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For Personal Help: Almighty God, we need thee every morn

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For Personal Help: Almighty God, we need thee every morn- ing when we go forth to work, not knowing what the day may bring, but knowing that we desire a good day's work that shall not be in vain. We need thee every noon to sustain us in our tasks, to keep us mindful of the ideals we have established and the vision we have seen of freedom for the world. vVe need thee at evening time after the warm sun has gone down in brilliant color and the lights of the night have been lighted, to renew our hope, to still our fears and to give us thy benediction . We need thee when we are melancholy to call our attemion to simple and beautiful things: the laughter of little children and the quiet fall of winter's snow. We need thee in hours of grief to comfort us with the chaste solace of thy spirit. We need thee in the moment of joy to share our gaiety and laughter and to keep us always thankful for the manifold blessings of life. w·e need thee when we are sick to restore us to health with thy radiant energy and cool, healing help. vVe need thee when we sin to lift us up from our moral failure and to reassure us with the faith that next time we will do differ- ently. 0 thou who art our heavenly Father, we always need thee, body and soul cry out unto thee, our hearts are restless until they find thee. Never leave us, we pray, and grant that we may always know that the eternal God is our refuge and that underneath us always are the everlasting arms. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. FoR THE CHURCH: Almighty and Everlasting God, who ha . t drawn all men unto Thee through the church of Jesus Christ; grant that we may so love, serve and share in its life; that salvation may come to us and a blessed redemption to the whole world, through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen. 10
Page 1: For Personal Help: Almighty God, we need thee every morn

For Personal Help: Almighty God, we need thee every morn­ing when we go forth to work, not knowing what the day may bring, but knowing that we desire a good day's work that shall not be in vain.

We need thee every noon to sustain us in our tasks, to keep us mindful of the ideals we have established and the vision we have seen of freedom for the world.

vVe need thee at evening time after the warm sun has gone down in brilliant color and the lights of the night have been lighted, to renew our hope, to still our fears and to give us thy benediction.

We need thee when we are melancholy to call our attemion to

simple and beautiful things: the laughter of little children and the quiet fall of winter's snow.

We need thee in hours of grief to comfort us with the chaste solace of thy spirit.

We need thee in the moment of joy to share our gaiety and laughter and to keep us always thankful for the manifold blessings of life.

w·e need thee when we are sick to restore us to health with thy radiant energy and cool, healing help.

vVe need thee when we sin to lift us up from our moral failure and to reassure us with the faith that next time we will do differ­


0 thou who art our heavenly Father, we always need thee, body and soul cry out unto thee, our hearts are restless until they find thee. Never leave us, we pray, and grant that we may always know that the eternal God is our refuge and that underneath us always are the everlasting arms. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

FoR THE CHURCH: Almighty and Everlasting God, who ha. t drawn all men unto Thee through the church of Jesus Christ; grant that we may so love, serve and share in its life; that salvation may come to us and a blessed redemption to the whole world, through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.


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For America: Almighty God, who hast brought into the world through America a new spirit conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created free and equal, we earn­estly pray that our dear land may be preserved from disaster, may grow in grace and strength, and may be the means of blessed free­dom and life, not only to us, but also to the people of the whole world. Amen.

For Our Boys in Service: Almighty God, under whose paternal care and compassion we have placed our boys in service, grant that they may live valiantly and victoriously, and may finally return to their homes and loved ones to take their responsibilities in the new and better world that is to follow; through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.

For Our Government: 0 Thou who art the Ruler of all man­kind, guide and sustain the rulers of our own country, we beseech thee. Grant unto our president and his advisors, a wisdom and sense of history beyond the ordinary. Enable them to think and work with Thee toward the coming of the day when there shall be no more death, neither sorrow nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain, for the former things are passed away. Grant them thy benediction, in the name of Christ. Amen.

For the World: 0 Thou who art the Father-Love at the heart of the world, help the frightened races of men now to relax in the deep knowledge of the world's wealth and brotherhood through thy bounteous providence. Strengthen our arms that reach out in love and co-operation toward other people. Strengthen the arms of those who respond. Help us all to work with Thee toward the creation of those conditions that shall bring to all the weary peo­ples of this earth a just and lasting peace; through Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace. Amen.

