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Fondazione Ergo MTM Italia

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Fondazione Ergo – MTM Italia We design a better work

Fondazione Ergo –MTM Italia

We design a better work


2© Fondazione Ergo-MTM Italia – www.fondazionergo.it

1. Fondazione Ergo: history and structure

2. The areas: from Academy to Research Centre

3. Work Organization and Ergonomics Analysis systems: MTM e EAWS

Fondazione Ergo: history and structure


• Fondazione Ergo was established in January 2012 and is based in Varese (IT) as a training and certification body, neutral and competent in the application of scientific management of work and ergonomics.

• Fondazione Ergo is Global Partner in the One-MTM Group

• The goal is the search of a path to sustainable industrial development, based on knowledge, training and innovation.

• Fondazione Ergo wants to be a Think Tank about industrial competitiveness, inspired by the concepts of "good productivity" and “BellaFactory“®

• Fondazione Ergo gathers industrial groups, trade unions and research institutes

Fondazione ERGO-MTM Italia

Our genesis


In the period 2005-2017, about 1,700work and ergonomics experts and 140trade union delegates were certified bythe Ergo Foundation and AMI.

Fondazione Ergo is a member of UNI andcoordinates the Anthropometry andBiomechanics Working Group.

Fondazione Ergo promotes and conductsadvanced research on the theme ofWork Organization and Ergonomics.

Fondazione Ergo in 2014 launched theBellaFactory Factory Audit andCertification Program.

© Fondazione Ergo-MTM Italia – www.fondazionergo.it


The Associazione MTM Italia (AMI) is born, a non-profit organization member of MTM International.

Founding membersFIAT, Whirlpool and Bticino

AMI develops a new design approach to ergonomics (EAWS), which rapidly spreads in Italian and German industry (e.g., FCA, Denso

and VW)

AMI concretely supports FCA in revolutioning the industrial relations and preparing a new and

innovative specialistic job contract (ERGO-UAS)

Fondazione Ergo-MTM Italia is born (Founder is AMI), a neutral technical organization to

foster collaboration between industry, unions and institutions




Our mission

6© Fondazione Ergo-MTM Italia – www.fondazionergo.it

• Spreading a shared culture of good productivity in Italianindustry among employers and trade unions

• Give access to Italian industrial SMEs to technical-organizational best practices and encourage digital innovation inthe factory

• Support the transformation of manufacturing factories towardsworld class technical-organizational models (BellaFactory)

• Influence and direct the work of national and internationalstandards bodies in ergonomics and productivity (UNI, CENand ISO)

• To be a think tank on the theme of work organization andindustrial competitiveness

• To be a specialist training center for SMEs on the topics of workanalysis and ergonomics design of labour intensive productionsystems

• Provide the Audit and Certification BellaFactory

Network ONE-MTM –Fondazione Ergo is Global Partner

7© Fondazione Ergo-MTM Italia – www.fondazionergo.it

The One-MTM network shares training and certification standards globally, ensuring continuous updating of training manuals in all relevant languages.

Government Bodies – Administrative Board

8© Fondazione Ergo-MTM Italia – www.fondazionergo.it

▪ General Director (Prof. Sandro Trento)

▪ Administrative Board

▪ Experts Council

▪ Luigi Galante, VP Manufacturing EMEA Premium Brands, FCA


▪ Raniero Portaluppi, Industrial Operations Manager, Marelli

▪ Luigi La Morgia, COO, Whirlpool Corporation

▪ Maurizio Rosini, Operations Director, Aerostructure Division,


▪ Sandro Bernardini, CEO, Tecniplast

▪ Francesco S. Violante, Professor, Medicine of Work, Bologna


▪ Roberto Spotti, Accountant, PwC (Treasurer)

▪ Ferdinando Uliano, National Union Representative, FIM CISL

▪ Gianluca Ficco, Automotive and House Appliances sectorsResponsible, UILM

▪ Marco Roselli, General Union Representative, FISMIC

▪ Rino Cattuzzo, bank expert

Government Bodies – Experts Council

9© Fondazione Ergo-MTM Italia – www.fondazionergo.it

• Francesco S. Violante, Department of Medical and Surgical Sciences, Bologna University (Coordinator)

