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Food Avoidance Learning in Squirrel Monkeys and Common Marmosets

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Food Avoidance Learning in Squirrel Monkeys and Common Marmosets Matthias Laska and Karin Metzker Department of Medical Psychology University of Munich Medical School D-80336 Munich, Germany Abstract Using a conditioned food avoidance learning paradigm, six squirrel monkeys (Saimiri sciureus) and six common marmosets (Callithrix jacchus) were tested for their ability to (1) reliably form associations between visual or olfactory cues of a potential food and its palatability and (2) remember such associations over prolonged periods of time. We found (1) that at the group level both species showed one-trial learning with the visual cues color and shape, whereas only the marmosets were able to do so with the olfactory cue, (2) that all individuals from both species learned to reliably avoid the unpalatable food items within 10 trials, (3) a tendency in both species for quicker acquisition of the association with the visual cues compared with the olfactory cue, (4) a tendency for quicker acquisition and higher reliability of the aversion by the marmosets compared with the squirrel monkeys, and (5) that all individuals from both species were able to reliably remember the significance of the visual cues, color and shape, even after 4 months, whereas only the marmosets showed retention of the significance of the olfactory cues for up to 4 weeks. Furthermore, the results suggest that in both species tested, illness is not a necessary prerequisite for food avoidance learning but that the presumably innate rejection responses toward highly concentrated but nontoxic bitter and sour tastants are sufficient to induce robust learning and retention. Introduction For any organism to survive, it must have adap- tive mechanisms to avoid toxicosis. This is particu- larly true for food generalists as many plants and animals are chemically protected against predation by slow-acting systemic poisons present in their tissues and body fluids (Bell and Charlwood 1980), thus making indiscriminate selection of potential food a considerable risk (Hughes 1990). In mammals, a variety of behavioral and physi- ological mechanisms have been identified that al- low food generalists to avoid being poisoned (Galef et al. 1994). First, there are innate rejection mechanisms such as the rejection of toxic materi- als that taste bitter to humans (Glendinning 1994); second, there are other physiologically adaptive re- sponses such as vomiting or alterations in the di- gestion and processing of toxic materials (Le Mag- nen 1992); and third, there are learned aversions to distinctive foods if ingestion is followed by illness (Barker et al. 1977; Milgram et al. 1977). Learning mechanisms seem particularly useful in tracking the permanent seasonal changes and variations in food composition and availability, and thus it is not surprising that the general ability to learn aversion to food has been demonstrated in a wide variety of species both in naturalistic settings and in laboratory experiments. In a series of land- mark studies, Garcia and coworkers showed the rat to use primarily gustatory cues in the formation of poison-based aversions (Garcia 1989). The efficacy of stimulus classes other than taste in food avoid- ance learning appears dependent on the species and its ecological niche (Rozin and Kalat 1971). Although rats have shown that they are capable of associating visual or olfactory cues with illness with repeated trials, this learning is reportedly weak and, in the case of olfactory cues, needs to be combined with taste (Holder and Garcia 1987). In other species, however, nongustatory modalities may convey important food-related information. Avian species, for example, have repeatedly been shown to be able to rapidly associate a color stimu- lus, in the absence of taste cues, with illness (Wil- coxon et al. 1971; Roper and Marples 1997). Given LEARNING & MEMORY 5:193–203 © 1998 by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press ISSN1072-0502/98 $5.00 & L E A R N I N G M E M O R Y 193 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press on April 11, 2019 - Published by learnmem.cshlp.org Downloaded from

Food Avoidance Learning in SquirrelMonkeys and Common MarmosetsMatthias Laska and Karin MetzkerDepartment of Medical PsychologyUniversity of Munich Medical SchoolD-80336 Munich, Germany


