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"Follow Me . . . " to Africa! By Jeannie – August 2000 August 2, 2000 For the past six weeks I’ve studied and taught from Genesis. This morning God sent me to the book of Ephesians, and I was overwhelmed by what God intends for me – the day before we leave for Africa! Ephesians 3:16-21 "I pray that out of His glorious riches He may strengthen you with power through His Spirit in your inner being, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith . And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love , may have power, together with all the saints , to grasp how wide, and how long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge that you may be filled to the measure of the fullness of God . Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us., to Him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever! Amen." Wow – how do you even encompass all that says! Truly God – through Christ – through the Spirit – is our total sufficiency for everything! This book was surely for this time: Ephesians 6:7 "Serve whole heartedly, as if you were serving the Lord, not man…" Ephesians 6:14 "Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist – with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and your feet (to go – even to Africa) – fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. Take up the shield of faith – the helmet (the knowledge) of salvation – and the sword of the Spirit, the Word of God (to cut through the enemy’s lies and walls). And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests (whether written – aloud – in your thoughts – in your wordless longings – in the intercession of those at home praying for us – as we walk the paths – as we stand in the pulpits – as we sit in the many homes and look into their eyes 1
Page 1: 'Follow Mebufordhwybaptist.com/Missions/JKB/Africa Journal 2000.…  · Web viewAbout two hours till we land in London – very restless, uncomfortable night – could not sleep

"Follow Me . . . " to Africa!

By Jeannie – August 2000

August 2, 2000For the past six weeks I’ve studied and taught from Genesis. This morning God sent me to the book of Ephesians, and I was overwhelmed by what God intends for me – the day before we leave for Africa!

Ephesians 3:16-21 "I pray that out of His glorious riches He may strengthen you with power through His Spirit in your inner being, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the saints, to grasp how wide, and how long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge – that you may be filled to the measure of the fullness of God. Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us., to Him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever! Amen."

Wow – how do you even encompass all that says! Truly God – through Christ – through the Spirit – is our total sufficiency for everything! This book was surely for this time:

Ephesians 6:7 "Serve whole heartedly, as if you were serving the Lord, not man…"

Ephesians 6:14 "Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist – with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and your feet (to go – even to Africa) – fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. Take up the shield of faith – the helmet (the knowledge) of salvation – and the sword of the Spirit, the Word of God (to cut through the enemy’s lies and walls). And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests (whether written – aloud – in your thoughts – in your wordless longings – in the intercession of those at home praying for us – as we walk the paths – as we stand in the pulpits – as we sit in the many homes and look into their eyes – Lord, in all these kinds of prayers, we place ourselves to be Your witness and Your testimony to the awesome, loving Father, who has nurtured us and sent us! Amen!)"

And finally,Ephesians 6:19 "Pray also for me, that whenever I open my mouth, words may be given me so that I will fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel, for which I am an ambassador . . .." We are equipped when we need it – that is where the faith comes in. We study, we pray, we prepare – but then we place ourselves in His hand to bring out what is right at the right time according to His wisdom. We will rest in His faithfulness and enjoy the miracles only He can do!

August 3, 2000 ------- The Day! 6:30 a.m. Finally here! 12 hours from now and we should be in the air! And 36 hours from now we should be close to climbing into a bed in Kumasi, Ghana, Africa! Long day today/tomorrow!


Page 2: 'Follow Mebufordhwybaptist.com/Missions/JKB/Africa Journal 2000.…  · Web viewAbout two hours till we land in London – very restless, uncomfortable night – could not sleep

I was so amazed at the Scripture You gave me yesterday – that there can be no doubt in my mind that You will give me the right message for these people when I get there. But for today, I feel You are leading me to John – the book we often encourage new believers to read.

7:55 p.m. Flying over North Carolina – almost getting frigid – my nose is cold – think somebody forgot to close the back door! Read awhile – went to get cross-stitch and my one and only needle I put in check-in baggage! So, no sewing – will stretch my mind and do logic.

August 4, 2000 5:30 a.m. (London time) Near Belfast, Ireland About two hours till we land in London – very restless, uncomfortable night – could not sleep – legs kept hurting – need the settling that comes from Your Word.

John 1:5 "The light shines in the darkness." (In a dark night over the Atlantic, I could imagine the effect of a light – light dispels the darkness around it. How dark are the lives who have not seen the Light. Lord, I ask You to shine Your light through us into the darkness of Africa.)

John 1:8 "(John) was not the light – only witness to the Light."

John 2: The wedding at Cana: why did Jesus turn the water into wine?--- to please His mother?--- to provide a need?--- to show the disciples His power?--- to signal the onset of His ministry?

John 3:19 "Jesus said, ‘Light has come into the world, but men loved darkness instead of light, because their deeds were evil.’"

John 4: The woman at Jacob’s well heard the Light, and when it shone on her sinful life, she immediately wanted to change the subject – to get the light off her. Last night I heard Marvin talking to a man across the aisle from him – and I heard him doing the same thing – getting the light off him onto ‘what your church does’ – times and people have not changed.

We often hear Jesus tell people, "Do not tell what I did for you." He was almost evasive to who He was – and yet she says, "When the Messiah comes, He will explain all to us," and Jesus said, "I am He!" Simply, without fanfare – to a woman in deep sin He makes the first announcement of who He is. This tells me He is searching for those who are searching for Him! And He reveals Himself to them ---

9:30 a.m. In London’s Gatwick airport – had delicious hot ham and cheese bagette – will last me till next plane trip at 2:30 this afternoon. This is same mezzanine area where I waited with Jimmy and Shana and kids last October. So many people walking through here – and you know with so many nationalities and beliefs, this is truly a ‘broad road’ where few know Christ.

I opened a card from Marge earlier . . . "to let you know you are being thought of and prayed for today." And then another one from Toni . . . "I wish I had the courage to do what you are doing. . .


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God has such great and wonderful things in store…" What an encouragement their prayer and reminders of their love are when so far from home.

John 4: Jesus speaks at noon to his disciples and says, "My food is to do the will of Him who sent Me and to finish His work." If that verse were true of me, would I be out talking to people instead of looking for a sandwich?! Actually I did talk to people – met a Catholic sister who was sitting behind me also waiting for a flight. Had a nice long talk with her – she’s worked in a Jamaican school for 70 years – she’s 92 years old! We talked a lot about all her ‘children’ over all the years – four generations she’s taught and mothered. Is good to be reminded that we share the love and work of Christ through many different ways and different headings – Baptists are not the only ones sharing God’s love!

2:00 p.m. – leaving London – heading for Accra, Ghana – and when we unboard, we will be in Africa – part of the land mass I believe was part of the Garden of Eden where God first placed Adam and Eve – and here we are 6000 years later, heading back to that land!

And now a note from Harriet to me . . . "can only imagine the blessings God is pouring out on you and through you." It’s 9:00 a.m. at home, and it’s Friday morning – they’re all off today. Lord, I think of my friend Jeanette now – as she and her family deal with this small cancer that was removed Wednesday. Give her peace and wisdom to know what to do.

4:00 p.m. Just found out:from Atlanta to London 4226 milesfrom London to Accra 3225 milesfrom Accra to Kumasi 60 milesfrom Kumasi to village 40 miles

total of about 7500 milesLong way from Larryville!

11:00 p.m. In Accra – finally in a clean bed and nice shower and ready to sleep! What a long day – but a great day! As we got off the plane in Accra, Bill handed me an email letter Jimmy gave him to give me when we landed in Africa – it’s priceless --- and such an encouragement! His heart and my heart are so quickly in tune together to the things of God. And going through customs there at the airport was slicker than hot butter! We did not talk to any officials – but were hand-led through all the red tape by one man who collected all the passports and collected all the luggage! Was amazing! Was an answer to prayer!

August 5, 2000 Saturday in Accra 6:00 a.m. Good morning, Father – and what a solid, sound, restful sleep – would love 2 or 3 more hours of it! But breakfast is at 7:00 this morning and then tour a bit and then head on to Kumasi. I still can hardly believe we are here! Finally here! Lord, take us one hour at a time – one person at a time – and give us wisdom and words and love and patience like Yours!

John 6: Feeding the multitude – Doesn’t Jesus pose a problem to us to see our response?! -- to test us? – "Where shall we buy bread for them?" What is my small ability in view of the great need – it is not the amount – but the availability that Jesus wants and uses to do His work!


Page 4: 'Follow Mebufordhwybaptist.com/Missions/JKB/Africa Journal 2000.…  · Web viewAbout two hours till we land in London – very restless, uncomfortable night – could not sleep

Reminds me of the note I opened from Tracy – "I pray you will be all the Lord needs you to be today in sharing His love and gospel with everyone you come in contact with…..thank you for making yourself available to the Lord to expand His kingdom in all parts of the world…"

Jesus took what the boy had – He blessed it – He broke it – He gave it out to fill the need. We always want Jesus to bless us – but not to break us – but much more is left after Jesus used it than was there before He blessed and broke it!

"The work of God is to believe in the One (Jesus) He (the Father) has sent."Do we come to Jesus for motives of Him filling our physical needs – to provide and make us prosperous – and healthy – or do we come placing all we are in His hands to break and use and give out as He sees fit? Lord, I put all I am and all I have back into Yours hands – the best place I could ever be!

