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Form #6

Notice of Candidacy Oral Examination (To be completed by the SUPERVISOR)

The supervisor is to complete this form and email it, at least four (4) weeks before the anticipated date of the oral examination, to Dean, FGS, at [email protected]

Student Name:

Today’s Date:

Degree Sought:

Student ID Number:

Academic Unit:

Type of Oral Examination:

Title of dissertation:

Anticipated Date (of oral examination): Anticipated Time (of oral examination):

Locations of and phone numbers at which participants can be contacted during the examination should the primary technology fail: Name Location of each individual Back-up Telephone Number


Committee Member Committee Member Committee Member External Examiner

Do supervisor and academic unit recommend approval of the location of the student during the examination?

Nature of Technology to be used: Adobe Connect

Will a proctor be present? (If yes, please attach a short CV and complete table below.)

Name Location of each individual Back-up Telephone Number

If no proctor is present, specify what procedures will be implemented to ensure verification of the student, safety and support of the student, and no infraction of academic honesty:

Specify the plan for ensuring the adjudication process is closed to ensure privacy:

Date received:

Dean, Faculty of Graduate Studies:

The personal information collected on this form will be used to establish the Doctoral Supervisory Committee. It is collected under the authority of Section 33(c) of the Alberta Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. If you have any questions about the

collection or use of this information, contact the Dean, Faculty of Graduate Studies, Athabasca University, 1 University Drive, Athabasca, AB, T9S 3A3. Telephone: (780) 675-6550.

Distribution: Supervisor – Faculty of Graduate Studies

Last Updated: 03-08-12 Athabasca University, Faculty of Graduate Studies Page 1 of 1

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Form #3

Supervisory Committee Approval – Doctoral Program (to be completed by the SUPERVISOR)

Upon completion, the supervisor must circulate this form to the committee members for their review and ask them to confirm with the supervisor, by email, their agreement to be part of this supervisory committee. When all confirmations have been received, the supervisor must forward the form and the emails to the graduate program designate who then emails the form and emails to Dean, FGS, at [email protected]

Student Name:

Today’s Date:

Degree Sought:

Student ID Number:

Academic Unit:

The Supervisory committee consists of a supervisor and a minimum of two (2) other members. The chair of the committee shall be the supervisor, normally from the student's academic unit. One of the committee members shall be from outside the student's academic unit, but from an academic unit within Athabasca University. If there is co-supervision, the supervisory committee would consist of an internal AU co-supervisor, an External co-supervisor and a minimum of one additional member (see Section 1.3 of the Doctoral Guidelines).

Recommended committee members: Organization/ Name Academic Unit Position Held Email Address

Committee Member Committee Member

Committee Member

If the committee member is not an AU academic member, please provide contact information (position, institution, faculty, department, email and a cv).

For the following committee members, a CV and a letter outlining the reasons for, and the benefits of, having one of the members on the committee should be attached:

- Retired professor or professor emeritus - Adjunct professor - The faculty member does not hold a degree equivalent to or higher than that for which the student is a

candidate, but is exceptional in their scholarly work and well-recognised as an expert in their field - The faculty member is in a non-continuing position teaching in an Athabasca University program, and - Other expert, e.g., First Nations Elder or a well-known industry expert

Academic unit graduate program designate recommending supervisory committee: Date: Signature:

Dean, Faculty of Graduate Studies approval of supervisory committee: Date: Signature:

The personal information collected on this form will be used to establish the Doctoral Supervisory Committee. It is collected under the authority of Section 33(c) of the Alberta Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. If you have any questions about the

collection or use of this information, contact the Dean, Faculty of Graduate Studies, Athabasca University, 1 University Drive, Athabasca, AB, T9S 3A3. Telephone: (780) 675-6550.

Distribution: Supervisor – Graduate Program Unit Designate – Faculty of Graduate Studies

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Form #5

Nominees for Candidacy External Examiner (to be completed by the SUPERVISOR)

This form MUST be submitted to FGS at [email protected] eight (8) weeks prior to the anticipated Oral Examination date. This will allow four to six (4-6) weeks for the reading of the document by the additional members who are forming the dissertation examination committee and time for the scheduling of the examination date. The Dean FGS will contact the nominees and confirm the external examiner. FGS will notify the supervisor that an external examiner has been obtained.