Using a conditioned food avoidancelearning paradigm, six squirrel monkeys(Saimiri sciureus) and six commonmarmosets (Callithrix jacchus) were testedfor their ability to (1) reliably formassociations between visual or olfactory cuesof a potential food and its palatability and(2) remember such associations overprolonged periods of time. We found (1)that at the group level both species showedone-trial learning with the visual cues colorand shape, whereas only the marmosetswere able to do so with the olfactory cue,(2) that all individuals from both specieslearned to reliably avoid the unpalatablefood items within 10 trials, (3) a tendency inboth species for quicker acquisition of theassociation with the visual cues comparedwith the olfactory cue, (4) a tendency forquicker acquisition and higher reliability ofthe aversion by the marmosets comparedwith the squirrel monkeys, and (5) that allindividuals from both species were able toreliably remember the significance of thevisual cues, color and shape, even after 4months, whereas only the marmosetsshowed retention of the significance of theolfactory cues for up to 4 weeks.Furthermore, the results suggest that in bothspecies tested, illness is not a necessaryprerequisite for food avoidance learning butthat the presumably innate rejectionresponses toward highly concentrated butnontoxic bitter and sour tastants aresufficient to induce robust learning andretention.


For any organism to survive, it must have adap-

tive mechanisms to avoid toxicosis. This is particu-larly true for food generalists as many plants andanimals are chemically protected against predationby slow-acting systemic poisons present in theirtissues and body fluids (Bell and Charlwood 1980),thus making indiscriminate selection of potentialfood a considerable risk (Hughes 1990).

In mammals, a variety of behavioral and physi-ological mechanisms have been identified that al-low food generalists to avoid being poisoned(Galef et al. 1994). First, there are innate rejectionmechanisms such as the rejection of toxic materi-als that taste bitter to humans (Glendinning 1994);second, there are other physiologically adaptive re-sponses such as vomiting or alterations in the di-gestion and processing of toxic materials (Le Mag-nen 1992); and third, there are learned aversions todistinctive foods if ingestion is followed by illness(Barker et al. 1977; Milgram et al. 1977).

Learning mechanisms seem particularly usefulin tracking the permanent seasonal changes andvariations in food composition and availability, andthus it is not surprising that the general ability tolearn aversion to food has been demonstrated in awide variety of species both in naturalistic settingsand in laboratory experiments. In a series of land-mark studies, Garcia and coworkers showed the ratto use primarily gustatory cues in the formation ofpoison-based aversions (Garcia 1989). The efficacyof stimulus classes other than taste in food avoid-ance learning appears dependent on the speciesand its ecological niche (Rozin and Kalat 1971).Although rats have shown that they are capable ofassociating visual or olfactory cues with illnesswith repeated trials, this learning is reportedlyweak and, in the case of olfactory cues, needs to becombined with taste (Holder and Garcia 1987). Inother species, however, nongustatory modalitiesmay convey important food-related information.Avian species, for example, have repeatedly beenshown to be able to rapidly associate a color stimu-lus, in the absence of taste cues, with illness (Wil-coxon et al. 1971; Roper and Marples 1997). Given

LEARNING & MEMORY 5:193–203 © 1998 by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press ISSN1072-0502/98 $5.00

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the apparent reliance of birds on the visual modal-ity in feeding, it seems reasonable to assume thatthe laws of learning for an animal are dependent onthe demands of that particular animal’s habitat andfeeding habits (Nachman et al. 1977).

It is well established that primates, similarly tobirds, possess highly developed visual systems(Fobes and King 1982) and that both human andnonhuman primates use visual as well as gustatoryand perhaps other cues in food selection and re-jection (Clydesdale 1993). The feeding behavior offrugivorous monkeys suggests that olfactory cuesmay also play a significant role in this context(Clutton-Brock 1977).

Surprisingly few studies, however, have so farexamined food aversion learning in nonhuman pri-mates (Riley and Tuck 1985), and the majority ofthese have either used this paradigm for assessingpharmacological drug discrimination (e.g., Glowaet al. 1991) or have concentrated on taste-basedaversion learning (e.g., Bergman and Glowa 1986).In contrast, the ability of monkeys to use nongus-tatory cues in building associations between a po-tential food and its palatability has only rarely beeninvestigated.

Given the presumed importance of visual andolfactory cues for food selection in frugivorous pri-mates, it was the purpose of the present study toinvestigate food aversion learning in two species ofNew World monkeys that preponderantly feed onfruits and, in particular, to address the followingquestions: (1) Are squirrel monkeys (Saimiri sci-ureus) and common marmosets (Callithrix jac-chus) able to reliably form associations betweenvisual or olfactory cues of a potential food and itspalatability? (2) Are they able to remember suchassociations over prolonged periods of time? (3)Are there differences between species in learningand memory performance and in salience of thecues?

