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Footprints Pupil's Book 0001 NEW

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Foot ri nts
Page 1: Footprints Pupil's Book 0001 NEW

Foot ri nts

Page 2: Footprints Pupil's Book 0001 NEW



Pupil's Booklntroduction

I Friends

2 Comp storíes

.4. Tnm*sasre fu q**mÉ*rs

5 Sport for everyone

& &sa the sms§re

7 Animol wotch

I Singing stors

9 Celebrotions


poge 2

poge 4

p*qe '14

perg* 34

page 44

p0ge 54

poge 64

poge 74

poge 84

poge 94


t World Environment Doy pase e6

Donno ShowCourse consuttont

Coro[ Reod


Page 3: Footprints Pupil's Book 0001 NEW

lntroductionWelcome to the FootPrints Club!

1 (i:@ Listen ond sog.


Listen ond reqd.

Hi, Eltie. How are gou, todoY?

I'mflne, thonks. How obout You?

This is mg

Jriend, Joe. He

wonts to join theFootprints C[ub.

Pteosed to meet gou.

And that's Tim over there. He's

o[so o FootPrints Ctub monltor.



Nome: Joe FarlowAge:11Birthdoy: 12bh JulYAddress: §,6un Road, LittletownTelephone number: §§&726Brothers qnd sisters: one older broüher

Fovourite school sublect: F§

Fovourite octivities: doing aport, uoing the ÓomquÜer

Footprints Ctub Member


Lesson I lntroduction

Page 4: Footprints Pupil's Book 0001 NEW

I lt's the ploce where you cook or buy snocks.2 He's the person who is weoring o yellow shirtond brown trousers.

3 Resd qnd find. Leorn.

It's something thot you use to moke o film.It's the ploce where you con borrow books.She's the person who is weoring on orongeond green T-shirt ond purple trousers.ft's something which you use to send on emoil.




4 Or,IErr Listen ond find.

Lesson 2lntroduction

Page 5: Footprints Pupil's Book 0001 NEW

Lesson I Vocobulory


1 @ Motch the words ond Pictures'Listen qnd check.

PersonolitY odiectives

tidy kind shy noisY

unkind untidY lozY quiet

confident qctive unfriendly friendly

2 (@ Listen ond motch.

3 Reqd ond onswer the questions'

\ e roorrruurs cuuB nulrs üJ W"'r" qtt different, but we're oll

friends qt the FootPrints Ctub.1 De lid,y, A lot of children uoe lhe FoolVrinLe !

Club eo lidy up when You qo home'

2 Don'l be noiey. gome children come lo lhe i

club lo do lheir homework eo don'l ehoul' I

5 Oe kind and friendly, Everybody wanlo lo t

have a good time al lhe club eo lislen lo I



fhe FoolVrinle Club ie for everyone eo

look afler il.

5 Alwaye aek a moniNor if you wanl lo do an

aclivily. gome equipmenl ie danqeroue eo

never uee il wilhoul aokinq'

Why do you need to be tidY?

Why do you need to be quiet?

Why do you need to be kind ond friendly?

Why do you need to respect ond core for

the club?

Why do you need to osk o monitor if you

wont to do on octivitY?

4l Ask ond onswer.

Whot ore gou [ike? Are goulazfi

Yes, I'm sometlmes fozY.

Are gou ankind?

No, l'm not. I'm never unkind.

Lesson 1 Vocobutorg Presentotion

Page 6: Footprints Pupil's Book 0001 NEW

Lesson 2 Story5 @tr Listen ond reod. Fun of the Footprints Club

Do you remember the Footprints CIub? Well, I went there todoy ofterschool ond it wos brilliont. There were two monitors coiled lrm ,ná Tonyoond there wos o girl colled Koty, who wos very kind. I courd do rots áfoctiviües, but I couldn't proy bosketboil becouse there isn't o gorden.There's o pork in front of the club, but it's *I OI*. Whotá pityt

I wont to go bock to the Footprints CIub tomorrow.

El.Lie ond Joe ore otthe Footprints CLub.

Tim osks Kotg to tol.k to ..loe.

Hi, Joe. Myname's Katg.

Do gou want tomake aftlm?

Hi, Ellie. Aregouhaving agoodtlme?

Yes, lam. But l'mworrLed about Joe.

He's shu andhe doesñ't like

meetLng peopLe.

Oh. dear! What otheroct[vlties do gou like?

We can't ptag basketball inthe Footprints Club because

there [sn't a garden.

I knowl Let's ptag ovideogame instead. We can pLagthe new bosketbol.t gome.I like doing sport.

Do gou wont to plor.lbosketball, Kaig?'

What about thepark over there?

No_, we can't plartr there. Nobodr; looksaJter it ang more and it,s dangárous.

fhat's a great idea.I love video gamesl

Do gou usuollg use thecomputer aJter schooL?

Yes, I do. I always send amessage to Horrq. He wasmg best Jriend at school.l'm sad because he lives

in onother city now.

Yes, I do. lt'sJantostic!



horry@brown. me.co. [email protected]. ukFootprints funl

Toke core,


. Why does Joe feel sod?

. Whot do you do wheno friend feels sod?

Lesson 2 Longuoge ¡nput ond storg

Page 7: Footprints Pupil's Book 0001 NEW

Lessons3ond4Grommqr6 Om Listen qnd reod. Act out.

Joe is in the Footprints Club. He's tolking to Ellie.

.Joe: Do you come to the club every evening, Ellie?Ellie: No, I don't. I usuolly come here two or three times o week.Joe: Whot obout of the weekend? Do you come to the club then?Ellie: I often come then, but I sometlmes visit my grondmother

of the weekend. She lives in onother town..loe: Whot obout the comping trips? Do you usuolly go

comping with the Footprints Club?Ellie: Yes, I do! I olwoys go comping. I never miss those trips.Joe: Why not?Ellie: Becouse the comping trips ore fontostic!

7 Look ond leqrn. Present simpte ond qdverbs of frequencg.


He / She

i-' "- ----T

l/You /We/They

I He/She








go i , i',,'..;,,,...,,',comp¡ng. ,¡.goes , lfnever l

Do you/we/they usuolly

go swimming.

sometimes ,/



olwoys i

././' -"-1

,/,/,/ i

....*_ _)I,/././,/ i



II. ,,


, olwoys ; go

he / she i often i




he / she

,,*,,J ;ff*,íl'irih"nts Gtub

8 Proctise Uour grommqr. Ask ond onswer.

I Suson is shy. She alwoys / never tolks to new people.

Z Peter is lozy. He often / never helps of home.

3 Tom is kind. He always / sometimes looks ofter people.

4 Lucy is octive. She often / never does sport ofter school

5 Jone is unfriendly. She never / often smiles.

ó John is tidy. He sometimes / usually puts his rubbish in the bin.

ñ'h.-)I She never smltes. J--\E

w.d- .ffiff Lesson 3 Grommor ond communicotion See Longuoge Guide, pqge 12.

Page 8: Footprints Pupil's Book 0001 NEW

9 (i!@ Is Joe sportg? Listen ond find out. Do the quiz.






Hu,e v4.,


tlrr {9t,n{riqrnd?

Dooo your friend ueuallydo a lot of eVorl?o) Yes, my friend does.b) No, my friend doesn't.

ümm your friená runfor twenty minutegwithout otopping?

o) Yes, my friend eon.b) No, my friend cüm't.

üo¡"¡ld yourfriend swim whenhe I ehe was sixyeare old?

o) Yes, he / she eou§d.b) No, he / she eou§dn't.

he I she was eixyeare old? past abilití lio) Yes, my friend i sh.";"*|;;|;im.b) No, my friend wsssx't. i She coutdntrideabike.

Now oheokyour ^core. '.É.:|:*:P"X"t uoor)i

E,EFi F . P

woll<s swims wotchesloves teoches jumps

See Longuoge Guide, poge 12.

Steps to specking10 (i:@ Motch the words ond sounds.

Listen ond sog the rhgme.

sl hopslzl listens

:,i wosh*E

Sporty Sue loves exercise.She wolks, jumps ond swims.She wotches footbollAnd she teoches gym.

o op noÁ 1,uop ,{q¡¡ '¡¡o 1o pods ur persararur;i?¡',f"",1rHffiroep L¡O :¡u¡od ¡ 'un,r poob sl laq / ullr.l qllm 6urÁo¡¿ lpodssr puau+ lnotr :s¡urod t-Z ¡JDls D lorl¡¡ 'r{¡ods tadns st puau}.rno¡ rslu¡od g-¡'sal(, st JaMsuD eql euq qtoa lurod L elols


11 Work with o portner. Ptog the gome.Pupit A: AB p95. Pupit B: AB p96.



ir your triend a member of a oport7gllllo) yes, my friend is. S 5 i §-!-¡ r ,:.

b) No, my friend isn't. ;yi^::::,:;:.r: ' l:l, He v¡¿

Wao your friend active when \tvas h;' ' I act¡ve'

"''¡e active?



Yes, it'sJotse. Thot'sone potntfor gou.


Lesson 4 Grommor, pronunciotion ond communicqtion

Page 9: Footprints Pupil's Book 0001 NEW

Lesson 5 Cross-curriculor leorning


12 Reod the text. Mqtch o heoding to eoch porogroph.

o) Your fomitg b) Your oppeoronce c) Living together d) Your longuoge

Whot is gour identitg?Your identity is who you ore. We oll hovedifferent personolities ond we believe in

different things. We like doing differentoctivities ond we look different, too.


Hove you got curly hoir or stroight hoir?Are your eyes green or blue? We con't choosethese things. We inherit them from our porentsond grondporents. But we con choose theclothes we weor. Clothes soy o lot oboutour personolity. Some people like weoringfoshionoble, modern clothes ond other people

like weoring more comfoftoble, sporty clothes.


Hove you got lots of brothers ond sisters orore you on only child? Your fomily ond thepeople oround you help creote your identity.ls your fomily sporty or do they love reodingbooks? Fomilies often hove certoin troditions,beliefs ond hobits. These ore port of youridentity, too.

Did you know thot there ore olmost 7 thousondliving longuoges in the world todoy? Thelonguoge thot we speok is on importontport of our identity. ln some countries oll thepeople speok the some longuoge, but in othercountries people speok two or three longuoges.Countries olso hove their own festivols, speciol

food ond troditionol songs ond donces.

4Our society is mode of millions of people wholook different ond who feel, think ond behove indifferent woys. lf we wont to live together, weneed to understond ond respect these differences.


13 Reod the text ogo¡n. Are the sentences

I People hove the some identities.2 You con't chonge the colour of your eyes.

3 Your fomily helps creote your identity.

14 Ask ond onswer.. Whot do you usuolly do in your free time?. Where do you live?¡ How mony brothers ond sisters hove you got?. Which longuoges do you speok?

Lessonr 5, eóntent ond personotisotion

True (T) or Folse (F)?

4 There ore more thonT thousond living longuoge:in the world.

5 lt is importont to respect differences in society.

Page 10: Footprints Pupil's Book 0001 NEW

Lesson ó Skills development15 Reod ond onswer.

lf you wont to enter or leove o country, youneed to show o possport or o notionol identitycord. These things hove informotion obout youridentity.Your photo is in your possport or on your identitycord. You con't weor o hot or sunglosses ond youcon't smile in this photogroph.

16 Reod. Are the sentences True (T) or Folse (F)?

When you join o club you usuolly need to complete o form.The form osks for informotion obout your identity.







Hove you got o possport or notionol identity cord?

swimming lessons

?/eose use CAPITAL LETTERS ,

. .,

",rstNqrne(s): r^,.,. -ofill in therorr*

surnome(s): l¿fi¿trH

Sex: ^. r>--=--=-tvtolc I I -Doreofbirth:

Uiu,nAge: under6

^_o-§======Addre.".-- --(59's-rs;:::::' '"**"*;ñ;;:

over lg (pleose circie)

Postcode; y., rioIelephone nrr¡"r.-l

I Emmo wos born in September.2 Emmo is older thon 14.3 Emmo lives in Westpool.4 Emmo con hove o swimming lesson on Thursdoy.5 Emmo con hove o swimming lesson on Wednesdoy.6 Emmo is very good of swimming.

17 Reod qnd leorn.

Completing o form


Delete: Cross out the informotion thot is not correct. lntern ediete

Underline: Put o line under the correct word or number.

o Circle: eut o Q oround the correct word or number. @. Tick: Drow o ,/ nextto the correct word or number. femole 7I




Writing dotes

. When you write the dote inBritish English, you write:the doy - the month - the yeor:14 / 06 / 2010 orMondoy 14th June,2010

Lesson 6 Content ond,skilts develópment

Page 11: Footprints Pupil's Book 0001 NEW

LonguogesLesson 7 Culture

Longuoges ore on importont port of o person's identity. Some longuoges ore used by millions ofpeople oll over the world. Other longuoges ore used by o smoll number of people in one country.

But oll longuoges ore importont becouse they help us communicote ond moke friends.

18 @ Reod ond listen. Choose.

Engtish oround the wortd

I More thon2O"A / 30% / 40% of people in the world speok English.

2 About 40% / 60% / 8OY" of the informotion on the internet is in English.

3 About 30% / 60% / 9O"A of scientists oround the world reod in English.

4 About 75% / 80% / 85% of oll letters ond postcords in the worldore in English.

5 Almost 70% / 80% / 9OY" of children in Europe leorn English

of some time of school.

19 Reod ond mqtch the p¡ctures.

Boro dol My nome is Bethon ond I'm from Woles. I speok Welsh of school,

but when l'm of home I speok English. I olso wotch English films when I go tothe cinemo. Welsh rs o very old ond beoutiful longuoge ond there ore lots ofsounds thot ore difficult to pronounce. Some of the words ore very long, too.Do you know thot there is o villoge in Woles thot hos got 58 letters in its nome?

Bonjour! I'm Pierre. I live in Quebec, which is o stote in Conodo. Most people

speok English in Conodo, but in Quebec the most importont longuoge is

French. I speok French of school ond of home, ond I speok it with lots ofmy friends, too. I like listening to groups thot sing in English ond I reod ond

write in English when I use the internet, too.

Nomosté. My nome is Hito ond I'm from lndio. I speok Hindi of home with my

fomily ond I'm leorning English of school. Do you know thot there ore more

\\tsr\§§\ssgusgtsrs\s§rs,ss»ss§\§s(\§\sst-Ls5\rs\\sqssrrssssrqq\eJ'I hove extro English closses ofter school ond I reod books ond comics in

English. I like longuoges ond when I'm older I wont to leorn French or Chinese.

20 Reqd ond onswer. 21 Ask ond qnswer.

Who listens to English songs?

Who reods English stories?

Who speoks English ot home?Who wonts to leorn onother longuoge?Who uses English on the computer?Who wotches English films?

Lesson 7 lntercutturot leorning ond personolisotion





Which longuage(s)do gou wont to [eorn?

Page 12: Footprints Pupil's Book 0001 NEW

22@ Guess the missing words. Listen ond check gour onswers. Sing.

Lesson I Fluency




untidy confident school someshores ogoin homework pool


My friend isn't Q¡S$.He never knows whot to sov,

But he helps me with my WFhe olwoys wonts to ploy.

friend ir Wpnever puts things in the bin,she's kind ond she's friendlyshe olwoys W^p her things.

We see eoch other every doyWhen we wolk to t¡§*FWe do our homework toqether.We go to the swimming ip§

We ore verv different.Nobody's t'fr. qdp§We sometimes hove on orgument,

But then we're friends !ffiFYes, then we're friends ogoin.


23 Totk qbout o friend. (AB p11)

PreporotionDecide which friend you wont to toll< obout.Find o photo of your friend.Think obout whot you wont to soy ondmoke notes.

§-- Presentotion

| ' Show the photo to your closs.

I ' Tolk obout your friendI -- lrip: Lc


| ' urt"n to your friends' questions.

| ' nns*er their questions.t_*""

Lesson 8 Ftuencg ond project work

Page 13: Footprints Pupil's Book 0001 NEW

s ,

r'^it f t-


1 Present simple

I / You / W. U if,r.V ,rroffy / olwoysHe/She /often

l/You/We/Theyi don'tHe / She doesn't

Do l/you/we/theyDoes he / she

Remember!We use don't ond doesn't innegotive sentences ond Do

ond Does in questions.

2 Pqst simple of to be



, !/he/she wosnlt,

yoi t iá z tt',"y i*Jien;t.

Flemember!We use wos ond wosn't

with l, he, she ond it.

3 Post obilities


Personol ity odjectives

Ffr=\aK ,li;,.:u w w:y-,3 lr '_¿




2.F ,ij ).

tV\t--,1 ¡"!,n,/t Igr


3 t¡

ffN¡'§ .$


4 .§¡








firet name

date of birlh


'1 t&'.-*|,r


lo&l#.''w)-,\r1t I! l-\/





*4ry33 .,;".'J'. - /

.. ,.§.' t








ó t'''

'p Longuoge review I The World Around Me Portfotio Booktet

Page 14: Footprints Pupil's Book 0001 NEW

Longuoge Guide

Grommor proctice

1 Reod ond write.

I School begins (begin) of nine o'clock.

2 John usuolly ? (get up) ot eight o'clock.

3 Suson (not / wolk) to school in themorning.

4 The children 'l (studv) Enqlish in

the morning.

Whot time ? (vou / hove) lunch?

Where -! (Som / ploy) footboll?

2 Order ond write.

I wolk / I / school/ usuolly /to.§ usur«lÍy wulk to sehoo!.

2 help/ I /often / at / home.

3 my /the / bll<e / ot / I / ride / olwoys/weekend.

4 ploy / don't / I / tennis/ usuolly.

5 usuolly / you / homework? / Do / your / do

3 Complete the diologue with the correct postforms of to be. Act out.

§ll§e: l) Wos / Were you octivewhen you 2) wqs / wereten,llm?

Tim: Yes, l3) wqs / were.

Eltde: 4) Wos / Were Tonyo octive, too?

Tim: Yes, she 5) wcs / were.

She ó) wss / wene good of swimming.

Ellie: 7) Wus / Were you friends when you were ten?

Tim: Yes, we 8) were / weren't. And we're stillgood friends now.



Vocobulqrg practice

5 Order the Ietters. Write the onswers.

I ls your friend rfe nitdg?2 Are you xl.,ag?

3 ls your friend tndugil4 ls your friend tes¡§1r?

5 Are you §0n¡§?

6 Are you kidn?

5 Complete the questions.Ask ond onswer.

Í Whot is your f_ rst n _m _?

2 Whot is your s _ rn _m _?

3 Whotisyourd_t_ _f b_rth?4 Whot is your p _ stc _ d _?5 Areyou m_l_ or f _m_l_?

Grommsr proctice

4 Complete the sentences. Use couldond couldn't.

I When I wos four,I ? swim.

2 When I wos five,| 'l soeok Enolish.

3 When I wos six,I ? count to 100.

4 When I wos seven,

I 'l use o computer.

5 When I wos eight,I ? cook.

6 When I wos nine,I ? driveocor.


Longuoge review I The World Around Me Portfotio Booktet

Page 15: Footprints Pupil's Book 0001 NEW

Lesson I Vocobulory Fes&prex'l,&w§[wb §dews

3 Reqd ond onswer the q,uestions.

Hello evetYbodg' 1

il. i*,"é o r*to.ti" !TS*'^[::ü¡i:ül**y;',1:',il,"':::the middle ot abtg

LT:;;ü.o,nd thutots of !gy. ono,?-'::;;:':jd

""1-"tworld. The weather

last week, but now tt's worm and sunng'

'irlu'ru o,ulots of ix.crt¡ng l"tiY::l:::.

ilíiff:,"r;",". vl.t"I¿t I Y"-lt '::n

ilcü t irt" mountoins' I'rn gotng to

í: *l*: :i#: :*"Jii#"::]" .

xt' :'ff l:u; "* ::;liii +i;il t"'Yt.. rhu toñgt arevergtunnYt

I Where is the Amozing Activity Comp?

2 Where ore the children from?

3 Whot's the weother like now?4 Whot does Ellie do in the doytime?5 Whot does Ellie do ot night?

4l Ask qnd onswer.

Do you wont to Ea conoeing?

Because Lt's excitinE.



1 GmE Motch the words ond pictures. ,Listen ond check. lf

J o*oring Activitg Compr @Do you wont on exciting octivity holidoy?Do you like oction ond odventure?At Amozing Activity Comps you con:

E €frod






Comp octivitiesuse c¡ composs do orts ond crofts

reod o mop sleep in o tentgo conoeing go mountoin bikinggo hiking go rock climbingmqke friends wotch wild onimolsdo orchery sing comp songs

2 @ Listen ond motch.

