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Food & Beverage Industry Solutions

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Food & Beverage Industry Solutions Accurate and Reliable Liquid Analysis

Food & Beverage Industry SolutionsAccurate and Reliable Liquid Analysis


Today, food and beverage manu-facturers rely more on automatedcontrols than previous genera-tions, who believed that creatingfood was more of an art. The mostimportant goal for today's foodand beverage processor is toachieve a higher quality, consistentproduct. Other concerns leading toincreases in automation controlsinclude improving appearance(both color and texture), increas-ing shelf life, increasing yields,minimizing waste, and providing asafe product for the consumer.

With so much at stake, it is criticalto use rugged, easy-to-maintainequipment that has beendesigned to withstand thechallenges inherent in food andbeverage processing. The liquidanalytical professionals atEmerson Process Management areready to put their 60 plus years ofexperience to work for you. We'llevaluate your application anddeliver an optimal, real-world,customized solution for your specific requirements, usingworld-class Rosemount Analyticalsensors and instrumentation.

On-line electrochemical fluidmeasurements, such as conductiv-ity, pH, dissolved oxygen, ORP,chlorine, and ozone, provide signif-icant improvements in the level ofprocess control, quality, efficiency,and profitability that can beachieved in food processing.

Food & Beverage Liquid Analysis Solutions

Water is one of the most widelyused materials in food and beverageproduction. Water is used not onlyas an ingredient in the final product,but also is used extensively in clean-ing and rinsing operations. Today’sregulations also call for treatment of wastewater before final dischargeor reuse.

Raw water is treated prior to enter-ing the food and beverage plant.Several technologies exist to treatwater: reverse osmosis, distillation,ozonation, and micro-filtration.Measurements such as conductivity,pH, ozone, and ORP are used tooptimize the purification process.

During food processing, analyticalsensors ensure that the batch iswithin specified parameters. Thesensors must be designed to lastthrough the entire batch and notifykey personnel if a parameter is offspecification or if the sensor is notfunctioning properly.

Food preparation requires sanitarydesigns to ensure that the growth ofundesirable microorganisms is con-trolled and prevented. Any compo-nent that comes into contact witheither an ingredient or finished prod-uct must be designed to sanitary


standards. This means the surface ofthe sensor does not containcontours that could trap residuefrom the product that could thendecay or harbor microorganisms.The components must also be ableto withstand clean-in-place cyclesfor sanitation.

The requirement that the instruments and controls used formeasuring, regulating, or recordingpH or other conditions shall beaccurate and adequately maintainedhas led to the increased use of sensors and instruments providedby Rosemount Analytical.

At the completion of the productioncycle, the waste effluent must betreated prior to discharge or reuse.Dissolved oxygen, chlorine and pHsensors ensure that the water hasbeen sufficiently cleaned and sani-tized to allow for reuse or disposal.

For these applications and more,count on Emerson ProcessManagement. Our full line ofRosemount Analytical sensors andmeasurement solutions for food andbeverage applications have beenproven over time. When you bringyour problem to Emerson, considerit solved.


Food & Beverage Industry Solutions

Corn Wet Milling is the process of separating corn into itsmany and varied components to create value-addedproducts. Processing one bushel of corn requires at least40 gallons of water. In addition to monitoring processwater quality, liquid analytical sensors are used in manyother plant operations.

•pH in fermentation, steeping tanks, isomerizationprocesses, starch modification, dextrin roasters, filters/ion exchangers, high fructose corn syrup, and rinsewaters

•Conductivity in cleaning processes

•Dissolved oxygen in fermentation

CORN WET MILLINGBeverages often contain water as the largest ingredient.Liquid analytical instruments and sensors play a criticalrole in producing a consistently high quality product andmaximizing production up time.

•Conductivity for water purification

•Ozone for bottle disinfection

•Dissolved Oxygen for aeration


Brewing has traditionally been an art, but brewers nowapproach production with an eye on consistent quality;long shelf life and efficient production. Modern brewersuse the following analytical measurements to achievethese goals.

•Dissolved oxygen in hot wort, fermentation, agingtanks, filtering, & packaging

•Conductivity for cleaning, and phase separation

•pH in water purification, wort, and fermentation

BREWINGDairy producers have unique analytical requirements formonitoring phases of product, as well as complying with3A standards. The following measurements help ensurethe processes run optimally.

•Conductivity for flavor additions, cleaning, andcheese production

•pH in yogurt processing, cheese making, and fresh milk

•Ozone for sterilization



Common Applications

system. This is useful as the filteringelement’s efficiency can be lessenedby scaling, a result of low pH, ordamaged by high pH levels.