According to the exploratory character of thestudy and a lack of information about appropriatedosage of the unconditioned stimulus (UCS) for thespecies under investigation, we decided to modifythe classical conditioned food avoidance learningparadigm in one way: Instead of an illness-inducingdrug like lithium chloride, we used a mixture ofaversive-tasting, but nontoxic, substances (quininehydrochloride plus ascorbic acid) as the UCS. Thisallowed us to additionally address the question ofwhether food avoidance learning in nonhuman pri-mates also occurs in the absence of negative physi-ological consequences.

General Materials and Methods


Testing was performed using three male andthree female adult squirrel monkeys and five maleand one female adult common marmosets. Thesquirrel monkeys were housed as a social group inan enclosure composed of nine single cages (85 cmwide × 85 cm deep × 105 cm high) connected bysliding doors that could be closed to allow the tem-porary separation of animals for individual testing.The marmosets were housed separately in singlecages (50 cm wide × 50 cm deep × 80 cm high). Inboth species, the design of the test cages pre-vented conspecifics from observing the animal un-der test.

All animals were born in captivity and had noprevious experience with the method describedbelow. Both species were maintained under a 12:12 hr light–dark schedule at 25°C and fed daily adiet of marmoset pellets (Altromin), fresh fruit,vegetables, and mealworms, with ad libitum accessto water.


In all experiments, the animals were individu-ally presented with pairs of cookies that only dif-fered either in color or shape or odor, with one ofthe alternatives made unpalatable. The cookieswere made of 50 grams of wheat flour, 10 grams ofbutter, and 1 spoonful of water. For the palatablecookies, 15 grams of sugar was added to thedough, and for the unpalatable cookies, 5 grams ofquinine hydrochloride and 10 grams of ascorbicacid were added. The dough was rolled out, andthe cookies were cut out round (diam., 0.5 cm) ortriangle shaped (length of edge, 1 cm) and bakedfor 5 min at 140°C. Pilot experiments using con-specifics of the experimental animals showed that(1) only the combination of quinine hydrochlorideand ascorbic acid reliably evoked aversive reac-tions, whereas cookies prepared with only one ofthese substances were less effective, and (2) thepresence or absence of the aversive-tasting sub-stances could not be detected visually or olfactorilyas none of the four animals per species learned anydiscrimination, that is, reached the criterion ofthree consecutive correct choices within 10 trials(cf. Data Analysis) when presented with pairs ofcookies that only differed in taste but were other-wise identical (both alternatives were round, un-stained, and nonodorized).

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For testing color as the discriminative stimu-lus, round cookies were stained red or yellow us-ing odorless and tasteless commercial food dyes(Brauns-Heitmann, Warburg, Germany). For testingodor as the discriminative stimulus, round and un-stained cookies were odorized by adding 1 ml ofcommercial baking aroma (almond or lemon ex-tract, Dr. Oetker, Bielefeld, Germany) to thedough. For testing shape as the discriminativestimulus, unstained cookies without baking aromaswere cut out round or triangle shaped.

A panel of human subjects was presented (1)with colored and (2) with odorized cookies andconfirmed that (1) the food dyes were indeed odor-less and tasteless and (2) the baking aromas wereclearly perceptible and easy to discriminate bysmell but altered the intensely sweet or bitter tasteof the cookies only a little if at all. Furthermore, theanimals showed no indication that the food dyes orthe baking aromas affected the taste of the cookiesas their behavioral reactions toward both the pal-atable and the unpalatable food items were un-equivocal and identical to those shown in responseto the differently shaped cookies that were neitherstained nor odorized.

To get a further indication as to the percepti-bility and discriminability of the odorants used,three squirrel monkeys were tested in a food-re-warded olfactory conditioning paradigm (Laskaand Hudson 1993a) and distinguished easily be-tween the odors of almond and lemon extract. Ear-lier studies have shown both species to be capableof perceiving and discriminating between the col-ors used here (Jacobs and Harwerth 1989).


In all experiments, three animals of each spe-cies were assigned to one combination of cue andUCS (e.g., red cookie palatable and yellow cookieunpalatable) and the other three to the alternativecombination (e.g., yellow cookie palatable and redcookie unpalatable).