• Roberta Bonfiglioli, Department of Medical and Surgical Sciences, Bologna University

• Fabrizio Caruso, Senior Manager PwC Advisory SpA

• Maria Pia Cavatorta, Professor, Politecnico of Turin

• Gianfranco Condò, Work Analysis Manager, CNH Industrial EMEA

• Giuseppe Daresta, Vice President - Head of Manufacturing & Manufacturing Operations FPT Industrial

• Gianluca Ficco, Automotive and House Appliances sectors Responsible, UILM

• Angelo Galliano, Director PwC Advisory SpA

• Alberto Ghianda, Industrial Engineering Coordinator at Automobili Lamborghini S.p.A.

• Lidia Ghibaudo, Methods, Innovation & Virtual Ergo Manager EMEA Region, FCA Fiat Chrysler Automobiles

• Stefano Ghiringhelli, Production Planning & Control, Marelli S.p.A. - Exhaust Systems

• Ivan Lavatelli, Associate Partner, PwC Advisory SpA

• Stefano Rossi, Global Mfg. Engineering & Electrolux Production System Director

• Stefania Spada, Direct Manpower Analysis & Ergonomics Manager, FCA

• Andrea Tassinari, Head of Work Analysis and Industrial Control, Leonardo Corporate

• Stefano Toxiri, Wearable Exoskeletons Researcher and Engineer, IIT - Italian Institute of Technology

• Ferdinando Uliano, National Union Representative, FIM CISL

▪ General Director (Prof. Sandro Trento)

▪ Administrative Board

▪ Experts Council

Scientific Committee

10© Fondazione Ergo-MTM Italia – www.fondazionergo.it

▪ Sandro Trento, Trento University (Coordinator)▪ Mariasole Bannò, Brescia University▪ Luigi Baroni, PwC▪ Giuseppe Berta, Bocconi University▪ Sandro Bicocchi, PwC▪ Paolo Bricco, Il Sole 24 Ore national newspaper▪ Bartolomeo Callari, Stiga SpA▪ Roberta Caragnano, lawyer▪ Simone Cencetti, FCA Group▪ Luisa Corazza, Molise University ▪ Guido Corbetta, Bocconi University▪ Giuseppe Danese, Puglia Region Nautical District▪ Giuseppe Della Rocca, Calabria University▪ Paolo Gubitta, Padova University▪ Alberto Mattei, Verona University▪ Gerhard Nowak, automotive expert, strategy▪ Jesús Ortiz, IIT - Italian Institute of Technology, Genova▪ Massimo Pellegrino, Politecnico of Milan (MIP)▪ Luciano Pero, Politecnico of Milan (MIP)▪ Diodato Pirone, Il Messaggero national newspaper▪ Paolo Rebaudengo, industrial relations expert▪ Gianfranco Viesti, Bari University▪ Gianluca Zaniboni, professional coach, Empatikamente

Fondazione Ergo Scientific Committee, established in 2015, is composed of experts, journalists and university professors

Organization - A great ecosystem of skills for technical and organizational innovation

11© Fondazione Ergo-MTM Italia – www.fondazionergo.it

General Directions(S. Trento)

Technical Direction(G. Caragnano)

Operative Direction



CommunicationG. Nicora)

Administrative Board(L. Galante, Presidente)

General COuncil

Sales and Marketing

Planning and Control(F. Condò)



Scientific Committee

BellaFactory Audit Board

Experts Council(F.S. Violante, Presidente)

Executive vicedirector(R. Sessa)

Human Resourcesmanagement

Technical Committee


Technical Committee


What do we offer

1225 Nov. 2020

▪ A center of excellence, training, certification, research and development in the field of work and applied ergonomics

▪ An audit service provider on labor productivity and ergonomic risk management vs. World Class Manufacturing benchmarks

▪ An observatory of operational data on key parameters of work organization (performance, incentive systems, occupational diseases, organizational models, production systems);

▪ A support to face large transformation programs

▪ A neutral competent training and qualification organization about work analysis and biomechanical loads control;

▪ A technical consultant in the definition of supplementary contracts that refer to labor productivity;

▪ An observatory of operational data on key parameters of work organization (performance, incentive systems, occupational diseases, organizational models, production systems);