For Home and Loved One : Eternal Father, who hast made us all to love and comfort one another, grant that we may live to­

gether in such harmony and helpfulness, in such intelligence and affection; that our home may become a place of refuge from the brutality of the selfish world, and a light to illuminate the dark­ness about us; through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.


Page 3: For Personal Help: Almighty God, we need thee every morn


0 God, our Father hear our prayer, s we commend unto Thy care

Loved ones and friends now far away; Oh, keep them near Thee night and day.

Be Thou their Pilot, Master, Friend, s they our land and life defend;

Give them - on land, on sea, in air The firm assurance Thou art there.

}~y they when lonely sad or ill, Know Thou art watching o'er them still; Enfold them, Lord, in danger's hour , Safe in Thine arms of love and power.

Soon may there dawn the day of peace, Soon may earth's wars forever cease; Soon may all realms, in glad accord, Crown Thee ae King, and own Thee Lord.

iords by Josiah Osmond, pastor of 1st Methodist Church, Brackenridge, Pa .•

Page 4: For Personal Help: Almighty God, we need thee every morn

Unison: 0 Lord, hear these our high resolves; and by the guidance of thy spirit and the continuance of thy watchful care, help us to be true to these commitments which we have now made on this solemn occasion.

R: "God of humanity, hear our vow­

We who dwell in a world of hate: War we have served, how long ! but now

Our lives to peace we dedicate. By the graves of our dead we mutely stand, In tears renew our consecration : We will strive and pray till every land Becomes a part of a new world Nation !"

Thomas Curtis Clark

R : (In Unison)


nighty God, whose purposes in man are saved and made victorious through e pray thee to join us in mind and heart with all those who have endured 'or our cause. In thy gracious love and providence bless our sons and :rs in the armed forces of the Pacific. May peace speedily come there also. 1 call upon us continually to keep pure the aims for which we ask our sons 1ghters to fight, that in no vain or selfish quarrel their pain and sacrifice spent. Grant that we here at home may not shrink from the fellowship of g with those who yet carry our destiny into battle. Let us not lightly accept 1ey shall endure for us all. We pray that •through death or life, through )resent and things to come, thou wilt keep us with them united in the love which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Amen. A . "Ris U 0 W ld" J~ ~~~k.~tZ---T F"nla d' - e p or . . . . . . . une- 1 n ta

Rise up, 0 world, the light is on the hill ; / Face valiantly the work that lies ahead;

Thine is the task to do thy Master's will; To this great day His mighty hand has led;

God's bugles blow, the dawn of light is here ; Stand on thy feet and put away thy fear! H ave zeal, 0 world, the new dawn rises high

From out the mists of darkness and of war; The sun of hope is riding in the sky,

The sound of death and weeping is no more. Stand forth, march on, the far peaks are agleam. It is ..the dawn of an I=ortal Dream!

- H ave hope, 0 world, ' tis thine to seek and find The everlasting secret of the skies;

That human hearts can still be good and kind! The flag of Faith forever bravely flies

Above the cross-crowned hill of Calvary Still points the way to man's great Destiny! Have faith, 0 world, that all is well and good!

Marcn forward to this brave, new dawn of hope; Send forth the bugle call of brotherhood,

Where men in terror blindly reach and grope. It is the Chr istian D ay, let anthems ring; let every Christian heart in glory sing!

IICTION Jf.,.,.. //. _ • ~~m L. Stidger

lii'POSTLUDE~ ring the benediction the congregation will retire quietly from the sanctu:-.ry)

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A @Jrruirr nf Dllnrsf1ip fnr U.li.t

1J.ily tqr Qtqurrqrs At tqr 1.Eub nf tqr liar

This service is designed for use when the end of hostilities comes either in Europe or the Far East

Prepared and issued by the


297 Fourth Ave., New York 10, New York

Page 5: For Personal Help: Almighty God, we need thee every morn




DOXOLOGY (Congregation Standing) .;~t._~~ L--- ·

INVOCATION AND LOJ,ill'S PRAYER Jl~,,. HYMN-"0 God, Our Help in Ages Past" fl3 ~t/1--- CJu....A-&4f_.dq___

1. 0 God, our help in ages past, Our hope for years to come,

Our shelter from the stormy blast And our eternal home.

2. Under the shadow of thy throne Thy saints have dwelt secure;

Sufficient is thine arm alone, And our defense is sure.

