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Mathematical Surveys and Monographs Volume 207 American Mathematical Society Fokker–Planck– Kolmogorov Equations Vladimir I. Bogachev Nicolai V. Krylov Michael Röckner Stanislav V. Shaposhnikov
Page 1: Fokker–Planck– Kolmogorov EquationsMathematical Surveys and Monographs Volume 207 Fokker–Planck– Kolmogorov Equations Vladimir I. Bogachev Nicolai V. Krylov Michael Röckner

Mathematical Surveys

and Monographs

Volume 207

American Mathematical Society

Fokker–Planck–Kolmogorov Equations

Vladimir I. Bogachev Nicolai V. Krylov Michael Röckner Stanislav V. Shaposhnikov

Page 2: Fokker–Planck– Kolmogorov EquationsMathematical Surveys and Monographs Volume 207 Fokker–Planck– Kolmogorov Equations Vladimir I. Bogachev Nicolai V. Krylov Michael Röckner

Fokker–Planck–Kolmogorov Equations

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Page 4: Fokker–Planck– Kolmogorov EquationsMathematical Surveys and Monographs Volume 207 Fokker–Planck– Kolmogorov Equations Vladimir I. Bogachev Nicolai V. Krylov Michael Röckner

Mathematical Surveys

and Monographs

Volume 207

Fokker–Planck–Kolmogorov Equations

Vladimir I. Bogachev Nicolai V. Krylov Michael Röckner Stanislav V. Shaposhnikov

American Mathematical SocietyProvidence, Rhode Island


Page 5: Fokker–Planck– Kolmogorov EquationsMathematical Surveys and Monographs Volume 207 Fokker–Planck– Kolmogorov Equations Vladimir I. Bogachev Nicolai V. Krylov Michael Röckner


Robert GuralnickMichael A. Singer, Chair

Benjamin SudakovConstantin Teleman

Michael I. Weinstein

2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 35-02, 35J15, 35K10, 60J35, 60J60.

For additional information and updates on this book, visitwww.ams.org/bookpages/surv-207

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Fokker–Planck–Kolmogorov equations /Vladimir I. Bogachev, Nicolai V. Krylov, MichaelRockner, Stanislav V. Shaposhnikov.

pages cm. — (Mathematical surveys and monographs ; volume 207)Includes bibliographical references and index.ISBN 978-1-4704-2558-6 (alk. paper)1. Fokker–Planck equation. 2. Stochastic differential equations. I. Bogachev, V. I. (Vladimir

Igorevich), 1961- II. Krylov, N. V. (Nicolai Vladimirovich). III. Rockner, Michael, 1956-IV. Shaposhnikov, Stanislav V.

QA274.23.F65 2015515′.353—dc23


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Preface ix

Chapter 1. Stationary Fokker–Planck–Kolmogorov Equations 11.1. Background material 11.2. Elliptic equations 71.3. Diffusion processes 111.4. Basic problems 171.5. Existence of densities 231.6. Local properties of densities 291.7. Regularity of solutions to divergence type equations 351.8. Complements, comments, and exercises 43

(i) Fractional Sobolev classes (43). (ii) Increasing Sobolev regularity ofsolutions (47). (iii) Renormalized solutions (48). (iv) Generalizations ofthe maximum principle of A.D. Aleksandrov and k-Hessians (49).Comments (50). Exercises (53).

Chapter 2. Existence of Solutions 552.1. The maximum principle and the Dirichlet problem 552.2. Positive solutions of divergence type equations 602.3. Lyapunov functions and a priori estimates 622.4. Construction of solutions to stationary Fokker–Planck–Kolmogorov

equations 672.5. Complements, comments, and exercises 70

(i) Solvability of equations with potentials (70). (ii) Solvability ofequations on manifolds (71). (iii) The absence of integrable solutions (73).(iv) Nonlinear equations (74). Comments (78). Exercises (79).

Chapter 3. Global Properties of Densities 813.1. Square integrability of logarithmic gradients 813.2. Global Sobolev regularity 893.3. Upper estimates for densities 973.4. Harnack’s inequality and lower estimates for densities 993.5. Positivity of densities 1073.6. Justification of the results on positivity 1143.7. Complements, comments, and exercises 119

(i) Estimates of solutions on manifolds (119). (ii) More on Harnack’sinequality (119). (iii) The John–Nirenberg lemma (120).(iv) Differentiability of solutions with respect to a parameter (122).Comments (127). Exercises (128).