8 a.m. Headed toward the coast! And just riding and seeing the real people – little booths and open-air markets all along the road – then a patch of tall corn – banana trees – new construction. Accra, a city of 4 million people, is a huge town. A man with five dogs on leashes, ready to sell – bikes – baby strollers – pottery – furniture – carved doors – people walking everywhere – on bikes – lots of vans packed with people – all this sitting along the road side. Beds – tables – tires – women with washtubs loaded on their head! Van and carseats – chickens – wagons – patio furniture – night clubs and bars – lots of new concrete buildings – melons – "home fashion center" that’s a little yellow hut – car mats – a car wash – apples by the bag with man right at the bus window as we pass – and all this time, wonderful bus music of "Jesus, what a wonder you are!" Donuts – bread – phone store – beautiful women, all in dresses or skirts and matching hat wrap – pineapples – little girls with washtubs – women cooking with fires under a large pot (looks like grits!). Pearl Auto Parts (with fan belts hanging along the porch roof – this is like nothing I’ve ever seen! Hundreds and hundreds of these one-man ‘stores’ bumper to bumper!

"The fields are white unto harvest." People are everywhere – needing Jesus. It makes me weep to see the masses – perhaps like Jesus did looking over Jerusalem.

Goats – bamboo poles – gravel piles – rock piles – steel rods – iron gates – motor bikes – trucks and more and more trucks – so many people working together – fixing a car or bus or truck – carrying huge loads on their head – building – ‘tending the store’! Babies tied to their back with a big scarf-like wrap – Nikes – a woman who hid behind the door when she saw our bus, then slipped back out when we passed! Hens and tiny chickens – bamboo furniture – my, Latvia looks like America compared to this!

Houses fill the hillsides, mostly concrete, some very big – some one tiny room. As we drive by, one word speaks to all – a smile – and they smile back! My heart is cracking – I can see how this place could call you back!

In a town called Pambros – salt blocks, taken from the ocean – sugar cane – huge trunk trees with leafy tops – but not many trees. Thatch roofs – palm trees – banana trees – sandy, red dirt! The roads are narrow with edges worn away – much traffic – very bumpy! It seems that they are building their homes and buildings a block at a time – as they make the blocks.

How in the world do they keep this stuff stacked on this big round tray on their head! Fruit – peanuts – glasses—pitchers of water – plastic bags of water – wood and roots – apples – eggs! -- all piled on this tray. Even saw one young girl with three trays atop each other, and each layered with apples – and I never saw anyone drop a tray from their head or its contents spill to the ground!


Page 5: 'Follow Mebufordhwybaptist.com/Missions/JKB/Africa Journal 2000.…  · Web viewAbout two hours till we land in London – very restless, uncomfortable night – could not sleep

There are termite or ant hills that are 8 to 10 feet tall! We are near a river where fishermen with nets and small flat boats are bringing in fish – they even have what we would think of as fish camps – poles and a thatch roof atop.

As I look and see, I think of the people at home that said, "You are coming back, aren’t you?!" Well, now I see that might be a problem…….

A car just passed us on the left and another car passing that car on the left of it, all at the same time – and this is a very rough road (as this scribbling shows) – and it’s a tiny two-lane road! Adom Upholstery (with large picture of Christ inside, sewing machines and their goods out front. Even saw many people carrying sewing machines on top of their heads! Meat on tables by the road with man chopping it up. I can never relate this back home – it’s an unbelievable sight!

What is happening to my heart – it’s melting and running out my eyes – is heartbreaking to see their houses and poverty – thatch roofs – poles with mud in between to make the walls. There are some little boys pulling/pushing a homemade wagon – a man chopping grass along the road with a machete.

Uh oh – stopping to go to the bathroom in the midst of many peddlers – all smiling – all hoping we will buy from them! ………oh my – what an experience that was! Got a picture of a young man with a long, heavy pounding stick and girl sitting on the ground who was folding this mash over and over as he pounded/kneaded it with the stick. I met Lucy, a beautiful woman with dozens of long twist braids – a little 12 year old girl Mandy’s height – we went to the ‘bathroom’ and was a shocker to the women who had never been out in a country like this before – I was just glad it had walls! Back at the bus the kids flocked us with everything from peanuts to bread to dried fish to boiled eggs – to much I had no idea what it was!

We’ve stopped for road construction, and the car in front of us, the man got out and ‘relieved’ himself beside his truck – right in front of our bus – oh well – now the man in the car next to us has to go too – oh well – a common thing here. In the next little town I caught the eye of a little girl about four years old, walking by herself along the sidewalk next to the busy city street – she smiled and waved at me, all the while pulling down her panties and squatting down on the edge of the curb beside the street!

Now that we’re out of town and into the real country, looks like you would imagine Africa – I sure wish Mildred and Bertha were here with me – and my kids and grandkids – wish they could see and experience this. One trip here and you’d never complain about anything – every again!

This is what’s called the Gold Coast – southern edge of West Africa. And the driver of our bus needs to hook up with Robinson Racing! We just missed a car by 2" – or less – flying – this is true rocking and rolling! That man was holding up something like a dead possum to sell us – probably got in front of a tour bus! We are flying down this road – with kids and people and dogs and goats on every side. Glad I took half a Dramamine at the last stop! If you think the women can carry a load on their head, you wouldn’t believe what they can pile on top of a pickup truck or van! Even out here, there’s a farmer’s stand by the road every ¼ of a mile – fresh out of the fields! Another man holding bush meat – Jerry Hawkins said it was a ‘grass cutter’ – a giant rat – is about the size of a small fox! I’ve never seen a road with more potholes than pavement! Sign we just passed advertising breast milk! Saw a house with a ‘patio’ with pavers of broken road pavement! Cars are left broken down or burned out all along the road here – with many parts missing – all sitting where they stopped!


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When I see the villages, I wonder how I will be able to walk up to them and talk to them without crying – another village with hundreds of market booths – one even had caskets. I see a "Tiles Are Forever Enterprises" sign – and yet saw a pile of broken tiles laying out beside it! – only with Christ is anything forever. Here is a man walking down the center of the road, in our lane, and not moving out of the road – traffic everywhere – either drunk or crazy – Lord, wake him up – reach him. Know without a doubt the most replaced parts on the vehicles here are tires, brakes and horns! And I’m surprised there aren’t more roadside casket stores – am sure the deaths are equal for traffic and AIDS!

Finally reached the sea – after 3 ½ hours from Accra. Road block with police stopping cars – they didn’t stop us – we are to the Sea of Guinea, but this town should be the Sea of Poverty. Oh my – a newly paved road! Unbelievable – with paved sides and even a stripe down the middle! This is a super highway – even though it’s still two lanes – oh my – looks like this is the signal for the driver to go even faster! …..well, that didn’t last long……about two miles! Back to reality!

I see crosses and crucifixes and churches – so what does this do to the theory TV preachers give out of "Name it – claim it – riches in Christ" when there is such poverty everywhere.

Feeling feverish this morning – not sure if I’m getting sick or it it’s results of leaky eyes all morning – need to keep drinking lots of water….

Wondered with the houses of mud and thatch if they had hurricanes here along the sea – Cindy said they brew off the West Africa coast and go on west to the Caribbean and United States. I just don’t have the heart to take pictures of these people and their homes – it seems condescending and disrespectful – us in our affluence – God forgive us – You are already melting our hearts.

We’ve reached the Portuguese Castle and Fort at Cape Coast – it became a fort that housed slaves who were shipped from here to America. About the year of 1825, white men came here to take loads of gold and ivory – then when the African tribes warred among themselves and took captives, they sold them to these men in large ships who carried them to many places – such as Savannah, Georgia! Was another heartbreak to walk through and see where the dungeons were that housed hundreds of African men and women – knowing their own people had sold them into slavery. Well, the castle became a little too dark and dank for me – and wandered off from the crowd and found a group of children outside – or they found me – they are constantly waiting to give you their sales pitch – a bargain in every hand! Isaac and Joseph sold me a large shell for $1 – gave me their address – wanted mine – I knew better! I got them to sing me some songs, and we talked and talked down by the ocean – my own little kids' service!

3:30 – Good lunch – baked chicken and spicy rice – beans, carrots, rolls – now for the Reese’s sweet touch of dessert to make it all go down – and couple Pepto tablets for good measure!

And a spiritual touch – this time from my good friend Judy – "Today, oh Lord, allow Jeannie to share your love with someone who is hungry for Truth." And from Ray Gentry – "May God use you to impact many lives for Christ." These notes of encouragement are great.

10:30 p.m. Lost all track of time later today. This afternoon after Cape Coast we drove what was supposed to be about 4-5 hours to Kumasi in 3 hours! The driver was making up the time we lost at the castle and fort! He passed everything on the road – with hundreds of people walking all along the side – horn blowing constantly – going 60mph or more through the villages and towns – and we made it to the church where we were to meet the pastors by 6:30. We met the 16 pastors and made plans for tomorrow. Back to the hotel to unload and eat supper – debriefing on plans for the week – to room to unpack, shower and collapse! So tomorrow we meet the chiefs of the villages and give


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them gifts and present why we are there. I’m teamed up with Abigail, and she is going to do her thing with the children. Lord, I pray You will lead us – fill us with Your Spirit and Your words and Your wisdom. Help us now to rest and be refreshed and alert to be Your ambassadors for You!

And from Lisa ……."What an honor to serve God all over this world ….." Amen—and Lord, as Jimmy so aptly and wisely reminded me, take away all pride and self ambition and use us to bring all glory to Your name – tomorrow – and forever.