3. Before the hills in order stood, Or earth received her frame,

From everlasting thou art God, To endless years the same.

4. 0 God, our help in ages· past, Our hope for years to come,

Be thou our guard while troubles last, And our eternal home. Amen.

SCRIPTURE-Thanksgiving and Praise (Read responsively) Leader: Bless the Lord, 0 my soul; and all that is within me, bless his holy

name. Congregation: Bless the Lord, 0 my soul, and forget not all his benefits; Leader: Who for giveth all thine iniquities; who healeth all thy diseases; Congregation: Who redeemeth thy life from destruction; who crowneth thee

with loving kindness and tender mercies; Leader: The Lord executeth righteousness and. judgment for all that are

oppressed. Congregation: But the mercy of the Lord is from everlasting to everlasting upon

them that fear Him, and His righteousness unto childrens' children; Leader: To such as keep His covenant, and to those that remember His com­

mandments to do them. Congregation: God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Leader: Therefore we will not fear though the earth be removed, and though

the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea. Congregation: Come, behold the works of the Lord, what desolations He hath

made in the earth. Leader: He maketh wars to cease unto the end of the earth; He breaketh the

bow, and cutteth the spear in sunder; He burneth the chariot in the fire. Congregation: Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the

heathen, I will be exalted in the earth. Leader: The Lord of Hosts is with us; The God of Jacob is ,our refuge. In Unison: And blessed be His glorious name forever; and let the whole earth .*' be filled with His glory; Amen and Amen.

PRAYER OF THANKSGIVING-(In Unison) ~l--1-- If<, g~~ Almighty and everlasting God who maketh wars to cease unto the ends of the

earth, we praise and magnify thy great mercy, which has brought us to this hour. We bless thy Holy Name that earth, sea, and sky are safe again in Europe; that the guns are silent; and that thou has brought us to this long expected hour. By thy · grace keep us humble in victory; forbid that we should harbor hatreds or revenge. May we dedicate all victory to thy glory. Through Jesus Christ our Lord.


PENITENCE JIJ-;/- A~t-~<t-HYMN-"Lord When We Bend Before Thy Throne" . . Tune-S

1. Lord, when we bend before thy throne, 3. When we disclose our wants in 1 And our confessions pour, May we our wills resign,

Teach us to feel the sins we own, And not a thought our bosom sha And hate what we deplore. That is not wholly thine.

2. Our broken spirits pitying see 4. Let faith each meek petition fill, And penitence impart; And waft it to the skies;

Then let a kindling glance from thee And teach our hearts 'tis goodnes Beam hope upon the heart. That grants it or denies. Arne

Leader: As we share this solemn moment, so long sought and prayed for, lei presume to enter it without confessing our grievous faults for which ' been so tragically chastened. Let us pray God to be merciful to us, sinl renew a right spirit within us; and to purge our thoughts and desin those evil passions which are seeds of strife. In this realization, let us pe bow in silence before God.


Almighty and most merciful God, our heavenly Father, we confess have grievously sinned against thee in thought, and word, and deed. We ha, short of thy Glory. We have turned every one of us from thy way of life. thou, 0 most merciful Father, hear us when we call upon thee with penitent Pardon our sins and grant us thy peace. Confirm us in all goodness, that · serve thee with a quiet mind, and bring us to the life everlasting; throug Christ our Lord. Amen.

Edinburgh World Conference 15 CHOIR RESPONSE-"My Faith Looks Up To Thee" CJ-/o

1. My faith looks up to thee, 2. May thy rich grace impart Thou Lamb of Calvary, Strength to my fainting heart

~'*' tJr)._ Saviour devine! My zeal inspire; ~ Now hear me while I pray, As thou hast died for me,

Take all my guilt away, Oh may my love to thee, 0 let me from this day Pure, warm, and .changeless

Be wholly thine. A living fire. Amen. INTERCESSION ~ r/JvA-~H~A

HYMN-"The Prince of Peace His Banner Spreads" :?J'-5 . Tune-"All

~~1. The Prince of Peace His banner spreads, 3. Thy pardon, Lord, for war's dark

His wayward folk to lead Its death-strewn, bloody fields! From war's embattled hates and dread, Yet thanks to thee for souls aflam'