-Lesson 1 Vocobutorg presentotion'ü

Page 16: Footprints Pupil's Book 0001 NEW

E-esson 2 Story5 {:@ Listen ond reod. Fllie's ornczíng holidoy

Joe is.tooking ot the Footprints CLubnoticeboord when ELLie oirives.

Hi, Etliel The AmazingActivitg Comp looks great.

When did gou gó?

I went [n Auoustand I hadaJañtastic

time there.

Who did qou meet at the

T,.here were bogs ond girls Jromollaround the world. lhade totsoJ new frtends. f1d ... the popstar Zock vislted the comp, toól

Zock's got an eco web page, too. Thereare lots oJ good ideas thele'about how

we can protect the environment.

We.ne.edsome hetp with our park. Let,s see

_ r, ns web page has got on ldeaJor us.

l,i,r r; jt sj ¿ , .,; 11 t illeDo gou wont to heLp Look ofter our ptonet? Here qresix things thot gou con do to mokb o difference:. Use pubtic tronsport or wolk to schoot.. Cleon o pork or beoch.. Plqnt q tree.. Sove energu of home.. Recgcle gour otd things.. Protect the hobitqt of witd onimqts.

. Whot is Zock interested in?

. Whot things do you do toprotect the environment?

Lesson r rrrr;;:;::J;r; §'

Page 17: Footprints Pupil's Book 0001 NEW

Listen ond reod. Act out.

7 Look ond leorn. Pqst simpte Wh- questions.

( No*, Joe tolks to Cloire obout the Amozing Activity Comp.\'-

ffi luu, Hi, Cloirel Is it true? Did Zocl< reolly visit the comp?-

Cloire: Yes, he did. lt's true!iee: When did he go there?e§oine: He went on Soturdoy ond he stoyed oll doy'

.xoe: Reolly? Whot did he do? Did he sing o song?

ele ire: Yes! He song some comp songs ond he did some ofthe octivities with us.

.tree: I don't believe it! Which octivities did he do?

ele i¡'e: He went rock climbing with us ond he did orchery, too.

Joc: You're so lucky. He's the best singer in the whole worldl

ra& m

ffi TSÉFrora¿*"% "*#,ffiffiTáT?tr;




Who did


Which clothes

How long










go with?











went in August.

went to the beoch.

trovelled by cor.

went with my fomily. I

swom in the seo. i

wore o swimsuii.

stoyed there for o month.

Becouse I love the beoch!why d¡d you

8 Proctise Uour grqmmor. Ask ond onswer.

E Where? 4 Who with?


S How?rc__ \q_§

ffi <j,-\ \ t¡-!

¡ l':, r';-'i-| -i{$..o,

7 How long?5 Whot?r;i: .r

,t-r. .r,a)^. §i¡e

,/ \F 1,,€t


I Why?

,---k, '.,§, Í4 ffi§ñ'r.. §

See Longuoge Guide, Poge 22.

I When?

Lesson 3 Grqmmor qnd communicqtion

6 Which clothes?


Page 18: Footprints Pupil's Book 0001 NEW

9 (i:@ Did rim hove o heotthg hotidog? Listen ond find out.Do the quiz.






How muchwater didyou uoually árink?

IdrCInk:o) less thon 1 litre o doy.b) obout 'l litre o doy.c) more thon 1 litre o doy.

is=i5:r Which eporte didyou do?

o) I rsn.b) lswom.c) I rade my bike.Other sports ...

Now oheck your gcore,

'r{opr¡oq ,{qqoaq rfien o enoq l,uprpno irDap qg :s¡u¡od 8 uDq¡ ssel

'Áqi¡oaq a¡nb sonn Áoprloqrno^ ¡poq 1o¡ :s¡urod ¿¡-g

'Áopr¡oq i{q1oaq úen o poq no¡iauop lla6 :s¡u¡od ¿¡ uDtfl eJoW

How healtlrywes yo§ummer holiitry?

5=E Hm many hours diá youeleep at, nighi?I slept:o) less thon 8 hoursb) between 8 ond 10 hours.c) more thon 10 hours.


§ Wtrat time did you get upini,he morning?

I usuolly got up:o) before 9.00.

_ ?i15ji9: _*i. How oflen didyou eatfruit? :

I ote fruit:o) every doy.b) between 3 ond 6 times o week.c) less thon 3 times o week.

Ir¡egylar vJrb"stn the pdat

Steps to speoking10 (::@ Motch the words ond sounds.

Listen ond sog the rhgme.

Itl donced/dl orrivedftdlpointed

I listened to music.

I climbed o mountoin.I wolked to the seo.I wonted o sporty holidoy.

See Longuoge Guide, page22.

wotched climbed wontedlistened wolked needed

11 Work with o pqrtner. Ptog the gome.Pnpit A: AB p97. Pupit B: AB p98.

I wotched TV. 'fjI needed o rest on my holidoy.'


qLesson 4 Grommor, pronunciotion ond communicotion

Page 19: Footprints Pupil's Book 0001 NEW

Lesson 5 Cross-curriculor leorning


12 Reod the text. How con gou communicqte with gour friends?

How do Uou communicqte when gou're on hotidog?

When people trovelled in the post it wos very difficultto communicote with friends ond fomily bock home.Nowodoys, there ore mony woys we con stoy in touch.

Mony people send postcords when they ore on holidoy.People like receiving these becouse they hove colourfulpictures on them. However, it con toke severol doys foryour postcord to orrive. Some people coll letters ondpostcords snail mailbecouse they ore so slow!

A foster woy of communicoting is by phone. You conphone from o public telephone box or use o mobile phone. Did you know thot most peopledidn't hove o mobile until the 199Os? These doys, you con do lots of things on o mobile. Youcon send text messoges, toke photos, check emoils, surf the web, moke videos ond downloodgomes ond music. ln the UK, we moke more thon 200 million colls o doy ond most peoplenever switch off their mobile. Moblles ore populor becouse they ore eosy to corry ond you concontoct your friends ony time. On the other hond, colls ore expensive ond it's eosy to lose yourmobile phone if you're not coreful.

Some people use o computer to stoy in touch when they ore owoy. Mony hotels ond oirportshove computers or people con go to on internet cofé. Emoils cost the some os o locol telephonecoll ond you cc¡n send them onywhere. Chot rooms ore very populor too, becouse you con hoveo conversotion with your friends in reol time if they ore online of the some time os you.

13 Reod the text ogoin. Are the sentences True (T) or Folse (F)?

It wos eosy to stoy in touch in the post.Letters ond postcords ore o fost woy to keep in touch.You couldn't toke mobile phones on holid'oy in 1980.You con send emoils from o computer ond o mobile.You con chot with your friends when they oren't online.

14 Ask ond onswer.

How often do you .... send letters?. send text messoges from o mobile phone?. moke phone colls from your home?. send emoils?. chot with your friends online?

Lesson 5 Content ond personolisotion



Page 20: Footprints Pupil's Book 0001 NEW

Lesson ó Skills development15 Reqd qnd find out. Discuss.

An Americon sent the first emoil in 1971.2 million emoils every second in the world.


theNow people send more thon

' Nowodoys, 60"A of the world's emoils ore odvertisements. Theseemoils ore olso colled junk moil or spom.

16 Resd. Are the sentences True (T) or Folse (F)?

How mony emoils do you send o week?Who do you send emoils to?

Hi Cloro,How ore you? Thonks for your lost emoil.I hod o greot time of the weekend. I went bowling of Festivol Pork with my friends on Soturdoyevening. I wosn't very good, but it wos greot fun. On Sundoy morning I went swimming with mybrother. ln the ofternoon I studied o lot becouse I hod o moths test thá next doy. The test wos hord, butI think I did OK. Fingers crossedtLook ot my photos from Soturdoy. They're reolly funny. In the first photo I om holding on enormousbowling boll. And look of the silly shoes I'm weoring, too. ln the second photo I om h-oving o snock withmy friends. We're oll loughing becouse Don is telling us o joke.How wos your weekend? Tell me obout it.Write soon!Koty


I Koty hod o boring weekend.2 Koty enjoyed bowling.3 Koty studied on Sundoy ofternoon.

17 Reod ond leorn.

Writing on emoil to o friend

I Sto¡t the emoil: Hi Cloro, How ore you?

2 Cive news obout the posl I hod a greot time ot ...

3 Tolk obout ony ottochments: Look at my photos ...

4 Ask for news: How wos your weekend?

5 Finish the emoil: Write soon!

4 Koty hod o moths test on Tuesdoy.5 Koty ottoched three photos to the emoil.6 Koty wonts to receive o messoge from Cloro.

Punctuotion ond copitol letters



We use o copitol letterto stort o sentence.We olso use copital letters for nomes of people ondploces, doys of the week ond the months of theyear. i.e. John, Festival Pork, Soturday, September.We write o full stop of the end of o sentence.We write a question mork otthe end of o question.



qpostcord junk moil snoil moil public telephone box

text messoge chot room ottochment be online

Lesson 6 Content ond skitts devetopment

Page 21: Footprints Pupil's Book 0001 NEW

Lesson 7 Culture Tourist ottroctions

When people go on holidoy they often visit tourist ottroctions. Some of the tourist ottroctions

oround the world ore very populor. Millions of people visit them every yeor.

18 (i!Em Listen ond reod. Choose.

The London Ege

I The London Eye is 35 / 'lO5 / 135 metres high.

2 lt corries't,OOO / 10,000 / '100,000 visitors every doy.

3 You con see for 10 / 40 / 60 kilometres in oll directions.

4 lt tokes 30 minutes / onehour / two hours to go oround5 ln August it is open from 10.00 to 20.30 / 21.30 / 22-30.

6 lt costs f7.5O / f'l0.sO / fl7.5O for on odult.

19 Reod ond motch the pictures.

My fovourite tourist ottroction is Wolt Disney's MogicKingdom. lt's in the south of the USA. lwentthere with my

fomily lost summer. There ore lots of rides, but my fovouriteis Spoce Mountoin. It's o roller cooster in the dork ond it wos

reolly scory! My little sister liked the porode best becouse she

could see oll her fovourite Disney chorocters. Eve,11 yeors old

Lost yeor I went to Poris with my porents. We visited o lot of ploces,

but my fovourite wos the EiffelTower. The tower is324 metres high ond

you con see the whole of the city from the top. You con wolk up the toweror toke the lift. I wolked up ond counted 1,665 steps! Luke, r3 veors old

Two yeors ogo I trovelled with my fomily to Conodo ond we visited Niogoro

Folls. The folls ore 52 metres high ond we went on o boot trip thot took us

neor the bottom. We wore long roincoots ond big roin hots. The noise ofthe woterfoll wos incredible ond we got completely wet. rim,12 yeors old

20 Reod ond onswer. 21 Ask qnd onswer.






Which tourist ottroction is in o big city?

Which tourist ottroction is very noisy?

Which tourist ottroction hos octivities foryoung children?

Which tourist ottroction isn't mon-mode?

Which tourist ottroction wos frightening?Which tourist ottroction hos got lots of steps?

Lesson 7 lnterculturol leorning ond personotisotion

Page 22: Footprints Pupil's Book 0001 NEW

Lessmm & Fluemey

22 t@ Guess the missing words. Listen ond check gour onswers. Sing.



Holidoys ore greot.

Y: h1,': o q:o!,io..?We oll love holidays'.Let me tell you obout mine.

I went to the beoch.I went by troin.It's fosteithon o cot but slorryertho-n."fdI stoyed in on oporlment i

Rishi next to thl fgF.

plone touch for muchseo time guitor moon

We donced on the beoch under tfre ¡pp.But our holidoy wos over foltoo sooñ.Now of home, I stoy ¡n !@"?With mv holidov friendsWho I Áirr ro fu§

I mode new friends.They come from neor ondWe swom. We song-We ployed ,h" tQ.?.

(chorus)I stoyed for o montñ-i¡rith,r.ny

23 Tolk obout Uour hotidog. (AB p21):,'i. Preporqtion

Decide which holidoy you wont to tolkFind o photo from your holidoy.Think obout whot you wont to soy on(moke notes.

PresentotionShow the photo to your group.Exploin where you went on holidoy.Point to your photo ond tolk obout

ExtensionListen to your friends' questions oboutyour holidoy.Answer their questions.


- .ri !-; ",§=;-. ¿ :-:A i: ":91=.ii,..

*) '§1iá------:l) r',.- Í* .*.¿!i é' ...-...-.---,,,**q'

,*q"",*or* [.

Tip: Point to the photowhen you tolk obout it.

Page 23: Footprints Pupil's Book 0001 NEW





1 Post simple: Wh- questions

How often OloVteryg ,,i H.* r""g we i -1""-- I

go*rnonu oñoto, tot"z - l

; , thev i-How much money ' : ._ tP"I?:-

2 Post simple: Answers

. When we tolk obout the post the verb is

olwoys in the post form.

. There ore regulor verbs. The post tense form

of these verbs olwoys finishes in -ed:

played watched used carried needed

. There ore olso irregulor verbs. These verbs

hove mony different endings, for exomple:

sdng went did slePf rnade

3 Post simple: Verbs

Regulor verbs

orrive arrivedclimb climbeddonce doncedlike likedpoint pointedploy ployedstoy stayedstudy süudiedtrovel trovelled

lrregulor verbs

buy boughtdrink drankdo dideot ofeget up got wp

go wenthove hadride rodesee §0w



Comp octivities

@7 go hikinq

2 oing aamp eonqo


3 do archery

8 uee a oom?aee


f,ie -r,s-/r[ \m.lr]->,4 do arte and crafte

6 read a ma?


12 watchwild animals

atlachment,o be onlineo junk mailo ahat, room

o ooetcard oublic telephone box, bnail mail ' \-BL @

lexl, meooage

I eleepin alenl

make friende

go rock alimbing


\t \'i. i. ,:.i.

tÉ Longuoge review t rhe wortd AroundMe portfotio Booktet

Page 24: Footprints Pupil's Book 0001 NEW


lr,¡¡Í'.fri ne 'l


' lroose the question word.

,', -ere Z@_c-}fromework did you do lost night?

,', 'ot / When did you hove for dinner lost night?

':'.t / How rncny did you trovel to school..sterdoy?

,'.r¡ot / Whene did you go on holidoy lost summer?

-c',v often / Wl'lot tirne did you go to bed:.t night?

-ow mony / §dow often did you do sport in:-e summer?

I Order ond write the guestions.

:cstcords / you / write? / How / did / mony

- lw mony ¡:o*temrds dsd you wríte?

:ed? /you/ time/did/to /Whot/go. ou / tennis? / play / How / did / oftensoend? / money / much / you / did / How

'roy / long / you / How / did / there?

.'teor? /clothes /you/ Which/did

3 Complete the diologue. Act out.

Tonyc: Whot dld you¡ do (you / do)lost weekend?

I 'f (go) to o concert.

Tonyo: Reolly? Who ? (you / see)?

ii¡ir: I ? (see) Zock. He wos reollycool.

Tonyo: Which songs ?

fin ; He 'f (sinq) oll

Tonym: Whot time ?(the concert / finish)?

It ? (finish) of eleven o'clock.

(he / sing)?

my fovourites.


Cj,'t i¡: : i'1,;,' praatuci*

4 Test o friend.

VmesbutsrE prmctiee

5 Order the letters. Write your onswers.

fl Do you wont to go lnsconeg ?

§ Did you go inimrnwsg in the summer?

5 Do you wont to sleep in o ñett?§. Did you go kinghi in the summer?

5 Do you wont to wotch dyy¡l nomllos?Ó Did you do chgererr in the summer?

5 Complete the guestions. Ask qndonswer.

send text messoges from

Did you send on yesterdoy?

S#:,Do you ever use ,

; ?

How often do you send


Longuoge review I The World Around Me portfotio Booktet

Page 25: Footprints Pupil's Book 0001 NEW

I coz'or Motch the words ond p¡ctures.Listen ond check.


Clothes collection

Hove you got onY old clothes in Yourwordrobe? Don't Put thern in the bin.

Bring them to the FootPrints Club.,fu3%P-G6fu


Let's recycle together..*r*,


Clotlrestie suit cordigon

belt coP trocksuit

top tights blouse

leggings sweotshirt troiners

2 coz.oa liSlen Ond mOtCh.

l,i everyone,

Are you bored wilh lhe clolhee ir your

wardrobe? Oo you wanl eome new,

faehionable clolheo lo wear? lf lhe anewer

ie yee,lhen brinq your old clolhee l,o lhe

Foolprinlo Club on galurday atlernoon'

You can brinq caeual clolhee like jeane,

Lrackeuile and ewealehirle, or formal

clolhee like ouile and triee.

We're qoinq lo creat e lole of colourful

new clolhee oo you need lo brinq your


De here al lhree o'clock and enioy lhe tunl


I Which clothes do the children need to bring

on Soturdoy?2 Whot kind of clothes ore suits ond ties?g Whot ore the children going to moke?

4 Whot else do the children need to bring?

5 Whot time ore theY going to begin?

4l Ask ond onswer.

Which ctothes do gou like wearlng?

Which clothes don't you [[ke wearing?

Which clothes ore gou weorlng now?


,4.-\-u ((§\§t

\ ¿l:\a!



¡ ü"od

qnd onswer the questions'





Lesson 1 Vocobutorg Presentotion

Page 26: Footprints Pupil's Book 0001 NEW

cD2.03 LiSten Ond reOd.

ELLie ond Joe ore Lookingot their o[d c[othes.

-::k at mg otd T-shirt, Joe. lt's horrlbte.It's baggg and otd-Joshioned.

At the end of the foshionshow there is o surprise.

Whot do the childrenrecycle in the story?Whot do you recycle?


Mornins:irNewsMore than twenty children appearedin an exciting fashion show at theFootprints Club lastnight. The childrenrecycled old clothes and used differentmaterials to decorate them. The resultswere the most amazing clothes everl

The biggest surprise was at the endof the show when all the childrenappeared on stage to ask for aclean and safe park. The childrenare going to clean the old parkon*IOf l*IO momine.Can you help them'?

This T-shirt is verg btg.We need to cut it.

These ctothes are verU o\d,Tanga.Shoutd we put them in the bin?

I can decoroteit with these otdbottte tops, too.

No! We con recgcLe oLdctothes. Zack's webslte has

got some goodLdeos.Mg sweatshlrt ls worse.

It's got a hote [n it.

What o goodidea!

What can I do with mg boringotd sweotshirt, Tonya?

Look ot mg T-shirt nowl lt'stighter and more fashlonabte.

One week [oter, the FootprintsCLub is fulL of people.

Mg sweatshlrt [s better, too.It looks more cotourJul.

Thls evening, Ettle's weoringa wonderful pink ond silverT-shirt. And Joe's weortng o

v er g co\o urJ ul sweats hlrt.

Hmmm. lt's vergdark. Here's some

JabrLc paint.You look Jantostic. l've got an Ldea.


Lesson 2 Longuoge input ond storg

Page 27: Footprints Pupil's Book 0001 NEW



6 cDz.oE L¡Sten Ond reqd. ACt Out.

with his dod. He wonts to buy some new troiners'

7 Look ond teqrn. comporqt¡ve ond superlotive odiectives.

Dod: Do you like these troiners, Joe?

.!oe: Not reolly. They're block. I like bright troiners'

Ecd; whot obout these red ones? They're brighter thon the bloc.

troiners.Joe: Yes, ond they're very trendy, too.

Dod: oh deorl They're more expensive thon the block ones.

They cost f50.Joe: Wtrát obout these blue ones, Dod? I love them ond they're

cheoper thon the red ond the block troiners'

Eod: you'ie right. They're the cheopest. OK. Let's get the blue ones

.!oe: Thonks, Dod. You're the best dod in the world!


The blue troiners

The blue troiners

The blue troiners

The block troiners



more expensive

bette,r / worse

the cheopest.

the trendiest.

the most expensive.

the best / worst.

the block troiners.

the red troiners.





o ren't





,j \:::ffi tn"l:iTüfl.i[Ü;[:1"::

8 Proctise Uour grommor. Ptog the memoru gome'

{ cheop / expensive 2 long / short

3 bright / dork

@m&ffi4 boggy / tight

ftf, N &ffi&

Joe is shopping

The red cap [s moreexpenslve thon the

btue cop.

The pink cap is

the cheopest.