Pairs of cookies were presented in a rectangu-lar dish of 30 × 10 cm mounted on the outside ofthe mesh of a test cage. To prevent animals fromtaking both cookies at the same time, the fooditems were placed 20 cm apart. The position of thecookies (e.g., yellow cookie presented left and redcookie presented right) was pseudorandomized tocounterbalance possible position preferences. Onepair of cookies was presented per animal and perday at 9 a.m., that is, 2 hr prior to feeding.

Three series of learning tests were performedconsecutively and were followed by retentiontests, taking care that only one task (i.e., one pair ofcookies) per day was presented to the animals.


In assessing performance, the animals’ choicebehavior in response to simultaneous presentationof the cookies was scored. Correct choices con-sisted in animals taking the palatable cookie as thefirst one into their mouth. Conversely, errors con-sisted in animals taking the unpalatable cookie asthe first one into their mouth. Consumption or atleast gustatory probing instead of grasping of acookie was taken as the choice criterion as theinspection of the odorized cookies required an ani-mal to grasp a cookie and guide it toward its nose.However, the sequence in which the cookies weregrasped was also recorded in all experiments. Two-tailed binomial tests were performed to evaluatedeviations from a chance distribution of choices.

Within-group comparisons across tasks wereperformed using the Friedman two-way analysis ofvariance (ANOVA). When ANOVA detected differ-ences between tasks, this was then followed bypairwise Wilcoxon signed-rank tests for relatedsamples to evaluate which tasks were responsible.Between-group comparisons within a given taskwere done using the Mann-Whitney U test for in-dependent samples by converting the number ofcorrect choices per animal and task into percent-ages (Siegel and Castellan 1988).

All data are reported as number of correct de-cisions per experimental condition and species orindividual.

Experiment 1

This experiment was conducted to assess theability of squirrel monkeys and common marmo-sets to reliably form associations between visual orolfactory cues of a potential food, in the absence ofgustatory cues, and its palatability.

Materials and Methods

To familiarize the animals with the procedureand to control for possible spontaneous positionpreferences of individual animals in taking cookies,the experiment was preceded by a 7-day familiar-ization phase in which the monkeys were pre-


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sented daily with one pair of identical, unstained,and nonodorized round cookies that both werepalatable. At the end of this phase, all animals co-operated well and in no case showed significantposition preferences.

On 10 consecutive days, the animals were thenpresented with one pair of cookies that only dif-fered in color and palatability, and their choicebehavior was recorded. Only when these 10 pre-sentations were completed was the next series us-ing differently shaped cookies started, which wasfinally followed by the third series of tests usingdifferently odorized cookies.

On the very first presentation of each series(called day 0), all animals took and tasted bothcookies owing to lack of any prior experience. Thelearning criterion for successful acquisition of anassociation between cue and palatability was set atthree consecutive correct choices on the nine pre-sentations (called days 1–9) following this probingtrial.


Table 1 summarizes the choice behavior ofsquirrel monkeys and common marmosets withcolor as the discriminative stimulus. At the grouplevel, both species showed one-trial learning forthis cue (two-tailed binomial test, P < 0.05), withfive out of six Saimiri and six out of six Callithrix

correctly choosing the palatable cookie at day 1,that is, on the first occasion after the initial presen-tation and probing of the alternatives at day 0. Atthe individual level, all animals from both speciesreached the learning criterion of three consecutivecorrect choices within the nine test trials. Whereasall six Callithrix reached criterion at day 3, that is,without making any mistake and thus as rapidly aspossible, only four out of six Saimiri were able todo so, with the remaining two individuals reachingcriterion at days 7 and 8. The total number of in-correct choices was six for the squirrel monkeysand one for the marmosets, and thus learning per-formance did not differ significantly between spe-cies (Mann-Whitney U test, P > 0.1).