Clean in Place (CIP)All process equipment that comes incontact with final food productmust be thoroughly sanitized toeliminate bacterial contamination.CIP is also a critical safety concernfor food processors that useallergens in some of their products,because cross-batch contaminationmust be avoided. Clean-in-Placesystems thoroughly clean wettedcomponents such as tanks, vessels,fermentors, process lines, and in-line sensors. The Clean-in-Placeprocess controls the flow of pre-rinse, wash and post-rinse cycles,which include caustic rinse, acidrinse, and water rinse cycles.

Conductivity sensors are a criticalcomponent in the design of CIP systems. The various cleaning solutions have more conductivitythan the water used for flushing andfinal rinse. Since many systems are a‘re-used design’, the sensor canmonitor the strength of cleaningsolutions as they become diluted byresidual rinse water and the cleaning

process itself. Conductivity meas-urements can indicate the need forreplenishment.

Steam can be used in the sanitationprocess, so sensors must also withstand steam cleaning. Toensure that each piece ofequipment has been thoroughlysanitized, conductivity sensors areused. Low conductivity indicatesrinsing, as well as the completionof the cleaning process.

Ozone SanitationOzone sanitation is growing in popularity due to its many benefits.Ozone has excellent cleaning characteristics and disinfects morepowerfully than other chemical dis-infectants. Unlike chlorine, ozoneleaves no residual taste or odor. Inaddition, ozone is generated onsiteand requires no hazardous materialstorage precautions.

Ozone sanitation applications infood processing plants include barrelwashing, water treatment, surfacesanitation, wash downs, bottle rins-ing, CIP, transfer lines, mold control,and wastewater treatment.

Critical analytical measurements on ozone sanitation skids includeresidual ozone, ORP, pH andtemperature. Rosemount Analyticalsensors make a direct ozone meas-urement, unlike other technologiesthat use an inferred method usingORP and temperature.

Although each food and beverageproduction line is unique, manyshare a few common processes.These include Water Purification,Clean-in-Place sanitation and Ozone Sanitation.

Water PurificationMunicipal water must be treatedbefore use in food production. Manytechnologies exist, including reverseosmosis, micro filtration, and distil-lation. Each technology works differ-ently to remove the impurities.Reverse osmosis (RO) removes minerals by forcing water throughsemi-permeable membrane. Microfiltration also removes particles.Distillation removes minerals byvaporizing water and then condens-ing it back into liquid.

Contacting conductivity sensorsmonitor the effectiveness of RO ordistillation by measuring the saltsremaining after treatment. Adding aconductivity sensor to the RO feedwater allows calculation of percentrejection or percent passage –important gauges of membraneperformance.

Some purification systems will use apH sensor prior to the removal


Corn Wet Milling

Germ SeparationCyclone separators spin the lowdensity corn germ out of the slurry.The germs, which are rich in oil, arepumped onto screens and washedrepeatedly to remove residualstarch. A combination of mechani-cal and solvent processes extractthe oil from the germ. The oil isthen refined and filtered intofinished corn oil. The germ residueis used in animal feeds.

Fine Grinding and ScreeningThe corn and water slurry leaves thegerm separator for additional grind-ing in an impact or attrition-impactmill to release the starch and glutenfrom the fiber in the kernel. Thefiber is collected, slurried, andscreened again to reclaim any resid-ual starch or protein, then piped tothe feed house as a major ingredientof animal feeds. The starch-glutensuspension, called mill starch, ispiped to the starch separators.

Starch and SeparationCentrifuges separate the gluten,which is used in animal feed, fromthe starch. The starch, with just oneor two percent protein remaining, isdiluted and washed to remove thelast trace of protein. This produceshigh quality starch, typically morethan 99.5 percent pure. The starch

can be further processed and sold asunmodified corn starch, specialtystarch or corn syrups and dextrose.

Starch / Syrup ConversionSuspended starch in water iscombined with acid and enzymes,which converts the starch into dex-trose. Throughout the process, refin-ers can halt acid or enzyme actions atkey points to produce the right mix-ture to meet different needs. Thesyrup is refined in filters, centrifugesand ion-exchange columns, andexcess water is evaporated. Syrupsare sold directly, crystallized intopure dextrose, or processed furtherto create high fructose corn syrup.The pH is maintained between 3.0and 5.5 based on the enzymes usedand the final product composition.

