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Foreign Employment & Remittance

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  • 8/17/2019 Foreign Employment & Remittance


    A Brief Report on



    Januar ! "#$%

    &at'(an)u! Nepa*

  • 8/17/2019 Foreign Employment & Remittance



    BoP : Balance of Payments

    CBS : Central Bureau of Statistics

    CDR : Central Development Region

    DoFE : Department of Foreign Employment

    EDR : Eastern Development Region

    FWDR : Far Western Development Region

    FY : Fiscal Year

    GDP : Gross Domestic Product

    td : imited!B" : !ega Ban# "epal imited

    !oF : !inistry of Finance

    !WDR : !id$Western Development Region

    "R% : "epal Remitters %ssociation

    "RB : "epal Rastra Ban#

    &%E : &nited %ra' Emirates

    &SD : &nited States Dollar

    WDR : Western Development Region


  • 8/17/2019 Foreign Employment & Remittance


    $/$/ Genera* Ba012roun)(ver t)e past decade* a surge in out migration for foreign employment to various countries )as

    'een occurring in "epal+ Every year* a'out ,--*--- la'or forces are entering in to t)e international

    la'or mar#et* t)e figures e.cluding t)e migration to /ndia+ 0)e migration to /ndia 1ould 'e 2ust a

    roug) estimate as t)e 1or# permit is not re3uired and long open 'order+ Failure to provide ade3uateemployment opportunities 1it)in t)e country )as led to t)e increased out'ound trend of migrant

    1or#ers for foreign employment+ %s a result* t)e gro1t) rate of 1or#er4s remittance )as continued to

    s1ell in t)e recent years+

    0)e ratio of remittance to GDP t)at stood 5,+6 percent in FY 5-75879 reac)ed 5 percent 'y FY

    5-7987;+ 0)e inflo1 of 1or#ers< remittances increased 'y 79+= percent to Rs+ =76+5 'illion in t)e

    FY 5-7;87, compared to 5,+- percent gro1t) of t)e previous year+ %n increase in 1or#ers4

    remittances )elped t)e country to maintain t)e BoP >Balance of Payment? surplus of "PR 7;,+ ,

    'illion and foreign e.c)ange reserves of "PR 6-5+ 'illion in FY 5-7;87,+ %ccording to t)e World

    Ban# data* "epal stands t)ird among t)e countries in t)e 1orld in terms of s)are of remittance to

    GDP+ "epal receives 1or#ers remittance 1ort) "PR 7+, 'illion every day+

    $/"/ O+3e0ti,e4 of t'e Stu)0)e ma2or o'2ective of t)is report is to analy@e t)e trend of 1or#ers migration in t)e foreign

    employment and t)e inflo1s of remittance in "epal+ Ao1ever* some of t)e specific o'2ectives are

    listed 'elo1:

    a+ 0o identify t)e ma2or destinations of foreign 1or#ers+'+ 0o analy@e t)e migration data 'ased on ma2or districts* ecological and administrative regions

    and gender+c+ 0o study t)e trend of t)e remittance inflo1s 'ased on t)e volume and s)are of gross

    domestic product >GDP? of "epal+d+ 0o e.amine t)e pattern of usage of remittance income 'y "epali )ouse)olds+

    $/5/ Met'o)o*o20)e report is 'ased on t)e 3uantitative analysis of availa'le secondary data pu'lis)ed 'y t)e

    Department of Foreign Employment >DoFE?* Foreign Employment Promotion Board* !inistry of

    Finance >!oF?* World Ban#* Central Bureau of Statistics >CBS?* Economic Survey of "epal 5-7;

    and "epal Rastra Ban#+ Similarly* t)e revie1s of t)e literature suc) as ne1spaper reports* 2ournals

    and ot)er pro2ect documents of "G(s8/"G(s on t)e la'or migration and remittance inflo1s in

