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Forget About Tomorrow First Draft

Date post: 23-Dec-2015
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Four guys not long out of university head down to London to see their favourite band in concert. Unfortunately, underground closures mean they get stuck and spend the night trying to get home, along the way tempers rise and they begin to turn on each other, but ultimately their friendship ends much stronger. Based on a true story.
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FADE IN. INT. HALL ENTRANCE, LUKE’S HOUSE- EARLY MORNING The front door opens and LUKE (20) drags himself inside. His eyes are droopy, and his nose has cotton wool pushed into each nostril. A small patch of blood is streaked across his shirt. He takes a deep breath and then collapses to his knees, before falling onto the floor. After a couple of seconds we hear the sound of him snoring. TITLE: 5 DAYS EARLIER INT. LIVING ROOM, LUKE’S HOUSE- DAY Luke is lying on the couch, watching television, looking very bored. He flicks through the channels with the remote in his hand. The phone on the coffee table rings. He puts down the remote and picks up the phone answering it. LUKE Hello? (beat) speaking. As Luke listens to the voice on the other end, he becomes more alert sitting up. LUKE (CONT’D) Oh hi (beat) yeah, okay (beat) that’s great. Let me just grab a pen. Luke picks up a pen from the coffee table and scribbles on a notepad. LUKE (CONT’D) Okay, 11 o’clock, Saturday morning. (beat) presentation of my portfolio (beat) no that shouldn’t be a problem. (beat) okay, I’ll see you Saturday. Thank you very much. Luke hangs up the phone excitedly. He jumps up throwing his fists in the air. LUKE (CONT’D) Yes.



The front door opens and LUKE (20) drags himself inside. His eyes are droopy, and his nose has cotton wool pushed into each nostril. A small patch of blood is streaked across his shirt.

He takes a deep breath and then collapses to his knees, before falling onto the floor.

After a couple of seconds we hear the sound of him snoring.



Luke is lying on the couch, watching television, looking very bored. He flicks through the channels with the remote in his hand.

The phone on the coffee table rings.

He puts down the remote and picks up the phone answering it.

LUKEHello? (beat) speaking.

As Luke listens to the voice on the other end, he becomes more alert sitting up.

LUKE (CONT’D)Oh hi (beat) yeah, okay (beat) that’s great. Let me just grab a pen.

Luke picks up a pen from the coffee table and scribbles on a notepad.

LUKE (CONT’D)Okay, 11 o’clock, Saturday morning. (beat) presentation of my portfolio (beat) no that shouldn’t be a problem. (beat) okay, I’ll see you Saturday. Thank you very much.

Luke hangs up the phone excitedly. He jumps up throwing his fists in the air.



In a small independent book shop, ETHAN (20) sits at the desk staring at his phone screen looking depressed.

We see on the screen is a picture of him and a girl. They are smiling in a loving embrace.

The door opens and Ethan glances up to see who it is. A young attractive girl enters the shop and smiles at Ethan.

He ignores her and refocuses his attention on the screen. The girl looks disappointed hanging her head as she pretends to look at the books on offer.

A middle aged man approaches the desk.


Ethan looks up putting his phone away.


MIDDLE-AGED MANI wonder if you could help me find a particular book I’m looking for.

ETHANSure. What’s the title?

MIDDLE-AGED MANI’m afraid I don’t know.

ETHANOkay, who’s the author?

MIDDLE-AGED MANNow here’s the problem, I don’t know that either.

ETHANYou don’t know the title or the author.

MIDDLE-AGED MANNo, but I remember the cover was red and it had recently won a book award.

ETHANOh okay, what was the award?

The middle-aged man thinks for a moment, then looks at Ethan puzzled.


MIDDLE-AGED MANI don’t know.

Ethan huffs.


In a small bar two men are doing a sound check on a stage, testing the microphone.

Behind the bar stacking glasses is MAX (20). He watches them looking unhappy.

The manager steps through from the back room carrying bottles.

MANAGERHey, did you see the game last night?

Max remains focused on the stage, almost in a daydream.


MANAGERA real cracker, it was. Four all in the end, some beautiful goals.


The manager notices Max’s face and approaches him.

MANAGERHey, don’t let it get to you. It happens to everybody, it’s just one of those things.

MAXReally? As bad as me?

MANAGERLook, think of it as a learning curve, now you know what works and what doesn’t.

MAXNone of it works.

MANAGERHey, you’re a funny guy, Max. I’ve always thought that. You’ll make it, I know you will. Just give yourself a couple of weeks and then try again. Now give me a hand with these bottles.


The manager heads into the back room.

Max stares at the two guys up on stage messing about with the microphone making funny voices echo throughout the room.

He shakes his head and enters the back room.


Sat at a desk talking on a phone is AARON (21). He is suited a booted leaning back in his chair looking very relaxed.

AARON (INTO PHONE)This is an excellent offer. You get a free gift from us no matter what, there’s no obligation to pay. If you decide you don’t wish to continue just send the second one back. (beat) No I understand that, but you can’t turn down something free, can you? (beat) excellent, I’ll get those sent out to you right away. Thank you for your time, Mrs Hare.

Aaron hangs up the phone.

The manager peers out of his office and looks at Aaron.



MANAGERCould I just have a word with you a moment?


Aaron stands and heads toward the office.

AARON (CONT’D)This is it, ladies and gentleman. The top seller of the month is getting a pay rise. Note this day down in your diaries, for it will be known as the day Aaron Simpkins started his meteoric rise to most successful businessman in the world.

Everybody in the room ignores him as he enters the office.



Max and Aaron sit at a table silently staring into space. Luke approaches carrying a pint. He sits down.

LUKEDo you know what this is all about? Ethan seemed pretty insistent I come.

MAXWe’ve got no idea, he just told us to meet here.

Ethan enters smiling. He spots his friends and approaches.

ETHANBoys, boys, boys.


AARONSo what’s so important we had to meet here at such short notice?

ETHANAll in good time. Let me get a drink first. Anyone else?

LUKENo, we’re good.

Ethan turns heading toward the bar.



A pint of beer slams down on the table spilling it’s contents.

Ethan sits down.


Ethan holds up a finger gesturing them to wait as he takes a sip of his pint.

ETHANOkay. I’ve been trying to work out the best way to tell you, but I think I’ll just show you instead.

Ethan reaches into his pocket and takes out a set of four tickets. He fans them out on the table.


MAXWhat are these?


ETHANTickets to see ??? At the O2.

Each of them excitedly picks up a ticket studying it.

MAXAre these real?

ETHANOne hundred percent.

AARONHow did you get these? They were already sold out when I tried.

ETHANA friend of my mums. Turns out they can’t go and offered them to me.

AARONThis is awesome.

LUKEWhen is it?

ETHANThis Friday?

LUKEShit, I can’t go.

ETHANWhat? Why not?

LUKEI’ve got a job interview the next day.


LUKESo I’m going to need a decent nights sleep. It’s a big company, they want a presentation on my work. I can’t fuck this up.

MAXWhat time is your interview?

LUKEEleven o’clock.


ETHANThat’s perfect. This will be finished by eleven, we’ll be home by twelve. You’ll get more than enough sleep and be fresh for eleven the next day.

LUKEI don’t know. I don’t want to risk it.

ETHANLuke, this is ???. You can’t miss this. Besides it won’t be the same unless we all go.

MAXHe’s right, you can’t miss this.

AARONYou’ll be back in time.

Luke looks around his friends, the excitement on their faces.

LUKEAlright, I’ll come, but we have to be back by twelve.

ETHANWe will be.

Ethan lifts his pint.

ETHAN (CONT’D)Gentlemen, to ???

They all clink glasses.



