirnctoAd.vertir* IB the newxparer» of Brubb..rtng _2aa ttg

towm tor the trade of 'l.e ec__ryjBM kj t_,_. Bh*4a,are tn do ic with dia-r-.ininarton aod ctr.-BJitap*,-':^ * gaaj

.v u .tfr.-rd hy \. 11 PAL.l_A. j_,Tertir.rg Ag»:icy. Trib-.n* Build-r-ga. kie.


turri* and other* w_t._« advert.rir.eut* m*.-ted a i_,bett ar.d n:e*t widely circnlated .toornaii of r.ther or itafiiliw-'.r.g B_Oat ithe ...hahiranta el which do ru_t of _,-..

fc-l.ugli: S- w Vo;k. v r bsrlBtd tu 4i!; ai V. H PA.B__*Advntuit A A_ r.cy. Tli.BBB Bulldli^a. w.i.-re lh* Ba.«,may be acvrt, pncea a*cenaierd, ar.d e.ery lal ' «__i.'.r* for _o adoption ol a judlctC.l gygtaai of ui > ¦ . .<

h --.*. K>w*t.a, flaa

H4- ara,Ne« H«4.«,N.a Bn.*.*,N*w LtBwWw,Il.fW.w,-



II|_r All comimiBtce'lor.* *ttendrd to prwr

Tnhune Bu.l.liii*., Nrw.\orkOP" A S:*t of ..cher clli** k'td town* ln ra^n .-> aie. lawh'tA

papen are pukiiahed, can be had hy thc.e wiahing tu tdveeB_ South or Weat, Faat or North, at tue Agnuy.

C^HEloSKA MILLS.No. %U We*J «7th-«-DSpot No 1"J Berkman ti..Th* (utwtirllwa

aro mw pr, pared b> ftirnMi frrth grouml Fh ur, Orar_r,Plour, wh.te and yellww C.-n k'-al. H"..nnt, WhrwagOri., *nd Parlu* (l.aioaud Kerd ut all kuul* grra»«aarrier. Order* tem-d io *riy part of 'li" ct v !>.-*> «>f c»>nakPor aaie clieap. a ItVoiMOt ritoam Baaia* an. B.>i'-r, bt (.t>ple.erucningordrr isttrfBml k WII.U4.

c Al TION.PATENT RESIN OlL-_/ Tapreve.it Impoaltlon and eeriout *cci4ln,t. w* wtai

gv. < BO.CO that the ouly place whjre tho rral P .kBt Kbo*Ull can be bougt.t la New-York i* allhe Rr*ln Oii 0.._p_|ttore. No. 4U Broadway W'eaell itto oode.eit io th* cityTo pr*veol niiauke* w* keep n 4.thrr tJwMo I* frr* f>*am.i'll, tinoke or exploaton, and coou but a half ."nt per ktay_t * ttrxdv, beautlfllL bt__tal llgl.t Bo.'t t» *H parltof tk*Dlty tire of .-xpente. Tub"« filted to nil, ard fiinn ItmnatwexL.ice tokan tLttotl. ItCBlM 01^. C.>MPASi;

11 PaRM£NI1CR, rttOaOt. Ageut. N.' H.' r iiadwat,


Tarrrd It.i) e, Old Papere, and all other Paper Makart'at..LbyCihl B W. rll.LU A CJ-. No.'.tl Beokinaa-a.

CHEAP PATENT ROttEINt..Dnaioa rough plank for 4| cent* per foit,.tn-cr t!a or __¦

glee, 3* er nt*, »ud warranted by OOOD BV 1N, No i8S Spritg.t' eear Hudaoo.

LDE8 and LEATHER.-Vio Rio(l-iii.-Ox Hidra, ala> P.1.I.H Kip«, *ole Leather to!

hajnrr* aud hridle L> alher, bark Shrvp .Htina. A .. for *aI* btMKI.MN A KNAPi', No 7ri.lol.fa

MPORTANT tn LADIE.S..MR-Tm.FOI/KY reipectrully nll* tli* atU-iili.io of thoo

ladie. having rich old Thi. ...1 _BBtj llnown a.i.l- at B.40leaa, that ahr la prepared to Tran.f.r. Rrpn.r, or Alt-r lo thtnn at rrmlrrn ttyle and abape., and w.irrantod to i-.t. w_tand wrar e.pial to nrw. N > 519 Pearl *t.