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Chapter 4. Uniqueness Problems 1314.1. Uniqueness conditions 1314.2. Cases of nonuniqueness 1404.3. Integrable solutions 1504.4. Equations with a potential 1584.5. Complements, comments and exercises 160

(i) Equations on manifolds (160). (ii) Uniqueness of solutions of theDirichlet problem for equations with low order terms (161). (iii) WeightedSobolev classes (163). (iv) Bounds on the total variation and Kantorovichdistances between solutions (169). Comments (173). Exercises (174).

Chapter 5. Associated Semigroups 1775.1. Generalities on semigroups 1775.2. Associated semigroups 1845.3. Invariance and m-dissipativity 1945.4. Invariance and uniqueness 2025.5. Examples of uniqueness 2055.6. Complements, comments, and exercises 208

(i) Essential self-adjointness of Dirichlet operators (208). (ii) Markov andFeller semigroups (210). (iii) Invariant measures of Markovsemigroups (214). (iv) Existence of invariant measures (219).(v) Compactness of semigroups (222). (vi) Estimates of diffusion

semigroups (228). (vii) Gradient estimates in the case of dissipativedrifts (229). Comments (234). Exercises (236).

Chapter 6. Parabolic Fokker–Planck–Kolmogorov Equations 2416.1. Basic problems 2416.2. Background material 2456.3. Existence of densities 2516.4. Local regularity 2546.5. Local estimates 2626.6. Existence of solutions to the Cauchy problem 2656.7. Complements, comments, and exercises 272

(i) Gradient flows (272). (ii) Solvability of degenerate

Fokker–Planck–Kolmogorov equations (275). (iii) Nonlinear parabolicequations for measures (278). Comments (283). Exercises (285).

Chapter 7. Global Parabolic Regularity and Upper Bounds 2877.1. A priori estimates with Lyapunov functions 2877.2. Global upper bounds 2947.3. Upper bounds for solutions to the Cauchy problem 2987.4. Square integrability of logarithmic gradients 3067.5. Complements, comments, and exercises 311

(i) The Nash–Aronson estimates (311). (ii) A generalization ofNash–Aronson type estimates (312). Comments (313). Exercises (314).

Chapter 8. Parabolic Harnack Inequalities and Lower Bounds 3158.1. Parabolic Harnack inequalities 3158.2. Lower bounds for densities 3188.3. Positivity of densities 3218.4. Proof of the key lemma 329

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8.5. Complements, comments, and exercises 333(i) Trudinger’s version of Moser’s lemma (333). Comments (334).Exercises (335).

Chapter 9. Uniqueness of Solutions to Fokker–Planck–KolmogorovEquations 337

9.1. Setting of the problem 3379.2. Examples of nonuniqueness 3429.3. The case of a diffusion matrix of class VMO 3449.4. The case of a Lipschitzian diffusion matrix 3509.5. Proof of the main lemma 3579.6. Uniqueness of integrable solutions 3679.7. Proofs of auxiliary lemmas 3709.8. Complements, comments, and exercises 373

(i) Uniqueness for degenerate equations in the class of absolutelycontinuous measures (373). (ii) Probabilistic methods of provinguniqueness (377). (iii) Uniqueness for degenerate equations in the class ofall measures (380). (iv) Uniqueness for the continuity equation (382).(v) Estimates in the total variation and Kantorovich metrics (387).(vi) Mean field games (397). Comments (399). Exercises (401).

Chapter 10. The Infinite-Dimensional Case 40310.1. Equations in infinite-dimensional spaces 40310.2. Properties of solutions 41310.3. Existence in the elliptic case 41610.4. Solvability of the Cauchy problem 42210.5. Complements, comments, and exercises 426

(i) Uniqueness in the infinite-dimensional case (426).(ii) Infinite-dimensional nonlinear equations for measures (430).Comments (433). Exercises (435).

Bibliography 437

Subject Index 477

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This book gives a systematic presentation of the theory of Fokker–Planck–Kolmogorov equations, which are second order elliptic and parabolic equations formeasures. This direction goes back to Kolmogorov’s works [527], [528], [529]and a number of earlier works in the physics literature by Fokker [377], Smolu-chowski [863], Planck [781], and Chapman [235]. One of our principal objects isthe elliptic operator of the form

LA,bf = trace(AD2f) + 〈b,∇f〉, f ∈ C∞0 (Ω),

where A = (aij) is a mapping on a domain Ω ⊂ Rd with values in the space ofnonnegative symmetric linear operators on Rd and b = (bi) is a vector field on Ω.In coordinate form, LA,b is given by the expression