FermentationMany corn refiners pipe dextrose tofermentation facilities where thedextrose is converted to alcohol bytraditional yeast fermentation or byyeast and bacterial fermentation.After fermentation, the resultingbroth is distilled to recover alcoholor concentrated through membraneseparation to produce otherbioproducts. The by-products of carbon dioxide and nutrients arecaptured for sale. Critical controlmeasurements include pH and dissolved oxygen.

Corn refiners are continuallyperfecting the process of separatingcorn into its components to createvalue added products such asstarches, sweeteners, oils, fibers andproteins. Over 1.3 billion bushels areprocessed each year in the U.S.alone, and each bushel requires atleast 40 gallons of water. The watermust be treated, used in theprocess, and then treated againbefore discharge. Good process con-trol in water treatment maximizesyields from every bushel.


SteepingOnce the corn kernels are cleaned,the steeping process begins. The kernels are moved to stainless steeltanks holding up to 3,000 bushels ofcorn. The kernels are soaked in 50°Cwater for 30-40 hours. Sulfurousacid solution (normally 0.1% SulfurDioxide) is added to the water toprevent excessive bacterial growth.SO2 addition is controlled by meas-uring pH. Too much acid mayrelease the starch prematurely. Asthe corn swells and softens, the mildacidity of the steepwater begins toloosen the gluten bonds within thecorn and release the starch. Aftersteeping, the corn is coarselyground to break the germ loosefrom other components. Steepwateris condensed to capture nutrients inthe water for use in animal feedsand in later fermentation processes.The ground corn, in a water slurry,flows to the germ separators.



Beer has been popular with everymajor civilization for the last 8,000years. Water, barley, hops, and grainsare the primary ingredients in beer.Over the centuries, brewing has beenconsidered an art form, but today'sbrewers are also concerned aboutconsistent quality and maximizingshelf life. Modern brewers use a scientific approach to brewingthrough on-line analytical and meas-urement devices resulting in betterprocess control. Here are the keysteps in creating a consistent beer.

Milling and MashingFirst the barley grains are malted,producing enzymes that catalyzethe breakdown of starch intofermentable sugars. The malted bar-ley is transferred to the mash tun.Mashing is complete when allstarches have been converted intofermentable sugars. Mash pH is acritical control point.

Lautering and Brew KettlesAfter mashing is complete, themash slurry is delivered to the lautertun, where liquid wort is strainedfrom the insoluble grain husks. Aninternal rake circulates to distributethe mash solids within the lautertun. After the lauter tun is filled, themash slurry is allowed to settle, andthe wort flows through the filter

bed. The wort is drawn from thebottom of the tun and recirculatedto the top of the bed until the firstwort reaches the desired clarity. Hotwater is sprayed into the lauter tunto recover as much fermentableextract as possible. Turbidity is acritical measurement for wort clari-ty. Conductivity may be measuredfor cleaning and disinfectionpurposes.

The sweet wort run-off from thelauter tun is delivered to the brewkettle. The brew kettle prepares thewort for fermentation. The wort isbrought to a vigorous boil for sixtyto ninety minutes to sterilize it,coagulate proteins, and vaporizeundesirable volatiles and excesswort. After the boil, the bittersweetwort is pumped into the whirlpool.The wort is drawn off from the edgeof the tank, and passed through aheat exchanger, which cools thewort from 200°F to 65°F. Now thewort is ready for delivery to the fer-mentation cellar. Hot wort pH andwort pH are monitored to determinehop solubility, as this affects body,palate and clarity of the beer.

Fermentation and AgingYeast is pitched into the tanks, initiating the primary fermentation.Fermentation converts the cold wort

into alcoholic beer. Sterile air or oxy-gen is injected into the bottom ofthe tank to support the living yeastand ensure all sugars are convertedinto alcohol. The process takes 3 to 5days. Carbon dioxide is generatedduring this phase and recovered foruse in other areas of the brewery orsold. Once primary fermentation iscomplete, the beer is aged. Thelagering tanks are sealed andfermentation continues for 7 to 24days. Dissolved oxygen is a criticalcontrol point during fermentation.Too little oxygen will not allow all theyeast to ferment, and too much willover stimulate the yeast, creatingshelf life issues. pH levels are alsocontrolled to optimize the conversion to alcohols and ensureconsistent product quality.