Its bulwarked ire and greed. Who dared with swords and shi, 0 marshal us, the sons of sires 0 Christ, who died to give men 1il

Who braved the cannon's roar, Bring that victorious hour, To venture all that oeace requires When man shall use for peace, not

As they dared death for war. His valor, skill, and power. 2. Lead on, 0 Christ! That haunting song 4. Cleanse all our hearts from our d

No centuries can dim, We love not world, but clan! Which long ago the heavenly throng Make clear our eyes to see our rao

Sang over Bethlehem. One family of man. Cast down our rancor, fear, and pride, Rend thou our little temple veils

Exalt good will again! That cloak the truth divine, Our worship doth thy name d~ride, Until thy mighty word prevails,

Bring we not peace to men. That cries, 'All souls are mine'

MESSAGE-"We Remember Before Thee'j,.---LIT ANY OF INTERCESSION Je.a..t Ul/

Leader: Almighty God, who has taught us to make supplications, pray! intercessions for all men, we pray this day for all those who are

Page 6: For Personal Help: Almighty God, we need thee every morn


HYMN 520 ".b.bide with Tile , fast fa lls the eventide"

THE Cb.LL TO PR.t.YErt - By the minister People seated and bowed


Ministe r: 1Uld now in the pr es ence of the most High God, let us make hUrilble acknovvl edgement of our sins.

Hinister and Puople : 0 God , our Fat her, we have sinned against the e in thought, wo rd and deed; we have loved thee with a ll our heart ; we have not loved our neighbors as ourselves. Have mercy upon us, we beseech thee; and cleanse us fron al l our sins; and he lp us to overcome our faults; t hrough Jesus Chr ist , our Lord. iuncn .

Minister: Hay the Lord l.lmighty he. ve mercy upon us, for­give us all our sins, and bring us to everlasting life ; through Jesus Christ , our Lord . i~en .

THE LORD'S PRi.YER - To be said by all

* SCRIPTURE LESSON Psalms 18:1-19, 20 :1-7, 23, 37:1-9, 46

* THE LIT~fY People seated and bowed

Response to each petition is: We beseech thee t o hear us, good Lord.

0 God, we bring to thee all our desires, our needs ~nd our hopes ; preying that a ll thy people may be strength-ad with courage, through the a.ssuranc ~ of thy love :

For a ll in authority, e specially tho Pr esident; and for tho l eaders of our .llios ; that they roy be wis e to think, bold to pl&n , and swift to a ct:

For the l eader s of the Navy , tho ~.rmy , e.nd tho i.ir Forc e , and fo r c..ll the men of the Forc es and the Herchant 1)arinc ; especially for all who have gone f r om this pl~ c o ; for a ll nec. r o.nd dou r to us; those vvhom VI c now bcc.. r i n sol emn in­tercession before thee :

For £e ll children , widows , prisoners of W<u ; for t h..:: sick and v10unded; for the dyi ng ; end for nll ch::-"pl r, i ns , doc ­tors nnd nux·s,.J s who ministe r to thorn ; f or thos e •:rho in these hours o. r e a. nxious :

Wo r emember befor e thee the f r., llen in ba. ttl c ; praying they ~-Y bc c ccountcd worthy to sh4 r e the vision of thy bcc uty, ~nd to find light and joy in hc~ vonly places :

Tlli'. t it mc.y pl cc..s c thee to ITlf~ ke un end of ;:, ll wo. rs ; and to bring to birth the brotherhood of man i n n ll the world and sot up thy kingdom of justice and love :

HYMN 213 "My f u. ith f»"'

looks up to thee , ~qr~

thou le.mb of Cn 1 vo. ry' ·

THE PRJ,.YERS -..J/ . , s .s {::. f; II v.L L. 'f

'" /L t Y' Poople s e~ te d and bowed

HYMlJ 533 11 0 God , our holn ; ,... · · - ~ - ·-

Page 7: For Personal Help: Almighty God, we need thee every morn

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DEDICATION Hymn 412- "My Country 'tis of Thee" (first stanza)

THE BIDDING (Congregation remains standing)

ETHREN in Jesus Christ, we have come together on this day to place ourselves in ; e hand of Almighty God; to humble ourselves in his presence; to tell him all that ·s in our hearts; and to seek his blessing on our cause, our country, and our lives. I bid you, therefore, to take your part in asking God's forgiveness for all that has been amiss in our national life over the years that are past; in confessing our strong trust in his loving providence ; in praising him for the deliverance he has so far granted to us out of the hand of our enemies; and in praying for the victory of his righteousness, and the coming of his kingdom on earth.


