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FORcast Fall 2010 Newsletter

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FORcast is published in the spring and fall and mailed to friends and supporters of Focus On Renewal. You can help FOR save postage and printing by signing up to receive the newsletter by email. Please contact Maree Gallagher, Director of Development, 412-771-6460, ext. 300 or [email protected]
WALKIN’, ROCKIN’ AND KICKIN’ FOR THE CAUSE Sixty-seven walkers braved the elements at Schenley Park on Saturday, May 22 in the Highmark Walk for a Healthy Community. Their efforts raised $5,484 for the emergen- cy food pantry at the FOR Community Cen- ter. Despite the rainy morning, once the race began, the sun shone for the duration of the walk. Sincere thanks to everyone who made our first Highmark Walk such a success! Mark your calendar for next year’s event, which is currently slated for May 21, 2011. *** Big thanks to the packed house who attend- ed the Who’s Your Daddy? concert at the Hard Rock Café on Thursday, June 17, rais- ing money ($1,176) and awareness for the Father Ryan Arts Center of FOCUS ON RE- NEWAL. Iconic musical dads like Joe Grush- ecky, Dave Hanner and Jim DiSpirito shared the stage with their talented offspring for a unique and heartwarming concert experi- ence. Many in attendance suggested this should be an annual event! We are grateful to the Hard Rock Café, Station Square and the wonderful musicians who shared their time and talent on this special night. *** Thanks also to Tim Bishop of Alumni Football USA, who put together a game between his Alma Mater Sto-Rox High School and Lang- ley High School. The game was a huge suc- cess and generous proceeds of $1,247 each went to FOCUS ON RENEWAL and the Sto- Rox Booster Club. O nce upon a time, forty-odd years ago, in a small, sad town held cap- tive by an evil landowner, a humble hero and his loyal sidekick started building something miraculous. It all began in a single room, a room of wel- come and respect for all who lived in the small, sad town. The people who came to the room joined in to help the hero and his sidekick. In working with and for each other, they felt renewed. After a while, the hero was called to serve in another story in a faraway land, so a new hero arrived to take his place. He and the sidekick continued to work on build- ing something miraculous, and slowly over time, the town began to change. That single room expanded a thousand-fold as did the miracles therein. The land once held by evil was re- leased for good, and goodness flourishes there. The town still has its sad parts, and some people still feel imprisoned there, but our hero and his side- kick have added to their ranks. Working together, they out- number the sadness and continue, every day to build some- thing miraculous. It is built of grace and blessings, and it is called C-O-M-M-U-N-I-T-Y. Your Source for News, Information & Highlights from FOCUS ON RENEWAL A Note from Father Ryan page 2 Art on the Rox page 3 Bricks & Butterflies page 3 Upcoming Events page 4 WHAT’S INSIDE: Your Source for News, Information & Highlights from FOCUS ON RENEWAL FALL 2010 ISSUE 3 FALL 2010 ISSUE 3 TO BE CONTINUED… BY MAREE GALLAGHER I’d like to tell you a little story. You may have heard it before. Perhaps you’ve even seen the movie. Like most good stories, it’s worth telling again. It’s got all the elements of a blockbuster – drama, suspense, and even some cool special effects. The best part is, you can help write the ending. Epilogue Each one of you is part of the story of FOCUS ON RENEWAL helping to build community every day. Your support is so vital to this effort. Now more than ever before as government funding and foundation support has decreased, we depend on your generosity. Please help FOR continue to be there for the more than 15,000 people we serve every year. With your support, the FOR story will continue…
Page 1: FORcast Fall 2010 Newsletter

Walkin’, Rockin’ and kickin’ foR the causeSixty-seven walkers braved the elements at Schenley Park on Saturday, May 22 in the Highmark Walk for a Healthy Community. Their efforts raised $5,484 for the emergen-cy food pantry at the FOR Community Cen-ter. Despite the rainy morning, once the race began, the sun shone for the duration of the walk. Sincere thanks to everyone who made our first Highmark Walk such a success! Mark your calendar for next year’s event, which is currently slated for May 21, 2011.