Finishing and PackagingAfter fermentation, the beer isblended for attenuation and alcoholcontent. Regulation of dilutingwater, CO2 and other additives isperformed. Blended product istransferred to large cylindrical ves-sels in rooms called "Ruh" cellars,where yeast and other materials set-tle out. Next the beer is pumpedthrough clarified filters into finishingcellars. For bottled or canned beer,proteins are added to precipitate outcolloidal solids. Beer remains in thefinishing tanks for 10 to 14 days.Prior to packaging, the beer ispassed through pulp filters and isdelivered to the filler bowl. It is thenbottled, canned, or placed in kegsand sealed. Oxygen exposure mustbe minimized to prevent dimethylsulfide (DMS) formation. Measuringdissolved oxygen optimizes qualityand maximizes shelf life.


Dairy applications include fluidproducts (milk) and cultured dairyproducts (cheese and yogurt), andothers (ice cream, butter). Dairyplants have unique analyticalrequirements to ensure theprocesses are running optimally.

Conductivity is a critical measurementand sensors are used to monitor flavor additives, to differentiatebetween different phases of produc-tion, and types of products, whetherit is a type of milk (non-fat, wholemilk) or cheese. Conductivity alsodetermines cleaning cycles and howwell tanks, transfer lines and agitators have been cleaned.Conductivity sensors must bedesigned to 3A standards.

Ozone is the technology of choicefor sanitation applications indairies. Typical sensors supplied on ozone generating systems are dissolved ozone, ORP, and temperature.

Food-processing wastewater consists of wash down of products(fruits and vegetables), run-offfrom equipment and tank cleaning,chemical cleaning solutions, andother food byproducts such asspent grains. With the exception ofsome toxic cleaning products,wastewater from food-processingfacilities is organic and can be treated by conventional biologicalmethods. Wastewater from meatprocessing plants may have highpathogen levels and must be disin-fected prior to discharge. Chlorineis the typical disinfectant, althoughozone is becoming more popular asregulations governing chlorine inwastewater become stricter.

Food-processing plants consumevast amounts of water, some in therange of 1,000,000 gallons ofpotable water per day. Many food-processing plants are located inrural areas where the water treat-ment systems (i.e., potable andwastewater systems) are designedto serve small populations. As aresult, one medium-sized plant canhave a major effect on local watersupply and surface water quality.

Critical analytical measurements inwastewater treatment includeresidual chlorine or ozone, pH, dissolved oxygen, and conductivity.Waste water treatment plants mustbe optimally managed and robustsensors must be used to maximizeup time. Diagnostic informationdetermines sensor health andensures the sensors perform optimally.


The beverage segment includesproducts such as bottled water,juices, and carbonated beverages.Water is the largest ingredient inmany of these products. Water purifi-cation systems play a critical role inproducing a consistently high qualityproduct and maximizing up time.

Typical analytical measurements arepH and conductivity in orange juice;dissolved oxygen in carbonatedwater and soft drinks; conductivityin bottled water; and ozone in thebottling plant. Beverage plantsrequire highly accurate analyticaldevices with minimal maintenancerequirements to keep the plant upand running.

Dairy Waste Treatment


225 CIP SensorThe Model 225 Clean-in-Place (CIP)sensor is designed for applications inthe food and beverage industrieswhere processing equipment is rou-tinely cleaned with 2% caustic attemperatures up to 100 degrees C.Process installation is made with acustomer supplied two-inchTriClamp®. The Tri-Clamp design inunfilled PEEK meets 3A sanitarystandards and is FDA compliant forrepeated food contact applications.

245 Flow-Through Conductivity SensorThe Model 245 Sanitary Flow-Through Toroidal Conductivity

Common Sensors

Sensor is available in 0.5, 1.0, 1.5,and 2 inch TriClamp sizes. Wettedmaterials are 21 CFR, parts 170-199compliant. The sensor clamps intothe process piping betweenTriClamp flanges. Special groundingrings are not needed because con-tact rings are built in. A separatetemperature sensor is available as an accessory.

TF396The industry proven, patented TUpH™

reference junction of the TF396 sen-sor sets a new standard for cost-of-ownership of pH and ORP in harshapplications. The TUph referencejunction resists the effects of process

coating, reducing costlymaintenance and downtime. Thenon-glass ISFET pH electrode has arate of response that is faster thanglass electrodes, which means betterprocess control. It is most suitablefor use in cold processes like brine orwater for cooling.

Model Bx438 Dissolved Oxygen SensorThe Model Bx438 sensor is designedto monitor trace levels of dissolvedoxygen in beer and other carbonatedbeverages. The sensor utilizes arobust membrane and is designed towithstand significantly more clean-in-place (CIP) cycles than other dissolved oxygen sensors.