    "epal )ave 'een made+ 0ime series data of la'or migration and remittance inflo1s )ave 'een

    presented and analy@ed+ /n addition* t)e analysis of t)e migration trend* 'ased on gender* districts*

    ecological 'elts and t)e administrative regions )as 'een presented+

  • 8/17/2019 Foreign Employment & Remittance



    "/$/ La+or Mi2ration0)e figure presented 'elo1 illustrates t)e total num'ers of approval granted for t)e foreign

    employment and t)e gro1t) in t)e num'ers of t)e employment from FY 5-- 8- to FY 5-7;87,+ 0)efigures do not include t)e la'or migrants to /ndia as t)e la'or approval or permit is not re3uired to

    1or# in /ndia+ Similarly* t)e num'ers of t)e emigrant la'ors could 'e )ig) due to t)e unregistered

    and undocumented emigration from "epal+

    Total Number of Approvals for Foreign Employment and Annual Growth

    2008/09 2009/10 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15-5.00




















    $8/"# $8/#6






    :"8!6$7 :$"!668

    C 'an2e Tota* Appro ,a* fo r Fore i2n E(p*o (ent

    0)e approval for foreign employment gre1 'y 7,+6- on an average during t)e period of 6 years

    reac)ing as )ig) as 99+6- gro1t) in approval in FY 5-- 87- and as lo1 as $5+ 9 in FY 5-7;87,+

    0)e num'ers of approval granted in FY 5-- 8- 1as 57 * =, t)at reac)ed to ,56* 7; in FY

    5-7987;+ Ao1ever* t)e total num'ers of approval declined 'y 5+ 9 and reac)ed ,75* 6 in FY

    5-7;87,+ 0)e num'er of people going a'road for foreign employment )ad declined due to t)e

    impact of t)e eart)3ua#e and t)e stri#e of t)e manpo1er agencies against t)e governmental

    decision of free airfare and free visa for t)e 1or#ers+

  • 8/17/2019 Foreign Employment & Remittance


    0)e average data of approvals disaggregated 'y

    gender s)o1s t)at ,+7- of t)e approvals are

    made for t)e male la'ors 1)ile ;+ - of t)e

    approvals are made for t)e female la'ors in

    foreign employment+ 0)e s)are of female as t)e

    foreign employment la'or is considera'ly lo1er

    t)an t)e male+ Ao1ever* t)e num'ers of female

    la'or migrants for t)e foreign employment are

    rising+ /n terms of t)e total approvals* t)e female

    approvals )ave increased 'y 9+ in FY 5-- 8-

    to =+5 in FY 5-75879 'efore falling to ,+=

    increase in FY 5-7987;+ /n terms of t)e num'ers

    of approval* 'ot) t)e male and t)e female

    migrants approved for foreign employment )ad

    increased+ 0)e num'ers of female getting

    approval in FY 5-- 8- 1as *, ; t)at surged to

    5 *7,; in FY 5-7987;+ Similarly* t)e num'ers of

    male receiving approvals for foreign employment

    )ad increased from 577*967 in FY 5-- 8- to

    ; 5*65; in FY 5-7987;+

    2008/09 2009/10 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14

    8594 10056 10416 22958 27742 29154



    344300 361707



    Tota* Appro,a* + Gen)er! FY "##6;#6 < FY "#$5;

    Female Male

    Male; 95%

    Female; 5%

    A,era2e S'are + Gen)er! FY "##6;#9 < FY "#$5;$7

    Share of Top Ten Districts in Total Approvals for Foreign Employment (in percentage

    District!"ear #$$%!$& #$$&!'$ #$'$!'' #$''!'# #$'#!' #$' !') Average Share

    D)anusa =+6 ,+9 ;+ ;+, ;+ ;+ ,

    !a)ottari 9+6 77+5 ,+6 9+= 9+5 9+, ;+

    )apa ,+ ;+6 ;+= ;+, ;+, ;+5 ;+=

    !orang ;+9 ;+5 ;+9 ;+5 ;+5 ; ;+5Sira)a ;+= ;+5 ;+9 9+, 9+, ; 9+

    "a1alparasi 9+7 5+ 9+9 9+9 9+7 9 9+7

    Saptari 5+, 9+5 9+7 5+ 5+ 9+7 5+

    Sunsari 5+6 5+= 5+6 5+ 5+ 9 5+

    Sarla)i 5+7 5+9 5+; 5+5 5+= 9 5+,

    Rupande)i 5+7 7+ 5+9 5+9 5+6 5+6 5+;

