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Food & Spirit Coach Certification

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Food & Spirit coach certification for professionals who would like to bring in the topics of food and eating into their work with clients. This certification program has been developed by Dr. Deanna Minich and is accredited for CCEU's through the International Coach Federation.
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Peel Away the Layers to Discover your Healthy Core Whole-Self Nourishment through the Science & Spirituality of Food & Eating Leading to Certification as a Food & Spirit Coach 2013 Brochure Developed by nutritionist and author Dr. Deanna Minich in Partnership with HAAPPi Co LLC TM TM
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Peel Away the Layers toDiscover your Healthy Core

Whole-Self Nourishment through the Science & Spirituality of Food & Eating

Leading to Certification as a Food & Spirit Coach

2013 Brochure

Developed by nutritionist and author Dr. Deanna Minichin Partnership with HAAPPi Co LLC



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Certification Path for Coaches & Nutritionists

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

The Deeper Purpose of a Food & Spirit Coach................................................................................................................................................

Module 1: The Science & Spirituality of Food Eating

Module 2: Body, Food and Eating

Module 3: Emotions, Food and Eating

Module 4: Power, Food and Eating

Module 5: Heart, Food and Eating

Module 6: Voice, Food and Eating

Module 7: Intuition, Food and Eating

Module 8: Faith, Food and Eating

Enrollment, Pricing, and Dates.....................................................................................................................................................................

About Food & Spirit™......................................................................................................................................................................................

PEEL and HEAL™ Program - Your Relationship with Food and Eating...................................................................................................Webinar Modules - Becoming a Knowledgeable Practitioner................................................................................................................

Teleclasses, Exam, and Final Project - Becoming a Masterful Practitioner...........................................................................................

Is the Food & Spirit™ Coaching Program for me?..........................................................................................................................................Founder and Program Leader..........................................................................................................................................................................

Introducing PEEL™ and other Tools of the Program....................................................................................................................................

In-person workshop - Becoming a Skilled Practitioner..........................................................................................................................

About our Partner.........................................................................................................................................................................................






Program Overview and Certification Process.................................................................................................................................................





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Certification Path for Coaches & Nutritionists

About Food & Spirit™

Combining the Science and Spirituality of Food and Eating for Whole-Self Nourishment

Food & Spirit™ was founded in 2000 by nutritionist, Dr. Deanna Minich, as a way to cultivate eating as a path to personal growth. Since we encounter food and the act of eatingmultiple times daily, she realized that this constant interfacecould become a conduit of understanding one’s inner selfin relationship to their environment. Dr. Minich’s approach is to bring together the spectrum of potential in the eating experience as a means to fully experience its benefits, including focusing on:

You will find in the Food & Spirit teachings a wealth of current, scientific-based nutrition information with a complement of the deeper, psychosocial aspects of eating and the symbolic meaning of foods that often goes unrecognized.

About Food & Spirit™ Peel Away the Layers to Discover Your Healthy Core

Food is a tool to unraveling the parts of our self, allowing our inner self to be revealed. The rainbow-peel apple represents the self with all its many facets, represented by the colors. Sometimes we have to unravel the aspects of the outer self to get to the juiciness within - to the core behind all of thoselife areas. In a similar manner, Food & Spirit is a platform to get to the core within oneself. It takes a bit of unraveling, peeling the everyday environmental skin back in order to get to the real issues that lie within.

•Science and Spirituality •Information and Inspiration

•Logic and Creativity •Practicality and Poetry

•Body and Soul


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Certification Path for Coaches & Nutritionists

Founder andProgram Leader

Combining the Science and Spirituality of Food and Eating for Whole-Self Nourishment

Deanna Minich, PhD, FACN, CNS, RYT

Body-Mind-Spirit Nutritionist, Author, Artist, Yoga Practitioner Dr. Deanna Minich is an internationally-known nutritionist and author with more than twenty years of experience in nutrition,wellness, and healing. Her unique approach to nutrition is derivedfrom her study of ancient medical and spiritual practices combinedwith modern science. She developed Food & Spirit™ as a science-based approach to nutrition within a framework of spiritual traditions to assist individuals in experiencing greater personal growth through their relationship with food. Dr. Minich has a Doctorate (Ph.D.) from the University of Groningen in The Netherlands and Master’s Degree (M.S.) from the University of Illinois at Chicago, along with further training and certification through the American College of Nutrition (Certified Nutrition Specialist and Fellow) and the Institute of Functional Medicine. In conjunction with her academic training, she has had a variety of spiritual mentors to learn Shamanic healing practices, Reiki, (medical) intuitive assessment, and is a Registered Yoga Teacher (RYT) with a foundation of more than 20 years of yoga practice. A dynamic presenter, she has given her inspiring talks in person and on radio and television shows throughout North America, Europe, Asia, Africa, and Australia. She is very passionate about assisting others on their path to good health and balanced living.