J 11. Pai.mkb. II -' Xo.Pai.hb_'Jll, PALMER iV SOlf, Urain, Storaso

e aud C.BBB..BO MerchanU, dealn* la W h.-at, <'t,Oa'*. Klour, Pi.k. L.ird, Btt, at the Tu lawai.da Elerattr,



whi. h iaa arr. en aid blower, fliat will out inn m [wiMtt grai

ecreri.ecl, at tl.e lowcat tatea Toi.awai.da, N V.ordrr for fi.Kign ahipment. Al! klnda nf tvata .' " I

LADIE.S TAUUHTwoCUT DRES..-8by meaaurement in a few houra, *o aa to dt thmn.Ivtt

or otliert perlectly Thoee who do aot wfth to Bkarta haltetlre a rerf.-ct rit, can ohtaln It hv ralllngoo Mr* Mf I t.KB,No. IM Dtaol a. Ur.aneaand Mai.tillaa male tu the rtvet___t_tw. aty le. All kind* of patte n* -r*ala

HiETALLIC MARBLE MANTI.K.S.-lfl JOHN H KKV.SKR A Co, Hct Air fumaee aaiBA.igo ManutS'.-tiirert have added to Uir.r buiin.'. .tBitnuf.;.'.n- of Knamelled Iron Maut'-., tn ___._¦ tfdirh-rrnt ttv!.* of e.pentive m»rhlre, nf gr- nf b. suty _|slcgunc.i of ...L They ean be a.lii at a grcitly rta__|.rir-e, of s crrrapondiug atjla ot maibl*. *nJ nrrd only t*oe aeen to be apprriiated. CtlaBMOtt. Bthaf BfaV.___Br.. I r ir.t-riort of dwellr .i can b>i unaihled la the _.atbes'tiful m. nrr, and at a modrrate cott. Ar.hB.Bt*. Imii'Aer* and otlie.t intrre*red, are Invited tn call at tl.e Slo.-tcftbe tuhscriher* and view th'" aitiile for theiate.lv.-*

JOIIM 11. Kr.VSKRfcCO.Ni. .% CU.fJt

NEW H.i-I 8PLENDLD ICE-CRKAMPAf.OON. No I.I Pulton-at, r.onnim' Sindt. Brrwk'

IjTB..Tl .' 'I *P hv Man C'.P-

LANIJ A BRO, of Bcwtoii, lle wrll kr .wu ar.d rrlehimt*!nianiifaetur. r»of Ire Cieain and . onfretii.nery. They kttt

the k..BB in a mmt luxuriou* a ylr. tptrrngma troaWe to niake the p'tee ttotBOttItl

plrari.at li.all who will facor thrin wuh a call. W* thtlleodeavor h) ' I! <w .. (h.i ta.ne plan iu tb* mar.if*ct'ir*ofonr arti'lrt, niakiug 'hrm of tlie very hrat iiiafrr;_a, ao tbOt'l wl o i tircluM of ut will he aure of tlie very b'-tt, aad *.

dr. ej.ll'in.N. B..Hotrla, partlr* and private familie* raa he terv.4

with the following art.clr* o.i tho tli'.rtrat noti-r k.ml OMpunct'.ai.'y PtBIBO Sherlwrt Jrhyt, Bl.inc Mtut". I.CtOBBB, Plata lakr, Pan.y do., b.af do Purtry tndCMkd'tionriy lfl all ita ^anrtle*. Ai»c. Tahle Om*meeta of eterydrac'-iptioii. All good* bouglit at thia Hot.* a_l b*»:atfree of expenae tu any part of th. city, eleoto Naw-Yurk **.W'lllian.ai.urdh.


JOTICE .The crotlitors of C(K>>KR,1\ TII.TON A MACLKAN, lateof the City of lalfcOjlu Ihr K.r.sd.irnof li.eat Bri'a.n mercheBBt. and the CRr.-UlTORd ol KDW'AHH BKVAN COOPEB, laU of audL.wtta, BMBoww.t, ar* rripiurd to preeant their riwprc'tie*nl .in.a ai.d f'e I IIBl tlBIB *nd proot* thrrool to rn* *l th*ortii" o. < urt.t, Be*!. V Ke»r.iig, No 4" Wall rt , in tl.e C.tyof Nrw i nik. on oi kt.ta thr hra day of iuly, 18 -i.NtW-Vork. May 17. 18.-. HAMI BL J Bk'Af.S, A_unr« of