Minister: "Thou art worthy, 0 Lord, to receive glory, and honor, and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are, and were created."

Lift up your hearts;

People: We lift them up unto the Lord.

Minister: Let us give thanks unto our Lord God;

People: It is meet and right so to do.

Minister: It is very meet, right, and our bounden duty, that we should at all times, and in all places, give thanks unto thee, 0 Lord, Holy Father, Almighty, Everlasting God. Therefore with Angels and Archangels, and with all the company of heaven, we laud and magnify thy glorious Name; evermore praising thee, and saying,

Minister and People: Holy, holy, holy, Lord God of hosts, heaven and earth are full of thy glory. Glory be to thee, 0 Lord most High. Amen.

Hymn 57 - "Holy, Holy, Holy! Lord God Almighty"

THE FIRST LESSON (Congregation seated)

(I Peter, Chapter 5, Verses 6 to 11)

ACT OF PENITENCE (Congregation seated and bowed)

Minister: And now in the presence of the most High God let us make humble acknowledgment of the manifold ways wherein as a people we have come short of his will and purpose.

Minister and People: 0 God, our Father, we have sinned against thee in thought, word and deed; we have not loved thee with all our heart; we have not loved our neighbors as ourselves. Have mercy upon us, we beseech thee; cleanse us from our sins; and help us to overcome\ our faults; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Minister: May the Lord Almighty have mercy upon us, forgive us all our

Page 8: For Personal Help: Almighty God, we need thee every morn

sins, and bring us to everlasting life; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Minister: We humbly beseech thee, 0 Lord, mercifully to look upon our

infirmities; and for the glory of thy Name turn from us all those evils that we most righteously have deserved; and grant, that in all our troubles we may put our whole trust and confidence in thy mercy, and evermore serve thee in holiness and pureness of living, to thy honor and glory; through our only Mediator and Advo­cate, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

THE LORD'S PRAYER (To be said by all)

Hymn 302 - "Dear Lord and Father of Mankind"

THE LITANY (Congregation seated and bowed)

(The response to each petition will be: We beseech thee to hear us, good Lord) WE bring to thee, 0 God our Father, all our desires, our needs and our hopes; praying first for thy people, that they may be strengthened with courage and hope, through the assurance of thy grace and love:

For all the Ministers of State, especially the President; and for the leaders of our Allies; that they may be wise to think, bold to plan, and swift to act:

For the leaders of the Navy, the Army, and the Air Force, and for all the men of the Forces and the Merchant Marine; especially for all who have gone out from this place, and those who are near and dear to ourselves:

For the civilian workers who help, by day and night, to protect our homes and our lives; and for all who are bearing the burden of long hours and heavy labor:

For all children, widows, and prisoners of war; for the sick and wounded, and for the chaplains, doctors and nurses who minister to them; for the mourners and the anxious; and for all who are desolate and oppressed:

For those who have been driven from their homes by the enemy, and have lost all that once was theirs:

For all those whose lands are now under enemy rule, and for all who are be­ing persecuted for the faith in Christ:

And we remember before thee the fallen in battle, and all who have lost their lives through enemy action; praying that they may be accounted worthy to share the vision of thy beauty, and to lind light and joy in the heavenly places:

That thou wilt raise up men of wisdom and power both in Church and State, to proclaim and do thy holy will:

That it may please thee to make an end of all wars; to bring to birth the brotherhood of man in all the world, and to set up on earth thy kingdom of justice and love:

-That in thy love and pity thou wilt forgive all our weakness, our failures, and our neglect; and so fill us, and all for whom we have prayed, with thy Spirit that we may be worthy of victory and a lasting peace:

Minister: Let us humbly commit our cause to Almighty God.

Then shall silence be kept for a space.