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Certification Path for Coaches & Nutritionists

Is this program for me?

Is This Program for Me?

through honesty, responsibility and compassion. This is a unique opportunity to create independence (self mastery). From this position true healing happens both personally and as a professional. The Food and Spirit coaching program is as much a self-development course as it is professional training. The program is designed as much

as a continuing education path for professionals already in the field ofhealth and nutrition as it is fornewcomers curious and passionate about adding new knowledge and skills to their offering to clients. Food & Spirit aims to train new types of practitioners who offer leading services in personal development to affect social change, and build effective communities and organizations with the ability to do the same. Students find their horizons expand and they either find more satisfying ways of working with what they are already doing or gain a new career.

Why Food & Spirit™ Coaching?Rather than coaching to a particular diet, the Food & Spirit™ approachencompasses a system of personalization of food choices and eatingbehaviors to seven unique areas. Diets have long been successful, butonly for the short-term. Recent studies indicate that long-term weightmaintenance and prevention of chronic disease is facilitated throughgroup settings where there is an exchange of information within the broad context of one’s life. The idea of interconnection, or the spread of social behaviors and health, is a well-studied scientific phenomenon. When we apply the interconnection framework to that of food and eating, we potentially maximize the individual’s recognition of how food choices and eating behaviors are anchored into how one lives their life. As a result, they experience the benefit in their eating in addition to growing in aspects of their personal development.

The Ideal Food & Spirit CoachThe ideal Food & Spirit coach is a person who has a keen interestin food and eating, and is able to see that there is more to a mealthan calories. Essentially, they themselves realize the importanceof the constant interface we have on a daily basis with food and eating,and furthermore, acknowledge that we can gain information aboutourselves from physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual perspectivesfrom the relationship we have with the everyday bite of food alongthe spectrum to the meaningful meal.

This program is for all health practitioners, therapists, counselors, coaches, caring professionals, or persons whose heart’s desire is to help others find peace as well as deepen their own personal practice These are people who, in some way or another, have been preoccupied

with food and eating - either from a culinary angle, or even from a dysfunctional aspect, like having an eating disorder at some point intheir lives, or someone who simply realizes the profound healing thatcan come through eating for all the layers of the self.

Combining the Science and Spirituality of Food and Eating for Whole-Self Nourishment


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Certification Path for Coaches & Nutritionists

Vision andPurpose for Food & Spirit Coaches

The Deeper Purpose of a Food & Spirit Coach - A Vision for a Healthier World

The vision for Food & Spirit Coaches is to be the lifestyle educatorsof the 21st century - to provide solutions to people who are lookingfor health and wellness in body, mind, and spirit. There is no otherapproach that connects food and eating to aspects of life in this way.And, since how we eat is how we live, dealing with the eating will help coaches to deal with the living, and vice versa. The goal for the Food & Spirit Coaches is to be embedded into

larger matrices of healers and health professionals to serve the needof going deeper with clients on their relationship with food. This aspectis not currently addressed to an adequate extent in healthcare settings.If we can help clients to understand their relationship with food,we help them to understand and discover aspects of their inner self and outer behaviors.

We need this type of coaching to emerge, especially in the everyday climate of overeating, rampant emotional eating, undereating, stressful eating, and mindless eating. People are bombarded by information on how to eat, yet, they haven’t been taught that what and how they eat


That is why diet books fail - they give the isolated “what and how” of eating without connection to one’s body, their emotions, sense of self, ability to love and speak their truth, be intuitive, and feel united with nature.

These coaches will be empowered with the best of bridging together worlds that are seemingly separate, yet quite complementary:

Their work will support everyone from those with chronic diseases to those who are the “walking wounded” - people who feel suboptimal in their health within the context of the larger network of healthcaresupport.


Wholeness is not achieved by cutting off a portion of one’s being, but by integration of the contraries. Carl Gustav Jung

science spiritualitymodernmedicine


logic creativity

Food & SpiritCoach

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Certification Path for Coaches & Nutritionists

Program Overview& Certification Process

Combining the Science and Spirituality of Food and Eating for Whole-Self Nourishment

Program Overview Certification Pyramid PathThis program is best applied using a general foundationand knowledge of human physiology and nutrition. Inthe event that the coach or practitioner does not have amedical or scientific background, they will need to focussolely on the ‘coaching’ aspects of the nutrition informationrather than providing expert nutrition advice.

