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Food Waste, Food Insecurity, and Food Recovery (w/ notes)

Date post: 07-Jan-2017
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Words and Questions! Gleaning Culling Essay Question: Describe the process of culling and how it affects food waste. Additionally explain how food waste can be remedied by food rescue methods such as gleaning. Danielle Logoluso

Words and Questions!

• Gleaning • Culling • Essay Question: • Describe the process of culling and how it

affects food waste. Additionally explain how food waste can be remedied by food rescue methods such as gleaning.

Danielle Logoluso

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Food Waste, Food Insecurity, and Food Recovery

1. Community Service Fair 1. CalFresh— Fresno Food Distribution group and food

stamp provider2. Food Distributions and Gleanings coordinated by the


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Food Waste 1. Food waste is a huge problem in the United States

1. Estimated that nearly 40% of food that is grown, processed, and transported will never be consumed

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At Home

On the Go

In stores

43 billion pounds

1. So why is food wasted? 1. Certain foods never get harvested, reach stores, or get

purchased 2. At home

1. No pre-planning of meals 2. Over-shopping/impulse shopping 3. Not understanding food expiration dates

3. On-the-go1. Leftovers aren’t taken into consideration2. Overpack your plate

4. At the grocery store 1. food items never get purchased— so they are simply thrown

away 2. 43 billion pounds of food wasted in store waste3. based on consumer

1. they want abundance, perfection

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6 billion pounds1. Ugly food1. grower’s can’t market ugly food— too ripe, too

many spots, too small, too green

1. Culling: is the sorting or segregation of fresh harvested produce into marketable lots, with the non-marketable lots being discarded

1. According to an estimate by Feeding America, more than 6 billion pounds of fresh produce go unharvested or unsold each year

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1. Inglorious Fruits and Vegetables 1. 3rd largest French supermarket chain

created the campaign 2. 2014— helped the un-perfect and ugly fruits/

vegetables become marketable1. Supermarket purchased products that

were normally unharvested from local growers

3. Produce was sold at 30% discount 4. Produce received their own labels, aisles,

and designed soups/juices 5. Sold out

1. 1.2 Tons sold on average per store, during the first 2 days

2. 24% increased store traffic 2. Increased awareness about food waste 3. http://www.npr.org/sections/thesalt/


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25,000 tons

1. Massachusetts 1. commercial food waste disposal ban

2. Recycling works 1. works with businesses to show them

various recycling and food recovery options they have 1. repurposing— through redistribution,

composting, anaerobic digestion 3. How it works:

1. if you produce more than 1 ton of food waste per week, you are required to identify a way to reuse that food

4. Accomplishments 1. 25,000 tons donated to food banks

5. Goal: Educate 1. reduce 2 million tons by 20202. reduce 5 million tons by 2050

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Water, Methane, and Landfills

1. Food wasted is water wasted 1. 1.3 billion tons of food wasted every year

worldwide is 45 trillion gallons of water.1. This represents a staggering 24 percent

of all water used for agriculture.2. Fruits and vegetables are the largest

source of loss and waste on a weight basis

2. Methane is produced from food rot1. 21 times the global warming effect of carbon

dioxide 3. Rotting food builds up in landfills

1. costs billions of dollars to dispose food waste in landfills

2. more food reaches landfills than any other municipal solid waste

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Food Insecurity and Hunger

1. Food insecurity: Food insecurity is formally defined as “the state of being without reliable access to a sufficient quantity of affordable, nutritious food”1. In 2010, 48.8 million Americans lived in food-

insecure households. 2. 1 in 6 Americans face food insecurity

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1. How is food insecurity measured 1. Food Secure2. Food Insecure: worry, stretch, juggle

1. may not know where next meal comes from 3. Low Food Insecure

1. not knowing where next meal comes from, same meal over and over again1. i.e. macaroni and cheese, beans, etc. every night

4. Very Low Food Insecure 1. reduced food intake of children and adults

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1. Fresno maps of localized hunger 1. 1/5 Fresno citizens food insecure

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I. Fresno State Student Cupboard A. on campus

donation and distribution center

B. 1/3 Fresno State students goes hungry

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Risk Factors

1. Risk factors associated with food insecurity 1. individuals who are food insecure are

increasingly prone to being more anxious, depressed, susceptible to illness, and academically behind

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Food Recovery1. Simple ways to address the

food waste listed above 1. At home— pre-plan

shopping and check expiration dates

2. On the go— take home leftovers; have a second meal, less food to shop for

3. Understand that it’s ok to consume ugly fruit 1. work toward lessening


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203o Goals

+ =

Food waste cut in half!1. EPA and USDA plan to cut food waste in half by 2030

1. 133 billion to 66 billion pounds of food waste2. similar programs to Massachusetts

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Food Rescue

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Gleaning1. What is gleaning

1. is the act of collecting leftover crops from farmers' fields after they have been commercially harvested or on fields where it is not economically profitable to harvest.

2. Remember the 40% of food wasted? A lot comes form unharvested produce

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BackgroundThe Gleaners, Jean-François Millet, 1857

Gleaning by Arthur Hughes

Alawite woman gleaning in 1938

1. Biblical references 1. Old testament references gleaning on

several occasions 2. Early Europe

1. Individuals had the right to use and enjoy another's property on the understanding that this use would be without destroying, damaging or diminishing the property.

2. Early form of a welfare system

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Pomegranates Lemons Oranges


1. Gleaning in my own home1. I have excess produce that definitely goes to

waste, and that can be donated to local organizations

2. You can easily identify what fruits/vegetables are in season through the link below

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