Lesson 3 Grommor ond communicotion See Longuoge Guide, Poge 32.

Page 28: Footprints Pupil's Book 0001 NEW


9 coa'o6 whot's Joe's stgte? Listen ond find out. Do the quiz. -. ^l ,,;.

rrr¡ r. i r, li ¡.:,:, '1

4., . . s! k YVE&d¡ trtu l-?nlrDg,. WhichT-shirt isthe best? _,-._\, -_..


ir t ft , ] --"wtrluoug,,, , g3 ,, , yi:ft:;,r:"y:T:§.troueere, llx:;:"

o,i. *"o,ins

,,m', .,"t,,Y#:..'í,-,,*^^-1 ^\ -, ^l :::,i"i:areca*vinso) number 1 b) numb er 2 c)number S |


fhe_boye are wearímg: trainers,Whiahtrainers arel t'he nieest?

, o) number 1 b) numb er 2 c) number 3

i : !.le boye are emmyir: E ruckoacke.Which ruckaack do yéu like: thc ymaat?

: o) number 1 b) number 2 c) number 3

Nowcheck yow u"rr".Ápuarl saurtauos ,ro r:^yLo]:^r.1o¡ .seqlop

6urp.roogelo¡s e)rl no^ :r f¡¡so1¡¡alqolol.uor r{¡¡onsn *o r."^lryp rno¡ ,rq¡,J¡r ¡rá!o, alroO, e¡ll no^ :q Á¡¡so14¡'anrsuadxa seurtauos ajo saqlo¡r riioi i"qiop ¡lDr.us elrl no¡ :o f¡¡so6¡seJof,s



1O coz.oz lltqfch the words onO sornOs.Listen ond sog the rhgme.»l lono,¡,/ shoit soct<s sports wore oronge spotted

He wore long socks. \She wore short socks . /./ -'

They wore four oronge socks. / _nHe wore striped socks. §;[:i;:;jH,"',x::,.llo.r, -sÑ

11 Work yvitlr o portner. ldentifg the chitdren.Pupit A: AB p99. pupit B: AÉ pl00.

See Longuoge Guide, poge 32. Lesson 4 Grommor, pronunciotion ond communicotion

Page 29: Footprints Pupil's Book 0001 NEW

12 Reod the text. Whot ore these clothes usuollg mode of?

tie belt bottom of your shoes

IJ¡]¡of or,g ietrorttr ,+:si lri r,,ttil+ r!,Í?

The clothes we weor ore mode from different moteriols.Some of these moteriols ore noturol ond some ore mon-mode.

Noturol moteriols come from plonts ond onimols. Cottoncomes from cotton plonts. lt is soft ond obsorbent ond weoften use it to moke sheets ond towels. lt is o good ideo toweor cotton clothes in the summer becouse they ore cool.Rubber is o noturol moteriol, too. lt comes from trees ondis very strong ond flexible. The bottom of our shoes is oftenmode from rubber.

Wool, silk ond leother come from onimols. Most wool comesfrom sheep, but some comels ond goots provide wool, too.We con moke worm, comfodoble clothes from wool. Silk comesfrom silk worms. Silk is very soft ond beoutiful, but it is more delicote ond more expensive thonwool ond cotton. We often moke ties ond speciol clothes from silk. Leother olso comes fromonimols. lt usuolly comes from cows. Leother is strong ond flexible ond we often use it to mokeshoes, jockets or belts.

ln the post, people only hod noturol moteriols to moke clothes, but now we con use technologyto produce new moteriols. These ore colled synthetic moteriols. Nylon ond polyester ore syntheticmoteriols which come from petrol. These moteriols ore very populor becouse they ore strong, eosyto cleon ond cheoper thon noturol moteriols. Some synthetic moteriols ore woterproof ond conprotect you in the roin, too. Nowodoys, scientists moke synthetic moteriols from lots of differentthings. Did you know thot you con weor clothes thot ore mode from recycled moteriols like gloss

ond plostic? lt tokes five smoll plostic bottles to moke o boseboll cop.

13 Reod the text ogoin. Are the senténces True (T) or Folse (F)?

I Cotton is cooler thon wool.2 Wool is more expensive thon silk.3 Wool is the wormest noturol moteriol.

14 Ask ond onswer.

Are you weoring ony clothes mode of .... cotton? . wool?. silk? . rubber?. leother? . synthetic moteriols?

Lesson 5 Content ond personotisotion

4 Noturol moteriols ore cheoper thon synthetic moteriols.5 People used synthetic moteriols in the post.

Mg top is

mode of cotton.Mg shoes are made of

Leother and rubber.

Page 30: Footprints Pupil's Book 0001 NEW


15 Reod ond find out. Discuss.

ln Moy 1953, Edmund Hillory ond Tenzing Norgoy climbed to thetop of Everest, the highest mountoin in the world.The temperoture of the top of Mount Everest is between -36oCond -60'C. lt is olso extremely windy.The climbers wore speciol clothes to protect them. They wore thicksweoters mode of wool, silk gloves ond leother boots.Todoy, olmost oll mountoin climbers' clothes ore mode of syntheticmoteriols becouse these ore lighter ond wormer thonnoturol moteriols.

16 Reod. Are the sentences True(T) or Fatse(Fl?

Which clothes protect you from the cold?Which clothes protect you from the sun?



This red jacket is made of syntheticmñ erial. lt's warm and w at erpr o ot.

These bldcktrousers are mado ofsy nth etic m at erial, t o o. T h ey' r e

elastic and wñerproof . They' re tight,but they aro comforldble.

These large, heavy boots are madeof plastic and rubber. They' re strongandwaterproof.

I The hot is mode of o noturol moteriol.Z The goggles ore delicote.3 The jocket protects you from the cold.

17 Reod ond leqrn.

A description of clothes

Whot colour / size ore the clothes? This grey hat...Whot ore the clothes mode of? ... are made of ptastic.Whot ore the quolities of these moteriols? They,re strong ...

How do these clothes protect you? ... they protectyour ..

The jocket protects you from the roin.The trousers protect you from the snow.The boots ore obsorbent.


er;;tdp."f J'".k"t Ery

HÉ&att yur{ 1p *i,iag'yot na$d,to woar *?eeidclothss.

This blue haI is made of wool.It's wanr and soft, but it isn'twalerproot. lt protectsyour headond oars from the cold.

These black goggles dre made

of plastic. They're strong andw at erpr o of dnd th ey pr ot ectyour eyes from the sun.

. Adjectives go before the noun: a red hat.But they come ofter the verb 'to be':The jocket is warm.

. Adjectives don't chonge when the noun is

plurol: The blueT-shirts ...

Lesson 6 Content ond skitts deveLopment

Page 31: Footprints Pupil's Book 0001 NEW



Mony children oround the world weor o uniform when they go to school. Some children like

weoring o uniform, but other children think uniforms ore o bod ideo.

18 coa.ro flsqd qnd listen. Choose.

Schoot uniforms

I Emmo thinks school uniforms look smo¡t / old-foshioned / trendy.

2 Jomes thinks uniforms ore o good ideo / o bod ideo'g Emmo's mum thinks thot school uniforms ore untrendy /

uncomfortoble / exPensive.

Emmo thinks it is / it isn't o good ideo to weor o school

uniform on o school triP.

Jomes hotes weoring his school blozer / school tie / school hot


19 Reod ond motch the P¡ctures.

I reolly love my school uniform. lt's colled o 'fuku'. When I go to

school I weor o short skirt ond o ploin blouse. I weor o soilor collor

oround my neck, which I think is very pretty. I olso weor dork socks

ond block shoes. All my friends weor the some uniform ond

I think we look reolly smort. re¡ko, oeed 12, Jopon

My uniform's quite cosuol. I weor ploin grey trousers, o white shirt ond

o blue sweotshirt. We don't need to weor o tie ond we weor block troiners

or shoes on our feet. We con't weor very boggy trousers or eorrings

becouse they ore dongerous. I like weoring o uniform becouse I don'tneed to Worry obout looking good. We oll look the Some. steve, osed 10, lrelond

There isn't o uniform in my school so I con decide whot I wont to weor. I usuolly weor

cosuol clothes, like jeons ond o sweotshirt becouse they ore comfortoble' I like weoring

bright colours ond í olwoys weor my fovourite troiners. I don't wont to weor o school

,nior* becouse they look old-foshioned. I prefer my own clothes. Jomes, osed 11, usA

20 Reod ond onswer.

I Who doesn't weor o school uniform?2 Who doesn't weor troiners to school?3 Who con't weor jewellery to school?4 Whose uniform isn't formol?5 Who thinks school uniforms oren't trendy?

6 Who likes his / her school uniform the most?

Lesson 7 lnterculturot teorning ond personotisotion

21 Ask qnd onswer.






Do gou think school unforms are o goodLdea?


Page 32: Footprints Pupil's Book 0001 NEW

22 c'z'1a Guess the missing words. Listen ond check gour onswers. sing.



I'm weoring e#ri jeons.My friend's jeons ore tight.He doesn't like my hooded fu",.*.p,

But I don't mind.

My friend's weoring dork clothesAnd my ctothes or.ffiH.I don't like her &.+ffit,But thot's oll right."

top troiners styles brightboggy forever chonges person

We like weoring differen! clothes.We've got differen, W.P,But whot's_ more im porto ntls the e@f inside.

Foshion olwoys W.§It never stoys the some,But o good friend is t:r $.To be with every doy.

' Are clothes or z

, friends more importont= * to the children? - Y:-u.4é-...é-n*??


This is myJavouritepiece oJ cLothing. It'sred, whlte and block.

23 Totk obout Uour fqvourite ctothes. (AB p31)

Prepo rotio n

Think obout which clothes you like weoringthe most.Choose one of your fovourite pieces ofclothing to tolk obout.Think obout whot you wont to soy ondmoke notes.

Presentotion' Show your piece of clothing to your closs.

Tolk obout it.


I Listen to your friends' questions. *-l

| ' Answer their questions. --_l

Lesson 8 Fluencg ond project work

Page 33: Footprints Pupil's Book 0001 NEW

- r] lar,t-im[iiqReview




1 Comporing two things

the greenone.

Remember!There ore some irregulor odjectives.

good - better thonbod - worse thqn

2 Comporing more thon two things

the shortest.The block

skirtis lhe ¡r.tt¡.J

the most expensive.

Remember!Don't forget the irregutor odiectives.

good - the bestbod - the worst

3 The most

weoringjeo ns.

corryrngo bog?




I beltétuleggingo

d,M'.q.tJlll\,--_...- ;i


8 ro? {¿,zl\I/''--\ /lv/,"Ww

l0 cap m-,r.

fr&ll swealohirt,


12 tie F\


4 oardi^an&5 blouse


üleather -





Longuoge review I The World Around Me Portfotio BookLet

. ttlli rllllrlll


Page 34: Footprints Pupil's Book 0001 NEW


Grqmmsr proctice

1 Write the comporotive ond superlotiveforms of the odjectives in your notebook.

I short - st¡orter thsn - the shortest2 expensive3 boggy4 tight5 bod6 nice7 colourfulg good

2 Choose qnd write the question. Answer.

i Are troiners more comfortoble thct /@-or])shoes?

2 Are you toller / tqlfest thon your teocher?

3 ls the weother best / better thon yesterdoy?

4 ls your bog heovy / §reovien thon yourfriend's bog?

5 ls television mone / the rmost interesting thono book?

6 Is English ¡nore diffleult / very d§fficult thon moths?

3 Choose ond write the superlotive forms ofthe odjectives. Act out.

intelligent S+gh heovy good

Joe: Whot's the nome of the l) híghestmoumtsím in t§'¡e world?

Ellie: lt's colled Everest. lt's in the Himoloyos.

Joe: Whot's the nome of the A ?oni¡msl in the world?

Elf ie: lt's the blue whole. lt weighs more thon'100,000 kilogroms.

Joe: Wow, Ellie. You're the 3) ? person

Ef !ie: My fovourite subject is science. I'm the4 -f of scienee in nnv eloss.


Grommor proctice

4 Complete the sentences. Use thepresent continuous.

Joe: Whot ore vou doino (vou / do)?

Dod: I ? (look for) my glosses.

Joe: You ? (sit) on them.

Ellie: Whot ? (Steven / do)?

Tonyc: He ? (cook).

Ellie: ? (helmoke)ocoke?

Tomyc: Yes, he is.

Vocobulorg proctice

5 Order the letters. Write your onswers.

I Do you lil<e weoring o st¡rflws§€t?

2 Are you weoring serori¡rt todoy?

3 ls your friend weoring o ati lsisyz4 Is your teocher weoring o tis¡..¡ todoy?

5 Do you weor o §tit§cksr to do PE?

6 Did you weor o püc in the summer?

6 Complete the quest¡ons.Ask qnd onswer.

I ls o cotton T-shirt w _ rm?

2 Are silk gloves w_t_ rpr __f?3 Are rubber gloves _ bs _ rb _ nt?

4 ls o woollen coot c l?

§.4*"" u ,n *-. e.?. é ?

Longuoge review I The World Around l\¡Ie Portfotio Booklet

Page 35: Footprints Pupil's Book 0001 NEW

Lesson 1 Vocobulory reoorpri"T;qh#bNryd

OmEr Motch the words ond pictures.Listen ond check. {

*"oo ond onswer the 4üé§iibns.

J Littletown Museum @Speciol exhibition: Our omozing history

Object Viking combDote: 900 ADMoteriol: bone

Object RomonDote: 200 ADMoteriol:

Object VikingDote: 900 ADMqteriol:

Objectscoin comb

mirror sword

shield jewellery

Local treasure1,000-year-oldFifteen-year-old Andy Simmons

found a bowl ofgold coins near

his house yesterday evening.Andy, who received a metal

detector for his 15th birthday,told us,'I f,nished my homework

quicklyyesterday so I decidedto take my metal detector outinto the garden. For the f,rsthour I didn't flnd anything,just bits of rubbish. Then themachine started to beep.'

Andy said, 'I used a spade

to dig the ground. I was verycareful. Alter filteen minutesI discovered the coins. I didn'tknow how old they were so I

hunter findsGO¡nS.

took them to the localmuseum. I was amazedwhen I found out thatthey were one thousandyears old.'

You can see the coinsand other treasures atthe local museum in a

special exhibition whichstarts on Monday.

2 (.@ Listen ond mqtch.

Whot did Andy find yesterdoy?

Whot did he use to look for treosure?

Where did he toke the treosure?

Why did he toke the treosure there?

When con you see the coins?

I Ask qnd onswer.

Whot is the coin made of

It's made of gold.

Whot does it [ook [ike?

It's small and round.

Obiecfu Anolo Soxon

Dote: 600 ADMoteriol:

Object RomonDote: 100 ADMoteriol:

ObjecE MedievolDote: 1200 ADMoteriol:

Moteriolsgold woodbone metol

silver gloss



Lesson 1 Vocobuloru presentotion

Page 36: Footprints Pupil's Book 0001 NEW

Listen ond reod.

Whot does Ellie pick up from the ground?Do you put your rubbish in the bin?Do you recycle your rubbish?'E

,¿u F- !,r ,e, .§- ,e §, f :


il [email protected]

ffi [email protected]

Cffi§ñfl Viking shield

Hi KotyAn omozing thing hoppened on Soturdoy when Ellie ond I werecleoning the pork. I wos digging o hole with Ellie when we foundo Viking shield. We took it to the museum ond the orchoeologistswere very excited" They wont to exhibit the shield in the museumond they wont to give the Footprints Club o reword.Now we need to decide whot to spend the money on. We've gotthree ideos:

1 . Buy some new computers for the Footprints Club' 2. Co on o summer comp

3. Buy some sports equipmentWhich ideo do you like the most? . erJoe


Lesson 2 Longuoge input ond storg


Phew! This is hard work.Is it time to stop now?

It's Soturdou morníng ond theFootprints C[ub ore in the pork.

Not yet, Joe. We needto work hord to cteon

the park todag.

Right, everUone. Here aresome gtoves and some bin bags.And here's a spade f or someone.

I con pick up the rubbish.

And I cqn díg the ground.

There's something [nthe ground here. lt'shordand [t's made

oJ metaL.

Llsten! There's somethlnghere, too. lt's big andhord,

but it [sn't metat.

Come onlLet's dlg

deeper, ELLLe.

I don't know.Wa[t o minute.It's o ... dlrtg,

otd can!

Neyer mind. Let's go ond ptontsome trees andflowe-rs with'Tonga.

I don't believe it! This VlkLngshield is 1,000 gears ol"d.

Where did gou find Lt?

We were dLgging Lnth.eparkwhenwe Jound tt.

It's on[g an otd piece ofwood. Let's put it in the

bin with the other rubbish.

Woit o m¿nute. Thot doesn'tlook like rubbish. We need to

take it to the museum.

Now! AVLking shield. What asurprise!


Page 37: Footprints Pupil's Book 0001 NEW


§: Listen ond reod. Act out.

It's Mondoy evening. Ellie is tolking with her friend, Don.

Don: Hi, Ellie. I sow your photo in the newspoper yesterdoy.

Ellie: Hi, Don. Yes, we found o Viking shield in the pork.I didn't believe it ot first!

Don: When did you find it?Ellie: We found it on Soturdoy ofternoon. lt wos obout one o'clock.

Don: Were you ploying bosketboll in the pork?

Eltie: No, I wosn't. I wos cleoning the pork with the Footprints Club.

Dqn: Reolly? And wos Joe cleoning the porl<, too?Ellie: Yes, he wos. He wos digging o hole with me. We found the

shield together.Don: Coodness! You were working very hord.

Ellie: lt's true. But the pork looks much better now.

7 Look ond leorn. Post cont¡nuous.


You / We /fhey




l/he/sheyou / wel lt .y

I /he / she


cleoning the pork

digging o hole

wotching TV

ploying computer gomes

picking up rubbish

helping Tonyo







I /he / she wosn't.

you / we / they weren't.

f [?:Hffii,of one o'clock.

of holf post seven.

of four o'clock.

of holf post ten.

of one o'clock?

w:nl?[:;l;'I Proctise Uour grommor. Ask ond onswer.

Lesson 3 Grommor ond communicotion See Longuoge Guide, poge 42.

Page 38: Footprints Pupil's Book 0001 NEW


9 Hos Atex got o good memorg? Listen ond find out.-@"

I lorr' (rod is .),oul' nl(.nlory?

What wms §i!íe we*nim6 .

on Saturday morning?

What was §il§e píeking wp when ,

Joefoundlhe metal can? l

o) An old bottle.

c) Some poper.

WhatwaeTim doingwhen§f§íe *md J*e foumd the shield? ,

o) He wos eoting on opple.b) He wos holding o spode.c) He wos drinking woter.

What wao Tany a doing w*k*n

§llíe emd Joe fo¡¡md the ehield?

o) She wos plonting some flowers.b) She wos plonting o tree.

c) She wos picking up rubbish.

\Nho arrived r¡,rhí§e s}le archaco|ogíst.w«c *nlleín6 to Joe andEllie?

o) A policemon.b) A photogropher.c) A doctor.

Now check your ecore,

'poo6 ,{.ran 1,usr fuouuar-u Jno¡ itoep q6 :s¡urod ¿-¡'s6urq1 potu requraueJ no ipoq 1o¡ ls¡urod ¡g

'rlouau luallelxa uo 1o6 an,no¡ ieuop lle¡¡ :s¡urod gq(E D(' r(t q(¿ r(L:aJDsJe^suope¡Jolaql


P^^--vu, " a v

3 _9 y.Ei n ¡.¡ o u s a n dpaotu simpte


She found o round bowlAnd o gold crownAnd on old boneln the ground.


11 Work with o portner. Find the differences.Pupit A: AB pl01. Pupit B: AB p102.



mhE, ? . ¡

§- "1""r.:,,,lL

Motch the words ond sounds.Listen ond sou the rhgme.

¡u/ bowlau/ crmwn



'l ,z-


found round goldold bone ground



11 /'-r't1t'^,--.,r, -t!s!!!

When and while

He was readLng a comlc.

See Longuoge Guide, poge 42. Lesson 4 Grommor, pronunciotion ond communicotion

Page 39: Footprints Pupil's Book 0001 NEW

Lesson 5 Cross-currüculor learning

12 Reod the text. Which of these octivities doesn't on orchoeologist do?

toke photogrophs dig holes work quickly moke notes

Whqt does on orchoeotogist do?

Archoeologists study people. They look ot old things ondploces to investigote how people lived in the post.