Luke sits on his bed with drawings and notes scattered across the duvet in front of him. He moves them around trying to get some kind of order.

He looks at the time, 4:50pm.

Luke grabs his jacket and heads for the door.


Max and Aaron stand on the platform waiting. Luke rushes round the corner.



MAXWe thought you’d changed your mind.

LUKENo, like you said. I can’t miss this. Where’s Ethan?

AARONRunning late.

LUKEThere’s a surprise.

AARONWhat have you been up to?

LUKESpent the whole day working on my portfolio for tomorrow. I think I’ve got a decent presentation together.

AARONYou have to give a presentation? Shit. That’s a lot of pressure.

LUKEYes Aaron, thank you for magnifying that.

MAXPresentations are easy, as long as you remember what to say. The last thing you want is to forget your words half way through. You’re just standing there staring into space, straining to think of the next line. Everybody’s staring at you waiting, seconds feel like minutes, the sweat dripping-



LUKEI’m nervous enough as it is.


Ethan appears around the corner.


ETHANBoys, boys, boys.

AARONAbout time.

ETHANExcuse me?

AARONYou’re late.

ETHANNo I’m not.

AARONYes you are. You told us to meet at five?


AARONForget it. You’re here now.

ETHANExactly. Gentleman, we are about to embark on a quest. One that will take us to see the greatest band in the world. Where they will rock us to our very core. Remember this night as it will be your best one yet. For you will look back on it and think ‘I know I am alive, because on that day, I lived! Now let’s go and rock some shit!

Max, Aaron and Luke all cheer.



The four boys sit on the bench still waiting, looking bored.

LUKEWhat time’s the train?

Aaron looks at his watch.

AARONTwo more minutes.

Max coughs and then they continue their silence.



Luke, Max, Ethan and Aaron sit on the train. Ethan is staring out the window.

ETHANIt’s pretty incredible how fast trains go, isn’t it?

Max frowns confused by the odd statement.

MAXI guess so.

ETHAN Have you ever thought about what it would look like if you saw someone get hit by a train?

LUKEUh, funnily enough, no I haven’t thought about that.

ETHANIt would be a mess, wouldn’t it? Just body parts everywhere.

Aaron turns away feeling disgusted.

ETHAN (CONT’D)I feel sorry for the guys that have to pick up all the pieces afterwards. What do they do with it?

LUKEI don’t know, bury it in a grave. Why are you talking about this?

ETHANJust making conversation.

MAXIf it was one of those bullet trains, it would look like a giant used tampon.

Ethan laughs.

ETHANMy Nan’s dog got hit by a train.



ETHANYeah, it just ran off one day. They found the collar and called my Nan, told her the bad news. She didn’t take it very well.

AARONI’m not surprised.

ETHANIt was an old dog anyway. She’d had it for like 10 years so that’s like, I don’t know in dog years.

LUKEAbout 70.

AARONWhat no?

LUKEYeah, 1 human year is equal to 7 dog years.

AARONYou mean, 7 human years is equal to 1 dog year.


AARONThat’s how you work it out.

LUKESo you’re saying the dog was about seven and a half?


LUKEThat’s not right.

AARONYes it is.

MAXNo, it’s not. I’ve got a dog, we’ve had it for about 5 years, so he’s about 35.

AARONNo, that’s wrong. He’d be almost a year old.

MAXYou’re chatting shit, mate.


AARONI’m not, I’m telling you, it’s 7 human years to 1 dog year.


AARONI’ll prove it.

Aaron takes out his mobile phone.

MAXWhat are you going to do, phone God and ask him?

AARONI’m going to text 118 118 and ask them.

LUKEAre you serious?

AARONYes, if I have to prove how right I am, again.

Max and Luke smile at each other.

Aaron texts and presses send.

AARON (CONT’D)Alright, now we wait.

LUKEFor you to be proven wrong.



ETHANLook guys, does it really matter?


Ethan turns to look back out the window.

Aaron’s phone beeps. He reads the message.

LUKEWell, what did they say?

As Aaron looks at the message he becomes embarrassed. He looks up at them slightly red faced.


AARONTheir service isn’t working at the moment.

MAXBut they text back.

AARONWell, I don’t know, it’s just what they said. It doesn’t matter anyway.

Max and Luke look at each other and roll their eyes.



Luke’s leg is bouncing up and down.

LUKEHow long till we get to London?

Aaron looks at his watch.

AARONAbout another twenty minutes.


ETHANJust use the cubicle at the end.

LUKENo, these train toilets are disgusting.

MAXHe’s right, I once used one and someone had left the biggest turd wedged in the bowl.

They all pull faces in disgust.

MAX (CONT’D)The worst part was, there was more shit on the walls.

They all moan in horror.

ETHANJust go Luke, when we get to St Pancras we need to get straight on the underground, so we won’t have time to find a toilet.


LUKEOh, for fuck sake.

Luke stands and heads down the carriage, he opens the cubicle and enters.

Aaron grins.


Aaron taps Max and gestures for him and Ethan to follow him.

The three of them stand and head down the carriage and through the door into the next one.


Luke stands at the toilet feeling the satisfaction of emptying his bladder. He sighs with relief.

Once he finally feels empty he turns to the sink to wash his hand, and discovers a turd sitting inside.

LUKEOh Jesus.

He covers his face and escapes the closet of terror.


Luke looks at the spot where his friends were sitting confused.

In the next carriage down the other three are sat down peering through the window, pissing themselves laughing as they watch Luke’s perplexed facial expressions.

Luke slowly sits back down and pretends like everything is normal.

The other three are in hysterics.

MAXCome on, we’d better go back. He has no idea.

They all stand and head through to the carriage laughing at Luke.

AARONYour face.

Luke is relieved to have his friends back, but plays it cool.


LUKEI knew you were there.

ETHANThen why didn’t you come through.

LUKEBecause I refuse to play your stupid games. What are you, twelve?


They sit down still sniggering to themselves.


The train pulls into the station and the doors open. Luke, Max, Ethan and Aaron step off with a crowd of passengers.

They make their way down the platform.


Luke, Max, Ethan and Aaron head through the underground. Luke lags behind and is stopped by a sinister looking man.

SINISTER MANExcuse me, mate. Have you got two pound I can have?

LUKENo, sorry I don’t have any change.

Luke tries to walk on, but the man stands in his way.

SINISTER MANWhat about a pound?

LUKENo, I don’t have a pound.

SINISTER MANFifty pence?

Luke tries to get passed, but the man won’t let him. Aaron voice appears from behind the man.


The sinister man turns around to see Aaron standing behind him, with Max and Ethan either side.


AARON (CONT’D)He said he doesn’t have any money, so leave him alone.

The sinister man backs off.

SINISTER MANAlright, whatever man.

He slinks away, disappearing into the crowd.

AARONYou okay?

LUKEYeah, I’m fine. Let’s go.

The four of them continue walking.


Luke, Max, Ethan and Aaron stand on the train swaying as it shoots through the darkness.


Luke, Max, Ethan and Aaron walk toward the large dome building in slow motion style.

Ethan trips and almost falls over, saved by grabbing Aaron, much to his annoyance.


In the main auditorium crowds of people make their way to seats.

Down in the centre a bunch of people stand around the front of the stage waiting.

Luke, Ethan, Max and Aaron head down the steps toward their seats. Luke spots the letter.

LUKERow Y. This is us.

They make their way down the row to their assigned seats. Either side of them is currently empty. As they sit down they all admire the view, how close they are.

AARONThese are great seats.

ETHAN (TO LUKE)Glad you came?


Luke smiles.


Max spots a man eating a hot dog and licks his lips.

MAXIs anyone else hungry?

AARONActually, now you mention it, I could eat.

ETHANSame here.