After certification, practitioners may use the title: Certified Food & Spirit Coach™.

PEEL & HEAL Experiential Online Group Program

8 Webinar Moduleswith self-study material

Tele-classcase study groups

Residential workshop





Successful completion of the Food & Spirit™ training programwill involve:

-- Online webinar training in 8 distinct modules (15 hours)

-- Teleclass participation for 6 consecutive months(12 hours total)

-- In-person attendance at a residential workshop (20 classroom hours)

-- Practicum and case study presentation (15 hours ofpracticum which includes case study presentation)

-- Exam involving multiple choice questions, short answerquestions and case study analysis

-- Attendance at one PEEL & HEAL 8-week session


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Certification Path for Coaches & Nutritionists

PEEL™ Report and other take-aways

Combining the Science and Spirituality of Food and Eating for Whole-Self Nourishment

Introducing the PEEL™ Report What Other Tools Will Be Provided?In addition to being licensed to use a unique and valuable instrumentwith clients, you will gain extensive knowledge about the latest research in the field of nutrition from both the scientific and spiritual perspective.

The PEEL report is the assessment tool you will learn to use toget an overview of the client’s interrelationship between eatingand living. Specifically, it will tell you how eating impacts 7different areas of your life.

Each section goes into extensiveand inspiring detail tohelp you understand boththe science and spiritualitybehind each focus area.

The report is packed fullof suggestions for maintainingor restoring balance to certainaspects as well as a clearindication of which areasare overactive or underactiveand how this relates to overall health.

You will walk away with:

0 Skills and knowledge to work with clients on food and eating relatedtopics from a coaching perspective

0 A clearly defined process and approach for mapping out eating and livingpaths for clients’ whole nourishment

0 A coaching manual to guide you through the process of planning theeducation path with clients

0 A client workbook which you may provide to each client that youbring into the Food & Spirit methodology

0 Tools and activities to use with clients for all the different areas, givingyou rich and varied approaches to support a full-layered approach

0 49 CCEU´s from ICF (International Coaching Federation)!!

0 Chakra Foods for Optimum Health and The Complete Handbook of Quantum Healing by Dr. Deanna Minich


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Experiencing the System & Restoring Self-BalanceStep 1:

Certification Path for Coaches & Nutritionists

Certification Step 1:Applying the System to Self

Combining the Science and Spirituality of Food and Eating for Whole-Self Nourishment


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Certification Path for Coaches & Nutritionists

PEEL & HEAL™Program

Combining the Science and Spirituality of Food and Eating for Whole-Self Nourishment

1. PEEL & HEAL™ Program Program OverviewThis 8-week, eight module program is designed to whetboth your skill and appetite when it comes to understandingyour own food and eating patterns and how they relate to your life. This is an essential first step before you continueon the path of becoming a Food & Spirit Coach™.

During these eight sessions you will be introduced to the PEEL™ report and experience an integrated approach to nutrition by being exposed to a blend of both scientific and spiritual concepts that serve as a basis for eating and health.

“We are indeed much more than what we eat, but what we eat cannevertheless help us to be much

more than what we are.”

There are two PEEL & HEAL programs scheduled for 2013. - Tuesdays beginning January 15th, ending March 5th, 12pm US PST - Saturdays beginning February 9th, ending March 30th, 12pm US PST

Adelle Davis

Week 1: The Science and Spirituality of Foods & Eating

Week 2: Eating and its Connection to Safety, Trust and Survival

Week 3: Eating and its Connection to Emotions, Creativity, and Expression

Week 4: Eating and its Connection to Power, Energy, and Sustenance

Week 5: Eating and its Connection to Love, Compassion, and Sharing

Week 6: Eating and its Connection to Voice, Communication, and Truth

Week 7: Eating and its Connection to Intuition, Insight, and Thought

Week 8: Eating and its Connection to Purity, Clarification, and Spirituality

The cost for this portion of the program is $149. Early bird discount rate of $99 applies until December 15th for only this module of the program. If you enroll with two or more persons, you could qualify for a larger discount. Please inquire directly.

In addition to the weekly webinars, there will be bi-weeklygroup calls for interaction and questions, along with aclosed Facebook page for daily sharing.