First, on orchoeologist hos to look for o site. This is o plocewhere people lived in the post. Old mops ond documentsgive orchoeologists clues obout where o site is. They olsouse modern eguipment, Iike oeriol photogrophs, metoldetectors ond rodors to find sites which ore buried under the ground. Next, the or:choeologists wolkocross the site ond look for smoll ortefocts. These ore objects from the post, such os coins, tools, ringsond pieces of pottery, like bowls or plotes. The orchoeologists put smoll flogs where these objects orebecouse they ore good ploces to excovote.

Excovote meons to dig below the ground. Archoeologists need to work very corefully ond slowlywhen they excovote becouse they don't wont to breok ony ortefocts. Archoeologists olso recordwhot they find. They moke notes, drow mops ond pictures ond toke photogrophs of whot theysee. Archoeologists find mony types of ortefocts. They often find objects mode of cloy, gloss,stone ond metol becouse they lost longer in the ground. Artefocts thot ore mode of cloth, woodond leother ore more difficult to find becouse they ore more delicote thon other moteriols onddon't lost o long time in the wet ground. A lot of the ortefocts ore broken ond the orchoeologistsneed to put them together, like o puzzle.

Do you like digging in the ground? Do you enjoy doing puzzles? Are you interested in leorningobout the post? lf the onswers ore yes, then orchoeology is for you!

13 Reod the text ogoin. Are the sentences True (T) or Folse (F)?

An orchoeologist ...

I is o person who investigotes post civilizotions.2 usuolly excovotes very quickly.

14 (lj@ Discuss. Listen ond check.

needs to write obout whot he or she discovers.often finds ortefocts like jewellery ond plotes.often finds clothes from the post.



Lesson 5 Content ond personotisotion


Page 40: Footprints Pupil's Book 0001 NEW

15 Reod ond find out. Discuss'

Do you think the Jorvik Centre is on interesting museum?

Why? / Why not?

:-esswr: & §kEñts devela(}nrtent

The Jorvik Viking Centre is locoted in the city

of York, which is in the north of Englond'

The museum is on the site where orchoeologists

found the remoins of the Viking city of Jorvik'

Visitors to the museum con ride in o time mochine

to visit o Viking street from975 AD.

16 Reqd. Are the sentences True(fl or Folse(F)?

A echool lrip lo lhe Jorvik Cenlre

On lhe 21eL of January my claeo vieif,ed lhe Jorvik

Cenlre in York.

Firat, of all, we qol inlo a llme machine aná il look

ue b ack to Viklny Limee. Then we gol inf,o a carriaqe

and il look ue around aViking villaqe. fhere were loLs

of d,ifferenl, housee and all of them haá a frreplace forcookinq. fhere were lole of peoVle, loo. We eaw a markef'

where people were oellinq lhingo,like eqqe and ñeh'

fhe markel wao very noiey and' il emelled horrible'

After thal, Lhe carciaqe eÍopped, and we eaw aVikinq

laáy.)he wao makinq eome clofhee and ehe ehowed us

how lheVikinge decoraled Lheir clof,heo with ehells'

Next, a Viklnq man ehowed us how tro make coine and

ehoeo. laler, a ecienlisN showeA us a realVikinq ekelelon

which had some of it e bonee broken, Finally' we wenl lothe ohop análbouqhL a 7oeLcard and aVikinq game'

Il was a very inlereellnq ochool Lrip. I likeá f'he l'ime

machine and, f,he akelelon lhe mosl,

Den 1arlow, aqed 1O

A report of o school triP

Where ond when did you go? On Friday my class visited "'Whot did you do there? First of all, we ..., Then we

Whot did you see? There was / were lots of "' We saw "'Whot's your opinion? tt wos o very (interesting) school trip'

I liked ... the most.
















I The closs wolked oround the museum'

2 The Viking villoge wos busy.g People were buying things in the Viking villoge'

4 The closs leornt obout Viking clothes.

5 The skeleton wos mode of Plostic.6 Ben bought souvenirs.

Expressions of sequence

. We use First, or First of oll, to storlo list of octions or octivities.

. We use Then, Next, Loter, ondAfter thot, to soY whot hoPPens next

. We use Finolly, to finish the lisi.

17 Reod ond leorn.

Page 41: Footprints Pupil's Book 0001 NEW


8-esson 7 Culture

18 i.jM Reqd ond listen. Choose.

The Tower of London

I The Tower of London is situoted in the north / south / centre of London'

2 lt is olmost 5OO /'1,000 / 2,OOO yeors old.g lt wos empty / o church / o prison for hundreds of yeors'

4 The Jewelied Stote Sword is the biggest / heoviest / most voluoble sword

in the world.5 The lmperiol Stote Crown hos got olmost 30 / 300 / 3,000 diomonds.

19 Reod ond motch the Pictures.

ILost yeor I went to Egypt with my porents. we cruised olong the River Nile ond

visited the pyromids in Cozo. My fovourite ploce wos the Egyption museum in

Coiro. lt hoimore thon 120,OOO exhibits. You con see the mummies of some

phoroohs ond there ore ortefocts from the tombs of kings. ln my opinion, the most

interesting exhibits were from the tomb of Tutonkhomon. You con see shields,

voses, jewellery ond even o mosk mode of gold. Anno, osed 12

2Two months ogo, my fomily went to Modrid. There ore lots of reolly interesting

ort golleries there. My fovourite wos'El Prodo', which hos one of the lorgest

colláctions in the world. lt hos obout 9 thousond pointings ond thousonds of

importont historicol drowings, prints ond sculptures. Did you know thot the

,úr.r, con only exhibit obout 15% of its worl<s of ort becouse the collection is

so big? My fovourite pointings were by the Sponish pointer YelÓzquez- Liso, osed 10

Lost summer, my closs went to the south of Fronce. We sow lots of interesting

things, but the best trip wos to the Loscoux cove. ln the cove there ore obout 2

thou-sond pictures, including pointings of bulls ond horses. These pointings ore between

16 ond 1á thousond yeors old. You con't go into the cove becouse orchoeologists

wont to preserve the pointings, but you con visit o reproduction of the cove'

The reproduction is brilliont becouse it looks ond feels like o reol coVe. romes,osedl3





20 Reqd qnd onswer.

Who sow prehistoric Pointings?Who sow some imPortont sculPtures?

Who sow objects mode of gold?

Who didn't trovel with his / her

fomily?Who sow pointings in on ort gollery?

Who trovelled on o boot?

21 Ask ond onswer.

Where con gou see hlstorlcalobjects in gour countrg?


Wrstoricol obiecfs

There ore mony ploces you con visit if you wont to find out obout the post ond see importont historicol

ortefocts. Somá of thesá ploces ore ,eiy populor ond people trovel from oll over the world to visit them

Whot can gou see ther

Lesson 7 lntercutturot teorning ond personolisotion


Page 42: Footprints Pupil's Book 0001 NEW


22'- "" ., Guess the missing words. Listen ond check gour onswers. Sing.

night me gold month plostic bus music guess

My fovourite object

It isn't mode of silver.

It isn't mode of É*,á_ffi

It isn't more thon one hundred yeors old.

It's mode of w;.$}"i.

It's smoll ond ligirt.I use it in the morning ond every * ¡i'It's still quite new.

I got it lost";ffijIt wos o birthdoy present from my dod ond mum.

I con downlood ,'''or my fovourite book.And listen to them while l'm

. ,fr'On the -¿e9fl,1

con you W.ff§zDo you know?Whot's speciol to q;,;ffii?

It's my very own MP3.

Yes, it's my very own MP3.

23 Totk obout Uour fovourite object. (AB p41)

PreporotionChoose on object thot you like o lot.Thinl< obout whot you wont to soyond moke some notes.


| ' Show your obiect to your class.



Extension' Listen to your friends' questions.

Answer thei r questions.

Todag l'm going totatk about one oJ mg

JavourLte objects.

Tip: Use the object in your

presentotion ond describe

whot you ore doíng.

Lesson 8 Ftuencg ond Project work


Page 43: Footprints Pupil's Book 0001 NEW




I / he / she wos.

you / we / lhey wéié.

I / he / she ;&ñ;i.you / we / they weren;t.

Bemember!We use the post continuous to tolkobout whot wos hoppening ot o

moment in the post. We often usepost continuous in descriptions.

2 Post cont¡nuous ond pqst s¡mple

While / When Joe and Ellie were digg§ng,

they found the shield.

Joe ond Ellie were drEging. (first oction)

They §ound the shield. (second oction) z

Remember!We use the post simpte with the post

continuous when there ore two octions inthe post. One oction interrupts the other.

ll'e a comb.ll'e made of bone.

ll'g a sword,ll'e made of metal.

ll'e jewellery.ll's made of glaoo,

It's a mirconIt'e made of eilver,

It's a ehield,It's made of wood,

li'e a coin.It's made of gold,


Objects ond moteriqls


).//s .*J^@ aú,,4=:

4()) \\ r'/









effi,..1Éi§*,.-- ,,,. -



Longuoge review lThe World Around Me Portfotio Booktet

Page 44: Footprints Pupil's Book 0001 NEW


Grqmmor pnoctice

1 Whot wos hoppening of six o'clockyesterdoy? Complete the sentences.

I Peter / wotch TV / living room.

Feter wos wotehíng TV in the livinE roonn"

2 Sue ond Soroh / sing korooke / bedroom.

3 )ohn / brush teeth / bothroom.

4 Som ond Lucy / ploy footboll / gorden.

5 Cristino / moke o phone coll / holl.

2 Write the questions. Answer oboutyesterdoy. Use the post continuous.

Whot (you do) ,, @

in the morning?

re: Whot l) were you doing / did you doof seven o'clock yesterdoy evening, Ellie?

Ellie: I 2) wqtched / wss wotching the TV.

. ce: Which progromme 3) did you wotch / wereyou wotching?

Ellie: 'Poss the Word'. lt's my fovourite.

- oe: Who wos the winner?

Ellie: I don't know. While I 4) wqtched / woswotching the progromme, the phone5) wos ringing / rang.l missed the end.

joe: Oh deorl Thot's o pity.


Vocobulorg proctice

5 Order the letters. Write your onswers.

I Whot wos the boms mode of?2 Whot wos the te§h¡d mode of?3 Whot were the sins. mode of?4 Whot wos the oswdr mode of?5 Whot wos the Xelewgrie mode of?b Whot wos the ¡irr6¡¡¡ mode of?

6 Complete the q,uest¡ons.Ask ond onswer.

I Do you wont to be on

_rch___l_g_st?2 Do you wont to use o

m_t_l d_t_ct_r?3 Do you wont to see the

Romon p_tt __y?4 Do you wont to find

b_r__d treosure?

r,'vhot (you do) "a m

in the morning?

whot (you do) ", @

in the ofternoon?

Whot (you do) ., @

in the ofternoon?

Whot (you do) "a @

in the evening?

whot (you do) ., @

ot night?

Choose ond write. Act out.

Ll:¡" ::,7' ' .. o * o F ts



Grommsr p!'oCIt¡ce

4 lnvent sentences. Use when ond while.

-u{sl'k ploy ride listen swim

§ee heor met drop find

@f@'lI in the park, I saw I I to schoolwhen I

t_"^ .t.ph*t. ) t, rr- r^ "lie!t./ bt/

Longuoge review I The World Around Me Portfotio Booktet

Page 45: Footprints Pupil's Book 0001 NEW

Lesson I VocobuloryFe,otprintsC[ub"News

«@ Mqtch the words ond Pictures.Listen qnd check.

Reod ond qnswer the guestions.

9?O{5DAYAre you inlereeled inlrying a new oport?

There'e a eporf,e day in alown called Farfield on

1aÍ,urd,ay and everylhinq io free'You can bounce

on alrampoline,lry ehoolinq an arcow orlearn

lo kickin karale. Don'l worry if a eport is new'

fhere will be lols of moniNore Lhere lo help you'

You don'l need any epecial equipmenl.You juel

need comforlable clolhee, eomel,rainere and'

lol,e of ener4yl

lf y ou are inleresled, wrile y our name al lhe b olÍnm

of thie nol,e.We needlo calch abuo lo Fartield'

?ark, eo be allhe FoolVrinile Club alhalf paer eiqhl'


\J Farfield Sports Da

wbptwdu Su. Jog I

-.-.-.-.....,. L¡....




Sports ond exercise verbs

dive hit throw

serve bend shoot

score stretch bounce

2 (@ Listen ond mqtch.

I Where is the sPorts doY?

2 How much does it cost?

3 Whot do you need to weor?

4 Whot do you need to do if You

5 How con you trovelto Forfield

4 t Asx qnq onswer.

Are gou good otswimming?

When do gou go swimminfi

I usually go swimming ot the weekend.

wont to go?



Come ond leqrn o new sPort ot

'ü Le§§on l'§leoU-u,!¡ ig : pÍe. §ent§lio§


Page 46: Footprints Pupil's Book 0001 NEW

Lesson 2 Story

5 (jj@ Listen ond reod. A sport for Ellie

You con trg at[ the sports,but gou must stag with a

-.onitor ondgou must be careJuL.

OK, Tonqo. See in o bitl

Ouch! Mg ankte hurts!cq.n't walt to trg some new sports.What are gou goLng to do, Etlie?

l'mgolng to trg hockeg.

You must hit the batlwith the stlck, Eltie.You mustn't hit ltwith gourJoot.l'm goLng to trg trompotining.

When gou pLag basebatt, gou needto hit the battond run quicktg.

What's the motter,Eltie? Are gou OK?

Trg andbend gour[egs more, Ettie.

That's greot.

No, l'm not OK.I wasn't verg good

ot hockeg or basebatt.I coutdn't hit the bott.Oh deor! l'm hopetess ot sport!

It's the end of the dog.

Which sport did qou like the most?

And what do gou.vont to bug withte reward moneut'om the museum?

EllielO: Whot did gou think of the Sports Dog, Joe? Did gou hove o good time?

Joel2: lt wos greot. I tried tots of new sports. Whot obout Uou?

Elliel O: WetL, I didn't tike hockeg or boseboLt, but skoteboording wos brittiqti|,

Jamesl5: Hi! I sow gou skoteboording, El.tie. You did it reoLLg wett.Do gou wont to borrow mg skoteboord onO ¡retmé-t?:

EllielO: Wow! Thonks, Jomes.

Jamesl5: But gou mustn't use it in the street becouse thotls dongqiellsi

Elliel O: lt's true. We need o skote zone in the new pork. Let's drow

o *lOl ond give it to Tim ond Tongo.

Joel2: Good ideol

. Whot did Ellie weor to skoteboord?

. Why is it importont to weor

Page 47: Footprints Pupil's Book 0001 NEW

Lessons3ond4Gromrnor6 {i:@ Listen ond reod. Act out.

It's Mondoy evening. Joe is tolking to his friend, Koren.


Joe: Hi, Koren. Which sport did you try on Soturdoy?

Kcren: I did orchery. lt's good fun, butthere ore some very

importont sofetY rules.joe: Whot ore they?Ks¡'en: Well, you mustn't shoot on orrow in the oir' You must

olwoys shoot it of o torget. And you mustn't stond in

front of someone who is shooting.

Joe: Do you need to weor ony speciol clothes?

Koren: Not reolly. The clothes only need to be comfortoble'

Joe: Whot obout the equiPment?Kenen: You don't need to buy onything of the beginning.

You con use the equipment of the sports centre.

Joe: Thot's greot. Are you going to do orchery ogoin?

Koren: Yes, I om. l'm going to stort closses tomorrow. I con't woit!

.t'eHrapshoot of o torget.l/You

He / She

We/You /They


He / She


need to



in the o1r.

comfortoble clothes.

don't need to

needs to

the equipment.




doesn't need to weor


I Proctise Uour grommor. Ptog the memoru gome'


i You must only touch the boll with your.heod' chest' legs or feet'

2 You need to hit the boll with the rocket'

3 You must bounce the boll when you run with it'

4 One foot must be on the grornd when you poss the boll'

5 The PloYer mustn't touch the net'

ó The boll must poss the line to score o gool'

; there mustn,t'be more thon ten ployers on the,court.

g You need to teá'e the pitch if you receive o red cord'

Lesson 3 Grommor ond communicotion See Longuoge Guide, Poge 52.


Page 48: Footprints Pupil's Book 0001 NEW

9 (@ Does Ettie know obout sport sofetg? Listen ond find out.

§afe sport,§kl ¡*tr lqc¿tk il§*{}r p,rxn' ho<§rt'l¡r:sr 3,elrr tler sglort? lk¡ s§:!st¡rsir *:ad É'iert! or¡{.

ffi wn", you warm u? yourbody,you muot ,..

o) stretch slowly.b) stretch guickly.

you muoln't.,,o) ride dongerously.b) ride corefully.

@ nttf,, end of your exetioe,youneeáta,,,

o) breothe guickly.b) breothe slowly.

Now check your ocore,

Adverbs"rán-r")o You need to run

slowly.o You must ride


@ Wn"n you are cycling,

i @ wr,"n you run alongdietanae, you neeá to,..o) run slowly.b) run fost.

11 Work with o portner. Find the differences.Pupit A: AB p103. pupit B: AB p104.

ron fost stor hordpossed hondboll

Steps to speoking10 <j@ Mqtch the words ond affiá;.

Listen ond sog the rhgme.

/a/ orrow/o:lorchery

He ron fost IHe troined hordHe possed the bollHe wos o hondbollstor.

Page 49: Footprints Pupil's Book 0001 NEW

Lesson 5 Cross-curriculor leorning

12 Reod the text. Motch the ports of the bodg to the drowing.The heort

The heort is the orgon thot pumps blood oround yourbody. Blood corries oxygen to your orgons ond muscles.

First, the heort pumps the blood to the lungs, where itcollects oxygen. Then the blood goes bock to the heort.After thot, the heort pumps this blood oround the bodyto oll the orgons ond muscles. The blood trovels there inorteries. The orgons ond muscles toke ollthe oxygen fromthe blood ond use it to moke energy. Next, the heortneeds to pump the blood bock to the heort. The bloodtrovels bock to the heort in veins. When the blood getsbock to the heort, the cycle begins ogoin.You con't see your heort, but you con feel it working.When you exercise, your muscles need to work horder,so they need more oxygen. This meons thot your heortmust beot foster to send more blood to the muscles.You olso breothe more deeply so thot this blood hosgot plenty of oxygen in it. You con feel when your heort beots foster by touching your neck orwrist to feel your pulse. Your pulse beots foster when you do exercise.

Did you know thot in one do¡ your heort pumps your blood more thon 19 thousond kilometres?Thot's olmost the some os trovelling by oeroplone from Modrid to Hong Kong ond bocklYour heort is o very importont orgon. You must look ofter your heorl ond,keep it heolthyond strong.




13 Reqd the text ogoin. Are thesentences True (T) or Fofse (F)?

I Your heort pumps blood to your lungs.

2 Your blood collects oxygen in the lungs.

3 Your veins corry oxygen to your muscles.

4 Your veins toke your blood bock to your heort.

5 You need less oxygen when you do exercise.

14 Do on experiment.Find gour putse.

I Put two fingers of your righthond on your left wrist.

2 Count how mony beots youfeel in one minute. Write thisnumber down.

3 Jump up ond down until youore tired. Now count how monybeots you feel in one minute.ls the number the some?

4 Compore your numbers withthe rest of the closs.

o) lung b) heoÉ c) orteryd) vein e) muscle

Lesson::5:iC.A áñd:p-.éi§O¡sti§orion

Page 50: Footprints Pupil's Book 0001 NEW

Lesson ó Skills development15 Reod ond find out. Discuss.

17 Reod ond leorn.

Writing o leoflet

. The title of the leoflet needs to cotch people's ottention: Love yourheort.

A leoflet gives lots of focts ond informotion.You need to orgonise these focts ond use heodings.A leoflet usuolly osks people to do something: Sforf to love yourheort todoy!

tl u. Your heort is o muscle. lt's the strongest muscle

in your body.o Your heod is obout the some size os your hond

when it is closed.o ln one doy, your heort beots obout 100,000 times.

16 Reod. Are the sentences True (T) or Folse(F)?

I You must do exercise every doy.2 Your heort gets stronger when

you do regulor exercise.3 You should only stretch ofter

exercising.4 The food you eot is importont

for your heort.5 Tomotoes ond lettuce ore good

for your heort.6 Chocolote ond sweets ore good

for your heort.