(The response to each prayer wiJJ be: Amen)

Hymn 77 - "0 God, Our Help in Ages Past"

The Congregation then shall sit, and the minister shall say: BEFORE we lift up our hearts to God in thanksgiving for all his mercies, let 1

remember God 's ceaseless care for us, and listen to our Lord's own words: Then he shall read:


(Matthew, Chapter 6, Verses 25 to 34)

ACT OF THANKSGIVING (Congregation standing)

Minister: Let us give thanks to our heavenly Father for his many blessings, For the unity of the people of our Nation, For thy gifts of courage and cheerful endurance to all our people,

People: We bless and praise thy glorious Name. Minister: For all who have answered the call to service,

For our sailors, soldiers and airmen, For all who labor to defend our homes,

People: We bless and praise thy glorious Name. Minister: For the bravery of those who suffer separation,

For all those who minister thy gifts for soul and body, For the devotion of those who have given their lives for their country,

People: We bless and praise thy glorious Name. Minister: For the beauty of our homeland,

For the blessings of the harvest, For the bulwark of the seas, For the knowledge of thy love,

People: We bless and praise thy glorious Name. Minister and People: We beseech thee, give us that due sense of all tl

mercies, that our hearts may be unfeignedly thankful, and that we show forth t i praise, not only with our lips, but in our lives; by giving up ourselves to thy S(

vice, and by walking before thee in holiness and righteousness all our days; throu1 Jesus Christ our Lord, to whom with thee and the Holy Ghost be all honor a1 glory, world without end. Amen.

Hymn 371- "Lead On, 0 King Eternal"

ACT OF DEDICATION (Congregation seated and bowed)

(The response after each sentence will be: We dedicate our lives to thee)


THE blessing of God Almighty, the Father, the Son and the Holy

Ghost, be upon you, and all whom you love, now and for evermore.

This Service of Prayer and Dedication, held in response to President Roo: velt's request, is under the auspices of the Gloversville Ministers' Association. J offering, to defray the cost of the printed program, will be taken as the congregati· leaves the sanctuary.

Page 9: For Personal Help: Almighty God, we need thee every morn

s, and bring us to everlas ting life; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. l 'rl inister: We humbly beseech thee, 0 Lord, mercifully to look upon our

rmities; and for the glory of thy N ame turn from us all those evils that we st righteously have deserved ; and grant, that in all our troubles we may put our o le trust and confidence in thy mercy, and evermore serve thee in holiness and :eness of living, to thy honor and g lory; through our only Mediator and Advo­~. Jesus Christ our Lord . Amen.

THE LORD'S PRAYER (T o be said by all)

mn 30 2 - " Dear Lord and Father of Mankind"

THE LITAN Y ( Congregation seated and bowed)

The response to each petition will be : W e beseech thee to hear us, good Lord) ~ bring to thee, 0 God our Father, all our desires, our needs and our hopes; ying fi rst for thy people, that they may be strengthened with courage and hope, :> ugh the assurance of thy g race and love :

For all the Ministers of State, especially the Pres ident; and for the leaders of Allies; that they may be wise to think, bold to plan, and swift to act : For the leaders of the N avy, the Army, and the Air Force, and for all the men

the Forces and the Merchant Marine; especially for all who have gone out from ; pl ace, and those who are near and dea r to ourselves:

For the civilian workers who help, by day and night, to protect our homes and lives; and for all who are bearing the burden of long hours and heavy labor: For all children, widows, and prisoners of war ; for the sick and wounded, and

the chaplains, doctors and nurses who minister to them ; fo r the mourners and anxious ; and for all who are deso late and oppressed : For those who have been driven from their homes by the enemy, and have los t

that once was theirs: For all those whose lands are now under enemy rule, and for a ll who are be­

persecuted for the faith in Christ : And we remember before thee the fallen in battle, and all who have lost their

·s through enemy action ; praying tha t they may be accounted worthy to share vision of thy beauty, and to fi nd light and joy in the heavenly pl aces: That thou wilt raise up men of wisdom and power both in Church and State,

' roclaim and do thy holy will: That it may please thee to make an end of all wars ; to bring to birth the

therhood of man in all the world, and to set up on earth thy kingdom of justice love: That in thy love and pity thou wilt forg ive all our weakness, our failures, and neglect ; and so fi ll us, and all for whom we have prayed, with thy Spirit that

may be worthy of victory and a lasting peace : Minister: Let us humbly commit our cause to Almighty God.

T hen shall silence be kept for a space.