LA,bf = aij∂xi∂xj

f + bi∂xif,

where we always assume that the summation is taken over all repeated indices.With this operator LA,b, we associate the weak elliptic equation

(1) L∗A,bμ = 0

for Borel measures on Ω, which is understood in the following sense:



LA,bf dμ = 0 ∀ f ∈ C∞0 (Ω),

where we assume that bi, aij ∈ L1loc(μ). If μ has a density � with respect to Lebesgue

measure, then � is sometimes called “an adjoint solution” and the equation is called“an equation in double divergence form”. We use the above term “weak ellipticequation for measures”. The corresponding equation for the density � is


(aij�)− ∂xi(bi�) = 0.

If A = I, we obtain the equation Δ�− div (�b) = 0.Similarly, one can consider parabolic operators and parabolic Fokker–Planck–

Kolmogorov equations for measures on Ω×(0, T ) of the type

∂tμ = L∗A,bμ.

The corresponding equations for densities are

(3) ∂t�(x, t) = ∂xi∂xj

(aij(x, t)�(x, t)

)− ∂xi

(bi(x, t)�(x, t)


and if we also have an initial distribution μ0 in a suitable sense, then we arriveat the Cauchy problem for the Fokker–Planck–Kolmogorov equation. However,it is crucial that a priori Fokker–Planck–Kolmogorov equations are equations formeasures, not for functions; this becomes relevant when the coefficients are singular


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or degenerate and, in particular, in the infinite-dimensional case, where no Lebesguemeasure exists. It is also important that equation (1) is meaningful under verybroad assumptions about A and b: only their local integrability with respect to theregarded solution μ is needed. These coefficients may be quite singular with respectto Lebesgue measure even if the solution admits a smooth density. For example,for an arbitrary infinitely differentiable probability density � on Rd, the measureμ = � dx satisfies the above equation with A = I and b = ∇�/�, where we set∇�(x)/�(x) = 0 whenever �(x) = 0. This is obvious from the integration by partsformula ∫


[Δf + 〈∇�/�,∇f〉]� dx =


�Δf +


〈∇�,∇f〉 dx = 0.

Since � may vanish on an arbitrary proper closed subset of Rd, the vector field bcan fail to be locally integrable with respect to Lebesgue measure, but it is locallyintegrable with respect to μ. Also note that in general our solutions need not bemore regular than the coefficients (unlike in the case of usual elliptic equations).For example, if d = 1 and b = 0, then for an arbitrary positive probability density �,the measure μ = � dx satisfies the equation L∗

A,0μ = 0 with A = �−1.In this general setting, a study of weak elliptic equations for measures on finite-

and infinite-dimensional spaces was initiated in the 1990s in the papers of thefirst three authors. Actually, the infinite-dimensional case was even a startingpoint, which was motivated by investigations of infinite-dimensional diffusion pro-cesses and other applications in infinite-dimensional stochastic analysis (developedin particular in the works of Albeverio, Høegh-Krohn [21] as well as A.I. Kir-illov [511]–[516]). It was realized in the course of these investigations that eveninfinite-dimensional equations with very nice coefficients often require results onfinite-dimensional equations with quite general coefficients. For example, we shallsee in Chapter 10 that the finite-dimensional projections μn of a measure μ satis-fying an elliptic equation on an infinite-dimensional space satisfy elliptic equationswhose coefficients are the conditional expectations of the original coefficients withrespect to the σ-algebras generated by the corresponding projection operators. As aresult, even for smooth infinite-dimensional coefficients, the only information abouttheir conditional expectations is related to their integrability with respect to μn,not with respect to Lebesgue measure; in particular, no local boundedness is given.

The theory of elliptic and parabolic equations for measures is now a rapidlygrowing area with deep and interesting connections to many directions in real anal-ysis, partial differential equations, and stochastic analysis. Let us briefly describethe probabilistic picture behind our analytic framework. Suppose that ξ = (ξxt )t�0

is a diffusion process in Rd governed by the stochastic differential equation

dξxt = σ(ξxt )dWt + b(ξxt )dt, ξ0 = x.