The design of the membrane is thekey to achieving high performanceand decreased maintenance. Theelectrode construction guaranteesexcellent stability even after numer-ous sterilization cycles. The cost tomaintain the Bx438 sensor is approx-imately one-third the cost requiredto maintain competitive dissolvedoxygen sensors.

225 CIP ToroidalConductivity Sensor

Model 245 Flow-Through ToroidalConductivity Sensor

Model TF396 Non-Glass pH Sensor

Bx438 Dissolved Oxygen Sensor


Model 499ADODissolved Oxygen SensorThe Model 499A Dissolved Oxygen(DO) sensor accurately measuresdissolved oxygen in a variety ofapplications, particularly industrialwastewater. For process liquids thatfoul and coat the membrane, the AirBlast Cleaner System is available.

Model 499ACL Free Chlorine SensorThe Model 499ACL is important inmeasuring residual chlorine fromfinal disinfection runs. This sensormeasures free chlorine withoutmessy and expensive reagents andsample conditioning systems. Thesensor measures free chlorine insamples having pH between 6.0and 9.5. A Model 399 pH sensormay be required.

Model 399 pH and ORP SensorThis is a general purpose sensor thatfeatures an annular ceramic junctionsurrounding the pH/ORP sensitivemembrane. The double-junction

reference cell is resistant to contami-nation by processes containingammonia, chlorine, sulfides or otherpoisoning agents.

Retractable Sensor Mounting Assembly Designed for use with RosemountAnalytical steam sterilizable pH andDO sensors, the assembly is built towithstand clean-in-place cycles. Thesensor can be withdrawn withoutinterrupting the process. An integralsafety mechanism prevents theassembly from being inserted intothe process without the electrodebeing installed. While in the retract-ed position, the sensor can becleaned with water or buffersolutions. The retractable assembly is manufactured with 316 stainlesssteel and FDA approved EPDM o-rings.

Common Sensors

Model Hx338 Steam Sterilizable pH SensorThe Model Hx338 Sensor is specifi-cally designed for biopharmaceuticaland food processes. The sensor’sunique tri-triple reference technolo-gy helps to maintain a drift-free pHsignal and performs exceptionallywell against poisoning agents (sulfides, proteins, or sugars), evenafter numerous sterilization cycles.The Hx338 can also withstand highprotein and salt concentrations.These features make the sensor idealfor purification processes.

ENDURANCE™ Conductivity 403 SensorThe sensor has titanium electrodeswith a PCTFE (Neoflon®) insulator,providing stability and ruggednesswithout sacrificing accuracy. Thisprovides a reliable sensor for thefood and beverage industries. Thesensor is available with either a 11⁄2 -inch or 2-inch Tri-Clover fitting.

The sensor also features a 16 microinch Ra surface finish to meet thedemand for hygienic finishes in thefood industry. All wetted plastics andelastomers are compliant with21CFR177.

Model Hx338 SteamSterilizable pH Sensor

Model 403 Sensor

Model 499ADOSensor

Model 399 pH Sensor

Hx RetractableSensor Mounting Assembly

The optimum solution for the process relies on

selecting the right sensor to match the process

needs. In most cases the instrument is simple to

select and depends on the power, control and

communication requirements. In addition to

other desired features, communication protocols

FOUNDATION® fieldbus and HART® are available.

Both offer the industry’s most comprehensive

Features SoluComp II, 1055 Series 54e Series 5081 Series SoluComp Xmt Series

Power 115 - 230 VAC or 24 VDC 115 - 230 VAC or 24 VDC 24 VDC 24 VDCRequirement

Number of Two One One OneSensor Inputs

Number of 4-20 Two Two One OnemA Outputs

Available pH, ORP, pH, ORP, pH, ORP, pH, ORP,Measurements Conductivity, Resistivity, Conductivity, Resistivity, Conductivity, Resistivity, Conductivity, Resistivity,

Dissolved Oxygen, Ozone, Dissolved Oxygen, Dissolved Oxygen, Dissolved Oxygen,Chlorine, Flow Ozone, Chlorine Ozone, Chlorine Ozone, Chlorine

HART No Yes Yes YesCompatible

FOUNDATION Fieldbus No No Yes YesCompatible

Multi-lingual Yes Yes No No

Relays 3 4 0 0

PID Control No Yes Yes/Ff Yes/Ff

Advanced Diagnostics Some Complete Complete CompleteCapability

Hazardous Area Class I, Div. II Class I, Div. II Class I, Div. I and Div. II, Class I, Div. I and Div. IIClassifications Explosion proof

Available Approvals FM, CSA, CE, UL FM, CSA, CE FM, CSA, CE, ATEX FM, CSA, CE, ATEX

Turbidity available in Model T1055/Clarity II

sensor diagnostics. Choose the

one that meets your needs. Food

and Beverage production can

especially benefit from FOUNDATION® fieldbus

devices, offering electronic data capture for cali-

bration and configuration changes per 21 CFR

Part 11. New plant start-ups are accelerated with

smart, host-accessible transmitters.