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Learning to See through the Lens of the SystemStep 2:

Certification Path for Coaches & Nutritionists

Step 2: Becominga KnowledgeablePractitioner

Combining the Science and Spirituality of Food and Eating for Whole-Self Nourishment


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Certification Path for Coaches & Nutritionists

Webinar Modules,Community

Combining the Science and Spirituality of Food and Eating for Whole-Self Nourishment

2. Webinar Modules Community Support

An online, private community group will be created in order for you to learnfrom each other and share experiences about your own learning path, workyou are doing with clients, and discussions concerning the rich and varied topicswhich encompass the realm of food and eating.

In the webinar series, you will dive deep into the scienceand spirituality of each area, helping you learn the materialand understand how you can support your clients. At thispoint, you will be taken beyond the PEEL™ report, whichwas used in the first part of the program, and into manytools and activities which can support you to work witheach area.

There will be one time when the webinars will be live - from April 2nd until June 4th, 12pm Pacific Standard Time. Afterwards, recordings of the sessions will be available.

You will notice that the webinar topics are the same asthe PEEL & HEAL™ program. This is because the entireprogram focuses on examining food eating from the vantage point of these 7 different areas. During the PEELand HEAL™ program, you were gaining a very basic understanding of what this means for your own selfdevelopment and health. It isn’t until the webinar seriesthat we begin to focus on what that means for you as a professional working with clients on these variousaspects of their lives.

We believe that true learning happens in between the sessions - and mostnaturally when you have an opportunity to share what you are learning,engaging with a community of people who are on a similar path. This iswhy we have created an online community which will add another supportstructure to your learning process and education path.

Group CallsTo enrich the learning,bi-weekly, 60-minute check-in calls will bescheduled to ensureeveryone is on track withtheir learning. This givesa personal, supportivetouch to the webinar experience and allows youto engage with other learners more easily in this part of the program.


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Certification Path for Coaches & Nutritionists

OverviewWebinar Modules

Combining the Science and Spirituality of Food and Eating for Whole-Self Nourishment


Week 1: The Science and Spirituality of Foods & Eating

Week 2: Eating and its Connection to Safety, Trust and Survival

Week 3: Eating and its Connection to Emotions, Creativity, and Expression

Week 4: Eating and its Connection to Power, Energy, and Sustenance

Week 5: Eating and its Connection to Love, Compassion, and Sharing

Week 6: Eating and its Connection to Voice, Communication, and Truth

Week 7: Eating and its Connection to Intuition, Insight, and Thought

Week 8: Eating and its Connection to Purity, Clarification, and Spirituality

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Certification Path for Coaches & Nutritionists

Combining the Science and Spirituality of Food and Eating for Whole-Self Nourishment

Sample of Topics Covered

-- To understand how to employ an approach to eating withclients that encompasses the therapeutic value of ‘opposites’:poetry & practicality, literal & symbolic, science & spirituality

-- To understand how, when, and why combining science andspirituality is valuable with respect to health, and especially foodselections and eating behaviors

-- To help clients see more to ‘nourishment’ than eating

-- To understand the principle of ‘interconnectedness’ in theeating experience and through this concepts, to form recognitionthat eating and life are interrelated

-- To develop an awareness of the shortfalls within the realmof nutrition trends and public information

The Science and Spirituality of Food and Eating


Module 1:

-- Current state of societal health and role of nutrition over the past decades

-- The nature of science vs. spirituality

-- The physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects of food and eating

-- The poision and power of our attitudes/opinions towards our food choices and body

-- Why diets and categorization of one’s eating style is limiting to one’sphysiology and psychological well-being

-- The role of intentionality in the eating experience

-- The research behind our interactions with foods and eating

-- The expansive definition of ‘eating’: cultivation, harvest, distribution,acquisition, preparation, presentation, fertilization

-- The interconnection between one’s life and one’s eating: the concept of‘how we live is how we eat’

-- Food as medicine, information & connection

- The vibration of food and the spirit of eating: quantum physics and traditional medicine

Overview Understand how eating connects to aspects of everyday living through 7 key areas of one’s being.