MAXI’m going to go find the food stand.

AARONI’ll come with you.

ETHANGet me a hot dog and a beer.

MAXLuke, do you want anything?

LUKEJust a hot dog and a coke.

ETHANAre you not drinking?

LUKENo, I better not.

ETHANCome on, just one.

LUKEAlright, I’ll have a beer.


Max and Aaron make their way back up the steps as Luke and Ethan wait with the coats.

Ethan looks over to the other end of the row and sees a group of four very attractive girls standing at the end.

ETHANOh yes. Come on, this row. This row.


The girls start to make their way along the row.

ETHAN (CONT’D)Bingo. Keep coming.

As the move closer to Ethan, he gets more excited.

ETHAN (CONT’D)Come on. Keep coming.

Suddenly the girls stop with several seats between them and Ethan and sit down.

ETHAN (CONT’D)Damn it.

LUKEWhat’s up?


LUKEHow are things with you and Rachel?

ETHANGood, thanks.

LUKEhow long have you been together now?

ETHANNearly two years.

LUKEWow, it must be serious?

ETHANYeah, it is. We’re meant for each other. We just click.

LUKEShe’s the one then?

ETHANI think so. What about you, have you got your eye on someone?

LUKENo, I can’t afford a girlfriend right now.

ETHANThey’re certainly expensive, but it’s worth it.


LUKEJob first, then girlfriend.

ETHANSo what job is this interview for?

LUKEIt’s a junior position at a graphic design company, one of the biggest in the country.

ETHANWow, that’s epic.

LUKEYeah, which is why I can’t be home late tonight.

ETHANDon’t worry we won’t be, I guarantee.

LUKEI know you’re my friend, but coming from you, it doesn’t fill me with a lot of confidence.


LUKEWell, you’re the one that’s always late.

ETHANI am not. Name one time I was late.



Max and Aaron are queueing up at the food stand. They are next in line. Max approaches the counter.

MAXHi, can I get four hot dogs and four beers, please?

The employee cashes it up on the till.

EMPLOYEEThat’s thirty four pounds.


MAXWhoa, usually you point a gun at someone if you’re going to rob them

AARONAre you serious?


AARONHow much are the hot dogs?

EMPLOYEEFive pounds each.

AARONJesus. And the beers?

EMPLOYEEThree fifty.

MAXCrap. This place is expensive.


Max reaches into his wallet and takes out a twenty pound note.

MAXAll I’ve got is a twenty.

Aaron takes out his wallet and pulls a ten pound note.

AARONShit. You know this is extortionate pricing. We’ve already paid forty pounds for the ticket and now you’re expecting us to pay this ridiculous amount for some snacks.

EMPLOYEELook mate, I don’t decide the pricing.

AARONBut you’re enforcing it, which makes you a part of the problem.

EMPLOYEEDo you want the stuff or not?

AARONHow much for four cokes?


EMPLOYEETen pound.

AARONWe’ll take the hot dogs, but replace the beers with cokes.


The employee rings it up on the till again.

EMPLOYEE (CONT’D)That’s thirty pounds.

AARONStill expensive, but unfortunately me and my friends have a thirst to quench.

Aaron hands over the money and the employee begins to collect the stuff in a stressed out manner.

MAXYou didn’t have to cause a fuss you know. This is London, it’s always expensive.

AARONI studied business for three years, I know when people are trying to rip me off. It’s a common practice in business. If you don’t stand up to it, you just get drilled from behind all the time.

MAXHow is the world of sales?

AARONNot bad. We’ve just pulled in a couple of new clients so, we’re pretty busy right now.

MAXThat’s great. Maybe one day you’ll be manager.

AARONYeah maybe. Unless I find something better.

MAXAre you thinking of leaving?

AARONI’m always thinking about the next step. Where I can progress to.


MAXFair enough

AARONWhat about the bar, how’s that treating you?

MAXShit, as always.

AARONYou still planning on doing the stand up?

MAXOne day.

AARONYou’re not ready to jump up on stage yet then?

MAXNo, I’m still working on my material, you know I need to polish it, work out what’s good and what’s not.

AARONIsn’t that why you go on stage though, to test it out on an audience?

MAXWell, yeah, you could do that, but I just want make sure it’s as good as it can be before I take the plunge.

AARONDo you ever worry about dying on stage?

MAXAll the time.

AARONI doubt that will ever happen to you though.

Aaron pats him on the back,

They collect the hot dogs and cokes that have been placed on the counter and head back to their seats.



Max and Aaron arrive at the seats and begin handing hot dogs and cokes to Luke and Ethan.

ETHANWhat drink is this?

MAXUnicorn piss. What does it look like?

ETHANIt looks like coke.

MAXAnd you would be right, Sherlock.

ETHANWhere are the beers?

AARONIf you want a beer, you can pay for it.

LUKEExpensive was it?

MAXIt was near enough cheaper to buy the brewery.

The lights dim and a band steps out on stage. The crowd stands and cheers.

The band on stage start to play.

Everyone sings along.

The four guys are standing singing along. A middle-aged woman standing next to Luke is singing along, but in the worst singing voice possible.

At points she doesn’t know the words and seems to mumble along, until she reaches a lyric she does know at which point she screams it loudly.

Luke stares daggers at her.


Luke, Max, Ethan and Aaron exit the main auditorium looking exhausted.

ETHANThat was awesome.


MAXBest band ever.

AARONThey did not disappoint.

LUKEI can’t believe I actually considered missing that. Thank you for persuading me.

ETHANYou’re welcome.

LUKEWhat’s the time?

Aaron looks at his watch,

AARONBang on eleven.


ETHANOh man, do we really have to go home now. I’m still buzzing, let’s make the most of it.

LUKENo, I can’t.

ETHANI saw a pretty cool bar when we came in. Just one drink.


MAXActually, I wouldn’t mind. Come on, Luke.

LUKEI need to be home by twelve. This is what we agreed.

ETHANSo we’ll be home an hour later, it’s not that much.

AARONHe’s right, Luke. One drink, we’ll be out by twelve, home by one. Here, you can take my watch and keep a check on the time.


Aaron removes his watch and hands it to Luke.

LUKEAlright, but we absolutely have to be out by twelve.

ETHANI promise.

Ethan grins.


Luke, Max and Aaron follow Ethan into the bar. Ethan heads straight for the bar.

ETHANOkay boys, what are we having, beers all round?

LUKENot for me thanks.

ETHANOh come on.

LUKENo, I’m good honestly.

ETHANAlright, three beers?


AARONGo for it.

Ethan turns to the barman.

ETHANThree beers please.

The barman fills three pints.

ETHAN (CONT’D)This is pretty cool in here.

LUKEI’m going to go find the toilet.

Luke wanders off.

ETHANWhat is Luke’s problem? Why can’t he just relax?


MAXDon’t be so hard on him. He’s had a tough time. It’s not easy being unemployed, especially for over a month. He’s just putting a lot of pressure on himself.

ETHANNothing a few beers won’t cure.

Ethan hands money to the barman and passes the pints to Max and Aaron.

They hold them up for a toast.


They clink glasses and take a sip.

Ethan spots a group of girls on the dance floor.

ETHAN (CONT’D)Hot stuff, twelve o’clock.

Max and Aaron look over.


Max smiles.

ETHAN (TO MAX)We should go over there and talk to them.

MAXYou and me?


MAXNo, I don’t think so.

ETHANWhy not?

MAXI doubt any of them will be interested in me.

AARONWhy do you say that?

MAXI’m not exactly the best looking guy in here.


AARONSo? Who said it’s all about looks?

ETHANHe’s right. Just talk to them. With your personality you’ll have them eating out of your hand.

MAXNo. I’m not going to do it.

