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Forecasting Tropical Cyclogenesis over the Atlantic Basin ... · P , 0.7, TCG rarely occurs; if P ....

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DECEMBER 2003 2927 HENNON AND HOBGOOD q 2003 American Meteorological Society Forecasting Tropical Cyclogenesis over the Atlantic Basin Using Large-Scale Data CHRISTOPHER C. HENNON * AND JAY S. HOBGOOD The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio (Manuscript received 17 September 2002, in final form 13 June 2003) ABSTRACT A new dataset of tropical cloud clusters, which formed or propagated over the Atlantic basin during the 1998– 2000 hurricane seasons, is used to develop a probabilistic prediction system for tropical cyclogenesis (TCG). Using data from the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP)–National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) reanalysis (NNR), eight large-scale predictors are calculated at every 6-h interval of a cluster’s life cycle. Discriminant analysis is then used to find a linear combination of the predictors that best separates the developing cloud clusters (those that became tropical depressions) and nondeveloping systems. Classification results are analyzed via composite and case study points of view. Despite the linear nature of the classification technique, the forecast system yields useful probabilistic forecasts for the vast majority of the hurricane season. The daily genesis potential (DGP) and latitude predictors are found to be the most significant at nearly all forecast times. Composite results show that if the probability of development P , 0.7, TCG rarely occurs; if P . 0.9, genesis occurs about 40% of the time. A case study of Tropical Depression Keith (2000) illustrates the ability of the forecast system to detect the evolution of the large-scale environment from an unfavorable to favorable one. An additional case study of an early-season nondeveloping cluster demonstrates some of the shortcomings of the system and suggests possible ways of mitigating them. 1. Introduction There is increasing evidence in the recent literature that the crucial physical processes regarding tropical cyclone formation [tropical cyclogenesis (TCG)] in- volve convective and dynamical interactions that occur on scales that are not currently resolved in operational forecast models (Emanuel 1989; Chen and Frank 1993; Bister and Emanuel 1997; Simpson et al. 1997; Ritchie and Holland 1997; Montgomery and Enagonio 1998). Consequently, such models have shown virtually no skill at forecasting TCG (e.g., Beven 1999), though there has been some improvement as resolution has been increased and model parameterizations improved (Pasch et al. 2002). This leaves forecasters with the dilemma of trying to forecast an event without useful objective guidance and sparse, if any, in situ observational data. Fortunately, several promising developments suggest that skillful forecasting of TCG is an attainable goal in the short term. First, advances in computing power have led to the development of dynamical models with fine (down to 3-km horizontal) resolution. These models have * Current affiliation: UCAR Visiting Scientist Program, NOAA/ TPC/National Hurricane Center, Miami, Florida. Corresponding author address: Dr. Christopher C. Hennon, Post- doctoral Fellow, UCAR Visiting Scientist Program, NOAA/TPC/Na- tional Hurricane Center, 11691 SW 17th St., Miami, FL 33165-2149. E-mail: [email protected] provided researchers and forecasters with tools for testing theories and refining knowledge of processes that result in TCG. Using one such model, the fifth-generation Penn- sylvania State University (PSU)–National Center for At- mospheric Research (NCAR) Mesoscale Model (MM5; Grell et al. 1994), Davis and Bosart (2001) were able to simulate the genesis of Hurricane Diana (1984), begin- ning from a weak baroclinic disturbance through hurri- cane stage. This type of research was not possible only a few years ago. Second, quality atmospheric data are now available globally on a regular grid in the form of reanalysis datasets. These datasets provide surface and upper-air data derived from a merged field of model- based first-guess estimates and quality controlled in situ observations. The National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP)–NCAR reanalysis (NNR) provided the atmospheric data for this research. Third, and perhaps most relevant to this study, is the evidence that suggests that skillful TCG forecasts could be made even if the complex mesoscale features and interactions are neglected. This evidence comes from several sources. McBride and Zehr (1981), in a large global survey of tropical cloud clusters, showed that a single parameter computed from observational upper- air data provides valuable information regarding the likelihood of tropical depression development. The daily genesis potential (DGP), defined simply as the differ- ence of the large-scale (;48–68 of the cluster center) 900- and 200-mb relative vorticity fields, supported a
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q 2003 American Meteorological Society

Forecasting Tropical Cyclogenesis over the Atlantic Basin Using Large-Scale Data


The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio

(Manuscript received 17 September 2002, in final form 13 June 2003)


A new dataset of tropical cloud clusters, which formed or propagated over the Atlantic basin during the 1998–2000 hurricane seasons, is used to develop a probabilistic prediction system for tropical cyclogenesis (TCG).Using data from the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP)–National Center for AtmosphericResearch (NCAR) reanalysis (NNR), eight large-scale predictors are calculated at every 6-h interval of a cluster’slife cycle. Discriminant analysis is then used to find a linear combination of the predictors that best separatesthe developing cloud clusters (those that became tropical depressions) and nondeveloping systems. Classificationresults are analyzed via composite and case study points of view.

Despite the linear nature of the classification technique, the forecast system yields useful probabilistic forecastsfor the vast majority of the hurricane season. The daily genesis potential (DGP) and latitude predictors are foundto be the most significant at nearly all forecast times. Composite results show that if the probability of developmentP , 0.7, TCG rarely occurs; if P . 0.9, genesis occurs about 40% of the time. A case study of TropicalDepression Keith (2000) illustrates the ability of the forecast system to detect the evolution of the large-scaleenvironment from an unfavorable to favorable one. An additional case study of an early-season nondevelopingcluster demonstrates some of the shortcomings of the system and suggests possible ways of mitigating them.

1. Introduction

There is increasing evidence in the recent literaturethat the crucial physical processes regarding tropicalcyclone formation [tropical cyclogenesis (TCG)] in-volve convective and dynamical interactions that occuron scales that are not currently resolved in operationalforecast models (Emanuel 1989; Chen and Frank 1993;Bister and Emanuel 1997; Simpson et al. 1997; Ritchieand Holland 1997; Montgomery and Enagonio 1998).Consequently, such models have shown virtually noskill at forecasting TCG (e.g., Beven 1999), thoughthere has been some improvement as resolution has beenincreased and model parameterizations improved (Paschet al. 2002). This leaves forecasters with the dilemmaof trying to forecast an event without useful objectiveguidance and sparse, if any, in situ observational data.