The basic concepts related to this equation are recalled in § 1.3. The generator ofthe transition semigroup {Tt}t�0 has the form LA,b, where A = σσ∗/2. The matrixA = (aij) in the operator LA,b will be called the diffusion matrix or diffusion coeffi-cient; this differs from the standard form of the diffusion generator by the absenceof the factor 1/2 in front of the second order derivatives, but is more convenientwhen one deals with equations. The vector field b is called the drift coefficient orjust the drift. The transition probabilities of ξ satisfy the corresponding parabolicequation. Any invariant probability measure μ of ξ (if such exists) satisfies (1),

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where μ is called invariant for {Tt}t�0 if the following identity holds:



Ttf dμ =


f dμ ∀ f ∈ Cb(Rd).

Measures satisfying (1) are called infinitesimally invariant, because this equationhas deep connections with invariance with respect to the corresponding operatorsemigroups. More precisely, if there is an invariant probability measure μ, then{Tt}t�0 extends to L1(μ) and is strongly continuous. Let L be the correspondinggenerator with domain D(L). Then (4) is equivalent to the equality∫


Lf dμ = 0 ∀ f ∈ D(L).

Under reasonable assumptions about A and b, the generator of the semigroupassociated with the diffusion governed by the indicated stochastic equation coincideswith LA,b on C∞

0 (Rd). As we shall see, invariance of the measure in the sense of(4) is not the same as (2). The point is that the class C∞

0 (Rd) may be muchsmaller than D(L). What is important is that the equation is meaningful andcan have solutions under assumptions that are much weaker than those needed forthe existence of a diffusion, so that this equation can be investigated without anyassumptions about the existence of semigroups. On the other hand, there existvery interesting and fruitful relations between equations (2) and (4). For example,if A and b are both Lipschitz and if A is nondegenerate, they are equivalent.

Letting P (x, t, · ) be the corresponding transition probabilities (the distribu-tions of ξxt ), the semigroup property reads

(5) P (x, t+ s,B) =


P (u, s, B)P (x, t, du),

or in the case where there exist densities p(x, t, y),

p(x, t+ s, y) =


p(u, s, y) p(x, t, u) du.

Identity (5) is called the Smoluchowski equation or the Chapman–Kolmogorov equa-tion. In his seminal paper [527] Kolmogorov posed the following problems: findconditions for the existence and uniqueness of solutions to the Cauchy problemfor (3) and investigate when (5) holds for these solutions. Now, 80 years later,these problems are still not completely solved. However, considerable progress hasbeen achieved; results obtained and some related open problems are discussed inthis book.

We shall consider the following problems.1) Regularity of solutions of equation (2), for example, the existence of densities

with respect to Lebesgue measure, the continuity and smoothness of these densities,and certain related estimates (such as L2-estimates for logarithmic gradients ofsolutions). In particular, we shall see in Chapter 1 that the measure μ is alwaysabsolutely continuous with respect to Lebesgue measure on the set {detA > 0}and has a continuous density from the Sobolev class W p,1

loc with p > d providedthat the diffusion coefficients aij are in this class, |b| ∈ Lp

loc(dx) or |b| ∈ Lploc(μ),

and the matrix A is positive definite. Global properties of solutions of equationswith unbounded coefficients are studied in Chapter 3, where certain global upperand lower estimates for the densities are obtained. We shall also obtain analogousresults for parabolic equations in Chapters 6–8.

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2) Existence of solutions to elliptic equation (2) and existence of invariantmeasures in the sense of (4) as well as relations between these two concepts are thesubjects of Chapter 2 and Chapter 5. In particular, we shall see in Chapter 5 thatunder rather general assumptions, for a given probability measure μ satisfying ourelliptic equation (2), one can construct a strongly continuous Markov semigroup{Tμ

t }t�0 on L1(μ) such that μ is {Tμt }t�0-invariant and the generator of {Tμ

t }t�0

coincides with LA,b on C∞0 (Rd). For this, an easy to verify condition is the exis-

tence of a Lyapunov function for LA,b. In the general case (without any additionalassumptions), a bit less is true, namely, μ is only subinvariant for {Tt}t�0. We shallsee examples where this really occurs, i.e., where μ is not invariant. Existence ofsolutions to parabolic equations is addressed in Chapter 6.

3) Various uniqueness problems are considered in Chapters 4 and 5; in particu-lar, uniqueness of invariant measures in the sense of (4) and uniqueness of solutionsto (2) in the class of all probability measures. Related interesting problems concernuniqueness of associated semigroups {Tμ

t }t�0 and the essential self-adjointness ofthe operator LA,b on C∞

0 (Rd) in the case when it is symmetric. Parabolic analoguesare considered in Chapter 9.