John 7:18 "He who speaks on his own does so to gain honor for himself, but he who works for the honor of the One who sent him is a man of truth…."

August 6, 2000 Sunday 6 a.m. Kumasi Good morning, Father – as Psalm 139 says, "When I wake in the morning, You are still there!" What a comfort that is to my heart – over all these years as we talk back and forth the first thing each day, Your constant presence has given me such strength. Lord, today is Your day – our day of rest – let me praise You for Your wondrous character and many acts…….

Psalm 1:9 "…watches over the way of the righteous"Psalm 3:3 "….a shield around me"Psalm 3:5 "….I lie down and sleep and wake again, because You sustain me"Psalm 4:3 "….have set aside the Godly for Yourself"Psalm 5:3 "….in the morning You hear my voice"Psalm 7:9 "….searches minds – hearts"Psalm 8:3 "….the work of Your hands – the earth, sun, moon, stars—all within it"Psalm 11:7 "….the Lord is righteous – loves justice"

If I had been David – or just Jeannie – Lord, this would be my thoughts to praise You – and even as I say these words, my eyes fill with tears…. Lord, Father, Almighty God – Creator of this awesome world we live in – how can we look around and be amazed at its beauty and variety and reason and balance, and not know behind it all is God of all – Elohim – I AM – El Shaddai – all names to refer to Your many attributes – and yet You are one. The Son who speaks Your thoughts – the Spirit who energizes and works in our hearts and minds to accomplish Your will – all are yet one with You. You are our Father, our God, our Rock, our Fortress, our Haven, our Shield, our Provider, our Friend! You love us with love we cannot comprehend – with a forgiveness and patience we cannot imagine – You have made us to be used daily to accomplish Your will and work. How awesome You are, Father – how blessed and privileged I am to be one of Your own. Thank You for loving me – for choosing me – for forgiving and hearing and directing me. Thank You for all the countless blessings You have poured into my life – the family and church family and mentors You have put there. Thank You for Your Spirit that You put in me to guard my conscience – to help me see truth – to tune me in to the understanding of Your Word. Thank You for loving me so much that You allowed Your only Son to suffer unimaginable death to cleanse my sin and provide a way for me to have everlasting life. I love You, Lord – I give You my heart, my mind, my will, my days, and all I am – I put it in Your hands – I am fully available to Your use. May all I do and say bring only glory to You. Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart be acceptable to You, O Lord, my God, my Redeemer, my life.


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11:30 a.m. First mission church – out in the country – oh, the love of Jesus I feel here and as seen in their faces. As I spoke to them of my family at home – of their homes here – of our home in heaven, we immediately had a common bond and warmth of the connected family of God. When it was time to go, I had to shake every hand and kiss the babies. The tiny girl in the front – maybe two years old – looked at me the same way Katie looked at the first black person she saw – she never smiled at me – so I just gently hugged her and kissed her cheek – she is precious!

Second mission – and young pastor is really giving it to them as we come in! And after we walked in and sat at the front behind the pulpit, facing the people, he said to them, "Quit looking at these people and listen to me!" (our translator told us)

Every tribe – every tongue – all will bow and worship You, Lord God. One – no, two words – I always understand – Hallelujah and Amen! The children sit or stand at the open windows – they sing with tambourines and drums and guitar – been a long time since I saw a preacher walk and sweat and hold a handkerchief to wipe his face! How good to see them with open Bibles – some look very used – am sure many read much – some only on Sunday – just like at home! These people are taught and read English, but speak Twi (Tree). Some have on fancy black patent shoes – but like us, they can hardly wait to get them off – half the women here already have taken them off – and one just read my mind and pushed her patent pumps off! They are meeting here in a school, about 20 x 30, with benches – two large doors and four large windows – frames without any windows. And yet in this rough room, lace curtains are tied back in the window frames. Well, we are not the only ones to meet in this school – competition of music and singing just began in the room next to us – a wall separates, but is open in the gables at about 10’ high – we could as well be next door – and yet the preacher keeps going. Now as we pray, they sing in a chant to the Lord. Amen …..every tongue praises You….every tribe….that song will have close personal meaning now – these hearts are already in tune with You, Lord ….what a blessing!

We watched them dance – the women in a circle at the front – then the men in a circle – and when the women began again, I got in line with them and danced a couple rounds – I just don’t have their rhythm! But I can clap and sing and be joyful to the Lord! Then Abigail did the same – and they loved it. She sang for them and with them. We took pictures of it all – and as we left, if I ever wondered if they liked a picture taken, I don’t need to wonder any more – they immediately gang up as soon as you take out the camera!

We drove about ½ mile to Pastor Ou’s home – a two-story compound home, housing many parts of one family – a large rectangle dirt area, open to the sky, in the center to work, cook, children play – and then the outer walls that close that area in are very tiny apartment-like rooms or groups of rooms, where the sons and their wife and extended family live. This house had probably at least 30 such small apartments. Mary, his wife, had made lunch for us – and having been warned many times about eating the food there, Abigail looked at me with rather large eyes and said, "Are we going to eat this?!" I just smiled and said, "We blessed it – God has blessed it – let’s eat it!" So she pushed it around long enough that they walked out of the room, and she quickly fed it to their little boy! When we left I wanted a picture of the compound area, so positioned their older son in front of it, and before I could get the camera turned on, a very old woman – who I thought was feeble – not! – jumped in and grabbed him by the arm and gave me her biggest toothless smile!

Wow – what an afternoon – visited the leaders and chief of the villages where we plan to do our door-to-door visitation this week. At the first village we were first met by smiling, waving, giggling children. They think me and Abigail are just out of a freak show I think – of course the older boys see her a little differently – as a beautiful 18 year old young woman. One man already asked her to return here when she finishes school! We walked down a dirt road to the village leader’s home –


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they quickly set out chairs and cushions and hurriedly dusted them off. Then in a ceremony of sort, he asked the Pastor why we came, and I told him (thru the Pastor) of coming from America to help Faith Gospel Church visit to build a mission church. I told him of seeing the beautiful people of his village – of our desire for them to not only have learning from school, but knowledge and understanding of God – and we desired his permission to visit them toward that goal. He smiled, said he was a Christian and welcomed us to do so.

He then asked if we could take a picture! So they pulled out a bench and all the children who followed us and the adults – probably 50 or so in all – posed and smiled for us! This camera is making us quick friends with all! Took picture of children often – they love it – also of a baby with his ‘walker’ – and a grandmother with her youngest – when I asked how many she had, she and daughters began ‘discussion’ of just how many – they kept thinking of another! This is going to be an awesome week! I wanted to get out into the country – I got it! Country dirt roads with holes and mud – lots of woods and way back villages – wish everyone at home could have been here today!

At the second leader’s home, named Augustine – the chief over three villages – he too brought out two of his best cushioned chairs, and we sat in a rectangle in the compound area of his home – about 10 of us and a few children. We went through the same basic thing – but I could see as I spoke and told him these things, he smiled and nodded – and I realized he understood English well. Yet he waited each time for the interpretation. At the end, he asked if we were going to build a permanent church that would grow – and after I told him Faith Gospel was going to do that, he immediately began to answer – before the Pastor interpreted – giving himself away! His fellow leaders also realized that – nudging him to wait for the translator – and he did – but it was almost funny. He was most cordial and accepting – and when we said we had a gift for him, he jumped up and went in the house and then came back with his official toga style robe wrap on – for the presentation and picture taking!

So it was a grand time and so touching to see the eyes and faces of children and women and old folks – though not many old folks – seems to be a lot of funerals here. One little boy of probably 3 had his little teddy bear in his back wrap – like the mamas carry the babies – and when I tried to take his picture, 50 more children pushed in to be included! An awesome day!

10:20 p.m. We just met in Becky’s room for a two-hour worship and praise and communion service – and what a blessing – as different ones shared what God did today – not us! Preaching – singing – prayers for healing – speaking with chiefs and leaders – touching – hugging – smiling – loving God by loving others! This is one day that if you weren’t there, you just cannot imagine how God poured Himself out on all of us today – what an awesome God we serve – who has chosen us and uses us in His field and in His work! Amen! And goodnight!

August 7, 2000 Monday 6 a.m. Good morning, Father – have been talking with You quite a while already. Your close presence brings quiet and peace and assurance to me – and readiness to go out again today.

Take my life and let it be -- consecrated, Lord, to Thee.Take my hands and let them be -- yielded only, Lord, to Thee.Take my mouth – my feet – my thoughts – my eyes – my ears –Take all of me, Lord – and use me as Your instrument of love for Thee.

John 10: "I am the gate for the sheep …. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep . . . I have other sheep that are not of this sheep pen . . . these shall be one flock and one


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shepherd . . . My sheep listen to my voice . . . I know them and they follow Me . . . no one can snatch them out of My hand."

9:30 a.m. On the way – jostling and rolling along – as we ride along the city street, ‘vendors’ walk beside the car at every stop – selling handkerchiefs (5 for $1) – windshield wipers – floor mats – newspapers – fish (to go with the newspapers!)

We stop to pick up our lunch, and yet after it’s here, there seems to be no rush to get going. Lord, give me a servant heart to wait patiently and kindly and let this pastor – not me and my time frame – set the pace today.

Is cloudy and breezy and very comfortable this morning – would be great to have this weather last – almost feels like a late September morning!

God, how in heaven do you keep up with us all – as we pass thousands of people on the road – and I think of the thousands of other cities – the masses of Asia and India – it blows my mind to realize Jeremiah’s words: "You knew me in my mother’s womb" …..David’s words, "You know my lying down and rising up." I cannot begin to comprehend it!