Module 1/Week One

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Module 2/Week Two

Certification Path for Coaches & Nutritionists

Combining the Science and Spirituality of Food and Eating for Whole-Self Nourishment

Sample of Topics Covered

-- To understand ‘instinct’ and how to pay attention to it withrespect to urges to eat and foods to fit the body’s needs

-- To understand the basic role of nutrients and minerals inassisting the client to feel grounded in their physical body

-- To explore body image as it relates to food and eating througha variety of modalities

-- To understand the basics of the immune, skeletal, and adrenalsystems

-- To develop a skillset that enables the client to listen to the bodywhen it comes to food choices and eating behaviors

Eating and Safety, Trust, and Survival


Module 2:

-- The related aspects of survival, body, tribe and trust

-- ‘Ground rules’ for health coaching

-- What constitutes the ‘slow’ vibration of physical energy

-- What it means to be ‘grounded’ and ‘connected to the earth’

-- Instinct - what it is and how to listen to it

-- The wisdom of the body and our kinesthetic sense with relationship to foodsand eating-- ‘Food ruts’ - safety through food. How to check in with the body’s needs

-- Family traditions and eating

-- Foods for grounding

-- The energy and symbolism of animal foods

-- Body organs associated with the earth element

Overview Discover how to make the association between body image, instinct,and grounding.

-- Vitamins for the immune system, adrenals, bone and joint health, prostate

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Module 3/Week ThreeCertification Path for

Coaches & Nutritionists

Combining the Science and Spirituality of Food and Eating for Whole-Self Nourishment

Sample of Topics Covered

-- To understand the physiological and psychological aspectsof food cravings

-- To understand how fats and oils impact physiology andpsychology

-- To comprehend the role of the gut in behavior, bodycomposition, emotions, inflammation, immune regulation, satiety, stress, and bone health

-- To leverage the aspects of ‘flow and fluidity’ in coaching theclient on emotions, creativity, and expression

-- To understand the role of emotions in eating

Eating and Emotions, Creativity, and Expression


Module 3:

-- Food & Spirit™ 3-step process for addressing emotional eating issues

-- How eating is emotional

-- A review of the science of emotions on health and disease

-- How emotions are dealt with in society and healthy ways to transform emotions

-- Symptoms of repressed emotions and translation into food

-- Review of the gastrointestinal tract and its importance in physiology &psychology

-- Foods for feelings and flow

-- Cravings, physiological and psychological causes

-- Masculine-feminine aspects to eating

-- Vitamins and minerals for healthy hormone function, gut support, andurinary health

Overview Discover how emotions impact eating behavior.

-- To understand the role of specific foods, nutrients, and supplements on flow in the body

-- Body tissues and organs associated with the water element

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Module 4/Week FourCertification Path for

Coaches & Nutritionists

Combining the Science and Spirituality of Food and Eating for Whole-Self Nourishment

Sample of Topics Covered

-- To comprehend how foods can ‘take’ and ‘give’ energy

-- To focus on the importance of meal frequency

-- To understand the role of cooking food and the qualityof food and one’s physiology

-- To explore tips for sustaining one’s energy through eatingbehavior and food choicecs

Eating and Power, Energy, and Sustenance


Module 4:

-- The role of self-esteem and confidence in making food choices

-- The importance of regular, frequent meals

-- The fire element in eating - temperature of the food, digestive fire

-- Eating foods that give energy vs. those that take energy away

-- How our reserves of energy may be over- or under-fueled through food

-- The disadvantages of overcooking foods

-- The search for perfectionism

-- Tips for sustained energy

-- The role of empowerment in eating

-- Vitamins and minerals for healthy metabolism, blood sugar, digestivesupport, stomach, liver

Overview Discover how personal empowerment and self-esteem impactseating, food choices, and timing of eating.

-- To understand the role of judgment, perfectionism, egoismin one’s attitudes towards eating

-- How eating is transformation

-- To understand how self-esteem, confidence andempowerment relate to food choices and eating behavior

-- To understand the basic orchestration and function of organsinvolved in the digestive process

-- To understand the basic role of foods, nutrients, and minerals

-- Understanding sweeteners

-- Foods for power and transformation

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Module 5/Week Five

Certification Path for Coaches & Nutritionists

Combining the Science and Spirituality of Food and Eating for Whole-Self Nourishment

Sample of Topics Covered

-- To comprehend the importance of ‘giving’ and ‘receiving’ inlife as it relates to the heart and to eating

-- To understand the role of unconditional love in food choicesand eating behavior

-- To understand the physiological basics of the heart, bloodvessels, circulation, lungs, lymph, and breasts

-- To understand the basic role of foods, nutrients, and mineralsin assisting the client in developing healthy circulation and heart function

Eating and Love, Compassion, and Sharing


Module 5:

-- The role of self-love and compassion in making food choices

-- The importance of heart-felt connections and food

-- Generosity, giving, and gratitude

-- The air element in eating - oxygenation and metabolism

-- The distinction between raw emotions and emotional wisdom

-- Compassion vs. empathy vs. sympathy

-- Healing effects of compassion

-- Symbols associated with the heart

-- Health aspects of loneliness, jealousy, bitterness, un-forgiveness, and feelingsof betrayal

Overview Discover how self-love and joy impact eating, food choices, andhow meals are shared/received.