ETHANWhat do you think is wrong with you?

MAXUh, look at me. I’m a little on the large side.

ETHANHey, you’re a good looking guy.

MAXShut up.

ETHANI’m serious. Tell him, Aaron.

AARONHe’s right. You are a handsome, sexy guy (beat) in fact, forget those girls, I want you.

Aaron leans in trying to kiss Max. Max pushes him away laughing.

MAXFuck off.

AARONIn all seriousness though, man. You’re a nice guy, any girl would be lucky to have you.

MAXYou two are starting to piss me off now.

Luke returns from the toilet.

LUKEWhat’s going on?

MAXThese two are winding me up.


ETHANWe’re not. We were just saying how we both think Max is a good looking guy.


AARONYeah, he’s a sexy man.

LUKEWhat is wrong with you two?

AARONOh, is someone getting jealous. Come here sexy.

Aaron leans in toward Luke trying to kiss him. Luke backs away.

LUKEDo one, Gay boy.

Aaron and Ethan laugh.

ETHANHey, I’ve got an idea.


Ethan heads over to the group of girls.

MAXWhat is he doing?

The three of them watch him as he interrupts the girls conversation.

ETHANExcuse me, ladies.

GIRL #1Yes?

ETHANIt’s my mates birthday today, and I was wondering if any of you would be willing to give him a birthday kiss.

GIRL #1Who’s your friend?

Ethan points Max.


MAXOh what is he doing?

The girls look him up and down and turn to Ethan.

GIRL #1No thanks.

ETHANOh please, come on. Just one kiss on the cheek.

GIRL #1No.

The girls walk off. Ethan makes his way back to the other three.

MAXWhat did you say?


MAXYou pointed at me. What did you say to them?

ETHANI just told them it was your birthday and if one of them would be willing to give you a kiss.

MAXAnd they all said no?

Ethan hesitates.

MAX (CONT’D)Thanks a lot mate. That’s really helped my self esteem.

ETHANLook forget about them girls, they were all frigid bitches anyway. You’re a cool guy and you’ll find someone.

MAXYeah (beat) can someone hold my drink? I’m going to the toilet.

Aaron takes the pint from Max. They all watch as he disappears into the crowd.

AARONYou shouldn’t have done that, Ethan.


ETHANI didn’t think she’d say no.

AARONMaybe you should go and apologise.

ETHANOh, man. Hold my drink, Luke.

Ethan hands his pint to Luke and then walks off after Max.


Ethan enters the room and looks around.


A cubicle door opens and Max steps out.


ETHANAre you okay?

MAXI’m fine.

ETHANIt’s okay if you were crying in there.

MAXI wasn’t crying, I was taking a piss.

ETHANOh, okay. Look, I’m sorry, for doing that out there. I didn’t think it through, I never thought she would say no. I won’t do it again.

MAXEthan, it’s okay. I know you were just trying to help. I’m kind of used to the whole rejection thing now anyway. Let’s just enjoy the rest of the night, okay?


They hug briefly.


ETHAN (CONT’D)(motioning toward the urinal)

Uh, I’m just going to-

MAXOh, course. I’ll see you out there.

Ethan waits for Max to leave before taking out his mobile. He dials.

ETHAN (INTO PHONE)Hey, Rachel it’s me again. Just wondered how you are. I don’t know if you got my last message, or voicemail, but if you could get back to me as soon as you can, I just want to talk to you. I love you. Bye.

Ethan hangs up, then heads for the door.



Max, Ethan and Aaron are on the dance floor. Luke sits at the side looking at his watch.

He stands and approaches them.

LUKEHey, it’s nearly twelve we have to get going.

ETHANDance with us, Luke.

LUKENo, we have to leave, drink up.

MAXCome on man, at least let this song finish.

LUKEI’m serious, guys. Otherwise I’m going by myself.

Luke walks off.

AARONWe should go.

ETHANLet him go by himself.


AARONI can’t, he’s got my watch. Come on, you did promise him.


Ethan, Max and Aaron finish the last of their drinks and head after Luke.


Ethan, Max and Aaron exit the dome building following Luke, who is walking at a rapid pace.

AARONSlow down, Luke.

LUKEHurry up.

A crowd of people make their way in the opposite direction heading toward the river.

MAXWhere are they all going?

AARONDon’t know, there must be something going on that way.

Ethan spots some very attractive girls in the crowd.

ETHANDamn they’re hot. We should follow the girls.

LUKENo, come on.

ETHANOh man.


Luke reaches the entrance which is covered with a security gate.

LUKEWhat the hell?

The other three arrive confused by it as well.

AARONWhat’s going on?


Luke spots a note. He reads it out loud.

LUKE‘Underground station closed, please use replacement boat service, sorry for the inconvenience’. Boat service?

AARONIs that where all those people are headed?

ETHANThe girls.

The four of them turn around and head back the way they came at a quick pace.


Max, Ethan, Aaron and Luke run toward a gated dock. They reach the gate and peer through to see the last boat pulling away from the dock heading down the river.

LUKEShit, we missed it.

ETHANI told you we should have followed the girls.

LUKEWhat do we do now?

MAXI don’t know, swim?

LUKENot the time, Max.

AARONI don’t know how we can get back.

LUKEShit, shit. I have to get home. I can’t get stuck in london all night, I need to sleep. I can’t fuck up this interview.

AARONCalm down, Luke. We’ll get home.

LUKEThis wouldn’t have happened if you lot didn’t need to go to a bloody bar.


ETHANWe should have followed the girls.

AARONWe’ll work something out, there has to be other modes of transport, it’s London for God sake.

LUKEIt’s also midnight which means transport starts to shut down.

AARONNot everything, we still have time.

LUKEI don’t believe this is happening. I knew I shouldn’t have come.

ETHANShould have followed the hot girls.

LUKEShut up about the fucking girls, why do you care so much about them, you already have a girlfriend.

ETHANNot anymore.

Ethan hangs his head.


ETHANShe ended it.

AARONDude, I’m sorry.

MAXDo you want to talk about it?

LUKELook, Ethan, I’m sorry for your loss, but can we deal with this later, right now I need to get home.

Luke storms off. Max wraps his arm around Ethan and they start walking.


Luke approaches a bus timetable and begins studying it as the other three appear behind him.


LUKEAlright, looks like we can get a bus to Greenwich high street and then another bus to st pancras.

AARONSee, I told you we’d work it out.

LUKEI’ll wait until I’m home before I feel relieved.


The four boys step onto the bus and sit down. Aaron and Ethan sit next to each other with Max and Luke behind them.

The bus pulls away.

AARONSo what happened with Rachel?

ETHANShe just felt that with her at university miles away a long distance relationship wasn’t going to work.

MAXAnd she only just decided this?

ETHANActually, this happened a month ago. I didn’t tell you guys because I was hoping she’d change her mind, but then the longer it went on the more embarrassed I was to tell you.

AARONWhy would you feel embarrassed?

ETHANI don’t know. I just found it hard to say anything. I can’t seem to move on, I thought if I got with someone tonight it would help. You know what they say, ‘Get dumped, Get laid’.

MAXNobody says that.

ETHANBut I can’t even do that, I still love her and I miss her.



You guys have got your careers planned out, and I don’t really know what I want to do in life, but I had her and I was happy, she was all I needed. Now what have I got?

AARONCome on mate, don’t be like that.

MAXYeah, maybe she just needs some time to miss you. She’ll realise her mistake and come crawling.

ETHANI don’t know. The longer it lasts, the more I think this is it.

Max pats Ethan on the shoulder.

MAXYou’ll be alright mate.

Ethan cracks a slight smile.


The bus pulls up to the side of the road and the doors open. The four boys step off.