. We use because to explointhe reoson for on oction:Sport is fontostic for yourheart becouse it makesyour heart beat faster.

lsr 6 Gor¡tent oñó

Page 51: Footprints Pupil's Book 0001 NEW

Lesson 7 CultureSports

Every country hos got its fovourite sports. Some of these sports ore very populor ond people ploy them

oll over the world. bth.r sports ore less well-known, but they ore still very exciting to wotch ond ploy.

18 (i@ Reod ond listen. Choose.


I ln 1823 o schoolboy picked up o footboll / tennis boll ond ron with it.2 Now, Rugby Union is the notionol sport of Englond / scotlond / woles.

3 There ore five / fifteen / fifu ployers on eoch teom'4 A motch losts for 70 / 80 / 90 minutes.

5 Ployers must olwoys poss the boll bockwords / foruvords.

6 A try is worth five points / three points / one point.

Hello. I come from Conodo. The notionol winter sport in my country is ice hockey. I love

ploying ice hockey becouse it's o fost ond physicol sport. You ploy it on on ice rink ond

there áre six ployers in eoch teom. Ployers need to weor ice skotes ond they use o long

stick to shoot o rubber disc, colled the puck, into the other teom's net. Ployers con touch

the puck with their feet, but they mustn't kick the puck into the net. Dov¡d, osed14

Hi, I'm from the USA ond I love boseboll. Professionol boseboll is one of the oldest

sports in Americo. Two teoms of nine ployers ploy on o gross pitch. The ployers on

one teom must score points by hitting o boll with o bot ond then running oround

four boses. When o ployer touches the lost bose, he scores o run. The other teom

must try ond stop the ployers scoring runs. The teom with the most runs of the

end of the gome is the winne r. Jomes, osed r3

20 Reod ond onswer. 21 Ask ond onswer.

Which sport hos the most ployers?

Which sport hos the fewest ployers?

Which sport doesn't use o boll?Which sport doesn't use sticks?

Which sport doesn't use o gross pitch?

Which sport hosn't got o net?

Lesson,7, lntercutturo t teorn ing o nd personotisotion





19 Reod ond motch the pictures.

Hi, I'm from lrelond ond my fovourite sport is hurling. You ploy the gome on o gross

pitch ond there ore fifteen ployers In eoch teom. Eoch ployer hos o wooden stick which

is colled o hurley. The ployers use the hurley to hit o smoll boll colled o sliotor. The

teoms must hit the sliotor over the gool to win one point or into the net to win three

points. Hurling is one of the oldest ond fostest teom sports in the world. Pot, osed 12

Page 52: Footprints Pupil's Book 0001 NEW

Lesson 8 Fluency

22 @ Guess the missing words. Listen ond check uour onswers. Sing.

eleven everyone score cold sport referee stodium cotch


He's big ond toll.He dives, but he doesn't

Footboll's greotWhen you score o gool.

t@"? the boll.

And footboll's greot in the wet ondSometimes we lose.

Other times we drow.


J My fovourite sport


Football's cool.Football's fun.Footboll's o sport for

There ore ¡@§ ployersln my teom. "

Rnd ihe person in chorge is the !Q!.He blows the whistleAnd the gome begins.,The people in the te! sho.ut ond sing.



I ' Listen to your friends' questions.

I Answer their questions.

23 Totk obout o fovourite sport. (AB p51)

Preporation' Think obout o fovourite sport ond moke

some notes.Find some pictures of this sport.

PresentotionShow your pictures to your group.Tolk obout your fovourite sport.

One oJ mg Jovouritesports is basketbatt.

It's a team sport.

I need to run ond jumpAnd poss the boll.I must kick it hord if I wont to 1¡§"?The goolkeeper's reody.

But footboll is olwoys my fovourit. tQPYes, footboll is olwoys my fovourite sport.

Tip: lf you forget o word, try ond

exploin it using different words.

§Lesson 8 Ftuencg ond project work

Page 53: Footprints Pupil's Book 0001 NEW



1 Mustond need to

the net.

Must / need to

We use must when something Remember!is o rule or o strong.obligotion. i1:rr:?iffi:.l¡They must wear a helmet.

We use need to when something is necessory.

You need to be careful.

hit the boll.

Mustn'tWe use mustn't when something

is o rule or prohibited.

They rnwstn't kiekthe boll.

Don't need to

Remember!Mustn't ond don't

need to ore not simitor.

We use don't need to when something is

not necessory.

We dan't need fo PaY. lt's free.


An odverb gives us more informotion obout

the verb.

We write odverbs of monner ofter the verb'

The boy swom qwieklY.

We mol<e the odverb by putting -lyot the end

of the odjective

slow - slowly, quick - quicklY

But if the odjective ends in 'y' we write:

tid y - tid i§y, nois Y - nois i§Y

The irregulor odverbs ore:

good - well, fast - §ast, hard - h«rd


Sport ond exercise verbs

ldive re/¡ Vlt w-t{ @


ll hir

12 oaee'ffié W(,qDw\tr

srh.,LN{bend m

/§ *.*§ffi"*

4 stretch -p l0 oerve ¡a $l

.-oñ odl ,,

5 score

#ffi6 ehool Áll üt

KTffiThe heqrt

( \


Lcnguoge review t The Wortd Around Me Portfotio BookLet

Page 54: Footprints Pupil's Book 0001 NEW

Longuoge Guide

Grommor proctice

' --crnplete the sentences. l)se mustor mustn't

'r'ou must do some worm-up exercises before

you do sPort.

Z You ? weor o helmet when you ride o bike'

3 You ? do sport if you don't feel very well'

r You ? drink plentY of woter'

5 You ? ploy with the sport equipment'

c You ? get ongrY if You don't win'

2 Complete the sentences. Use mttstn't,

donT need to or doesn't need to'

I don't need to weor o school uniform' I con

weor my own clothes'

You ? tolk when You've got on exom'

You ? touch thot' lt's dongerous!

You ? wosh those plotes. They're cleon'

He ? forget. lt's very imPortont'

She ? get up eorly becouse it's Soturdoy'

3 Choose ond write. Act out.

oe: Whot's the motter with Andy? He's very

sod todoY.

Ellie: His teom lost the footboll motch yesterdoy'

They didn't ploy very l) good / well'

. oe: Thot's o p¡ty. They troined very 2l hord / hordly

before the motch.

Ellie: I know. Andy's o good ployer, too' He runs

very 3l fost / slowlY.

Joe: Did you go to the motch, Ellie?

Ellie: No, I didn't. I hod o lot of homework

yesterdoy. I wos working 4 hord / hordly

oll evening.





Grommor proctice

4 Work with o friend-

sodly hoPPilY quietlY fost

slowly sleepily ongrily worriedly

Sog the sentence steePil$

Voeobu[org Proetice

5 Order the letters. Write your onswers'

I Con you eidv?2 Con You rwhot o boll 2O metres?

g Con You sotsh on orrow?

4 Con You ssver o tennis boll?

5 Con You eonube o boll on Your heod?

6 Con you tüche o bosketboll?

5 Complete the guestions.Ask ond onswer.

I Where con You feel Your P - I s -?2 Whotdoes bl--d corrY?

g How big is Your h - - rt?4 Whot do m scl - s need?

Longuoge review t The World Around MePortfotio Booktet

Page 55: Footprints Pupil's Book 0001 NEW

Motch the wordsListen ond check.

Llttletown Park

ond pictures. 3 Reod qnd qnswer the questions.

IMPORTANT MEEÍINOOid you know f,haf,lhere ien'l a place in

Lilllelown where you can ekate eafely?

)ome chiláren even ekaleboard in lhemulli- elorey car park, which ie very dangeroue,

The Foof,prinf,e Club wanllo make a eafe

ekale zone in lhe new Vark.

We've gol eome Vlans andwe can ?ay forlhework wilh lhe reward monay, bul we need logel permieeion from f,he mayor.

The mayor ie goinq lo come lo lhe Foolprinle

Club al eix o'clocklomorrow eveninq. She

wanle lo lielen lo our ideas and eee our plane.

?leaee comelolhe meelinq and help ue explain

why we need a ekat e zone,Your voice ie impofianll

Tim =-\a<

Where do some children skoteboordin the town?Why do they skoteboord there?Whot do the Footprints Club wontto moke?Whot do they need to get from the moyor?

Whot does the moyor wont to do?


It's neur the roundabaut.

Where are the traffic liEhts? )

Theg're sr€xt l# ü&* peirf<.

Listen ond motch.


l* ,-nr¡ i*'rv;,

squore hilltown holl bridgetroffic lights tunnelroundobout foctorypedestrion crossing collegemulti-storey cor pork bus stop

4 1 Ask ond onswer.

Where's the üe¡wl¡ l¡sd{? t


Lesson 1 Vocobutorg presentotion

Page 56: Footprints Pupil's Book 0001 NEW


5, Listen ond reqd.

It's six o'ctock in the even¡ngond the Footprints Ctub is futt.Everuone is woiting for the mouor.

Wos.loe brove in the meeting?Do you like tolking in front ofo lot of people?


Dn ,,^,.

,;"";:,*:r, to hetp make.,",, oKALe ZOnc?We need Deonr^ _ ,

:'.:: :.,: ::; ; :: ; i,";:4.,"?eak to Tim n" r^.-

rn o re i nf o r mt a,ri o ni .^

n o r r,


Alunnel,Skateboarders canakale through here,

'.¿.¡¿?i..' a

Lesson 2 Longuoge input ond storg

A half oioe.Skaleboar\ére can

do jumpa here.


A rail.

Oh, dear! The Footprints Ctub isnfbehind.the pork. Irts infyont of thepa¡.!. you need to turñ LeJt a(tlrc

traJftc tights and go past íhe bank.Hove gou got theplons Jor the skate

zone, Joe?

l'm so sorrg l'm lote.fhe skaie zone ¿s averA goodidea-,but there isn't any tirie.-the pari'

is almost read{andwe mustopen lt in two weeks. I,m sorrg.

But the children need o sofeploce to skateboard. The Footórints

Club can make the skate zone.lJ we work together, we can do iil

= ^.appV gou're here now! The chitdren:rt to tell gou all about their plans.

Atl right. You can make theskote zone. But remember!You onlg have two weeks.

-'rot's Jontosticl-:rk you verg much.

But there's o problem.

I!'s lel post six and the magor stitlisn't here. I wonder where

-she ¿s.

Magbe she's [ost.l'[ call her.

{ *:*";:,»*!i'r?igt',-Pú'-§> -

Page 57: Footprints Pupil's Book 0001 NEW





I 6r Listen ond reod. Act out.

It's Mondoy evening. The children ore in the Footprints Club











Lllre:J oe l<:


!he hill,

the brilOe

the house.

the gorden.

the pork.

the squo¡e

Hi, Ellie. Did you work in the pork on Sundoy?

Yes, I did. Whot did you do, Jock?

I went mountoin biking with my porents.

Reolly? Where did You go?

We went everywhere. We cycled out of the gorden, olong the

river, over the bridge, through the forest ond up the mountoin

Coodness!And then we cycled bock home ogoin. We come down

the mountoin, through the forest, over the bridge,

olong the river ond into the gorden.

Ellie: Were you tired?Jmelc: No, I wosn'ttired. I wos exhousted!








out of



the hill.

the bridge-

the house.

the gorden.

the bonk.

the rood.




Whose house is it? Listen ond sou the nome,

See Longuoge Guide, Poge 62.


Lesson 3 Grommor ond communicotion


Page 58: Footprints Pupil's Book 0001 NEW



I Does Ettie know o lot obout troveLLing? Listen ond find out.

,frc .\/()it rl [[,rrl,t.f (r¡tper[,?

*{ow canyoutravelfromEnglandto France?

You con trovel ...o) over o bridge.b) through o tunnel.

**{pwfan ieitfrom?arie to Madrid?It's obout ...o) 500 km.b) 1,ooo km.c) 5,000 km

h{ow lon6 doeeit taketogetfrom LondontoNewYork W plane?

It tokes obout ...o) seven ond o holf hours.b) ten hours.c) twelve ond o holf hours.


He¡w f,ar ie itfrom lheEarth to the Moon?

It's obout ...

o) 180,000 km.b) 280,000 km.c) 380,000 km.

How lotr6 does it take to getfrom the Earth to the MoonW rocket?

, lt tokes obout..., o) one doy.' b) two doys.

c) two weeks.

Now ct eot yo ur score,

)»..i F

'Eur¡¡anotl lnoqD erorrr uloal uot no^ ¡pul.u .rana¡ :s¡urod ¿_¡'6ur¡¡ano4 lnoqo tol o MouI no1'¡poo6 Xran ,siulod i_í¡padxa le^orl o alo nó¡ ¡1ua¡¡árx3 :siurod IqG)bo(sq(¿q(r


11 Work with o portner. Find the pl,oces.Pupit A: AB pl05. pupit B: AB pl06.

-h=*"rr***-- ,=&




a' éE: ' !'r'ii"l:1:'E-" E

8," E§10 :,:,;',,, Mqtch the words ond sounds.

Listen ond sou the rhgme.

el/ trcínarl bike

it tokes five doys by troin,Or one doy by ploneTo get to Spoin.

It tokes ninety doys by bike,Or you con hikeDoy ond nightTo get to Spoin.

five eight doy plone night hike


Flow * md¡*ei.i,re

How do gou get to thepost oJJrice, pl"eose?

Go over the bridoe.Then go to thátralJtc Iighrs

and turn [eft.The post officeis on gour [eJt.

See Longuoge Guide, poge 62. Lesson 4 Grommor. pronunciotion ond communicotion

Page 59: Footprints Pupil's Book 0001 NEW

Lesson 5 Cross-curriculor leorning

12 Reod the text. Mqtch o heoding to eoch porogroph.

q) How for is it? b) Wh¡ch direction is it? c) Where is it? d) Whot is o mop?

How do we use mops?

A mop is o drowing of one oreo, for exomple,

o city or o port of o country. Mops help youIeorn obout thot oreo becouse they show theimportont ploces. They olso show you how

to get to where you wont to go.

People often use mops when they wontto find o ploce, like o bus stotion or o post

office. A mop is too smoll for you to writethe nomes of oll these ploces. lnsteod, youneed to use smoll drowings. These ore colled

symbols. Mops usuolly hove o key to exploin

whot the symbols meon.

Mops help people get from one ploce toonother. When you reod o mop, it is importontto understond the four directions. They ore

north, eost, south ond west. These ore colled

the four points of o composs. lf you wolk in o

direction thot is

between two ofthese points, youcon soy you oregoing north-eost,south-eost,south-west ornorth-west.Almost oll mopshove north of thetop of the poge.

Mops show you how for you need to trovel toget to o ploce. You con meosure the distoncebetween two ploces in o stroight line using o

ruler. But if you wont to mec¡sure the exoctdistonce by rood, you need o piece of string.Yóu must bend the string to follow the shope

of the rood from one point to the other. Afterthot, you meosure the'string ond use o scole tofind out the,exoct distonce. The scole on some

mops is 4 cm = 1 kilometre. So if your string is10 cm long, you need to trovel2.5 km.








13 Reqd the text ogoin. Are the senténces True (T) or False (F)?

You con find out lots of informotion on o mop.

You usuolly see the nomes of hotels on o mop.

Most mops hove north otthe bottom of the mop. the reol distonce.

14 Meqsure ond sog.

How for is it from Upton to Seo[qnd? Use gour ruler

to meosure the roods. Then use the scole to find out

the reol distonce. i .* l;-;,_ ; o* t

1cm=2km I

You con use o ruler to meosure the distonce on o mop.

A scole converts the distonce on the mop to

Lesson 5 Gontent ond personotisotion

Page 60: Footprints Pupil's Book 0001 NEW

Lessom 6 §kills development15 Reod ond find out. Discuss.

. Postcodes ore one of the most occurote woys oflocoting o house or building in the UK.

. The first postcodes oppeored in the UK in 1959.

. Now the UK hos 1.7 billion postcodes.

. Postcodes in the UK hove letters ond numbers.

. Buckinghom Poloce's postcode is SWlA 1AA.

. Fother Christmos hos his own postcode. lt's SAN TA1.

16 Reod. Are the sentences True (T) or Folse(F)?

Á4r. Sq"bh23 Gra #'bBr,íoLESI +ts{§

Dear )leven.

: 4,1un )Lreel,ElmleaEL5 JU5

Monday,llrh April

I'd like lo invite you lo my birth¿ay parly.f,he parly'e on Salurday 16Nh April and is at my houee.To gel lo lhe parLy trom the echool you need lo qoalong 1and Road unlil lhe bank and Nhen Lurn riqhl.Afler lhal, qo along Lhe road unfil you reach eomeíraffic liqhte. Turn left, at the t raffic liqht s. My houeeis allhe end otthie road, onl,heleft.The party beqine ab eix o'clock and finiehee atnine o'clock.Il'e afancy dreee parly eoyou needLowear a cool,ume. There'e goinq lo be a maqician,loo.My telephone number ie 982 64B91.?leaee phonetT you are qotnq Lo come,

)eeyou aNlhe VarlylMike , ,.

The bifthdoy porty is

of the weekend.

The porty is in theofternoon.

The porty is of o house

in Sond Rood.

The porty is threehours long.

You need to weor smoftclothes of the porty.

You need to phone if youwont to go to the podyschool

17 Reod ond leqrn.

Prepositions of time

We use the prepositions of, in ond on with times:. At: 6 o'clock (times), night, the weekend,

Christmos, Easter.. On: Mondoy (doys), 2nd September, Christmas

Day (25th December).. ln: June (months), 2010 (yeors), the winter (seosons),

the ofternoon, the evening, the morning.. But with some times we don't use o preposition:

yesterday, tomorrow, last week, next year.

Whot's your postcode?

Writing o porly invitotion

When you write on invitotion, you need to giveimportont informotion.. What kind of porty is it?. Whose porty is it?. Where is the porty?. When is the porty?. What time does it begin ond whot time does it finish?o Whot does the guest need to bring?. How does the guest need to reply?

Lesson 6 Content ond skills development

Page 61: Footprints Pupil's Book 0001 NEW

Lessom 7 Cu§te¡re

Public tronsport is o cheop ond eosy woy to trovel oround the city. lt olso helps to reduce pollutionbecouse there ore fewer cors on the rood. We con see mony types of public tronsport oround the world.

18 (j.M Reod ond listen. Choose.

London UndergroundI lt is the longest / newest / most expensive underground system

in the world.2 There ore nine / eleven / thirteen lines.

3 There ore more thon 200 / 250 / 300 stotions.4 More thon 1 million / 2 million / 4 million people use

the underground every doy.

5 People in London coll it the Tube / the Tunnel / the Metro.

19 Reod ond motch the pictures.

Hello! I live in Borcelono, o big city in the north of Spoin. The public tronsport thereis very good. You con trovel oround the city by underground, bus ond toxi, but I

like the public bicycles best. The city hos hundreds of 'Bicing'points oround the citywhere you con toke o bicycle ond the first thirty minutes ore free. lf you wont touse the bike for longer, you need to poy, but it isn'tvery expensive. rereso,'r3yeorsotd

Hi! I live in New York. lt's on the north-eost coost of Americo. lt's one of the busiestcities in the world so public tronsport is very importont. There ore mony woys totrovel oround my city - by troin, subwoy, bus or toxi, but my fovourite woy is theferry. The busiestferry is the Stoten lslond Ferry, which corries more thon 19 millionpossengers o yeor. The ferry goes every doy of the yeor ond it runs24 hourso doy. The best thing obout this ferry is thot it's free for everyone . som,'r1 yeors otd

Hello! I live in Lisbon. lt's the copitol of Portugol ond it's on the west coost. Publictronsport is very good in my city. There ore buses ond electric troms ond there is onelevotorwhich goes up ond down! Lisbon is o hilly city. I usuolly use the'Sonto Justo'elevotor when I go shopping with my mum. This elevotor connects the high ond lowports of the city. lt's45 metres high ond there is o cofé otthe top. eouro,'r2yeorsord

20 Reod ond onswer.

I Which city hos got the heolthiest public tronsport?2 Which city hos got the busiest public tronsport?3 Which city hos got the most unusuol public tronsport?4 Which city hos got public tronsport thot doesn't stop?5 Which city hos got the most hills?6 Which city hos got the most ecologicol public tronsport?

Lesson 7 lntercutturo[ leorning ond personotisotion







; .aeC


publie tro nsporf

21 Ask ond onswer.

Page 62: Footprints Pupil's Book 0001 NEW

I oia you know thotI colled downtown int

the city centre is

Americon English?22 Listen ond reod. Sing.