Rosemount Analytical Instrumentation

Gas AnalysisEmerson is the world's premier providerof process gas, combustion and environ-mental analysis solutions featuring

products with unmatched accuracy, superior per-formance and worry-free dependability. Our leadingedge instruments and applications expertise, alongwith unbeatable customer service and supportworldwide help our customers maximize processperformance, productivity, and profitability. Oursolutions provide reduced installation and mainte-nance costs while improving process quality.

Call your Emerson Process Management represen-tative for more information on all our process analytical solutions.

11PlantWeb® Brings It All Together

Rosemount Analytical’s instru-ments are part of Emerson ProcessManagement’s PlantWeb® field-based architecture: a scalable wayto use open and interoperabledevices and systems to buildprocess solutions. The PlantWeb

architecture consists of intelligentfield devices, scalable platformsand standards, and integratedmodular software, all workingtogether to create, capture, use,and distribute information andprocess control data.

Emerson Process Management: The Proven Source

This architecture can reduce yourcapital and engineering costs,reduce operations andmaintenance costs, increaseprocess availability,reduce process vari-ability, and stream-line regulatoryreporting. When com-bined with FOUNDATIONfieldbus, new plants get the bene-fits of accelerated plant start-upsdue to less wiring demands andeasier analyzer configurations.

To see what PlantWeb can do foryour operation, call or visit us atPlantWeb.com/RunSafe

Emerson Process Management is theproven supplier of RosemountAnalytical on-line electrochemicalsensors and instrumentation withover 60 years experience in processcontrol and waste treatment. Inrecognition of our dedication to cus-tomer service, productexcellence, and quality,we have received the#1 Readers ChoiceAward from ControlMagazine for the thirteenthconsecutive year.

Incorporating a properly defined andvalidated water system will benefitfood and beverage facilities throughquality control and by reducing

capital costs, lifetime maintenancecosts and monitoring costs.

Accurate, on-line electrochemicalmeasurements, such as pH,dissolved oxygen, conductivity,chlorine, and ozone, provide substantial improvements in the

level of process control,quality, efficiency, and prof-itability that can be achieved

in food and beverage processing.These measurements also play acritical role in meeting regulatorycompliance at the local and federallevel. Count on Emerson for the sys-tems and solutions you need in anever-changing, dynamic world. Seeus on the web at RAIhome.com.

91-6033 4.06

LIQUID ANALYTICALEmerson Process ManagementRosemount Analytical 2400 Barranca ParkwayIrvine, CA 92606 USAT +1.949.757.8500T 800.854.8257F [email protected]

Emerson Process Management, Rosemount Analytical, PlantWeb, TUpH, ENDURANCE, ACCU-GLASS, and Solu Comp are marks of Emerson Process Management group of compa-nies. All other marks are the property of their respective owners.

The contents of this publication are presented for informational purposes only, and while every effort has been made to ensure its accuracy, they are not to be construed as war-ranties or guarantees, expressed or implied, regarding the products or services described herein or their use or applicability. All sales are governed by our terms and conditions,which are available on request. We reserve the right to modify or improve the designs or specifications of such products at any time without notice.

© Rosemount Analytical Inc. 2012. All rights reserved. Printed in the U.S.A.

Online ordering available.


GAS CHROMATOGRAPHSEmerson Process ManagementRosemount Analytical10241 West Little YorkSuite 200Houston TX 77040 USAT +1.713.396.8700T 866.422.3683F [email protected]

PROCESS & COMBUSTIONEmerson Process ManagementRosemount Analytical 6565 P Davis Industrial ParkwaySolon, OH 44139 USAT +1.440.914.1261T 800.433.6076F +1.440.914.1262gas.csc@emerson. com



INDUSTRIAL HAZARD SAFETYEmerson Process ManagementNet Safety Monitoring2721 Hopewell Place N.E.Calgary, AB T1Y 7J7 Canada T +1.403.219.0688T 866.347.3427F [email protected]