Fortunately, several promising developments suggestthat skillful forecasting of TCG is an attainable goal inthe short term. First, advances in computing power haveled to the development of dynamical models with fine(down to 3-km horizontal) resolution. These models have

* Current affiliation: UCAR Visiting Scientist Program, NOAA/TPC/National Hurricane Center, Miami, Florida.

Corresponding author address: Dr. Christopher C. Hennon, Post-doctoral Fellow, UCAR Visiting Scientist Program, NOAA/TPC/Na-tional Hurricane Center, 11691 SW 17th St., Miami, FL 33165-2149.E-mail: [email protected]

provided researchers and forecasters with tools for testingtheories and refining knowledge of processes that resultin TCG. Using one such model, the fifth-generation Penn-sylvania State University (PSU)–National Center for At-mospheric Research (NCAR) Mesoscale Model (MM5;Grell et al. 1994), Davis and Bosart (2001) were able tosimulate the genesis of Hurricane Diana (1984), begin-ning from a weak baroclinic disturbance through hurri-cane stage. This type of research was not possible onlya few years ago. Second, quality atmospheric data arenow available globally on a regular grid in the form ofreanalysis datasets. These datasets provide surface andupper-air data derived from a merged field of model-based first-guess estimates and quality controlled in situobservations. The National Centers for EnvironmentalPrediction (NCEP)–NCAR reanalysis (NNR) providedthe atmospheric data for this research.

Third, and perhaps most relevant to this study, is theevidence that suggests that skillful TCG forecasts couldbe made even if the complex mesoscale features andinteractions are neglected. This evidence comes fromseveral sources. McBride and Zehr (1981), in a largeglobal survey of tropical cloud clusters, showed that asingle parameter computed from observational upper-air data provides valuable information regarding thelikelihood of tropical depression development. The dailygenesis potential (DGP), defined simply as the differ-ence of the large-scale (;48–68 of the cluster center)900- and 200-mb relative vorticity fields, supported a

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fundamental way of thinking about TCG that was firstproposed by Gray (1968). He argued that in terms oflarge-scale factors important to TCG, the thermodynam-ic state of the tropical atmosphere during the hurricaneseason is nearly always favorable; tropical developmentdepends primarily on dynamical factors. A numericalmodel sensitivity study performed by Tuleya (1991)seemed to confirm that conclusion. The DGP is used asa predictor of TCG in this study. The second source isthe classification work of Perrone and Lowe (1986;Lowe and Perrone 1989). Their methodology, which hasnumerous similarities to this work, involved identifyingcandidate cloud clusters in the Pacific basin and strat-ifying them by their eventual development status. Usinglinear discriminant analysis, they obtained significantskill in separating the developing and nondevelopingcloud clusters and concluded that the large-scale envi-ronment may contain more predictive power than hasbeen previously thought. A comparison of their workwith this research is discussed in more detail in section5. Finally, DeMaria et al. (2001) developed a genesisparameter for the Atlantic, derived from operationalNCEP analysis fields and Geostationary Operational En-vironmental Satellite (GOES) water vapor imagery,which was shown to be correlated with active and in-active genesis periods over the Atlantic basin. They con-clude by suggesting that a disturbance-centered param-eter could be developed to evaluate systems individu-ally, rather than evaluating the environmental propertiesof the genesis region.

This research is an attempt to develop such a parameter.This paper examines the ability to differentiate betweencloud clusters that eventually form into tropical depres-sions [‘‘developing’’ (DV)] and those that do not [‘‘non-developing’’ (ND)] based on large-scale reanalysis data.Building on the studies of Perrone and Lowe (1986),Lowe and Perrone (1989), McBride and Zehr (1981), andDeMaria et al. (2001), we investigate eight predictorseither extracted or calculated from the NNR for everyidentifiable tropical cloud cluster from the Atlantic hur-ricane seasons (1 June–30 November) of 1998–2000. Thevalidity of using a large-scale dataset to forecast TCG istested, given that the coarse resolution (2.58 3 2.58) ofthe data renders it unable to resolve any mesoscale phe-nomena, including tropical convection.

To accomplish this task, this study was based on thefollowing premise. TCG is not a single event in time,but a series of events that result in a surface vortex withan upper-level warm core. Each subsequent event cannotoccur without the success of the one that immediatelypreceded it. As the sequence progresses, the probabilityof tropical cyclogenesis gradually increases until theevent is successful (genesis occurs) or a link in the chainfails and the cluster becomes stagnant or falls apart. Theseries of mesoscale and smaller-scale phenomena thatoccur near the end of the sequence cannot do so withoutthe establishment of favorable larger-scale conditionsat the beginning of the sequence. A statistical model

that analyzes the larger-scale cloud cluster features ofmany developing and nondeveloping systems may beable to provide users with a useful probabilistic forecastfor development.

The ultimate goal of this research is to provide anobjective tool for forecasters to assess the likelihood ofa tropical cloud cluster developing into a tropical de-pression (TD) from large-scale data that can be routinelyderived from operational analyses. It is meant to be usedin conjunction with other valuable data and information,particularly satellite tools, which have recently been de-veloped or enhanced. Examples of these exciting ad-vances that are being applied to the TCG problem areatmospheric sounders such as the Advanced MicrowaveSounding Unit (AMSU; Kidder et al. 2000), quick scat-terometer (QuikSCAT)-derived wind fields (Sharp et al.2002), the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM)space-borne precipitation radar (e.g., Cecil et al. 2002),and geostationary satellite data that is being used to detectthe existence of dry Saharan air layers in clusters em-bedded in easterly waves that move offshore of westernAfrica (J. Dunion 2002, personal communication).

The next section presents the data sources employedin this work. Section 3 describes the methodology, in-cluding the creation of the cloud cluster database, theselection of the predictors used to classify developingand nondeveloping systems, and the statistical techniqueused for classification. Results of the discriminant anal-ysis classification will be presented in section 4, withsubsections dedicated to a composite analysis and twoindividual case studies. Section 5 contains a brief dis-cussion of the differences between this study and thatof Perrone and Lowe (1986) that may explain dissim-ilarities in the results. Finally, the conclusions will besummarized in section 6, followed by suggestions forfuture work in this area.