Saw man and women with a sewing machine on their head! I thought Atlanta and New York traffic was bad – this is wild!

The first 30-40 minutes of getting out of town is breath-taking – literally! The smells and fumes of cars – the foods cooking – the work going on – is all I can do to get past this area without being sick. Finally we reach the outskirts of Kumasi and huge mountain of rock and green grass and few shrubby dark green trees mark the point that the city ends and country begins – a little fresher air! I’m struggling to breath and Abigail is asleep – or overcome! Sheep – goats – tiny kids – cows – hens and tiny chicks – all in the road – but haven’t seen a dead one yet!

Well, after two hours in the car – fumes and smells – even with Dramamine, I asked them to pull over – did not see we were at the village where Amoa lives (Pastor’s helper who comes with him). Actually we pulled off in front of his house, and Pastor checked radiator – and it blew out hot dark colored spew all over – and got on his shirt – long sleeve, thank God! So think "all things do work together for good" – car was about to blow on us – so Abigail and I got out to walk in the village and bought a Coke to settle our stomachs. Now she’s blowing bubbles and the kids are chasing them – good time for a break! When we left, the kids piled up by the car and yelled "Bye" – and I said, "Bye yall", and they all said, "Bye yall!" Have taught them Southern drawl in five seconds! We found Abigail means "Joy" – that’s why all the kids keep saying it over and over.

12:00 We’ve stopped near the school/church we met at yesterday – and they took us into a very clean concrete house – is quite cool inside – feels great – clouds have burned off and very hot sun now – have pulled out my red granny hat already! This house is where our village rest place will be – to eat and catch our breath. We will be using one large room and actually an inside bathroom! They pulled out lunch – spiced rice – beef and vegetables – brought two chairs and small table and set up our food – and they leave to eat outside or next room. The food was three times what we could eat, so we both spooned 2/3 out and gave to them – they were very glad – they had food, but about 6-8 young men can put away the food!

4:00 p.m. What an afternoon – for the last three hours we have walked through the village of Osa – and met Chief Augustine’s two daughters (Ly and Agu) and son (Isaac). Isaac went with me and two other young men today as we walked house to house – or more literally, hut-to-hut visitation


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– many in a compound type house, some just a single mud wall and thatch roof 8x8 dwelling. We talked with many, many people – I don’t know the number yet – but at least 10 accepted Christ that we talked to – many desired to come to the new mission, and all wanted to go to the cinema (Jesus film) Thursday night that we will be showing here.

Saw fabric hanging at one house – and we met them – and the lady there (Vida) is making a dress for me – for $21 – to be ready Thursday. We laughed so much today – but I made two babies cry when they saw me! I told them Katie did the same thing when she first met black people – and they laughed. I talked with a woman who had a pile of sticks on her head – and Isaac said for me to try it – and so they took my picture with it wobbling on my head! So many pictures we took – the roll must be nearly gone – want to take picture of everyone, but know my film won’t last to do that.

In meeting back at the house – I seem to be the mother of all these big children who helped us – 14 of us went out – I’m the oldest – the pastor about 50 – the rest are 18-20 years old or so – they are great kids – great kidders! Amo wants to be the macho guy and impress Abigail, so he picks on Appo and says he is the son of a Pharisee – and in his pompous kidding ways speaks of Appo with two faces. I called his bluff and said, "Well, the Pharisee is the one who points and sneers at others – so maybe you are the Pharisee!" They all cracked up and we broke any communication and cultural barriers and had a great time.

Now as I complete the decision cards and figure out who did what – it seems we probably covered about 80 homes (with five teams – 14 people) – and about 50 decisions for Christ! Lord, You know the true ones who seek You – and we praise You and You alone for all who come to You today. Left Osa about 6:15.

6:40 p.m. Getting dark – can hardly see – we’ve broken down on the road three times already – added water each time – it’s smoking – and water coming out of the radiator. Pastor and Amoa are driving and hoping – Abigail and I are singing and praying God will do as He did for Gideon and give us longer daylight! In all things give thanks – we have sung songs to bolster our faith ……Our God is an awesome God.…. Great is Thy faithfulness . . . God is so good . . . Praise Him, praise Him . . . Jesus loves the little children . . . Showers of Blessings . . . and on and on. I see the mountain ahead that is at the edge of Kumasi – Lord, keep us going. Lots of people walking along the road – hundreds – so we won’t be alone. …..The upper window . . . I’m a child of the King . . . Oh, Victory in Jesus . . . Amazing Grace . ……ah, the lights of Kumasi! Thank You, Lord! God is so good . . . His eye is on the sparrow . . . Oh, say but I’m glad . . …….checking water again – always atop a hill so we can roll to get it going again! Getting dark! …..Hallelu, hallelu, hallelu, hallujah, praise ye the Lord……we roll and jerk and it starts up again! Thank You, Lord! We saw the first star…..I wish I may…that we get to the hotel tonight! I have decided to follow Jesus…….Abigail is beginning to sing – she has a lot of spunk! Away in a manger………uh oh…..traffic is backed up, and we are standing still going uphill! And the fumes and smells are heavy and visible in the air! Atlanta isn’t only one with red and orange alert! Wonderful words of life……just found there is a hole in the floor board of the back seat – fumes coming up from car! Well, there are literally hundreds of people walking along side us – so we have decided if we have to walk, we will put oil and rub our arms and face and we’ll fit right into the crowd! Right!! Uphill again …..I’m pressing on to higher ground! Can barely see to write – except for car lights – it’s a zoo! Rush hour in Kumasi – everyone blowing their horn and turning in front of you! …..Turn your eyes upon Jesus…..I love you, Lord…..This little light of mine………..You can’t defeat us, Satan – you can’t discourage us – we have the power of the Spirit! …..Deep and wide….Do Lord…..All hail the power of Jesus name…..Praise the Lord, traffic has suddenly broken up and we’re moving! The fumes are getting to my chest…..ugh!………Yeah! We made it – the hotel gate! Is 7:40 – seemed forever! Thank You, Lord – now please help Pastor get back home safely!


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Midnight -- Still too wound up to go to sleep – so will pull out a few more prayer partners:…..from Lane and Kathy…a wonderful sachet…"Shake and sniff and know we are praying for you."…….from Larry Wynn…"May God bless you mightily on this mission trip…you are a great leader, example and friend…I will be praying for you."…….from Carol (a Kincaid lighthouse!)…."May God bless you beyond belief" ……well, He has!….."as you take your light into the world." -----and just a few hours ago I was singing "This little light of mine" as we prayed our way home!…….from Joy…"thank you for going for me…for all of us…your willing spirit has been a blessing to me…I will not forget to pray for you! What an awesome experience to be His feet, His hands, His love!"-----------is it any wonder that we had the day we had --- with so many praying for us!

Annette came in a few minutes ago and they had about 200 or more saved at the service in their village tonight! Lord, You know the true decisions – honor seeking hearts, as I know You do – encourage and fill these hearts with a new peace tonight that will be obvious to all around them. How many times we said it and sung it……."Our God is an awesome God, He reigns from heaven above – with wisdom, power, and love---our God is an awesome God!"

August 8, 2000 Tuesday Kumasi 6:45 a.m. Good morning, Father – was short nite – we were up till almost 1:30, sharing all that You brought about yesterday! Thank You again for giving us this wonderful privilege of seeing Your hand at work – thank You for each person at home who is praying for us – for it’s prayer that moves You to work – our oneness with You – our oneness with each other. As Jesus prayed, "Make them one, as We are one." And as we go back today, I trust You have already worked during the night to give us transportation for today. Refresh Pastor and all those You have chosen to go into the fields ready for harvesting today. What a joy – indescribable – to be on Your team!

John 12: "Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord." Lord, we know the Father sent the Son – and has so sent us….

And the encouragement of two more prayer partners – it’s like reaching in the pocket of my suitcase and pulling out two more golden eggs – at random – each different and beautiful in its own way – seeing the faces and smiles of those who wrote them – knowing God is using each encouragement at the right time! …..from Jackie (a map of Georgia to Africa) – compiling of thoughts and verses…"For I know the plans I have for you….His compassions are new every morning….He will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land and will strengthen your frame!" (Couldn’t be any more true than today!) …..from Joy A .."praying for your safety as well as for God to use you in a mighty way."

10:30 a.m. As we waited to pick up our lunch to go to village, Pastor Ou and I talked. He said that the African loves the white man very much – because we brought the gospel – and did not come for money. He said the black man is not truthful with many people around – that many spiritual black leaders here are so-called prophets – what you will be wearing – who is the family problem – what you will be doing -----not Bible prophecy – but Satanic spiritism, superstition mixed with religion.

He also said that last night Justice had gathered the people of Osa to worship, but when they saw Abigail and I were not there, they would not stay. Some how we must emphasize we are here for only a few days – to tell them of Christ – who will stay with them forever. Lord, in no way do we want them to look to us – but may we only reflect Your love.


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12:30 p.m. Back to our home sweet home in Osa – our rest house they have provided for us to eat and take a break. These kids I’m mothering and supposedly mentoring are just like American kids – crazy – kidding – trying to impress the girls – trying to be top dog – trying to be macho – and yet in a few of them I see a dedicated purpose to spread the gospel. So this is not just telling lost people about Christ – it’s been an everyday example and friend and mentor and encourager to young people we pray will be the leaders in the new churches.