,Vhen you're olone ond life is moking you lonely/oLJ con olwoys go - downtown.,Vhen you've got worries, oll the noise ond the hurrySeems to help, I know - downtown...lst Iisten to the music of the troffic in the city.

-rnger on the sidewolk where the neon signs ore pretty.-ow con you tose? q#fffiry--ne lights ore much brighter there. y?&W/cu con forget all your troubles, forget oll your iáres.:t go downtown, things'll be great when you're,.owntown - no finer ploce, for sure.lcwntown - everything's woiting for you.

Don't hong oround ond let your problems surround youThere ore movie shows - downtown.Moybe you know some little ploces to go toWhere they never close - downtown.Just listen to the rhythm of o gentle bosso novo.

I:X[i:;;nc ns with him too berore'::'.jff

The lights ore much brighter there.You con forget all your troubles, forget allSo go downtown, where ollthe lights ore bright.Downtown - waiting for you tonight.Downtown -you're gonno be oll right now.

23 Totk obout Uour fovourite ploce. (AB p61)

Preporqtion' Find or drow o simple mop of your town.' Circle your fovourite ploce in town.' Think obout your fovourite ploce ond

moke some notes.

Presentotion' Show the mop to your group.' Tolk obout your fovourite ploce.' Soy where your fovourite ploce is.

Extension' Listen to your friends' questions.' Answer their questions.

Tip: lf you don't understond o question,

osk the person to repeot it.

-¿. -4 é .?.









Lesson 8 Fluencg ond project work

Page 63: Footprints Pupil's Book 0001 NEW



1 Prepositions of movement

. We use prepositions of movement tosoy the direction thot things move.

. The preposition is olwoys ofter overb of movement.





t!t-9l t!ryS, _o!.r!-s-1


under the bridge.


ou! of



the ¡h,og,tfe Oorden,

the river.

Remember!We use prepositions of ptoce

to sou where things ore.The preposition is often ofter the

verb fo be. The pen is on the tobl"e.


ln the town

1 bridge

f,unnel oollege

rounáabouf, q square

4 pedeelñan uoooing lQ tactory

bue otop



a key

7 town hall

a corn?ago

Forest Main road


H \\\rrl\\t\\Petrol Stat¡on Railwou

a aymbol a ecale

2 Questions with odjectives

. We con form o guestion with How + odjective.

tlaw {ar is it? lt's twelve kilometres.(distonce)

How lang does ittake? lt tokes twenty minutes.(time)

Look ot some otherquestions with How + odjective:

How to[[ ore gou? l'm 1 metre ond 50 cm.How heovg ore gou? l'm 50 kil.os.How old ore gou? l'm 12 geors oLd.

Longuoge review I The World Around Me Portfotio Booktet

Page 64: Footprints Pupil's Book 0001 NEW

Gnonm¡mer pruetice

1 Look of the picture. Write the preposition.

The two boys wolked into ) ^,the clossroom. 78tr_qk*w

3 The girl wolked "l

the bridge.

4- The mon cycled ?

the river.

5 The boll wentthe hill.


2 Reod ond choose the correct preposition.

, He wolked ort z6íiiDthe room.

2 The books were am / onto the bookshelf.

3 The pen is under / through the choir.

.4r He wolked u¡'¡der / through the pork.

5 He wos im / into the room.

ó He wolked on / oven the bridge.

3 Choose ond write. Act out.

I'm going to Poris with my fomily tomorrow.

Lucky you ! How l) long / Ísr is it from here?

It's obout o thousond miles.

And how Z) long / for does it toke to get there?

It 3) toke / tqkes obout on hour by plone.

How 4) lomg / fsr ore you going to stoy?

We're going to stoy for three doys. I wontto see everything.

Hove o good time!


Vocqbutorg proct§ce

4 Work with o friend.


5 Order the letters. Write your onswers.

1 Where is the nwot {ühl in your town?

2 Whot ore the colours of rtfcifc hitigs ?3 ls there o €§€eloi in your town?

4 ls there o epedsr¡tün s§ncó¡ss neorthe school?

5 ls there o csfor§t in your town?

b Are there o lot of sihlt in your town?

6 Complete the quest¡ons.Ask ond qnswer.

f Which ploces ore in the n _ rth ofyour country?

2 Which ploces ore in the s _ _ th ofyour country?

3 Which ploces ore in the e _ st ofyour country?

4 Which ploces ore in the w _ st of yourcou ntry?

The dog wolkedthe rood.

E llie:

J oe:



E llie;


E llie:


How do Uou sog ff

rn rnOtishl

Longuoge review I The World Around Me Portfotio Booktet

Page 65: Footprints Pupil's Book 0001 NEW

Lesson I Vocobulory















Il, I


Fqo&priru&seesb N.&w§

1 (@ Motch the words ond pictures.Listen ond check.

Night Animqls

Did you know thot these onimols come out whenyou go to bed? Some of them live in town porks, too.


Nocturnsl onimolsrot bot fox molesnoke owl frog bodgercricket wolf cockrooch hedgehog

2 (@ Listen ond mqtch.



Reqd ond onsweÍ the


The skale zone ie almoel ready. The builderemade Nhe lael ramV yeel,erday, oo we need

lo clean and painl everylhinq now.The

problem ie lhat we only have only 24 hourelo do l,his.

We need lof,s of VeoVle lo help uo, eo pleaee

comeNolhe Varklomorcow and aokyourbroíhere, eielere and Varenle lo comealonq and helV,l,oo.

You ohould wear old, comforhable clothesand you need f,o bring a lorch because il willbe dark in the evening.

eee you therel

Tim andTanya

Kememberl The park ie full of crealuree in

lhe evening eo be prepared lo meel eomeniqhl animalel

When did the builders finish?Whot do the children need to do now?How long hove the children got to do this?Whot do the children,need to bring?Whot con you see in the pork of night?




a }.ask ond onswer.

What do baa [ook [ike?

Theg' re smoll. T heg' v e gotbrown fur andlong wings.

Page 66: Footprints Pupil's Book 0001 NEW

Lesson 2 Story

5 tj;llm Listen ond reod. A night-time fright

Whot's that nolse?

I don't know. ltsounds llke an ow[.

Listenl The sound [s c[osernow. lt couLdbe awof.

Thanks, Joe. Butthere's a lot moreto paint and it's

gettLng dork.

WowlThattube looks

Jantastic, E[tie!

Whot can gou see, Eltie?These trocks are reaLLg bLg.Theg look tike wol.f trácki.

Oh, no! lt's o wofl

We did irlThe ekale zone ie finiehed and il looke

f anlaelic. W ell done, everybo dyl

llere'e a phof,o of the mayor in l,he 7ark.We lookNhe Vhol,o on SundaY morninqwhen ohe came lo ineVecl our work.

The mayorwanlelo do eomelhing opecial

f,o celebrale Nhe opening of the Vark,ehe'o qolNhree ideae:

1 Have a oVorte day2 Have a concerL5 Have a parade

Which idea do you like

lhe mosl?

This is mg dog. Hefndslost chitdren and peopLe.

Lesson 2 Lor§uoge inPut cnd storg

Page 67: Footprints Pupil's Book 0001 NEW

Lessons3ond4Grommor6 ti.|r'rra Listen qnd reod. Act out.

It's Mondoy evening. Joe is showing Emmo o photogroph on his mobile'




7 Look ond leorn. Modot verbs of deduction.

Which onimol is , it?

Hi, Joe. Wos it exciting in the pork of night?

Yes, it wos. I sow some wild onimols. Do you wont to

see some photos?Yes, pleose.

Look ot this onimol. Whot do you think it is?

I don't know. lt's got fur so it could be o robbit'

No, it isn't o robbit. Look of the eors'

Oh, yes. lt's got very smoll eors so it con't be o robbit'

It moy be o rot.No, it con't be o rot. lts toil is very short.

You're right. Cive me o clue, Joe'

OK. lt con't see verY well.I know. lt must be o mole.You're right. lt's o mole.



moy iI

i- ;;,.-t-I o robbit.t_t o rot.1_

might i = 50%could

i- coft-I_1o% -I


,il=#'*Hil{*,&ffiHttjft*§*}ih',8 Proctise Uour grqmmor. Reod ond sog the qnimqls'



This onimol hos got fur.

This onimol hos got four legs.

This onimol hos got wings.

This onimol hos got feothers.

This onimol eots mice.

This onimol con't see verY well.


Lesson 3 Grommsr ond comrnunicotion See Longuoge Guide, Page72.


Page 68: Footprints Pupil's Book 0001 NEW

I €h'Er'r con Tongo identifg the onimots? Listen ond find out.

Whieh onimol does iü look like?'.=,i ! .x,Ét

f i¡ i¡.8<.e:á iC'u, i f:r., t §l'§ c :-q. gei r:¡: i¡:É:¡ j.:SÍ

ffi Wnion animal doeeitlook like?

It looks likeo) o bodger.b) o wolf.c) o fox.

It looks likeo) o snoke.b) o tortoise.c) o lizord.



ffi Wni"f, animal áoes it laok like?i*; § Which animal does it look like?

é:* "' Which animal doesit looklike?It looks likeo) o cricket.b) o cockrooch.c) o spider.

It looks likeo) o shork. ,,.,.

b) o fish.c) o dolphin.

Look...*:.*, ueeadjectiues

ff#,:ff"T:*"Itaoundo.**").ttsmelts deticiouJ.Ittastes aweet.Itfeele eoft

Y:,,tr:i¿::z::*"Itlooks tike a cat.It sounds fike a whale.wsmells like a cake,


Now check your ocore,

Steps to speokingto @il Mqtch the words onáffi

Listen ond sog the rhgme.

'f¿,2?,2:n" rros bodser hedsehos sorillo

1l Work with o portner. ldentifg the onimots.Pupit A: AB pi07. pupit e: Áe p108.














It sounds like o frog, o goot, o giroffe,A bodger, o hedgeñog ánd o górillo.


Page 69: Footprints Pupil's Book 0001 NEW

Lesson 5 Cross-curriculor leorning

12 Reod the text. Which senses do nocturnol onimols useto cotch food?

toste sight heoring touch smell

Night onimols

A nocturnol onimol is on onimol which is octive of night. Mony nocturnolonimols ore predotors. They kill ond eot other onimols. Nocturnol onimolsusuolly sleep during the doy ond hunt their prey of night.

Mony nocturnol onimols, like owls ond cots, hove speciol eyesthot see very well in the dork. This is colled night vision. Cots' eyesore bigger thon o humon's eye so more light con enter their eyes.Cots olso hove speciol cells behind their eyes which reflect the light.These cells ore like o mirror. Thot is why cots' eyes shine in the dork.

A lot of nocturnol onimols con heor very well. Some nocturnolonimols hove very big eors. Other onimols hove eors thot move tohelp them locote prey. Some bots use echolocotion to novigote.They moke speciol sounds which bounce off the objects oround them.The echoes of these sounds tell the bots the distonce ond directionof things. Bots use echolocotion to hunt insects in the dork ond onebrown bot con eot obout 3 thousond mosquitoes in one night.

Mony nocturnol onimols use their sense of touch to help themnovigote ond find food. Snokes use sensors on their tongues to tosteond touch things ond they olso use the sensors to smell the oir. Somemommols like cots hove whiskers on the side of their foce. Scientiststhink thot cots use their whiskers to find out the position of the prey.


13 Reod the text ogoin. Are thesentences True (T) or Folse (F)?

I A nocturnol onimol sleeps of night.

2 Cots' eyes ore smoller thon humon eyes.

3 Echolocotion tells o bot how for on object is.

4 Snokes con smell food with their tongues.

5 Whiskers help o cot to locote food.

14 Test Uour senses.

I Close your eyes. Whot things con you heor?

2 Close your eyes. Whot things con you smell?

3 Close your eyes ond touch your desk.Whot things con you feel?

Lesson 5 Content qnd personoti§qtioñ

Page 70: Footprints Pupil's Book 0001 NEW

15 Reod qnd find out. Discuss.

Lesson ó Skills development

. Alligotors ore nocturnol onimols. They usuolly hunt otAdult olligotors eot fish, birds, reptiles ond mommols.

Hippos ore nocturnol onimols. They spend most of the doy

in the woter. They leove the woter of night to eot gross'

Koolos ore nocturnol onimols. They spend between eighteen

ond twenty hours o doy resting ond sleeping.

17 Reod ond leorn.

Writing o description of on onimol






when you write o description of on onimol, you need to give Informotion.

Whot closs of onimol isit? Owls ore birds.

Whot's its hobitot? Some owls live in the desert.

Whot does it look like? Owls have got a large head.

Whot does it eot? Owls eat mice.

. We use so to exploin theresult of something.

An owl has very big eYes so

it can see well.

16 Reod. Are the sentences True (T) or Folse(F)?

Owle arebirde.Íhere are Ynorelhan160 epeciee

of owl aroundlheworld andyou canlndlhemindiff erenl h abiUte. 5 om e owls liv e in f,he des erL an d

eome live in lhe mounlaine. However, owle don'l live

:nlhe Arclic.)wle are d,ifferenl eizee.The emalleel owlieNhe

' Elf Owl', which ie 16 cm lall and lhe biqgeet owl ie

-;he'GrealOrey Owl',whichie aboul b4 cmtall'Cwle are eaey lo idenlify.fhey have qol alargehead,

oree elae and a ehorl neck. An owl'e eyee ltre on

-.he fronl of te head and lhere are ueually feaNhere

croundlhe owl'e eye eolhe eyeelookbiqqer. An owl

:an'l move iNe eyee like humane eo when il wanle'n look around il need,e lo move all of ir,e head.

)wle are predalore, fhey kill and eaN mice,ineecle,

roqe and emall birde, )wle can eee and hear very well

eo lhey o,re very good hunlere.Their fealhere have a

apecial ehaVe oo f,hey frY eilenblY.

You con't find owls in Austrolio.Owls hove feothers on their heods.

Owls con move their eyes verY well.

Owls con see very smoll things.

Owls con heor smoll noises.

Owls moke o noise when theY flY.


























nocturnol huntpredotor prey


whiskersnight vision

Lesson 6 Content ond':skitts devetopment

Page 71: Footprints Pupil's Book 0001 NEW

Wild onimqlsLesson 7 Culture

Did you know thot there ore millions of wild onimols on the plonet Eorth? Unfortunotely, some of these

onimols ore in donger. lt is importont thot we protect these onimols so thot they don't become extinct.


18 (iil¡m Reod ond listen. Choose.

The Wortd Witdtife Fund

I The World Wildlife Fund begon more thon 30 / 40 / 50 yeors ogo'

2 A group of scientists / film stors / pop stors storted it.

g Now olmost 3 million / 5 million / 7 million people ore members.

4 The \A/WF works to protect onimols in20 / 50 / lOO countries.

5 The symbol of the wwF is o giont pondo / o tiger / on elephont

19 Reod qnd motch the Pictures.

I'm Austrolion. Lots of omozing wild onimols live in my country - the most fomous is

the koolo. Mony people think koolos ore beors, but they ore reolly morsupiols. Koolos

hove grey fur ond ore obout 70 cm toll. Unfortunotely, they ore on endongered species.

The kóolá's noturol hobitot is getting smoller becouse there ore more roods ond houses.

Also, koolos only eot leoves fróm eucolyptus trees ond pollution from troffic goes into the

leoves, moking them unheolthy for the koolos to eot. Rosie.l3 yeors old

l'm Conodion. The north of Conodo is in the Arctic ond polor beors live in this freezing

climote. Polor beors hove beoutiful white fur. But did you know thot their hoirs ore

reolly tronsporent? They look white becouse they reflect light from the snow. Polor

beors hove on excellent sense of smell so they ore very good hunters. They usuolly

stond next to holes in the ice ond cotch seols. Unfortunotely, polor beors ore in donger

becouse the ice is melting ond there is less spoce forthem to hunt. rohn,l2veorsold

I live in Scotlond - in the north of Britoin. My fovourite wild onimol in Scotlond is the

red sguirrel. Scientists soy thot they were in Britoin during the lost ice oge. Thot's

olmost 10 thousond yeors ogol Red squirrels ore obout 24 cm toll ond hove got long,

thick toils. They live in foresti ond moke nests in the trees. They eot nuts, seeds ond

fruit. Unfortunttely, red sguirrels ore in donger now. Scientists think thot grey squirrels,

which come from Americo, ore toking oll the food. ensrr,ll yeorsold

20 Reqd ond onswer. 21 Ask ond onswer.

Which onimol only eots leoves?

Which onimol is the smollest?Which onimol isn't o mommol?Which onimol is o predotor?

Which onimol only eots meot?

Which onimol existed o long time ogo?

Lesson 7 lntérculturot leorning ond personotisqtion



23456f '.

Page 72: Footprints Pupil's Book 0001 NEW

Lesson 8 Fluency

zz @ Guess the missing words. Listen ond check gour qnswers. sing.

', s {t! ono creepy.

I'm oll áloneln the qorden of my home.I con háor

" [email protected]'It's close to me.I stop. I listen. I forget to breethe-

I think of onimolsThot come out of !p.?It could be o mole or it inoy be o mouse.It could be o cockroochWolking by.

Or it might be o bot in the ie!

night dork torch noisefire sky eyes fox

Then I see eyesThot ore shiny ond red.They look l¡ké $i.? in its heod.It could be o wolf.It moy be o ¡p.?.It might be o big, ferocious dog.

I switch on my !Q.?And point the lightAt the terrible b*eost in the night.I open ,y iQ.?1,2,3 ...

It's my neighbour's cot up o treel


A dork night

Mg Javourite animal is achameleon because it's a

v erg Lnter estlng anlmat.

23 Totk obout o fqvourite onimot. (AB p71)

Presentotion' Show the picture to your group.' Describe the onimol in your picture.' Tolk obout your fovourite onimol.

Extension' Listen to your friends' questions.' Answer their questions.


Preporotion' Find o picture of your fovourite onimol.' Think obout your onimol ond moke

some notes.

Tip: Underline the words you wont to remember,

or write them in o different colour.


Lesson 8 Ftuencg ond project work

Page 73: Footprints Pupil's Book 0001 NEW


Night qnimols



Wbadgerffi 4 trog

l0 cricket ,gc

l2 cookroach


whiekers@ ni shr' vision

@ echotooation


hunl,-.A# -/ ?rey¡- á.tÉ.-

Nocturnol hunters


I Modol verbs of deduction

We use modols of deduction to soy how possible

we think something is.

wtrich onimol li - iii

must o wolfmo,

It might be o snokecould

¿¿rt't on owl

Remember!The modol verb doesn't chonge with he, she ond it.The verb ofter the modol is otwogs in the infinitiveform.

2 Verbs of sensotion

Our five senses help us find out informotion.We use these verbs to tolk obout our senses.




,t, You






looksound like


. -:'"ll' looks


smells like


i feels

+ noun


feel + odjtoste

r smell



smells + odj


+ noun

Whot's thot noise?

I don't know. ltsoemds hke on ow[.

Longuoge review I The ltlorld Around Me Portfolio Booktet

Page 74: Footprints Pupil's Book 0001 NEW

Longuoge GuideGnosmnrmr proatfrcc

1 Reod ond choose.

i lt's o mommol so it mroy Z6on:DU. on owl.2 lt's got feothers so it eould / eon,t be o snoke.3 lt's got o very short toil so it m¡.rst / msght

be o robbit.

4 lt's got fur so it rnust / eouNd be o mommol.5 lt con fly so it eor¡le{ / con,t be o snoke.6 lt's o cornivore so it nnoy / esn't be o fox.

2 Complete. Use must, moy, might, couldsnd con't.

It's got feothers so it mr¡st he o bind.

It lives in the seo so

It con climb trees so

It's got six legs so

It's got shorp clows so

It's got eight legs so

3 Choose. Act out the diologue.

Dod: Whot ore you doing, Ellie?

Eliie: I'm listening to the onimols in the gorden.Dod: Oh, yes. lt l) sounds / loo§<s like o blockbird.EIiie: And whot ore those over there?Dod: I'm not sure. They il loo§< / feel like squirrels.Ellle: Whot's thot smell?

Dod: I don't know. §) lt srme!!s / tostes like o fire.Ellie: Oh, nol They're my cokes. They're burning!





Voe«huLq16 proetice

5 Order the letters.Write your qnswers.

f Do you like soe.1?

2 Where do lswo livez

3 Hos o tekierc got wings?

4 Ís there la*CIcs¡s¡s in your clossroom?5 Con *royg swim?