▪ A source of international researchand development projects and specific training programs in the field of work study and applied ergonomics;

▪ A specific link on work organization and ergonomics with the companies participating in the Foundation;

▪ Promoter of scholarship/PHD funding;

▪ A place to acquire specific capabilities required by the industry;

▪ A point of contact with the industry

To the Companies To the Unions To the Universities

The areas: from Academy to Research Centre


Five areas of activities – Training, Certificationand Research

14© Fondazione Ergo-MTM Italia – www.fondazionergo.it

The Study Centre carries out an autonomous and

systematic scientific activity of investigation, analysis and research on topics of an economic-

industrial, organizational, ergonomic and technical


BellaFactory is an audit and certification system based on the

Best-in-Class Productivity Rating system, designed to identify and measure

opportunities for system improvement.

Fondazione Ergo supports companies

and trade unions with technical and labour law services for operational and contractual


Fondazione Ergo provides specific

technical skills aimed at aligning the objectives of

competitiveness and health of workers and achieving Best in Class levels of productivity.

Fondazione Ergo is the exclusive distributor

for Italy of Ticonsoftware, the most complete application for the management of Engineered Labour

Standards (ELS).

Work Organization and ErgonomicsAnalysis systems: MTM e EAWS


MTM – Methods-Time Measurement

16© Fondazione Ergo-MTM Italia – www.fondazionergo.it

MTM is the most widely used pre-determined time work analysis system in the world (time measurementaccording to the method). The work performance required by MTM times is compatible with goodergonomic design.

Level o

f work





Time proportional to the variability of execution modes

Production on order (MEK)

Worker ability and specialization

Batch Production (UAS)

Production in series



UAS is the MTM technique typically used in automotive and home appliances




MTM – training proposal

17© Fondazione Ergo-MTM Italia – www.fondazionergo.it

The MTM method consists of several techniques that make up the many training courses

proposed by Fondazione Ergo in line with the international qualification procedure of theOne-MTM network.

In particular:

• MTM-1

• MTM-2



• MTM Logistics

• MTM for visual controls

• MTM Office

• EAWS (Ergonomics)


EAWS – Ergonomic Assessment Work-Sheet

18© Fondazione Ergo-MTM Italia – www.fondazionergo.it

• Ergonomic Assessment Work-Sheet (EAWS) is the ergonomic analysis engineering system that analyses thebiomechanical load to which a worker is exposed in cyclical work; it is the result of a combination ofoccupational medicine skills, Biomechanics, industrial engineering and elaboration by MTMexperts.

• EAWS is an ergonomic analysis system that can also be used for risk assessment of biomechanicaloverload.

• Developed in the period 2005-2008 and introduced by the main manufacturing groups in Italy and abroad,EAWS can be integrated into the MTM analysis of a work cycle, thus providing an ergonomicassessment that is always up to date with work organization and production volumes and mixes.To date, workers in companies where the EAWS system is in use are more than 670,000 in the world andabout 150,000 in Italy.

• EAWS is an ergonomic analysis system that covers all sources of biomechanical load (postures,forces, manual handling of loads and repeated movements of the upper limb)EAWS is designed to be integrated into MTM systems and is recognized by ISO.

EAWS – International Design Ergonomics Platform

19© Fondazione Ergo-MTM Italia – www.fondazionergo.it

EAWS System Owner(Fondazione Ergo)

Italy User Group Germany User Group Hungary User Group


• Chairman - R. Bruder, TU Darmstadt, Germany

• Deputy Chairman - R. Bonfiglioli, University of Bologna, Italy

• F. S. Violante, University of Bologna, Italy• M. P. Cavatorta, Politecnico of Turin, Italy



Ticket DB SW Engineering Application Group


• Fondazione Ergo repr. (Chair) –G. Caragnano• Scientific Committee repr. (2) – R. Bruder

and R. Bonfiglioli• User Expert Council repr. (2) – L. Ghibaudo

(FCA) and M. Haselhuhn (VW)• Fondazione Ergo Master Instr. (1) – I.

Lavatelli• MTM Association repr. (1) – P. Kuhlang

EAWS Operations ManagerFabrizio Caruso

Via Procaccini 10, 21100 Varese



[email protected]

Thanks for your attention