First, we concentrate on the elliptic case, to which Chapters 1–5 are devoted.In Chapters 6–9 similar problems are studied for parabolic equations; however,parabolic equations appear already in Chapter 5 in relation to semigroups gener-ated by elliptic operators. Chapter 10 is devoted to a brief discussion of infinite-dimensional analogues of the problems listed in 1)–3). The results obtained so farin the infinite-dimensional setting apply to various particular situations, althoughthey cover many concrete examples arising in applications such as stochastic par-tial differential equations, infinite particle systems, Gibbs measures, and so on. Themain purpose of Chapter 10 is to give applications of finite-dimensional results andto demonstrate the universality of certain ideas, methods, and techniques. Finally,in Chapters 2, 6, and 9 we discuss degenerate equations and nonlinear equationsfor measures; important examples of such equations are Vlasov-type equations. Wemade some effort to minimize dependencies between the chapters; the proofs of anumber of fundamental results are rather difficult and can be omitted without anyloss of understanding of the rest.

Every chapter opens with some synopsis mentioning the chief problems andresults discussed. The last section of each chapter includes some complementarysubsections (the numbers in brackets within these internal contents refer to thecorresponding page numbers) and also brief historical and bibliographic commentsand exercises. In the Bibliography each item is provided with indication of all pageswhere it is cited. The Subject Index also includes special notations used.

Acknowledgments. The material in this book has been discussed with manycolleagues; we are especially grateful to S. Albeverio, L. Ambrosio, A.-B. Cruzeiro,G. Da Prato, A. Eberle, D. Elworthy, F. Flandoli, M. Fukushima, B. Goldys,I. A. Ibragimov, A. I. Kirillov, A. V. Kolesnikov, V. A. Kondratiev, Yu. G. Kon-dratiev, V. V. Kozlov, G. Leha, V. A. Liskevich, A. Lunardi, P. Malliavin, I. Mar-shall, G. Metafune, J. van Neerven, D. Pallara, E. Pardoux, S. I. Pokhozhaev,Yu. V. Prohorov, E. V. Radkevich, A. Rhandi, G. Ritter, T. A. Shaposhnikova,I. Shigekawa, A. Shirikyan, A. N. Shiryaev, Z. Sobol, W. Stannat, N. S. Trudinger,A. Yu. Veretennikov, F. Y. Wang, J. Zabczyk, M. Zakai, T. S. Zhang, andV. V. Zhikov. The Russian Science Foundation grant 14-11-00196 is gratefullyacknowledged.

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[145] Bogachev, V. I., Kirillov, A. I., Shaposhnikov, S. V., Integrable solutions of the stationaryKolmogorov equation. Dokl. Ross. Akad. Nauk. 2012. V. 444, №1. P. 11–16 (in Russian);English transl.: Dokl. Math. 2012. V. 85, №3. P. 309–314. [174]

[146] Bogachev, V. I., Kirillov, A. I., Shaposhnikov, S. V., The stationary Fokker–Planck–Kolmogorov equation with a potential. Dokl. Ross. Akad. Nauk. 2014. V. 454, №2. P. 131–136(in Russian); English transl.: Dokl. Math. 2014. V. 89, №1. P. 24–29. [174]

[147] Bogachev, V. I., Kirillov, A. I., Shaposhnikov, S. V., The Kantorovich and variation dis-tances between invariant measures of diffusions and nonlinear stationary Fokker–Planck–

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[149] Bogachev, V. I., Krylov, N. V., Rockner, M., Regularity of invariant measures: the case ofnon-constant diffusion part. J. Funct. Anal. 1996. V. 138. P. 223–242. [52, 127, 416]

[150] Bogachev, V. I., Krylov, N. V., Rockner, M., Elliptic regularity and essential self-adjointnessof Dirichlet operators on Rn. Ann. Sc. Norm. Sup. Pisa Cl. Sci. (4). 1997. V. 24, №3. P. 451–461. [208]

[151] Bogachev, V. I., Krylov, N. V., Rockner, M., Differentiability of invariant measures andtransition probabilities of singular diffusions. Dokl. Ross. Akad. Nauk. 2001. V. 376, №2.P. 151–154 (in Russian); English transl.: Dokl. Math. 2001. V. 63, №1. P. 18–21. [284]

[152] Bogachev, V. I., Krylov, N. V., Rockner, M., On regularity of transition probabilities andinvariant measures of singular diffusions under minimal conditions. Comm. Partial Differ.Equ. 2001. V. 26, №11–12. P. 2037–2080. [52, 284]