Today was more like Sunday – in that even though we presented the gospel several times, it was in larger groups – mostly large families – of 10 – of 15 – of 20 or more. And I sat with them – unrushed – as if talking to a new neighbor. We talked about their children and grandchildren – found most of them go to church – mostly Roman Catholic. We grieved with them over the loss of a child’s funeral today – saw a three week old baby and took a picture with the new mother – stooped low in front of a crippled girl along the dirt road and shared Jesus. Walked and walked down long dirt roads the width of little more than a car – with tall grass on either side – never even thought of a snake or wild animal – it was if I were walking the backwoods of Bostwick or Dacula – maybe 70 or 80 years ago. Isaac, the chief’s son, went with me again today. Abigail teamed up with the other Isaac and his sister Diana – beautiful young girl, who I think my Isaac is very interested in! If he succeeds his father as chief, it would make a wonderful Christian marriage and village influence.

We walked past a school of very young children – like a kindergarten – probably 50 kids were standing along the edge of the yard calling, "Bruni fada" – or ‘white father’ -- or mother, in our case! I’m so amazed at how they seem to love us and are drawn like magnets to us!

In one large family visit, there was the grandma and her grown children, men, grandchildren, neighbor kids. I asked how many grands she had, and she said "16" – and the boys looked at me as if to say, "This one has more than you!" Is actually the first I’ve talked to that has. She was singing a little song – so I asked her to sing me one and I’d then sing her one. Hers was in Twi – about God. Mine was in English – about God! Have felt a real bond and kindred spirit with the believers here – and I see in their eyes and warm responses, they feel it too.

After we talked to one family and left them all smiling and laughing, William (who is thrilled he has my husband’s name and has clung to me like glue today) said, "They really like the way you talk to them." I’m just being me – like I would be with Mildred and Lee – with Jimmy and Shana – with my own grandkids.

We’ve played hopscotch – parchesi – blown bubbles – played peekaboo behind the doors with the kids on the other side tickled pink!

I told one family today, as we sat on benches under a tree in front of their house – way away from the village – with fields and crops and dirt trails running everywhere, "You have probably lived here all your life – and maybe wondered what it would be like to live in the city. I’ve lived in the city all my life and would love to live out in a place like this!" They smiled big and seemed to relax and drop all their guard – and we were just enjoying being together.

As we sat and talked with one young mother (and she pulled on some clothes as we came to the house!), a man of about 35-40, small and wiry and an instigator of trouble – a tool of Satan – kept following us from place to place – and was jesting and mocking and disturbing as we presented the gospel to her. So I just prayed within myself, "Lord, please send him away!" Within 30 seconds he left and did not bother us any more!


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We are announcing to everyone that Wednesday night we will have a service – Thursday afternoon, a puppet show – and Thursday evening, the Jesus film. I’m hearing great results from this film – so I pray God will move in a miraculous way in this village of Osa.

At supper tonight, one of our team said the church they were working with was having its congregation come from 7-9 every nite for prayer for this week – and a service from 9-11 – then those who would work on this mission the next day would sleep there on mattresses at the church, but the rest of the church then prayed from 1-5 in the morning, and then went home! Such prayer from hundreds of people around the world for this area this week! And God has let me be here to see it and experience it and be His feet, His hands, His eyes, His mouth – to share His love – how awesome!

August 9, 2000 Wednesday 6:15 a.m. Good morning, Father – at home we would be thrilled to have heard it rain most of the night – but here, I wonder how it will affect our day at the mission site. Is not the summer shower we have had last few mornings that is gone in 30 minutes – but You know all this – and You want this people to come to You even more than we do – so keep our hearts and minds at peace as we lay it all in Your hands.

John 13: Have wondered many times about Judas – was he ever a believer? It seems not, as Jesus in washing their feet at the last supper said, "You all are clean – though not everyone of you." Yet Judas carried the money – respected position – Lord, how many walk with us the Christian life, and it is a front – a Judas – who seem to walk the life, but it’s for their own personal gain and motives?

Jesus used the washing of their feet to be an example to us today – here in Osa – as we enjoy the place of honor they are giving us, Lord, please let us be the servant – keep me humble – keep me empty of self and full of Your love to pour out to them. How amazing it has been to feel that love pouring out to them this week – may it never stop – Americans need that same love.

John 13:34 "As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this you will know you are my disciples."

10:30 a.m. On the way to the village – and everyday just the drive itself and the people we see amaze me – it’s wild! We talk about wild Africa – with thoughts of tigers and head hunters – but this ‘wild’ I see is the people – not crazy wild – but wonderful wild! So alive – so into life – so outdoors and visible with every kind of work and togetherness you can imagine – I love this place – and I love these people.

Has been amazing to see the different signs all over town: Seventh Day Adventist – Kingdom Life Ministry – Presbyterian – El Shaddai – God is Wonderful Barber Salon – Jerusalem Annex (a 4x4 hut with tin roof) – Christ Photo and Sushi House – King David Pharmacy – If God says Yes, who can say No (on taxi) – Unity House (3x5 vendor shed) – Love Chapel – New Life Engineering – Jehovah is My Helper (store front 3x5) – I Will Overcome Enterprises – Jesus is Evergreen Ent. – Church of Pentecost – God’s Gift Ent. (Coke store) – Maranatha (drink store) – St. Mary’s Sanctuary (maternity home) – Maranatha (front of a truck) – God is Hope (store front) – What God has Chosen (front of a van) – Only Jesus (front of a van) – Deeper Life Bible Church – Joyful Workers (sewing shop) – The Blood of Jesus Appliance Store – Jesus the Fine Hair Salon – Old Timers Spot (store with long porch and chairs – like the bostwick General Store!)


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The rain stopped by 8 a.m.! Is very cloudy and breezy and feels in the 60s or low 70s! Never thought we’d be cooler here than at home. God has sent His air conditioner. Eric told us that the week before we arrived, that it rained every day – all day – and they were concerned for this week. But God knew – and God has given us perfect weather for our job. So we ride with all the windows down – hair blowing – almost no make up – have left off more and more everyday! It feels natural here – so is okay to be natural – and the whiter you are, the better than like it!

We took pictures of the green and rocky mountain just outside town – want to paint it for next oils class.

11:43 – Abigail is addressing the school – all in the yard with chairs – telling them about Jesus – about our schools – our children. Now using the gospel bracelet to tell them the plan of salvation. And now she’s used the Evangi-cube to illustrate…….they asked questions: "If you don’t get to Jesus by being good, how do you do it? (Rom 10:9-10, Jn 3:16 ……"Do you have to get baptized?" How do you get sponsorship to go to school in America?" "How do I know if the Spirit of God comes to me?"…..was a great opportunity…..they really desire to have a Bible.

After lunch --- spicy rice and chicken (surprise!) -- we went out in teams through Osa to homes we have not visited yet. Went to Isaac Boaten house (chief’s son) and met his mother’s sister and all his family – so obviously they do not live in the chief’s house. His mother (the chief's wife) died about four years ago. Was an 'interesting' incident, in that before I left home, my good friend Lettie said, "I think one of those village chiefs is going to grab you and keep you for his queen," We laughed about it – but when his daughters told me about their mother dying four years ago, and I automatically responded, "Yes, I know some of what you have felt … my husband also died about four years ago," their eyes lit up and they grinned at each other and said, "Oh…"

They profess to know Jesus – so we showed the E-cube and prayed with them, even though they say they are Christians – so many say that, but we give them the gospel any way – as we did in probably 25-30 homes today – also going to the next village. We’re riding in an old, old, old Mercedes – me and Abigail and pastor in front and six young men piled in back, down a long rough, dirt road – that today was very muddy and full of holes because of the rain. In one home in that village we went into a home where the grandfather came out slowly from a room into the open compound area. He was quite feeble, and said he had been sick since Christmas. So before we told them the gospel, I sat by him and held his hands and prayed for God’s power and healing – physical and spiritual – to come into this home. Most all the village goes to the Roman Catholic Church there at the end of town.

7:00 p.m. And we are sitting in an open air building (Osa primary school) – only lights are three lanterns – one that Diana is holding for me to write. The crickets will be our competition when the preaching starts! Almost totally dark with half moon and very cloudy sky right above. Abigail is teaching them Kum Ba Yah, My Lord – and then says, "What does that mean, Miss Jeannie?!" "Come by here, Lord" – and if You are anywhere on this earth, You surely are here in this place this night – Lord, bless our worship of You tonight.

Diana began leading the singing – then testimonies – afar in the distance I hear chanting and drums. The pastor is speaking to these new converts – I hear the word ‘heaven’ a lot – he asks a question and most raise their hands. He’s talking about being a new Christian – four more mothers and children who had been outside finally come in – now four more – now lively singing and clapping. Wish I could understand! Now three more – two more – dancing and much movement – even in this very small room – a tribal tradition, but centered in worship of Jesus. As the pastor leads them in a prayer


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of confirming their salvation, three more come in. Pastor asked Abigail and I to give words of encouragement to these new members of our family of God.

11 p.m. Finally got in – quick supper of French fries and chicken – has been rice and chicken at every lunch and supper – so the fries are wonderful!!! Quick shower – feel so gritty and dirty after being in the village all day – has been a long time since I was outdoors this many hours in one week! But it was a wonderful day! I did not mind the fumes and mud and smells – it was a privilege to be there every minute.