2. Data sources

a. NCEP–NCAR reanalysis

The atmospheric data for this study were obtainedfrom the 6-hourly global NNR dataset (Kalnay et al.1996). The reanalysis is a global assimilation of obser-vations from many different sources, carefully checkedfor quality and merged with a numerical model first-guess field. The resultant dataset includes pressure levelvariables on a global 2.58 3 2.58 grid with 17-levelvertical resolution. Direct observations include surfacestations, aircraft, and rawindsonde and satellite data.Used for numerous applications in meteorological re-search, the NNR provides quality data coverage in areasthat have historically had little or no observational data(i.e., ocean basins). It provides tremendous potential forapplication to tropical cyclone research for those whoare interested in large-scale phenomena that has not ex-isted previously, and is thought to be generally betterin the Tropics than the European Centre for Medium-

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Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) reanalysis (Tren-berth et al. 2001; D. Bromwich 2002, personal com-munication).

For this research, the first of our knowledge to exploita reanalysis dataset for the study of TCG, we use thefollowing data from the NNR: air temperature at 12pressure levels (925, 850, 700, 600, 500, 400, 300, 250,200, 150, 100, and 70 hPa), sea level pressure, precip-itable water, zonal and meridional winds at the surfaceand at 3 pressure levels (850, 700, and 200 hPa), andspecific humidity at the same pressure levels. We areconfident in the quality of the temperature and winddata. Kalnay et al. (1996) label temperature, wind fields,and sea level pressure as class ‘‘A’’ variables, meaningthat they are almost entirely derived from observationsrather than the model. Precipitable water and specifichumidity are classified as ‘‘B’’ variables, meaning thatthe global model has some influence on the output, butthat the direct observations still significantly impact theresult. Section 3 documents how the data from the NNRare used to calculate the predictors for this study.

b. Sea surface temperature

To provide a lower boundary of temperature for thecomputation of the maximum potential intensity pre-dictor (discussed in section 3), we use Reynolds seasurface temperature (SST; Reynolds and Smith 1994).Real-time observations are available with a temporalresolution of 1 week, distributed on a 18 3 18 grid. Tomake the dataset spatially consistent with the NNR, thegrid was devolved into a 2.58 3 2.58 grid through asimple bilinear interpolation routine. The data fields arederived from a somewhat complex optimum interpo-lation (OI) technique (Reynolds and Smith 1994) thatimproves upon the blended technique of Reynolds(Reynolds 1988).

c. Satellite imagery

In order to track the tropical cloud clusters that makeup the foundation of this study, GOES-8 infrared (IR)satellite imageries were retrieved from the archive atthe Wisconsin Space Science and Engineering Center(SSEC) at a time resolution of 6 h and a wavelength of3.9 mm. To provide coverage of the eastern Atlantic,archived Meteosat-7 IR imageries were obtained fromthe European Organisation for the Exploitation of Me-teorological Satellites (EUMETSAT) at similar temporalintervals. A mosaic was produced that combined eachsatellite’s view into one coherent image. If either imagewas missing, not available, or not within 1 h of thecorresponding view, the time was labeled as ‘‘missing’’and not available for cloud cluster tracking. Of the 2196potential scenes available for tracking, less than 5%were not available.

d. Genesis time and location

Determining the time of ‘‘genesis’’ is difficult andopen to interpretation. To simplify the question and re-main objective regarding the time and location of gen-esis, we use the National Hurricane Center (NHC) ‘‘besttrack’’ database (Jarvinen et al. 1984) with the caution-ary note that there are several possible sources of un-certainty and error in the database. For example, thereis usually little or no direct observational data on handto aid analysis in determining the occurrence of genesisand the location of the center of circulation (Brackenand Bosart 2000). Nevertheless, the best-track file is avaluable resource and provides the best estimate of thetime and location of TCG in the Atlantic basin. Tropicaldepressions that failed to develop into tropical stormsdo not appear in the database—those cases were ob-tained via the NHC Web site.

3. Methodology

a. Assumptions

In our identification and evaluation of cloud clusterswe make the following assumptions. For simplicity, weassume that each system is axisymmetric. In the iden-tification process, the position of the cloud cluster isfixed at the estimated center of the cloud mass, unlessa more precise circulation center is evident from thesatellite imagery. The most accurate position is not cru-cial to the results, however, because of the coarsenessof the dataset (2.58 3 2.58). We assume that genesisoccurs when the system first appears in the best-trackdatabase. This is the only objective method for deter-mining genesis at this time. Cloud clusters over majorland areas are not considered in this study; otherwise,we neglect any effects that proximity to land may haveon the systems. The large majority of the cases thrownout because of this assumption were African easterlywaves that had not left the continent.

b. Identification of cloud cluster candidates

Geostationary IR imageries were visually examinedfor the 1998–2000 Atlantic hurricane seasons (1 June–30 November) to find all of the tropical cloud clustersthat formed within the study domain, shown in Fig. 1.To identify a cloud cluster, we had to first decide on adefinition of a cloud cluster. In general, tropical cloudclusters are considered to be mesoscale convective sys-tems (MCSs) with length scales of 250–2500 km andtimescales $6 h (Maddox 1981). The main idea is thata cloud cluster should be a system that has the potentialto develop into a tropical depression. Hence, severalrequirements immediately surface; namely, a clustermust have sufficient size, must persist for an extendedperiod of time (i.e., not diurnal in nature), and mustexist in a region where genesis is a genuine possibility(not in the high latitudes). To quantify these require-

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FIG. 1. (top) Location of nondeveloping cases and (bottom) developing clusters 24 h prior to genesis forthe 1998–2000 Atlantic hurricane seasons.

TABLE 1. Summary of documented cloud clusters for the1998–2000 Atlantic hurricane seasons.