[153] Bogachev, V. I., Krylov, N. V., Rockner, M., Regularity and global bounds of densitiesof invariant measures of diffusion processes. Dokl. Ross. Akad. Nauk. 2005. V. 405, №5.P. 583–587 (in Russian); English transl.: Dokl. Math. 2005. V. 72, №3. P. 934–938. [127]

[154] Bogachev, V. I., Krylov, N. V., Rockner, M., Elliptic equations for measures: regularity andglobal bounds of densities. J. Math. Pures Appl. 2006. V. 85, №6. P. 743–757. [127]

[155] Bogachev, V. I., Krylov, N. V., Rockner, M., Elliptic and parabolic equations for measures.Uspehi Matem. Nauk. 2009. V. 64, №6. P. 5–116 (in Russian); English transl.: Russian

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[158] Bogachev, V. I., Rockner, M., Regularity of invariant measures on finite and infinite di-mensional spaces and applications. J. Funct. Anal. 1995. V. 133. P. 168–223. [52, 409, 416,426]

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[161] Bogachev, V. I., Rockner, M., Elliptic equations for measures on infinite dimensional spacesand applications. Probab. Theory Related Fields. 2001. V. 120. P. 445–496. [409, 415]

[162] Bogachev, V. I., Rockner, M., On Lp-uniqueness of symmetric diffusion operators on Rie-mannian manifolds. Matem. Sbornik. 2003. V. 194, №7. P. 15–24 (in Russian); Englishtransl.: Sb. Math. 2003. V. 194, №7-8. P. 969–978. [209]

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[164] Bogachev, V. I., Rockner, M., Shaposhnikov, S. V., Global regularity and bounds for solu-tions of parabolic equations for probability measures. Teor. Verojatn. Primen. 2005. V. 50,№4. P. 652–674 (in Russian); English transl.: Theory Probab. Appl. 2006. V. 50, №4. P. 561–581. [313]

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[166] Bogachev, V. I., Rockner M., Shaposhnikov, S. V., Positive densities of transition prob-abilities of diffusion processes. Teor. Verojatn. i Primen. 2008. V. 53, №2. P. 213–239 (inRussian); English transl.: Theory Probab. Appl. 2009. V. 53, №2. P. 194–215. [130, 334,335]

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[168] Bogachev, V. I., Rockner, M., Shaposhnikov, S. V., Nonlinear evolution and transport equa-tions for measures. Dokl. Ross. Akad. Nauk. 2009. V. 429, №1. P. 7–11 (in Russian); Englishtransl.: Dokl. Math. 2009. V. 80, №3. P. 785–789. [284, 430]

[169] Bogachev, V. I., Rockner, M., Shaposhnikov, S. V., On uniqueness problems related toelliptic equations for measures. J. Math. Sci. (New York). 2011. V. 176, №6. P. 759–773.[174]

[170] Bogachev, V. I., Rockner M., Shaposhnikov, S. V., On uniqueness problems related to theFokker–Planck–Kolmogorov equations for measures. J. Math. Sci. (New York). 2011. V. 179,№1. P. 759–773. [400]

[171] Bogachev, V. I., Rockner, M., Shaposhnikov, S. V., On positive and probability solutions ofthe stationary Fokker–Planck–Kolmogorov equation. Dokl. Ross. Akad. Nauk. 2012. V. 444,№3. P. 245–249 (in Russian); English transl.: Dokl. Math. 2012. V. 85, №3. P. 350–354. [79,174]

[172] Bogachev, V. I., Rockner, M., Shaposhnikov, S. V., On uniqueness of solutions to theCauchy problem for degenerate Fokker–Planck–Kolmogorov equations. J. Evol. Equ. 2013.V. 13, №3. P. 577–593. [374]

[173] Bogachev, V. I., Rockner, M., Shaposhnikov, S. V., On parabolic inequalities for generatorsof diffusions with jumps. Probab. Theory Related Fields. 2014. V. 158, №1-2. P. 465–476.[285]

[174] Bogachev, V. I., Rockner, M., Shaposhnikov, S. V., On existence of Lyapunov functions

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[175] Bogachev, V. I., Rockner, M., Shaposhnikov, S. V., Uniqueness problems for degenerateFokker–Planck–Kolmogorov equations. J. Math. Sci. (New York). 2015. V. 207, №2. P. 147–165. [380]

