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Following Jesus Christ!. Christus Victor Lutheran Church 2006 Annual Meeting January 21, 2007...

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Following Jesus Following Jesus Christ!Christ!

Christus Victor Lutheran Church2006 Annual Meeting

January 21, 2007

Following Jesus Christ!

Agenda Accomplishments from 2006 and Goals for

2007 2007 Budget Approval Voting to establish a Call Committee Thank you to out-going council members Election of new council members  Vote on bylaw changes to add the "Adult

Education and Discipleship Committee” Committee Reports (Time permitting) Adjourn with the Lord’s Prayer

CV Accomplishments Expansion of Ministries

Internal External

Improvements to facilities – Music Room, Furnaces

Staff Additions – Dawn, Liz, and Megan Lay Leadership – Children and Family

Ministries especially!

CV Goals Discipleship = becoming Christ-centered

people Connections Learning/Education Service Evangelism

Staff – Associate Pastor Lay Leadership – equipping & supporting Facilities – continued improvements

2006 Review

Even though non-pledged and “other” income was more than the budgeted amount, the pledged income was less. Therefore, our total income was less than what was budgeted.

Our expenses were under budget because of lower than expected utility bills, an unfilled Director of Christian Education position, and the committees doing a great job of staying within their budgets.

Actual Budget Variance

Income $ 461,060 $ 470,550 ($ 9,490)

Expense $ 436,043 $ 470,926 $34,883


$ 25,017

Ending Cash Balance for 2006

$75,000 of total cash available

$50,000 of Designated Funds $25,000 – Capital Fund $15,000 – Emergency Repairs $10,000 – Cash Reserve

$25,000 of Non-designated Funds

Additional 2006 Benevolence

Net income for 2006 was $25,017 Council approved an additional 10%

gift ($2,500) for Benevolence $1,250 to Community Action Council $1,250 to the Iringa Task Force to

alleviate hunger in the Iringa Region of Tanzania

2007 Budget Overview We had a successful stewardship campaign

with a 6.5% increase in pledges Budgeted 2007 Expenses include:

Hiring a full-time Associate Pastor by October Increased benefit expense for staff Increased Benevolence due to higher pledges Increasing our Education and Outreach


2007 Budget Detail - Income

2006 Actual 2007 Budget

Pledged Income $ 416,105 $ 443,225

Non-Pledged Income

$ 28,914 $ 25,000


$ 445,019 $ 468,225

Other Income

- Education $ 3,520 $ 3,500

- Hospitality $ 3,613 $ 4,000

- Property $ 5,765 $ 5,500

- Spare Change $ 324 $ 350

- Interest $ 2,819 $ 2,500

OTHER INCOME $ 16,051 $ 15,850

TOTAL INCOME $ 461,060 $ 484,075

6.5% increase in pledges

5% increase in total income

2007 Budget Detail - Expense

2006 Actual 2007 Budget

Mutual Ministries $ 256,937 $ 292,995

Administration $ 21,211 $ 22,710

Benevolence $ 42,850 $ 44,323

Youth & Family $ 5,320 $ 5,330

Alpha – now called – Adult Education

$ 1,557 $ 4,560

Property $ 84,317 $ 88,258

Council $ 368 $ 475

Finance $ 540 $ 475

Hospitality $ 6,717 $ 6,175

Music & Worship $ 7,282 $ 6,109

Social Ministry $ 1,198 $ 1,200

Welcoming $ 1,218 $ 2,325

Stewardship $ 800 $ 1,330

Education - now- Children & Family

$ 5,728 $ 5,935

Total Expenses $ 436,043 $ 482,200

9.7 % increase over the 2006 Budget

2007 Budget versus 2008 Projection($000’s)

Year Year2007 2008 $ %

Pledged Offering $443 $491 $48Other Offering 41 44 3

Total Offering 484$ 535$ 51$ 11%Mutual Ministry 293$ 337$ 44$ Property 88 91 3 Other Expenses 101 107 6 Total Expenses 482$ 535$ 53$ 11%Net Income 2$ -$ (2)$


Associate Pastor Addition

Most material effect on the 2008 Projections.

2007 financial results will be monitored continually.

“Go” or “No Go” will be determined based on financial results.

If “No Go” other options will be pursued as outlined in December 12 meeting.

Current Staff

Full Time Pastor Kent Deanna Luke Corey Betchwars

Part-Time Pastor George (15 hr) Anne Nyquist Musicians (4)

Cassie, Sue, Julie, Liz Nancy Erler Dawn Youngner Nursery (2)

Trish, Megan Brad Lund

Staffing UpdateWhere are we?