    0)e ta'le a'ove represents t)e top ten districts of "epal in terms of num'er of foreign la'or migrants+ /n FY 5-7987;* people of D)anusa district migrated more in num'er as foreign la'or*

    1)ic) constitutes ;+ of total la'or migrants+ !oreover* over t)e last si. years* D)anusa

  • 8/17/2019 Foreign Employment & Remittance


    contri'uted more num'ers of foreign la'ors+ 0)e data s)o1s t)at t)e ma2ority of t)e migration as

    foreign la'or comes from Eastern Development Region and Central Development Region+

    Sindhupalch !"; 9%

    #hapa ; 9%

    M $an ; 6%Ma"!anpu$; 5%

    &a'$epalanch !"; 4%&a(hmandu; 4%

    )u!a" (; 4%Sun*a$i; 4%+lam; 3%la"ha; 3%

    Re(ainin2 Di4tri0t= :#>

    A,er2ae S'are o f top +,6 ?* !orang >,+ 6 ?*

    !a#1anpur >;+6= ?* avrepalanc)o1# >;+5 ?* at)mandu >;+76 ? are t)e ma2or districts of t)e

    origin of t)e female la'ors+

    M un(ain; 6%

    -ill*; 44% .e$ai; 50%

    A,era2e S'are of La+or Per(it4 + E0o*o2i0a* Re2ion4! "##6;#9

  • 8/17/2019 Foreign Employment & Remittance


    Top *abor Destination for Nepalese Foreign +or,ers




    '#$''!'# #$'#!' #$' !') #$')!'.

    !alaysia 5 *95- 777*9==7-=*-5

    =*565 7,6*575 5-=*67 5-5* 5

    Saudi %ra'ia ;,*-;; , *,; =5*; = *79- =*75= 6,*-5= *5;=

    atar ,;*695 5,*=75 9,* ;9 ;;* 9 ,* 96 7-9* ,- 75;*9=

    &%E 5;*-,6 76*66 5;*-;6 9;*,-9 ,7*;7 ;5*,;5 ,9*=

    u1ait ;7- 5*5 = 6* 7 *7=, 6* - * 6 *==

    (t)ers ==*;-5 66*,-977 *57

    6797*675 =5*9,- -*= 5;*-6

    Total #'&/&0.#&)/$&


    0%)/00. ).$/% ) .#1/%') .'#/%%1

    !alaysia* atar* Saudi %ra'ia* u1ait*

    &%E etc+* are some ma2or destinations for

    t)e "epalese foreign employment

    migrants+ 0)e total num'ers of approvals

    )ave increased e.cept for t)e FY

    5-7;87,+ %mong ot)ers* t)e approvals for

    t)e employment in !alaysia )ave 'een

    increasing till t)e end of FY 5-7;87,+

    Ao1ever* t)e recent developments )ave

    s)o1n t)e declining trend of "epalese

    la'or in !alaysia+ Similarly* t)e num'ers

    of approvals )ave increased for ot)er

    countries as 1ell+



















    :"8!6$7 :$"!668

    Ma3or De4tination Countrie4 for Forei2n E(p*o (ent

    Ma*a 4ia Sau)i Ara+ia ?atar

    UAE &u@ait Ot'er4


    Mala *ia; 40%

    Saudi $a ia; 19%

    a(a$; 24%

    ; 10%

    &u!ai(; 2% (he$*; 5%

    S'are of De4 tination Countrie4 in FY "#$7;$:/n FY 5-7;87,* t)e 1or# permits for !alaysia