***Big thanks to the packed house who attend-ed the Who’s Your Daddy? concert at the Hard Rock Café on Thursday, June 17, rais-ing money ($1,176) and awareness for the Father Ryan Arts Center of focus on Re-neWal. Iconic musical dads like Joe Grush-ecky, Dave Hanner and Jim DiSpirito shared the stage with their talented offspring for a unique and heartwarming concert experi-ence. Many in attendance suggested this should be an annual event! We are grateful to the Hard Rock Café, Station Square and the wonderful musicians who shared their time and talent on this special night.

***Thanks also to Tim Bishop of Alumni Football USA, who put together a game between his Alma Mater Sto-Rox High School and Lang-ley High School. The game was a huge suc-cess and generous proceeds of $1,247 each went to focus on ReneWal and the Sto-Rox Booster Club.

Once upon a time, forty-odd years ago, in a small, sad town held cap-tive by an evil landowner, a humble

hero and his loyal sidekick started building something miraculous. It all began in a single room, a room of wel-come and respect for all who lived in the small, sad town. The people who came to the room joined in to help the hero and his sidekick. In working with and for each other, they felt renewed. After a while, the hero was called to serve in another story in a faraway land, so a new hero arrived to take his place. He and the sidekick continued to work on build-ing something miraculous, and slowly over

time, the town began to change.

That single room expanded a thousand-fold as did the miracles therein. The land once

held by evil was re-leased for good, and goodness flourishes there. The town still has its sad parts, and some people still feel imprisoned there, but our hero and his side-kick have added to their ranks. Working together, they out-number the sadness and continue, every day to build some-thing miraculous. It is

built of grace and blessings, and it is called C-O-M-M-U-N-I-T-Y.

Your Source for News, Information & Highlights from focus on ReneWal

A Note from Father Ryan page 2

Art on the Rox page 3

Bricks & Butterfliespage 3

Upcoming Events page 4W


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Your Source for News, Information & Highlights from focus on ReneWalfall 2010issue 3fall 2010issue 3

to Be continued… By MaRee GallaGheR

I’d like to tell you a little story. You may have heard it before. Perhaps you’ve even seen the movie. Like most good stories, it’s worth telling again. It’s got all the elements of a blockbuster – drama, suspense, and even some cool special effects. The best part is, you can help write the ending.

EpilogueEach one of you is part of the story of focus on ReneWal helping to build community every day. Your support is so vital to this effort. Now more than ever before as government funding and foundation support has decreased, we depend on your generosity. Please help FOR continue to be there for the more than 15,000 people we serve every year. With your support, the FOR story will continue…

Page 2: FORcast Fall 2010 Newsletter

Thank you for your support!


In the beginning, that is in 1969, when focus on ReneWal began in the storefront community center at 610 Chartiers Avenue, we relied on a handful of dedicated neighbors, a small amount of money from the Pitts-burgh Catholic Diocese and a tremendous amount of hope and trust.

We still live with a tremendous amount of hope and trust, but long ago became legally indepen-dent of the diocese. As a result, we have embraced many partners to help this neighborhood organi-zation flourish.

Groups and organizations too numerous to list here have shared space, time, financial support, advice, directions and ideas—all of which have become part of the network of services created by FOR.

Major funding has come from federal, state and county agencies, as well as the regional founda-tions—which have been very generous in helping us begin and sustain many endeavors. All the local universities and colleges have been a part of our work at one time or another.

The local churches continue to supply us with many resources, especially during the holidays. Plus, thousands of individuals have donated amounts—big and small—from their own pockets.

Most recently a whole new group of partners has come upon the scene. Their contributions are greatly helping this aging neighborhood. Here are just a few of our new partnerships:

Just BetWeen fRiends PittsBuRGh noRth selected FOR to re-ceive unsold donated items from its yearly fall and spring children’s toy and clothing sales events.

PittsBuRGh caRes brought the CVS Cares Pathways to the Pharma-cy Fellows to FOR in July. The students “spruced up” the agency’s various facilities by painting and cleaning.