1998 1999 2000

Total number of clustersLongest in duration (h)*Mean duration (h)*Median duration (h)*Number of African waves**African wave ratio (%)Number of TDs





* Nondeveloping clusters only.** Only those easterly waves that exhibited significant and persistentconvection are included.

ments, we use the following criteria initially adopted byLee (1989) for his work in the Pacific basin:

i) Each cluster must be an independent entity, disas-sociated with either a cyclone or precyclone system

ii) Cluster must be at least 48 in diameter and not elon-gated in shape

iii) Cluster must be located south of 408Niv) Cluster must persist for at least 24 h

Essentially, TCG was highly unlikely if any one of thesecriteria was not met. These criteria provided a somewhat

objective method for identifying viable candidates. Notethat the last requirement (iv) is satisfied if convectionpersists for any 24-h period of the cluster lifetime. Thisrequirement primarily applies to the ND systems, sinceall DV clusters were tracked as long as traceable con-vection was apparent. We were not able to group a num-ber of DV clusters into longer forecast lead times be-cause convection first developed at a time close (insideof 48 h) to genesis. Although a robust automated systemfor objectively identifying cloud clusters is highly de-sirable, the clusters in this paper were identified throughvisual inspection of the satellite brightness temperatures.Table 1 presents a summary of the cloud cluster char-acteristics for the three Atlantic seasons in this study.The 2000 season was the most active in terms of bothdeveloping and nondeveloping candidates, though 1998appeared to be a more active year for fertile Africanwaves (those easterly waves that exhibited significantand persistent convection). Full-season summaries forall three seasons can be found in the recent literature(Pasch et al. 2001; Lawrence et al. 2001; Franklin et al.2001).

We define a ‘‘case’’ as one 6-h forecast time withinthe entire lifetime of a cloud cluster. Therefore, a cloudcluster is typically made up of many cases. Once all

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FIG. 2. Schematic of the areal averaging technique for obtainingthe predictor dataset. A circle of 28 radius from the center of thecloud cluster (‘‘L’’) delimits the outer boundary for the averaging.All grid points that fall within the circle (open dots) are averagedtogether to yield the value for that cloud cluster and time.

candidate cloud clusters were identified, their cases weregrouped into DV or ND bins. A case is categorized asDV if the cluster developed into a tropical depressionwithin 48 h of the image time. The DV cases werefurther stratified by the number of hours before genesis.For example, Tropical Depression Bonnie (1998)achieved genesis at 1200 UTC 19 August. The pre-Bonnie cloud cluster at 0600 UTC 19 August was cat-egorized as a ‘‘6-h developing case.’’ At 2 days priorto genesis, the 1200 UTC 17 August case was labeleda ‘‘48-h developing case.’’ If Bonnie’s convection wasevident before that time, it was categorized as an NDcase and included with other cases that never achievedtropical depression status. This ‘‘double counting’’ ofDV clusters occurred 26 times over the 3-yr period ofstudy. Thus, there were actually 317 clusters over the3-yr period, but only 291 of them were unique.

Figure 1 illustrates the spatial distribution of all ofthe ND (top) cases and DV (bottom) cloud clusters at24 h prior to genesis. There were 2265 ND cases from269 ND clusters, meaning that each cluster existed forapproximately 8.5 six-hour periods on average. Of allthe cases that made up those clusters, 114 were excludedfrom the final analysis because of missing satellite data,48 because convection became insignificant or absent,and 12 because the cluster progressed over a major land-mass. Each individual case is assumed to be independentof the other cases in the same cloud cluster for thediscriminant analysis. The two areas of greatest con-centration easily stand out: the easterly wave track along88N from the African coast into the central North At-lantic and clusters spawned by the monsoon trough inthe southern Caribbean. It can be seen that the concen-tration of DV clusters is spatially coherent with the NDcases, although there is a higher development ratio forthe region immediately off the eastern U.S. shore andin the Gulf of Mexico. This suggests that these areasare favored TCG regions climatologically.

c. Technique for creation of predictor dataset

All of the predictors (except pressure tendency, whichis dependent on storm location) were computed for eachgrid point in the domain at 6-h intervals for the entireAtlantic hurricane seasons of 1998–2000. Figure 2shows an illustration of the averaging technique. Oncethe location of the cloud cluster is identified, a swathwith a radius of 28 [68 for maximum potential intensity(MPI)] is envisioned around that point. All NNR gridpoints that are located within that radius are averagedto yield a single value that represents the cloud clusterconditions. Typically, 2–3 grid points fall within theaveraging radius. We had also examined averaging radiiof 48, 68, and 88, but found much greater classificationskill with a 28 radius. The lone exception was MPI—we found enhanced predictive abilities when we in-cluded MPI averaged at a 68 radius. Thus, all MPI cal-

culations presented here were calculated using the largeraveraging area.

d. Selection of predictors

The large-scale factors that must be favorable forTCG to occur are well-established and are not neces-sarily mutually exclusive:

1) There must exist a sufficiently large area of preex-isting convection (Riehl 1948)

2) There must be sufficient planetary vorticity, usuallyrequiring the cluster to be at least 58 latitude awayfrom the equator (Gray 1968)

3) There must exist near-zero vertical wind shear overthe center of the system, accompanied by a high-shear gradient across the system in both the zonaland meridional directions (McBride and Zehr 1981)

4) The midtroposphere must be sufficiently moist (Gray1968)

5) The ocean must be sufficiently warm and have a deepmixed-layer depth (Gray 1968)

6) The atmosphere must be in a state of conditionalinstability (Gray 1968)

Note that these are necessary but not sufficient condi-tions for genesis. The thermodynamic parameters arenearly always favorable during the Atlantic hurricaneseason (Gray 1968), and yet TCG is still a rare event.

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Nevertheless, we selected eight large-scale predictorsthat we believed captured the crucial requirements ofday-to-day TCG. Each predictor is briefly described be-low, along with the large-scale requirement (numbers1–6 above) that it satisfies. The condition of preexistingconvection (1) is satisfied by default since we are onlyconsidering tropical cloud clusters as defined in the pre-vious section.


Latitude satisfies condition 2. We include latitude inour set of predictors as a scaled Coriolis parameter(COR), computed as:

4f 5 2v sinf310 , (1)

where v is the angular rotation of the earth (57.29 31025 s21), and f is latitude in degrees.