MAXCrap. I really need a piss. When’s the next bus arrive?

Luke looks at his watch.

LUKETwo minutes.

MAXI have to go.

LUKEMake it quick.

MAXBelieve me, I don’t think I’ll have a choice.

Max hurries down a quiet dark alleyway.

AARONActually, I could do with going to.

Aaron follows Max.



ETHANWell, I guess I might as well go.

LUKEHurry up.

Ethan heads into the alleyway.

Max stands by a wall urinating. He pulls a face of elation.

MAXOh that’s so much better.

Aaron and Ethan are a few feet apart from each other and Max up against the same wall.

Luke is waiting constantly looking at his watch and down the alleyway.

The next bus pulls up at the bus stop.

LUKEIt’s here.


Ethan zips up his flies and heads out the alleyway quickly followed by Aaron.

Max is still urinating.

MAXShit, shit. Come on.

LUKEMax, hurry up.

MAXI’m trying, but it won’t stop.

Luke, Ethan and Aaron make their way to the bus and step on.


Max zips up his flies and runs through the alleyway toward the bus.


Luke, Ethan and Aaron stand down the main corridor of a crowded bus, holding onto the posts. Max jumps on just as the doors close.

Max exhales relieved.


The other three look down at his crotch in disgust and back away.

Max looks down to see a large wet patch on his trousers.

MAXYou rushed me.

AARONJust stay back.

The bus pulls away.



The bus is making it’s way through the London streets.

The four guys are still standing.

LUKEI still can’t believe this is happening.

AARONRelax. We’ll get home, just a little later. There’s nothing more we can do. Besides it could be a lot worse.

LUKECould it?

AARONYou should be grateful we’ve got this bus.

The bus stops and passengers get off vacating a seat near them. Max and Luke are quick to sit down.

The bus moves again.

As the boys sit quietly Max stares out the window. He spots a sign that reads St Pancras pointing in the opposite direction.

MAXUh guys. Are we sure this is the right bus?

LUKEYeah, why?

MAXI just saw a sign that says St Pancras is the other way.



AARONIt probably loops around. That’s usually how it works. It’s definitely the right bus.


Ethan stands in a crowded spot between a man and Aaron. He becomes disturbed and leans in closer to Aaron.

AARONWhat are you doing?

ETHANCan we switch places?




ETHANThe man behind me has an erection.


Aaron looks behind Ethan at the drunk man quite close to him.

AARON (CONT’D)How can you tell?

ETHANHe keeps rubbing it against my arse.

Aaron tries not to laugh.

ETHAN (CONT’D)It’s not funny.


ETHANSwitch places.

AARONNo way, not now.




Ethan tries to push Aaron out the way, but he is unable to move.

Max looks over.

MAXWhat’s going on?

AARONThe guy behind Ethan keeps poking him with his erection.


Max laughs.

ETHANIt’s not funny.

MAXHey, you said you wanted to get laid tonight.

Luke and Aaron laugh.

The bus stops and some people vacate seats in front of Max and Luke. Ethan pushes to get the seat and Aaron sits next to him.

ETHANI feel violated.

MAXDid you get his number?

Aaron and Max laugh.

Luke looks at his watch again, his knee bouncing up and down with nerves.



The four boys still sit on the bus. Luke looks at his watch.

LUKEWe’ve been on this bus for nearly forty minutes. Shouldn’t we be there by now?


Max and Ethan look out the window.

AARONYou’re right. This doesn’t seem familiar.

Over the public address system the bus warns it will terminate at the next stop.


The bus stops and the remaining passengers disembark.


The four boys step off the bus and look around confused.

ETHAN Where are we?

Max looks up at the bus stop sign.

MAX Cockfosters.

ETHAN Where's that?

Max looks at a map of london on the bus stop.

MAX According to this map, north London. We're actually further from St Pancras than we were.

Luke rushes over to the map to look.

LUKE You've got to be shitting me.

MAX It's right there.

LUKE Shit. There has to be another bus we can get back.

Aaron looks at the bus timetable.

AARON There's no more buses.

LUKE Fuck. Why the fuck is this happening?


Aaron looks over the road and spots a line of taxis.

AARON Look there's some taxis over there, maybe we can get one to St Pancras

LUKE And how much is that going to cost?

AARON I don't know, maybe 50-60 quid.

LUKE I can't afford that.

AARON Well you're going to have to, it's our only option.

LUKEI don't think you understand, I can't afford it. I don't have a fucking job.

AARON Well, that makes two of us.

MAX What?


MAXDude, did you lose your job?

AARONI got the sack.


AARON Last week. So it seems we're in the same boat. Now quit your moaning. It's either a taxi or we stay here all night.

Aaron storms off over the road. The other three follow him.

Aaron approaches a taxi filled with drivers talking in the back seat. He knocks on the window.

They all look over as one of them rolls down the window.

AARON (CONT’D)Excuse me, are any of you able to take us to St Pancras?


DRIVER #1Sorry mate, we’re all done for the night.

AARONPlease, we really need to get there.

DRIVER #1Sorry.

A voice from the darkness calls out.

TAXI DRIVERI can take you.

Aaron looks over to see a man standing by a lamp post smoking looking mysterious. He steps forward into the light.

AARONCheers mate. How much?

TAXI DRIVERHundred quid.

AARONNo thanks.

Aaron turns to walk away.


Aaron turns around.







The driver holds out his hand to shake. Aaron shakes his hand.

MAXNice one Aaron.


TAXI DRIVERMy cars over here.

They follow the taxi driver to a traditional london cab. They climb in.


The driver turns to face them in the back.

TAXI DRIVERI’ll need the money up front.

AARONWe’ve only got twenty, but if you stop by a cash point I can get you the rest.

Aaron hands over the cash.


ETHANCheers Aaron.

AARONNo problem.

The taxi driver starts the engine and pulls away.


The four boys sit quietly, Aaron stares out the window. Max looks over at Aaron.

MAXDo you want to talk about it?

AARONThey sacked me. What is there to say?

ETHANWhy did they sack you?

AARONI was lying to potential buyers. One of them complained, apparently it’s the worst thing you can do. Automatic dismissal. That’s it.

ETHANJesus, Aaron. What were you thinking?


AARONI don’t want to talk about it.

MAXTo be honest you’re better off.

AARONExcuse me?

MAXYou’re too good to be an estate agent. They’re dicks. Ruthless, lying arse holes who just want to sell.

AARONJust like me then.

MAXNo, I didn’t mean- (beat) They don’t care, you do. You’re a genuine guy who just made a mistake. You’ll find something better.

ETHANMax is right. Plus the hours you were working were ridiculous. Surely the wage wasn’t worth it.

AARONActually, it wasn’t. I was working late every night, for no result. I wouldn’t start earning good money until maybe ten years down the line.

MAXThere you go. Don’t worry about it. You’ll find a different job, a better one.

AARONYeah, I guess.

ETHANYou clearly know what you’re doing anyway. That haggle with the driver was pretty impressive.

Aaron smiles.

AARONYeah, I did enjoy that.

Max and Ethan smile with him.


TAXI DRIVERWhere you boys been tonight then?

ETHANWe went to a gig at the O2

TAXI DRIVERBloody hell, that finished late.

LUKEActually it finished a few hours ago, we’ve had a little trouble getting home.

TAXI DRIVERAh of course, tube closures. You should have caught the replacement boat.

AARONWe missed it.

TAXI DRIVERAh I see. I remember getting stuck in Manchester after seeing West Ham play United. Me and my mate had a rough time of it getting home. Things got a little too much and we fell out by the end of it.

ETHANI doubt that will happen to us, we’re pretty good friends.

TAXI DRIVERWell, this was my best mate, I’d known him since we were 5. I haven’t spoken to him in ten years now.