-- Body tissues and organs associated with the air element

-- To understand how self-love, gratitude, and joy relate to health,body image, food choices, and eating behavior

-- The nervous system and electromagnetic field of the heart - the electricityof touch

-- Aerobic activity and heart health

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‹—Module 6/Week Six

Certification Path for Coaches & Nutritionists

Combining the Science and Spirituality of Food and Eating for Whole-Self Nourishment

Sample of Topics Covered

-- To focus on the ‘how’ of eating, and to realize its significancealong with the ‘what’ of eating-- To cultivate a general understanding of the voice andexpression with respect to eating behavior and making foodchoices-- To understand the science on mindfulness and intentionalityin the context of health and healing-- To explore strategies for broadening one’s variety and exposureto different foods and eating patterns

Eating and Voice, Communication, and Truth


Module 6:

-- How thoughts, emotions and feelings with respect to eating and living are expressed

-- The role of the voice and expression - talkativeness vs. listening, vs. silence

-- High metabolism/thyroid vs. low metabolism/thyroid

-- Truth speaking and food choices/eating behavior

-- Will vs. surrender in personal decisions around health

-- Alchemy in eating - transformation and convergence of elements, directions, seasons and tastes

Overview Discover the power of food and life choices and how one’sauthenticity and awareness impacts eating and food choices.

-- To understand how truth, authenticity, and choice relate tohealth, body image, food choices, and eating behavior

-- To understand the physiological basics of the vehicles ofcommunication and eating-- To understand the basic role of foods, nutrients and minerals inassisting the client in developing healthy metabolism and communication

-- Archetypes in eating

-- Foods for expression and truth

-- Environmental cues and eating behavior

-- Vitamins and minerals for the thyroid and parathyroid

-- Fruits and the spectrum of phytochemicals

-- Ethnic foods and variety

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‹—Module 7/Week Seven

Certification Path for Coaches & Nutritionists

Combining the Science and Spirituality of Food and Eating for Whole-Self Nourishment

Sample of Topics Covered

-- To understand how over-intellectualization of eating caninterfere with one’s relationship with food and strategies toovercome-- To understand the role of sleep in health-- To comprehend the intricate relationship between moods andfoods

Eating and Intuition, Insight, and Thought


Module 7:

-- The power of thought in the eating experience (absolutist, catastrophic,pessimistic, linear)

-- The four ways of seeing

-- Separation of fact from fiction, truth from illusion

-- Analysis-paralysis from overactive intellect - the intellectualization of eating

-- Addictions to food, drugs, and alcohol

-- Mood and food

Overview Discover how your intuition and intellect effect eating, foodchoices, and food addictions.

-- To understand how intuition, intellect, and mood relate to health, body image, food choices and eating behavior

-- To learn strategies for food addictions-- To understand the basic physiology of the brain, endocrineglands and hormones

-- Sleep patterns, dreaming and health

-- Body tissues and organs associated with intuition and intellect

-- Successful aging and vitality

-- Instinct vs- intuition

-- The effect of caffeine (chocolate, coffee, tea) on health

-- Foods for intellect and intuition-- To develop a general understanding of foods, nutrients,vitamins, minerals, and botanicals for cognition and hormonalhealth

Page 21: Food & Spirit Coach Certification

‹—Module 8/Week EightCertification Path for

Coaches & Nutritionists

Combining the Science and Spirituality of Food and Eating for Whole-Self Nourishment

Sample of Topics Covered

-- To understand the role of interconnection and faith in one´s health and healing process

-- To understand what life force is and how to cultivate througheating practices-- To cultivate the use of prayerful methods in coaching

Eating and Purity, Clarification and Spirituality


Module 8:

-- Religion vs. spirituality

-- Earthly vs. spiritual needs as it relates to eating

-- The role of faith in health and healing - a review of the science

-- How to eat as a spiritual practice

-- Releasing attachment to food

-- Sunlight for health and healing

Overview Discover how spirituality and faith impact eating, food choices,and body needs.