& Would you like to see o sel6¡¡l

6 Complete the q,uestions.Ask ond onswer.

Which onimols hove gotn_ght v_s__n?Which onimols use _ ch _ I _ c_ t__ n?

Are snokes n _ ct _rn _l?Areowls pr_d_t_rs




Longuoge review I The World Around Me portfot¡o Booktet

Page 75: Footprints Pupil's Book 0001 NEW

Lesson I Vocobulory

f @ Motch the words ond pictu,res.Listen ond check.

J Operation Singing Stars

We wont to find the best music aroupin Littletown, lf you con sing or ploy oninstrument well, come ond perform for us.

3 Reod ond onswer the'{üé§tions.


Hi everyone,

l've gol eome very excilinq newo. Four

membero of the FoolVrinle Club are qoing

lo lake parl in f,he' )peralion 7inginq 7laro'compelilion. Joe, Ellie, Den and 1arah are in a

rock qroup called Fanlaslic Fool,prinlo, Ellie is

lhe lead einqer, ben is lhe quitariel,, 1arah 7layolhe keyboards and Joe ie lhe drummer. ben,

earah and Joe are aleo lhe backing einqere.

The compelilion ie on Salurday eveninq allheLif,ll el ow n O p o rle C e nlr e a n d Ra di o Lit ll el ow n

(103.5 fm) are qoingto be lherelo record

everythinq.The winnere will Vefrorm allheconcerl in lhe Vark. eo come alonq and

ehoul for the Fant aef,ic FoolVrinlel

Whot kind of music do Fontostic

Footpr:ints ploy?

Whot m usicol irrstruments,.do thgy',ploy?

How mony of the group sing?

When is the singing competition?

Whot ore Rodio Littletown'going üo do

ot the competition?






A concert

guitorist leod singerspotlight electric guitorkeyboords keyboord ployer

microphone bockingsingers

4 *'Ask ond onswer'

Which music do you like listening to?

I like listenino to the Jonos Brothe¡s.

Who's in the group?

Joe and Nick are the singers andKevin pLogs the e\ectrLc gultar.

2 @ Listen qnd motch.

Soturdoy 7.00 pm ot the Littletown Sports Centre.

fl Lesson I Vocobulorg presentotion

Page 76: Footprints Pupil's Book 0001 NEW

Lesson 2 Storyi

5 '.@ Listen ond reod. Operotion Singing Stors

EllielO: Are gou online, Joe?

Joe12: Yes, lom. Hi, Ettie!

EllielO: Are gou disoppointed thot we didn't win?Joel2: Yes, o LittLe bit.

Elliel O: Whot ore gou doing?

Joe12: l'm Listenlng to Rodio LittLetown. Whot obout gou?

EllielO: I'm listening to it, too. The Britneg Brothers ore pLoging now.Theg sound omozing.

Joel2: lt's true. Theg were the best.


Hi, mg nome's Brod. l'm thelead slnger and guitarist in

The Britneq Brothers.

H[, I'm Ettie. Do gou

JeeL nervous?

It's Soturdog ofternoon.The Fontostic Footprints orereheorsing in the sports centre.

' r ¡'r'€ readg for the competltion.You soundJontostic!

We're nervousbecause we

ho.ven't sung [n ocompetitlon before.

Don't worrg. We've sungin lots oJ competltions.

It's greotJun.

Hove gou everploged ot obLg


It's time for the competition.The sports centre is fulL.

The next group is colted Fontostic Footprints.

Reolty? When didgou do that?

We pLaged at abig concert inLondon [ost geor. lt was britliont.

-lave you beenon the radio


':s, we have.We'vebeen:r the radio four times.

ihe second pr'ze Ls Jor Fontastlc Footprints andtheJÉirst prize goes to The Britneg tirothers.

The Fantastic Footprintsdld verq we\[.

Yes, but theg're not goingto ptag at the pork concert.

Elliei O: And we con [isten to them ogoin ot the concert next * l) O AII¡.Joel2: I con't woit.

. How did Joe ond Ellie feelwhen they didn't win the concert?

. Are you o good loser whenyou don't win?

Lesson 2 Longuoge input ond storg

Page 77: Footprints Pupil's Book 0001 NEW

LessonsSond4Grommor6 (l;@@ Listen und reod' Act out'

It's MondoY evening' Ellie is tolking to o frlend in the Footprints CIub'

Are vou interested in music, KotY?

Yes, i om. Whot obout You?

i'r'*á¿ obout music' l'íe seen lots of concerts with my porer=

Lr.fV Vorl Whot's your fovourite type of music?

I love solso. Hove yá' tutt listened to solso music?

N;, i h;"..'t. I práfer rock ond pop music'

ü;;; y;;ver PloYed o musicol instrument?

Yes, I hove. I've PloYed the drums'

ReollY?v.i, ónO [ve wr(tten q song' Here you ore' lt's for

Fontostic FootPrints'

Wow! Thot's omozingl Thonk you very much'





1ou / thw

he / she



the drums?

to solso?










l/You/We/TheYo concert.

o song.


He / Shehosn't

hos never




on the rodio'


I Prqctise Uour grommor' Ask ond onswer'

lE".r.t *-.*t II r..n o-concert? | [ ves, I have' JY------\( l,r" uou Joe? I I No, l'm not'



I Joe: f, see o concertq ú ploY the drums

l"á7 ffiwriteosongA* fu listen to solso music

2 Ellie:

ffifl write o song

I sing of o concert

f, listen to solso music

E ploy the keYboords



ÉtK3 I see o concert

g listen to solso music

I write o song

ú ploy the drums

4 Tonyo:Iwriteosongfl sing ot o concert

ú ploy the drums

6llisten to solso music

See Longuoge Guide, Poge 82'

Lesson 3 Grqmmor ond communicotion

Page 78: Footprints Pupil's Book 0001 NEW

9 @ ls Tim mod obout music? Listen ond find out. Do the quiz.

Arc Jrou med about musie?I : E".i¡'l IE:s.s+' reEce'.Éf É{}EE.É :}=E¿§ {'És:<§ c=:ss§=


f;p nave you e\ter eungkaraoke?

¡- Yes, I hove.\ No. I hoven't.\wh"n did you sing korooke?

,&ffi Haveyoueverboughi

buy it?


t: F llaveyou ever met afamous oinger?

f Yes, I hove.\ No. I hoven't.\who did you meet?

ffi Haveyou eve? read amusia magazine?

(Yes, I hove.\ No. I hoven't.\o¡¿ you enjoy it?

ffi nave you ever learnb all the wordeof a oong?

fYes, I hove.\ trlo. I hoven't.N*h,.h

song wos it?

Now checkyour gcore,

11 Work with q portner. Find the informqtion.Pupil A: AB p109. Pupit B: AB p110.

n:;;::tz*;EHave you ever meta famoue einger?Who did you meet?tNhat did you aaye

Irregular pietparciciplee

buy boughtlearn barntmeet metread readaee aeenaing eungwríte written

Steps to speoking10 @ Moke the contrqctions.

Listen ond sog the rhgme.

I He She lt We You They 've 's

l've seen,

He's seen,

She's seen,

We've ollseen

The Dreom Teom!

See Longuoge Guide, poge 82. Lesson 4 Grommor, pronunciotion ond communicotion

Page 79: Footprints Pupil's Book 0001 NEW

Lesson 5 Cross-curriculor leorning

12 Which instruments ore in on orchestro? Reod the text ond find out.

The orchestrq

There ore four groups of instruments in onorchestro. These groups ore colled fomilies becousethe instruments ore similor. They ore mode from thesome moteriol ond you ploy them in the some woy.

String instruments ore mode of wood ond hovestrings which you use to moke sounds. You ployinstruments like the violin by moving o bow ocrossthe strings. You ploy instruments like the horp byplucking the strings with your fingers.

Bross instruments, like French horns, ore mode of o metol colled bross ond you use your mouthto ploy them. You need to press your lips together ond moke them vibrote when you blow intothe mouthpiece. Most bross instruments hove got speciol buttons colled volves. You chonge thesound by opening ond closing these volves with your fingers.

Woodwind instruments were mode of wood in the post, but mony ore now mode of metol,too. Clorinets ore mode of wood ond metol ond flutes ore mode of metol only. Woodwindinstruments ore long tubes with holes in them. You ploy o flute by blowing oir ocross the tubeond you moke different sounds by covering the holes with your fingers. Mony woodwindinstruments, such os oboes ond clorinets, hove o thin piece of wood colled o reed. This vibroteswhen you blow on it.

Percussion instruments ore very importont becouse they creote the rhythm in o piece of music.They ore different sizes ond ore mode of different moteriols. You ploy o percussion instrumentby hitting or shoking it. A tombourine is o percussion instrument which you hit with your hond,but you hit instruments like o triongle or xylophone with sticks or beoters.

13 Reod the text ogo¡n. Are thesentences True (Tl or Folse (F)?

I All string instruments hove strings.

2 You press volves to chonge the sound whenyou ploy most bross instruments.

3 AII woodwind instruments ore mode of wood.

4 When you ploy o clorinet you need to blow.

5 You hit o triongle with your hond.

14 @ Listen ond sog the


tromboneviolo +\


instrument. Check.



:trFrench horn cymbols oboewe§\

Lesson 5 Content ond personotisotion


Page 80: Footprints Pupil's Book 0001 NEW

15 Reod ond find out. Discuss.

't 6 Reod. Are the sentencesTrue (T) or Folse (F)?


Lesson 6 Skills development :

. The Notionol Youth Orchestro is on orchestro for young

musicions in Creot Britoin. They meet of Eoster, of New Yeor

ond in the summer holidoys.. You need to be 18 yeors old or younger to be o member.. You must ploy your instrument very well. You should be very

good of reoding music, too.o Young musicions need to poss o test, which is colled

on oudition, to get into the orchestro.

Every yeor the Notionol Youth Orchestro holds Open Doys in cities oround Crect Britoin'

young musicions con go there ond spend o doy with the orchestro.

HiKale, I

fhie ie a quick nole lo lell you aboul lhe Mueic Open Oay al our echool on 2


2 fhe Open Day ie tor chlldren who can play a mueical inelrumenl and who

areberweenlo andrT yeare ord,rrbeqine arharf paer nlne andñnlehee

alfive o'clock'

3 ln lhe Open Day we can learn lole of new thinqe'We can aleo play in an

orcheelra witn yoin[ people trom our cily' ll eounde ¡reat fun'

4 The dayiotree,bulweneedlolake apacked lunch' lf wewanllo qo'we

needlo reeewe a place onllne'We canlelephone't'oo'

5 AreYoulnlereeled? i

Love )ue

17 Reod ond leqrn.

Writing o note

I Storting the note: This is o quick note totell you ...

I Giving informotion: The Open Doy is for children .-.

! Exploining whot you con do: We can ...

{ Exploining whot you need: We need ..., We must ...,

5 Finishing the note: Are you interested?


The Open Doy losts oll doy.

The Open Doy is only forchildren.

It is for people who wont toleorn o musicol instrument.

The Open Doy is expensive.

You con buy lunch of the

Open Doy.

Sue hos reserved o ploce otthe Music Open Doy.

Linkers: dnd, also ond too

I we use these linkers to odd new ideos ond informotion.I

| . ntt, is usuolly before the moin verb. We con olsoI, nloV in on orchestra ...

| . roo is of the end of the sentence. We can

telephone, too.': . And is usuolly in the middle of o sentence. lt begins

of holf post nine and finishes at five o'clock.

Lesson 6 Content ond skitts devetopment

Page 81: Footprints Pupil's Book 0001 NEW

Lesson 7 Culture Fomous slngers

Which singer writes songs obout her friends?

Which singer hos designed clothes?

Which singer hos mode o film?

18 @ Reod qnd [isten. Choose.

The Beottes

I The Beotles were fomous in the 1960s / 1970s / 1980s.

2 There were 3 / 4 / 5 people in the group'

g They song Punk / PoP / rock songs'

4 rhey come'from Liveipool, in the north / north-west of Englond'

5 The Beotles recorded 214 / 24O I 314 songs between 1962 ond 1970'

6 They hod ten / fifteen / twenty songs thot went to number 1.

19 Reod ond motch the Pictures.

20 Reod ond onswer.





'pWhich singer PloYs the Piono?Which singer doesn't ploy the guitor?

Which singer isn't on octress?


There were mony fomous singers in the post. some of these singers helped chonge music forever'

Millions of peopÉ still buy thé¡r COs or downlood their music from the internet'

My nome is John ond l'm from Conodo. At the moment, one of the most

fomous singers in my country is Avril Lovigne. she writes rock songs obout

her life onJth. p.o[t. otorÁd her. She sings ond ploys the electric guitor' too'

Avril hos mode three olbums ond she hos olso sold millions of copies of them

oround the world. she hos olso won lots of music prizes. I like Avril's music

becouse it's fost ond energetic. She looks greot, too'

Hi, l,m Beth. l'm from Americo. one of the most populor Americon ortists right

now is Demi Lovoto. She comes from o city colled Dollos ond she is on octress

ond pop singer. Demi writes ond sings her own songs. she olso ploys the guitor

ond the piono. Demi storted octing *h.n she wos six ond she begon ploying the

guitor when she wos ten. Demi hos áppeole{.in severol films, ond she hos recorded

lots of songs. My fovourite song is colled 'This is me''

My nome is Emily ond I'm from Austrolio. One of the most fomous singers from

Austrolio is Kylie Minogue. she is o singer ond o songwriter ond she hos recorded

severol olbums. Millions of people oround the world'hove bought her olbums

ond she hos won mony music prizes. Kylie hos olso received o medol from the

Queen of Englond for Éer work. Kylie sometimes oppeors in television series in

Britoin. She designs foshionoble clothes, too'

Who are the molJamous slngers nov

Lesson 7 lntercutturol teorning ond personotisotion

21 Ask ond onswer.

Page 82: Footprints Pupil's Book 0001 NEW

Lesson 8 Fluency

22@ Guess the missing words. Listen ond check gour onswers. Sing.


The Footprints Club Song

We've plonted treerWe've found ,or. fu3.We've leor$ o new sport.We've §f together.

We've worked in the t€F.We've hod o frioht.We've token lsfLote ot night.

We've mode some t€3For o foshion show.We've listened to o concerton the tdWe've mode new ¡fl!.We've hod qood fun.We're t@*?io U.ln the Footprints Club.Yes, we're hoppy to be in the Footprints Club.

23 Totk obout o fovourite group,

Preporotion(AB p81)

Find out some informotion obout yourfovourite group.Find o picture in o mogozine.Think obout the group ond moke some notes.

Extension' Listen to your friends' guestions.'tJ: ' Answer their questions.

rodio photos pork treosureclothes ployed hoppy friends

By Koty


Ylg JavourLte group Ls

CoLdplag. Theg comeJrom London ond

they ptay rock music.

Tip: Ask your friends to speok more

loudly if you con't heor them.

Lesson I Ftuencg ond project work

Page 83: Footprints Pupil's Book 0001 NEW

Review:, li. :.:r

Unit IGrn¡nmsr

I Present per{ect for post experience


met o PoP stor

Remember!. We use the present perfect to

tolk qbout experiences in the post.. We con use ever in questions.. We con use never in the negotive.

2 lrregulor post porticiples










wss / were





Post Porticiplebeen





3 Present perfect ond post simple

Hsve you ever seen the Jonos Brothers?

>Yes,/l¡sve.When did you sqe them?-\t

r saw them in 2oog.

Remember!We use the post simpte when we

wont to find out specific informotionobout on experience.


A concert

I drums 7


S opeakeroffi>\w,-/Q keyboarde3 electric guitar

4 guitariot

@)5 lead einger

(&)6 backing eingereffi) @)Musicol instruments

string .ffi-'''"ninstrument,



ingtrumenlperaueoion inet rumenle

2 drummer

ll otaqe

12 oporlight


'É Longuoge review I The World Around Me Portfotio Bookl'et

Page 84: Footprints Pupil's Book 0001 NEW

Lqngusge Guide

G¡'qm¡r.¡gn proctiee

Reod ond choose.

l@/ hss met o fomous singer.

Hsve / !-lss Emmo ever ployed the violin?I hove / hCIven't never been to o concert.

Peter l¡oven't / hosn't written o song.

Have / Hos you ever bought o CD?

Som ond Tony hove / hsven't never ployedthe drums.

2 Write the question. Answer yes, t hoveor No, I hoven't.

;love you ever (meet) on English person?

. Hove you ever (see) wild onimols?-love you ever (be) to poris?

-love you ever (write) o postcord?-1ove you ever (buy) o computer gome?

-love you ever (reod) Horry potter?

Complete the diologue. Act out.

Hove you ever l) wrote / wnittem osong, Tim?

Yes, I hove. I 2) wrote / hsve writter¡ onewhen I wos younger.

Why 3) hove you written / dñd you writeo song?

Becouse I 4) hsve wsnted / wonted to befomous. Whot obout you, Kote?

i 5) hove written / wrote o song, too.Thot's greot. When 6) hove yoel everwritten / did you write your song?

I 7) hqve wnltten / urrote it yesterdoy.Fontostic Footprints ore going to sing it.








G¡'sl'ltnnor pruetiee

4 Work with o friend.

What's the post portlcLpLe oJwrite?


Vocsbutqrg proctice

5 Order the letters. Write your onswers.

I Do you wont to ploy the rstigu?2 Hove you ever ployed the smu¡.d?3 Hove you ever oppeored on o tseg*?4 Who's your fovourite seginn?

5 Hove you ever used o eropiho¡.y¡en?

ó Do you wont to be o kingesb se..§in?

6 Complete the questions. Write theonswers. \

! Nomefours-r ro\.\,.instruments. - *W-


3 Nome three br _ s _ +,!instruments. -,InSLrUmenTS.

4 Nomethree w_o_w_ndinstrumentr,-§

Nome four p rc ss n .



Longuoge review I The Wortd Around Me portfotio Booktet

Page 85: Footprints Pupil's Book 0001 NEW

Lesson I VocobuloryFeetP§tel§§r&[ub §l[ew¿s

a 3 Reod ond qnswer the questions.

q' + utrrlrrow* rÉrr t

Al laol lhe Vark ie ready.You've cleaned iland you've Vlanled' lreeo and frowere.You have

d,eeiqned and painled lhe okate zone,loo'

Well done everybodYl

To celebrale, lhere' o qoinq lo be a féte

in lhe park on gunday'There'll be lole of

excilinq ridee and lhere'll be a parade and

a ekaleboard dioVlay,loo. There'll aleo be a

barbecue oo if you are hunqry you can eal a

delicious hamburqer or hol doq.

Finally, in lhe eveninq lhere will be a qrand

concerl by lhe winnero of the )Veralionginqin q glaro c omV elilion, f he A rilney


Come and enjoy the funl

1 @ Motch the words ond Pictures.Listen ond check.

} LITTLETOWN FÉTE @Come ond see the new Pork ond

enjoy o fun doy ot the Littletown féte.

FdAEc @&BQ{t

The moyor will open the féte ot 11'00 om ond in the

evening there will be o concet by The Britney Brothels'







Whot hove the children Plonted in

Whot hove the children Pointed in

Whot con you wotch of the féte?

Whot con you eot of the féte?

Who is going to sing ot the f6te?

the pork?

the pork?

fireworksmogicionroller coostertoffee opple

A féte


condyflossbumper cors

roundoboutbounry cqstle

4l Ask ond onswer.

Have you everbeento oJéte? Y*,1hove.

When dtdgougo? lwent lastyear.

What did gousee? I saw lots of stalk ond ridw.2 «1@ Listen ond motch.

'p Lesson I Vocobuloru Presentotion

Page 86: Footprints Pupil's Book 0001 NEW

Lesson 2 Story5 @r Listen qnd reod. Fun of the féte

I decLare the LitttetownJéte open.

-ffe's_a problem with the transport.The Britneg Brothers can't come.

How about seeinq theskateboord dispto{ JÉirst?

That's a goodidea. Let's qo tothe skate zone.

Don't worrg. l'tlphone them.

Oh, nol What ore we goLng to do?

FantasticFootprlnts wltlp\ag, oJ course.

I don't beLieve it. lt's Zockl

We'll, get our lnstrumentsfrom the Footprints Club.

,Vetldone, Fantastlc Footprints. you sang brittianttg.

. How did Joe ond Elliefeel when Zock oppeored?

r Do you Iike giving ondreceiving nice surprises?