(The response to each prayer will be: A mw)

n n 77- "0 G od, Our H elp in Ages Pas t"

T he Congregation then shall sit, and the minister shall say: BEFORE we lift up our hearts to God in thanksgiving for all his mercies, let us remember God's ceaseless care for us, and listen to our Lord 's own words :

T hen he shall read:


(Matthew, Chapter 6, V erses 25 to 34 )

ACT OF THANKSGIVING ( Congregation standing)

Minister: Let us g ive thanks to our heavenly Father for his many blessings, For the unity of the people of our N ation, For thy gifts of courage and cheerful endurance to all our people,

People: W e bl ess and praise thy g lorious N ame. M inister: For all who have answered the call to service,

For our sailors, soldiers and airmen, For all who labor to defend our homes,

People: W e bl ess and praise thy glorious Name. Minister : For the bravery of those who suffer separation,

For all those who minister thy gifts for soul and body, For the devotion of those who have given their lives for their country,

People : W e bless and pra ise thy glorious N ame. M inister: For the beauty of our homeland,

For the blessings of the harvest, For the bulwark of the seas, For the knowledge of thy love,

People: W e bless and praise thy glorious N ame. Minister and People : W e beseech thee, g ive us that due sense of all thy

mercies, that our hearts may be unfeignedly thankful , and that we show forth thy praise, not only with our lips, but in our lives; by giving up ourselves to thy ser­vice, and by walking before thee in holiness and righteousness all our days ; through Jesus Christ our Lord, to whom with thee and the H oly Ghost be all honor and glory, world without end. Amen.

H ymn 371 -"Lead On, 0 King Eternal"

ACT OF DEDICATION ( Congregation seated and bowed)

(The response after each sentence will be : W e ded icate our lives to thee)


THE blessing of God Almighty, the Father, the Son and the Holy

Ghost, be upon you, and all whom you love, now and for evermore.

T his Service of Prayer and D edication, he ld in response to Pres ident Roose­velt's request, is under the auspices of the Gloversvill e Ministers' Association. An offering, to defray the cos t of the printed program, will be taken as the congregation leaves the sanctuary.

Page 10: For Personal Help: Almighty God, we need thee every morn

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DEDICATION Hymn 412 - "My Country 'tis of Thee" (first stanza)

THE BIDDING (Congregation remains standing)

ETHREN in Jesus Christ, we have come together on this day to place ourseb in~e hand of Almighty God; to humble ourselves in his presence; to tell him that · s in our hearts; and to seek his blessing on our cause, our country, and c lives. I bid you, therefore, to take your part in asking God's forgiveness for that has been amiss in our national life over the years that are past; in confessi our strong trust in his loving providence; in praising him for the deliverance has so far granted to us out of the hand of our enemies; and in praying for t

victory of his righteousness, and the coming of his kingdom on earth .


Minister: "Thou art worthy, 0 Lord, to receive glory, and honor, and pow< for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are, and were created."

Lift up your hearts;

People: We lift them up unto the Lord.

Minister: Let us give thanks unto our Lord God;

People: It is meet and right so to do.

Minister: It is very meet, right, and our bounden duty, that we should at times, and in all places, give thanks unto thee, 0 Lord, Holy Father, Almigh Everlasting God. Therefore with Angels and Archangels, and with all the compa of heaven, we laud and magnify thy glorious Name; evermore praising thee, a saying,

Minister and People: Holy, holy, holy, Lord God of hosts, heaven and ea: are full of thy glory. Glory be to thee, 0 Lord most High. Amen.

Hymn 57 - "Holy, Holy, Holy! Lord God Almighty"

THE FIRST LESSON (Congregation seated)

(I Peter, Chapter 5, Verses 6 to 11)

ACT OF PENITENCE (Congregation seated and bowed)

Minister: And now in the presence of the most High God let us m: humble acknowledgment of the manifold ways wherein as a people we have co short of his will and purpose.

Minister and People: 0 God, our Father, we have sinned against thee thought, word and deed; we have not loved thee with all our heart; we have 1

loved our neighbors as ourselves. Have mercy upon us, we beseech thee; clea1 us from our sins; and help us to overcome\ our faults; through Jesus Christ c

Lord. Amen. Minister: May the Lord Almighty have mercy upon us, forgive us all c