-- To understand how clarity, purity, and spirituality relate to health, food choices and eating behavior

-- To be able to guide clients in selecting pure, unadulterated foods

-- To understand the basic physiology of the nervious system andhow we age

-- Detoxification - Phase I, II, III, IV at all levels of the self

-- The sacredness of food and eating

-- The beauty and miracle of simplicity when it comes to living

-- To develop a general understanding of foods, nutrients,vitamins, minerals, and botanicals for the nervous system,aging, and detoxification

Page 22: Food & Spirit Coach Certification

Practicing the Skills of a Food & Spirit™ CoachStep 3:

Certification Path for Coaches & Nutritionists

Certification Step 3: Becoming a Skilled Practitioner

Combining the Science and Spirituality of Food and Eating for Whole-Self Nourishment


Page 23: Food & Spirit Coach Certification

Certification Path for Coaches & Nutritionists

In-Person Workshop

Combining the Science and Spirituality of Food and Eating for Whole-Self Nourishment

3. In-Person Workshop

General Program Outline

The Food & Spirit Workshop is the forum in which you canput into motion the culmination of your knowledge and experience from what you have learned in the program. Youwill have multiple opportunities to practice coaching otherswith instructor supervision based on what you have digestedand assimilated in body, mind, and spirit. It is the ultimateworkshop for enabling you to experiment, refine, and definehow you will utilize the Food & Spirit tools and approachin your everyday practice with clients.

Day One

8.00-10.30 Coaching Techniques11.00-12.30 Administering and Taking the PEEL13.30-15.00 Foods for Grounding, Eating with Stability

Working with Tools, Exercises and Techniques15.00-16.00 Present to the group on Foods for Grounding

16.30-18.00 Foods for Flow, Eating with CreativityWorking with Tools, Exercises and Techniques

Day Two

9.00-10.30 Foods for Power, Eating with Confidence11.00-12.00 Present to the Group Foods for Power13.00-14.30 Foods for Expansion, Eating with Love

Working with Tools, Exercises and Techniques14.30-15.30 Present to the group Foods for Expansion

16.00-17.30 Foods for Expression, Eating with TruthWorking with Tools, Exercises and Techniques

Day Three

17.30-18.30 Present to the Group Foods for Expression

8.00-9.30 Foods for Wisdom, Eating with Mindfulness

9.30-10.30 Present to the Group, Foods for Wisdom10.45-12.15 Foods for Connection - Eating with Integration

12.15-13.15 Present to the Group, Foods for Connection

8.00-9.00 Present to the Group on Foods for Flow

Tools, Exercises and Techniques

Tools, Exercises and Techniques

13.15-14.00 Closing ceremony


Page 24: Food & Spirit Coach Certification

Integrating Knowledge, Skills & Heart Step 4:

Certification Path for Coaches & Nutritionists

Certification Step 4:Becoming aMasterful Practitioner

Combining the Science and Spirituality of Food and Eating for Whole-Self Nourishment


Page 25: Food & Spirit Coach Certification

Certification Path for Coaches & Nutritionists

TeleclassesExam, and FinalProject

Combining the Science and Spirituality of Food and Eating for Whole-Self Nourishment

4. TeleclassesAfter your experiential in-person program, it will be timeto put your learning into practice with live clients. Duringthe in-person session, you will be divided into groups towork together.

5. Exam and Final ProjectAfter attending all elements of the program, you will be assessed throughwritten and oral examination. The written examination will be acombination of multiple choice and essay.

Each teleclass will feature a group presentation on a topicrelated to food and eating. Below you find an example ofcase study analyses topics.

-- an individual with emotional eating issues

-- an obese individual with a tendency to overeat

-- an individual with body image, self-esteem and rollercoaster dieting issues

-- an individual with food addictions and cravings

-- an individual who engages in mindless eating and eating “on the run”

-- an individual who doesn’t eat vegetables and has heart disease

The second part of the exam review process will be to apply the trainingprinciples and tools to coaching at least three individuals on their food andeating issues with presentation to the instructor.

Welcome to the beginning of your journey as a Certified Food & Spirit™ Coach!


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Certification Path for Coaches & Nutritionists

Enrollment Process,Pricing and Dates

Combining the Science and Spirituality of Food and Eating for Whole-Self Nourishment

3-Step Enrollment Process Pricing and DatesWe have a modular concept with regards to our full program. This means that youare able to enroll and pay all at once and receive a substantial discount on the overall program, or you may choose to enroll per step, spreading your time and/orfinancial investment out over a longer period of time.

In order to begin the enrollment process, you must fill in an application form and submit it to us via email. We will review this carefully and may contact you for more information or to schedule an intake call if we feel that there is a mismatch between what we offer and your expectations and goals.

Once your application has been reviewed and approved, we will send you a request for payment, depending on how you have chosen to pay - per module or in one payment.. You will then receive a more detailed enrollment packet, outlining the program and community access information, along with your required reading list.