Cooper, Tiitun A Marlaan. and ot Kdward Hevan CocaO

PAPER MANCEACrnJKERiS' MA*TKRIAL8.Taa aacat *atenOve aatortmeet I* 1.tt

tuaaty, lor aaie by .'..«¦* W. yiK.'.U ACO.No. UCIisfat

SKI N ES, Nln'S^ VYKmm, "&i:.-Theaabaenher wotild call the artentlon of thc.. dralngia

or uaing 8eim«, Kyki-a or Nrta of any drwnptio... r.» haa_*nrini.-iit of artlclea of llie above drtnnption Tlir* ar*made of . *uper1or qoallty tf Ct.a Tcvlor. prepared at.tanned to pr'vnt Btt.BO t.a'i ure adaptrd to ail kliidaofyiahtng, w.ill.rr for U.e Cirek. Pond. Lake, R.vor or Cc.tt,Alto. Ceating Neta for the South and HBttI Anwii'-aa trad*.Dip NeU of all (iae* *t. drccilp.ion on barnl, or mvlaMerifer Ordera frotn tli* eoontry pewt-peid, with ia__ttotBpror.iptly attrndrd to and lorwai.l.d wi.lmiit dr-lay Per-aon. ordrnng NrU or Relnee will plea*e gl/o tbe loafsOtine BBOBw.I prior to time they are wa/ifod.tW A large t*_O0_OOl of Rc.*, R. r.i* _.d PuLing Tatt-

llug ou bai. at thr lowrrt ea*h pr.. . ¦


JOHNJ BROWN, No. lOUPultoii-rt N Y


8P.WINO MACIIIN- will aew Iratbrr wuh tte aant* aafcVlty aa cloth. Thia l* oo a**ertion only W'e caa eoovu.t, *fden.i;n*tra-lon, tl* arwiug oo leattier to keol im.mer.a* pr*tt.An extenav.e taddlerv houa; In thi* city oa* in proutcal ofa"rafioo r,lr.e of tor.. Macbioe., and the aet *_(reaa'e prolt BB'l" a day. 'Ihe nan.ee of tlie partlr* will Ul f.'ui.hed taappllc*tu,n to l. kf. SINOEA ACl»..Nj.iS1 Brr>*dw*yv

STUTZNER & PETZOLD, No. 1*Bo*e-et3 B.oofactnreranf Papler HmU War** viokO

of Art* and Scirno-a, Ltenai.a for Har-irrrwityp'-U bj. Bl>roeco Caar*. moet elegant Pire-Board*. Ve, Ae.

THE CORPORATE LIMITS oi thia< ITT embrare bat a few milee. aod all rn«*tart rrla

tin« thetrto ,.rrd la* advrrtitrd 1.1 thr pepertof C* ntt ""rJ. iiieaa B_B_ en.hrt. * othrr CkMOa.t .nd Slatta, »*.

b4n.1r.raa malter*. l_tto4h*BL r^ay wilh propn»ty he BoVarOBBBin i.rw.|.j|rt publitbed ln otlM;r dl*t:;ifa Tiie l*aOBt .*tran.h.,afB, railrcad* aod ot.»r nvyfe* of tra\el r

portation to tl.it city, poii.t out to intrlligent m.vA*Uw «*>tn. tj of rocnuy in wbicb it wool.l be *rn*i'>le to ttevenirr. not only for tiie near trade, bat the trade ol t_* **.**and Weat

\ i: I'AI.MFR:* thaageatof the hrat BBBOBI of everfwrtir.e of thr co.'j.try. for whlcli he lt * .thonrrd 10 r*c*t».auhacnpti. caand advrrtlarmenu andgire rfceipta Ail*.qoutte iiiloimatioti to enable peraon* to adver_1e o_BttwBBwVlualy and judicloiwly can be I.d ol tua.Kc'W ia the ttu.e to _Ivertlae.

rj y* L baSES.BUTLER'- HERNI.4LJL PAD3 htve beea found in ar*ct.e a Bvwt thorougkj_

aod l"oerally to u.dure acur*. Caattof long ttaadoag | "A**other inrtroinecf* have failrd, I ean be edectaaHy latBi.oar'Hl'LI/a TRl'BS OPKiCF. No. 4 \eae,*t, opptatt. .».Paul'a Chorch. KHtUFRK K kf Bt TLKR. Piopr.oU*.N R -Lod-.ra aitrnded by a tatnale. becwoea tt* ava!* *

. A. k4u.46P.M-___.

rjpO PRINTERST---.A «r>ud article alM. trtr.ch Lettr. Paaer. io k>U ot l>> t*ta_ ot .-*.. **

$. I*. cer itam. Por aaie byWM. L & HABBI.40N. Na. it Au4fc