Table 2 shows the choice behavior of squirrelmonkeys and common marmosets with shape asthe discriminative stimulus. At the group level,both species showed one-trial learning for this cue(two-tailed binomial test, P < 0.05), with five out ofsix Saimiri and Callithrix correctly chosing thepalatable cookie at day 1, that is, on the first occa-sion after the initial presentation and probing ofthe alternatives at day 0. At the individual level, allanimals from both species reached the learning cri-terion of three consecutive correct choices withinthe nine test trials. Five out of six Callithrixreached criterion at day 3, that is, as rapidly aspossible, and the remaining marmoset at day 4. Incontrast, only three out six Saimiri reached crite-

Table 1: Choice behavior of squirrel monkeys and common marmosets with coloras the discriminative stimulus

(+) A correct choice; (−) an incorrect choice. Correct choices consisted in animals taking the palatablecookie as the first one into their mouth; errors consisted in animals taking the unpalatable cookie as the firstone into their mouths. On the very first presentation (day 0) all animals took and tasted both cookies. Theshaded table cells indicate when an animal reached the learning criterion of three consecutive correctchoices.

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rion without making incorrect choices, and the re-maining three individuals reached criterion at days5, 8, and 9, respectively. The total number of in-correct choices was 10 for the squirrel monkeysand 4 for the marmosets, and thus learning perfor-mance did not differ significantly between species(Mann-Whitney U test, P = 0.06) but showed aclear trend toward faster task acquisition by themarmosets compared with the squirrel monkeys.

Table 3 summarizes the choice behavior ofsquirrel monkeys and common marmosets withodor as the discriminative stimulus. At the grouplevel, only the marmosets showed one-trial learn-ing for this cue (two-tailed binomial test, P < 0.05),with five out of six individuals correctly chosingthe palatable cookie at day 1, that is, on the first

occasion after the initial presentation and probingof the alternatives at day 0. In contrast, only twoout of six squirrel monkeys correctly chose thepalatable cookie at day 1. At the individual level, allanimals from both species reached the learning cri-terion of three consecutive correct choices withinthe nine test trials. Four out of six Callithrixreached criterion at day 3, that is, without makingincorrect choices, and the remaining two marmo-sets at day 5. In contrast, only one out of sixSaimiri reached criterion as rapidly as possible,with two of the remaining five individuals reachingcriterion at day 4, two at day 6, and one at day 9.The total number of incorrect choices was 17 forthe squirrel monkeys and four for the marmosets,and thus learning performance differed signifi-

Table 2: Choice behavior of squirrel monkeys and common marmosets with shapeas the discriminative stimulus

Explanation as for Table 1.

Table 3: Choice behavior of squirrel monkeys and common marmosets with odoras the discriminative stimulus

Explanation as for Table 1.


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cantly between species (Mann-Whitney U test,P < 0.02).

A within-species comparison of learning per-formance in terms of number of days necessary forreaching the criterion across the three tasks indi-cates a nonsignificant (Friedman ANOVA,P > 0.05), but nevertheless quite consistent, ten-dency for quicker acquisiton of the visual cuescompared with the olfactory cue in both species(Wilcoxon signed-rank tests, P < 0.1) as can be in-ferred from Tables 1–3. A comparison of the learn-ing performance between species indicates a non-significant (Mann-Whitney U tests, P > 0.05) butconsistent tendency for quicker acquisition andhigher reliability of the aversion by the marmosetscompared with the squirrel monkeys in all threetasks (cf. Tables 1–3).

Experiment 2

Experiment 1 showed both squirrel monkeysand common marmosets able to reliably form asso-ciations between visual or olfactory cues of a po-tential food, in the absence of gustatory cues, andits palatability. As this ability is only biologicallymeaningful if the animals are also able to retainthese associations in memory and to make use ofthem in new encounters with the same stimuli, itwas the purpose of this experiment to assess theability of both species to remember such associa-tions over prolonged periods of time.

Materials and Methods

Following the 10 consecutive presentationswith a given stimulus combination in experiment

1, the animals were tested for retention of thelearned associations by presenting them with thesame pairs of cookies after noncumulative intervalsof 3 days, 1, 2, and 4 weeks, and 4 months (i.e., 3,10, 24, 52, and 172 days after training) and record-ing their choice behavior. After this first series ofretention tests, all intervals were tested for a sec-ond time (i.e., 175, 182, 196, 224, and 344 daysafter training) with the exception of the 4-monthinterval that could only be tested with three out sixanimals per species on the second occasion.


Table 4 summarizes the choice behavior ofsquirrel monkeys and common marmosets in theretention tests with color as the discriminativestimulus.