We will send you the licensing agreement and programconfidentiality form. Once we receive this from you, youwill have access to the materials of the program and canbegin your study path.

PEEL & HEAL Experiential Online Group Program January 15-March 5th (Tuesdays) $149

Online Webinar Modules

Tele-classes $299 or $399

Residential workshop

Exam Review

February 9 - March 30th

April 2nd - June 4th $599 or $699

October 29th-December 17th

Modular payment

$2945One Payment


$1299 or $1599


September 27-29th AmsterdamWinter 2013 United States (tba)

Full program fee

To begin the enrollment process, you may contact Angel Buster at [email protected].

Step 1. Application form.

Step 2. Payment or Deposit

Step 3. Submission of Licensing Agreement and Confidentiality form.



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Certification Path for Coaches & Nutritionists Testimonials

“Taking Deanna’s class has been a life changing experience. She has taught me so many healthy lifestyle skills that I will be able to use for the rest of my life and also to teach others. She is such an inspiring person and her words will forever inspire me.” – E.S. “Deanna is a wonderful teacher who gives so much of herself and teaches in a way that has brought such profound learning and growth for me…With Deanna’s nurturing guidance...I was able to find my own healing path that is leading me toward a healthy and pleasureable relationship with food. For the first time in my life, I am listening to my body and trusting the mystery of inner guidance. This class taught me that food is a healing tool in life that can be used for profound transformation.” – K.M. “Dr. Deanna Minich is a phenomenal teacher and coach! After taking two of her teleclasses and loving them, I decided to delve deeper with individual coaching. Weaving the spiritual, emotional, intellectual, and physical aspects of eating brought new awareness to many areas of my life.Her caring and insightful observations assisted me in revealing the tiny seedling buried in the mud struggling to burst forth with magnificence. Working with Deanna furthered me down my path to healing and helped me see the beautiful tapestry being created by my soul’s experiences.” – P.L

“Dr. Minich embodies health in presence and character. Her enthusiasm is contagious. This class bridges the spirit and science of not just food and eating, but of the self, to create a holistic approach to living that can nurture the body and the soul.” – P.B.

“Deanna teaches with a level of humanity that infuses the material and students she teaches. Combining both science and spirituality, her work is relevant and applicable; all activities presented instigated positive changes within me.” – S.S. “I love how you connect your knowledge of medicine and research with the wisdom of the chakras, psychology, TCM,…and all the “stuff” that is going on inside…feelings, habits…I really love it!!! It opened my eyes even more and it makes me even more brave to find my way. You are an amazing person. I never experienced that someone who is not even in the same country cares so much for the group and really likes to help every single person. Thank you very much!” – K.U. “Finally, someone who looks at the bigger picture uncovering our relationship with food in a non judgemental, supportive way. I felt Deanna heard every challenge I have encountered in a productive and insightful manner with no email or question going unanswered. I can’t thank you enough Deanna.” – B.S. “Deanna Minich’s ...organization, knowledge and especially her compassionate support helped us through an experience that might have been difficult alone but fun, exciting and easy as a group. As a chiropractor dealing with many patients whose underlying problem relates to diet, I highly recommend Deanna’s approach.” – K.M.

Testimonials from Previous Programs Using the Food & Spirit™ Approach


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Certification Path for Coaches & Nutritionists Partnership

Combining the Science and Spirituality of Food and Eating for Whole-Self Nourishment

PartnershipThis program is offered in partnership with HAAPPi Co LLC, acompany focused on improving the health and well-being ofindividuals, families, organizations and society by taking an integrated and holistic approach to personal growth and transformation.

They do this by focusing specifically on seven key areas of physical, mental, and emotional well-being and connect these to all aspects of a person’s life: Body, Emotions, Family, Intimate Relationships, Career, Self-care, Relationship to Society, Education, and Physical Environment. They guide clients on a deep, inner journey exploring universal values and concepts in relation to whole-self health.

Their products and services help reduce stress, improve resilience, increase job satisfaction, bring more joy to life and relationships, build more confidence, and help people to find more meaning andbalance in their lives.

They offer certification programs and retreats for coaches, care professionals, therapists, consultants, leaders, and educators on their research-based system which weaves Eastern philosophy and Western psychology into a beautiful tapestry of practical and profound products and tools to help people reach deeper levels of awareness.

“Until we make the unconscious conscious, it will rule our lives and we will call it fate.”

Carl Jung

HAAPPi.CoDiscovery of Self, Improvement of Health