In August, RoBeRt MoRRis univeRsity Early Success Program students and their mentors vis-ited FOR to clean, paint, weed and serve lunch in the community center.

We are blessed that st. Malachy parishioners collect food each month for our emergency food pantry. The PePsi BottlinG GRouP and lane constRuction coMPany also hold regular food and clothing drives on behalf of our clients.

Employees at PaRtneRs foR Quality (PFQ) collect empty printer cartridges that we recycle for much-needed office supplies. And PFQ clients help with the seasonal farm stand at the Father Ryan Arts Center that RichaRd “dick” o’toole, JR. operates as part of his pediatric fund.

Every little bit helps. For these and all the other donations, we say thank you. Gratitude is the word @ FOR.

Yours in service,

Father Regis J. Ryan

P.S. A “thank you” note to all the FOR supporters who weren’t mentioned above… forgive me if I didn’t have space to include you. Please know that you have my heart-felt gratitude.

FOcuS On RenewAl electS OFFIceRSAt their August meeting the focus on ReneWal Board of Directors elected the following officers who will comprise the Executive Committee: Joanne loRenz, President, cRaiG RiPPole, Vice-President, david hoPkins, Treasurer and Phyllis seiBeRt, Secretary. The board also announced the following committees:

Development, anne iMMekus - ChairGovernance and Nominating, Joe koscinski - ChairFinance, david hoPkins - Chair

to all and thank you for your dedication to FOR.


PaRtneRs in caRinGBy Father Regis J. Ryan


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Focus On Renewal

Are you on FACEBOOK? Please add focus on ReneWal as a friend and suggest that your friends do too. The agency has a Facebook CAUSE page and a regular Facebook page. The Fo-cus On Renewal CAUSE page also offers a convenient and safe way to make an online donation to FOR, through our partnership with Network for Good. There is also a link for you to make online donations on the home page of the FOR Web site: www.forstorox.org.

Thank you for your support

Planned Giving: Remember focus on ReneWal in your will Other ways to give to FOR: United Way Campaign [Code 208] & Combined Federal Campaign [Code 21684]

Page 3: FORcast Fall 2010 Newsletter



The highlight of the evening will be a concert of world class vocalists and

dancers: lenora nemetz, etta cox, Myrna Paris, Raymond very, the Pillow Project,

and Mid-atlantic contemporary Ballet. Actor and funnyman tim hartman will serve as Master of Ceremonies.

We hope you’ll join Director Patricia Moran in honoring renowned arts philanthropist, benefactor, cultural leader and Honorary Chair Richard e. Rauh, who will receive the very first Roxy Award for his support of the Arts. Proceeds from this unforgettable night of Art on the Rox benefit the Father Ryan Arts Center.

We thank the following sponsors who have signed on so far to support this event:

Saturday, October 9

Gold Sponsors Point Park University

Dargate Auction Galleries

Kevin Sousa, Salt of the Earth Restaurant

Boyd & Blair Potato Vodka

Duquesne Light

Silver Sponsors Mongiovi and Son

Joe Lysaught, Consolidated Graphics

J & G Catering

The Shoppes at Chartiers Crossing

Lynn’s Quality Catering

Friends Pepsi Cola Bottling Group

5 Generation Bakers

Pittsburgh Playhouse

Christopher Rolinson, Start Point Media

What’s the password? Let me try

an ARTini!

Who is that gangster over


Don’t miss the Father Ryan Arts Center’s new signature event, Art on the Rox, slated for Saturday, October 9, from 6 p.m to 10 p.m. The center will be transformed into a roaring twenties speakeasy. Guests are encouraged to dress the part as well. The evening will begin with a reception featuring delicious hors d’ oeuvres and beverages, followed by a live auction of several fine art pieces, and the

announcement of the winning bidders from the online art auction, which commenced on September 9. A total of 28 artists have donated art for the online auction. It’s not too late to bid! Check it out: www.


And... all that jazz!