    )ad a s)are of 9 +, * 1)ile atar )ad a s)are

    of 5;+5, + i#e1ise* out of t)e total approvals*

    7 +7= approvals 1ere made for Saudi %ra'ia*

    7-+;6 for &%E and 7+ for foreign

    employment in u1ait+ /n ot)er )and* ;+= of

    t)e approvals 1ere granted for t)e foreign

    employment in ot)er countries+

  • 8/17/2019 Foreign Employment & Remittance


    0)e ta'le 'elo1 s)o1s t)e num'ers of deat) incidents occurred in during t)e foreign employment

    from FY 5-- 8- to FY 5-7987;+ 0)e total num'ers of deat)s )ave 'een increasing from FY

    5-- 8- + 0)e total num'ers of recorded deat) incidents in FY 5-- 8- 1as - t)at surged to ;5

    deat)s during t)e FY 5-7987;+ 0)e num'ers s)o1 t)at t)e total num'ers of male deat)s over t)e

    period 1ere 9*79 1)ile t)e num'ers of female deat) 1as 6 totaling to 9*565 deat)s in = year4s

    period+ (n an average* t)e deat) incidents )ave increased 'y +

    Total Numbers of Death 2ncidents from F" #$$%!$& to F" #$' !')

    "ear 3ale Female Total

    5-- 8- 6 9 -

    5-- 87- 9 7 ;7

    5-7-877 ,;7 ,;

    5-77875 =95 7; =;=

    5-75879 67= 77 656

    5-7987; 7 5; ;5

    Total /'& 1& /#1#

    0)e num'ers of deat) incidents are )ig)er in

    countries li#e !alaysia and Saudi %ra'ia as

    t)e ma2ority of "epalese depart to t)ese

    countries for foreign employment+ 0)e deat)

    rates in t)ese t1o countries )ave e.tremely

    increased over t)e years+ 0)e recorded deat)

    incidents in !alaysia and Saudi %ra'ia 1ere

    7, and 56 deat)s respectively in FY 5-- 8-

    t)at increased to 5 5 and 577 deat)s

    respectively in FY 5-7987;+ /n addition* t)e

    deat) incidents in atar* &%E* u1ait* Sout)

    orea* e'anon and ot)er countries )ave also

    increased in years+

    2008/09 2009/10 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 2013/140









    Countr @i4e Deat' In0i)ent4 ! "##6;#9 to "#$5;$7

    Mala * ia S audi $a ia a(a$


    "/"/ Re(ittan0e4 %ccording to t)e government records* 7,-- "epalese on an average migrate to foreign countries*

    mainly to t)e Gulf Countries and !alaysia for t)e foreign employment in t)e international la'or

    mar#et and t)at figure is 'elieved to 'e an undercount as many more cross t)e open 'order 1it)

    /ndia regularly+ Foreign employment )as 'ecome t)e ma2or source of income as t)e "epali migrant

    1or#ers send 'ac# )ome remittances coming into t)e country 1)ic) e3uals almost 9- of t)e GDP+

    "epal4s Economic Survey of 5-7; states t)at almost ,= of t)e "epalese )ouse)olds receive t)e

    remittance income and )ouse)old 'udget survey of FY 5-7;87, conducted 'y "RB states t)at

    76+=7 of t)e )ouse)old income is derived from remittance+

  • 8/17/2019 Foreign Employment & Remittance










    "5$/8 ":5/%



    Re(ittan0e In o@4 in +i**ion R4/










    $9/7 $6/:


    "6 "9/$

    S'are in GDP >

    0)e remittance inflo1s )ave increased over t)e periods+ 0)e figure alongside s)o1s t)at t)e

    remittance income in FY 5-- 87- 1as "PR 597+6 'illion t)at )ave clim'ed to "PR =76+5 'illion in

    FY 5-7;87,+ 0)e remittance income e.perienced a )ealt)y gro1t) of 55+7; on an average during

    t)e period of FY 5-- 87- to FY 5-7;87,+ /n ot)er )and* t)e s)are of remittance income in Gross