The four of them look at each other awkwardly.



As the taxi drivers along the road it starts to jolt. The four boys become concerned.


AARONWhat’s the problem?

The driver pulls over and climbs out. The four boys look at each other concerned.


ETHANThis doesn’t sound too good.

The driver opens the bonnet.

Aaron opens the door and steps out the taxi followed by the other three.


Aaron walks round to the front of the car where the driver is messing with the engine.

AARONWhat’s up?

TAXI DRIVERI don’t know, but it’s definitely something. I’m going to have to call road side assistance.

LUKEYou’re kidding me. How long will that take?

TAXI DRIVERI have no idea.

LUKEOh come on.

TAXI DRIVERLook I’m really sorry about this, I’ll wave the rest of the fee. If you keep walking straight down this road for about ten, fifteen minutes you’ll get to st pancras. You can’t miss it.

AARONOkay, cheers.

TAXI DRIVERI’m really sorry.

The four boys start walking.

LUKEJust when I didn’t think it could get any worse.

The other three are getting very irritated by Luke’s constant moaning, but manage to keep it contained.



The four guys are walking down the street. Ethan, Max and Aaron are lagging behind the fast paced Luke.

Luke looks over his shoulder at them.

LUKECan we hurry the pace a little?

MAXYes, sir.

Max salutes.

Ethan spots a flyer on a lamppost advertising ‘open mic night’ at a club. He rips it off and shows it to Max.

ETHANHey Max, check it out. They’re looking for stand up comedians.

Max glances at the flyer.

MAXOh right, cool.

ETHANYou should sign up for it.

MAXI don’t think they’re looking for my type of comedy.

ETHANWhat are you talking about? It says here they’ll accept anything.

MAXI don’t know.

ETHANLook if you want to be a stand up comedian you’re going to have to perform on stage at some point.

MAXI know.

ETHANSo why don’t you try this, it’s perfect.

MAXEthan, I don’t need you being my manager. I can do it myself.


ETHANWell, you’ve been going on about doing stand-up for so long. Just grow a pair, get up there and give it a go.

Max stops and turns to Ethan.

MAXI already have.

ETHANYou what?

Aaron and Luke stop and turn.

LUKEUh guys?

MAXI did a five minute set where I work.


MAXNot exactly. I died on stage, not one laugh.

ETHANOh shit.

MAXYeah, so you can probably understand why I’m not so enthusiastic to try it again.

AARONYou can’t let that stop you.

MAXDid you not hear? No one laughed. I’m not funny.

AARONI refuse to accept that. You’re a funny guy, Max. We all think it.

MAXI don’t know.

ETHANYou shouldn’t accept one failure as you’re crap. Maybe you had a bad audience, they just didn’t get your jokes. Besides nobody gets it perfect the first time.


AARONExactly, it’s all a learning curve. It’s not going to be easy. I’m sure all the big comics died their first time.

Max nods in agreement.

ETHANI’m not saying do it straight away, but at least give it another try before you give up.


Ethan pats Max on the back.

LUKECan we get moving guys?

They start walking again.



As the boys a walking, up ahead Ethan notices RACHEL entering a nightclub.


He runs toward her. The other three watches confused.

LUKEWhere’s he going?

AARONCome on, we better go with him.

Ethan runs into the nightclub. The other three are stopped by the bouncer and asked for ID.


Ethan pushes through the crowd. The other three enter looking around for him.

Ethan approaches Rachel standing by the bar.




ETHANWhat are you doing here?

RACHELI could ask you the same question. I’m visiting friends.



ETHANSo what?

RACHELWhy are you here?

ETHANOh, we went to see ??? At the O2.

RACHELWho’s we?

ETHANLuke, Max and Aaron. Look they’re over there.

Ethan points to them pushing through the crowd.

RACHELOh thank God. I thought maybe you were following me.

ETHANNo, I just saw you come in. How have you been?

RACHELI’m good Ethan.

ETHANI miss you.

RACHELI know. I got your messages.

ETHANCan’t we talk about this?

RACHELWe have, several times. I’ve told you I can’t do a long distance relationship.


ETHANBut we were so good together. Surely we can work something out.

RACHELNo, I’m sorry.

ETHANWhat’s stopping you? Give me one good reason why you can’t make the effort to make this work.

RACHELI didn’t want to tell you like this but, I’ve met someone else.


RACHELI’m sorry Ethan, but you need to forget about me and move on.

ETHANI can’t.

RACHELYou have to.

ETHANNo, I’m going to win you back. Whoever this guy is he’s no match for me. I know what makes you tick and I will get you back.

RACHELEthan don’t.

ETHANThe more you say no, the more determined I am.

Rachel huffs.

The other three are pushing through the crowd.

LUKEWhere is he?

A guy pushes into Aaron, so he pushes them back. The man turns around and throws a fist toward Aaron. He ducks and the fist hits Luke in the nose. Luke almost falls, but Max catches him. Aaron punches the guy back and a scuffle ensues involving nearly everyone.

Luke, Max and Aaron manage to slip out of the ruckus and head toward Ethan.


ETHANI’ll walk the line for you, you’ll see.

RACHELPlease Ethan.

Aaron approaches.

AARONEthan, we need to go, now.

ETHANShit, I’ve got to go.

Ethan follows the other three.

ETHAN (CONT’D)I’ll call you.

RACHELNo, don’t.


The four guys exit the nightclub through the fire exit.

ETHANWhat happened?

Luke holds a tissue to his bleeding nose.

LUKEAaron happened.

AARONHey, I stood up for you.

LUKEOh thank you for the nosebleed.

AARONYou dick.

MAXHey guys, maybe we should get going.

They head toward the end of the alleyway, but stop upon seeing blue flashing lights and hearing police sirens.

ETHANMaybe we should go the other way.



They exit the alleyway.

ETHANHow’s your nose?

LUKEGushing blood.

ETHANYou should get it checked out.

LUKEIt’s just a nosebleed.

ETHANI don’t know, I read about this guy who had a nose bleed, wouldn’t stop. In half an hour he was dead.


AARONThat’s ridiculous.

MAXActually I think I read about that. Maybe you should go to a hospital.

AARONHe doesn’t need to go to a hospital.

ETHANI’m just saying, it’s best to be sure.

AARONWe don’t even know where the hospital is.

ETHANAccording to this sign, that way.

Aaron looks up at a road sign.

AARONThat’s a coincidence.

LUKEMaybe I should get it checked out.

AARONBut you need to get home, your interview.


LUKEThe interview won’t matter if I’m dead.

AARONThis is ridiculous.

LUKECome on.

They start walking in the direction of the hospital.


The waiting room is quiet only a couple of other people sit around. Ethan, Aaron and Max sits waiting. Max is reading a magazine, Ethan is chatting to a girl, Aaron looks pale and is sweating.

ETHANSo do you come here often?

The girl laughs.

GIRLSure, you?

ETHANOh all the time. This is my favourite haunt. All the guys know me here, I’m a legend in this place.

The girl laughs again.

GIRLYou’re funny.

Ethan smiles.

Aaron begins fidgeting next to Max.

MAXDude, will you stop fidgeting.

AARONHow long do we have to wait here?

MAXI don’t know, just chill out. Read a magazine.

AARONI don’t know how long I can stay here.


MAXSeriously, relax. You’re starting to make me anxious. What is your problem?

AARONNothing, I’m fine.

Luke appears with a piece of cotton stuffed up one nostril. He points to his nose, unhappy.

LUKEThis is all they did. And for your information Ethan, nobody ever died from a nosebleed.

AARONI knew it. Now let’s go.

Aaron jumps up from his seat and suddenly goes light headed. He collapses to the ground.