CV has an unfilled ½ time positionChildren and Family MinistryThe search has proven difficult, with few qualified candidates and a lot of competition from other area churches

Volunteers have filled the gap, many committing a lot of time with the understanding that it’s temporary

Pastor Kent is overextended in supporting our ministries

Our current staffing cannot support growth in our ministries

Staffing UpdateWhere are we going?

We have opportunities to expand our ministriesAdult Education and Discipleship CommitteeMen’s, Women’s and Youth Bible studiesSpecial classes and retreatsWorship (3rd service needed for growth)

Increasing need for formal and informal pastoral care

Counseling and visits Weddings, Baptisms, funerals Work that requires an ordained minister

Staffing UpdateWhere are we going?

Our congregation is growing 20% membership growth from 1999 to 2005 (783-985) 16% worship attendance growth from 1999 to 2005 (279-334)

Growth has slowed over the last 12 months

Pastoral Need: Estimate 1 Pastor per 250 Worshipers

CV averages 310 – 320 per Sunday – hoping to grow to 400

CV Associate Pastor – 50% Pastoral Duties, 50% Children and Family Ministry

Staffing UpdateWhat do we need to get there?

Redefine the Children & Family Ministry position to call a full-time Associate Pastor

Roles and Responsibilities: Children and Family Ministries Adult Education and Discipleship Pastoral duties:

Individual care – visits, counseling Preaching/Worship Leadership Sacrament Ministry – Baptisms and Communion

Call Committee Pastor Kent has received a list

of individuals who volunteered to be part of a Call Committee for Associate Pastor The Church Council will start with that list to establish and fill the Call Committee

Vote on the establishment of a Call Committee

Church Council

Thank you… Paul Fischer, president Claudia Glinski, secretary

Church Council

Tom McDonald (renewing) Steve Nierengarten (renewing) Lois Stark Bob Matthys

Proposed Bylaw Addition

4.J. – Adult Education and Discipleship Committee – This committee shall be responsible for planning and providing adult education and discipleship programs, classes, forums, speakers, and small groups to help and encourage the adult members of Christus Victor to grow in their faith, knowledge, and love of God through Jesus Christ.

Social Ministries

2006 Accomplishments Initiated new service project

Kash for Katrina

Increased participation of congregation

Special Olympics, Thanksgiving Baskets, Midwife kits, etc.

Increased support of LSS with the Refugee Resettlement program

Social Ministries

2007 Goals Increase support of Christus Victor in

MS Increased communication of service

projects through the website Increase congregational support and

participation in on-going service opportunities

Finance Committee

2006 Accomplishments1. Reconstituted the Finance

Committee2. Changed Banks3. Drafted the Christus Victor

Investment Policy4. Made progress going from Cash

Basis to Accrual Basis Accounting

Finance Committee 2007 Goals1. Update & rewrite the Policies and

Procedures for consistent handling of money at Christus Victor

2. Prepare for a third party Review/Audit 3. Change our reporting system for

Balance Sheet clarity4. Continue to collaborate with Spirit

Bound and their financial procedures

Youth & Family Committee 2006 Accomplishments1. Successful Graduation Faith Stepping

Stone2. Recruiting New SWAT Team Members3. Having a more balanced Middle School

Ministry with BOPS, VBS & Surviving Adolescence Faith Stepping Stone

4. Youth Registration Packets5. 1st Mission Trip to Gulf Coast

Youth & Family Committee

2007 Goals1. 2nd Mission Trip to Gulf Coast2. Encouraging youth to give money

to a specific goal, like $300 to sponsor a student in Tanzania for a year

3. Have more youth join our committee

Worship & Music

Accomplishments for 2006 Established new liturgy (With One Voice)

for worship. Added new part-time accompanist for

traditional worship services, Liz Schuur. Made the fellowship hall piano more

accessible and useful. Remodeled the Music room. Made storage space for worship materials

more efficient.

Worship & Music

Goals for 2007 Add instrumental accompaniment for

liturgy. Improvement of screen team computer

and programs. Train more people on the sound board. Reorganize and clean the sacristy. Decorate outside of church with even

more Christmas lights next Christmas

Spirit BoundSpirit Bound is an intergenerational musical outreach

ministry which presents the gospel message in churches and public places throughout the U.S. and Canada. For example, this past year we performed in front of the Washington Monument in Washington D.C., where we were well received. We even saw the President.

Goals:1. to help people understand what it means to be a

Christian.2. to provide opportunities for people at CV to know

God and one another more fully.3. to share our lives and our faith and get to know

the lives of other people in different congregations.