McBride and Zehr (1981) found that the developmentpotential for a cloud cluster could be assimilated intoone variable, which they called the ‘‘daily genesis po-tential.’’ It was formulated based on the conclusion oftheir study that TCG required near-zero vertical windshear near the storm center and a strong vertical sheargradient across it. DGP can be calculated as the verticalgradient of relative vorticity, or

DGP 5 z 2 z ,900 200 (2)

where z900 and z200 are the 900-hPa and 200-hPa relativevorticities. Since the NNR does not contain a 900-hPapressure level, the 850-hPa level was substituted. Ahigher (lower) DGP indicates a more (less) favorabledevelopment environment. To verify the importance ofthe 200-hPa level contribution to the DGP, we per-formed classifications using just the 850-hPa relativevorticity as a predictor. We found that the Heidke skillscores (HSSs; Wilks 1995) were 0.1–0.25 higher withthe 200-hPa level included, indicating important infor-mation was gained from the consideration of both levels.


MPI is defined as the theoretical upper limit on in-tensity that a mature tropical cyclone could attain [seeCamp and Montgomery (2001) for a review]. In theHolland (1997) formulation, which is used here, the MPIcan also be used as a proxy for SST and the stabilityof the atmospheric column, accounting for requirements5 and 6 from above. The Holland MPI is highly sensitiveto changes in SST, especially in the ranges typicallyseen in the tropical Atlantic during the hurricane season(268–298C). The solution is obtained from a columnartemperature profile, a surface temperature (typicallySST 2 1 K), and surface pressure by means of an it-erative process. In terms of pressure, lower (higher) MPI

values are thought to correspond to more (less) favor-able conditions for development. MPI was chosen inlieu of SST as a thermodynamic predictor because itcaptures conditions in the upper troposphere that areimportant for determining the capacity of the system inestablishing a warm core [see Holland (1997) for a morethorough discussion].


To examine the large-scale low-level moisture con-vergence into the cluster, the moisture divergence at 925and 850 hPa was calculated, averaged together, and thenscaled so that the magnitude was comparable to the CORand DGP predictors. Moisture divergence (MDIV) iscalculated as

MDIV 5 r= ·V 1 V · =r, (3)

where r is the mixing ratio, and V is the total horizontalwind. Lower (higher) values indicate more (less) fa-vorable conditions for genesis.


The columnar precipitable water (PWAT; taken di-rectly from the NNR dataset) addresses requirement 4.It is important for the midlevels of the atmosphere tobe moist so that the rising saturated air does not evap-orate and hence cool the environment. This process willlead to a stabilization of the sounding and the suppres-sion of the additional convection needed to ultimatelyform a warm core.


The 24-h pressure tendency (PTEND) predictor doesnot specifically address a large-scale requirement forgenesis; rather, it is included as a diagnostic predictor.Forecasters typically evaluate the pressure changes incloud clusters when assessing the probability of genesis(R. Pasch 1999, personal communication). In this studywe use the 24-h pressure tendency to eliminate thestrong diurnal signal in the surface pressure field. Be-cause of the nature of the predictor (information is need-ed 24 h prior to the analysis time), there were severalinstances when this predictor was not available for use.Also, it was discovered that the pressure tendency ex-hibited very little if any differentiation between DV andND clusters at lead times greater than 24 h before gen-esis. For these two reasons, pressure tendency was onlyconsidered for DV clusters 6–24 h prior to genesis.Those cases were then compared to all of the ND casesfor which pressure tendency data were available in thediscriminant analysis. PTEND was computed in a La-grangian frame of reference.

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Two other diagnostic predictors are included in thesame spirit as pressure tendency: the 6-h surface(VTENDSFC) and 700-hPa (VTEND700) relative vorticitytendencies. Positive ‘‘vorticity spinup’’ indicates astrengthening of the circulation and thus more favorableconditions for warm-core development. For simplicityin the calculations, the vorticity tendencies, unlike pres-sure tendency, were computed from an Eulerian frameof reference. This simplification means that the vorticitytendency values may be partially due to the movementof the system rather than vorticity spinup or spindown.Consider a worst-case scenario of a fast-moving easterlywave (10 m s21). The system would still traverse lessdistance in a 6-h period (about 216 km) than the gridspacing (;277.5 km) of the data. Given this and thefact that additional forecast skill was harnessed fromthe use of the relative vorticity tendency predictors, webelieve that this simplification is acceptable.

e. Statistical technique

The sorting of cases into DV and ND groups is ac-complished through the use of linear discriminant anal-ysis (DA), of which a thorough examination is given inTabachnick and Fidell (2001). This technique has beenused in several other classification studies in meteorol-ogy with success (e.g., Perrone and Lowe 1986; Els-berry and Kirchoffer 1988; DeGaetano et al. 2002). Giv-en a set of normally distributed and independent pre-dictors and their corresponding group membership, afunction is derived that maximally separates the groupsthrough a linear combination of the predictor variables.The resulting ‘‘discriminant function’’ can then be ap-plied to an independent set of predictors that the userwishes to classify. An alternative method is to classifyeach case in the dataset by the ‘‘leave one out’’ method.That is, the discriminant function is computed with allcases except one, and then that case is classified againstthe function. Then the procedure repeats for all of thecases. This was the method employed in this study. Weassumed equal prior probabilities of development. Itshould be noted that the DA requirement of multivariatenormality in this case is not satisfied. This does notinvalidate the results but may degrade the classificationability of the technique (Tabachnick and Fidell 2001).

The group classification was made in the followingmanner. The discriminant analysis was run eight times,one for each forecast period (6–48 h). For example, allDV cloud clusters that developed into tropical depres-sions 6 h after the image time were classified with allnondeveloping clusters, regardless of time of year. Thisproduced a set of ‘‘6-h classifications.’’ Then, all clus-ters that developed into depressions 12 h after the imagetime were classified with the same set of nondevelopingclusters, producing a ‘‘12-h classification’’ set. Intui-

tively, the 12-h forecasts will be somewhat less skillfulthan the 6-h forecasts since the DV cases at 12 h re-semble the ND cases to a greater degree. This effectbecomes increasingly prominent at longer forecasttimes.