Aaron opens his eyes to see Ethan, Luke and Max standing over him.

ETHANAre you alright mate?

AARONI don’t like hospitals.

Max laughs, before reaching out to help Aaron up.

MAXCome on, mate. Let’s get you out of here.

Luke and Ethan help Max lift up Aaron.


The four boys finally reach the station and enter the main building to find it deftly quiet. They look around bemused at the eerie silence.

ETHANThis place is dead.

Max finds a sign and reads it out loud.

MAXNo trains until the morning. We’ve got a couple of hours to wait.


Luke rushes over to the sign.

LUKEYou’ve got to be kidding me. I don’t believe this. I’m never getting home, am I? What did I do to deserve this?

Max places a hand on his shoulder.

MAXDon’t worry, we’ll get home.

Luke shakes Max’s hand off him.

LUKENo, I’m done listening to you. It’s your fault I’m in this situation.

ETHANWhoa, calm down Luke. It’s not Max’s fault.

LUKEIt’s all of you. You’re all to blame. Why do I listen to you? If I’d have just said no to coming tonight I would be tucked up in bed right now, fresh for the morning, but no I’m stuck here in fucking London at three o’clock in the fucking morning, with you ingrates.

AARONAlright, Luke calm down.

LUKENo, stop telling me to calm down. How would you like it if you needed to get home and I kept saying ‘Alright mate, keep calm’ it’s not fucking helping.

ETHANLuke, we’ll get home.

LUKENo, I’ll get home, by myself. I don’t need you three holding me back anymore. Fuck the lot of you.

Luke heads for the door.

MAXLuke, don’t go.


AARONLet him go Max, all we’ve done is try to help and all he’s done is moan. Ungrateful dick. Good riddance.

MAXShut up. He’s our friend, we can’t just let him go off on his own.

Max goes after Luke.

AARONIf he’s our friend maybe he should act like it.

Max grabs Luke’s shoulder pulling him back.

MAXLuke come back. Don’t listen to Aaron.

LUKEBack off Max. I’m better off by myself.

Luke disappears out the door leaving Max standing defeated.

AARONHe’s not worth it Max. He’s a fucking arsehole.

ETHANAaron, shut up.

Aaron pushes Ethan away.

AARONFuck off, Ethan. Why don’t you go pester Rachel some more?

ETHANAt least I’m not a liar.

AARONWhat’s that supposed to mean?

ETHANIf you were stupid enough to get yourself fired, don’t take it out on everyone else.

AARONYou know what, fuck the lot of you.

Aaron storms off. Ethan stands in the middle upset.



Luke walks down a quiet street by himself still fuming.


Aaron, Ethan and Max all sit separately thinking to themselves.


Luke walks by homeless people alone tucked into doorways and starts to feel guilty.


Aaron stands by a map looking at it. Ethan approaches him.

ETHANHey, I’m sorry about what I said earlier.

AARONIt’s okay.

ETHANNo it’s not. you’re my friend, I shouldn’t have said that.

AARONHey, I said some things I’m not proud of.

ETHANYou’ll get another job. a better one.

AARONMaybe. I just want to be successful. People at school never thought I would amount to anything, I just want to prove them wrong. I don’t want to be a failure.

ETHANYou’re not going to be a failure. Besides what does it matter what they think, you’re never going to see them again.

AARONIt would just be nice to put something on Facebook. So everyone can see it.


ETHANFacebook is overrated. i don’t even go on it anymore. I can’t without seeing Rachel posting what fun she’s having and where she is. It’s like what we had was nothing to her, she’s just moved on.

AARONShe’s not worth it.

ETHANI saw a picture of her and some guy. I thought they were just friends, but now I find out she’s seeing someone else. I wonder what he has that I don’t.

AARONHey, you’re a great guy. She was an idiot to give you up. Pining over her like this is going to do nothing. You need to forget about her, there’s someone better out there for you.

ETHANI hope your right. I haven’t been single in a long time. I just can’t end up like my dad, miserable and alone.

AARONYou’re never going to be alone. You’ve got three friends that will always be there for you…well, two, one of them needs to open his eyes.

Ethan gives him a look.

AARON (CONT’D)Sorry. Come on, I better apologise to Max.


Luke makes his way down an underpass. Up ahead a group of men hang around. He stops in his tracks and tries to head back, but they’ve seen him.

MAN 1Hey, mate.

Luke stops and turns around.


MAN 1 (CONT’D)What are you doing down here?

LUKENothing, I was just leaving.

MAN 1No you weren’t.

LUKEUm, yes I was.

Man 1 shakes his head.

MAN 1No.

LUKEOkay, no.

MAN 1Are you hungry?

LUKENot really.

MAN 1I’m hungry. I’d really like to order a pizza right now, but I need a phone.

The man stares at Luke. He looks at the others who have now crowded around him.

MAN 1 (CONT’D)You wouldn’t happen to have one would you?

Luke reaches into his pocket and takes out his mobile phone. He hands it to the man.

MAN 1 (CONT’D)Thanks, that’s very kind of you. The only problem now is I don’t have any way to pay for it.

Luke reaches into his pocket and takes out what little money he has left in change.

MAN 1 (CONT’D)I guess that will do. Cheers.

Luke waits to get the phone back.

MAN 1 (CONT’D)You can go now.



MAN 1Go.

Luke heads on through the underpass taking one last glance at the men, they wave to him.


Aaron and Ethan approach Max who is sitting down on the floor.


Max looks up at them.


AARONI’m sorry.

MAXMe too.

AARONI didn’t mean what I said. I’m just pissed off at myself for getting fired.

MAXIt’s fine. I’m upset at my own problems.

Aaron holds out his hand and smiles. Max takes his hand. Aaron pulls him to his feet and they shake, before embracing.

ETHANShould we go out and try to find Luke?

AARONThere’s no way we’d find him. He could be anywhere by now. Besides if I know Luke, he’ll end up coming back here. He won’t last long by himself.

Ethan turns to Max.

MAXHe’s right. Luke just needs to cool off. He’ll come back here soon. We should wait until he returns.



Luke is sat on a bench watching people exit a nightclub. He watches two drunk men stumble out laughing.

DRUNK MAN 1I love you man. You’re always there for me.

DRUNK MAN 2You’re like my brother.

Luke hangs his head in shame. A young homeless woman sits on the bench next to him.

HOMELESS WOMANMind if I sit here?


HOMELESS WOMANYou don’t look too happy.

LUKEI’m not.

HOMELESS WOMANFell out with your friends?

Luke turns to her amazed.

LUKEHow did you know that?

HOMELESS WOMANI know the look, besides why else would you be out here at this time by yourself?

LUKEI wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for them.

HOMELESS WOMANIs it really there fault, or yours? We are after all the masters of our own destiny.

LUKEI told them I didn’t want to come to London tonight, but they persuaded me and now we’re stuck here.

HOMELESS WOMANYou didn’t have to say yes.


LUKEThey do this every time. They make me think everything will be okay and then it all fucks up.

HOMELESS WOMANI’m sure they don’t do it on purpose.

LUKEThey know I have a job interview tomorrow. I wanted to be home in time, but they just wanted to stay out later than planned.


LUKEYou don’t understand, I haven’t been able to get a job in months.

HOMELESS WOMANI don’t understand? I haven’t been able to get a job in two years.

LUKEI’m sorry, I didn’t mean.

HOMELESS WOMANIt’s okay. I just wish I had friends I could turn to.

Luke looks away shamefully.

HOMELESS WOMAN (CONT’D)Look I’m not trying to make you feel guilty. I just think you should appreciate what you’ve got. Friends mess up, but their intentions are always good. You just need to learn to forgive them.