I forgot to write about the checker game – or ‘draft’, they call it – whole different game from ours. As we headed back to the house about 4:00 this afternoon, we passed men playing checkers under a big shade tree, and I stopped to watch – they seemed glad I noticed them and stopped. So they invited me to play the winner – and he kindly allowed me to tie, which is whenever each person has two left – and they all helped me the whole time – about 10-12 young to old men. And when it was over, they began to ask me questions – one being, "What is that bead bracelet for?" So I told them the whole gospel through it, and invited them to the film tomorrow night. Think we may have huge crowd – will not ask You how we will deal with it, Lord – I’ll just show up – like I have everyday – and be amazed at how You work!

And two more notes from home before turning out the lights…..from Vicki .."in my thoughts and prayers as you serve our Lord in Africa…know you will be an inspiration there as you are to me."…… from Judy .."Wherever you are right now (and I’m worn out and aching all over!), we are placing you and team at the feet of our Lord … peace… confidence …. courage…grace." ……..Yes, Lord, You are answering them – have never felt such freedom and constant filling of the Spirit as this week!

August 10, 2000 Thursday 6:30 a.m. Good morning, Father – today is the day we show the film and have puppet show – and do the last of new home visits. I pray Your Spirit will move in a mighty way. Let there be a great harvest of souls in many villages this day.

John 12: "We would like to see Jesus." . . . .tonight may this film show them Jesus and His love for all people.

John 14: The Father sent His Spirit – His Counselor – of Truth to be in us. He teaches us all things.

John 15: "..if a man remains (stays close by) Me and I in him (through the Spirit), he will bear much fruit…..apart from Me, you can do nothing."…….The only lasting work done here in Ghana is not our words or actions – but the work done in hearts by the Spirit. Lord, help us to not be proud and full of self in what is happening this week – rather, let it humble us even more in that we know it is not us, but You.

11:00 a.m. At the village – stopped at corner store and got fairly cool Coke to ease headache – beginning to feel weary – even in the morning. They tell you to pace yourself – but is almost impossible to do so first few days – and the two longest and most emotional days are left – today and tomorrow. "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." ……..from Theresa, another prayer partner…’Those who are wise shall shine like the brightness of the sky…and those who turn many to righteousness like the stars forever and ever.’ So, shine, Jeannie, shine!"


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This morning at breakfast Caryl Swift hugged me and just shook her head – could not find the words – and finally said, "You just reflect Jesus in all you say and do." Lord, I’m glad if that’s true – it would answer my prayer for this mission and for my life.

2:30 p.m. Taking a short break in the house – is very hot and steamy – have been drenched since 8 a.m. – need to keep the water going. We went and visited about six houses this afternoon – and went with William and Desmond today. It went so well - -changed our approach – did not ask if they went to church – that seems to close the door and stop the momentum. Instead, we talked briefly and then used the E-cube to show the simple gospel and our reason to visit. The last side of the cube (like a Rubik cube) is "What is your choice?" I tell them it has to be their choice – I can’t choose for them – or their mother – or the pastor – do they choose to ask Jesus to forgive them and come into their life, or to say no? Nine adults said yes – heads of families – mothers – and then we tell them we would like to return later to bring them Bible studies to grow as a new Christian – it’s not joining the church – if they go to a church, we are not trying to make them leave it. They received us and the gospel well! They were glad to give us their name – and they said they would be at the cinema tonight. Two men at a radio repair shop – one old grandmother – a teen girl sitting on the porch reading ‘Our Daily Bread’, a beautiful young mother chopping wood, three men sitting on a covered porch, five women and at least 20 children (who we took their picture) – all these different homes – yet same hearts and same need.

While crossing the village street a man in a van drives by and I said, "Hello." Well, I saw him stop and get out and assumed that was just where he was stopping – so I walked on with William and Desmond – and William, who kindly tells me when I’ve made a booboo said, "You held out your hand and motioned for him to "Come" – and that’s why he stopped!" So guess he thought, "Crazy Americans!" Just thought I was waving!

4:00 p.m. The children’s puppet show was a great success! Mac gave flannel board story of Peter walking on the water – he gave an invitation and many of the probably 250 came to talk with the nationals who counseled them in groups – possibly 100 or more children came forward – Lord, we leave the true results up to You. We have no idea what is in their hearts.

6:45 p.m. Now we are setting up for the Jesus film – Abigail and I are making our perch in the back of Titi’s pickup truck – feels good to stretch our feet and sit for a while – we’re really tired – not just the walking – but the sun is so very hot today – I’ve gotten burned – even with lots of high level sun screen and my granny hat. And then also tiring is the constant mob of people – touching and staring and wanting your attention. Abigail says it’s like the paparazzi! And our entourage of helpers – who insist on carrying our backpack and water – who constantly scurry to get us a place to sit. We are 2-3 blocks from the house, and they brought two chairs from there for us to sit in for the film! But we were in the truck already, so they gladly took the chairs for themselves. Never thought I would appreciate the space barrier this pickup bed offers – but after many days surrounded by hundreds, it feels good. My quiet bedroom and firm mattress at home is going to be good too!

Been a long time since I went to a drive-in movie – but with the pickup – and moon right overhead – and crickets – and summer evening – and screen ahead (large extra size cloth) – it takes me back many years ago to times I spent with Glynn. Only thing missing is the Coke and popcorn ……but just as I wrote that, Amoenteng brought me a small cookie package! Lord, You do hear my every thought, don’t You!

As the film goes through the miracles, everyone cheers and claps and says, "Hallelujah – Amen!" It’s amazing the dress and lifestyle of these Jews 2000 years ago in the film is very much like this tribe of


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people in Osa today! …..oh me…got a bug down my dress…can’t get to it….hope the Deet gets to him!

It’s amazing how unspoiled these people are – probably 500 or more here – and only the small children in front rows of the U-shape area are sitting – everyone else is standing – for two hours! One hour into film and I looked behind us – people are standing all the way back into the street and beyond – a depth of probably 500 feet! I finally recognized a word in the film, which is narrated in Twi (their language) – when a blind man is healed, he says, "Madasi" – or Twi for "Thank you" – which is one phrase I’ve used often here.

Tonight’s light to write is not by lantern, but a much greater light – God’s nightlight – the moon -- about 2/3 full and now shining in an unclouded sky! The film is stopped and still frame of Jesus hanging on the cross – Titi is giving the invitation. As he asks for those who would accept Jesus, hands go up everywhere – and he prays with them. Lord, work in hearts and minds right now. As he asks them to come forward, they swarm forward – at least half the people – is one time I would love to speak Twi and help talk with them. God, You alone are the true eyes to see those who truly seek You – for those who do, please open their eyes and heart to understand and believe and accept You in faith. I feel useless in not being able to help – Abigail is sitting on top of the cab now and singing – I’m praying. Lord, help those who are ministering to these precious people. Help them to determine in their hearts to know You…..I have decided to follow Jesus…no turning back….no turning back! Amen! What a sight! As they all again return to their places, the end of the film resumes, and when they see the risen Jesus, they all clap and cheer! Some yell, "Hallelujah!" The same story we have told over and over this week with the E-cube, tonight reinforced with such reality! Lord, use this film to reach millions!12:30 a.m. Finally back to the hotel – shower – talked with Annette about her day in her village – and much to get ready before leaving to go back at 9 a.m. – Lord, please give me good rest and wisdom in distributing what we will leave for the new church and workers who have helped us.

August 11, 2000 Friday 6 a.m. Dear Father……I do not want to think the words – because immediately the tears come….. is the last day in Osa – can hardly believe it has gone by so fast – and even more so, that I have become so attached to them. Will not dwell on that now – let me enjoy the day and the people and leave them Your love to be with them.

John 14-17 Tonight the Pastor has asked me to speak to the people in the service. These chapters seem so very right to leave with them. Help me share in a simple, yet new and fresh way, to encourage new and older believers in their called purpose.

John 14:1-4 The disciples were sad to realize Jesus was going to leave them – yet He had much more ahead for them than they had even seen while He was there. Jesus never leaves us alone – when He returned to heaven, He sent His Spirit, the Spirit of God – to live inside each believer – to teach them – direct – encourage them – to give them wisdom they had never known before – to give them peace and harmony with each other.

John 15:1, 5-10 Jesus said, "I am the vine…you are the branches…apart from Me you can do nothing." As a fruit branch grows out of the main vine/root, it draws its growth from the root – the main vine. If a branch is cut off and is not connected to the vine, it shrivels up and dies. As new believers – and as old believers – our only source of growth and strength is to remain in Christ – in His Word – in fellowship with other believers in worship – in prayer


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all through the day – in yielding our own desires and being and living what He puts in our heart to do.

John 15:18-22 Don’t expect the life of a Christian to be an easy life with no problems. Jesus never sinned – never mistreated anyone – but because He spoke against sin, many hated Him – and even killed Him. The life of a believer is full of great joy and peace and love – God is like that – and His Spirit in us makes us to become like that. But Satan fills the heart of many people – and they will not like what you believe and what you say. Pray constantly that God will give you wisdom – and courage – to do and say what He puts into your heart. Many times we want to sound very spiritual – and say words that the Spirit hasn’t given us – and we get ourselves into trouble. Wait on the teaching and growing and maturing that comes from His Spirit.

John 16:1 Jesus said, "I tell you all this, so you will not go astray – so you will know how to stay strong in God."