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Subject Index


A∞, 28Bb(X), 179C(Ω), 1Cb(Ω), 1Ck

0 (Ω), 1

Ckb (Ω), 1

C∞0 (Ω), 1

C∞b (Ω), 1

C2,1(ΩT ), 242diamΩ, 1dν/dμ, 3FC∞

b (X), 404FC∞

b ({li}), 404FC∞

0 ({li}), 404Hp,1, 3Hp,s(Rd), 43

Hp,2;1(Rd×(−1, T )

), 345

Hp,s(U, J), 245Hp,s

0 (U, J), 245

Hp,1(U, J), 245

Hp,2;10 (UR, [0, T ]), 245

IA, 3Iν , 338Lp(μ), 2Lp(Ω), 2Lp(Ω, dx), 2Lp(Ω, μ), 2Lp,q(Ω×J), 306L∞(μ), 2

Ld+loc(Ω), 4

L1loc(μ), 3

Lploc(Ω, μ), 4

LA,b, 17LA,b,c, 7, 17

LA,b, 17LA,b,c, 7, 17LA,b,β,c, 7L∗A,b, 17

L∗A,b,c, 17

L∗A,b, 18

M(Ω), 2

MA,bell , 131

MA,bell,md, 194

Mν , 265, 288

P(Ω), 2PBa(X), 219Pν , 338RdT , 265

trA, 1SPν , 338supp f , 1U(r, a), 1Ur(a), 1

u+, u−, 1VMO, 8, 37Wp(μ1, μ2), 169W p,1, 3W p,−1(Rd), 4W p,k, 3

W d+,1loc (Ω), 4

W p,1loc (Ω), 4

Δ, 7

δa, 2μ+, μ−, 1ν � μ, 3ν ⊥ μ, 3ν ∼ μ, 3μ-a.e., 3� · μ, 3ΩT , 241‖f‖p, 2‖f‖p,1, 3‖f‖p,k, 4‖f‖∞, 2|μ|, 1‖μ‖, 1〈 ·, ·, 〉, 1∇f , 4∂ei , 404