4. Results

a. Composite qualitative prediction

The DA output gives a probability (P) of a case be-longing to the DV group given the values of its pre-dictors. To evaluate the performance and usefulness ofthe predictions, we stratified all cases into five bins bythis probability value. Table 2 lists each bin, the numberof cases that were grouped in that bin by forecast hour,and the number of those cases that developed into atropical depression. For example, bin 1 lists all of thecases where the DA procedure predicted DV groupmembership with a probability of 0.9 or higher. For the24-h forecast period, 24 cases met this criterion. Ofthose 24, 10 developed into tropical depressions 24 hlater, a development percentage of 41.7. For lower Pforecasts at the same forecast time, the developmentpercentage drops from 21.4 (bin 2) to 1.1 (bin 5).

Table 2 reveals an interesting aspect of the classifi-cation results. The formation rate of tropical depressionsis still less than 50% even when the cluster environmentis especially favorable (corresponding to probabilisticforecasts P . 0.9). If one were to rely on these resultsalone, the false alarm rate (FAR; Wilks 1995) would befar too great for a skillful forecast. If the probability ofdevelopment drops below 0.7 (as it is with over 90%of all cases), TCG almost never occurs, and the fore-caster could make a rather confident forecast given thissituation. If one uses the value of 0.7 as a ‘‘decisionboundary’’ between a 1 and 0 forecast, the probabilityof detection (POD; Wilks 1995) ranges from 64% at the6-h forecast period to 37% at the 48-h forecast period.The FAR ranges from 4% (6 h) up to 8% for otherforecast periods.1

Given the development percentage values in Table 2,we can categorize the development likelihood given theprobabilistic prediction of development by the DA pro-cedure. This is shown in the far-right column of Table2. If the probability of development P $ 0.9, we labelthe cluster as having a ‘‘good’’ chance of developing.If 0.8 # P , 0.9, the cluster has a ‘‘fair’’ chance ofdeveloping. If P , 0.7, development is unlikely to ex-tremely unlikely. These qualitative labels will be usedin the case study sections presented later.

1 The selection of a decision boundary is usually found by cal-culating a series of forecast skill scores for a range of possible bound-aries and then choosing the boundary where the maximum scoresoccur [see Wilks (1995) for more information]. Theoretically, thiswould minimize the FAR and maximize the POD further.

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TABLE 2. Development rate by probabilistic predictionand forecast hour.


No.of cases Developed




Bin 1 (P $ 0.9)6








Bin 2 (0.8 # P , 0.9)6









Bin 3 (0.7 # P , 0.8)6






Bin 4 (0.5 # P , 0.7)6





Very unlikely

Bin 5 (P , 0.5)6








Extremely unlikely

b. Significance of predictors

Although it is difficult to extract significance infor-mation from DA predictors, it is possible to examinethe strength of the relationship each predictor has withthe classification output. Table 3 shows the correlationbetween each predictor and the output of the classifi-cation. Higher values for a predictor indicate a moresignificant role in determining group membership andhence a greater degree of separation between developingand nondeveloping groups. For all forecast hours, theDGP was by far the most significant predictor, followed

on average by COR (latitude). This was expected (thoughmaybe to a lesser degree) and reemphasizes the impor-tance of the large-scale dynamics to TCG. The weakestpredictors overall were the VTEND700, MPI, and PWAT.The vorticity tendency signal was relatively weak in mostinstances and showed little differentiation (as did PWAT)between DV and ND clusters. This result emphasizes theneed to consider the vertical change of vorticity (as inthe DGP) instead of simply the lower-level vorticity whenassessing the potential for TCG. In fact, the correlationwas negative at a couple of the forecast times, indicatingthat little confidence should be given to them. The sig-nificance of the MPI was low for nearly all forecast times.This seems to confirm, as shown in Gray (1968) andMcBride and Zehr (1981), that for daily TCG predictionduring the hurricane season the thermodynamic environ-ment is similar for nearly all candidate cloud clusters.Therefore, proxies for the thermodynamic environmentappear to be of little use within this type of predictionsystem, although predictions did degrade slightly whenthe MPI was removed as a predictor.2

c. Statistical measures of skill

There are known problems when applying traditionalmeasures of probabilistic forecast performance to rare-event situations such as TCG (Marzban 1998). For ex-ample, a better Brier score can be obtained by blindlyforecasting nondevelopment for all events. Neverthe-less, we calculated the threat and Brier scores for thecomposite dataset for comparison purposes with the Per-rone and Lowe (1986) study and to find differences inperformance across forecast periods. The threat score,typically used to evaluate qualitative precipitation fore-casting, is calculated as

CTHREAT 5 , (4)

A 1 B 2 C

where A is the number of DV forecasts made, B is thenumber of DV cases observed, and C is the number ofcorrect DV cases. A threat score of 1 is a perfect scorefor a suite of forecasts; a score of 0.5 or higher is con-sidered a highly skilled forecast. To compute threatscores, we defined a DV forecast as one in which theprobability of DV was at least 0.7 (as discussed previ-ously and similar to Perrone and Lowe’s P $ 0.65 bound-ary). Figure 3 shows the threat scores for the 6–48-hforecast periods. They range from 0.329 at 6 h to 0.059at 48 h. These values are significantly lower than thescores computed by Perrone and Lowe (1986). This may

2 The 1998–2000 seasons were similar in that each had higher thannormal SSTs. The MPI predictor may be more useful for seasons inwhich the tropical Atlantic SSTs were cooler than normal. This maybe especially true for early-season systems, when development istypically limited by the thermodynamic environment (DeMaria et al.2001).

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TABLE 3. Correlations between predictor value and classification prediction for each forecast hour.Rank is given in parentheses for each forecast hour.

Hour 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48Avgrank

DGP 0.864(1)









COR 0.279(3)









PTEND 20.211(5)




N/A N/A N/A N/A 3.7

MDIV 20.232(4)









VTENDSFC 0.307(2)









VTEND700 20.012(8)









MPI 20.260(7)









PWAT 0.209(6)









FIG. 3. Threat (solid line with diamond points) and Brier (dotted line) scores for each forecasttime. These values reflect the entire dataset of cloud clusters.

be attributed to differences in the methodologies of thestudies and will be discussed further in section 5.

