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For E-Learning Partnerships Institutional Considerations Rene Corbeil, Ed.D.

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For E-Learning Partnerships Institutional Considerations Rene Corbeil, Ed.D. Rene Corbeil, Ed.D.

For E-Learning Partnerships

Institutional Considerations

Rene Corbeil, Ed.D.Rene Corbeil, Ed.D.

Institutional Considerations for DevelopingInstitutional Considerations for DevelopingE-learning PartnershipsE-learning Partnerships

E-Learning represents a paradigm shift for: Learners Instructors Support Staff Administrators The Institution

Before entering into an e-learning partnership, all stakeholders must consider whether it is doable andcost effective.

The following institutional considerations must be taken into account….

Dimensions of E-learningDimensions of E-learning FrameworkFrameworkPedagogical considerations address issues of teaching and learning. These include content, audience, goal, and medium analyses, design approach, organization and methods, and strategies of e-learning environments.

Technological considerations include issues pertaining to e-learning environments, infrastructure, hardware and software planning.

Interface Design refers to overall look and feel of e-learning programs. It encompasses page and site design, navigation, and accessibility issues.

Evaluation includes assessment

of learners and evaluation of instruction of e-learning programs.

Management includes maintenance of the learning environment and distribution of information.

Resource Support examines the online support materials and resources required to foster meaning- ful learning.

Ethical considerations includelegal issues, cultural diversity, etiquette, bias, and the digital divide.

Institutional considerations includeadministrative affairs, academic affairs, and student services related to e-learning.

The Goal…The Goal…

Go from this…Go from this…

…………………………to thisto this


to this … :to this … :

Pedagogical ConsiderationsPedagogical Considerations

Will it be necessary to develop a new course or can an existing course be used?

Do learners possess the prerequisite technological knowledge or skills needed to start the e‑learning course?

How relevant are the instructional goals of the course to the learners?

Are the course goals approved by appropriate officials within the institution?

Are there adequate resources (e.g., personnel, time, etc.) to develop e‑learning lessons for the proposed course goals?

Technological ConsiderationsTechnological Considerations

Is the institution committed to e-learning and does it have a plan for acquiring, maintaining, and upgrading hardware and software required for e‑learning?

Does the institution have the technological and technical capabilities required to support e‑learning?

Do students, instructors, and support staff possess the technological skills necessary for e-learning?

Do students and instructors have access to appropriate hardware, software, and bandwidth to participate in e-learning from home? →

Interface Design ConsiderationsInterface Design Considerations Will the course reside on a learning

management system such as WebCT® or Blackboard®?

Does the course provide an easy mechanism for electronic publishing for students and instructors?

Does the course provide structural aids (i.e., unit, lesson, activities, etc.) to guide learner’s navigation?

Is the course easy to navigate? (Can users move from page to page, and link to link with ease without getting lost or confused?)

Is the course Website designed to be accessible by a wide user population? →

Evaluation ConsiderationsEvaluation Considerations Does the institution have a mechanism to

conduct online surveys to determine student satisfaction and course quality?

Does the institution have a system of providing student grades online?

Does the course provide a mechanism for online testing?

Does the course include authentic assessment strategies to evaluate real-world skills?

Does assessment provide students with the opportunity to demonstrate what they have learned in the course? →

Management ConsiderationsManagement Considerations

Are all e‑learning materials created based on institution’s stated technology requirements?

Are the course materials updated regularly (e.g., are Web pages maintained, up to date, etc.)?

Does the course provide students with designated and secure online spaces to store their personal notes and resources?

Does the course protect students' information from the outsiders (hackers)? →

Resource Support ConsiderationsResource Support Considerations Do students have access to the library

and other learning resources? Does the institution provide expert

technical support assistance or a help line?

Does the course provide round-the-clock (24/7) technical support?

Does the course provide printed technical support materials on the Web?

If asynchronous help is provided, how soon can learners expect to get answers to their e-mail, phone, or fax inquiries from the Technical Support Staff?

Does the institution have a digital library of its own? →

Ethical ConsiderationsEthical Considerations Does the institution have to get approval

from any external entities (who can serve as political barriers) to implement its e‑learning?

Does the institution have a policy for using copyrighted materials for e-learning?

Does the course provide flexibility to accommodate diverse learning styles?

Is the course designed to accommodate the needs of visually impaired learners?

Does the institution have Internet etiquette guidelines?

Does the institution have policies and guidelines regarding fraudulent activities in course-related testing, assignments and projects? →

Institutional ConsiderationsInstitutional Considerations

Does the e-learning initiative have direct support from the senior administrative staff of the institution?

Does the institution have adequate human resources to support the e-learning initiative?

Does the institution have the infrastructure to facilitate online registration, billing, and a method for dropping or withdrawing from an e-learning course

Once these conditions have been addressed, you are ready to move on to the next phase...

The MOUThe MOU The MOU is an agreement between

the two institutions. The MOU states the:

Purpose Shared Goals Terms and Conditions

It is signed by the appropriate representatives of each institution.

Once signed, development of instruction can begin.

The Course Web SiteThe Course Web Site

ReferencesReferences Khan, B. (2001). WBL Framework. Educational Technology

Publications. Retrieved February 10, 2004, from