Student Name:

Today’s Date:

Degree Sought:

Student ID Number:

Academic Unit:

Anticipated Oral Exam Date:

Title of Dissertation:

Candidacy Examination Committee Members: The candidacy examination committee will consist of the supervisory committee and the addition of one or two other members. A maximum of five (5) members shall comprise the committee. At least one of the new members shall be from outside the student's Academic Unit. At least one of the new members must be at arm's length from the student and the proposal development. It is the responsibility of the supervisor to nominate the additional members of the examination committee to the academic unit graduate designate and the Dean, Faculty of Graduate Studies, for approval. Suggested Nominees for External Examiner (Please submit two names): 1. Name Position Academic Unit

Phone Number Email Address Organization

2. Name Position Academic Unit

Phone Number Email Address Organization

In signing this form, the student and the supervisor/co-supervisor(s) certify that there is no conflict of interest and that they have not collaborated with the recommended external examiner within the past five years:



Co-Supervisor (if applicable)

Confirm above statement

Confirm above statement

Confirm above statement

Dean, Faculty of Graduate Studies approval of External Examiner: Date:


The personal information collected on this form is collected under the authority of Section 33(c) of the Alberta Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. This information will be used to document Nominated External Examiner for Dissertation Oral Exam. If

you have any questions about the collection or use of this information, contact the Dean, aculty of Graduate Studies, Athabasca University, 1 University Drive, Athabasca, AB, T9S 3A3. Telephone: (780) 675-6550.

Distribution: Supervisor – Faculty of Graduate Studies

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Form #4

Preliminary Acceptance of Proposal by Supervisory Committee (to be completed by the SUPERVISOR)

This form MUST be submitted to FGS at [email protected] four to six (4-6) weeks prior to the anticipated Oral Examination date. This will allow four (4) weeks for the reading of the document by the additional members who are forming the candidacy examination committee and time for the scheduling of the examination date. Student Name:

Today’s Date:

Degree Sought:

Student ID Number:

Academic Unit:

Anticipated Date of Oral Examination: Title of Dissertation: Preliminary Acceptance of the Proposal: Before the proposal is forwarded to the external examiner, the doctoral supervisory committee members shall declare in writing to the supervisor either:

1. that the proposal is of adequate substance and quality to warrant that the proposal is ready to be reviewed by the external examiner, and that the student is ready to proceed to the candidacy oral examination; or

2. that the proposal is unsatisfactory (that further work is needed), and the student should not be allowed to proceed to the candidacy oral examination.

It is important that this preliminary acceptance of the proposal is conducted in order to protect and uphold the reputation of the program and the University, for excellence in graduate programs. Committee members: Send your email confirmation to the supervisor "that you have read the proposal and that it is of adequate substance and quality to warrant the distribution of the document to the examination committee".

Name Supervisory Committee Role Academic Unit/ Organization

Preliminary Acceptance?

Date (dd/mm/yyyy)

Committee Member Committee Member Committee Member

Comments: (Must be provided if the decision by any committee member is a 'no'.)

Academic unit graduate program designate approval of committee’s agreement:

Date: Name:

Dean, Faculty of Graduate Studies (signature indicates receipt of the notice of preliminary acceptance and that arrangements can begin for the approval of the final examination committee and oral examination):

Date: Name:

The personal information collected on this form is collected under the authority of Section 33(c) of the Alberta Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. This information will be used to document Supervisory Committee Preliminary Acceptance of the Dissertation.

If you have any questions about the collection or use of this information, contact the Dean, Faculty of Graduate Studies, Athabasca University, 1 University Drive, Athabasca, AB, T9S 3A3. Telephone: (780) 675-6550.

Distribution: Supervisor – Supervisory Committee – Graduate Program Unit Designate – Faculty of Graduate Studies

Last Updated: 03-08-11 Athabasca University, Faculty of Graduate Studies Page 1 of 1

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Form #7

Final Report of Candidacy Oral Examination and Proposal (To be completed by the SUPERVISOR)

Upon completion, the supervisor must circulate this form to the committee members to confirm, by email, their agreement with the adjudication indicated on this form. When all confirmation emails are received, the supervisor must forward the form and the emails to [email protected]

Student Name:

Degree Sought: Student ID Number:

Academic Unit:

Title of Dissertation:

Oral Examination and Dissertation Proposal Results: Candidacy Oral Exam Dissertation Proposal

Committee Member Committee Member Committee Member

External Examiner

Recommendation to FGS:

The Examination Committee certifies that the adjudication (by the majority) for:

The Oral Examination is: Pass Adjourned, repeat oral Fail

The Proposal is: Pass Resubmit with revisions Fail

If revisions are required, they must be submitted by (date no longer than three months).

Revisions are to be approved by

Note: Committee members MUST CONFIRM MAJORITY ADJUDICATION DECISION by email to the supervisor and FGS in lieu of signatures.

Committee members may add their recommendations/comments here or in an accompanying email.

Dean, Faculty of Graduate Studies: Date:

The personal information collected on this form is collected under the authority of Section 33(c) of the Alberta Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. This information will be used by staff of the Faculty of Graduate Studies to document Candidacy Oral Examination and Dissertation Proposal Final Report. If you have any questions about the collection or use of this information, contact the Dean, Faculty of Graduate Studies, Athabasca University, 1 University Drive, Athabasca, AB, T9S 3A3. Telephone: (780) 675-6550.

Distribution: Supervisor – Examination Committee – Faculty of Graduate Studies

Last Updated: 08-03-12 Athabasca University, Faculty of Graduate Studies Page 1 of 1