Spirit Bound

As far as what we give to the congregation, we provide inspirational worship, a place where kids and adults can hang out comfortably, and we donate funds to help in areas where the church is in need (particularly in the area of music, since we are a musical group). This year we included new electronic drums for use throughout the year in the sanctuary, $2,000 to the bus fund, and $1,000 towards the music room renovation.

Welcoming Committee

2006 Accomplishments Cookies for Visitors program continues

to be strong and we made 28 visits Four New Member Receptions (11

households with 27 new members) Friendship Sunday Two Alpha Sessions and one A Life

Worth Living Session Streamlined the yellow pages ads

Welcoming Committee

2007 Goals Update/create printed materials

Update the Tri-fold CV information for the pew racks

Create new CV Business Cards Partner with other committees for the CV Anniversary

Celebration Improve the process for new members

Further develop the New Member Sponsor Role and create the potential for increased interaction between the New Members and the Sponsors

Develop a New Member education program

Children & Family Ministry

2006 Accomplishments1. Began seasonal field trips for

preschool -grade 5

2. Hired Director of Children & Family Ministry

3. Implemented Faith Stepping Stones 1, 4 & 5

Children & Family Ministry

2007 Goals1. Implement Faith Stepping Stones 2

& 32. Purchase organization and safety

supplies for nursery and Faith Trek3. Determine roles and responsibilities

for associate pastor4. Complete Children & Family

Ministry handbook

Property Committee

2006 Accomplishments Completed purchase and installation of

security system Replaced four furnaces, leaving the boiler

and sanctuary furnace to still be replaced Partnered with Hospitality to remodel

Music room Purchased carpet cleaning extractor Continued exterior lawn improvement

around bus area

Property Committee

2007 Goals Complete lawn improvement around bus

area, in partnership with Eagle Scout project. Further upgrades to security system and

lighting around exterior of building Paint all exterior entrance doors and frames Ceramic tile both entrance vestibules Replace water fountains in youth areas Continue to examine costs and feasibility of

restroom remodeling

Endowment Committee

2006 Accomplishments Continued Charitable Giving

Education Provided grant for scholarships Held 2 Wine Tasting Fundraisers Grew Fund to $33,725

Endowment Committee

2007 Goals Continue Charitable Giving

Education Fundraising Additional Grants to Christus Victor

and the Community


2006 Accomplishments Sponsored 6 events: Lenten Soup

Suppers; Senior Brunch; Spirit Bound Homecoming; Rally Sunday; Consecration Sunday; Advent Potluck & Decorating

Provided Treats/Coffee every Sunday Obtained a new piece of art in the



Goals for 2007 Sponsor the 6 events as in 2006

and add a Theatre night Provide Treats/Coffee every

Sunday Set up instructional manuals for

usage of Kitchen equipment

Tanzania Partnership Committee

2006 Accomplishments1.Sponsorship of 21 Secondary School

Students2.Sponsorship of 3 Bible School/Music

Students3.Began Planning 2007 Trip4.Suzanne Holm represented CV in

Mlowa in February 20065.Moved and Updated Bulletin Board

Tanzania Partnership Committee

2007 Goals1.Continue working to improve Communication

between Iringa, Mlowa and CV2.Continue to raise the awareness and interest of

CV members in our partnership with the Mlowa Parish

3.Send a 4 member Mission Team to Tanzania in August 2007

4.Maintain the use of Tanzanian elements of worship at CV, such as the Swahili Lord’s Prayer and the African Creed

5.Purchase a motorbike for the Mlowa Parish

Mutual Ministry

2006 Accomplishments Filled Open CV Positions

1. Director of Children and Family Ministry (Open Again)

2. Office Clerk (10 hrs/week) – Dawn Youngner3. Organist – Liz Schuur4. Nursery Position – Megan Brit

Implemented Background Check Process

Mutual Ministry

2007 Goals1. Fill Part Time Director of Children

and Family Ministry Role or Full Time Assoc Pastor

2. Fill Nursery Attendant Role in Aug 2007

3. Investigate Cost Savings — Review Alternative Benefits Package Options for Full Time Staff

Adult Education & Discipleship

2006 Accomplishments Committee was formed Bible Overview Sunday Class 2 ALPHA courses

Started partnership with AME and Casa de Oracion!

Adult Education & Discipleship

2007 Goals Sunday Forum Schedule

Wellness God is Closer Than You Think Revelations

2 ALPHA course and ALPHA partnership Incorporate Women’s and Men’s Ministry Explore Small Group Ministry
