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Formal Elements Presentation

Date post: 02-Jul-2015
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This is my collection of photographs
This object shows many interesting curves and straight lines which represent shape, it is a book which someone took and bent into peculiar shapes. On Photoshop I used a warm filter to make the darkness stand out much more.
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This object shows many interesting curves and straight lines which represent shape, it is a book which someone took and bent into peculiar shapes. On Photoshop I used a warm filter to make the darkness stand out much more.

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These easels show organic form from a lower perspective. I used several effects to make this photo, I turned up the brightness and I changed it to black and white, also I used a violet filter and turned it down significantly.

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This tree shows shape between the gaps of the branches, I enhanced this photo by duplicating the layer and using high pass, this made it more detailed, I also made it black and white and tuned the contrast.

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This image represents space around the circles. To make this image I added a cooling filter which makes the circles lighter which then makes the space around the circles look more bold.

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I took this image when it was dark because it really highlighted the space around the edges of the windows. For this image I turned the brightness down in order for our eyes to instantly be drawn to the empty space through the windows.

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The space I this picture is represented by the clouds. To make this picture I drastically turned down the brightness.

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This photograph shows form. To make this I had to duplicate the layer and put it on high pass then turn the opacity down to a suitable level.

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For this Image I used a saxophone because of the interesting reflections, they proved that the object was 3D which shows form. To make this image I simply used a cooling filter which enhanced the reflections.

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The creeper in this photograph helped me classify it as form as it comes from a game in which everything is made using blocks, at first it was not easy to show it was 3D, but I use flash which helped us to see the edges more.

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This immediately caught my eye and made me look down through the image, I like this image a lot because it drags the attention of your eyes and makes you look forward, following the lines. I added a cooling filter to this image and darkened it to make you focus on the background.

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This was one of my favorite images as It instantly made me look to the left of the screen. For this image I used a warming filter as there was a lot of wood, using that filter would have made the wood surfaces much bolder.

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This image is good because it makes my eyes follow the zig-zag pattern of the lines. To make this image I had to add a cooling filter to this.

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For this image I used a blue cooling filter and I turned up the density so it could focus on the foreground of the picture.

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In this picture I found an acorn which was split open and inside I found it had a lot of texture To make thi image I duplicated the layer and put on the high pass, then I changed the area so it was more focused, furthermore I turned down the opacity so it would add detail to the picture.

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For this image I used a macro lens and took a close up shot of woodchips. Also I wanted even more detail so I used high pass on this image, and then I turned up the brightness

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This was a sign that said ‘Art’ and zoomed In on the ‘A’, and noticed there were a lot of colors but I wasn’t satisfied so I inverted the color, and added a magenta filter.

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For this photograph I wanted to keep it as it was so I kept it as it was.

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For this photograph I kept it as it was as it shows color, but I cropped it in a place I wanted It in.