John 17: We pray often – but it is most encouraging to know that Jesus has prayed for us – and we know this prayer is answered by the heavenly Father – that all believers be as one with no division – no partiality – no jealousy – no fighting for recognition – but working together for the kingdom of Christ.

John 17:25-26 "…will continue to make You known to them so that the love You have for Me may be in them and I in them."

How do we serve God? --by loving others--putting others first--sharing the message of Jesus--making peace with others--by encouraging and teaching other believers--by yielding our will and our desires to God everyday to allow Him to speak through us, work through us, and to love others through us! Amen!

Has been interesting to see how we all react differently to circumstances and people. Has been so with Abigail and I – she loves the little children – but because the similar age with all the young men we work with, she feels very pressured and ill at ease – and therefore very ready to leave. I can understand her feelings. Please give her also one last day to enjoy them – and show her the eternal reasons we are here. I think she does not want to go to the village today. As I searched for Your words and comfort, my Bible opened to I Chronicles 16: …."Give thanks to the Lord; call on His name….make known among the nations what He has done…let the hearts of those who seek the Lord rejoice….do not touch my anointed ones…do my prophets no harm…declare His glory among the nations!" Lord, comfort this sweet young girl to let her know that You will protect her and shield her.

Jerry’s report: Through Wednesday we have had 4343 decisions! Thank You for every soul! As I sat at the breakfast table – was thinking about wearing my Ghana dress tonight – and then thought about giving away the red dress I’m wearing today – and was wondering if that was what I should do. And that very instant, my ears tuned into Becky’s prayer as she spoke. . ."And Lord, help us to be sensitive to the things we should give away…." Lord, is there no thought – no word – that we say that You do not hear! Psalms 139 says You are with us every morning – day – evening – how wrapped in Your love I am!


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11:15 a.m. Arrived in Osa and was discussing with Pastor the distribution of 80 New Testaments I purchased yesterday to give to Osa Middle School (with the money from prayer supporters) – and he kept trying to put me off about going there – hoping to keep them all, along with the 120 more and at least 50 full Bibles I will be giving him tomorrow for the mission church to keep. So again, I placed this in Your hands, Lord – and as we drove up to pass the school, which is 100 yards before the house where we stay to rest, I looked in the school yard, and the Head Mistress (Principal) had the children lined up in the yard speaking to them – today is their last day of school – they will have three weeks off and then begin the new school year. So the Pastor said, "We are most fortunate!" …..no, God is in control! We presented the Bibles to her to use in Bible study in the school, as well as one of the Evangi-cubes, which she requested to have. I asked that a picture be made of our hands atop each other’s and atop the box of Bibles – hands across the world, working together. This is one of many miracles You will show us today – thank You!

Abigail has gone with David Farmer today – Pastor Ou said Eric will bring her this evening for the service – we’ll see – I have my doubts. Lord, give her Your peace today – give her the total satisfaction of doing Your work – wherever it may be.

1:15 p.m. So many times we quickly take a view of a situation and judge it according to what is natural for us – our time frame – our traditions – and do not see the other side. Too quickly we criticize our nationals here and pastors here who don’t seem to move fast enough for us – too late getting onto the field each day – no sign of organization. And yet as the days pass, I’m beginning to see more and more of why it is this way. We get to a town at 11:00 a.m. – and guess what – everyone’s preparing food – they can’t talk – and not until 2:30 is school out – so if we get out between 2:00 – 6:00 in the afternoon, is only four hours, but is the prime time of day to visit homes.

The Pastor walked me down the main (only!) street of Osa today – and we talked freely of traditions – went into Roman Catholic church – talked with people running the hundreds of booths up and down the street – went to the local open-air market and saw their version of the Atlanta farmer’s market.

We saw many dressed in the ceremonial robes of black – a young 17 year old girl died on Monday, and she’s laying at her home on a raised long pedestal bed, dressed in her finest. They embalm sometimes – sometimes not. As we walked by her house, there was all kind of music and dancing by the young people in the open courtyard, surrounded by older people in long black attire, very mournful – such a contrast. The Pastor said it would be good to go in, so we entered her home, where there was an inner courtyard, circled with people – older people – in black. In one opening room, she lay on this raised platform. So I walked to each person, shook their hand, and look into their eyes to convey my sympathy. This young girl was pregnant and took pills to abort – but died herself – how sad – the very thing that Becky and Caryl and Abigail lobby against and work against. We have seen many funerals since we came – is a very constant reminder of the uncertainty of life – especially here in this place.

Have felt many mixed emotions this week – great sadness over the poverty – great freedom in the openness and simplicity of life – great burden at the need for Christ in a land covered with religion of every sort – great joy in seeing many pray to receive Christ – great tiredness in trying to keep walking and talking for hours and hours on end with very short nights – great disappointment in coming so far to visit with the nationals in the village, only to see the Pastor day after day drop us off, or sit in the car and eat and read the newspaper while we are going door to door in such heat, surrounded by dozens and dozens of children. I have cried many tears this week – and am still doing so – I wonder why it is all like this. How do you really help them? Are the Christians really dedicated – but yet driven by poverty to make a pitch at every opportunity for you to finance their own personal desire or


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project? At this point today, I am very ready to go home. We have done what God sent us to do. But I don’t think a white person living here would be the answer. God will have to work among their own people – who have been one of them – to reach them. But our prayers can empower them to hear God’s call and yield themselves.

6:00 p.m. Have come back to the house for a short break before service – but am covered up with teenagers – and need some quiet space – so told them I needed to take my Bible and read -- so walked over to the school porch and so far they’ve not followed. The smoke from all the cooking fires is burning my eyes terribly – there seems to be no place to escape it.

Psalm 61 Another ‘chance’ opening of the Word ….. "Hear my cry, O God, listen to my prayer. From the ends of the earth I call to You; I call as my heart grows faint; Lead me to the rock that is higher than I."

6:50 p.m. Put on the Ghana dress and headband that Vida finished for me – Diana helped me with the headband – came out of the house and Pastor and all the guys clapped and said, "Very good – you look beautiful!" Walked to Vida’s to show her – she hurried me inside her house, laughing, and said, "You have the top on backwards!" Oh well…it fit…I thought it looked good that way! So we all had a good laugh and then walked down the street of Osa to the other end of town to the primary school where we will have service again tonight.

Again, the lanterns are lit, the crickets almost drown us out – and the moon is even fuller and brighter. The children are singing to themselves – the Pastor is not here – Diana and Collins have walked back to the house for two more chairs (for Abigail and Eric, who they are expecting – whom I am not expecting!). One last night to be with these sweet people – to encourage them to keep on keeping on in the work for Jesus.

7:45 p.m. Isaac B. and Desmond took over with children to sing and keep them busy until Pastor returned – just now – maybe he’s a bit miffed – not going there – but tonight has turned out to be a children’s service. He said we have 200 – I would say about 85 – but it’s dark in here – who knows! So he’s taught them to memorize and repeat five steps of salvation – and they repeat it perfectly together in every syllable and intonation just as he has given it! As he calls on one to repeat it alone and they do, they receive a gospel bracelet. And they clap a 1-2-3-&- 4-5 beat, clapping in perfect unison – this little clap beat seems to be their "Yeah" clap for when something good happens. So – with all the children tonight, the sermon has to change to children’s level…."Let the little children come to Me. You are special to Jesus….if you love Him, do what His Bible says….come to church and memorize verses to keep in your heart…be kind and loving as Jesus is." Now Pastor has stepped away again, and Diana’s leading them loudly in, "God, You are Wonderful, My Lord."

9:30 p.m. The service is over – but the adventure is not – the Pastor did not get gas for the car – and now the two stations here are closed – and even though they are still here (the gas attendants), they will not turn on the pumps! So both Pastor and Amoateng have left me alone in the car while they both go look for gas! This has been an unusual day for me – and a think an exasperating day, I’m sure, for the Pastor! We got several miles down the road – stopped at two police barricades – finally found gas – Pastor did not say a word to me all the way back. Lord, I do not know his heart – You do – You know his circumstances – I don’t. I pray that You will continue to deal and work in him – we all are imperfect and needing Your hand to grow.

12:30 a.m. Very glad it’s Friday – no, Saturday – and packed – have gifts sorted and ready to give Pastor in the morning at 8:00. He did not like the fact that they had to be here early – we’ll see – am read to go home now – it’s been wonderful – but I’m ready to go home! I’m tired!


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August 12, 2000 Saturday 6:40 a.m. Good morning, Father – I think I was building up a case in my mind yesterday – that if there were enough negatives about this pastor, then it would be easier to say goodbye. Again, I realize that I have not been in his shoes – if I had and someone came along that looked like a gold mine for myself and my church, then I would have a grab attitude too. Lord, give me Your unselfish, servant heart to greet and then say goodbye to Amoa and Pastor Ou this morning. We have many gifts for all who helped us – I leave them in Your hands to see that they reach where they should go.

John 18: When Pilate asked Jesus if He were a king and He answered, "Yes," then Jesus said, "Everyone on the side of truth listens to Me." Again, in John as He told of the Spirit coming into us, He said the Spirit would speak the truth, the words He heard from the Father. The great question so many ask, Pilate asks, "What is truth?"

John 19: Jesus – our example – gave all He had – even the last pieces of His clothes were gambled for – can we do any less – why do we fight and get all in a wad over things?!

8:30 a.m. Can hardly believe it is the last day in Kumasi – the pastors and workers will be here any minute – the gifts and Bibles are sorted and ready for them. Lord, take the last bit of uneasiness away about this goodbye.