At the group level, both species showed sig-nificant retention for this cue at all intervals tested(two-tailed binomial test, P < 0.05), with only oneor even no incorrect decision per interval and spe-cies occurring in the majority of cases. The totalnumber of incorrect choices was six for the squir-rel monkeys and two for the marmosets, and thusmemory performance did not differ significantlybetween species (Mann-Whitney U test, P > 0.2).

At the individual level, all animals from bothspecies showed significant retention, with none ofthe monkeys making more than 2 mistakes out of 9or 10 decisions (two-tailed binomial test, P < 0.05).However, there was a nonsignificant tendency forhigher reliability of retention in the marmosetscompared with the squirrel monkeys, with five outof six Callithrix making no mistake at all, whereasonly two out of six Saimiri chose correctly in allretention tests.

Table 4: Memory performance of squirrel monkeys and common marmosets with coloras the discriminative stimulus


Squirrel monkeys Common marmosets

?1 ?2 ?3 /1 /2 /3 ?1 ?2 ?3 ?4 ?5 /1

3 days ++ ++ ++ ++ +− ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++1 week ++ ++ −+ +− −+ ++ ++ ++ −+ ++ ++ ++2 weeks ++ −+ ++ −+ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++4 weeks ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ +− ++ ++ ++4 months + + + ++ ++ ++ + + + ++ ++ ++

(+) Correct choice; (−) incorrect choice. Correct choices consisted in animals taking the palatable cookie as the first oneinto their mouth; errors consisted in animals taking the unpalatable cookie as the first one into their mouth. Symbolsindicate the response of an animal in the first and the second retention test, respectively (from left to right).

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Table 5 shows the choice behavior of squirrelmonkeys and common marmosets in the retentiontests with shape as the discriminative stimulus.

At the group level, both species showed sig-nificant retention for this cue at all intervals tested(two-tailed binomial test, P < 0.05), again withonly one or even no incorrect decision per intervaland species occurring in the majority of cases. Thetotal number of incorrect choices was four for thesquirrel monkeys and three for the marmosets, andmemory performance thus did not differ signifi-cantly between species (Mann-Whitney U test,P > 0.2).

At the individual level, all animals from bothspecies showed significant retention, with none ofthe monkeys making more than 2 mistakes out of 9or 10 decisions (two-tailed binomial test, P < 0.05).Reliability of retention was very similar betweenspecies, with three squirrel monkeys and four mar-mosets making no mistake at all.

Table 6 summarizes the choice behavior ofsquirrel monkeys and common marmosets in theretention tests with odor as the discriminativestimulus.

At the group level, the marmosets showed sig-nificant retention for this cue at all intervals up to4 weeks (two-tailed binomial test, P < 0.05) andonly failed with the 4-month interval. In contrast,the squirrel monkeys failed to show retention atthe group level at all intervals tested (two-tailedbinomial test, P > 0.05).

The total number of incorrect choices was 26for the squirrel monkeys and 7 for the marmosets,and thus memory performance differed signifi-cantly between species (Mann-Whitney U test,P < 0.01).

At the individual level, all six Callithrixshowed significant retention, with none of the

marmosets making more than 2 mistakes out of 9or 10 decisions (two-tailed binomial test, P < 0.05),whereas only one out of six Saimiri made less thanthree mistakes and thus performed above chancelevel.

General Discussion

The results of this study demonstrate (1) thatboth squirrel monkeys and common marmosetsare able to reliably form associations between vi-sual as well as olfactory cues of a potential foodand its palatability, (2) that both species are able toremember the significance of the visual cues colorand shape, even after 4 months, whereas only themarmosets showed retention of the olfactory cuefor up to 4 weeks, and (3) a tendency for quickeracquisition and higher reliability of the aversion bythe marmosets compared with the squirrel mon-keys and a tendency in both species for quickeracquisition and higher reliability of the visual cuescompared with the olfactory cue.