    Domestic Product >GDP? )as increased over t)e periods+ /n FY 5-7987;* t)e s)are of remittances to

    GDP 1as 5 +7 * 1)ic) remained at 7 +; in FY 5-- 8- and 7 +, in FY 5-- 87-+

    %ccording to t)e "epal Remitters %ssociation

    >"R%?* 6 + of t)e remittance income is

    used for t)e consumption and entertainment

    1)ile mere 5+; is utili@ed in t)e capitalformation+ Similarly* 6+7 is used for t)e

    repayment of loans 'orro1ed to finance t)e

    foreign employment 1)ile 9+, is spent on

    t)e education of c)ildren+ Similarly* ;+, is

    spent on purc)ase of )ouse)old properties+86/9

    8/$ 5/: "/77/:

    U4e of Re(ittan0e>

    n* ump(i n epa men( : an*

    duca(i n hild$en api(al F $ma(i n

    u$cha*e u*eh ld and $ pe$( Sa'in *

  • 8/17/2019 Foreign Employment & Remittance


    6a(a$; 29%

    Saudi $a ia; 27%

    +ndia; 14%

    ; 11%S ; 5%

    &u!ai(; 4%Mala *ia; 3%

    &; 2%u*($alia; 2%

    8(he$*; 4%

    Wor*) Ban1D4 E4ti(ate of Re(ittan0e InAo@ to Nepa*! FY "#$5;$7

    6a(a$; 39%

    Saudi $a ia; 37%

    ; 15%&u!ai(; 5%

    Mala *ia; 4%

    Wor*) Ban1D4 E4ti(ate of Re(ittan0e InAo@4 fro( Gu*f Countrie4 an) Ma*a

    0)e actual data on t)e remittance inflo1s in "epal from different countries )ave not 'een pu'lis)ed

    or documented so far+ Ao1ever* it is crucial to #no1 t)e ma2or countries sending remittance to

    "epal+ 0)e estimate of t)e remittance to "epal as receiving country in 5-7; made 'y t)e World

    Ban# s)o1s t)at atar* Saudi %ra'ia* /ndia* &%E* &S%* u1ait* !alaysia etc+ are t)e ma2or

    remittance sending countries+ Remittance estimates 1ere made using t)e migrant stoc#s* )ost

    country incomes* and origin country incomes+ 0)e estimates are made in t)e millions of &SD+

    Based on t)e same estimate* t)e s)are of remittance coming from atar and Saudi %ra'ia 1as

    comparatively )ig)er+ Bot) of t)ese countries 1ere estimated to send 5 and 56 of t)e total

    estimated remittance to 'e received 'y "epal+ Similarly* /ndia s)ares 7; * &%E s)ares 77 * u1ait

    s)ares ; and !alaysia s)ares 9 of t)e total estimated remittance in 5-7;+ 0)oug) t)e ma.imum

    num'ers of t)e "epalese migrants fly to !alaysia* t)e estimated incoming remittance is lo1er in

    comparison to t)e ot)ers+

    /n ot)er )and* if t)e remittance of t)e Gulf Countries and !alaysia only is considered* atar sends

    9 * Saudi %ra'ia sends 96 * &%E sends 7; * u1ait sends , and !alaysia sends ; of t)e

    total estimated remittance to 'e received from t)e Gulf and !alaysia+

  • 8/17/2019 Foreign Employment & Remittance



    5/$/ Con0*u4ion40)e lac# of manufacturing units and t)e slo1er gro1t) in t)e productive sectors )ave led to

    increased migration of "epalese as t)e la'or migrant in t)e international la'or mar#et+ /n addition*

    t)e lac# of commerciali@ation of agriculture* underdevelopment of t)e infrastructure and t)e limited

    access to mar#et )ave repulsed t)e "epalese yout)s from agricultural sectors+ %s a result of 1)ic)

    t)e "epalese yout)s consider t)e foreign employment as t)e easy solution to t)e pro'lem of

    unemployment in "epal+ Despite t)e several efforts to create t)e employment 1it)in t)e country* t)e

    current economic condition favors t)e more yout)s to 2oin t)e international la'or mar#et in t)e days

    to come+ 0)e ma2or destinations of "epalese migrants are Gulf Countries and !alaysia+ During t)e