1:00 p.m. And we’re on the bus heading to Accra – gave gifts and Bibles – wonderful service with Americans and Ghana nationals – all praying for both countries – wonderful!

Now we’re back to the "only in Ghana" sights – mops – overalls – pens – toilet seats – a cripple man scooting along in the middle of the street lanes, asking for help – a woman with washtub on her head and two dead mystery animals hanging their legs over the side of it – open market one block deep of only wood crafts/furniture – men gathered under the shade of a big tree with a checker board across their knees – red, red clay! One thing you don’t see is red lights – you can drive across Kumasi (2 million people) and not see a red light – they use horns instead!

A children’s clubhouse of poles and thatch roof on top of a big dirt mound out in a field – kids playing house there. People – even children – walking around with long machetes. People selling snails (the size of a large sea shell) – an 18 wheeler type truck with top cut off and full of chairs and people sitting, like an open-air bus!

8:30 p.m. Back in same hotel room in Accra we were in last weekend – last weekend it looked like an old, old Motel 6 room – after one week in the villages, it looks like the Ritz Carlton – and food to match – treat of fried shrimp prawns and fries and hot rolls and ice cream with chocolate sauce! I feel like I’ve died and gone to heaven! Tomorrow – we head for home – and I’m so glad!

From prayer partner, Denise …. "pray this day will reflect how much God is in control, no matter the circumstances – may you sense His peaceful presence!" ….. and yes, I do!

Well, if anybody asks, I saw a whole herd of elephants today – sloshing around in a muddy river to cool off – and a little baby elephant nursing from his mama – it was just like you see on TV – as a matter of fact, it WAS on TV – the Discovery channel!

August 13, 2000 Sunday 6:30 a.m.


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Good morning, Father – what a good supper and long night’s rest we had – slept almost 10 hours – almost twice as long as any night this week! It helped – yesterday I was so tired and stiff and weary, I had to grab Carl’s hand to help me climb up the bus steps! But You have kept us going – the prayers from home have interceded for us hour after hour – like silver and gold are my new friends and old friends!

And the last day here, let’s finish up John!John 20: "Peace be with you! As the Father has sent Me, so send I you."John 21: ". . . and they were unable to haul the net in because of the great number of fish . . . and John said, "It is the Lord." How obvious that it was the Lord this week! Over 6,000 made a profession of faith in Him this week – Hallelujah – and Amen! But that’s not the end. Jesus then asks Peter, "Do you love me? . . . feed My lambs (these new ones) . . . tend My sheep (the older ones) . . . feed My sheep (they all need My Word and your discipling). "Follow Me!"

That last couple chapters say it all – many, many new lambs to feed – we have left several hundred Bibles – but there are thousands of them. There are many grown sheep who need direction and encouragement and prayers – will we go home and forget them? As the sheep tire and grow older, will they find time to keep feeding on Your Word – or grow weak and useless? Lord, it seems such a massive job – the workers in the field seem so few – I pray You will keep my heart clear and pliable and yielded to You. As Jesus said of John to Peter, "No matter what he does, no matter his calling, and length of life – you must follow Me!" And I say, "Yes, Lord – lead the way!"

10:30 a.m. In worship with a small Baptist Church here in Accra – and the first words he says is, "I AM the vine, you are the branches – without Me, you can do nothing." God confirms His message to me every Sunday from the words of the minister – with the same thoughts and same Scripture I have just studied – whether in Dacula or in Accra – Amen!

And they sing, "I’ve got peace like a river . . . joy like a fountain . . . love like an ocean in my soul." We’ve sung that all our life – and so have they. As we all pray, in one accord, each person praying aloud, the Spirit is very full here – very close – very open – binding all our hearts together.

And we sing together, "My God is good . . . is good to me – My Lord is good. . . is good to me – He’s coming soon. . . He’s so good to me." As this congregation repeats and repeats their singing and chanting, I desire to worship God in my words and my mind and ways – and with their chant, I can sing along with a different song – yet the same meaning: "All hail the power of Jesus name, let angels prostrate fall – bring forth the royal diadem, and crown Him – crown Him Lord of Lords!" And they sing on. . . "The wonders of Your name is….." Yes – Lord, You are Counselor – Prince of all peace – Teacher – our Salvation – our Strength – our Rock – our Haven in the storm of this world – our Shepherd to lead us daily – our Redeemer to wash away all our sins – our Advocate at the Father’s side – our coming King who we serve now day by day. Lord, You are a wonder – an awesome God!

As they took the offering, all singing, "God is so good (in Twi…."O Nyame – Nyame . . . Nyame ma me) – each row dances and claps down the aisle, clapping and singing, and leaving their offering in the basket at the front of the church. There is no such thing as "first verse/last verse" singing here – as much as you sing it over and over, you soon learn it – even if you don’t speak Twi!


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The Pastor speaks – "Here our names and titles are all put aside and there is only King Jesus! Amen! It is God’s grace that carries us through our difficult situations. . . as we feed your spiritual hunger, you receive according to your appetite and need…."

And they sing, "If you need a hand, everything’s going to be alright in Christ . . . lift your hands and praise His name. . . if you think you’re sinking fast, everything’s going to be alright in Christ!"

As the Pastor comes to bring the message, he simply begins singing, "Then sings my soul, my Savior, God to Thee . . . how great Thou art. . . how great Thou art!" And from Colossians 1:9-14, ". . . since the day we heard about you, we have not stopped praying for you. . ." Prayer is work – and Satan will do all he can to lull us to sleep – to keep us too busy to pray – keep on praying – keep on seeing God work! The new converts will not become like you in one day – pray that God will make them like Him. When we work, we work. When we pray, God works!" (This is the little magnet on my fridge at home!) Closing song at church – "Bringing in the sheaves . . . bringing in the sheaves . . . we shall come rejoicing, bringing in the sheaves. Sowing in the morning, sowing in the evening . . . bringing in the sheaves!" How long it’s been since we heard this – came all the way to Africa to hear this wonderful old song!

We could have come here and worked – we could have done all we could have done – but it was through the prayers of literally hundreds of people who love us very much that God's hand was moved to work in such a mighty way this week. If we had simply tried to finance the expenses ourselves – and done it in our own might, would they these prayer partners have not missed out on the blessing of being a part of this great work – and in confirming again in their hearts the great joy that comes from daily praying and supporting the family of God! Lord, thank You for each and every one who has been part of this great work – we work together, we pray together, we share together in the rewards to come in that great day in heaven!

And yet more of my sweet friends . . . from Terri.. "know that God will use you in a very real and powerful way that many come to know Him." From Jerri . . "How exciting to share God's Word so far from home. . . please know that many friends are thinking of you daily and lifting you up in prayer." From Sandra . . "He chose you long ago for this mission trip. . ." (and how well I know that!)

August 14, 2000 Monday 1:00 p.m. Leaving London Dear family in Osa,We are presently on our last flight to get home – from London to Atlanta. As my plan is to mail this from home tomorrow, you will then know we are safely home. This has been a most amazing trip – far exceeding any hopes I had before going to Ghana. I had hoped to visit in village homes, see them working, cooking, playing games, singing, worshiping together, attending school, to be able to walk the country trails to villages and homes, to learn of their trees and plants and crafts – and most especially – to personally share the love of Jesus Christ with them. As you know, we did all these things – and much more! Your hospitality made me feel like family. There is an old saying, "Treat your guests like family – and treat your family like guests." You must have heard this too, for I felt very much at home. I gained many close brothers and sisters in Christ this week.

Even though I will be glad to be home with my children and grandchildren and friends again, it would have been so good to have had a couple days to return to the homes of new converts – to pray with them, to start them in the study of the Gospel of John we had to give them, to warn them that Satan will try to discourage them and make them doubt if they have truly been saved and forgiven


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and made righteous. So as those in a relay race run for a distance and then pass the baton on to the next runner to run the next lap of the race, so I pass on to you at the present church the challenge to go back into these homes, to make disciples, to teach, to become a constant friend, to give these new babies in our Christian family the milk of the Word of God to daily grow stronger. Do not assume that the Pastor will do it all – he cannot. The pastor and Mary, as well as each member of your church, must adopt one or two of these new converts to become your new brother or sister to disciple for one year. If you will do this, and be faithful to them week after week, you will see great growth – not only in the size of your present church and the new church in Osa, but also great growth in your own spiritual development. Freely we have been given the great gift of salvation – now freely we must give ourselves to others.

When we work – we work. When we pray – God works. Many, many prayers around the world made this week the miracle week it was. It does not have to stop because the campaign is over. God still wants to work – He is only waiting for us to ask. We cannot fill our days with too much to do that we have no time or energy to talk to God nor allow Him to talk to us through His Word and Holy Spirit. If you had the opportunity to have an appointment with the President of Ghana tomorrow morning at 6:00 a.m. – could you make time for him? Can we do any less for God, who desires to meet with us and talk with us each day? The time reserved for Him will be multiplied back to you many times – just as anything else you give Him.

My prayers will be with you in the weeks and months to come – you will feel these prayers and see the results of them. And whenever God brings me to your mind, please offer up a short prayer for me also. Together we are workers for God in His field – the harvest is ripe – we do not know how long we have to work before our Master returns. Make today count for Him – share the Gospel – share His love – and in doing so, we will be following Jesus.Your sister in America,


P.S. Just as I wrote my name, the plane took off the ground in London! We are on our way home – truly, God has been so good! Amen!