The ability to learn to avoid unpalatable food,as shown in the experiments reported here, maynot seem surprising at first but rather, a necessaryprerequisite for an animal to survive (Capaldi andPowley 1990; Le Magnen 1992). However, severalaspects should be considered in evaluating the re-sults of this study. First, the artificial test situationused here in which the animals had only one cue ata time at their disposal for distinguishing betweenpalatable and unpalatable food is quite differentfrom, and presumably more challenging than, natu-ral circumstances. As animals generally tend tomake use of all sensory information available in agiven situation (Riesen 1982; Olton 1990), it seemsreasonable to assume that this is also true for foodavoidance learning and that they take advantage of

Table 5: Memory performance of squirrel monkeys and common marmosets with shapeas the discriminative stimulus


Squirrel monkeys Common marmosets

?1 ?2 ?3 /1 /2 /3 ?1 ?2 ?3 ?4 ?5 /1

3 days ++ +− ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++1 week ++ −+ ++ −+ ++ ++ ++ −+ +− ++ ++ ++2 weeks ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++4 weeks ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ +− ++ ++ ++4 months + + + ++ +− ++ + + + ++ ++ ++

Explanation as for Table 4.


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a combination of cues for solving such problemswhenever possible (Best et al. 1976). This suppo-sition is supported by numerous studies on dis-crimination learning that showed nonhuman pri-mates to perform better with a combination ofcues than with cues presented singly (Harlow1945; Warren and McGonigle 1969). Thus, we be-lieve that the tasks used were not trivial at all.Rather, they allow us to positively answer the ques-tion of whether single features of a potential foodare sufficient for food aversion learning in nonhu-man primates.

Our finding of one-trial learning and robust re-tention of the visual cues color and shape, in bothspecies tested, are in agreement with the apparentimportance of the visual system for other aspectsof primate behavior like spatial orientation or so-cial interaction (Fobes and King 1982) and withreports on the role of visual information for foodchoice both in human (Clydesdale 1993) and non-human primates (Gautier-Hion et al. 1985; Regan etal. 1996).

The finding, however, that squirrel monkeysand common marmosets were also able to associ-ate olfactory cues, in the absence of gustatory cues,with palatability of a potential food was somewhatunexpected. Although in recent years accumulat-ing evidence suggests that both the olfactory per-formance of nonhuman primates (Laska and Hud-son 1993a,b; Laska and Freyer 1997; Laska andTeubner 1998) and the significance of olfaction inregulating primate behavior (Epple et al. 1993;Laska and Hudson 1995) have been underesti-mated, olfactory cues are frequently thought to belargely ineffective in food avoidance learning un-less when combined with taste (Nachman et al.1977; Bernstein 1991; Chambers and Bernstein1995).

Nevertheless, within-species comparisonsacross the tasks used here suggest that for bothprimate species tested, olfactory stimuli may notbe as easily associable as visual cues. A comparisonof learning and memory performance betweensquirrel monkeys and common marmosets furthersuggests that the former might be less prepared torely on olfactory cues than the latter. Two caveats,however, should be applied with regard to the in-terpretation of the intra- and interspecific differ-ences found: First, the relative salience of cues maydepend on the specific test situation as, for ex-ample, the usefulness of color varies as a functionof the degree of illumination. The experimentalconditions used here clearly favored the use of vi-sual cues as the discriminants were not onlybrightly illuminated but also placed such that theanimals could view them from a distance, whereasthe evaluation of the olfactory cues required closecontact. Furthermore, in previous studies we couldshow that squirrel monkeys can readily acquire afood-rewarded olfactory discrimination paradigm(Laska and Hudson 1993a) and that—contrary totheir performance in the present study—they areable to remember the significance of olfactory cuesfor at least 20 weeks (Laska et al. 1996).

Second, differences in temperament are morelikely to account for the observed differences inperformance between the two species and for thecomparatively poor performance of the squirrelmonkeys with the odorized cookies in particular.The marmosets approached all tasks deliberately,frequently showed vicarious trial-and-error behav-ior prior to deciding on one of the alternatives(Muenzinger 1938), and only rarely probed the un-palatable cookies. The squirrel monkeys, in con-trast, were much more daring and almost nevershowed any sign of hesitation while choosing. Fur-

Table 6: Memory performance of squirrel monkeys and common marmosets with odoras the discriminative stimulus


Squirrel monkeys Common marmosets

?1 ?2 ?3 /1 /2 /3 ?1 ?2 ?3 ?4 ?5 /1

3 days ++ −− ++ −+ −+ −+ ++ ++ −+ ++ ++ ++1 week +− −+ +− −+ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ +−2 weeks ++ −+ −+ ++ −− −− ++ −+ ++ ++ ++ ++4 weeks ++ −+ +− +− −− ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ +−4 months + − + −− −+ −− + − − −+ ++ ++

Explanation as for Table 4.