The Brier score (Brier 1950) is a measure of skill fora probabilistic forecasting system. It is essentially thesum of the squared probability errors:

N12BS 5 ( f 2 O ) , (5)O i iN i51

where N is the number of forecasts, f i is the forecastprobability (from the DA) of the occurrence of the ithevent, and Oi is the observed value of the event (1 5DV; 0 5 ND). The lower (higher) the Brier score, themore (less) skillful the probabilistic forecast. A Brierscore of 0 indicates a perfect suite of forecasts. TheBrier scores for each forecast periods are shown in Fig.3. They are of similar magnitude to Perrone and Lowe

and indicate some value in the probabilistic forecastmethod derived here.

d. Tropical Depression Keith (2000) case study

We now present two case studies that highlight thestrengths and weaknesses of the forecast system. Trop-ical Depression Keith (2000) was an easterly wave thatinitially left the west coast of Africa on 16 September.Figure 4 is a plot of the track of the cloud cluster thateventually developed into Keith. This plot illustrates oneof the major limitations of the ‘‘cloud cluster trackingby convection’’ method. Convection remained strongacross much of the Atlantic but development did notoccur. When the convection dissipated, the cluster wasdeclared dead in the database. But the wave remained

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FIG. 4. Track of a tropical cloud cluster that would eventually form into TD 15 (2000), the future Hurricane Keith.

FIG. 5. Series of 6-h probabilistic development forecasts for the cloud cluster that achieved genesis on 1800 UTC28 Sep (TD 15). The shaded region, which corresponds to development probabilities of ,0.7, delineates the area thatcorresponds to an ‘‘unlikely’’ to ‘‘extremely unlikely’’ chance of development.

intact, unable to be tracked because of the absence ofany significant convection, and by 27 September thewave began showing signs of intensification in the Ca-ribbean Sea as a new convective phase began. This re-generation of convection and subsequent intensificationled to its declaration of tropical depression status at 1800UTC 28 September. This system was treated as twoseparate clusters until the tropical cyclone report wasconsulted on the NHC website. We believe this type ofsituation is a common one, but because of time con-straints and the subjective nature of the problem wethought it best to consider these types of situations asseparate entities except when alternative sources (suchas the NHC tropical cyclone reports) clarify the situa-tion. Note also the irregular jumps in the track of thecloud cluster—this is a typical problem with fixing cen-ters in tropical waves, as the perceived center tends to

‘‘jump’’ erratically as convection is generated in a dif-ferent region.

We ran the classification program for each time plot-ted on Fig. 4—all of the case times in the eastern andcentral Atlantic were ND cases and those in the Carib-bean Sea were DV cases. Figure 5 shows the series ofeight 6-h forecasts generated for each image time of thecloud cluster as it progressed across the Atlantic. Theshaded region corresponds to a P(DV) , 0.7, fromwhich the development likelihood can be interpretedfrom Table 2 as ‘‘unlikely’’ to ‘‘extremely unlikely.’’Genesis did not occur during this period, despite theimpressive convection at times seen from the IR im-agery, because the cluster environment was unfavorable.If we examine the overall trends, we see a general im-provement of conditions from 17 September through 20September, followed by a 2-day deterioration. This was

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FIG. 6. Track of tropical cloud cluster ND6 (2000) from 1200 UTC 3 Jun to 0600 UTC 7 Jun.

primarily due to unfavorable trends in the vertical windshear structure and marginal MPI. Convection becameso disorganized and sparse by 25 September that thewave became untraceable via IR imagery despite theimproving cluster environment. By late on 26 Septem-ber, convection was regenerated within a much morefavorable dynamic and thermodynamic environment, asevidenced by a large majority of the development prob-abilistic forecasts in the range of 0.7 to 0.99 (‘‘fair’’ to‘‘good’’ chance of development). Almost all predictorsat this time were favorable, especially DGP, MPI, andPTEND. Genesis occurred at 1800 UTC 28 September;about 48 h after the convection associated with this long-lasting wave first reappeared in the Caribbean.

Keith was a midseason storm that was forecast verywell by the system. We have found that the system ingeneral does well with the ‘‘prime’’ development season(August–early October), in which the highest percent-ages of storms form. However, there were several in-stances of cloud clusters, especially those that formedearly (June) or late (October–November) in the season,that were not handled with as much skill. The next casestudy reveals one such storm and leads to a discussionin section 6 on strategies that may be employed to im-prove the forecasting in these situations.

e. ND6 (2000) cloud cluster case study

The sixth cloud cluster of the 2000 season was aneasterly wave that moved off Africa with a somewhatdisorganized convective structure on 3 June. Figure 6illustrates the west-southwest track of the cluster overthe next few days. During the day on 4 June, convectionincreased in intensity, and a large (;58 diameter) cloudshield formed. During these early stages of the clusterlife cycle, most of the large-scale conditions were fa-vorable for development. The DGP was in the 1.0–2.0range (the mean DGP for all developing clusters duringthe 1998–2000 seasons was 0.8–1.4 for 48- to 6 hourforecasts), and the moisture convergence and precipi-table water were very favorable (significantly above av-erage) as well. As diagnosed by the MPI, the clusterwas over SSTs sufficient for development.

Figure 7 shows that the forecast system recognizedthe favorable environment at this stage and forecast ahigh probability for development. The first forecastmade at 1800 UTC 4 June shows a ‘‘good’’ chance ofdevelopment in 24–30 h. The following two forecastswere also predicting genesis around 0000 UTC 6 June.But throughout the day on 6 June, convection decreased,and by 7 June the cluster could not be resolved on theIR imagery. The forecasts during 6 June were signifi-cantly less favorable, with most probabilities centeredaround 0.5, thus showing some indication that the fore-cast system was sensing a decline in the favorable clus-ter environment that had been in place.