a.e., 3absolute continuity of measures, 3

Baire σ-algebra, 219Baire measure, 219Borel σ-algebra, 2

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Borel measure, 2

Burgers stochastic equation, 410

Cameron–Martin space, 408

Cauchy problem, 242

Chapman–Kolmogorov equation, xi, 11, 399

compact function, 62, 417

conditional expectation, 14

continuity equation, 76, 273, 382

Dirac’s measure, 2

Dirichlet operator, 208

degenerate equation, 275, 373, 380, 382

density of a measure, 3

diffusion, 12

– coefficient, 185

– matrix, 185

– process, 12

divergence form operator, 7

double divergence form equation, ix

drift, 12

dual drift, 185

Einstein–Smoluchowski equation, xi

elliptic equation, 7

elliptic operator, 7

– divergence form, 7

embedding theorem, 4

– Galiardo–Nirenberg, 4

– Sobolev, 4

– parabolic, 246

entropy, 169


– Burgers stochastic, 410

– Chapman–Kolmogorov , xi, 11, 399

– Einstein–Smoluchowski, xi

– Fokker–Planck–Kolmogorov , ix, 12,13, 241, 405

– – stationary, 14, 17

– – with a potential, 17

– Kolmogorov backward, 13

– Kolmogorov forward, 13, 399

– Navier–Stokes stochastic, 411

– Smoluchowski, xi

– Vlasov, 75

– continuity, 76, 273, 382

– degenerate, 275, 373, 380, 382

– double divergence form, ix

– elliptic, 7

– nonlinear, 74, 278, 395, 430

– parabolic, 241

– porous media, 409

– reaction–diffusion, 409

– stationary, 14, 18

– transport, 76

equivalent measures, 3

Feller semigroup, 212


equation, ix, 12, 13, 241, 405

– stationary, 14, 17– with a potential, 17

fractional Sobolev class, 43function

– Lyapunov, 62– compact, 62, 417– quasicompact, 62

Galiardo–Nirenbergembedding theorem, 4

Gaussian density, 21Gaussian measure, 15, 408

generator, 177

Harnack’s inequality, 36, 100

– parabolic, 250, 315, 316Holder’s inequality, 2

– generalized, 2heat semigroup, 178

homogeneous process, 12hypercontractive semigroup, 225

Ito’s formula, 17inequality

– Harnack, 36, 100– – parabolic, 250, 315, 316

– Holder, 2– – generalized, 2

– Nash–Aronson, 313

– Pinsker–Kullback–Csiszar, 170– Sobolev, 4

– – logarithmic, 225infinitesimally invariant

measure, xi, 198, 405integrable solution, 19, 150, 338

integral kernel, 210integral operator, 210

invariant measure, 14, 151, 179irreducible semigroup, 212

Kantorovich distance, 169kernel, 210

Laplace operator, 7Lyapunov function, 62

logarithmic gradient, 20logarithmic Sobolev inequality, 225

Markov operator, 180Markov semigroup, 180Moser’s lemma, 324, 333

Muckenhoupt class, 28martingale, 14

maximum principle, 11, 58, 60, 250measure, 1

– Baire, 219– Borel, 2

– Dirac, 2– Gaussian, 15, 408

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– Radon, 2

– equivalent, 3– infinitesimally invariant, xi, 198, 405

– invariant, 14, 151, 179– probability, 2

– separable, 2– subinvariant, 151, 180– subprobability, 1, 338

Nash–Aronson estimate, 313Navier–Stokes stochastic equation, 411

nonlinear equation, 74, 278, 395, 430


– operator, 16, 21, 408– semigroup, 178

– process, 16operator

– Dirichlet, 208– Laplace, 7

– Markov, 180– Ornstein–Uhlenbeck, 16, 21, 408

– integral, 210– sub-Markov, 151, 180

operator semigroup, 177– C0-, 177– Feller, 212

– contracting, 177– irreducible, 212

– regular, 212– strong Feller, 212

– strongly continuous, 177– topologically irreducible, 212

Pinsker–Kullback–Csiszar inequality, 170parabolic Harnack inequality, 250, 315, 316

parabolic Sobolev space, 245parabolic embedding theorem, 246

parabolic equation, 241porous media equation, 409probability measure, 2

probability solution, 1, 19, 338process

– Ornstein–Uhlenbeck, 16– Wiener, 15

– diffusion, 12

quasicompact function, 62

Radon measure, 2Radon–Nikodym density, 3

Radon–Nikodym theorem, 3reaction–diffusion equation, 409

regular semigroup, 212

Smoluchowski equation, xi

Sobolev– embedding theorem, 4

– – parabolic, 246– inequality , 4

– – logarithmic, 225– space, 3

– – fractional, 43– – parabolic, 245– – weighted, 4, 163

semigroup, 177– C0-, 177

– Feller, 212– Markov, 180– Ornstein–Uhlenbeck, 178– heat, 178– hypercontractive, 225– irreducible, 212– regular, 212– strong Feller, 212– strongly continuous, 177– topologically irreducible, 212

separable measure, 2solution

– integrable, 19, 150, 338– probability, 1, 19, 338– subprobability, 242

standard Gaussian density, 21stationary distribution, 14stationary Fokker–Planck–Kolmogorov

equation, 14, 18stochastic integral, 15strong Feller semigroup, 212sub-Markov operator, 151, 180subinvariant measure, 151, 180

subprobability measure, 1, 338subprobability solution, 242supercontractivity, 227support of a measure, 210

topological support of a measure, 210topologically irreducible semigroup, 212transport equation, 76

ultracontractivity, 227

Wiener process, 15weighted Sobolev class, 4, 163

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Page 58: Fokker–Planck– Kolmogorov EquationsMathematical Surveys and Monographs Volume 207 Fokker–Planck– Kolmogorov Equations Vladimir I. Bogachev Nicolai V. Krylov Michael Röckner

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204 Victor M. Buchstaber and Taras E. Panov, Toric Topology, 2015

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202 Shiri Artstein-Avidan, Apostolos Giannopoulos, and Vitali D. Milman,Asymptotic Geometric Analysis, Part I, 2015

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192 Messoud Efendiev, Attractors for Degenerate Parabolic Type Equations, 2013

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190 Aleksandr Pukhlikov, Birationally Rigid Varieties, 2013

189 Alberto Elduque and Mikhail Kochetov, Gradings on Simple Lie Algebras, 2013

188 David Lannes, The Water Waves Problem, 2013

187 Nassif Ghoussoub and Amir Moradifam, Functional Inequalities: New Perspectivesand New Applications, 2013

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182 Neil A. Watson, Introduction to Heat Potential Theory, 2012

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This book gives an exposition of the principal concepts and results related to second order elliptic and parabolic equations for measures, the main examples of which are Fokker–Planck–Kolmogorov equations for stationary and transition probabilities of diffusion processes. Existence and uniqueness of solutions are studied along with existence and Sobolev regularity of their densities and upper and lower bounds for the latter.

The target readership includes mathematicians and physicists whose research is related to diffusion processes as well as elliptic and parabolic equations.

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