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thermore, they strongly tended to probe a cookieonce they held it in their hands. This behaviormight explain why Saimiri made many more mis-takes with the odorized cookies than Callithrix asthe inspection of these food items imperatively re-quired an animal to grasp it and to lead it toward itsnose.

Comparative investigations on discriminationlearning in nonhuman primates showed squirrelmonkeys generally to perform at least as well asCallitrichids (Meador et al. 1987) and thus lendfurther support to the interpretation that differ-ences in temperament rather than in cognitiveabilities or in the relative salience of cues may un-derlie the observed species differences in olfac-tory-based food avoidance learning.

Among the few studies that have used nonhu-man primates as animal models for the investiga-tion of food avoidance learning, even fewer haveexplicitly tested the general potency of single foodcharacteristics to be used by a monkey for acquir-ing such an aversion. Using differently coloreddrinking tubes, Johnson et al. (1975) reported thatvervet monkeys (Cercopithecus pygerythrus)showed one-trial color-cued aversion learning, andDomjan et al. (1982) showed that the same speciescould associate the shape of food with its palatabil-ity. In the only study on this topic so far, whichused a New World primate species, Fairbanks(1975) presented spider monkeys (Ateles geof-froyi) with pieces of differently colored bread andobserved that most of her animals learned to avoidthe distasteful items after one or two trials. Allthese findings are in line with the present results.Other studies used the aspect of natural food itemsand thus a combination of visual cues with Japa-nese macaques (Macaca fuscata) and generallyfound one-trial learning (Hasegawa and Matsuzawa1981; Matsuzawa and Hasegawa 1982, 1983; Hi-kami et al. 1990). These studies, however, did notcontrol for the absence of gustatory cues duringthe formation of associations between a potentialfood and its palatability as their primary purposewas to assess the influence of exteroceptive factorson food avoidance learning. To the best of ourknowledge, the present study is the first one tosystematically use odor stimuli as cues for foodavoidance learning in nonhuman primates, and thefinding that both species tested were basically ableto acquire olfactory-based food aversions suggeststhat this often neglected sensory modality meritsfurther investigation in future studies on learningof food acceptance in monkeys.

A final aspect of the present study is the find-ing that squirrel monkeys and common marmosetslearned to avoid unpalatable food without experi-encing negative physiological consequences. Incontrast to the vast majority of studies that usedillness-inducing drugs like lithium chloride as theUCS, we used a combination of ascorbic acid andquinine hydrochloride that apparently taste aver-sive to the monkeys but are most likely nontoxic,at least in the concentrations used here. Both theanimals used in the pilot experiments to establishthe appropriate concentrations of the UCS andtheir conspecifics used in the critical tests werecarefully monitored for signs of indisposition orsymptoms of intoxication like diarrhea, vomiting,or altered behavior, but none of these were everobserved. This suggests that in both species tested,illness is not a necessary prerequisite for foodavoidance learning but that the presumably innaterejection responses toward highly concentratedbitter and sour tastants (Glendinning 1994) are suf-ficient to induce robust learning.

Taken together, the results of the presentstudy provide evidence of the ability of squirrelmonkeys and common marmosets to make use ofboth visual cues and olfactory cues for food avoid-ance learning and thus may serve as a basis forfuture studies to help reveal which features of afruit are actually used by frugivorous monkeys forfood selection under natural circumstances.

AcknowledgmentsWe thank Norbert Deuerling for permission to work

with his marmosets, Peter Brennan for reading earlierversions of this manuscript, Brauns-Heitmann Company,Warburg, for generously donating food colors, and theDeutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft for financial support (La635/6-1). The experiments reported here comply with the‘‘Guidelines for the use of animals in research’’ and also withcurrent German laws.

The publication costs of this article were defrayed inpart by payment of page charges. This article must thereforebe hereby marked ‘‘advertisement’’ in accordance with 18USC section 1734 solely to indicate this fact.

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Received February 24, 1998; accepted in revised form May15, 1998.


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  Matthias Laska and Karin Metzker  MarmosetsFood Avoidance Learning in Squirrel Monkeys and Common



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