    FY 5-7;87,* t)e total of ,75* 6 1or# permits 1as issued 1)ic) 1as less 'y 5+ 9 in comparison

    to t)e corresponding period of t)e previous FY+ (ut of t)e total 1or# permit approvals* t)e average

    s)ares s)o1 t)at t)e )ig)er num'ers of la'or migrants are from 0erai regions follo1ed 'y Ailly

    regions+ 0)e increasing la'or migration contri'utes in )ig)er inflo1s of remittance 1)ic) no1 )overs

    around 9- of t)e GDP of "epal+ 0)e remittance inflo1s )ave supported in poverty reduction in

    large e.tent+ "epal received "PR =76+5 'illion remittance in FY 5-7;87, 1)ic) 1as 79+=5 gro1t)

    in comparison to t)e corresponding period of t)e previous year+

    0)oug) t)e remittance income is gro1ing* appro.imately - of t)e remittance received is used for

    daily consumption 1)ile mere 5+; is used for capital formation+ Suc) tendencies mig)t result in

    t)e Dutc) DiseaseH* in our conte.tI e.cessive reliance on t)e remittance income increases t)e

    foreign e.c)ange reserves and 'alance of payments reducing t)e s)are of t)e manufacturing sector

    in t)e economy+ i#e1ise* 1)en t)e population receiving t)e remittance increases* it leads to t)e

    )ig)er demand in t)e consumer goods 1)ic) 1ill 'e )eavily financed t)roug) remittance+ 0)e trade

    competitiveness 1ill fall and t)e trade deficit 1ill gro1+

    5/"/ Re0o((en)ation40)e study suggests t)e gro1ing la'or migration trend and increased remittance inflo1s in t)e days

    to come+ %s t)e remittance is t)e line of 'usiness of t)e Commercial Ban#s* t)e remittance is t)e

    source of income for t)e Ban#+ 0)erefore* it is necessary to 1iden t)e remittance net1or# 'ased on

    t)e ma2or origin districts of la'or migrants* t)e ma2or destination countries and t)e estimated s)are

    of remittance received 'y "epal from different countries+ /t is suggested t)at t)e Ban# s)ould focus

    in 0erai regions and t)e Central Development Regions and t)e Eastern Development Regions for

    t)e e.pansion of t)e remittance net1or#s and partners+ 0)e Ban# s)ould focus on intensive

    mar#eting for collecting t)e remittance money in t)e areas t)at stands t)e top ten origin districts of

    la'or migrants+

  • 8/17/2019 Foreign Employment & Remittance



    Wor1 Per(it Appro,a*4 Grante) for Ma*e an) Fe(a*e La+or Mi2rant4! FY

    "##6;#9 to FY "#$5;$7

    "ear 3ale Female Total

    #$$%!$& 577*967 *, ; 57 * =,

    #$$&!'$ 5 ;*-9 7-*-,= 5 ;*- ;

    #$'$!'' 9;;*9-- 7-*;7= 9,;*67=

    #$''!'# 9=7*6-6 55* , 9 ;*==,

    #$'#!' ;59*- 5 56*6;5 ;,-* 9;

    #$' !') ; 5*65; 5 *7,; ,57* 6

    Total #/''1/# # '$%/$ #/##0/'.#

    S'are of Fe(a*e La+or Mi2rant4 to t'e Tota* La+or Mi2rant4 an) Gro@t' of

    Fe(a*e *a+or Mi2rant4! FY "##6;#9 to FY "#$5;$7

    "ear Total *abor


    Total Female*abor


    4ate of 2ncrease in

    Absolute Terms

    5ercent of theTotal *abor


    57 * =, *, ; 9+


    5 ;*- ; 7-*-,= 76+-- 9+;