Why did the system predict a ‘‘fair’’ to ‘‘good’’chance of development, and yet the cluster did not un-dergo TCG? The probable answer illustrates the com-plexity of the process. First, the only large-scale param-eter that was marginal/unfavorable during the entire lifecycle of the cluster was COR, with values of 0.75–1.93(average COR for DV systems was about 4.5). As men-tioned previously in section 4b, latitude was on averagethe second most important predictor (i.e., second highestcorrelation with the predicted result) in the DA. How-ever, the correlation magnitude was only on the orderof 0.25–0.40 for each forecast time (compared to 0.70–0.85 for DGP). Thus, if the DGP was high, as it wasin this case, it is unlikely the forecast system wouldpredict nondevelopment unless almost all of the otherpredictors were unfavorable. We believe this may be alimitation of the linearity of the DA; we suspect that aquadratic or nonlinear classification scheme could do abetter job in these types of situations. Another reason-able explanation is the neglect of the smaller-scale fea-tures and processes within the cloud cluster that cannotbe resolved in this type of analysis. Work on incorpo-rating new satellite tools to resolve mesoscale processesis an exciting new avenue for research in this area.

5. Discussion

The reader is encouraged to digest Perrone andLowe’s TCG work with Pacific cloud clusters (Perroneand Lowe 1986), as there are many parallels to this

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FIG. 7. As in Fig. 5, except for nondeveloping cluster ND6 (2000).

research. But there are several crucial differences thatbring about significantly different results, especially inthe statistical scores. First, they are predicting tropicalstorm formation. We think this improved their classi-fication rate since the differences between developingand nondeveloping clusters are likely to be greater dur-ing the time the cluster is a depression. In our study,TCG is assumed to occur when a cluster makes thetransition to a tropical depression—the transition froma tropical depression to a tropical storm is assumed tobe the intensification of a preexisting tropical cyclone.The smaller differences between developing and non-developing tropical disturbances make statistical differ-entiation more challenging, but they form the core ofthe forecast problem.

Second, Perrone and Lowe used a more relaxed pro-cedure for the selection of their ND cases. They had asize requirement of only 18 diameter, 4 times smallerthan the requirement in this study. In addition, it is notclear if their clusters met a persistence requirement norwas there any mention of cloud structures that may havebeen associated with other systems. If we define a‘‘cloud cluster’’ as a convective entity that satisfies thecondition of ‘‘preexisting convection’’ for TCG, it isquite possible that Perrone and Lowe included clustersin their dataset that we would not consider as such.Although midget typhoons may form from small clus-ters in the western Pacific (Lander 1994), TCG normallyoccurs from larger clusters over the Atlantic. The se-

lection criteria of 48 diameters and persistence for 24 heliminates smaller, more transient features that have lit-tle likelihood of developing into a tropical depression.Since DA works best with a high degree of separationbetween predictors, we think that the inclusion of small-er, transient cloud features might artificially inflate theprediction success rate.

Third, they chose some predictors that are importantfrom a climatological point of view rather than thosewith a day-to-day focus. This may have hurt their modelperformance, as several of their predictors are not nec-essarily the best ones for daily genesis studies. For ex-ample, vertical wind shear is highly correlated with trop-ical cyclone formation on a seasonal scale. But as hasbeen shown in several studies (e.g., McBride and Zehr1981), tropical cyclones frequently form in high-shearenvironments. That there is near-zero shear over thecluster itself is the important criterion. The importanceof the DGP in this study clearly validates this statement.

6. Summary, conclusions, and future work

A prediction system for tropical cyclogenesis is de-veloped using large-scale predictors derived from theNCEP–NCAR reanalysis. Using IR satellite imagery forthe Atlantic tropical cyclone seasons of 1998–2000, can-didate cloud clusters that satisfy predetermined char-acteristics are identified and their development statusdetermined. Eight predictors are then computed for each

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6-h period of the cluster’s life cycle. The entire datasetare independently classified using a linear discriminantanalysis technique.

Composite results showed that genesis was a goodpossibility if the probabilistic forecast P . 0.7 and un-likely if P , 0.5. The discriminant function loadingsrevealed that the DGP was the most significant predictorat all forecast times, followed by COR. Statistical mea-sures of skill were somewhat lower than a previousstudy, possibly because of critical differences in the def-inition of genesis and the selection of cloud clusters. Acase study of the cloud cluster that eventually formedinto Hurricane Keith (2000) showed that the predicationsystem does an excellent job at capturing the evolutionof the large-scale fields important to TCG, despite thelimitations of linearity of the analysis method and un-certainties in the track of the system. A separate lookat a nondeveloping cluster highlighted those limitationsand emphasized the need for a more detailed look atthe smaller-scale features and processes within the clus-ters.

We believe we have shown that a large degree ofpredictability of genesis can be derived from a simpleanalysis of the cloud cluster using large-scale data atthe analysis time. We choose predictors that are easy tocalculate and data that are regularly available in hourlyanalysis fields. An interesting future study would be toevaluate TCG forecasts on numerical model forecastfields rather than analysis fields, similar to the latestoperational version of the Statistical Hurricane IntensityPrediction Scheme (SHIPS; DeMaria and Kaplan 1999).Several concerns would have to be addressed, specifi-cally, how well classifications can be made on puremodel data and whether the model can accurately fore-cast the track and intensity of the convection. We believeone of the biggest deficiencies with the current modelis the representation of moisture in the reanalysis data.Making forecasts from model fields rather than analysisfields would magnify this problem.

We believe using improved reanalysis data supple-mented by improved moisture fields from satellite sen-sors will make the biggest improvements in this model.To ascertain any improvement with a nonlinear classi-fier, we have applied the cloud cluster dataset to a prob-abilistic neural network. Results were mixed and willbe reported at a later time. Ultimately, the applicationof the system to operational analyses will be the truetest of its usefulness. If results prove beneficial, thedevelopment of tools such as a graphical user interfacewill give forecasters near-real-time objective guidanceto tropical cyclone formation.

Acknowledgments. The authors wish to thank EU-METSAT and the Space Science and Engineering Cen-ter at the University of Wisconsin—Madison for pro-viding the satellite imagery used in this research. Weare also grateful for the forecasting perspective of trop-ical cyclogenesis given to us by Dr. Richard Pasch,

James Franklin, and Stacy Stewart at the Tropical Pre-diction Center and Commander Marge Nordman at theJoint Typhoon Warning Center. Their insights convincedus that there was a need for this type of research. Thispaper also benefited from discussions with Drs. JeffreyHalverson, John Rayner, Caren Marzban, and Hugh Wil-loughby. We would also like to thank two anonymousreviewers who provided many beneficial comments andsuggestions that greatly enhanced this paper.


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