BRicks ButteRflies

Two short years ago the fatheR Ryan aRts centeR opened its doors with a three day grande opening ex-travaganza. That event also kicked off a commemorative brick campaign for future installation in the Arts Center’s adjacent courtyard. The courtyard area has long been an eyesore, but after the acquisition and subsequent demoli-tion of the former White Tower restaurant, it still needed work to level the ground, fill in the holes and make it safe. At present, thanks to a grant from the ladies hosPi-tal aid society, some donated landfill from Mckees Rocks BoRouGh, and the fine work of MonGiovi and son, the courtyard was made ready for its first phase of renovation. A grant from eQt to the FOR But-teRfly GaRden eaRly leaRninG centeR, as part of the Educational Improvement Tax Credit program, was used to create a lovely “butterfly garden” in what was pre-viously a pile of dirt. Jeff Jaeger of octoPus oRGanic GaRdeninG designed and constructed the garden. dick and colleen o’toole also graciously donated some of the plants. Jeff conducted a workshop for the chil-dren enrolled in Butterfly Garden and showed the school-age youth how to plant the flowers and shrubs. All in all, the result is a colorful and pleasing Phase One for the Arts Center courtyard.

Phase Two will include achieving a design that will in-clude the commemorative brick installation, lighting, water access, fencing, landscaping and a doorway to the Father Ryan Arts Center lobby. The Commemorative Brick Campaign continues! We have sold 95 bricks so far. If you’d like to honor a loved one with this lasting tribute, please contact Lynn Stys at 412.771.3052, ext. 220, or complete the brick order form online at www.fatherry-anartscenter.org.


Photo by christopher Rolinson

Page 4: FORcast Fall 2010 Newsletter

foRcast is published in the spring and fall and mailed to friends and supporters of focus on ReneWal. You can help FOR save postage and printing by signing up to receive the newsletter by email. Please contact MaRee GallaGheR, Director of Development, 412-771-6460, ext. 300 or [email protected]

CONTRIBUTORS TO THIS ISSUE:Father Regis J. RyanChris CrytzerMaree GallagherLayout/Design by Pilar BrownPhotography by Chris Rolinson

Mission stateMent:To empower the development of the spirit, mind and body of individuals, that they may live their lives in a dignified and fully human way.

Non-Profit Org.U.S. POSTAGE

PaidPittsburgh, PA


focus on ReneWalSto-Rox Neighborhood Corporation

701 Chartiers AvenueMcKees Rocks, PA 15136www.forstorox.org

Saturday, Oct. 9

aRt on the RoX

Celebrate the second anniversary of the Father Ryan Arts Center of focus on ReneWal in roaring twenties style at this innovative arts event.

See page 3 for more details. Tickets are $100 and proceeds benefit the Father Ryan Arts Center. This event will sell out so don’t delay.

Call 412.771.3052 for tickets!

Wednesday, Oct. 13

day of GivinG

Your online donations to focus on ReneWal at www.pittsburghgives.org will be matched by the Pittsburgh Foundation. Log on anytime from 12 a.m. (midnight) to 11:59 p.m. – October 13.

Wednesday, Nov. 10thanksGivinG aPPealThe focus on ReneWal Thanksgiving Appeal will be mailed. We humbly ask all who are able to increase their gift this year. Cutbacks in funding and greater demand for services have created an urgent need. We give thanks for all of you!

You Pick the Date

focus GatheRinG - date: at youR convenience

Are you passionate about focus on ReneWal? Do you believe more people should know about our services and programs? If so, please consider hosting a focus GatheRinG at your home to engage and enlighten your friends and family about FOR. Father Ryan will speak about the agency and answer questions. Focus Gatherings can also be scheduled at your office, local restaurants, or even the Father Ryan Arts Center. Please call Maree Gallagher, Director of Development @ 412.771.6460, ext. 300, to discuss this fun new way you can help support FOR.

uPcoMinG events

Mark Your Calendar:

For more inform

ation or to find out how you can help, call 412-771-6460 or visit: W


.foRstoRoX.oRG. {