LUKEYou’re right. I’ve been a complete dick to them. They’ve got their own problems and I just dismissed them because I thought mine was more important. I didn’t think I could ever been so blind.

HOMELESS WOMANI’m sure they understand. We all think our problems are worse, we just need some perspective.


LUKEHow did you end up like this, if you don’t mind me asking? You seem pretty smart.

HOMELESS WOMANA series of unfortunate events. I met this guy, fell in love. My family and friends didn’t approve though, I thought fuck them. He’s who I want to be with, if they’re not happy for me I don’t care. Anyway he broke my heart which screwed me up badly, I didn’t have anyone to turn to. I neglected work and lost my job, couldn’t pay rent and found myself out on the street. The rest is history.

LUKEI’m sorry.

HOMELESS WOMANIt’s okay. I’m the one to blame. I’d give anything to have my friends right now.

LUKEI think I need to get back to them.


Luke stands and is about to leave, but then stops and turns to the woman.

LUKEAre you going to be okay?

She smiles.

HOMELESS WOMANI’ve been doing this for two years, I’ll be fine. Get back to your friends and forgive them.

Luke smiles.



Ethan, Max and Aaron are sat on the floor.

MAXAre you an actress?



MAXAre you Jennifer Lawrence?


MAXEvery time. You need to choose a different answer.

AARONAlright Max, you’re turn.

LUKE (O.S.)Hey.

The three of them turn to see Luke standing by them sheepishly. Ethan jumps up excited to see him.

ETHANLuke, thank God.


LUKEI’m sorry for being an arsehole. I know none of this was intended by you guys. And I’m sorry for ignoring your problems. I’ve been stressing so much about this interview, I completely lost sight of what’s really important, you guys.

Aaron and Max stand up.

AARONIt’s okay.

LUKEI actually got mugged out there.

ETHANShit, are you okay?

LUKENot really, but I knew if I had you guys with me I would have been. I forgot how much I need you.

Ethan, Aaron and Max smile.

MAXCome on, bring it in.


They all group hug.

MAX (CONT’D)Has someone got a semi?

They all laugh and break away.

ETHANGood news Luke, we’ve found a way home. Well, Aaron did.

LUKEGreat. How?

AARONIt’s quite simple. If we get a bus to Camden, the over ground to West Hampstead and from there we can get a train home.


Aaron looks up at the clock.

AARONWe should probably leave now.

They all head for the door.

LUKEWhat did you guys do while I was gone?

MAXWe played twenty questions.

LUKEDid Ethan choose Jennifer Lawrence?

ETHANYeah, how did you know that?

LUKEEvery time.

They all laugh.


The four boys sit on the bus looking very tired.


The four boys sit on a bench waiting.



The four boys sit on the train almost falling asleep.


The four boys sit on a bench.

LUKEYou know I was actually having a pretty good night, until I saw the underground was closed.

MAXWe all were.

AARONIt’s just one of those things. Couldn’t have predicted it.

LUKEI know that now.

AARONSoon this will be all over and we can get back to our miserable lives.

ETHANIt’ll make a funny story though one day.

Max has a thought.

LUKEYou know what? We shouldn’t worry about the future. Whatever happens, happens. As long as we’ve got each other we’ll get through it. Ethan, you’ll find someone, Aaron you’ll find a better job and Max, one day you’ll have the courage to try again. Who knows maybe I’ll still get this job, but we should just focus on the here and now. It’s like that Feeder song, Forget about tomorrow.

AARONWasn’t that by Doves?

LUKENo it’s Feeder.

AARONI’m pretty sure it’s Doves.


Max and Ethan look at each other as if to say ‘Here we go again.’

LUKEIt’s Feeder.

Aaron is about to speak, but stops himself.

AARONYou know what, you’re probably right.

Aaron smiles.

AARON (CONT’D)If fact, you’re right about everything. As long as we’ve got each other, I’m not worried about the future.

Aaron throws his arms around Luke and Max either side of him.

LUKEAlright, gay.

They all laugh.


The four of them are sat on the train looking very tired. Ethan has fallen asleep slumped in a corner. Aaron takes out his phone and starts taking pictures of him.

The others start to put him in various poses as Aaron keeps snapping away. They are laughing hysterically about it.


The sun is rising. The four boys step off the train, eyes droopy shielding the bright light. The give each other a simple quiet goodbye and head their separate ways.


A repeat of the first shot. Luke collapsing after entering his house.


Luke sits outside an office with a portfolio folder. The door opens and a young woman calls him in. He stands nervously and enters.



Luke stands at the front of the room in front of three well dressed people. He stands nervously, he is about to open his folder and then stops.

LUKEYou know, I had a presentation all planned out. I worked hours on it, but last night I went out and got stuck in London. I didn’t actually get back til 7 o’clock this morning and I literally haven’t slept. I don’t think I can even remember what I was going to say, but do I really need to say anything? You ask me to tell you about my work, but shouldn’t it speak for itself. When something I’ve designed is displayed in public, I’m not there explaining what I did and why I did it. The work is doing that. So all I will say is, take a look at my work and if it speaks to you, I’m your man.

Luke hands them his portfolio.

The three people look at each other showing a hint of a smile.


Ethan is placing books on a shelf. The young girl from the beginning approaches him.

YOUNG GIRLExcuse me?


YOUNG GIRLI was wondering if you could help me find a book.

Ethan stares at her and smiles.

ETHANSure, I’d love to.

She smiles back.

ETHAN (CONT’D)What sort of thing do you enjoy?


YOUNG GIRLUm, anything really?

ETHANHow about a romance?

YOUNG GIRLExcuse me?

Ethan laughs.

ETHANUh, I meant a romantic book.

The young girl laughs.


ETHANUnless, you would like to go out sometime?

The young girl grins.

YOUNG GIRLI’d love to.

Ethan smiles back.


Aaron lies on the couch flicking through the boring daytime television much like Luke was doing.

The phone rings and he answers it.


He quickly sits up excitedly.

AARON (CONT’D)Yes, I am still interested (beat) 3 o’clock, I’ll be there.


Ethan and Aaron sit at a table in front of the small stage. Ethan is texting on his phone. Aaron looks over and smiles.

AARONStop texting her.

Ethan grins and puts his phone away.


ETHANSorry. She’s so cool. And she’s incredibly hot.

AARONI’m sure she is.

Luke arrives and sits down with them.

LUKEHey. How you guys doing?

AARONGood. How did the job interview go?

Luke grins.

LUKEI got it.

ETHANNice one.

AARONThat’s great, I’m happy for you.

LUKEThanks. I heard you got an interview.

AARONYeah, tomorrow.

LUKEMake sure you go straight home after this.

They laugh.

AARONI will.

An Emcee walks onto the stage.

EMCEEOkay ladies and gentleman, welcome to open mic. Our first act is an employee here and he’s one of the funniest guys I know. Everybody give a big round of applause for Max Winters.

The crowd claps as Max walks onto the stage taking the mic from the Emcee.


MAXThank you, ladies and gentleman. So I wanted to tell you all a little story, that I think you’ll find funny. The other night me and my mates went to London and unfortunately got stuck there. Exactly, I know what you’re thinking, how did you get stuck there. Well, to put it bluntly me and my mates are plonkers.

The crowd laugh. Aaron, Max and Ethan look at each other unsure.

MAX (CONT’D)Now we took a bus and as it was so busy, we had to stand. Now my mate had previously mentioned he’d wanted to get laid. Lucky for him he ended up standing by a gentleman who was what can I say, a little more than excited.

Ethan sits uncomfortably relieving the moment as Max and Aaron are laughing with the crowd.

MAX (CONT’D)They say life is hard. That was certainly the hardest he’s ever felt.

The crowd burst out laughing.