    9,;*67= 7-*;7= 9+=- 5+


    9 ;*==, 55* , 75-+;- =+-

    #$'#!';,-* 9; 56*6;5 5-+ - =+5

    #$' !') ,57* 6 5 *7,5 ,+7- ,+=

    Total #/##0/'.# '$%/&'%

  • 8/17/2019 Foreign Employment & Remittance


    Numbers of Deaths of *abor 3igrants in Different -ountries/ F" #$$%!$& to F" #$' !')

    -ountries #$$%!$& #$$&!'$ #$'$!'' #$''!'# #$'#!' #$' !') Total

    !alaysia 7, 7-, 57 596 5,9 5 5 7*757

    Saudi %ra'ia 56 75; 799 76 5-= 577 -atar 5= 77; 75, 79- 7,7 7 9 69

    &%E 79 ,9 96 ,- ;6 =; 5=;

    u1ait 9 7- 55 55 9 =

    Ba)rain 5 , 75 7; 6 ;

    Rep+ of orea 7 7 = = 7; 79 ;7

    (man ; ; 7 = 6 7; 9=

    e'anon 5 = ; 9 9 5 5-

    /srael 7 9 9 6apan 5 5 5 =

    %fg)anistan 5 7 7 ;

    Sri an#a 7 7 5

    Russia 5 5

    Germany 7 7

    !aldives 7 7

    Papua "e17 7

    Guinea&S% 7 7

    i'ya 7 7

    /taly 7 7

    0otal - ;7 ,; =;= 656 ;5 9*565

  • 8/17/2019 Foreign Employment & Remittance


    .i4tori0a* Tren) of In o@4 of Re(ittan0e an) Annua* Gro@t'! $995 to "#$:

    "ear 3igrant remittance inflows (2n million 6SDAnnual Growth

    (77 9 ,,7 ; ,- $ +-7 , ,6 7;+--7 = ;; $55+ 77 6 ; 77+9=7 = 9 +67 9 55+-=5--- 777 99+695--7 7;6 95+;95--5 =6 9=7+555--9 667 79+655--; 59 =+6;5--, 7575 ;6+565--= 7;,9 7 +5--6 769; 7 +9;5-- 5656 ,6+565-- 5 , +;=5-7- 9;= 7=+575-77 ;576 57+,=5-75 ;6 9 79+==5-79 ,57- +6-5-7; ,;99 ;+55-7, =769 79+=5

    Wor*) Ban1 E4ti(ate of Re(ittan0e to Nepa* fro( Sen)in2 Countrie4! "#$7

    -ountries 2n million 6SD

    atar 7*= 9Saudi %ra'ia 7*,/ndia 95&nited %ra' Emirates ===&nited States 5 5

    u1ait 595!alaysia 7,,&nited ingdom 776

    %ustralia 7Banglades) ,7

    orea* Rep+ 9-Aong ong S%R* C)ina 9-0)ailand 7=Canada 75Germany 7-

  • 8/17/2019 Foreign Employment & Remittance


    SpainDenmar# =Belgium ,"or1ay ,"et)erlands ,Finland ;C)ina ;

    /taly ;France ;"e1 Jealand ;S1it@erland 9Kietnam 9Ba)rain 5

    %ustria 5/reland 7Portugal 7B)utan 7

    Brunei Darussalam 7C@ec) Repu'lic 7

    World ./%1.

    Sour0e4 of In0o(e an) it4 Co(po4ition of Nepa*i .ou4e'o*)! FY "#$7;$:

    Sources Share (7Salary* Wages* %llo1ances and Pensions 9-+5=Business /ncome 5;+;9Remittance 76+=7

    %griculture* ivestoc# and Fis)eries 6+75Rent and /mputed Rent 76+5,(t)er 9+99

  • 8/17/2019 Foreign Employment & Remittance