A tantast¡G tGteYesterday's féte at the park was a great success.Everybody enjoyed the skateboard display, and thelocal group, Fantastic Footprints, gave a brilliantperformance at the concert. Everyone was astonishedwhen the famous singer Zack appeared on stage, too.At the end of the concert the mayor thanked the FootprintsClub for their hard work. She also told them that thename of the new park was *lOlI*fOOt park.

The park is now open every day from 8 o'clock in themorning until 8 o'clock at night. It,s a wonderful greenplace in the middle of our town.




Lesson 2 Longuoge input ond storg

Page 87: Footprints Pupil's Book 0001 NEW

6 Li ¡.. e Listen ond reod. Act out.


omlomnot i

Ellie ond Joe ore ot the féte.

Ellie: Whot ore you going to do now, Joe?

Joe: I'm hungry. l'm going to buy something to eot.

Ellie: Here's o stoll. Will you hove o toffee opple or

some condyfloss?Joe: I'll hove o toffee oPPle.

Ellie: Cood ideo. l'll hove o toffee opple, too.

.!oe: Are you going to go on o ride, Ellie?

Ellie: Yes, I om.Joe: Which ride ore You going to go on?

Ellie: I'm going to go on the bumper cors.

Joe: Thot's o good ideo. I'll come, too.

Ellie: OK. But don't bump me too hord!

He / She is / isn't going to o ride.

tiá tkái"ooo ra i ns d'tÑt-*..:*..1




\.t /



You / We / They i ore / oren't

a'I l/You lWe/They

He / She


will I hove o toffee opple.+ - -----'won't , come with You. i


7 Look ond [eorn. Going toond Will. .t'i;;fffi#;

igltelh!Ef9§9!. -,

l'[[ go on the ro[ter cooster.I won't go on the bumPer cars.

You're going to go on the rottercoaster. \ou're goLngto watch...

Wit[gou go on the bumpercors or the rotler cooster?

Con I remember?

8 Proctise Uour grommor. Ask ond onswer. Remember'

I goon ,ffi.ffig


See Longuoge Guide, Poge 92.

*i/frz wotch

ffl o(


Lesson 3 Grommor ond communicotion

4 goon


Page 88: Footprints Pupil's Book 0001 NEW

9 @ con Ettie prepore o good portg? Listen ond find out.Do:lhe quiz.

A elass eelebration=

ffi Vou need to bring food for thepartyWhal do you eay?

o) I'll moke some sondwiches.

b) I'll moke on enormous coke.

c) l'll bring our fovourite snocks.

:-*-! ,S Vou need eome mueic for i

' the ?arty.What doyou eay? ;

O otrotro

for the party,What, do you eay?

o) Why don't we wotch DVDs?

b) Whot obout hoving o mogicionond fireworks?

: c) Sholl we hqve o disco?:*=.:='-*-

; §§ You neeáto think about

tvtakins "lañ"i);.

l^{¡ththe inñniüue:. W dontwe ptay CDa?. bhallwe singsonge?


wearinatancy dreee?

, How about eating piza?

o) Sholl we listen to our Englishcloss songs?

b) Why don't we osk o bond toploy for us?

c) Whot obout ploying ourtovourite CDs?

Now cheok your ecore.

clothee.What do you eay?

o) How obout weoring our schooluniform?

b) Sholl we wesr foncy dress costumes?

c) Why don't we weor porty clothes?

Wpon¿,rsu "A:";n,t Agreeing

. Thateagood/grcatl¡antastic idea.


. .It's not a good ideabecause .,.

Steps to speokingf 0 @ Sog the words. Listen ond sou

the rhgme.

I'tl He'll She'll We'll They'll you,ll

I'll bring the sondwiches,He'll bring the nuts,She'll bring the chocolote coke,And together we'll eot them up!

11 Work with o portner. PLon gour pqrtg.Pupit A: AB pI1 1. Pupit B: AB p112.

When sha[[weh.ave the portg?



qlSee Longuoge Guide, poge 92. Lesson 4 Grommor, pronunciotion ond communicotion

Page 89: Footprints Pupil's Book 0001 NEW

Lesson 5 Cross-curriculor leorning

o wooden box o chocolote bqr some money

Chortie ond the Chocotote Foctorg

Roold Dohl (1915-199At wos on outhor, He wrotelots of fomous childrenfs stories. Some of the rnostfomous are Charlie ond the Chocolate Focfrry, Jom*ond the Giont Peoch ond lhe Big Friendly Giont.

Chorlie ond the Chocolate Foctorywos written by Roold Dohl in 1964.|t tells the story ofo poor boy colled Chorlie Bucket who Iives neor o wonderful chocolote foctory.

Only once o yeot on his birthdoy, did Chorlie Bucket ever get to toste o bit of chocolote.The whole fomily soved up their money for thot speciol occosion, ond when thot greot doy

orrived, Chorlie wos olwoys presented with one smoll chocolote bor to eot oll by himself.

And eoch time he received it, on those morvellous birthdoy mornings, he would ploce itcorefully in o smoll wooden box thot he owned, ond treosure it os though it were o bor ofsolid gold; ond for the next few doys he would ollow himself only to look of it, but never totouch it. Then of lost, when he could stond it no longer, he would pee! bock o tiny bit of thepoper wropping of one corner to expose o tiny bit of chocolote, ond then he would toke otiny nibble, ond so on, ond so on. And in this woy, Chorlie would moke his ten-cent bor ofbirthdoy chocolote lost him for more thon one month.

13Findthesewordsinthetext.14AskondonSwerlwG;II To eot something by toking lots of little bites. . When is your birthdoy? L


3 The poper or plostic thot is oround on object. . Whot did you eot ond drink?

4 To put money in the bonk so thot you con ' Whot presents did you get?

use it loter Which other doys do you celebrote?

5 To put something down very corefully. \ i ; .6 To toke something off.

12 Reod the text. Whot wos Chorlie's birthdog present?

Lesson 5 Content ond personotisotion

Page 90: Footprints Pupil's Book 0001 NEW

Lesson ó Skills development15 Reod ond find out more informotion obout Rootd Doht. Discuss.

. Roold Dohl wrote oll of his stories in o smoll hut ot the bottom ofhis gorden. The hut wos white ond hod o yellow front door.

. Roold Dohl never ollowed onyone into his hut so it wos very dustyond untidy.

. He never used o computer. He olwoys wrote in pencil on yellow poper.

. He loved chocolote, but not chocolote coke or chocolote ice creom'

Hove you ever reod o book by Roold Dohl?

16 Reqd. Are the sentences True (T) or Folse(F)?

Title: 'Charlie and the Chocolate Factory'Author: Roa1d DahlType of book: rictionDo like chocolate? Do you like adventurestories? If you do, then this book isfor you.The storyline is about a young boy caI1edCharlie Bucket who comes from a very poorfamily. One day Charlie finds some moneyand buys a chocolate bar. There is agolden ticket inside the chocolate bar.The ticket is an invitation to visit willy!üonka's mysterious chocolate factory.There are five lucky children who have gota golden ticket and the story describeswhat happens to them when they visit thechocolate factory.

My favourite character is the owner ofthe chocolate factory. His name isMr lVilly lVonka and he's clever andfunny. The thing I don't like about thischaracter is his clothes because theyare very old-fashioned and strange.The best part of the storY is whenCharlie ri-des down the chocolate river.I like this part because the boat goesinto a big, black tunnel which isscary and exciting.I like the illustrations because they are veryfunny. but I think they should be in colour.I gi-ve this book 9 out of 10 because itis very original and enjoyable.Reviewed by Simon Thompson (age 11)

I The story is obout o reol boy.

2 Chorlie wos lucky to find o golden ticket.

3 Mr Willy Wonko found o golden ticket, too.

17 Reod ond leqrn.

4 The story line is originol ond exciting.

5 The illustrotions ore boring.

6 The reviewer liked the book.


Writing o book review

When you write o book review you need toinclude importo nt informotion :

. The title, the outhor ond the type of book:(fiction/ non-fiction).

. The storyline ond the chorocters.

. Your opinion: What did you like the most?

. Cive the book o score out of ten.

Giving on opinion

I like / don't like the book because ...

I love / hote the book because ...

The thing I like / don't like is ... becouse ...

Positive odjectives: exciting, funn¡+

originolNegotive odjectives: boring, too long / short,unoriginol

Lesson 6 Content ond skitls development

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18 (:@ Reod ond listen. Choose.

Thonksgiving DogI Thonksgiving is o British / qn Americqn / on Austrolion festivol.

2 Thonksgiving Doy is olwoys on the lost Thursdoy in september /October / November.

g People usuolly celebrote the doy with their fomily / their friends

4 People usuolly eot fish / chicken / turkey for dinner.

5 There ore lots of fétes / porties / porodes on Thonksgiving Doy.

19 Reod ond motch the Pictures.

I'm from Monchester in Englond ond my fovourite celebrotion is Chinese New

Yeor, which tokes ploce in Jonuory or Februory every yeor. On this doy oll

of my fomily get together to celebrote ond eot speciol dishes. We eot duck,

chiclien, fruits, coke ond delicious Chinese desserts, too. There ore drogon

doncing ond mortiol orts disploys in the streets ond you con see omozing

fireworks. Did you know thot people leove the windows of their houses open

so thot the old yeor con leove the house? xin,12 veors old

I'm from Scotlond ond my fovourite celebrotion is Burns Night. Robert Burns wos

o fomous Scoüish poetwho lived in the 18th century. On 25th Jonuory, Scottish

people everywhere celebrote his birthdoy. On Burns Night my fomily eots 'hoggis'

with pototoes ond other vegetobles. Hoggis is o troditionol Scottish dish. lt's mode

with sheep's stomoch ond it's full of meot. lt sounds horrible, but it's delicious.

Before dinner we soy o poem to the hoggis ond my dod mokes o speech obout

Robert Burns. Then ofter dinner we reod poems by Robert Burns. Jim,11 yeors old

I live in Dublin, the copitol of lrelond. My fovourite festivol is 5t Potrick's Doy,

which lrish people everywhere celebrote on Morch.l'7th. My city hos o big

porode ond fétes, treosure hunts ond donces, too. People usuolly weor green

on this doy ond mony people weor o smoll bunch of shomrocks on theirjocket. The shomrock is o smoll, green plont with three leoves ond it's the

symbol of lrelond. Jomes,l2 yeors old

Lesson 7 Culture

20 Reod ond onswer.

I When do people look for treosure?

2 When do people wotch fireworks?3 When do people reod ond write poems?




When do people open windows?When do people weor green?

When do people eot hoggis?


ln every country, people celebrote speciol doys or times of the yeor. These celebrotions ore colled

festivoú. Monyfestirb6 hou. gottheirown troditions ond speciol food. Everyone enjoys o festivol.

Lesson 7 Intercutturot teorning ond personotisotion

21 Ask ond onswer.

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Lesson 8 Fluency

22(j@ Listen ond reod. Sing.

Celebrote the future

The future is coming.You gotto cotch it if you con.The mogic's unfoldingWhen you con hold it in your hond.We con touch tomorrow todoyTo moke some memories thot neverFode owoy.

Put your hands on the future.There ore dreoms together oround theWith the voice from every country.Face from every lond.

We'll celebrate the future hond.ín-.haaéWe'll celebrate the future hond in htond.

ir.tir l.,::il;j ,

':, i', -a,

; *b$ rnogic of tomorrow' ,ü[rv€s inside of you.

Join the celebrotion.

23 Totk obout gour fovourite cel.ebrotion. (AB p91)

PreporotionThink of o celebrotion thot you enjoy.Find o photo of you ot the celebrotionThink obout the celebrotion ond mokesome notes.

i'§'"' PresentotionShow the photo to your closs.Tolk obout the celebrotion.

ExtensionListen to your friends' questions.Answer their questions

It's o foiry tole come true.Hormony, it's,hormony.All of us.tqgether.moking history yeoh ...

hands on the future.ottf:d.r,,eoms together around the world.

from every country.eV,étY',,lOnd.

the future hand in hond.the future hand in hand.

Tip: Write down ony speciol words you

need to tolk obout the celebrotion.

Lesson 8 Fluencg ond project work

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1 Going to

going to

He / She is / isn't going to

You / We / They ore / oren't

'-*--Amlls he / she going to swim?

Are yo,u / we / they

! , 9r: _ __Ir_ n9!: ,ves,

, __*!pls!g . _l!, _ No, . Lre / ¡h9 _irl.! ,

y9y / *"_{ lh:V ore: , yoy ! we / they oren t, ,

we use &iff[113i'"* "0",,our ptons for the future.

2 Will

t / You / He / She / We / they ;::- wotch the porode.

wlll, I/yoy/h9Iqhe-l y9-/the¡1 wo!9h the pg19de?

Yes, t tyá,itt'lelitre /we /they *¡lL.

ñ", l rá, /ñá I it,é I *. I th;, *oñ;i

we use wir vfieeTi,TlrT'i", decisionobout the future qt thot moment.

3 Suggestions

With the infinitive. Wlly dan't we plüy games?. Sltsll we wdteh DVDs?

With -ing. What about wearing party clothes?. Now qbswt eoting sandwiches?

Agreeing Disogreeing

. Ilrstk o gosd ideo. . lf's not a good idea becouse .... l'ftlr?of süre,

go on o ride.

''. '..1j..1fry::w

tW ,o*ron" review trhewortd AroundMe portfotio Booktet


Unit 9


At o féte

I bumper aare



. * t:m¡*slñffitr


4 roller coaster

5 elallaEañ&ffi


¿/ f¿l




auLhor illuslral,ion

,.6_*; í>%"ÑI THE STORY )>---\-aharaaler otoryline



Page 94: Footprints Pupil's Book 0001 NEW

Longuqge GuideGrommor proctice

1 Order ond write the questions.Write your onswers.

Whot ore your plons for this evening?I you / to / TV? / going / Are / wotch2 do / to / you / homework? / your / Are / going3 sport? / you / do / Are / going / to4 going / you / the / Are / use / to / computer?5 book? /you/reod/Arelto /o/going

2 Complete the sentences. Use willor won,t.I The film wosn't very good.

Reolly? I won't go ond see it then.2 lt's dork in here.

l ? switch on the light.3 Do you wont o chocolote or o strowberry


I '! hove o chocolote one, pleose.4 This vose is very delicote ond expensive.

I ? touch it then.5 Oh, nol lt's storted to roin.

l '? go to the beoch now.

3 Complete the diologue. Act out.Cloire: l) !'m Eoing to I I'll ploy bosketboll. Do you

wont to ploy?

lock: I con't. I need to finish my homework.Cloire: A l,ts I l,m golng to help you.Jock: Thonks. I need to find out informotion obout

Cloire: 3) l'll / !,nr going to look on the computer.Jock: Cood ideo. Hove you ever reod o book by

Roold Dohl?

Cloire: Yes, I hove. I'm reoding Matitda now ond4) I'rn going to / !,ll reod Charlie and the

Procüice \\

Chocolate Factory next.

5-rpr¡lryp:x¡1r+1*r*r.*:%+!rffi!:Erirry--.. --*:l:li

Grqmmor proct¡ce

4 Work with o friend. Mqke suggestionsfor the weekend.

Wlut cboutgoing ot ten


.Whg don't we goswtmming on Soturdag?

That's a qood ídea.What time ihatt we gol

Vooobr"¡tsrS prostis§

5 Order ond osk

I Hove you ever eoten o efetof pulcpZ2 Hove you ever seen o eropsd?3 Hove you ever been on o

rerlol otesssr?4 Hove you ever eoten geodnsolf5?5 Hove you ever seen o rifewokr disploy?6 Hove you ever been on o prsmub or§?

6 Complete the g,uestions.Ask ond onswer.

Think of o book you like.

I Whot is the t _ tl _?2 Who ore the importont ch _ r _ ct _ rs?3 Hos the book got ony _ ll _ str _ t _ _ ns?4 Whot is the st _ry\_n _?

Longuoge review I The Wortd Around Me portfotio Booklet

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At Christmos time mony people in the UK put up Christmos decorotions in their houses. There ore lots ofdecorotions ond Christmos lights in the streets, too. Some of the most fomous Christmos lights ore in OxfordStreet, London. People come from oll oround the world to do their Christmos shopping in this street.

1 @ Reqd qnd tisten. Choose.

Oxford StreetI Oxford Street is more thon two / two ond o holf / three kilometres long.2 There ore more thon 100 / 2OO / 300 shops.3 The Christmos lights ore switched on in October / November / December.

4 The Christmos lights use more thon 250,000 / 250,000 / 240,000light bulbs.

5 About 20 million / 30 million / 40 million shoppers buytheir Christmos presents in Oxford Street eoch yeor.

2 Reod ond motch.

My dod usuolly buys o big Christmos tree ot the beginning of December ondoll the fomily help to decorote it. We hong lots of different decorotions on thetree. There ore round, shiny boubles ond long pieces of silver ond gold tinsel.We olso hong up smoll stockings which hove got chocolote ond sweets inside

them. Finolly, we put the Christmos lights on the tree ond o big, silver stor otthe top. lt olwoys looks brilliontl s¡mon,11 yeors old

My fomily love Christmos so We put up lots of decorotions. We hong tinselond poper choins from the ceiling. We olso put up oll the Christmos cords

thot we receive from our fomily ond friends. My fovourite Christmos decorotionis the odvent colendor. lt's got 24 windows ond there's o chocolote behind eoch

one. I open the first window on the first of December ond the lost window on

Christmos Eve. ¡rl¡", io yeors old

At Christmos time, my fomily olwoys send Christmos cords to friends ondfomily who live for owoy ond we receive Christmos cords, too. We put up ourChristmos cords, but my fovourite Christmos decorotions ore the Christmoscondles. My mum puts the condles next to the window ond they look verypretty. I olso love decoroting the house with holly. lt's o winter plont withdork green leoves ond bright red berries. Sondro,l2 yeors old



3 Find the nome of these decorqtions in the texts.

'ü r''='-==

Page 96: Footprints Pupil's Book 0001 NEW

Morch 21st is World Poetry Doy. People oll oround the world celebrote this doy by reoding ondwriting poetry. But whot is o poem?

The lines in o poem con be short or long. They con evenmoke different shopes.Poets sometimes breok the rules of grommor. And theysometimes invent new words, too.Some poems rhyme. They hove words thot finish in thesome sound. Other poems don't rhyme.Some poems ore funny ond they moke us lough.Other poems ore more serious.Poems olwoys moke us think.

2 coa.ar liglen, reqd Ond SOU.



coe.so liglen, reod ond find out.

. When you write o story you use sentences, porogrophs ondchopters. But poems look different. you write them in lines.

FriendeOpen doorOpen armeTogelher?layinqReadinglnlereelinqNawofim and TanyaSVecial

3 coa.sa liglen, reqd Ond SOU.







Do you know ony poems?Do you like poetry?

Footba.[[,bg Joe


Wortd Poetrg Dog

Page 97: Footprints Pupil's Book 0001 NEW

World Environment DoY

@ Listen, reqd qnd motch.

worrd Environment Doy is on 5th June. rt is o doy when peopre oil oround the world think obout

the things they con do tá protect the plonet. Everyone con do something to moke o difference'

Cors ore not good for the environment becouse they produce poisonous goses'

A lot of p"opl" use cors when they con wolk or use public tronsport' I wolk to

school every doy ond cycle os much os lcon' Steven'osed11

ln my house we recycle o lot of things. we've got four bins.

One is for poper ond cord, one is for gloss, one is for generol

rubbish ond onother one is for plostic contoiners' Emmo' osed 11

There isn't o lot of woter where I live so we try to sove woter'

We hove showers ond not boths, ond we turn the top off when

we brush our teeth. My dod hos olso got o big woter butt in the

gorden, ond we use the woter in the gorden' Liso' oged e

My fomily tries to sove energy in the house' We use speciol

lig6t OutÉs in the lomps. They ore more expensive, but they

uie less energy ond lost longer. When I go to bed, I olwoys

turn off the táievision ond the computer. A lot of people leove

their computer on stondby ond thot wqstes o lot of electricity.

Louro, oged 12

2 Find these words in the text.

I This is o gloss object thot you put in on electric lomp to get light.

2 You do tñis when you use too much of something'g This is o lorge contoiner which collects roinwoter'

4 This is o thick Poper.5 You do this when you use less of something'

6 This describes something which con hurt or kill you'

3 Look qnd sou. Use sáoufdond shouldn't'


You shoutdn't havebaths. You should

hove showers.

Whot con gou do otschool to help protect

the environment?Wortd Environment Dog


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